An open letter to Putin - after the anti-Russian attacks of our media and politicians ("Neue Rheinische Zeitung", Germany)

An open letter to Putin - after the anti-Russian attacks of our media and politicians ("Neue Rheinische Zeitung", Germany)

President Putin, in his speech on March 18 of 2014, devoted to the entry of Crimea into Russia, directly addressed the German people. This appeal deserves a positive response, which corresponds to the real feelings of the Germans - those that they express these days in various public opinion polls. The one-sided anti-Russian statements of our media and politicians, as well as the exacerbating situation of Berlin’s demarches, cannot represent the entire German people, who are increasingly distancing themselves from the militant policies of the EU and NATO. Therefore, we are publishing this Open Letter to President Putin, which on Thursday was transferred to the Russian Embassy in Berlin:

Dear Mr. President!

In your speech in the State Duma, you asked the Germans for understanding.

We are German citizens, who grew up mostly in the post-war period in the western part of the country. When the cold war ended in 1990, and our country was reunited, the whole world breathed a sigh of relief because the constant threat of nuclear conflict that would bring misfortune to the entire globe seemed to be eliminated. At the same time, Germany would be completely obliterated from the face of the earth. The decisive contribution to the liberation of Europe from national socialism was made by the Soviet Union, which paid for it with countless victims, incomparable to the losses of any other country that participated in World War II. In 1990, the USSR expressed readiness to support the reunification of Germany, and in 1991 to dissolve the Warsaw Pact and recognize the membership of the united Germany in NATO. The West did not appreciate this step. The then US ambassador to Moscow (1987-1991) Jack Matlock confirmed several days ago in the Washington Post that President Bush had agreed not to use the magnanimity of President Gorbachev for his own purposes. However, the subsequent expansion of NATO to the former Soviet Union republics, the formation of military bases on the territory of the former Warsaw Pact member countries and the installation of a missile "shield" in Eastern Europe by the United States while simultaneously canceling the ABM Treaty were not just scandalous violations of this promise. These steps, even we, ordinary citizens, can be perceived only as a manifestation of the strength of the West, directed against the state and economic consolidation of the country that you are following after being elected president in 2000. In addition, Cyr A. Lieber (Keir A. Lieber) and Daryl G. Press (Daryl G. Press) in his article “The Growth of US Nuclear Leadership” (The Rise of US Nuclear Primacy), published in 2006 in the journal Foreign Affairs , convincingly proved that the missile "shield" should make possible the first nuclear strike in order to neutralize Russia's nuclear power.

This background clearly shows the background against which we can evaluate events in Ukraine, starting in November 2013. Meanwhile, it has been repeatedly documented that the United States used fair protests of the Ukrainian people as a tool to achieve their own goals. This scenario was “worked out” in other countries: in Serbia, Georgia, in Ukraine in 2004, in Egypt, Syria, Libya, Venezuela ...

The “disturbing factors” in the face of the European Union and the OSCE within twelve hours after the agreement on the peaceful change of power reached by the foreign ministers of the so-called “Weimar Triangle” was eliminated with the help of fascist forces. Partners on the websites of the Open Ukraine Foundation, headed by the Acting Prime Minister of Ukraine, testify who is behind the current putsch government in Kiev.

The domestic and international legal questions arising regarding the separation of Crimea from Ukraine can be answered in different ways. We do not try to evaluate the events associated with this from a legal point of view, but we evaluate them from a political point of view. Given the development of Europe after 1990, the emergence of about a hundred new US military bases around the world, US control over the sea straits and a threat to the Russian Black Sea fleetcoming from the Maidan rapists, we consider the secession of Crimea from Ukraine as a protective measure and a simultaneous signal: to here and no further! The decisive difference between this situation and the declaration of independence of Kosovo is that the prerequisite for the latter was the NATO air strikes, which were contrary to international law, in which, unfortunately, Germany also took part.

Dear Mr. President, about four years ago you already spoke in favor of creating an economic community between Lisbon and Vladivostok. It could be the economic basis for the Single European House. At the same time, Ukraine could become an ideal “bridge” for future cooperation between the Eurasian Union you initiated and the European Union - not least the cultural aspect. We are convinced that active US intervention was intended to prevent Ukraine from fulfilling this function. In the European Commission, forces supporting the anti-Russian policy of the United States took over. The speech of the head of the European Foreign Service, Pierre Vimont (Pierre Vimont) 14 in March of this year, did not leave any doubts on this score (EurArchiv: "The EU did not interfere in the US-Russian talks on Ukraine" - "EU shunned from US-Russia meeting on Ukraine" ).

Dear Mr. President, we proceed from the fact that your historical speech in the German Bundestag in 2001 and will continue to remain the basis of your actions in relation to the EU and Germany. Recent polls indicate that most Germans do not want a confrontation with Russia and are sympathetic to its reaction to events in Ukraine. We are aware that there are many factors that negatively affect the attitude of Germany as a member of the EU and NATO towards Russia. These factors are also known to you. Nevertheless, we expect that the German government will act in accordance with the ancient Roman principle of “audiatur et altera pars” (“Let the other side be heard”). In connection with the "neighborhood policy" of the EU, this did not happen in the case of Ukraine. Even during the Cold War, Russia did not begin to use its 27 million victims who died during World War II as a political tool against Germany. This magnanimity alone deserves a different quality of relations between our countries. The Germans understand this. When the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany left our country in 1994 and its military band performed in concert on the square in front of the Federal Palace of Arts in Bonn, touching scenes were played between musicians and numerous spectators. In this regard, we can characterize the coverage of recent events in the German media by one exact English adjective: "disgusting" ("disgusting").

Dear Mr. President, we, ordinary citizens of Germany, will use our modest means to try to prevent the started division of Europe and revive the ideas of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz. We are convinced that only if the states and peoples of Eurasia resolve issues peacefully, respectfully and in a spirit of cooperation, will it spread to the rest of the world. In this sense, we see in you a reliable ally.

We wish you strength, self-control, intelligence and skill in doing business during your current and hopefully next presidential term.

With best regards,
Jochen Scholz, retired lieutenant colonel
Volker Broutigam, journalist
Wolf Gower, Director / Journalist
Andreas House, historian, publicist
Regine Nekel, editor
Dr. Ludwig Watzal, journalist and editor, Bonn
Stefan Siegert, artist, author
Peter Kleinert, journalist, author of documentaries, publisher of the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung
Günther Schupp, retired
Ulrich Zander, journalist, federal representative of the Union persecuted by the Nazi regime / Union of Anti-Fascists
Evelyn Hecht-Galinsky, publicist, author
Benjamin Hecht
Peter Lommes, Real Estate Entrepreneur
Wilfried Rüe, pensioner, retired captain of the National People’s Army, chairman of the Gemeinschaft der 13er eV society
Claudia Karas, Union activist for a just peace in Palestine
Peter M. Richter, Lawyer
Antje Richter, Certified Librarian
Tilo Schönberg, publisher of the information portal
Hartmut Barth-Engelbart, writer, entertainer, songwriter, historian
Günther Schenk, member of the Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine, Strasbourg
Wolfgang Jung, publisher LUFTPOST
Ulrich Gellerman, publisher of the portal Rational galerie
Tim Broytigam, customer service manager
Rainer Rupp, journalist
Winfried Balti, Certified Theologian, Former Psychotherapist
Friedrich Gentsch, graduate engineer, architect
Birgit Gentsch, former teacher
Harry Grünberg, Chairman of Cuba, Member of the Federal Committee of the Left Party
Dr. Werner Bollendorf, historian, former individual entrepreneur
Thomas Immanuel Steinberg, pensioner
Fritz Reichert, physicist
Dr. Manfred Lotze, MD
Annette Klepzig, former laboratory assistant (retired), member of Pax Christi
Dr. Dieter Weber, Historian, Archive Officer
Jens Wagner, Ph.D., Medical Assistant, Doctors of the World for the Prevention of Nuclear War (NNPC)
Johannes Clear, musician
Ingrid Hacker Clear, translator
Norbert Bragoner, pensioner
Dr. Albrecht Jebens, Editor-in-Chief, Lecturer, Author
Sami Yildirim, certified psychologist
Maria Pauli, artist
Kurt Wirth, Certified Entrepreneur / Retired
Elisabeth Woeckel, Theologin, Dozentin i. Brasilien, Syrien, Sri Lanka, i. R.
Elizabeth Wokel, theologian, former associate professor in Brazil, Syria, Sri Lanka
Dr. Dirk-M. Harmsen, physicist, Forum Ethics of the World, Evangelical Land Church of Baden
Flora Erler, retired
Irma Dillman, retired
Jürgen Rose, retired lieutenant colonel, board member of the Darmstadt Signal Working Group
Karl-Heinz Walloch, author of documentaries
Rene Pauli, a police officer
Esther Thomsen, Certified Theologian
Prof. Dr. Werner Ruf, political scientist
Wolfgang Raynike-Abel, Master of Philology and Pedagogy, cultural manager
Kristine Raynike, Master, Director
Tatyana Weber, Ph.D., certified teacher of Russian language and history
Erasmus Schaeffer, Writer, Cologne
Peter Bouch, pensioner
Gudrun Rafeld, retired
Dr. Itssedin Moussa, Dipl. geologist (retired), chairman of the Society for the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance to Palestinians
Dietrich Schulze, Candidate of Technical Sciences, member of the Board of Trustees of Natural Sciences-Peace Initiative
Tobias Ganitz, carpenter
Hans Kristang, Dipl. Lawyer, pensioner, Left Party
Prof. Dr. Frank-Rainer Schurich, publicist
Dr. Hassan Swelim, a physicist
Alexander Meringue, nurse
Olga Beze, economist
Frank Skishus, Federal Peace Council Committee, Kassel
Renate Schoof, writer
Ursula Schleier, former doctor
Thomas Gotterbarm, translator
Rudolf Reddig, historian
Wolfgang Behr, cartographer
Dr. George Alfred Kuhak, former microbiologist
Frank Skiesuss, Federal Peace Council Committee, Kassel
Maria von Holitz, former deputy director of the school, "Union 90 / Green", daughter of the conqueror of the Crimea and savior of Paris before the destruction of Hitler
Dr. Wolfgang Bittner, Writer
Dietrich Schulze
Dr. Almut Benzel
Karin Hamacher
Volker O'Bardin
Tobias Gdanitz-Zimmerer
Dr. Bernd Bornemann
Gerhard Dumchen, former priest
Ole Khmilevsky
Heinz Brüggemann
Gunter Wilke, journalist
Marianne Wilke
Erica Varnke
Marlene Goyushke, pensioner
Maaten Slopers, retired
Wolfram Yasker
Irmgard Yasker
Helga meyer
Brigitte von Winterfeld, pensioner
Rainer Mel, retired
Geza metzger
Inge luers
Valentin Meringue, manager
Jochen Vogler, pensioner, regional representative of the Union pursued by the Nazi regime, the Union of Anti-Fascists of North Rhine-Westphalia
Edgar Fries, Dipl. engineer, city planner / retired
Karl Schmidt, former priest
Helmut Jaskolski, former teacher, member of the Pax Christi organization
Hanna Jaskolski
Michael Poost, programmer
Dr. Peter Kern, Professor (retired)
Andreas Winterhalder, teacher
Frithof Neviak, graduate of Kharkov State University (Ukraine)
Sonya Neviak, studied in Kharkov (Ukraine)
Hans-Gunter Schramm
Christoph Paschke, Head of Electronic Data Processing
Mario Schweizer, economist
Suzanne Wiesinger, translator
Jochen Adolff, graphic designer
Carsten Wölk, retired
Jessica Mayer, mother and housewife
Dr. Rudolf Bauer, Professor
Diploma. psychologist Marianne Zeriensen-Bauer, psychotherapist
Florian Finke, student
Wolfgang ney
Willy Val, publisher of the online blog
Margot val
Klaus H. Yann, Roter Reporter Edition
Dr. Bernd Bornemann, art historian, cultural figure
Dipl. Engineer Ernst Docter, Union of German Engineers
Hans-Ulrich Bünger, Dipl. economist, pensioner
Michael Post, journalist
Sibylle Maggraf, literature teacher
Holger Plata, author and scientific journalist
Edgar Fries
Anita Binz (Switzerland)
Ursula Schleier
Dr. Holger Muller, Theology, Priest, Representative of the Evangelical Land Church in Baden
Angelika Wolfrum-Daub, psychotherapist
Peter G. Spengler, ed. Studies on Temporary Issues
Prof. Dr. Hans-Christian Gunter, University of Freiburg
Ulrike Schramm, Children's Nurse
Werner Schramm, a pedagogy researcher
Manfred Hausgerr-Wilman, entrepreneur
Heinz A. Schammert, parenting consultant
Brigitte Brecht, opera director
Katharina Bachmann, Vors. Die NaturFreunde OG Schopfheim e. V.
Katharina Bachmann, chairman of the association Die NaturFreunde OG Schopfheim eV
Stefan Perchi, art designer
Udo Stampa, Judge in the Land Social Court
Werner Heinlein, former judicial officer
Hans Kristang
Inge Baumgart, retired
Christa Willich-Klein, Dipl. psychologist
Christine Erlenshpil, former deputy. school principal
Dieter Anshütz, former deputy. school principal
Dr. Teresia Sauter-Baile, retired
Frank Baum, PhD, Doctor, Clinical Geriatrics (Doctors of the World for the Prevention of Nuclear War (WNST), Democratic Union of Doctors)
Michael Schoof, pensioner
Dr. Jurgen Koch
Uta Koh
Rainer Klukhun, former teacher
Dipl. biologist Doris Grunert, anthropogenetic, University of Bremen
Albert haller
Dipl. engineer Wolfgang Herzig, retired colonel
Helmut Ressler, retired
Jens Loewe, entrepreneur at Bormann & Loewe GbR
Gerhard Tsverents, writer
Ingrid Tsverents, author
Doris Schilling, entrepreneur
Sebastian Tsakhov-Firrat
Elke Minks Art. leftist
Eva Maria Muller, Dipl. lawyer
Udo Meurer, mechanic
Dr. Vera Hartlapp, Former Psychiatrist
Brigitte Rauscher
Peter Rauscher, retired
Dr. Hamid Reza Yousef, University of Trier
Günther Schroth, former teacher
Claude Gregoire, a citizen of Luxembourg
Krista Opperman, pensioner
Dietrich Hiprat, Dipl. engineer, pensioner
Josef Gottshlich, teacher, assistant of the elementary school of the Institute of Regional Pedagogy of Freiburg
Klaus-Dieter Mudra
Jörg Spannbauer, cinema manager
Ernst Albers-Buttstedt, former employee of the department of social psychiatry
Stefan Buttstedt, Former Administrative Officer
Dr. John Heinzov, Physician / Environmental Medicine
Wolfgang Eschenbacher, macroeconomic expert
Andreas Gaube, graphic artist
Dipl. engineer Duzan Radakovich, pensioner
Peter Bes, former priest
Tatiana Hes, a specialist in care for the elderly
Gudrun Fanten, former Process Technician
Klaus Fanten, former architect
Anke Vetekamp, ​​teacher
Walter Mayer, former librarian
Prof. Hermann Kendel
Dipl. businessman Kristan Ottens
Christine Green-Ottens, Dipl. social pedagogy specialist
Dr. Christian Fisher, engineer, expert
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  1. +38
    April 15 2014 07: 55
    Unfortunately, these 200 Germans cannot influence German politics.
    1. +48
      April 15 2014 08: 04
      Sorry - nobody knows my name

      But feel free to add it to two hundred - come in handy
      1. +8
        April 15 2014 11: 20
        Mine too. I will only be glad.
    2. +32
      April 15 2014 08: 13
      There are many more. But, unfortunately, the authorities do not hear or do not want to hear people. Why are there people, the feeling is that they don’t hear their own head.
      1. +17
        April 15 2014 08: 27
        Quote: Lyokha79
        But, unfortunately, the authorities do not hear or do not want to hear people.

        They drove themselves into such a swamp of lies that it’s impossible to get out of there without admitting the obvious, that’s why they squandered with a lie so that they wouldn’t lose their face, but in fact they trusted that even their people do not believe them, even CNN started asking uncomfortable questions.
        Do not forget that Germany is occupied by US troops.
        1. +15
          April 15 2014 09: 28
          Quote: Canep
          Do not forget that Germany is occupied by US troops.

          Yah! Germany has its own opinion! laughing
        2. Fin
          April 15 2014 10: 02
          Quote: Canep
          Do not forget that Germany is occupied by US troops.

          While the United States dominates the world, the Germans will sing along with them. They look forward to when the 3,14ndostan is bent. So is Japan.
        3. +3
          April 15 2014 11: 13
          To be honest, Merkel is not envied right now. On the one hand, there are 200 burghers hammering on it (in fact, there are more of them and she most likely belongs to them), and on the other hand, dependence on Fashington does not give her free rein. The fact is that once there comes a moment of choice with whom to go further in life, either with Phashington, or with a close neighbor and China, and this moment is just around the corner, she feels it, but so far is powerless.
          1. 0
            April 17 2014 10: 04
            It seems to me that everything can be decided after the next election in the European countries. Many will lose their homes because of their irresponsible policies and disregard for the opinions of their citizens.
        4. +2
          April 15 2014 11: 48
      2. acute
        April 15 2014 09: 26
        there are people living in the country, and there are politicians controlled by the United States. These are two big differences.
      3. +4
        April 15 2014 09: 38
        Not all gays in Europe ... there are normal !!!
      4. +2
        April 15 2014 10: 19
        It’s interesting ... the failure of Topol’s flight mission during a training launch and its flight over the EU to the Atlantic will help to shake the brains and think correctly ?!
        1. +3
          April 15 2014 11: 25
          Quote: Predator
          will help shake the brains and think correctly ?!
          Maybe it will shake very much .... That's just how we should be after that. It makes no sense to play nuclear weapons, in my opinion, the answer will not be very good for us, we will survive, but how many will remain? So, comrade, think what you write.
      5. WKS
        April 15 2014 10: 38
        The Germans are not at all interested in politics. Yes, and many of the German leadership make the same impression.
    3. platitsyn70
      April 15 2014 08: 18
      Germany would be glad to dissociate itself from the USA but cannot.
      1. +1
        April 15 2014 09: 25
        Can't or doesn't want to? that is the question ...
        There is no courage to call black black and white white ...
        1. +2
          April 15 2014 11: 22
          Can not and does not want. Post-war addiction syndrome. No.
    4. +8
      April 15 2014 08: 24
      Quote: svetlomor
      Unfortunately, these 200 Germans cannot influence German politics.

      Far from 200 Germans think the same. much more.
      1. acute
        April 15 2014 09: 28
        But they are not so many to be heard
    5. +17
      April 15 2014 08: 29
      Unfortunately, these 200 Germans cannot influence German politics.

      last week 2, the day before 10, yesterday 200, a gray-haired neighbor American said that Putin is a man, and Obama is a clown, so slowly, slowly, most importantly in the right direction and not stop.

      1. +4
        April 15 2014 09: 22
        I agree, the rockfall begins with one stone
    6. +5
      April 15 2014 08: 58
      Quote: svetlomor
      Unfortunately, these 200 Germans cannot influence German politics.

      unfortunately, even if there is 200 million, they will not affect one thing all, the French are against fagots, but does this stop the French government?
    7. JVN
      April 15 2014 09: 13
      And if not these two hundred, then who?
    8. +2
      April 15 2014 09: 36
      Not even a chicken on the grain ... The main thing in Europe are adequate people, and not just gays.
    9. +4
      April 15 2014 10: 09
      Don't tell. My friends (family) live in Germany and communicating with them it turns out that the Germans understand the situation with Ukraine, and the Germans are simply in love with Putin !!! And since in Germany they listen to the opinion of the "people", then ... draw conclusions. Merkel is not just waiting and it's not just about gas.
    10. +2
      April 15 2014 10: 15
      These 200 have a dozen friends, 2 friends each .... an avalanche begins with one pebble! And the people of the West (not all of course, many do not give a damn about everything, just not to touch) do not have to be equated with the ruling elite, which looks across the ocean ! And then not really listening!
    11. +4
      April 15 2014 10: 26
      It would be nice to repost this article on Ukrainian sites.
    12. +1
      April 15 2014 10: 38
      Well, why, with proper funding, everything can be.
      straight captures: "200 Germans"))
    13. yur
      April 15 2014 12: 22
      Quote: svetlomor
      Unfortunately, these 200 Germans cannot influence German politics.
      A drop of stone is hammering.
    14. 0
      April 17 2014 09: 39
      As long as this mare of Gdrov’s Komsomol member Merkel and their shepherd, a curly-haired lad of Negro origin of American nationality, do not shine for us at the head of the country, we only need to restore order in our country ourselves, boost the economy and, above all, industry. True with this government, probably it will be a utopia.
  2. +26
    April 15 2014 07: 56
    It is not necessary to turn to Putin, he already knows what and how to do with the neo-fascists, but to his rulers, to the geyrope with their tolerance and tolerance for fagots and Natsiks. And often contact. Maybe it will start to slowly reach over time ...
    1. SSR
      April 15 2014 08: 18
      Quote: Chifka
      It is not necessary to turn to Putin, he already knows what and how to do with the neo-fascists, but to his rulers, to the geyrope with their tolerance and tolerance for fagots and Natsiks. And often contact. Maybe it will start to slowly reach over time ...

      Just do not forget that this is an appeal, an expression of support for Putin and a promise that they will tap into their cowardly government walking in the US channel
  3. +6
    April 15 2014 07: 57
    The older generation in Germany can still really think. Not all Europeans were captured by the consumer society with its globalization and tolerance.
  4. +23
    April 15 2014 07: 58
    I don’t remember that ordinary Germans wrote such letters to someone else ..........
    1. +3
      April 15 2014 11: 25
      It would be nice to send a copy to the European Parliament. good
  5. +14
    April 15 2014 07: 58
    Thank God! So the west has shown that people understand everything, despite the propaganda of their elite! The EU authorities have not yet understood what they have done! BOOMERANG FLY! And this is just the beginning!
  6. +6
    April 15 2014 07: 58
    What was required to be proved ... There are thinking people in the West and soon governments will have to do so sweetly for their pro-American actions ... Well done Germans! Well, we also done well! Could make other people think ...
  7. +4
    April 15 2014 07: 58
    It’s a pity that such simple truths do not reach the EU leadership. Well, this is understandably the ball is ruled by America and its smoked.
    1. +1
      April 15 2014 10: 30
      Why doesn’t this come true ?! They show vigorous activity in curbing Russia, but in fact they scored a member for US demands!
  8. +3
    April 15 2014 07: 59
    I am glad that there are reasonable people in Germany, I hope that German sanity will prevail!
  9. +4
    April 15 2014 08: 00
    This shows that there are sober-minded people in GERMANY. And RUSSIA support. Well done. good
    1. +12
      April 15 2014 08: 10
      They never disappeared there. They remember very well who smashed Dresden to pieces and who established food supplies and construction in Berlin. The Germans do not like their politically correct laws to emigrants, but they do not want to dance with the Amers - they are generally like aliens for them ... And they do not consider Russians to be some kind of barbarians, drunkards and idlers (they call the Turks that way). It was I who communicated with the Bavarian and Swabian Germans, when my mother lived for three years married to a "Volga" German, near Stuttgart. Calm, adequate people (even when they get drunk, gee) ...
      1. acute
        April 15 2014 09: 31
        But why. In Japan, they believe that the USSR dropped atomic bombs on them
        1. yur
          April 15 2014 12: 45
          Quote: akut
          But why. In Japan, they believe that the USSR dropped atomic bombs on them
          Lying. The Japanese are not Americans; they know their history very well.
    2. +2
      April 15 2014 08: 11
      This shows that the opinion of thinking people in the West and in Germany in particular is not taken into account. Their minority. Almost nothing depends on their opinion. No need to amuse yourself with thoughts that common sense will prevail. Will not take! For the ruling elite - Russia is the enemy No. 1! We are for them a BEAR, which needs to be driven away into the forest so that it does not protrude, and ideally beat and share the skin! How many times have they tried to do this with Russia, and how many times will they try to do it again!
  10. +3
    April 15 2014 08: 00
    Yes, people still have a head on their shoulders. And then the latest events already make me doubt it!
    Europe already needs to get out of America! Such an alliance will not bring anyone to good!
  11. +3
    April 15 2014 08: 01
    As they say - the maximum repost (in German).
    1. The comment was deleted.
  12. Gagarin
    April 15 2014 08: 01
    If THIS letter was heard by Europe itself ...
    The media there is cleaner than Ukrainian, peoples with dense cotton wool in their ears.
    1. Ilyas
      April 15 2014 09: 01
      in Germany, the media can be said a lot of democracy compared to the American propaganda machine. But the German propaganda level of 80-90% is still too high. So nothing will change, who seeks the truth, he finds it, but there are very few of them, and such media are very poor, the government does not pay them.

      But Russia should have no hesitation in paying the media in the same way as the Americans do. People have to know the truth.
      1. +4
        April 15 2014 10: 27
        The daughter of an acquaintance is in graduate school in the north of France. He is terribly proud to be Russian. And just in March, against the background of Crimean affairs, smart people (we can guess) organized a marathon of Soviet films in their city. Ranges from "They Fought for the Motherland" to "Striped Flight". By the way, the French students are bringing down the shaft, and the Germans come. Such is the policy.
  13. +2
    April 15 2014 08: 03
    I think that for the ruling circles of Germany, this letter from the country's citizens will be a bell about the inadmissibility of such behavior.
  14. +3
    April 15 2014 08: 03
    Of course, I am glad that in Germany there are such people who think so, but I'm afraid no one will listen to them - the resource is weak.
  15. +6
    April 15 2014 08: 04
    Excellent letter, well done Germans! drinks
  16. Grenz
    April 15 2014 08: 05
    We understand that not everyone in Europe clearly has a negative attitude towards Russia. There are other opinions.
    But the pre-war psychosis that engulfed the ruling elites of countries that have more than once gone on a campaign on our land is going off scale again.
    Especially the kings of those countries squeal - who got their faces in the years of the last war and where the Nazis felt at ease.
    There is an aggressive revival of fascist tendencies in Europe.
    And the fascists have always sought to seize the land - not under the "striped" rule, only Russia.
  17. Gagarin
    April 15 2014 08: 05
    Not only in Germany there are sober people:
  18. +5
    April 15 2014 08: 07
    Quote: svetlomor
    Unfortunately, these 200 Germans cannot influence German politics.

    Water wears away the stone
  19. +2
    April 15 2014 08: 10
    And it's nice that there are still "out there", in the vastness of democracy and freedom (in words) in the color of the rainbow, sane people. We are at war, we were shown our place in their understanding. Any our attempts to have an opinion will end in failure.
    My personal opinion is to spit on the so-called world community and develop ourselves, without regard to the West. Only in this way can we survive.
    1. +1
      April 15 2014 10: 42
      Well, not quite like that! As history has shown, you need to start on your own! Clean out the 5th column in Russia (let them yell about 1937), deal with your financial bigwigs and thieves (eggs in a vice and money to the budget), raise the economy and the army, and then figs scatter!
  20. +3
    April 15 2014 08: 12
    Well done! He always said that in Europe we need to rely on the Germans, the most hardworking and realistic part of the EU. If Germany says its weighty word, it will be difficult for the rest of Europe to argue with it. It is urgent to remove from the Chancellors the mercantile Merkel, who is strongly tied to the United States (when is the election there?) And choose a decent and adequate head of Germany who will think about the interests of Europe and not run behind the tail of the United States. God forbid, today's crisis in Ukraine will help. After him, many honest Germans open their eyes.
    1. acute
      April 15 2014 09: 34
      We need to rely only on ourselves. Until we become a strong power, they will wipe our feet and scare their children
  21. +3
    April 15 2014 08: 13
    We already know that. "Chew" it to your European Parliament ...
    1. +2
      April 15 2014 09: 13
      Autumn elections to the European Parliament. According to all forecasts, Eurosceptics will have the majority - Marine Le Pen and the like. It seems to me that the policy of the European Parliament will change radically, including with respect to Russia. We’ll see there.
  22. 0
    April 15 2014 08: 15
    Give a referendum in Germany on joining Russia?)
  23. +5
    April 15 2014 08: 18
    It’s nice that the Germans, who drank with us the main grief of the war, do not want its repetition ..! Merkel! Listen to your people and your friend - GDP !!!
  24. +7
    April 15 2014 08: 18
    The Golden Fund of the German nation. Kowtow to them.
    I have no doubt that they are not alone.
  25. Tanechka-clever
    April 15 2014 08: 18
    No one in Europe wants war. But the United States is clearly opposed - the war is sure to be far away - impunity for crimes leads to yet another and even more sinister crimes. Bandera Ukraine it will be a faithful chain dog in Europe and the Germans as very smart people see it. Poland in the future will greatly regret such friendship - since there can be no friendship between jackals, and there will be no need to fight for the supremacy of the Maidan - the USA has already clearly shown its sympathies and singled out its favorite. And really a chain dog - Bandera Maidan is what the United States searched for a long time in Europe and did not find. Poland and the Balts in their rhetoric could and go anywhere far, but another thing is the Bandera people - their deeds and actions are as close as possible to the Nazis, which means they are ready to take the role of a steward in Europe in the future, but keeping the US overseers will force Europe. Two in one - as the United States loves - saving in everything
  26. +2
    April 15 2014 08: 18
    Quote: svetlomor
    Unfortunately, these 200 Germans cannot influence German politics.

    But by name it will be possible to ask to crouch when the time comes.
  27. +2
    April 15 2014 08: 22
    Let them bring this appeal to Makarevich and others like him.
  28. mikita
    April 15 2014 08: 25
    people understand, but the authorities
  29. 0
    April 15 2014 08: 29
    Quote: svetlomor
    Unfortunately, these 200 Germans cannot influence German politics.
    The Germans have always been pragmatists. The sober-minded, who signed the letter are the first swallows. The truth is you can’t hide, you need a little time and people in Europe will understand where they are being pulled by the United States.
  30. +2
    April 15 2014 08: 30
    It is necessary to multiply this "letter of happiness" and send it out to all the leaders of the amerskoy satellites. First of all, overseas. and by registered mail to sign for receipt.
  31. 0
    April 15 2014 08: 38
    Normal people always think normally. I think that in Europe the majority thinks so, but those who are in power (American puppets) by all means trying to prove their loyalty to the owners, lie, rig the facts and do not want to see the obvious - the fascist junta came to power in Ukraine by armed coup. To Europeans, this is how much it comes around.
  32. +14
    April 15 2014 08: 40
    In my opinion, this video speaks for itself:

    1. +4
      April 15 2014 09: 29
      Well done! A brave sober-minded person. He, two hundred who signed the letter and millions of Germans, is that Germany, good relations with which are called upon to become the basis of a European world without overseas "instructors". Bravo boy!
  33. +2
    April 15 2014 08: 44
    Very indicative list, very different people. As for the fact that there are only 200 of them, the crystallization process begins with one crystal. So the truth comes to people. And to whom it does not reach, those in slag!
  34. +8
    April 15 2014 09: 01
    I do not think this letter to Putin is void. Because:
    - To express dissatisfaction with their own government, the leader of a foreign country was chosen, this requires courage (they rot away), dignity, and even the nobility that they saw in P's words and answer the same.
    - Well-fed Germany, where the burgher doesn't give a damn about the whole world - there would be beer and sausages, began not only to think, but also to formulate. Most of the signatories, although "former", are not ordinary people - they have weight in their spheres.
    - There are few of them, but the Volga begins with a stream.
    - "Nothing on Earth passes without a trace."

    So, a good sign. good
  35. +4
    April 15 2014 09: 02
    I think not far off when the protests in Europe leave the government to change attitudes towards RUSSIA!
  36. yulka2980
    April 15 2014 09: 12
    Unfortunately, the opinion of ordinary people is not important Merkel and the like 6 US request
  37. Vita_vko
    April 15 2014 09: 12
    Admitting your own mistakes is very difficult. For European politicians, this is tantamount to political suicide. After all, after this it will be necessary to recognize that the center of world evil was not somewhere in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now in Russia, but very close, literally around the corner. When all the Western media make a "super hero" out of the USA who saves the WORLD, these very brave and smart people could see the tail, horns and hooves of the "super hero".
    Now the EU needs to help out of the situation in which it has become a hostage of American plans, which is probably why Putin's letter made them think seriously, despite the fact that the United States has already brazenly responded for the whole of Europe, showing who is the boss in the "European House".
  38. +2
    April 15 2014 09: 26
    If Russia and Germany unite in a single alliance (especially military), the whole world will be at the feet of this alliance.
    This is a well-known fact, and for this reason the arrogant Saxons have never allowed and will not allow such an alliance !!!
    1. +2
      April 15 2014 10: 02
      Only Germany now, as a rule, is an object of world politics, and not a subject. And the US occupation forces and Merkel’s memories of youth in the German Democratic Republic prevent him from becoming a subject
  39. +1
    April 15 2014 09: 32
    The sprouts of common sense are making their way in Europe, mothballed with US "help". Old Lady E is finally giving Uncle Sam a ride over the bumps! A little more (on a historical scale) and the overseas lion will be blown away, and Europe (and we) will kick it. And already no one will allow themselves to crap Mother Russia!
  40. +2
    April 15 2014 09: 36
    Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that even at the level of the top leadership of Germany, sympathy for Russia prevails. But Germany is tied with post-war treaties with the United States from head to toe, in fact it is their vassal. And the EU needs to be kept in strictness and obedience. If Germany, as a leading country, allows itself freedom in relation to Russia, this will cause a split in the EU. Most EU countries are frank and consistent Russophobia.
  41. +1
    April 15 2014 09: 37
    This letter is consonant with the request to the South-V of Ukraine - "Save Russia! Putin recently" threw bream "to Komsomol Merkel for a reason. And, such letters should be sent not to the Russian embassies, but to the European Parliament and the State Department. Give addresses, or find them yourself?
    Historically "muddied" France in the 19th century, and even then against Germany (because of harm). As strange as it may sound, in Europe, Russia and Germany are the most ready for the transition to a socialist mode of social development.
  42. +1
    April 15 2014 09: 41
    The people are always smarter than the government, because, unlike the latter, they are not bound by any obligations and treaties.
  43. +1
    April 15 2014 09: 53
    Europe, and Germany, are mainly physically occupied by the United States. The troops landed in Normandy did not go anywhere. In Germany itself, everyone understands this, but this topic is taboo. For violation of taboos - complete social isolation and attacks.
    And even these brave 200 Germans do not write a word about it.
  44. +1
    April 15 2014 10: 03
    Thank you very much comrades! Only a clear civil position of ordinary people can push this mountain of lies and hatred from its place.
    I will add on my own, I recently read the cycle of science fiction writer Martyanov "The Abyss", and so, it describes the revival of the great Russian and German empires with their subsequent unification. Just for a second, imagine what kind of STATE could turn out of this union ?! My personal opinion is that American futurists are most afraid of the revival of Eurasia, because as a result, their hegemonism will come to a banal kirdyk !!!
  45. +3
    April 15 2014 10: 05
    Putin has become not only for the Russian world, but also simply for the whole world, an exponent of simple inalienable human values, kindness, justice, honesty (no need to laugh). Therefore, his rating during polls, even in the United States, is just off scale.
  46. +2
    April 15 2014 10: 08
    The world at its core consists of Normal and Good PEOPLE, but the pitching of the e-mail is often popping up, creating the illusion of hopelessness! sad
  47. +1
    April 15 2014 10: 14
    the letter was written by educated, sober-minded people ........ but unfortunately such people are now out of fashion in Europe ........
  48. +2
    April 15 2014 10: 19
    These people deserve respect. Dashing trouble began!
  49. +1
    April 15 2014 10: 24
    Yes, we all know perfectly well that the majority of the educated part of the population of Europe and even the United States is against the policy that representatives of the State are pursuing. department and NATO, some EU leaders have to "flow" the ambitions of "the State Department and NATO", but everyone understands that it is not profitable to impose sanctions against Russia and in general to go to confrontation. The world economy is going through hard times and it is better to maintain the vector of cooperation and partnership with the BRICS countries
  50. Wolland
    April 15 2014 10: 25
  51. +2
    April 15 2014 10: 31
    The fact that people with common sense are for Russia is not surprising. Another thing is that those who are sick in the head are those for all this mess that the Americans have created in their own home - in Europe.
  52. +3
    April 15 2014 10: 35
    In the current situation, this letter is an important signal about the possibility of reaching a compromise between Europe and Russia. The United States does not have many tools left to force Europe into confrontation with Russia. Now the most important card is being played - Ukraine. And in Europe, parliamentary elections are coming up. Everything is not so simple; in May we will look at European politicians.
    1. formulate a proposal for a discount on gas for Germany and...Slovakia as reliable buyers of Russian gas (in Ukraine it will be stolen anyway)
    2. in France, order another Mistral with a 10% advance payment
    3. GB offer a tasty production sharing agreement somewhere in Russia
    Everyone's about to wrap up
  53. +4
    April 15 2014 10: 49
    I don’t understand something. Does Germany want to become part of Russia due to the failure of the subject? laughing We don’t mind, tell Angelka that she completed her task. In a narrow circle, we’ll present her with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland drinks and by the way, who is next on our list?
  54. +4
    April 15 2014 10: 58
    Such letters only make us happy, there are more of them... and not only from Germany..
  55. +3
    April 15 2014 11: 15
    Quote: Sanglier
    Don't tell. My friends (family) live in Germany and communicating with them it turns out that the Germans understand the situation with Ukraine, and the Germans are simply in love with Putin !!! And since in Germany they listen to the opinion of the "people", then ... draw conclusions. Merkel is not just waiting and it's not just about gas.

    All polls show that Germans are strongly opposed to their country's policies. So the latest Welt poll - 89% of Germans would like to dissolve the alliance with the USA, 82% of Germans believe that NATO was created not against the USSR, but against Germany, so that it, loaded with hardships and problems, could not become again the most powerful power and a competitor for the USA. For this, the United States created the EU and the euro, in order to gather Europe together and rule it. That’s why those 82% of Germans are for the country’s exit from both the EU and NATO. And they are not afraid of Russia.

    But such surveys hang for a maximum of an hour and then are deleted.

    Yesterday, Bild posted a brightly anti-Russian article in its header with a photo like 20 Russians are opposing Putin... And on the posters there are curses against Geyropa, etc. And below are hundreds of comments from Germans - and not a single one in support of the article.... The main idea is who do you take us for if you are not able to read what is written in Russian on your own photograph.
  56. +2
    April 15 2014 11: 24
    With the exception of Russians, probably only Germans know and remember what fascism is. It's nice that Europe is starting to come to its senses.
  57. 0
    April 15 2014 11: 57
    The fact that Bardack Obama is again in hysterics, and in his last conversation with our President again threatens Russia with new sanctions is no longer surprising, but simply disgusting...
    Even ordinary Americans and Europeans with normal orientation and normal psyche are deeply disillusioned with all this sodomy and pedophilia, lies and abomination that flourish in their governments and parliaments! Only Russia is capable of keeping humanity from sliding into the abyss of hell. That’s why the Kiev junta is going on a rampage, as a product of this evil American-European force, preparing the “Grad” system against its people in the South-East... In response, if they dare to use troops, will be huddled deep in the Galician forests, and those who are still alive will remain....
    God save Russia and Holy Russia!
  58. 0
    April 15 2014 12: 08
    Quote: Thompson

    Look, you're already in... laughing
  59. 0
    April 15 2014 12: 12
    Don't forget that the bulk of Germany's gold reserves are kept at the US Federal Reserve Bank. Also part in banks in Great Britain and France. But for some reason the United States is in no hurry to return it, although the Germans already raised this issue in 2012. Therefore, the Germans are still very dependent on them.
  60. 0
    April 15 2014 12: 25
    I am glad that there are decent people in Germany, and in Europe in general. If there had been more of these in their time, you see, they would have fought the Second World War as allies, not enemies.
  61. Wolland
    April 15 2014 13: 47
    1. 0
      April 15 2014 14: 00
      “and there’s no reason to yell like that...” (c) rabbit
  62. Wolland
    April 15 2014 14: 43
    everyone understands how much they want, I was standing on the podium at that moment when I wrote that message.
  63. +1
    April 15 2014 17: 17
    However _
    German media called on the Bundestag to remove T-34 tanks from the memorial to Soviet soldiers in Berlin
    Soviet combat vehicles cannot be in the center of the German capital when Russian tanks threaten a free and democratic Europe, the statement noted.

    It's time to complete _

    No comments .
  64. +1
    April 15 2014 18: 19
    There are more reasonable and decent people everywhere, but they are not visible and are not as aggressive as gays. But it all starts small. Health and long life to such Germans. drinks
  65. +1
    April 15 2014 21: 21
    how few such people are in Europe.. it’s a shame!
  66. +1
    April 15 2014 22: 51
    As long as there are such people in Germany, all is not lost for her.
  67. Mishukelena
    April 16 2014 08: 04
    The earth rests on such honest, sincere people who do not hide their names, who know what Conscience is!!! These efforts should not be in vain, how many people could support them! This is a peaceful way of fighting, but still a fight... Many thanks to them!
  68. +1
    April 19 2014 00: 07
    It is very gratifying to know that in Europe there are people who know how to read between the lines and are not afraid to openly express their opinions in defiance of the “official media”. Putin still managed to draw world attention to pressing world problems not only in word, but also in deed. good
  69. Chemicalin23
    April 19 2014 12: 19
    Quote: Old very
    Sorry - nobody knows my name

    But feel free to add it to two hundred - come in handy

    Brothers, take me with you too!!!