"Ecology" of the New World Order

Every person with a more or less developed civil conscience is interested in environmental issues. After all, we have one planet for all. If today there is an accident at a nuclear power plant (for example, Fukushima) or an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, tomorrow the consequences will affect all the inhabitants of the globe. Worse, when transnational corporations (TNCs) begin to systematically destroy the human environment for even greater profits. TNCs poison thousands of square kilometers of fertile land, producing shale gas using hydraulic fracturing. TNCs destroy life in millions of cubic kilometers of ocean water, extracting oil in a criminally irresponsible way. TNCs do not like to pay taxes and often impose bribes to the governments of entire states to oppose the interests of their peoples.

Giraffe marius

Active citizens create voluntary environmental organizations that seek to somehow protect the species inhabiting the planet, including humans, from the brutal exploitation of TNCs. The latter have a variety of options for response steps. One of them is the creation of its own sham pseudo-ecological organizations. They do almost nothing in the field of ecology, but they are developing vigorous legal and political activities. Pseudo-ecologists have a serious legal and political pressure on states that do not want to obey the economic dictates of the world financial oligarchy (MFI), which owns these same TNCs.

The interests of the people and MFIs are directly opposite. The MFI wants to use all the resources of the country here and now, exhausting them to the bottom, regardless of the country's ecology or the long-term interests of its people. Independent states do not change their natural resources for cut paper, painted with chopsticks and zeros. They use them to build the missing links in their own economy, without harming the environment, taking into account the interests of descendants. Therefore, the MFI hates independent countries and fights against them. Not only with independent, but in general with all states in principle. For small states that do not want to give up their resources for cutting paper, the MFI is setting up a world gendarme — the United States. It happened with Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria. MFIs are struggling with big and strong states by setting up home-grown traitors and dishwares against them, so-called. "Fifth column".

In a perverted MFI ideal, there should be only one state on the planet. This will make it easier for MFIs to manage and exploit people, without any ethical restrictions whatsoever. The concept of a united state on a planet without a nation, religion and family is called New World Order (NMP)in Latin Novus ordo seculorum. Many have written about the NWO, and more than once, having eyes, see! In order not to repeat what hundreds of bold, honest and dedicated researchers have already written, we will take a concrete example of what is NMP and what awaits us if we assume that the MFI plans will come true.

For a year and a half a beautiful and perfectly healthy male giraffe named Marius lived in a zoo in Copenhagen. His character was good and friendly, the other animals at the zoo received him cordially, and people paid a lot of money to admire him. It seems that still need a giraffe? However, Marius was very unlucky. He was born in a democratic Denmark, which in 1993 entered the super democratic, humane and tolerant European Union. And European bureaucrats like to regulate everything. Well, that's all. More recently, the whole of Bulgaria was laughing, when in the country the binding European directive was translated and published in Bulgarian, indicating ... what would you think? The curvature of cucumbers! Go, point the cucumbers in the field, at what angle they should grow. But when the European bureaucrats adopted the rules indicating the allowed degrees of close crossing, Marius, I suppose, was no laughing matter. He was out of the standards adopted by the European bureaucrats.

In general, Western Europeans have always had an unhealthy craving for eugenics - the study of breeding and ways to improve the hereditary properties - and the fight against degeneration. This struggle has been waged in Europe for more than one century, not for life, but for death, through the ruthless physical extermination of the "inappropriate." When the land produced insufficient grain, the ancient Vikings left their babies in the cold winter forest. Of course, not all, but only the "bad." The selection was based on certain genetic characteristics that have long been well studied and described by historians. Although highly cultured Europeans today are not very proud of it and keep quiet about this topic.

In the middle of the last century, Adolf Aloizovich launched such a struggle in Europe for the purity of the Aryan race that the whole world shook. The Third Reich collapsed, Hitler suicide, but the Europeans were not at all embarrassed. They persevere in bringing eugenic ideas to life. T. called. “Negative racial hygiene,” in which order feeble-minded, epileptics, drinkers, “professional criminals” and a number of other individuals were sterilized, was actively used in Scandinavian countries until the end of the 60-s.

Since today the laws of “negative racial hygiene” do not apply to Jews, nor to Gypsies, or even to gays and lesbians, the European bureaucrats found expression for their eugenic guts by writing a directive on giraffes. Having established the allowed degrees of close crossing, the European bureaucrats ordered that the healthy, handsome and friendly Marius be killed. Kill him and everything, without the right to appeal.

More than 30000 people signed a petition to save Marius’s life, two zoos in Sweden and England were ready to accept it, and compassionate donors offered the $ 500.000 zoo to keep Marius alive. Nothing helped. According to humane European rules, Marius could be given only to a zoo-participant of the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EAZA). And Marius was not in any of these zoos; death was waiting for him everywhere. After all, European directives are binding for all EAZA participants. The result was a classic administrative "vicious circle." Fatal.

In the morning of February 9, Marius was called out with a piece of rye bread, and when he ate it, they shot him in the head with a rifle. Right before the eyes of the present bloodthirsty crowd. The zoo was seriously offended by the protesters and, in order to take revenge on them, invited them to the cutting of Marius, promising viewers to "show what the giraffe is made of!" There were a lot of spectators. After all, this is Europe, culture, civilization! Not for nothing, the zoo organized a public execution, followed by flaying the still warm, bloody corpse on the weekend Sunday. The spectators came and brought with them children! The younger generation of European humanists watched with genuine interest as a man with a knife and saw carves Marius’s body. Finally, the body of Marius was fed to the lions.

An inquisitive generation of growing European humanists will know in a minute what the giraffe consists of
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The end of Marius and the impending fate of the people in the New World Order
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What a man must descend in order to allow and to look at it indifferently! Is it necessary to be a professional ecologist to understand what is impossible to do? And where were the mighty environmental organizations? The annual budget of Greenpeace is approaching $ 350 million! She has 20 regional and 27 so-called national offices around the world. Greenpeace has enough money to support icebreaker and drive around it in the Arctic, arranging provocations to Russian oilmen. Greenpeace has enough influence to organize performances against Russia in 100 cities of the world. But there is not enough money and influence on the salvation of Marius. This case is enough to understand who owns "Greenpeace" and what it does.

The fate of Marius shows that it is prepared for us and our descendants, if we allow the formation of a satanic New World Order. Looking at the photographs of Marius’s skinned corpse, I want to ask the Ukrainian Slavic brothers: where are you going? Do you really need gay parades and public executions in zoos on Sundays?

Resting from his labors for the formation and expansion of the Third Reich, Hitler ordered the cats to be brought to his German Shepherd Blondie and then enjoyed the way she tore them to pieces. The Third Reich was thrown into oblivion, Hitler long ago suicide, but the entertainment in Europe remained the same.
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  1. dimarm74
    17 February 2014 08: 27
    geyropa finally goes crazy ... Well, really ... the Lord wants to punish, deprives the mind.
    1. +35
      17 February 2014 08: 38
      Quote: dimarm74
      geyropa finally goes crazy ... Well, really ... the Lord wants to punish, deprives the mind.
      1. +37
        17 February 2014 10: 06
        answer to cherberlen
      2. +7
        17 February 2014 12: 39
        That’s the point!
      3. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 09: 42
        Our answer to the gimber community to Chimberlen. Something turbulent in the Kingdom of Denmark
    2. +17
      17 February 2014 09: 51
      Quote: dimarm74
      geyropa finally goes crazy ... Well, really ... the Lord wants to punish, deprives the mind.

      Who 20 years ago could imagine that public executions (while animals), child euthanasia, parent No.1 and 2 would become the norm.
      The world is moving by leaps and bounds to the abyss.
      1. Alex 241
        17 February 2014 13: 35
        And where are all these conservation organizations! Greenpeace, green!
        1. +3
          18 February 2014 05: 08
          Quote: Alex 241
          And where are all these conservation organizations! Greenpeace, green!

          Sasha! Do you need the exact address? I'm afraid that after that no merits from the eternal ban will save request hi
      2. AVV
        17 February 2014 13: 47
        Quote: SHILO
        Quote: dimarm74
        geyropa finally goes crazy ... Well, really ... the Lord wants to punish, deprives the mind.

        Who 20 years ago could imagine that public executions (while animals), child euthanasia, parent No.1 and 2 would become the norm.
        The world is moving by leaps and bounds to the abyss.

        It’s good that while the Western world flies there into the abyss, with a super-express speed, but at this speed you can break the ridge even earlier !!! And to the West, it’s also boring to go to Hell alone, so they are pulling others with them! And in Ukraine apparently this is not all especially anxious and understand !!! Let them go to gay.deb.iluyu Europe, but only one !!!
      3. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 09: 44
        And all this happens in the Kingdom of Denmark. It recalls the slaughter of a lion Aslan 1 part of a trilogy film.
    3. +10
      17 February 2014 11: 21
      Quote: dimarm74
      geyropa finally goes crazy ..

      Yes, she was always like that, for example, what do you think about Danish old-time fun - the massive slaughter of dolphins in the Faroes, where every year up to 950 dolphins are brutally slaughtered in front of women and children, this is a kind of initiation into men for them ..

      tov / 11-1-0-129
      1. +3
        17 February 2014 11: 31
        I don’t believe my eyes, thanks for the link!
        1. +4
          17 February 2014 12: 50
          Quote: ivanovbg
          I don’t believe my eyes

          Sorry, but me too ...
          It may come in handy for your future articles ...

          I can’t put the video for ethical reasons. You will understand ... /

          1. +5
            17 February 2014 13: 11
            Thank you
            1. +5
              17 February 2014 17: 19
              Who could put the cons of this article? Who are these two ... creatures? Shame on you?
              1. Kazakhstan
                19 February 2014 10: 06
                I put the pros and distributed links to the site about dolphins and YouTube on other forums. The people must know the true essence of the Danish Kingdom (Europe).
          2. Kazakhstan
            19 February 2014 10: 05
            Where is Europe heading? And Ukraine is drawn to medieval customs.
    4. +5
      17 February 2014 23: 42
      Europe is crazy, it's time to stop. Who will these children grow up? This is violence over the psyche. Look at their faces.

      1. +3
        18 February 2014 00: 00
        Quote: siberalt
        Look at their faces.

        Zombie. Arrived ...
      2. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 10: 08
        It is not surprising that then such ki from Europe shoot hundreds of defenseless people.
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. +4
      18 February 2014 01: 33
      Paradox. So, it’s like a friend ... it’s okay, but a giraffe has no right to life because it cannot have healthy offspring. Where are you going? Sometimes it’s hard to believe in some things that happen beyond the hillock ...
      1. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 10: 08
        Double standards.
  2. makarov
    17 February 2014 08: 30
    Each has its own concept of morality. Of course, I feel sorry for the giraffe, and overcomes hostility to the ostentatious killing, but I am much sorry for Ukrainian pensioners who do not receive pensions on time.
    1. +5
      17 February 2014 08: 49
      Ukrainian pensioners who do not receive timely pensions, I am much sorry

      And I feel sorry, I need to get the Maydan people to think about them, I need to get YANUKOVICH, the manna from heaven, only Hebrews to fall from heaven to fall, led by their shepherd.
      1. makarov
        17 February 2014 09: 17
        so, after all, the pension fund does not obey the Maidan, as there is Yanukovych’s paraphy ...
        1. vlad1
          17 February 2014 13: 25
          he really doesn’t obey the maidan, but the National Bank doesn’t obey them and the buck grows and the confidence in the country falls pity you ours, so you need to disperse this bunch of loafers and mentally unhealthy people and start to work, not with your tongue, to grind candy wrappers
          1. makarov
            17 February 2014 17: 58
            They pay me a hryvnia pension, but if you consider them phantoms, then your problem is. And at the expense of overclocking (?), So please, go to Kiev, and chase anyone you want, and as you want. You can for candy wrappers, or you can for free. That’s how much umi is enough. hi
          2. Kazakhstan
            19 February 2014 10: 10
            I completely agree.
      2. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 10: 09
        I completely agree.
    2. +3
      18 February 2014 05: 12
      Quote: makarov
      Of course I feel sorry for the giraffe,

      Quote: makarov
      Ukrainian pensioners who do not receive timely pensions, I am much sorry.

      Danish government is not obliged to take care of Ukrainian pensioners request Only a country screaming about universal values ​​has no right to such things. Or is it a rehearsal for a smooth transition from giraffes to Jews
      1. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 10: 10
        Most likely, especially to show children - it all starts small.
  3. +8
    17 February 2014 08: 46
    And where were the powerful environmental organizations? - I have no words of indignation.

    How so how to land on our oil platforms GREENPIS ahead of the rest, and how to protect against public killing of a hand giraffe GREENPIS thrust its tongue into the ass-tolerance in EUROPE TOO FAR.

    Looking at all this, I became a staunch opponent of EUROPEAN VALUES — they will not calmly manage the European people on our land.
    1. +14
      17 February 2014 09: 01
      And they did not pay for the protection of the giraffe. And they only serve political orders.
      1. +2
        17 February 2014 11: 57
        Quote: lewerlin53rus
        And they did not pay for the protection of the giraffe.

        Apparently those half a million that were offered for clemency of a giraffe, for Greenpeace a trifle with which he does not even contact ..
        1. Kazakhstan
          19 February 2014 10: 12
          I completely agree.
      2. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 10: 12
        I completely agree.
    2. Kazakhstan
      19 February 2014 10: 12
      No to EUROPEAN VALUES! This is our earth.
  4. dv-v
    17 February 2014 09: 37
    the question is, why is an article being written by an author who eats meat and sausage, and quite possibly wears fur products, or is he confident that all this is grown in test tubes? what kind of hypocrisy, what kind of double standards?
    1. +30
      17 February 2014 10: 03
      Quote: dv-v
      who eats meat and sausage and quite possibly wears fur products

      And I eat meat and wear leather gloves and shoes. But! But I don’t have enough imagination to bring my children to public execution, as well as organize it.
      Between eating meat and executing lies morality - a substance destroyed in Europe and systematically destroyed by us.
      By post it is not difficult to determine your age - child 90x. No adult, mature person will write such nonsense.
      1. dv-v
        18 February 2014 06: 00
        what a mishmash in your head ... just Christian Europe and Christian, not post-Soviet, I will emphasize, Russia would not blink an eye - I might be distracted by the same American biology lessons where frogs are dissected, but I understand the idea. but post-Christian Europe nevertheless rebelled much louder than domestic pseudo-patriots. nevertheless, in this very Denmark everything is done strictly according to the letter of the law, in this country the Russian proverb is generally nonsense "the strictness of the laws is compensated by the non-obligation of their execution", and according to all ratings they live much better, and most importantly - richer and longer. to the screams of false Christians to put them deep. and it is right.

        and regarding age - you, I repeat, are not in your mind, but I will be 44 years old, i.e. I know much better about Christianity than about the USSR.
        1. +3
          18 February 2014 08: 27
          No comment my friend No comment! lol
          1. Kazakhstan
            19 February 2014 10: 15
            It is correct if there is no understanding what words are for such a person.
      2. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 10: 14
        I completely agree, it all starts with a small one. What is happening in Kiev, the young Golden Eagle was knocked out and shot.
    2. +3
      17 February 2014 12: 37
      dv-v, but would you introduce yourself?
      And then usually all the crap they write is ANONYMOUS!
      1. +3
        17 February 2014 21: 15
        Quote: Evgeniy-111
        And then usually all the crap they write is ANONYMOUS!

        Do not be so strict. It is not their fault, but trouble. However, ours too.
      2. dv-v
        18 February 2014 06: 01
        and if I call myself pope what are the conditions for verification? I understand that you mastered the Internet yesterday?
    3. sq
      17 February 2014 13: 22
      Quote: dv-v
      an author who eats meat and sausage, and quite possibly wears fur products, or is he confident that all this is grown in test tubes? what kind of hypocrisy, what kind of double standards?

      This is not hypocrisy and not double standards; philosophizing on this topic is stupid. For a person as a species, it is normal to eat the meat of killed animals and wear their skins (furs), BUT (!!!) slaughtering animals for food and other needs is one thing, killing them for pleasure is another. For example, I keep rabbits for meat, but to kill them for my own pleasure, and any other animal too - fire it. And the article just describes murderously for the sake of pleasure and your ranting is simply inappropriate.
      1. +4
        17 February 2014 13: 30
        Quote: kvm
        For a person as a species, it is normal to eat the meat of killed animals and wear their skins (furs), BUT (!!!) slaughtering animals for food and other needs is one thing, killing them for pleasure is another.

        What is arranged by God is given for food! Everything.
      2. dv-v
        18 February 2014 06: 07
        do you even realize what kind of blizzard you are carrying? here I am gloating - these are not some kind of totalitarian bombs, these are democratic bombs, i.e. white and fluffy, talking about the bombing of Yugoslavia or any other country undergoing "democratization" by the United States and others.
        if you imagine that you are a Christian, he is one of you - the animals don’t have a soul, and killing for the sake of anything else remains so, just as you can’t be a little pregnant, and without any doubt the principle of vegans is respected - no meat no skins!
      3. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 10: 16
        What Europe is heading for with its standards.
    4. vlad1
      17 February 2014 13: 29
      I also eat meat, but I remember when I was a kid small parents when slaughtering pigs sent me a thread for water away and it was not considered that children should be present when slaughtering cattle
      1. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 10: 17
        I completely agree.
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. +4
      17 February 2014 23: 44
      You take your children to a slaughterhouse in a slaughterhouse. Then we will share our impressions.
      1. +6
        18 February 2014 05: 14
        Quote: siberalt
        You take your children to a slaughterhouse in a slaughterhouse. Then we will share our impressions.

        I myself am a hunter BUT! never killed a single animal that has not been eaten
        1. Kazakhstan
          19 February 2014 10: 17
          I agree, only the fascists come for pleasure!
      2. +1
        18 February 2014 05: 32
        it’s not what happened to the giraffe, but about the meat factory. and how do people live in the village? From childhood and pigs they cut, guys look and other animals from the farm. Even sought to learn how to carve
        1. +3
          18 February 2014 05: 36
          Quote: Gleb
          it's not what happened to the giraffe

          Just about that Between a meat factory that originally exists for the livelihood of people and the zoo are two big differences, and if someone does not see this, then welcome to the geyropu! fool
          1. +4
            18 February 2014 05: 41
            Well, duck for this I wrote immediately in the comments
            it's not what happened to the giraffe
            he just said for the meat factory, and this is not the same as what was done with the giraffe
          2. dv-v
            18 February 2014 06: 35
            but what is the difference between a cow and a giraffe - are they both not mammals or are you happy that the giraffe is not served in a tavern in the same Africa? where do you come from?
            1. +4
              18 February 2014 06: 39
              )) you are so active in the morning
              1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +6
              18 February 2014 06: 42
              Quote: dv-v
              where do you come from?

              Where do people like you come from? Well, it couldn’t be like that crawling out of the womb request What is the difference between a zoo and a farm and a meat factory? We think and try to prove ourselves as a reasonable person fool
              1. The comment was deleted.
        2. dv-v
          18 February 2014 06: 33
          and with them, urban, their whole lives are on the TV or in the monitor. those. all love and tenderness at the mimimi level in the tornets, and to pick up homeless cat-dogs - for no reason, and they don’t attend Christian thoughts to their neighbors. it’s so funny how they got around when all the horror was under our windows — we recently picked up a kitten, so many months later he’s afraid of children, hiding and hissing ... I especially hate traveling circuses - this is where the hell is he, but he’s there They drag their children - such as fun, although there is a complete nightmare - intersected with trainers, we have a transit town ...
          By the way, in Europe that scandal is much louder than ours and rest assured, the local eco-activists will find ways and certainly revise the rules, while even the adopted laws on animal cruelty do not really work for us.
          1. +6
            18 February 2014 06: 47
            Quote: dv-v
            and homeless cat-dogs to pick up - no way,

            Of the nearly 30 dogs that I have lived with since 1984, 22 were picked up on the street or brought to my house by friends who found them. Among them are a shepherd from the kennel Legless brown newf and elite rizen tied to the grave fence in a German cemetery in St. Petersburg
            1. The comment was deleted.
    7. The comment was deleted.
  5. +10
    17 February 2014 09: 51
    Geyropeytsy completely baffled! Well, they decided to kill - kill, why arrange a show, and even with children.
    1. +4
      17 February 2014 16: 31
      Quote: Eureka
      Geyropeytsy completely baffled! Well, they decided to kill - kill, why arrange a show, and even with children.
      They continue ... a public, bloody bacchanalia
      1. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 12: 18
        Giraffe, wolf, what or who next? Runaway convict?
    2. Kazakhstan
      19 February 2014 12: 18
      Like the Nazis with public hanging.
  6. +3
    17 February 2014 09: 55
    Overton's window in action. Everything is on the heap in the article: horses ... people ...
    1. +3
      17 February 2014 10: 09
      Quote: Lomikus
      Overton's window in action. Everything is on the heap in the article: horses ... people ...

      I agree. Have you carefully read the article "Destruction Technology"?
      1. +3
        17 February 2014 10: 37
        I read))) And Nikolai Starikov too.
        1. +2
          17 February 2014 11: 10
          Quote: Lomikus
          I read))) And Nikolai Starikov too.

          If it’s not difficult, discard the link from Starikov. I would like to know his opinion. Thanks in advance. Yes
          1. +5
            17 February 2014 11: 36
            You're welcome!
            About the "window": http://nstarikov.ru/blog/36349
            About the "giraffe in the window": http://nstarikov.ru/blog/36477
            1. +2
              17 February 2014 12: 10
              Thanks a lot Michael. hi
  7. +6
    17 February 2014 10: 25
    Get fucked up! They showed it to children.

  8. +5
    17 February 2014 10: 28
    Here they will draw up the next regulations and already some of the people "will not fit into the framework", they will also be indifferently shot and fed to someone. They would have given us to the "Totalitarian Communist Evil Empire" or "Totalitarian China" that we are so "totalitarian", but "humane" Europeans will explain everything to us.
    1. +6
      17 February 2014 11: 40
      So there is another giraffe next in line. Ramzan Kadyrov expressed a desire to take him to the Grozny zoo. Who would have told you ten years ago that animals are publicly shot in Denmark and they want to shelter them in the Grozny zoo, would they believe? This is truly "Putin's gang on trial!")))
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +4
        17 February 2014 23: 46
        Animals are more reasonable than maydaunov!

    2. Kazakhstan
      19 February 2014 13: 59
      Useful links

      Nikolai Starikov
      A terrible tale of how the king fell in love with the king: http://nstarikov.ru/blog/34161

      As an example, the introduction of the legalization of marriage between gays in France and incest and child euthanasia in other European countries.
      In great detail about the impending degradation of modern capitalist civilization: SV Valtsev "The decline of mankind" The book is a bomb! Everyone MUST read: http://www.rusmissia.ru/Zakat/2-1-2.html
      What awaits Russia because of the Maidan: http://warfiles.ru/show-48745-rossiya-pod-udarom.html
  9. +6
    17 February 2014 12: 09
    What a man must go down to to admit and to look at it indifferently!

    After such "lessons of morality" from the children, "Breiviks" grow up, who are not tormented by their conscience, and they live in prison without worries, like in a resort.
    I can imagine how in cold blood they can kill people in another country, if God forbid, it will happen ...
    1. Kazakhstan
      19 February 2014 14: 01
      I completely agree, that’s what’s going on.
  10. +6
    17 February 2014 12: 47
    <<< For a year and a half, a beautiful and perfectly healthy male giraffe named Marius lived at the Copenhagen Zoo. His character was good and friendly, ..... (a) On the morning of February 9, Marius was called with a piece of rye bread, and when he ate it, he was shot in the head with a rifle. Right in front of the bloodthirsty crowd present. >>>
    And these flayers, this gamemocratic DER..MO, obsessed with eugenics - the teaching about selection and improvement of hereditary properties by ruthless extermination of "irrelevant", which, in fact, means the triumph of the racial theories of the 3rd Reich, has the OBSESSION to persistently impose their cavemen, "medieval" views on life to others, incl. Russia - the heiress of more than a thousand years of the Great Russian Civilization! Just take a shock from such self-confident IMPRESSION! A keen desire, in order of selection, to put this scum against the wall!
    1. +4
      17 February 2014 16: 27
      By the way, this is not the only case for Denmark. Calmly and annually in the Faroe Islands a slaughter of dolphins is organized.
      Despite the protest of many organizations, the traditional driven dolphin-grind mining continues. 2013 killed more than 600. Fishing is actually a national holiday, but carried out not by date, but from case to case. When any fisherman notices a flock near the island, he informs the residents about it, men get into boats and begin to drive in shallow water. Then the massacre begins, which virtually all residents, including children, are going to look at. Faroese themselves argue that this type of hunting is an important element of their culture. A man does not consider himself a man if he did not participate in the grind hunt. The meat of dolphins in the Faroe Islands is eaten, however, the annual amount of food is excessive.

      1. makarov
        17 February 2014 20: 37
        During the Soviet era, a plan for shooting dolphins was distributed to the Black Sea fish collectives, and it was mandatory. The Azov dolphin was christened like that - "porpoise", they knocked out immeasurably, only now the population begins to recover.
      2. +3
        18 February 2014 00: 00
        In Denmark there is fishing for squirrels - cub seals. From hammering bits on the fur.

        ges / 2014/353 / thne934.jpgм
      3. The comment was deleted.
    2. Kazakhstan
      19 February 2014 14: 02
      The legacy of fascist ideology.
  11. +7
    17 February 2014 12: 55
    This is all called order. If the public killing of an animal is done according to the instructions, this is not a crime. Refreshing, butchering and feeding the lions in front of curious children also fits into instructive behavior. The people will already get used to public executions and will need to take the next step.
    Then we will be surprised where the gas chambers will come from again, temporary detention camps will be built - this is the beginning of a path already traveled once. The next step is to declare certain groups inferior (as options - ethnic, carriers of a certain virus, living in a certain territory, etc.). And then we know. It remains to wait a bit.
    1. +1
      18 February 2014 11: 52
      We are few, but our genetic memory is good ...
    2. Kazakhstan
      19 February 2014 14: 03
      Reservations of Indians in the USA.
  12. +3
    17 February 2014 13: 05
    Yes, the theater of the absurd continues ... The abomination of all the dry and the dry ... The normative vocabulary is not enough
  13. +4
    17 February 2014 13: 11
    I wonder where our democratic media, Europeans are so substituted, you just need to take advantage of such blunders, trumpet all over the world about their bestial morals, sponsor actions and protest organizations, interfering in their social life like they do in ours, sending there, with money funds your greenpeace.
    1. +4
      17 February 2014 13: 26
      Quote: repytw
      I wonder where our democratic media, Europeans are so substituted, you just need to take advantage of such mistakes, to blow the whole world about their bestial customs,

      Believe me, it was. And there was a lot of it. Many media outlets in Europe also came out with outraged and indignant articles. My boys learned from programs in Germany, even earlier than myself.
      Here the translation, in principle, is not needed. Everything has already been said in Russian ...

      The day before yesterday, when my family met me at the bus station. My boys, running up to me and hanging on my neck, with tears in their eyes, tweeted:
      - Dad, they still killed him .... !!!
      - Whom? Who killed? Where...
      - They killed Marius !!! And cut into pieces !!!!
      1. +2
        17 February 2014 16: 29
        I'm afraid to even imagine the number of tears.
  14. -6
    17 February 2014 15: 02
    But the lions do not mind, they also want to eat!
    However, you yourself, when you sterilize your cat or drown kittens, is something better than a slaughtered giraffe?
  15. -4
    17 February 2014 16: 21
    One of the typical amusements in Chinese zoos is to drive a cow into a cage with large predators, http://krabov.net/38482-kormlenie-tigrov-v-kitae-6-foto.html I have not yet found a famous photo where a little bum is thrown to several dozens of lions, while it’s not clear to me who to spare, the food doesn’t suffer for a long time, the lions are not sadists, or predators, the number of which exceeds all reasonable norms (in nature there are prides in 30-40 lions, but in nature, but not in cell, and only in especially favorable cases), and overpopulation always leads to aggression.
    The death penalty was imposed for the killing of a tiger in China, this did not stop the narrow-eyed ones from exterminating all the stripes on their territory. Well, spotted too, the Far Eastern leopard survived only in Russia, but in the North. Korea. Now set to ours.
    And also the traditional Chinese nyme from live fish, which must be cut so that when served, it still fluttered.
    However, what are we talking about animals, narrow-eyed people also have such a delicacy as a dish from an unborn child. Problem? Well, now try to imagine how much it costs, and still there are no fewer people willing to try than consumers of "drugs" made from tiger eggs.

    It is not surprising that narrow-eyed people are not considered civilized people either in the USA or in Russia. But for some reason, they don’t care, they prefer to write about European homosexuals, and the slaughtered giraffe. Not so long ago in a zoo, I don’t remember the United States, or Europe simply released predators into the city, and then the police hunted for lions, tigers and bears. Well, they obviously counted on this at the zoo, even they themselves did not slaughter the animals that became superfluous, dumping work on the police and endangering the population. Something I do not remember the news about this on topwar.

    But what in Europe regulate the curvature of cucumbers and the devil knows what else, this is not a question of eugenics, I might as well think that it’s more humane to kill a child with severe deviations right away, or leave him his whole life tormented himself, and torment loved ones. It’s just that this is the essence of a supranational association, that in order to solve many issues, it is necessary to bring regulation to the point of absurdity, if you allocate quotas for the production of apples or sweets, then you will forcibly have to give a list of acceptable varieties, otherwise the goods are different and it will be impossible to compare. In general, as in the middle-aged artisan workshops, which established uniform rules on product parameters, technology, working hours, in order to somehow equalize the participants.
  16. +3
    17 February 2014 17: 22
    All for the money. Paid - fight, not paid passed by ...
  17. bilgesez
    17 February 2014 18: 36
    Hitler is looking and not overjoyed at his followers
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      18 February 2014 00: 14
      "Hitler looks and does not rejoice at his followers"
    3. Kazakhstan
      19 February 2014 14: 06
      I completely agree.
  18. +5
    17 February 2014 19: 41
    Fools. There is no forgiveness for them.
  19. +4
    17 February 2014 20: 50
    Europe is taking leaps and bounds in the Middle Ages - soon it will begin to do so with people. am
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      18 February 2014 00: 25
      Why do they start? So they did and continue so.

    3. Kazakhstan
      19 February 2014 14: 08
      And even the Inquisition will appear again and the witch hunt will begin. A good Soviet film "The Legend of Thiel", revealing the essence of medieval Europe.
  20. Power
    17 February 2014 21: 18
    Where were the Greens? Or can they only climb our oil rigs for a lot of money?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      18 February 2014 00: 29
      Greens in this zoo protect the rights of lions. They were not paid for others.
  21. +4
    17 February 2014 21: 33
    Greenpeace - "green x ..".

    At the celebration of the opening of Greenpeace’s office in Makhachkala - 4 sheep were killed ...
  22. Marine One
    17 February 2014 22: 13
    While in damned Europe, Satanists, to the sounds of "Horst Wessel", lay on the rainbow ribbons of giraffes, Equal-to-the-Apostles and Stauropegic Russians go their own bright path.

    PS The administration, which "does not share the opinion of the authors," did you really take a course there to create a military-patriotic version of Life News? The latter is still more interesting.
  23. +3
    17 February 2014 22: 15
    and it's all about in the same places where greenpeace whips ........ Western Europeans ... in plain text to you ..... you P-I-D-O ....... further on yourself you know. The farther the worse .... to what their tolerance and freedom of choice will bring them, one god knows
  24. +3
    17 February 2014 22: 21
    I can only say one thing. I would like them myself as a siraffe and throw them to the lions for a meal. Then they will quickly come to their senses.
  25. go
    17 February 2014 22: 59
    This, of course, is the savagery and senseless cruelty with this Marius, it’s not clear how their hand went up ... but here are the thoughts I visited: I remembered the devil’s lawyer movie, where the hero Keanu Reeves threw a piece on the table to the jury on a jury the meat that he just bought at the store, meaning that if you want to judge the animal cruelty, first refuse the meat ... he then won the process. I also remembered how I saw rabbits being jammed in the village (with a stick) also in front of teenagers, or how until recently our dear guests from the Caucasus were cutting sheep on the streets of Moscow ... it would generally be useful to place a couple of meat processing plants in the city center with slaughter, so that people, when they consume meat every day, at least really be aware of where it comes from.

    I do not condone the killers of this giraffe, but if it is considered cruelty, then what is the usual massacre where does this happen every day? If we judge who is better than a giraffe or a ram, then this is racism, which the author writes about in the article. Of course, there are fewer giraffes, but this is the same eugenics. And I think the giraffe doesn’t care who ate it - people or lions ...

    I hope that someone can refute this post with reason; This question is still open for me.
    1. +4
      17 February 2014 23: 36
      I hope that someone can refute this post reasonably ...

      The giraffe is healthy, well-intentioned, gets along well with the rest of the inhabitants and with visitors to the zoo. Not none objective reasons for this giraffe to be killed. And they kill him and refresh in front of a bloodthirsty public.

      The atrocity consists in the fact that a giraffe is killed only in order that he did not spoil the rest of the giraffes breed.

      This problem has the following solutions:
      * contain it separately so that it cannot reproduce;
      * give it to another zoo where there are no other giraffes;
      * castrate him.

      But the bloodthirsty administration publicly shoots and refreshes Marius and this is terribly immoral, unethical and inhuman.
      1. Kazakhstan
        19 February 2014 14: 11
        Useful links

        Nikolai Starikov
        About the "window": http://nstarikov.ru/blog/36349
        About the "giraffe in the window": http://nstarikov.ru/blog/36477
    2. Kazakhstan
      19 February 2014 14: 10
      It all begins with this. A terrible tale of how the king fell in love with the king: http://nstarikov.ru/blog/34161

      As an example, the introduction of the legalization of marriage between gays in France and incest and child euthanasia in other European countries.
      In great detail about the impending degradation of modern capitalist civilization: SV Valtsev "The decline of mankind" The book is a bomb! Everyone MUST read: http://www.rusmissia.ru/Zakat/2-1-2.html
  26. +2
    18 February 2014 04: 26
    Honestly, I don't understand what the fuss is about. The poor giraffe was beaten and fed to the lions. What a horror! We demand some kind of humanism. In relation to whom? To animals? This is despite the fact that the Russians devour hundreds of tons of meat every day. But it eats, apparently, not like a lion does, but humanely. Excellent. Let's close all the slaughterhouses tomorrow in order to save Zorek and Burenok. Chicken coops, hares, fox fur farms - we will abolish. How wonderful it is to shift the responsibility for the killing of the animal that you are devouring to your uncle, thereby creating for yourself the illusion that you do not take any part in the destruction of animals on an industrial scale and bear no responsibility. "Oh, look at the poor kitty or dog, I love animals so much that I cannot bear their suffering!" - people say, eating sausage with a new pet. "Well, this is a natural process," commentators would argue, "we are predators after all, and meat is essential for our diet." Well, the events in Denmark are not unnatural either. The lions took a bite from their natural food source. The children learned that before the meat got on the table, it was a living creature that was mercilessly killed and dismembered into pieces, while draining the blood. On the counter in the store, these giblets, meat, blood and bones lie open, and no one closes the eyes of children at this sight. You can't make scrambled eggs without breaking the eggs. And young children perceive this dismemberment normally, if the "compassionate" mothers have not yet put into their heads stupidity, at the expense of the "horrors" of such actions. For example, at the age of 7, I was already chopping bosoms for chickens, and I did not feel any discomfort, pleasure, however, too. The pigs were stabbed in front of my eyes, but I understood that this must be done if you want to eat meat. If you love (sympathize with them) animals, then be consistent, do not eat them, do not wear fur coats, leather shoes. In general, this monstrous hypocrisy simply amazes me. And the fact that what kind of hysteria arose in the media. For interest, do not go to the zoo, but to the slaughterhouse with your child, do not deceive him from childhood. Maybe he will make an informed choice towards vegetarianism, and will love animals not in words, but in deeds.
    1. Kazakhstan
      19 February 2014 14: 12
      Useful links

      Nikolai Starikov
      About the "window": http://nstarikov.ru/blog/36349
      About the "giraffe in the window": http://nstarikov.ru/blog/36477
      A terrible tale of how the king fell in love with the king: http://nstarikov.ru/blog/34161

      As an example, the introduction of the legalization of marriage between gays in France and incest and child euthanasia in other European countries.
      In great detail about the impending degradation of modern capitalist civilization: SV Valtsev "The decline of mankind" The book is a bomb! Everyone MUST read: http://www.rusmissia.ru/Zakat/2-1-2.html
    2. 0
      19 February 2014 14: 15
      Quote: brutal true
      You can't make scrambled eggs without breaking the eggs. And young children perceive this dismemberment normally, if the "compassionate" mothers have not yet put into their heads stupidity, at the expense of the "horrors" of such actions. For example, at the age of 7 I was already chopping bosoms for chickens, and I did not feel any discomfort, pleasure, however, too. The pigs were stabbed in front of my eyes, but I understood that this must be done if you want to eat meat. If you love (sympathize with them) animals, then be consistent, do not eat them, do not wear fur coats, leather shoes.

      In principle, I agree. As a child, I also observed being at relatives in the village everything similar and slaughter of rams and chopping off chickens to hens and regarded this for granted, without any shock. But now, for some reason I can’t calmly look at such things. :)
      1. +1
        19 February 2014 19: 38
        Zymran, the fact of the matter is that since I saw this since childhood, over time, I realized how cruel, merciless, bloodthirsty people are in relation to nature and animals. The abomination of cruelty is not in blood and intestines outward - this is an anatomy, which naturally is also unpleasant, since the human mind is trying to identify itself with a dead animal. An abomination in the very relation to nature and animals, the hypocrisy with which people turn a blind eye to what is happening next to them. This all happens precisely because cruelty is hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, and it has long been the norm. But the giraffe, they, you see, feel sorry. By the way, I'm a vegetarian. There is every reason to believe that in pre-Petrine times, meat was not eaten in Russia, at least that all Old Believers are vegetarians.