USA "funeral"

USA "funeral"In the last decade, there have been quite a lot of reports about the “soon demise” of the USA. States tipped for death due to financial and economic problems, environmental (disaster in the Gulf of Mexico), some refer to the prophecies of American Indians and several other prophets (E. Casey), etc.

Among the American “funerals” of the USA, two can be distinguished - independent scientist Jordan Maxwell and priest Lindsay Williams. Both have developed a frenzy of promoting their ideas, the characteristic phrase of the scientist Maxwell and the priest Williams is: “You did not know about this? Get ready: now find out ... ".

Help: Jordan Maxwell, scholar, more than 50 years dealing with the problems of the ancient stories, paleouphology, symbolism, secret teachings and secret societies and their influence on society for the purpose of its management. He lectures, has written many works, records video lectures, collaborates with other scientists working in these areas. There is an opinion that is the "mouthpiece" of the Rothschild structures. With 2009 actively criticizes the Vatican. Many of his data are very attractive and convincing.

Maxwell’s latest predictions are very sad for the States: “I’m afraid America won’t be saved,” “America doesn’t have enough brains to understand what is happening,” “America collapses and collapses quickly” and “something terrible will happen soon.”

The charges of the Vatican:

- The Vatican is the successor of the Roman Empire, the current European Union is the flesh of the flesh of ancient Rome, and Rome is the Vatican, its “brain”. Its essence is similar to the Italian mafia. The Vatican still considers humanity its legitimate herd, and itself a shepherd.

“The Vatican is the main evil on the planet that threatens all of humanity with its existence.”

- The Vatican inherited many secrets of polytheistic Rome, used Christian doctrine to control people, created knightly orders like the Templars to penetrate neighboring territories. But in the end, the Templars received so much power (including ancient sources of knowledge) and wealth that the Vatican had to strike at him. As a result, the surviving Templars went first to Scotland, then to the USA.

- The Vatican always acts secretly, after the beginning of the collapse of apparent colonialism, the structures of the Vatican supported fascism in Italy and Nazism in Germany (together with the financial structures of the USA). And after the collapse of this project, he helped to transport Nazis and scientists to the USA and South America.

Predictions and other topics

Maxwell suggested that in April, the 2011 of the year in the United States would be something terrible, equal in scale, or greater than the September 11 of the 2001 of the year.

The scientist does not offer any alternatives to the current state. In antiquity, in his opinion, the development of mankind was influenced by the Anunaki aliens, who preserved their genes in the genera of some of the “shadow rulers” of the planet. In this regard, his opinion is consistent with the statements of publicists Zechariah Sitchin and David Ike.

It may be noted that recently the Vatican has been somewhat intensified in terms of the propaganda of anti-Zionism and plans to act as the moral bulwark of the oppressed, the center of building a new society. In October 2010, “at the end of the 2 weekly conference, the Bishop Synod states that the biblical concept of the promised land cannot justify the construction of settlements [on Palestinian land].” After that, for two months the Palestinian state recognized the 7 states, Tel Aviv expressed regret with this position (in fact, there is a secret confrontation between the structures of the Zionists and the Vatican).

Help: Lindsay Williams, a Baptist priest, ordained for missionary work in Alaska in 1971. According to him, he has contacts with representatives of the world elite, who devote him to their plans. According to some reports, roughly 75-80% of his predictions come true.

He correctly predicted the jumps of oil in recent years, the beginning of the Arab distemper. His current interview is a hot topic for the American media. Williams calls for the free dissemination of his information, without protecting it by copyright.

He actually voiced the program to establish the New World Order on the planet. The priest does not make his conclusions, only voices the information transmitted, does not give moral assessments, does not criticize public order.

What the priest told

- In the book “The Energy Crisis That Didn't Have” (1980), he talked about the discovery in the US of the underground oil sea in 1976 in the northern part of the United States (Dakota and Montana), which would last for decades. It is light low-sulfur oil at a cost of 16 $ per barrel, but this field is classified and will wait for the price to rise to 200 dollars.

- Natural gas reserves in the US for 200 years, but development is prohibited, the existence of fields is classified. One of the lobbyists of buying oil abroad for green paper was Henry Kissanger.

- In 2005, there was information about another oil field in the Rockies on the 2000 trillion. barrels. It is the largest oil field in the world, with 8 more oil in it than in Saudi Arabia. That is, the oil issue in the United States is purely geopolitical, it is a way to control the masses and the world. In one moment, the United States can ruin many countries that are addicted to selling energy to the United States.

- In 2012, the dollar system will “die”, this process is entirely controlled and controlled. It will continue to exist, but no longer as a world currency. Thanks to trillions of investments in the global financial system of greenbacks, Washington was able to postpone the fall of the system for a year to better prepare.

- “China will become the main one”, which we are currently seeing. The PRC has lent money to states more than the World Bank. The middle class of the USA, which was the main consumer of the planet, will be replaced by the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). Russia and China are preparing for the creation of regional monetary systems.

- The Middle East is a smoke screen to divert the attention of the people of the planet, the main events take place in Russia and China. The countries of the Arab world simply donated to hide the true global reorganization.

- In 2011, there will be hunger, although there will be enough food. In the US, prices will rise, and people's incomes will fall by 30-50%.

- Preparations are underway for the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange; Thus, 10-14 January 2011, insiders sold shares on 163 million dollars, without buying more than one share - the money invested in the purchase of precious metals. In the US, it is impossible to buy silver coins, all sold out. India, China, Iran and other countries are actively buying gold.

- World elites recognize only real assets, so in the 2011 year, against the background of a controlled collapse of the dollar and the euro, the price of oil will rise to 200 dollars, gold will reach 2000 dollars and then 3000 dollars per troy ounce, silver will reach 300 dollars.

- In addition to the smoke screen, destabilization of the Arab world will lead to an increase in oil prices (has already led), this will lead to a new wave of the global crisis, the euro will collapse (Portugal has already declared bankruptcy). In Europe, social unrest and protests will begin - already constant news steel protests in Greece, Italy, England and other countries. They will be warmed up by nationalism, will go redistribution of spheres of influence, power, real estate. European securities will lose their price, they will cost no more than plain paper. The air transport system will die down sharply - fuel and ticket prices will become too expensive. Europeans will lose up to half of their wealth and income.

“There is a hint that when radical Islamists gain power in Arab countries, Israel“ will manifest itself in all its glory, ”that is, the plan of the“ Great Israel ”will become relevant.

- A signal to the fact that “it went away” will be the collapse of Saudi Arabia and its royal family. As soon as it "begins" in Saudi Arabia, events of global significance will begin in the United States.

- There will be no war with Iran in the near future (a year, two). Before that, the Arab Mediterranean region would be “overwhelmed,” block the way through the Suez Canal, oil prices would be boosted to 200 dollars, oil development in the USA would begin and the transition to biofuel (voiced by both Bush and Obama), the Arab monarchies would be overwhelmed.

“The Arabs will be returned to their original state (beggars of nomads, with a huge reduction in the population), their wealth and influence was created, in many ways, to destroy the project of the Red Empire.

- United States for 2011-2012 years will change beyond recognition. The population will be plunged into poverty and hunger, banks and shops will not work, small and medium-sized private businesses will collapse - the main employer will be the corporate state. The priest offers prayer to all "sentenced" Americans: bow your head and pray for forgiveness; “I have sinned and deserve eternal punishment for denying You, but I have come to the place in which I acknowledge Your primacy, Jesus, and I will rise from the dead on 3 day. Forgive me my sins. Amen". No calls to resist, to face up to change, only repentance and humility.

Interestingly, the financial speculator George Soros echoes the priest. In essence, what is happening in the USA is very similar to the years of “Perestroika” in the USSR, even the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is the American “Chernobyl”. Unleashed information war to destroy the United States.

Apparently, the States in the form in which they exist are doomed, as there is no real resistance and leaders who would lead it. We should be happy that the USA (Carthage of the new time) will collapse, it is not worth it, this event will say that the New World Order is being built and we are inscribed in it ... Moscow supports it with its resources, the Russians are still dying out.

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  1. Escander
    April 18 2011 10: 33
    Poor Yankees. It’s necessary to send them at least blankets, and pick up the little things. Does anyone have extra cereals?
  2. Student from Florida
    Student from Florida
    April 18 2011 10: 41
    How are you already, removed the mat, there are simply no other words ..
  3. turnip
    April 18 2011 15: 01
    everything mixed up in a bunch of horses, people, guns. This once again confirms that the world is at a point of bifurcation. "That in April 2011 something terrible will happen in the USA" - isn't it in May !? lol
  4. 0
    April 18 2011 18: 14
    a damn amers will not be a disaster - 100%
  5. His
    April 18 2011 21: 23
    Until an event occurs it cannot be guessed. Such writers are a dime a dozen around the world.
  6. Valaam
    April 18 2011 21: 58
    Oh my God! Everything is resting. This is not even nonsense. There is no name for this. This is 2000 trillion tons of horror in the Rockies.
  7. unit669
    April 19 2011 11: 04
    I read it. I took note. I'll go learn new prayers.
  8. Escander
    April 19 2011 20: 51

    Student from Florida
    --- "How are you already, removed the mat, there are simply no other words .."

    And who are you?
    The oligarch’s folder taught you to swear, or did you get there?
    If the student (from Florida), then do not poke around where the horse did not pop!
  9. Reahhalk
    26 October 2012 21: 52
    Excuse, I can help nothing. But it is assured that you will find the correct decision. Don't despair.
  10. Satomisa
    27 October 2012 07: 06
    The question is interesting, I too will take part in the discussion.
  11. author
    6 November 2012 02: 38
    This phrase is simply matchless :), very much it is pleasant to me)))
  12. Orambvob
    6 November 2012 17: 52
    It is the true information
  13. Jedesext
    8 November 2012 17: 30
    Yes, the answer almost the same, as well as at me.
  14. idiotock
    15 November 2012 12: 12
    The matchless theme, very much is pleasant to me :)
  15. unlith
    15 November 2012 13: 43
    Between us speaking, in my opinion, it is obvious. Try to look for the answer to your question in
  16. unduby
    16 November 2012 07: 29
    I am final, I am sorry, but, in my opinion, it is obvious.