About the most anti-human state education in the history of mankind


The current post-Soviet regimes like to speculate, and inside Russia there are such authors, about the Russian empire, as about the “prison of nations”, and about the USSR, as about a giant Gulag. At the same time, they somehow do not mention that London, beloved by all sorts of Westernizers, the British Empire was one of the most bloodthirsty state formations in all history of humanity. Even Hitler's Third Reich and the Spanish conquistadors did not shed so much blood.

Just a few examples of British bloodthirsty

- The British elite are not in front of large-scale international crimes, in fact they carried out the genocide of their people, eliminating most of the peasantry of England as a class, this process was called “fencing”. Although for people this word does not bear a negative burden - against the peasants driven from their lands, turned into vagrants, beggars, it was accepted the so-called. "Bloody legislation." These were laws against vagrants and beggars that were published in England at the end of the 15th and 16th centuries. Chudors They introduced cruel punishments for people accused of vagrancy and begging. They were scourged, stigmatized, given into slavery for a time, and in the case of an escape attempt for life, with the third capture, they were executed in general. The main victims of these repressive measures were the peasants, who were driven from the land as a result of the processes of the so-called. enclosures. The beginning of the "bloody legislation" put the statute of 1495, of King Henry VII. The statutes of 1536 and 1547 were especially cruel to people. The 1576 Act of the Year provided for the creation of workhouses for beggars, where people were actually turned into slaves working in inhuman conditions for a bowl of spoiling. The Parliamentary Act on the Punishment of Vagrants and Stubborn Beggars 1597 of the year created the final wording of the law on the poor and vagrants and acted in this manner until 1814. The "bloody laws" could not stop the growth of poverty and vagrancy. But on the other hand, another goal was achieved: they suppressed the resistance of the plundered peasants, transforming the intimidated, driven from the land of free peasant communes into people ready for slave labor under the most terrible conditions, in fact under the threat of immediate execution.

- England for centuries carried out the genocide of the Irish, so, the population of Ireland before the conquest of the British exceeded the population of England at times. One of the most famous genocides of the Irish was the invasion of Cromwell. He arrived with an army in 1649, the cities of Drogheda and Wexford, near Dublin, were taken by storm. In Drogheda, Cromwell ordered the entire garrison and Catholic priests to be slaughtered, and in Wexford the army itself massacred itself arbitrarily. During 9 months, Cromwell's army conquered almost the whole island, he then handed over the leadership to his son-in-law Ayrton. Many Irish fled the country or fled to the west of the island, and their land was distributed to the British colonialists, mostly from the Cromwell army. If in 1641 there were more than 1,5 million people in Ireland, and in 1652 only 850 thousand remained, and even then 150 thousand remained British and Scottish colonists. The Irish people lost up to 50-56% of their population. Such genocide is difficult to find in the history of other countries. Irish people, even those who did not fight the British, were deprived of land and exiled to the barren and deserted Connaught region in the west of the island, condemning people to starvation - the “settlement act” of 1652. If, by 1 of May 1654, any of the deported Irish were caught outside this area, he would face the death penalty. The Irish called this act Hell or Connacht.

A significant part of the Irish population, including women and children, was turned into white slaves and taken to the British colonies in the West Indies. People at that time in Ireland were worth less than wolves - for example, British soldiers were paid 5 pounds for the head of a "rebel or priest" and 6 pounds for a wolf's head.

Colonization continued in the following centuries: in 1691, London adopted a series of laws that deprived Catholics and Protestants who did not belong to the Anglican Church, freedom of religion, the right to education, the right to vote and the right to public service. As a result of colonization, the ethnic picture of the Irish population changed significantly, the percentage of English and Scots increased, and a Protestant management elite was created. In Ireland, a Protestant ruling class was created, in 1775, Irish Catholics owned only 5% of the land. They were forbidden to give their children a Catholic education, limited their areas of activity, primarily in trade, actually leaving only the sphere of agriculture, where the enslaving forms of exploitation prevailed. Ireland actually became one of the sources of the accumulation of British capital and the development of industry in England.

As a result, the poorness of the Irish peasants became the main cause of the terrible famine that began in Ireland in the 1740s and repeated a century later, in 1845 — 1849, due to the removal of small tenants from the land (Irish fencing) and the abolition of the “bread laws” , potato diseases. As a result, 1,5 million Irish died and mass emigration began across the Atlantic Ocean, mainly in the United States. So, from 1846 to 1851, 1,5 million people left the country, migration has become a constant feature of the historical development of Ireland and its people. As a result, only in 1841 — 1851, the island’s population declined by 30%. And in the future, Ireland was rapidly losing its population: if in 1841, the population of the island was 8 million 178 thousand people, then in 1901 year - only 4 million 459 thousand people.

Why do something about the genocide of the Irish century Englishmen do not shoot movies, do not write articles, do not blow at all angles.

- England was the world leader in the slave trade, in her account millions of dead and ruined lives. The British in their colonies in the West Indies, including North America, used the so-called "white slaves" - the prisoners of war of the Scots, the Irish, and then the Irish in general, including women, children from conquered Ireland. Then the Negroes were transported, just to the English colonies in North America, and later about 13 millions of slaves from Africa were brought to the independent States, but considering the fact that 3-4 died during the hunt for people brought to each slave brought alive. "in Africa itself and during transportation, the figures of genocide are simply colossal.

Moreover, the British carried on another type of slave trade — transporting the so-called “contracted servants” from former Europeans, including the citizens of England, to the colonies, in fact, they were also “white slaves”, without elementary rights.

- London poisoned the drug of Chinese citizens, and of its citizens. England was able to establish a massive supply of opium into China, receiving in exchange for tremendous wealth, gold, silver and fur. In addition, the military-strategic goal was achieved - the disintegration of the Chinese army, the bureaucracy, the people, the loss of their will to resist. As a result, in order to get rid of the corrupting influence of opium and save the country, the Chinese emperor in 1839 began a massive operation to confiscate and destroy opium stocks in Canton. Colonial ships loaded with opium simply began to sink into the sea. In fact, it was the first attempt in the world to combat drug trafficking at the state level. London reacted with the war - the opium wars began, China was defeated and had to accept the enslaving conditions of the English state drug mafia. This brought great profits to the British elite, including the British royal family. The damage for China was terrible, entire generations died in the drug addiction, plus intellectual and physical degradation of the peoples. Only in 1905, did the Chinese authorities accept and begin to implement the program of phased banning of opium. To date, China has the toughest drug policy in the world, and the fight against drugs is the most important task of the state.

They also planted opium and British workers - about 5% of the population of England.

- The first large-scale concentration camps were also created by the Anglo-Saxons - during the Civil Won interstate. The first concentration camps, in the modern sense of the word, were created by the British Lord Kitchener in South Africa for the Boer families during the so-called Boer War 1899 -1902's. The Boer detachments brought a lot of trouble to the British, so it was decided to create "concentration camps". In order to deprive the Boer partisans (the Boers are the descendants of the Dutch, French and German colonists) the ability to supply and support the local population, concentrated farmers, mostly women and children, since men fought all the battles with the British, in specially designated areas, actually dooming them to death, because the supply of the camps was extremely bad. It looks like the “institution of hostage”, the Boers were forced to capitulate.

The captured men were generally taken outside the borders of their homeland, sending them to similar camps in India, Ceylon and other British colonies. In total, the British pushed about 200 thousands of people into the camp - this was about half of the white population of the Boer republics. Of these, about 26 thousands of people, it is by the most conservative estimates, died from hunger and disease, most of the dead are the weakest to the test - children. So, in a concentration camp in Johannesburg, almost 70% of children under the age of 8 died. Within one year, from January 1901 of the year to January of 1902, about 17 thousands of people died from hunger and disease in the “concentration camps”: 2484 adults and 14284 children.

And how many millions were destroyed in the colonies of Britain - the genocide of the indigenous population of the colonies in North America, Australia, Tasmania (all Tasmanians were destroyed), more than a dozen million were destroyed in India (mainly through starvation), hundreds of thousands, millions were destroyed in the unleashed London wars across the globe. It is clear why Hitler and his colleagues were Anglophiles, they equaled the "white brothers" from London, who had long before them covered the planet with a network of concentration camps and prisons, harshly stifling terror by suppressing any signs of resistance, creating their own "World Order".

And if we count the material damage caused by the various countries and peoples, it becomes just wonder why we do not see international processes to condemn a variety of genocide, crimes against humanity committed by London, the British elite.

Sources of:
Bayer, B .; Birnstein, W .; Gelhoff, B. and others. The history of mankind. M., 2002.
Coleman D. 300 Committee. 2010.
Morton A. L. History of England. M., 1950.
Starikov N. West against Russia. The main enemy of Russia. M., 2009.
Richard Davenport-Hines. In search of oblivion. World history of drugs. 1500 - 2000. M., 2004.
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  1. Superduck
    17 June 2011 13: 30
    The correct note, this is important to remember.
  2. Joker
    17 June 2011 13: 36
    Read to everyone.
    1. +2
      17 June 2011 15: 50
      definitely ALL.
  3. +3
    17 June 2011 18: 16
    England is a personal vampire of Russia-Russia. Throughout history, starting from the Middle Ages, behind every war that Russia was forced to enter, there was an ugly vampire spirit of England. I agree with everyone. REMEMBER THIS ALWAYS AND TELL EVERYONE! Thanks to the author.
  4. Vladimir
    17 June 2011 19: 17
    We must not forget that the baton of atrocities was seized from the weakening British Empire of the United States, and at present they are the only evil empire in the world
  5. mitrich
    17 June 2011 19: 23
    Great Britain was really an empire. I would even say Empire with a capital letter. North America, the Caribbean, half of Africa and Southeast Asia, Australia with New Zealand, and finally the "pearl of the British Crown" - India. My brother often flies there, in conversations noting the beautiful preserved Victorian-style houses for British officials surrounded by shacks (for the obsequers of Russia, take a note: India has been independent for 60 years, but for its people it has not even built five-story "Khrushchev houses").
    And the USSR? Have you seen homes for the Russian "colonial" nobility in Ukraine, Lithuania or Tajikistan? What is there! We are BROTHERS! I will not forget how I discovered an abundance in the "Knigi" store in Tashkent, an abundance of publications that were in short supply at that time in the RSFSR, for which queues lined up at my home. I don't want to remember the grocery stores of the "slaves" in comparison with the stores of the "occupants" without tears. Was it? It was.
    Now the UK has a strong and monolithic British Commonwealth of Nations, where everyone breathes in the back of the neck of a London bloodsucker, and our little brothers spit on us at this very forum and crap in the most ugly way.
    Excuse me, VICTOR, about the "personal vampire" I agree, but in all the rest I will say - GOOD BRITS! On people like them, it is necessary to be equal. And the fact that the current Russian government does not allow former limitrophes to sit on their necks is also very correct.
    1. slan
      17 June 2011 21: 06
      +1 So Putin's Russia continues the policy of the USSR - subsidies to inferior peoples. And this is all one that extinguish a fire with kerosene. Savages respect only power and worship other people's wealth.
      1. 0
        18 June 2011 12: 34
        А slan standard of usefulness.
        1. +4
          18 June 2011 21: 36
          I wonder what the Chechens are so full of? The people of robbers, robbers and sadists, and all the rest of the Caucasian youth over the past 20 years has been scored, i.e. took over the gangster habits of chOhchO. Now, with difficulty from each other, different SevKav nationalities are difficult to discern even in the face, so their mentality has grown together ... As far as I remember, in the 1990s the Dagestani peoples looked with horror and contempt at what was happening in "independent Ichkeria", and now already Chechen "brothers" ... n-dya ...
          I will not tire of repeating: the mountaineers themselves burned all the bridges and life, as before, is impossible in the Union, even if you put things in order, the gap between the Russians and the mountaineers will be wider and wider ...
        2. slan
          18 June 2011 22: 27
          Defective peoples, and not individuals, were meant. Although everything is interconnected. These peoples are really inferior in the literal sense of the word. Yes, these are not even peoples, but gatherings of certain people. Highly developed nations are made up of people who can act together to achieve common goals. For example, 5 centuries ago, the Spaniards discovered America, the Russians conquered Siberia, the Moscow Kremlin acquired its present form .. And in many regions of the Russian Federation in the 21st century it is impossible to build the smallest plant so that it is not taken away by local natives. Visitors there are considered occupiers, and the local, having received the slightest position, instead of at least somehow organizing civilizational relations between his fellow tribesmen, rushes to fill his pockets, sit on the posts of his incompetent godfathers and in every possible way to spoil those who do not belong to his family. Of course, there can be no talk of any modern economy. Well, what do you call such gatherings of the people? This I still expressed very tolerantly. The current Russians are also far from exemplary people in this sense. But some well-known regions are simply beyond good and evil, and this is simply obvious.
          1. +1
            18 June 2011 23: 42
            Klibanophoros и slan why not just like you just to make an All-Russian referendum and once and for all solve the Caucasian issue?
            And it is not clear, some are FOR the Caucasus, others are against the Caucasus. I don’t understand in any way why cling to such a hated Caucasus? Just do not excuse ourselves - "they say the government needs ..." They are good here on the forums to offend ... but in reality - "I want to, and pricks", I ask gentlemen to decide ...
            1. slan
              19 June 2011 02: 21
              And who offends ... that? I didn’t touch on this topic at all, it’s only in relation to the UK and I noticed that our government has not healthy policies. Yes, and I think that Caucasians, since you specifically about them, would only be happy if they didn’t have bazaar democracy, but appointed managers from non-local peoples, and endowed them with appropriate powers. Civilization is a business, it is very easy to lose, but it is not so difficult to acquire. But the problem is that the Russians themselves now lack civilization greatly to carry it forcibly. Well, what can Russians bring to the Caucasus now? * Foolishness and degradation, which Russia has adopted from the West, without having adopted anything good?
              Because what to do with the Caucasus, I have no idea. The Caucasian issue needs to be resolved in Moscow - to pinch eggs to all fagots and the same Caucasian man purse, and it is understandable why Caucasians are not happy with such civilizers who have their own garbage in the house ..
              And do not be offended by the "wild tribes", because this is a sad truth. Take it as healthy criticism, not an insult. More self-criticism for both Caucasians and Russians.
            2. +2
              19 June 2011 23: 44
              Let me remind you that Britain supplied weapons to Shamil's murids through Turkey or, less often, directly, using its merchant ships. In London, they admired the freedom-loving highlanders, which, incidentally, did not prevent them from arranging a bloodbath for them all over the world, and in particular your "brothers". This is the Big Game of White Chilavekaffe, guy, and you (Caucasians) are just consumables in it, while the most interesting thing is that many meaningfully agree with such a role (a bundle of brushwood in a world fire, or a clip of cartridges), other Caucasians do not realize that that they are being used insolently, still others, like a child, hope to deceive the infidels ... although they have no means of influencing the Western shaitans. DAGESTAN 333! Think for yourself, what alternative do ALL the peoples of the Caucasus, without exception, have other than being included in Russia and the Russian project? And who will come to replace the Russians? Iran, which will swallow Azerbaijan not today, so tomorrow? Turkey, which will begin to pursue the same policy towards you as towards the Kurds? NATO, which will turn this land into a kind of Crimean Khanate, for raids on the crushed remnants of the Russians with the slave trade, drug trafficking, trade in weapons, human organs and training centers for mercenaries from all the Middle Eastern reaches of Asia?
              1. +1
                20 June 2011 00: 01
                Klibanophoros, you don’t understand, the Caucasus does not have a Russian vaccine, on the contrary, FOR, but if you please behave not like an extra person, but like a normal brother, although an older one, that's all. And there is no hatred for you as an invader, only because of your worthy treatment of Shamil after captivity, only because of your nobility, which many of you are lacking now.
    2. 0
      18 June 2011 17: 29
      Mitrich, yes, somehow I don’t argue
  6. 0
    17 June 2011 20: 41
    I repeat.
    Lies and provocations are the face of the Anglo-Saxon nation.
    We don’t have any life from them all the time, and now the USA has been added.
  7. 0
    18 June 2011 15: 33
    read to all liberals and democrats about their idols. Always remember
  8. Vadimka37
    18 June 2011 17: 46
    Since colonial times, the nickname PIRATES has been entrenched in England, apparently for their ,, humanism and tolerance. "
  9. 0
    18 June 2011 21: 49
    To the author: Andersonville was a prisoner of war camp for northerners, it was not a concentration camp, but rather an extermination camp, where instead of "gas" were typhus and cholera. But the northerners ... they forcibly "evicted" the families of the soldiers of the Confederation, sympathizing and just local residents, and so cruelly that, compared with them, the Stalinist "Lentil" was the height of humanity and philanthropy!
  10. Winchester
    19 June 2011 11: 09
    Just nothing that all this happened in the 18-19th century? And the USSR collapsed 20 years ago. Show me at least one British politician who offers to return the empire. If someone says this, he will immediately be sent to a psychiatric hospital)
    And in the Russian Federation, if you have not noticed, this turns into a state ideology.
    Britain apologized for all crimes many years ago. And in the Russian Federation, the MGB, NKVD, etc. are state heroes. Stalin, the organizer of the genocide, is an effective manager. And this is not said by some marginals, but by the central government.
    Advice to the author: if you want to justify the USSR, remember the barbarians in the 5th century)
    1. slan
      19 June 2011 12: 09
      Quote: Winchester
      Just nothing that all this happened in the 18-19th century?

      Nothing, because the United States is the British empire, it’s just that the capital overseas has moved. Nothing has changed since the beginning of the 20th century. Unless the colony is now financial, instead of banks forts. But the indigenous people there are still not economically drowned in blood, and how much in vain.
  11. Pinocchio
    19 June 2011 11: 30
    Mitrich has interesting arguments. The brains are whispering, and their hands are rustling ..... What a great Britain .......... well done. Well, where are we really syri, how do they call us Russians something, with their soviet or pre-soviet thinking. Watching how to turn. Still a goat.
  12. mitrich
    19 June 2011 13: 03

    I am not offended by your definition of me as "GOAT". It hurts that you, without seeing a person live, did NOT substantiate the presence of horns and a beard.
    And until you justify this, I will assume you have a long nose and a wooden head.
    I do not advise you to scatter these nicknames in personal conversations. Otherwise, doctors will have to sew ping-pong balls instead of eggs.
  13. mitrich
    19 June 2011 14: 21
    I understand that some stupid people (as Iosif Vissarionovich said in 1937, after that the “stupid” could no longer be envied) understood me either too literally or wrongly.
    Recently, we all argued here whether it is possible and necessary to respect Robert Gates, the US Secretary of Defense. Some are for, others are against, because he gives orders for the murder of innocent people (apparently, he meant all the same BSHU, and not banal "orders" for the elimination). My opinion is both possible and necessary. As an enemy, without feeling ardent love for the United States and Gates personally. And the fact that he is the Minister of Defense is his duty to give the appropriate orders. I would be the Minister of Emergency Situations, and give appropriate orders.
    The same with the British. I am Russian, therefore I cannot and do not have the right to bow and admire this nation. The British are our historical enemies, and I have reasons not to love them both in general and in personal terms. I praised their colony management system, not personally the British.
    Therefore, if BURATINO comes from a modest Tajik family, then he understood me correctly, and if he is a Russian, he misunderstood me.