Drones UAVs caused a scandal in South Korea

Drones UAVs caused a scandal in South Korea

Over the past couple of weeks, the South Korean authorities in their territory discovered three unmanned aerial vehicles at once, which, as Seoul believes, were sent from the territory of the DPRK and for various reasons crashed in South Korea. Two aircraft, as it turned out, were able to photograph a number of military facilities and the residence of the President of South Korea. This caused a big stir in the South, where they began to talk about "significant gaps in the air defense of the country." The South Korean military intends to increase air defense forces, simultaneously forcing the creation of its own UAVs to monitor the DPRK.

"Epidemic of falling drones“began in South Korea on March 24. Then, in the vicinity of the city of Paju, an unknown UAV crashed that flew over the whole of Seoul was discovered. he managed to get through the entire no-fly zone.

However, just a week later, a second incident occurred on the island of Pannjöndo, when another similar crashed plane was discovered. This time the event failed to hush up. And immediately his eyes turned to the DPRK, which, on the day of the fall of the second plane, conducted firing not far from Pannendo.

A thorough investigation led to a big scandal in South Korea. As the Southerners now believe, both UAVs belong to the DPRK, as evidenced by the labeling on batteries. The devices were sent for photographing military and government facilities. The first plane was able to make 193 photos, which captured including the administration of the President of South Korea. The second “guest” photographed military sites on Pannöndo and two adjacent islands.

Representatives of the South Korean authorities began to reassure the public, saying that "the pictures were the level of those that are accessible to everyone via Google Maps," but officials still admitted that they were faced with a new danger to them that was still unknown to them from the North. Due to their small size, these UAVs easily overcome South Korean air defense systems unnoticed and then can safely take pictures of the territory of the South. According to the South Koreans, the North Korean vehicles have a range of 600-800 km, that is, they can cover the entire territory of South Korea and return to the DPRK. There is also the danger that BLAs can also be used as kamikaze aircraft, carrying warheads if necessary and hitting targets, crashing into them.

Representatives of the Ministry of Defense of South Korea said they intend to significantly increase the country's air defense forces, as well as speed up projects to build their own UAVs.

Fuel to the fire poured and the message that appeared yesterday about the discovery of the third "drone" and again close to the border with North Korea. He also crashed, but in the area of ​​the city of Samchhok, in eastern South Korea. The truth here, too, as it turned out, was not without a certain scandal. The locals saw the UAV falling back in October last year, but the authorities became interested in the message only after two planes crashed into Pahaju and on Pennёndo. As a result, the wreckage lay for almost half a year, but the soldiers were still able to locate them anyway. A preliminary analysis allowed to talk about the serious similarity of the apparatus with two recent "brothers".

In this connection, several scandalous questions immediately arose to the authorities and the military of South Korea, which are tirelessly quoted by the local media. First, why the incidents tried to hush up, although already with the first UAV it soon became clear that it was not a “simple amateur model”. South Korean military expert Sin Ying Gyun stressed that after reporting on the first UAV and his comments on the "gaps in the country's air defense system," representatives of the presidential administration called him, demanding to give up his words and "do not agitate panic." However, as subsequent events showed, everything turned out to be more serious than the expert said.

Secondly, the Southerners found three UAVs, which for various reasons crashed, and therefore, as South Korea is confident, it is logical to assume that this is only a small fraction of those vehicles of the DPRK that regularly visit the South. It turns out that the Southerners did not know that North Korea was closely following them in this way.

Thirdly, the talk is about the vulnerability and inefficiency of the air defense system as a whole. Northerners seem to have found a "hole" in this system, using small-sized UAVs. Ordinary radars do not notice them, since such aircraft leave a trail similar to three or four birds flying together.
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  1. +15
    April 7 2014 13: 42
    Another place on the globe, where the United States dreams of pitting native people ....
    1. Luzhichanin
      April 7 2014 13: 46
      Quote: SS68SS
      Another place on the globe, where the United States dreams of pitting native people ....
      Eun specifically for this from the Americans and studied laughing
    2. The comment was deleted.
  2. +2
    April 7 2014 13: 52
    What do such drones do in the DPRK that they constantly fall, maybe this psychological weapon is peculiar. In general, they do not let RK sleep peacefully.
    1. +2
      April 7 2014 14: 00
      Quote: Thought Giant
      What do such drones do in the DPRK that they constantly fall, maybe this psychological weapon is peculiar. In general, they do not let RK sleep peacefully.

      It’s in vain that the Korean model pioneers launched the noise, the little Korea flies away to the other side. laughing
    2. +1
      April 7 2014 14: 00
      To the title and content of the topic.
      DPRK drone crash site and characteristic see 01-01

      another DPRK drone see 02-42
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +2
      April 7 2014 14: 04
      On rejected Chinese parts, it doesn't work better.
      1. 0
        April 7 2014 18: 34
        Quote: Thought Giant
        What do such drones do in the DPRK that they constantly fall, maybe this psychological weapon is peculiar. In general, they do not let RK sleep peacefully.

        It can be done spetsialno say, we see where we want to fly, today a drone with a camera / which before that shot the Prize’s Palace \, and tomorrow we can hang something else!
        1. 0
          April 10 2014 18: 56
          Yo-my motor is ours - motorcycle. And such as in the first video we did at school 40 years ago - only not with a camera, but with a Smena camera.
    5. The comment was deleted.
  3. +2
    April 7 2014 13: 54
    Duc .... Therefore, drones fall because the bad ... And the good ones return to where they took off .... Well done Koreans ... A quiet glanders, but they pour pepper on the southern neighbors periodically ... So that they wouldn’t lose their scent and thought that are invulnerable ...
    1. +1
      April 7 2014 14: 07
      Quote: domokl
      And the good ones return to where they took off ....

      Exactly! Go find it, sk. they were released, how many fell and how many returned ... laughing bully
  4. +1
    April 7 2014 13: 55
    progress in the North. Korea look does not stand still ..
  5. +4
    April 7 2014 13: 55
    Something unclear, with these drones. Given the pathos of the DPRK mass media, they would have long ago gotten to the whole world about the triumph of engineering, under the leadership .... Although Iran could well help.
    1. +1
      April 7 2014 14: 07
      Quote: mabuta
      Given the pathos of the DPRK mass media, they would have long ago become a whole world over the triumph of engineering

      Why make noise, because intelligence does not tolerate fuss and noise ... bully
  6. +1
    April 7 2014 13: 56
    Yes, "a scandal in a noble family." According to the Yankees and their allies, only their "birds" can fly. The initiatives of other countries in this direction are perceived as the appearance of a cockroach in their own kitchen. At the same time, the "progressive community" prefers not to think about how the residents of, for example, Pakistan should feel under the constant "hood" of drones, which, moreover, shoot.
    1. 0
      April 7 2014 14: 18
      Yes there is such a drone that not a single radar will notice it, because a piece of flying plywood with a motor does not sound, and the noise was raised in order to bring a couple of destroyers closer.
  7. 0
    April 7 2014 13: 56
    if the DPRK makes its own UAVs, it says that their electronics industry is developed (and possibly Chinese), which takes the confrontation to a new level. The United States and its venal puppets from the south have something to think about ....
    1. +1
      April 7 2014 13: 58
      Quote: JonnyT
      if the DPRK makes its own UAVs, it says that their electronics industry is developed (and possibly Chinese), which takes the confrontation to a new level. The United States and its venal puppets from the south have something to think about ....

      Show you their drones? Laugh together or cry ...
      1. +2
        April 7 2014 14: 17
        Quote: professor
        Laugh together or cry ...

        What to laugh at?
        Over cheapness and mass ... or the advancement of million-dollar products.
        What is an awesome camera? Well fihsnim ... modern mini-cameras on Chinese plastic airplanes and cheap helicopters, even with my friends, were taken to the window with ecstasy by taking pictures of their neighbors in negligee.
        And if this can reach 700km ... and instead of equipment take plastit. For all that, it is invisible ... This is definitely a scandal!
        In addition, your Ayran domes will most likely also be invisible to them. So there is reason to think ... cry, don’t you?
        1. 0
          April 7 2014 15: 47
          Quote: Rus2012
          What to laugh at?

          Over quackery and fraud.

          Quote: Rus2012
          In addition, your Ayran domes will most likely also be invisible to them.

          The missile defense system will not notice? how are we going to live now?

          Quote: Rus2012
          So there is reason to think ... cry, don’t you?

          Let's cry together.

          ICE is noisy and glowing in the conceivable and not conceivable ranges, a glider made of a super-duper composite material.

          Rope for attaching a parachute - the performance is not repeatable.

          A household Chinese camera (almost an imager) and a satellite communication line ...

          But the little chubby dictator has his own drones. laughing
          1. 0
            April 7 2014 17: 47
            Professor, with all due respect .... hi You, as a citizen of the country of eternal war, don’t you understand what it smells like? Hysterical and crazy (really, really want to read the psycho portrait from serious experts) MAY use the trifling excuse for everything. I personally am very concerned about this subject. The DPRK and the Russian Federation border, do not forget.
  8. +1
    April 7 2014 14: 04
    Yes, we cut such drones in an aircraft model circle as a child, and howled they raised a Su-27 there by remote control, funny ...
    1. +2
      April 7 2014 14: 08
      The funny thing is that we buy in foreign countries and no prospects are visible.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  9. Smiles to you
    April 7 2014 14: 07
    It is interesting to look at the performance characteristics of these UAVs. Maybe the guys from the local club "Young Technician" pamper ... lol
  10. zerkalov35
    April 7 2014 14: 09
    After the execution of Uncle Kim Jong-un-Chan Song-taek in December last year, about 200 officials from the country's leadership and a thousand of their relatives were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the conspiracy
  11. +1
    April 7 2014 14: 11
    Quote: Bkmz
    Yes, we cut such drones in an aircraft model mug

    Yes, and they have pictures like a soap dish. Another thing is important - there is another buildup of paranoia between the Koreans (and who, I will not say, be-be-be-be), and in the new conditions this ... is fraught.
  12. +5
    April 7 2014 14: 19
    Eun is jumping. Fat with Napoleonic manners. He would sit quietly and take care of people more, but no - the Fuhrer’s laurels, like fleas, give rest. fool
  13. 0
    April 7 2014 14: 26
    Well done northerners!
  14. 0
    April 7 2014 15: 05
    They followed, follow, and will follow each other, if these devices have a radius of 800 km, then the northerners have already learned a lot, because some devices have returned. And I don’t think that their photo quality is poor, a country that has missiles, conducts nuclear tests, I think it’s able to create a normal camera!
  15. sazhka4
    April 7 2014 15: 31
    Eh .. We would have such a .. Lukashenko. And there were no "friends" .. "partners" for the present .. The whole world can be put on all fours .. And so some shit ..