Cursed and forgotten


Directed by Inna Vanina, Sergey Govorukhin.
written by Sergey Govorukhin
Operators Vitaly Vikh, Mikhail Simakov, Yuri Romanov
Producers Sergey Govorukhin, Alexander Kim, Dmitry Ursulyak

“The picture shows not just the chronicles of the last wars that have befallen Russia, but, summarizing the terrible experience of these wars, the crime of the authorities and society behind these wars and watching indifferently — the powerlessness, grief and death of their fellow citizens is proved. A society that does not want to think about the terrible consequences of war.

Sadly, evil is a natural state of harmony. To defeat his impossible to remember him and to confront, as far as possible, it is necessary. And although our film is about Russia, it is addressed to the whole world, because war is just the extreme degree of social evil that is everywhere. ”

Movie authors


Born in 1967 in Kazan. In 1988, she graduated from the drama school in Kazan.

She worked as an actress in the Dzerzhinsky Drama Theater, at the Kazan Theater School as an acting teacher. In 1997, she graduated from the drama school in absentia. Shchukin specialty "director of drama theater." As a theater director, she staged several performances, including “Zoykin's apartment” by M. Bulgakov, “Vaudeville” by A. Chekhov, “Wolves and Sheep” by A. Ostrovsky.

As a film director, she debuted the artistic and journalistic film "Cursed and Forgotten" in collaboration with Sergei Govorukhin.


Born in 1961 in Kazan. After serving in the army (1979-82), he worked as a fitter, a welder, a prospector in the Far North, a foreman, and in 1988 he graduated in absentia from the scriptwriting department of VGIK. Since 1991, he headed the repair and construction organization and at the same time the film studio. In 1994, he started shooting a film about modern wars in Russia. Participated in hostilities, was awarded several government awards. In February, 1995 lost a leg as a result of the fighting in Chechnya.

Currently he is the chairman of the organization of war invalids in Tajikistan and Chechnya. The author of several literary collections, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia.

He made his debut artistic-journalistic film "Cursed and forgotten" in collaboration with Inna Vaneeva.
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  1. +2
    25 July 2011 19: 06
    Glory to the fallen HEROES. who is responsible for all this ????
    1. +1
      27 July 2011 00: 45
      someday you’ll ask yourself, or you’ll carry out the verdict.
  2. 0
    25 July 2011 20: 10
    The authors bow low and human gratitude.
  3. Eric
    25 July 2011 20: 43
    Eternal memory ...
  4. 0
    29 July 2011 20: 32
    I would gladly carry out the sentence ... And not one.
  5. -1
    27 August 2011 06: 03
    Strange movie... the author clearly overdid it in the selection of video footage and comments.
  6. Alexanat
    6 March 2012 21: 27
    The one who is guilty of unleashing the war was buried with honor, as the First President of Russia. True, his "family" remained, but it is not touched! And the soldiers are logs thrown into the fire of war, so that it burns hotter
  7. +1
    13 August 2013 07: 52
    I feel sorry for the boys. And the worst thing is that those guilty of unleashing this mess are living happily ever after and none of them have been punished so far.