Torture by Proxy


They were secretly kidnapped on city streets, highways, supermarkets and parks. They were deprived of liberty and tortured without trial. With the consent of the president and the US government, hundreds of men, women and children are still languishing in the dungeons of the CIA special prison in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Syria and some European countries.

All means are good ...

Around the world, "suspected of terrorism" hastily pushed into the aircraft. The Gulf Stream and Boeing landed at night, out of schedule, on the cold windy fields of Great Britain. Refueling - and again into the air, into an unknown country, to secret CIA facilities, where inhuman torture and torture awaited passengers. Prisons and camps were scattered throughout Eastern Europe and beyond. I would like to think that these are just speculations of the conspirators of conspiracies ...

Alas, the facts suggest otherwise. At the end of 2001, the Swedish police arrested Mohammed al-Zeru and Ahmed Agiz as suspects in terrorism. They were deported to Egypt, to a secret CIA facility, where they were tortured. Two years later, al-Zeru was released without charge, and Agiz without trial was sentenced to 25 years in prison for unproven membership in a banned Islamic organization.

Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen of Syrian descent. The CIA secretly kidnapped him and sent him across Jordan to Syria, where he was subjected to severe physical torture. Khaled el-Masri, a German citizen, was abducted in Macedonia and transported to Afghanistan. There he was repeatedly beaten and tortured. Syrian Mohammed Haydar Zammar was captured in Morocco, after which he spent four years in the Syrian dungeons. But these were only the first victims of “American extradition”.

Evidence destroy!

In 2002, the world community was shocked by reports from the American media: “Terrorists are hiding around the world who are preparing another attack like the 11 attack of September, an attack on the West. And the most reliable way to prevent terrorism is to seize suspects, transport them to special bases and interrogate them with torture, in order to find out all the information. ”

The question is: if a criminal is caught and his guilt is proved, then why take him out in such a monstrous way? The fact is that for America the main problem is not at all the detention and identification of the identity of the "suspects". Much more difficult to circumvent US law and international law.
- surveillance, kidnapping, detention without a court verdict, torture during interrogations are illegal methods and are considered crimes. But the Americans found a way out: extradition! Suspects are transported to a country where torture is permitted or where no one will know about it. The famous expression of an American intelligence agent has spread throughout the world: "We do not beat information out of them, we do not break laws! We send them to other countries where they do it for us!"

In September 2005, the Guardian newspaper reported: “Since 2001, about 210 cases of CIA charter flights have been recorded. The planes landed at night at the airfields of the Air Force and Heathrow, Gatwick civil airports. Stansted and Glasgow for refueling. These planes transported people suspected of terrorism to countries where they were tortured. ” In response to these statements, Jack Straw, the British foreign secretary, said that this was just another gossip. However, the message interested public organizations in the UK. After a private investigation in November 2005, the Freedom British Civil Rights Group filed strong evidence to the United Association of Police Officers that aircraft with “terror suspects” were landing on British soil.
Not surprisingly, a month later, this issue was raised in the House of Commons. But Jack Spit shrugged: "There are no documents proving that American airplanes stopped on British soil." And US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hastened to assure the British government that this is complete nonsense! Freedom again took up the investigation and found out that all documents were diligently destroyed by order of the highest authorities of Great Britain after the refueling of special flights.

Torture by Proxy

American style: lies and violence

An innocent and interesting hobby - photographing the takeoff and landing of planes - became a revolution in the investigation of "American extradition". Photos of planes taken by amateurs and posted on the Internet became the object of close attention of journalists and specialists. They checked the location, registration numbers, takeoff and landing times, and based on many coincidences came to the conclusion that these flights were carried out for the purpose of transporting "suspects".

But the real scandal broke out in Europe in February 2005 of the year - Swiss Senator Dick Marty made a presentation in the Council of Europe. The report described in detail the work of the CIA - the kidnapping and transport of “suspects” across European borders to secret prisons, where torture and violence were used without trial. The report was so convincing that by next February Germany, Spain, Poland and Romania began their own investigation into the CIA secret prisons case.

Soon the European Union published the remaining findings of Senator Marty: the airspace and airports of Great Britain were freely available to the special flights of the CIA. By January 2007, the European Parliament found that 1200 had recorded suspicious flights in Eastern Europe between the 2001-2005 years. The Commission of the European Parliament has accused the UK and a number of EU countries in colluding with the CIA to assist in the transport and abduction of people around the world.

The United Police Officers Association announced the findings of a Council of Europe investigation that lasted for 19 months: “About 20 countries, 14 of which are located in Europe, were somehow involved in clandestine transportation of CIA prisoners. Of course, all European states should have known about the flights, because after September 11, NATO allowed the CIA to cross European airspace without obstacles. "Nevertheless, despite obvious evidence, European governments
still reject the report of Senator Marty due to the lack of "concrete evidence". And what else is there to them? ..

However, the governments of the countries where secret prisons exist could not have known about them! According to American intelligence, information about prisons is kept in the strictest secrecy both from the public and from politicians. The location of such secret objects is known to only a few leaders of the United States, as well as to the president and heads of special services of the country in whose territory this secret object is located.

Child torture — the CIA's usual method

Journalist Thompson and military geographer Trevor Paglen thoroughly investigated the CIA secret prison programs for two years. A private investigation, eyewitness confessions, documentary records and photographs shocked the world media and formed the basis of the book Taxi of Torture. The book contains documents, facts and evidence proving that throughout the world, on the request of the CIA, Arabs were abducted and secretly transported to countries in Eastern Europe, Afghanistan, Syria and tortured. The victims were not only men, but women and even children at the age of seven !!! Why kidnap children? It turns out that the children of the victims are an effective part of the torture program. The voice of a child subjected to torture and violence is recorded on tape and given to listen to parents!

The program of the "American extradition" was masterfully thought out to keep everything in the strictest confidence. The abducted were taken on board the aircraft in handcuffs, often in shackles, flights were made at night or in the early morning, the registration data of the aircraft changed frequently,
Flight records and other documents were destroyed immediately upon the arrival and disembarkation of the suspects "at the facility."

Various forms of physical and mental violence, extreme temperatures, electric shock, round-the-clock blind lights and deafening music, poor nutrition or lack of it were used as torture. On the prisoners incited dogs. “Imitation of executions” and “imitation of drowning”, torture by a drill, putting out cigarettes on the face of prisoners were used ...

The Red Cross and lawyers are not allowed on such objects, because they are not there.

Double standards Mr. Obama

Torture by proxy - this grim tale has long been true. Gradually, more and more new facts and evidence that affect politicians in many countries. According to conspiracy theorists, the scale of these operations is global, and Europe is only a small part of the puzzle.

In 2009, at the initiative of US President Barack Obama, the Department of Justice resumed consideration of the CIA secret jail case. “High-ranking patrons of the illegal methods used during interrogations against“ suspects of terrorism ”should be under investigation,” assures the President of America. And at the same time he signs an order on the creation of an "elite team of investigators to interrogate suspected terrorists."

The new group, which unites the back cases of masters from various departments, will abduct, torture and maim adults and children, only now under the cover of not the CIA, but the FBI. A significant change, isn't it?

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  1. zloy
    15 October 2010 15: 05
    Well done Americans, they are doing everything right. With dirty Arab animals you need to do as they deserve it! Let the creatures be afraid.
  2. zloy
    12 January 2011 16: 59
    Dirty arab pigs must be destroyed by any means.
    I hope to live to see the time when any Arab captured on the street will have a public stand and a gallows just because he is an Arab.
    Americans - mega-aspect. Torture critters!

    and it’s better to burn them on bonfires, alive, on damp logs. To torment, creatures!
  3. dred
    27 November 2011 16: 51
    Yeah, and other nations think what you say. This is not a war but Russianism.
  4. Artemka
    27 November 2011 16: 53
    Honestly, torture must be applied to the Americans themselves.
  5. +2
    April 26 2012 19: 31
    Amer is not people; they do not deserve leniency. Honestly worse than animals. What are Arabs not people? But Bout was captured - well, this Amer abomination does not climb into any gates. am
  6. +1
    3 September 2015 22: 26
    Some kind of tin. If you think so, then you can generally torture everyone, just in case.