What aristocracy does Russia need?

What aristocracy does Russia need?

Without a healthy elite (aristocracy), our state has no future. This should be understood as an axiom. What does healthy mean? This means that the management class should be guided by the long-term interests of the whole people, by common sense. Our people achieved the highest success when their aristocracy was closest to the common people, solved tasks aimed at strengthening the position of the Russian people and other indigenous peoples of the Russian multiethnic civilization in the world.

This is the time of the first princes of the Rurik dynasty: Rurik (Rarog-Sokol), Oleg the Prophetic, Igor the Old and Svyatoslav the Brave. During this period, the Slavic-Russian, partially Baltic and Finno-Ugric tribal unions were united into a single state, which could withstand both the threat of Islamization and the threat from Christian Rome and Constantinople. The "tumor" of the Khazar Kaganate was eliminated. The limits of the Old Russian state were extended to the Volga, the North Caucasus, the Danube, the Carpathians.

Then, as a whole, since there were individual princes who performed all-Russian tasks (like Alexander Yaroslavich), the management elite acted in the interests of themselves or a certain corporation. The Moscow branch of the princes took up the solution of the all-Russian task, so they were a success. The highest point of this success is the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Inside the country, he developed local self-government, crushed the resistance of the separatists, all kinds of "fifth column" of that time. Conducted reforms aimed at strengthening the army, the judicial system, built fortresses. In foreign policy, "thrusts" were eliminated - the Kazan and Astrakhan Khanates. Russia again began to strengthen its position in the North Caucasus, again the Volga was under Russian control, the Cossack detachments began a victorious march through Siberia. Russia tried to consolidate its position on the Baltic Sea.

Those of the rulers of the Romanovs, who in their policies were "people's kings", achieved the greatest success. In the USSR, such a "people's king" was Stalin. The main reason that eventually led to the death of the Romanov empire and the Soviets was the degeneration of the elite. The degradation of the elite begins with the strengthening of the so-called. "Westernism", when people Western culture becomes more attractive, more interesting native. They begin to speak German (French, English, etc.), go to rest abroad, live there for a long time, read their newspapers, books, turning into "Europeans." Their children also live permanently in the West, they study, marry there, their whole life there. They cease to be Russian. Their interests do not coincide with the interests of the entire Russian people and the indigenous peoples of Russia. Their main goal in Russia is profit, plunder of territory, they turn into a kind of “colonialists”, only of Russian appearance (although there are many non-Russians among them - representatives of the peoples of the Caucasus, Central Asia, Jews, etc.). Russia, in their eyes, is a “colony polygon”, from where it is necessary to pump as much as possible to ensure for themselves and their descendants a comfortable life in the West or in any megapolis of the planet.

Therefore, the main task when changing elites in Russia is to bring up a new aristocracy, Russian in the spirit. For whom the warriors of Sokol, Svyatoslav, Alexander Yaroslavich, wonder-heroes of Suvorov, Kutuzov, “falcons and gods of war” of Stalin, and not the killers in attractive images of various jolies, pitts, Reno leons, will be their own.

It is necessary to restore the Russian culture in detail, as the basis of our entire civilization. Children from creches, schools, universities should know Russian songs, dances, fairy tales, Russian gods, heroes, warriors and saints, Russian fighting styles. For us, Russian holidays should become the norm, like Kupala and Kolyada, alien, soul-corrupting “holidays”, like the new year and March 8, should be a thing of the past. In all media, there must be censorship, medical and moral, not permissive of corrupting images, programs.

Only when Russian culture is restored, as the basis of our entire civilization, will we have another elite. The aristocracy is ready to defend the interests of the peoples of our country. People who can not be bought or intimidated, because in their souls they will carry the images of the world of Pravda-Rule. Ready to destroy evil, to stand for the Truth, Justice, which can say "I go to you ...".

Then the respect for the world will return to the Russians. Nowadays, in the whole world, almost everyone identifies Russians with thieves and profligacy. It used to be Russian were the best warriors, engineers, teachers, doctors, pilots, astronauts, saints. Now for all Russians are girls who travel to Arabs and Turks for “sex tourism”, thieves who sell everyone and everything, including their homeland. They are not respected in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, Turks, Arabs, Westernizers. Just one example on this topic: Kuwaiti TV presenter and political activist al-Mutairi proposed to adopt a law that would allow men to buy slaves for carnal pleasures, say, from Russia. Everyone knows that such an illegal "business" exists, Russian women, children are sold by thousands around the world. There is a slave trade in Russia, the other day there was a plot, as a soldier from the Saratov region was sold into slavery in Dagestan (this is a Russian republic!). There exist entire enterprises where Russian slaves work, everyone knows about it. Russia, after 1991, collapsed into the realm of neo-feudal relations. I think, be in place so-called. a real power tandem, a real ruler with the Russian Spirit, after such a message a military operation would have been carried out, and thousands of slave owners, slave traders, their power and police "roof" would have gone to build a railway to the Russian North. They began to build it under Stalin, and then they abandoned it. Now and then from time to time the question of its construction arises.

In Russia, it is necessary to restore the existing t. N. folk aristocratic society. In this society, the basis of everything - the three unlocked classes: workers, warriors, veduny. Those who are now considered “elite” in Russia — all sorts of artists, bandits, thieves, oligarchs, politicians — this is a caste of “untouchables”, “outcasts”. They cannot work, live in a normal community. Only such a society can be healthy, not subject to decomposition, able to withstand any external and internal threat. Any person in it can take any post, depending on their abilities, and not belonging to a particular social group. A peasant, a teacher at any moment can become a warrior system, a warrior can become a "commander", a top manager. A person who has a “connection with God,” who has received a unique life experience, will become a teacher with a capital letter, a “witch-magician”.

In present-day Russia and Western countries, the creation of a system of social relations has been carried out, when the “elite” recognized people whose place is at the bottom of the social hierarchy. And the hidden control is exercised by representatives of various corporations, clans, families, and so on. Similar structures. As a result, the planet, the whole of humanity is facing the threat of a social “apocalypse”, that is, a complete loss of control, the immersion of humanity in anarchy, a society of neo-feudal type. The main reason is the global degradation of world elites, the loss of management skills and humanity itself. An original hierarchy turned out to be the opposite - evil and unrighteousness “rule the ball”, and the righteous, high-minded people hide in monasteries, monasteries, “go into themselves”. The best position is occupied by the one who is the most cruel, cunning, deprived of all the principles that distinguish man from an intelligent animal.
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  1. Yuriy_K
    29 August 2011 09: 08
    What nonsense ... In Russia, as an antisiteme (http://ideo.ru/cancerocracy.html), the opposite is true, including the social lift is a selection up to the worst. The worst - according to cultural criteria. If a person lacks culture, that is, conscience, a system of values, then he is a candidate for the Russian elite in power, business, and in society in general. Russia has always recruited as a source of imperial anti-culture “its own” - scourges, an extracultural rabble of who knows what undercultural outskirts, crooks, thieves, crooks. From them it formed its own power support - Baskakov, guardsmen, security officers, officials, and so on. And now the bombardment of the center by savages is necessarily promoted by officials - this gives them a guarantee that the system (anti-system) will not collapse. The official and the savage understand each other perfectly, they are united by the absence of values ​​(culture) and their replacement with needs, everything accumulates in the thirst for freebies, as the basis of the imperial economy. And the dynamic diversity of cultural relations among savages and officials is replaced by a static hierochey: "I am a boss - you are a fool, you are a boss - I am a fool." So dance from here with the Russian elite, in the jails, in the auls and in the caves, look for it ...
    1. 0
      29 August 2011 11: 39
      Bust through all positions.
    2. Dovmont
      30 August 2011 17: 46
      It has been said harshly and justly only in relation to Russia for the last 20 years. To call a modern bastard "elite" - who has seized hold of unlimited power, immense mineral and production resources, uncontrollable by the money supply - simply will not rise up. Since these mankurt live not for Russia, but at the expense of Russia. Therefore, by definition, they can be an elite.
  2. Khokhol
    29 August 2011 10: 56
    At crucial moments, the country stood at the expense of its best representatives, and crooks, thieves and crooks scattered.
  3. zczczc
    29 August 2011 11: 12
    The elite is the elite of strife - simply education will not give anything, or will give an internal enemy, who, having fledged, will first suck the country for free education, find work behind the cordon and then run for second citizenship. This is not the elite - it is not even Mr., it is the enemy.

    A lot of strong, characteristic people left the village. And most of these natives received high-quality Soviet education. A strong core, multiplied by knowledge - this is the elite

    I’m not saying that you cannot educate a person in a city, but there are more temptations, lower concentration of your people’s descendants, less value of common truths. In general, the Soviet system tried to make an elite out of everyone, only we ourselves resisted this :) And now education, medicine - everything is available only for serious money.
    1. Dervish
      30 August 2011 21: 52
      Luzhkov - a native of the village ... And what a village! ..
  4. +5
    29 August 2011 11: 20
    On the occasion of the new year and 8 March. These holidays have already taken root and become part of the culture. Their traditions have appeared. For me, these are the most Russian holidays, as the Russians celebrate them - no one celebrates like that.
    Any elite, aristocracy sooner or later becomes the defender of their own rights, being locked in their narrow circle, they vehemently defend their privileges. Such phenomena as mutual responsibility begin, such as the distribution of posts by kinship. Whatever it was necessary to not let her close. To do this, restrict their rights. Reduce to the level of an ordinary citizen.
    When the Novgorodians invited him to reign, they set a number of conditions seriously limiting his power: not to judge a posadnik without a court, not to distribute volosts and letters without him, not to acquire real estate, the princess, the boyars and nobles, within the boundaries of Novgorod land, etc. the right to hunt in the lands, but the lands remained Novgorod-state.
    In order for the greedy personalities to be especially torn into the government elite (including the treasury), greedy individuals need such a structure of restrictions on acquisition that they would not be predatory. Then the one who really should go there will go. And storo punish for bribes. With complete confiscation and work for the benefit of society somewhere in the Kolyma ...
    True, zczczc the Soviet government wanted every cook to be able to rule the state, but the people relaxed, they began to hope that everything would be decided for him correctly ... and in vain
  5. +1
    29 August 2011 11: 51
    Quote: zczczc
    In general, the Soviet system tried to make the elite of each, only we ourselves resisted this

    It is unlikely that she is elite. But the Soviet system gave rise to its own elite, which could be envied. Party selection was very tough and anyhow who really did not get there. I mean it is the Elite, that is, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, the Council of Ministers. And the people, in fact, were not serfs. Gromyko, Kosygin, Ustinov, Andropov, Shevardnadze. There were, yes, exceptions, but these were exceptions.

    The bulk of them were educated, cultured people who served their country for ... was not in those ranks, I will not even say why. But it was for that, otherwise they would not have served. But the values ​​were not only in the form of an account in a Swiss bank or a paid English college, I suspect.

    Quote: solodova
    the Soviet government wanted every cook to manage the state

    Well, in general, Lenin's phrase sounded like "Every cook can LEARN to rule the state." It was not about running the state by a cook, but about the fact that every person in Soviet Russia has the right to education. In those days it was very topical.

    Time has shown that they, the cooks, who want to run the state, are well. Fursova, Novodvorskaya, Khakamada ...
    The trouble, since the pies us, the shoemaker will start the oven, and the pastry will start to wear the boots.
    1. +3
      29 August 2011 12: 05
      Knowledge watered. processes in an electoral system is even more relevant. The wrong cook has gone now ..))) Novodvorskaya, in general, is not a woman, it seems to me ... In our government now, there are few people in their place, you can change, of course, try, but "from rearrangement of terms" ...
      So we have half of the government, regardless of gender, in cooks you can write, but the latter, at least bring benefits, at least a small but still benefit ...
      1. Marat
        29 August 2011 23: 08
        By the way - I'm sorry to depart from the topic - but it also seemed to me that Novodvorskaya (I saw something on TV) trans on hormones wink
    2. zczczc
      29 August 2011 23: 32
      Banshee, look in the Soviet films into the eyes of people - they are smart, collected, kind and purposeful. And it’s not a matter of selection - the percentage of these was huge on the street. And compare now - fat consumers of pleasant services.
      1. Dovmont
        30 August 2011 17: 57
        Listen !! I felt the same feeling more than once considering pre-revolutionary photos !!! What are open and inspired faces !!! What eyes!!! Kind, intelligent, meek, harsh ... all sorts .. but not vulgar and lustful !!! In these pictures you can stare for a long time guessing the features of forever a bygone era.
        1. +2
          31 August 2011 09: 47
          Russians have really become different. Such mud has poured on us in recent years, such a manipulation that only a holy person could remain normal.
          And here it is not a matter of what power rules - imperial, Soviet or capitalist. Dallas plan works. This is what we see now. They hit us from the inside, because they are still afraid from the outside.
          Society is infected, the foundations have fallen, what used to be nobility today is perceived as hidden motives, naivety, which used to be a measure of honesty and innocence, is today understood by people as stupidity.
          Everything got upside down.
  6. oper66
    29 August 2011 15: 41
    we need not the elite but the leaders, and we have enough of this elite of the government’s deputy culture, who imagines themselves to be infallible and unpunished, from treason and theft to damn d = wow, no, we don’t need the elite and megastars tired of the country very much at home 2 it was necessary that patriots, but not temporary workers, be allowed to power, but a long term with subordination to the supreme council will be enough for a fresh imitation. age and could be removed at any time by the elected council but not having now indulgence for 4 years and will not be thrown off and driven away
    1. alnikar
      30 August 2011 10: 18
      I agree with you +
  7. +1
    29 August 2011 16: 04
    Even today, there is no elite for it, if we think that these are smart, honest, dedicated people with strict views and convictions that do not change over time, then there are such people and there are a lot of them, although it’s hard for them now, but with regard to the younger generation, work must be done there so as not to miss the chance for new chkalovs and gagarins ... But are they up there so honest and incorruptible Today, in the current state of affairs, such people are dangerous for the current government ... not let them reveal the foundations of modern power ...
  8. 0
    29 August 2011 20: 42
    Given the political will and desire of the first persons of the state, the issue of the elite in Russia is resolved. And there are many examples of this, but for the initial action it is necessary that these first persons meet the requirements for the elite, and a downward movement should begin from them.
    It remains to be resolved (if it is resolved in Russia?) One question, where can we get a worthy President and Prime Minister and who will appoint them to these posts?
    There are worthy candidates in Russia, but who will put them into power? According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, only the people of Russia. The upcoming elections will show whether our people need the right elite, provided that these elections are fair.
    But upstairs, everything was decided without the people, Putin or Medvedev. Did anyone believe that Medvedev and Putin last year received 3,5 and 5 (respectively) million rubles of income?
  9. Marat
    29 August 2011 23: 16
    The elite should be popular - from the people and working for the people - and its interests should not contradict the popular (i.e. without offshore accounts)

    I think that in the USSR there was a real elite - scientists and designers, Stakhanov, polar explorers pilots, etc. - of course there was an element of PR - but still there were people who gave themselves to their homeland and not robbed it - and for this they received signs of attention and some kind of prosperity
  10. 0
    30 August 2011 07: 42
    We are probably confusing the concepts of "education" and "Education". Higher education can be obtained for money without even attending classes. It is much more difficult to become educated. By the way, the Leninist government was one of the most educated. Teach the Elite! And who will teach her? Our word Patriotism has become a dirty word. Among the power structures, we have temporary workers who deeply do not care about the "electorate". Their task is to grab as much as possible, and the grass does not grow. Anyway, no one will hold them accountable. They will even be helped to find an equally warm place. Take our ministers. Who respects them? Probably only V.V.P. He still can't part with them. Love is unearthly. We've ruined everything we can. Practically what is left of the USSR. There are no achievements anywhere. It has come to insanity - Chubais, the organizer of NANO, for his achievements shows old developments back to the USSR, for example, from machine-tool construction. And everywhere and everywhere. First of all, you need to start with yourself!
  11. +3
    30 August 2011 11: 49
    On the United Russia website, such an announcement by Vladislav Surkov: We must start the fight against corruption from ourselves, from our activities ...
    What, huh? It does not even sound ambiguous.
    And the main idea - we ourselves are to blame - we give bribes.
    Yes, the question is, you can go on principles and not give. But there is a situation when your loved one is bent in pain, and doctors only shrug their hands: Why did you come to us? What do you want from us? There are principles to the side - if only survived, If only they would help.
    And can translate anti-corruption policy from the show in reality?
    But to whom? They won't give up. This is our "elite" today.
    And another joke: Yesterday, the Prime Minister gathered the leaders of all parties and gave strict instructions - not to raise false accusations of falsification of elections. This is all a lie! Shame on you, comrades, You have to lose beautifully!
    1. 0
      30 August 2011 11: 57
      Ha ha! From his words, we can conclude that the mandates have already been distributed and it remains only to make a show for the people called "Elections" wink and if someone doesn’t agree, then there’s no reason to raise the noise, it’s still impossible to change anything
      1. +2
        30 August 2011 14: 44
        It’s a pity that his intonations cannot be conveyed, it’s something, a teacher, who reports evil hooligans, half-educated ...
        And yet you can not use topics that may used to kindle nat. discord. another masterpiece ...
        1. oper66
          31 August 2011 10: 21
          the day before yesterday he biked in our Novorossiysk, blue in a trolley, his tongue went on stage, his eyes were beautiful, and then they showed him on a normal sober, or I recorded it earlier and I didn’t show it myself, but there was a son with a daughter-in-law, and I believe them, they even have his pictures of a drunken face, an elite mother like that.
          1. +1
            31 August 2011 10: 51
            It seems that in "Generation P" Pelevin (if I am not mistaken) there was such a moment - the government, popstars - virtual characters that were created by 3d graphic editors. Such digital puppets. And they believe in them ...
            Most likely the video was erased by frame, and the voice was dubbed. It’s not scary that the drunk was, it happens, it’s ridiculous that they hide it so.
            1. oper66
              31 August 2011 10: 56
              I do not cancel the responsibility for appearing drunk in a public place if I could imagine if the barracks were a senator or some kind of senator, it would have seemed like this or how the plane’s landing gear had been cheated. what happened to them? remember Clinton's dress, Monica ruined it so he wasn’t deprived of his post
            2. -1
              31 August 2011 11: 03
              No, it was necessary as ebna, to show the whole world?
              1. +1
                31 August 2011 11: 17
                I do not justify the appearance in a drunken state at all (I consider drunkenness a kind of drug), but knowing how he values ​​his image, I can assume that he was probably not drunk. Doesn't fit in somehow. Perhaps a slight poisoning, fatigue and something else.
                EBN is generally a complete disgrace of the nation. As I recall, in Germany he wrote out monograms with his feet and held him under his arms like a doll ...
                I personally remember one phrase said by one of Pikul's heroes - "The main thing is to be, not to seem." It seems ridiculous to me to hide the obvious. If he got drunk and appeared among the people, then for sure the videos have already been posted somewhere, so you can't smear it ...
  12. baikal79
    31 August 2011 03: 27
    1. +1
      31 August 2011 09: 56
      Dear, where is the debauchery and porn? Give me a reference, but I have never seen it. Or our concepts about porn and debauchery are very different ...
      1. baikal79
        2 September 2011 03: 58
        1. LESHA pancake
          2 September 2011 06: 52
  13. 0
    31 August 2011 10: 09
    Quote: zczczc
    Banshee, look in the Soviet films in the eyes of people - they are smart, collected, kind and purposeful. And the matter is not in the selection - the percentage of these was huge and on the street. And compare now - fat consumers pleasant services.

    Um ... I look every day.

    Quote: Dovmont
    Listen !! I felt the same feeling more than once considering pre-revolutionary photos !!! What are open and inspired faces !!! What eyes!!! Kind, intelligent, meek, harsh ... all sorts .. but not vulgar and lustful !!! In these pictures you can stare for a long time guessing the features of forever a bygone era.

    ABOUT! And I would have seen my ancestors! In my family after all the perturbations of the 20 century, there are several preserved. Alexander III was the ancestor of the chamber junker, at the end of the first hundred. So from the photo it blows with something like that that you meditate for five minutes, then as a winged one you get up. And it's nice to feel as if you were involved in this empire. A sort of debris. And then work out.

    Quote: solodova
    Russians have really become different. Such mud has poured on us in recent years, such a manipulation that only a holy person could remain normal.

    Yes, good! Here, then, the saints are still running around in batches! I do not know how about the flow, who has poured that, for the time being, I have not particularly noticed.

    BUT: there is a pig in every person. Someone more, someone less.
    So, I don’t know how Dulles is doing, they just gave everyone the opportunity to wake up this pig. Someone has 15 varieties of sausages from the belly (uh, b .., I hate these conversations for the sausage!), Someone has unlimited vodka, someone has 50 varieties of beer ... Whoever has a small pig - he fences him, who doesn't - grunted. It's easier to raise a pig than a human. He threw hawki into the trough, a fresh creation of Hollywood in front of a patch, the freedom to say "oink!" - everything, the pig is happy.

    With people is much more difficult. They, damn it, give a strange ...
    I sat in the evening by the window, listening to my yard. I know his 30 years. So, there were no people there. the atoms grunted, burst and stuff until one o'clock in the morning.
    That's how we live.
    1. +2
      31 August 2011 12: 00
      You, apparently, by that time were already sufficiently mentally formed. But those who were born later were hit by a "good" shaft from films where victory justifies violence, where the noblest is always the richest, where people are roasted alive, and five seconds later a couple in love passionately kiss over the charred corpses. Do you know that many children are now mentally unhealthy, thanks to moms and dads who leave them to the mercy of a zombie box? Elementary - MF Tom and Jerry. Translate this into a real vision (and children can see it) a crushed mouse, a skinned cat, burnt carcasses ... This forms us when we are defenseless against external influences. And more than one generation has been fed with it.
      There are always two different principles in a person. And you need to start with good things. Bad things will grow by themselves. And if you set yourself the goal of raising a pig, it's much easier. It is enough to blur the concepts of "good" and "bad", then like a snowball.
      Regarding the saints in packs - maybe there are more. I do not have all the comments, but I'm not offended. Come, read the comments on other sites. There is much more obscene language, and therefore sometimes comments - the sea. But all are the same.
      Here - the framework - the mat will not work, therefore, those who cannot live without it will not take root. Returning to changes in people in Russia: the framework set by the state (censorship) set earlier the direction of thought in a positive direction. When they disappeared, society began to slide.
      1. LESHA pancake
        2 September 2011 06: 59
  14. -1
    31 August 2011 13: 07
    Well, not out.
    Only Tom and Jerry ... Okay, so we have a Soviet analogue, "Wait a minute!" called. Daughters allowed, and nothing, was not injured. But the South Park and the Simpsons - yes, this is pure idiocy and propaganda.

    Quote: solodova
    Come, read comments on other sites.

    What for? I am not an internet dweller. Here I am pleased and comfortable, interesting. Best the enemy of the good. Not worth it.

    Quote: solodova
    the framework set by the state (censorship) was previously set the direction of thought in a positive direction. When they disappeared, society began to roll.

    Exactly. We were not very much given examples, how NOT to act, why, if there were a bunch of examples how to DO in one situation or another. And they did the same.
    1. +1
      31 August 2011 13: 21
      So we have come to an agreement. )))
      About Tom and Jerry and Wait. Pay attention - the wolf has never caught up with the Hare, the maximum - he took it by the ears or put it in the bag. Jerry and Tom - they skinned each other, burned alive, and so on. Our Wolf is a bully, this is the only negative character, and what kind of person he is. He’s even a pity, but in Matthew. USA this eternal battle draws in and new, denied. characters, and this fight is natural. Can you imagine the Wolf who smokes the Hare with a hammer, or strips the skin? I think no. ))) That's the difference. Although the parallelism of the plot is visible ..
      1. -1
        31 August 2011 14: 57
        And it only speaks to us.