
In the documentary, Alexey Egorov will tell about the most secret nuclear submarine of Russia - “Vladimir Monomakh”. For the first time you will learn how a combat underwater ship looks like from the inside. Get into a place where nobody was allowed to go before. Understand why the submarine has the cleanest air on the planet, go down to the most unusual wine cellar, experience unique rescue capsules that can immediately lift the entire crew of the ship from an incredible depth.

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  1. +11
    27 December 2014 06: 47
    Thank you for the excursion"!
    1. Aladin
      27 December 2014 17: 22
      LLC "SQUARE TELEVISOR" filmed a real masterpiece, confirming the absence and reality of the influence of the stars.
    2. +2
      28 December 2014 13: 35
      Nobody paid attention to which car of the TPK Bulava was loaded, that is, there is such a suspicion that Bulava will be on the Barguzin railroad missile complex.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  2. +16
    27 December 2014 07: 15
    And there will be eight such beauties in the near future, be afraid of enemies.
    1. +3
      27 December 2014 10: 42
      In Severodvinsk, OJSC “PO“ Sevmash ”hosted a solemn ceremony of laying down the strategic missile submarine cruiser Generalissimus Suvorov, the sixth ship of the Borey series and the third under construction under the modernized project 955A.
      1. jjj
        27 December 2014 16: 57
        And Sevmash on December 26 celebrated the 75 anniversary
  3. +6
    27 December 2014 07: 42
    what can I say, no words right good we would have such a dozen at least, but these are just my dreams.
  4. Quantum
    27 December 2014 07: 54
    Everything is interesting and causes pride in the Russian fleet! But, of course, there are
    cons. For example, not visible in the rescue capsule of individual
    suits, in case of being in cold water. I saw the Norwegians
    suits: protection and survival rate-100%.
    1. +6
      27 December 2014 13: 34
      On board the submarines, the compartments contain the GTKS hydrothermal overalls for survival on the sea surface. Domestic development, replaced the ARO-40 suits of foreign production.
  5. Artandrey
    27 December 2014 07: 58
    Armored steel is strength!
  6. +4
    27 December 2014 08: 23
    Very interesting excursion. Movie good To author +
  7. 0
    27 December 2014 09: 01
    such structural cavities in the wheelhouse .... and how do they close underwater or what?
  8. +6
    27 December 2014 09: 25
    This has already been shown on TV. I don't remember exactly on which channel. It seems "Star". Impressive. Especially the height of the boat. Five-story residential building under water! Archimedes is resting!
    1. +2
      27 December 2014 10: 47
      Quote: Kombitor
      Archimedes is resting!

      In terms of!? belay
      1. +9
        27 December 2014 14: 06
        Quote: SHILO
        In terms of!?

        With a "plan" laughing ... resting
    2. jjj
      27 December 2014 16: 58
      Quote: Kombitor
      Five-story residential building under water!

      941 project - ten-story house
  9. +9
    27 December 2014 10: 55
    The equipment was apparently shot on some other boat, this can be seen in the appearance, the influx of repeated painting, this simply can not be on the newly installed equipment. The shooting was probably carried out on some modernizable boat. The elements of the submarine’s hull are impressive in the thickness of the metal, of course, special steel, I had to see something like metal and such metal structures in the equipment compartment of heavy-duty mine launchers of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Yes and their functions are similar: in one case, protection from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, in another from the monstrous pressure of water, for example, with a close rupture of a nuclear weapon. In general, of course, what he saw causes legitimate pride in such high-tech products. There are few countries in the world capable of producing such products.
    1. jjj
      27 December 2014 16: 59
      Steel is still low magnetic and stainless steel
  10. +5
    27 December 2014 11: 56
    Yes, we have good weapons, but the most important thing is the people who are at the helm of our military equipment of our army, industry and our state ...
  11. +4
    27 December 2014 11: 57
    Excellent! Good film. I remembered my running gear on pr.941 "Shark" in the early 80s. It is a pity that then everything was creepy as it was secret, that even the photo was not left. Even surprised that the military representative of the nuclear submarine cap.-lei. At that time, we usually had military envoys of the order from the senior double-enlightened officers.
    7 feet under the keel, Monomakh! wink
  12. ABC ABC © ®.
    27 December 2014 12: 16
    Who wrote the adventure piece The Three Musketeers? Just do not rush to answer that the author is Alexander Dumas. Let's look at the three main characters from a slightly different point of view than everyone does. Consider the names of the main characters, these are Artos, Partos, Aramis and DeArtagnan. Tatars (Bulgars) have a good and humorous feature, it is to give nicknames and names according to the characteristics of a person or phenomenon. This is known only to the Tatars themselves from the Republic of Tatarstan. So let's look at these names from this humorous side. And what do we get? ARTOS - Arty az. PARTOS - Pyrty az. ARAMIS - Aram Is. It turns out that if you look at these names with Tatar humor, it turns out that the main characters were called Bum, and Smelly. The description of the size of Artos, the ability of Aramis to "pacify the enemy" in spirit, and the ability of Partos to stun the enemy, are consistent with the Tatar interpretation of the names. Well, how to expand the name of the main character DuArtagnan, think for yourself and find the right solution. This is to make it more interesting. So it turns out that the work “Three Musketeers” was written by a real Tatar (Bulgarian). Just need to figure out how he ended up in France, namely in Paris? Regarding the correct spelling in the Tatar language, I can not vouch for the accuracy, because I only know spoken and did not study the language at school. Therefore, do not criticize the spelling, correct it yourself. The main thing is to get the idea right.
    Why are these heroes given such intriguing names? So these are riders, cavalrymen, and that’s it. It turns out that the work is humorous, with hidden humor. And if you reveal the full humorous meaning of this work, then interest in it will greatly increase and there will be many who want to read the whole work in order to understand the whole work, and for this you only need to identify the key semantic meanings of terms and notation.
    It will be especially interesting for the military, for the humor inherent in it is very close to them and very understandable. The author of the work itself very humorously and secretly set out what attracted and attracted employees in the army, and he knew her life from the inside.
    For example, there is a work of the English mathematician Alice in Wonderland. All together and in unison declare that this work is for children and do not bother us from doing business. Stop, stop, take your time. I will give you the key definitions that: Alice in her lace dress is the territory of England; The Chishir cat, which is not there, but only his smile, is Lake Baikal; A hare who drinks his five-hour tea and they constantly have a five-hour tea party is part of Chukotka, if you look at it from the North Pole; and constant tea drinking - if you look from the North Pole, it’s always there, on any piece of land, five hours come, well, when the British have a five-hour tea party. And if you take this work seriously, there will be a lot of work for cryptographers to understand from old letters from British officials what they wrote to their leaders in their messages, supposedly for their “children” with excerpts from the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland ? So it turns out that the English mathematician wrote a special encryption table for his special services. Have you ignored everything?
    ABC ABC © ®. Commentary. Everyone has the right to express their point of view.
    1. +1
      27 December 2014 13: 30
      Very interesting and justified. The method of hiding information behind the outer shell of how everything is presented in simplicity of evidence, consists precisely in the fact that only the category of people who are either familiar with the key or the method of presenting this hidden information will understand the essence of the topic. Moreover, this all speaks about the essence of the person whose worldview as a system of analysis is not standard and more effective.
      If on the topic of the submarine, then we can say that this is an indicator of the potential of the RUSSIAN people. This is an indicator of his intellectual and incarnational energy. However, it is worth noting that such achievements are always a stage in the chain of evolution. Therefore, personally, I see many hidden flaws or milestones of what needs to be paid a lot of attention. Still, RUSSIA is the titular nation. And if someone doesn’t understand our worldview, let them be afraid.
    2. +1
      27 December 2014 13: 49
      ... You should go to the doctor, and not toil around the computer ... Time is running out, you may not have time ...
      1. 0
        27 December 2014 13: 55
        I'm running! I'm running! you are my adviser
  13. 0
    27 December 2014 12: 34
    Great movie! And it’s interesting and revealing, if there were more of them.
  14. +2
    27 December 2014 13: 32
    Quote: bistrov.
    The equipment was apparently shot on some other boat.

    I dare to assure you that the shooting was carried out on the "Monomakh", I skated all the tests on it and I know this ship very well.
  15. +2
    27 December 2014 15: 43
    Fine! That is all we would do.
  16. +1
    27 December 2014 16: 09
    It is necessary to make many such films about our modern weapons and about working people. Young people should be brought up in respect for the Motherland, and for the people who hold it on their shoulders. Thanks for the movie.
  17. 0
    27 December 2014 18: 29
    Quote: Quantum
    I saw the Norwegians
    suits: protection and survival rate-100%.

    Bullshit, a maximum of two three hours. True, if you compare with the minutes that are without AROSHKI ...
    Quote: bistrov.
    the influx of repeated painting, this simply can not be

    Schazzzz ... Do you know who the painters are there right now?
  18. Orlando
    27 December 2014 18: 58
    Currently, all coastal posts of the SOSUS system operate in automatic mode, which does not require operators to keep watch around the clock, while some of the sonar stations of the SAR are mothballed. Information about the underwater situation is automatically transmitted via cable channels to the appropriate Naval Observation Center for analysis, assessment and subsequent report to the fleet command.

    I would not be so sure of the complete invisibility of the 3rd generation ships.
  19. 0
    27 December 2014 22: 42
    This is really a masterpiece of Russian weapons. The bank, of course, was very pleased. good If such power comes out now, then what will be of the 5 generation boat? But they will start to build them very soon.
  20. 0
    27 December 2014 23: 42
    Why is it that some videos on YouTube began to go without sound, including this, is it like that for everyone, or is there something for me? By the way, I tried to watch this movie with subtitles, trash and fumes, for a long time I didn’t laugh like that.)
  21. 0
    28 December 2014 14: 21
    The boat, of course, is royal. But the previous generations of nuclear submarines were quite up to par. And the Achilles' heel of these boats was not their noise or hydroacoustics or weapons systems. The weak point was their cable systems, through which, in the event of a fire in one compartment, fire and smoke quickly spread to other compartments and no sealing of the emergency compartment could prevent this spread. The fire sometimes had to be extinguished, I flood these compartments with intake water, the fire was extinguished, but the boat at the same time gained so much water that it went to the bottom. Those. the devil, as always, in the little things ... because of which then the boats and their crews perish. And what about these "little things" on this nuclear submarine?
    1. 0
      2 December 2015 19: 29
      Which stews squeezed a submarine flooding? There is a freon type volumetric fire extinguishing system.
  22. 0
    28 December 2014 15: 54
    but it’s all in vain that they showed all this. No need to shoot inside. and even roughly how it is done too
  23. 0
    28 December 2014 19: 43
    a journalist is such a journalist.
    what was it at 15.30? - in one phrase, lied as much as 2 times.
    or plebs swallows everything?
    ashamed comrade.
  24. 0
    April 9 2015 12: 39
    But did not forget that the army, or rather exorbitant military spending, bankrupted the USSR? The United States is rubbing its hands pretty much — Russian mushrooms went raking, 25% of GDP accounted for military spending in the USSR — Americans expected the bankruptcy of the USSR much earlier (for those unfamiliar with the economy, 25% of GDP is like pouring 5 times more gunpowder into a cartridge, it’ll naturally suffer hunter)