Recruits lured to NATO for 500 rubles a day and iPad 2

At a recreation center in the forest, 11 people settled in the Khabarovsk Territory who are waiting to be made NATO soldiers. At our request, blogger Alexander Golovko shot what is happening now at the base. All of them found an ad on the Internet about recruitment to NATO, after which they signed a contract for training service in the military alliance. Under this contract, they receive 500 rubles per diem. In addition, the contract states that the most active participant in fees will receive an iPad 2.

Recruits lured to NATO for 500 rubles a day and iPad 2

According to the Russian criminal code, mercenary is a crime. Article 359, part 3, states: “Participation of a mercenary in an armed conflict or military actions is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years, with restriction of liberty for up to one year or without it. (Note. A mercenary is a person who is acting for the purpose of receiving material remuneration and who is not a citizen of a state participating in an armed conflict or hostilities, who does not reside permanently on its territory, and who is not a person who is assigned to perform official duties.) ”
41 comment
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  1. Staff_
    14 October 2011 07: 20
    All to the machine !!!
    1. Sergh
      14 October 2011 07: 38
      Here are the bastards !!!
      Well, here, clearly, our special forces need to disperse this office, and to drive these barefoots one time along the route with overcoming obstacles with a full calculation. And be sure to invite mom! Wipe snot.
  2. +3
    14 October 2011 07: 38
    that's how we sell our homeland!
  3. +6
    14 October 2011 07: 43
    Traitors! Treason to the Motherland !!
  4. v612942009
    14 October 2011 07: 45
    HERE BADS !!!
    14 October 2011 07: 49
    And what are smart faces wink Is this announcement a joke or something? belay
  6. Gur
    14 October 2011 07: 51
    Here are the faces of those... or almost those... who go to the site under the names Mesnyi....Tolya... and all sorts of scum there... In general, they are all bad guys who are ready to betray everyone and everything for a jar of jam.
    14 October 2011 07: 54
    It looks like a scam ...
    1. Sergh
      14 October 2011 08: 01
      This is far from a scam! I see flags, literature (well done photographer), clearly defining the direction of far from a pioneer organization.
      This trifle, of course, disperse from home to house with a lecture on the motherland, and find the founders on the bench ...
  8. +2
    14 October 2011 08: 09
    Send them to the army, there they will have no time to think.
    1. +2
      14 October 2011 20: 54
      there and m and piz-dy still give for Tokoy!
      1. 0
        14 October 2011 22: 06
        and these flags will make you pee!
  9. Hannibal
    14 October 2011 09: 29
    Yes pinned on these fools wink the author tweaked the article a little bit to make it all look real, here is the missing piece:

    At the Metallurg base near the village of Anastasevka, where they were accommodated, recruits live in wooden houses and practically cannot use cell phones - there is no connection.
    Blogger Alexander Golovko went there and made a report for us about the life of future soldiers.
    Now people are sitting, drinking and waiting to be transported along the Amur River in a NATO ship.

    Probably NATO destroyers will take them on the destroyer wink I would love to watch these fools live wink pictures in general poison, I almost fell out of my chair from laughter wink We need to conduct more such contests, and then any fool then to take away from Russia on a barge, you look and there will be no fools wink You can still hold a competition in the government, a NATO official wink every day for 50 and as a gift of bentley, I think among them there are many who wish wink and then on their barges and to the north pole of the penguins guard wink although no, it’s a pity for the penguins, otherwise they will sell the whole north pole in pieces and sell the penguins as slaves ...
    1. +1
      14 October 2011 15: 34
      Thank God, there are no penguins at the North Pole. But I liked the essence.
      Not a bad joke on fools.
    2. raf
      14 October 2011 17: 45
      Not a pole is not necessary, it is necessary in NATO, maybe these oaks will ruin their army! smile
  10. peshehod_patriot
    14 October 2011 09: 44
    Traitors !!!
  11. sirToad
    14 October 2011 09: 54
    oh, I was laughing! especially - the red corner with the works of the classics. in a prominent place the symbol of faith - "George Bush - key decisions. It is necessary to carry out such actions on a regular basis throughout the country, and start a file cabinet so that we know those who are ready to stab in the back in the face.
  12. alnikar
    14 October 2011 10: 38
    Yes, it's some kind of crap. It looks like a gathering of airsoft players. If you insert photographs from big games, it turns out that the Russians are fighting both the States and Germany, and many more with whom.
    1. +1
      14 October 2011 15: 37
      Well, well, well ... What the fuck charges? Where did you see airsoft players without drives? Without glasses?
      Among other things, British camouflage, American flag ...
      It's just banter over idiots.
      natural selection, so to speak.
      1. Hannibal
        14 October 2011 16: 32
        Now, this is not a gathering of airsoft players, in a strike the longest games are a maximum of 2 days (whoever plays will understand me fellow ), the more so in many cities the season is already closed, and these fools settled for a week and the NATO ship is now waiting wink
        Damn, I wonder who came up with this chip? Really these mentally gifted did not think that they were pinned on them? wink
  13. +5
    14 October 2011 10: 58
    Let them already go to their NATO or somewhere else. The country will definitely not lose anything from their departure. Put them "pivasika", "yagi", Chupa-chups and let them roll. They have already decided in their views in favor of "Western values", like some here on the forum.
    And the fact that NATO will be staffed with such "fighters" with highly intellectual faces is only to Russia's advantage. It is clear that they were "taken in", some kind of "bait" is indisputable. Even without thinking much, it is clear that the North Atlantic bloc will not form its troops in this way. They are not afraid that in the end they will be forced to star in some kind of gay porn group sex, for an additional fee, of course. Just recently, homosexuals were allowed to serve in NATO, there was an article...
    Interestingly, they have already received their "fee", is it 500 rubles a day, or will Rasmussen personally calculate them upon arrival in the USA?
    1. +1
      14 October 2011 17: 31
      This is an ordinary scam (zakos for a reality show), the guys were framed, the competition was from Muscovites, they promised $ 1200 + free travel to Khabarovsk and 500 rubles. per diem, they promised military sports competitions, internships in the English language, the presence of other participants from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc. As a result, they put them in a hole, fed them with promises, on the last day the "senior sergeant" left for the city, to find out the date of the mooring of the NATO parachute, and disappeared .... the guys got home at their own expense.
  14. me4tatel
    14 October 2011 11: 41
    Who organized everything? Got data?
  15. -2
    14 October 2011 11: 51
    And funny and disgusting. The faces of the faces are so proud ... Just Napoleons, no Bushi and Sakashvili from the psychiatric hospital. It's a pity there is no "I'm sick of" emoticon ..
  16. Igor Vladimirovich
    14 October 2011 12: 24
    Fuck if it's true. If this circus precedent passes, the berries will be deadly. An interesting and indicative reaction of the authorities. How would such a demarche be reacted in NATO countries? Arizona State - Admitted to the Russian Army Recruits winked
  17. lightforcer
    14 October 2011 13: 03
    This is the future National Transitional Council.
  18. Gur
    14 October 2011 13: 15
    No, friends, comrades... you can't just let them go. smile To begin with... they need to beat the stars and stripes on their asses with a soldier's belt... and hit them with a buckle with a star... according to the number of states.
    1. 0
      14 October 2011 18: 07
      They will not survive. Their organisms are weak and mentally unbalanced, and there are many states in Pindostana. Sin for the soul only to take ... fellow
  19. +5
    14 October 2011 15: 22
    In the distant 88, arrived in part of the green summer. In the submission was the calculation - 10 people and all to one different nationalities, from the Baltic to Yakut. Part air defense, on a real combat duty. So, those fighters only dreamed of breaking NATO on the British flag .........
  20. 0
    14 October 2011 18: 30
    I do not see anything funny! The site "" recruits into the open in the IDF. They promise 4000-5000 pieces a month. Apparently it has become shitty in Israel, there are not enough locals, those to whom to serve, once in the Russian-language site, began to recruit volunteers.
    I wonder how many NATO promise a month?
    Medveputy will probably agree to these recruits with pleasure. There will be less dissatisfied in Russia! Once allowed, by a stranger, to recruit volunteers in Russia, into foreign armies.
    In short, we survived !!!!

    Title: Recruitment of contract soldiers to the Israel Defense Forces
    Category Police, army / Police force, Army
    Job Type Full-Time
    Job Status Sourcing
    Salary level $4500 - $5000/month
    Education High School
    30 jobs
    Experience 0 years
    Start of publication 2011-09-08 00:00:00
    End of publication 2012-01-08 00:00:00

    waronline.continues to recruit contractors for the israel defense 100-500 euros per with company representative +972528349627 email [email protected]
    Country Israel
    Date of announcement 2011-09-08 02:29:40
  21. mitrich
    14 October 2011 21: 11
    These are not traitors - just d-o-l-b-o-e-b-s. Most likely, they do not know that NATO is not a state, but a military bloc formed in 1949.
    For the same ones (perhaps Ballian from Siberia wants to) I inform you that the only NATO country that accepts non-citizen volunteers into its ranks is France represented by the French Foreign Legion. I also add that the game is not worth the candle, because the idiot who got to Nyon and entered the Legion will receive the same amount of arms as a Russian contract serviceman within 3 (three) years, but they will fuck him 10 times more. So well, ...- mat removed-
  22. petrakov vowa
    14 October 2011 23: 17
    Oh stupid people wink ! I have not seen such for a long time)))! They take it all seriously)))! Thanks to the author for sparkling humor))!
    1. 0
      15 June 2017 15: 06
      Have you seen these for a long time? Yes, they have been jumping for three years ...
  23. L. konstantin
    14 October 2011 23: 17
    I wonder if instead of an iPod 2 they give you an iPod 4! Will they give it to you in the ass!?) Especially in the 2nd photo the very first one on the right is just a Rambo. And in white sneakers they are also not bad) And to be honest, look at their faces in the second photo. The bias is towards the morons! Stalin is on them. They would never get out of the mine!
  24. rusosturistas
    16 October 2011 22: 52
    Hannibal, laughed, cool comment about the lowest grade society !!!
    1. Hannibal
      16 October 2011 23: 06
      Thank you, I almost died of laughter from the 4th photo, it will be the elite of NATO elites, Delta force and SAS fighters wink especially the type in the middle, the most serious, rambo wink , and the type in the jacket is their sniper wink I would shake hands with the one who invented this scam, handsome smile
  25. 0
    16 October 2011 23: 17
    Oh, funny!) Ah yes the fighters! The elite read the encyclopedias. KNOW THE KNIVES KNOW) Bullshit, winter will come and the hot NATO guys will cool down))) There are still not enough books on the table about Rimbaud to the full picture.
    1. +2
      17 October 2011 13: 01
      aha, with instructions on how to chop two companies from one "horn" am
  26. stalker
    16 October 2011 23: 54
    Aaaaaaa b.., under the table))) lol file: // localhost / C: /Documents%20and%20Settings/Alexey/Desktop/rofl.gif
  27. +1
    17 October 2011 12: 49
    Selling creatures! To attract them all under the article Betrayal to the Motherland, and in sunny Magadan, they are slagged to the cutting area or unloading, so that all the foolishness will come out of my head, and they will bring benefit to the Motherland!
  28. 0
    17 October 2011 12: 59
    note to the military commissar wink In the railway troops, they will immediately teach them to love bourgeois technology and be afraid of TV!!!!!
    1. 0
      17 October 2011 13: 02
      Sienna sleepers
  29. millman
    17 October 2011 19: 08
    just stupid people