Why do military engineers want to steal twelve years of history

21 January 2014 marks the 313 years since Peter I issued the decree on the establishment of the first military engineering school in Russia. Historians consider this day the beginning of the organization of training of military engineers at the state level. While other historians claim that the emergence of the Russian school of military engineers happened much later.

The decree said: "The 1701 year of the General Day on 10 day (new 21 style of January. - Auth.) and other extraneous officials of the children of children with their verbal literacy tsifiryu and other engineering sciences with diligence and not to move out of Moscow without a decree, not to leave another rank except for artillery, and feed them and feed them in the same schools. "

In Petrovsky decree clearly ordered to engage in engineering education.

The creation of specialized educational institutions that could train military engineers was dictated by the dictates of the times: during the siege of the city of Narva, it became clear to what extent it was necessary to have not only commanding engineers, but also regular units that could resist the enemy by building engineering structures.

Undoubtedly, until the time of Peter the Great, the work of military engineers was in demand, and the Russian army, as far as possible, used the achievements of modern engineering. But, unfortunately, there were very few military operations where military engineers took part: no one taught engineers at the state level centrally.

During the fighting, almost all the work was carried out by foreign engineers who were invited from abroad.
Thus, during the siege of the Narva fortress, foreign specialists demonstrated their knowledge: Chief Engineer Major General Shah, Engineer Captain Zenberbirg, as well as engineers Karsten, Zengerlon, Bagnetii, Tumber, Purneti and others.

The reports on the siege of Narva in 1700 also reported on the participation of miners in hostilities.

But this effort was clearly not enough. Undoubtedly, the siege of the Swedish fortresses demanded that the Russian military leaders bring on the battlefield a large number of units that could wage an engineering war against the Swedes. But this did not happen. Peter I had to form engineering units in fact directly on the battlefield. Recruits did not differ in skill.

Such circumstances prompted the tsar to take an immediate decision on the creation of Russia's first military engineering school.

From the decree of Peter I it is clear that the military engineering school was not opened in a single copy: they were indicated to open several at once, that is, branches were also created.

Also, the future curriculum was clearly prescribed, according to which students were required to take a course in mathematics (included three sciences at once - trigonometry, arithmetic and geometry). But the main, mandatory items were fortification and architecture. It was the presence of these two disciplines that determined the training profile of students as officers of the engineering troops. In addition, practicing classes in the "field": practical skills allowed to visually see the quality of training.

It is noteworthy that this important state matter was entrusted to start the clerk's clerk Andrei Andreyevich Vinius (although his family name is written in the decree as Viniyes), who put a lot of effort into teaching the audience. Along with other reforms, he actively embodied the idea of ​​military engineering education, which were carried out in the country.

The personality of Andrei Andreevich caused an ambiguous attitude among his contemporaries: this talented person knew several languages, including Latin. It was he who taught Peter I Latin. After Russian forces lost most of their artillery near Narva, it was Vinius who had to carry out the tsar's order to melt church bells for cannon metal. Although this step caused an ambiguous reaction in the Orthodox world: the reaction was extremely hostile. But the order is an order. It had to be executed, despite the well-deserved claims of the Orthodox people. However, this did not prevent the reformer from flourishing further, to take up several new directions in the arrangement of the Russian state at once. For example, he became the organizer of a centralized mail message.

And such a progressive figure and scientist became one of the first teachers.

As a prerequisite for further service, it was that listeners were not allowed to leave Moscow. They were to be enlisted in the staff of the artillery department, which most needed new specialists.

The absolute fact is that the knowledge gained in the engineering school helped the first Russian military engineers to take a new approach to solving many problems in the construction of fortifications, in conducting subversive actions against the enemy.

And the children were taken to the school as "Pushkarskie" and outsiders. This, of course, opened the door for talented people from the provinces who had no chance to get a good military education. They could show their prowess and talent on the battlefield, and not everyone got any military luck.

The school was a success because the staff prepared there extremely well. Graduates applied their knowledge in the future very competently and skillfully. This, of course, raised the bar of confidence in the new school: if in the 1701 school year, 180 people were recruited, then after four years, in 1704, 300 people were already in school.

Teaching fortification as a compulsory subject was introduced and organized four days later by another decree of Peter I of 14 in January 1701 of the year "School of Mathematics and Navigation, that is, nautical tricks of science teaching".

A few years after the decree of Peter I on the establishment of the first engineering school, it was significantly expanded and separated into an independent training unit: until that moment, engineers and gunners studied together. "To multiply the engineering school, namely, to find masters from Russian, who would teach tsifir or tower (that is, on the Sukharev tower in Moscow, where the school of mathematical and navigation sciences was organized) for this teaching to send and when arithmetic will finish, learn so much geometry, how much is up to engineering, and then to give the engineer to teach fortification and always keep the full number of 100 people or 150 ... ", - the Petrov decree of January 16 from 1712 was prescribed in the Peter's decree.

Surprisingly, today many historians tend to consider 1712 the year as the starting point from which the countdown of the formation of the first military engineering school should start. Whereas much earlier, in the 1701 year, by decree of Peter I, the first educational institution was opened, preparing engineers for military operations.

Why do military engineers want to steal twelve years of history

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  1. +4
    5 January 2015 08: 51
    The question "Why?" Should not be. Take the football "Spartak" who says it was founded in 1925, who later ... The very fact of existence is important ... And my best wishes and prosperity to military engineers for the good of our Motherland
    1. +5
      5 January 2015 09: 34
      Quote: dmi.pris
      The fact of existence is important

      The first military engineer on the territory of the Russian Federation was the one who first dug a trap hole with stakes the size of a man.
      1. +6
        5 January 2015 11: 02
        Quote: Spade
        The first military engineer in the Russian Federation was the one

        All cities in Russia had defensive structures - fortress walls and towers. They did not appear on their own, someone built them. And the first military engineer was the one who put the first fence - an engineering fence. Or maybe even the one who first fell down a tree to block the road. By the way, engineering troops are also involved in the construction of bridges.
        1. +2
          5 January 2015 13: 33
          I’ll add a little: - not only fences, but also ditches, ramparts, and all these are engineering barriers and fortifications. So you can count the date and time of the formation of the most ancient city, where a fortress was built with a fence made of log picket fence and a moat.
  2. +2
    5 January 2015 10: 40
    The engineering forces of the Armed Forces of Russia - honor and glory! I don’t understand only one thing - what’s the topic of the top photo ... Military engineers don’t have aircraft in service - Avax A-50 and airborne landing equipment ...
  3. 0
    5 January 2015 10: 44
    I wonder why the cons were put in a good cognitive article.
  4. +3
    5 January 2015 12: 30
    In the Russian army, military engineers were called "rozysly". Information about them is still in the Discharge books of the times of Ivan the Terrible. Under him, the first ranks were introduced for the military people of construction and engineering. To carry out construction and road works, the so-called "staff" was created from the militia. So, the date is completely irrelevant. The infantry and cavalry do not have their own holiday ... And Aristotle Fiorovanti (Fryazin) under Ivan III, he can also be considered the founder of organized engineering military service ...
    1. +2
      5 January 2015 15: 08
      But little is known about this in Russian history because most of the old documents under Peter 1
      was destroyed. And only Peter's decrees remained, and therefore they believe that much was first copied from Europe by Peter.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +4
        5 January 2015 16: 18
        Peter plagued the Russian engineers (they were philosophers at the same time) and installed the Germans. It has already begun after him. Here we need to talk about Lomonosov, who was breaking his noses to the burgher professors for the glory of Russian science.
  5. Karbyshevets
    5 January 2015 20: 08
    There is no need to distort history to mold a double interpretation. Think about your life, and if YOU personally, EVERYONE will erase 12 years of life from their memory, or vice versa, 12 years will be added to someone else's, just because someone has taken this crazy idea and thereby leave a mark on history. There is an order, period. Enough of these Stool and other eccentrics with the letter "M". In 2006, the Military Engineering Academy was reduced. Great people left science, they have ceremonial tunics, like the armor of a medieval knight, the mind amazes with its sharpness (15 TsNII IV does not count, they still have my thesis in the catalog of promising engineering troops, and it was graduated 10 years ago). The subsequent reduction of the Kstovo Military Engineering University, the Tyumen Engineering-Command School was turned into a kind of boarding school for noble maidens from which wooden soldiers like Urfin Dzhyus with lieutenant shoulder straps are released. The military engineering academy was revived only in 2013. There is no need to defile the history of the engineering troops with your interpretation.
  6. +4
    5 January 2015 23: 48
    Quote: Karbyshevets
    There is no need to distort history to sculpt a double interpretation. You think about your life, but if YOU personally will EVERYONE erase 12 years of life from EVERYONE, or vice versa, 12 years add another stranger, only because this crazy idea has taken hold of someone and thereby leave a mark in history.

    Historians, of course, will figure it out, 12 + or 12-. It is important for me personally that these troops exist, that the Taburetkins and others did not completely destroy them, and therefore, on the occasion of them all!

    I hope that for Taburetkin they would have built a good mausoleum. 30 cubes pit and live it there pour concrete. Deserved, creature ...