Secretary of the NSDC: Ukraine will restore the missile defense system

The secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, said during the presentation of the draft national security strategy project, which was held at the Main Situation Center of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, that Kiev is planning to restore the anti-missile defense system.

Secretary of the NSDC: Ukraine will restore the missile defense system

“Particular attention will be paid to the restoration of the Ukrainian missile shield. This work is being done without violating our international obligations, ”he said. "".

Also in the draft strategy it is noted that the Ukrainian military-industrial complex is tasked to launch the production of high-precision weapons.

Meanwhile, against the background of Turchinov’s statements in the Brazilian media, there were reports that the Brazilian authorities decided to stop cooperating with Ukraine on the project to create the Cyclone-4 rocket and space complex due to its loss-making.

Ukraine and Brazil signed an agreement on long-term cooperation involving the creation of a Cyclone launch vehicle in 2003. The Ukrainian side had to ensure the development of the rocket, as well as prepare the necessary production base. In turn, the Brazilian side created the general infrastructure of the launch center at the Alcantara cosmodrome.

However, in January 2015, the President of the Latin American Republic, Dilma Ruseff, decided to discontinue cooperation on the basis of the expert group’s conclusion that the project, which has already cost Brazil 1 a billion BRL, will be unprofitable for at least 20 years.
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  1. +45
    April 10 2015 07: 13
    it sounds as if Swaziland announced the launch of a manned spacecraft to Mars.
    1. +20
      April 10 2015 07: 18
      And expand the orbital constellation of spacecraft. After they proceed to the construction of the death gate. Responsible presidential candidate D. Vader.
      1. +26
        April 10 2015 07: 22
        Oh how in vain you laugh!
        After all, this is a confirmation of what was said long ago that the USA also needs Ukraine as an element of missile defense under the bear’s soft belly.
        So get it!
        1. +13
          April 10 2015 07: 25
          Quote: born_in_cssr
          Oh how in vain you laugh!
          After all, this is a confirmation of what was said long ago that the USA also needs Ukraine as an element of missile defense under the bear’s soft belly.
          So get it!

          Man, who doubts this? But believe in the word, they won’t. GDP is not a stupid boy. They and Crimea wanted .. Very, very.
          1. +2
            April 10 2015 07: 44
            GDP is not omnipotent and so far the deployment of US missile defense in Europe has not been canceled.
            And how will GDP not allow it? Will block the gas? Yeah, schaz! A new discount will give more soon. Will drive Iskandera to the border? Yes, they only need it! As?
            1. -4
              April 10 2015 07: 54
              Quote: born_in_cssr
              Will block the gas?

              enough about gas already. Not relevant.
              Quote: born_in_cssr
              and so far, the deployment of US missile defense in Europe has not been canceled.

              What have the Xoxles to do with it?
              1. 0
                April 10 2015 08: 00
                Quote: U-47
                What have the Xoxles to do with it?

                Given that if GDP were omnipotent, there would be no missile defense in Europe.
                So the question is not, "And what's the fuckers here?" .. The correct question is: "What does the GDP have to do with it?"
              2. +1
                April 10 2015 12: 00
                Quote: U-47
                enough about gas already. Not relevant.

                "About Gas" is always up to date!
            2. +1
              April 10 2015 09: 15
              Forget about START-2, there is such an opportunity in case of a threat to the country's security, and crams tactical, cruise missiles a couple of thousand so wherever possible. Pershing thank God now has something to bring down.
          2. +10
            April 10 2015 08: 29
            Quote: Mitek
            They and Crimea wanted .. Very, very.
            They want him now, and do not hide it, declaring that they will return "their" back. We laughed when Bandera's people walked with sticks on the Maidan, gave them time to arm themselves, moreover, they themselves generously transferred equipment from the Crimea, they recognized this Nazi power, we sell gas at a discount, like friends. They are killing Russians in Donbass, and they do not recognize the withdrawal of Crimea (together with the EU and the US), moreover, they have already declared Russia the main enemy. Joking is fun, but sometimes it's helpful to remember where the Germans started out.
            Take a look at the photographs of German soldiers carrying wooden mock-ups of tanks and you will understand how much laughter this caused the British and French military. Today we know that many of them will then cry. But then few people, even in Germany itself, took these "toys" seriously. The models were made of plywood or wood. Sometimes the wooden frame was covered with a tarp. Such a "technique" had to be carried by hand, depicting a tank attack.
            It is better to laugh at Ukropia when Kiev becomes Russian, but for now the Yankees are bossing, and Bandera is being prepared for war.
            1. -2
              April 10 2015 10: 31
              Quote: Per se.
              Take a look at the photographs as German soldiers drag wooden models of tanks and you will understand how laughed this caused the British and French military.

              I will support))
            2. 0
              April 11 2015 00: 34
              Quote: Per se.
              We laughed when Bandera with sticks on the Maidan walked, gave them time to arm themselves

              I didn't laugh. I watched it on TV and mentally said to Janek: "Bring in the troops, ss * lo, place the armored personnel carrier at the intersections. Otherwise you will finish badly" ...
        2. +3
          April 10 2015 07: 26
          Quote: born_in_cssr
          After all, this is a confirmation of what was said long ago that the USA also needs Ukraine as an element of missile defense under the bear’s soft belly.

          Who will allow them? They can plan at least until the second coming, the flag is in them ...
          1. +5
            April 10 2015 07: 42
            Who will allow them ?!
            And who allows them to kill children in their homes? Who allowed them to burn people in Odessa? Who allowed them to shoot down the plane?

            Which is not a valid question. Do not you think that Ukraine is allowed everything and everyone turns a blind eye to this?
            1. 0
              April 11 2015 08: 10
              Everything that you have listed, despite all the abomination, does not apply to threats to our national security. And the creation of missile defense in Ukraine - applies.
        3. +1
          April 10 2015 07: 53
          Quote: born_in_cssr
          After all, this is a confirmation of what has been said a long time ago that the USA also needs Ukraine as an element of missile defense

          xxlov has non-block status, and no one is in a hurry to change it yet. By definition, they cannot become an element of the American missile defense system. The fact that they declare another chimera is part of the show.
          1. +8
            April 10 2015 07: 55
            Quote: U-47
            xxlov has non-block status, and no one is in a hurry to change it yet

            And you will notice that a very cunning dowse was found from this. Like it's not an American pro, but a Ukrainian one. And that's it, all statuses are met. Ukraine will simply break the comedy with its "Cyclones" and then tell us it is not profitable to build "Cyclones" we will buy Aegis or Patriots or something like that. Formally, the missile defense system is not US, but in fact it is a missile defense system for very specific purposes.
            1. -4
              April 10 2015 08: 30
              Quote: born_in_cssr
              we will buy aegis

              Now it was especially funny.
              1. +2
                April 10 2015 08: 53
                What SHISHI?
                .. combat PROgapak ...
              2. Erg
                April 10 2015 09: 34
                Nothing funny. For free (well, in the sense that they are selling the country) they will receive from the states a missile defense called tame against missiles
                1. -2
                  April 10 2015 09: 51
                  Quote: Erg
                  Free ... will receive from the states of the ABM

                  is free? from the states? Why on earth?
              3. +4
                April 10 2015 10: 09
                Quote: U-47
                Now it was especially funny.

                Yes it’s not funny, it’s not droplets. Elementary, they will give dill a loan, they will be bought by Patriots for these grandmothers, and they will be paid by industry or land. ABM weapons are defensive, and even not lethal. So no limits.
      2. 0
        April 10 2015 09: 40
        We will definitely restore the missile shield. After the third Maidan, we’ll do it.
    2. +2
      April 10 2015 07: 30
      Quote: Sergey Sitnikov
      it sounds as if Swaziland announced the launch of a manned spacecraft to Mars.

      It’s tactless to laugh at the patients of the clinic! They have not yet built the great dill wattle!
      1. +2
        April 10 2015 07: 44
        They are also a Vedikoukropsky channel 120 km long. want to dig up. Separate Crimea from the mainland. I read * CONT * e a week ago - there are good materials on the Ruin.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. 0
        April 10 2015 10: 01
        Toka wanted to write that a great anti-missile wall would be built after the great anti-tank ditch. And if it is serious - the preparation for the missile defense of amers. They need to follow the 2020 program.
    3. +1
      April 10 2015 07: 34
      Quote: Sergey Sitnikov
      it sounds as if Swaziland announced the launch of a manned spacecraft to Mars.

      Rather, it sounds like an announcement and legal cover for the deployment of an American missile defense system in Ukraine.
      1. 0
        April 10 2015 07: 49
        What's the point? Yars all the same, these systems will not stop. Meanwhile, Rubezh is already preparing to enter service. And besides, there is such a word - Tu-22M3.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +7
          April 10 2015 08: 02
          Quote: Basarev
          What's the point? Yars all the same, these systems will not stop. Meanwhile, Rubezh is already preparing to enter service. And besides, there is such a word - Tu-22M3.

          That we have snow, that we know that we have heavy rain ...
    4. 0
      April 10 2015 08: 46
      Damn they had a garnish plan) then they will become a nuclear power then they will restore about! Damn, well, just a mega empire that the evil Russians robbed.
    5. 0
      April 10 2015 08: 56
      Sounds very normal. Dill aspire to the EU, the EU is "guarded" by mattress mats. Brazil is BRICS, and BRICS is with Russia and "against" mattress mats. So what an excuse cooperation. Normal political decision.
    6. +1
      April 10 2015 09: 39
      Turchinov wants to prove himself very smart, but it turns out that he makes himself a fool.
    7. The comment was deleted.
  2. +3
    April 10 2015 07: 14
    Pasteur-Turchinov will announce tomorrow that the "atomic bomb" was created. The "Ruins" military industrial complex is in such a deplorable state that they cannot even upgrade Tank 72, let alone restore the anti-missile defense system.
    1. +4
      April 10 2015 07: 20
      Quote: avvg
      Pasteur-Turchinov will announce tomorrow that the atomic bomb was created

      They created, stuck, and destroyed +100500 Altai armored cavalry, and as many armored drills wassat
    2. +5
      April 10 2015 07: 46
      "Atomic" is unlikely, but "dirty", and even with the help of striped - quite.
      In the event of an unfavorable development of the military conflict - to spoil our and our territory - it is in the spirit of a Baptist pastor.
      1. 0
        April 10 2015 08: 01
        Quote: Moore
        "Atomic" is unlikely, but "dirty", and even with the help of striped - quite.

        do not talk nonsense. Firstly, the xoxes themselves have enough brains for the "dirty" ones, if anything, it’s not a big problem; secondly, the xoxles are still quite manageable, and the Americans are aware of what will happen if you open the Pandora's box.
        Quote: Moore
        to spoil our territory and ours

        no bomb is needed for this.
        1. 0
          April 10 2015 11: 27
          Quote: U-47
          do not talk nonsense. Firstly, the xoxes and the brains themselves have enough for "dirty", if anything, it's not a big problem, and secondly, the xoxes are still quite manageable, and the Americans are aware of what will happen if you open Pandora's box

          Try to look a little further than your own nose. This European conflict has been launched by its striped creators for a long time. If Svidomo has time, they will surely try to create some kind of insurance in case of successful combat actions of the DPR, Lugansk People's Republic, the RF Armed Forces (to emphasize what you like best) to free the territory from contamination. Moreover, insurance in the style of Israel - like there is nuclear weapons, but it seems not.
          As for the simplicity or complexity of creating "dirty" - I respectfully shut up before the professional opinion of an expert
          1. 0
            April 10 2015 11: 48
            Quote: Moore
            Try to look a little further than your own nose.

            the perspective you have drawn is an outstanding expert in the field of political modeling. I won’t even argue. Boring.
      2. +1
        April 10 2015 08: 42
        They will install American fuel cells (assemblies) on the nuclear reactors of their nuclear power plants, here is a "dirty bomb" for all of Europe ...
  3. +1
    April 10 2015 07: 14
    And what are they getting riveted on with their economy and industry.
  4. +5
    April 10 2015 07: 15
    First, build a fence named after Yatsenyuk, and only then take on missile defense, just gain experience in implementing high-tech, global projects! The tractor driver Mikola guarantees ... laughing
    1. -2
      April 10 2015 09: 02
      Quote: Finches
      First, build a fence named after Yatsenyuk, and only then, take on missile defense

      Yes, if Yats asked for money from Europe, arguing that they say I’m trying for you, then the technologically and high-tech crap is certainly not up.
  5. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 15
    They are not tired of carrying such crazy statements! However, those who are always jumping do not believe in these tales. wassat
  6. +3
    April 10 2015 07: 15
    Another dill show off. Let the boys and girls entertain. The satellite is still lying in the warehouse))) Lie, wail.
  7. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 16
    Here Yatsenyuk, Kolomoisky, etc., will be shocked, and they will put the money ...... in their pocket. What they should build a house, they will draw will live.
  8. +11
    April 10 2015 07: 17
    UkrPRO restored, now we are seeing the start of a missile defense
  9. +3
    April 10 2015 07: 18
    What are you saying? Doesn't Turchinov plan to build a death star? Or put it off for the next millennium? laughing
  10. +5
    April 10 2015 07: 19
    The collapse of Yuzhmash is the best missile defense. Its outskirts have long begun, and very successfully hi
  11. +1
    April 10 2015 07: 20
    amid statements by Turchinov, Brazilian media reported that the Brazilian authorities decided to stop working with Ukraine on the project to create the Cyclone-4 space-rocket complex due to its loss-making.

    This is consistent with Ukrainian realities. And then they were about to restore some kind of missile shield. Indeed, there are more show-offs in the Ukrainian government than reason and real actions.
  12. +3
    April 10 2015 07: 23
    Ukrainian missile defense? Not otherwise, how will rockets be chased away by singing their anthem. I don’t see another option ...
    1. +2
      April 10 2015 07: 28
      Quote: retired
      I don’t see another option ...

      Hi Yura! hi another option is the worst if the Americans climb into Ukraine with their missile defense ... although I think it’s ours. what
      1. +2
        April 10 2015 07: 33
        Quote: Andrey Yurievich
        although I think rather ours.

        Moreover, Iskander ...
        Hi, member of the amateur fisherman's circle! drinks Today I’m going fishing Yes . Envy winked
        1. +1
          April 10 2015 07: 55
          Quote: retired

          belay ok ... start ... recourse crying
  13. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 23
    You would have to restore toilet paper first ...
  14. +1
    April 10 2015 07: 23
    Turchinov is the current Manilov of Ukraine.
    Soon it will be called not Mainlism, but Turchinism.
  15. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 24
    Brazil refused on time ... Having understood who they contacted! If they will create rockets, then only for fireworks .. The breakup is coming!
  16. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 25
    It's strange and funny to hear the pastor’s statements ...

    First, the economy and industry in the anus ...
    Secondly, by and large, FROM WHO Ukraine needs missile defense ??? You would have lived peacefully with Russia, and you didn’t even have to think about missile defense because, by and large, the West needs Krain only as an instigator of war with Russia ...

    And in the third ... And in the third, the pastor is preparing public opinion for the deployment of an American missile defense system on the territory of Krajina ... This is - most likely ...
  17. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 25
    have you smoked rockets already delivered?
    1. 0
      April 10 2015 07: 49
      Don Cesar! Why not? The Baltic states have already been Baltic on the tanks.
  18. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 26
    Everything is quite real. the only thing is that the missile defense system will not be Ukrainian, but American. The whole Ukrainian Sabbath was started up striped and for this too
  19. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 27
    Maybe they mean, outside the brackets, that they will launch the American missile defense system?
  20. 0
    April 10 2015 07: 27
    Indeed, there are more show-offs in the Ukrainian government than reason and real actions.

    mind and ukrpravitelstvo- oxymoron hi
  21. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 29
    Peerless budget cut tool
  22. 3axap
    April 10 2015 07: 31
    Dear, members of the forum, all these vyser are pronounced for internal use. Because the one who utters this is well aware that this is nonsense. Let's not be like "Censor-No". Let's not consider them idiots. To collect so many millions of dollars , to breed forty million citizens and stay at the trough. After all, they are not fools. Fools who hawala and believe this nonsense and delirium. hi
  23. +1
    April 10 2015 07: 32
    Reagan's laurels do not give rest. Previously, he frightened the whole world with his SDI, now these jesters decided to "... restore the missile shield ..." As if it already existed ... Euro sponsors have already refused to knock off 15 lards and they are interested now on what conditions Ukraine will return, and here is such an expensive program! No, all the same, the Americans definitely feed them with some pills. Well, a healthy sober mind cannot emit such delusional thoughts from itself. wassat
  24. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 36
    Quote: Mitek
    Quote: born_in_cssr
    Oh how in vain you laugh!
    After all, this is a confirmation of what was said long ago that the USA also needs Ukraine as an element of missile defense under the bear’s soft belly.
    So get it!

    Man, who doubts this? But believe in the word, they won’t. GDP is not a stupid boy.

    GDP is not stupid - but not eternal. God forbid how previous clowns come after GDP.
  25. +5
    April 10 2015 07: 39
    Secretary of the NSDC: Ukraine will restore the missile defense system
    1. 0
      April 10 2015 14: 28
      From the territory of Ukraine, the existing SM-3 anti-missiles are guaranteed to intercept our ballistic missiles from the Siberian regions in the initial section ... Information for consideration, and why they needed Crimea.
      Stability in Ukraine under the current government cannot be allowed.
  26. +2
    April 10 2015 07: 40
    Blah blah blah ...
    Start to work at least. Everything fell apart and they are in space.
  27. 0
    April 10 2015 07: 47
    You can't just deny everything, just because in these conditions, it seems to be illogical and sounds like outright nonsense! It is quite possible that in this "idiocy" there is still a grain of truth, and it consists in the fact that a pedigree American bull will settle under the name "Horns and Hooves", in the form of a "Ukrainian missile defense". All the conditions for such a move are there, you don't even need working design bureaus and enterprises - just one sign "Yuzhmash" is enough.
  28. -1
    April 10 2015 08: 04
    There is nothing good in this statement. And there is no need to rejoice that Yuzhmash has collapsed, missiles will be delivered to them, if we continue to be so cautious, “whatever happens.” We cannot stop at said “A” (as we we are doing now!), there is a whole alphabet of measures ahead, we just forgot the common truth - they respect (they are afraid! - say whatever you like.), only the strong, but for now .... by the way, only they benefit from the imposed sanctions. Where are Geyropa and 3.14 Endosia, weak points? Why don't we know? So the poorly vaunted "cabinet managers" are working! Everything turns out like in an old joke about a brothel: you don't need to rearrange the beds, but b .... change! And instead of the next warm places, ....... "where Makar did not drive calves."
  29. 0
    April 10 2015 08: 28
    Interesting, interesting - uSraina, missile defense, precision weapons - right tales of Hans Christian Anderson
  30. Rubmolot
    April 10 2015 08: 29
    The President of the Latin American Republic, Dilma Rousseff, is mistaken.
    Here is one reaction of a Svidomo citizen to criticism of Ukrainian "top technologies".
    1. +2
      April 10 2015 08: 56
      Quote: Rubmolot
      The President of the Latin American Republic, Dilma Rousseff, is mistaken.
      Here is one reaction of a Svidomo citizen to criticism of Ukrainian "top technologies".

      And another one:
  31. 0
    April 10 2015 08: 31
    This stupefied hamster needs to learn to "walk" on the ceiling wassat
  32. +1
    April 10 2015 08: 47
    The short-term program "Sovereign Nuclear Shit 2015-3015" is not designed against the Russian Federation and assumes that at the time of completion of work to restore the anti-missile defense of Ukraine, there will be a hostile Islamic State on the territory of modern Europe fellow and the territory of North America will cease to exist as a result of the eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera request good .
  33. 0
    April 10 2015 08: 54
    Rather, Somalia will build a stealth aircraft carrier. than Ukraine will create anything that can go beyond the atmosphere ...
  34. 0
    April 10 2015 08: 55
    Kiev plans to rebuild a missile defense system.

    And they had it ???
  35. +1
    April 10 2015 08: 56
    Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Alexander Turchinov! laughing
  36. 0
    April 10 2015 10: 01
    Quote: i80186
    Forget about START-2, there is such an opportunity in case of a threat to the country's security, and crams tactical, cruise missiles a couple of thousand so wherever possible. Pershing thank God now has something to bring down.

    Well, I don’t know how to put it - a man would say “I don’t need something for this arms race”.
  37. 0
    April 10 2015 10: 18
    For the slow-witted, Ukrainians will not create and build anything, they will simply let Americans into their territory with their missile defense.
  38. -1
    April 10 2015 10: 25
    Journalists damn it, what does the anti-missile shield have to do with it. "Special attention will be paid to the restoration of the Ukrainian missile shield", we also have a nuclear missile shield and this is not the S-400 at all.
    Here's what the news really looks like:
    Most likely, we are talking about the production and arming of new medium-range missiles. As noted by Rosbalt, a big stake in Kiev is made in this sense on military-technical cooperation with Belarus, which since the outbreak of war in the Donbas has not only not decreased, but, on the contrary, increased.

    In particular, Kiev relies on Belarusian assistance in the development and production of the Sapsan multifunctional missile system with a range of up to 280 km. It will allow Ukraine to shoot through the entire territory of Crimea and a significant part of the Russian regions adjacent to the eastern border - for example, the entire Belgorod region.

    The Sapsan is being developed at the Yuzhnoye State Design Bureau in Dnepropetrovsk, and the enterprises of the Belarusian military-industrial complex will create optical-electronic and combined homing heads for missiles with a deviation of no more than 3 m from the target. Ukrainian military experts claim that the Sapsan is twice as light as the Russian Iskander , more mobile, more precisely and cheaper. The expected time of receipt of 200 units of Sapsan IFRC in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is 2017.

    Why post a deliberate fake in the style - "invented it yourself, posted it yourself, laugh yourself". This is "news" in the style of Rogozin, he joked about trampolines, everyone loves like crazy over stupid Americans (Ukrainians), and then the truth of life begins, not so funny at all, but rather the opposite.
    A year ago, the review was just a review with normal articles, now it is mainly reprints from bmpd and various fakes for the patriots.
  39. +1
    April 10 2015 10: 25
    dill missile defense in action ... wink
  40. 0
    April 10 2015 11: 35
    Correctly, you must first destroy everything and then create a new one.
  41. 0
    April 10 2015 13: 51
    How can one restore what has never happened?
  42. 0
    April 10 2015 15: 13
    Ukraine will restore everything, just give me the money! (and they will slowly cut them, ha ha ha)
  43. 0
    April 10 2015 15: 39
    In a madhouse, such statements are permissible!
  44. 0
    April 10 2015 16: 33
    Ward No. 6 or Kanatchikova's cottage? Complex issue.