How long!


It's no secret that the mortality rate in the post-Soviet space is growing at a catastrophic pace. But what is the reason for such a dangerous trend? Many experts are inclined to believe that the main reason lies in the spiritual sphere. People are aware of the hopelessness of life, and this causes bitterness and deadly longing. In the event that the situation does not change in a positive direction in the coming years, the population of all the former Soviet republics without exception will be on the brink of an economic and demographic chasm. The main responsibility for what is happening largely lies with the governments of countries, and in many respects a positive or negative result depends on them.

The country should be formed the subject of strategic action, otherwise the emerging crisis of degradation and death can not be out. This mechanism must satisfy two basic requirements: on the one hand, it must provide the authorities with freedom in terms of innovative action, and on the other hand, it must protect the people from catastrophic mistakes and abuses of power. This will be achieved only if successive leaders and the political parties supporting them will act in the best interest of the national interests.

It is necessary to recognize that such an effective mechanism did not exist until today. If you look at history government monarchs, you can see numerous errors and failures in the actions of the rulers in various situations.

At the current moment in time, a new perestroika is brewing in Russia, but it may fail due to the depletion of the country's reserves. In addition, the positiveness of its outcome is also not to be asserted, many still remember what reorganization and acceleration led by M.S.Gorbachev led to.

At that time, the state had powerful reserves that successfully destroyed B. Yeltsin’s reforms, and stabilization under V. Putin only consolidated the collapse. In this regard, who can give a guarantee that the restructuring, started by D. Medvedev, will not bring even greater devastation and a complete collapse of statehood.

Medvedev is confident that he is able to create a controlling mechanism that will work only for the benefit of the people, but in this situation the question arises, if only patriots of the country come to power, then why create a mechanism that will control them? We have to admit that all the rulers, starting from Gorbachev, tried to do only better with their reforms, but what the country received as a result was well known to everyone, and there is no need for unnecessary retellings of everything negative.

Given the history of the development of modern Russia, there is reason to argue that it is impossible to rely only on the person who can carry out positive reforms that guarantee stability in power. It is for this purpose that it is necessary to create mechanisms to ensure execution and to guarantee a positive result.

But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that for years a flourishing bureaucracy will never approve a law that will exercise control over it. It is necessary to make her take it for granted. To do this, you must have adequate strength. It may be necessary to adopt liberal repressions as one of the levers of governance (please do not confuse with totalitarian repressions).

According to the census conducted in 2010, the population of Russia is 143 million people. If we compare it with the 2002 data of the year, then the population has decreased by two million, or officially, ONLY by 2 million. The government reassures that these are not catastrophic numbers and everything can be corrected. But this is an obvious lie. If we take into account the dynamics of population growth up to 1991, then today there must be more 170 millions living in Russia, and these are completely different figures. The loss of population is not “only” 2 million, but more than 30.

The causes of the growth of mortality classical science is quite objectively and precisely unable to establish. If during the USSR, the main causes of early mortality were such defects and diseases as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol, physical inactivity, but these same factors claimed thousands of lives in the prosperous West. Today, talking about obesity or physical inactivity is completely inappropriate with regard to food prices and a crazy rhythm of life. But mortality is growing. Smoking and alcoholism, of course, are the cause of death, but not on such a scale. Nod at environmental problems - but during the Soviet era, with the development of the chemical industry, problems were much more tangible.

During the reign of Putin, who declared the priority of preserving the people - 6 millions of excess dead. Under Medvedev - 2 million more. Perhaps Medvedev's rule coincided with a slight decline in mortality.

To understand how dangerous the trend is in rising mortality, you need to look at the data on fertility. Officially, the fertility rate 2,2 of a child per woman is recognized worldwide. In the case of a decrease in this coefficient, the nation faces aging and gradual extinction.

Despite the negative difference between births and deaths, the economic teams of both Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev fell not only into a kind of insanity - but already into violent monetarist insanity. The authorities, drawing Russia into the WTO, are preparing a real fuel-price shock, their “economists” want to completely eliminate domestic refining.

Everything happens in line with the launch of the mechanism of the modern genocide - already under the banner of membership in the WTO. But the government forgets about the basic requirements for WTO member countries. One of the first requirements is to raise the price of energy to the level of Western countries and the absolute removal of duties on the export of hydrocarbons from the state. All this is happening against the background of a tax increase, in the complete absence of even 10% of those mechanisms of state support for industry that exist in the European Union, the USA, China and Brazil. The highest minds of the Russian economy know only three means: a tax increase, privatization and another shock. Over the years, 20 has shown its complete lack of competitiveness. As a result, thanks to the "economists" we have an increase in electricity tariffs and a no less terrible tax increase for the economy.

We will see what Medvedev can change in the near future, but there is a doubt that he will be able to get rid of the “court” economists and recruit real professionals who can not only really assess the situation, but also draw the right conclusions to solve specific problems. Otherwise, the population of Russia will decrease at a rapid pace, not because of illness or catastrophe, but because of hopelessness and the absence of the meaning of life.

But economic problems and prosperous corruption are not the last factors of negative mood in society. Returning to the history of the USSR, we can recall how sensitive the state was in the field of education. And this is fully justified - only an educated people can build a civilized and capable of thinking state. But this is in the past, the modern government carries out reforms that push Russia far back, in the medieval era, when only the offspring of a rich family could receive education and only the rich and distinguished citizens of the country had the right to receive education of a rich family. What is the law on imposing a payment for school fees adopted by the State Duma? Thanks to the United Russia party and its 314 deputies who voted for this wild law, secondary education in Russia will be available only to a few. If these are decisive steps by the government to reduce anger among the population, then they are deeply mistaken.

The new law provides for the transition of the majority of social institutions to self-sufficiency. From 1 September 2011, Russian kindergartens, schools, hospitals have to earn money to ensure their functioning independently. But how can this be compared with loud statements of concern for the future of the nation? The government and the political party that supports it, by their decisions, on the contrary, are pushing their people into the abyss of chaos and lawlessness. Russia may be not only a raw materials appendage of the WTO, but also a country with an illiterate and faceless people.

It becomes obvious that the growing mortality does not interest our rulers at all, despite the tearful assurances to the contrary. On the contrary, instead of fighting bureaucracy and corruption and easing the lives of ordinary Russians in terms of reducing exorbitant taxes and increasing wages, the government is preparing a framework for creating an illiterate, meaningless people who can be easily managed like a herd of domestic animals.
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  1. Stavr
    April 20 2011 08: 34
    There is a deliberate and planned destruction of Russia. Power is seized, law enforcement agencies, too, the media are everywhere bought upright, like most of the industry. In order to pump gas and oil to the West, no more than 20 million slaves are needed. And even fewer slave owners, two lapdogs guarding a flock of sheep are enough.
  2. Mr. Truth
    April 20 2011 10: 04
    It’s not the destruction of Russia, but the destruction of the Russian and other Russified peoples (Mordvinians), it’s not even called the destruction we are being replaced by Gavgavts, they do not need education and medicine, they are easier to manage. But they will not die near Vladivostok.
  3. dmitriy
    April 20 2011 10: 38
    Everyone sees everything, understands everything correctly, but so far it doesn’t go beyond writing in the comments, and writing doesn’t change anything ...
  4. Berislav
    April 20 2011 11: 47
    There is no destruction of Russia. Do not consider Russia as a separate state on planet Earth. Global changes are taking place for all of humanity. The USA is falling apart, China is being strengthened (to be destroyed in the future, after 70 years), Russia is again placed on the level of illiteracy of the population (so that in the future there would be a new rapid growth of scientific and technological progress in 50-100 years). This is done by people who are responsible for the path of all mankind. For them there are no concepts Russian, American, Jew. It’s necessary, it’s necessary. Their plans are spelled out for millennia in advance.

    People die of grief at the end of their stereotypes (which they themselves have created for themselves. And which have existed for the past 50 years, no more). However, a person must create new stereotypes in order to continue to develop. The weak die to return wise, the strong change here and now.

    Stop whining, it's time to work on your own. Those who see no reason to live die of longing. Those who do not fulfill their purpose with their lives.
  5. Filin
    April 20 2011 12: 22

    Stop whining, it's time to work on your own. Those who see no reason to live die of longing. Those who do not fulfill their purpose with their lives

    I fully support your statement. Sam wanted to write this when he read the article.
  6. dmitriy
    April 20 2011 13: 12
    Berislav, you want to say that I must pray for "these people" so that their millennial plans do not destroy my family and me? Or do I need to humbly lay down my head and betray my family for the sake of only known and understandable plans? I don't give a damn about their plans and I see Russia as Great Russia, and not as another way, and the Russian people as hardworking, honest, just and kind, who deserve a peaceful and happy life.
    And the article is more about the fact that our government does not solve the demographic problem, and not that people are dying of longing (here, of course, the author went too far).
  7. turnip
    April 20 2011 13: 35
    dmitriy no one can destroy you if you yourself do not allow it
  8. Patriot
    April 20 2011 13: 37
    Dear! Well, this begs this question.

    Where are the bright representatives of our army? Where are the unions of officers, special services, old fbs-shniks who now with pain in their hearts contemplate the final phase of the Dales Plan, in accordance with which Russia should be made poor, naked and defenseless. And, her people are waiting for the fate of disparate Indian tribes? I believe that everyone remembers what fate awaited them.

    So. Where are your Actions of the Lord?

    For, for many centuries, the Russian Army has been a bastion of the welfare of the people and the power of the country. Or you Kremlin liberals bought you again with the next campaign promises of salary increase and a sea of ​​free apartments? It's time to stop believing in such nonsense for a long time.

    Wake Up Men

    How much you can endure and it is not clear what to expect from the enemies of the people. Your army is almost gone. Agriculture is destroyed, industrial production has long been exclusively raw materials. And yet ... Do you just try to imagine if any cataclysm breaks out today or tomorrow? And what do you think will happen to Russia and its people. Yes, with this power we certainly will not feed ourselves. But, even if our country is more lucky than the rest, and the cataclysm practically does not affect us, then .... On the left is Nato and the United States, on the right is China. And what will you do gentlemen, Kamanches, Aztecs and Mayans. Yes, we just have money, I’ll put us all on the reservation and will systematically exterminate. And, the Kremlin liberals once again sawing our weapons in the framework of the next st.
  9. dmitriy
    April 20 2011 13: 54
    REP, where are you? go down to the ground. Millions of Russian residents destroyed in the 20th century - do you think they allowed it? No, they desperately resisted, and only thanks to them do we now live.
  10. Berislav
    April 20 2011 14: 10
    There are those who are well versed in the Laws of the Universe. They work, it is their duty. To love them or not to love them is everyone's personal business. Praying for people is the highest abomination that can be on this planet. All people are equal. And everyone is in the process of self-development. Praying for someone who has advanced a little further in self-development is the highest degree of stupidity. "Don't make an idol." "Do not live according to legend, obeying the authorities."

    You consider a certain part of the planet Earth as having some name Rus. And what was the name of this territory when sauropods and terropods moved around it? And when there are no people on it, what will it be called? Tying oneself to a historical myth, instilled in a child by his parents, is another stupidity. All people are equal. No matter how they call different parts of the Earth, no matter how they divide themselves into "nations" - they remain people.

    Do not go in cycles in the nations. Especially when you consider that in practice, all nations are groups of people who have spun off from the first clan / pack of people, who were led away by a young leader who could not put up with the strength of the main leader. They added the prefix Ch-ado to the name of the leader, so the Rusichs appeared (this is not the first tribe), Uglich, Bodrich, Dryagovic and others like them.

    There are no nations on planet Earth and never has been. If you clear your brain of this (sorry for the expression) garbage, then it will be much easier for you to live. What does the ASSOCIATION give itself to you with some ancient clan? A person is judged by actions. From the fact that you consider yourself a Russian or a Jew, you do not depreciate, but you do not grow in value. You live now. History needs to be investigated, not taken on faith. You can’t even trust her. But without research, it’s hard to figure out the meaning of finding us on planet Earth. Those. we are researching for SELF-DEVELOPMENT, and not for typing a letter, that I am the Great Heir to such and such a Great People (a very stupid undertaking of kindergarten pride, which has no ground under it)))

    Who said that the Russian people are "hardworking, honest, fair and kind, who deserve a peaceful and happy life"? Each person can define what he sees and what he can describe. What is the Russian people? This is just an illusion. How can one give illusion the epithets of a living being? It makes no sense. But most of all in this phrase I was killed by the phrase "Deserved". Who determined that someone deserved it? What authority over the so-called "Russian people" made such confirmation?
  11. Parity
    April 20 2011 14: 24

    Dear you smoke something or do you really believe in all this nonsense? You throw it, tie it with weed.

    The fact is that you have now written a lot of very beautiful and pompous words, but the same Orthodox Church, propagandizing the principles of love your neighbor and changing cheeks after hooks with a face, has always been for a Strong Army, a Rich Country and a Well-Fed People. And now there is nothing of this. Forget it, my friend. And, the only "merit" of the liberals, which we all know, is OIL at $ 100-120. But, I dare to remind you all that even at the beginning of the ordination of the heir to ebn, whom we all know too, she was the OIL COST $ 18-20. What do you think will happen to our country at such prices? When the income of the country, SITTING ON THE OIL NEEDLE, decreases 5 times? Who has a fantasy, imagine. There will be no money at all. Although, maybe it will be a blessing for the country, in the sense that it can only be in that situation that the RUSSIAN BEAR WAKES UP.
  12. turnip
    April 20 2011 14: 43
    dmitriy - that’s it, you yourself answered - they fought fiercely, and there were millions who simply lay down and died. they are not bad, it’s just their choice
  13. Berislav
    April 20 2011 15: 15
    There is a Law, and it is One for all, including people. Law of Conservation of Energies. If a person commits a certain act, i.e. a person releases an energy impulse into the environment; nature returns the same amount of energy with the same charge to him. Committed against the Law, get the negative back. Only then it is not necessary to say that America, the government, the Jews, the healers and the demon who beguiled are to blame for everything. In that negative life in which a person lives, he is to blame for himself.

    Getting used to certain types of stereotypes is meaningless. It's like a drug. When a person is taken away from what he is used to, the person begins to withdraw. and then such articles begin to appear, where they blame everyone around, but not themselves. It remains only to ask the author, how many children do you have, the author of the article? There are at least two, so that the so-called "Russian people" does not die out? ))) ....

    About the oil. We have been living on petroleum products for the past 150 years. However, in the future, the development of civilization begins to stop due to oil, which 150 years ago gave such a big breakthrough from technologies based on coal and steam. And if oil slows down, then it must be removed from the stereotypes of people. This is easy enough to do. It is enough to constantly (under any pretext, be it a war or a disaster) raise the price of oil. First, people were told that oil was limited (this is another myth for uneducated people), and they linked the whole world to a single currency, the dollar, through which you can manage the economy of the whole world. And then the process of collapse went through the currency corridor of the world economy, tied to the consumption of petroleum products.

    In order to remove the addict from the needle, it is necessary to deprive him of the drug. We are in the final stages of this process. Now fashion brands are pushing the idea of ​​bioresources, new types of energies. So far this is wrapped in an elitist product shell, but the media blows the whole population who are accustomed to look up to the oligarchs (who are just controlled dolls in front of ordinary people). In the future, this wave will go to the entire population. In this process, the meaning of the moratorium on the use of gasoline in EU cars, prepared by 2050, is laid. Those. there are two ways against oil: a) the skyrocketing price of oil and its products, b) a gradual increase in emission standards to the point where the cleanest gasoline engines will still emit more dirt than is legally required.

  14. dmitriy
    April 20 2011 15: 16
    you are clearly a fan of funny smoke)). But I will answer you:
    all people are equal - absolutely agree! that's why I don't fucking need "those who are versed in the Laws of the Universe", I myself want to choose my own path. Let them tell me their goals, and I will decide for myself whether I agree with them or not.
    A person is judged by actions - exactly! That is why I am glad that I am Russian and that my children will be Russian. This is my point.
    About the "organ" - you are a lover of humanity (based on your posts)), so why do you consider people such cattle, over which there should be some kind of "organ" that will say what is good and what is bad ??
  15. Patriot
    April 20 2011 15: 30

    Respected. Tell me, what kind of law has Russia and its people violated that they live so poorly and are torn apart by vultures?
  16. Berislav
    April 20 2011 16: 09
    The conclusions are far reaching. Russia, which now earns on the sale of oil and has a weighty say in world politics (this is the role that our state plays for ordinary uneducated people), will lose this role in the near future (in 30-40 years). She will be assigned a new role. But in order to gain this role, it is necessary to format the population of Russia. There are many reforms under this (education should make people uneducated, that is, ready for new knowledge, pension and financial - to quickly reduce the elderly population to circumcise the new generation from the stereotypes of the old generation). It may seem inhuman, but such is the process of human development. Addict must be treated. And the treatment is ALWAYS painful for the addict himself.

    Bad is the illusion of the subjective opinion of the person himself. As well as good. There is right and wrong. The correct path is not always "good" for many people, ie. they don't like him. To be liked depends on the morality of the person. If morality is not in line with the Law, then the actions are similar, then the ANSWER is CORRECT. If YOU don't like something in YOUR life, reconsider YOUR views on life, abandon the current stereotypes in favor of new ones, which respond to YOUR new actions with positive vibrations of the surrounding world. Life will sparkle in a new way. There is nothing good or bad in this world, there is neither evil nor good. This is all an invention of the human brain, which defines the processes taking place in the Universe, according to its own ruler, dividing them into the notorious "bad and good" REGARDING the human body. However, the processes in the Universe were not built on the basis that man is the center of the Universe. This is not true. Consequently, the subjective perception of the brain, which considers itself beloved by the navel of the Earth, is again not correct, and the decisions of this brain and further actions of the person are not correct.
  17. dmitriy
    April 20 2011 16: 20
    Berislav, what are we all about Russia and about Russia? Enlighten us about the future of other countries, as you know, I’m about developed countries.
  18. Prophet
    April 20 2011 17: 43
    2 Parity

    Who, when will wake up there? From low oil prices? So, during the time of the late scoop, we were already hooked on a resource needle and in the 80s oil prices collapsed. And what, did the Russian bear wake up? don’t tell me, if he wakes up, he will dig a grave for himself, is 91 years old?

    In general, of course, a state that oppresses and exterminates its citizens, IMHO, is not necessary. Maybe you need to think about what will happen after Russia and how to go this route the least painlessly?
  19. Patriot
    April 20 2011 18: 10
    And who says that the state can exist, which oppresses and exterminates foreign citizens? I am about the same usa and western countries.
  20. Prophet
    April 20 2011 18: 23
    2 Patriot

    and where does the other countries, if the topic of the article is about Russia and the extinction of its indigenous population? do not translate arrows

    I kind of clearly voiced the thought - the meaning of the existence of the state, if it destroys its citizens? with Putin minus 6 million and another minus 2 million with a bear.
  21. Max
    April 20 2011 18: 30
    I have other data author. What in recent years, mortality equaled the birth rate. And in just 8 years, Russian citizens caught up with the Portuguese salaries. And with such a pace, it’s likely to catch up with the Japanese in 5-7 years. The army is gaining momentum, the ZP of the officer corps is increasing 3 times! The authority of officers will naturally increase when a soldier is a wealthy person. The country paid off all external debt, the gold and foreign exchange fund was accumulated to unprecedented proportions. Ruble is traded everywhere in the near abroad. I can go on, but it's time to go. Friends are more optimistic, and everything will be Coca-Cola;)
  22. turnip
    April 20 2011 18: 39
    max external debt is yes, and corporate debt do not know how much? take an interest. You will be unpleasantly surprised.
  23. vist
    April 20 2011 18: 46
    Berislav, and take you and your family from young to old, and lean against the wall (format), because there is neither good nor bad in the world, this is: "the illusion of the subjective opinion of the person himself", and "Life will play in a new way", because the country gets rid of: 1. from a bright representative of the fifth column, 2. from a brainless talker-storyteller. Your theory, in relation to you specific.
  24. Prophet
    April 20 2011 18: 59
    2 max
    and in recent years, mortality equaled the birth rate

    and you look at the results of the last census. Population growth is practically only in the Caucasian republics. But there will always be good with this, since in these republics there is a clan / tribal way of life that actually isolates them from the state. Those. no matter what state they will be in - the Russian Federation, the Ottoman Empire, Byzantium, the Golden Horde ... with demographics there will always be good.

    But the indigenous Slavic population ...
  25. 0
    April 20 2011 20: 10
    This is all the fraternity of WEAVERS they are all to blame)))))))))))))
  26. yuvit
    April 20 2011 20: 22

    You are not the case of the National Socialist? Your ideas are very close to those set forth in Mine Kampf.
  27. Raw them
    April 20 2011 20: 23
    spirit, "It's all the brotherhood of WEAVERS, they are all to blame)))))))))))))

    Machii Kazlov!
  28. Escander
    April 20 2011 20: 42
    Berislav, with a nozzle more careful.
    Who formatted you like that? (Grass left?)

    --- “From September 1, 2011, Russian kindergartens, schools, hospitals must earn money to ensure their functioning independently.”

    Do not earn.
    Their the base initially did not imply a transition to self-sufficiency. From an economic point of view, they are illiquid (too many areas, land, etc.). This is just another global scam.
  29. His
    April 20 2011 20: 43
    Mortality began since the collapse of the USSR. Huge migration, poverty, hunger, ethnic conflicts, local wars, lack of social guarantees of new states. But now there is an inertia of the demographic line when the overclocked decline curve cannot rise up. It takes several stable years to rise. And in any case not revolutions
  30. -2
    April 21 2011 04: 19
    I agree .
  31. Az
    April 21 2011 14: 01
    You are either very sick (if you believe what you have posted here) or are pursuing some goal. Roughly the same nonsense from beautiful words is being poured into the so-called "adepts" in various sects. How it ends for them is clear.
  32. Andrei
    April 21 2011 16: 55
    I support in everything. People live in the narrow corridor of their consciousness, fueled by the illusions of the brain. Going beyond comfort is very difficult for them. What does a person need? sex, food and pleasure.
  33. Pinocchio
    April 22 2011 02: 29
    Again WORLD CONSPIRATION! Somewhere on this planet, the wise sages, who will format us, are seated. They have approved the Millennium Plan ............., and Comrade Berislav is already dedicated to them.
    Now we need to convey to us, before it's too late, these ideas. It remains to be taken for granted ................... great x ......... nude! am
  34. Patriot
    April 22 2011 10: 55

    When your country does not become or it is threatened by existence, I think that there will be no talk of sex and pleasures. And with food, too, there will most likely be booleous difficulties. And so that this does not happen, one must not talk about grandiloques like the stoned Berislav, but think with his head and act according to the conditions of the country's survival. And, if our grandfathers and great-grandfathers during the Great Patriotic War, had similar thoughts as you Berislav Our Country simply did not exist. And, therefore, both of you and your children and grandchildren.
  35. 0
    30 June 2011 09: 19
    I dare to remind you that the decline in the birth rate, the Russian village begins to drink too much, the harbingers of homeless people - scourges - appear, began in the early 60s. The reason is extremely banal, 2 generations have passed since 1917, when we can say that a new formation of the "Soviet people" has appeared as a result of a grandiose experiment. The mentality of the old regime has simply disappeared. The 90s only intensified this trend.
    But Gorbachev had no choice but to declare perestroika. The country rolled downhill. The economy as a whole was ineffective, and even oil prices fell. But everything turned out half measures. Russian Deng Xiao Ping did not come out of Gorbachev, who, like Lenin, ultimately came to private property. Which, at the moment, there is no alternative.
    Although, Gorbachev also had the Stalinist method of raising the economy: millions of repressed are working hard on great construction sites; 12 - 16 hourly working day for everyone else.