Children of the Libyan revolution

Livia is gradually recovering from the long months of the revolution, which claimed the lives of 30 thousands of people. The war became a hardship for Libyan children and adolescents, many of whom died, were injured or were orphaned.

Children of the Libyan revolution

1. A boy shows a cartridge in a street market in the center of Tripoli, August 29. (CARL DE SOUZA / AFP / Getty Images)

2. A demonstrator raises his child over a crowd in Martyrs' Square in Tripoli, where thousands of people gathered on August 30. (CARL DE SOUZA / AFP / Getty Images)

3. Boys waving new Libyan flags on Martyrs Square in Tripoli, September 3. In some regions of Libya, schools have not worked since February. Children walk the streets, sing revolutionary songs and take part in demonstrations. (PATRICK BAZ / AFP / Getty Images)

4. The boy sits on a padded tank Libyan army in Zawiya west of Tripoli, August 20. (FILIPPO MONTEFORTE / AFP / Getty Images)

5. Libyan children show their collection of cartridges found on Martyrs' Square in Tripoli, 27 August. (FILIPPO MONTEFORTE / AFP / Getty Images)

6. Tens of thousands of Libyans, including children, celebrate the capture of Tripoli in Benghazi, 21 August. (GIANLUIGI GUERCIA / AFP / Getty Images)

7. Libyan children are walking down Tripoli street in the Libyan port city of Misurata, July 1. (GIANLUIGI GUERCIA / AFP / Getty Images)

8. A girl walks past corpses that lie near a general hospital in the turbulent area of ​​Abu-Salim in Tripoli, August 26. (PATRICK BAZ / AFP / Getty Images)

9. Libyan children are among the ruins of their room. Their home was destroyed by rocket fire. Photo taken on 13 July. (GIANLUIGI GUERCIA / AFP / Getty Images)

10. A grieving Libyan shows journalists the corpse of a child in the mortuary of the hospital in Zliten, 9 August. (IMED LAMLOUM / AFP / Getty Images)

11. Libyan girl at the weekly Friday prayer, which takes place on Martyrs' Square in Tripoli, 2 September. (PATRICK BAZ / AFP / Getty Images)

12. Children play on a padded tank, while representatives of a non-governmental organization put up leaflets with portraits of people killed or seriously wounded by supporters of the Gaddafi regime in Misrata, September 3. (Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images)

13. The Libyan rebel allows the boy to look into the sight of his sniper rifle on the road to Bani Walid, September 12. (LEON NEAL / AFP / Getty Images)

14. The girl looks at the security checkpoint, leaving the besieged city of Bani Walid, September 14. (LEON NEAL / AFP / Getty Images)

15. Children take out things from Bab al-Aziziyah, the Gaddafi military base in Tripoli, which has become a tourist attraction and a symbol of the collapse of the regime of the Libyan dictator, 27 August. (Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images)

16. A Libyan boy plays with a pistol during the last evening prayer of the holy month of Ramadan on Liberty Square in Benghazi, 29 August. (GIANLUIGI GUERCIA / AFP / Getty Images)

17. A boy plays with a plastic gun on the crushed street of Tripoli in Misrata, September 3. (Daniel Berehulak / Getty Images)

18. A Libyan boy shows a Victory sign playing in an abandoned tank by the road in Tripoli, September 13. (LEON NEAL / AFP / Getty Images)
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  1. Sergh
    24 September 2011 09: 55
    In the 12th photograph, a man in trousers walks. The doubtful difference in Islamic relations, and even leads to some conflicting thoughts! And the rest is certainly depressing.
    1. +1
      24 September 2011 10: 04
      It seems that the author is from PNS and believes that the "revolution" has won, and as its worthy sign, children are marauders
      1. LESHA pancake
        24 September 2011 13: 54
  2. Glory
    24 September 2011 12: 38
    And not a word that most of the Libyan children of the victims, left without parents, without housing, became such thanks to the humanitarian-democratic bombing by friends of the PNS from NATO. Although yes, of course, how can this be written if the NATO Secretary General officially stated that not a single bomb dropped by them on Libya killed a single civilian, only Gaddafi’s military ....
  3. Volkhov
    25 September 2011 13: 25
    Fresh green tanks, AKS - 74 and SVD are new, in other places green from storage 130 mm M -46 with naval-type shells - express aid stream b. USSR new democracy (Libyan tanks and equipment have a desert color, like their neighbors).
  4. 0
    25 September 2011 13: 40
    Some kind of provocation .......