Ukrainian Chimera vs. Svetlaya Rus

Ukrainian Chimera vs. Svetlaya Rus

Events in Ukraine show that in Russia they still do not understand “where their legs grow from,” how the “brotherly Ukrainian people” became the enemy of Russia, and why Russians and “Ukrainians” kill each other. Although the root of the problem is that there is no "Ukrainian people" and "Ukrainian language." There is a single superethnos of the Rus (the Russian people), which for several centuries skillful manipulators split into “fraternal peoples”. In fact, the current “Ukrainian patriots” who are fighting for “independent Ukraine” are “corrupted elves” (Russ-Russians), if you take the images of “The Lord of the Rings”.

The millennial enemy of the Russian civilization was able to form a “Ukrainian chimera” - the Rus, who became “Ivanas not remembering their kinship.” "Ukry" (spoiled Rus) became the material from which to sculpt anything, cannon fodder of the enemies of Russia, Russian civilization. Their consciousness is so distorted that, shouting slogans “beat Moskalov and Jews”, they in reality submit to the oligarchs of Jewish origin. They are manipulated by the local oligarchy (now they are simply transferred to manual control), which in turn is the lowest link in the global oligarchic hierarchy. The masters of the West are waging war against Russian civilization with the hands of the Rus themselves "(" ukrov "). The ancient principle of "divide and conquer" is once again successfully used to dismember peoples, states and civilizations.

One of the fundamental arguments in favor of the existence of the “Ukrainian people” is the existence of the Little Russian “Mova” (“Ukrainian language”). As follows from historical sources, and not the conclusions of interested commentators who invented the "Eastern Slavs", from which the "three fraternal peoples" allegedly originated - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian, in the Old Russian state there lived Rus, Russians, Russians. There were no "Ukrainians" or "Eastern Slavs" at all. There has never been a "Ukrainian statehood" either. "Ukrainian identity" originated in the fevered brains of a handful of intellectuals in the XNUMXth century. And not without Polish and Austrian influence.

The international wing of the Bolsheviks (the Trotskyists), in order to dismember the united Russian civilization and the united Russian people, actively supported the construction of "Ukraine". The false historical scheme was supported by active state-building: a separate “Ukrainian Republic” (Ukrainian SSR) was created, the nationality “Ukrainian” was fixed in the passports, the “official” (South Russian dialect) was assigned the statute of the official and separate “Ukrainian language”. And not only in the territory of Western Ukraine, where there was a strong influence of the Polonism (words or expressions borrowed from the Polish language or compiled on its model), but in Novorossia, Crimea, Donbas, Chernihiv, Slobozhanshchina (regions), “mova” was not common, and Russian identity was not strongly influenced by the Polish invaders. The official course led to the fact that science was forced to adapt. "Ukrainization" went at full speed. Any Soviet scientist, philologist, historian, archeologist had to adapt the results of his research to the official point of view, where there existed “Ukrainian statehood”, “Ukrainian people” and “Ukrainian language”.

As for the Ukrainian scientists and politicians, it was already quite easy to form "ukrov" since 1991, since the image of the "fraternal Ukrainian people" was formed in the Soviet Union. They went further and took away from the Russians and the Old Russian state. Russians began to be turned into descendants of “Finno-Ugric savages and wild Mongols”. "Ukry" also became the direct heirs of Rurik and Yaroslav the Wise. One big lie gave birth to a new one.

Although it is obvious that without the Polish domination, there would be no “Ukrainian language”. The main feature of the “movi”, which distinguishes it from the Russian language, is the presence of a significant number of Polonisms. In fact, “mova” is not an independent language, but the West Russian language, which from century to century accepted more and more Polonism. The modification of the language of the population of the south-western part of Russia began during the Polish domination of the XIV-XVI centuries. The south-western princedoms of Russia, inhabited by Russian people and captured by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, very soon fell under the religious, cultural, and economic influence of the West. The process of merging local Russian dialects (which had their own characteristics in all Russian lands and princedoms - Kiev, Galicia, Vladimir, Ryazan, Novgorod, etc.) with the Polish language began.

One of the fundamental laws of linguistics says that when two languages ​​are crossed, a new language never comes together that unites the old languages, and one of them will eventually eventually win. It is enough to remember that the numerous Slavic tribes that inhabited modern Germany and Austria eventually became “Germans”, that is, “dumb” who lost their native language and culture. The loss of language has led to the loss of national identity. The current eastern "Germans" do not even know that many of them may be direct descendants of the Slavorians.

We now see a similar picture in the “Ukraine”. A huge chunk was broken away from the Russian civilization and the Ukrainian Reich, which was inhabited by the “ukrami”, who are being set on those Russes, who more or less preserved their historical memory and the Russian language, is rapidly forming. The millennial “onslaught to the east” process continues. The masters of the West are still striving to destroy the superethnos of the Rus in order to establish complete control over the planet.

Under Polish political, ideological, and cultural dominance, Western Russian dialects, over time, increasingly approached the Polish language in their vocabulary. Only the return of the West Russian lands (not all, only Stalin was able to return Galicia) to the bosom of the Russian state interrupted the process of crossing literally halfway, when the Russian language of south-western Russia was already heavily ignored, but had not yet become a type of Polish. It was a terrible price that Russians of south-western Russia had to pay for centuries of Polish occupation. Without the Polish domination, there would be no reason for the emergence of a “Russian-Polish dialect”.

Thus, no "Ukrainian language" based on the "Eastern Slavic language" (which also did not exist, since there was always Russian, which was spoken by Rurik and Svyatoslav, our ancestors) did not arise. Due to unfavorable foreign policy circumstances, a significant part of the super-ethnos of the Rus fell under the power of Poland, and religious, cultural, and language assimilation of the Russians began. This led to the emergence of the "Mova" - the Russian-Polish dialect. With the further domination of Poland (and through it, and the Vatican), the Rus would gradually be fully assimilated, as the famous Russians of Central Europe. Catholicism and Polish would finally turn the West Russian population into slaves to the masters of the Western project.

However, the elimination of foreign occupation put an end to the development of the "movy". After the reunification of Russia and part of the Western Russian lands in 1654, the influence of the Polish language ceased, the reverse process of crowding out all kinds of Polonism under the influence of an all-Russian literary language began. I must say that in the second half of the XVI and early XVII centuries. the Polishing of the West Russian language has not yet gone too far.

If such an artificial state formation as the Ukrainian SSR, which strongly supported “Ukrainians” and “Ukrainian language”, were not created, there would be no specific language differences between the inhabitants of Great and Little Russia. There would still be local dialects of a single Russian language. In 1991, the enemies of the Russian civilization received ideal conditions for the de-Russification of Little Russia. However, even after two decades of frantic Russophobic campaign, when Russian schools were intensively closed, Russian churches, expelled the Russian language from office work, science, universities, the media, the overwhelming majority of the population (including the most rabid Russophobes) preferred to speak Russian in everyday life. This suggests that the millennial tradition is a very powerful foundation that is very difficult to destroy.

However, do not relax. Modern propaganda machine is an excellent tool for "changing the matrix", "zombies" of the population. A couple of generations and in place of Ukraine, we will see the inferno zone. And the Slavic boys, who now join hundreds of different neo-Nazi, pro-fascist groups and movements, will merge into a million-strong army that will be ready for a war of annihilation against Bright Russia, those Russes who still remember who they are. Their bright aspirations to be strong, healthy, warriors, to build a great power, our enemies canalize them in the right direction. Rusov turned into cannon fodder for war with Russia.

Since 1991, the creation of the "Mova" has accelerated dramatically. Literally every day, the Ukrainian media presented, instead of the usual, ingrained words, new ones, supposedly "originally Ukrainian." It is clear that almost all the “Ukrainian words” were taken directly from the Polish language. At the same time, it was stated with surprising arrogance that “Ukrainian language” is “one of the richest and most developed languages ​​in the world”.

The fact that the three hundred year Polish yoke over southern Russia did not change either the national composition or the language of its population was understood by many leading scholars. So, professor of Kiev University of sv. Vladimir, a Slavic philologist, historian, Byzantinist and author of the fundamental work "Lectures on Slavic Linguistics" Timofey Dmitrievich Florinsky (1854 - 1919) noted: "Malorussian language is nothing more than one of the adverbs of the Russian language ... it is one whole with other Russian dialects ... The fact of the integrity and unity of the Russian dialects in the sense of their belonging to the same dialectical group is considered in modern science as a truth that does not require proof. ” In his opinion, in the ethnographic respect the inhabitants of the Ukraine represented not a separate Slavic people, but part of the Russian people.

The Russian philologist-Slavic, ethnographer, academician, dean of the historical-philological faculty of St. Petersburg University Ismail Ivanovich Sreznevsky (1812 — 1880) noted: “Long, but not from the ancient side, separating the northern and southern from one another - Great Russian and Little Russian; not so long ago, the eastern (actually Great Russian) and western - Belarusian, in the north, eastern (actually Little Russian) and western adverb - Ruthenian, Carpathian; even newer features distinguish local dialects, which each of the Russian adverbs has developed. Of course, all these adverbs and dialects are still only shades of the same adverb and do not disturb with their dissimilarity the unity of the Russian language and the people. ” I must say that Sreznevsky was an excellent specialist in the ancient Russian language, who left behind a vast scientific heritage.

Slavic linguist, professor of Novorossiysk and Leningrad Universities Boris Mikhailovich Lyapunov (1862 — 1943) noted that the Russian language is divided into three dialects - Great Russian, Belarusian and Little Russian. "And the names of these simple Russian people are unknown and are used only by educated people." That is, ordinary Russian people did not even know that they were already divided into three artificial parts.

As a result, experts in the field of Russian and Slavic languages ​​of the turn of the XIX — XX centuries. unequivocally rejected the idea of ​​the existence of some independently “Ukrainian language”. There was no “Ukrainian language” in the territory of southern Russia. Accordingly, there has never been a “Ukrainian people”. Nowhere was he to come from. From ancient times to the present day, these Rus-Russian lands inhabit these lands.

All Ukrainian philology, be it Soviet or of the “independence” period, is not a science, but only a scientific propaganda of primitive myths. It is designed for the gradual “zombie” of the Russian population, turning it into “ukrov”. And as the destruction of education in the former Ukrainian Soviet propaganda is becoming more primitive and fantastic. Up to the allegations that “Ukrainian language” is the most ancient language on earth, “the language of Noah,” from which all other world languages ​​originated.

“Ukrainian language” is a phenomenon of the ideological, cultural and language war against the Russian civilization and the Russian people. The wars of the West against Russia, which has been going on for more than a millennium. In the "ukrah" various anti-Russian forces see the most effective means of de-Russification and assimilation of the Russian population of southwestern Russia. “Ukry” together with radical Islamists make up the fighting unit, which must solve the “Russian question” - destroy the superethnos of the Rus.

The current de-Russification of Little Russia is no longer the first attack on the Russians of south-western Russia. According to the plans of our enemies, it should lead to the complete denationalization and assimilation of the Russian population of south-western Russia. Ukry must become an obedient tool in the fight against the rest of Russian civilization.

All attempts have the same algorithm: absolute managerial cretinism, rampant theft, embezzlement of national wealth by internal and external parasites, the collapse of the national economy, attempts of neighbors to divide the "independent" territory, famine and poverty of ordinary people, etc. Power is seized by people predatory, very cleverly stuffing his pockets for himself and his relatives, relatives. Simple people find themselves at the broken trough.

The first such disaster occurred after the February 1917 revolution of the year. The “independent” regimes of the Rada, the Hetmanate and the Directory swept through the Cheharda. True, they were still limited in time to organize a large-scale attack on the Russian language and culture. The case was limited mainly to the adoption of the declaration and the change of signs on the institutions. Began and the expulsion of all employees who did not own "movoy".

After the creation of the Ukrainian SSR, the Ukrainization business received a new development, and it was put on a grand scale. All spheres from legislative to cultural-linguistic were affected. They even created a “troika on Ukrainization” and a mass of commissions that were engaged in transferring the Russian population to “Ukrmov”. Now, not only documentation, newspapers and signs were translated into “mov”, but they were also forbidden to speak Russian in official institutions. It came to criminal prosecution of those heads of organizations who formally related to Ukrainization. Total Ukrainization and repression brought their black fruit. So, in the Russian city of Mariupol in 1932, not a single Russian class remained in schools. This rampant Russophobia, which was organized by the Trotskyists, lasted until the turning point of 1937. When many Russophobes and Ukrainians fanatics were among the "enemies of the people" and went to bed. Later they were ranked as the “innocent victims” of the “bloody Stalin”.

Officially, the Ukrainization of south-western Russia was not canceled, but it stopped paying special attention, the processes went more calmly. The lull was short. The German occupation has revived the wildest dreams of Ukrainizers. Russian schools and newspapers were closed again, Ukrainian newspapers began to be published. Education translated into Ukrainian. In all institutions, “mova” has become mandatory. The Germans at any cost tried to reduce the number of Russians in order to maximally weaken the resistance to the occupation regime and create social support in the face of “national traitors”. Ukrainization has become a special form of the genocide of the Russian people. The more “Ukrainians” became, the fewer became Russians.

However, the plans of Hitler and the national traitors were not implemented. The Red Army destroyed the beast. Dreams of creating a "separatist" Ukrainian Bantustan under the auspices of the "thousand-year Reich" have collapsed. At the time of Khrushchev, who dealt blows to the Soviet Union in almost all spheres, another attempt at Ukrainization was made. Under Brezhnev, in connection with the general collapse of the Khrushchev initiatives and "stability", the case was set on its own accord, there were no radical plans to develop the "Ukrainian language". In the absence of external support, “Ukrainians” began to fade; for thousands of years, the unity of the Russian people was stronger than alluvial debris. Without state support "ukrmova" was doomed to death.

The situation has radically changed in the 1991 year. The genocide of the Russian people and the de-Russification of Little Russia were renewed with the fervor of the 1920's Trotskyists - the beginning of the 1930's. The sad result was the current events, when the south-western Russian lands again crushed, and the Russians were confronted in a civil war. The former Ukrainian USSR has become a battlefield. Blood is flowing, villages are ablaze. Occupants, in the face of foreign advisers and mercenaries, feel themselves masters of the ancient Russian lands. Formed fighting units "ukrov-Orkov", which kill their brothers. As V. Tsoi sang: “And two thousand years is war ...”

True, there are reasons for this war. There is an eternal opposition of good and evil. The forces of evil are trying to subjugate the planet named Earth. Superethnos Russov opposes dark forces and is the main obstacle to evil. Again, we are challenged, and sit out will not work. War will come to all. We have a spiritual, ideological, military and economic mobilization, or they will crush us. We need new Svyatoslavs, Suvorovs and Stalin, who will unite and lead Russia into battle for the ideals of goodness and justice.

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  1. Wolland
    28 May 2014 09: 37
    Putin = our SAVIOR
    1. Alex_Popovson
      28 May 2014 09: 43
      Putin is our Savior, and Kadyrov is his infantryman
    2. +20
      28 May 2014 09: 44
      ... There is an eternal confrontation between good and evil ...

      What is the strength of the Brother ... The power is in the truth, who has the truth and is stronger.
      1. +6
        28 May 2014 10: 38
        Quote: MOISEY
        ... There is an eternal confrontation between good and evil ...

        They want death for their people the way we wanted death for Syrian cannibals, killers of children and women ....
        I have one question - This is what you need to become so that your people, your people wish you a fierce death, to kill people who did not come to their house with weapons, THIS IS WHAT TO BE?
        1. +3
          28 May 2014 11: 25
          Quote: Scoun
          THIS IS WHOM TO BE?

          1. +10
            28 May 2014 13: 28
            They are not to blame ...
            1. Erg
              28 May 2014 19: 35
              It would be nice if the shit wasn’t enough ...
      2. +10
        28 May 2014 11: 04
        We suggest that photographs of the brutally (just brutally) killed civilians of Donbas should be sent to ALL leaders of Europe, members of the European Commission, the OSCE and posted on US websites with appropriate comments: "Triumph" of Western democracy and European democratic "values." So that they finally understand who they are feeding and who they support. In the future, these photo documents should be used in the trial of Turchinov, Yatsenyuk, Poroshenko, Avakov and others like them (Obama, Merkel, etc.). The moratorium on the death penalty does not apply to military criminals
        1. Erg
          28 May 2014 19: 40
          The truth is that all these bureaucrats are well aware of what is happening. They are just scared, the economic yoke. Therefore, waiting for them to display a healthy identity is meaningless. US carries out latent genocide of Europe
        2. 0
          28 May 2014 23: 33
          I am afraid that the addressees will suddenly and temporarily become blind or, even worse, consider that these corpses are the work of the terrorists from Slavyansk.
        3. 0
          18 June 2014 02: 14
          The people that you are offering everything is easier to take and do! Find youngsters who know good English. Translate captions and captions to photos. And send to Yh countries. Just! IGSF "DOT" does just that! The main thing is in ASHA, lindon, eiffel under the tower. Those who ... But the main thing is not to spread rot on the Ukrainians. There are also normal people among them. And we Crimeans are learning to catch fleas among our now Russians. And we catch it. But they, fleas, are more often two-colored than three ...
      3. 0
        28 May 2014 17: 53
        Quote: MOISEY
        ... There is an eternal confrontation between good and evil ...

        What is the strength of the Brother ... The power is in the truth, who has the truth and is stronger.

        I agree with you MOISEY (1)... There is nothing to add to this quote! Article - "+"! And personal thanks to the author.
    3. +1
      28 May 2014 10: 40
      the god of misfortunes is plentiful and there is only one Putin - Ukraine is an example of this
    4. +1
      28 May 2014 11: 29
      Quote: Wolland
      Putin = our SAVIOR

      Yeah, as well as the King, Gd, and Lord of the Sith. negative
    5. +3
      28 May 2014 12: 01
      Hope for Putin, but don’t be bad
    6. mellehova
      28 May 2014 18: 35
      A new ideological struggle is taking place today between the perverted West, led by the United States and the world of traditionalism, which Russia is trying to adequately lead. In a new war of beliefs and beliefs, Putin says, Russia is on the side of God .... And the West is Gomorrah.

      Putin may not be aware, but he saves humanity! Back in 1975, the world government, headed by the richest people on the planet, set a goal to reduce the world's population to 1 billion people by 2050, they called it the "golden billion." Drugs, alcohol, AIDS, homosexuality, pedophilia, incest .... And everything went according to plan until Putin and Russia appeared on the world stage, who are able to resist this evil!
      I am becoming more and more convinced that Russia is the last bastion, the last bastion, the last hope of mankind. There will be no Russia, people in a short time, during the course of a generation will be turned, not even into animals, they will be cared for and cherished, but into creatures much lower standing, not worthy of pity or attention.

      It is in such a role as the Savior that Russia is waiting for all the national parties of Europe and the world today. By the way, the anti-gay law scandal that turned out to be for us gave Russia and Putin personally the sympathy of many European nationalist and conservative forces, who saw in it hope for an old European woman.
  2. +8
    28 May 2014 09: 41
    Dismemberment of the Russians in the territory of present-day Ukraine (namely, polonization) began already in the 15th century .... all this lasted for centuries and did not "work". And it won't work now. The people will simply go berserk and will rest even more.
  3. Vlad Gore
    28 May 2014 09: 43
    Ukrainians are fictional people. And in 1654, Russians and Russians reunited in Pereyaslav. good
    1. mellehova
      28 May 2014 18: 37
      Agree ! Neither Ukraine, nor Ukrainians - no, there was not and never will be. Mystification and forgery was created by the West with one purpose - to synthesize nerus (antirus) to destroy the foundations of Holy Russia. There is Little Russia, New Russia, Belarus ... Russia (Rus) and there is a single Russian people - Russian people living from the Carpathians to Kamchatka.

      Ukrainian, remember, you are Russian!
      1. skaarjj
        28 May 2014 19: 27
        I've tried on the Ukrainian most Svidomo forums to promote this idea - immediately banyat)) they themselves know on whose side the truth
  4. Klepa
    28 May 2014 09: 46
    For the message of the article, plus, for the presentation of their thoughts - two.
    1. +4
      28 May 2014 11: 09
      Yes, the article is not complete. Nothing is said about the union. About how Nicholas I skipped the beginning of the incarnation of the Third Union - the consequences of which we are now experiencing (then, by the way, Shevchenko was shaved into soldiers). Nothing is said about the contribution of territories joined in 1654 to the development of the Russian language and literature.
      But the article is useful and gives a concept, that there are no Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians — there are only Russians, and this must be restored by all means, at all levels. One hundred years of our fragmentation (thanks to the Bolsheviks - this is their greatest mistake that helped to take power, but I am grateful to the party and the Soviet government for my happy childhood) nothing compared to the centuries through which our people went.
      1. Klepa
        28 May 2014 12: 09
        The fact is that there have been a lot of such "useful articles on the Ukrainian ethnos" lately. For an article to be perceived 5+ even among a huge mass of similar articles on a topic, the author must have at least the slightest knowledge of the epistolary genre. I am in favor of articles being critically assessed by the author himself several times before publication. And then one gets the impression that many write "as soon as possible" in order to earn more "plus signs" on "Military Review". In this case, both the material and the manner of its presentation suffer. hi
        1. 0
          28 May 2014 13: 50
          Duck in the bright past collected such information bit by bit, although they were not forbidden, but now I don’t want to read grace, but filter the most important thing. Here is another chir of the national question - Belarus, it is also necessary to solve it. While the father is in power (he sometimes snarls, but remembers who feeds him) - everything is fine. And maydanut come to power, what will happen? Amerikosy and Eurozhopovtsy have been laying wedges for a long time, and our rulers again see no hell, again they will pass through and who will be to blame then.
          1. Klepa
            28 May 2014 14: 58
            Dear, you are arguing with me about what? Do you disagree with the idea that articles should be structured in accordance with the laws of the epistolary genre? Don't you think that a person who wants to express his point of view in public, and not in the kitchen over a mug of tea, should be able to formulate his thoughts clearly, without spreading his thoughts along the tree and in accordance with the laws of formal logic? I have already written that the message of the article is commendable, but it is implemented on a solid "two". If you do not agree, this is your right, but I did not see the substantiation of your point of view in any of the comments.
            1. 0
              28 May 2014 20: 38
              Without knowing the laws of the epistolary genre, I’ll voice my opinion –– Taras Shevchenko could read and understand in the original in 80 any student with an 6 class –– now the language has changed so much that I, familiar with it, read or listen to it fluently, half I don’t understand, although I don’t have to practice percent 80, because I communicate with relatives-11 uncle in Ukraine.
  5. +5
    28 May 2014 09: 47
    We need constant and close contacts with our neighbors, and instead of throwing ourselves for a while, they will be ashore, now we are reaping the fruits of the State Department ...
    1. mellehova
      28 May 2014 18: 44
      “To prevent and in every possible way impede the deep integration of Russia with neighboring countries” is the publicly declared Hillary Clinton priority of US foreign policy.
      And America and the European Union know that if Ukraine is torn off from Russia with Belarus, then the restoration or birth of a new super-powerful, Slavic, Orthodox, economic state will be IMPOSSIBLE! Personally, I want to live in a developing huge state! Build it, work for this state, courageously endure certain hardships ... but many Ukrainians do not want to participate in the creation of such a project. They wish all the best now, European wealth, the American dream!
  6. Dbnfkmtdbx
    28 May 2014 09: 47
    Lenin was bored here isamutil maybe under the guise of Lenin and Khokhlov rush wassat
  7. Kaigal
    28 May 2014 09: 48
    You can’t prove the opposite to them anyway. In any case, not in this century.
  8. +6
    28 May 2014 09: 51
    Although the root of the problem is that there is no "Ukrainian people" and "Ukrainian language." There is a single superethnos of the Rus (the Russian people), which for several centuries skillful manipulators split into “fraternal peoples”.
    Here, not only "skillful manipulators" are worth remembering, but also their own mistakes. The dismemberment of Poland in 1939, no matter how shit it was in relation to Russia, only added to the problems in the form of alien Galicia. The resettlement of the zapadentsev under Khrushchev "for re-education" in the eastern regions, only spread the infection throughout Little Russia. Finally, even earlier, Russia was divided for political, international reasons, creating the republics of Belarus and Ukraine, sharing Russian territories with other created republics. As for skillful manipulators, then who prevented us from engaging in timely propaganda and proper education? So we got GMO "nation" of dill and Bandera fenya.
    1. +1
      28 May 2014 10: 40
      Alas, propaganda is not so hot with us .... either none, or rude and dumb .... it seems that they just started to learn. It's time to create a Ministry of Propaganda.
  9. +4
    28 May 2014 09: 54
    Remember, they try to crush the Russians all the time, and all the time the action gives rise to opposition, we are bent, and we are unbent! Ilya Muromets, this is the personification of the Russians, he also lies on the stove for the time being, and then when he rises, he destroys all enemies! Russians by their nature are basically not aggressive until the enemy wakes up this aggression in them! So it's time to wake up Russia and repulse vrvgu, GLORY OF RUSSIA!
  10. +8
    28 May 2014 10: 07
    First, the Poles from the Slavs broke away under catalism, and now the Ukrainians have appeared.
  11. +3
    28 May 2014 10: 18
    The article is on time, it would be more than one car to throw it on ukrosaytes, because they consider themselves the founders of Europe, which have nothing in common with the Russians. Now Ukrainians are separated not only by language, but also by religion, there will be no faith, people will die
  12. +1
    28 May 2014 10: 23
    Well done, Alexander, I agree with you 100 percent!
  13. +3
    28 May 2014 10: 23
    Three years ago! Already young people in embroidered shirts have an ENEMY and a fellow coordinator in a muzzle!

    29.04.11/10/13 XNUMX:XNUMX "Glory to the nation - death to enemies": a parade of embroidered shirts on the anniversary of the SS Division "Galicia". PHOTO report
  14. +3
    28 May 2014 10: 24
    The article fundamentally cuts the "state" ideology of the "Ukrainians". This must be included in a history textbook so that future generations do not forget who we are.
  15. +2
    28 May 2014 10: 27
    Article fatty a plus.
    It's time to realize how we are "bred"
    1. +1
      28 May 2014 11: 26
      I do not understand one thing, how people hate people like themselves for pies, especially if the pies are from “uncle’s because of a big puddle.” Do you think they will live more satisfyingly from these pies? ...
      1. Erg
        28 May 2014 19: 47
        All this, friend, from a low level of education. There is no ridicule
  16. +6
    28 May 2014 10: 38
    Since 1991, the creation of "mov" has accelerated dramatically. Literally every day, the Ukrainian media presented instead of the usual, ingrained words new, supposedly “primordially Ukrainian” ones. It is clear that almost all “Ukrainian words” were taken directly from the Polish language.

    It is very similar to what is happening now with the Russian language. Only the words are taken not from Slavic Polish, but from English (which linguists attribute to the Germanic language group). As a result, the "image" became an image, the "chairman" became a speaker, the summit became a summit, the engine of the economy became an economic driver, the deadline became a deadline, became outsourcing in a row, and so on. etc. you can remember a bunch of all kinds of exit polls, freelancers and crowdsourcing. Moreover, despite the rapid development of our life in such areas as science, politics, economics, which naturally leads to the emergence of new concepts, almost no new Russian terms associated with these new phenomena appear in our language, almost all terms are just stupid are taken from English (often they are even written in English). Instead of seriously engaging in the development of the language, new terminology that meets the challenges of today, attracting philologists, writers, linguists (as is done, for example, in France), in our country everything is left at the mercy of semi-literate journalists, who often even the proposal is not grammatically correct can make up.
    I don’t know which is better, to introduce into the language words from another Slavic language, for example, Polish, or to flood the native language with vocabulary from foreign English?
    1. 0
      28 May 2014 10: 54
      Quote: alebor
      very similar to what is happening now with the Russian language. Only the words are taken not from Slavic Polish, but from English (which linguists attribute to the Germanic language group). As a result, the "image" became an image, the "chairman" became a speaker, the summit turned into a summit, the engine of the economy became an economic driver, the deadline became a deadline, became outsourced in a row, and so on. etc. you can also remember a bunch of all kinds of exit polls, freelancers and crowdsourcing

      I put a plus. In fact, for all these ugly borrowings you have to take a fee. And treasury profits and the words of freaks will be an order of magnitude smaller.
    2. 0
      28 May 2014 11: 20
      It's even worse here. A dealer is a businessman, and a manager is a salesman, and literally. Call the current manager in the original Russian word - offended. Maybe the fact is that for a long time such Russian words were perceived as swear words. It's funny when the somewhat offensive word "sexual" was replaced by "garcon", and then, so as not to offend anyone, by a neutral "waiter". In any case, it would be nice to revise our concepts.
  17. KC4E
    28 May 2014 10: 48
    in the Old Russian state lived Russes, Russians, Rusichs.
    Forgot to add more "Rusyns".
  18. mishkent
    28 May 2014 10: 56
    Per se. Respect to you. He suffered for a long time and could not come up with a suitable name for ukromov. Your option, in my opinion, ideally matches both in form and in meaning.
  19. 0
    28 May 2014 11: 01
    The situation radically changed in 1991. The genocide of the Russian people and the derusification of Little Russia were resumed with the ardor of the Trotskyists of the 1920s - early 1930s.

    I heard from eyewitnesses that a new wave has begun with the arrival of Gorby. Immediately in kindergartens and schools, communication and study were abruptly transferred to "mov".
  20. +1
    28 May 2014 11: 03
    In principle, everything is correct. For the vast majority of Ukrainians, Russian is their native language. Even today's Svidomo Ukrainians not only speak Russian, but also think in it. This is noticeable by how quickly and correctly they speak Russian, in contrast to Caucasians, whose speech is slow, because they select Russian words, translate their thoughts into Russian. Unfortunately, the unity of language is far from everything in terms of defining self-identity. There are so many Russian-speaking Jews in Israel that it is time to make Russian the state language, but they feel themselves to be Jews. It's more difficult with ukrami. Perhaps the language is secondary here. Most likely, they are presented that they are pure Rus (Ukrainians are for fools, so as not to offensively explain the name of the state), and we are a kind of mixture of peoples. Hence the unprecedented surge of nationalism based on supposedly "pure blood". But as for the violent Ukrainization of the Ukrainian SSR - the topic has not been disclosed. It is not clear why it was carried out, although, apparently, it took place (Khrushchev, depending on the conjuncture, called himself either Russian or Ukrainian). For the Bolsheviks, especially the Trotskyists (supporters of the world revolution), the topic of nationality has never been decisive at all. The main thing is class affiliation; even foreign policy was based on this thesis, i.e. it was taken seriously. To all appearances, we brought in the Trojan horse ourselves, adding the Westerners in 1939.
    1. 0
      28 May 2014 16: 04
      Quote: onizhe
      For the vast majority of Ukrainians, Russian is their native language. Even today's Svidomo Ukrainians not only speak Russian, but also think in it

      and so swearing and without any accent.
    2. 0
      31 May 2014 17: 19
      Quote: onizhe
      Even today's Svidomo Ukrainians not only speak Russian, but also think in it. This is noticeable by how quickly and correctly they speak Russian, unlike Caucasians, whose speech is slow, because they pick up the Russians

      this part is correct. We really think in Russian, it’s easier, and if you suddenly need to speak Russian and speak without problems. In addition, many politicians themselves learn to indulge in Ukrainian once in Kiev.
      But in terms of the state, Ukraine is quite thinking in Russian. In the first building, on some homogeneous material (language, idea). Therefore, they do not want 2 languages. For Russian will kill the Ukrainian language. And they distort the idea, just to maintain uniformity.
      At the same time, nationalists howl that the Ukrainian language in Ukraine needs protection! This is under the constitution, which protects it and all acts against the Russian language, squeezing it out of all spheres (for half a year in Odessa there are one Ukrainian sign! Advertising in Ukrainian, everything in Ukrainian is with a formal regional law on the Russian language!)
      In general, some do not want and convince others (Russian-speaking, Russian of Ukraine) that a single language guarantees the construction of statehood!
      Examples of 2 languages ​​in 1 state do not care. united Ukraine is the key to hostility between people on a language problem and culture.
  21. liberal
    28 May 2014 11: 07
    such articles and approving comments on them are also one of the reasons for Russian-Ukrainian hostility. to prove to Ukrainians that they are not there is at least strange, but from the point of view of the dialogue of nations it is generally dangerous.
  22. Hyperboreec
    28 May 2014 11: 09
    True, there are reasons for this war. There is an eternal confrontation between good and evil. The forces of evil are trying to subjugate a planet named Earth. The superethnos of the Rus confronts the dark forces and is the main obstacle to evil. Again we are challenged, and it won't work out. War will come to all. We have a spiritual, ideological, military and economic mobilization, or they will crush us. We need new Svyatoslavs, Suvorovs and Stalin, who will rally and lead Russia into battle for the ideals of good and justice.

    Russian is a state of Soul, and for this (Soul) they do not love us, and are afraid at the same time. Those who do not have a Soul, those who live only for profit - forgetting about the spiritual world, will always hate Russia.
    1. 0
      28 May 2014 14: 44
      everything is a little simpler - there is R1a and R1b ... as a result of mutations, something is lost, something is acquired ... I like to believe that I came from God, and not from the mixing of a pig and a monkey ... well, everyone has a choice ...
      1. 0
        18 June 2014 02: 23
        Read, esteemed Egevich, testament of Alain Dulles. He planned as you write. Congratulations. And with sadness I inform: the fifth column in action. Whoever does not read Dulles will not understand what I mean ...
  23. +2
    28 May 2014 11: 12
    Quote: Prapor Afonya
    Remember, they try to crush the Russians all the time, and all the time the action gives rise to opposition, we are bent, and we are unbent! Ilya Muromets, this is the personification of the Russians, he also lies on the stove for the time being, and then when he rises, he destroys all enemies! Russians by their nature are basically not aggressive until the enemy wakes up this aggression in them! So it's time to wake up Russia and repulse vrvgu, GLORY OF RUSSIA!

    WE, like bears, do not touch and he will not touch, but you will touch everyone. Whoever comes with a sword will die from the sword.
  24. Leshka
    28 May 2014 11: 15
    all hope is only for a new Russia and its prudence
  25. 0
    28 May 2014 11: 17
    So what now to do with several generations of new Janissaries?
    28 May 2014 11: 19
    There was once a German "comrade" by the name of Bismarck. So, for the most part, thanks to him, "Ukraine" appeared. Well, he liked this name, that's why he called it officially. And also in Germany there is a map on which he outlined the territory of Ukraine with a pencil. He stretched right up to the Ural mountains and from Pskov to the Caucasus. Although at the time when Bismarck lived (and this is the 19th century), no Ukraine and the Ukrainian language existed in nature.
  27. Roshchin
    28 May 2014 12: 24
    Dear VO bloggers. In the end, you finally decide who invented Ukraine and, accordingly, the Ukrainian ethnic group. That came up with the Poles. Moreover, in some versions independently, in others, coupled with the Austrians. That is Austrians alone without Poles. Now, a friend made the discovery that Bismarck invented all this in the 19th year. At the same time, attach Churchill. And it’s better to stop spreading fables and write disrespectfully about fraternal people. Take an example from our President.
    1. +2
      28 May 2014 13: 55
      Quote: Grove
      And it’s better to stop spreading fables and write disrespectfully about fraternal people.

      Until 1917 there was no such nationality "Ukrainian", "Belarusian" - they were all Russians. And there is nothing to spread about any fraternal peoples - there is one people, consanguineous, artificially divorced in fictitious national apartments. These are like you (or with your tacit consent) and divided us into three nations, for the sake of their ambitions (the last three drunks in Belovezhskaya Pushcha).
    2. +4
      28 May 2014 15: 21
      Quote: Grove
      In the end, you finally decide who invented Ukraine and, accordingly, the Ukrainian ethnic group.

      And you try to delve into history. When did the concept of "Ukrainians" appear in relation not to people living in Ukraine (Zalessky, Ryazan, Vladimir, Chernigov), but to nationality? This is 60-80 of the 19th century. Grushevsky also had a hand in this, after whom the well-known street in Kiev is named.
      In Russia there were Cossacks, and Pomors, and Siberians, and the Urals, and Poleschuk — but they did not consider themselves separate nationalities, like the Ukrainians. In the 17th century, Poles speak of Ukrainians, but as Poles living on the outskirts.
      I myself am a Russian with a Ukrainian surname, whose ancestors have always (at least 400 years old) lived where I live now - on the border of three republics. At the same time, 350-370 years ago, my ancestors fought with the ancestors of today's "Westerners" - Uniats and Poles - Catholics for the right to live on their land, pray according to their own custom, and speak their own language. My ancestors forcibly knocked out the transfer from peasants to Cossacks (registered) from the Polish king. I asked my great-grandfather, who was born in the 19th century, what nationality are you, Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian? He replied that we are all Orthodox Russians, and almost every village speaks our own language (that's for sure, back in the 70s of the 20th century it was). I believe that the conflict in Ukraine is not a national one (Ukrainians-Russians or Russian-speaking), but a civilizational one - a continuation of the long-standing conflict between the Eurasian East (the successor of Byzantium) and the Catholic West. In the history of Ukraine in schools there is a lot of noise about "kozatsku power". And these Cossacks exterminated Uniates (Greek Catholics) and Catholics. This is evidenced by T.G. Shevchenko in his "Kobzar", which the current Galicians "read at night." This conflict continues to a large extent even now in Kramatorsk, Slavyansk, Donetsk, Lugansk. But if three and a half centuries ago the army of Zinovy ​​Khmel (Bohdan Khmelnitsky) came to Galicia and Malopolsha, now the troops of Galicia came to Slobozhanshchina-Novorossia. And in the Pereyaslav Rada, not Ukraine and Russia were united, but one part of Rus was united with another. We are one people, we will still be united, even if we are in different states.
  28. +4
    28 May 2014 12: 27
    Friends, I’ll tell you a funny story.
    Once, about 10 years ago, my cousin came to visit me in St. Petersburg from Kiev. We are sitting drinking, .. yes, yes ... And suddenly, somehow, by the way, he says to me that he is Ukrainian. I was a little stunned by such a statement. A man over forty after all!
    - Igorek, I ask him - and your dad - who is of nationality?
    - Russian.
    - And mother? ...
    There was a pause.
    - Well, also Russian ...
    -Tell me then, brother, how can a Ukrainian be born to two Russians?
    I thought about it. Then he says:
    - Well, I live in Ukraine, - that means I'm Ukrainian!
    From this logic, I almost choked.
    - And if you lived in England, then you became an Englishman? And if in India - then an Indian? And why did your parents, having lived all their lives in Kiev, not become Ukrainians?
    “This is their business,” my brother said, and fell silent.
    - And why, then, the Russians who were born in Kaliningrad remained Russian and did not become "kals", while you there in Ukraine became "ukrami"? AND?
    My brother from Kiev did not answer me, but since then he has not come to visit again. And deleted from "friends" in "Odnoklassniki".
    1. vedross
      28 May 2014 15: 36
      There are millions of brothers like yours in Ukraine. Millions of people with unhealthy souls and heads! It seems that they are generally people lost for Russia, not recovering. Their brain does not accept the logic of things (a person with Russian roots stubbornly considers himself non-Russian) and resist this logic until the death of someone who knocks on his mind and soul. What happens to the minds of these millions is incomprehensible.
      1. +1
        28 May 2014 16: 39
        There are millions of brothers like yours in Ukraine. Millions of people with unhealthy souls and heads! It seems that they are generally people lost for Russia, not recovering. Their brain does not accept the logic of things (a person with Russian roots stubbornly considers himself non-Russian) and resist this logic until the death of someone who knocks on his mind and soul. What happens to the minds of these millions is incomprehensible.
        For them there is a definition - Zombies! hi
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. 0
        18 June 2014 02: 32
        Understandably! We need to work with people. It's complicated. But I personally managed to convince the three. So for PAR ... three votes (and trunk) less. Are we working ?!
    2. 0
      18 June 2014 02: 29
      “Silhouette” simply and easily explained that his brother was mistaken. But that was the first step. Behind him the second - to convince. After all, if a person is dear to us, we are fighting for him, we are fighting! And we don't abandon our own ... There is little funny in this story. Silhouette, return my brother to our family - would have won the war.
  29. komrad.klim
    28 May 2014 12: 38
    Quote: Irokez
    First, the Poles from the Slavs broke away under catalism, and now the Ukrainians have appeared.

    Current events have come from nowhere !!!!!!!!!
    Current events are a spiral repetition of the past.
    These UKRO MUTANTS no longer Russian.
    And now not Russians, not Ukrainians are killing people in the southeast!
    They are killing UKRO MUTANTS!
    This is disgusting and abomination. UKRO MUTANTS!
    UKRO MUTANTS - worse than the Nazis.
    1. vedross
      28 May 2014 15: 38
      How true! Really mutants! But how did they come about? How did this kind of mutation arise that the blood Russian became a non-human? What kind of miracles? What kind of energy technology? Ukro-mutants.
  30. komrad.klim
    28 May 2014 12: 47
    The article is correct.
    The author has typos Ukrainian USSR - right Ukrainian SSR

    ================================================== ==
    spread the word urgently!

    Local authorities in Kiev (Ukraine) seized UKRO MUTANTS!
    These UKRO MUTANTS no longer Russian.
    And now not Russians, not Ukrainians are killing people in the southeast!
    They are killing UKRO MUTANTS!
    Muck and filth UKRO MUTANTS!
    UKRO MUTANTS - worse than the Nazis.
  31. +1
    28 May 2014 13: 35
    Ever since school history lessons, it was not clear to me why there were ancient roots in other parts of the world and were proud of these roots, and some savages lived in Russian lands?
    Why was the year of foundation of western cities considered based on the age of some shard found during excavations, and in Russian lands the age of cities was determined based on the stories of western travelers? Although eastern travelers admired the greatness of the cities of ancient Russia at a time when in the west they still had not learned how to burn shards.
    It's time to change something in the historical "science". Either be guided by one approach, or remember your own history and do not care who or what thinks about it.
    1. liberal
      28 May 2014 14: 45
      Although eastern travelers admired the greatness of the cities of ancient Russia at a time when in the west they still had not learned how to burn shards.

      source please
  32. +6
    28 May 2014 14: 09
    Where is Ukraine, where are the Ukrainians?
  33. +3
    28 May 2014 15: 08
    Quote: liberal
    Although eastern travelers admired the greatness of the cities of ancient Russia at a time when in the west they still had not learned how to burn shards.

    source please

    Lomonosov M.V. as the source goes: M.V. Lomonosov Ancient history of Russia until 1054.
    Chapter 2


    Such a multitude and power of the Slavic people during the days of the first princes of Russia is known from Nestor and from our other and foreign writers. * For in Russia the Slavs are Novogorodsk, the meadow on the Dnieper, the Kiev mountains, the drevlyans in Chervonnaya Russia, between the Dnieper and Pripyat, the Polochan on Dvina, northerners along the Desna, along the Seven and along Sula, duleby and Buzhan along the Bug; Krivichi near Smolensk, Volynians in Volyn, Dregovichi between Pripyat and Dvina, Radimichi on Sozh, Vyatichi on the Oka and other generations, living in different places and connecting with

    * Nestor at the beginning and power books; Porphyrogenite in Administration. 3

    a Original dergvichi

    Varangians-Russians, pestilential wars rose against the Greeks. Outside of Russia, the Poles along the Vistula, the Czechs along the peaks of Alba, the Bulgarians, Serbs and Moravians near the Danube had their kings and rulers, brave deeds of noble. On the southern shores of the Varangian Sea, the living Slavs often and bloody wars with the north, and especially with the Danish kings, are very glorious. * The many and majesty of the cities, although it was not then what it is now, is very notable. Within Russia, the great cities of Novgorod, Ladoga, Smolensk, Kiev, and Polotsk flourished more than others by force and merchants, which extended from the Dnieper along the Black Sea, from the Southern Dvina and from the Neva along the Varyazhsky to the distant states and consisted of goods. various kinds and prices are great. Between other Slavic villages, with its ruins, the rich merchant city and Vinnet's marina at the mouths of the Odra River left behind great ruins; busted around remembered times from the Danes.

    Comparing the then state of Slavic might and majesty with the present, I barely feel the increment in it. Through the subjugation of the Western and Southern Slavs into the subjection of alien power and bringing them into Mohammedanism, the noble damage to this tribe would hardly have followed the former, if the incremented power of Russia from another

    the side of this derogation did not fill in abundance. For the sake of doubt, we can conclude that the majesty of the Slavic peoples, generally believing, has been standing on almost the same measure for nearly a thousand years.

    But I still see the same much later in antiquity. ** At the beginning of the sixth century, according to Christ, the Slavic name was very famous; and the power of this people was not only terrible in Thrace, in Macedonia, in Istria and in Dalmatia, but very much contributed to the destruction of the Roman Empire. Wends and Ants, combining with their Slavs akin to themselves, increased their strength. The tribeship of these peoples is not only the current similarity in languages ​​shows, but for a thousand two hundred years Iornand testified, *** leaving the news that “from the beginning of the Vistula River to the north through the vast space inhabited by Vendian peoples, whose names are though for different generations and places the essence is canceled, but the general Slavs and Ants are called. ” It also adds that from the Vistula stretch to the Danube and to the Black Sea. Before

    * They are described by the Saxon Grammar in many places. 4

    ** Procopius of Caesarea, also Iornand in many places.

    *** On Gothic affairs, ch. 5
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. liberal
      29 May 2014 12: 51
      so this is the 10th century, in Western Europe by this time there were cities long ago, there was already a great Charles, the first German states of the Vandals, Goths, Burgundians and Suevs had already fallen.
      as for the Wends, they have nothing to do with Russia, but rather with the southern Slavs.
      Ants, who are most likely the ancestors of part of the Eastern Slavs, did not show themselves in any way, except as they were noted among the subordinate tribes in the Gothic power, and then the Huns inherited.
  34. alex 777
    28 May 2014 15: 59
    Good, correct article! "Ukrainians" are a fictional people. These are the same Russians, but infected with the "Ukraine" virus. For several centuries, the Poles have introduced this virus into the minds of the Russian people in the southern regions of Russia, which are under the occupation of the Polish state.
  35. D.V.
    28 May 2014 16: 27
    I liked the Lord of the Rings! Elves orcs gnomes dragons right word funny! And the Ukrainians, they followed a simple path. Find the enemy and wrap him in all your troubles. So they found the Russians and the Jews. Death to the Nazis! Victory awakes for us !!!
  36. 0
    28 May 2014 16: 33
    All right. It will not work out. Moreover, our country is also guilty of what happened. It's time to fix the mistakes. The howl is not on our side.
  37. KC4E
    28 May 2014 17: 41
    Quote: alebor
    I don’t know which is better, to introduce into the language words from another Slavic language, for example, Polish, or to flood the native language with vocabulary from foreign English?

    We have a rich Russian language. If you take even the words that were officially used in the Soviet period, plus use those words that you forgot. I am interested in the history of pre-Christian Russia. So, among the Slavs, even letters and syllables made sense. Here is one example: "Rus" -nation, and decoding "ru" is to save, store; "c" is a word. Rus are keepers of the word of God ...
  38. Zauralec
    28 May 2014 18: 06
    Poles, by the way, are one of the Slavic peoples - glade. We are not genetically different. It's just that the meadows were captured by the Germanic tribes and, accordingly, Catholicism, which, as you know, is aimed at cultivating a selfish personality, the main urge is "what would be good for me." While the rest of the Slavic tribes became Orthodox, and Orthodoxy is aimed at developing a social personality, the main urge is "so that we all feel good." That's the whole difference. The first leads to capitalism, the second to socialism and, as a result, to communism.
  39. KC4E
    28 May 2014 18: 07
    Quote: Const
    Ever since school history lessons, it was not clear to me why there were ancient roots in other parts of the world and were proud of these roots, and some savages lived in Russian lands?

    If you carefully studied history, then remember that from 1613 Russia began to be ruled by the kings of European nations. Peter I, introduced Western European education; Catherine II ... under which almost only Germans sat in the Ministry of Education (they also distorted history); then she went " French "fashion, Speech pospolita (Polish occupation) also influenced education, the revolution of 1917 introduced its own education ... Here is just a little of history," knocking out roots "of the Slavic minds.
  40. mellehova
    28 May 2014 18: 51
    A sufficient condition for historical recovery is the awareness of our people as part of the great Russian Subject who creates History. Only this will allow us to break out of the quagmire of the “independent” inter-time period. Only in this way will the new Paskevichs and Bezborodki, Kotlyarevsky and Gogol, Korolev and Paton, Kozheduba and Sudoplatov appear. The life of our people will again be a story of linear ascent, and not a chaotic set of fictional genocides and mythical defeats.

    But I am afraid the Ukrainians did not draw conclusions not from history ... especially from recent events! Failure to analyze - birth trauma of Ukraine.
    Repeating the same mistakes for 23 years and hoping for different results can not be people, but an illiterate, dumb, limited, amorphous herd of moral freaks!
  41. 0
    28 May 2014 19: 16
    I can express sedition, but I am convinced that I do not want to belong to a single ethnic group. I want to belong to my RUSSIAN. And this desire is not a momentary impulse, but the result of my life ... Although I don’t feel any particular hostility to brother-brothers, BUT do not touch the Russians.
  42. 0
    28 May 2014 21: 42
    the Soviet state has already made one mistake by failing to finish off all Bandera and their families
  43. 0
    28 May 2014 21: 47
    In Ukraine, there was a massive deformation of the population’s consciousness. The habit of living beyond our means and hoping for luck, inflated social claims, the belief that some external enemy was to blame for their problems, these are some of the reasons for the total manic-depressive psychosis.
  44. Andrey82
    28 May 2014 23: 44
    And in the Kremlin they chew green cabbage and sell Russians. It’s interesting how much today is Russian in cu does it cost if the Russian chief on the outskirts betrayed Russians for 4 billion gas debts?
  45. 0
    29 May 2014 00: 30
    I agree with the author. Continuous "misunderstandings". Admins skip the article where the term "Ukrainians" is used in an abbreviated form. Moderators for the same mercilessly warn about the violation as inciting ethnic hatred. In what language to comment on the author's article if his language is not available to us by the site rules?
  46. Polarfox
    29 May 2014 01: 25
    A documentary film about the history of the information war against Russia. I recommend, a lot of interesting things. And the main thing is that nothing is simplified and does not come down to the intrigues of the "fool-obamka".

    The film is big enough, this is not a story from YouTube. But he is worth it to see who has not seen.
  47. dzau
    29 May 2014 02: 58
    Quote: liberal
    such articles and approving comments on them are also one of the reasons for Russian-Ukrainian hostility. to prove to Ukrainians that they are not there is at least strange, but from the point of view of the dialogue of nations it is generally dangerous.

    The reason for the hostility is rather a peace-conciliatory position, which is characterized by the complete absence of such articles.

    And from the point of view of linguistics and ethonological research, if we exclude emotions and pathos, the article is absolutely correct. I would even say that the very basics are merely stated: to take deeper is even more interesting there.

    The fact that objective facts scratch the pride of certain layers and groups, speaks only about one thing: these layers and groups in terms of education are the product of directed fooling, fooling. In the same way, if, say, we separate Tatarstan and persuade everyone there for 20 years: you are the greatest nation, the descendants of a powerful empire, the beacon of the Eurasian world, and that you live not in paradise are Russian occultists, to get them; Of course, in 20 years we will be able to observe the breakdown of economic and cultural ties with neighboring regions, the collapse of social networks, and against this background, of course, sprouts of violence and Nazism.

    If after these 20 years - "hesitate" to tell the truth - well, this is nonsense, sorry. So why is everyone embarrassed to tell the truth as it is about Ukraine or the former other Soviet republics?
  48. viktor294858
    29 May 2014 08: 07
    Was in the community "South Rus" and wanted to comment on the article by Alexander Samsonov - "Ukrainian chimera against Light Russia, but it did not work with the introduction of a comment. But I have my own opinion and vision of what is happening in Ukraine - pain for the dead, in a fratricidal war, which cannot be called a civil war, as well as a complete lack of understanding of the actions of our authorities with political scientists and Duma members on this matter.It is clear that my opinion and vision of the Ukrainian problem differs from those listed above.But I am of the 1937 model and for my life, as well as a taiga from the Far East, I can distinguish the breed from another origin and wrote this commentary for the author of the article, I put it here and let sane members of this site judge us.
    "This is the ideology of ORDINARY FASCISM. Thus, it can be argued that the CHUKCHI and the TATARS are the SUPERETHNOSIS of the RUSSIANS and this will be hammered into our sick heads from this plague."
  49. +1
    29 May 2014 08: 36
    I’m wondering what after the events in Ukraine they will write about Belarus? They will also write about the Belarusian chimera. (I’ll make it clear right away that I’m not a nationalist. My dad is Russian, my mother is Belarusian.) After all, Belarus was precisely the basis of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and later part of the Recha Paspalita, about which the author writes. And we were called litivins. The word Belarusian spoke of belonging to a certain locality in the state ON. Before ON, there was no such thing. Although we are satisfied with a closely related story, before the division of Rech by Paspalita Peter the Great, it was a history of wars. Wars with Kievan Rus, with the Principality of Moscow, etc. Of course, over centuries of joint history, we can seem to have become fraternal peoples, but its beginning was not fraternal at all.
    And yet, on the Internet there is a lot of information about the alleged oppression of the Russian language in Belarus, where it has the status of the state language, where most of the population speaks Russian, thanks to the active Russification of the population in the 20-30s of the XX century by the Bolsheviks. We are rather oppressed by the Belarusian language, which, incidentally, was also Russified in the same years. The most offensive is that ordinary Russians believe these nonsense and, coming to Russia to friends and relatives, they have to almost make excuses. All this is very offensive and alarming. It is not surprising that Lukashenko has toughly stopped all attempts to spread such nonsense in our country.
  50. +1
    29 May 2014 10: 14
    It is difficult to write on such topics - it is easy to fall into one extreme or another.

    The author himself writes about the Ukrainian language either as an adverb or uses the term "Western Russian language".
    In fact, “Mova” is not an independent language, but West Russian
    So is this a language, something "Western Russian" or an adverb?
    Does philology matter?
    You need to learn history. But now, in modern times, is it a language or not a language, a people or not a people?

    What does this give us?
    Suppose that the author was able to prove that the Ukrainian language is not a language, but a Russian dialect, and the Ukrainian people (nation, etc.) are Russian people. Accepted.
    Then it automatically turns out that a significant part of the Russian people (those who are now called Ukrainians) want European order, protest against the policy of Russia, etc. To the existing number of opponents of the government in Russia among its citizens, we automatically add an additional number of the same politicians of the Russian people, "newly acquired" by the author's forces. Do you need it? The author knows better, or maybe he didn't think about it. There are more Russians who are against Russia.

    Residents of the eastern regions of Ukraine said that their rights to the Russian language are being infringed.
    Now, thanks to the author, we see that there was no infringement (as the Ukrainian authorities say). After all, they are offered the same Russian language, only another dialect.
    Is not it? Russia immediately disappears cause for concern - all within the framework of the Russian language.
    Everything that the author showed in theory is understandable. But in practice, what should follow from his theory, to do specifically what?
  51. 0
    31 May 2014 17: 50
    Quote: OPTR
    Is this necessary? The author knows better, but maybe he didn’t think about it. There are more Russians who are against Russia.

    why didn't you think? Don’t you see a seditious plan here to form an opinion in the Russian Federation that ALL Ukrainians are enemies?
    But it is actively promoting. In Ukraine this can be seen with the naked eye, but here it can be seen. All unity is slowly being squeezed out.
    Quote: OPTR
    Now, thanks to the author, we see that there was no infringement (as the Ukrainian authorities say). After all, they are offered the same Russian language, only another dialect.
    Is not it? Russia immediately disappears cause for concern - all within the framework of the Russian language.

    It’s also strange that no one suggested that all the Russians suddenly decided to introduce a “Nonexistent” language just like that and suddenly everyone agreed... They built themselves a machine gun. translator in the brain...
    For example, I am against Ukrainization because of culture rather than the language itself. Since Ukrainization itself while preserving the Russian language is not a bad idea to weld the country together, but the methods are disgusting. Because with Ukrainization comes images of heroes that run counter to the Russian language, literature and other perceptions.
    The article contains a lot of controversial things - starting from Rus' (Russian), the Ukrainian will say Rusinov and will insist on his own. And no one else indicates that there is a dispute about who is a descendant of the Rusyns (Kievan Rus).
    A kind of struggle, where some participants say that you do not exist, and there is no language, and everything is invented against us, while others say we exist, have existed for a long time, language has existed for a long time
    And they fight uncompromisingly. And together they were strong... You can’t seduce the “big brother” with politics right now. And statements “you do not exist and never existed” are easy to offend. And since Ukrainians and Russians are equally stubborn and similar in their actions, the stubborn battle continues.