From “new Russians” to “new Cossacks”

From “new Russians” to “new Cossacks”At all times in our country there were enough people who wanted to solve their tasks at the expense of public organizations. It was enough for organizations that tried to use people to achieve their own goals.

When it comes to the Cossacks in the historical sense of the word, the first thing that comes to the mind of an ordinary person is patriotism, austere life, a system of social and individual values ​​that has been built for centuries. It never occurred to anyone to believe that a Cossack could defame his name, his race, his Fatherland. Even in the immortal work of N.V. Gogol, Taras severely cracks down on his son, who retreated from the line of patriotism and the Cossack statute.

However, today we live in such an era, when literally every concept in the world can be interpreted in two ways, and the words “valor”, “honor” and “patriotism” do not cause anything in many but a sarcastic smile. What are the reasons for such a strange public degradation, when even the sacred duty is sometimes spoken of only from a consumer point of view?

So, after the collapse of a huge country called the Soviet Union, there was a tendency to revive various kinds of organizations and movements, which at one time brought considerable benefits to the state. These movements, of course, include the Cossacks. The nature of this ethnosocial phenomenon is still not clear. According to some information, the Cossacks are the Circassian tribes assimilated in Russia, on the other, this is the Turkic-Slavic branch, which has been leading since the times of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. Whatever it was, but in this case it is not the nature of the origin of the Cossacks that is important, but the system of their moral principles and principles. According to these principles, a Cossack from birth could be considered a full defender of the Fatherland, who from an early age is ready to give his life for the Russian land. No matter how pathetic it sounds today, but it was in fact.

Since the nineties of the 20 century, the Cossacks, after long years of persecution, began, as they say, to proudly raise their heads. At the same time, entire Cossack villages in the Don and Kuban, settlements in the Urals and the Far East began to revive. In truth, despite the Soviet prohibitions, many Cossacks did not lose their principles and retained the main core of their culture. However, in the wake of the large-scale revival of the Cossacks, quite dubious organizations began to appear in Russia, whose members, no matter what, put on Cossack uniforms, hitched sacks and whips, famously twisted hats, thereby demonstrating that they belong to the Cossacks. All of a sudden, entire Cossack communities began to appear in Russian cities, consisting either of former employees of city committees, or of retired police chiefs, and other people whose Cossack roots had no one had guessed before. At the same time, people, having fastened the orders of dubious origin to their own breasts, strove to find themselves in the deputy chairs of local legislative assemblies. On the eve of the next elections, among the candidates more and more often began to appear familiar faces, which appeared in a completely new look for the people - Cossack atamans, esaulov and other officials. People, of course, grumbled and did not understand where it came from the former head of the local Komsomol organization suddenly had the rank of a Cossack sergeant, which translated into a regular system means the rank of lieutenant colonel. Indeed, indeed, rereading the works of Marx and Ilyich at one time, this man advanced along two career ladders: the party and the Cossack. Surprisingly, it turns out that this is possible in our country. Even more surprising, and who, when Comrade Brezhnev or Andropov was in power, promoted the Komsomol in the Cossack hierarchy - did representatives of the party nomenklatura do it? .. After that, you no longer believe in honest elections in our country, but in ideological steadiness Cossack troops. Well, how else to behave in the case of such a huge metamorphosis occurring with a person.

Further more! These people felt that if they pretend to be real Cossacks, they may be given special preferences. This includes land plots, often very elite, and “proximity” to the Russian Orthodox Church, which also has quite good incomes to its treasury thanks to donations from compassionate old women and those who managed to pryvreshit businessmen. In general, it turned out that in today's Russia the status of a Cossack is also an opportunity to earn good money.

In this regard, several Cossack formations could appear on the territory of one settlement, each of which belonged to a separate so-called army. So, in the north-eastern part of the Voronezh region alone, the Cossacks managed to “split up” into two irreconcilable camps. At the same time, some decided that from now on they would relate to the Great Don Army (VVD), and others - to the Hopersky Army (WW). If it were not for the local authorities, who had to extinguish the conflict between the townspeople, who suddenly found themselves on opposite sides of the barricades, then the real Cossack battles would have taken place near Voronezh. And why is all the fuss? The reason can not be considered docking in the division of Cossack property, which until recently was popular. It turned out that the former party officials did not share the land and now began to sort things out far from Cossack style. Probably, story Cossacks did not yet know the case when court hearings on the basis of mutual claims became an inalienable attribute of the Voronezh Cossacks.

It got to the point that the townspeople simply began to frankly laugh at the jesters in the form of Don and Khoper Cossacks. In local newspapers, notes began to appear more and more often that many newly-appeared Cossacks simply defame the honor and dignity of such a large-scale movement as the Cossacks.

However, representatives of the Voronezh Cossack communities went even further. They decided to either “postebatsya” over their fellow citizens, or consciously bring them to the state of “white heat”. The thing is that an active participant in the neo-Nazi movement was seen in one of the Cossack "circles" in the form of the Don Cossack. Society literally boiled with indignation. In the ranks of the Cossacks there was a man who, after the “labor” Cossack day, wears a leather jacket with fascist symbolism and paces around the city surrounded by his own kind in order to determine the new victim. What is it? Increasing the number of Cossack communities or the complete degradation of the movement? People whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers shed blood for preserving the integrity of the country into the Great Patriotic War are taking fascist thugs into their ranks! If this is not nonsense, then what? It is surprising that representatives of the Orthodox Church were present at this “circle”. Did they know about who is sitting next to in the chairs. Of course!

Are the thoughts of money so clogged our heads that they have no moral basis for a future life? It is completely incomprehensible how these people are going to explain such steps. Is it really the case that the historical connection between fascism and the Cossacks will be revealed? Let's hope that sooner or later, the mind of these people will still prevail over outright stupidity. And if not, then you just need to disperse all this non-useism with a filthy broom. And the sooner the better!
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  1. pokermen
    14 September 2011 09: 00
    Unfortunately, this is so ..... I have all the ancestors from the Cossacks, but the current clowns in popes cause only disgust.
    1. +4
      14 September 2011 09: 30
      Calling all the current Cossacks clowns, it's like, to call all Russian drunkards. This is wrong and unreasonable.
      As elsewhere, the Cossacks have different, this military estate of the Orthodox people is only getting on its feet, and in fact we will find out who is capable of what. The husk will really fly off.
      By the way, the Russian army has several units with a Cossack name, which are completed mainly due to modern Cossack youth.
      During the Great Patriotic War, Cossack units showed themselves quite well.
      1. pokermen
        14 September 2011 16: 32
        I have nothing against "Cossacks in spirit", but the article deals with the Cossacks-remakes.
        For example, we have an "atamanite" official, a former leader of the local EdRa, instead of a horse he has a true BMW X5, well, nothing .......... a real ataman turns out.
        And so it is everywhere in the Kuban and Don.
      2. Sanzyro
        14 September 2011 22: 45
        A Cossack is essentially a peasant warrior living on border territory. A breadman who defends his house and arable land himself. They did not become Cossacks — they were born! Military art training began in childhood. Such skilled fighters forged Wednesday. How do you imagine this in modern conditions?
        1. -1
          14 September 2011 23: 29
          and became, too, where did the Zaporizhzhya Sich come from? of the runaway serfs mainly ...
        2. One of many
          15 September 2011 00: 16
          foreigners also appeared in Cossacks. Once, a very long time ago I read ... I don’t remember what this documentary was called ... there was a list of the personnel of the army. It looked something like this.
          Cossacks - ... so many. of them "cross": Tatars - ... Bashkirians - ... Kirghiz-Kaysaks - ... and ... (!) a couple of Yavreys.
  2. +12
    14 September 2011 09: 06
    A lot of it is written correctly, but it is necessary for the mummers to gather in Dagestan, the Cossack is not afraid, he is also a Cossack, and the husk will fly off immediately
  3. Muhabi
    14 September 2011 09: 48
    Bullshit, not an article. He raked all under one comb, and accused of fascism only because of one Cossack nationalist. Brd mare.
  4. 0
    14 September 2011 10: 12
    Unfortunately, the article is true. Generally. A few carelessly placed accents and bindings are made, and in general, yes.

    The paragraph about the belonging of the elders of the Cossacks to the partelite and others is somewhat inadequate. Until the middle of the 90-ies in the territory described by the Cossacks, I apologize, and did not smell. More precisely, I admit that they were, but were sitting quietly in hiding. And then suddenly, like mushrooms from under the rain, povylazili. And certainly not under Brezhnev or Andropov. All Cossacks openly appeared later.

    Srach between VH and VVD is no more than a rzhach of a regional scale. And it passed, if not for the "support" of the newspaper "MOE!" quiet and peaceful. Nobody would have paid attention. And then again our media made us happy.

    An active participant in the neo-Nazi movement ... It sounds good when there is it, an active neo-Nazi movement ... And two dozen (well, three) suckers, carefully hiding in the woods - this is not movement. This is true...

    I would like to invite the author to Voronezh and show him this swamp. But really, come! I will show all. Voronezh is a place where the most ardent brown still turns green. There is such an aura.

    Quote: stas
    Calling all the current Cossacks clowns, it's like, to call all Russian drunkards. This is wrong and unreasonable.

    This is yes. There are Cossacks, and there are clowns who like to walk in Cossack uniforms, wearing on other people's orders. Quietly, I have the second majority, but I cannot help saying that there are more than normal people there. It was this summer in the Cossack children's camp. Peculiar. It’s a bit too much from my point of view, ideology, but it’s better that way than with the Klin one.
    Yes, the leaders of the camp are still those scumbags, judging by the numbers that they soaked (the media wrote about the night "Capture" of the neighboring camp, but again they rattled off three boxes), but in reality, only those who do nothing are not mistaken.

    I made the following conclusion for myself: a Cossack is not a profession, not a nationality. This is the state of the brain and soul. that is, you can be it, but you can not be. And even to the navel uveshaysya orders, you are not a Cossack.
  5. The comment was deleted.
    1. mitrich
      14 September 2011 13: 59
      And the current Cossack, who had to observe, needs a bunch of ringing medals, the lower row of which is located in the area of ​​eggs wink ...
      I apologize if I offended anyone, but the real Cossacks, and not the mummers of the caricatures of them, I have never seen live before.
      1. +4
        14 September 2011 18: 41
        mitrich Mitrich, dear, I am from the Kuban Cossacks, sometimes I wear medals when asked to come to school or on August 2, when we are going to the regiment to look at each other. I am not a member of the roster army, although they were calling and now they are still calling. But who will cancel my title of Cossack by the right of blood and tradition. Those whom you saw are the foam of the Cossacks. As a rule, these people did not see either the real Cossacks or their traditions. Then in Ivanovo, suddenly, out of nowhere, Cossack houses (laughter and only) showed up. A friend of mine, very far from the Cossacks, suddenly appears in Cossack uniform and offers to stand under his command, they say we will earn money for the state. programs. What I answered him, you can’t write on the site. There are different Cossacks. But for the most part, the Don army and the Kuban army are growing up with good young Cossacks. And the foam, she will leave. And the medals to the eggs will stop hanging.
        1. pokermen
          14 September 2011 19: 20
          ...... when we are going to the regiment to look at each other .....

          Our great-great-grandfathers shed their blood and did not brag about medals. And you are a ghoul, you put on shameful stamping, such as "10 years of the Cossacks", "Revival of the Cossacks" and other heresy, and you walk around your chest.

          Shame on such Cossacks
          1. -1
            15 September 2011 14: 31
            Do not disgrace ahead of time. Especially if you do not know for what and what rewards a person has.
          2. +2
            15 September 2011 19: 49
            I, a young man, are not a ghoul, but an officer of the Airborne Forces. Both my fathers and grandfathers served the Motherland. Some are in the registered Cossacks, and some are in the regular army. My awards were given to me by the state for the service of which you have a card person, perhaps there is no idea. I forgive you for your youth, although at 46 I can very easily calm my horns, but I forgive. Be patient and smarter.
            1. pokermen
              17 September 2011 15: 36
              Well then Sorry, I take my words back ...... more to these.

              The Cossack elite now mostly consists of yesterday’s comrades and officials who put on more iron and came up with some kind of ancestor of the Cossack. Sometimes I ask such the simplest ..... why did the Cossacks wear earrings and what symbols of power were ...... and in response only chew snot
      2. zczczc
        15 September 2011 00: 44
        mitrich, and where did you watch them? :)

    2. mitrich
      14 September 2011 16: 59
      I saw the ataman of the Ural Cossack army ... The weight is such that it is right for him to ride on an elephant, and not on a black horse. And "awards", "awards" ... Marshal Zhukov is resting. And the environment is the same. From the Cossack: hats, checkers on the thighs, shouts of "Love!"
      1. LESHA pancake
        14 September 2011 17: 09
        1. 0
          14 September 2011 18: 44
          LEKHA pancake The field uniform of the Cossacks is camouflage, like all normal military formations.
          1. LESHA pancake
            15 September 2011 18: 50
      2. +1
        14 September 2011 22: 19
        About the elephant smiled, thanks
      3. zczczc
        15 September 2011 00: 49
        mitrichWell, so who argues - if a car mechanic broke your engine, that doesn’t mean all the locksmiths are like that. Yes, there are mummers. But this does not mean that all of the Cossacks are such.
      4. zczczc
        15 September 2011 01: 01
        So there is, of course, who argues - it will fray, I hope. But there are some (ataman of the Volga Cossack army):

      5. Sokerin
        15 September 2011 19: 53
        To the attention of especially honored major generals, lieutenant generals, colonel generals, army generals, marshals of the Cossack troops of the Russian Federation !!!
        1. zczczc
          16 September 2011 13: 46
          Sokerin, exactly. These would be a list of yes to the masses. And a call to the media from whom it is necessary that when I publish something, check with the lists of something. And the responsibility for any crap in publications. You look and it would not be fashionable to buy orders.
    3. Mesniy
      14 September 2011 19: 53
      In Russia, most of the Cossack units were deployed in large cities, and as the first world show, they did not degrade.
      And specify what your opinion is based on.
      1. zczczc
        15 September 2011 00: 53
        In cities, it’s just that they are dressed up and wound up, find them in the village - there they will quickly bring them to clean water! And here is what in the cities:
        -za-kazakov.html. There are no words.

        But I still plus you. For a positive comment. I almost cried ...
        1. Mesniy
          15 September 2011 21: 06
          In the villages there is no big difference from cities now, there are villages of 50 thousand people each. Plus from you is cool, I almost finished.
          1. zczczc
            16 September 2011 13: 49
            There are only a few such villages, probably - a town in practice.
            1. Mesniy
              17 September 2011 00: 36
              Some of the villages at the end of 50 and the beginning of 60 became cities, but now there are Leningradskaya - 80 thousand people, and fewer than 10 thousand villages. The average village on the Kuban - 10 - 15 thousand people
              1. pokermen
                17 September 2011 15: 21
                Noob in the Leningrad and Kanevskaya no more than 40 are the largest villages in the region. There is one 70 thousand in Ingushetia ...... everything, the rest are much smaller.
  6. mitrich
    14 September 2011 19: 35
    Maybe I misunderstand something in history and modern Cossacks, but it seems to me that the Cossacks are essentially residents of the border regions of Russia. If you look at the areas of settlement of the Cossacks (Donskoye, Kubanskoye, Terskoye, Uralskoye, Ussuriyskoye, Amurskoye, etc.), then these areas are a cover for "tank-hazardous" directions. And the Voronezh and Yekaterinburg "Cossacks" are rather weak against their background.
    And with the use of cavalry, DBs are no longer being maintained. If we recall the historical experience, then the Cossack Plastun brigades would be much more effective than the "checkers". I know how the descendants of the Cossacks fought in Chechnya during both campaigns, but the Cossack formations themselves did not play a role in pacifying the highlanders.
    Sorry, VICTOR, if I gave a different opinion from yours. After all, my ancestors are not Cossacks, but ... "kulaks". Ural poshibu (those who soaked Pavlik Morozov winked ).
    1. Mesniy
      14 September 2011 20: 05
      But what about the raid of Belov’s corps into World War II, is it also not effective? When during the war the cavalries were used wisely, they were very effective.
      The Cossacks now are tightly controlled by the governors, that is, the Kremlin, from here all his current troubles, and also from the fact that his best representatives died in the war against Bolshevism, and later in World War II.
      The last Cossack battle chieftain, von Panwitz, commanded the Cossack corps, which fought on the Balkans and on the eastern front. Also very effective by the way.
      1. mitrich
        14 September 2011 20: 17
        Well, you are an adult and reasonable person, therefore, how do you imagine the cavalry units in modern warfare? If you want, I’ll describe how such a raid could end. By the way, Belov had to quit his horses when he hit the ring in 1942. Such a loss, however, did not let the soldiers die of hunger.
        1. slan
          14 September 2011 21: 20
          And I thought that it’s not necessary to jump into the attack with drafts, you can use horses as a means of delivery to positions.
          but I'm not a strategist of course ..
          1. 0
            15 September 2011 14: 34
            And so it was. They arrived on horses to the right place, horse breeders were taken away, the extras went.
            1. Joker
              16 September 2011 11: 05
              Horses are a bunch of fodder for their feed. In some cases, you can apply, but in large quantities they are already gone.
        2. Mesniy
          15 September 2011 14: 24
          but I don’t imagine the cavalry now. Quality is the estate, the military estate. Over the hundreds of years that it existed, the methods of warfare have changed and the Cossacks have changed.
          This is not about the revival of the cavalry, it is about the revival of the military estate, which settled on lands in certain regions, stabilized the situation there, and in the adjacent ones too. As long as the Cossacks Terek and Kuban were strong, Chechens and other lumps did not rock the boat.
        3. LESHA pancake
          19 September 2011 18: 27
    2. svvaulsh
      14 September 2011 20: 06
      So Mitrich! Here on whom the blood of an innocent knock is on ...., sorry, pioneer hero! angry
      1. mitrich
        14 September 2011 20: 21
        right and soaked. Nehru was pounding on his father. This is a sin not only before God, but even before the CPSU (b), too wink...
        1. slan
          14 September 2011 21: 15
          So the defenders of his killers rehabilitated, it was like the victims of Stalinist repressions.
    3. Tankograd
      15 September 2011 19: 48
      Dear comrade Mitrich! How can you divide the Cossacks living in the Urals - into the Urals, Ekaterinburg, for some reason forgetting that the Tsar’s registry did not include the Ural Cossack army, but the Orenburg Cossack army! At the time of Pugachev, Ekaterinburg was a dirty village, and Orenburg was a border-port city, such as modern Odessa, and also the capital of the Orenburg Cossack army! Write about the Cossacks, but you don’t know the history!
      1. mitrich
        15 September 2011 20: 24
        You just type two articles on Wikipedia:
        After reading both articles, determine for yourself which of the two of us are people who do not know the story. By the way, the capital of the Orenburg Cossack army was Ufa, not Orenburg wink .
        1. Tankograd
          15 September 2011 21: 44
          Fathers are cute, fighter! And what else did Wikipedia write to you! The fact that this is an enemy channel knows all of Russia! As before, in my time - Voice of America! And they did not specify the time of birth of the cities of Yekaterinburg and Orenburg! If something, then for the illiterate, then September 14, 2011 was 275 years old to my beloved hero city of Chelyabinsk-Tankograd! This is also not written on Wikipedia or even reported on central television channels! Shame on all the media who did not notice our anniversary! And to Mr. Putin, who launched at our Pipe Mill - opposite which I live - a height of 239 - a new high-tech workshop! Read the book gentlemen!
          1. mitrich
            15 September 2011 22: 23
            Is this your form of recognizing your own illiteracy? We were discussing, it seems, not Chelyabinsk, but an article about the Cossacks.
            I could make you a bunch of other links, justifying your wrong, but I see - it makes no sense.
            1. Tankograd
              15 September 2011 23: 06
              And I don’t see the point of discussing anything if you, Mr. Cossack Zhorunzhiy, do not see and do not want to discuss the Cossack foundations, beyond MKAD! You do not know Russia at all, but impose your opinion on schoolchildren! My next question to you! Who are the Korzhaks - are Russians or Tatars!
              1. mitrich
                15 September 2011 23: 17
                Who are Korzhaki - I do not know.
                I live in Yekaterinburg, and not in Moscow, and I have nothing to do with Cossacks.
                1. Tankograd
                  15 September 2011 23: 57
                  Well, that was where we had to start! If you are not an American Pindos brother, then come to us in Chelyabinsk, I'll show you real nagoybaks and cakes! Especially the Magnitogorsk spill! Our Tractor is resting in front of Magnitogorsk, but you, dear comrade, please do not stick your head out! We’ll drink while we’re climbing! With a tank officer's greetings Tankograd! Happy tankers' day all - Father Ural! And vem who is involved in this! And Miassians-making - Mace, and again Miassians-making - all-terrain vehicles of the Urals! And Chelyabinsk citizens - contractors - Tagil plant of Sverdlovsk region making a new tank "Armata!" Outside my window I have a design bureau and a plant that will make "Armata", but I won't tell anyone where! Until Sverdlovsk, a city named after a Jew, becomes the Russian city of Ekaterinburg!
                  1. mitrich
                    16 September 2011 00: 06
                    You obviously take me for a teenager. Well, let it be so. Thank you for the invitation, neighbor, only I already visit Balandino almost every week. And Chelyabinsk itself is far from a foreign city for me.
                    And further. Sverdlovsk ceased to be so in 1991. Since then it has a different name smile ...
                  2. Mesniy
                    17 September 2011 00: 43
                    Respect and respect! plus!
      2. Mesniy
        15 September 2011 21: 15
        First, there was the Yaik kaz in the river, after the Pugachev revolt, Yaik was renamed the Urals, and the army, respectively. And the Orenburg - another army, do not confuse. There were 1917 Cossack troops and a separate Yakut kaz regiment in Russia in 13. but there was a Persian kaz army, where Reza Pahlavi served, the future shah of Iran, who was overthrown in the 70s.
    4. -1
      15 September 2011 19: 55
      mitrich Full, dear, we are not college girls to apologize to each other for our thoughts, we simply express them and look for a middle ground. So it’s right. A fist in Russia was a respected man with a strong character and an inquiring mind.
  7. slan
    14 September 2011 21: 11
    Grandfather - Cossack, father - Cossack son, grandson - *** dog (s)
    Cons - not to me, Russian folk wisdom, if anyone does not know.
    1. pokermen
      15 September 2011 00: 58
      Now the sons of the Cossacks can still live for 80-90 years, and the rest are ***** dogs
      1. Mesniy
        15 September 2011 22: 23
        this saying is as old as the Cossacks.
  8. papaandi
    14 September 2011 23: 04
    squadron of horse divers
  9. -1
    14 September 2011 23: 07
    horse squadron
  10. Sokerin
    15 September 2011 00: 32
    Cossack Information - Analytical Center (KIAC)
  11. -1
    15 September 2011 14: 05
    unfortunately different mummers very strongly discredit the revival of the Cossacks
    the statement of the ataman of the St. Petersburg village: "we conduct trade, raise children .." no words, the main Cossack occupations, well, isn't it a clown?
    and the long-suffering village of Suschevskaya somewhere in Africa, and not in the Cossack lands? so guys, so that no one laughs at your necessary and good deed, maybe you should clean the ranks?
    1. -1
      15 September 2011 19: 17
      In the second half of October, the All-Russian Cossack Circle (meeting) of representatives of all the current 11 military Cossack troops will be held in Moscow, where a single Cossack army will be legally created, headed by someone from the country's top leadership.
      The uniform uniform of all Cossacks has already been approved by the relevant federal laws.
      Recertification of all Cossacks will be carried out, with or without confirmation of the existing Cossack rank.
      The corresponding structure for working with the Cossack army is being created in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation, has already been created in DOSAF.
      So, everything that is considered clownish for 1-1,5 of the year will be really deleted.
      1. Mesniy
        15 September 2011 22: 22
        The Cossacks always received all the problems from the rulers, it always has been, both before and after the revolution, and now.
    2. Mesniy
      15 September 2011 22: 20
      the fact that in Africa it’s nothing, the place where the Cossacks began to settle was always called a village, even if it was in Australia. A village - a camp - a settlement means.
  12. Tankograd
    15 September 2011 19: 27
    Article is the enemy! The author seems to be for the revival of the Cossacks but does not understand the essence of his Cossacks! What Cossacks as the heirs of the Turkic tribes are we talking about? All the authors of the comments quarreled over the "new Cossacks" - disguised scarecrows. And who got into the very essence of the Cossacks? Where did the Cossacks go from? But the Cossacks are not a "Russian miracle" and not even a Slavic one! The Cossacks are the essence of the entire Aryan culture - pagan, leading from the cosmic gods - Perun, Svarog! If anyone thinks that I am wrong, look on the Internet for materials about Indian Sikhs, and about their "Cossacks" nihwang-sect of warriors! And it’s not a secret for anyone that Indian Sikhs have always served in the Indian army faithfully, even the punitive executions by the British, the Sikh sepoys, did not pacify them. What unites the Slavs and Indian Sikhs Cossacks is a common Aryan blood and a common love for our planet Earth, responsibility for the entire white race! Sikhs were born when, 2 thousand years ago, our Slavic-Scythian ancestors came in peace to the territory of modern India and taught them to live by truth and conscience! And immediately there is a huge surge of culture and science and crafts in India! But at the same time, our Slavic-Aryan cities are flourishing in our Southern Urals! Arkaim is a good example to the whole world! Even in modern clothes, they look alike Cossacks and Nichwangs! The same trousers, turbans, lush beards! The beard of the ancient Slavs is a sign of a large strong family! Now, remember the beards of the Turks, Chinese, Japanese? Where are their symbols of military valor and honor? As everyone knows, the Japanese are dominated by the spirit of ninja assassins from around the corner! How not to remember the most notable Russian Cossack - Prince Svyatoslav the Brave, the son of the princess - Olga! The last ruler in Russia - our Slavic warrior-pagan with his thousand-year motto "I'm going to - you!" Let all the shushara that mows down under the guise of Orthodoxy, Freemasonry, Judaism, Kunfuism, Laoism as Cossacks! In 2012, the beginning of the Slavic era begins - the revival of traditions, spirit and traditions, and most importantly, the number of us Slavs throughout the planet! Then all the Slavs, without the efforts of their rulers, will unite themselves and remember the previous grievances! As it is sung in the famous song for the tears of our mothers, out of many thousands of batteries - for our Cossack Motherland - fire! For Kosovo! For the Russians left in Central Asia! For the exterminated Russo-Aryans throughout Europe by our enemies, the white-skinned "Germans" - the sons of Atlantis!
    1. Mesniy
      15 September 2011 21: 08
      you cheated in one pile all
      1. Tankograd
        15 September 2011 21: 57
        And if you don’t get stuck in history, then don’t be scared, what is the truth and strength of man! After all, Hitler did not understand that he was a Jew and went to teach us Slavs of political correctness! That is, to teach the Slavs that they are Slavs — the grandchildren of Perun, Svarog — it turns out to be subhuman, like Poles and others! Well, it turned out Aloizovich everyone knows! Now you have a truth-fighter question! Russia produces 50 to 500 tons of gold per year! As an example, a plant in the city of Karabash in our Chelyabinsk region, that produces up to 50 kg of gold per year! At the same time, the city of Plast in our Chelyabinsk region up to 10 kg per year! And if you calculate how much gold is mined from 7000 years BC. We must pave the way for them, but he is not on planet Earth! So where does it go! If there is no water in the tap - that means the Jews drank! How aptly noticed by our ancestors! And you yourself of what class!
        1. Mesniy
          15 September 2011 22: 14
          I am a Kuban Cossack, like all my ancestors.
    2. Evil Tatar
      20 September 2011 16: 34
      He did, he did not, but in essence and to his liking it is stated ...
      Plus, definitely!
  13. Mesniy
    15 September 2011 22: 28
    By the way, in the Cossack regions, - the Region of the Great Don Army, the Kuban Cossack army, the Tersk Cossack army, I don’t know for others, they used to call Russians, I am a Nazi muzzle, and the words "I am a Nazi muzzle" and "man" were the most terrible curses.
  14. Mesniy
    15 September 2011 22: 29
    By the way, in the Cossack regions, - the Oblast of the Great Don Host, the Kuban Cossack Host, the Tersk Cossack Host, I don’t know for others, before the Russians were called “I am a Nazi muzzle, amy”, and the words “I am a Nazi muzzle,” and “man” were the most terrible curses.
  15. Mesniy
    15 September 2011 22: 30
    By the way, in the Cossack regions, - the Oblast of the Great Don Host, the Kuban Cossack Host, the Tersk Cossack Host, I don’t know for others, they used to call Russians *, I am a Nazi muzzle, and the words "*, I am a Nazi muzzle," and "man" were the most terrible curses.
  16. Mesniy
    15 September 2011 22: 31
    By the way, in the Cossack regions - the Oblast of the Great Don Host, the Kuban Cossack Host, the Tersk Cossack Host, I don’t know for others, before the Russians were called * adats, and the words "* adzap" and "man" were the most terrible curses.
    Instead of * reading K
    1. slan
      15 September 2011 23: 09
      Quote: Mesniy
      I am a Kuban Cossack, like all my ancestors

      That's exactly who * $ @ canine)))
      I’ll decode for you:
      Instead of * reading X
      Instead of $ read u
      Instead @ read y
      You should have found the Darwin Prize quickly - the whole site has already spoiled it. Kill yourself already worthy of your intellect.
      1. Mesniy
        15 September 2011 23: 34
        what is your favorite word? sympathize ...
        heal the dudes ...
  17. Tankograd
    15 September 2011 22: 59
    Yes, get me at least, I’m a Nazi face, oh ambition and the belief that I am raising my children, I do not decrease! And the truth is that it’s not necessary to look through the epaulet - this is how my grandmother taught me! THOSE. do not look over your right shoulder!
    And now I want to ask you the guardian of the military Cossack valor - what are nagoybaki! You may be in Vidikepia you will read the whole truth about them, but I have two nagoyaks at my forester’s site, to whom I should give at least half!
    1. mitrich
      15 September 2011 23: 03
      Orthodox Tatars. Nagaybaki from the word "whip". Chelyabinsk is full of them.
  18. -1
    15 September 2011 23: 05
    The Cossacks were and will be the revival of the Cossacks that is happening at the moment, this is recognition and its rehabilitation after comparing. What kind of structure the current Cossacks will take shape and shape depends on the Cossacks themselves. The frictions of mummers and mummies are also understandable, but it seems that this issue has already been settled by adopting uniforms and crusts, by the way, at the legislative level, all the more so as the sense of unregistered Cossacks can be no less due to the identity and culture of the Cossacks themselves.
  19. Tankograd
    15 September 2011 23: 14
    I am again convinced that rogues are trying to make the history of Russia! Everyone who tried to challenge me himself was not in a battle! Lord Cossacks especially Mesniy! What did you do in October 2002! When some terrorists took hostages in Dubrovka, Moscow!
    1. Mesniy
      15 September 2011 23: 32
      At that time I was 1500 km south. So what?
      1. Tankograd
        16 September 2011 00: 01
        And for the second time in my life, I performed my international log!
        1. Mesniy
          17 September 2011 00: 38
          Well, along with you, do not think that the wind ...
  20. Tankograd
    15 September 2011 23: 41
    To all real Cossacks!
    Similar sites are created by Mesniy and the Government - Medvedev - Putin! They are Ivans who do not remember themselves trying to impose those values ​​and concepts - which from time immemorial have long been known to everyone! What did the Cossacks do for cowardice in battle, for stealing ammunition, for violence against women! Compare with modern criminal code! Mister Mevedev and the sites under your control don't you see the difference in Criminal Prosecution! You can kill a person and in ten years, walk as if nothing had happened on Tverskaya! The death penalty is a weapon that will wean the deputies - in Slavic ("not warriors, not heroes"), even in many respects in the Army who did not serve to dictate their thieves' laws - we are the children of Svarog! What punishment awaits them, I dare not say! But definitely not the same as the one recorded in the police reports! New times and despair dictate a new approach!
    1. Mesniy
      17 September 2011 00: 41
      From what you me to the government that I did not put a damn then dragged?
      Well you are a pagan, but hysteria then what?
      Be quiet.
  21. -1
    15 September 2011 23: 44
    Tankograd sorry, but there are special groups to defuse terrorists,
  22. mitrich
    16 September 2011 20: 53
    While we were discussing the topic of the Cossacks, the following story happened in the Sverdlovsk Region (literally this or last week):
    in the area of ​​the town of Artyomovskiy (local this NP should know how it is located near the regional assembly point of the RF Armed Forces) riot policemen with "sobri" put a hundred people in the ground with their muzzles, allegedly having come to "showdown" with each other. It turns out that the "Cossacks" gathered for a gathering (or gathering?). "Atamans" in the amount of a dozen sat in a roadside cafe, privates were warming up nearby. According to the cop's version, the "Cossacks" divided spheres of influence, which is why they were found in such numbers on a single piece of the Ural land.
    I looked at the detained "Cossacks" by I-no. Almost all of them are 15-20 years old, with hoods draped over their heads. In appearance - chmyr chmyry, in a word ... I definitely don't like such Cossacks, because it won't take long to create an organized criminal group from idiots for a good cause.
    1. Sokerin
      16 September 2011 21: 15
      Movie about this:
      1. mitrich
        16 September 2011 21: 31
        that's what I meant. Anyone interested can look at the modern Ural "Cossacks". The music for the video was selected appropriately. In general, greetings from the "1990s" ...
        1. Sokerin
          16 September 2011 22: 19
          I am "in the subject" of the Cossacks. In October 2008, he attended the World Cossack Congress in Novocherkassk, visited the Great Circles of the Central Committee of the Moscow Central Committee, etc.
          1. Mesniy
            17 September 2011 00: 42
            weak you are in the subject ...
    2. Mesniy
      17 September 2011 00: 42
      in those parts there was no Cossack family, and what they called so - God be their judge ...
  23. Dovmont
    20 September 2011 22: 49
    The Bolsheviks brought the Cossacks back in the 20-30 years of the last century
  24. 0
    21 September 2011 07: 29
    Hi all!
    And why shouldn’t the Cossacks present these mummers with documents for medals, and if they are absent, give them a good whip on their bare ass and with all the people?
    I myself am from a Cossack family, my father (Volga Cossacks), my mother (from a Ukrainian farm near Dnepropetrovsk), but that doesn’t make me a Cossack! Or if justified, then they’ll accept? I would like to figure out such freaks myself