The Great Patriotic War. Stalingrad, 1942 g

Stalingrad, 1942 g. A few photos

The Great Patriotic War. Stalingrad, 1942 g

Evacuation of Soviet fighters from the Kerch Peninsula. The wounded are loaded into a special box on the wing of the Po-2 aircraft. 1943

Front atelier of the 319 Rifle Regiment of the 185 Rifle Division. Kalininsky front, September 1943

Marching laundry of the 1 of the Baltic Front. Lithuania, 1944

The retreat of the Germans. Passed the train with a special trellis

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  1. +2
    9 September 2011 23: 24
    An interesting shot is loading a wounded man in U-2 with sanitary cassettes, it’s even scary to imagine flying in such a cassette