The sad results of 20 years of independence


If the power of the "orange" existed before 24 August 2011, then it is clear that this day would be celebrated in Ukraine on a large scale at the highest level. After all - 20 years of "Square". The official part of the holiday was not without ordinary greetings on behalf of the leaders of other states, the main of which, naturally, was from the US President. Barack Obama said the following: “Twenty years ago, the people of Ukraine gained the lost independence and freedom that they had long sought. All Americans, in particular, those who came to our country from Ukraine, welcomed this event. Since then, the United States has supported democratic development and Ukraine’s European aspirations and will continue to do so, deepening our strategic partnership. ” In addition, according to the American president, "the people of the United States join their president in celebrating Ukrainian independence and in the hope of growing opportunities for all Ukrainians."

What happened in two decades with Ukraine, Little Russia? This is a sufficient period to sum up some results. According to Ukrainian polls, the majority of citizens assess the situation is not fashionable, not from the standpoint of “positivism”: according to a survey conducted in 2010, 9,5% of the polled citizens of Ukraine considered that “everything is not so bad and you can live”, more than half - 53, 4% that “it’s hard to live, but you can tolerate”, another 29,8% said that “it’s impossible to endure our difficult situation”, and 7,3% of the polled citizens could not answer the question.

Yes, the citizens of Ukraine look to the future without much optimism: 28,2% of Ukrainian residents believe that “the situation will deteriorate quickly”, 38,8% of citizens hope “for gradual changes for the better”, 22,7% of the respondents try to “not think about tomorrow , live in the present, ”and 10,4% could not answer the question clearly.

True, the majority does not want to unite with Russia, in principle, this can also be understood, Moscow cannot even give a good image of its future to its citizens, not to mention its neighbors in the former USSR. So in 2011, answering the question - “If a referendum on independence of Ukraine was held now, how would you vote?”, 46,6% of its citizens would vote for the independence of the Ukrainian state, they would vote against independence — 27,8% of citizens, 11,5% The respondents reported that they do not care in which country to live and 12,5% could not give a definite answer.

Although the question posed by a different question (in 2011 year) - “Do you regret the collapse of the USSR?”, The affiliated population responded as follows: 47,4% - answered “yes, regret”, 29,7% of respondents said “no, I do not regret”, another 10,4% was indifferent, 12, 5% could not give an answer.

It shows well the current situation in the social sphere and the country's economy, another survey, people answered the question - “Whose time is it now?”. Giving an answer to the question posed, people put the highest scores on the following social categories: politicians - 44 points, beggars - 40 points, adventurers - 36 points, thieves and fraudsters - 48 points, bureaucrats - 33 points. At the very bottom of the social ladder were: workers - 13 points, moral authority - 11 points, chosen ones - 12, talents and professionals - on 7 points.

The opinion did not come true that as the Soviet generations left for the other world and they came to succeed the generations of those who did not know the Soviet Union, its “totalitarian horrors”, the society will finally take the path of full Europeanization. In Ukraine, sentiments associated with the desire to deepen cooperation with Russia, to take a course towards integration in one form or another are still strong. The Ukrainian elite, as before, "sits on several chairs" - looks towards the US, the EU, not forgetting, on occasion, to ask the Russian Federation for concessions in memory of the "brotherhood of nations", de-Sovietization, Ukrainization and Westernization of the wreck- "Ukraine" Big Russia. Without forgetting about your pocket.

According to another survey conducted by Research and Branding Group, Ukraine still does not have a national idea that could unite a large part of society. According to the survey: 40% of respondents found it difficult to give a definition, and 18% said that it does not exist at all. The population of Ukraine does not have historical and civilizational values, which actually form the basis of the state. The state was created artificially based on the area of ​​Russian civilization-Rus, which includes four historical areas: Great Russia (mainly, except for a number of territories included in the Russian Federation), Small Russia (Ukraine), Belaya Rus and New Russia.

In addition, the aggressive “Ukrainization”, Russophobia and Westernization, which was conducted by official Kiev, led to the fact that at present Ukraine consists of areas whose population disagrees on all the main issues of Ukraine’s existence. In fact, Ukraine is not a subject of world politics, but an object that is used as a bridgehead directed against Russia.

The construction and commissioning of the South and North streams will further weaken the position of Kiev, in the possibilities of blackmail of the EU and the Russian Federation. Not wanting to integrate into the Customs Union was another proof of the falsity of Yanukovych’s promises. In essence, the Yanukovych regime is the direct heir of the three preceding comprador regimes, which gained power through pro-Russian rhetoric. At present, in Ukraine there are generally no noticeable forces that would be focused on the interests of the people.

For the past two decades, the West has pursued a policy of neo-colonialism towards Ukraine, depriving the country of advanced sectors of the national economy. Strengthening dependence on the importation of the means of production, industrial and food products. In fact, Ukraine was specialized in the export of iron ore and rolled steel, but it is clear that focusing only on these sectors will not feed the rest of the population, it is simply too much for the owners of TNK-TNB. Therefore, using the methods of social and economic genocide, the population of Little Russia is rapidly "reduced." From 1991 to 2011, according to the State Statistics Service, the population of Ukraine was reduced by 6,27 million, as of 1 in July 2011, 45,675 million live in the country. That is, the population has decreased by 12%! This is a real genocide, and the trend continues - in six months 2011, 232 were born thousands of people, thousands of people died 344.

Approximately 4 / 5 rolled metal goes to western countries, this actually speaks about that. that Sakharov’s dreams of bringing dangerous and dirty production to the territory of the USSR came true, while preserving the environment in Europe. At the same time, Ukrainian engineering industries, where large masses of skilled labor are required, have degraded and almost do not consume metal. The Ukrainian state has actually lost the status of a technological power that it had in 1991 during education, some life is warming only in the remnants of the once powerful military-industrial complex (and it mostly performs foreign orders, and the army does not go, but in general the army the fate of the Yugoslav-Serbian army awaits — complete “optimization”, to the level of a parade regiment) and the country is reduced to the level of a raw semi-colony. The neoliberal model prevailing in Ukraine does not involve concern for the reproduction of resources, technology, labor and the environment, it focuses only on the distribution of short-term benefits among oligarchic families.

Such a foundation of Ukraine, its people, as a powerful Soviet agro-industrial complex was undermined. His "undermining" was carried out in the first half of the 1990-s. And then it was completed, so in 1996, the US Congress in resolution No. 120 demanded the following: “The Government of Ukraine must make its first priority the dismantling of the socialist sectors of its economy ... by ... privatizing state farms and collective farms and ending their monopoly control in the agro-industrial sector ". The then Ukrainian President Kuchma, under pressure from the United States, issued a decree on the seeding and decollectivization of agriculture, his main goal was to destroy the large-scale agro-industrial complex, crush arable land among small owners who, being deprived of the means of production, naturally could not organize even food needs in the world), and prepare the land of Ukraine for sale to companies in the West and in the East.

At present, there is more than 40 million hectares of agricultural land in Little Russia, while approximately 27 million hectares of land are divided into shares and private property is located, approximately 7 million peasants, most of whom cannot independently process their plots. As a result, if the production of grain and sunflower is still maintained at the level of 2 / 3 to the level of 1991 of the year, then the situation in the livestock of cattle, pigs, sheep, as well as the production of potatoes, vegetables, fruits, flax and other crops is sharply negative . In essence, the task of neocolonizers has been solved - the production of several types of agricultural crops for export has been preserved (you can see on the example of a number of African countries), while the other types are excluded from the agro-industrial complex. As a result, the food security of the country was completely undermined; those peasants who could have stable earnings remained on the sidelines of life. This became one of the methods of the socio-economic genocide of the people; in some agricultural areas, the death rate exceeded the birth rate 3 times. Plus internal and external migration. People go to the cities, or run abroad. Neo-colonizers do not need such masses of the population, they were needed only under the socialist model of management. Therefore, with the continuation of the current course, the population will continue to decline.

The “reforms” led to the complete undermining of the national security of Ukraine in the military sphere. After all, it is impossible to say that Little Russia has no potential enemy who can encroach on its present territories - Romania, Poland, and Turkey are potential adversaries. Certain circles are already making territorial claims to Little Russia, the leader among them is Romania. The army is in a deplorable state, and further optimization is waiting for it. For all the years of Ukraine’s independence, its Armed Forces have never received the full amount for their content, which was determined by the Law of Ukraine “On Defense” - this is 3% of the state’s GDP. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have always financed the residual principle, approximately within 0,9 - 1,2% of GDP, i.e. not more than one third of the required amount. Military analysts of Ukraine and Russia note that by the end of 2011, the Ukrainian army will actually come to the limit of its existence as a structure that can fulfill the functions assigned to it. The state of weapons and military equipment in the army is close to critical. So, in the Ground Forces, according to experts from the Center for Army Studies, conversion and disarmament, more than 90% of weapons and military equipment have actually exhausted their resources (they are almost still of Soviet times). The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine reported at the end of 2007 of the year that 80% of the main nomenclature of missile-artillery weapons, about half of the fighters and 60% of bombers became unsuitable for use. In fact, there is no combat-ready Navy.

The extremely negative situation has developed in the field of civil society, not only is the society highly polarized, split, it is apolitical, endless political scandals, lies of politicians, have caused a backlash - people's indifference. They live their problems. In addition, there is a loss of social norms and an increase in the number of destructive actions in society. Under the USSR, there was a powerful propaganda machine, which was bad or good, but it did an important job - it constantly pressed on the “brains” of citizens, taught what is good and bad. Now it is not there, but there is a mass of channels (not only TV, but also the yellow press, a lot of sites on the Internet, etc.) through which destructive programs are introduced, introducing violence, fornication, general licentiousness, bad habits, as a way of life.

The real calling card of today's Ukraine is the unjustified aggression against the Russian language, Russian culture, falsification of the common history and attempts to revise the results of the Second World War. As a result, Ukrainian statehood was in a complete ideological and civilizational impasse. There was a real split in the population, which could become one of the prerequisites of a civil war (if external forces wish to arrange it, and judging by the "Tymoshenko case", this process has already been launched). So, according to the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS), about 70% of the population of the eastern, southeastern regions (New Russia) and Crimea believe that the political views of the inhabitants of Western Ukraine are close to fascism. In this case, it’s hard to disagree with the rare example of prudence for the current President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev: “If this power dances on the bones of the people who once defended their country, then we must understand what attitude we will have towards this power and, proceeding from this, to build our foreign policy priorities. ”

And the regime preceding the regime of Yanukovych-Yushchenko, in general, can be called neo-fascist. He came to power, violating the prescribed norms of the Constitution, was a frantic xenophobe-Russophobe in politics, distinguished by extreme demagogy and populism. Supporting a similar regime of Saakashvili, in August 2008 of the year almost caused a fratricidal war when the citizens of Ukraine fought against the Russian armed forces. He unleashed repressions against dissidents, an attack on civil rights - the fabrication of custom-made cases of "separatism" against pro-Russian activists of the Crimea, Transcarpathia, Donetsk.

The sad results of 20 years of independence

The relative stability and “inner world” were actually preserved only because the bulk of the population was crushed by the struggle for survival, it was not up to open social protest.

It is clear that 20 years of independence give a good lesson that they should not participate in the collapse of their country - the USSR, because only a handful of oligarchs and their servants, who turned Ukraine into a closed joint stock company, received all the benefits. For ordinary citizens, there is no future in this system, the only possibility of a normal life for citizens of Little Russia (Ukraine), White Russia, and Large Russia is the reunification of all the fragments of Great Russia-Russia into a single whole. The revival of socialism, as the main model of social development.
41 comment
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  1. Helmut
    25 August 2011 09: 27
    The worse, the better. I am sure that in this situation, the Russians will sober up faster and understand that it is time to return to the roots, to return to Russia. Together will be easier.
    1. zczczc
      25 August 2011 09: 52
      They won’t be in time;

      First, in 20 years there will be no one who understands this.
      And secondly, Russia itself will be cut much earlier. Already almost everything is divided.
  2. alnikar
    25 August 2011 10: 05
    If we have enough courage, our country will not be sawn and can help other nations, and if not, then a good future will shine for us very soon
    1. zczczc
      25 August 2011 10: 12
      Those who have the courage to resist are as far away from governing the country as possible. There are no fools in power.

      And if they saw it all the same, then I don’t presume to guess personally about the future - they will crush it, suck out resources, and genocide the population. Well, imagine that the Russians became nat. a minority everywhere in the country, except for a few regions around Moscow. These regions are in Russia, while others are managed by other countries.

      What, what and who will you do? Disable the "Perimeter", if it exists at all, disarm and that's it ...
      1. alnikar
        25 August 2011 10: 16
        Explain about "Perimeter" did not understand what you mean ??

        I alone will not do anything and I will not argue with that. Returning to the methods of the Socialist Revolutionaries of tsarist Russia, idiocy, trying to achieve some kind of independence for one region and the development of separatism is the same collapse for the whole country,
        the only thing that lags behind is organizing itself on the ground and trying to do at least something better, any little thing does not matter, the main thing to do TOGETHER it pulls together, and then we'll see ...
        1. zczczc
          27 August 2011 00: 20
          Without the "leading role of the party", as they said before, this will not work.

          Про периметр:
  3. +7
    25 August 2011 10: 56
    If the orange ones had existed until August 24, 2011, Ukraine would not have existed until that time. Remember the Ukrainians how you lived before the Orange ones, and how during and after (I often visit Ukraine and I can compare) ... The Americans put you a Trojan horse, robbed you, drove you into debt, tore off from Russia, and just ... Orange - this is the best special operation of the State Department in recent decades. And this "timoshlyushka" is also protected. The Eurogeans will try to seize Ukraine, but they will not swallow it entirely (very large), therefore they will divide, tear off pieces, and make territorial claims. And then they will turn it into any country in Eastern Europe in the European Union - without agriculture and without industry (why should they have competitors?), Everything is bought up by foreign companies, you buy only foreign, so also in debt for a hundred years ahead (or maybe forever), without independence (all decisions in Brussels and Washington), without an army, and the people turned into guest workers and service personnel for foreigners. And all this for a short-term (3 years) improvement in living standards through loans. And then a hangover, like in Greece (or maybe a worse scenario, like in Serbia). And you won't get away from the Eurogeans, no one will let go ... Only with Russia does Ukraine have a future, only together we can resist these fascists, this cancerous tumor on the body of the planet, which devours the entire body.
    1. jamert
      26 August 2011 20: 14
      Well, with Donetsk cattle, we live in general, no better than with orange.
      1. Don
        29 August 2011 12: 53
        You don’t open your havalnye in Donetsk. Until 2004, thanks to Kuchma and Donetsk, Ukraine had a stable economy and took first place in Europe in terms of economic development. Then the orange cattle came and led Ukraine to what we have now. If you allow Lvivsk again -Kievskoe cattle to power, Ukraine will turn into a colony of the EU or the United States.
  4. Garfield
    25 August 2011 11: 41
    And what is this schmuck stinking disputing the independence of Ukraine? Such clowns as Alexander Samson should be planted on a stake!
  5. Max
    25 August 2011 14: 30
    Samsonov again has a fit of rage from the words Ukraine and Independence wink
  6. Superduck
    25 August 2011 15: 24
    Samsonov you hohlushka syphilis infected you?
  7. +4
    25 August 2011 15: 33
    Yes, I personally am enraged by the words Ukraine and independence, how much blood and resources were spent on developing the Crimea, Donetsk region, Lugansk, Odessa, and I won’t put up with it, we are a single nation and we must be together, it’s clear with the current authorities in the Kremlin and the order that is being created there is not very good, and the desire for many people living in Ukraine to change was awkward, but sooner or later, our corrupt elites will leave the anal history (I think this will happen soon). All this is one. Our commonplace with you, but the fact that 20 years apart is the merit of specific people who imagined themselves to be gods and performers of human destinies ...
    1. Superduck
      25 August 2011 15: 37
      Nerves need to be protected, you are only 27 years old, but they took it and threw a tantrum. Samsonov is you?
      1. dmitri077
        28 January 2012 02: 57
        it's him in person
    2. Graaf
      31 August 2011 10: 14
      Personally, I am enraged by such disrespectful attitude to the event. Yes, Ukraine is no longer under Russia. This fact must be taken as a fait accompli. In your words, the KGB past shines through, judging by the age you are not the one you impersonate.
      As for we were together. No one denies this, but ... there is Ukraine, there is Russia. And this fact - which is. All this is your one space - all the inventions of Moscow mentors, who are sleeping and see how again to collect everything to a heap and begin to manage, skim the cream from muddy foam. Why didn’t Russia rise from its knees in 20 years? Why didn’t Russia surrender so that Ukraine itself would want to unite? It’s just that this is not beneficial to the leadership of Russia, they don’t need it - everything is simple! The authorities are the employees of the law enforcement agencies of the old Sov.part.khoztaktiv who want to steer the country as always, to get the money off and live for their pleasure. Money is hidden behind the hill, the children are in the same place. Wives, mistresses have long and firmly settled in the west. What about them? At any moment, screwed there and everything in chocolate. And the people will again remain in shit, as always. The whole country cannot screw over a hill. Here is the dilemma. In such a large country as Russia they cannot restore order, but climb with their charter into a strange monastery. Make sure that we (Ukrainians, Russians, and other nationalities living in Ukraine) painfully, want to squeak, want to join the union. Do not hurt others, forcing them under duress to join in .... - will fail. Remember the law of physics - the greater the pressure, the greater the resistance! According to statistics, more than 73% of the inhabitants of Ukraine (even in the Donbass) do not want to return to the union with anyone. They don’t want it yet, but what will happen next is a matter of time.
  8. +8
    25 August 2011 15: 36
    Unfortunately, most of the bad things that were said in the article about Ukraine can be said about Russia. And the raw materials appendage and the people are dying and the threat of the collapse of the country ... Two brothers with the same diseases.
  9. +5
    25 August 2011 16: 01
    They say that if you don't want to lose a friend, don't lend money. Financial affairs only divided Ukraine and Russia. Each new year is not a holiday, but a theater of war ... Now that the Nord Stream gas pipeline is almost ready for operation, there may be fewer reasons for a showdown. Yes, it is not profitable for Ukraine, it was costly for Russia, but perhaps this will initiate new relations.
    The fraternal peoples. It’s a pity our governments seemed to have descended from another planet.
    The last seam, which connects the first string of the Nord Stream gas pipeline and the European OPAL gas pipeline, was welded on Thursday at the onshore receiving terminal in Lubmin in northern Germany, according to one of the project participants, Wintershall.
  10. +1
    25 August 2011 16: 14
    Dear, why so?
    How many people - so many opinions, especially in terms of who and how he lived at different times.
    Someone is better in the USSR, someone in the orange.
    Actually, the people of Ukraine, as practice has shown, are able to independently make a choice in one direction or another.
    What Tymoshenko and Yushchenko were capable of, everyone saw, discussed and all that.
    We must give time to Yanukovych. Not everything is so simple, agree, and not everything is so fast. Quickly only cuts occur.
    Two countries, Ukraine and Russia unites much more than just a neighborhood. although the neighborhood is different. But it's better to have a neutral neighbor than this ... ambiguous.
    I do not think that the West directly sees Ukraine among its partners. Well, if Crimea is taken into account there, then yes, of course. Bases - that's it. But look at the neighbors: where is the light industry in Bulgaria? For a long time who "Cebo" saw on sale? Who were chasing under the USSR? "Salamander"? AND?
    But I don’t need to talk about competition and so on. Been to Europe more than once, I saw what and how to go. This is so, for example.
    Yes, what for we did not surrender to Europe except as a raw materials appendage! Or as a source of cheap labor. It would be time to understand for a long time.
    1. -2
      25 August 2011 20: 43
      You have the right thoughts, but the trouble is that Ukraine’s time is becoming less and less !!! If we still wait until one more exercise, then there may not be time left! So far, Yanukovych is good at dividing and subtracting!
      The country needs to be urgently restored!
  11. mitrich
    25 August 2011 17: 59
    The Armenian Snow Maiden and the Ukrainian Frankenstein (this is me about the photo) ... Recent reports from the jail: Julia was also poisoned, the braid falls off wink .
  12. Light
    25 August 2011 18: 08
    Quote: Banshee
    We must give time to Yanukovych. Not everything is so simple, agree, and not everything is so fast. Quickly only cuts occur.

    In the furnace of it along with the team. Yanukovych has already shown himself to be an unsurpassed master in cutting.
    In the social field, he pursues a policy of impoverishment of the population; economically unfree people are easier to manage.
  13. Ivan35
    25 August 2011 20: 12
    Ka always - On the one hand, everything seems to be correctly written by "pseudo-patriot" samsons - but not all. Any Ukrainian who reads this will have an unpleasant aftertaste - and the "patriotic comments" of the Russians on this article will not remove this residue, but only add it.

    I agree with the malt - sadly that's all - how we got to that. two fraternal peoples, that one spends a lot of money on a bypass pipe - if only his brother did not get it and so as not to depend on him. These internal and external enemies brought us to a tragic situation.

    No, I am not against sowing the flow - there is nowhere to go - first of all, Russia needs to survive as the core, maybe this money will help restore the union. Maybe the Ukrainian leadership will be more accommodating

    Only now I understand better why censorship was so important in the USSR - here we do not have it and writes "patriot samsonov" something that is not quite and for the benefit

    Okay SuperDuck will understand everything - but others will read and may not understand
    It’s best not to focus on the contradictions - let the Moscow and Kiev oligarchs argue about gas and revenue sharing -
    it is necessary to promote the rapprochement of peoples - there is an info-war (with the West) and one of the main weapons is "AGENDA" - that is, the choice of a topic - it is necessary to propose topics that contribute to rapprochement
  14. +1
    25 August 2011 23: 15
    Super super, I’m not Samsonov, I’m Ivan Sergeevich Kolodin (I have nothing to be ashamed of my personal personal data) I’m only 27 years old, but it’s just me and my peers who live and create further in this country, nothing to do with nerves))) thanks to the Soviet education analytical mindset and which allows you to objectively assess the situation ...
    1. LESHA pancake
      26 August 2011 03: 27
      well done good answer.
    2. Superduck
      26 August 2011 11: 09
      Well, I'm glad for you that you are not Samsonov. Something in your post did not smell like an analytical mindset, it reminded me more of the feminine features of thinking, although many here should take an example with solodova. Well, God bless him, I promised myself that I will not feed Samsonov with posts, because you can not answer me here, I will not read it. Good luck ..
    3. jamert
      26 August 2011 20: 21
      Soviet education? U ... in your opinion no one knows how to count. I’m 2 years older than you, but I only studied in the Soviet school from the first to the third grade. I didn’t even have time to visit October ... And how did this first grade Soviet school give you an analytical mindset?
    4. Graaf
      30 August 2011 12: 56
      I'm shy to ask - are you 27?
      And then where did the Soviet education present the analytical mind?
      Here are 2 answers:
      - You hide your age and are a troll
      - Honestly, you are not claiming to be the guy who graduated from high school, college and served in the army at the age of 7 (minus 20 years of the collapse of the union).
      Lies, my friend - LIES!
  15. Max
    26 August 2011 11: 51
    Find all the lousiest statistics and negative social polls and put these slops on the resource ... Awesome analytical work, you will not say anything. Interestingly, the author is not sick of the whole amount of negative that he collects from all kinds of yellow sources ...
    1. +4
      26 August 2011 11: 55
      Make your positive analytics, happy to post on the site. Or give sources from where you can get about positive changes In Ukraine for 20 years - we will write ....
    2. +1
      26 August 2011 12: 24
      You see, they feed us positively all the time, and negative information is an occasion to conduct a discussion. At the same time, and verify its accuracy. Let's listen to all the parties. If you do not agree and if there is an opportunity and desire - share your positive.
      And as for the yellow springs - now not the yellow ones are bent so ...
      1. zczczc
        27 August 2011 01: 07
        Yeah, the negative is exciting, you want to say? :)))

        I think the positive / negative balance should be adequate to the current situation. If there’s a fire somewhere, then you don’t write or quote poetry ...
  16. Sobibor
    26 August 2011 15: 01
    Brad Mare.
    I speak as a resident of the East of Ukraine.
    Well, no one here aspires to Russia, and we somehow have few Russians. Where do you get such a grandiose "duck" I have no idea.

    Personally, nothing connects me and my generation with Russia. And among friends of my age (20-25 years old) there are no thirsty people in the fold of Russia - there are aspirants to the EU, or NATO. But somehow we don’t really want to visit Russia in the Dnieper. And speaking directly, 70% of the population of even the East of Ukraine, when using the word Rus, means Ukraine, not Russia.

    P.S., Independence Day was marked abruptly - from the mornings we had barbecue and barbecue in the whole region, we went to festive concerts in the evening, parades of embroidered shirts - there was a huge amount of youth on the streets. And in the evening there was an unforgettable firework to the endorsement of the people.
    1. jamert
      26 August 2011 20: 24
      And about the same - the whole country. True, I did not go to the concert - I rested on the lake until the evening. Shish kebab, lard, vodka ... We don’t mark big uncles - it’s not bad for us.
      1. Sobibor
        26 August 2011 23: 59
        I agree.

        Let the big uncles of their children substitute themselves under the Chechen and Georgian knives - but it is very good for us in Ukraine too. There are no explosions, a little Caucasians, nuclear weapons do not target us
    2. zczczc
      27 August 2011 00: 25
      Sobibor, from you nickname! Doesn’t resemble anything?
    3. Don
      29 August 2011 13: 06
      I don’t know how you are in the Dnieper. I just returned from a business trip from Odessa to Donetsk. And not in Odessa, not in Donetsk, it doesn’t smell like a holiday. But yesterday was the city day and the day of the miner, it was so crowded for the people, concerts at the stadium, barbecue in the park. The people really walked. So no need to sign for the whole of Ukraine.
      1. svvaulsh
        29 August 2011 13: 19
        We, too, often go to barbecue, fireworks are launched (the benefit in the store you can buy). And what does independence have to do with it?
  17. Slipfar
    26 August 2011 23: 10
    You also say that after the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine became the strongest and greatest state in the world, which the history of mankind did not know. Why trifle then!
  18. zczczc
    27 August 2011 00: 26
    Alas, you can write even worse about us :(
  19. Graaf
    30 August 2011 12: 46
    The article is definitely customized. Many "facts" were pulled from various articles from Ukrainian sites and Russian forums. The opinion polls to which the author refers do not correspond to reality at all, many so-called facts have never been encountered in any article.
    You read and it seems that worse than Ukraine there is no one in the world. What is paradise in Russia, everyone flutters and smells. Aw! Author, go down to the ground, drive out of the Moscow Ring Road and see how people live there. And if you want more complete impressions - move 200 km from Moscow that way - look around. That's what you need to write about, and not to suck out nonexistent facts from your finger.
    By the nature of my work, I often visit Ukraine and I can say that in some (not all described cases) they are ahead of us. And at least they are trying to do something. And we again have profanity and nothing more. One talking room, a performance for one spectator - with painting of grass, plywood of Potemkin villages, etc. There is a good proverb - in a stranger's eye he sees a speck, in his eye he will not notice logs.
    So that! Stop lying! Write the truth!