What the nazis believed

What the nazis believed

On the buckles of the soldiers of the Wehrmacht was written "God is with us" ("Gott mit uns"), which is interesting, this was the motto of the Russian Empire. But in the field of ideology in the Third Reich there were ideas that were contrary to the Christian ideology. Adolf Hitler himself did not hide the fact that he had learned a lot from “predecessors”: “I have always learned from my opponents. I studied the revolutionary techniques of Lenin, Trotsky, and other Marxists. And from the Catholic Church, from the Masons, I acquired ideas that I could not find from anyone else. ”

The ideology of Nazism itself was not new to Germany, as early as the beginning of the 20th century a state ideology was developed, which was based on three basic principles:

- Pan-Germanism;
- the cult of the Kaiser, transformed into the cult of the leader;
- army cult.

That is why Hitler so quickly became popular, these installations, principles were familiar to the Germans. They were introduced during the time of the German Empire. Ideas about the superiority of the German race over the "degenerated" West and the "barbaric" East were successfully introduced long before Hitler came to power. Although it is clear that the idea of ​​the “Nordic race”, that its “pure”, “direct” descendants are Germans, was erroneous. Thus, the population of Pomerania, Silesia, Austria, East Prussia, in general Central and East Germany was mostly not Germans, but Germanized Slavs who were converted to Catholicism, deprived of faith and language. In addition, during the terrible Thirty Years War (1618-1648), German lands lost one-third to three-quarters of the population, after which the mercenaries from disbanded armies - Spaniards, Italians, Swiss, Scots, etc. At the same time, Jews from Poland and Little Russia poured into Germany, who fled from the rebels and the Cossacks Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who simply cut them to the root. As a result, many of them became “Germans.”

Even the aristocracy was thoroughly “diluted” with non-“Nordic” blood. Germany has long been a fragmented space, out of dozens of principalities, lands, cities. Therefore, it was an ideal place for the activities of various traders, bankers, usurers. Princes and city magistrates, constantly in need of finance, welcomed them, gave them various benefits, so the Italians and Jews went to Germany. Many German officers, nobles, in order to improve their financial situation, did not shun marriages on the daughters of the Jewish rich.

Even outwardly in Goebbels, Hitler, Himmler and a number of other higher functionaries of the Reich it is difficult to find “Nordic” signs, which they themselves proclaimed. The same famous commander Manstein - Lewinsky, had Jewish roots and the head of the Main Imperial Security Directorate, Heydrich. No one was confused by the origin of the banker von Schroeder. In principle, the highest leaders of the Reich understood this. So, during racial cleansing in the army and on navyAfter the Nazis came to power, only 7 officers, 6 cadets, 35 non-commissioned officers and soldiers were dismissed. And Hitler's Nazism itself was quite close to Judaism - the idea of ​​"God's chosen people" of Jews and Germans, respectively. Only Hitler replaced the Jews with the Germans, the Germans had to rule the planet, becoming "the chosen god."

The cult of the German emperor - the Kaiser - was replaced by the cult of the Fuhrer (leader). An interesting fact is that Hitler, like Trotsky, was able, without preparing speeches in advance, to introduce the crowd into a "trance." Having a magical effect on her, not in your own words, but in direct action — body movements, gestures, and tonality of speech. The impact was on a subconscious level.

The cult of the army, "warriors", "forces" (the theory of Nietzsche) was also not new to the Germans. He was still from primitive antiquity, in the Middle Ages, was preserved in the idea of ​​chivalry. Hitler and his associates and those who stood behind them just breathed new life into them. Moreover, the Christian shells were largely rejected - the same Nietzsche protested against Christian morality. Glorified cruelty, the will to power, leadership qualities. No mercy for the enemies. The works of Friedrich Nietzsche were very popular in Germany, and not only, even in the First World War. The cult of force and cruelty was absorbed by Nazism. Moreover, the leaders themselves were not all close to these ideals, so Goering was a drug addict, Ley and Kaltenbrunner were alcoholics, Goebbels was a libertine, etc.

The ideology of Nazism and occult theories were included - about the "higher unknowns", about the "hollow moon", the theory of "four moons", "Ice and flame". In addition, the Nazis actively developed the themes of previous civilizations, the Order of the Green Dragon, etc.

As a result, Nazism became a new religion, so Goering said: “It is not true that Nazism creates a new religion. He is the new religion. ” In many ways, it was neo-paganism, but distorted, based on the worship of the Black Sun. The result was a mixture of neo-paganism and satanism, a breakthrough in inferno. Thus, Hitler himself believed that he was "led by the providence", that he received strength and ideas from "Valhalla," the other world of the dead, ancient Scandinavian peoples.

The creation of the "Aryan church" was engaged in Himmler, the SS units were to become its core. These were not only the elite units of the Armed Forces, security units and punitive units, but also some knightly order, which included the elite of the Reich - officers, officials, aristocrats, party leaders, scientists and culture, industrialists, financiers. They developed their own symbols, rituals, ceremonies, laws. One of the centers of the new cult was Wewelsburg Castle.

The most powerful institution of the new ideology and religion was the society “Anenerbe” (“Heritage of ancestors”), which conducted both scientific and occult searches. As a result, “Ancestral Heritage” began to include a whole system of 50 institutes and research centers. Even the creation of concentration camps was put on an occult basis: places were calculated where such facilities would not harm the Reich and the people in terms of energy, and, on the contrary, would benefit. As a result, the concentration camps became giant altars to the glory of the "Black Sun". From here and the maximum cruelty in the East, there was a sweep of the territory for the "higher race".

Moreover, Christian denominations in Germany were not banned, even a campaign to the East was proclaimed “cross”, against “godless” Bolsheviks. The military had the right to profess the Catholic or Protestant faith. But the elite of the Reich from Christianity emphasized distance kept. In the army and navy, collective worship services were prohibited. Members of the SS did not have the right to celebrate Christmas, Easter and other Christian holidays. They celebrated their dates - black magic, although superimposed on the usual natural cycles, which were celebrated by all the peoples of Eurasia.

In general, the project meant “restructuring” of the consciousness of the whole people: the same cult of “force”, violence ”was characteristic not only of SS units. The army units also participated in punitive events, they left significant collections of film and photo chronicles, where the soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht showed off their "exploits". By the way, it looks like modern "feats" of Americans in Vietnam, NATO members in Iraq, Afghanistan and so on.

German industrialists used slave labor hijacked from the East, not counting them as people. Danzig Technological Institute dealt with the problems of using corpses - methods for treating human skin, recipes for making soap from human fat were compiled. Hundreds of doctors, not only SS, their assistants, medical staff participated in human experiments - infection with malaria, typhoid, hepatitis, provoked gangrene, transplanted bones, frozen people, etc.

Farmers bought ashes from concentration camps to fertilize the fields, got slaves and slaves at their disposal, and organized a “hunt” for them when they escaped. The Germans were not embarrassed by the use of items purchased at discounted prices taken from people in concentration camps. And how many parcels received from the East with stolen junk. It was not embarrassing to banks to get things executed: gold and silver products, including crowns of teeth, earrings torn from the ears. This stream of stolen silver and gold then from German banks flowed into Swiss banks.

That is, it turns out that the god of the Germans and the elite of the Reich, like the puppeteers behind this project, made the “dark lord” inferno at that time, “Black sun”, knowingly Lucifer, one of the devil’s names, means “luminous” from Latin ".

Heinrich Himmler

Sources of:
Bezymensky L. A. Solved riddles of the Third Reich. M., 1984.
Zubkov S.V. Occult Magic of the Third Reich. M., 2003.
Commanded by L., Berjier J. Morning of the Magi. M., 2005.
Poltorak A.I. Nuremberg epilogue. M., 1969.
Schellenberg V. On the Web of SD. Minsk. 1999.
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  1. 0
    16 June 2011 10: 47
    hehe ... these arrogant Iranian nomadic tribes who settled in the primordially Daarian territories tried to find the roots of the natures of our helpless people leading the gods, as one humorist said, "not by Juan sombrero" ....
  2. go_by
    16 June 2011 11: 00
    And what gods does our elite pray for? I suspect that it’s not Christian.
    1. 0
      16 June 2011 11: 14
    2. +2
      25 June 2014 18: 17
      Quote: go_by
      And what gods does our elite pray for? I suspect that it’s not Christian.
      The golden calf. If at all they pray to someone.
  3. Superduck
    16 June 2011 12: 43
    Somehow Jehovah's Witnesses bothered before me and asked me to which god I pray, to which I asked them: And what are several of them?
    What apparently introduced them into theological collapse for 10 minutes :-)
  4. 0
    16 June 2011 13: 26
    go_by, not their only god ---- a golden calf. have you heard of this?
  5. Michael
    16 June 2011 14: 47
    Quote: datur
    they have not one god ---- a golden calf. have you heard of this?


    laughter and nothing more.
  6. mitrich
    16 June 2011 18: 25
    In our country, the idea of ​​the “chosenness” of one people is not applicable - the country will collapse. If you look at the root of the problem, then the Third Reich collapsed for this very reason. And the cult of strength — the intellectual and physical superiority of Russians — should only be encouraged. And then Russian girls are ready at least to marry a Negro from the jungle, just to leave Russia. Abroad!
    1. Superduck
      16 June 2011 18: 41
      It is necessary to eradicate general drunkenness and poverty, then everything will be fine with the girls.
  7. Rico1977
    16 June 2011 19: 24
    The Third Reich collapsed because our grandfathers nailed him, and not because he collapsed himself - they held out even in severe defeats, and also beat these "allies" like children. Not our grandfathers - they would have conquered the whole world with their war machine. And they solved the issue of nationalities and nationalism simply. Therefore, there were no unrest in the subordinate territories - except for ours ...
    "God is with us" - it's like the cell says "The whole organism is with me." "We are with God" - this is how our grandfathers said, and we won.
    And the fact that fascism is alive, but is now called American democracy, is now a no brainer. The same idea of ​​the superiority of one system over others, and the destruction of regimes that do not agree with this. It was not for nothing that the Nazis drove crowds into America after the war - they taught a lot of Americans to both Goebels propaganda, and the cult of power, and to destroy those who disagree, especially if they are weaker. Well, now, like the Nazis, having seized many lands and gaining strength, they have attacked us with all their might and the whole world. Looks like we have to break the back of fascism ... It is necessary to ask the grandfather how they dug them - it will come in handy soon ...
    1. Superduck
      16 June 2011 19: 40
      Quote: Rico1977
      Because unrest in the subordinate territories - except ours - was not

      C'mon, the Greek partisans almost entered Italy on the back of the army of the Duce (I exaggerate slightly). And there were Poles, Serbs, French, too, slightly signed.
      Quote: Rico1977
      And the fact that fascism is alive, but is now called American democracy, is now a no brainer.

      You do not know what fascism is and operate with cliches, be careful with such things. Fascism is not directly related to democracy. I also suspect that you are not aware of the meaning of the word democracy and liberalism, hence I conclude that you are probably the victim of Goebels propaganda. American foreign policy is neo-imperialism, but not fascism.
      If you reveal the meaning of the word fascism, then many will not like it, and therefore I’d better not say anything, whoever wants to see, read, and try to understand.
      Please do not be offended by my words, I least wanted to offend you, but if you want to say something on this topic, it is better to understand the essence of things and not play with such words freely.
      And by the way, the Nazis did not throw crowds into the USA, there were a lot of representatives of ultra-nationalist movements from Ukraine, the Baltic states and from Eastern Europe, and many engineers, but we and many of them were engineers, but no one was left. And the real Nazis dumped mainly in South America and South Africa.
      1. seafarer
        20 March 2013 02: 24
        Quote: SuperDuck
        C'mon, the Greek partisans almost entered Italy on the back of the army of the Duce (I exaggerate slightly). And there were Poles, Serbs, French, too, slightly signed.

        It is not worth using stamps yourself; indeed, the Greeks fought successfully against the Italians. But these were not partisans at all, but a regular army. According to one version, it was the need to help the Duce in the war with Greece that forced Germany to postpone the date of the start of the war with the USSR from the end of May to the beginning of June to the 22nd. And the Greeks did not enter Italy either - they only managed to push the Italians back to their border, and then the Germans "signed up".
        Serbs - yes, they fought with the Germans and Ustashi under the command of Tito.
        And it’s better not to mention the Poles: the official "partisan" movement in Poland was formalized as the Home Army (AK) under the leadership of the government of Mikolajczyk from London. I read somewhere that during the entire period of the occupation of Poland (1939 - 1944) AKovtsy destroyed about 800 (!) German troops.
        I have no information on the French Resistance, but I have never read about any special deeds of the Makizar.
        One raid by Kovpak caused more damage to the Germans than the entire "partisan" movement in the rest of Europe.

        And I will not argue about the social system in the United States. He is essentially "cannibalistic" for the rest of the world. And as they call themselves - I am as indifferent as in which nostril some small tribal savage leader wears a ring.
      2. +2
        25 June 2014 18: 25
        Quote: SuperDuck
        C'mon, the Greek partisans almost entered Italy on the back of the army of the Duce (I exaggerate slightly). And there were Poles, Serbs, French, too, slightly signed.
        The Greeks only with Italy were so cool, as soon as the Wehrmacht seemed, as soon as the tails were running out. The Polish AK, later AL and BH - yes, they fought seriously, so they had a stronger leaven - how much time they lived side by side with the Russians, they were imbued with great value. And the Serbs did well: they partisan well, they did not celebrate a coward, they did not compromise.
        You don’t need about the French: they plowed at Great Germany better than the Germans in Vaterland, it was already after their release that they suddenly began to suffer from an excess of courage and heroism. True, in the absence of a worthy adversary (the Germans were already in the Berlin area) they paid off with the weakest: women.
  8. 0
    17 June 2011 00: 32
    Michael, thanks for the link I read it, I’ve ruined it! If this is true, then all of our -removed bablopilas and oligators against them are infants-grandfathers.
  9. 0
    3 July 2017 19: 13
    Instead of a thousand words