The plundering of Russia in the 1920-ies. The first attempts to counter

The plundering of Russia in the 1920-ies. The first attempts to counter

The ruin in Soviet Russia brought a lot of misfortune to its inhabitants, but it is known that “to whom the war is, and to whom the mother is native,” it was then. Russia sold industrial goods at inflated prices, enterprises and deposits of various resources came under the control of American business. In 1920-ies, the West and its accomplices in Soviet Russia turned out a unique and unknowingly equal-scale operation to plunder Russia.

Even hunger was the subject of fraud, so, in the central committee of the party, the hunger line was headed by Trotsky. With its help, several agreements were concluded with the ARA, an association of charitable and religious organizations, led by the US Secretary of Commerce G. Goover with some businessmen, for example, the famous Armand Hammer. Through them, Russia bought grain, but what is most interesting is that grain in a number of Russian regions also had its own. Crop failure was not everywhere, this grain was sold abroad (!) And immediately carried another, supposedly bought to fight hunger. It is quite possible that this was the Russian grain, already “scrolled”.

In 1922, Roscombank was created for financial operations with Western countries, which was headed by O. Ashberg, who was "famous" for operations to export Russian gold. In January, the Cannes Conference was held on 1922, at which the Soviet government was actually recognized, in March - the Genoa Conference.

Trotsky was in charge of the distribution of concessions, he also managed the campaign for the seizure of church values ​​and led the work on the “realization of Gokhran values”. His wife, N. Sedova, a graduate of Sorbonne University, is an art historian by profession, and took the position of head of Glavmuzey. Thus, the priceless icons of the XV-XVII centuries were left at the “price” of 50-150 rubles. Helped Trotsky in the realization of his uncle Abraham Zhivotovsky, who had settled in Stockholm at that time. Trotsky's sister, Olga, Kamenev's wife, being the chairman of the international department of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, arranged exhibitions for foreigners in Europe where they offered different values ​​to foreigners. She was assisted in this by Richard Crane, director of Westinghouse Electric, one of the organizers of the February Revolution, then the representative of US President Wilson.

The locking of Gokhran was helped by the head of it, Yakov Yurovsky, who was "made famous" by the murder of the Romanov family. Another member of the Romanovs, the Beloborodov, was also included in the commission for the seizure of church property. Other "Trotskyists": V. Gomberg - headed the Russian-German trading company and the All-Union Chemical Syndicate, Serebrovsky - was responsible for supplies to the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, then headed Glavneft and Soyuzzoloto. Through Benjamin Sverdlov, who headed the Supreme Economic Council, exported furs, antiques, oil.

Lenin was aware of this, but could do nothing, apparently, Trotsky had “compromising evidence” on him. In the summer of 1921, he attempted to remove Trotsky from the posts of the People's Commissar for Military and Maritime Affairs and send him to the Ukraine as Commissar of Food. Trotsky ignored the instructions, and then, after a private conversation, Lenin retreated. After that, Trotsky gained control over a number of enterprises of the national economy near Moscow - Moskust. After six months of the actions of the “effective manager” of Trotsky and his people, according to the inspection of Rabkrin (Workers 'and Peasants' Inspectorate), the enterprises were destroyed, turning into a “feeding trough” for pumping public funds into a pocket. But after that, Trotsky got away with everything.

It was the peak of his power, he lived royally, occupied the palace of the princes Yusupov, kept the staff of servants, excellent cooks, personal doctors. In the palace he held his meetings, receptions, and negotiations. During the war he did not forget to take holidays, went hunting, fishing, resorts.

Of course, Lenin could not simply cede all power "without a fight", since it did not work out directly, he began to strengthen Stalin's positions. Unlike Trotsky, he led a completely different life: he was not noticed in relations with foreign circles, he lived very modestly, one might say ascetic. He was constantly at work, was not afraid to take "current problems", showed himself well in the war as an organizer, skillfully brought order, and, unlike Trotsky, was not marked by mass terror - the elimination of the Kolchak breakthrough under Perm in December 1918, in May 1919, breakthrough of the army of A.Rodzianko near Petrograd. During the war with Poland, he oversaw the successful South-Western Front, and insisted on the undesirability of transferring military operations to Polish territory, opposed the idea of ​​"world revolution."

Lenin appreciated the qualities of Stalin and advanced him: Stalin became his closest practical assistant, a conductor of his ideas. He also received the posts of people's commissar for state control and the Workers 'and Peasants' Inspectorate for the post of People's Commissar for Nationalities Affairs. In March, 1922, he was introduced to the Secretariat of the Central Committee, where they come up with a special position - the general secretary. That is, gradually, the positions of statesmen strengthened.

Sources of:
Volkogonov D. A. Trotsky. Political portrait. M, 1992.
Sutton E. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. M., 1998.
Sakharov V. A. “Political testament” of Lenin. M., 2003.
Shashbarov V. Anti-Soviet. M., 2011.
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  1. Evgan
    11 July 2011 12: 29
    Yes ... "and, unlike Trotsky, he was not marked by mass terror" ... In the early 20s, he may not have been - he did not yet have enough power. And then?
    1. penal battalion
      11 July 2011 15: 28
      And then?

      And then, in the late 30s, she came down with the red camisars and the undeveloped white Democrats, because they organized a civil war.
      The Westerners are still keeping quiet about the repressions of the 20s, and the fact that they have sheltered BLOOD Trotsky are also keeping quiet.
      1. Alwex
        11 January 2012 11: 12
        and then all those who committed terror-terrorized
  2. Rico1977
    11 July 2011 15: 12
    In the 1920s, the West and its accomplices in Soviet Russia carried out a unique and unknowing operation on the plunder of RosKak, which is unmatched - and the 90s?
  3. Evgan
    11 July 2011 17: 22
    penal battalion, I’m just saying that I don’t accept this author’s pathological desire to whitewash Stalin - he’s the only one who did everything as he should. And millions of repressed people - including (not all, of course) talented scientists, engineers, military leaders - were they also necessary? He always has some kind of flat view of history: they say that these are necessarily bad, and these are white and fluffy, without a single speck ...
    1. penal battalion
      11 July 2011 17: 51
      Do you look around and remember, or ask how the stones were in the 80s?
      In honor, in conscience and in fairness, half of them had to be repressed, and the rest flogged - cleaning party is called.
      1. slan
        11 July 2011 19: 11
        That's it! And if now you try to put things in order, how many creatures need to be "repressed" and after all, this is exactly what their burnt degenerate descendants will call this retribution in the event of revenge.
        And I note again that it is not necessary to confuse the genocide of the Russian and other peoples until the age of 37, which was carried out by the Jews and the subsequent Stalinist purge.
    2. Kaa
      11 June 2012 22: 23
      Apart from the Civil War, from 1922 to 1956 - 600000, many of them for economic crimes. It’s not serious to use the numbers of Conquest and Solzhenitsyn (I generally respect it, but where the numbers are sucked out - it would be nice to ask the State Department)
  4. Evgan
    12 July 2011 11: 36
    Slan, like "the genocide of the Russian and other peoples before 37" is a crime, and the "subsequent Stalinist purge" is a correct and true action ???

    Penal battalion, you are probably right, but - fortunately or unfortunately, we live not according to "honor, conscience and justice", but according to the laws, which, moreover, are not always implemented ...
    1. slan
      12 July 2011 17: 06
      The point is that one should distinguish between the so-called. Stalinist repressions for two periods: before the assassination of Kirov, after which Stalin actually came to power, and before, when the country was ruled by the Jewish kagal-so-called. the Trotskyite-Zinoviev bloc. So, in the early thirties, millions of normal people were "dispossessed" (destroyed), and it was at this time that there was famine, which in Ukraine is proudly called the Holodomor. It is these innocent victims of the early 30s who like to cite as an example the current burnt-out anti-terrorist activists, but they squeal at the same time and demand privileges for the “victims” of 37, which is not surprising since During these years, the party was being purged of the parents of these degenerates, lurid commissars. It is naive to imagine that in 37, good suddenly triumphed over evil, but oversimplified - in the second half of the 30s, Stalin cleared the country of the Caudla, who was destroying normal people in the 20s - early 30s, although he himself emerged from them. And of course, innocent people suffered in all years, but the goals of the Stalinist purge of the party from the enemies of the people were correct and correct - the destruction of the instigators of the genocide of the peoples of the USSR.
  5. Evgan
    13 July 2011 09: 37
    Slan, but in the early thirties, when collectivization began, Stalin took an active part in it. Yes, of course, before the defeat of Trotsky and Zinoviev, he did not have all the power, but it would be wrong to completely remove from him responsibility for the repressions of the early 30s.
    Now consider 1937 and beyond. Firstly, not only party members left for the camps, but also many non-party people. And secondly, by God, I don’t understand why all of a sudden, at once, we got so many pests, many of whom grew up already under the "advanced, socialist system"? After all, the repressions in 1937 did not end, they continued in the early 50s, and during this time a whole generation of Soviet people grew up ...
    And if we assume that we still have a certain percentage of "enemies of the people" - does this mean that a dozen or two million of our fellow citizens "right and right" will be sent behind the barbed wire?
  6. slan
    13 July 2011 21: 19
    Quote: EvgAn
    Yes, of course, before the defeat of Trotsky and Zinoviev, he did not have all the power, but it would be wrong to completely remove from him responsibility for the repressions of the early 30s.

    That's it! And completely blaming him is also not necessary. It's like blaming Putin for the collapse of the USSR on the grounds that he served Sobchak. Of course, the comparison is incorrect, the role of Stalin was not so insignificant., Well, the essence is that he acted in a system that he subsequently destroyed.
    Quote: EvgAn
    Now consider 1937 and later. Firstly, not only party members, but also many non-partisans drove to the camps.

    Certainly! Well, again, Stalin personally sent everyone there, or were there any "excesses" on the ground? And yet the bottom line is that in the early thirties, a hundred honest, hardworking peasants accidentally killed one villain, then in 37 everything was the other way around.
    Quote: EvgAn
    And if we assume that we still have a certain percentage of "enemies of the people" - does this mean that a dozen or two million of our fellow citizens "right and right" will be sent behind the barbed wire?

    Excuse me, but where are you from, from Israel? But the organizers of the flooding of the "Bulgaria" who have now been repressed, in fact, are they "enemies of the people"? How to call them then? Now so many filth have seized power that they can restore order without "a certain percentage" of convicts ... Or do you think that all this organized crime, in fact, can be simply fired and they will go to work and sit quietly at home?