Resource raids

Resource raidsThe United States, in an attempt to survive, is moving to a new stage of relations with other countries - the reaction to “disobedience” will be instantaneous.

28 in March, US President Barack Obama, speaking at the University of National Defense, expressed several theses of a new strategic doctrine. Speaking of Libya, he said: “In just one month, the United States, working with our international partners, mobilized a broad coalition, obtained an international mandate to protect civilians, stopped an advancing army, prevented a massacre and created a no-fly zone together with our allies and partners. A certain idea of ​​the speed of this military and diplomatic reaction comes from the fact that when people were mistreated in Bosnia in 1990-s, the international community took more than a year to intervene with the use of air force to protect civilians. We needed 31 day. ”

Obama voiced the fact that the fluctuations of the US elite (which were in the days of Clinton and Bush) ended. In his speech, Obama actually admitted that Washington had coordinated all NATO allies from the very beginning. The task of the United States is to stop being a “world gendarme”, now this function will be taken by “junior partners” in NATO, they will share with the US the burden of control over world resources. Then Russia and China should join them.

The ideas of Bush's time — to implant the American way of life, “democracy” by force — were rejected. The main methods of the new world order were the so-called “color revolutions” (in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, etc.). Direct occupation was also used - Afghanistan, Iraq. This transition began in the last years of the Bush presidency. With the arrival of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates in 2006.

The Pentagon adopted a more practical (not so expensive and expendable) model of reorganization — it was formulated in the work of Thomas Barnett “The New Pentagon Map. War and peace in the 21st century. ” The author divided the world into two parts: in the first, “stable” - the USA and the most developed democracies, in the second, “unstable” - all other states. The role of the Pentagon is to ensure the continuation of the development of the “stable” part of the world at the expense of the resources of the “unstable” countries, since the developed countries need resources, and the undeveloped ones cannot properly dispose of them. Here is a frank parasitism.

Russia will have to support a “stable” world, like China, although there may be problems with the Chinese elite because of its nationalistic aspirations.

The countries of Africa, Central and South America, the Balkan Peninsula, Central Asia, Indonesia are in the “chaotic” shadow zone (which will become the source of survival of the developed democracies), they decided to sacrifice Saudi Arabia (apparently, all the monarchies of the Arabian Peninsula), Turkey. Many states, for the convenience of "sucking blood", will be dismembered. The process has already been launched - Sudan has split into Southern and Northern, a new state of Azania has appeared in Somalia, Libya will be divided into two or three states.

There will be no seizure of territories, it makes no sense, control will be exercised over zones of extraction or production of resources. In case of disobedience, the answer will be instant - an example of Ivory Coast.
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  1. turnip
    April 14 2011 14: 43
    Then Russia and China should join them.
  2. His
    April 15 2011 22: 30
    Redraw the World at will. USA is the main parasite of the world. Everything should be spinning for the us empire. Create a monster on your head