On the complete failure of the draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation until 2025 of the year

About positioning and "multisubjectness"

On the eve of the International Day of the Family, the draft of the long-awaited Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation before 2025 was announced. The text of the project is currently posted in the public domain on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development (this is evidenced by the corresponding copyright protection mark) entitled “A single portal for posting information about the development of draft regulatory legal acts and public discussion results by federal executive bodies”.

At the same time, the representative of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection - Elena Pugacheva, who holds the position of Deputy Director of the Department for Population Policy and Social Protection of the Population of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, is indicated in the “responsible person” column.

By the way, on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection itself news materials related to the development of the Family Policy Concept are placed in the Demographic Policy section, although the draft Concept itself begins with the words: “State family policy is an integral part of Russian social policy.”

In short, it creates the impression of complete chaos.

Against the background, to put it mildly, the positioning document is virtually devoid of managerial subjectivity. In the considered Concept of the State Family Policy, there is no single federal entity responsible for the implementation of the family policy. As in the case of demographic policy, they are trying to give this area a super-departmental (multi-subject) status.

The idea of ​​super-departmental, interdepartmental and multi-subject status of family policy is quite acceptable as an auxiliary toolkit, but the key point is the implementation of this policy by a specific structure, endowed with relevant functions and resources, acting as a conductor and "general manager" again a specific action program.

Otherwise, we will continue to witness managerial chaos, disunity of actions, duplication of functions, dispersal of resources, etc., between various federal and regional state structures.

It is noteworthy that in the section devoted to the phased implementation of the Concept, the absence of a family policy management system is actually recognized. Moreover, the document directly states that “at the first stage (2015 - 2019 years) ... the mechanisms for implementing the concept, the system for managing its implementation (highlighted by I. IB), financing mechanisms, information-analytical and personnel support will be created , system of legal support of the state family policy ".

In other words, the Federal level concept for the long-term perspective [1] is approved first, and then a “management system for its implementation” is formed. With such a “thoughtful” approach, a sensation of a large-scale social experiment with a previously known result is created.

About basic definitions

What terms should be present in the conceptual framework of the Concept of State Family Policy?

It would be logical to expect that such a question should arise one of the first when writing this important document. However, the authors of the Concept, as it turned out, have their own logic in which the definition of basic definitions does not fit.

Unfortunately, in the conceptual document, which is being developed in Russia for the first time and designed for more than a decade perspective, there are no definitions of such fundamental concepts as "family", "family policy", and "family values" on which the Concept is built. Moreover, in the Concept there is no conceptual apparatus as such.

Meanwhile, in other state concepts of the federal level - the Concept of the Migration Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 and the Concept of Public Security of the Russian Federation - the basic concepts are stated at the very beginning of the text.

The conceptual apparatus is also contained in the text of regional concepts of family policy. The basic concepts are set out in great detail in the Family Policy Concept in St. Petersburg on 2012 - 2022 years (10.07.2012), the Concept on the implementation of the state family policy in the Sverdlovsk region for the period up to 2015. (04.12.2002); Concepts of family policy of the Ulyanovsk region for the period up to 2025 of the year (24.12.2012). The description of such basic concepts as “family” and “family policy” is also present in the Concept of family policy in the Nizhny Novgorod region (23.12.2003).

Obviously, in today's “war of meanings”, when in a number of countries and international institutions, the family is trying to maximize the interpretation of the family, including homosexual unions, the lack of clear definitions is at least irresponsible.

As a result of neglecting the need to define the concepts used, the family in the framework of the Concept acts as an indefinite abstraction, and the family policy embodies a set of standard measures with a pronounced emphasis on the material aspects of the life of the Russian family.

The practical value of the document is also greatly reduced due to the lack of semantic distinctions between family, family group, extramarital unions, etc.

Of particular perplexity is the absence in the document of an elementary typology of the families to which the Concept is oriented. In fact, the crucial act for many spheres of social development is a legal act devoid of a description of the object of management, while the specificity of the subject matter, on the contrary, implies a very clear specification.

It is clear that the abstract perception of the family deprives the responsible departments of the very possibility of implementing an integrated family policy, differentiated by the object of management. It is not difficult to guess that in relation to a young family one model of state policy is needed, and in relation to a large family it is completely different. Similarly, multi-generation, consolidated, substitute families or, for example, single parents assume the development and implementation of various family policy measures. In such a complex and multifaceted sphere, primitivism and templating are unacceptable.

On goal setting, the basic principles and the "uniqueness" of a creative approach

The goal of the family policy proposed in the Concept, in our opinion, is only a detailed version of the goal of the same name, spelled out in the Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996, “On the main directions of the state family policy”, and for some reason very much resembles the goal-setting, which was recorded in 1999 in the Concept of State Family Policy of Ukraine. We suggest comparing the corresponding text fragments in the indicated documents.

Draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: “The purpose of the state family policy for the period up to 2025 is to promote the strengthening and development of the institution of the family and the values ​​of family life, creating the necessary conditions for the family to fulfill its functions, improving the quality of life of families, ensuring family rights in the process of its social development. ”

The concept of the state family policy of Ukraine from 17 September 1999 of the year: “The purpose of the state family policy is to provide favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of the family and its members, the fullest realization of their functions by the family and improving its standard of living, increasing the role of the family as the foundation of society”.

Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996 of the Year "On the main directions of state family policy": "The purpose of state family policy is to provide the state with the necessary conditions for the family to fulfill its functions and improve the quality of life of the family."

In our opinion, the authors of the concept paper should not have bothered and brought into the world clearly redundant wording, borrowed in many ways from other sources. In this case, it would be quite enough to mention that the Purpose of the state family policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 was specified in the Concept of the state family policy of Ukraine from 17 September 1999.

If the geography of the developers of the project of the Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 of the year with the specified borrowing of fragments of other legal documents extended not only to Ukraine, but at least to St. Petersburg or the Ulyanovsk region, then they would have had the opportunity to get acquainted, even if not ideal , but with more successful and original goal setting patterns. Below is a description of the goals of the family policy contained in the Family Policy Concept in St. Petersburg on 2012 - 2022 and the Family Policy Concept of the Ulyanovsk Region for the period up to the year 2025.

The concept of family policy in St. Petersburg on 2012 - 2022 years: “The strategic goal of family policy in St. Petersburg is to achieve family well-being as a condition for the well-being of each person and society as a whole based on the support of family values ​​and family lifestyle, strengthening internal and external resources family, its ability to successfully perform its basic functions, strengthening the role of the family as an equal subject of social relations, promoting the processes of social integration of all types of families into society. ”

The concept of family policy of the Ulyanovsk region for the period up to 2025: “The strategic goal of the Concept is to strengthen the family’s institution, revive and preserve spiritual and moral traditions, family relations, promote the social and economic foundations of the family and family values, introduce measures aimed at strengthening social health and promoting a healthy lifestyle for families of different generations. ”

Unfortunately, the “compilation” lacking minimal creativity is not limited to goal setting. The entire set of principles established by the draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 of the year, almost exactly repeats the list of principles of family policy contained in the decree of B. N. Yeltsin of 14 of May 1996 of the Year "On the main directions of state family policy". Changed only some phrases and sequence, which sets out the principles in the text of the original source. This can be easily seen by looking at the full list of principles of the Concept and comparing them with the aforementioned presidential decree.

Draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: “independence, autonomy and activity of the family in making decisions regarding their livelihoods”.

Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996 of the Year "On the main directions of state family policy": "The independence and autonomy of the family in making decisions regarding their development. Economic, legal and ideological measures of state family policy should not regulate the behavior of the family, but promote its self-development, provide an opportunity to choose forms of support. ”

Draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: “equality of families and all their members in the right to support, regardless of social status, nationality, place of residence and religious beliefs”.

Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996 of the Year "On the main directions of state family policy": "Equality of families and all their members in the right to support regardless of social status, nationality, place of residence and religious beliefs."

Draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: “the responsibility of each family for the upbringing and development of the child’s personality (children) and for the preservation of his (their) health”.

Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996 of the Year "On the main directions of state family policy": "The priority of the interests of each child, regardless of the order of birth and the family in which he is brought up. Family policy measures should be aimed at ensuring the survival and protection of the child, his full physical, mental, intellectual and social development. ”

Draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: "equality between men and women in achieving a more equitable distribution of family responsibilities, as well as in the possibilities of self-realization in the labor sphere and in social activities."

Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996 of the Year "On the main directions of state family policy": "Equality between men and women in achieving a more equitable distribution of family responsibilities, as well as in the possibilities of self-realization in the labor sphere and in social activities."

Draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: “partnership between the family and the state, cooperation with public associations, charitable organizations and entrepreneurs”.

Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996 of the Year “On the main directions of state family policy”: “Family and state partnership, sharing responsibility for the family, cooperation with public associations, charitable organizations and entrepreneurs”.

Draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: “a differentiated approach in providing guarantees for maintaining the standard of living for disabled family members and creating conditions for the economically active family members to ensure well-being on an employment basis”.

Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996 of the Year “On the main directions of state family policy”: “Implementation of a differentiated approach in providing guarantees for maintaining a socially acceptable standard of living for disabled family members and creating conditions for the economically active family members to ensure well-being on an employment basis.”

Draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: “unity of the principles of family policy at the federal, regional and municipal levels”.

Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996 of the Year "On the main directions of state family policy": "The unity of family policy at the federal and regional levels. Approval by the President of the Russian Federation of the Main Directions of the State Family Policy and ensuring the provision of the family with minimum social guarantees and benefits established at the federal level, their addition and development at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments ”.

Draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025: “ensuring the availability of targeted, timely and effective assistance for families in need, especially classified as social risk groups, equal access to social services for all types of families”.

Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996 of the Year "On the main directions of state family policy": "Taking on the state obligations to unconditionally protect the family from poverty and deprivation associated with forced migration, natural and man-made emergencies, wars and armed conflicts."

The only significant difference in the list of principles in the two documents is the absence in the draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 of one of the principles contained in the Presidential Decree of 14 of May 1996 “On the main directions of the state family policy”. We are talking about the following, in our opinion, unjustifiably ignored principle of family policy: “Continuity and stability of state family policy measures. Preservation of the achieved social guarantees of family support, their further improvement. ”

There is a question about the expediency of writing a Concept, which almost exactly repeats the previous regulatory acts. If the authors of the Concept find the text of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14 of May 1996 “On the main directions of state family policy” in terms of family policy priorities that meet modern realities and the needs of the Russian family (which can only cause regret), then duplicate the same provisions, changing only the names of the documents?

On the review procedure and level of competence

Initially, the draft Concept was posted for public comment only for 2 weeks, which, according to representatives of the parent community, was not reported in any media. However, at the request of the public, the discussion period was nevertheless extended to 60 days.

As reported on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in a publication on 15 in May 2014, the development of this Concept was supported by members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

It remains only to express the hope that the support was unanimous, as in good Soviet times. However, how competent is such support, if we assume that it was expressed consciously, to judge the readers. We note that out of 33 respected and status members of the said Public Council, unfortunately, there is not one scientist specializing in family and family policy issues, and not one representative of numerous parent organizations (except for the only representative of public associations of parents of disabled children) .

At the same time, it would be logical to expect that the discussion and especially the public support of such an important document designed for a multi-year perspective should take place in an atmosphere of public openness with the overwhelming majority of relevant scientists (sociologists, demographers, familists) and representatives of the target group from the parent and family movement, which is not limited to associations of parents of children with disabilities. For all the importance of solving the problems of this children's group, the share of children with disabilities in Russia is less than 2,5% of the total number of children. The concept itself is relevant to all Russian families and children living in them. Although all of the above makes it doubt.

It would be strange if during the drafting of the federal budget the opinion of economists would have remained unclaimed or when discussing the draft regulations relating to the Russian army there were no military. This is exactly what happened with the draft Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025.

A similar situation exists in the working group. Among the scientists who joined the interdepartmental working group to develop the concept of state family policy in the Russian Federation, we could not find a single sociologist, although it is sociological scientists who are closest to the rest of the specialists to the subject matter. In addition, there was not a single psychologist in the working group (on the issue of family relations), a political scientist (whose presence is assumed based on the document’s name), a teacher (on the issue of upbringing), a cultural scientist (on the issue of family traditions). There are no members of the parent and pro-family organizations in the list of members of the working group.

For some reason unknown to us, the scientific part of the working group is monopolized by economists and lawyers. Of the ten representatives of scientific and educational institutions that make up this working group, seven are economists and another three are lawyers, including the juvenile specialization. At the same time, five of the seven economists mentioned are represented only by two scientific and educational institutions: the National Research University Higher School of Economics (3 member of the working group) and the RANEPATE (2 member of the working group).

Among the scientists involved in family and demographic issues, the working group included two economists - Valery Vladimirovich Elizarov (senior researcher at the Institute of Demography, HSE, responsible executive and participant in major research projects of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) ), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), World Bank) and Irina Kalabikhina (Assistant Professor of the Department of Population, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University, Member of the International Association of Feminist Economy Researchers ki).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the concept of federal significance, aimed at one of the key areas of public policy, was developed without the constant participation of representatives of the regions. It is hardly possible to consider episodic outdoor activities imitating the desire for inter-regional consolidation as a full-fledged interaction with the regions.

The working group included only one representative, whose place of work is outside of Moscow. Such an approach, perhaps, would be appropriate if it were about the Concept of family policy of the city of Moscow, but it is absolutely not acceptable in the case of the development of an all-Russian concept.

In general, the draft Concept can be described as crude, ill-conceived, superficially compiled, without deep and meaningful involvement of its authors in the essence of the problems of modern family politics. In our opinion, the draft Concept is a model of a soulless, bureaucratic and highly unprofessional approach to the most serious problems, on whose solution the very existence of society and the state directly depends.
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  1. +11
    14 June 2014 18: 51
    But we have complete solvency in the sale of oil and gas. As well as the state of the sellers.
    We just have to come to an agreement with Ukraine! Petya is naughty.
    1. +12
      14 June 2014 19: 10
      In short, it creates the impression of complete chaos.

      Mr. Beloborodov writes everything correctly.
      In addition, I want to give a comparison of 2's constitutions, the USSR and the Russian Federation:
      USSR Constitution of 1977 of the year:
      66 Article. Citizens of the USSR are obliged to take care of raising children, prepare them for socially useful work, and raise them as worthy members of a socialist society.

      Constitution of the Russian Federation from 1993:
      Article 38
      2. Care for children, their upbringing is the equal right and duty of parents.

      Notice the difference? The Soviet Constitution implies that parents should use any methods of education, but to raise from the child a CITIZEN who has a set of positive qualities.

      And in Russian, it turns out that parents can and must raise a child, but at the same time, with the permission of the constitution, it is allowed to raise him as a complete moral monster.
      1. des-s
        14 June 2014 22: 41
        The state makes its children ugly moral monsters its Unified education, this is the first. Secondly, does anyone really hope for any changes in accordance with this concept, this is a filkin letter that has no relation to reality, and no one is going to fulfill it. Therefore, breaking spears does not make sense, because gave birth and forgot!
      2. des-s
        14 June 2014 22: 41
        The state makes its children ugly moral monsters its Unified education, this is the first. Secondly, does anyone really hope for any changes in accordance with this concept, this is a filkin letter that has no relation to reality, and no one is going to fulfill it. Therefore, breaking spears does not make sense, because gave birth and forgot!
      3. 0
        15 June 2014 00: 38
        Yeah, here it is .. everything right, pops up ... for some reason, Russian people are equal in rights with others .... foreigners (I ask you to forgive the Volga Tatars, it concerns you) ... and the only step in the development of family relations and raising the birth rate - this is help in providing housing! Nothing to talk about, empty ...
      4. Gluxar_
        15 June 2014 11: 03
        Quote: Interface
        Notice the difference? The Soviet Constitution implies that parents should use any methods of education, but to raise from the child a CITIZEN who has a set of positive qualities.

        And in Russian, it turns out that parents can and must raise a child, but at the same time, with the permission of the constitution, it is allowed to raise him as a complete moral monster.

        The article is vyser, which I honestly did not even read completely. Of course, there are sound thoughts and correct criticism, but answer the question - why is it on this site and what sets the tone? Is it all lost again? Why in a difficult period of direct confrontation with external enemies start poking around in their own wounds?
        In addition, let's compare the demography of recent years with the charms of the 90s. There are programs to support young families, there are programs to support young professionals, there are programs for preferential housing, there is the same maternity capital.
        And it works with grief across the floors, new programs continue to be introduced, not always smoothly, but introduced. There is a natural population growth, which has not happened in recent years, even in the USSR.
        So why then raise this issue? It is clear that all the scum goes to the primaris in the suburbs and she needs to pump up the protest electorate again. But these geeks do not care about us and our children, they want to sow anger inside us and with the help of it destroy those good processes that exist in our Homeland.
        Article minus.
    2. +1
      14 June 2014 20: 11
      in fact, besides gas and oil, Russia sells a lot of things:
      "Russia today is a major global exporter of a huge range of non-resource, high-tech goods and services, and even if tomorrow suddenly our oil and gas ceases to be bought at all - it does not threaten any economic catastrophe. The article shows the full alignment of Russian exports.

      Here's what it looks like to start with the general figures, according to the Central Bank for 2013
      In total, in 2013, goods were exported for 523 billion dollars and services for 70 billion dollars.
      In total, Russia received from all exports 593 billion dollars in 2013 year
      Of these, crude oil was sold at 174 billion, oil products at 109 billion, natural gas at 67 billion, liquefied gas at 5 billion.
      That is, hydrocarbons and its derivatives were exported at $ 355 billion in 2013

      It turns out that 238 billion Russia received in 2013 from export of goods and servicesbesides oil and gas. "
      more details at http://sdelanounas.ru/blogs/49758/
      1. 0
        14 June 2014 20: 42
        So it turns out
      2. +2
        14 June 2014 21: 00
        This is all good, but the question is not this, but the correlation of the priorities of trade, economic and socio-demographic priorities, which cannot be torn off from the prevailing ideology and morality that generate prostitution, drug addiction, the legalization of abortion, and homelessness. mass stains, etc.
        Read high school social studies textbooks, very entertaining. It turns out that parents if they scold for something, they only fulfill their ROLE and the child has a lot of rights to appease them! Even worse: ... a person who limits his needs is inferior!
        Even the most intelligent searchlights and documents in this system will not fundamentally change the situation.
        1. 0
          14 June 2014 22: 07
          Even the most intelligent searchlights and documents in this system will not fundamentally change the situation.

          Right. Therefore, the existing system must be broken and build another. Putin or not Putin will build it, but the need is growing.

          "Russian Federation" = the stillborn project of Yeltsin and So, held together by abstract and sometimes even ridiculous ideals of "freedom". Therefore, it is necessary to revise the entire political and economic line of development over the past 23 years. And there is no need to hesitate.
        2. +1
          14 June 2014 22: 37
          Fortunately, the youth of these textbooks do not read nichrome! 3 they were delivered and they are satisfied!
      3. s1н7т
        14 June 2014 21: 44
        Your opinion is about nothing. 70% - from oil and gas, spit on the rest!
      4. -1
        15 June 2014 00: 40
        Well, THEY are exclusively occupied with getting .... some kind of family? .... some nonsense!
    3. +6
      14 June 2014 20: 36
      On the eve of International Family Day, the draft of the long-awaited Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation until 2025 was announced.

      Family day, end ... Notice how they are side by side, "in a single information field."

      Do you even remember when this day is family?
      All these holidays, such as family day, the protection of an accountant ilm a green friend, come up with all sorts of loafers from UNESCO to disguise their worthless idleness for a lot of money. The emergence of the concept of self-made politics, as well as a lengthy article on its insolvency, has similar reasons, only at the national level. So - never mind - all this is of little concern to us and is intended for a brawl between loafers on budget money.
      1. 0
        15 June 2014 00: 42
        Oh, yes ?? !!
    4. 0
      15 June 2014 00: 32
      Not complete and not consistency, citriya DMB - "full" * ovno ", I do not want to discuss ...
  2. +4
    14 June 2014 18: 52
    It’s strange why all the fault. This is a project, in the process of its implementation, changes will be made, this is normal practice.
    1. 0
      14 June 2014 20: 35
      Hmm ... Lawmakers AGAIN invent the WHEEL ... !!!
    2. +1
      15 June 2014 00: 44
      No, it’s not very normal .. as always, they’re blabbering, interests are completely different, how long should I wait?
  3. +6
    14 June 2014 18: 53
    two scientists, one from the Higher School of Economics, the other is a researcher of the feminist economy. The knowledge about such institutions is demolishing the tower, and they are allowed even before family problems. What do they smoke? wassat
  4. +3
    14 June 2014 18: 53
    The classic pattern of verbiage. Demagogy and delirium. Not those in the composition, not so worded, not about what they say, but at the same time not at all. It feels like Klitschko was dictating.
    1. 0
      14 June 2014 21: 12
      Mizulina with Milonov ...
  5. +3
    14 June 2014 18: 54
    It’s necessary, but, as always, we have come from the wrong end .... The next feeding trough for the next growing pack of officials, of course, you need to create from above (if necessary) .... And family values ​​and families need to be created from the bottom, from ordinary people, from the community, from local government, i.e. from what we do not have ........
  6. dohtur
    14 June 2014 18: 58
    Yes, I would very much like to see the normal state policy regarding the family and ESPECIALLY CHILDREN.
    This is what a plus for the country's leadership will be.
    1. 0
      14 June 2014 20: 17
      politics is a necessary and useful thing, but if EVERY parent does not realize that he is primarily responsible for what kind of person will grow out of his child, then no policy will correct this ...
  7. +6
    14 June 2014 18: 58
    Hmm, strange
    following the example of his native Irkutsk, the birth rate exceeded two (!) times the mortality rate last year
    low rates of divorce
    I'm sitting, scratching turnips, if you follow the words of the author, what we are doing wrong with fellow countrymen)))))
    1. 0
      14 June 2014 21: 43
      "following the example of his native Irkutsk, the birth rate exceeded the death rate by two (!) times"
      So that's great! smile
  8. +4
    14 June 2014 19: 01
    The article is not about anything !!
    The state cannot create a family !! It is created by a man and a woman !!
    It can only support the birth rate and maternal capital in general does not cope badly !!
    Or does he suggest that the state look for a lonely couple ??
  9. +1
    14 June 2014 19: 07
    Is this the basis for juvenile justice or what?
  10. +7
    14 June 2014 19: 09
    Review G !.
    1. This article is a long-text, which should be attached to the short report. Hence there is no conceptual perception and memorization of meaning.
    2. There is no formation of a minimalist structure of antithesis, in which the family policy should be built
    3. Under item 2. and comparisons and criticisms must be made. The author of the article is not much different from the authors of the project. Another cut!
  11. +4
    14 June 2014 19: 12
    If the terms are not defined, then reading the document is pointless.
  12. Vrvarius
    14 June 2014 19: 17
    What can you come up with new? in my opinion, all the problems of families, especially young ones, are obvious. housing, clinic, garden, school, work. can this be somehow separated from the general situation in the country?
    1. 0
      14 June 2014 19: 53
      Quote: Vrvarius
      in my opinion, all the problems of families, especially young ones, are obvious. housing, clinic, garden, school, work. can this be somehow separated from the general situation in the country?

      I would add that all state policy, both internal and external, should be built around this, everything else is secondary. For what we ultimately live, we are for the state, the state is for us.
  13. +5
    14 June 2014 19: 21
    For some reason, it is not fixed that the family is the union of the MAN and the WOMAN. We are actively moving towards the concept that the family is the parent of No. 1 and No. 2? Equality of man and woman - what is this? Do men need to turn into women? Or vice versa? A man should always be the head responsible for the well-being of the family. A woman should be the guardian of the family hearth, create coziness and comfort in the family. Manly women and effeminate men, let Europe be proud.
    1. +2
      14 June 2014 19: 36
      Quote: Mikhail M
      For some reason, it is not fixed that the family is the union of the MAN and the WOMAN. We are actively moving towards the concept that the family is the parent of No. 1 and No. 2? Equality of man and woman - what is this? Do men need to turn into women? Or vice versa? A man should always be the head responsible for the well-being of the family. A woman should be the guardian of the family hearth, create coziness and comfort in the family. Manly women and effeminate men, let Europe be proud.

      Here with two hands for such an opinion, and even without a certain terminology and the appointment of those responsible, this simply cut the money.
  14. 0
    14 June 2014 19: 29
    as the problem of the family itself is very important, but the specifics are not visible in this article.
  15. Bolshev
    14 June 2014 19: 36
    Yes, the concept is outdated - the creation of the Virtual Fleet and the wars in Syria, Africa, Ukraine require the adoption of Sharia or simply polygamy, which itself is happening. The Amazons still lived in the Black Sea region, perhaps they will appear again if all the "Bandera" people are exterminated.
    1. 0
      15 June 2014 01: 39
      shaw for bullshit?
  16. 0
    14 June 2014 19: 38
    In short - they freaked out!
  17. 0
    14 June 2014 19: 41
    Well, yes, everything is typical and unchanging! I want to but I can not! The same is true in political boltology!
  18. 0
    14 June 2014 19: 47
    I wanted to move home to Siberia. Bureaucracy, no further. Only for pieces of paper with stamps about 300 tanks should be laid out. I chose the district on the coolest. Near the Kara Sea. Do not take it - come on. I don’t know where the GDP is looking. I’m hawing cherries from the tree right now, and there it’s + 10.
  19. +2
    14 June 2014 21: 35
    Our liberal government can do nothing good for its people by definition, because it is anti-people in fact. When does the GDP realize that this government must be fired long ago.
  20. +1
    14 June 2014 22: 35
    Quote: Mikhail M
    For some reason, it is not fixed that the family is a union of MEN and WOMEN

    In modern documents of the government of the Russian Federation, the concept of a family is less and less common. Only that my wife has a degree in Statistics. While I was preparing (and I was writing myself, with my help) - so I read a lot ... In all stat. collections of the word "family" no - only a kind of "household with children." So get used to it ... Here are some quotes from government reports:
    - "development priorities have actualized the need for a comprehensive analysis of the situation of children in Russia, taking into account the structural changes that have occurred in the well-being households";
    - "Study of the situation households, their income, dynamics of poverty, the presence of children, old people or other dependents ";
    - "at households with children, the nutritional and energy value of food decreases. "
    The family is no longer in fashion ...
  21. 0
    15 June 2014 01: 38
    Quote: vsoltan
    Yeah, here it is .. everything right, pops up ... for some reason, Russian people are equal in rights with others .... foreigners (I ask you to forgive the Volga Tatars, it concerns you) ... and the only step in the development of family relations and raising the birth rate - this is help in providing housing! Nothing to talk about, empty ...

    That's right, you say. People come home after work, to their home, and satisfied, they make spiers, forks, babe, that is, they increase the birth rate.
    Such a salary, so that for 5-6 years, a person could earn his own apartment.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      15 June 2014 01: 51
      You do not have to be very smart to understand simple things.
      1) If the government does not care about its people, the people will not support the government.
      2) The state — in this case — becomes weak — what kind of state is this without a people?
      3) Such a state is destroyed, absorbed by a stronger state. The state in which the people are taken care of because they see the people as the defender and support of the state itself.
      4) If Russia does not become a strong state, taking care of its people, it will be defeated.
      5) Well, I don’t even know what to say. It’s time for Putin’s army to rearm, retrain, re-equip, then the army will be for him. And it’s necessary to take on the people, well, in a good way.
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. 0
      15 June 2014 02: 27
      On-normal, comfortable, two-room, cre
      I’m flogging an apartment. And not some shit. Ala-Khrushchev
  22. +1
    15 June 2014 02: 13
    The author can only be blamed for the "complexity" of the presentation. Some comrades, as they say on the Internet, are "multibuckafni-enforcing." laughing
  23. +1
    15 June 2014 04: 20
    A bare box of 3 rooms, about 20 pieces of greenery needed. Vnutryanka still the same + (well, water supply, sewerage), put a post-electrician, to hell with it, if there is no gas. I did everything with my hands, I know what I’m talking about.
    A fun outlook for a young family.
    He began his life with a soldering iron in his hands, his father taught Kalash at the age of 7, and put the life of the infection with a trowel and putty knife with a perforation in place.
  24. Demon0n
    15 June 2014 06: 27
    It is joyful that the document does not provide for any activity (at least significant) by the state in the relevant field ... I believe that was the intention.
    Under existing conditions ..., believe me, it will be better ...
    The reasons for this ... opinion ... there are quite a lot (starting from systemic objective and ending with various subjective orders).
    I propose to independently deal with this issue - it will be more sense.
  25. Vovanische
    15 June 2014 06: 49
    I read the comments, gentlemen, how far you are from the people, not one woman, woman, individual of the opposite sex, mother, does not participate in our discussion, they would explain to you on the fingers how much. I’ll try: two sons of a student, the Lord gave my daughter at forty (that’s what they called Daria the gift of God), I live in Ufa, students travel and have lunch for 4 years, my wife has not been working for XNUMX years, the car is in the trash, I’m waiting for repairs in the apartment when I pass it's time to paint on the wallpaper, there are no grandmothers, the wife cannot get a job, the child is small, you can list long and tedious, the only joy is you look at your daughter and forget about everything and about you gorlopans having no children and broadcasting from high, as it seems to them bell . Besides, I don’t need glory to God, it’s a small matter, but it’s hard, but simple hard workers give all the best. So from experience, you all went with the state. support, wow, without you we’ll live somehow and for the future for HE don’t take on topics that you don’t understand.
    1. 0
      15 June 2014 16: 01
      Vladimir, are you the only one? Everyone has a lot of problems. hold on somehow.
  26. 0
    15 June 2014 13: 57
    Give a coherent state ideology, and the family should be managed by the family itself, and not by some supranational structures that are included in the gay European ones by default. Already the fact that there is a "crushing" at the state level of freedom of the right of the individual to the way of life adopted for centuries, not pleasing to some corrupt deputies. Moreover, at the expense of the population for the benefit of big capital.
  27. 0
    16 June 2014 02: 56
    Quote: vsoltan
    Yeah, here it is .. everything right, pops up ... for some reason, Russian people are equal in rights with others .... foreigners (I ask you to forgive the Volga Tatars, it concerns you) ... and the only step in the development of family relations and raising the birth rate - this is help in providing housing! Nothing to talk about, empty ...

    I agree. Comes after work, a tired, hard worker-HOME-and "well, what-you can do spiers-forged with a wife, baby-apartment, that is, live somewhere)" Give such a salary to people so that a person can collect for an apartment within 6 years old. On-normal, comfortable, two-room

    , cre
    I’m flogging an apartment. But not some crap. Alya-Khrushchevka. Then he will come home, take care of children, his wife, with his wife-do steeples, make-up-baby-planing, walk in the evenings around the city with children, with strollers, with his wife) )
    What essentially does a person need? 1) A normal salary, the work for which he will hold on, appreciate. 2) housing. And I do not need to say and rub, that I say is wrong. Oh, how right. And look, parents came home after work tired, and they will deal with children + husband and wife, wife and husband, and children rivet. Three, four children will be in the family then.