Nemtsov's fiery suffering

Nemtsov's fiery suffering
"How many times have they told the world ..."
I.A. Krylov

Opposition politician, co-chairman of the party RPR-Parnas Boris Nemtsov, in an interview with the Russian service Bi-bi-si, spoke about his vision of the situation in Ukraine and the influence of the Maidan on the Russian opposition movement.

BBC: What lessons can Russia learn from the situation in Ukraine?

Boris Nemtsov: Maidan on 100% was provoked by Yanukovych. Any street protests, both in Ukraine and in Russia, are provoked by the authorities. This is immense theft, greed, and immense lies and cynicism, this is the usurpation of power, this is the cruel treatment of citizens - all that was in Ukraine, that is, in Russia.

I am only afraid that the regime, judging by the sentence imposed on the prisoners of Bolotnaya, did not learn any lessons, but decided to tighten the screws and increase the repression as usual. That is, Putin finally and irrevocably made a bet on the bayonets, on the riot police, on the batons. And the number of political prisoners will grow in the country. This kind of reaction — absolutely inadequate, anti-Russian, insane — this trial is fatal to Putin and his regime.

The reaction is predictable, but the conclusions had to be made directly opposite. You need to stop stealing, you need to stop lying, you need a rotation of power - you can’t cling to it until death, you can’t strangle free citizens of your own country - this is a recipe from Maidan, and this is a recipe from bloody scenarios. But, apparently, Putin has a different scenario in his head. He is so afraid of losing power, so afraid of losing money, so afraid of losing freedom, that he is only ready to intensify repression.

BBC: The Russian authorities are not afraid of mass protests and the same turn of events as in Ukraine?

Boris Nemtsov: The Russian authorities are afraid of their own people, the Russian authorities are mortally afraid of mass protests, and the Russian authorities are doing everything to ensure that these protests are. Strategy suicide! It is obvious that they are not sufficiently adequate and they have not taken out any real positive lessons for themselves, and they are going exactly along the way of Yanukovych. They will be cursed in the same way as Yanukovych, then declared wanted.

BBC: What are the lessons for the Russian protest movement in what happened on the Maidan?

Boris Nemtsov: You have to be together, you have to be persistent, in no case should you kneel and you have to fight!

BBC: Is it possible in Russia the option of self-exclusion of the president from power?

Boris Nemtsov: Ukraine is not Russia ... But I don’t have any doubts that Putin will end up badly, continuing the actions he demonstrates.
The patience of the Russian people is much greater than the patience of the Ukrainian people, and Putin has more money than Yanukovych - that’s all true. But even to the patient Russian people, in the end, all this will get sick, and the people will come out. And if he thinks that he will hide behind the riot police with shields and batons, just like Yanukovych behind the Berkut, then he is deeply mistaken.

He absolutely did not learn any positive, no normal, no honest lessons from Maidan, and he does everything so that we have our Maidan.

BBC: The last year and a half, the protest movement in Russia has faded ...

Boris Nemtsov: The protest movement is the work of the masses. It is like a living organism: sometimes there are ups, sometimes recessions. But if someone thinks that the protests are over, they are mistaken.
When the people do not hear the power, when the parliament is suppressed, when censorship in the media is rampant, when no sensible proposal is considered, then the people and the only way to be heard and act is to go out.

In fact, the street and the protest is the work of Putin and Yanukovych. They are 100% responsible for what is happening, including for the fatal, bloody developments. Instead of having a normal dialogue, finding compromises, they force the people to go out and protest. Because people do not hear differently. So it was in Ukraine, and so it is in Russia.

As for the recession of the protest movement, yes, now a recession ... There is a recession behind the rise, behind the revolution there is a reaction, all this is understandable. But it is obvious that this is how to cling to power with your teeth when your rating falls, when everyone hates you, when they think that you are robbing a country ... No matter how hard the string is, do not fight, but the end will be.

The badger as a comment
What happiness that is in stories Russian classics on whose quotes you can rely. All the great fabulist. "Ay, Borka, to know, she is strong - the master's hand is visible!". May the Russians forgive you for all your base nature, Borka, and will reward you in the end with what you deserve. For correctly you said, how much rope does not curl, but it will be the end. No matter how active and grateful you are to lick your transatlantic hand that feeds you, we live for lacking money, we love and die. I hope from the same rope.
Skomorokhov Roman (Banshee)
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  1. Soldier
    26 February 2014 07: 03
    You need to stop stealing, you need to stop lying, you need a rotation of power - you can’t cling to it until death /// M la, whose cow mooed. Fists itch on this curly playboy poodle, no less than a stool.
    1. +10
      26 February 2014 08: 13
      There are many questions to Putin and his government, especially those related to the ongoing domestic economic policy, massive corruption in the highest Russian authorities, theft and bribery of government officials, BUT it is IMPOSSIBLE to resolve these important issues for the people through chaos and Maidan, "swamp" speeches.
      It is necessary to solve by peaceful political actions, by the organization of mass political parties capable of solving political popular goals in the elections.
      Everyone calling for a confrontation with the authorities through chaos and fighting on the barricades must be severely punished in a criminal manner. In this I support Putin, although not his political supporter.
      Putin needs to draw conclusions from the lessons of the Maidan, including the changes in anti-people’s economic policies, the fight against corruption and theft of government officials, the expulsion of representatives of the 5th traitorous convoy from the echelons of Russian power.
      Power and law, political stability and order above all.
      1. 0
        26 February 2014 08: 16
        State Police:
        1. +1
          26 February 2014 12: 59
          Quote: mirag2
          State Police

          Actually in China, it’s all the same but cool.
      2. +2
        26 February 2014 12: 15
        Quote: vladimirZ
        Putin needs to draw conclusions from Maidan’s lessons, including on changing anti-people’s economic policies, in the fight against corruption and theft of government officials

        absolutely right... good with one caveat ... not "including", but "in the first place" ...
        But will it only make? ... big doubts ...
    2. AVV
      26 February 2014 10: 11
      His Surname speaks for itself, found a source of food for the United States handouts, but I want more! As a politician, he is already a corpse, and to deprive him of Russian citizenship, but what's the matter !!!
      1. +1
        26 February 2014 13: 02
        Quote: AVV
        His Surname speaks for itself, found a source of food for the United States handouts, but I want more! As a politician, he is already a corpse, and to deprive him of Russian citizenship, but what's the matter !!!

        why deprive citizenship? And who will pay taxes for him? And if he is not a citizen, how will he be judged by our laws? it’s not in the Hague that really drag him ...
  2. vladsolo56
    26 February 2014 07: 06
    Nemtsov? and who is it? the one who sold Russia? he was one of the organizers of the criminal privatization. And what does he want? What would they believe him? one must be so stupid, but why another stupid politician.
    1. +6
      26 February 2014 07: 25
      Quote: vladsolo56
      Nemtsov? and who is it? the one who sold Russia?

      He is just gay ...
      1. ed65b
        26 February 2014 08: 13
        Quote: Denis
        Quote: vladsolo56
        Nemtsov? and who is it? the one who sold Russia?

        He is just gay ...

        No, my friend, he’s not just gay, he’s
        1. +4
          26 February 2014 10: 52
          I would like to add that:
    2. +4
      26 February 2014 08: 08
      Quote: vladsolo56
      What would they believe him?

      He does not need to be believed in Russia, we all know him as flaky, his task is to show overseas friends that the people are behind him.

      "Boris Nemtsov: We must be together, we must be persistent, in no case should we kneel down and we must fight!"

      On a note of it. wink
      1. +9
        26 February 2014 08: 15
        Well, Nemtsov is no stranger to grinding with his tongue. For every word he receives money from the West. The more dirt, the thicker the wallet. In short, grind with your tongue - do not roll bags! Go and work like ordinary people, there are "advisers" divorced, there is nowhere to spit! am
        1. PPL
          26 February 2014 08: 48
          Quote: major071
          Well, Nemtsov is no stranger to grinding with his tongue. For every word he receives money from the West. The more dirt, the thicker the wallet. In short, grind with your tongue - do not roll bags! Go and work like ordinary people, there are "advisers" divorced, there is nowhere to spit! am

          I’ll add to the development of the topic.
          BBC: What lessons can Russia learn from the situation in Ukraine?
          Boris Nemtsov: ... the regime, judging by the sentence to the prisoners of Bolotnaya, has not learned absolutely any lessons ... the number of political prisoners will increase in the country.

          In the country, it is not the number of watered prisoners that is growing, but the number of parasites who do nothing except verbiage, garbage on the streets and distracting the security forces from the fight against crime. How to provide these "gentlemen" with work? Remember the momentous moment in N. Ostrovsky's book "How the Steel Was Tempered", where Korchagin drove everyone out of the cars, regardless of the ranks, show-offs and squeals of passengers, to clear the railway tracks so that the train could move on! There seems to be no snow anymore, so can you at least distribute brooms? lol
    3. +2
      26 February 2014 09: 50
      So they drag the young to Protect. They don’t know who the Germans are
    4. 0
      26 February 2014 13: 03
      Quote: vladsolo56
      Nemtsov? and who is it?

      Yes, there is one homosexual - everyone is trying to write against the wind ... the wind is just not strong yet ...
      1. TekhnarMAF
        26 February 2014 15: 00
        It would be nice if the impulse was sharp and we forgot it!
        Probably it's time to make accidents for such geyropeytsev, because again we’ll oversleep!
        What are we waiting for 17 years?
  3. +9
    26 February 2014 07: 07
    Another bawker. Well, you were in power, so what? The only thing that was remembered (except for assholes to the West) is the desire to transplant bureaucrats to the Volga. So why wave your fists now? Go to your Maidan. Although, who needs you there? The owners need you here.
    1. +14
      26 February 2014 07: 27
      Boris Nemtsov: The protest movement is the creativity of the masses. It's like a living organism: sometimes there are ups, sometimes downs.
      The protest movement is creativity from across the ocean, for which Nemtsov often flies to consultations. Downs and heights, I agree, sometimes they brought money, and sometimes not laughing
      1. TekhnarMAF
        26 February 2014 15: 04
        That's right, Alexander! Just do not oversleep the time "H"
  4. +8
    26 February 2014 07: 15
    The rotation of power is needed, I do not argue, but just not a replacement for Nemtsov, Kasyanov, and other riffraff.
    Goebbels was with Hitler, so at least he was a person, and this pack? I don’t think that he could climb onto the barricade (Nemtsov), about Ponomar, Ksyushka ... and others. Here’s Udaltsov, who lives on , or on a diet of twenty years?
    referring again to Nemtsov-All the income that Nemtsov declared in 2009 was received by him as a result of "entrepreneurial" activity from 2004 to 2008. Indeed, in a declaration submitted to the Electoral Commission in 2003, Nemtsov indicated that he had no real estate, no vehicles, no shares, no securities. The only thing he had at his disposal was a modest sum of 10 million rubles in his account.

    The way he made his fortune, the subject of the proceedings, was by no means political scientists, but rather law enforcement agencies.

    But to trace some of the milestones of this "businessman" is not without interest.
    After the devastating defeat of the SPS in the 2003 elections, Nemtsov, in his own words, "went into business." In February 2004, he was appointed to the post of chairman of the board of directors of the Neftyanoy concern. The president of the concern was Igor Linshits.

    Nemtsov’s two years as chairman of the Neftyanoy concern will be remembered by many bank depositors. In December 2005, the Prosecutor General’s Office conducted a search in the bank and discovered the “black cashier”, seals of one-day firms and documents confirming the legalization of money [1].

    According to the investigation, the president of the Neftyanoy concern, which includes the Neftyanoy bank, Igor Linshits, created a criminal group. “Members of the group, committing illegal banking operations, received" criminal income in the amount of 57 billion rubles. " Part of this money, according to the Prosecutor General's Office, was laundered and legalized. "About 610 million rubles. Of this amount" went personally to Igor Linshits, according to the Prosecutor General's Office "[2].

    Currently, the best friend of Boris Nemtsov Igor Linshits is on the federal wanted list. The former governor himself left the concern immediately after the searches.

    A natural question for the chairman of the board of the Neftyanoy concern - didn’t he know that there was a criminal group engaged in cashing in the head bank? If he didn’t know, then, it turns out, he was the zitz ​​chairman. If you knew, then an accomplice.

    How tired they are ... Where is he, and where is the revolution.
    1. +1
      26 February 2014 12: 37
      Quote: dark_65
      A natural question for the chairman of the board of the Neftyanoy concern - didn’t he know that there was a criminal group engaged in cashing in the head bank?

      plagued by doubts? ... then I will ask one more "natural" question ...
      is it really winked I didn’t know that a criminal group was operating in the Ministry of Defense, engaged in the collapse of the Armed Forces and the theft of the military budget and property? ...

      or with us, as usual ... one "knew", the other "did not know"? ...
  5. +7
    26 February 2014 07: 20
    He (Nemtsov) will be cured only by a sniper.
  6. +2
    26 February 2014 07: 21
    from the Don.
    In the village a piglet is called: Borka :! laughing Although my name is also Boris! hi
    1. TekhnarMAF
      26 February 2014 15: 10
      In the village a piglet is called: Borka :!

      So the first hog is EBN, and this is a pig!
  7. +4
    26 February 2014 07: 21
    Nemtsov struggles with power only for the sake of power. The unfortunate does not know that in Russia nothing shines for him. Even if he has a chance to get into state structures, the people in his direction will spit even more!
    1. +8
      26 February 2014 07: 49
      In the direction of his red-haired friend, people also spit, but nothing, sits tight. RAO UES collapsed so now NANO is busy. Looks like a roof of nanomaterials.
      1. TekhnarMAF
        26 February 2014 15: 17
        . Looks like a roof of nanomaterials.

        So they have a printing press (for yusniks), nanobucks can be printed ad infinitum!
  8. +4
    26 February 2014 07: 21
    Past .... wka! He screwed up everywhere they didn’t put it, but for 95g it’s not enough to kill.
  9. +4
    26 February 2014 07: 22
    What is happening in Ukraine originated in the bowels of the 5th column, to the bright representatives of which it relates, Nemtsov is already tired of everything, as well as the poisonous Hamada and other evil spirits that joined it.
  10. predator.3
    26 February 2014 07: 25
    Well, how can we do without Nemtsov and the BBC, the enth Yeltsin young reformer, he also needs to be "noted" on the Ukrainian issue, otherwise the people will forget about its existence! wassat
  11. +12
    26 February 2014 07: 28
    Nemtsov and the good of Russia recourseorganic incompatibility, I forgot Nemtsov synonymous with Chubais ...berries from one field,GROSS TIME COME.Because he and who with him RADI.KALA ...
    1. +7
      26 February 2014 07: 38
      Nemtsov and the good of Russia

      Well, why in the morning to offer emetic? Not humanely somehow.
  12. Iskander1369
    26 February 2014 07: 31
    And this baby rat dares to say something about theft !!! After all, a guide himself, what kind of light he had not seen ... He would have killed this relative Yeltsin ...
  13. +18
    26 February 2014 07: 32
    Good morning to the moderators and commentators. Regarding the cases of Nemtsov, co-comrades near the court on the case of riots in Bolotnaya, in the Urals proper, most people have approximately the same opinion: "OppUzitsiya" in Russia lives on US and euro money, makes shares on order. If everything was voluntary, Nemtsov and others would have been uninterested in systematically shaking the air for a long time. constructively, he and his comrades, apart from the collapse of the 90s, have nothing to offer us, but work for the "public" opinion abroad. We support arrests of violators of public order. There is no need to prevent civilians from walking around the city; there is no need to wake up small children with shouts in the apartments of houses standing near the court. There is no need to run so openly and brazenly to the American Embassy for money and instructions, and there is no need to disturb the people, who have already survived many wars over the past 100-odd years, lost the best of their fellow citizens, washed themselves in blood and ... x, Chechen lawlessness and a meek bath of terrorist attacks. We are FOR a decisive suppression of actions with the participation of the liberal opposition both in Moscow and elsewhere. And to the PUSK, someone other than the heroes-Cossacks should make it clear that it is possible to play queer things with balaclavas on the head and nonsense in the language in temples and public places, but not for long and without guarantees for maintaining health.
  14. +2
    26 February 2014 07: 37
    What a gaunt face: neither eats nor drinks, thinks everything about Russia. Where only forces and means come from.
    1. shatu
      26 February 2014 07: 54
      The State Department does not give a salary - it works inefficiently)
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. ed65b
      26 February 2014 08: 17
      Quote: Bort Radist
      What a gaunt face: neither eats nor drinks, thinks everything about Russia. Where only forces and means come from.

      Rather, it suffers from the fact that it happened not in Russia but in Ukraine, and it makes him sick, and in his dreams the round dance leads him around, and he tries to grab them, and they run away, finally he catches one, tightly squeezes it with his sweaty opens his hand and there ..... and he wakes up in a cold sweat.
      1. TekhnarMAF
        26 February 2014 15: 27
        Let him remove the worms and have a face like a "lover of biscuits" (Gaidar)
        and in dreams, the round dance leads him around, and he tries to grab them, and they run away, finally he catches one, tightly squeezes it with his sweating hand, opens it and there .....
  15. KOH
    26 February 2014 07: 38
    Germans and comrades! Get from Russia ... am
  16. largus886
    26 February 2014 07: 39
    Boris, you're right! Ukraine is not Russia! Such tricks do not work here. In general, I like our revolutionaries, they are ready to lie, but NO TO SEE! At least a couple of years to create the image of a martyr, at least as Julia in a comfortable hospital, WEAK!
  17. +7
    26 February 2014 07: 49
    Boris is all upset - so many dollars from the United States flowed to the Maidan in Kiev, and yet he could have pocketed him for Bolotnaya. He himself has stolen so much for the 90s that you can see so much that you can still walk the forest to sharpen it without doing anything.
  18. +3
    26 February 2014 07: 49
    Here is the mudak.
  19. +5
    26 February 2014 07: 49
    I am not a supporter of Putin, but Nemtsov himself would have pulled up, it was they who came up with kickbacks, the Amerov whore, they had long earned the ice ax.
  20. +11
    26 February 2014 07: 51
    1. waisson
      26 February 2014 07: 55
      you don’t need to talk. it won’t touch it and you’re doing it to him am
    2. 0
      26 February 2014 11: 28
      They, like Nemtsov - are inhuman, worse than rabid dogs !!!
  21. +6
    26 February 2014 07: 53
    The authorities did not draw conclusions, after the swamp plague, this is true. It's time to plant and not just cut the taiga for other physical work, these young reformers and the company. I just began to understand why under Stalin there were repressions, Joseph Vissarionovich filtered out such evil spirits, planted and shot, but there was order. This is equivalent to having a neighbor, friend, or friends of children come to my family and begin to teach my family life and spread rot for me. I would, and any of us, would play such assistants. Our country, is that already not a state? and not our family?
  22. +18
    26 February 2014 07: 55
    Is it time for the whole opposition?
    1. -3
      26 February 2014 08: 25
      class !!! very creatively stick on every house within the soda ring
  23. +2
    26 February 2014 07: 56
    Already not him to rant ...
    Nemtsov and his scum-minions will be cursed. Ugh on you.
    They squeezed out normal people from the movement. And they, like Nemtsov, still dare to talk about democracy?
    Because of such pro-western lackeys, we do not have peace in the Fatherland.
  24. +2
    26 February 2014 07: 58
    And this poodle is still chosen somewhere? Though in the provinces there is no more money, but someone votes for him. In some states or Europe, such gentlemen are destroyed quickly, and not only morally.
  25. +7
    26 February 2014 07: 59
  26. +6
    26 February 2014 08: 00
    I remember perfectly These reformers - Nemtsov, Chubais, Khakamada, Kiriyenko and others. And what? These names have long been sick of. Look, you’re the opposition! They removed it from the feeder, and that’s the opposition. Well, you don’t like modern Russia, so go on to where, where better. No, they will bark from the gateway, rush at the passers-by and immediately dive into the gateway again. Yes, even the owner’s ass lick.
    1. +3
      26 February 2014 08: 19
      Only we remember 20 years ago, and for young people, characters like bulk and oPusiSraytok are a new wave.
    2. +4
      26 February 2014 08: 27
      I remember perfectly These reformers - Nemtsov, Chubais, Khakamada, Kiriyenko and others. And what? These names have long been sick of.

      In all fairness, are you dissatisfied with the work of Rossatom? And the rest are really unique - the authorities did nothing worthwhile and destroyed the entire protest movement. I’m still waiting for the State Department to start suing them for embezzled grants. smile
  27. +3
    26 February 2014 08: 07
    This is what pleases me in all these Nemtsov, Anal-Gudkov, Americans sincerely believe that a large number of people support them with us. So they send them the next tranches.
    1. +4
      26 February 2014 08: 34
      They don’t believe in anything! As long as the money give are engaged in IDB (imitation of violent activity)! One thing is insulting - because of these h (m) attacks in the country, there is no real, programmatic, constructive opposition.
      1. +3
        26 February 2014 10: 22
        An opposition that would peacefully and legally represent its position on important issues in the life of the country. We Russians are already fed up with shouts of "violation of rights" and "human rights activists" with passports of the European Union-states, the stink about the fact that in fact they don't like something, but only words and endless stupid ones can be offered in exchange. understandable claims to the authorities. It's not enough for them the massacre of the 90s, when Russians in 91-2000 were slaughtered in groups in Chechnya and in the Caucasus as a whole, squeezed out to the east and north. They used Russian women as targets for shooting, and men as slaves. I am not a nationalist and not a skinhead, but when we take into account not the claims of America and the violated human rights of Nemtsov, Udaltsov and Navalny, but our right to life, our right to well-being, a traditional family, a stable income and a good economy. Ultimately, the right to state independence. The bloody terror and lawlessness that these liberal-under-reformers allowed for the euro money, which allowed to plunder our science, industry and technical ideas are no longer needed by anyone. In Yekaterinburg, people voted for the oppositional Yevgeny Roizman to the city's mayor only because of corruption and ineffective work of local authorities and elites, who have little loot, but the population of the Urals does not support RPR-Parnas in general. Only in Moscow, this audience is loved by those who have money in their accounts abroad and a suitcase prepared in case of anything. Down with traitors, corrupt officials, puppets of enemies from abroad with their corrupting ideas and thirst for power to enrich themselves.
    2. +2
      26 February 2014 10: 13
      This is correctly noticed. You cannot be more clear.
  28. +1
    26 February 2014 08: 13
    Yes, there are those who bark, who howls in impotent rage:

    "Let the dogs say:" Ay, Pug! know she is strong, That barks at the Elephant! "
  29. +2
    26 February 2014 08: 19
  30. ed65b
    26 February 2014 08: 19
    Ah Borya, Borya. What kind of tanker are you. Even to comment on this vomit is laziness.
  31. platitsyn70
    26 February 2014 08: 25
    Quote: Renat
    In the direction of his red-haired friend, people also spit, but nothing, sits tight. RAO UES collapsed so now NANO is busy. Looks like a roof of nanomaterials.

    Germans lick one ass, Chubais another, harmony.
    1. 0
      26 February 2014 12: 47
      Quote: platitsyn70
      Germans lick one ass, Chubais another, harmony.

      it's not harmony ... it's "parity" ... laughing
  32. platitsyn70
    26 February 2014 08: 29
    Boris should be left from politics with dignity as a man, oh yeah, it’s not the man who forgot, suck on.
  33. Shatt
    26 February 2014 08: 50
    Would strangle this scum
  34. +3
    26 February 2014 08: 50
    I am only afraid that the regime, judging by the sentence imposed on the prisoners of Bolotnaya, did not learn any lessons, but decided to tighten the screws and increase the repression as usual. That is, Putin finally and irrevocably made a bet on the bayonets, on the riot police, on the batons. And the number of political prisoners will grow in the country. This kind of reaction — absolutely inadequate, anti-Russian, insane — this trial is fatal to Putin and his regime.

    If all the scum will beat our police, like the maydanutye Berkut beat, then nothing good will come of it.
    Such scum must be planted and soaked on the spot, as is done in countries of "exemplary" democracy - the United States, Germany, France.
  35. +2
    26 February 2014 08: 52
    I do not encourage the actions of the authorities at the moment, I regularly want to spit on the TV when you see this power there and listen to what kind of nudes they carry. BUT!!!! This Germans, why didn’t he do anything to stop the theft, cynicism, overt destruction of Russia, privatization when he was in power structures, and after all there was no one who, the prime minister. This gni.du should be quickly buried in a cemetery so that it would not stink in the white light.
    1. +1
      26 February 2014 12: 52
      Quote: Lk17619
      This Germans, why didn’t he do anything to stop the theft, cynicism, overt destruction of Russia, privatization when he was in power structures, and after all there was no one who, the prime minister.

      I didn’t do it because I actively participated ...
      true, not in the rank of prime minister, but only "first vice-president", but this is exactly the case when horseradish does not really differ from a carrot ...
  36. +4
    26 February 2014 09: 02
    Well, what can you write in the epitaph? He loved and suffered. He loved money and suffered from their lack. Honest and disinterested. Without batting an eye, he abandoned the Xerox box with half a million dollars and held the most honest elections, where EBN won with a 2% rating. So now he is fighting for honesty to the end. Amen, black poodle!
  37. stroporez
    26 February 2014 09: 14
    immense theft, greed, and immense lies and cynicism, this is usurpation of power, this is cruel treatment of citizens
    --from here I believe !!! dude seems to tell from my own experience ......
  38. +2
    26 February 2014 09: 32
    Well, Borka killed him ... Now this creature is "blowing" in the ears about corruption, and at one time with his red-haired sidekick he sold the country for a pittance, there is still a grishka somewhere an economic genius. Boris, when he was a Novgorodsky lip, did not pour wine from canisters into bottles in the workshops of Arzamas 16, of course, his business was like that. those were difficult years, we survived as best we could ... go why the fighter tyavkaesh still for zhist
  39. Ser fuz
    26 February 2014 09: 58
    Nemtsov, in an interview shown on television after three years of the mayor’s chair, you said that the person wasn’t poor. Although he got into it as a junior research fellow of the research institute. Maybe the money stolen to the state
    1. +1
      26 February 2014 11: 54
      Fi, how could you think so about fighters. They made supplies to fight the "bloody" regime ...)))
  40. +5
    26 February 2014 10: 12
    And cho, bros, the curly truth is broadcasting the uterus.
    Here are his words - "..Boris Nemtsov: ... Any street protests - both in Ukraine and in Russia - are provoked by the authorities. This is immeasurable theft, greed, and immeasurable lies and cynicism ..."
    Only one tiny thing is BUT - but he, a Cossack mishandled, is obtained.
    So, he is a star painter - .. on behalf of and on behalf of ..
    And all business.
    Well, we will treat him like that.
  41. +1
    26 February 2014 10: 20
    the circus left, but the clown remained
  42. +2
    26 February 2014 10: 24
    An authoritative fucin .When there was no corruption in Russia with Chubais, did I understand it correctly? Fifteen years ago I didn’t gather at the Swamp meetings now. It looks like a toad is crushing.
  43. +1
    26 February 2014 11: 05
    The whole interview is an inflating of cheeks and an attempt to imagine oneself in the eyes of the layman Velichina. An empty idea! This value is infinitesimal!
  44. 0
    26 February 2014 11: 07
    Let tryndyat about what they want!

    By the way, it plays into our hands! And then maydanutye say that "Bloody Pu" deprived us all of the freedom of speech!
    And we with this maydanutny references to articles of various liberalists - here, please, admire, much more freedom?
  45. 0
    26 February 2014 11: 10
    No matter how actively and gratefully, you do not lick the overseas hand feeding you
    It’s not limited by hand ... feel
    1. 0
      26 February 2014 11: 54
      Quote: retired
      It’s not limited by hand ...

      Naturally, right now there are "such universal values" ..... laughing
  46. stroporez
    26 February 2014 12: 16
    it would be necessary to adopt a law according to which "Balkan parrots" are generally prohibited from tweeting ..........