The project "Ukraine" is bursting at the seams

There is no more hope for the sanity of the Kiev junta. There is still hope for our American and European partners in the liquidation commission - that they will be able to put on a straitjacket on their puppets, and they will be able to work out some kind of asset dividing scheme that is not associated with more bloodshed. But even that is questionable - for example, if the Americans deliberately want to create a belt of instability on the border of Russia and Europe ...

Against the background of the attempts of the Ukrainian security forces to arrange a bloody sweep of the South-East, four-sided Russia-Ukraine-US-EU negotiations took place in Geneva. The result was the following agreements:

* Disarmament of illegal armed groups.
* The release of captured administrative buildings.
* Release of all political prisoners.
* Giving the Russian language the proper status that suits the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine.
* Constitutional reform and the development of a constitution that can arrange both the South-East and the North-West of Ukraine.

In addition, it was about preventing Ukraine from joining the EU and NATO and guarantees of its non-aligned status.

These agreements were grossly violated by the junta just a couple of days after the signing ...

And to understand what happened, it is important to consider what Ukraine and Ukrainian nationalism as a whole are.

It is impossible to talk about Ukraine as an already established state. So this is a project. And here we are surprised to find that this project arose in the middle of the XIX century, not at all in Ukraine, but ... in Austria-Hungary! It was in Vienna that it was first stated that the Ukrainians are a kind of a separate nation that has nothing in common with the Russian, and this nation should get its statehood. At that time, Galicia was part of Austria-Hungary, and the proposed territory of the Ukrainian state extended to Kiev.

We note that Kharkov, Donbass, or the Crimea didn’t have enough audacity for the Austro-Hungarian authors of the Ukraine project - this appeared later.

That is, Austria-Hungary was ready to formally sacrifice Galicia in order to tear off a large chunk of the Russian empire and in fact establish control over the entire territory through economic and military penetration. In World War I, this resulted in the formation of the “Sichovykh Streltsy” legion (brigade) of Galicia residents, who became famous for punitive operations and participation in the creation of the Terezin and Talerhof concentration camps, where guards from Galician nationalists destroyed the pro-Russian troops controlled by Austro-Hungarian troops. These were the first in the world stories death camps designed specifically for the mass destruction of prisoners - the experience of these camps was useful to Nazi Germany in creating Auschwitz, Buchenwald, etc.

The Bolsheviks came to power largely due to the union with the nationalists of the outlying territories. A strange period began when the Bolsheviks, who had saved the Russian empire from final disintegration, in every way were fawned upon by those who were striving for this disintegration. How were the borders of the Ukrainian SSR formed? Vladimir Vinnichenko, the first chairman of the Ukrainian Directory, even before Petliura, emigrated to Europe, and then returned, ready to cooperate with the Bolsheviks. And so, he began to demand that Lenin include the Donbass and the Krasnodar Territory in the USSR. Lenin rejected the demand of the Krasnodar Territory, but he made concessions in the Donbas and included him in the Ukrainian SSR. (Again, we note that even Vynnychenko did not have the audacity to demand the Crimea - this happened later). Kiev before the arrival of the Bolsheviks was a completely Russian-speaking city. The Bolsheviks began to Ukrainize it forcibly. Mikhail Bulgakov, in his story about Kiev in 1924, cites four variants of the Ukrainian word “Hairdresser”, which he saw on the new signs: “Tzirulnya”, “Golyarnya”, “Perukarnya” and “Hairdresser”. That is, even the Ukrainizers themselves did not know how to spell this word in Ukrainian. Yes, the Bolsheviks established the boundaries of the Ukrainian SSR as purely administrative, and even in a nightmare they could not have thought that the Ukrainian SSR would ever be separated. But it was they who laid this time bomb - the modern borders of Ukraine, whose population was within the reach of Ukrainian nationalists with the slightest weakening of the central government.

In World War II, the Germans, according to the Ost master plan, wanted to keep alive only 50 million Russians and Ukrainians as slaves. But there were people in Galicia who were so encouraged by the guaranteed inclusion of these 50 million survivors that they worked as the most merciless punishers, whose cruelty far left the Eisatz Group of the SS. Someone was offered a moral incentive: they are not even a Wehrmacht, they are the military elite of the Third Reich, they are SS troops! True, on the march the Germans were allowed to lodge only in a stable, but this did not interfere with inspiration. They are the SS troops! So the SS Galicia division was created, formally located on the same level as the real SS divisions of the Dead Head or Reich type, but spent the night in cowsheds. In 1944, under Brody, she was thrown under the Soviet Tankswhere she ingloriously and died to give true Aryans time to flee away. Her heirs fought for several years with the USSR, even after the end of World War II. But note that the recruitment to the SS division "Galicia" and the rebel movement against the USSR were only in the western regions of Ukraine. In the center and in the east there was a strong partisan movement against the Germans, and with the advent of the Red Army, these regions became completely loyal to the Soviet regime.

Then in 1954, Khrushchev presented Ukraine with Crimea. Everything is clear here. Even in the West, sane people understand everything. Against the background of hysterics in the American and European media over the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, the voice of one of the leading French publications Le Figaro stands out, which supported the reunification.

Le Figaro asks the question: "Why should the arbitrariness of the communist dictator Khrushchev be a law for Russia and Ukraine, even after the overthrow of the communists? ..".

Finally, the Ukraine project in 1991 was adopted by the corrupt Kiev nomenklatura, which did not want to share the proceeds of corruption with Moscow. Ukrainian kleptocracy (the power of thieves - the ancient Greek.) Needed a people suitable for a separate existence from Russia. Under Kravchuk, and even more so under Kuchma, who himself came to power on the voices of Eastern Ukraine, the entire humanitarian sphere in the country was given to the people of Galicia, who began to implant the most delusional Galician myths as a national ideology, history and culture. Over the 22 of the year, they have largely succeeded in this: the people of Kiev and other residents of Central Ukraine were brainwashed. About half of the population of Ukraine already now thinks of various kinds of Russophobic cliches and treats Russia quite hostilely.

Thus, it is possible to find something in common in the “Ukraine” project throughout all one and a half centuries of its existence. This is an aggression against the triune Russian nation (Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians), when the Galician minority, with the help of violence and brainwashing, seeks to divide Russians and Ukrainians and create a new state within the borders of Ukraine, the whole meaning of which boils down to enmity with Russia. The goal is the destruction of the Russian statehood, since Ukraine is not a colony for Russia, but an integral part of the metropolis. As you know, even Brzezinski clearly stated: Russia can be an empire only with Ukraine, and without it it cannot. A separate state of Ukraine can not exist otherwise than as an anti-Russia.

Separately, you need to consider what the Galician minority is. The situation is such that it is time to get out of the “stall” of political correctness and call things by their proper names.

There is something deeply irrational in the national mentality of some Slavic peoples. Consider yourself to be the chain dogs of western civilization. To be proud of this, in general, rather humiliating role. Seeing the meaning of your life is to hate and tear your close relatives - first of all, Russians and Serbs.

Three such people: Poles, Croats and Western Ukrainians. Some may say that the Catholic Church simply worked well with them. But the Czechs and Slovaks are also Catholics, but they have nothing of the kind. So you can not reduce everything only to the religious factor.

And this is something that is irrational. From their beloved Western civilization, they saw nothing but slavery and oppression, and the related peoples hated by them were much more loyal to them. For example, Poland at different times was conquered both by Russia and by representatives of Western civilization. And it is possible to compare the orders, and simply the presence or absence of genocide, in the Polish Governor-General of the Russian Empire, the Polish People's Republic of the USSR and the Warsaw General Governorship of Hitler. It would seem, one can immediately see who was more loyal to the Poles. But they hate Russia with the Grand Duke Constantine, and love Western civilization with Auschwitz. The same goes for Ukrainian nationalism. In Poland and Austria-Hungary, Ukrainians were slaves and cattle, subjected to strong oppression on the basis of nationality and religion.

In the Russian Empire and the USSR, they were subjects who were completely equal with the Russians, and with great career opportunities — the Petersburg aristocracy and the Moscow nomenklatura were overflowing with Ukrainians.

Of the seven Soviet general secretaries there were three Russians, one Georgian, and the other three - who? Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Chernenko ... That is, we are witnessing a completely irrational love for those who brought more evil, and hatred for those who came with good. Perhaps it is something like the Stockholm syndrome, when victims of terrorists begin to identify themselves with terrorists.

Thus, Ukrainian nationalism is not an entirely correct definition. This is not entirely nationalism, and it cannot be called Ukrainian in the full sense of the word. Rather, it is something like tribalism in African countries. The “Ukraine” project is a criminal misanthropic project, the subject of which is a deliberate minority - only the Galician tribe. The rest of the Ukrainians are considered as an object and biological resource. The population of Central Ukraine should be replaced by national self-identity through brainwashing in schools and the media. And the population of South-Eastern Ukraine, which is harder to brainwash, must be suppressed by total armed violence and deprived of civil rights. For example, with the help of the institute of non-citizens, as in Latvia and Estonia. Thus, the most accurate name for the current that has seized power in Kiev is not Ukrainian nationalism, but Galician tribalism.

But we will have to admit that in the brainwashing of the residents of central Ukraine, this project has achieved great success - after all, on the Maidan there were not only visitors from Western Ukraine, but Kievans as well.

But on the violent suppression of the South-East, this criminal project stalled badly. Here he was confronted with the true national identity of Ukrainians, as part of the triune Russian nation. And not only among the local population, but also among the security forces.

Yes, they, too, were to some extent processed by school education and the media. In everyday life, you can live propaganda clichés, but in such difficult and terrible moments as the receipt of an order to shoot people, something real rises from the depths of consciousness. Militiamen and soldiers remembered who they really were, after which they went over to the side of the people or at least retreated, giving the people armored vehicles. In force, the Kiev junta fell down — it turned out that no one wanted to fight for it.

There is a Kiev regime and other fault lines, which we will talk about later. It is important that in February, with the overthrow of Yanukovich, the Ukraine project invented by 150 years ago in Austria-Hungary achieved the greatest success in all 150 years. This success caused the greatest enthusiasm of all external and internal opponents of Russia, and the Russian patriots led to considerable confusion. And now there is already a feeling in the air that the Ukraine project is collapsing just a couple of months after its triumph. We will not consider patriotic media and Internet resources - let's look at the reaction of the pro-Western “fifth column” in Russia, which this project strongly supported.

For example, political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky, so in love with the Kiev junta that in an interview with Euroradio called on the Americans to launch a nuclear strike on the Russian the fleet (!!!).

A week ago, Belkovsky said that between Russia and Ukraine will soon be chosen, as between North and South Korea. Russia, in his opinion, of course, will be North. Now he doesn’t say anything like that and doesn’t threaten Russia with an American nuclear strike, and in the last interview on Echo of Moscow he cried that everything was gone, and Russia would take more 6 regions from Ukraine.

Even better - Julia Latynina, who among her companions has always stood out with intelligence and quick response. Again, a week ago, she admired the beautiful “Ukrainian revolution” and sang the praises of the genius minister of internal affairs of the junta Avakov, who would build the whole of Ukraine on a standing “quietly”. Now it does not sing. A couple of days ago, she simply brushed off the ashes of her former friends, who were unlucky:

Well, actually, back to the South-East. What happened? From my point of view, this week the war of Russia against Ukraine was won, and it even ended in capitulation in Geneva. Moreover, it was won with such a devastating score and with such a complete lack of talent of the Ukrainian authorities, that any sympathy for the dismembered country, frankly, disappears. (!!! - К.J.) Because if a country disintegrates from the whipping of fingers (I will give examples of countries that defended themselves from a much more sophisticated enemy in a much more complicated situation) ... Well, excuse me, as they said Stalin and Hitler, dividing Poland? "Versailles Chimera"? ...

... Now you can return to the negotiations in Geneva.

First of all, the delegation from the Kiev junta participated in the negotiations, but not from the Southeast. Is this a diplomatic defeat for Russia? In no case. This aikido is a sport that, incidentally, was practiced by Putin in his youth. Use the energy of throwing the opponent against him. The United States and the European Union insisted on the non-participation of representatives of the South-East in the negotiations, Russia yielded ... well, what now? The junta has signed an agreement on the disarmament of illegal armed groups, but the South-East has not. That is, this junta is now obliged to disarm the Right Sector, hastily created national guards and other punitive formations created after 22 in February, while Southeast has complete freedom of action. Now Putin can reply to any complaints about Russia that there is no Russian regular army in the Southeast, but he does not control the self-defense forces of Donbass, and they did not participate in the negotiations. Another thing is that the junta cannot disarm the Right Sector, and refuses to disarm the national guard. So this is the first step to recognizing the junta as completely incapable and to its final delegitimization.

And then the fun began. The junta’s delegation was simply expelled from the negotiating hall, and Russia, the United States and the European Union began to decide the fate of Ukraine without its participation. Actually, it was already a complete delegitimization of the Kiev coup. They are no longer considered a party to the negotiations. A kind of solution will be worked out, a compromise between Russia and the West. For example, the federalization of Ukraine with the transfer of 6-7 subjects of the Federation from Lugansk to Odessa in the sphere of influence of Russia and the preservation of US and EU control over the rest of the territory. Point. And then this decision will be dictated to the putschists, not at all wondering if it suits them. This is the LIQUIDATION COMMISSION. The criminal misanthropic project "Ukraine" was declared insolvent, and it is closed. They divide assets and appoint external management.

For a better understanding of the position of Russia, the question is important - in what legal form will the division of assets and external management be carried out? Both Latynina and Belkovsky speak about the direct rejection of several Ukrainian regions and their inclusion in Russia. And this is not quite true. Russia speaks about the federalization of Ukraine with the formal legal preservation of a single state.

A full division of Ukraine into two states or the direct inclusion of the South-East into the Russian Federation would be just the chance to save the project “Ukraine” in a territorially reduced form.

Residents of North-Western Ukraine would remain victims of Galician tribalism seriously and for a long time, the North-Western state would quickly join NATO, American tactical missiles aimed at Moscow would appear near Chernigov and Sumy, etc. Therefore, Russia is seeking federalization with guarantees of neutrality and non-aligned status of Ukraine as a whole. It is clear that the subjects of the federation will be able to build economic relations with their neighbors at their discretion, but the external administration of the US and the EU over the north-western half of Ukraine is permissible only in the economic field, and not in the military. In exchange, Russia is ready to abandon the inclusion of the South-East into the Russian Federation. Southeast should become an anchor, which will keep the rest of Ukraine from joining NATO and complete absorption by the West.

And not only because Russia does not need American missiles in Chernigov. Unlike Western politicians, whose planning horizon extends only until the next elections, the Russian leadership thinks more distantly. The time will come when Russia will become stronger and will be able to reconsider some of today's agreements with the West. When the economic collapse is by no means a sweet life under the rule of the “Right Sector”, even Central Ukraine will be forced to wake up and recall its true national identity. And then the fraternal peoples will be reunited again. Russia does not leave half of the Ukrainian people at the mercy of the tribalists and the West - in today's agreements, it creates mechanisms for their revision in the future. That is why Russia makes the requirement of federalization.

And it will take not so much time.

The economic collapse of North-Western Ukraine is already emerging. The junta needs 35 billion dollars to save the economy, and all that the West is ready to allocate is 1 billion.

At the same time, in the South-East, the restoration of industrial cooperation with Russia should create a magnificent economic boom - there is enough Russian military orders for the Ukrainian military-industrial complex for the initial spurt.

Perhaps Belkovsky was right when he said that they would choose between the Russian and Western spheres of influence, as between North and South Korea. He only confused where North Korea would be, and where South would be.

And what is even more interesting is the feverish activity of the junta representatives on the formation of punitive troops against the Southeast. In just a few days, it was announced about the formation of about a dozen new power structures - the National Guard, punitive battalions like Vostok and Donetsk-1, detachments from local junta supporters in the Southeast, troops who form Timoshenko and Kolomoysky etc. This greatest diversity of untrained and newly formed troops without a single command, from a military point of view, can only cause laughter. The effectiveness of this army has already been demonstrated in practice. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the troops attacking the Southeast 24 of April numbered 11 thousand people with 160 tanks, 230 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, artillery and combat helicopters. They were opposed by no more than 2 of thousands of Donbass self-defense fighters, who had only a couple of hundred machine guns, and the rest had smooth-bore guns. However, the attack was repulsed, and the junta troops failed to break through to the center of Slavyansk.

And it makes you wonder - are these formations only against the Donbass? We see a clear trend: every more or less significant figure who wants to remain in Ukrainian politics and economics after the elections of 25 in May (if they take place at all) acquires personal troops, which will be subordinate only to her, using money and administrative resources. They may be badly trained, but the rivals have no better troops ... That is, the leaders of the junta may have already come to terms with the impossibility of establishing control over the Donbas - they form these troops against each other. These are the other fault lines that we talked about a little higher. The likelihood of a scenario in which the struggle for power among the putschists themselves turns into a wild insane war of all against all is very high, and Kiev will look like Beirut-1983 or Sarajevo-1995. In any case, the preparation of the leaders of the junta for this scenario is already under way.

Incidentally, this is the fundamental weakness of the Ukraine project: it is capable of brainwashing and seizing power, but it has almost zero capacity for state-building.

For whatever he took - it turns out Beirut during the civil war. This we have already seen 100 years ago with all sorts of Skoropadsky, Petlyur and Embroidered. So disappointment in this project may arise from Kiev and other residents of Central Ukraine pretty soon. Life in Beirut-1983 is very conducive to getting rid of any illusions.
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  1. +60
    April 28 2014 18: 48
    The seam of someone just cracked:
    1. Validator
      April 28 2014 18: 55
      maximum seriousness because this is not a fake, but a very real document developed in Ukraine to reflect
      1. +9
        April 28 2014 18: 59
        The junta needs $ 35 billion to save the economy, and all that the West is specifically prepared to allocate is $ 1 billion.
        Watering is necessary and all!
        1. +19
          April 28 2014 20: 29
          It has become almost clear to almost everyone that VO “Freedom” and the so-called IT “Right Sector” - these are the last Nazi baitruks from the SS men from the Nazi Guards of Galichin, mercenary punishers from the Nakhtigal and Roland battalions, and the Bandera population friendly to the troops of the Third Reich - speaking under the slogan “There is no God but Bandera and his Prophets .
          OUN members of all stripes and UPavtsy have always been SEPARATISTS. Their goal is not "FREE UKRAINE", but "ALL UKRAINE BANDER-NAZI GALICIA". At least one member of the UPA or OUN fought for Kiev or Kharkov, Odessa or Sevastopol, Lugansk or Krivoy Rog, stormed Berlin? But on the second day of the war, they fired in the back of the Red Army wars and greeted the fascist troops with flowers, swearing allegiance to their Fuehrer!
          Therefore, what may May 9 be Victory Day for them? - Only Day of Mourning for the unfulfilled hopes of their fascist ancestors ...
          By the way, didn’t you think how in today's conglomeration of nationalities and peoples that have historically developed in Ukraine, these newly-minted Ukrainians will reveal titular Ukrainians?
          Judging by their statements - just like the fascists of the true Aryans - measure the skulls with a pair of compasses.
          And what to do with Ukrainians? - however, the UPA in Babi Yar and Volhynia has already shown ...
          And the so-called Western Ukraine - Galicia has never been Ukraine!
          Until the 1939 year, the ghetto of Europe, which actually did not even have its own industry, however, as now, it was litter for Poland, Austria-Hungary, and fascist Germany.
          And if not for the Soviet Union in the 1939, which essentially gave it the opportunity to exist and be called Western Ukraine as such, and its inhabitants - Ukrainians (!).
          It is from here - from the Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions - in which less than 11% of the country's population lives, who are financed by 60% (!) And live off the labor of residents of the South-East of Ukraine, but for whom it is historically natural to be humped by migrant workers in Europe - a militant nationalist Galician ideology is hysterically spreading generously financed from p_indosovskie non-state funds in support of Ukraine's loss of its sovereignty and national identity - or someone doubts that after overdue EU products in Ukraine will flood the Uniate priests, Catholic and other churches ?!
          Throughout their history, the Galicians fought with Kievan Rus, the Ukrainian Cossacks and Orthodoxy, and therefore, in fact, they have no right to be called Ukrainians!
          Therefore, when the Galician-nationalist ruling "elite", the criminal oligarchy and the politically forgiving parliament, led by the self-proclaimed junta, proclaim slogans about the "unity" of Ukraine, one should be aware that this implies unconditional surrender to the ideas of Bandera, the ideals of mercenaries from special battalions and SS men of "Galicia", Russophobia of the OUN-UPA and outspoken nationalist totalitarianism - the ideology formed in Galicia by the centuries-old efforts of Poles and Austrians, which boils down to the fact that Raina must fiercely hate everything Russian, including in himself.
        2. +8
          April 28 2014 20: 50
          Quote: MIKHAN

          Depicted in the picture - warps.
          And he did not immediately understand.
          Finally came.
          An obsessive question constantly pops up:
          Why does the subject in the cap stand on only one knee, and not on two?
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. Validator
        April 28 2014 19: 04
        They were fascists, they remained fascists
        1. +16
          April 28 2014 19: 33
          Quote: Validator
          They were fascists, they remained fascists
        2. +5
          April 28 2014 21: 02
          something warriors helmet in 2014 confuses)))) and the nature of the picture is single ...
      4. +5
        April 28 2014 19: 47
        A link or you can increase? And then you can’t make out.
        1. +7
          April 28 2014 20: 38
          Roman, in the picture, Tens of thousands of euros for integrators on the Independence Square. Kiev 1944. The same fate awaits the right sector and other evil spirits! (Although, I would not take them prisoner, IMHO) Thanks to the author for the article, it seems that this topic has been discussed on the forum for several months, but now "Ukraine" is clearly bursting at the seams! And all this happens naturally, evil and hatred towards Russians cannot continue with impunity. Hold on to the South-East, there is no turning back! God bless you! Russia is with you!
      5. +9
        April 28 2014 20: 14
        Quote: Validator
        maximum seriousness because this is not a fake, but a very real document developed in Ukraine to reflect

        This is not a document, this is some kind of crap on a computer.
        The combat plan looks completely different and on a different scale ...
        And this is a "war on the globe" ...
        1. 0
          April 29 2014 06: 24
          geographer drank a map.
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. 0
          April 29 2014 08: 09
          Quote: Nayhas
          "Globe War" ...

          Even worse, for a pack of Belomor.
      6. +2
        April 28 2014 20: 23
        Quote: Validator
        maximum seriousness because this is not a fake, but a very real document developed in Ukraine to reflect

        Although I’m not a general staffer, I see that this is not a plan to repulse anything, it’s a plan for delivering the last soldiers captured!
      7. +4
        April 28 2014 20: 30
        I especially liked the counterattack arrows on the map.
      8. +6
        April 28 2014 20: 38
        That is, Rostov and Belgorod will fall under the onslaught of the valiant pravosekov? If only from laughter!
      9. platitsyn70
        April 28 2014 20: 49
        maximum seriousness because this is not a fake, but a very real document developed in Ukraine to reflect
        they there rooftop from gerych went exactly.
      10. +3
        April 28 2014 23: 37
        Quote: Validator
        maximum seriousness because this is not a fake, but a very real document developed in Ukraine to reflect

        Gorgeous. And on the screen - the document is at the address DILETANT.ORG laughing
        What is kakbe hinting at laughing
      11. +1
        April 29 2014 05: 07
        you can say that fake
        there are no such symbols on operational maps
        the green color of the direction of the beat is generally a song
        the actions of their troops and the enemy’s troops should have a contrasting difference so that the commander of the compound does not confuse in low light (in NATO countries, the action of their troops is marked in blue, the action of the enemy in red, we have exactly the opposite)
        the green color in both them and us is designated to indicate the outer boundary of the zone of radioactive contamination
        Question to you - did you serve?
    2. platitsyn70
      April 28 2014 20: 52
      Talking about Ukraine, as an already established state, is impossible.
      Talking about Ukraine as a failed state is possible. It will be more correct.
    3. 0
      April 29 2014 08: 20
      - Petya, what about you ...?
      - Right.
      - Will you make a mayor?
  2. +14
    April 28 2014 18: 51
    Yes, 90% of what will start civil in Ukraine, but what am I raving! - ALREADY BEGAN.
    Which project?
    Nothing of this "project" is left ALREADY ...
    1. +22
      April 28 2014 19: 22
      Southeast has risen!
  3. +15
    April 28 2014 18: 52
    Let the radicals know one truth,
    That their Maidan tore apart the whole country.
    1. +24
      April 28 2014 19: 14
      Maydauns are doing well. The onions and lettuce turn green, the hens are croaking, the rugs are drying on the rope ...
      1. +11
        April 28 2014 19: 48
        Straight village in the center of Kiev.
      2. +8
        April 28 2014 20: 17
        nda, the picture is impressive. the game is complete .....
    2. The comment was deleted.
  4. +5
    April 28 2014 18: 56
    The second Vietnam in Ukraine, this is the end of the monopoly on world domination of the State Department, with which I congratulate everyone ....
    1. +20
      April 28 2014 19: 03
      Quote: mig31
      The second Vietnam in Ukraine, this is the end of the monopoly on world domination of the State Department, with which I congratulate everyone ....

      Such "Babai" will save Ukraine ..)
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. mad
      April 28 2014 19: 04
      Unfortunately, it looks more like Somalia (((
  5. +41
    April 28 2014 19: 00
    We are already% 75-80 ready
    1. +4
      April 28 2014 19: 33
      It will be developed, it will be created, it will be built, it will be, it will be. Everything will be but tomorrow, but it is necessary today and even better yesterday. But striving for the best is necessary.
      1. +4
        April 28 2014 20: 24
        It is necessary immediately:

        1. +2
          April 28 2014 22: 44
          This Fedorov is also a liberal provocateur behind the guise of a patriot-megamind mask. However, he is a member of the EdRo party of crooks and thieves and a deputy of the State Duma from their faction. In the Duma it’s already 2 convocations, he voted for all anti-people’s bills from EdRa. He was a member of the working group of the State Duma on signing the protocol on Russia's accession to the WTO, as well as in the committee on economics and social development. in 2007, he actively advocated for entry into the WTO in the press and lobbied for the interests of liberals in the Duma. I don’t believe him a single gram. I do not believe that in 2 years you can see and radically change your worldview. If he had seen, he would have left the party of crooks and thieves at least.
      2. striker
        April 29 2014 00: 02
        Quote: pv1005
        It will be developed, it will be created, it will be built, it will be, it will be. Everything will be but tomorrow, but it is necessary today and even better yesterday. But striving for the best is necessary.

        Oh, these "sofa troops", they have already defeated and defeated all drinks

        from the article:
        Well, actually, returning to the Southeast. What happened? From my point of view, this week Russian war against Ukraine won, and it even ended with surrender in Geneva. Moreover, she was won with such a devastating score and with such complete mediocrity of the Ukrainian authorities that any sympathy for a dismembered country, frankly, disappears.

        "analytegs" fool
    2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +5
    April 28 2014 19: 01
    There is no longer any hope for sanity in the Kiev junta. There is still hope for our American and European partners in the liquidation commission - that they will be able to put on a straitjacket on their puppets,

    The dog is the appearance and likeness of the owner !! And according to the habits of the dog they also judge its owner !! So what can one hope here since it is controlled by the same dibiloids !!!
    1. +7
      April 28 2014 20: 13
      soon and it’s their turn to chew on ties.
      1. Gloria45
        April 28 2014 20: 51

        Elections live. Carrot for Yatsenyuk
      2. +1
        April 28 2014 23: 23
        Quote: Dilshat
        soon and it’s their turn to chew on ties.

        If only they choked on these ties. Well, or strangled.
  7. biglow
    April 28 2014 19: 01
    Putin needs to hold out until the fall with the introduction of troops and then the Ukrainians themselves in all areas except Galicia will crush the right sector and the army will not be needed ..
    1. +8
      April 28 2014 19: 09
      Quote: biglow
      Putin needs to hold out until the fall with the introduction of troops and then the Ukrainians themselves in all areas except Galicia will crush the right sector and the army will not be needed ..

      Now everything is starting to be exported from Ukraine, more or less valuable (what remains .. the Scythian gold was immediately taken out ..) There is a robbery ...
    2. -27
      April 28 2014 20: 36
      Quote: biglow
      Putin needs to hold out until the fall with the introduction of troops and then the Ukrainians themselves in all areas except Galicia will crush the right sector and the army will not be needed ..

      1. By the fall, Ukraine will have a new president, perhaps a new parliament and, well, a new government. RECOGNIZED by the whole world (except for Russia of course), the war in this case will bring grave consequences for Russia.
      2. By the fall, there is a possibility that in Ukraine the entire police and command personnel in the army will be completely replaced with absolutely loyal personnel.
      3. By fall, Ukraine can equip engineering barriers along the border with Russia (if you think of course), prepare strategically important bridges to undermine.
      4. By fall, Ukraine may enter into strategic alliances with Poland, the Baltic countries and Moldova.
      5. By the fall, supporters of Russia in Luhansk, Donetsk and Mariupol may simply scatter, tk. Nobody will sit forever in anticipation of a "miracle".
      6. By the autumn, the situation in Crimea without water and electricity will aggravate, agriculture will collapse, the tourist complex too (who will go to the resort where there are problems with electricity and fresh water?)
      So if Putin does not bring troops into Ukraine in May, he will lose. You are clearly under the illusion of taking propaganda from TV at face value. Most people frankly don't care. When the troops defeated the checkpoint near Slavyansk, the self-proclaimed "government" demanded that local residents stand up as a human shield - nobody! did not come out. In Donetsk, for the sake of attracting supporters, they forced TV to connect to Russian channels ... So what? NOTHING! Out of the entire million-strong city, support for the "separatists" who have settled in the regional state administration is supported by a thousand people, and then go and relatives and acquaintances ... Moreover, people are frankly frightened by the actions of supporters of federalism, for the sake of mass, they are ready to give weapons to outright bandits who, having received it, are trying to extract from this its bad benefit ...
      1. jjj
        April 28 2014 21: 03
        Now the right sector and Natsik fans will go through Donetsk properly, and the junta will increase its opponents. And by autumn, life in Ukraine will not improve, but worsen. They are talking about the third Maidan
        1. +4
          April 28 2014 23: 25
          the article is quite solid and meaningful ... from the very beginning it was clear that the junta as a negotiating party would not be considered either by Russia or the EU or the United States ... but the article sounded the phrase that Russia by federalizing Ukraine leaves the possibility of revising borders in the future ... maybe it is so ... but I think it’s a little different: explain why the Russian regions in which they clearly do not take out the spirit of either Russians or anything connected with them? this is not a redistribution of Ukraine, this is redrawing the world map! Moscow returns to itself the lands which it was forced to give in 90 ... oh does it quite wisely ... after all, what is Crimea? shipyards, large ports and military bases on the Black Sea, first of all (oil production and other industry are in the appendage, and in terms of volumes quite serious) ... and what is the east of Ukraine ? tank industry, again, ports and bases on the Black Sea ... thereby Russia is multiplying its capabilities in a military and strategic sense ... western Ukraine of Russia is useless so far ... the question needs to be posed somewhat differently, WHICH AREA RUSSIA WILL RETURN NEXT ?
          1. yulka2980
            April 29 2014 04: 53
            Still jarring when Russia write with a small letter what
      2. +2
        April 28 2014 21: 57
        Nayhas (3) Today, 20:36 Nonsense.
        1. By the fall ..
        Autumn is canceled, long live Summer !!!
        ... you'll be good at pouring water into the pool, and keep jumping ..
      3. biglow
        April 28 2014 22: 00
        Quote: Nayhas
        Quote: biglow
        Putin needs to hold out until the fall with the introduction of troops and then the Ukrainians themselves in all areas except Galicia will crush the right sector and the army will not be needed ..

        1. By the fall, Ukraine will have a new president, perhaps a new parliament and, well, a new government. RECOGNIZED by the whole world (except for Russia of course), the war in this case will bring grave consequences for Russia.
        2. By the fall, there is a possibility that in Ukraine the entire police and command personnel in the army will be completely replaced with absolutely loyal personnel.
        3. By fall, Ukraine can equip engineering barriers along the border with Russia (if you think of course), prepare strategically important bridges to undermine.
        4. By fall, Ukraine may enter into strategic alliances with Poland, the Baltic countries and Moldova.
        5. By the fall, supporters of Russia in Luhansk, Donetsk and Mariupol may simply scatter, tk. Nobody will sit forever in anticipation of a "miracle".
        6. By the autumn, the situation in Crimea without water and electricity will aggravate, agriculture will collapse, the tourist complex too (who will go to the resort where there are problems with electricity and fresh water?)
        So if Putin does not bring troops into Ukraine in May, he will lose. You are clearly under the illusion of taking propaganda from TV at face value. Most people frankly don't care. When the troops defeated the checkpoint near Slavyansk, the self-proclaimed "government" demanded that local residents stand up as a human shield - nobody! did not come out. In Donetsk, for the sake of attracting supporters, they forced TV to connect to Russian channels ... So what? NOTHING! Out of the entire million-strong city, support for the "separatists" who have settled in the regional state administration is supported by a thousand people, and then go and relatives and acquaintances ... Moreover, people are frankly frightened by the actions of supporters of federalism, for the sake of mass, they are ready to give weapons to outright bandits who, having received it, are trying to extract from this its bad benefit ...

        sorry but this is nonsense hi
        which is even difficult to comment
        I say about water in Crimea as a local resident, we have drinking water. Water goes from the canal only for irrigation in the steppe Crimea ... About this it was written a billion times, why repeat ukrsmi lies ...?
        And about everything else - the new president of Ukraine will only manage Kiev and then if the right sector allows
        Ukraine needs money of 30 billion a year, this is only for the most necessary, who will give them?
        By autumn, the Donbass and the southeast will only strengthen their positions, now they have taken control of the border crossings and received humanitarian aid and medicines from Russia and volunteers too ...
        The enterprises of the South East still work because they are in private hands and are export-oriented, and their owners are more profitable than anything else and therefore they agree with all parties and will continue to do so ... Read Lenin on the venality of the bourgeoisie
        1. 0
          April 29 2014 01: 52
          God grant, God grant ...
        2. 0
          April 29 2014 08: 57
          It would be great if your scenario was fulfilled!
      4. +2
        April 28 2014 22: 06
        Will Yulia, a Ukrainian, agree to hand over power from the clutches of "Batkovshchina" to someone else, for example, a "chocolate" oligarch? Doesn't Akhmetov, Kolomoisky, Tymoshenko need a raging South-East to disrupt the presidential elections? And this whole performance with "taming" eastern "supporters of federalism" does not tell you anything? With such forces, which the junta threw on Donetsk, if desired, it would have been possible for a long time to calm everyone down. And for the South-East, is it that Kolomoisky is forming battalions? He and Tymoshenko are well aware that Russia will not allow them to rule there. So the President may be elected, but not at the national elections, but in the Rada, and the legislative basis for this will be "corrected". And the President will be from "Batkovshchina". For this, all the fuss. But the South-East, it seems, will break away if it is not pleased with sweet speeches about federalization, autonomization, with neutrality and a blockless status and the Russian language with the status of the second state language. Tymoshenko is an experienced, cunning and treacherous politician in an innocent female guise.
      5. +3
        April 29 2014 00: 17
        I especially liked about the "strategic alliance" with the Baltic states, Moldova and Poland and about the undermining of "strategically important bridges". Yes, the strategist can be seen from afar.

        Russia will not enter troops. Do not wait. No one will stimulate national defense hysteria.
        But we can deliver a "pacifying" point strike to bring reality to life. For example, to capture some Yarosh or Parubiy with Avakov right in the den and take them to the Mother See for a "detailed" investigation of some of the circumstances of the coup and the crimes committed against their own people. Then gentlemen "European integrators" and fascists of other stripes will put them in their pants in full and understand that Uncle Sam, although kind and, it seems, is the most powerful, but only promises money, but in reality ANYONE cannot protect, because he doesn't really need it.

        Not by autumn, but much sooner there will be universal sobering up. A hangover will be cruel, and rebellion will be bloody and meaningless. This could not even be imagined by Pushkin. Maidan seems childish prank
      6. yulka2980
        April 29 2014 04: 50
        Do you claim the laurels of Nostradamus? laughing
      7. 0
        April 29 2014 05: 00
        4. By fall, Ukraine may enter into strategic alliances with Poland, the Baltic countries and Moldova.
        Are you serious ?! I was not mistaken, Strategic ?!
      8. The comment was deleted.
      9. GRune
        April 29 2014 06: 34
        Clause 1 - There will be no war, clause 6 - complete nonsense; everything will be normal, clause 3 - idiocy, but let them dig, clause 4 - no shit like that in an alliance, kindly requested, clause 5 - I doubt it very much .. The rest must be seen, maybe our gospel will come true!
      10. 0
        April 29 2014 08: 52
        Quote: Nayhas
        Most people frankly do not care.

        I can not agree with you, except for the phrase quoted in the quote.
        According to claim 1, if the president is recognized or not, the war will still bring grave consequences for Russia.
        According to claim 2. It is unlikely that the entire personnel of the police and command in the army will be replaced by absolutely loyal personnel. Where to get these frames? For 4-5 months they can not be prepared.
        According to claim 3. Engineering barriers along the border are interesting, but there is not enough money for a complete engineering arrangement. The smallest - 30-40 million dollars per 1 kilometer of the border and 5-6 years of time.
        According to paragraph 4. Strategic can be an alliance with only one country - the United States. But will the United States fight for Ukraine?
        According to paragraph 5. Of course, they can scatter. But the sediment will remain. Now the sowing season has failed - the army has eaten fuel, there is no money for anything, industry cannot exist without cheap gas from Russia and sales to Russia. Help from the West - only in the form of receiving cheap labor from Ukraine. But 12 - 18 million guest workers and Europe will not digest.
        Collapse and hunger are coming, at least a premonition of hunger. Will the new government hold on? Considering this, both the coming to power and the presidential election are not in the sphere of legality.
        According to claim 6. These are all trifles. Water concerns ONLY agriculture. Resorts drink mainly artesian. Drill wells, minimize losses. The maximum agricultural damage - 5 billion rubles - is easily compensated. There is an option with a water pipe from the Kuban. With electricity, the issue is simpler. A quarter of the demand in Crimea has its own capacities, and then options are possible. It’s easy to run a cable or a power line from the Kuban; in the Kerch area there is an unfinished nuclear power plant in Soviet times, you can finish it, Rosatom will be delighted. Temporarily it is possible to overtake a floating nuclear power plant, there will be enough energy for the whole Crimea, and for desalination of water.
        All Western sanctions against Russia will lead to the mobilization of all the country's capabilities and to our strengthening.
        But military intervention in Ukraine is weakening.
        Intervention will be inevitable in only one case: in the case of the bloody suppression of protests by the junta of the people.
        I think that Putin would long ago have provided assistance to the Southeast, if it had been a truly popular, mass demonstration. But in this case, help would be needed only on a humanitarian and material (resource) basis.
        1. Nikolav
          14 May 2014 12: 11
          But this is right!
      11. Nikolav
        14 May 2014 12: 10
        Hell! They covered the wolf with flags.
  8. +9
    April 28 2014 19: 04
    Amerikos help the junta? And we are such a foolish paravoz !? It’s also possible to help the Southeast, equipment, weapons, specialist commanders without the intervention of the RF Armed Forces and this will VERY complicate the life of fascists - law-abductors!
  9. +3
    April 28 2014 19: 08
    It is very likely that this will be so. If the force majeure does not happen.
    1. +2
      April 28 2014 22: 43
      What force majeure are you talking about? Ukraine itself is a force majeure.
  10. +7
    April 28 2014 19: 08
    We do not need Ukraine, we will take back what was before ours, and that’s it.
  11. +11
    April 28 2014 19: 08
    "And here we are surprised to find that this project arose in the middle of the nineteenth century not at all on
    Ukraine, and ... in Austria-Hungary ... "
    Yes, the Austrians were still those entertainers! But where is that Austria-Hungary now? Analogies
    to conduct - an occupation, of course, ungrateful, but, it seems to me, the authors of the current Ukrainian
    the scenario awaits the fate of that of Austria-Hungary!
  12. +44
    April 28 2014 19: 09
    Quote: mirag2
    Yes, 90% of what will start civil in Ukraine, but what am I raving! - ALREADY BEGAN.
    Which project?
    Nothing of this "project" is left ALREADY ...
  13. +7
    April 28 2014 19: 15
    There is a very high probability of a scenario in which the struggle for power among the putschists themselves will turn into a wild crazy war of all against all, and Kiev will become like Beirut-1983 or Sarajevo-1995.
    And a simple, intoxicated people will perish.
    the Americans themselves are ready to start wetting the junta (under the guise of our specialists, or rivals), if only a civil war would begin.
  14. +16
    April 28 2014 19: 40
    Somehow like this...
    1. Nikolav
      14 May 2014 12: 12
      Dengi! Dengi come on!
  15. +2
    April 28 2014 19: 40
    I understand everyone wants to write something, but really need help to the Republic of Donetsk, to write one thing and another thing.
  16. +8
    April 28 2014 19: 42
    Quote: Little Muck
    Kiev will become similar to Beirut-1983 or Sarajevo-1995.

    Will not.
    Beirut, Sarajevo did not have Moscow behind.
    The majority, the absolute majority of the population of Ukraine for Russia. And from day to day there will be more of these. We’re not going anywhere. We will help.
    1. +6
      April 28 2014 19: 58
      Quote: Chen
      The majority, the absolute majority of the population of Ukraine for Russia.

      Why such confidence?
      I’m not even quite sure that in the Donbass the majority is for Russia.
      I was sure about the Crimea. And it was confirmed.
      But about the whole of Ukraine I see no reason to say so. If the majority there were for Russia, then there would be no Turchins in Kiev.
      1. +3
        April 28 2014 23: 08
        Quote: Sour
        Quote: Chen
        The majority, the absolute majority of the population of Ukraine for Russia.

        Why such confidence?
        I’m not even quite sure that in the Donbass the majority is for Russia.
        I was sure about the Crimea. And it was confirmed.
        But about the whole of Ukraine I see no reason to say so. If the majority there were for Russia, then there would be no Turchins in Kiev.

        I have to agree, although, as a passion, I want the opposite, our "brothers" have long started their "family" and look at Russia purely consumerist: "FIRST EAT YOURS, AND THEN EAT YOURS"
    2. +2
      April 28 2014 20: 09
      Where did you see the majority, even in the southeast, residents did not decide who, and 65% of the population did not give a damn about what was happening, and they were sure that the junta was rightand the rest for maydanutyh, do not believe, call friends
      1. +5
        April 28 2014 20: 41
        Quote: bubla5
        so 65% of the population do not give a damn about what is happening, and they are sure that the junta is right, and the rest are for the Maydan, don’t believe, call friends

        The situation in the Southeast is changing almost hourly. And in the Lugansk and Donetsk regions, the number of people opposed to the Euromaidan is increasing, and this is a fact, as is the fact that not all, not all of the opponents of the Euromaidan are for separating from Ukraine and even more so for joining Russia. But then the first point will suit us - they are against the Euromaidan.
        with whom, and 65% of the population doesn’t give a damn about what is happening, and they are sure that the junta is right
        You contradict yourself - if a person does not give a damn, then they cannot be SURE of anything ...
      2. 0
        April 28 2014 20: 52
        Quote: bubla5
        Where did you see the majority, even in the southeast, residents did not decide who, and 65% of the population did not give a damn about what was happening, and they were sure that the junta was rightand the rest for maydanutyh, do not believe, call friends

        You are tearing people's templates ... They were told on TV that the entire Donbass had risen for Russia ... To tell the truth, they do not stand up for a "united Ukraine" either ... Complete passivity.
        1. +2
          April 28 2014 21: 01
          Quote: Nayhas
          They were told on TV that the entire Donbass rose for Russia ...

          Yes, just on TV they don’t say anything like that. But on the Internet ...
      3. +3
        April 28 2014 21: 02
        The slogans "The West will help us" were replaced by "The gardens will help us".
        1. +2
          April 28 2014 22: 10
          Quote: Sour
          I’m not even quite sure that in the Donbass the majority is for Russia.

          Quote: bubla5
          Where did you see the majority, even in the southeast, residents did not decide who

          Quote: Nayhas
          They were told on TV that the entire Donbass rose for Russia

          1. Can you begin to distinguish between Russia (country) and the federation (type of government)?
          2. Who invented joining the southeast of Ukraine to Russia? There were statements, only about the introduction of troops, to protect the Russian population in Ukraine, mind you, not about the occupation, as they are now shouting, in the same Ukraine.
          Quote: Sour
          Yes, just on TV they don’t say anything like that. But on the Internet...

          That's it! hi
        2. +1
          April 29 2014 01: 14
          No need for irony. "Bread is the head of everything," I did not say.
          There are many predictions, good and different. And by May 9, Kiev liberate, and wait until autumn, and then without a fight all of Ukraine. I don't see one thing "How can people survive, so that children do not swell from hunger?" There is famine without war, but there is no war without hunger. So, "mother-in-law's garden is a STRATEGIC thing"
          1. 0
            April 29 2014 09: 05
            Quote: izGOI
            "How can people survive, so that children do not swell from hunger?" There is famine without war, but there is no war without hunger. So, "mother-in-law's garden is a STRATEGIC thing"

            This is the main national idea for Ukraine in the near future!
            All to the gardens!
  17. Arh
    April 28 2014 19: 42
    The Europeans Laughed Hard Over Russians From the Outskirts of Rus !!! Already Soul Hurts For the Blindness of the Outskirts of the Russian Brothers !!!
  18. +3
    April 28 2014 19: 47
    "There is still hope for our American and European partners in the liquidation commission - that they will be able to put a straitjacket on their puppets."

    What are you? Everything that happens in Ukraine is an American project. Naturally, adjusted for the idiocy of his performers, who managed to make so many blunders that even now under the tower ... And Europe is also under the heel of amers and only occasionally tries to make a noise.
  19. +3
    April 28 2014 19: 48
    ,,,live broadcast Donetsk,,,

    ,,, that is not visible supporters of federalization request ,,,
  20. +1
    April 28 2014 19: 50
    The mentality of slaves and masochists reaching out to the masters will give a bad soup and punish you!
    1. +6
      April 29 2014 00: 09
      Quote: Russian20
      The mentality of slaves and masochists reaching out to the owners will give a pot of pottage

      a vivid example of the Maidan. how they fed nuland with cookies, and they kissed her hands
  21. +3
    April 28 2014 19: 55
    It is unlikely that the blitz of the formation is directed against each other of this pro-Western clique, but perhaps it’s just that straw that they think will save them — it will be the most combat-ready formation. And the fact that there is such a plan is to tear Ukraine away from Russia and it is still in effect, and it seems to me that everyone should make every effort ... including the very best ones to prevent this separation:
    1. Diplomatic efforts
    2. Force pressure
    3. To provoke a "war" between the right sector-Tymoshenko-Poroshenko ...
    4. Assistance by instructors and weapons of the defenders of the South-East of Ukraine.
    5. .......
    1. +1
      April 28 2014 20: 12
      Quote: persei
      To provoke a "war" between the right-wing sector-Tymoshenko-Poroshenko ...

      The right sector is not an independent force. They rule the oligarchs.
      1. +3
        April 28 2014 22: 21
        Quote: Sour
        The right sector is not an independent force. They rule the oligarchs.

        In part, yes. On the other part, they can, at the very least, influence. And part of it, it's just criminals who went to the looter. Moreover, all three parts are intertwined, so their management is very arbitrary.
  22. MG42
    April 28 2014 20: 02
    Well done Donetsk citizens urine these ultras! Take revenge for yesterday in Kharkov, our "stronghold" is all in Donetsk. Well, for the May holidays, we will pinch them. good
    Zadolbali these Dnepropetrovsk tourists, today they will snap off in full program in Donetsk.
  23. +4
    April 28 2014 20: 11
    The main tip is to capture, judge and hang all to one.
    1. +1
      April 28 2014 20: 31
      first you need to unite the whole southeast ... with a single command, common administrative resource, unblock the border with Russia, conduct active propaganda among the Armed Forces and counter-propaganda of the ideas of Bandera, show the rest of Ukraine ... that they can live, work and stand against National Guard, the right sector and other gangs maydanutyh.
  24. Polarfox
    April 28 2014 20: 15
    Yes, fullness, the ending was predictable. "We shared an orange ... many of ours were killed!" From the very beginning it was clear that the Russophobes' race had one goal - power. And, since one, sick people, will not reach the finish line in any way, they try, grabbing each other by the panties and T-shirts, to share power right on the run, fearing that the one who comes first will grab everything. Hence the dwarf private armies and the competition under the motto "Who will spit on the South-East next." There is one peculiarity in the Olympiad of de.bilov. There, even the absolute champion - still de.beat.
  25. wise
    April 28 2014 20: 15
    Yes, there is no civil war in Ukraine! By God, men, you are like little children! Everything is calm, at least in my native Zaporozhye. And even there is no hint of war. Every fifty car with the state flag of Ukraine, on every three hundredth apartment is also the flag of Ukraine. I have not seen a Russian flag in the entire city of 700. And the fact that there are Ukrainian maps with military plans to repel possible invasions is that any state should have them. After all, defense is not an offensive! Do not believe the provocateurs inciting military psychosis, everything is fine in the southeast. And I am silent in general for the Kherson region, there the vast majority of the population are broad Ukrainians, in the best sense of the word, devoted to Ukraine. In the Donbass, a small number of local marginals are raging with the seizure of buildings, well, let them be about five thousand by force. Normal do not need any shooting. So everything is calm, Russians and Ukrainians will be friends, even Raguli because of Zbruch ---))). Life is too beautiful!
    1. +11
      April 28 2014 20: 52
      you are by chance not the daughter of an officer
      1. +2
        April 28 2014 22: 51
        Quote: doc62
        you are by chance not the daughter of an officer

        The son of the regiment is right-handed!
    2. MG42
      April 28 2014 20: 53
      Quote: sabio
      Yes, there is no civil war in Ukraine! By God, men, you are like little children! Everything is calm, at least in my native Zaporozhye. And even there is no hint of war.

      And this is that the video is not Zaporozhye and the guest performers maydanutye ?? >>
      1. +7
        April 28 2014 21: 00
        And in Donetsk, literally 20 minutes ago, they dispersed a rally for "one, indivisible". So the war, though not very active, is going on. Donetsk made me happy today.
      2. wise
        April 28 2014 21: 11
        Well, I will not be unfounded. Although if a person has a bias, then conducting a normal dialogue with him is very ineffective. Here is a link, take a look at least here. This is she today, my small homeland. Too reminiscent of a battlefield?
        1. MG42
          April 28 2014 21: 36
          Quote: sabio
          Although if a person has a bias, then conducting a normal dialogue with him is very ineffective.

          Moreover, the bias of the video from Zaporozhye and the point.
          Yesterday I saw an animal grin of banderlogs in Kharkov, large stones and paving slabs flew at me, but dodged, but the guy next to him suffered a broken head with a half of white brick. What pleases me most is how this media is presented, it’s like we attacked poor football hooligans of whom there were 5 thousand according to the most conservative estimates.
          All those who disagree are arrested, and pravosekov are released by Ukrainian democracy.
        2. GRune
          April 29 2014 06: 39
          By the way, Zaporizhzhya will be the most shocked because of a breakdown in relations with Russia; engine builders will bend, or will work smuggling through the Old Man.
      3. +1
        April 29 2014 02: 00

        That's the way you need it with the guest performers who have mastered it.
    3. +4
      April 28 2014 20: 59
      Quote: sabio
      Life is too beautiful!

      I'm happy for you. Apparently, from a beautiful life, you always overthrow someone, and your hetmans travel the World with outstretched hands.
  26. +2
    April 28 2014 20: 18
    I would say it is easier to crack the EU project.
    The United States, using the historical phobias of Europeans in relation to Russia, is restructuring global sales markets, Ukraine ... so distracting maneuver in this action.
    Read any analysis of the near future for EU production ... the loss of the Russian market, well, these are trifles compared to the issue of energy resources ... the cost of goods will increase and clearly lose to the same overseas, given the euro / dollar ratio ... will even more aggravate this.
    And in fact, what is the end all this is going to ... right, the US is preparing the economy for the return of production from Asia ... for this you need to prepare yourself and "prepare" others.
    The increase in the cost of raw materials used in the production of high-tech goods over the past decade has grown significantly, of the same rare-earth and other similar.
    The PRC monopoly on the supply of certain types of mineral materials is starting to stagger ... why did everyone wake up to Africa.
    But ... if the EU relies on the Chinese comrades ... then with this bummer.
    Yes ... for some time the PRC will be able to keep the price of goods low, friendship with Russia will help this ... but there is one big BUT ... order withdrawal for the US market is the departure of new free technologies.
    And here the question is who will strangle whom ... will the EU-PRC bond against the United States survive.
    The epochal battle, the Old World against the New World ... who will win ... time will tell.
    And the EU countries all care about some sort of Ukraine ... they must be saved themselves.
    Russia will stand aside ... there are enough of its own affairs.
    1. -1
      April 28 2014 20: 29
      Quote: Strashila
      Will the EU-PRC Bundle Survive Against the USA?

      And what is it, this bunch? Explain.
      The Chinese economy is tied to the US no less than to the EU. In particular, China is the largest importer of American cotton, soybeans, and sugar. In turn, it supplies a lot of things to the States, and exports of chemical products are growing particularly rapidly.
  27. cool.ya-nikola
    April 28 2014 20: 26
    Quote: mirag2
    Yes, 90% of what will start civil in Ukraine, but what am I raving! - ALREADY BEGAN.

    You are right, Alexander - HAS ALREADY STARTED! In this regard, I strongly recommend (excuse the insolence) the book by Gleb Bobrov - "The Age of the Stillborn." It's amazing that a book written long before today's events turned out to be so prophetic (I pray to God that it turns out to be not prophetic in everything!) ... The coming of the “era of the stillborn” threatens all of us. After Little Russia, Russia is next in line.

    Quote: nika407
    Maydauns are doing well. The onions and lettuce turn green, the hens are croaking, the rugs are drying on the rope ...

    In, in, here we’ll also breed pigs (we’ve got at least one boletus, called Tyagnibok) And what do you want, Ukraine, then Europe! And how much land on the Champs Elysees is wasted in vain. According to rumors there the qibul will give birth well!
    1. 0
      April 28 2014 22: 53
      We watched "Three heroes. On the distant shores."
  28. Ivan 63
    April 28 2014 20: 32
    I read the first paragraph, writes an unwise person.
    1. -1
      April 28 2014 21: 10
      If you mean the hope for "American partners", then yes, something incomprehensible and indistinct.
  29. +7
    April 28 2014 20: 58
    Be sure to fall apart and do not hesitate ...
    1. GRune
      April 29 2014 06: 40
      Therefore, the devil is afraid and does not let him die.
  30. +3
    April 28 2014 21: 21
    I read on one site today that the West will fight with Russia until the last Ukrainian ...
  31. +2
    April 28 2014 21: 32
    At that time, Galicia was part of Austria-Hungary.

    I will only add - the most backward, poorly educated and unicultural territory. They just wanted to push her away from themselves because they were tired of her.
  32. +1
    April 28 2014 21: 33
    "... The Bolsheviks came to power largely due to an alliance with
    nationalists of the outlying territories. Strange started
    the period when the Bolsheviks who saved the Russian Empire from
    the final collapse, in every possible way fawned upon those who
    he strove for this disintegration. How were the borders of the Ukrainian SSR formed? ... "Why are the Bolsheviks alone to blame? Why does the author not mention that, in fact, immediately after the February revolution, Ukrainian nationalists, unilaterally, announced the creation of an independent Ukraine, and separated from the Russian Empire And Kerensky tacitly agreed with this, sending ambassadors there, as in a separate state. Then the October Revolution, the Civil War, knocking out the invaders, from the same Ukraine. Ruin. Restoration. How to return Ukraine to the bosom of the former Empire? Correctly. Or war, what impossible. Or concessions.
  33. +1
    April 28 2014 21: 33
    "... The Bolsheviks came to power largely due to an alliance with
    nationalists of the outlying territories. Strange started
    the period when the Bolsheviks who saved the Russian Empire from
    the final collapse, in every possible way fawned upon those who
    he strove for this disintegration. How were the borders of the Ukrainian SSR formed? ... "Why are the Bolsheviks alone to blame? Why does the author not mention that, in fact, immediately after the February revolution, Ukrainian nationalists, unilaterally, announced the creation of an independent Ukraine, and separated from the Russian Empire And Kerensky tacitly agreed with this, sending ambassadors there, as in a separate state. Then the October Revolution, the Civil War, knocking out the invaders, from the same Ukraine. Ruin. Restoration. How to return Ukraine to the bosom of the former Empire? Correctly. Or war, what impossible. Or concessions.
  34. +1
    April 28 2014 21: 46
    Article "+". I was somewhat surprised by the underestimation of the appetites, capabilities and real power of the United States in this project of their geostrategists. This casts doubt on the logical conclusions about the possible development of the situation. And about the role of Russia. How the border of the zones of influence will pass - you can debate for a long time. But it doesn't matter. If the borders of the inhabited world coincided with the borders of Ukraine, everything is so. But in the real world, so that history does not repeat itself more than once and with more blood, perhaps Russia needs unconditional influence on the entire territory that we call Ukraine.
  35. +1
    April 28 2014 21: 47
    But we will have to admit that in the brainwashing of the residents of central Ukraine, this project has achieved great success - after all, on the Maidan there were not only visitors from Western Ukraine, but Kievans as well.

    Moreover, I can say 100% that there were people from the southeast on the Maidan. Two from the Luhansk region stayed on the Maidan for several weeks, received, as far as I remember the conversation, 6 thousand hryvnia each. One of them is a pensioner grandmother. When I arrived home, she felt bad. Relatives sent her to the hospital, where the doctor interviewed her, after which they took tests from her, which showed that she had such a cocktail of all kinds of "chemistry" in her body that the doctor was surprised that the grandmother did not throw her hooves back.
  36. +2
    April 28 2014 22: 04
    Is the author afraid of rockets installed in the immediate vicinity?
    This is scary?
    No, it’s not so scary as the population totally hates you. Moreover, it’s irrational.
    Missiles can be neutralized in a variety of ways, from sabotage to more modern missile defense.
    But how to neutralize the hatred of the population?
    The only acceptable option in the long run is the option of a civil war between the east and the west of Ukraine.
    It is beneficial to us and the eastern regions.
    Us first.
    If this infection is not uprooted today, then tomorrow it will grow in such a violent color that mother does not grieve!
    And here Russia can and must help not only financially, but also human resources.
    And since both Poles, Germans, Hungarians, and Americans will come to the territory of Ukraine for help, the blow should be so devastating that our friends would have problems with the funeral business.
    Everything under the root and top with fire.
    A meter in depth.
    The Nazis cannot be spared.
    How did they relate to us - no need to give an example from history?
  37. +1
    April 28 2014 22: 14
    Quote: nika407
    Maydauns are doing well. The onions and lettuce turn green, the hens are croaking, the rugs are drying on the rope ...

    ... promised to let the presers down ...
  38. MG42
    April 28 2014 22: 21
    There was a video of yesterday’s night sweeping of the anti-Maidan tent camp near Lenin in Kharkov. In the video, the local police abruptly leave, and the operation is carried out by visiting cops and pravoseki together am >>
  39. 0
    April 28 2014 22: 40
    Very soon it will collapse completely and fail.
  40. +1
    April 28 2014 22: 42
    Quote: Sanya
    The main tip is to capture, judge and hang all to one.

    That would be good. Task number 1 Ukrainian junta beautifully leave. If now - then they will be just a bunch of adventurers who have led the people into full contact. As soon as it smells fried, they will run over the hill, and from there they will whine as if they were hurt and not understood by the people. Enough money, not for nothing that they sat in the higher echelons for so long. This cannot be allowed. But they must be judged. But do not hang up, but send it on a lifelong basis. Let them cry there for an independent one and on their w .. pe feel all the delights of the geyrops, where they call everyone.
  41. The comment was deleted.
  42. +1
    April 28 2014 23: 38
    In general, if you follow the laws of physics, then Russia should lead the current Ukrainian obstruction, and then gradually bring it to the right stall.
    If this does not happen today, I will be very surprised. In a puppet theater, two dolls that do not leave the stage are put on one pair of hands.
  43. serge
    April 28 2014 23: 57
    Galicians and Poles are a typical product of Western civilization. The more they mutter, the more they love the master's boot. On the contrary, good is considered weakness. This is a distinctive feature of Western civilization. And the French, and Germans, and the British, and Italians. Kill the weak (and the merciful ones are considered weak), kill the strong lick of the boots. Poles, Croats and Galicians are not Slavs, they just speak Slavic languages. Poland is generally historically the most vicious enemy of Russia; under the Bolsheviks, this evil propaganda represented their Russian friends. Bulgarians and Serbs are friends of Russia only when they feel bad. The Serbs dragged the Russian empire into World War I, which led to a revolution from which Russia still cannot recover. The Bulgarians in gratitude for the salvation from the Turks in all wars took the side of our enemies. Slovaks and Czechs seem to be neutral, but in all wars they participate against Russia. God save us from the friendship of the Slavic states, and we ourselves will somehow get rid of the enemies.
  44. Alexey
    April 29 2014 00: 14
    Quote: Nayhas

    All efforts to fight for the environment!
    Take special care of the forest!
    You still have to hide and hide there!
    (the button accordion is not mine! read it somewhere)
  45. +1
    April 29 2014 00: 38
    Quote: Nayhas
    Quote: biglow
    Putin needs to hold out until the fall with the introduction of troops and then the Ukrainians themselves in all areas except Galicia will crush the right sector and the army will not be needed ..

    1. By the fall, Ukraine will have a new president, perhaps a new parliament and, well, a new government. RECOGNIZED by the whole world (except for Russia of course), the war in this case will bring grave consequences for Russia.
    2. By the fall, there is a possibility that in Ukraine the entire police and command personnel in the army will be completely replaced with absolutely loyal personnel.
    3. By fall, Ukraine can equip engineering barriers along the border with Russia (if you think of course), prepare strategically important bridges to undermine.
    4. By fall, Ukraine may enter into strategic alliances with Poland, the Baltic countries and Moldova.
    5. By the fall, supporters of Russia in Luhansk, Donetsk and Mariupol may simply scatter, tk. Nobody will sit forever in anticipation of a "miracle".
    6. By the autumn, the situation in Crimea without water and electricity will aggravate, agriculture will collapse, the tourist complex too (who will go to the resort where there are problems with electricity and fresh water?)
    So if Putin does not bring troops into Ukraine in May, he will lose. You are clearly under the illusion of taking propaganda from TV at face value. Most people frankly don't care. When the troops defeated the checkpoint near Slavyansk, the self-proclaimed "government" demanded that local residents stand up as a human shield - nobody! did not come out. In Donetsk, for the sake of attracting supporters, they forced TV to connect to Russian channels ... So what? NOTHING! Out of the entire million-strong city, support for the "separatists" who have settled in the regional state administration is supported by a thousand people, and then go and relatives and acquaintances ... Moreover, people are frankly frightened by the actions of supporters of federalism, for the sake of mass, they are ready to give weapons to outright bandits who, having received it, are trying to extract from this its bad benefit ...

    You forgot one important thing. What will you eat and who will feed you. Ukro politicians are all about finances popping, but you, finances, won't cook and fry them. So what you wrote is bullshit. And the fact of Moldovan support especially frightened me. That's it, I’m gnawing a doormat and writing an act of surrender to the great U to RA mi. crying hi
    1. +1
      April 29 2014 03: 22
      And in the fall cold weather will come and gas will not be in May ...
  46. +1
    April 29 2014 04: 34
    Quote: MIKHAN
    Now everything is starting to be exported from Ukraine, more or less valuable (what remains .. the Scythian gold was immediately taken out ..) There is a robbery ...

    Soviet soldiers walk along the street of Kiev, November 6, 1943. On the sidewalk mountains of looted things, the Germans did not have time to take them out
  47. 0
    April 29 2014 06: 52
    In my opinion, the Russian war against Ukraine was won this week, and it even ended with surrender in Geneva.
    what about
    Russia didn’t come to war,
  48. 0
    April 29 2014 07: 27
    Kleptocratic power of the "president" with 40 million people suitable for such power - the formation of "tribes" with oligarch leaders - the seizure of power by one (Galician) "tribe" - intertribal wars for power - the "president" - and again in a circle. Dream USA! And the Russian Federation, as it turns out! Plus an article!
    It all depends on the price of bread, especially in the fall. You don’t really call on the hungry Bandera, especially since he has already come. Here Obama needs to be called, or Putin ...
  49. 0
    April 29 2014 08: 04
    I don’t know about Austria-Hungary, but my relatives who _ managed to get out of Kyrgyzstan 7 years ago, watching TV events in Ukraine on TV, say that now the same thing was happening there in Kirghizia. The Americans, too, arranged - even the donkeys were clear. Kyrgyz nationalism was revived from somewhere that, in principle, had never existed (they seriously wrote about the research of scientists that all the peoples of the world originated in the territory of Kyrgyzstan). Then came the oppression and then the killing of the Russians. In the capital, this, of course, was not so noticeable, but what happened on the outskirts and even in the mountainous Russian regions is still what refugees are afraid to talk about :(
    So, if you do not stop what is happening in Ukraine now - once and for all - and throughout the entire territory of Ukraine, we will have the same as in Central Asia :(
  50. +1
    April 29 2014 08: 22
    And I have such a question to the representatives of the "great nation", to whom Mr. Kolomoisky counts himself, even dominates in this matter in the European Jewish Council ... What are your public, religious and spiritual organizations, which have at their disposal the media, newspapers, reins reign keep silent, that your main "Jew" in Europe nurtures and supports National Socialism, fascism and brought to the point that the Slav brothers kill and hate each other? Where is the cry about preventing and reviving fascism, when you cry, when nationalists gather in Moscow? How sad it is for me to state that the position, Messrs. Jews, which you have taken in Ukraine and towards the Russians and Ukrainians on this land, will come back to haunt you along the way ... After all, the uneducated zapodnoukrainians are dying that they are being used as meat by normal Slavic people mandul and ask the question, what will I eat, how to study, work and raise children ... It's in the hands of your media and newspapers. And for 23 years you helped write the history of New Ukraine, as great historians and educators before the "Western Ukrainian collective farm" ... I beg your pardon, whom did you offended ...
    1. 0
      1 May 2014 09: 00
      Zionists in action. Catch a fish in troubled waters.
  51. 0
    April 29 2014 09: 01
    Excellent article!
  52. 0
    April 30 2014 02: 15
    Satan Rocket Documentation in Israel
    Edward Hodos
    Jewish fascism or Chabad - the road to hell