Washington and its allies will continue to fan the fire of the "world revolution"

Washington and its allies in the Western project will continue to kindle the fire of the "world revolution." This is confirmed by the speech of US President Barack Obama about the attitude to the Arab unrest, delivered by 19 in May, and the multinational exercises of the armed forces of the States, NATO states and allies from Southern Europe, North Africa, codenamed "Phoenix Express", that began in May in the Mediterranean .

What is confirmed and reported by Obama

In principle, it was quite obvious before that revolutions and unrest fully met the interests of Washington and its allies — Paris and London. After the outbreak of events, information appeared that in the same Libya events were being prepared long before the start of the “revolution”. Exercises were held, worked with leaders of separatists, Islamists, CIA agents, special forces soldiers, penetrated the country, there was active work in social networks. That is, in principle, there was no “rebellious people”: there were groups of specially trained “p-revolutionaries” who opposed the Gaddafi regime for purely selfish purposes - someone wanted to get to the state feeder, others dreamed of their “little Libya” the third supported Islamization and so on. The greater part is the inflated "extras," more precisely, the "rams" who went after the provocateurs. They worked with such methods in Syria, “snipers” were also identified there, only in Syria, the authorities reacted faster and harder, while the country was stopped before a possible civil war.

In his speech, Obama confirmed the US policy of turning Eurasia into a "sea of ​​fire". Naturally, he did not say this, but he said other important things. The US president said that the world has seen 6 months of extraordinary changes taking place in the Middle East and North Africa, “... people are rising, demanding basic human rights. Two managers left their posts. Others may follow. ” He said that "the peoples of the Middle East and North Africa took their future into their own hands." Does the USA with other countries, apparently, help them with rockets and bombs? It was said about "freedom", about "self-determination". But what will the “free” and “self-determined” Arabs of Egypt eat in the fall ?! The influx of tourism has collapsed by two thirds, the country's currency reserves have already fallen by a third and continue to fall, food prices are being pumped up - what will eat 80 million Egypt in the fall is a big question. Unless it will get into even greater debts, but this is a temporary measure, and then it is necessary to give it away. With what?

Obama: "The policy of the United States will be to promote reforms across the region and support the transition to democracy." That is, the "transition to democracy" is provided by Libya and other countries in the region, where Washington decided to change the elite - in Yemen, Syria, Iran, and so on. I wonder why not bring Sunni monarchies of the Arabian Peninsula to "democracy", they are much more archaic than the secular militarized regimes in Iraq, Egypt, still exist in Libya, Syria. With human rights, things there are very gloomy. For some reason, Obama didn’t remember about them, except for Bahrain, but there wasn’t any talk about changing the government, he said only about organizing a dialogue with the opposition.

He repeated the lies of the Western media that "Gaddafi launched a war against his own people", that he does not control his country, about the fact that "the opposition has organized a legitimate and authoritative Interim Council." He declared the following about Syria: "... the Syrian regime has chosen the path of murder and mass arrests of its citizens." The question is, why did Obama not recall that “peaceful oppositionists” killed and injured soldiers, innocent people? He demanded from Assad to lead the transition to "democracy" or leave. He also touched Iran, accusing him of helping Syria, of repressions, of “oppressing its people.”

He promised help "to stabilize and modernize the economy of Tunisia and Egypt," for this purpose, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will be involved. Egypt promised to exempt from paying debts in 1 billion dollars and loans in 1 billion dollars. Launch a loan program worth 2 billion to support private investment in this region, support private entrepreneurship in Egypt and Tunisia. What does this mean for these countries? Even more financial and economic dependence on the West.

Another provocation - a speech against Israel, the words about "the borders of 1967 of the year."

Western coalition is working out the landing

23 May began military exercises "Phoenix Express", they solve two main tasks: a demonstration of cohesion of the Western coalition and preparation for landing operations in Libya and, possibly, in Syria, Algeria. The exercise program is fully in line with NATO’s new strategic concept and states that the alliance must have “a unique and powerful set of political and military capabilities to deal with the full range of crises - before, during and after conflicts.” "NATO will actively apply the necessary combination of such political and military means to help manage the development of crises that have the potential to affect the security of the Alliance." It is quite clear that Libya was the first to experience this concept, following, according to the logic of the “democratizers,” Syria, Algeria, Iran should become ... So, Hillary Clinton said: “I think it will be fair to say that we are going to urge the Syrian government to responsibility. What is happening now, the very chronicle of events, is, in general, a manifestation of our work ... ". Syria has already been subject to sanctions by the European Union and the United States.

The scenarios for deploying contingents of multinational "peacekeeping" forces, according to the "Yugoslav scenario", are being worked out. From the same series news about the fact that London and Paris are sending dozens of attack helicopters against Libya - in fact, the operation is getting closer to the land. Gaddafi could not be broken only by the Air Force and the strikes of sea-based missiles. Apparently, for this purpose the other day the Western coalition struck the Libyan navy, destroying several ships so that they could not prevent the landing of the "peacekeeping contingent".

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  1. mitrich
    25 May 2011 09: 58
    Too much conspiracy in the article. However, believing in the conspiracies of the "world behind the scenes", primarily the United States and Great Britain, is a national Russian pastime. I have already written once that the number of sheep in the political circles of Western countries is approximately equal to the number of these animals in the foothills of the North Caucasus, so Obama and Clinton are not inclined to believe in "special political instincts".
    Why did the United States need to foment the "Arab revolutions" if Tunisia and Egypt are their natural allies. And in Libya, they have no economic interests, because Libyan oil exports are geared towards Europe. It was Sarkozy who dragged NATO into Libya, I think. Taking into account the fact that there is now a war going on there, it is not surprising that NATO's advisers and special forces help one of the parties.
    It was after the events in the Arab East that the United States supported the "rebellious peoples" so as not to lose allies. So I will express myself according to Stanislavsky: I DO NOT BELIEVE!
    PS By the way, about Libya. There is a very interesting version of the causes of this war, which is as follows:
    Libyans, like all self-respecting Arabs, do not like to work, therefore, migrant workers from other African countries worked at the oil fields and terminals in the east of the country. By the beginning of the conflict, i.e. by February 2011, these guest workers and their descendants had accumulated in Libya about the same number of indigenous people. Because They did not have special rights, and they also categorically did not want to work, and that "blazed" in Benghazi. That's why there is a conflict. This version is very similar to the truth.
    In general, Libya, I think, will be "squeezed" by NATO members, but they will be afraid to climb into Syria or Yemen.
    1. Zakvaskin
      25 May 2011 17: 41
      I am inclined to believe that Libya is likely to be bombed not because of the discontent of migrant workers, but because of the great desire of the country's leadership to transfer foreign economic calculations from the dollar to the gold dinar. Leaders of a number of other Arab countries were inclined to this idea.
      This, in particular, answers your question: "Why did the United States foment the Arab revolutions?"

  2. Stavr
    25 May 2011 10: 48
    patriot 09:58: "Why did the US have to incite" Arab revolutions ... "

    And then to throw a lifeline to the dying US economy. The policy of "controlled chaos" is being introduced so far only in the Middle East. Now the countries destroyed by internecine strife, the United States will be able to toss billions of dollars from their inexhaustible moneybox, which is "sick" with the fact that it is overflowing beyond measure and dollar bills, which are no longer provided with any material means, fall out of the moneybox, threatening to develop into completely uncontrollable economic chaos America, but all over the world. They can cover this bubble, but not for long. It will still burst by 2012-2013. And then a large-scale war will become a means of salvation. Pray to God that she does not turn against Russia, at least at the beginning.
  3. +1
    25 May 2011 11: 02
    They control this chaos, for now.
  4. cabin boy
    25 May 2011 22: 20
    "He promised to help ... Egypt promised to release from payment of debts of $ 1 billion and loans of $ 1 billion. Launch a loan program in the amount of $ 2 billion."
    Take it dear, take it, I'll draw it for myself (Wedding in Robin)
  5. 0
    25 May 2011 22: 24
    The photo is fucking, just a mushroom is missing.
  6. Mr. Truth
    26 May 2011 10: 34
    Photography is a window dress; an aircraft carrier warrant is not so tightly grouped.
  7. 0
    26 May 2011 11: 15
    Such teachings are always window dressing. winked
  8. Bob
    26 May 2011 18: 01
    War is on the verge
    The main task of the West in the Middle East is not actually to blow it up (this is a process and no more), but to effectively destroy its main enemy in the region - the Islamic Republic of Iran. All we see is a distracting maneuver in the cunning chess game that the West played. Having obtained Iran, the West can simultaneously regulate and influence the development of China, since Iran supplies more than 30% of oil and gas to China, and can also create very big problems for Russia, destabilizing the Caspian region, Central Asia and the Caucasus. Thus, the main goals of the Pindos are achieved - global superiority and the big problems of the two main geopolitical enemies of the West - Russia and China. More details:
  9. Patriot
    28 May 2011 12: 29

    Right And, I thought what the hell they need in Africa. In addition to this version, there is another one described here in this article http://www.km.ru/v-rossii/2011/05/02/voennye-konflikty-v-mire/amerika-poshla-na-
    A small quote from there: "America went into conflict with China and Russia.
    Former US Treasury Secretary explained the true background of "spontaneous" appearances in Libya and Syria. “We do not want to overthrow the government of Bahrain or Saudi Arabia, where both governments use violence against protesters because they are our puppets, and in Bahrain we have a large naval base. We want to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria, because we want to expel China and Russia from the Mediterranean. " “China has made massive energy investments in eastern Libya and relies on it, along with Angola and Nigeria, in terms of its energy needs. This is an attempt by the United States to deny resources to China, just as Washington and London denied resources to the Chinese in the 1930s, ”a retired politician cuts the truth.
    “What is the interest in the protests in Syria? - continues Roberts. - And the WikiLeaks website demonstrates that Americans are behind the protests. We are interested in this because the Russians have a naval base that provides them with a presence in the Mediterranean. So, as you see, Washington has intervened in Libya and is making more efforts to intervene in Syria, because we want to get rid of the Russians and Chinese. ”
    “But we're not talking about the Saudis,” Roberts repeats, “how they treat protesters, or anything about the violence used against protesters in Bahrain.” SOMEONE ELSE HAS QUESTIONS?