New worldview or propaganda?

New worldview or propaganda?
"Hope for the young add us ... Despair"

Any person at least once in his life thought about old age and summing up personal results. Surely in my head I ran through the thought of how everyone would be respected for some actions and a decently lived life ... But all this is mostly a myth. Why? The answer lies in the modern attitude towards the elderly, especially since most of them carried the burden of military life on their shoulders. Now television and many organizations are talking only about helping veterans, about being surrounded by their care, etc. etc. But what will be if to glance on that side of the screen of life polished to shine? Unfortunately, the youth is getting farther from the ideals of the past century, and accordingly farther from the omnipresent truth. To those who are 12 old, they say that all soldiers are Nazis, and their fathers and grandfathers are traitors and perverts. Who has the milk on the lips slightly dried, put forward more courageous points of view, sometimes accompanied by illegal actions (beating, robbery, murder). To prove this, it is enough to look for the answer in the Runet blogs or on the pages of social networks. Here is what is commonly found on the web on this topic:

“I hate those old killers. And let them say as much as they like that they only defended someone — this is complete nonsense. When, together with the Germans, Poland was captured (at the beginning of the Second World War), they did not particularly defend anyone. And with what rapture they talk about victories and how many Germans they killed - I want to vomit ... "

Bad attitudes are often associated with ignorance of such simple school discipline as story. The fact is that lately it is fashionable to drive thoughts into the children’s head about the strength of their personality or individual with the possibility of self-expression, it is they who are called to choose their own way, therefore, adolescents have enough knowledge obtained from highly dubious Internet sources. So, having gained enough “intellect”, the so-called “shkolota” with already brainwashed and completely misinformed begins to spill its aggression on electronic pages, like chain dogs, barking at something they, alas, cannot understand. And half the trouble, when the case is limited only to angry messages, but there were cases when there were few words for some “characters” and they tried to bring the arguments with their feet, hands, and also heavy mutilated objects. By the way, there are a huge number of such examples. Simply enter the phrase “beating of veterans” into any search engine of the Runet and the result will be able to shock not only mentally unstable people. Thousands of links will tell about the huge number of cases of violence against the elderly. What will grow out of this decaying mass of savages, if not seriously intervene?

Most likely, regular shaved alcoholics with a swastika on their sleeves, "pushing" serious speeches about honor and justice, quoting Adolf Hitler's "Main Kampf", but not knowing their true roots, are such serious "personalities" with a foreign god in their hearts to respect the old man will, and even betray their homeland for a penny.

“Let them go to hell! I am fed up with their pretentious demonstrations addressed to today's youth! These old men and nags cause my gag reflex with their rusty, wrinkled faces and “the fact of defending the fatherland from the Nazi invaders.” However, the "People" dissolving the dubious information about the war, we have always been in high esteem. However, I am still pissed off by the pithiness of these fucking old men and old women, as well as the struggle that they waged in primitive times ... ”

People are always surprised to be ready to trample on any merits of others in order to somehow elevate themselves in some magical way. This message was left entirely by the young "talent", who believes that the whole world already owes something to him from birth. One gets the impression that the military orders of our grandfathers are like badges on the bag of an embellished representative of EMO culture - who have more of them, cards in their hands. This category of persons includes so-called informal groups. These “subjects”, otherwise they can’t be called, are trying to revive anarchy, thereby challenging not only the older generation, but also themselves. Surely "nice" to feel like a defenseless creature in a constantly changing dangerous world. A kind of a stalker to be in dilapidated cities with the sole desire not to die of starvation or a stray bullet.

It is terrible to think, but it is these very anarchists who are the very first to fall under the “distribution” in case of the onset of a deep social crisis. No one will defend them, and no one will have to teach freedom-loving young people to behave in a proper manner, threatening to give everyone to the troublemaker with a cane on the head. Nevertheless, it is not forbidden for anyone to consider himself a demigod, but, nevertheless, it is very detrimental to his own health.

And finally, the most exciting message:

“Once again, television is torn apart by pretentious templates! Stirlitz in color done! Just who needs it? Has touched a vile lie about the destruction of the allies of Dresden. The old man in medal until the shit out, argued that the British did everything to obstruct the passage to our Berlin, blowing up the bridges. Not only did the grandfather boast about how, in their youth, the brave ones painted signs with the name of cities in German, to put it mildly, in the spirit of "You're lying! You won't take it." Only the first word is the device between the legs. It is not difficult to guess, in retaliation, the red fucked Fritz wives. The fact is undeniable! Then they talked nonsense about the assassination of the lamb of God's Comrade Stalin in Tehran. Then they persecuted how brave our soldiers killed only fascists, but the allies were only German civilians. Then there was one grief for the whole of Europe, but it turns out that all the laurels scooped in and did not rejoice to this day. Last year, they obseralized the French that they surrendered without a fight. Know the veteranki! To listen to them, in part, the same fascists have become, and maybe they were. ”

War is war, with all its dirty consequences, but you need to have even the slightest idea of ​​who a real Soviet person is and what his moral values ​​were. It is completely incomprehensible where young people are slipping, and whose ideals they live in also remain a great mystery. To speak with confidence about what is probably impossible to know, and to believe the rumors is the first sign of a close mind. Is it possible for modern man to realize the full power of the social machine of the Stalin era? What can we say if people did not hang locks on their own houses at that time, because trusted themselves and were honest before society and god. What now? Now crowds live, like parrots, in the cells of their own ambitions and pride, gradually degrading, infecting with their hatred for everything that casts a shadow, an increasing territory. It remains to hope that not everyone follows this shaky path of ignorance. There are many excellent examples of the fact that the younger generation has a future with its own conscience, for example, the creation of various volunteer squads in all cities of our country. These volunteers try to help all the needy old people in the most ordinary things (cleaning the territory, going to the store or pharmacy, etc.).

However, let's not forget that there are problems not only among the younger generation. What are some of the scam officials with housing for older citizens. These fat muzzles are ready for anything to put a few extra thousand dollars in their piggy bank, and this is sometimes much worse than a spoiled ideology, because, as you know, a person is known by deeds and not by thoughts.
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  1. yuvit
    21 May 2011 11: 02
    Recently I read an article by Alexander Gorbatov, editor-in-chief of the Vostok-Center information bureau. It’s hard to disagree with him.
    "... The existing political system continues to contribute to the growth of today's negative tendencies not only among young people. The current liberal project leads to the curtailment of industrial production, the strengthening of the raw material destination of Russia in the world division of labor, physical extinction, lumpenization, the destruction of the traditional institution of the family, a decrease in general culture and the level of education of the population, the practical dying of Russian science, the final loss of Russian identity, the loss of connectivity between regions and lands, the division of the country into successful and unsuccessful regions and the war between them, the victory of radical political Islam, the growth of corruption and state incapacity as a natural environment for the existence of liberalism, the reduction of the national territory and the area of ​​settlement of the indigenous population, the transition to open external control of the country, the solution of peacekeeping tasks and the armed provision of the interests of transnational corporations, as well asconducting police operations to enforce peace in other states, etc .;

    There is only one way to recovery - the creation of a civil society in which Russia expects:
    - the formation of a new statehood based on national ideals, shrines, beliefs and values, the formation on these principles of a new national ideology and strategy;
    - the formation of a new political system and a system of state power based on the principles of conciliar democracy;
    - An unconditional change in the sign and quality of the country's development and its survival;
    - revival, historical success and eternity of Russia as a great power, super-ethnos and special civilization ... "
  2. +3
    21 May 2011 11: 30
    Respect for the author. Beating up the old men WWII !, SHAME !!! Having learned what some persons of "neocultural" belonging who defended Moscow, Leningrad, and then Stalingrad would think about them, the soldiers would think a little in their trenches before repelling another otaku. But it so happened that now everyone thinks this way and that without thinking about the fact that his existence was not even in the plans of the "new world order". And Western Ukraine always dreamed that they needed someone other than the Slavs.
  3. Sirius
    21 May 2011 11: 55
    Zotov correctly describes the problem. This business is necessary. But!!! belay
    The author quotes these geeks in the article. So when reading their literacy rushes !!!! No. And this is suspicious! Here is one of two things: either the author corrected the quotes by removing spelling errors, or the geeks are very literate! The latter is doubtful. It is better to quote as it is with a postscript: "The style and spelling are preserved." From this confidence in the article will be more. Good luck to Zotov! smile
  4. +3
    21 May 2011 12: 22
    Most likely these are quotes from text, fictional people, for example, in the United States, a service has been created that persistently promotes its "policy" in social networks, thereby influencing the population of a particular country.
    May 9 is the only holiday uniting the people of our country, and they are beating on this association, and we need not to give in to this dirty bed!
    1. 0
      21 May 2011 13: 23
      Look in the internet and find many similar statements of fictional people, for example:
  5. nnz226
    21 May 2011 13: 50
    Even Confucius 600 years before Christ said: "A person who does not foresee the future will face failures and misfortunes in him!" and added: "Study history to anticipate the future!" But in the context of the reform of school education, what kind of study of history can we talk about ??? (however, like other subjects) the President a couple of years ago already gave options for answers to questions in the Unified State Exam about the war - Goebbels propaganda nervously smokes in the bushes ... Instead of really showing the life of the country in the past, they slipped in the other direction: "guiding and leading" role of the CPSU, but now they do the same with Orthodoxy or "crap" values. Although one might think that until 988 our ancestors rode along the branches, and tramps like Kovalev and others like him - became "mind, honor and conscience" ... Again, groveling before the West. Why is it that the historical ragamuffins who poured shit from chamber pots into the windows on the heads of passers-by have suddenly become a model of the civilized world ??? It was Western democracy that brought Hitler to power and organized the dropping of atomic bombs on peaceful cities. What to learn from them ??? but we constantly refer to the supposedly civilized world.
  6. Maj.
    21 May 2011 14: 09
    Correctly noticed. None of the 12-20 year olds are able to express such thoughts.
    Nevertheless, the corruption, fooling is in full swing. Well, let them deny the Soviet, although it is not inseparable from Russian, but why deny Russian history?
    I'm eating the day before with a young man 26 years old. In a conversation about history, I remembered Admiral Ushakov. As far as I was surprised, the young man does not know this name.
    Despite the fact that he has a higher legal (humanitarian) education.
    And you say 12 to 15 years. Our youth shows off, considering themselves significant and smart, but she does not notice that modern power creates ordinary cattle out of them without clan and tribe. The main thing is to eat - to shit - to have sex. Purely biological functions. But individuals, smart women of power are not needed. Cattle easier to manage.
  7. Script editor
    21 May 2011 15: 57
    Kind People, understand that it is you, the older generation, who are responsible for the level of moral development of the younger generations!
    As long as you stick out your more cultured ego with folded arms and remain timidly silent, the young “with a mustache” will not become a role model. But you should not aggressively impose your vision, it will only repel.
    But everyone should show responsibility, and not hope that something right is put into the zombie creator or the Internet. After all, it has long been clear by what laws those in power live, so there is no time to relax.
  8. +1
    21 May 2011 23: 36
    Quote: VadimIS
    Look on the internet and you will find many similar statements by fictional people, for example:

    Yes, I know that there are such messages on the Internet, I wanted to say that these messages were not written by existing people, but by services that have the task of spoiling people’s brains and an example of this, as mentioned above, is correctly written texts i.e. without spelling mistakes.
    1. cabin boy
      23 May 2011 03: 17
      enemy-in-psycholo /
      US Central Command "recently purchased a special computer program that the military uses to create many fictitious personalities on the Internet," which are then used to "infiltrate groups and, in some cases, spread disinformation."
      "allows the operator to control multiple online persons from the same workstation without fear of being exposed by an advanced adversary." Using false IP addresses, the system creates the appearance of the user's presence in a given area of ​​the world, while simultaneously masking his affiliation with the American army, the publication specifies.
      It can be difficult to use the new software under American law, which prohibits subjecting a home audience to psychological operations, as well as the fact that popular social networks are managed by American companies and, therefore, they are subject to many of the rights and guarantees that ordinary US citizens have. Central Command spokesman Commander Bill Speaks assured that the program will only be used on foreign social networks.
  9. NKVD
    22 May 2011 23: 15
    Well, here you have the WTO, with all its consequences, and democratic institutions and a vague treatise on the protection of the rights of the child. Let him think that he wants to chat and do what he wants. The main thing is that you can’t rule the brains on the ass with your belt and from time immemorial they won’t rule the brains
  10. 0
    23 May 2011 05: 54
    Great culture and civilization can only be defeated from within. What we are observing now. It’s sad that we ourselves have just become this culture
  11. ald
    23 May 2011 13: 25
    A person's personality is formed by his environment. Patriotism cannot arise out of nothing. No matter how you relate to the USSR, with all the many shortcomings inherent in that time, people had something to be proud of: from achievements in space and ending with numerous sports victories. And what can a modern Russian citizen be proud of? You can recall the great past of Russia, the Soviet Union, and the great ancestors for as long as you like, but the modern life of the country, it seems to me, almost does not provide the basis for patriotism. So the "demoralized" generation described in the article is growing up.