The soldier is sleeping and the war is coming!

I want to warn you right away: this opinion (described below) has developed from my personal experience and during the study of many materials from different sources, many are even completely unrelated to each other. I do not adhere to certain sects, parties, parties, religion. I do not impose my opinion on anyone, but still I want to convey it, and to everyone! And by the way, I'm not going to show aggression in any form. But I'm afraid that with daily reading News lately (I hadn’t been fond of before) I’m getting angry more and more, and I don’t have anyone to pour this aggression on.

In my understanding, there is a full-scale information war against Russia. You can say, well, this is already known to all. And if you go deep, it starts to be like the extermination of the Slavic people! Initially, I will add to the media schools and some institutions of higher education, where they also massively inform young people as well as through television, newspapers, and books.

The soldier is sleeping and the war is coming!

It is worth noting that raising a child begins at home, in the family circle, where the foundation of a person’s world view is laid. Imagine such a picture: the father and mother who received the Soviet education, which is considered the best, firmly believe that the Slavs are descendants of savages and barbarians, the standard of culture and development is the west (mostly the Old World) and the elderly and old people who can practical advice to give, a wise saying to say, a fairy tale of informative narration, these are sclerotic, marazmatic and dreamers who have not received a proper education compared to the “ideal Soviet”, although they are not always in good order with worldview. After perestroika, the boom of crime, meanness and deception has come. Against the background of all these events, these parents are preparing their children for a cruel world, unfair, where you have to become almost a shark or a jackal among other predators. At school, these children already learn to obey the rules, standards, to be like everyone else, but notice that they also impose standards, idols that you need to imitate, so Petya and Anya are excellent students, you should try as they do. The competition, conflicts because of it, division into groups on interests begins. Encouraging "squealing" that develops intrigue and meanness. How many children are forbidden at this time, and this is how everything is described in detail, what you want if not everything, so try everything for yourself. I got used to imitating others, so bad examples are also imitated. Next higher education institution. There, young people go deep into a certain specialty, ignoring all others. At this time, in the school, in the university, the literature is read, where a certain idea is stated, a philosophy is studied, which explains to us what life is. And there are plenty of opinions and ideas there, and not the fact that everyone is correct. Even during all this time, giants like television, radio, and the press play a huge role. Personality destruction continues: a homeless person with a Slavic appearance will be shown against the background of successful Caucasian businessmen, politicians of Jewish blood, Asian engineers, American stars. Here they are, the lucky ones, and you, the descendant of the savage, are sticking up in a gray, gloomy life, and you want to paint it, your miserable life, then drink, smoke, use. I don’t want to talk about the quality of “healthy” products that are teeming with artificial additives and genetic modifications. See how much of all this on the shelves and in the underground !!!! Everything for you! We care about you! You are better with us! And we also know, surely we know better than you what you need, how you should be and even what you want. We will explain to you what is really correct! I will not speak about the Internet, because it is not under control yet, as long as there is some kind of freedom here.

The juvenile convention is gaining strength. With the help of the same media, children and adolescents are informed that they can resist and even punish their “biological” parents, where specialists know better how to deal with a child. Family is not the basis, the basis is the interest groups.

Another important point I notice in the substitution of concepts: uniqueness turns into “not like everyone else” or even “minority”, and this is also cool, you accept some kind of lifestyle and you start following it, who is goth and who is babtist, who is Spartak fan, and who is a gamer, who is a gopnik, and who is a skater, who is an idealist, and who is a homosexual. And then the aggression is near, because of the difference, competition, prestige, that is, rating. The good becomes bad because too good, the bad becomes normal, because nature has created it. It’s just that white isn’t sexy, you have to tan in a tanning salon, and in general you need to mix your blood with completely different. Depending on the accent, the meaning of the word changes, and from the comma - the meaning of the phrase, of course, it is figuratively speaking, but everything happens around if you look closely.

All this leads to the destruction of the Slavic people. It can be said that this is the result of evolution and development, there are many arguments and excuses that this is not extermination, and in principle, you can’t take any special evidence, by the fact that we have the right to choose, freedom, our opinion, which manifest themselves. I ask: in the framework of which we have these rights? And immediately another question arises: why do people so limited in everything still have these right to choose? Or maybe it really is a duty? So it turns out here: “the soldier is asleep, the service is on,” I can even say, “the soldier is sleeping, and the war is on.” I think everyone understands why this war is against us.

How to deal with this? Go to the forest and depend only on yourself? For some, this may be the way out! But not to leave the cities, they were created! This whole system needs to be eradicated! First of all, of course, those who stand above everything. The fish rots from the head? Head and chop off! Deprive her ability to command and give decrees. Get on top of the media and show people the truth, there are many useful documentaries, articles. Let them know who do not know and will understand those who doubt why and what all this is happening to us! And then it’s up to everyone to accept whether the truth is true or not. If only there were no conflicts and victims of innocents. And let the guilty be only deprived of the right to vote and freedom of speech, and then their fate will dispose!

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  1. +10
    6 October 2011 08: 30
    Here the only way to resist such an information war is to write down your children in sections (sports, dance, art school, etc.) even if the ability to draw is not useful to the child in the future, but there will be no emptiness in his head, which will be filled with shit, and the horizons will expand in any case), show a positive example, make sure that the change sees by examples that drinking-injecting-smoking is defective, not having knowledge and education is defective, not working is defective, leading " club life "is flawed, to be homosexual is flawed, to cheat is flawed. So under the feet of all this scum, "earth" will gradually grow, which will not be able to give it food. And it will die by itself.
    Only this is also a job, and a serious job, from which we for the most part have lost the habit, allegedly due to lack of time and the need to earn money, completely "shaving off" children in the street, school and university. And just there, they are waiting for plasticine in the form of children, and they begin to sculpt whatever they want
    1. zczczc
      6 October 2011 10: 36
      Ultimately, this is a method of creating private schools where parents themselves hire teachers, selecting them according to unofficial criteria. Only it is very expensive.
  2. aleksandr55
    6 October 2011 08: 45
    The Dallas doctrine of the destruction of the Russian people in the West has not been canceled yet.
  3. +1
    6 October 2011 09: 10
    Doctrine of doctrine, but here is an analogy with slot machines. No one forces them to play, however, they play.

    The general decline in the standard of living contributes to this. I will explain: it seems to be the other way around, they left the Khrushchev houses, got cars and dachas, nothing. The question is: at what cost? You have to work definitely more. The data is not only personal, in fact every second resident of the country works overtime. And often, without payment for the TC. This is already the norm. To stay late at work, go out on weekends "because I really need to" or "this is my business, I earn money."

    Accordingly, this level of work simply does not allow proper attention to education. Money is more important.

    It turns out that we are now stupidly selling our children. Their education is engaged in the Internet and TV. And as the Russian proverb says, what you sow is what you reap. Sow something sown, but we must also grow. And others are raising. They obviously and will reap.
  4. Owl
    6 October 2011 09: 30
    During the time of Gorbaty, the USSR lost the ideological war, the loss in this war made it possible in a short time to prepare on the outskirts of the USSR a contingent of citizens who wanted to kill their neighbors, and in the center (Moscow, Leningrad) “democrats” who wanted to change power and warm their hands on the redistribution of the country's material wealth ... Now in Russia there is a distraction of citizens from reality by showing a "good president" and "a competent manager - prime minister". Unfortunately, the reality is much more unpleasant: the country is being plundered, the population is dying out, the army, industry, education, health care and art are almost completely destroyed. It is necessary for the People to understand that He is at War. Unfortunately, only on the Front (labor and combat) the Russian People perform feats and, as a result, defeats their enemies.
    1. -3
      6 October 2011 18: 01
      Quote: Eagle Owl
      USSR during the time of Hunchback lost the ideological war,

      The people simply believed the traitor! It’s bad that we are not at war ...............
  5. Styx
    6 October 2011 09: 44
    From an early age, it is necessary to form the moral core of the child and the ability to distinguish between bad and good. And, of course, to set an example for your children with your behavior and actions. It's just that not everyone understands this and realizes it, and often in a crazy race for earning money they trust the upbringing of the child to the TV, the Internet and the nanny. I won’t blame them ... Everyone survives as best he can.
  6. lokdok
    6 October 2011 09: 56
    I will not talk about the Internet, because it is not yet under control, while there is still some kind of freedom.
    - this is a lie, here as in the elections, no matter what you write, all the same, your statements will be lost in the ocean of words of paid trolls.
    And yet, we now have that each article will end with a call for revolution? I wrote it correctly, but in the end ... Stirlitz knew that only the last phrase was remembered ...
    1. Ion coaelung
      6 October 2011 10: 57
      Among all the oceans of Troll words, you can still find the truth, if you have enough perseverance, while you still can, until you take complete control over the content. Whoever wants, he will find food for reason, regardless of everything that is there. Unlike television, at any moment you can choose any "content" that you want to see, when in the second you can only switch channels, but in the end you already see the picture processed by the opinion of a reporter, an editor and, ultimately, censorship.
      At the expense of the revolution, I do not call, I only expressed my opinion about this, as I wrote at the beginning of the article, so I see a solution. Please, offer your methods too.
    6 October 2011 10: 13
  8. -8
    6 October 2011 10: 33
    The feeling that the author was on the right path but at the end of the path stumbled on Zionism and lost all that was. The Jews were again to blame. And not all those who rule the planet, regardless of faith and nationality.
    1. Ion coaelung
      6 October 2011 10: 45
      Please look at the last photo in the article! Isn't that a nice person? In my opinion, Zionism does not determine the blood of its adversary. Too many Jews have been deceived by the Zionists. I have good friends Jews, very nice people, and the fact that artificially created hostility towards them has a response. Sorry if this is you personally hurt! That is, I believe that the Zionists are imino who are in "power".
      1. -6
        6 October 2011 13: 45
        Me personally offends any manifestation of Nazism. Zionism (Heb., Tsiononut - from the name of Mount Zion in Jerusalem) is a Jewish national movement whose goal is to unite and revive the Jewish people in their historical homeland - in Israel. Therefore, it cannot but determine the blood of its adherent

        Quote: Ion Coaelung
        That is, I believe that the Zionists are imino who are in "power".

        It seems to me that you are misusing this word, which disorientates those who read the article. Take away from the truth at the last moment ... 90% of the truth, 10% of the lie and the work of misinformation is done. For the rest, I agree with you, but this wonderful photo is a kind of illustration that quietly leads away from priority information.
        And excuse me, but your "Sorry if this hurt you personally!" Allows me to ask, what is your nationality?
        1. Ion coaelung
          6 October 2011 14: 23
          Once again, in the article I laid out my opinion, personal understanding and perception of everything that happens. I know a slightly different origin of the word "Zionism" and the definition of its adherents. I can not be completely sure of the prevailing opinion, because I do not own all the knowledge. Tell me, Madam Solodova, how do you know how you determined that so much of what I said was 90% true and 10% false? Or maybe the other way around? You know, finding trifles and such a “scandalous” emphasis on them is very Western, as it seems to me. I wrote my first article in my life thanks to the cry of the soul, laid out a problem that worries about a general discussion, and instead I get accused of nationalistic views. I don’t have them, and I don’t regard myself as a nation, and generally try to avoid using such a term. I am a man of Slavic appearance, although a lot of different blood flows in me, I do not exclude that there is a little Jewish. In my understanding, nationality once again divides us into interest groups and provokes conflicts, which in our case is no longer necessary to prove!
          1. -3
            7 October 2011 16: 45
            Just not Mrs. Solodova ... brr. This makes me sick, by golly .. gentlemen also mean the presence of slaves. And judging by your article, you do not belong to them.
            Quote: Ion Coaelung
            Once again, in the article I laid out my opinion, personal understanding and perception of everything that happens.

            Well, you wanted to evaluate your article, otherwise you would not have posted it here. Do not take criticism so close to heart, incl. and mine. When criticized, there is something to criticize. If you had written nonsense, I would not have commented.

            Quote: Ion Coaelung
            You know, finding trifles and such a “scandalous” emphasis on them is very Western, as it seems to me.

            In order to navigate the world of the Western press, you have to analyze all the material, to the smallest detail, otherwise you can swallow a hook with bait ... From there I have the habit of painstakingly studying everything. If not for the last photo, I would write you a praise diferemb. And with him, the article aroused my suspicion ...

            Quote: Ion Coaelung
            and I don’t regard myself as a nation, and generally try to avoid using such a term.
            The third illustration suggests that you still identify with the Russians ... Are you by any chance a non-Russian German? Your nickname leads to such thoughts ...
            1. LESHA pancake
              7 October 2011 16: 47
              1. -2
                10 October 2011 16: 31
                Nafig-nafig these ice ... Let them live in England ... you can just Solodov. Well, gentlemen, sirs and monsieur, I’m not titling anyone ..
                1. Ion coaelung
                  11 October 2011 12: 23
                  Assessments and opinions about the opinion about the destruction of the Slavic population, I wanted to get, and not assess the quality of writing the article. Apparently some details Comrade Solodova missed. I already know about quality, low. I cannot prove the validity of the arguments. Therefore, the quality of the article I can not initially claim.
                  At the expense of nationalism: in the image of the demotivator, the details of Slavic culture are clearly expressed and not specifically Russian or Ukrainian or some other "nation" as you say. I am not a Russian German, Ion Coaelung is a purely Moldovan name. Citizen Solodova, and I like to argue with you!
                  1. -2
                    11 October 2011 14: 39
                    Then so: the Slavic population is really destroyed. And thoughtfully and consistently. Not only numerically, but also qualitatively. For now, but this is temporary, minorities get benefits. But this is not due to the concern of some forces for them, but with the aim of weakening the mutual understanding of the Russians and these nations. As soon as the Russians lose weight in Russia, these nations will either be destroyed (alcohol, new diseases, most likely food products with components that secretly destroy reproductive systems) and their remnants will become black slaves. Or small states with princes who will give five-year access to the resources of their lands for technonanological toys.
                    Figuratively speaking, Russia is a wall, Russians are a bonding solution, and minorities are bricks. Without any component, the masonry will collapse. Now, few representatives from small nations will see a threat to their existence, since the conditions of their existence can be considered tolerable, at least with respect to Russians who are unprotected by the state of ethnicity.
                    But you must protect yourself without attacking other nations. Otherwise, Nazism, civil strife ... Otherwise it will turn out what the globalists are so eagerly waiting for - Russia will collapse and its resources will remain unowned ... for a while, though ..
                    1. Ion coaelung
                      11 October 2011 14: 53
                      About my division of nations into one nation, you, in my understanding, wrote very plausibly, the consequences and purpose indicated, but nevertheless, who are these globalists?
                      1. -2
                        11 October 2011 16: 15
                        I suppose I'm not the only one - the owners of transnational corporations, with my entourage. The more departments a company has around the world, the more likely they are that they are participants in this game. It is very likely that there are also arms dealers who also play an important role in inciting world conflicts. I think their word conspiracy is even funny. Imagine - several hidden rulers of the world gathered (indirectly, through the economy) of the world, conclude contracts, drink coffee, establish contacts ... Well, they do not take it to a public court ... Who for them people are tools, you will not explain to a hammer and a nail their mission ... They just use it ... It's just that people gathered in an informal atmosphere to chat about pressing matters ... well, they were not puzzled to inform the world "cattle" about this ... what conspiracy? A conspiracy is a conspiracy of the weak, behind the back of the strongest ... And they are the arbiters of the destinies of countries and monarchs ...
                        Although I myself use this word (conspiracy) ... but I think it does not accurately express what is happening, as you see, I find fault with myself ...
  9. svvaulsh
    6 October 2011 11: 52
    I watched the news yesterday. So there, one of the tandem with the teachers met and said that after the institute he had a teaching salary of seven dollars. Interesting, I thought, where do teachers in foreign currencies get paid to us? But then came the insight. He began to teach in the USSR. He received a salary in Soviet rubles, and translates into dollars at the current exchange rate of 1:30 to catch the horror of the Soviet past.
    So we consider 7x30 = 210 rubles. This is in the late 80's. (I recall, the official rate then was 1: 0,64). There is no point in talking about the price level either. So the esteemed successor to the Prime Minister is, to put it mildly, disingenuous!

    Yes, so what am I talking about !? correct article! Without a change in the political system, Russia will face the unenviable future of a second-rate power. (If not torn apart)
  10. Ion coaelung
    6 October 2011 13: 25
    Quote: svvaulsh
    Without a change in the political system, Russia has an unenviable future
    I would like to add a "global political system".
    1. svvaulsh
      6 October 2011 15: 22
      Yes, we would put things in order in the house, there would already be progress!
      1. Ion coaelung
        6 October 2011 15: 35
        Of course, there would be progress, but imagine that they put things in order, and then they continue to litter and litter from the side, from under the silence. Purely not where they clean, but where they do not litter.
  11. -7
    6 October 2011 16: 49
    The strongest and most enduring will remain, and then the era of nationalism will come and everything will take its place
    1. -4
      7 October 2011 16: 47
      This generally smacks of Hitler’s doctrine ..
      1. -2
        7 October 2011 17: 12
        Quote: bubla5
        The strongest and most enduring will remain, and then the era of nationalism will come and everything will take its place

        Brother, you didn’t get there ... black-and-white-red is not particularly in fashion here.
        I agree on one thing: the strongest and most enduring will remain, yes, but the era of nationalism will not come. Because those who in this era will have to put everything "in its place" will be quietly lying in the dustbin of history.
        1. Volkhov
          11 October 2011 14: 34
          And here is the fashion - here are the opinions.
          When you managed to defeat nationalists of both kinds, you simply don’t see any signs of a feat around you.
          You say that the strongest will remain - that is, you know that catastrophe is ahead, but deny it in your comments, following the line of the Zionists (one of the types of nationalism) to destroy the ignoramuses by ignorance.
          You do not like black-white-red because their task is to exterminate the Zionists after the Zionists kill people, that is, the first act is enough for you?
          1. -4
            11 October 2011 16: 24
            Zionists kill people, Zionists red-white-black ...
            As I understand it, people here have no place on this planet at all, are they not the first ones to be exterminated in the first place?
            Volkhov, have pity on people, but please ..... I want to live like this ...
            Well, imagine, some fascists on earth, it’s like vampires without a single man .. you won’t be able to die without us ... everyone is so blue-eyed, blonde, with straight Aryan noses ... and hungry ... wink

            In my opinion, after the closure of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration, they came here ... Straight ....
            1. -2
              11 October 2011 16: 59
              Young lady, you do not understand the meaning of what Volkhov is talking about, but he is talking business. Zionists and Nazis are two competing offices, the goal is the same at the exit (turning people into slaves, destruction), and they work for a common external customer - even without really realizing it, when the goal is achieved, the customer will throw them. Now Nazism is "not on horseback", but Zionism is proudly striding across the planet.
              1. -4
                12 October 2011 10: 21
                Quote: FoMaS
                they work for a common external customer - even without really realizing it, upon reaching the goal the customer will throw them
                Monsieur FoMaS, but can you read more from this place?
                What has it to do with "I understand", "I do not understand" ... in Volkhov's commentary, I was most pleased with the division of everyone into people, Zionists and Nazis. T.O. he deletes these latter from the number of people, which I in principle approve of. Although apparently he just made a reservation ...

                Quote: FoMaS
                Zionists and Nazis are two competing offices

                I even think there are more than two ... in my opinion, radical Muslims should be added here, at least ... some "enlightened states", etc. All these ideologically cohesive groups are either blind weapons or surface (and therefore the most vulnerable part) of globalism. It seems something like that.
                But in my understanding, Zionism is only one of the manifestations of Nazism.
                Therefore, I especially do not oppose them to each other. I don’t think that the Russian Nazi is better than German, Jewish, Georgian, etc.
  12. -6
    10 October 2011 14: 12
    In the 1917 year, the Bolsheviks with blood robbed the peoples of the (all) Empire of the religion, inextricably linked with the culture of the peoples. They converted the majority, especially young people, into their faith. That is, they replaced one religion with another, replacing the commandments with the moral code of the builder of communism. In the 80 years, the people took away the communist religion, and in return did not give anything. And people have one god left - the golden calf. As Jack London wrote: Biz Ness is the god of the white man. It must be admitted that on the outskirts of the USSR, the local population broke with religion rather formally. And among such peoples faith remained their unifying factor. And only the Russian-speaking multinational ethnic group still reaps the fruits of the seventy-year corruption of the people. And the Zionists have nothing to do with it. The people themselves were pleased with debauchery.
    1. -2
      10 October 2011 16: 38
      What is the 70 year old debauchery? How old are you? Have you ever lived in the USSR? What are you talking about nonsense ... what nations
      Quote: gendarm
      faith remained a unifying factor.

      Are you some kind of religious fanatic?
      Here I agree with you:
      Quote: gendarm
      And people have one god left - the golden calf. As Jack London wrote: Biz Ness is the god of the white man.
      1. Ion coaelung
        11 October 2011 12: 30
        Dear Solodov, please tell us about your understanding of building the structure of the world and its principles, as you see all this, I would love to read it!
        1. -3
          11 October 2011 16: 02
          That way I will have to swipe at the article, but a lot has already been written on these topics, at least your article. Fully linked to my views, which is why I was probably so much distorted by the allusion to the Zionists, who probably have a place to be, but this is clearly not a solo, but an ordinary statistician. But these are my speculations, which I sometimes uphold with excessive ardor ...
          In addition, here is an article that partially expresses what I think
          And if I knew the really modern principles of building the world and had weighty documents, I probably would not have been here either ... yes, there would have been no! )))
          1. Ion coaelung
            11 October 2011 17: 01
            I read the article, digested it, and became disappointed that you, the meticulous Solodov, did not analyze the article at least at the same level as my article. See my answer in that article if it does not.
            1. -3
              12 October 2011 09: 44
              Quote: Ion Coaelung
              In addition, here is an article that partly expresses what I think
              - you missed an important word "partly"...
              I did not subscribe to every word of the article. I will continue to answer you there ...
  13. SAVA555.IVANOV
    11 October 2011 12: 57
  14. -3
    11 October 2011 18: 32
    Well stated, I would even say for sure. But, for some reason, when I try to carefully convey the essence of what is happening to people of different mindsets and ages, they take me for paranoia, the only exception are the old teachers. Stereotypes imposed by Western propaganda break down. very difficult. Television, films, controlled press and other media - that's where to start. In the film "The Man from Boulevard des Capuchins", the process of manipulation, albeit primitive, but quite intelligibly shown.
  15. 0
    11 October 2011 22: 45
    there is only one thing left for children to instill in childhood positive tendencies, and to devote more time as much as possible.

    in Soviet times, on TV they showed songs and dances of the peoples of Russia, patriotic films, and now seichas one pop and crime also complain about where the surge of crime
  16. 0
    11 October 2011 23: 20
    Here, many talk about Zionism, Nazism and who is to blame for our troubles. Read the tales of the peoples of the world and look better at those where the gods are mentioned. I must say right away, but you check whose gods they are of their nationality, that is, if the god is Indian, then he is an Indian and so on. And only among Christians, and these are Catholics, and Orthodox, and Baptists, I will not list all, God is a Jew. Does this mean anything? Given that the Jews themselves do not believe in Jesus.
    1. Ion coaelung
      12 October 2011 10: 44
      I would like to add: study people and our, Old Slavic gods, at least a little, it can come in handy somewhere!

      God knows the verb good is life.
  17. Ion coaelung
    14 October 2011 11: 14
    Three came and minus all in a row. Or maybe one with an upset personality? Powerful confrontation, you will not say anything!
  18. stas64
    16 October 2011 20: 56
    I watched one moronic advertising group of youth with Coca-Cola cans — Russia forward to the victory of our football team, along with Coca-Cola — advertising of Coca-Cola is the official sponsor of our team — and what is our original national Russian drink !!!!!!!!!!! !
    1. 0
      19 October 2011 11: 26
      And what a harsh drink! In it, the rusty bolts are well cleaned - checked and approved))