Alexander III Alexandrovich - the great Russian ruler who suppressed the destruction of Russia

In the whole world, we have only two faithful ally - our army and navy. All the rest at the first opportunity will turn against us.
Alexander III

120 years ago, 20 October (1 November) 1894, the great Russian sovereign Alexander III Alexandrovich died. It was one of the greatest and Russian to the spirit of the Romanovs. The great ruler suppressed the destruction, "restructuring" of the Russian empire, which was started under the liberal emperor Alexander II and carried out under the signs of "liberation and reform" (all destroyers of Russia at all times were covered with beautiful slogans and words that hid the destructive and dangerous nature of their actions).

Sovereign Alexander Alexandrovich received a brilliant education, had good health and strength, was brave, honest and noble. He patronized cultural figures, founded the Russian Museum and the Russian historical society, knew and understood the true history of Russia, loved the Russian people and was their true son.

Emperor Alexander III came to the throne in a difficult time, when unrest was coming. His father was brutally murdered. The advances of Alexander II with liberalism ended in the saddest way. The State Alexander Alexandrovich decided to change the strategic course of the state, based on the national interests of Russia and the Russian people. At first it was crushed and went into deep underground or emigration of various kinds of revolutionary organizations, the development of which threatened Russia with very serious consequences. The policy was set to introduce a liberal, constitutional beginning in Russia, which weakened the central, autocratic power, which in the conditions of the traditional, historical development of the state threatened unrest and collapse.

In the Russian Empire, three main principles of the prosperity of the people and the state triumphed again: Orthodoxy, autocracy and nationality. I must say that these principles are relevant in modern Russia. Only in a slightly modified (modernized) form. Thus, the principle of "Orthodoxy" in a secular state, in order not to offend Russian Muslims and representatives of other religions, and atheists, is completely replaced by the priority of "traditional values" for which permissiveness (essentially Satanism and demonism) is unacceptable . And “autocracy” is the conceptual independence of the Russian authorities, a strong central government characteristic of the historical development of Russia. The principle of "nationality" has not changed its essence. This is a priority of national interests over class, narrow-group and foreign, as well as the social nature of the state (social justice). In fact, these are the basic values ​​of Russian civilization. Nothing more perfect has been invented until now.

Under Alexander III, the state received a powerful impetus for development. Russia began to unstoppably, steadily rise, grow rich and build power. The lands of Russia expanded, its borders strengthened. It was an era of prosperity and creation. Russia embarked on the path of industrialization, new factories, factories, schools, hospitals, shelters and churches were built. In 1891, they began to build the Great Siberian Way (Trans-Siberian Railway), which played and continues to play a large role in maintaining the unity of the Russian state. The navy, which was in crisis after the Eastern (Crimean) war, was restored. The Russian fleet became the third in the world in power and displacement, second only to fleets "Mistresses" of the seas "of England, as well as France. During the reign of Alexander Alexandrovich, 114 new warships were launched, including 17 armadillos and 10 armored cruisers. The army and the military department were put in order after their disorganization during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.

The “Russophile” policy of Alexander played a huge role. Russophobia was legally prohibited. The state has taken a course on national identity, the development of Russian spirituality and Russian culture, the development of national suburbs and their introduction to civilization, the great Russian culture. At the same time in foreign policy, Alexander III tried not to intervene in conflicts, consistently pursued a peace-loving and peacemaking policy, for which he was nicknamed "Peacemaker."

In fact, Alexander III Alexandrovich was a model of a truly Russian, people's ruler, sovereign, who loves and cares for his people. Few can be found Russian rulers, who would so understand their duty to the Almighty, Russia and Russian super-ethnos.

That is why sovereign Alexander III is hated by the enemies of the Russian people. The sovereign knew perfectly well what the interests of the state and the Russian people were. Alexander knew very well that the West is the worst enemy of Russia-Russia, which, unceasingly, for centuries, has been waging a subversive struggle against it. At times, the West, forgetting about previous defeats, goes to direct aggression against Russia, but always gets in the teeth. No wonder Tsar Alexander III Alexandrovich said: "Russia has no friends and allies, except for its army and its fleet."

The bitter experience of the 19th century showed the Russian emperor that every time the Russian empire took part in the struggle of any European coalitions, it later only had to regret bitterly. Russia of Emperor Alexander I saved Europe from Napoleon’s empire, as a result we received on our western borders mighty Germany and Austria-Hungary, strengthened the ambitions of Britain. Sovereign Nicholas I sent the Russian army to Hungary to suppress the 1848 revolution of the year, saved the Austrian Empire and the Hapsburg dynasty. In “gratitude”, Vienna showed extreme hostility during the Eastern (Crimean) War and constantly interfered with Russia in Balkan affairs. Emperor Alexander II remained neutral in 1870, allowing Prussia to brilliantly crush France and create the German Empire on her blood. Eight years later, at the Berlin Congress, Germany did not support Russia, which deprived it of the brilliant fruits of victory over the Ottoman Empire. The British, French, Germans and Austrians - everyone saw in Russia not a strategic ally, but only an instrument for the realization of their egoistic aspirations. Therefore, Alexander III, at every opportunity, made it clear that he was ready to accept the challenge, but was only interested in the welfare of the vast Russian people.

Alexander III and his epoch deserve novels, documentaries and feature films, but it is this individual and his epoch that are subject to silence and distortion. They prefer not to remember Alexander III, he speaks more about the epoch of the “Tsar-Liberator” Alexander II and immediately jumps over to the time of monarch Nicholas II. A glimpse of the "counter-reforms", criticized for the policy of Russification. In general, the era of the emperor-peacemaker is subjected to silence and complete distortion.

Alexander III Alexandrovich - the great Russian ruler who suppressed the destruction of Russia


The death of Alexander II, the father, was a terrible blow to the future sovereign. Alexander Alexandrovich, surrounded by a dense convoy, swiftly left the Winter Palace and disappeared into Gatchina, which for a long time became his refuge. Although the heir to the throne was a life-loving, passionate angler and hunter, he moderated his aspirations.

The new emperor, as noted by Witte, most of all resembled a "big Russian peasant from the central provinces," had "a beautiful heart, complacency, justice and at the same time firmness." His word was the law for all Romanovs. All the “hooligans” of their royal family were afraid of Alexander. They knew that the sovereign was intolerant of all kinds of “liberties” and adultery in the family. Rossi's first family was an example for everyone, and the house of the Romanovs was to be an example of decent Christian behavior.

Alexander's mentor and adviser was Konstantin Pobedonostsev, who had previously been his law teacher. Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev (1827 — 1907), professor of law, author of the classic work “Civil Justice”, received an excellent education and served in the Senate. At the beginning of his career, Pobedonostsev was a liberal, but the Polish uprising of 1863 and the attempt of Karakozov on the Russian emperor Alexander II changed his outlook. Pobedonostsev understood that the Westernist reforms lead to the destruction of the traditional way of life in Russia, to confusion. “No matter how enormous the state power is,” wrote Pobedonostsev, “it is asserted not on anything other than on the unity of spiritual self-consciousness between the people and the government, on people's faith: power is undermined from the minute the split of this on faith of conscious consciousness begins” . Having become the chief procurator of the Holy Synod, Pobedonostsev actively fought against the revolutionary contagion, embarked on the path of conscious and reasonable conservatism.

Pobedonostsev inspired the tsar that the entire order in the Russian state was based on the close connection of the people and the supreme power. In Russia, a special "autocracy of the people", and it must be preserved. Russia does not need innovations, reforms that divide people. Do not need the power and different "talkers". Pobedonostsev called the constitution "the great lie of our time" and believed that even the Russian revolution and unrest is better than the constitution. Troubles can be defeated and restore order, but liberalism (the constitution) is a slow poison that eats away at the body with constant lies. At the same time Pobedonostsev was not primitive, as the enemies of the Russian people liked to portray it. He was an intelligent, honest, direct and disinterested person, completely alien to the backstage court intrigues. The person closest to the emperor was a stranger to luxury and did not like idle chatter. And through his dryness and severity, sincere love for Alexander III was visible. Being a clever man, he saw the doom of Romanov’s Russia and the fact that the tsarist government was farther and farther from the people, and in 1900, he wrote that “Russia is doomed to collapse.”

Alexander III was a good student, and with the beginning of his reign, he removed from office all the ministers of his father, headed by Loris-Melikov, who proposed a constitutional draft. He abruptly changed course. In addition to Pobedonostsev, M. N. Katkov, a conservative and publisher of the Moscow Gazette, and D. A. Tolstoy, Minister of the Interior, entered the Tsar’s closest circle. Russia received a respite and an opportunity to get out of the death trap into which the pro-Western course had driven it. It was the so-called. the era of "people's autocracy."

Alexander Alexandrovich did not allow stupid mercy in respect of the murderers of his father, although many hoped that the sovereign would have mercy "in the name of general reconciliation" of the murderers of Alexander II. The case of the People ended with a death sentence. The regicides were publicly hung like mad dogs. Revolutionaries and various subversive elements had to be tight. The police regime was tightened and reinforced by the "Provision on enhanced and emergency protection." The authorities managed to reverse the revolutionary situation and overfire the terrorist bombers. Others fled abroad. University autonomy was limited.

The position of the masses was alleviated. For the first time in history, "the peasants were on a par with all our faithful subjects." The size of the redemption payments was reduced, a Peasant Land Bank was established to issue loans to the peasants for the purchase of land, and the poll tax was canceled. Positive changes appeared in the working sphere, in fact laid the foundations of the factory legislation. The work of minors was limited, as was the night work of adolescents and women. There were laws on the settlement of factory labor. Old Believers received legal status.

The Orthodox Church significantly strengthened: the number of parochial schools sharply increased (in 1884 there were 4,4 thousand schools with 105 thousand students, by the end of the reign there were 30 thousand with 917 thousand students), which had a positive effect on the growth of the educational level of the population; parishes that were closed during the previous reigns were restored, the rapid construction of new churches and the founding of new monasteries went on (more than 200 new churches were consecrated each year and up to ten monasteries were opened); the number of church periodicals and the circulation of spiritual literature increased; the church has stepped up its activities abroad.

There was a "Russification" of the country, the assertion of the unity of the empire based on the primacy of the Russian elements. Looking at the emperor, many dignitaries released their beards. In the army, instead of the European uniform, comfortable half-caftans, harem pants, colored sashes, wing caps ("peasant uniform") appeared. They began to more strictly apply restrictive laws against Jews (the so-called "Pale of Settlement"). So, in 1891, about 20 thousand Jews were deported from Moscow. Evicted Jews and their other cities and places. The percentage rate was established for Jews in secondary and then higher educational institutions (it was higher than the percentage of the Jewish population in the population of the empire). Moreover, many prominent Jewish leaders supported the work of the emperor in protecting the Jewish population. At this time, the Jewish pogroms occurred, but the authorities quickly put things in order. "Russification" was also on the outskirts, which for a long time enjoyed excessive freedom. For example, training in Russian was introduced in Polish higher education institutions.

Under Alexander III, he improved the economy and finances. A protectionist customs tariff was adopted, which led to an increase in revenues to the treasury, an improvement in the foreign trade balance and supported the development of the domestic industry. Thanks to Alexander personally, they were able to overcome the vicious free trade doctrine. The authorities controlled banking activities, fighting corruption. In particular, they imposed bans on officials who previously did not exist - a ban on participation in the boards of private joint-stock companies, a ban on receiving a commission (personally to an employee) when placing a government loan, etc.

The railway policy has changed significantly. The vicious practice of private railways began to disappear. Private roads began to buy into the treasury, increasing their reliability and profitability. The result was the cessation of huge losses from the railways for the treasury, and the disappearance of such a phenomenon as “railway kings”, which are closely associated with corrupt officials. At the same time, large-scale railway construction continued. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway has begun. It was built directly by the state, at the expense of the treasury, therefore, apparently, it was also completed (excluding most of the corruption trough for local and foreign parasites).

The reign of Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich in foreign policy was marked by an unprecedented period of peace. As Witte wrote: “Alexander III, having received Russia at the confluence of the most unfavorable political conjuncture, deeply raised Russia's international prestige without spilling a drop of Russian blood.” Alexander was very cautious and knew how to find compromises, without getting stuck in alliances for Russia. He did not begin a new war with Turkey when Austria-Hungary provoked the war of Serbia with Bulgaria, which wanted to unite with Eastern Roumelia, which belonged to the Turks. As a result, relations with Serbia and Bulgaria, which had hoped for the support of Russia, were spoiled. However, Alexander did not support the war, remaining over the conflict. He did not let Russia be drawn into the war. In Central Asia, the territory of the Russian Empire increased by 430 thousand square meters. km Relations with England escalated, but the conflict was avoided. The construction of the Great Siberian Railway seriously strengthened Russia's position in the Far East.

Russia during this period tried to continue the line on an alliance with Germany. However, Berlin chose to have Vienna as its main ally. Secretly from Russia in 1882, the Tripartite Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy, directed against Russia and France, was concluded. Therefore, the “Union of Three Emperors” from 1881 has become obsolete. Russia began to fear a sharp increase in Germany and its desire to finish off France. To balance the strength of Germany, Russia went to an alliance with France. In 1891-1894 there was a rapprochement between Russia and France and an alliance was concluded. He restored the balance of power in Europe and for some time eliminated the threat of a big war in Europe.

Sovereign Alexander III Alexandrovich died on October 20 (November 1) 1894 of the year in Livadia in the Crimea, where he was treated. According to the official version - from kidney disease. It is believed that the emperor's "bearish" health was undermined after a train crash in 1888, when he saved his family by keeping the roof of the car on his shoulders. True, there is a version about poisoning. Too Russian policy was carried out by the giant emperor. They wanted to destroy Russia, and Alexander III restrained the process of decay of the empire.
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  1. +11
    31 October 2014 09: 02
    It is a pity that he died so suddenly, if he had lived 30 years more, you would not have seen that bedlam that happened during the weak-character Nikolai 2.
    Maybe now they would live under the constitutional monarchy.
    1. colorado
      1 November 2014 09: 50
      you yourself something very strong or at least manage a small company and then say
  2. +19
    31 October 2014 09: 04
    When the Russian emperor is fishing, Europe can wait ... Alexander III
    1. -1
      31 October 2014 23: 00
      Constitution? To the Russian tsar swore to some cattle? ... Alexander III, however. A very eloquent expression of love for the people. Is it any wonder that the people in the 17th paid them back with the same coin.
      1. 0
        5 February 2016 20: 25
        The people in 1917 performed the same function that the people of Ukraine are now performing - the victim of a monstrous "experiment".
  3. +14
    31 October 2014 09: 13
    Of course, everything is subject to some kind of revision, taking into account subsequent historical events. Someone blames the king for overreacting to the murder of his father and sees a connection with subsequent revolutions. But what is very appealing about this tsar is the unwillingness of Russian soldiers to gain glory for themselves in front of the West. Then they were not "democracies", but they loved to play with the vanity of our emperors. In fact, the great victories of Suvorov in Alrah were meaningless for the Russians and Russia, but as they did the tsar and his entourage. This continued under the secretaries general. Only the "explanations" were different. After Posha, Stalin immediately stopped importing revolutions and began to industrialize the country, and our subsequent general secretaries could give whatever they wanted for elephants. Not to mention the Crimea and the alteration of territories. But this is all under "OK"! And now this note has begun to appear quite often. As if then again not to be extreme, but with a sense of satisfaction - that we know who is guilty. Does this really make it easier? Or is it so difficult to deal only with the welfare of the peoples of Russia, and not carry light, gas, etc. other peoples? Which, by the way, do not always love Russians.
  4. +8
    31 October 2014 09: 15
    Alexander III was a good student, and with the beginning of the reign, he removed all his ministers from power
    He was a good student, but the teacher didn’t succeed ... His son Nikolai profiled the country
    1. +5
      31 October 2014 09: 28
      Coincidence or evil rock, possibly guided by someone else's evil will. Surely the emperor was eliminated, this happened more than once (Peter III, Paul I, Alexander II) and somehow it all turned out that the power fell into the hands of the wrong people. Nicholas was not supposed to be the heir to the throne, he was not prepared for this, but his brother’s death replayed everything and Russia went her martyr way into the future. By the way, Alexander III is remarkable in that he did not allow the highest relatives to go to the state feeding trough, and Nikolai allowed them to frolic and got what they got.
      1. +3
        31 October 2014 17: 17
        Nobody prepared Alexander III for the throne, as well as Nicholas I. It all depends on the personality, the last Russian emperor was a pitiful person. As Dragomirov said - "It is good to sit on the throne, there is no control over Russia."
          1 November 2014 06: 31
          Quote: Barboskin
          Nobody prepared Alexander III for the throne, as well as Nicholas I. It all depends on the personality, the last Russian emperor was a pitiful person. As Dragomirov said - "It is good to sit on the throne, there is no control over Russia."

          In my opinion, you "twist the cards". This article is specifically about Alexander III, the peacemaker. Mikhail Dragomirov's statement refers to his son, Nicholas II.

          "Nikolai, who, in his intellect and inclinations, was half-and-half suitable for the role of a colonel or head of a department, but was completely incapable of managing Russia in the slightest degree." "The Minister of Foreign Affairs, NP Durnovo (by the way, in his extensive memorandum predicted the revolution long before XNUMX) believed that Nikolai" has a secondary education of a guard colonel of a good family. "
      2. 0
        2 November 2014 12: 10
        Quote: miv110
        Surely the emperor was eliminated, this was our case more than once (Peter III, Paul I, Alexander II)

        By the way, Elizabeth also died suddenly and very by the time. As a result, Peter III gave East Prussia to Frederick, and North America began to speak not English, but English.
        Somehow it is very incomprehensible lucky arrogantly-Saxons in politics.
    2. 0
      1 November 2014 00: 13
      Quote: Monge
      He was a good student, but the teacher didn’t succeed ... His son Nikolai profiled the country

      You shouldn’t be so. Not everything depends on parenting ... The influence of the environment, sometimes, is much more convincing ...
    3. 0
      5 February 2016 20: 27
      I didn’t go to my father .. A completely different character ..
      But the beliefs - yes, for some reason did not convey ...
  5. +3
    31 October 2014 09: 15
    I recalled the poem of that time:
    -The victors, he is in the synod-
    -Obenosetsev- at the yard-
    -Bedonostsev- the one in the people-
    - and Donossev is everywhere!
    The attitude towards Konstantin Petrovich on the part of the liberals of that time is ambiguous ...
    1. +2
      1 November 2014 00: 00
      Liberal - and in our time - a curse at the time, too.
      1 November 2014 06: 33
      Quote: AlNikolaich
      I recalled the poem of that time:
      -The victors, he is in the synod-

      The quote is taken from VS Pikul "At the last line".
    3. horseradish
      1 November 2014 13: 34
      typical behavior of Intel (Westerners) and pay attention to any responsibility, although their fault in the 17th year is not less than the direct participants
  6. +4
    31 October 2014 09: 19
    excellent article, thanks to the author, gladly gave it a try.
  7. +5
    31 October 2014 09: 25
    The Great Man was Emperor.
  8. +2
    31 October 2014 09: 41
    Maybe he did a lot of good things, but it was he who launched the collapse of the Russian Empire by adopting the law "on cook's children" ...
      1 November 2014 06: 36
      Quote: Neo1982
      it was he who launched the collapse of the Russian Empire

      The process was launched by A. Herzen, funded by the London banker James Rothschild.
  9. pinecone
    31 October 2014 10: 07
    Russia began to fear a sharp increase in Germany and her desire to finish off France. To balance the power of Germany, Russia entered into an alliance with France. In the years 1891-1894. there was a rapprochement between Russia and France and an alliance was concluded

    What turned out such an alliance with Paris bankers is well known.
  10. rodevaan
    31 October 2014 10: 41
    Yeah ((Unfortunately, Nicholas turned out to be completely different from what Alexander III was, without whose consent he couldn’t pull a sparrow in Geyropa. If the Tsar-peacemaker was alive, there would be neither World War I nor Civil, and the Russian Empire would be would be a world hegemon.
    Already someone, but this king was able to talk with the West in the way that should be talked to him.
    1. predator.3
      31 October 2014 13: 51
      Quote: rodevaan
      . If the tsar-peacemaker were alive - there would have been neither World War I nor Civil, and the Russian Empire would have been a world hegemon.

      Oh, this "if only", yes, Alexander III died early (3 years old), if he lived another 49 years ...
  11. +5
    31 October 2014 10: 45
    Russia of Emperor Alexander I saved Europe from the empire of Napoleon, as a result we got powerful on our western borders Germany and Austria-Hungary, strengthened the ambitions of Britain. Sovereign Nicholas I sent the Russian army to Hungary to suppress the revolution of 1848, saved the Austrian Empire and the Habsburg dynasty. In “gratitude”, Vienna showed extreme hostility during the Eastern (Crimean) war and constantly interfered with Russia in Balkan affairs. Emperor Alexander II remained neutral in 1870, giving Prussia brilliantly defeat France and create on its blood Germanic empire.

    Well, let me take a couple of strokes against the mainstream in the comments.
    First, I suggest that the author decide when we got "mighty" Germany - under Alexander the First, or the Second. Under the First - they got involved in a coalition (no, damn it, it was necessary to surrender to the Bonaparte and oppose) and it became bad, under the Second - they did not get involved and it also became bad. So how should it be?
    Yes, Alexander III is one of the most successful Russian emperors. But is there not a feeling that along with the real successes of the Russian Empire, he somewhat "froze" the internal political situation, which "melted away" with a stench under the much weaker Nikki?
      1 November 2014 06: 42
      Quote: Moore
      I suggest that the author decide when we got "mighty" Germany - under Alexander the First, or the Second.

      There is a very good book on this score, "The Battle of the Iron Chancellors," by V.S. Pikul. Read it and you will have fewer questions. smile
  12. +3
    31 October 2014 10: 48
    As far as I remember, his name was "Tsar-Peacemaker". And many of his ideas, expressed at the end of the XNUMXth century, formed the basis of the world order after the Second World War. All that remains is to pray to God that such a person in Russia will reappear on the political horizon in the near future.
    1. rodevaan
      31 October 2014 10: 51
      Quote: 1536
      As far as I remember, his name was "Tsar-Peacemaker". And many of his ideas, expressed at the end of the XNUMXth century, formed the basis of the world order after the Second World War. All that remains is to pray to God that such a person in Russia will reappear on the political horizon in the near future.

      - It’s better to pray to God so that again he wouldn’t slip some Labeled Judas or the Alconaut Yeltsinug ...
  13. +5
    31 October 2014 10: 54
    The title of the article is fundamentally not correct, he did not stop the collapse of the empire, but froze, suspended. The noble elite had degenerated, it needed its replacement, global reforms of life, rejection of the estate system; several times increase in the level of education, and he introduced the law on "cook's children"; the solution of the land issue, with that management organization, per peasant needed 4 hectares of land, and there was 10 times less than 0,4 hectares and much more. Many scold Nicholas II, but he got a seriously ill state from his predecessors with global contradictions that no one solved, incl. and his father Alexander III.
    1. 0
      31 October 2014 23: 04
      Contemporaries of Alexander III, already in exile, wrote that the policy of freezing Russia was erroneous. Shulgin, or someone else, I don’t remember exactly, said that Russia resembled a boiling pot, which Alexander III simply covered. But many understood that the boiler (Russia) would eventually explode.
  14. The Art of War
    31 October 2014 10: 59 Биография императора Александра III Александровича
  15. +3
    31 October 2014 11: 52
    I don’t know whether it’s true or not, but in one book I somehow read about such a case that Alexander III rode on a yacht with his courtiers and relatives, and the future Kaiser Wilhelm II, who was afraid of Alexander’s campaign, shouted out to the same place there to one of the courtiers: "Bring the greatcoat!", so the future iron kaiser and "ruler of the world" was the first to rush for clothes.
  16. Userpic
    31 October 2014 12: 11
    Quote: Alexander III Alexandrovich

    Constitution? To the Russian Tsar swore some cattle?!
  17. +2
    31 October 2014 12: 26
    A good article, a lot of interesting things for myself. Strong was the Tsar Father, a good father to his people. We need to turn to history more often, so as not to make mistakes ... But unfortunately, as always, we are tricky and it should be noted that all the same Europe and all the same Germany and companies ... We are like a bone in the throat, but Russia mother won’t win anyway! victory will be ours! Lish would not have appeared Nicholas II ... then.
  18. mitia.ponomare
    31 October 2014 12: 46
    Not a crazy mind, the will of this person allowed Russia to go its own way without copying the Western way of life (took a loan, bought some kind of hell) and then you barely make ends meet.
  19. +3
    31 October 2014 12: 49
    The great was a man and a keeper of the Russian land.
  20. +1
    31 October 2014 13: 36
    If there were all such rulers in Russia, no one would even look askance towards Russia so far
  21. +3
    31 October 2014 15: 45
    Eeeeeh, if we had all the kings would be like that ... or at least half ...
  22. +5
    31 October 2014 15: 46

    In the region of Kushka, the Cossacks detained smugglers; they were hanged at all, but among them were English, it was easier to scouts. It wasn’t easy for Europeans to broadcast and the Cossack centurion ordered them to be flogged and released. Upon arrival to the island, they submitted a complaint to the queen and almost a note of protest to ALEXANDER, demanding to punish the Cossack commander. The emperor did not answer the queen, but in part sent a telegram with the order to publish it in all the newspapers.
    To such a centurion, then assign the title of podesaul, and if I hung the spies, you would be the esaul. That's why without bending and with humor. And what is characteristic of the British side there were no more movements, they shook them as cute.
    1. rodevaan
      1 November 2014 07: 40
      Quote: tundra

      In the region of Kushka, the Cossacks detained smugglers; they were hanged at all, but among them were English, it was easier to scouts. It wasn’t easy for Europeans to broadcast and the Cossack centurion ordered them to be flogged and released. Upon arrival to the island, they submitted a complaint to the queen and almost a note of protest to ALEXANDER, demanding to punish the Cossack commander. The emperor did not answer the queen, but in part sent a telegram with the order to publish it in all the newspapers.
      To such a centurion, then assign the title of podesaul, and if I hung the spies, you would be the esaul. That's why without bending and with humor. And what is characteristic of the British side there were no more movements, they shook them as cute.

      - When the devil take it, we will have such a ruler again! When all the zapadoids and their mongrels inside the country will be flogged with whips and put on all kinds of Western "dermocracies"
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. Dmag112288
    31 October 2014 15: 54
    Alexander III yesterday - it is known who today, the meaning is probably in this.
  25. +2
    31 October 2014 16: 34
    In general, there is someone studying.
  26. +3
    31 October 2014 17: 24
    Of course, Alexander III had mistakes and many, and whoever does not have them. But by and large, the man was not far stupid, he knew and took into account the interests of the state and people. Only for the absence of wars is it worthy of a monument and the kindest words.
  27. 0
    31 October 2014 18: 07
    Did not like the article. As if copied from a textbook of the early twentieth century. There is practically no analysis. Strong was the master, and not without sin.
    1. Fedya
      31 October 2014 22: 47
      And who does not have them?
  28. +1
    31 October 2014 23: 45
    "Russia embarked on the path of industrialization, new factories were built ..." ///

    Alexander 3rd (a really wise man) just continued the economic course
    his even greater predecessor - Alexander the 2nd, who led Russia
    out of stagnation with his economic reforms and thereby began the industrial revolution.
    Three kings in a row (including the nearby Nikolai-2) led Russia along the path of capitalism.
    If Nikolay-2 had the will not to get involved in the World War, Russia could become
    a strong industrial country without any Bolsheviks.
    1. +2
      1 November 2014 05: 42
      No, really. It was the Soviet Union with a strong domestic economy that was able to defeat the fascist beast, and with it the restorers of the pre-revolutionary order. No need to exaggerate. Under the kings, the entire economy of the country was under the hood of the West, and under the USSR, we controlled the economy ourselves. No need to crunch french bun ...
    2. rodevaan
      1 November 2014 07: 45
      Quote: voyaka uh
      "Russia embarked on the path of industrialization, new factories were built ..." ///

      Alexander 3rd (a really wise man) just continued the economic course
      his even greater predecessor - Alexander the 2nd, who led Russia
      out of stagnation with his economic reforms and thereby began the industrial revolution.
      Three kings in a row (including the nearby Nikolai-2) led Russia along the path of capitalism.
      If Nikolay-2 had the will not to get involved in the World War, Russia could become
      a strong industrial country without any Bolsheviks.

      - There is no certainty that spineless, weak-willed and weak Nicholas II would have pulled out the Great Patriotic War when Hitlerite barbarian hordes would have fallen upon Russia. Maybe the Lord intentionally changed the tsarist government in Russia to a rigid Bolshevik one, which in the end was able to break the ridge of the Western hordes of the Nazis. Otherwise, Russia would not be known now.
  29. 0
    1 November 2014 21: 14
    And what is so bad about his dad— "Alexander II's flirtation with liberalism ended in the most sad way." Alexander ll received a good education, spoke five languages. His mentor was V.A. Zhukovsky, educator - K.K.Murder, among the teachers - Mikhail Mikhailovich Speransky (legislation), K.I. Arseniev (statistics and history), E.F. Kankrin (finance), F.I. Brunov (foreign policy). Realizing the primary importance of solving the peasant question, Alexander II for 4 years (from the establishment of the Secret Committee in 1857 to the adoption of the law on February 19, 1861) showed unswerving will in an effort to abolish serfdom.
    What, also a "liberal"?
  30. viruvalge412ee
    6 November 2014 22: 09
    Even after the extermination of the entire intelligentsia of Russia by the German and other Bolsheviks (it’s clear what we are talking about!), There are so many intelligentsia in Russia that Russia remains and will remain the most normal, intelligent, kind, strong and, when necessary, warlike, terrible country Peace!