Ruble + tenge + “bunny” = altyn?

This week, a lot of noise was made by the publication in the Moskovsky Komsomolets, entitled by the authors “There was not a single ruble, but suddenly Altyn”. The publication, citing some unnamed sources, reported that by about 2025, a single currency would finally emerge in the countries of the Customs Union, the working title of which is “Altyn”. At the same time, the same unnamed source “MK” reports that allegedly the authorities of the three states of the Customs Union (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan) have already approved the introduction of this currency, however, the quote: “unofficially”.

After the article in Moskovsky Komsomolets, other publications decided to practice who would guess when exactly in the turnover of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus (as well as, possibly, other states intending to join the Customs Union) a single currency will appear in the form of altyn. In particular, LifeNews publishes a material stating that the introduction of this currency within the CU will take place over the next five years, which is associated with the possible use of tough economic sanctions against Russia by a number of foreign countries. Up to the same dates, the introduction of altyn is narrowed down by the “MK” itself.

It should be recalled that starting next year, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan will be integrated into the Eurasian Economic Union, whose main functional base is the unity of the economic space. For obvious reasons, deep integration sooner or later should have led to the raising of the issue of introducing a single currency (as happened, for example, in the European Union at the time). Talk about the need to introduce the single currency of the EEU (Eurasian Economic Union) is not started today. The possibility of introducing a single monetary unit was discussed not only in the fields of the Customs Union, but also within the framework of the Union State of Russia and Belarus, which, by the way, has been mentioned much less often in recent years than about the CU.

Ruble + tenge + “bunny” = altyn?

So far, all the talk about creating a single currency for the countries of the Customs Union (since 2015 of the year - the EAEU countries) has remained talk. The main reason for friction and disagreement is that the introduction of a single currency should not put anyone's economy in the status of dependence on the issuing center, controlled solely by one side. Belarusian and Kazakhstani authorities express the idea of ​​opening emission centers in their territories so that each state of the Eurasian Economic Union has its own emission center. It would seem that everything is fair and objective, except for one “but”. The fact is that the union, if you pay attention to its naming economic, and, therefore, its arrangement must be conducted on economic laws. If these economic laws are at the forefront, then it is difficult to talk about the triple nature of emission centers in the EAEU because the economies of the three countries differ too much in their volume.

So economically, the Belarusian economy today is only the thirtieth part of the Russian economy, and the economy of Kazakhstan - a tenth of the Russian. These indicators also bring the main difficulty of the introduction of three equal emission centers today for all to see. After all, this is exactly the case when three, at least, no better than one - the inconsistency of monetary policy, the desire to pull the blanket over themselves, even without sufficient economic, let's say, power, can bring dissonance to the work of the EAEU. But with three different currencies such dissonance can be even more impressive.

For obvious reasons, Moscow wants to get the right to a single center of emissions in the EAEU on its territory - due to the fact that the Russian economy has large volumes. But economics is an economy, and in fact we all understand perfectly well that any union formation is not only an economy, even if the term “economic” is highlighted in its name. In any case, there will be political issues. They arise today. Neither Astana, nor Minsk, proceeding from their own interests, want to lose the levers of economic management, trusting them exclusively to Moscow. And you can understand them - the states are still independent.

How to be in this situation? Make out the Belarusian and Kazakh economies to the Russian level, and then introduce three emission centers on the basis of a single currency - let it be altyn? Well, it’s just objectively impossible, because finishing 3% to 100% is something from the “Away from a Fairy Tale” series. Yes, this is not necessary. Then refuse to use the single currency - to trade, how to trade, losing billions of rubles or tenge on exchange transactions? It is also not an option, if only because the money saved on exchange losses could be channeled to a much more favorable course for the CU (EAEU). So what are Russian, Belarusian and Kazakh economists ready to undertake?

Judging by the information provided by the Chairman of the Eurasian Economic College, Viktor Khristenko, the solution has not yet been found. Arguing about publications about the introduction of the Russian-Belarusian-Kazakh Altyn almost in the next 5 years, Khristenko noted (RIA News):
There is no such item on the agenda. Officially there are no such offers. This is still at the level of poetry, probably, than at the level of real life. There is no question of a single currency.

If Khristenko voiced the official position, then it turns out that the publication of the Moskovsky Komsomolets was sucked from the finger. Well, or Khristenko still does not finish speaking ...

So, the official representative of the Eurasian Collegium actually refuted that the talk about the introduction of a single supranational currency within the CU today. So, our states will continue to suffer losses in mutual trade, forced to exchange one currency for another? If so, then this, to put it mildly, is not the most constructive position, which calls into question the very effectiveness of the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union. So that the effectiveness of this kind of integration does not rush to zero over time, it’s necessary to introduce a single currency. And to come to a consensus, on this issue clearly need to work now.

One of the options proposed by the experts is the creation of the Eurasian Central Bank (ETSB), which will be implemented by the representation of these parties, which are satisfied with all aspects of the integration. This does not mean at all that the representation will be associated with a rigid ratio of economies (that is, approximately 90 Russians, 9 Kazakhstanis and Belarusian 3). It does not mean, because such a representation, in fact, will not differ in any way from the presence of a single emission center in Moscow. The ETSB should become a financial institution that takes all its decisions taking into account not only the interests of each of the parties, but, most importantly, taking into account common interests. In such a situation, each of the parties in the EABSB should receive the right of a “decisive vote”. That is, the decision is not made until all parties are ready to support it.

But this can simply paralyze the work. Well here it is: if we are really going to build the closest economic relations with each other within the framework of a full-fledged union, then the opinions of the parties should be listened to by definition and make only those decisions with respect to which there is general support. If you try to bend your line without taking into account the interests of other subjects of the EEU, then what kind of union is this? This is not a union, but merely a repetition of European economic integration errors, when lenders are ready to squeeze all the juice out of loans, and loans in turn are ready to hold out to the bitter end, pulling everything they can from lenders, with mutual indignation against each other.

Yes, of course, it is difficult to hear the opinion of 3% or 10%, if you have a multiple advantage, but you’re not integrating in order to count your share, but in order to increase your overall welfare. Is not it? And here at least Altyn, even Tugrik, even Peseta - the main thing is that for the common good, and not for the undercover games with unity only in paper form ...
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  1. +19
    April 12 2014 07: 28
    Our NAS said that the issue of a single currency was not even discussed.
    1. +26
      April 12 2014 10: 55
      Anyway, Altyn is some kind of dead, foreign, non-short name for 146 million Russians. It smacks of Asian and Middle Ages.
      My opinion: the name ruble should appear in the name of the new currency.
      1. -37
        April 12 2014 10: 57
        There will be no single currency, dear. Enter with Belarusians, but Kazakhstan will not subscribe to it.
        1. +6
          April 12 2014 11: 01
          Subscribing is a matter of time ... :-)
          1. 0
            April 12 2014 11: 02
            NAS is not eternal.
            1. -4
              April 12 2014 11: 09
              and if you introduce the dollar as the Eurasian currency, then I bet Kazakhstan will agree on everything and is ready for anything :-)
            2. +12
              April 12 2014 11: 22
              To be honest, the choice of Kazakhstan is not great. Or leave everything as it is and then in a short time there will be a yuan. Or a new joint currency.
              1. -1
                April 12 2014 13: 20
                Quote: 1c-inform-city
                To be honest, the choice of Kazakhstan is not great. Or leave everything as it is and then in a short time there will be a yuan. Or a new joint currency.

            3. -2
              April 12 2014 12: 54
              If the NAS leaves, then you can see that the borders of Kazakhstan are not eternal
              1. +3
                April 12 2014 13: 14
                That is why we are cooperating with Europe and with the USA and China.
                1. +4
                  April 13 2014 03: 27
                  In the light of recent events, it is especially clearly visible what good friends the USA and Europe are, their duplicity and deceit are their essence. And politics: Divide and conquer! Look at some countries in eastern Europe, at least ... What did they do with them and in what way ... Ask yourself if you want this !?
              2. +6
                April 12 2014 13: 30
                Quote: repytw
                If the NAS leaves, then you can see that the borders of Kazakhstan are not eternal
                Is Russia lacking land? What do you cling to the borders of Kazakhstan?
                1. +5
                  April 12 2014 13: 38
                  Quote: repytw
                  If the NAS leaves, then you can see that the borders of Kazakhstan are not eternal

                  Quote: Andrey KZ
                  What do you cling to the borders of Kazakhstan?

                  In consequence of demagoguery. Hold plus Andrey hi
                  1. 0
                    April 12 2014 14: 59
                    Attention, where is atalef? !! Here they label for expressing their opinions. wink
                    1. 0
                      April 12 2014 17: 33
                      Quote: stoker
                      Attention, where is atalef? !! Here they label for expressing their opinions.

                      And here atalef ?! winked Is he an arbiter ?! This is the first.
                      Secondly, no, this is not labeling, just a tough reaction followed by an appropriate tone. We will not chop the branch on which we sit. I hope you understand me ?!
                      1. yulka2980
                        April 14 2014 01: 54
                        What kind of bitch are you talking about?
                2. +4
                  April 12 2014 16: 01
                  Quote: Andrey KZ
                  Is Russia lacking land? What do you cling to the borders of Kazakhstan?

                  Following your logic - Kazakhstan does not have enough land that it grabbed so deadly on foreign territories, inhabited mainly by foreign people? The issue of belonging to the territories of the north of Kazakhstan is a question of loyalty and commitment of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Eurasian course. If you try to sit on these chairs, you’ll be left alone, Chinese. This is not a question of likes and dislikes, this is life.
                3. +9
                  April 12 2014 16: 20
                  Quote: Andrey KZ
                  Is Russia lacking land? What do you cling to the borders of Kazakhstan?

                  Come on. If you don't want "Russian", there will be "Chinese". PS It is a pity that you did not read my comments, where I told how in 1936. Stalin made Kazakhstan a union republic out of an autonomous republic by annexing Russian (South Siberian?) Lands. Yes, the Bolshevik-Leninists and Yeltsinists managed to distribute a lot of Russian lands "left and right".
                4. 0
                  April 12 2014 21: 01
                  Russia lacks something else and not land. By the way, the "Sary-Bukhter" outpost is located where the tragedy occurred near China.
                5. +4
                  April 13 2014 03: 47
                  Russia is not an aggressor, it will not take someone else's! History is a witness to this. Not the false story that our ill-wishers try to distort, but the true, real one.
              3. +3
                April 12 2014 21: 48
                Until Kazakhstan betrayed! He will not betray and the borders will be intact ...
              4. +9
                April 13 2014 03: 35
                The borders of sovereign Kazakhstan have always been and will be in place! And our peoples, I hope they will be friends, nothing will come of those who want to quarrel us all. I served in the Navy, 1988-1991, I had wonderful Kazakh friends! Peace to their home, happiness and health to all the Kazakh people!
            4. +2
              April 13 2014 03: 14
              Good and justice are eternal! Otherwise, the world would not live!
            5. 0
              April 14 2014 12: 59
              smacks of a supporter of democracy !!!)
            6. Kazakh families
              April 14 2014 20: 56
              wait can you wait, arrange a maidan in Astana, and a liberalist?
              1. +1
                April 14 2014 22: 03
                Fuck go, kremlebot fucking.
        2. postman
          April 12 2014 13: 12
          Quote: Zymran
          and Kazakhstan will not subscribe to it.

          By the way, Kazakhstan now (by the state of the economy) needs it most.
          and only pluses
          - to simplify the process of investing between countries (many will "move" to Kazakhstan, which is already being observed) business
          -displacement and "blow" on the paper dollar
          -protection against global crises
          - more or less the same price level for the EB zone (net, without VAT essno)
          -decrease in calculation costs
        3. Sigismund
          April 12 2014 17: 45
          You shouldn’t be so. I think that they think about the unification of economies and currencies, not to console ambitions. Most likely, everything is simple up to the point. FAVORABLE, ALL OF US. Look at what the Americans in the world are doing. It’s better to keep Doron together.
        4. +1
          April 13 2014 03: 10
          You are probably a great boss and have already decided everything for everyone? laughing
        5. +3
          April 13 2014 08: 09
          There will be no single currency and good. But only, it is not for you to decide, and this is also good.
        6. Kazakh families
          April 14 2014 20: 54
          you do not speak for all of Kazakhstan
      2. +6
        April 12 2014 13: 31
        Quote: sprut
        Anyway, Altyn is some kind of dead, foreign, non-short name for 146 million Russians.
        Do not speak for all Russians. Altyn in Turkic languages ​​means gold, here is a list of peoples to which this name will be close and dear
        Azerbaijanis | Altai | Afshar | Balkarians | Bashkirs | Gagauz | Dolgans | Yellow Uyghurs | Qajars | Kazakhs | Karadag residents | Karaites | Karakalpaki | Karapapakhi | Karachaevtsy | Cascais | Crimean Tatars | Krymchaks | Kumandins | Kumyks | Kyzylbashi | Kyrgyz | Nogai | Polish-Lithuanian Tatars | Salary | Tatars | Telengits | Teleuts | Terekem | Tofalars | Trukhmen | Tubalars | Tuvans | Turks | Meskhetian Turks | Turkmens | Turkoman | Uzbeks | Uyghurs | Khakasses | Chelkans | Chuvash | Chulymts | Shahseveny | Shors | Yakuts

        Most of these peoples live in Russia, and some want to join the EAC.
        1. RusKaz
          April 12 2014 14: 50
          Quote: Canep
          here is a list of peoples to whom this name will be close and dear

          and something Russian can’t be seen .. Or FSU, the main thing is that all these nations are separated by commas (Kazakhs do not count), including Turks, Azerbaijanis, etc., was convenient, yes, Sergey? ...
          Are you definitely Russian?
          1. 0
            April 12 2014 16: 15
            Quote: RusKaz
            and something Russian can’t be seen .. Or FSU, the main thing is that all these nations are separated by commas (Kazakhs do not count), including Turks, Azerbaijanis, etc., was convenient, yes, Sergey? ...

            Of course, Russian. Kazakhs, in addition to the Nurobots, will not puff for a common currency.
            1. RusKaz
              April 12 2014 17: 17
              Quote: Zymran
              Of course, Russian. Kazakhs, in addition to the Nurobots, will not puff for a common currency.

              no, I'm a little off about that. He is Russian (well, he says so), he is rubbing Russian (sprut) that such and such a name will be convenient for such and such peoples, and the fact that the Russians may use this name can cut his ear a little bit like a hike. The main thing to other nat-yam is convenient

              And you forgot about the scoops! Nurobots, Russian and scoops for you a priori traitors nat. interests of KZ
              1. -1
                April 12 2014 17: 21
                Quote: RusKaz
                no, I'm a little off about that. He is Russian (well, he says so), he is rubbing Russian (sprut) that such and such a name will be convenient for such and such peoples, and the fact that the Russians may use this name can cut his ear a little bit like a hike. The main thing to other nat-yam is convenient

                In my opinion he wrote that a mestizo. I could be wrong.

                Quote: RusKaz
                And you forgot about savages! Nurobots, Russians and scoops - for you a priori traitors nat. interests

                Duc, the way it is. Add to this list of Kremlin bots and corrupt officials.
                1. RusKaz
                  April 12 2014 17: 36
                  Quote: Zymran
                  Duc, the way it is. Add to this list of Kremlin bots and corrupt officials.

                  I know that there will be no sense from these my words, but still:
                  I won’t say for the rest, but about the Russians you’re wrong
                  1. +3
                    April 12 2014 17: 45
                    Quote: RusKaz
                    I won’t say for the rest, but about the Russians you’re wrong

                    Are you going to vote in a referendum like the Crimean? I think the answer is obvious. And this is understandable and understandable.
                    1. RusKaz
                      April 12 2014 18: 33
                      Quote: Zymran
                      Are you going to vote in a referendum like the Crimean? I think the answer is obvious. And this is understandable and understandable.

                      )) here and no) I would vote against of course)
                      you just don’t know much Russian) however, like many local Kazakhs, as I noticed)
                      PS didn’t notice immediately.)
            2. Kazakh families
              April 14 2014 20: 54
              i will puff
          2. +5
            April 13 2014 05: 30
            Quote: RusKaz
            Quote: Canep
            here is a list of peoples to whom this name will be close and dear

            and something Russian can’t be seen .. Or FSU, the main thing is that all these nations are separated by commas (Kazakhs do not count), including Turks, Azerbaijanis, etc., was convenient, yes, Sergey? ...
            Are you definitely Russian?

            In fact, if you dig into Russian history, along with linguistics, you can dig up interesting things. Well, let's say the word "money" (or rather, denga - in the singular) appeared in Russia in the XNUMXth century with the monetary reform of Ivan the Terrible, or rather his mother Elena Glinskaya (Ivan himself was still small then), and comes from the Turkic, more precisely, Tatar " tenge "- doesn't it look like anything? And the new coin was named so not by chance, but out of habit, because before Ivan III gained independence from the Tatars, and for some time after, the Golden Horde coin circulated in Russia.
            And the word "altyn" was in use in Russia, and had, at least in imperial times, the meaning "3-kopeck coin". And the 15-kopeck coin was called "five altynny". So this word is not alien to Russians either.
        2. +2
          April 12 2014 16: 07
          Quote: Canep
          Most of these peoples live in Russia, and some want to join the EAC.

          More than 100 nationalities live in Russia, as well as 85% of representatives of Russian peoples (Russian, Little Russians and Belarusians) and ignore their opinion is fraught.
        3. +3
          April 13 2014 08: 15
          Well, they would add, for complete clarity, that the three-copeck coin was called altyn. And the circulation was still under Grozny, Godunov.
          And in the fifties, in the USSR, older people called a coin of 15 kopecks five altyn, the most popular coin! Street pay phones only worked on it.
      3. +3
        April 12 2014 14: 12
        why alien: "three kopecks" according to wikipedia
      4. Alex toll
        April 14 2014 09: 27
        I suggest a name for the Currency))))

        Uble - hah
    2. +12
      April 12 2014 11: 53
      What is such an Altyn-Maltyn? As a result, everything will end with the formation of something like CMEA and an analogue of the transferable ruble. Everything is as it was before (from 1964 to 1991). Until Hunchback ruined it. And do not invent anything new! Everything was invented long before us. There is nothing to lose money on currency exchange! laughing
    3. +9
      April 12 2014 14: 34
      Our NAS said that the issue of a single currency was not even discussed.
      Yes, and right! Fuck a goat button accordion ?! Everything new is well forgotten old!

      A transferable ruble is a collective currency, a measure of value, a means of payment and accumulation for organizing multilateral settlements of countries - members of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. It was approved by the agreement on international settlements of the CMEA member countries on October 22, 1963 [1].

      The CMEA countries used the ruble as an international unit of account from January 1, 1964. It did not have a specific form, for example, banknotes or treasury bills, was used only for non-cash payments between member countries; existed only in the form of records on special accounts of the International Bank for Economic Cooperation (IBEC), the International Investment Bank (IIB), or in banks of member countries. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the IBEC in the 80s, a commemorative coin souvenir was issued - “Transfer ruble”. He had an official gold grade of 0,987412 grams of pure gold.

      It was not converted into national currencies of the capitalist countries, it was not exchanged for gold, it could be exchanged for the national currency of the participating countries.


      International Bank for Economic Cooperation (IBEC) - an international bank established in 1963 with a seat in the city of Moscow.

      The supreme governing body of the bank is the Council, which consists of representatives of all countries - members of the bank. Each country has one vote, regardless of the size of its contribution to the bank's capital. Decisions are considered adopted with the full unanimity of member countries. The executive body of the bank is the Management Board.

      Add to this the clearing system of settlements within the TS, EAC and BRICS with balance calculations in the transferable ruble and get the optimal and most efficient system. The euro and the dollar nervously smoke on the sidelines.

    4. 0
      April 13 2014 10: 46
      The new economic course of Russia or how to conduct a strategic turn of the Russian economy without shock therapy, an intervention by Marat Musin Gubanova S.S.
  2. 0
    April 12 2014 07: 32
    Well, yes, otherwise he will lose his favorite toy called "sovereignty" :-)
    1. +44
      April 12 2014 07: 40
      Approximately like this:

      1. predator.3
        April 12 2014 10: 26
        that by about 2025 a single currency will finally appear in the countries of the Customs Union, the working name of which is “altyn”.

        As I understand it, this will be the currency (non-cash) for mutual settlements within the vehicle, something like the European "ECU", the predecessor of the euro.
        ECU (European currency unit) - a special European currency unit - was the main component of EMU. The ECU was originally intended to promote the development of integration processes between European countries that were members of the EU at that time.
        1. +2
          April 12 2014 16: 56
          Quote: predator.3
          As I understand it, this will be the currency (non-cash) for mutual settlements within the vehicle, something like the European "ECU", the predecessor of the euro.

          An interesting idea, it is quite possible! Even if they put the operation center in Almaty, I think no one will be offended!
          Why altyn so that no one would guess! laughing
      2. +9
        April 12 2014 12: 34
        By the way, there is something written in Kazakh above about Orthodoxy and protection from homosexual fascists. I won’t say for sure, it’s very poorly visible.
        1. +13
          April 12 2014 15: 31
          Quote: Zymran
          By the way, there is something written in Kazakh above about Orthodoxy and protection from homosexual fascists. I won’t say for sure, it’s very poorly visible.

          found in the internet a more or less readable version. Written in old Russian script: "Orthodox Ariylyk Orkenietti homosexuals fascistterden korgaymyz")))))))))))

          (We protect the Orthodox-Aryan civilization from homosexual fascists)
      3. 0
        April 12 2014 14: 53
        One Altyn - but what.
      4. +7
        April 12 2014 15: 27
        Quote: GreatRussia
        Approximately like this:

        uhahaha ... on the banknote there is an inscription in Kazakh: "We protect the Orthodox-Aryan culture from homosexual fascists" laughing
        Who is the author of the drawing? )))
        1. 0
          April 12 2014 16: 56
          Quote: Guard
          uhahaha ... on the banknote there is an inscription in Kazakh: "We protect the Orthodox-Aryan culture from homosexual fascists" laughing
          Who is the author of the drawing? )))

          Figs knows him. Borrowed at
      5. The comment was deleted.
      6. +5
        April 12 2014 20: 50
        A small addition to the first photo from the article

    2. +43
      April 12 2014 08: 00
      Quote: saag
      Well, yes, otherwise he will lose his favorite toy called "sovereignty" :-)
      In general, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine confronted Kazakhstan with the fact of leaving Kazakhstan alone in the USSR. On December 12, the Bialowieza Treaty was ratified by Russia, and on December 16, Kazakhstan declared independence. Under the drunk, the NAS actively put forward the idea of ​​the Eurasian Union, (NAS, by the way, the author of this name), but that one was more interested in it, and only with the advent of Putin did the integration process begin. So to blame Nazarbayev for sovereignty is his favorite toy is to show his complete ignorance in knowledge of the history of the past 25 years.
      1. +5
        April 12 2014 11: 49
        I would like to believe, but then tell me why such "dancing on the bones" around Baikonur? How, for example, can we understand in this respect the "neutrality" of Kazakhstan's position during voting in international organizations on anti-Russian resolutions? How to understand the non-recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia?
        1. +5
          April 12 2014 12: 33
          Quote: alicante11
          I would like to believe, but then tell me why such "dancing on the bones" around Baikonur? How, for example, can we understand in this respect the "neutrality" of Kazakhstan's position during voting in international organizations on anti-Russian resolutions? How to understand the non-recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia?

          So understand that Kazakhstan is still an independent state, and everything has its own point of view and its own interests. True GDP needs to be paid tribute soon all these dances with a tambourine at the expense of independent politics will end and all Kazakhs will go in formation and any attempt to an independent point of view will be punished and suppressed laughing . By the way, all happy astronautics day.
          1. Alexey Prikazchikov
            April 12 2014 13: 07
            Is the word confederation unfamiliar? we are not going to deprive you of independence. We would like to be deprived. And if they wanted evil, even earlier in the time of the Republic of Ingushetia all the indigenous peoples of the Eurasian space were plagued by the root. The final outcome of the Eurasian Union is CONFEDERATION. With a single currency and a banking system, army and other security services and common technical standards. In short, something that was not done in the USSR, which was a word of confederation, but in fact, unitary states with a strict center in Moscow. In EuraAses this will not be the center, maybe even in Kyrgyzstan. Why should it outgrow? By the logic of things, business must be protected to survive easier together. Either the three of us from the Chinese, Europeans, amers, radicals from Muslims will fight back and together defend our economic interests, or you can try to stand alone against China. Your right is up to you.
            1. +3
              April 12 2014 13: 13
              Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov
              The final outcome of the Eurasian Union is CONFEDERATION. With a single currency and a banking system, army and other security services and common technical standards.

              This is the loss of independence.

              Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov
              Either the three of us from the Chinese, Europeans, amers, radicals from Muslims will fight back and together defend our economic interests, or you can try to stand alone against China. Your right is up to you.

              We are not attracted to the idea of ​​an alliance as a besieged fortress, it is time to understand this already.
              1. Alexey Prikazchikov
                April 12 2014 13: 26
                This is the loss of independence.

                A confederation is simply a more dense alliance of states. What did not work for the CIS.

                We are not attracted to the idea of ​​an alliance as a besieged fortress, it is time to understand this already.

                This is just reality as it is. Once again you do not want as you want. We want to survive and survive this damn century. With or without you. And we will not wait for anyone. There alone we already jumped that our country was lost and their fate besides a bunch of assholes with communism of the brain does not bother us, even if everyone rests. Think for yourself what a possibility of the same debauchery is happening now in one jumping country, after ANAS.
                1. -7
                  April 12 2014 13: 30
                  Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov
                  A confederation is simply a more dense alliance of states. What did not work for the CIS.

                  Associated with a complete loss of independence. Thank you, we don’t need this. Those. ethnic Russians and scoops will like it, but Kazakhs will not.

                  Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov
                  Think for yourself what a possibility of the same brawl is happening now in one jumping country, after ANAS

                  If you want to overcome North Kazakhstan, you will get a NATO base on your border. Do you need this?
                  1. Alexey Prikazchikov
                    April 12 2014 13: 41
                    If you want to overcome North Kazakhstan, you will get a NATO base on your border. Do you need this?

                    I do not mean it. Moreover, such a scenario will be possible if a nationalist frenzy begins in Kazakhstan and you start slaughtering Russians. I'm talking about the economic and legal crap that is happening in Ukraine now. Or let it slowly but surely increase prosperity or anarchy with gangs. the choice is yours. And calm down, you are no longer going to, we are now going to capture anyone with this crimean crime ... 10 years is enough work.

                    Associated with a complete loss of independence.

                    to be more precise, partial.

                    . Thank you, we don’t need this

                    You will say it the PLA of China. And for us the answer is yes or no. if not, we are leaving and you are our own, we are our own. You are not a red girl that we would please you and beg for something.

                    you will receive at your border the NATO base

                    NATO will not let China into Kazakhstan.

                    Those. ethnic Russians and scoops will like it, but Kazakhs will not.

                    Kazakhs will be included in a single state argonism. What is better until the end of the centuries to graze the fucking camels ... or to command a super empire like the same Shoigu? to be a world scientist, warrior or astronaut. To be a great people and not look more for your home in Asia, he or Europe? And that would go to your house. To be equal among equals or an ordinary little interesting country on the outskirts of the civilized world? In general, I said everything. The choice is yours. And I will not do it and not you on this site. And other people.
                    1. +4
                      April 12 2014 13: 49
                      I do not mean it. Moreover, such a scenario will be possible if a nationalist frenzy begins in Kazakhstan and you start slaughtering Russians.

                      In Ukraine, slaughtered Russians? Specifically in the Crimea? No, they didn’t cut and didn’t even intend to.

                      Or let it slowly but surely increase prosperity or anarchy with gangs. the choice is yours.

                      Respected. Here are the growth rates of the Republic of Kazakhstan economy since 2000

                      2000 9,8
                      2001 13,5
                      2002 9,8
                      2003 9,3
                      2004 9,6
                      2005 9,7
                      2006 10,7
                      2007 8,9
                      2008 3,2
                      2009 1,2
                      2010 7,3
                      2011 7,5
                      2012 5,5
                      2013 4,4

                      In the past two years, it has only slowed significantly. Plus, the well-being of the people is falling.

                      to be more precise, partial.

                      At the same time, “as for of our independence, then this is a constant. Kazakhstan will not give an iota of independence to anyone. But we will voluntarily transfer some economic prerogatives to supranational bodies, as is done in the European Union, where a number of issues in the field of customs, trade, tariffs, oil and gas transportation, electricity, railways and highways are transferred to the European Commission. The decision will be made by the common body we have chosen. Everything will be decided by consensus. If Kazakhstan is dissatisfied with something, then the issue will not be accepted, ”N. Nazarbayev

                      You will say it the PLA of China. And for us the answer is yes or no. if not, we are leaving and you are our own, we are our own. You are not a red girl that we would please you and beg for something.

                      Aren't you tired of scaring us with the Chinese? They scared the Taliban, the Chinese, earlier even the Uzbeks. Take it easy.
                      The answer, in my opinion, was given by Nazarbayev. I will quote it again:

                      At the same time, “as for of our independence, then this is a constant. Kazakhstan will not give an iota of independence to anyone. But we will voluntarily transfer some economic prerogatives to supranational bodies, as is done in the European Union
                      1. Alexey Prikazchikov
                        April 12 2014 14: 14
                        In Ukraine, slaughtered Russians? Specifically in the Crimea? No, they didn’t cut and didn’t even intend to.

                        This did not happen only for one reason that they came there during the RF Armed Forces. And then sofas, both sofa and real, are still caught at the border.

                        In the past two years, it has only slowed significantly. Plus welfare falls people

                        Yes, it is necessary to organize the Maidan, clearly there is not enough mind for more.

                        At the same time, “as for our independence, it is a constant. Kazakhstan will not give an iota of independence to anyone


                        You will say it the PLA of China.

                        Aren't you tired of scaring us with the Chinese? They scared the Taliban, the Chinese, earlier even the Uzbeks. Take it easy.
                        The answer, in my opinion, was given by Nazarbayev. I will quote it again:

                        The same thing does not need me to tell me your bleating insofar as.

                        You will say it PLA China

                        let's all finish this booth. only time will judge us. You can not answer me this is no longer interesting.
                      2. +5
                        April 12 2014 14: 15
                        Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov
                        let's all finish this booth. only time will judge us. You can not answer me this is no longer interesting.

                        Ok, keep your last word.
                      3. The comment was deleted.
                      4. 2log
                        April 13 2014 00: 01
                        as for our independence, it is a constant. Kazakhstan will not give an iota of independence to anyone

                        Learn the story. Everyone who shouted about their independence ended up completely addicted. For so many years Ukraine has been singing about its independence in order to surrender to the EU for a cookie. It was the same with Georgia, also with the CMEA countries - they rushed from the CMEA to immediately get into the EU. To be an independent country, you must at least have an independent economy. Russia does not even have it outside the CIS, let alone the rest.
                  2. The comment was deleted.
                  3. -2
                    April 12 2014 14: 41
                    If you want to overcome North Kazakhstan, you will get a NATO base on your border. Do you need this?

                    And if we don’t push it, then we will get the same NATO bases, only to the north.
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. +5
                April 12 2014 14: 32
                We are not attracted to the idea of ​​an alliance as a besieged fortress, it is time to understand this already.

                Did someone ask you (and us)? If Russia falls, then you will instantly find yourself a people who are located in the Amer oil fields. And how they deal with such peoples, you can look in most westerns, ask the Native Americans - the Indians, although, it can be closer - the Iraqis, Libyans.
              4. +1
                April 12 2014 17: 06
                Quote: Zymran
                We are not attracted to the idea of ​​a union

                Do you affirm for all the Kazakhs? Strongly! If you open your eyes, these trade unions are dark, no one screams how terrible everything was lost! We lost independence! Are you afraid of the USSR? Forget there will not be such a formation, for Russia it will be another pitchfork!
                1. +1
                  April 12 2014 17: 09
                  Quote: Sid.74
                  If you open your eyes, then these trade union unions are dark, no one screams what horror everything was lost! We lost independence! Are you afraid of the USSR? Forget there will not be such a formation, for Russia it will be another pitchfork!

                  For trade unions there was no question, although the Taiga Union is completely not beneficial to Kazakhstan.
              5. tokin1959
                April 12 2014 17: 36
                in your words - yes, independence.
                and on little slippery international issues - NAS calls to Washington and asks - can we say that? is it independence?
                and secondly - whether you like it or not - the geopolitical realities are as follows - peoples with a smaller number always fall under the influence of neighboring peoples with a larger number. China will come, you’ll live like oralmans in yurts, the Chinese do not need you, they need territories. and licking an American boot will not help - America and China will not quarrel over you.
                The Russians are holding out your hand of friendship - let's unite - no, you don’t need this.
                wait for the Chinese. and don’t teach Russian Kazakh, they don’t need it, the Russians will go to Russia. and you begin to learn the language of the Chinese host. successes. independent)))
                1. +3
                  April 12 2014 21: 30
                  Did you hear ANAN telephone conversations with Obama? Does Obama report to you? soldier
                  1. tokin1959
                    April 12 2014 21: 47
                    learn chinese. it’s not necessary that the Chinas immediately go to war. they’ll buy everything first. you will come to your senses when you go to graze the donkey, and there the Chinese stand and say - no way down, it's all mine. Of course you are outraged - yesterday I grazed donkey, how so? here the PLA will intervene.
              6. 0
                April 14 2014 16: 26
                An idea may not be attractive. But the fortress to build, and the common with Belarus and Russia, still have to!
              7. 0
                April 14 2014 16: 26
                An idea may not be attractive. But the fortress to build, and the common with Belarus and Russia, still have to!
              8. +2
                April 14 2014 19: 29
                Zimran - when you speak to us, as I understand it, you really believe that you are speaking from the entire population of Kazakhstan. However, it is not. You say what you think, and not the whole people. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to write "Me does not attract ... ". Please do not generalize.
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. 0
            April 12 2014 14: 28
            So understand that Kazakhstan is still an independent state

            Sure, not a problem. Just the previous post was

            So to blame Nazarbayev for sovereignty is his favorite toy is to show his complete ignorance in knowledge of the history of the past 25 years.

            So I don’t understand, since he doesn’t fight for sovereignty, so what then is all that I said above being done?
          4. 0
            April 12 2014 16: 20
            Quote: Semurg
            True, GDP needs to be paid tribute soon all these dances with a tambourine at the expense of independent politics will end and all Kazakhs will go in formation and any attempt to an independent point of view will be punished and suppressed

            Do not be mischievous. And the question of a common position on serious international issues is the question of the viability of the EAEU. You can imagine such a normal family, where the husband and wife will consider it normal to have sexual intercourse on the side, i.e. today I am with you, but in order to remain sovereign (oh) I will go and sleep with someone, well, only in order to "diversify" these services, but somehow not so confidently.
            1. +6
              April 12 2014 19: 20
              Quote: velikoros-xnumx

              Do not be mischievous. And the question of a common position on serious international issues is the question of the viability of the EAEU. You can imagine such a normal family, where the husband and wife will consider it normal to have sexual intercourse on the side, i.e. today I am with you, but in order to remain sovereign (oh) I will go and sleep with someone, well, only in order to "diversify" these services, but somehow not so confidently.

              Do not distort. YOU are not my wife laughing and moreover, we do not have a family laughing ... And if you want an analogy at the everyday level, you and I are neighbors, we can be good neighbors who lend each other salt and tools and sometimes money, or we can be bad neighbors who do bad things to each other. And as neighbors at the general meeting of the street (UN), we have our own point of view, which we defend and try to get along with our neighbors without dividing them into friends and foes. But you have a different position, you divide all your neighbors into friends and foes and try to impose your point of view on everyone in the district (this is also the case for the United States, which imposes its point of view and divide everyone into friends and foes). Somehow one Roman who bore the nickname Great said "who is not with me is against me," to which his opponent said "who is not against me, he is with me" and he defeated the Great because he took a more correct and just position. In general, think and decide for yourself who you need partners-neighbors or "approvals of your actions."
              1. +6
                April 12 2014 20: 21
                Quote: Semurg
                Somehow one Roman who bore the nickname Great said "who is not with me is against me," to which his opponent said "who is not against me, he is with me" and he defeated the Great because he took a more correct and fair position.

                After reading Anatoly Alexandrovich pulled?

                Quote: Semurg
                In general, think and decide for yourself who you need partners-neighbors or "approvals of your actions."

                We need a reliable rear and confidence in a neighbor (if such an analogy is closer to you)
                What the hell is imposing your position. It was not us who started the massacre in South Ossetia, the attack was carried out primarily on the base of the peacekeepers who were there under an international mandate (by your analogy, the elders on the street, appointed by the council of the street). In Ukraine, the situation is no better, in fact, as in Crimea, which has always been an unloved stepson for Ukraine. If a neighbor is married to my daughter and treats her not as a wife, but as a slave, he mocks and beats her and my children (i.e. my grandchildren), I have to intervene and take my daughter and children home, although this is not a separate independent family for this reason, let them perish. And in this situation, a neighbor on the other side, with whom we seem to have excellent relations, whom I often help, whose part of my land is fenced off behind a fence, but I do not focus on this for a good person, I'm not sorry, especially my land more than enough, and good relations with a neighbor are expensive. And here this wonderful neighbor in this situation, when I was forced to take my daughter and children from a degenerate husband, instead of support expresses, albeit mild, but this does not make it easier to condemn my actions. In such situations, friends are learned, I emphasize friends, not partners. We have many partners, but as it turns out, there are practically no friends. Even more distant neighbors with whom almost did not communicate, with whom did not have common affairs, to whom did not give land or anything else, to whom he did not lend money, and nevertheless he expressed warm support for my actions, and a closer "friend turned out suddenly it’s not a friend or an enemy, but “here it is worth thinking hard - is it worth continuing to continue close communication with such a neighbor, if I may say so, and whether to close our eyes to the wrong location of the fence.
                1. -3
                  April 12 2014 21: 54
                  Quote: velikoros-xnumx

                  We need a reliable rear and confidence in a neighbor (if such an analogy is closer to you)

                  Your rear if geographically it is Siberia and the Far East, if otherwise they are Russians, regardless of nationality (including Kazakhs, Russians), but not as citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (maybe with the exception of a part of Russian-speaking people). At the expense of the rest of the examples from your post, the leadership of the Republic of Kazakhstan spoke about everything, though clumsily, but quite clearly. Well, the fact that you have everywhere your little land is you, "America" ​​did not open it to me, this is the quirk of all the empires and the emperians about their lands and interests laughing .
                  1. +1
                    April 13 2014 10: 09
                    Quote: Semurg
                    Well, the fact that you have everywhere your little land is you, "America" ​​did not open it to me, this is the quirk of all the empires and the emperians about their lands and interests

                    It's hard to discuss with you, you don't want to listen. Yes, the Russian "slaves" created an empire, and free Ukrainians simply could not support a ready-made state with excellent industry. Ust-Kamenogorsk, Pavlodar, Petropavlovsk, Semipalatinsk, Uralsk - is that the original Kazakh lands inhabited by Kazakhs ??? Do not want to admit the obvious, your right, but this will not change the situation. But our interstate relations can easily change, Nazarbayev is not eternal, but who will come after him a big question and with what course in relation to Russia and the Russians (although now Russians are treated at least as second-class people, I know firsthand - the wife's relatives live in the Semipalatinsk region, and she herself was born there in the Zhanasemeysky district). So the choice is yours who we are to be friends, allies or partners (our leadership calls partners all with whom there are commercial ties, including the US and the EU. If you want to be the same "partners" is your will).
                    1. dzau
                      April 14 2014 11: 00
                      Regarding "imperial habits": who will ask you? Or do you seriously think that those vast territories that were developed, populated and annexed to the country back in the 19th century - it is banal in the process of expansion, completely analogous to the development of Siberia - should we give to someone?

                      The state "Kazakhstan" for the period of the development of these territories by Russia - did not even exist in the project, dear. Its administrative boundaries, established by Moscow during the USSR period, are artificial. A copy of the same nonsense as with the "Ukrainian Crimea". Huge territories inhabited by Russians, with Russian infrastructure, were attributed to a certain "Kazakhstan" for only one reason: this "certain Kazakhstan" was considered internal (I emphasize this) territorial unit within the country.

                      And what can be transferred from subject to subject within the country - to optimize any processes - you can’t lose at all: it will be giving away and squandering land, as in that joke about Kemsku parish.

                      And so what, and the Russians were never inclined to squander their lands: to put up with this state of affairs, with the nonsense that they arranged (by knowing what forces) during the dismemberment of the USSR is a crime.

                      Therefore, you can sing as much as you like about "friendship of peoples with tobacco apart." You are 10 million - if you do not take away the Russian part of it. You have vast territories - but only if you do not remember that it was "collected" together - by the Russian army. You have cities and infrastructure - but only if you do not remember the state of neighboring "independent" Mongolia: and "on your own" you would not be much different.

                      It sounds harsh and unpleasant. And - mind you - we would never have said that during the Union period. Where they lived absolutely on equal terms: they built together, died together, not sharing and not leaving on other people's backs. As the inhabitants of Mordovia, Chuvash, Tatarstanov, Buryatiya and to hell of various regions similar to yours do not share and do not ride on each other. Not everyone in the country will name a complete list of these national regions and republics. Everything is on an equal footing, and not for the sake of "empires" or ambitions: the logic of things is that the stronger and larger the country is, the more it is considered in the international struggle for life, the easier it is to establish a normal life for citizens. For "a small independent civilized well-living country" is a myth and nonsense. ALL (I emphasize) such countries - get the right to "life" only by lying under someone, because of their need for stronger entities (states, China, Russia, etc.). The same notorious European Union is a banal attempt to create an analogue of the states and the USSR. When the "need" for them disappears, they dissolve like smoke, eaten either by those against whom they were used, or eaten by those who previously "defended" them. Ce la vie.

                      A strong alliance (and there are no large and strong countries - NOT alliances of different peoples) - can provide "long-term" protection for any of its components. Willingly to bite to death anyone who encroached on their territory. For someone else's - even "like friendly" territory, no one will stand up to death.
                  2. dzau
                    April 14 2014 11: 02
                    Therefore, any "small independent" country is always forced to choose - with whom it is. Even if it is not explicitly stated. And it's not the clowns in the offices that choose. Chosen by millions of people. The choice is determined by banal common sense, decades of "practical running-in" of a hostel with someone, and so on. And here for Kazakhstan, as well as for Ukraine, everything is very simple. Who are you for a one and a half billion China, with its vast territory and 10 million population? We look at the Uighurs: they are, de facto, assimilated: planned or unplanned, but the movement of streams from hundreds of millions of Han people - simply by virtue of the logic of things - dissolves the local population and the array of the Chinese paradigm of existence replaces the local one. Do Uighurs have much autonomy? The question is rhetorical. Why, and the "separation" of the analogue of the Kazakh SSR from China, if it happens to be included in its structure, will never happen. They won't.

                    Who are you to the distant overseas states? Nobody. Something to "build" and "live together" with you on an equal footing? Yes, stupid nonsense. Use only. The same is with Europe.

                    Kazakhstan was a part of Russia, and for a long time. Since the beginning of its "integral" existence. By virtue of the hundreds of years of experience in building a "union", that is, integration taking into account the interests of different ethnic groups (and not as is customary in the Western model: they cleaned out the Indians, fuck, brought in blacks - and everything was fine), the system worked quite quickly. There is no altruism in “ripping the shirt off the body,” as Slavic politics can be characterized. There is no "stone in the bosom" - like "we will appease, and then we will grab, we will amuse our ambitions." There is only common sense: in the short term, this is monstrous exploitation and inequality (Western model) - they give profit. But in the distant - no people, and the people are the existence of millions of souls in hundreds of years of time - you can neither "deceive" nor "crush" whether by brute force or informational molasses. Those. Profit from integration processes - precisely in a durable, long-term perspective - can be obtained only with an honest (not in words, but in deeds), fair organization of the "community".

                    This is the very moment when "ethics" in a vivid form demonstrates its primacy over the stupid "profit". Ethics, justice - and there is the highest form of "benefit", more precisely - provides its maximum. "Grab now" is to get an independent India and a bunch of foreign countries instead of, for example, the British Empire (the sun from end to end - sounds like a mockery of a dwarf island, right?). To build cities and schools on lands that speak a foreign language, when their population lives in villages, half illiterate - on the contrary, punch a corridor into the future. The same "edge-to-edge".

                    The highest form of the state, in fact, is a state without borders, which occupies our entire planet. This is a completely objective view: for the same integration processes, planning arrangement would allow to optimize the arrangement of people's life much better, with less labor input and costs, than the "countries" gnawing for a place in the sun can. After all, once there were no countries - there were only tribes gnawing at a place in the sun (only with even higher costs).

                    And, of course, this is only achievable if an equal and fair "community" is ensured, outside the forms of mutual exploitation observed, say, within the limits of the so-beloved "European Union" for some reason. Not because of the "malice" of the leading European countries, but because of the use of "accumulated experience" (and they have no other than the colonial one) and because of the weakness of the integration processes. Such forms can be found, oddly enough, inside the states that are unloved by many - Dada, in relation to each other their subjects are completely equal. Inside China, India and Russia.
                  3. dzau
                    April 14 2014 11: 03

                    The most paradoxical thing is that any of these "unions" does not at all strive to "swallow" someone at any cost. Islets, a couple of kilometers near the border - of course (such is life), but a whole nation? No! Make someone "your" - ie share with him the last shirt, help with his problems, stand up in front of those with whom he has a conflict? Not at all. In relation to strangers - the most expedient - to try to "use". Wherever possible - they just bend over, say, take away territories or politically suppress them and have economic nishtyaks. Somewhere - more gentle, with a view to the future. In order to "become your own" you need all the same objective prerequisites. Are the inhabitants of Canada "friendly" for the Americans? Yes. Is a full-fledged union possible there in the historical "tomorrow"? Certainly. With mexico? No. While they are simply "have".

                    As for Russia and Kazakhstan, it is precisely due to the perception by the Russians of the former KSSR as "their" subject (whether someone likes it or not - this is so), the attitude towards it is formed according to the same model as, for example, towards Tatarstan. After all, it is possible, and in the near future "tomorrow", and "fuck" - ie. bend down, destroy everything, take away territories, overthrow the stubborn government, buy up gas and reduce the population to the position of a "flock" whose destiny is to provide a sales market. We already have the "strength" for this. But to destroy statehood in "their own" territories, to destroy infrastructure and to reduce their own human potential is nonsense.

                    The same (only with a much greater "moral" charge - for orders of magnitude more preconditions, historical, ethnic, for identification as "friends") - applies to Belarus, Ukraine.

                    But. I will repeat it: "ours" - yes. Tatars, Komi, Belarusians, Buryats - here are all their own. "Nezalezhnaya", independent "allies", "fraternal countries" - no. There is no such thing. Not because - "imperial ambitions", "spite", "dislike" or whatever. This is a kindergarten.

                    Only the logic of things is as follows. Either the ethnic group, together with its territory, fully integrates (the "risks" of sudden outbursts or loss of control over already invested resources disappear), becoming part of an optimized common space. Either this group and its territory are not part of an integrated community. In the latter case, a completely different kind of relationship can be applied to it: either they "have" themselves (again it sounds rough - but this is the most capacious and accurate definition) - if this is possible to implement; or they "interfere" with having others if the given object of policy has already been bent over by outsiders.
                  4. dzau
                    April 14 2014 11: 03

                    The "small independent countries" simply have no other fate. The sovereignty of the "union", which allows its subjects to avoid the "bent" position, is ensured precisely by the aggregate power, whether economic or military, attainable only by optimizing the entire spectrum of their ties. A subject torn out of the boundaries of such a system has zero chances to secure himself full sovereignty. He can maneuver, voluntarily facilitating the "possession" of himself alone - in exchange for some limitation of the "depth of penetration". In exchange for protection from the encroachments of others. In some cases, the external picture is even quite decent - really similar to a "small prosperous country". But all this is only in the short term. Not for long, shaky. Like smoke. Let us recall once more Yugoslavia, which tried to play "for independence" - instead of starting integration processes with a "big" union. She had reasons for trying: in an earlier historical period, of course, it was quite reasonable to play on the formation of their own center of power (and the Serbs de facto realized a small - but alliance). But the scale changed ... When the balance of power in the world was upset and support for the USSR disappeared, Yugoslavia was unable to ensure its own sovereignty against similar monsters. And if other countries are East. Europe - the West "bent" rather gently, then Yugoslavia, which made a claim for its own center of power (why a competitor is needed), was torn apart and destroyed. But while the USSR was standing, it seemed that the reality of "prosperous European Yugoslavia" was quite real. One side licked her, the other looked at her affably.

                    As for "independence" as such. Even formal (as it is in the real political ocean).
                    The desire for resistance - against attempts to bend oneself - is understandable. This is the natural, healthiest aspiration of any nation: it ensures its survival.

                    I would not like to speak out absolutely unambiguously about Kazakhstan. In general, Russia has a rather vague idea of ​​the current state of affairs there. How destroyed are his former integration ties with Russia? To what extent is the Russian leadership itself ready now to "rip off the shirt" (that is, restart these processes - to ensure justice and equality), and can it be already determined to "bend over"? There are also prerequisites for the latter: it is much easier and, in the short term, much more optimal, to pull out the north inhabited by Russians without spending resources on the “alien” and “ungrateful” south that cut out the Russian population (which can be “omitted” and used).

                    I would like to believe in the best: colonial and unequal relations are, in principle, unhealthy and in the long run are not optimal, and most importantly, they complicate (by not destroying the root) the possibility of co-existence in the future: they forget the evil worse.

                    But speaking of Ukraine, everything is dazzlingly unambiguous. The mass of this region, due to ethnic and historical unity with Russia, for a miserable quarter of a century, despite frenzied efforts to de-Russify and inculcate hostility to the "mainland", "drifted" by pitiful millimeters. Then it split and again beats on its shore. Those. the project of the "unequal European" "we want like Switzerland" of the state - clearly and almost textbook demonstrated its own delusion. When the historical smoke settles and the pieces are sewn back together, everyone will have no other feeling than "this is how it should be." And they will study the recent past with surprise and bewilderment: "How was this possible?"
                2. The comment was deleted.
              2. +4
                April 13 2014 08: 38
                Are you by any chance Nazarbayev?
                You always speak on behalf of the people. And, you definitely know what your people need and what not. A heavy burden. Sorry.
              3. The comment was deleted.
            2. The comment was deleted.
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +6
          April 12 2014 13: 15
          Quote: alicante11
          Why are there such "dances on bones" around Baikonur?

          What kind of dancing? Russia is building a new spaceport, but this does not mean that Russia will leave Baikonur. Would you like to have asymmetric dimethylhydrazine poured onto your head? The Kazakhs do not want, and you condemn them for it. In Baikonur, questions are only about the start of Proton with toxic fuel and an oxidizing agent. Renting 115 lard a year is not burdensome for Russia and does not make weather for Kazakhstan, in the budget of both countries this money is insignificant, the budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan is 35-40 lard Russia much more. Another question Kazakhstan wants to create with the help of Russia its Baiterek LV, take an interest in how Russia helped in this. I can answer, the contract was signed, and that’s it.
          1. +5
            April 12 2014 15: 42
            Quote: Canep
            Renting 115 lard a year is not burdensome for Russia and does not make Kazakhstan weather

            there are not even lard, but lemons - 115 million dollars. The construction of one kilometer of asphalt road (I'm talking about normal routes like Astana-Borovoye) in the KZ costs the state budget $ 5 million. For comparison.
            Well, and besides, Russia never paid this money with real money. Everything is simpler: Russia rents Baikonur and other numerous landfills in Kazakhstan and actually does not pay for them. In turn, Kazakhstani cadets study at Russian military universities for free. Barter. Those. not only is this money essentially returned to the Russian budget, it also turns out that Russia receives loyal Kazakhstani military personnel who have been educated in this country, and in fact protect the inviolability of Russia from the Urals and Siberia.
            1. +3
              April 12 2014 20: 59
              And what do you think knowledge is worthless? Try to get them in America? Knowledge and experience are worth a lot
          2. 0
            April 12 2014 17: 27
            Quote: Canep
            Another question Kazakhstan wants to create with the help of Russia its Baiterek LV, take an interest in how Russia helped in this. I can answer, the contract was signed, and that’s it.

            The guys have completely created in the bare field (I beg your pardon the steppe) a system of education, both primary and higher, so dare to gnaw the granite of science, create your own "GIRD" and experiment. Perseverance and work will grind everything, you look in years from now ... give birth to your FAU.
        4. +3
          April 12 2014 13: 51
          You do not confuse the concepts of "union" and "vassalage" with a case?
          1. Alexey Prikazchikov
            April 12 2014 14: 14
            You do not confuse the concepts of "union" and "vassalage" with a case?

            That's for me?
            1. RusKaz
              April 12 2014 16: 29
              Quote: Alexey Prikazchikov
              That's for me?

              and forget your question forever
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. +1
              April 13 2014 08: 43
              This is actually a comment alicante11
              But after reading your posts, I want to ask you the same question.
              1. 0
                April 13 2014 10: 24
                The union can only be with a sovereign state. A sovereign state is not one that has proclaimed itself as such, but one that can protect its sovereignty from any encroachment, which is technologically and self-reliant. This was the USSR, such are the USA and China, and there are almost a number of states close to these criteria, including Russia in its modern form (unfortunately I can’t call my homeland completely sovereign now, but there are prerequisites for this, and life will show there). All other arguments about sovereignty are the demagogy of pure water. In principle, the RK can theoretically also enter this number, but so far it is very far from this.
          2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +19
    April 12 2014 07: 34
    The name "Altyn" is ALREADY a compromise, and in the course of resolving the political and economic inconsistencies of the "troika" Russia-Kazakhstan-Belarus, something worthwhile may come out ...
    May God grant us prosperity and rapprochement!
    1. -5
      April 12 2014 07: 36
      This is probably a duck-signal, like we have such an opportunity.
      I repeat, this is not the time now, only if it’s absolutely the edge, only then you can leave the dollar zone.
      And now we need to wait until the political situation calms down.
      1. +9
        April 12 2014 09: 57
        What to expect by the sea of ​​weather ?? 7 You must always think and 5 steps in advance.
      2. +7
        April 12 2014 10: 19
        There is always a risk of action and a risk of INACTIVITY. And which one is more risky - FIG knows. Personally, in my practice, INACTIVITY almost always turned out to be more dangerous.
        Regarding the common currency, detached from the dollar - here it is VERY dangerous to sit on the priest exactly. We all know that the dollar is provided exclusively by show-offs. Those. It is quoted because it is used in world trade. And it is used in trade, because it is quoted, because it is used in world trade.
        Somehow unconvincing for the world currency. A more reliable currency would be provided with a certain basket of some real resources. Clear business: gold, oil, kilowatt-hours, fresh water, wheat, etc. Here we would also have to introduce the idea of ​​providing the currency with a certain work hour, taking the standard work time of the same German for the 2014 year at the Volkswagen plant, for example. But I don’t have any idea how all this can be correctly calculated and summed up under the currency. There are lighter heads
        1. -2
          April 12 2014 10: 33
          Quote: Magadan
          Regarding the common currency, detached from the dollar - here it is VERY dangerous to sit on the priest exactly. We all know that the dollar is provided exclusively by show off

          In general, starting in 1971, any currency, and indeed the economy as a whole, is provided exclusively by show-offs (more precisely, by faith)
          What do you think will provide the new currency of 3 countries?

          Quote: Magadan
          Of course: gold, oil, kilowatt hours, fresh water, wheat

          Unclear. what?
          With oil - look at the dynamics of oil prices over 5 years - wow inflation, then - as stocks go down - how the currency should react. I'm not talking about that. what if we take oil as collateral - it can’t be oil in the ground (who then believes in this collateral. it’s how to supply currency not mined - in gold 0 deposits - where will we store these billions of tons of oil?
          Kilowatches - even comments are superfluous here. water - oh, in that case Finland and Canada having just colossal fresh water reserves - will be interesting players on the Russian Currency Exchange.
          By the way, Israel is a leader in desalination systems. Desalinated water suitable for the provision of the ruble? (drinking after all) - since we are already millionaires. good

          Quote: Magadan
          . Here would be the idea of ​​providing the currency with a certain hour

          ABOUT . collective farm - labor \ days - have already passed
          Quote: Magadan
          taking as a reference the working hours of the same German for 2014 at the Volkswagen plant

          Why German? You can be an Uzbek at a construction site. the standard can be any - the coefficients are different.
          But the word German and Volkswagen are fascinating laughing , understand
          Quote: Magadan
          But I don’t have any idea how all this can be correctly calculated and summed up under the currency.

          No way. there is not now and there cannot be a solid resource for securing the currency - only ponte and the faith of investors have not yet come up with anything else.
      3. +1
        April 12 2014 11: 49
        Quote: mirag2
        This is probably a duck-signal, like we have such an opportunity.

        I don’t read Moskovsky Komsomolets lately. The newspaper has become too pro-liberal and smacks of yellowness. To believe what is written there is not to respect yourself. And to introduce a single currency, you just need to unite into one country and the whole short-lived.
    2. +12
      April 12 2014 07: 44
      It's not a name !!! The most important thing is to get off the euro with a dollar needle !!!!! hi
      1. 0
        April 12 2014 10: 57
        Not so simple. As you call a ship, you will sail. But with a name like Altyn, you won’t go far ... RUBLE - that's what you will go with and fly! :-)
        1. +3
          April 12 2014 11: 25
          Quote: sprut
          Not so simple. As you call a ship, you will sail. But with a name like Altyn, you won’t go far ... RUBLE - that's what you will go with and fly! :-)

          In order for the ruble to become a common currency, in Russia I need to raise the economy and living standards to such a level that the TS partners themselves want the ruble as a currency (for example, the dollar and the euro, and soon the yuan, which are by no means on the show, but on trust in their economy based not on the export of minerals). Another option is to tie and make the economies of the CU countries dependent to such an extent that over time they will not be able to refuse the proposal for the ruble (which for me is now being done as part of the CU and the upcoming union), so I think this will happen in 10-15 years in the meantime, it’s possible to amuse partners on the common mythical currency of Altyn and many emission centers (when there is a ready ruble that meets all the interests of the Russian Federation why bring in Altyn, and the allies can’t get anywhere from the submarine laughing ) Well, the third option that is now running in parallel is Crimea and Ukraine.
        2. +6
          April 12 2014 19: 04
          You also say: "it will float because it is wooden" smile
        3. 0
          April 14 2014 08: 33
          It is clear that each sandpiper praises its swamp.
          Give one ruble, another tenge.
          And I propose a compromise option: tenga.
          This is a kind of symbiosis of "money" + "tenge" = "tenga".
          IMHO: still not a bad version of the "ducat", but there is one big BUT.
          The union currency must be convertible, but there is no letter "CH" in the Latin alphabet.
          But there is the letter "T", which is read the same in both Cyrillic and Latin
      2. 0
        April 12 2014 11: 51
        But who will say, But father prints his rubles without reference to the dollar, or also in the amount of gold reserves?
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          April 12 2014 12: 16
          Butsk is the same as ours.
          1. 0
            April 13 2014 04: 41
            Yes, that does not fit. If they say that he prints his rubles in excess, which is why there is such a rapid devaluation, then he prints himself.
            Remember the 98th, then ours also tried to "print", however, instead of rubles - T-bills and just ended in devaluation.
    3. +4
      April 12 2014 07: 47
      Quote: Corsair
      The name "Altyn" is ALREADY a compromise, and in the course of resolving the political and economic inconsistencies of the "troika" Russia-Kazakhstan-Belarus, something worthwhile may come out ...
      May God grant us prosperity and rapprochement!

      In each of the three countries they dream of rapprochement and in each they dream in their own way. For example, like this:

      “More than 200 million of our fellow tribesmen live between the White Sea and Altai. If they united, we would become a large and influential state in the world ", - said the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev at the Kazakh-Turkish business forum held in Istanbul"
  4. 0
    April 12 2014 07: 38
    Interesting, but I think it's too early. We must develop and expand our union. And then you can think about a single currency.
  5. 0
    April 12 2014 07: 50
    A single currency is needed, but please, not "altyn". Wouldn't it be better for all CU countries to switch to the Russian ruble (now, by the way, it's just a ruble)? Or call the created currency the "United Ruble" - sounds, it seems to me.
    It's just that not only is "altyn" not a Russian word, then Kazakhstan will also loudly declare that, they say, even the currency was called the Kazakh word!
    1. +12
      April 12 2014 08: 09
      Quote: Wiruz
      It's just that not only is "altyn" not a Russian word,

      Altyn (from the Tat. Altyn - gold), an old Russian small coin, as well as a unit of a money account. Initially it was equal to 6 Moscow or 3 Novgorod money (see. Money). The latter was later called a penny. Hence the name "five altynny" for 15 kopecks, which has survived to this day. In 1654 a copper coin with the inscription "altynnik" was issued for the first time, and in 1704 (up to 1726) - a silver A.
      1. 2log
        April 13 2014 00: 21
        The ruble is also an old coin, from the time when they were chopped by weight). But at the same time, it is also familiar not only in Russia, but for all countries of the former USSR.
    2. 0
      April 12 2014 09: 16
      I agree with you Wiruz. They are tired of their inventions, they already want to take the name of the currency non-Russian. Why the hell 140 million have to adjust to 27 million people. Russia's contribution to this union will be unambiguously determining, which means that the currency must be Russian. To those who say "Who cares what the main name is, that there is a single currency!" I will answer that Russia has more than once got up on the rake of substitution of concepts, there are plenty of examples both in 1921 and in 1991. And Moscow must make an emission of money alone, otherwise it will turn out like Krylov with a swan, a crayfish and a pike.
      1. -2
        April 12 2014 10: 37
        Quote: SPAAARTAAA
        I agree with you Wiruz. They are tired of their inventions, and they want to take non-Russian currency names

        Who cares what they call her. The main thing is to be strong and people to believe in it.
        Well, they called the dollar in Zimbabwe, and? From this she became them? Or in Europe, Eurocent - someone suffered from this.
        The title of the question is generally the 32nd.
      2. +5
        April 12 2014 15: 50
        Quote: SPAAARTAAA
        Already they want to take non-Russian currency names.

        God bless him with "altyn" (although such a coin was in Russian history, and it was preserved in a heap of proverbs), the very word "money" and "treasury" are Turkic. Shaw to do a boom?
        Can we call the common currency "tenge"? The Russian word "money" comes from this coin)))
        By the way, the word "ruble" was absent in the Kazakh language even in Soviet times. Instead of "5 rubles," Kazakhs said "5 soms". Look at any banknote of the USSR before 1991.
        1. +4
          April 13 2014 08: 47
          If tenge is suitable, then dengue is also suitable. wink
          А Manat Didn’t they say? As I remember now - bir manat.
          It is ridiculous in this case to argue, the Big Three will decide everything. We cannot influence them. Storm in a glass of water. Yes, and the article says - rumored. What is the argument about?
      3. 2log
        April 13 2014 00: 34
        What the hell 140 million should adapt to 27 million people

        We must not adapt to one another and thereby accumulate resentment, but adhere to the principle of mutual benefit and mutual respect. The same fig how to crush the weak and put him on his neck. Let the weak bear the burden of his strength, but he spends proportionally equal efforts and acquisitions on this.
    3. 0
      April 12 2014 11: 01
      Quote: Wiruz
      A single currency is needed, but please, not "altyn". Wouldn't it be better for all CU countries to switch to the Russian ruble (now, by the way, it's just a ruble)? Or call the created currency the "United Ruble" - sounds, it seems to me.
      It's just that not only is "altyn" not a Russian word, then Kazakhstan will also loudly declare that, they say, even the currency was called the Kazakh word!

      A single monetary unit is necessary, but the name Altyn somehow cuts the ear, an obsolete word after all. Probably, if a currency is introduced, it will be called the ruble, only the appearance of the notes and coins will change, and a denomination will also be made.
      1. 2log
        April 13 2014 00: 40
        Let this currency have many names)))
        The ruble will be read in Russian, in Kazakh tenge, or whatever they want to read there. Everyone is happy and satisfied).
        1. Cpa
          April 15 2014 01: 06
          It was written on the Soviet ruble, in each language in its own way.
  6. +2
    April 12 2014 07: 54
    Quote: mirag2
    This is probably a duck-signal, like we have such an opportunity.
    I repeat, this is not the time now, only if it’s absolutely the edge, only then you can leave the dollar zone.
    And now we need to wait until the political situation calms down.

    Well done. We beat in all directions. If now this is a signal to the West, then who said that this is not feasible in the near future. I think the idea is wonderful. It was necessary for a long time. It’s just that as always, thunder will strike ..... good
    1. +1
      April 12 2014 13: 05
      For a long time it was necessary. It is simple for Us, as always, until thunder strikes .....
      This is always the case with us. But it looks like something is starting to change. For example, on gas supplies to China:
      Putin needs China not only to insure against possible losses in Europe. To sign a mega-contract with an eastern neighbor now is to show the barrel to the West, to make it clear that Russia, if something happens, will orient itself to Asia and lose nothing. After all, the Russian eagle has two heads, and the one that looks to the West has grown disproportionately in recent years. It's time for the second head to begin strength training.

      I especially liked the second head! laughing
  7. +6
    April 12 2014 08: 01
    There is nothing about Altyn's account so far, but the Eurasian Union is power, the West will begin to tear itself to shreds from hysteria, and Germany may even think about joining this union.
    1. 0
      April 12 2014 08: 45
      Quote: ZU-23
      There is nothing about Altyn's account so far, but the Eurasian Union is power, the West will begin to tear itself to shreds from hysteria, and Germany may even think about joining this union.

      Of course, in this article the author is reasoning quite reasonably. But the whole point comes down to "dividing the skin of a bear that has not been killed."
    2. +5
      April 12 2014 18: 15
      Hmmm .... Something reminds me of your form of presentation of the material ... I remembered: "New Vasyuki and the international chess tournament" of twelve chairs. wink
  8. -1
    April 12 2014 08: 22
    Quote: Canep
    So blaming Nazarbayev for sovereignty is his favorite toy

    Beloved-beloved, despite the fact that the European Union introduced a single currency, the elbasy is still worn with its sovereignty, which after the sale of most of the resources of its country can hardly be said
    1. +2
      April 12 2014 08: 38
      Quote: saag
      Quote: Canep
      So blaming Nazarbayev for sovereignty is his favorite toy

      Beloved-beloved, despite the fact that the European Union introduced a single currency, the elbasy is still worn with its sovereignty, which after the sale of most of the resources of its country can hardly be said

      The lesson for one is one talk, for the rest others.

      “We live in the homeland of the entire Turkic people. After the last Kazakh khan was killed in 1861, we were a colony of the Russian kingdom, then the Soviet Union. For 150 years, the Kazakhs almost lost their national traditions, customs, language, religion. With the help of the Almighty, in 1991 we proclaimed our independence. Your ancestors, leaving their historical homeland, from the Turkic Kaganate, took the name of the Turkic people with them. Until now, the Turks have called the best Dzhigits "Cossack." So we are these Kazakhs, ”Nazarbayev said.
      1. +2
        April 12 2014 08: 48
        He said this at a meeting with business in Turkey, then they wrote that he was misunderstood, and this was said by the first secretary of the Leninist Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR :-)
        1. 0
          April 12 2014 08: 54
          Quote: saag
          He said this at a meeting with business in Turkey, then they wrote that he was misunderstood, and this was said by the first secretary of the Leninist Communist Party of the Kazakh SSR :-)

          It is true that he gave out these pearls there. But how can this be understood in another way, especially about the state of fellow tribesmen from the White Sea to Altai.
          I will leave aside the question of Turks and Kazakhs as a population of the White Sea coast, but Altai limited himself as if he had forgotten about his fellow tribesmen between Altai and Baikal.
      2. +2
        April 12 2014 11: 58
        Quote: Humpty

        The lesson for one is one talk, for the rest others.

        “We live in the homeland of the entire Turkic people. After the last Kazakh khan was killed in 1861, we were a colony of the Russian kingdom, then the Soviet Union. For 150 years, the Kazakhs almost lost their national traditions, customs, language, religion. With the help of the Almighty, in 1991 we proclaimed our independence. Your ancestors, leaving their historical homeland, from the Turkic Kaganate, took the name of the Turkic people with them. Until now, the Turks have called the best Dzhigits "Cossack." So we are these Kazakhs, ”Nazarbayev said.

        At least once in my life I said well without looking back at the Russian Federation, and so soon it will look like the governor of the Kazakh province of the Russian Federation laughing (although it seems in fact everything does to this result).
        1. +2
          April 13 2014 08: 53
          Until now, the Turks have called the best Dzhigits "Cossack", because the Cossacks beat them everywhere. How to meet and beat.
          And the Cossacks reached the Pacific Ocean. laughing
      3. The comment was deleted.
  9. +4
    April 12 2014 08: 22
    For some reason, the "Altyn" helmet immediately comes to mind.
  10. +2
    April 12 2014 08: 33
    Not, in Europe, Euros, Americans-bucks, but our BRICS
  11. Cat
    April 12 2014 09: 01
    After an article in Moskovsky Komsomolets, other publications decided to exercise

    ... exercise.
    And why do not you like the ruble? Although, in principle, what is the difference as a single currency will be called. Altyn, Sarmak, money No.
    1. +4
      April 12 2014 09: 14
      Let them call what they want. It is not important. If only there was a UNION, and not FIG knows what!
      1. Cat
        April 12 2014 10: 17
        Quote: Riperbahn
        FIG knows what!

        Figs or not figs - probably this is the third thing. We will create a single economic (both political and military) zone - then we can already come up with a name. Why - and enough fantasy laughing
  12. parus2nik
    April 12 2014 09: 05
    with reference to some unnamed sources.. Here and scares: some, not named .. Why, arrange a camomile, will guess, will not ...
  13. Leshka
    April 12 2014 09: 32
    the name is of course original in our style laughing
  14. +1
    April 12 2014 09: 43
    I agree with you Wiruz. They are tired of their inventions, they already want to take the name of the currency non-Russian. Why the hell 140 million have to adjust to 27 million people. Russia's contribution to this union will be unambiguously determining, which means that the currency must be Russian. To those who say "Who cares what the main name is, that there is a single currency!" I will answer that Russia has more than once got up on the rake of substitution of concepts, there are plenty of examples both in 1921 and in 1991. And Moscow must make an emission of money alone, otherwise it will turn out like Krylov with a swan, a crayfish and a pike.

    we know how Russia is able to regulate the currency market in a crisis situation. They felt in 1994, when Kazakhstan was thrown out of the ruble zone. Union implies equality of vote, as in the EU. And so what the hell to get into this union. The CSTO and the SCO are enough for us. It may be necessary for Belarus, which is subsidized by the Russian Federation, but this is not interesting ...
    1. -1
      April 12 2014 09: 56
      Quote: Aldo
      Union implies equality of vote, as in the EU. And so what the hell to get into this union. The CSTO and the SCO are enough for us. It may be necessary for Belarus, which is subsidized by the Russian Federation, but this is not interesting ...

      I totally agree. By the way, an anti-Eurasian rally will be held in Almaty today. Would definitely go if it would be held in Astana.
      1. +3
        April 12 2014 10: 36
        And where does it take place interestingly? And under whose auspices? Just want to look at the faces of the participants.
        1. 0
          April 12 2014 10: 41
          More precisely, the anti-Eurasian forum
          In addition to the national pats, Zhovtis and Satpayev supported the initiative.
          1. +2
            April 12 2014 10: 46
            Clear, Natsik. Zhovtis there that lost? Or offended for a period? I did not expect from Satpayev.
            1. 0
              April 12 2014 10: 49

              According to the famous political scientist Dosym Satpayev, if there is any problem, then you need to talk about it - do not be silent.

              “Kazakhstan considers itself a democratic country, which means that every Kazakhstani citizen has every right to voice his personal opinion on any initiative of the authorities. And if the conversation is about the Eurasian Economic Union, then they should talk about this as clearly as possible. Personally, I will participate in the forum. I want to hear the views of both sides, that is, supporters of the Eurasian Union and also their opponents. I think that important topical issues will be raised, ”the political scientist concluded.

              The forum was supported by human rights activist Evgeny Zhovtis.

              “This initiative is being raised by adequate, competent, as well as conscious nationalists. They think about the future of the country, care about the sovereignty of Kazakhstan. Take Ukraine as an example. That initiative, which they raise is well-founded. Russia, violating international law and agreements, invaded Ukraine, which could pose a threat to Kazakhstan’s independence, ”he said.
              1. +4
                April 12 2014 10: 53
                Well, if Stapaev is there to listen to opinions then okay! His father is a genius, thanks to his geological map of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he still makes money on deposits of copper and other non-ferrous metals. Not in vain, even in Soviet times, a street in Almaty was named after him. Zimran and as I understand it is a forum and not a rally, there are supporters and opponents. Do not mislead people
                1. +4
                  April 12 2014 10: 56
                  Quote: T80UM1

                  Well, if Stapaev is there to listen to opinions then okay! His father is a genius, thanks to his geological map of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he still makes money on deposits of copper and other non-ferrous metals.

                  Dosym Satpayev has nothing to do with Kanysh Satpayev.

                  Quote: T80UM1
                  Zimran and as I understand it is a forum and not a rally, there are supporters and opponents. Do not mislead people

                  I got better in my post. It is clear that no one will give permission to hold such a rally.

                  By the way, in the coming days there will be a mass attack of nurobots and Kremlin boats on news sites.
                  1. 0
                    April 12 2014 10: 58
                    Is this his son, or am I mistaken? But I remember exactly what they told me was his son or grandson.
                    1. +4
                      April 12 2014 11: 01
                      Dosym Satpayev
                      Born 3 on August 1974 of the year in the city of Alma-Ata.
                      Father - Satpayev Asylbek Turmukhamedovich (1947 – 1998), worked in the KNB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Colonel. Mother - Satpayeva Sholpan Akhmetovna (born in 1952), worked as deputy director of the Almaty Circus and Variety School.

                      Kanysh Satpayev had no sons, only three daughters.
      2. +2
        April 12 2014 11: 38
        Quote: Zymran

        I totally agree. By the way, an anti-Eurasian rally will be held in Almaty today. Would definitely go if it would be held in Astana.

        I think there will be few people there for a reason 1) the capital lives better 2) trust in the National Academy of Sciences and its affairs is high 3) Kazakh mentality 4) there is no proper trust in the leaders of the anti-union and there are a couple more reasons.
        1. +2
          April 12 2014 11: 49
          The main reason is the lack of media coverage of the event and the lack of media resources among the opposition, as well as the lack of the opposition itself. :)
          Plus, the repressive actions of garbage, such a splinter as the current chief police officer in the Republic of Kazakhstan, has never been.
          1. +3
            April 12 2014 12: 04
            There was nothing to do with media resources in 86 and without appeals in the newspapers, and the regime was tougher and the consequences were worse, but they came out and gained sovereignty after 5 years (which the current traders and traders from the government safely pass to songs about the common good).
          2. The comment was deleted.
      3. The comment was deleted.
  15. avt
    April 12 2014 09: 49
    “There is no such issue on the agenda. There are no such proposals officially. This is still at the level of poetry, probably than at the level of real life. There is no question of a single currency. "----- This was issued by the main Eurasianist from Russia, Khristenko. Well, why not boil from the names ??? Well, no, and in the near future a decision on a single emission center is not expected. at the Union State.
  16. 0
    April 12 2014 09: 55
    It’s just that you can’t get off the bankruptcy hook called the Fed, but sooner or later it will inevitably happen.
  17. onegin61
    April 12 2014 10: 01
    Why reinvent the wheel, exchange through gold security, you look and others will catch up and no one will be offended, you won’t print gold, work better, have more and people will reach you in accordance with the gold reserve. And there will be an example and a kind of hello to the dollar.
    1. +1
      April 12 2014 10: 22
      read the story about the gold ruble and the gold standard, not only in Russia but also in Europe.
      the golden ruble imposed on us by the west destroyed the economy of the Russian Empire, and agents and enemies of Russia introduced and pushed it.
  18. +1
    April 12 2014 10: 20
    stupid name, the ruble will always be the ruble, since Russia is fundamental, then the currency should be called the ruble.
  19. Constantine
    April 12 2014 10: 27
    What nafig Altyn? angry The ruble is the name of the Russian currency, which has passed through history and various state relations. Through the Empire, USSR, Federation. In this regard, the author can keep his ill fantasies with him. Russia is the core of the Russian world, and therefore it is necessary to play based on Russia and its foundations, and not vice versa. Otherwise, the syndrome of small nations will pass into a new quality and Russia will be washed as a whole by Wishlist of smaller components. sad
    1. +4
      April 12 2014 10: 45
      The core is the core, and the money is apart. Thanks for the year 1993, well fed. You never know what kind of ebony2 will come to you, but we should not disentangle ...
      1. Constantine
        April 12 2014 11: 04
        Quote: T80UM1
        The core is the core, and the money is apart. Thanks for the year 1993, well fed. You never know what kind of ebony2 will come to you, but we should not disentangle ...

        To whom is this "us" and what did you disentangle there? wassat
        1. +3
          April 12 2014 22: 32
          My mother’s RFP after reindexing from rubles to tenge wasn’t enough just to pay for gas, we had to live in poverty until the year 95, 93, 94, 95 — this is the time when gas, light and water were not in the capital of Kazakhstan. Lived like in the stone age ...
          1. Constantine
            April 13 2014 11: 54
            Quote: T80UM1
            My mother’s RFP after reindexing from rubles to tenge wasn’t enough just to pay for gas, we had to live in poverty until the year 95, 93, 94, 95 — this is the time when gas, light and water were not in the capital of Kazakhstan. Lived like in the stone age ...

            Then everyone was not sweet. Well, almost everyone. We all know what the calls "stop feeding Moscow" and so on lead to. In fact, this leads to what we now see in the non-integrated republics of the former USSR, including the situation that has arisen in Ukraine.
  20. onegin61
    April 12 2014 10: 28
    Quote: Aldo
    we know how Russia is able to regulate the currency market in a crisis situation. They felt in 1994, when Kazakhstan was thrown out of the ruble zone. Union implies equality of vote, as in the EU. And so what the hell to get into this union. The CSTO and the SCO are enough for us. It may be necessary for Belarus, which is subsidized by the Russian Federation, but this is not interesting ...

    Russia last introduced the Russian ruble, refresh your memory when everyone ran for their sovereignty and entered their money, they wanted freedom. That's what they got. And there will never be equality in voting with a significant difference in the level of the economy. Gold will equalize everyone. Why reinvent the wheel, exchange through gold security, you look and others will catch up and no one will be offended, you won’t print gold, work better, have more and people will reach you in accordance with the gold reserve. And there will be an example and a kind of hello to the dollar
    1. +4
      April 12 2014 10: 43
      yes really damn)))) made laugh))) in 1993, the Russian Federation stopped printing money for the Republic of Kazakhstan unilaterally. Nobody expected this from us, the first tenge was printed to us (who would have thought) in London! Only after some time began the release of tenge in Kazakhstan.

      For me, the solution to the problem: the permitted issue of money by GDP (GNP) of the country is proportional.
    2. More glorious
      April 12 2014 10: 55
      buy gold for what currency? again for gold?
      1. Constantine
        April 13 2014 11: 55
        Quote: More Nice
        buy gold for what currency? again for gold?

        In my opinion, better kW / h. It can be freely converted to virtually any product without problems and without it, nowadays nothing can be done properly.
  21. -4
    April 12 2014 10: 41
    I do not like the name itself - Altyn. Some Central Asian, narrow-eyed, not Russian, foreign. Do not take root.
    Why not name the Eurasian ruble.
    1. +5
      April 12 2014 16: 01
      Quote: sprut
      I do not like the name itself - Altyn. Some Central Asian, narrow-eyed, not Russian, foreign. Do not take root.
      Why not name the Eurasian ruble.

      No no no! "Euro-Asian ruble" - Don't you hear that Asian and narrow-eyed people are heard in this word too? And therefore only "European taller" should be called.
  22. 0
    April 12 2014 10: 44
    Old Man Lukashenko offered a single currency, the Russian ruble, but Nazarbayev was against it. I don’t understand the reason they show off when the Russian Federation steam engine, and the Russian Federation will pull them all, and they do not like the Russian ruble. And in general, Altyn, what is this name. I understand earlier that they were called three pennies, but for hundreds of years the ruble has been in Russia, why change it to another name, especially the altyn, which does not sound completely Russian. Let them introduce a new currency, but the name still remains the ruble
    1. avt
      April 12 2014 11: 08
      Quote: Karaul
      Old Man Lukashenko offered a single currency, the Russian ruble, but Nazarbayev was against it.

      laughing But father proposed a lot of things and the transition to a single currency and the "Union State", which, for a minute, still has neither its own constitution, nor a treaty, and nothing concrete at all except declarations. Well, when the GDP finally proposed in due time, , to separate flies from cutlets "- immediately threw a tantrum on the air and everything remained as it was. So even now the CU members are not ready to transfer their cartel agreement into a syndicate - Evrazes with a single currency, no matter how it is called. Well, they will not agree on a single emission center in the near future, everyone here has love with interest, here he has rookery "and no one will give control over the financial center for the sake of some kind of" equality of the parties ".
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      April 12 2014 12: 24
      Old Man Lukashenko offered a single currency, the Russian ruble, but Nazarbayev was against it. I don’t understand the point of showing off.

      I understand that Nazarbayev’s ruble is associated with returning to the USSR.
  23. 0
    April 12 2014 11: 17
    Quote: mirag2
    This is probably a duck-signal, like we have such an opportunity.
    I repeat, this is not the time now, only if it’s absolutely the edge, only then you can leave the dollar zone.
    And now we need to wait until the political situation calms down.

    Why not? The dollar is already across the throat! In general, the ruble is most preferable, as a counterweight to all world currencies, I hope Vova will bring the country's economy to this decent level!
    1. +4
      April 12 2014 11: 47
      Quote: Prapor Afonya

      Why not? The dollar is already across the throat! In general, the ruble is most preferable, as a counterweight to all world currencies, I hope Vova will bring the country's economy to this decent level!

      If the dollar to someone across my throat, I can send the details to which you can transfer the disgusting bucks to you, I undertake to spend these bucks for the benefit of the economy of the Customs Union and the Russian Federationlaughing
    2. The comment was deleted.
  24. Vicius
    April 12 2014 11: 20
    Let there be a referendum on the name of the common currency, if any is planned at all. And there will be no need to tolerate. The ruble is in Belarus and Russia, the Tenge is in Kazakhstan, something, there, in Armenia. It is necessary to take a name that will be "heavier" ... It is not so difficult and costly, it was spent on the worst projects, we will spend a little more: only this "Rubloteng" would be stable and secure, at least something ...
  25. Polarfox
    April 12 2014 11: 22
    Oh, well, nonsense, in my opinion. "MK" just believe, they will not hear, they themselves will finish. Nobody will trust the failed financiers of Kazakhstan to manage the general finances, this time. If there is a common currency, it will be such that it will be possible to introduce it with minimal costs, therefore, the existing currency has the most chances. And, based on the specific weight of the turnover, this is the ruble. No one will spend money on creating a new non-viable currency. These are two. I would only welcome the common economic space, but within a year the discrepancies in the tax codes of three (and taking into account Armenia - and four) countries cannot be resolved, so there can be no talk of 2015. These are three. Something like that.
  26. Alexandr0id
    April 12 2014 12: 08
    at all members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union the roof went. what altyn, what single currency, what kind of nonsense?
  27. 0
    April 12 2014 12: 30
    In my opinion, Altyn is 3 kopecks in the Russian Empire, no ?!
  28. Nikich
    April 12 2014 12: 34
    What Altyn, what are you talking about? who will trade with you for it? If trade relations between the ruble and the yuan are now taking shape with China, then Altyn will not accept everything for currency.
  29. +2
    April 12 2014 12: 37
    Three kopeks - the traditional denomination of the Russian monetary system, originally called altyn or altynnik. In the XV century, Altyn was equal to 6 Moscow or 3 Novgorod money. In 1654, for the first time, a copper coin with the inscription “cherries” was issued, and in 1704 (1726) - silver cider. In the period from 1841 to 1916, copper and silver altyns were minted.
  30. Verdent
    April 12 2014 13: 02
    If you introduce an authority with an equal number of managers from each side, the same Eurasian Central Bank, then any development will arise. Currency is a very delicate issue, it is difficult to agree even between the two parties, and when in the case there are 3 member countries and each has a casting vote and its own interests, the question will arise, just like in the EU in due time.
  31. Argyn-suindyk
    April 12 2014 13: 03
    All this supranational government of EuroAzes will be completely pro-Russian and the most powerful Russian lobby will not give development to our economy, as now, for example, Russian goods in Kazakhstan are green and Kazakh goods are not allowed in the Russian Federation!
    1. +4
      April 12 2014 13: 25
      Quote: Argyn-Suindyk
      All this supranational government of EuroAzes will be completely pro-Russian and the most powerful Russian lobby will not give development to our economy, as now, for example, Russian goods in Kazakhstan are green and Kazakh goods are not allowed in the Russian Federation!

      Today on 24.KZ they showed a press conference with the head of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan. Representatives of NPPK are included in the EurAsEC negotiation group. In particular, it was noted that the agreement on the EurAsEC will be significantly different from the agreement on the Customs Union, all errors that were made in this agreement will be taken into account. So I think that your fears are in vain.
      1. +4
        April 12 2014 13: 27
        I do not think so. Everything that is done in a hurry, and even under pressure, does not lead to anything good.
      2. Argyn-suindyk
        April 12 2014 14: 33
        Well, let's hope! If only it did not work out like in the European Union! It is also dangerous to hurry, and while the people in the Republic of Belarus or the Republic of Kazakhstan on the go will correct their mistakes, they will raise their rulers to forks!
        1. +2
          April 12 2014 16: 17
          Quote: Argyn-Suindyk
          and then while the people in Belarus or the Republic of Kazakhstan will correct their mistakes on the go, they will raise their rulers to forks!

          And the Elder Brother will still grow under the guise of territories.
          1. +5
            April 12 2014 19: 01
            And the Elder Brother will still grow under the guise of territories.

            And it will be in a situation in which Chechnya seems like a paradise.
  32. 0
    April 12 2014 13: 12
    was in the Warsaw pact - settlement ruble. even if Altyn would be only a calculated IMHO
  33. +1
    April 12 2014 13: 36
    There is a way out and it is obvious - one conventional unit is equal to one calorie. the trouble is that now there is no definition of the cost of the equality of any money. there is a standard meter-centimeter second, etc., etc. All values ​​are determined except for the means of exchange between users. The only real thing is the equality in calories and joules. kick.
  34. +1
    April 12 2014 14: 36
    The author puts emphasis correctly.
    If uncomfortable issues are not resolved, then a convenient union cannot be created for all members of the "common market" of Eurasia.
    Each member of the CU should delegate part of its sovereignty to a common goal and a common economy, and in particular it can be discussed.
  35. +4
    April 12 2014 14: 57
    By dreaming!
    Let's say Altyn appears, over time, it turns out that all the money supply will go to the south, connections are mentality. Punchy, not "sleepy". You will have to turn on the machine, or change the design of banknotes every 5-7 years as we do in Kazakhstan, which Pull out under the mattress.
    Someone will consider himself deceived.
    And then, past the Lezghinka on Red Square, Kara Zhorga may also be dancing. smile You yourself know what is happening on the square for the New Year. smile Although maybe the idea is the New Golden Horde.
    While dancing sometimes at home and abroad, Vancouver-Canada.
  36. an2d2
    April 12 2014 14: 58
    According to the Old Believers' sayings, "altyn" = "alting" = assembly of priests. Literally, everything is at their tyns, tyn-rod pillar. Something like this .. More precisely, only Chudinov will explain :-)
  37. +5
    April 12 2014 15: 15
    No matter how hard it was, no matter how hard we were, Western "colleagues" and the notorious 5th column, only together we will not let them do what they want to do with us. It will never be easy, there will never be always some quarrels and misunderstandings, but we will nevertheless unite in spite of them and let, as it was said in one show, some are afraid of us, while others are jealous.
  38. +1
    April 12 2014 15: 50
    Independent currencies have the advantage that when the economy (trade balance) is skewed, the affected country can lower its currency and even out the imbalance.

    If you introduce a single currency, so that it would not be like in Greece (which suffered due to the imbalance of trade with Germany), it is necessary to legally fix that the emission is carried out in favor of a country that has a trade deficit.

    This is beneficial to both parties: a scarce country will be able to direct this money to increase the competitiveness of its economy, and a surplus country will still receive the same money due to the positive balance of the trade balance.
    T.O. there will be no bias in cash flows and everyone will be happy.

    If a scarce country consumes this money, then this is her choice.

    In the same way, the United States is stimulating its own economy - it is recklessly providing assistance to various countries, and they buy American goods for this assistance.
    But it is also beneficial for those countries - thanks to this help they can raise their own economies.
    For example, as was the case with Germany under the "Marshall Plan".

    So, any trade surplus should be reimbursed - at the expense of either cheap loans, or free aid or investment.
    But the balance of money should be zero.
    And it will be like with Greece.
  39. Shallow
    April 12 2014 16: 02
    In socialist times, there was a currency - the Transferable ruble. With the help of it, the CMEA countries were traded. What is the problem?
  40. +5
    April 12 2014 16: 20
    The talk about creating a common single currency has been around for a long time. In theory, the Eurasian Union is being done like a textbook on economics. The logical outcome should be the introduction of a common currency (but this is not an ironclad rule). As soon as the presidents began to discuss integration processes among themselves, the word "altyn" immediately appeared, which Nazarbayev jokingly suggested, noting that this word has to do with the Russian monetary system, and at the same time is understandable for the Turks.
    But! Nazarbayev is in no hurry to call the integration process of the CIS countries a "political union", because he understands perfectly well that in this case the West will start driving wedges between countries in order to prevent the strengthening of Central Eurasia. This is not understood in Russia, and Kremlin officials and regional VIPs often talk about the creation of a political empire in their speeches. I. diots. Yes, it will be a political union, but why talk about it officially ahead of time? Nazarbayev is correct to say into microphones that this is, they say, "an exclusively economic form of cooperation." Although in essence we are building a single confederal state.
    The issue of introducing a common currency in the medium term is not yet addressed. We have a lot of other work to harmonize economic normative legal acts. This work will not be completed at an accelerated pace by May, when the Treaty is signed. Work will continue after signing.
    In order to dream of "USSR-2" or "Golden Horde-2" with all the ensuing international political ambitions, we first need to create a real common economic space.
    As always, Nazarbayev emphasizes: "First the economy, then politics." And not vice versa.
    1. +2
      April 12 2014 16: 26
      Quote: Guard
      Yes, it will be a political union, but why talk about it officially ahead of time? Nazarbayev is right to say into microphones that this is, they say, "an exclusively economic form of cooperation." Although in essence we are building a single confederate state.

      Maybe the NAS wants this, but the Kazakhs will not forgive him for such a surrender of national interests. Yes, and he himself is unlikely to be satisfied that he will go down in history as a person who received, and then requested ... an entire state.
      1. +3
        April 12 2014 16: 55
        Quote: Zymran
        Maybe the NAS wants this, but the Kazakhs will not forgive him for such a surrender of national interests. Yes, and he himself is unlikely to be satisfied that he will go down in history as a person who received, and then requested ... an entire state.

        Or maybe there is a more subtle game. Let's see what is written in MK.

        As you know, the single currency was originally the idea of ​​the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, in 2012 it was supported by Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. The Eurasian Central Bank, which will be located in Almaty, is primarily considered as a single emission center of the EAEU countries. The megaregulator will almost completely assume the functions of national banks, which will mean the general rules of the game for financial systems. Of course, the national banks will remain, but they will have a minimum of authority. It is based on the current European model, when the ECB decides everything, and the central banks of the eurozone countries do not have broad powers. Moreover, the ECB is a separate monetary power.

        The role of Almaty is interesting here, considering that HSBC-Kazakhstan Bank will be located here, Rothschild and Chinese can be said at the same time. And those Rothschilds stand for the gold standard.
        In particular, LifeNews publishes a material stating that the introduction of this currency within the framework of the CU will take place over the next five years, which is associated with the possible use of severe economic sanctions against Russia by a number of foreign states. To the same dates, the introduction of altyn narrows the “MK” itself.
        And this is from this article, which means that sanctions are expected and their peak will be closer to 2017-18, they want to "spread straw".
      2. RusKaz
        April 12 2014 16: 57
        Quote: Zymran
        but Kazakhs will not forgive him such a surrender of national interests

        Zymran, you are once again speaking for all Kazakhs. And even for the whole of Kazakhstan. It’s strange somehow
      3. +5
        April 12 2014 17: 04
        Quote: Zymran
        Maybe the NAS wants this, but the Kazakhs will not forgive him for such a surrender of national interests. Yes, and he himself is unlikely to be satisfied that he will go down in history as a person who received, and then requested ... an entire state.
        Calm, only calm ..
        Now K-n resembles a sapper in a minefield. And the sapper, as you know, makes mistakes once. After the Crimean events, it became obvious. And, now, a balance of relations with the Kremlin seems to be needed. As in the Bible, "a time to embrace, and a time to avoid embracing."
        In the meantime, you need to gain time so that demography does its job ...
        By the way, we noticed that the Kazakhs on VO were left alone ... what Like Ukrainians somewhere Azeri disappeared ?! request
        Really mobilization .. ??! soldier
        1. +3
          April 12 2014 17: 07
          Quote: Alibekulu
          Now K-n resembles a sapper in a minefield. And the sapper, as you know, makes mistakes once. After the Crimean events, it became obvious. And, now, a balance of relations with the Kremlin seems to be needed. As in the Bible, "a time to embrace, and a time to avoid embracing."
          In the meantime, you need to gain time so that demography does its job ...

          Time, indeed, is short. How little is the hope that the NAS will be able to beat Putin.

          Quote: Alibekulu
          By the way, we noticed that the Kazakhs were left alone on "VO" ... what Like the Ukrainians, did the Azeri disappear somewhere ?! request
          Really mobilization .. ??! soldier

          I would buy weapons in their place, moreover, European and American.
        2. +5
          April 12 2014 18: 55
          Let's hope that things will not come to mobilization.
          Like Ukrainians somewhere Azeri disappeared ?!

          It seems to me that they are tired of communicating with people who, instead of trying to conduct a civilized discussion within the framework of the topic under consideration, began to stupidly throw a huge pile of low-grade nationalist garbage at their opponents. IMHO, now a considerable part of the active users of this site are nationalists and those personalities who can be conventionally called "young Putinites" of various age groups. hi
        3. +5
          April 13 2014 07: 56
          Quote: Alibekulu
          By the way, we noticed that the Kazakhs were left alone on "VO" ... what Like the Ukrainians, did the Azeri disappear somewhere ?!

          Aha ... Only stubborn Kazakhs remained. The rest, apparently, are tired of proving that they are not "ungrateful", "fascists", "pi.indos bedding", "Russophobes", "chu.rki", "invaders of the primordially Russian lands", "cutters of Russian refugees", etc.
          I hope that Kazakh stubbornness will be stronger than the "Solzhenitsyn-Zhirinov-Barkashov-RNU" Russian myths.
  41. +4
    April 12 2014 16: 38
    Indeed, why "reinvent the wheel", and even the last century? In Soviet times, there was a transferable ruble; during a trip to "3 / 4capitalist" Yugoslavia, they issued a check with "clearing dollars." another story of how the East Ukrainian partisans hide T-64 tanks in their summer cottages.
  42. +2
    April 12 2014 16: 46
    The whole topic is saturated with some unhealthy srach between patriots who pull the blanket in different directions. Already territorial claims and claims on sovereignty are put forward, and all because of a common means of exchanging goods. I already wrote above, and not only me, but I repeat. There is a wonderful experience of the USSR and the SES countries of the transferable ruble — a supranational non-cash, gold-denominated non-convertible unit of account converted into the currency of cap.countries. The best option. Who is not in the know do not be lazy, find information on the network and read about what it is! The main thing is to agree and start work on creating a similar universal unit of account for the EAC countries, and what will be called violet in general, because it will not be in the form of banknotes. Later, BRICS countries should be included in this settlement system and you can forget about the West in general, let the shaitans die!
  43. The comment was deleted.
  44. +1
    April 12 2014 17: 13
    Quote: Imigrantt
    It's not a name !!! The most important thing is to get off the euro with a dollar needle !!!!! hi
    Quite right! So far, our Central Bank is not ours at all (subordinate to the US Federal Reserve), but if there is a "higher" body, then the Central Bank's services can be partially abandoned, at the same time changing the Constitution of the Russian Federation (in its prevalence of international law, over Russian), then changing the Law about the Central Bank. Then Russia will finally "break" with dollar dependence and our economy will gain independence. So far, absolutely everything in our economy can be influenced from across the ocean.
    1. +1
      April 12 2014 20: 13
      Quote: andrei72
      Quite right! So far, our Central Bank is not at all ours (subordinate to the US Federal Reserve System), but if there is a "higher" body, then the Central Bank's services can be partially refused

      In fact, the country was untied from the dollar from September 1.09.2013, XNUMX, when the law came into force on the creation of a single mega-regulator based on the Bank of Russia with the transfer of the powers of the Federal Service for Financial Markets to it.

      Such a cunning end, seemingly harmless, but in fact of enormous destructive power.
      A completely "legal" way has been found to subordinate the Central Bank to the government without noise and dust ...
      GDP also worked neatly - ahead of schedule.
      1. 0
        April 12 2014 20: 59
        How do the additional functions of the CBR as a mega-regulator subordinate it to the government? I didn’t read the law, but I read a summary of the main and valid laws, and I did not understand how he was fixing the Central Bank to the government. Could you explain? Very interesting. You can write in PM. I would be very grateful.
  45. The comment was deleted.
  46. +4
    April 12 2014 17: 23
    In the pre-Petrine era in Russia there was no decimal reference system. There were a dozen. Measure from nature. Take a look at the clock face, the number of months in a year, the zodiac. And the woman's gestation period is also from the same system and the Moon has nothing to do with it. It was already with Christianity that the digitization of consciousness began. I have nothing against it, but it's a fact. That is why the "altyn" jumped out of nature, and not out of ten. Let's see the royal denominations of coins. 1/4, 1/2 penny, and then a penny. 3 kopecks - altyn. Both on! And this is already from the old dozen. This is already real money (tenge). This is the wisdom of the people from our roots. In Russia there was bilingualism and everyone was brothers. This is our strength.
    Give the folk three rubles, as a starting point for daily survival and a measure of "happiness"! (Why not altyn?)
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      April 12 2014 17: 33
      Here is her favorite laughing
      1. +1
        April 12 2014 19: 07
        Note how this bank note is provided! "The bank note is secured with gold, precious metals and other assets of the State Bank."
        Find on the modern ruble from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (US Federal Reserve) such an inscription that it is provided with something, and that it is generally a bank ticket, that is, a debt obligation. You will not find such a thing on a modern piece of paper called the Ruble. Today's our ruble is really colorful paper.
      2. TAGIR
        April 13 2014 09: 34
        Three rubles is equal to 100 Altyns in the time of Peter 1
  47. 0
    April 12 2014 17: 42
    Do not read the Moscow Komsomolets in the morning.
  48. 0
    April 12 2014 19: 40
    I read the statement by Khristenko that the issue of a "single supranational currency" is not on the agenda, and literally my heart relieved. I give bold (+) to the leaders of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. Now all these crazy ideas (like the EACB) have been forgotten at least for a while. Author, what kind of "single emission center" Moscow would like to get, if the question of currency was not even raised! What representation, representation of whom the "experts" discussed.
    Please tell me, dear author, well, what kind of DOLLARS is it for you? Here the whole world from Haiti to Tokyo and Beijing, from Oslo to Sydney, trades and does not complain. What the dollar did not please you. No, I’m also not a big fan of American presidents, and the color, frankly, is vomiting (not like rubles), but they are calmly in their wallet, they are not the first to attack a person.
    And interestingly, at least in a bar in Hawaii, at least in the City of London they will be happy to take them and will be grateful to you. Even in Polynesia, the Papuans will not export their coconuts for any five-liter ones - only for dollars. Even they understand that this is the World Reserve Currency, that the gold and currency reserves of ALL on the planet of the countries consist, where partly, and where all of dollars.
    Understand that the dollar the cowboy pays for whiskey somewhere in the Midwest, and the dollar Japan pays with China for the supply of rare earth metals, are two DIFFERENT currencies.
    An attempt to attack the dollar, which sometimes especially turbulent "experts" call for, will not be a blow to the United States (most likely it will not affect them), but a blow to the world financial system. Those. in other words, the undermining of world trade and the devaluation of foreign exchange reserves of all countries without exception. Not the United States, but the world community will instantly give a slap on the head to such "mischievous". How many friends and allies do you think we will have after such a "trick"?
    Even China cannot afford to try to make the yuan the world's reserve currency. These are huge political and economic risks.
    The main thing is that the dollar is an exceptionally convenient tool for foreign trade. All world financial institutions work with the dollar, all commodity exchanges - with the dollar, currency quotes go through the dollar. What do you miss? That's right - independence. But this is a purely technical problem. The independence of the banking system and payment systems does not depend on the presence or absence of dollars in accounts.
    This is another problem.
    A small example. You are the owner of a tractor factory. Everything is like everyone else. Part of its own configuration, part of the import. Part of the contracts within the country, part outside. They offer you contracts for your tractors, say China and Ivory Coast. What will you conclude contracts with? In RMB, in mammoth tusks? In dollars. You remember that you need to buy a complete set abroad. And when you go out with dollars, suppliers of parts will line up and you will choose the highest quality, at the lowest price (competition for your dollars), with the best delivery conditions, with maximum guarantees.
    And if you have conventional yuan or rupees in your hands, then you have to look for suppliers. And they will set the conditions. In the first case, your company will develop and pay higher taxes to the treasury. Secondly, ... well, let's not talk about sad things.
    Refusal to work with dollars in foreign markets actually means imposing sanctions on ourselves, and gives neither the state nor the population any benefits.
    Creating a single currency is generally a very complicated process. Political and psychological factors are involved here. Still, its own currency is a symbol of independence. Independence in decision making. The experience of the creation and functioning of the euro does not yet provide great reasons for optimism. So I perfectly understand the doubts of people from Kazakhstan and Belarus. Yes, and we do not need it. Only extra tension between us.
    1. +1
      April 12 2014 19: 53
      Quote: stoker
      Creating a single currency is generally a very complicated process. Political and psychological factors are involved here. Still, its own currency is a symbol of independence. Independence in decision making. The experience of the creation and functioning of the euro does not yet provide great reasons for optimism. So I perfectly understand the doubts of people from Kazakhstan and Belarus. Yes, and we do not need it. Only extra tension between us.

      Thank you for the balanced and reasonable comment.
    2. 0
      April 12 2014 20: 00
      Quote: stoker
      Please tell me, dear author, well, what kind of DOLLARS is it for you? Here the whole world from Haiti to Tokyo and Beijing, from Oslo to Sydney, trades and does not complain. What the dollar did not please you.

      Well, for an exemplary consumer, you think five points!
      Did you study Fursenko?

      With such a dense nature to explain something, IMHO, is useless.

      Accept the legally earned minus. hi
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        April 12 2014 20: 59
        Yes, and "dolyary" from the Russian - speaking origin - "share" from something from (ruble) en. Not a part, without a Russian nowhere laughing Good luck to all!
  49. Kustanayets
    April 12 2014 21: 37
    We in Kazakhstan have just been devalued.
    The Fed prints dollars, then gives a signal to buy and sell our currencies, which are falling.

    We do not just use the world currency, we pay for it with both resources and labor.

    Not from a good life they started talking about this Altyn.
    "Nationalists" are certainly happy to hear the expression "Kazakh tenge". But what kind of Kazakh he is, if his rate does not depend on the Kazakh government, but on foreign companies and financial organizations, which can lower it at will, and ordinary Kazakhs become poorer.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      April 13 2014 12: 27
      "Everything will pass. This is how the World works!"
      And you need your own currency. Let there be Altyn, but do not put it in the oven. laughing
  50. Kustanayets
    April 12 2014 21: 59
    "One of the most important advantages of the euro is the reduction of risks associated with exchange rates"
  51. Kustanayets
    April 12 2014 22: 19
    Well, on the other hand, how patriotic it is to spend gold and foreign currency reserves to maintain the exchange rate of your currency. Let them devalue at least ten more times. But my pants are full of pride.
  52. 0
    April 12 2014 22: 35
    This coin already existed in ancient Rus'.
  53. 0
    April 13 2014 00: 44
    The publication, citing some unnamed sources, reported that by around 2025, the countries of the Customs Union will finally have a single currency, the working name of which is “Altyn”.
    Why not 2125? Well, to be well prepared.
  54. 0
    April 13 2014 07: 39
    Altyn is three kopecks. Somehow it doesn’t sound very good for normal money.
  55. TAGIR
    April 13 2014 09: 40
    The word “altyn” is from the Tatar “six” (In the 6th century, altyn was equal to 3 Moscow or XNUMX Novgorod money) So until there are six countries in the customs union (+Ukraine+Armenia+Kyrgyzstan) it makes no sense to introduce
  56. 0
    April 13 2014 21: 34
    Altyn is a good application! We need to discuss!
  57. 0
    April 14 2014 07: 09
    Quote: TAGIR
    The word “altyn” is from the Tatar “six” (In the 6th century, altyn was equal to 3 Moscow or XNUMX Novgorod money) So until there are six countries in the customs union (+Ukraine+Armenia+Kyrgyzstan) it makes no sense to introduce

    alty-six. Altyn means gold, including in Kazakh.
    Summary: we need to unite, but on a consensus basis. Imperial habits will not work. Kazakhstan needs the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan needs the Russian Federation. We are allies and fraternal peoples.
  58. Gromila555
    April 14 2014 08: 02
    They forgot the hryvnia!!! wink
  59. philip
    April 14 2014 10: 51
    With all this, I would like to remind you. The operation in Libya began after Gadafi announced his intention to create a gold dinar. The North American united states have no more vulnerable spot than a green piece of paper called the DOLLAR.
  60. 0
    April 14 2014 16: 44
    In my opinion, it makes no difference what the money is called, as long as it would be beneficial for everyone, and it seems to me that moving in this direction is correct. The advice is simple: it should be “RUBLE”, but protected by a gold reserve, and I think that this is easily possible, judging by the latest data. Like this.
  61. 0
    April 14 2014 19: 07
    Quote: sprut

    Altyn is this gold what do you like *((((
  62. +1
    April 14 2014 19: 31
    I offer options.
  63. FishGesK
    April 16 2014 03: 37
    FISH EMPIRE - an intellectual game for money online. Launch of the project 31.03.2014/XNUMX/XNUMX.

    To register, click on the link:

    Our Advantages: Free statistics - You will always be aware of the current state of gold in the project. The project does not contain any restrictions on the exchange of gold.

    Favorable conditions - you can increase your deposits many times over. We promise from 30% to 100% per month.

    Increasing the game reserve - by allocating money for advertising and attracting new participants to the game - players working under the referral program. Fast support on the welcoming forum. An unforgettable environment and a variety of different advantages.

    About the system: FISH EMPIRE - an intellectual game for money online. Plunge into the environment of an online economic game and build your Fishing Empire, which will always give you real money.

    In this game you have to buy various fish. Each fish produces eggs that can be sold for gold. Gold can be earned for real money and withdrawn from the project to your electronic wallets.

    Any fish lays different amounts of caviar; the more expensive they are, the more caviar they produce. You can purchase any quantity of them, the fish have no expiration date, they will not disappear anywhere and will spawn for you every day. The caviar collection is carried out without losses and time limits.

    Start the Game: You can start playing without investment. Upon registration, we give everyone a Pike. Daily bonuses, lottery, competitions, promotions. There is also an affiliate program. Invite your friends and family to join the system.

    For each replenishment of your balance by referrals, you will receive 30% of the amount of their investment. Auto - input into the project and withdrawal of funds to your electronic wallet. The minimum wage on Payeer is only 3 RUB. Your Fish Empire will bring money every day.

    Game equipment course: 100 gr. caviar = 1 gr. gold. 100 gr. gold = 1 RUB.

    Pisces----------Cost----------------Income per day--------- -Payback
    Pike--------------------90 RUB-----1 RUB----- ---------------90 days
    Pollock-----------------270 RUB------------------3,6 RUB-------- ------------75 days
    Salmon-----------------810 RUB------------------13,5 RUB-------- -----------60 days
    Sturgeon------------------2430 RUB-----------------54 RUB---------- -----------45 days
    Beluga-----------------7290 RUB-----------------243 RUB----------- ---------30 days