NATO Secretary General: Alliance can place its armed forces where it wishes

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, officially inaugurated on October 1, while visiting Poland, said that the North Atlantic Alliance could deploy troops to any of the participating countries at its discretion, reports RIA News with reference to the Polish TVP Info channel.

NATO Secretary General: Alliance can place its armed forces where it wishes

In connection with the Ukrainian crisis, NATO has significantly increased its activity in Eastern Europe and announced plans to create a highly mobile advanced group of Response Forces, the support bases for which are to be built in countries bordering Russia.

“Next year at the ministerial meeting we will make a decision regarding the Rapid Reaction Force, but even before they are created, NATO already has a powerful army. We can place it wherever we want. ”- said the Secretary General.

Recently, against the background of events in Ukraine, the alliance has taken a number of measures, which are explained to them by the need to ensure the security of the participating countries. Thus, the air patrols of the Baltic countries, Romania and Poland were strengthened, and additional warships were introduced into the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea. In addition, the organization expanded the exercise program and announced the strengthening of the early warning system.
81 comment
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  1. +4
    6 October 2014 10: 49
    "I declare my home a nuclear-free zone"
    V. Tsoi.
    1. +38
      6 October 2014 10: 54
      The Alliance can deploy its troops on the territory of the participating countries, who argue, just do not howl if Russia begins to strengthen its forces on the border, and what kind of business NATO can be, how many of our troops are on the border with Ukraine, you need to think what you say, Mr. Mr. Secretary General of NATO.
      1. +13
        6 October 2014 10: 58
        I agree. Or can we create a group in Transnistria?
        1. +14
          6 October 2014 11: 38
          The good news is, let’s place his army in the cemetery. Her place is there.
          1. +4
            6 October 2014 11: 54
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            The good news is, let’s place his army in the cemetery. Her place is there.
            I agree and
            It is advisable to go deeper and without tombstones!
        2. +3
          6 October 2014 11: 46
          Quote: asadov
          I agree. Or can we create a group in Transnistria?

          It's time.
      2. +9
        6 October 2014 11: 04
        the North Atlantic Alliance may place troops in any of the participating countries at its discretion,
        You can only sympathize with the inhabitants of Eastern European cities, where these forces will be deployed. After all, everything is poured again, tarnished and forgotten.
        1. +4
          6 October 2014 11: 16
          Quote: enot73
          After all, everything is poured again, tarnished and forgotten.

          NATO slogan - "Is your house clean and tidy? - then we come to you!"
      3. +2
        6 October 2014 11: 14
        Quote: Thought Giant
        in the territory of the participating countries

        1/20 of the land can accommodate anything .. at least make public toilets, even build a palisade of rockets ... but here we are on our 1/6 ....
      4. +2
        6 October 2014 11: 18
        Iskander them in the ass))) post in Kaliningrad and the question is settled !!!
        1. +3
          6 October 2014 11: 34
          Quote: Ossetian.
          Iskander them in the ass))) post in Kaliningrad and the question is settled !!!

          Iskanders have been standing there for a long time.
        2. Dobrov
          6 October 2014 13: 44
          Iskanders? Moreover, in 2008 it was necessary to deliver. Otot let pšeki pile in his pants. In general, it is difficult to communicate with monkeys .... Impudent vile creatures
        3. mist4
          6 October 2014 14: 28
          If HE could have done it a long time ago, it’s for him the king of the sun, and for the West he’s a drop on an oil pipe with a nuclear club. And the entire policy of non-interference in anything, nagging in the UN sign (FOR THE WEST) of Russia's real weakness. In the USSR, this was not even in terrible dreams.
        4. 0
          6 October 2014 16: 03
          We have everything here with a bunch of sparks)))

          But everything is exactly all this movement at the borders does not add joy
      5. +3
        6 October 2014 11: 19
        Started briskly, as if the pants did not break. Russia also has the right to place its Armed Forces anywhere and on its friendly territories. soldier
        1. mist4
          6 October 2014 14: 31
          Friendly territories could you name?
        2. 0
          6 October 2014 17: 42
          Yes, everything is fine. The eurozone economy is not breathing deeply anyway, and all these bases and military travel costs money. Like flights only to demonstrate their presence, and not from a real threat.
          I wonder how long they give up?
      6. 0
        6 October 2014 12: 31
        And also it must be added that it is not necessary for the masters to hysteria about our teachings in our own territory.
        And does anyone know the Iskander stationed in Kaliningrad and Belarus
      7. 0
        6 October 2014 14: 59
        Previously, they promised something else. No no! Just gundons! And we have nothing to be ashamed of! We’ll review the doctrine of the first blow ...
      8. 0
        6 October 2014 20: 07
        Or maybe it's time in Cuba to mark our missiles or deploy a contingent that is very small, but shocking to the point of horror ... wink And let the aircraft with interesting missiles fly in neutral waters in the immediate vicinity of Merikosia, while not violating the borders .... Well, not all the same they should get away with it! drinks
    2. WKS
      6 October 2014 11: 01
      NATO Secretary General: Alliance can place its armed forces where it wishes

      Even Peter 1 once said that according to the written not to speak, so that everyone could see the nonsense. Current officials, obviously following this covenant, try not to make speeches according to written texts. So it turns out that everyone’s nonsense is immediately visible to everyone who hears this speech. Well, let NATO try to deploy its armed forces well, at least near Saratov, or on Lake Baikal. Yes, at least in Ukraine or Belarus.
      This nonsense is especially visible in the speeches of US leaders, they all clearly need to speak according to pre-written texts, as L.I. did Brezhnev, he never improvised because he was not mistaken about his mental abilities.
      1. 0
        6 October 2014 12: 25
        Quote: wks
        This nonsense is especially visible in the speeches of US leaders, they all clearly need to speak according to pre-written texts, as L.I. did Brezhnev, he never improvised because he was not mistaken about his mental abilities.

        And then it will definitely work out again - "sasiski fucking bumps are letting us down!" L.I.Brezhnev laughing laughing laughing
        1. +2
          6 October 2014 15: 03
          Quote: GSH-18
          Quote: wks
          This nonsense is especially visible in the speeches of US leaders, they all clearly need to speak according to pre-written texts, as L.I. did Brezhnev, he never improvised because he was not mistaken about his mental abilities.

          And then it will definitely work out again - "sasiski fucking bumps are letting us down!" L.I.Brezhnev laughing laughing laughing

          Dear imperialist comrades
          (From a report to the XXVI Congress of the CPSU, 1981)
          Our army of peace is the bulwark of world peace when our army of peace is in the whole world, the cause of peace triumphs peacefully. laughing
      2. +1
        6 October 2014 15: 03
        Well, and who is better, based on your words? Brezhnev, that he read on a piece of paper and heard it from the Americans or that Gorbachev was a paperless improviser who had lost the USSR; Germany and friendly countries? You can laugh, but looking in the mirror.
    3. +3
      6 October 2014 11: 03
      and to me, now it is not so much the news that is interesting, as who forward will "dive": DRA-88 or the Giant of Thought? can we open the tote ??? wassat
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. 0
      6 October 2014 11: 09
      Let him learn geography first laughing
  2. +3
    6 October 2014 10: 50
    You can wish anywhere. For example, on Red Square. But they can be allowed in only as prisoners of war to be shown to the rest of the world.
    1. 0
      6 October 2014 15: 06
      Quote: RESEARCHER
      You can wish anywhere. For example, on Red Square. But they can be allowed in only as prisoners of war to be shown to the rest of the world.

      Not nano on Krasnaya. Making Moscow an exemplary communist city is a matter of honor for the entire Soviet people. laughing
  3. +4
    6 October 2014 10: 50
    and my eyes are so honest
    1. +1
      6 October 2014 10: 56
      ... like a wired alcoholic or a Hare Krishna supporterYes
      1. 0
        6 October 2014 11: 28
        Just today, there was a TV broadcast about him. It said that he was white and fluffy, extremely peaceful people. When asked why he became the head of NATO, it was said that this post is nominal. That is, he does not decide anything. just a talking head. Shout of overseas hosts.
  4. +15
    6 October 2014 10: 51
    And what the hell start to yell when Russia in its territory moves troops and conducts exercises ??? recourse
  5. +5
    6 October 2014 10: 53
    We can place an army wherever we want, ”said NATO Secretary General
    - Well ... So be it, we’ll bury you exactly where you want - Shoigu calmly nodded in response soldier
  6. nvv
    6 October 2014 10: 53
  7. Khalmamed
    6 October 2014 10: 55
    "" "NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, officially ...... stated that the North Atlantic Alliance can deploy troops in any of the participating countries at its discretion" ""

    - With the SLAVES decided, already GOOD.
    - To the sprats of Mexicans, Arabs, etc. have already been sent to live. FAREWELL skaunas and zalgiris- SALAM ALEIKUM abas ibn Riga! how is your harem?
    WHAT DOES RUSSIA DO NOT PLACE IN ITS TERRITORY how much it wants and where it wants to and in the number of combat separated parts for slave countries, especially since they are small ... well, somewhere from 100 to 140 ct.
    1. +2
      6 October 2014 11: 01
      Quote: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
      Next year at the ministerial meeting, we will decide on the Rapid Reaction Forces, but even before they are created, NATO has an already powerful army. We can place it wherever we want

      European version of Geletey. He, too, at the time of his appointment, waved his saber from the rostrum that he would hold a victory parade in Sevastopol. This base is already located where he wants ...
      In short, universal insanity on the basis of excessive self-mutilation from its far-fetched steepness.
  8. +7
    6 October 2014 10: 56
    Yes, once again, "thank you very much" to the first and last president of the USSR.
  9. +3
    6 October 2014 10: 56
    Something this new secretary general recalls the Ukrainian minister Geletey. Fashion for such or something.
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. Timofey
    6 October 2014 10: 56
    NATO what generally ah **** !!! Here stingrays hate them.
  12. +3
    6 October 2014 10: 58
    NATO Secretary General: Alliance can place its armed forces where it wishes

    Well then, get ready to get piduley where we decide the fit. Yes
  13. +4
    6 October 2014 10: 58
    "Who will come to us with a sword ..."
  14. +2
    6 October 2014 10: 59
    No. First you need permission from RUSSIA to ask. And collect all the documents and go around the authorities. And there we will see. soldier
  15. 0
    6 October 2014 10: 59
    Newbie, well. Silly, still young, inexperienced, what to take from him request I have not understood yet that wanting is not harmful - it is harmful not to want.
    1. 0
      6 October 2014 15: 27
      Quote: Stiletto
      Newbie, well. Silly, still young, inexperienced, what to take from him request I have not understood yet that wanting is not harmful - it is harmful not to want.

      Politician. But how to kiss. laughing
  16. Vita_vko
    6 October 2014 11: 01
    NATO is an already powerful army. We can place it wherever we want ”
    It seems that the mass conduct of informational and psychological zombies is contagious no less than the Ebola virus and primarily affects those who conduct them. Of course, the mentally ill will always find their own unique method of suicide. Let's hope that the army of New Russia will ensure that NATO commits its suicide away from our borders.
    1. +1
      6 October 2014 11: 31
      Quote: Vita_vko
      We can place it wherever we want

      And this is the result of the “tagged” and BNE policy. Only for this they are eternal Russian curse.
      1. 0
        6 October 2014 12: 26
        Quote: Lelek
        Only for this they have the eternal Russian curse.

        And for the INF Treaty with START-2, too
  17. +2
    6 October 2014 11: 02
    .whisper in the white house. My suggestion is that Shoigu make the same statement like where we want to increase military activity there, notice on your land.
    1. 0
      6 October 2014 11: 12
      The Yankees and their sixes will then suffocate from howling and hysterical cries. Yes, and they ring all over Europe, the seas will be dirtied after washing diapers.
  18. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 05
    A new broom, but sweeps in the old way. Now you won’t scare us with this, our new military strategy is untying our hands. Fear, gentlemen of the NATO.
  19. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 06
    They can start with fear and nuclear war. Looks like our interceptor yankees drapanuli to Sweden. And our strategic aviation in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans cheered them up. It’s another matter that the Baltic states, which are always plotting Poland’s intrigues, do not understand (or rather they understand, but they must please the owner) that by placing NATO troops and possible missile defense systems on their territory, they thereby sign a death sentence.
  20. +1
    6 October 2014 11: 07
    OK, post. Only then do not howl about Russia's response.
  21. Rubmolot
    6 October 2014 11: 08
    For example, I, Mr. Stoltenberg, I CAN have sex whenever I want.
    The last time I wanted for the New Year.
  22. +1
    6 October 2014 11: 10
    ... the North Atlantic Alliance may deploy troops to any of the participating countries at its discretion ...

    I think, and RUSSIA will post troops in any country of a non-alliance in his own way discretion!
  23. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 10
    But Russia should say exactly the same thing, Psaki squeals about provocations and Russian aggression, that an unfeeding pig.
  24. +3
    6 October 2014 11: 11
    This is the one who was recruited by the KGB in his youth. Pull it in your mattress and place your cowardly and stupid idiots in yourself.
  25. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 12
    Purposeful, vivid, frank provocations, the war no longer smells, but it still stinks! It stinks like 40-41gg of the last century. We must forcefully prepare. Can start cleaning already?
  26. Viktor Kudinov
    6 October 2014 11: 18
    The NATO secretary general is clearly groggy. He simply pounds the sovereignty of each individual NATO country to the wall. Before deploying its troops or equipment anywhere, NATO must obtain the consent of the host country, and, having received permission, deploy. On the other hand, Russia seems to have its own sovereign right to deploy on its territory as much as it wants, where it wants and what troops it wants. However, she respected the request of the West to withdraw, in his opinion, the "extra" Russian troops from the borders of Ukraine. At other times, such requests may be ignored, given that the contingents of NATO troops near the borders with the Russian Federation have recently increased.
  27. +4
    6 October 2014 11: 18
    And we will also place where we want ...
    1. Dobrov
      6 October 2014 13: 46
      Whoever eats shit is lucky in the cards, here, and the lamb obama is better to play a fool with his grandmother-monkey
  28. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 19
    the Alliance may deploy troops to any of the participating countries at its discretion

    The question is simple, like a steamed turnip. Unfortunately, this secretary general will not read and will not answer him. But maybe VO readers will help me with the answer?
    Question. Will I wait for the deployment of these troops on the territory of Perdostan? Is this possible?
  29. The comment was deleted.
  30. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 22
    There is nothing surprising in this statement. The new boss asserts himself. It is also necessary for Russia to make similar statements more often, for its part, without hesitation. I hope this will be reflected in the new doctrine of the sun.
  31. +2
    6 October 2014 11: 24

    Our NATO response is simple.
  32. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 24
    Apparently, in the West, officials have been recruited recently according to the phrase from the Strugatskys' novel: "We don't need the smart ones. We need the faithful ..." Whatever the official, then the "ward of the mind." And Ukraine is catching up to such standards.
    1. gjv
      6 October 2014 15: 29
      Quote: Walk
      need. The faithful need ...

      Yes, everywhere in the world such a set. The Strugatskys also wrote this about our state. Where is it different? What gang needs the "infidels"?
    2. The comment was deleted.
  33. +1
    6 October 2014 11: 24
    The crazy Western world, how he does not understand that the United States needs it to counterbalance Russia. In the event of the defeat of the latter, the US NATO allies from the EU countries will learn on themselves all the "beauty" of American omnipotence, turning into disenfranchised cattle. This disdain for them is already slipping into the statements and actions of American politicians. But fortunately for them, this will not happen, because Russia is the pebble on which the innovative braid of the West will once again find, and for this we need to prepare for a tough confrontation with the West, otherwise, the genocide of the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine will seem like flowers to us ...
  34. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 26
    NATO has an already powerful army. We can place it wherever we want, ”the Secretary General said.
    of course they can, preferably at the "Ashchiluk" training ground, otherwise ours train "on cats".
  35. ISKANDER25
    6 October 2014 11: 30
    Quote: Giant thought
    The Alliance can deploy its troops on the territory of the participating countries, who argue, just do not howl if Russia begins to strengthen its forces on the border, and what kind of business NATO can be, how many of our troops are on the border with Ukraine, you need to think what you say, Mr. Mr. Secretary General of NATO.

    Hello! And it’s hard to disagree with this: they are forever worried about something !!!
  36. +5
    6 October 2014 11: 31
    From the comments there was a joke ... Check it out guys drinks :
    - We can place our great army wherever we want, - the new Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg pathetically declared. fellow
    - If only not on Mars, the rest suits us perfectly, - Shoigu nodded. Yes
    - Truth?! You were so scared of us, right ?! - rejoiced Stoltenberg. wassat
    - No, of course. I’m just talking about the fact that on planet Earth we can bury it exactly where you wish,- calmly explained the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation soldier ...
  37. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 32
    Well, ok, post it. Within the framework of the CSTO, we can too. How do you like the small Chinese contingent of 200 thousand in the Kaliningrad region?
  38. +1
    6 October 2014 11: 32
    People, don’t boil over, this statement the new effective manager from NATO said not for Russia, China or other countries. and for our lackeys, 51, 52, 53 and subsequent states ... they say that we will protect everyone and intimidate everyone, and different Poles and the big Baltic three are glad that they will not be left alone in their great war ...

    But on the other hand, I was always struck by the short-sightedness of different Poland and the Baltic states, not ... I certainly didn’t finish higher command courses in academies ... but I have a feeling that, by pure logic, if (God forbid) a war starts, then all these radars and missiles in Poland, bases in Lithuania and Latvia will be destroyed in the first place ... and quite possibly in a not very humane way, why substitute and set up a radar knowing that this will be one of the first targets for enemy missiles?
  39. Crimea-nyash
    6 October 2014 11: 35
    it must be understood that NATO is preparing to break the contract with us?
  40. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 36
    And then they are surprised: - What is Russia activating? Spends 20 trillion rubles for its defense industry, changes the Military Doctrine, I won’t be surprised if I also wipe it with the INF Treaty, just like the United States wipes everything and everything. The time for a drunken lowing has passed. Do what you want, but do not try to step on our Earth with a grenade launcher. In the south-east of Ukraine, men defended themselves (teachers, miners, etc.), and we also have an army. Remember this !!!
  41. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 41
    Cuba is far away, Cuba is next!
    without unnecessary comments)))
    6 October 2014 11: 41
    the North Atlantic Alliance may place troops in any of the participating countries at its discretion, Not guys! It’s only we can! You don’t have enough strength and spirit. In our country, just a blood type is one, you have Fear running through your veins instead of blood. Feel once again.
  43. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 44
    Guys!!! Why are we tearing our hearts ?! The same "SS man" as before! Yes, it is more difficult to beat them than the infantry, but, after all, not in the first ...
  44. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 53
    With all such statements they feel our possible reaction, and indeed whether it will be at all. If you speak with them with just the hints, they will completely cut off.
  45. The comment was deleted.
  46. 0
    6 October 2014 11: 58
    Due to the increased activity of Ukraine in the Donbass, Russia has the right (by agreement of the parties) to deploy a military base in .. in Cuba. What? From there, we will also threaten the cunning saloids!
  47. 0
    6 October 2014 12: 01
    Quote: Lelek
    Russia also has the right to deploy its armed forces anywhere in its territory and on its friendly territories.

    And to whom it will become scary, he can move away.
    1. gjv
      6 October 2014 15: 41
      Quote: grandfather_Kostya
      And to whom it will become scary, he can move away.

      So his predecessor, Andryukha "Tumanchik" Rasmussen, said: "You Russians, go far away in your tanks, fly away in your planes, and we will arrive in our tanks, we will fly in our planes."
      Is it from fear, or out of naivety, or yet from arrogance?
    2. The comment was deleted.
  48. 0
    6 October 2014 12: 02
    bluff, well, I really want to seem significant, because it carries a non-custom ... stupid person
  49. 0
    6 October 2014 12: 03
    Thanks to the next NATO moron, you can set goals in advance.
  50. 0
    6 October 2014 12: 06
    Well then, WE ARE ON THE CUBA - we’ll take the scanners!
  51. 0
    6 October 2014 12: 06
    Well then, WE ARE ON THE CUBA - we’ll take the scanners!
    1. 0
      6 October 2014 12: 29
      And the RS-26 will be in Cuba. By the way, if you place the RSD in Cuba in 2020, it will be possible to destroy their nuclear submarine bases in 2-5 minutes, i.e. deprive the US of 62% of its strategic nuclear forces
  52. 0
    6 October 2014 12: 20
    Yes, of course you can place it, but this is already a problem for the country where NATO troops are stationed, it’s like a black mark for the country where NATO troops are stationed, in the event of a conflict, this country will be the first to suffer, ugh, ugh, ugh, no matter what happens global conflict!!!
  53. 0
    6 October 2014 12: 20
    Very good. This means Russia can destroy NATO troops anywhere. It won't seem enough.
  54. Nina Zima
    6 October 2014 12: 25
    let them try it near Voronezh... let's have a laugh together...
  55. +1
    6 October 2014 12: 28
    And we need to deploy special forces in Cuba to cool down the hotheads.
  56. +1
    6 October 2014 12: 29
    One “narrow-minded” gentleman replaced another. And it will always be like this.
  57. +1
    6 October 2014 12: 56
    Place powerful electronic warfare on the borders with Gnyropa so that these talkers won’t even be able to watch TV
  58. 0
    6 October 2014 13: 08
    a highly mobile advanced group of the Reaction Forces, support bases for which are expected to be built in countries bordering Russia.
    And after THIS, they will learn about the real hospitality of Russia, they will see “gifts” with Russian latitude (ballistics) and the accuracy of strategic and tactical surprises! Moreover, the more and more boringly you move, the more effective and cheaper the “hospitality” will be.
    P.S. ...So that later you don’t have to catch it across the prairies...
  59. 0
    6 October 2014 14: 02
    Interesting. What will happen if, suddenly, by accident (well, anything can happen) somewhere on the road from Afghanistan to Geyropa a NATO transport container falls and breaks. And there, by a strange coincidence, the purest Afghan heroin will be discovered?
    1. gjv
      6 October 2014 15: 49
      Quote: Rods
      What will happen if, suddenly, by accident (well, anything can happen) somewhere

      Local drug addicts will have a chance to become “heroes” (posthumously).
    2. The comment was deleted.
  60. polkownik1
    6 October 2014 15: 02
    Great statement! This stupid person doesn’t even understand that he is giving us a free hand.
  61. 0
    6 October 2014 15: 21
    We are graciously waiting. And we will enrich our culture and carry it out... to the cemetery am
  62. 0
    6 October 2014 17: 32
    Quote: asadov
    I agree. Or can we create a group in Transnistria?

    And what ? Have you forgotten the lesson of June 41? Troops on the border are concentrated only before an attack. But for defense, on the contrary, they move further away so that they don’t get hit by the first blow.
  63. 0
    6 October 2014 21: 08
    A good place for NATO troops and the most important NATO member is the nearby cemeteries.
    Don't tease our Iskanders and don't blow on our poplars.
  64. 0
    7 October 2014 00: 07
    Paranoia and hysteria of NATO are natural; they are looking for any reason to strengthen their presence in the immediate vicinity of the borders with Russia. It’s so unclear who is threatening whom