Ukraine's economy is finished with Euro-Nazis

Ukraine's economy is finished with Euro-NazisEconomically, it can exist only in the closest cooperation with Russia, and without it no one needs

The triumph of Russia at the Olympics in Sochi was forgotten immediately after its closure. Actually, even then we felt raised the coin at the funeral: even according to official data, the closure was watched by significantly fewer people than the opening.

It was not difficult to foresee a coup d'etat in Ukraine: in the end, everyone was studying, though in different schools, but according to one textbook. Saakashvili’s aggression against Russia and the unrest in Tibet during the Beijing Olympics 2008 showed that our American colleagues mastered the technology of coups during the maximum distraction of the enemy’s elites.

The first pancake came out lumpy, but as soon as their wounds healed, they got better.

Global business needs chaos of all new spaces in order to drive speculative capital into the last “safe haven” - American assets, and thus support the US.

And Ukraine promises to become a new Yugoslavia at once for their two strategic competitors - the European Union and Russia.

Its vulnerability is systemic.

Economically, it can exist only in the closest cooperation with Russia. Without it, no one needs it and quickly returns to the state of the first half of the XVII century: Kiev, Galicia, Zaporizhzhya and Turkish (about which everyone is tactfully silent) Sich, Crimea, and between them - the Wild field.

But for the Ukrainian ruling party, integration with Russia is death, since the absolute majority of the country speaks Russian, and economic integration will itself reunite artificially divided peoples.

Therefore, in politics, all Ukrainian leaders pressured the self-organization of the Russian regions (Yanukovych reached maximum success in this) and encouraged “zapadentsy” - even to the methodical replacement of managerial and intellectual personnel in Kiev.

In the economy, they blocked integration with Russia, which led to the destruction of the Ukrainian economy and even more intense population extinction than ours: over the years of independence, it has decreased by 13% - and this is not taking into account mass emigration.

It is impossible to continue the policy of self-destruction infinitely, but Yanukovych once again proved that petty crooks are not capable of strategic decisions.

The driving force behind the coup d'état is Bandera, fed by all Ukrainian leaders since 1992. But they were coached by both Europeans and even Israelis: this is a common project of the European Union and the United States.

According to an interview with their militants, a coup was planned for the summer. According to some reports, Yanukovych tried to "squeeze" the business of the oligarchs that brought him to power, which forced the emergence of Euromaidan.

We saw how the “diplomats” of the United States and the European Union countries openly conducted them, and the ministers of European countries frankly “wrecked” Yanukovych, dictated to him and gave him guarantees that no one, of course, was going to carry out even in theory.

Now all these people scream that this is not a coup d'etat and they have nothing to do with it, they just “handed out buns” - and we should know that the words of Western diplomats cost nothing: these people will calmly and cynically lie to you. The West has no conscience and dignity in our understanding: it has only interests, and it is unwise to forget about this (as well as worry about it).

Yanukovych was not overthrown because he did not want to kill his economy with a free trade zone with the European Union, external control from his side and the strengthening of the western borders of Ukraine. Whatever the Russian liberals shouted (including Navalny), there was no question of entering the Customs Union: in Vilnius, Yanukovych merely asked for a delay in order to have time to deceive Russia and get money from it.

But this construction turned out to be too complicated for the European bureaucracy: “a step to the side” was perceived as an escape, and the convoy “opened fire” without warning.

There are many notable and even good people in Ukraine now. Among the pro-Ukrainian leaders are Oleg Tsarev, the elected mayor of Sevastopol Chaly, and Yanukovich’s “personal prisoner” - the leader of the Rodina party, Igor Markov.

But one serious politician is Tymoshenko. No wonder the Maidan militants until the last opportunity did not do anything to free her.

This "girl with a scythe" - Chubais in a skirt. If the Euro-Nazis do not kill her (by dumping, of course, on the “FSB agents”), she will eat their leaders without even noticing.

As for the “democratic scenery” of the Euro-Nazis - Klitschko, Tyagnibok and Yatsenyuk, they have already been booed by “Euromaidan” and do not represent anyone other than Western diplomats who are too lazy to learn new Ukrainian surnames. These dull puppets can, like the Tugnibok, extend their media existence by dubbing the goals of European Nazis, and then for a while.

But Tymoshenko is only Kerensky. It will plunge the territory under the rule of Euro-Nazis into such a hell that people will vzvot and simply under the fear of death will be forced to take on self-defense and the arrangement of their lives.

If Russia becomes adequate, the October revolution will come to Ukraine during the February revolution, although its leaders are not yet visible. As in 1917.

But now there is a real danger that Euro-Nazis will quickly carry out punitive expeditions to Odessa, Sevastopol, Donetsk and Kharkov “to restore territorial integrity” and intimidate those who dare speak Russian. They are now stunned by their own victory and gnaw each other, but if they are given a command by their Western masters, they will do it skillfully and mercilessly - just like Bandera during the war they cut out the 80 000 Poles in Volhynia.

Today, the same Bandera is in power - and it’s foolish to believe that the rabid dog’s drool is running from hunger.

The best development that could be imagined was the fact that a group of leaders of the Russian part of Ukraine was fixing the fact of a coup d'état with the support of NATO states and the temporary occupation of the capital of Ukraine by euro-Nazis.

In this regard, a legal interim government of Ukraine may be established (for example, in Kharkov) - or the Free Ukrainian Republic is proclaimed instead of the current occupied “state of Ukraine”.

After swearing in regional and local authorities, military, law enforcement officers and judges (when dismissing), it is reasonable to send delegations to all army units, especially to Sevastopol, and to local authorities of the Crimean Tatars, and introduce a wartime regime.

Of course, all transfers to the Euro-Nazi-controlled budget should be discontinued, the own budget formed, the Central Bank established, its own currency unit introduced (or the Russian ruble, which is simpler).

Gangs and their participants in this case are outlawed, the collection of troops begins to liberate Kiev from the Bandera plague. It is established that after the liberation of Kiev on the basis of the Constitution of 2004, parliamentary and presidential elections will be held.

Yanukovych is caught and quickly judged by the laws of wartime for treason against his motherland.

The Kharkiv Congress should have done just that - but if Ukraine’s own de Gaulle appears in Ukraine, time has not yet been lost.

Alas, this gathering of "pique vests" drowned in the mess of meaningless words, becoming a public session of political impotence.

When people tend not to win, but “stand to the end,” their end is near and sad.

They are afraid to think about their own future, they still consider President Yanukovych the traitor ... This is not even funny.

If the Russian-speaking parts of Ukraine are aware of themselves and take their fate into their own hands, the country will split for a short time, and then its citizens will drive out the Euro-Nazis, as was the case during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, and Ukraine will be reunited.

If the Russian-speaking part of Ukraine is not able to organize at least for the sake of its survival, a split will not occur: there will be a dying, decaying swamp alive. It is just that in one part, the killing of all living pus will be red-blokitny, and in the other - yellow-blue.

In many regions already now there are interruptions not only with food, but also with water. The universal faith of Euromaidan (about which journalists and politicians are silent) that, after the overthrow of Yanukovych, Europe will give 150 billion euros, recalls the side effect of stimulating drugs.

Without Russia, Ukraine’s economy will die this year, and famine will begin in winter. The cessation of the financing of all state expenditures, except for wages (and, it seems, partially), is a clear sign of this. Western loans, on the other hand, will be provided mainly for finishing industry and servicing previously issued loans, while humanitarian aid has not saved anyone.

The refugees are already running towards us. Their number will increase, and it is necessary to organize the reception and comfortable employment of those of them who can not get a job themselves.

Ukrainian economy is no longer. Soon it will affect us - breaking the cooperation ties.

It is urgent to purchase complete plants instead of Ukrainian and Sochi rates to deploy them in Russia. To organize the relocation of Ukrainian workers, engineers, managers to these plants, for which in most cases we will not have workers.

Those who are trying to steal officials from shooting at this — and at least start a crackdown on corruption in Russia.

Yanukovychs inside Russia are trying with all their might not to pay attention to the openly declared intentions of the Euro-Nazis to transfer the war to its territory, starting to “liberate” the Voronezh, Lipetsk and many other areas. But even if they slow down with the implementation of their plans, the attack on the Russian Navy base in Sevastopol, where the “Interior Minister” Avakov had already arrived (an oligarch with permanent residence in Italy, one of the richest people in Ukraine, who became a homosexual under Tymoshenko, there is a carrier of key values ​​of modern Europe), it seems almost inevitable.

Russia has brought itself to the point where it should follow the example of such a great power like Romania: to state clearly that in the event of the first episode of ethnic aggression in Ukraine, troops will be temporarily brought into its territory to protect the Russians.

It’s not a fact that after the Serdyukovstiy these troops exist and can move, but it is necessary to calm the Euro-Nazis obsessed with animal Russophobia, otherwise a lot of blood can be shed.

Of course, the protection of Russians outside the country during their merciless corruption suppression inside it looks strange, but we must begin with something.

Every citizen of Ukraine who is able to express himself in Russian should receive Russian citizenship automatically, upon the fact of writing the application. The fraternal people have trouble, and now is not the time to puff up at his expense.

It is necessary to officially, at the level of the United Nations, fix the rejection of the coup d’état and the absence of a legitimate state in Ukraine.

If Ukrainian statehood is restored, for example, in Kharkov, it must be recognized as the successor of old Ukraine, to develop economic relations, to ensure its energy supply, even if on credit, to conclude an agreement on friendship and military assistance in case of insurrection, attempts of genocide or external aggression.

If the Ukrainian statehood is not restored, and the South and East of Ukraine recognize the power of Euro-Nazis, no relationship with them should be maintained. Gas pumping through the territory of Ukraine should be stopped after the first stolen cubic meter, and the valve should be lowered on the border controlled by Euro-Nazis, regardless of whether it is the border of the South-East of Ukraine or the current Russian-Ukrainian border.

If Crimea proclaims its statehood, we must establish a very close relationship with it.

If Crimea will hold a referendum on joining Russia, we must accept it, introducing specific and targeted changes to the Constitution, ensuring the rights of the Crimean Tatars - of course, not exclusive, but equal to Russians, Ukrainians and other communities living in Crimea. And we must now ask them to develop appropriate proposals.

In the case of attempts of punitive expeditions of Euro-Nazis to the Crimea or aggression of international Islamist terrorists, Russia is obliged to take lightning-fast measures to protect not only the Russian, but also the entire civilian population of the Crimea.

If the Ukrainian part of the Black Sea fleet decides to return to its composition - this must be supported by all means.

All persons, both in Ukraine and abroad, who supported the Eurasianist coup in Kiev and who are not citizens of Russia, should not be allowed into Russia. Our citizens have the right to any bona fide misconception within the law, but Russia has no similar obligations to citizens of other states.

People like the ones who call for the prohibition of the Russian language under the fear of criminal prosecution or military aggression for the “liberation” of the territory of Russia in the form of Voronezh, Lipetsk and other areas should be caught and punished for extremism when they appear in Russia.

The main lesson of all this for Russia is simple: if state power rests on thieves and exists for the sake of theft, it disappears.

Why did the Ukrainian elite crumble before the onslaught of the militants and went into the service of the new invaders? Why Yanukovych betrayed his homeland?

Because these people live for the sake of looted riches exported to fashionable countries.

And when the diplomats of these countries threatened Yanukovych to take away the assets of his family, he impassibly betrayed his country and deprived the citizens of Ukraine even the right to life. And then, of course, he was deceived: to keep the word given to the traitor - it means not to respect yourself.

If the Russian state does not develop its country, preferring, like the last almost ten years, to send taxpayers' money in the form of the Reserve Fund and the National Wealth Fund to support our strategic competitors, the decaying economic growth will go into an increasing recession this year.

If the Russian state encourages corruption (for example, a law according to which officials can officially do business), Maidan is waiting for us in a year or two, and instead of Bandera it will be Islamists. A comparison of the number of participants in religious actions and official rallies shows: today there are much more Islamists in Moscow than supporters of the authorities.

If the Russian state is not cleared of "offshore aristocracy" - it will betray the people of Russia for the sake of their estates and bank accounts. And the power will go not to Banderovites, but to the Islamists, and the Dudayev poster “Russians, don't leave - we need slaves” will hang on the Kremlin.

Do you want to try to survive in “Maskvabad” and be called “Russian”? Forget about the Ukrainian lesson.

It is very simple - and very reliable.
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  1. Ari100kraT
    1 March 2014 14: 25
    And it seems to me that Yanyk was lucky ... The fact that he "piled up" there with his friends oligarchs and his little son can now be hung on other extremes. Like I did what I could and everything worked out, but I was deceived and survived from the country - go to waste, and I'm on a well-deserved rest. There, this economy has been finished off for 20 years by all and sundry, since the backlog from Soviet times remains the best of all the republics ...
    By the way, in my opinion, there was not a single pro-Russian president for all the time, all were multi-vector, but for some reason Russia is to blame, it exerted pressure, either with a low gas price, or with a high one and pressed with loans, sometimes giving them or not giving them. In short, they blamed Russia for not doing everything, but Nuland cookies went off with a bang laughing
    1. Vovka levka
      1 March 2014 15: 22
      Quote: Ari100krat
      And I think Yanyk was lucky ...

      You think so?
      The person had absolute power, I repeat, absolute. Who is he now? A fool. It's probably hard to go through morally. As my grandmother used to say, the kingdom is heavenly to her: human tears do not fall to the ground in vain. People cursed him, and his descendants will suffer for his sins.
      1. +15
        1 March 2014 15: 34
        Quote: Vovka Levka
        The person had absolute power, I repeat, absolute.

        It's like a glass dick for a fool, he will break it and cut his hands, I don’t mind the traitor who betrayed the Berkut, I’m sorry for the people, no one will help them. Ukraine turns into a Gulyai-field
      2. +7
        1 March 2014 17: 35
        Quote: Vovka Levka
        Quote: Ari100krat
        And I think Yanyk was lucky ...

        You think so?
        The person had absolute power, I repeat, absolute. Who is he now? A fool. It's probably hard to go through morally. As my grandmother used to say, the kingdom is heavenly to her: human tears do not fall to the ground in vain. People cursed him, and his descendants will suffer for his sins.

        But now Russia temporarily needs Yanukovych internationally, and then the Ukrainians themselves will decide on his fate. The future of Ukraine is with Russia, united and indivisible, let the Polish gentlemen wash their hands and remember how the song "I went along the military road in struggle and alarm" sounded in Soviet Russia.
        1. +2
          1 March 2014 18: 20
          But Yanukovych is now temporarily needed by Russia

          No one needs it! Yanuca is a played card. We must not yawn, take Crimea (I think we will do this in the next few months), then Kharkiv and Lugansk regions. Donbas will join automatically. And tougher with western d.e. r.m. It’s time to remind them of the existence of a powerful syaz! soldier You have to move! Send troops, grant citizenship to all citizens of Ukraine who wishes it. You know, for the first time in many decades, I have a serious hope that the Kremlin has thrown snot to chew and got down to business! Oh, how I hope !!!
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. s1н7т
          1 March 2014 22: 06
          Quote: valokordin
          "I walked along the military road in struggle and alarm"

      3. zol1
        1 March 2014 18: 03
        Moral torment, a person without morality, does not happen!
      4. philip
        2 March 2014 01: 15
        Yanukovych on trial, return to Ukraine after there will be at least some kind of order. Ukraine's friendly support of the RF Armed Forces.
    2. +14
      1 March 2014 15: 27
      Quote: ...
      And power will not pass to Bandera,

      Today a Ukrainian acquaintance, he has been here since the Soviet Union, a sister called from Volyn, said that when they received their salary, four arrived with bats and took 200 hryvnia from each to the Maidan. They just took everything, no documents. Cars are robbed on the roads, the police do nothing. There is no one with Russian license plates, the last bus was crashed near Sumy a week ago, the passengers were forced to walk, but at least they weren't killed. The people went berserk. On our TV, they show real events, this is not a CNN-type production, everything is actually the case.
      1. 0
        2 March 2014 10: 30
        Yes, they already have it. Sasha Bely is already a TV star. The assistant prosecutor is beaten in front of everyone. If this is power, what then is a bandit chaos.
      2. 0
        2 March 2014 10: 30
        Yes, they already have it. Sasha Bely is already a TV star. The assistant prosecutor is beaten in front of everyone. If this is power, what then is a bandit chaos.
    3. +3
      1 March 2014 15: 42
      But Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, freedom, equality and fraternity))))
      1. +6
        1 March 2014 15: 48
        Quote: Civil
        But Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité,

        You forgot to finish the phrase - ou la mort, which is how everything usually ends for revolutionaries
    4. +2
      1 March 2014 17: 55
      Comrades, urgent news! Putin submitted to the Federation Council a resolution on the introduction of Russian troops into Ukraine! Russia 24 was just said!
  2. +7
    1 March 2014 14: 38
    I think as Delyagin.
    You can not sit on the defensive. This is a war against us. Shiver, forgive the fifth column, believe nglosaksam - will continue to deceive and surround. Remarkable will be the immediate pardon / release of Kvachkov with Khabarov on Victory Day. And about the optimal place of work of Twitter nanotolievich, as well as other supporters of Egor Daidar, and so everything is clear.
    1. +2
      1 March 2014 15: 29
      But how do you imagine the tactics of attack? If in your opinion, then we are again the world empire of evil, and the United States is virtue itself. here the game is subtle and you will not take it impudently. only there was a friendly olympiad, and here we are, in ukraine, baragozim. that's why they want to cover the pluses in Sochi, and in general, aggressive RUSSIA is needed again
      1. +7
        1 March 2014 15: 40
        Quote: KAMS
        how do you imagine the attack tactics

        What for? General certification of Crimea and that's it. Protection of our citizens as in Abkhazia.

        Quote: KAMS
        if in your opinion, we are again the world empire of evil, and the United States is virtue itself.

        So what? 2008 survived and nothing, let alone drove here please

        The Russian operation to force Tbilisi to peace was presented to the world community as a direct attack on Georgia.
        1. +3
          1 March 2014 20: 12
          Quote: Vadivak
          What for? General certification of Crimea and that's it. Protection of our citizens as in Abkhazia.

          I will clarify, not only Crimea, but all of Ukraine.
        2. philip
          2 March 2014 01: 24
          Lies an easy floating body. Always pops up.
        3. +1
          2 March 2014 04: 07
          Quote: Vadivak
          The Russian operation to force Tbilisi to peace was presented to the world community as a direct attack on Georgia.

          -In 2008, I talked with Lithuanian drivers, drank a little even in the parking lot, and so even though the table was mine, I could not prove to Labus that the Georgians committed an act of aggression and were punished for that, and more recently I clashed with a Polish merchant, so this eccentric said 100% of the fact that Russia bought Ukraine for 50 billion, he says at least a count on his head, he says that everyone knows this and is not a secret to anyone (!), they only talk about that on TV and in the newspapers. was able to convince the Pole ..
          I remembered this to the fact that our newspapers and the Internet are probably very different, they tell us one thing, and the western man in the street is completely different.
      2. +1
        1 March 2014 17: 10
        From this article, the authorities should draw the only conclusion whether it is worth helping Ukraine, but how to live on .----- "The main lesson of all this for Russia is simple: if the state power relies on thieves and exists for the sake of theft, it disappears.
        Because these people live for the plundered riches taken to fashionable countries. "- this is the main trick. If we have the same thing, then the Ukrainian Bandera will simply be an unreasonable schoolboy. If the" head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Avakov ( oligarch with permanent residence in Italy, one of the richest people in Ukraine ", then according to the law of the revolution they will smear his bad forehead with green paint, shoot him in the knee, offer to return everything" righteously acquired "to the revolution fund, say thank you very much for the trust and dump him for treatment in Geyrop, Remember that Russians, both reds and whites, did not hesitate to flay each other's skin, and not figuratively.
      3. +3
        1 March 2014 17: 53
        Do not distort!

        I did not offer to go to Kiev with my platoon of T-62 from 70-s. Or throw landing under Lviv. But the States and Geyrop attacked in Ukraine. Ideologically, through the media, bribery, threats. Or do you think this is a manifestation of peace? So I grew up in a hooligan district. We valued the ability to stand behind our own to the last, first with perseverance and then with a fight. So they didn’t get in touch not with those who had little knives, but with those who stood to the last. Hope clear?
        Already got like you - to attribute to another nonsense and immediately blame it.
        Minus you.
      4. philip
        2 March 2014 01: 21
        That I don’t remember a single war of conquest in Russia.
  3. +7
    1 March 2014 14: 40
    ... for the Ukrainian ruling party ... MORNING has arrived ... and they have nothing to choose from: RUSSIA will not give anythinguntil ... (not legitimate), Americans (IMF, EU) set such conditionsthat accepting them for the chosen Maidan Cabinet (not recognized by the EAST!) death like(maidan2), that's why Yanukovych went on stage ...Soon:
    1. +5
      1 March 2014 16: 51
      Imyarek ... that's why Yanukovych took the stage ...

      With your permission, I will clarify: this is why the VVP kept and brought Yanukovych onto the stage.
  4. +2
    1 March 2014 14: 41
    The words of Western diplomats are worthless: these people will calmly and cynically lie in your eyes.

    Well, they opened AMERICA when NATO troops are at our borders.
  5. +6
    1 March 2014 14: 41
    Ukraine was an excellent example of how you can live without European integration ... Over the past decades, Russia has maintained the economic integration of the Soviet era, but as always, greed and greed did their job, the Ukrainian pseudo-elite wanted more and more ... and they choked on their own saliva.
    1. Vovka levka
      1 March 2014 15: 16
      Quote: Strashila
      Ukraine was an excellent example of how you can live without European integration ... Over the past decades, Russia has maintained the economic integration of the Soviet era, but as always, greed and greed did their job, the Ukrainian pseudo-elite wanted more and more ... and they choked on their own saliva.

      The GDPs of Poland and Ukraine in 1991 were approximately equal. Poland's GDP is now 4 times larger. The question is why?
      The answer was stolen much, much less.
      1. +4
        1 March 2014 15: 43
        Quote: Vovka Levka
        The GDPs of Poland and Ukraine in 1991 were approximately equal. Poland's GDP is now 4 times larger. The question is why?

        You're right
        According to the CIA (CIA World Factbook) - in Russia: $ 14, in Poland: $ 200.
        For comparison: in Ukraine on average - $ 3, in China - over $ 900.
        1. Vovka levka
          2 March 2014 00: 29
          Quote: Vadivak

          You're right
          According to the CIA (CIA World Factbook) - in Russia: $ 14, in Poland: $ 200.
          For comparison: in Ukraine on average - $ 3, in China - over $ 900.

          In Poland $ 12, in Russia $ 600. There must be at least $ 14 in Russia.
  6. +6
    1 March 2014 14: 46
    Not the fact that after Serdyukovism these troops are and can move ... the author did not go over a little? the last exercises in the country showed that there are troops and they can move ..
    1. +1
      1 March 2014 15: 57
      Not that a little.

      It is not a fact that after Serdyukovism these troops exist and can move

      But Timoshenko is only Kerensky. It will plunge the territory under the control of the Euronazis into such hell that people will howl

      Yanukovych is caught and quickly judged by the laws of wartime for treason against his motherland.

      Trying to steal on this to shoot officials

    2. +3
      1 March 2014 20: 01
      Quote: altman
      Not the fact that after Serdyukovism these troops are and can move ... the author did not go over a little? the last exercises in the country showed that there are troops and they can move ..

      Troops, that is, to whom the same salary is charged ...))) Yes, and it is necessary to practice in real events, not all the same to engage in tank biathlon ... They declared war on us, the American monkey said that we would pay dearly ... then? Let's repay her ...
  7. luka095
    1 March 2014 14: 47
    Article "plus". The position of the author is clear and understandable. Indeed, looking at the events in Ukraine, one should also remember about Russia.
    1. +4
      1 March 2014 17: 27
      A bit wrong. Looking at Ukraine, you need to understand that the strike is directed at Russia. With all due respect, but Ukraine is a little different from their format. Banderas, in euphoria, surrender their puppeteers' plans with statements about the "liberation" of Voronezh ... and further down the list of regions! !!
  8. +24
    1 March 2014 14: 49
    The story with the 35 billion carrots from the IMF got a spicy continuation. Aunt Lagarde wildly apologized and called for Ukraine to abstain at the current stage from public demands for multibillion foreign financial assistance.
    "We do not see (in Ukraine) anything critical that can serve as an excuse for panic at the moment. I think it is extremely premature to assess Ukraine's financial needs." It turns out that Sena was shown not even a carrot, but an orange dildo ...
    1. +1
      1 March 2014 14: 58
      The novel completely agrees with you.
    2. +1
      1 March 2014 17: 42
      Type of water laughing
    3. +2
      1 March 2014 18: 29
      It turns out that Sena was shown not even a carrot, but an orange dildo ...

      I hope he will use it for its intended purpose! He must get satisfaction ... laughing
  9. +1
    1 March 2014 14: 57
    Our strength is in action, and it seems that something is being done.
  10. +8
    1 March 2014 15: 13
    Well, all Bandera ..! Pissed off the Russian bear ..! Do not lead Russia to sin and you will live! "With the Russians you can only be honest ..! They always come for their money .." O. Bismarck
    1. philip
      2 March 2014 01: 31
      These will not live
  11. -1
    1 March 2014 15: 15
    Author Mikhail Delyagin

    Gnux is a swindler. And the great "power" he only has a DOLLAR. Bold, bold minus for the article.
  12. +10
    1 March 2014 15: 16
    Through the mouth of the president Belarus talks about friendship with the leaders of the Maidan, and quietly cuts off all ties with Ukraine. The bus service was stopped, the shipment of fuel from the Mozyr refinery was stopped, banks do not accept hryvnia in cash. The author of the article exaggerates the desire and capabilities of the Ukrainians themselves. The months-long Maidan has completely exhausted the desire of both to suffer. Most of my acquaintances in Ukraine are either waiting patiently or packing to move to Russia.
    1. -2
      1 March 2014 15: 18
      Belarus itself is in debt.
      1. 0
        2 March 2014 11: 25
        Quote: Andrey77
        Belarus itself is in debt.

        So what?
        We have many subsidized regions.
        And we need Belarus as an independent province, as an example and experience of development (there are mistakes too).
    2. +1
      1 March 2014 15: 37
      I would like to know something else. For example, how much the people of Ukraine adhere to what these revolutionaries are babbling about. (according to your friends)
      1. +5
        1 March 2014 16: 07
        I will not answer for all the people (I am not a politician), but all my friends are categorically against the Maidan and their power. Kievans are generally going to leave. The rest are hoping for their protection by Russia.
        1. 0
          2 March 2014 11: 31
          Quote: Mentor
          The rest are hoping for their protection by Russia.

          Have you tried to defend yourself?
          Have you thought about the RF? About its inhabitants?
          You can help those who do at least something.
          I have no desire to defend YOUR state for you.
  13. platitsyn70
    1 March 2014 15: 24
    The entire command of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine wrote resignation reports. This was reported to UNN by one of the employees of the department. Today, from UNN's own sources, it became known that the command of the Navy wrote resignation reports.

    At the same time, there is no record on the head of the Navy on the official website of the Ministry of Defense.

    The press service of the Ministry of Defense noted that they do not know anything about this.

    “We haven’t heard anything about this yet,” the Defense Ministry’s press service noted.

    Now UNN is trying to contact the press service of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and get a comment from them on this matter.
    1. +2
      1 March 2014 16: 13
      Quote: platitsyn70
      At the same time, there is no record on the head of the Navy on the official website of the Ministry of Defense.

      So it was Ilyin - his "new" were removed, he is in the hospital now. I do not know who they were assigned, but the fact is that the sailors refused to obey.
  14. +4
    1 March 2014 15: 25
    At the moment, the Ukrainian economy is doomed. The Nazis are a people who are not able to think about what awaits them. But very soon the Natsiks themselves will become defenseless, since the country is waiting for a complete "polar fox" and they will begin to make claims for poverty. I do not envy those who sided with the Nazis, hell for them will look like a childish prank.
  15. +8
    1 March 2014 15: 30
    Quote: Andrey77
    Belarus itself is in debt.

    So what? Name me a country in the world that has no debt. We will survive, the gas storage near my city is fully ordered. And what will Ukraine do, especially when the redistribution of property begins and Yulia returns, who "forgot nothing and learned nothing"?
  16. +3
    1 March 2014 15: 32
    A very correct article, I agree with everything, except for execution for corruption, an alternative to life imprisonment or 10 years in prison, subject to payment of a hundred times the amount of stolen or inflicted damage.
    1 March 2014 15: 34
    But they were trained by Europeans, and even Israelis: This is a common project of the EU and the USA. Author Mikhail Delyagin

    It's clear about the first, but "the chosen people"Why is this? Mb zaslanets under the flag with the Star of David will tell us?" Atalefa и Anasrat I mean. Answer "Russian-speaking"!
  18. +3
    1 March 2014 15: 36
    At 12.00, a fight broke out on Lenin Square: members of the Party of Regions tried to prevent the speech of an activist of the People's Militia Pavel Gubarev and turned off the microphone, but his supporters kicked them off the stage. Gubarev urged not to obey the Verkhovna Rada, the Donetsk Regional Council and the "oligarchic clique that recognized the new government." At 12.30 the stage was unlocked, the newspaper reports.
    As of 12.40 on Lenin Square in Donetsk, 7 thousand people were demonstrating for the secession of the Donetsk region from Ukraine. Gubarev proposed to declare "people's power" in the Donetsk region, following the example of Sevastopol and Crimea, and hold a referendum on whether the Donetsk region should remain a part of Ukraine or become a part of the Russian Federation, as well as re-elect the local authorities and open a Russian consulate in Donetsk to issue passports to everyone RF.
    Gubarev also proposed to elect the governor of Donetsk region on the square and to establish a permanent tent camp near the building of the Donetsk regional state administration. As a result, the protesters chose Gubarev as the new governor of the Donetsk region. "The siloviki must submit to the new governor before the elections," Gubarev said.
    Based on materials: Donbass News
    1. Timur
      1 March 2014 17: 45
      site blocked
  19. 77bob1973
    1 March 2014 15: 37
    I do not agree with the author, it is proposed to essentially transport half of Ukraine to Russia, and it is not easier to annex these half of Ukraine!
    1. +4
      1 March 2014 15: 46
      Quote: 77bob1973
      I do not agree with the author, it is proposed to essentially transport half of Ukraine to Russia, and it is not easier to annex these half of Ukraine!

      It is better to give citizenship, and then protect the citizens of the Russian Federation
  20. upasika1918
    1 March 2014 15: 39
    Delyagin is a famous balabol. Didn't build, invent, or even steal anything. But the tongue can grind rye.
    1. wax
      2 March 2014 02: 05
      Delyagin is a famous balabol.

      There is little. But he wrote what he thought. And the leitmotif (about oligarchs and corruption) is correct. As for a specific policy, he does not do it. And in our time cynicism prevails in it. Which commentator here respects Yanukovych? I would venture to say - nobody. But it is needed as a counterbalance to the illegitimate junta (it is already accusing it of attempting a coup d'etat) and as an additional degree of freedom of maneuver.
      Chistyulya Delyagin is wrong here, denying Yanukovych the role of de facto and de jure.
      Say what you like, but the situation in Ukraine is not simple, and it cannot be solved only with bayonets.
  21. +2
    1 March 2014 15: 49
    "The government of Ukraine is ready to sign the Agreement today. If the European side is ready to sign this Agreement also confirms this, then we will start these negotiations and consultations regarding signing immediately," Deshchitsa said.
    Recall that the European Parliament by an absolute majority voted for the resolution, which states that Ukraine has the right to become a full member of the European Union.
    Based on materials: 24 TV channel

    I don’t understand, there is almost a civil war in the country, the "new government" is not yet able to control either the political or the economic situation, what does it mean to sign such documents ?? This is cho b ... lt for the circus ??? And if the Eurikas blow on it, they don’t even bother .. ?? Explain, damn I'm not catching up .. wassat
    1. +3
      1 March 2014 16: 21
      Quote: skifd
      Explain damn not catching up

      They also need to show that they are doing something for the people !!! After all, initially, the people allegedly went to the Maidan, because Yanukovych suspended the signing of the association with the EU. Therefore, the "Euromaidan". As a result, it turned out that they just stood there for the oppa to seize power. So they are in a hurry to show that they are for the people .... However, on TV they are clearly "cunning" The European Union voted that Ukraine, like other countries, are eligible for the long term become a full member of the EU!
      But who will allow this to broadcast on TV! In general, now half of our television workers are being dispersed for "incorrect coverage of events"
      1. +1
        1 March 2014 18: 36
        Thank you Elena.
        It just seemed to me that the "current khabinet"
        is not yet entitled to sign such agreements even before the choice of a new "prezik", for "legitimacy". If Evr-opa (!) Is ready for this right now, so what difference does it make to her, even with "Sashko Byaly", even with a homeless person from the Maidan, just to snatch a piece of paper ??! ... So?
  22. gban4
    1 March 2014 15: 51
    Well written.
  23. +1
    1 March 2014 16: 02
    Boldly, but true. However, to consolidate the forces of resistance to the Kiev uncles, it is necessary
    use Yanukovych as long as he is the legitimate president of Ukraine.
    Confused only by the fact that I am categorically against the separation of the southeast and
    Crimea? And the situation is changing so quickly that such a model of a new
    Ukraine, will become real. Wednesday, the IMF landing is expected and hope
    Yaytsenyuk's government to get 35 billion Well, and the Maidan, in general, is waiting for 150.
    It is clear to all normal people that there will be no money and that Bandera's people are waiting
    complete chaos and discord of power.
    1. yur
      1 March 2014 22: 48
      Quote: Neophyte
      Confused only by the fact that I am categorically against the separation of the southeast and
      Crimea? And the situation is changing so quickly that
      So who will ask him, sick?
  24. shedrinviktor
    1 March 2014 16: 09
    I've read all the comments. Everyone is right, everyone has their own logic, their own truth. Sorry for the Ukrainian people. Yanukovych is a traitor and I want to think that he will get his own, but our vague policy of three steps (one step forward or two back) is already pretty fed up. Can take into account the opinion of the author?
  25. +2
    1 March 2014 16: 12
    The article is a bit late. Although about Yanukovych correctly written. In the last weeks before the escape he tried to draw money from Russia and Europe. But I personally finished off the phrase Azarov that our credit will be allowed to prepare for joining the European Union. Unambiguously, after this phrase, the old government and Yanukovych signed a verdict. And Yanukovych Russia will definitely ask to share the previously stolen goods. For life and freedom are priceless.))
  26. 0
    1 March 2014 16: 12
    IMF: "We do not see (in Ukraine) anything critical that can serve as an excuse for panic at the moment. I think it is extremely premature to assess Ukraine's financial needs."

    One aunt from the IMF took a sober view of the situation. Let them do something on their own at least once.
    If the army of Ukraine is silent and scribbles statements of dismissal, then why are we fussing about? If the brothers are Slavs, then should they put the ship and clean the pots after them?
  27. +1
    1 March 2014 16: 20
    The war is on. And for the present generation it is a permanent (unchangeable) external condition. For the past generation (to which I belong) - this is an axiom.
    A warrior is a dynamic tactical and strategic confrontation between two sides. It is useless to project the perspective of the "girl with the scythe" into the future. Both the future and the "girl" are changing.
    In very difficult times for Russia, its leader said a phrase that became national: "The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours."
    The only question is: what are you - the reader - willing to sacrifice for this?
    The solution to this question (if Bismarck believes) is the solution to all our questions about the future (including Ukraine).
  28. 0
    1 March 2014 16: 22
    A revolution requires a revolutionary situation (read Lenin): "the lower classes do not want, the upper classes cannot."
    In Crimea and in the East - there is no such situation - the population mainly has a job, and entrepreneurs - income.
    The only thing (in which the orange government helped) is the persecution of Berkut and other law enforcement agencies.
    This is how the first appeared, "who has nothing to lose but their chains" - but they are few.

    That's when the Ukrainian economy finally collapses and most of the population will lose their jobs, and the payment for housing and communal services will also be raised (at the request of the European Commission) ... then maybe something will happen.

    A faster option is the victory of the provost candidate in the elections - then Galicia will disappear by itself - well, they will announce, as they like to do, about their disobedience to the central government, and no one will interfere with them.
    1. +1
      2 March 2014 11: 36
      Quote: Andrey_K
      The faster option is the election victory of the provost candidate

      Can you imagine that under the control of armed people there can be FAIR elections?
  29. -4
    1 March 2014 16: 27
    “If Crimea holds a referendum on joining Russia, we must accept it by making specific and targeted changes to the Constitution that ensure the rights of the Crimean Tatars - of course, not exclusive, but equal with Russians, Ukrainians and other communities living in Crimea. And we must now ask them to work out the appropriate proposals.

    In the case of attempts of punitive expeditions of Euro-Nazis to the Crimea or aggression of international Islamist terrorists, Russia is obliged to take lightning-fast measures to protect not only the Russian, but also the entire civilian population of the Crimea.

    If the Ukrainian part of the Black Sea Fleet decides to return to its composition, it must be supported by all means. "

    Who is this idiot who has done this? Where can you catch him and pull at the sideways?
    1. yur
      1 March 2014 22: 59
      Quote: nikcris
      In the case of attempts of punitive expeditions of Euro-Nazis to the Crimea or aggression of international Islamist terrorists, Russia is obliged to take lightning-fast measures to protect not only the Russian, but also the entire civilian population of the Crimea.

      If the Ukrainian part of the Black Sea Fleet decides to return to its composition, it must be supported by all means. "

      Who is this idiot who has done this? Where can you catch him and pull at the sideways?
      Well, go and lose Putin, otherwise he does everything exactly as it is written. True, if you are not afraid that he will break off your "toggles" up to your neck.
  30. -5
    1 March 2014 16: 35
    The impression is that the author of the article fell from the moon, or arrived in a time machine from 1991. The fantasy is simply exuberant, there is no other way to say. I am sure that Russia will not get involved directly in the Crimean affairs, it will act according to the proven recipe of the European Union and the United States - denyushki. What happened in Ukraine is another brown revolution. There will be another President (like Yushchenko) a protégé of the United States. And all this hype Russia should not worry at all. The media and the rulers of Russia should be concerned about internal Russian economic and social problems. First of all, what is happening outside the Moscow Ring Road - there is still life there too. By the way, why does Russia issue a loan to Ukraine, which is actually used to pay for the supplied gas - an insane jackpot in the pocket of the gas aligarhs? For some reason no one speaks about this. 100% - later we will FORGIVE this loan to the brotherly people. And people's money and gas bye-bye!
    1. yur
      1 March 2014 23: 02
      Quote: Sharapov
      I am sure that Russia will not get involved in the Crimean affairs directly, it will act according to a proven recipe
      Yah??!! But you need to be perspicacious.
  31. +4
    1 March 2014 16: 50
    Main NEWS
    US urged Russia to remove troops from Crimea

    We must pay close attention to this request. I think the relocation of Russian troops to Cuba or Venezuela will calm them down, for a long time.
    1. +1
      1 March 2014 17: 46
      But this is a very interesting thought. smile It's a pity not Volfych is at the helm, it would be cool! (Subject to the possibility of saving and after replaying wink), and so fresh.
  32. -4
    1 March 2014 17: 03
    The author of the article has written so much - he started with one, continued with the second, finished with no one knows what. Did he even understand what he was deluding himself about?
  33. -10
    1 March 2014 17: 07
    That's right!
    But Putin is the same Yanukovych. Cowardly and weak.
    1. +5
      1 March 2014 17: 19
      Are you sure? The bogies have already sat down. If market shouters (Maidaniks) appear, they will sit down too.
  34. +1
    1 March 2014 17: 23
    Economically, it can exist only in the closest cooperation with Russia, and no one needs it without it.

    And without Russia, no one needs Ukraine as an independent state. Because by itself it is just zero. As sometimes symbols very accurately reflect the essence of what is happening. Here, the vandals who got in and the authorities cut down a five-pointed star on the spire of the Ukrainian parliament building. Moreover, these nonsense, sawed down only the star, and they left the ring frame in the form of ears of corn. And what happened in the end? That's right - a point! Ie a complete john! This is the symbol of Bandera's power.
  35. +1
    1 March 2014 17: 36
    "And then, of course, they deceived him: keeping the word given to a traitor means not respecting yourself." Yes, these guys simply do not think about the fact that he is a traitor, they also declare freedom from everything, therefore this Word is just a sound from strange combinations of letters. Nothing personal just business. And about the lies, ours, like small children before Western democracy, still learn and learn. "... there was a girl with her eyes slanted to the bridge of her nose, from endless lies ..." (Bulgakov).
  36. 0
    1 March 2014 17: 38
    the article leaves sad thoughts with which you do not want to agree, but on the whole everything is correct. albeit creepy from this. something needs to be done.
  37. +2
    1 March 2014 17: 39
    Delyagin is a fine fellow, he correctly calculates the situation in Ukraine, the enemy is strong and cunning, he is armed to the teeth, but our business is just, the enemy will be defeated, the victory will be ours.
  38. Tolibas
    1 March 2014 17: 44
    Delyagin, he says healthy thoughts. He, the Izborsk Club Patriots of Russia, has a full range of useful ideas (of all areas of the country's life). Only who listens to them? Here is Dima, Tolya, Arkasha, and others, these are broadcasting.
  39. +1
    1 March 2014 17: 46
    ... but if they are given a command by their western masters, they will do it skillfully and mercilessly - like the Bandera supporters massacred 80 Poles in Volyn during the war.

    And psheks, it seems, have completely forgotten the lessons of the past. It is necessary to deploy these Bendera people to the west. Here the gentlemen will get lost from their presence somewhere on the square in Warsaw laughing .
  40. olviko
    1 March 2014 17: 48
    "If the Euronazis don't kill her (blaming, of course, on 'FSB agents'), she will eat their leaders without even noticing."
    1. +1
      1 March 2014 19: 18
      To begin with, Yulia needs to be healed miraculously
  41. zol1
    1 March 2014 18: 07
    The Federation Council allows the possibility of introducing a limited contingent of Russian troops into the Crimea to ensure the security of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and the Russians there. This statement was made on Saturday by the speaker of the upper house of the Russian parliament Valentina Matvienko.

    “Perhaps, in this situation, following the request of the Crimean government, even introduce our limited contingent in order to ensure the safety of the Black Sea Fleet and Russian citizens living in Crimea. The decision, of course, lies with the president of our country, with the supreme commander. today, given the situation, even such an option cannot be ruled out. We must protect people, "Matvienko said.

    Procrastination of death is like!
    1. -3
      1 March 2014 18: 18
      There is a lot to say (read V.V. Zhirinovsky). Another thing is to do and answer for the consequences.
  42. +1
    1 March 2014 18: 19
    Vladimir Putin applied for permission to the Federation Council "on the use of the armed forces of the Russian Federation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea," according to the website of the President of Russia. “In connection with the extraordinary situation in Ukraine, the threat to the lives of citizens of the Russian Federation, our compatriots, and the personnel of the military contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation deployed in accordance with an international agreement on the territory of Ukraine (Autonomous Republic of Crimea), on the basis of paragraph“ g ” Part 1 of Article 102 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation I submit to the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation an appeal on the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the territory and Ukraine to normalize the socio-political situation in this country ”

    I would like to draw your attention to the words "on the territory of Ukraine" not only in Crimea.
    1. +2
      1 March 2014 18: 23
      Quote: repytw
      I would like to draw your attention to the words "on the territory of Ukraine" not only in Crimea.

      Donetsk now needs help and Kharkov.
      1. +2
        1 March 2014 21: 41
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Donetsk now needs help and Kharkov.

        Let at least some self-government bodies create.
        They can be helped.
        After all, in Crimea - power, organization. And so far there is only a rally in Kharkov.
        So far, you can only help secretly.
  43. The comment was deleted.
  44. +1
    1 March 2014 19: 22
    Just accepted - Russia can send troops to (in) Ukraine!
    1. s1н7т
      1 March 2014 22: 22
      Quote: Barracuda
      Russia can send troops to (in) Ukraine!

      In Russian - only "on". We will introduce Russian troops, if what laughing
  45. 0
    1 March 2014 23: 21
    “But Tymoshenko is only Kerensky. She will plunge the territory under the control of the Euro-Nazis into such hell that people will scream and simply on pain of death will be forced to take up self-defense and arrange their lives.
    If Russia becomes adequate, the October Revolution will come to Ukraine for the October Revolution, although its leaders are not yet visible. As in 1917. "M. Delyagin
    In how, a couple of days ago, in the comments on the article on the situation in Crimea, it seemed to say that now in Ukraine is February 17, October will come on a calendar.
  46. 0
    2 March 2014 01: 45
    If Ukrainian statehood is restored, for example, in Kharkov, it must be recognized as the successor of the old Ukraine. ???? .... and start paying debts for them !!! And the "trap" will declare itself some kind of Golitsiya and say that it has nothing to do with Ukraine !!! Not ... not ... not ... PASSED! "let’s live Stepka Bandera and his paraska Zhinka" (together with debts)
  47. wax
    2 March 2014 02: 12
    Banderlog issued an order to move army units to Crimea. The officers of many elite units refuse to obey criminal orders. The demonstrators are actively picketing the location of the units. In particular, the airborne regiment near Dnepropetrovsk was blocked by our friends. In addition, an hour ago, the mad Turchinov launched 8-10 well-trained sabotage groups from the mountains to eliminate the leaders of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. We look forward to hearing about their liquidation and the arrest of the leaders of the putschists. The games are over. All issues will have to be resolved according to the laws of wartime.

    Marat Musin (site known).
  48. alexbanin1976
    2 March 2014 10: 49
    good article
  49. The comment was deleted.
  50. Mountain diver
    2 March 2014 23: 18
    Quote: Vadivak
    Quote: ...
    And power will not pass to Bandera,

    Today a Ukrainian acquaintance, he has been here since the Soviet Union, a sister called from Volyn, said that when they received their salary, four arrived with bats and took 200 hryvnia from each to the Maidan. They just took everything, no documents. Cars are robbed on the roads, the police do nothing. There is no one with Russian license plates, the last bus was crashed near Sumy a week ago, the passengers were forced to walk, but at least they weren't killed. The people went berserk. On our TV, they show real events, this is not a CNN-type production, everything is actually the case.

    Is there security at nuclear power plants?