"And let the European Union go on ..."

"And let the European Union go on ..."These words of US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to US Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Payette - the place and role of the European Union in the policy of the “Euro-Association” of Ukraine. They will enter history diplomacy after the “diplomatic cookie” Nuland on the “euro maidan”, as a way of visual support for the coup.
“Otherwise, the Russians will spoil everything for us,” Pyatt, the Washington chief, brightly assented to his Washington boss.

And the “Russians” were right there, and, as Pyett had foreseen, they had spoiled everything. Recorded a diplomatic telephone conversation tete-a-tete and posted on the Internet for all to see. Tokmo for the sake of democracy, openness and openness in the world. Any development of democracy, as is well known, is accompanied by scandal: democracy loves scandals very much. And he immediately broke out: it is indecent to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, ”the US State Department said. But grateful listeners did not believe him, because they consider it indecent to pry into other people's affairs.

The State Department, and Nuland personally, offered the European Union apologies, which her head of diplomacy Catherine Ashton silently swallowed: Nuland and her boss, and the boss is always right!

Naturally, they did not apologize to Ukraine, but, by the way, for good reason. Yanukovych will keep silent, of course, like Ashton, but he will not forget. And the main striking force of the “peaceful protesters” - the neo-Nazi Tyagnibok with his “Freedom” —can be called Nuland in this conversation “marginal”. It screams from all sides! ...

Here such secret diplomatic springs set in motion “euromaidan”, in other words, “project power” of the USA. This sacred right to interfere in the internal affairs of any state, in Washington’s opinion, only the United States has, “and the European Union can go on ...”

If diplomats speak like street hooligans, then what can we expect from their “politics”, in this case in Ukraine? Hooligan robbery, and support political hooligans. However, there is no evil without good: we have learned how “big politics” is done, and in what language. And who warned - that is armed ...

This “telephone conversation” directly indicates the US Department of State that it is he who stands behind the “euromaidan” and pays for this flash mob and the entire “protest carnival”, the big “disobedience holiday” for all good things against all bad. Which would pass and end, like all carnivals, if the American embassy did not bring up Bandera neo-Nazis, the Right Sector, with which Nuland’s diplomats are also fixed.

In general, now that Washington’s political bluff is so brightly opened, and all the cards are on the table, Yanukovych gets a blank check to close the neo-Nazi flash mob on the Maidan, at least from a moral point of view. Will he take advantage of this? - another question. The position of Russia is also strengthening.

What awaits Ukraine after the Euro-Association ”can be seen in Bosnia, the fruits of its“ Euro-Association ”have just ripened there. The events in Bosnia are already developing steeper than in Ukraine: the workers of bankrupt enterprises have taken to the streets, state institutions are being captured, the presidential palace is burning, hundreds of victims are burning. The orange fire, so diligently bloated by European commissioners in Ukraine, is being thrown into Europe itself, according to old wisdom: don’t dig a hole for another ...

Now the European Union will have to play the role of non-commissioned officer's widow, and flog himself before the whole world. To present the events in Bosnia as a result of the “pressure of Moscow” is too absurd, even the zombie western man in the street will think: what is this happening? To use a police force in Bosnia is to flog yourself ...

Euroskeptics in the May elections to the European Parliament seem to show a brilliant result; the promised “French Spring” will receive an orange argument. Ashton, Barroso and other “lame ducks” will fly out of their posts, and with them the entire Eastern Partnership policy ordered by Washington.

... Bullying Nuland against the European Union for not being able to drag Ukraine into Europe and resist Russia in Vilnius, says that the Eastern Partnership and Euro-Association of Ukraine are bluffing, deceiving at the urgent request of Washington, for which it is his desire to turn Ukraine into a "Syria", and to take revenge on Russia for Snowden, a Syrian failure and, in general, for the fact that Russia "gains confidence" ...
201 comment
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  1. +72
    10 February 2014 08: 07
    Simple woman.
    We have a swearing woman at her age can only be completely fallen ice. Probably this one. They have a wonderful selection of personnel!
    1. +47
      10 February 2014 08: 12
      Good article title bully Let it go, who's arguing ?! fellow
      1. Hs487
        10 February 2014 09: 04
        Quote: sds555
        Let it go, who's arguing ?!

        But only after their masters from across the ocean. laughing
        1. +33
          10 February 2014 09: 17
          It remains only to wait for Merkel to send a US reply in a telephone conversation with Hollande laughing
          1. +24
            10 February 2014 09: 41
            Quote: sds555
            It remains only to wait for Merkel to send a US reply in a telephone conversation with Hollande

            wiped out once again. I wiped myself off with wiretapping, and with such a "trifle" ...
            1. +26
              10 February 2014 10: 10
              a drop wears away a stone. once her patience will end. they don’t give gold, they listen on the phone, they send it directly, and then our athletes pulled it out at the Olympics. In order for the Germans to turn their backs, there can only be one moment - a firm belief that they will definitely not see their gold. As long as they think that there is gold or they’ll even take it from somewhere, they will probably bend. Well, or the United States should show a clear weakness. All last year they drove their nose over a pissed rag and 2014 continued in the same vein ...
              1. +136
                10 February 2014 10: 14
                1. Natalia
                  10 February 2014 11: 23
                  Quote: Ivan_Ivanov

                  lol excellent demotivator))) +
                2. +2
                  10 February 2014 22: 30
                  I'm for the HOLIDAY!
              2. +8
                11 February 2014 00: 57
                Quote: Foxmara
                a drop wears away a stone. once her patience will end. they don’t give gold, they listen on the phone, they send it directly

                It seems that Vova quietly drives wedges between Europe and the States.
                1. +5
                  11 February 2014 08: 46
                  So long ago it’s time in the information war not to sit on the defensive, in the trenches, to advance on all fronts.
                2. StolzSS
                  15 February 2014 16: 52
                  Vova first drives the wedges in and then carnations in their coffins will send experts to drive in ... hi he promised hehe
            2. +4
              10 February 2014 19: 47
              That's what we annoy everyone with - everyone wipes the snot silently, and we wipe the bloody ones and say - Well, okay ...
            3. +3
              11 February 2014 00: 53
              Quote: RBLip
              wiped out once again. I wiped myself off with wiretapping, and with such a "trifle" ...

              The question is more important: will Yanukovych rub off?
              Quote: RBLip
              Naturally, they did not apologize to Ukraine

              Or is he waiting for everyone who warns him against a violent resolution of the conflict themselves by force dispersed the Bosnians?
              It seems like too tricky and far-sighted for Yanukovych ... recourse
              1. +2
                11 February 2014 08: 48
                In its place, a very logical step would be the abolition of joint exercises with NATO. It’s a pity that he won’t take a chance.
          2. +9
            10 February 2014 12: 11
            No, Hollande is definitely not an interlocutor in such conversations. A. Merkel is the smartest woman, she sees and understands perfectly where this whole thing is heading. And Hollande makes no difference, he is a puppet .. I really hope that in the very near future in France everything will change for the better ... everything is going to this. Nice people live there, but they haven’t had luck with rulers for centuries.
            1. +4
              10 February 2014 15: 35
              But what about Degol And F. Miteran.
            2. 0
              10 February 2014 15: 35
              But what about Degol And F. Miteran.
              1. +1
                13 February 2014 07: 35
                "Exceptions prove the rule"
          3. AVV
            10 February 2014 15: 53
            Quote: sds555
            It remains only to wait for Merkel to send a US reply in a telephone conversation with Hollande laughing

            The rough work of the State Department, not only in the literal, but also figurative sense, gives a chance to restore order by constitutional means, and tries ... to look and look at the one who leaked you and put it into consumption, I’m referring to the Guide as a guarantor The constitutional system of the state !!!
          4. Shur
            10 February 2014 20: 33
            And the GDP will begin to resolve issues related to Europe in Washington .. It makes no sense to just talk to a "non-decisive" vassal ..
          5. +4
            11 February 2014 02: 13
            We have on this occasion the expression: "Though ssy in the eyes, all is God's dew." They will get lost and will continue to be friends against us.
        2. Natalia
          10 February 2014 09: 23
          “Otherwise, the Russians will spoil everything for us,” Pyatt, the Washington chief, brightly assented to his Washington boss.

          Well, here you just need to come to terms, if we know that our "friends" are preparing us a "treat", then yes winked ...... Russians will definitely spoil it lol )))

          Maybe I'm wrong, but this is my opinion, today in the world there is only one real force that can ruin everything for them, what do you think? winked

          ... there is no China laughing
          That's exactly what Russia is, and believe me, at such a pace we will not only ruin everything for them, but in general, just EVERYTHING!) wink
          1. +6
            10 February 2014 15: 34
            Quote: Natalia
            That's exactly what Russia is, and believe me, at such a pace we will not only ruin everything for them, but in general, just EVERYTHING!)

            + for optimism wink
          2. +3
            10 February 2014 19: 38
            Natalia, not just EVERYTHING, but EVERYTHING !!! lol wink
          3. The comment was deleted.
          4. +2
            10 February 2014 20: 14
            Quote: Natalia
            today in the world there is only one real force that can ruin everything for them

            Today? Yes. As always. And not only "them", but the West as a whole. Around the confrontation between Russia and the West, this world has been revolving since the time of Alexander Nevsky. The rest are only temporary factors - the Horde (although there are more interesting opinions here), Byzantium, the Ottomans, Japan, modern China ... Or, in general, extras in decorations like the Middle East or Latin America.
          5. +1
            12 February 2014 20: 46
            Of course, because Putin doesn’t forget anything, nor to anyone. And SESH with zhopodyry Geyropa more than once deigned to bite Putin's treats.
        3. vyatom
          10 February 2014 11: 06
          I hope at least after such information the "marginalized" on the Maidan will wiser and return to do their household chores.
          1. +6
            10 February 2014 11: 20
            Grow wiser lol Maydaunam-zambi living in the garbage anyway! Nick has a house in the outhouse where they created it! They even banned cleaning on Saturday and drove the people of Kiev fool
          2. +14
            10 February 2014 12: 24
            Quote: vyatom
            I hope at least after such information the "marginalized" on the Maidan will wiser and return to do their household chores.

            Dreams, dreams - where is your sweetness
            Dreams are gone - muck remains.

            They will be explained that this is a fake and that's all. And then they won’t say anything like that at all. If they are not able to analyze events in Bosnia, in Bulgaria, in Romania, etc. If they, like a flock of sheep, were assigned a goat, in the form of EU membership, for a corral to a slaughterhouse and they stupidly stick, not seeing that the goat is being released through another door, and their fate is butchering for meat.

            If they destroy their cities for green pieces of silver, it’s as if it’s not their Nenko who’s on fire, but a foreign country. Who are they???
          3. +2
            10 February 2014 13: 13
            Quote: vyatom
            "marginals" on the Maidan will grow wiser

            Something is not noticeable. From Yarosh's speech "Right Sector"
            With the goal of a victorious end to the revolution, the “Right Sector” agreed to a truce ... As long as the process of releasing the hostages continues, we will try not to resort to vigorous action, but we will not give any guarantees ... the regime continues to free the hostages, but it does so very slowly, they are only being changed a “preventive measure”, and not exempted from criminal liability. We urge the opposition, self-defense, Avtomaydan, Afghan soldiers and all protesters to prepare for a national mobilization with the prospect of further blocking the government block. We should be ready in the near future to completely block the work of the central organs of the regime. We speak with the regime in the language that he understands - in the language of power ...
            Marine, Valery, where are you? Keywords in the speech have a place to be.
            1. +1
              10 February 2014 20: 29
              The entire belligerent drive of thugs from the "right sector" is based on the authorities' fears of bloodshed, victims as a result of forceful actions of law enforcement officers, and the involvement of new strata of the population in the unrest. By doing this, they confidently blackmail the authorities, forcing them to make unilateral concessions, gaining time to prepare and implement the far-reaching plans of Western and transatlantic conductors of the "Maidaniad", and at the same time arming themselves and expanding the bridgehead of the "revolution." But it is the indecision of the authorities that can lead to what they fear so much.
            2. +2
              10 February 2014 20: 52
              The entire belligerent drive of thugs from the "right sector" is based on the authorities' fears of bloodshed, victims as a result of forceful actions of law enforcement officers, and the involvement of new strata of the population in the unrest. By doing this, they confidently blackmail the authorities, forcing them to make unilateral concessions, gaining time to prepare and implement the far-reaching plans of Western and overseas conductors of the "Maidaniad", and at the same time arming themselves and expanding the bridgehead of the "revolution." But it is precisely the indecision of the authorities that can lead to what they fear so much. Further growth of the Maidan cancerous tumor is fraught with the destruction of state power. Glazyev is right, it's time to put things in order before it's too late.
          4. Old scoop
            10 February 2014 18: 54
            They made fun. Do you think they are behind the idea, they want to Europe? Today they dumped grandmas on them and are glad. And tomorrow - the grass does not grow. Narrow-minded banderlogs led by jackals tearing the state and people for money and power. That's just the west will work them out and throw them out.
            1. 0
              11 February 2014 17: 47
              The time has come for the peasants from the Russian Black Sea Fleet to come to Kiev and show the Maidan what the real is! Kill them, kill more, kill them all!
          5. +1
            11 February 2014 03: 31
            Quote: vyatom
            The "marginalized" on the Maidan will grow wiser and return to do their household chores.

            A new profession has appeared in Ukraine - the Maidan worker. Students, pensioners, unemployed for a monetary reward, go to the Maidan stand with a poster for some sort of party.
            1. +1
              11 February 2014 09: 08
              So to document these "commodity-money" relations with the help of video recording, and then file a claim. Surely in Ukraine there is also an article for non-payment of taxes on income.
            2. +1
              11 February 2014 17: 29
              Quote: Z.O.V.
              A new profession has appeared in Ukraine - the Maidan worker.

              She has long appeared, a very long time. The next anniversary is coming soon.

      2. +2
        10 February 2014 20: 11
        Quote: sds555
        Have a good headline. Let’s argue, who argues ?!

        At least once from the Americans heard good advice))) wassat
    2. +20
      10 February 2014 08: 24
      The author draws very far-reaching conclusions! Today there is such a situation that only those who want to be deceived are wrapped. The whole system of American democratization has become more transparent than glass and can only be misled by an idiot. The only question is who takes on the role of Judah, acting as the conductor of the states in his country.
      The Ukrainian trinity is very colorful in itself and obviously does not attract patriots. But they love cookies from the owner’s hands.
      Hands are just so dirty ...
      1. +11
        10 February 2014 08: 45
        If the US says so about the EU, then they know where this EU is located and in what form.
      2. +4
        10 February 2014 09: 31
        Hands are just so dirty ... - The infection does not stick to the infection.
    3. rereture
      10 February 2014 08: 40
      Apparently you were not on the street, sometimes the ladies swear so that their ears are twisted into a tube.
      1. +28
        10 February 2014 11: 15
        Quote: rereture
        Apparently you were not on the street, sometimes the ladies swear so that their ears are twisted into a tube.

        Ladies? Outdoors? Swearing? belay
        Let's reason logically!
        If the ladies are on the street, then in no case will they swear!
        And if you swear, then these are not ladies !!! hi
        1. rereture
          10 February 2014 19: 14
          And if you swear, then these are not ladies !!!

          Agree hi
    4. +19
      10 February 2014 08: 46
      Quote: My address
      Simple woman.

      A simple woman, it’s just a woman, and Nuland is a bitch, or rather, it’s a very difficult bitch.
      1. +5
        10 February 2014 08: 55
        Quote: Tersky
        and Nuland bitch, or rather, it is a very difficult bitch.

        bitch with testicles
        1. +4
          10 February 2014 13: 45
          I beg of you. no eggs are needed in order to once again dip the entire EU into shit on the nuland site. it’s just for us ordinary people that this is something out of the ordinary, but in fact this is an example of the usual relationship between a vassal and a sovereign!
      2. ilea123456
        10 February 2014 12: 10
        two pluses shorter
      3. Shur
        10 February 2014 20: 46
        Their psychiatry is backward, all psychos are democratically walking in the wild ..
    5. +4
      10 February 2014 08: 49
      Naturally, they did not apologize to Ukraine

      Insolence and duplicity and rushing from pind..ov! Who would put them in their place!
      1. +1
        10 February 2014 15: 37
        Quote: AnaBat
        Naturally, they did not apologize to Ukraine

        Insolence and duplicity and rushing from pind..ov! Who would put them in their place!

        Natalia has already answered)))
        1. +2
          10 February 2014 16: 41
          Natalia (2) RU Today, 09:23 ↑

          “Otherwise, the Russians will spoil everything for us,” Pyatt, the Washington chief, brightly assented to his Washington boss.

          Well, here you just need to come to terms, if we know that our "friends" are preparing a "treat" for us, then yes winked ...... Russians will definitely ruin it lol)))

          Maybe I'm wrong, but this is my opinion, today in the world there is only one real force that can ruin everything for them, what do you think? winked

          ... there is no China laughing
          That's exactly what Russia is, and believe me, at such a pace we will not only ruin everything for them, but in general, just EVERYTHING!) Wink

          Here she is right Yes We'll have to take responsibility for countering the "exceptional" Americans angry
    6. +14
      10 February 2014 09: 17
      Quote: My address
      . Wonderful staffing!

      "A donkey will remain a donkey, even though reward him with stars, where you need to act with the mind, he only flaps his ears!" (IA Krylov)
    7. +4
      10 February 2014 09: 19
      Nuland justified laughing instead, the representative of the American Foreign Ministry, Jen Psaki, was puffed out before the media laughing
    8. +3
      10 February 2014 10: 12
      Yes, there are generally cadres of cad, soon the Mexicans will be the delegates.
    9. +4
      10 February 2014 10: 14
      Quote: My address
      Simple woman.
      We have a swearing woman at her age can only be completely fallen ice. Probably this one. They have a wonderful selection of personnel!

      Well, don’t tell me there are decent ladies so they’re embarrassing.
    10. zzz
      10 February 2014 10: 40
      However, the wedge between the US and the EU is gradually driven in: first Snowden, then Vika ... who will be next?
    11. +19
      10 February 2014 10: 50
      "Go to ..." - said the woman
      On Ashton type, bolt "hammering"
      A piece of your not quite scale
      And you can’t swallow it
      We will conquer this land
      Creating a discord among people
      Then we heal in Ukraine
      And for America there will be paradise.
      Oh, that's what I want to say
      Hey Vika, will e (b) lo crack?
      Would you like to lick that thing
      Which Ashton poked in the face? laughing
    12. +8
      10 February 2014 11: 05
      well, they’re all feminists. Why not quarrel. It’s been noted that out of all the advantages of equality with men, Americans and Europeans choose the worst, the most marginal. Therefore, the average European or American female creature has dirty hair, a lot of extra pounds and is dressed in what it reminds me of a bag from afar. In general, there is no desire to call them a woman. Indeed, parent number 2. It is very bad when the rights and freedoms obtained are not supported by decent intelligence.
    13. +5
      10 February 2014 13: 32
      I really hope that there will be some advanced cooperative in the country that will start producing T-shirts with the words: “V.Nuland say:“ Fuck EU ”“ I say: “Fuck USA”.
      In my opinion, it is very democratic and, most importantly, by the time.
      I personally would have ruined such a T-shirt in order to drive up to Moscow and walk in it in front of the US Embassy. And you can also go into it in the center of Sakharov or the office of some kryzofashitniki.
      DOGS. After all, with them you can go to the all-European market!
      1. +1
        11 February 2014 01: 26
        Quote: kosopuz
        In my opinion, it is very democratic and, most importantly, by the time.
      2. 0
        11 February 2014 01: 44
        Quote: kosopuz
        I really hope that there will be some advanced cooperative in the country that will start producing T-shirts with the words: “V.Nuland say:“ Fuck EU ”“ I say: “Fuck USA”.

        It was like that - they called him Chavez ... Land to him rest in peace!
        Well, and Fidel, of course. Classic! Only a little old already, few people hear it.
    14. The comment was deleted.
    15. +3
      10 February 2014 15: 51
      Quote: My address
      Simple woman.
      We have a swearing woman at her age can only be completely fallen ice. Probably this one. They have a wonderful selection of personnel!

      So there, that it’s not a woman, it’s a little cleaner than the old one, remember at least Hilary, and kondaliza rice ??? They specifically dig out for this work the most evil creatures that are in the State Department.
    16. _Forgiven_
      10 February 2014 18: 27
      There most likely it’s not a selection of personnel, but a special spawning ground where they are grown like this, and then they are hooked up into leadership positions in the overseas state. They’re all brainless there.
    17. 0
      10 February 2014 22: 11
      Yes, the cadres decide everything ... - well done, former KGB officers ... it doesn’t matter from the SBU or from the Russian side ... as you say, you won’t drink skill ... - again, at the right time, quarrel friends among themselves so that they would share the skin of not killed a bear ... and to conduct an Olympiad without complications in Ukraine ... it’s clear that there will be no exacerbations between themselves there, _but they were planned for the opening of the Olympics, a hot phase ... so KGB respect! good
    18. +6
      10 February 2014 22: 40

      Quote: My address
      Simple woman.

      But the yak is Lviv Euroculture!
    19. Hunghuz
      12 February 2014 07: 45
      hi Imagine divorced Michelle Obama with his first ice or ice ....... ??? even Clinton is envied by her sex and oral office)
  2. +4
    10 February 2014 08: 07
    Vika is right more than ever! smile
  3. +15
    10 February 2014 08: 10
    "And let the European Union go on ..."- this phrase reflects the attitude of amers to their allies and partners recourse , imagine what the Americans say about Russia in conversations not intended for society. belay
    1. stroporez
      10 February 2014 08: 23
      Quote: name
      this phrase reflects the attitude of amers to their allies and partners
      ------------ bye .......... and when they had them? Who is worthy to stand next to the "chosen ones"?
    2. +17
      10 February 2014 08: 38
      And many all were outraged that Putin was silent and was not doing anything! And what in vain! Well done, it works neatly !!! good
      1. zzz
        10 February 2014 10: 45
        Quote: alex-s
        And many all were outraged that Putin was silent and was not doing anything! And what in vain! Well done, it works neatly !!! good

        Here is another example of the banal idiocy of American conspiracy.
      2. +19
        10 February 2014 11: 38
        Quote: alex-s
        And many all were outraged that Putin was silent and was not doing anything! And what in vain! Well done, it works neatly !!!

        I remembered a joke
        In the hotel, the administrator is a woman:
        - We only have one place, in the Honeymoon Suite, but there is one double bed and the man is occupied.
        - You need to spend the night somewhere, let's "Lux"
        Enters the room, a man in an armchair, said hello and again to the newspaper.
        Undressed, lay down. A man is sitting.
        After 15 minutes:
        - Man, turn off the light, please, it is disturbing to sleep.
        Gets up, extinguishes, sits down again.
        After another 15 minutes:
        - Man, go to bed already, I can’t fall asleep like that.
        Rises, undresses, lays down.
        After some time, tired and satisfied, man:
        -Dad was right, it’s better to be silent for half an hour than to persuade for three hours ... hi
    3. +4
      10 February 2014 09: 39
      Quote: name
      Can you imagine what Americans say about Russia in conversations not intended for society.

      Let them speak. This is democracy.

      Anyway, you can say anything. But not the fact that this will take effect. Well, they will send. So after all we will not go the same.
      1. +9
        10 February 2014 10: 30
        "However, there is no blessing in disguise: we learned how “big politics” is done, and in what language. And whoever is warned is armed"
        As if before we did not know how big politics is being done, as it was in Libya, in Syria ...
        All these episodes must be used against the United States on the world stage. I have no doubt that Lavrov will continue to actively work to strengthen the status of the Russian Federation as an honest, adequate partner, in contrast to the "democratic" USA
      2. +1
        10 February 2014 12: 50
        You can go in different ways ... So you go and give something. You will have to sing with falsetto.
    4. +3
      10 February 2014 11: 21
      What is there to represent? They speak correctly and politely. Well this is not bl ... the European Union in the sense. With bedding feel free. And we are an enemy, strong, tough, ready in response to instantly weighed properly. So don’t worry. They swear fiercely when we present them with another surprise, that’s clear. But not like the European Union. How equal!
    5. +1
      10 February 2014 15: 47
      Quote: name
      "And let the European Union go on ..."- this phrase reflects the attitude of amers to their allies and partners recourse , imagine what the Americans say about Russia in conversations not intended for society. belay

      About Russia in a whisper and in my ear))) We are not the EU, we can send in plain text ...
    6. Old scoop
      10 February 2014 19: 10
      Swallowed as usual.
  4. +20
    10 February 2014 08: 11
    Great intelligence operation. In the best traditions.
    1. +35
      10 February 2014 08: 14
      Quote: invisible
      Great intelligence operation.

      Klitschko was especially delighted when he found out that they didn’t put him in X *** and decided to merge laughing
      1. +25
        10 February 2014 08: 18
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Klitschko was especially delighted when he found out that they didn’t put him in X *** and decided to merge

        It doesn’t seem to be cut for a long time, WHAT FOR WHAT ..
        1. +11
          10 February 2014 08: 25
          He doesn’t get it. He still sees nothing beyond the past ring. laughing
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +11
          10 February 2014 08: 53
          Quote: Denis
          It doesn’t seem to be cut for a long time, WHAT FOR WHAT ..

          Yes, while it’s silent, it’s probably scrolling the record for the hundredth time and trying to understand what the bazaar is about laughing
        4. vyatom
          10 February 2014 11: 09
          Quote: Denis
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Klitschko was especially delighted when he found out that they didn’t put him in X *** and decided to merge

          It doesn’t seem to be cut for a long time, WHAT FOR WHAT ..

          To do this, you need to have a head, not only to stuff food into it.
        5. 0
          10 February 2014 16: 32
          Quote: Denis
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Klitschko was especially delighted when he found out that they didn’t put him in X *** and decided to merge

          It doesn’t seem to be cut for a long time, WHAT FOR WHAT ..

          As the CIS national team in freestyle wrestling (KVN Surgut):
          -Our fellow countryman won the tournament, but this news came to us too late ...
          -Yeah! From the fifth time)))
          -We, of course, are very happy ...
          -Because you are dumb and think slowly.
          -This is to whom it comes from the fifth time ??? laughing
      2. +12
        10 February 2014 08: 40
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Klitschko was especially delighted when he found out that they didn’t put him in X *** and decided to merge

        So the Americans directly stated that Klitschko was a protege of Germany. Jealousy however. laughing
        Good morning Alexander hi
      3. +7
        10 February 2014 08: 42
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Klitschko was especially delighted when he found out that they didn’t put him in X *** and decided to merge

        In vain did she feed the banderlog with cookies, cooked for the slaughter. Lamb, damn it ... Sasha, hi !
        1. +11
          10 February 2014 08: 52
          Quote: Apollon
          . Jealousy however

          Quote: Tersky
          . Lamb, damn it.

          Hi BOTH laughing But you don’t understand, they look at Klitschko and see that he can’t connect the two words and not the fact that he understood what they were talking to him at the negotiations. Klitschko is a suitable figure for them, but too stupid wassat
          1. +4
            10 February 2014 09: 24
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Yes, you don’t understand, they look at Klitschko and see that he can’t connect two words

            And he (he) has something to bind them with? I wanted to try on a halo, but it turned out to be Bolshevik, my head was kind of big, but to sense.
            1. +4
              10 February 2014 09: 43
              To each his own.

              Each has a head for its own. Well, Klitschko tried to use his head for something else, besides eating food in it and getting plush. Is it not possible? By democratic principles - it’s very possible.

              Well it didn’t work out - that’s another question. Will be able to understand what is not worth it - excellent. It can’t - well, + 1 clown.
          2. +1
            11 February 2014 01: 54
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Klitschko is a suitable figure for them, but too stupid

            Failed "Minister of Humanitarian Affairs"(so no math!)
            And they say Yanukovych has no sense of humor! laughing
      4. +1
        10 February 2014 10: 41
        There aren’t enough brains, a walnut in my head ... laughing
      5. The comment was deleted.
    2. +4
      10 February 2014 10: 31
      Quote: invisible
      Great intelligence operation. In the best traditions.
      A high "bar" for the activities of special services has been set historically by predecessors on this path, and inevitably you will have to comply ...
    3. zzz
      10 February 2014 11: 06
      Quote: invisible
      Great intelligence operation. In the best traditions.

      I think that Nuland is now generally afraid to call)))))))))
      1. +17
        10 February 2014 11: 29
        Quote: zzz
        I think that Nuland is now generally afraid to call)))))))))

        It's only the beginning... wink
  5. +23
    10 February 2014 08: 15
    When I saw this report, I almost choked on tea .. This is flying wassat bully ! Looks like ours, the same is not a bast shit, merged at the right moment, shit and Geyropa and the "opposition" laughing
    Great news) I wonder how many more "necessary records" remained in the trump cards ?? Indeed, this disclosure appeared after the start of the Olympiad .. I think soon there may be more interesting events drinks
    1. +7
      10 February 2014 08: 22
      Only Ukraine kept silent the official and the opposition, and Europe spoke diplomatically.
      Well, wait now on the heads do not care laughing
      1. +3
        10 February 2014 08: 52
        Amerikosy in ro..u spat and the EU and the opposition! They got lost lol
        1. +9
          10 February 2014 11: 14
          nuland: “And let the European Union go to ...” ... Fu. how ugly and not educated .. Yes, and the fact somehow does not sound ..
          But Mrs. Merkel is still sorry and "sorry for the bird." and here they ate very much without indignation .. What kind of Europe - no pride? Yes, and the Yankees behave like invaders with Europe .. Europe is time to grow up !!!
          Notice how the United States has degraded, two state officials from the State Department (according to our Ministry of Foreign Affairs) use foul language in conversations !! Moreover, in relation to the whole European Union, K. k. What a horror !!! What then can you think about the rest of the "most democratic in the world" and "a model for the rest of the world" ??? Degradation ... or such education and upbringing? that they have NO morals and did NOT have - it was clear for a long time ..
          Yes, and the authorities of Ukraine ate .. Is this not a mediation in the internal affairs of the country? Yes, and I don’t want to see Senya as the president .. they’re not Klitschko (he would have to head the country's boxing league or something like that. Related to minorities ...), and even less so the tyingbok (even in the government ..)
        2. Shur
          10 February 2014 20: 48
          They are "God's dew". It is necessary to guess them more "large", then just for decency they will be offended
    2. +4
      10 February 2014 09: 43
      Quote: NOMADE
      To see ours, the same are not bast, leaked at the right moment, having fucked up both Geyropa and the "oppositionists"

      and then! Snowden, nervously smokes and envies, listen, and how can one suppose there will be enough "cookies" for more than one scandal, it’s sykatny for them.
    3. +2
      10 February 2014 13: 56
      Yes, they burned this ass-dashing famously. A person with ideas about honor and reputation would go to shoot, well, or choke, to whom it is nicer. And at least henna. In Russian, stsy in the eyes - God's dew. Well, nothing, we will bring them to a nervous tick in any way, I believe Vova.
  6. +7
    10 February 2014 08: 15
    oh how nice to see such a failure. if you understand the history of the Maidan, then everything went to this. now we are waiting for a video like ours’s with givi and, in principle, the party is close to completion if Yanukovych doesn’t stop, and then the family is children of business
  7. +17
    10 February 2014 08: 17
    And let the European Union go to ...

    A rare case when I agree with an American politician. lol
  8. +13
    10 February 2014 08: 17
    Fak the European Union, Fak Yusei. Looks like the moral and cultural image of diplomatic staff in the west was scored. It’s different with us: I remember, somehow I brought up a not sober diplomat, a young guy. So he swore on the phone with his wife temperamentally, but politely, without a mat. To my question, why he does not use specific phrases, he explained that they, the future diplomats, had instilled courtesy and culture at the university.
  9. dimarm74
    10 February 2014 08: 18
    It’s a shame, of course, for the people of Ukraine that these (Americans and Europeans) behave as they want .... like in their colony .... And the Urainskaya power is not worth a penny
  10. +18
    10 February 2014 08: 21
    But all is true !!! the EU really goes for the fact, and the neo-Nazis are really marginalized! Why apologize?
  11. drossel81
    10 February 2014 08: 22
    The reaction of the participants in this conversation is interesting after they learned that they are being listened to, and, moreover, they put it on public display, where uncle Sam didn’t see something, but in the common people he was blundered, although this is already a trend for the states, let's hope that it’s not the last
    1. +4
      10 February 2014 11: 24
      Quote: drossel81
      somewhere uncle Sam didn’t overlook something,

      Well, "Uncle Sam" has already stated that "US pressure on Ukraine is fantastic." So they have nothing to do with it!

      "Kostya! Kostya! How can you hear? Welcome!"
      "The professor, of course, is a burdock, but the equipment is with him! With him!" (Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik) laughing
  12. +7
    10 February 2014 08: 23
    Putin laid out another trump card .. (which is interesting he still has up his sleeve)) bully
  13. +5
    10 February 2014 08: 23
    More than once neighing on this subject, if the European Union went on, then where did Ukraine go.
  14. +5
    10 February 2014 08: 25
    here they are, they are carriers of democracy
    1. +5
      10 February 2014 08: 30
      quote - These are the words of US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to US Ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Payette - about the place and role of the European Union in Ukraine’s “European association” policy.

      this quote clearly shows what the relationship between the EU and the USA really is. Now imagine what the relationship between the USA and Ukraine could be if Ukraine fully enters the orbit of the European Union. It’s just not giving a damn.
      1. +10
        10 February 2014 09: 01
        Quote: Apollon
        .And now imagine what could be the relationship between the United States and Ukraine if Ukraine fully enters the European Union

        And sho imagine, the independence will be covered with a copper basin, and economic changes will lead approximately to such realities.
        1. +2
          10 February 2014 09: 45
          Quote: Apollon
          there may be a relationship between the United States and Ukraine if Ukraine fully enters the orbit of the European Union.

          Smart people have been representing for so long. But fools in life are not sorry.
        2. 0
          10 February 2014 13: 42
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          And sho represent, square will be covered with a copper basin, and economic changes will lead to approximately such realities

          I looked at this photo and thought that it would be more accurate if instead of the word “Maidan”, we would use “bomzhatnik Maydansky”.
        3. The comment was deleted.
  15. +26
    10 February 2014 08: 27
    The phrase "listening to other people's conversations is not good" is touching and they say this after the scandal with their NSA ...
    A truly "exceptional nation" especially their policies
  16. +11
    10 February 2014 08: 37
    Hmmm, if the heroes of this scandal were the Russian ambassador and some FSB officer, then all the Internet would already be full of the fact that the Russians are guilty of the coup in Ukraine and so on and so forth and so on. And so they did, they chided them with a finger, they say, you can't send Europe like that and they forgot everything. Not fair. I hope to live to see the time when Russian air strike groups will "spread democracy" around the world, including the states.
  17. ABV
    10 February 2014 08: 40
    And what is interesting! Again the Russians are to blame! Nuland, you see, on the Russian ship she learned to swear from the Russians, and so "white and fluffy" ... after all, s-ki distort everything again, no words ...
    1. +2
      10 February 2014 14: 56
      Quote: ABV
      Nuland, you see, on the Russian ship learned to swear from the Russians, and so "white and fluffy."

      This is what Russian ship curse in English? If Nuland sent the European Union in Russian, then all of Europe would have precipitated. laughing
      1. Fortnite
        12 February 2014 13: 27
        But I wonder if Nuland swore in Russian (like the radio operator Kat) pin..sy "witch hunt" would continue ??? In theory, she needs to sew "work for Moscow" ... Theoretically, our Guarantor would also hint at this - as in the film "Shield and Sword" about dead rubbish (Captain Schönemann) ... "Leak out" information, there, "highlight the question ".... This would be INTRIGA !!!!! INTRODUCTION !!! He was already sweating ... It would be possible to avenge the sawn "ULYANOVSK" at once ... Otherwise the mattress owes us a lot on this issue ...
  18. +3
    10 February 2014 08: 49
    somehow he brought up a not sober diplomat, a young guy. So he swore on the phone with his wife temperamentally, but politely, without a mat. To my question, why he does not use specific phrases, he explained that they, the future diplomats, had instilled courtesy and culture at the university.

    And this mondel was seen as a dweble. laughing
    But achieved a lot. Not otherwise than the front of his right man set up. Known thing.
  19. +5
    10 February 2014 08: 50
    a couple of such news Maidan himself scatter hi
  20. +7
    10 February 2014 08: 50
    Quote: My address
    Simple woman.
    We have a swearing woman at her age can only be completely fallen ice. Probably this one. They have a wonderful selection of personnel!

    just yard education, but what level of intelligence the American elite can see is right Zadornov, saying that Americans are all stupid
  21. +7
    10 February 2014 08: 55
    FSB plus learn to work again!
  22. Smidtoff
    10 February 2014 08: 55
    aggressive whip with powers ...
  23. +15
    10 February 2014 08: 56
    Material assistance from amerikosov UKRAINE, "wholeheartedly and disinterestedly"!
    1. +6
      10 February 2014 09: 12
      It is still unknown what is mixed in the cookies ...
      1. +3
        10 February 2014 09: 21
        Look how happy the support is. laughing
        1. +6
          10 February 2014 09: 27
          AnaBatGod forbid so starving ... laughing
          1. +1
            10 February 2014 09: 31
            They will also pay attention and will sell the country under the hammer ...
    2. +2
      10 February 2014 09: 47
      Eat because it’s a pity to throw away pah, that is, the budget doesn’t allow you. Well, from the same series, God knows that it’s not good for you.
    3. +1
      10 February 2014 10: 09
      It’s interesting, looking at her, thinking, Walking, handing out dry tea and not suggesting what cow’s cake he’ll sit in soon
    4. 0
      10 February 2014 13: 46
      Quote: AnaBat
      Material assistance from amerikosov UKRAINE, "wholeheartedly and disinterestedly"!

      I see a basket of cookies. And where is the barrel of jam?
      Sawed with accomplices on the road?
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. +15
      10 February 2014 15: 42
      From Odessa ... smile
    7. +1
      10 February 2014 18: 24
      Shame on those who took and ate !!!
    8. Shur
      10 February 2014 20: 51
      I guess the GMO raw baked :)
  24. +7
    10 February 2014 08: 56
    Thanks to our special services for the work and timely information to the world community. It is a pity that official Kiev swallows everything. Official Kiev should have been spreading this and other information to the world for a long time, moreover, by name. Remember the Egyptian events of the 1970's, everything was in print. As Golda Meyer called, whom she called with .... oh one-eyed. The people saw events from the right sides of our country.
  25. Arh
    10 February 2014 09: 04
    Rats bite among themselves fool tongue wassat
  26. +8
    10 February 2014 09: 17
    In general, they have some kind of strange "casting" in the state department, oh, that is, in the State Department. Now bitches, then shmarny - Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary, now this stuffed. Cho is happening, huh?
    1. +3
      10 February 2014 09: 24
      They have a tough selection there, and the standard is HILLARY!
      1. Arh
        10 February 2014 10: 37
        The community of cripples on the head)))) wassat
      2. +3
        10 February 2014 13: 33
        Quote: AnaBat
        HILLARY standard!

        Etalon-Monica, but such frames are only for "internal use" lol
    2. +6
      10 February 2014 16: 25
      Yes, here you are right. Look at the faces of Western women politicians, because appearance is a reflection of the inner world. These are vandals, furies and harpies all rolled into one. They are not nice, unpleasant and ugly, they are repulsive and asexual, they are not feminine, their manners are those of a soldier. What to expect from them - everything is written on their faces.
  27. +3
    10 February 2014 09: 27
    No wonder the Americans, when they sit down in an armchair, put their feet on the table.
  28. +23
    10 February 2014 09: 37
    Beautifully our yakes with the recording of conversations got hooked, oh beautiful!
  29. +4
    10 February 2014 09: 38
    ". A spokesman for the State Department told reporters that when Victoria Nuland was 23 years old, she worked for some time on a Russian merchant ship. Psaki suggested that this was the reason for Nuland's use of profanity in a conversation with the American ambassador to Ukraine .."

    Yes, yes, we know this story ... and the hackneyed phrase ".. I was young then and I needed money!" laughing
    It's like a ditty about gold, the North and what helped to survive! laughing
    1. +1
      10 February 2014 09: 59
      ". A spokesman for the State Department told reporters that when Victoria Nuland was 23 years old, she worked for some time on a Russian merchant ship. Psaki suggested that this was the reason for Nuland's use of profanity in a conversation with the American ambassador to Ukraine .."

      Yes, yes, we know this story ... and the hackneyed phrase ".. I was young then and I needed money!" laughing
      It's like a ditty about gold, the North and what helped to survive! laughing

      Look at some not good Russians (again, Russians), they taught you to use foul language ... it wasn’t she who said but a brain bunch .. l !!!
    2. Shur
      10 February 2014 20: 53
      The major league in its ancient "profession" is the US State Department.
  30. +4
    10 February 2014 09: 52
    In principle, the EU does not need to go anywhere. They have been in this place for a long time. lol
  31. +3
    10 February 2014 09: 57
    Well, what kind of politician is with Klitschko? Life in the ring is hard, beats off brains, turns out a language that is already tongue-tied!
  32. +7
    10 February 2014 10: 08
    in Nuland we see the collective image of the overwhelming majority of American politicians - rudeness, arrogance, utter incompetence, cynicism and endless narcissism. the collapse of America is simply inevitable and great!
  33. +2
    10 February 2014 10: 09
    It’s a pity that I didn’t send Yanukovych! Maybe then I would remember that it’s not in terms. How much can you endure the unpunished Sabbath of Euro pallets.
    1. 0
      12 February 2014 12: 15
      What the hell are concepts? By notions, if things were done, then this "nix" could not be. I think so.
  34. Leopold
    10 February 2014 10: 12
    It seems that everything with the interception of the conversation is beautifully done, but somehow I still can’t believe that such suckers work in the USA. winked
    Or everything is already so bad there that such responsible tasks are distributed to people from the street.
  35. +2
    10 February 2014 10: 15
    Nuland was just fine, the whole uterus was cut, we are waiting for the second episode of this tragicomedy. The year begins well again with another blow to their exclusivity.
  36. 0
    10 February 2014 10: 15
    It’s a pity there are no records of negotiations between staff members when they found out that the EU does not want to fight in Syria
  37. 0
    10 February 2014 10: 15
    It’s a pity there are no records of negotiations between staff members when they found out that the EU does not want to fight in Syria
  38. malikszh
    10 February 2014 10: 21
    Intelligence works however))
  39. +4
    10 February 2014 10: 28
    In the United States, a scandal over broadcasting from the Olympics begins, they cut off the most exciting mamants. Now the public of America can see for themselves in their own democracy. So many blunders from the snickering brother, just not mentally, are felt by the hand of professionals to undermine the notorious and rotten democracy, on all fronts. Give the American Revolution!
  40. +3
    10 February 2014 10: 29
    No, well, the principle about the European Union which "Goes to ..." I agree with the lady, and the whole essence of the Empire's relationship in this European Union is clearly visible, but hearing this from a woman, I understand Obama in the Oval Office, will put his feet on the table and the European Union is trying to ... But the lady doesn’t have a peasant, so she’s furious, it’s only such people who are being selected in the State Department.
    1. +1
      10 February 2014 15: 09
      Quote: Standard Oil
      .And the lady doesn’t have a peasant to see, that’s why she’s freaking out, they’re only looking for such people in the State Department.

      It’s hard and unpretentious, the life of Nuland - the State Department! wassat
  41. parus2nik
    10 February 2014 10: 41
    it is indecent to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, - said the US State Department ... Whose cow would mumble .. smile
    1. zzz
      10 February 2014 10: 47
      Quote: parus2nik
      it is indecent to eavesdrop on other people's conversations, - said the US State Department ... Whose cow would mumble .. smile

      You need to filter the bazaar)))))))))))))))))
  42. +2
    10 February 2014 10: 49
    She needs a man, urgently! A woman pleased with her life will not go into big politics.
    1. yur
      10 February 2014 21: 09
      So much money (for a man), even the Fed will not print.
  43. +4
    10 February 2014 11: 02
    p. Indos from the feeling of permissiveness relaxed so that they forgot how to work. the level of multi-paths that Putin and his comrades are preparing for them is simply unattainable for them, and therefore they are getting involved in the placed kakahi ...
  44. +4
    10 February 2014 11: 04
    Quote: Wiruz
    A woman pleased with her life will not go into big politics.

    Thatcher .... True, this one was not chartering a herring to catch a herring .... lol

    Well, but seriously, this whole canoe suggests that Sshatov's cowboys and fishermen from the State Department are still "playing" Ukraine, I do not look back at all, neither at us, nor at Europe. Having promoted this project, they will be alone in the arena in a white dress coat, the rest in full .... (I didn't swim .. I didn't catch a herring).

    P.S. And he didn’t get a Klitschko in boxing ... he’s just a pundel, like a scoundrel dog !!!
  45. +5
    10 February 2014 11: 16
    The honor of the state is publicly affected.
    Two foreign politicians, one of whom is a U.S. official,
    in "courtyard" slang, they control a coup d'etat in Ukraine.
    For some reason, the corresponding reaction was not followed.
    Well, a woman is talking in jargon, well, she sent someone, the problem is not great, but the emphasis in discussing this fact is made on this.
    And what do these people actually steer the process of overthrowing power,
    it is somehow vaguely talked about or not talked about at all.
    It must be clearly said that there is a clear interference in the internal affairs,
    and actually intervention in Ukraine, that is, an international crime.
    Where is the reaction of our Foreign Ministry, where is the appeal to the UN, where are discussions and meetings with leaders of other countries, where is the mass distribution of information in the press and TV and the involvement of large audiences in the discussion?
    If they get away with such an "incident", what will be next?
    1. +1
      10 February 2014 14: 02
      They pretended not to know what we know. We pretended not to know that they know that we pretended to not know. Although now everyone knows about it
    2. Shur
      10 February 2014 20: 57
      Not in "courtyard", but in the official language of the Amersky State Department, "Fenya Mida" ie "Themis" laughing
  46. +3
    10 February 2014 11: 33
    Probably, the lady is very ill, something like eroticus-lackicus. So the truth is the State Department, not a Russian ship.
  47. +2
    10 February 2014 11: 40
    It’s a pity that I couldn’t do it myself ... and on the Maidan there was a man who could take a handful of these cookies and throw this bitch in the face ...
  48. Samson911
    10 February 2014 11: 52
    Everything is logical. Short and capacious. All US policy in relation to other states in a nutshell. And after that, how can I treat them. I consider only the same.
  49. 0
    10 February 2014 11: 57
    The article does not say that Nuland is talking about the fact that he does not want to see the leader of the opposition "UDAR" party, Vitali Klitschko, in the cabinet.
    “The Cabinet of Ministers should be the leader of the Batkivshchyna Arseniy Yatsenyuk - it remains to drain Senya, and the Maidan will remain in history.
    1. +2
      10 February 2014 12: 03
      Maydaunas so simply will not leave ... this is their HOUSE, they do not obey the trinity, it will be like in Santa Barbara 100000000 series lol , so that to be continued ...
  50. +2
    10 February 2014 12: 01
    In this case, I am pleased with the long-awaited transition from Rossi's restrained, streamlined diplomatic responses to the hostile attacks of the Anglo-Saxons, to an effective "face on teibel" method. The Russian special services potentially have enormous opportunities to use a similar method to wipe out the West, showing behind the mask its real face in all its glory, or rather in all the shit.
  51. 0
    10 February 2014 12: 04
    The appearance of a scandalous recording of a telephone conversation between people whose voices are similar to US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt is associated in Washington with the activities of the Russian side.

    This was stated on Thursday during a briefing in the American capital by US State Department official Jen Psaki, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

    "We believe this represents a new low point in Russian propaganda and publishing practices. I do not yet have independent details on the origins of this YouTube video as it only happened overnight," the State Department spokeswoman said.

    At the same time, she emphasized that it was the Russian side, as soon as this video appeared on the Internet, that began to actively advertise it.
  52. The comment was deleted.
  53. groin
    10 February 2014 12: 11
    They were going to “glue it together”, yeah, with snot. Don't build, build, but glue. Well, just children.
  54. +5
    10 February 2014 12: 56
    Power holds back the evil spirits!!!
    1. bwo
      14 February 2014 22: 10
      Just imagine how many of the top people he would have killed in front of the Maidan.
  55. +8
    10 February 2014 13: 12
    Americans are listening to the whole world! And the Russians are bugging Americans!!! laughing
    1. +2
      10 February 2014 17: 08
      Matroskin is a materialist and wants to extract benefit and benefit from everything. Even from a bird. He is very economical and economical. He is very sarcastic and always laughs at the idealist Sharik.

  56. +6
    10 February 2014 13: 27
    Quote: seller trucks
    and then! Snowden, nervously smokes and envies, listen, and how can one suppose there will be enough "cookies" for more than one scandal, it’s sykatny for them.

    GRU Major Snowdov is sleeping off now... just kidding

    I propose to take a closer look at the Nuland family of Jews (no anti-Semitism)
    Husband Robert Kagan, Greek Jew, graduated from Yale (as expected) and Harvard, Currently senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, fellow at the German Marshall Fund, author of a monthly newspaper column in the Washington Post, member of the Council on Foreign Relations in Brussels, member of the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. He served as an unofficial and unpaid adviser to US presidential candidate John McCain in his 2008 election campaign.

    Victoria herself, since 1988, has worked only against the USSR and Russia, and knows Russian. In 1993, she was next to Yeltsin during those events.
  57. +5
    10 February 2014 13: 33
    "And let the European Union go on ..."

    motto of 2014
  58. 0
    10 February 2014 13: 45
    Keep it up, Victoria! Vladimir Vladimirovich, such a result deserves an order and a personal invitation to the Olympics! And if she modestly refuses, then give the order to our Russian Snowdens who recorded her conversation.

    There is also some piquancy in the fact that this daughter of Moldovan Jews (Victoria’s father “doesn’t believe in God, but goes to synagogue”) rules the Jewish-eating Banderaites, and they stand at attention in front of her. What would Pan Bandera say to Pan Shukhevych about this?
    About Victoria Nuland.

    Hmm... We got confused though.
  59. +3
    10 February 2014 14: 26
    Quote: AnaBat
    They have a tough selection there, and the standard is HILLARY!

    Evil tongues in Fashington say that Vika regularly and intensively puts her hands on her collar (in general, as if it were obvious from her physiognomy), and also regularly practices profanity when meeting with Khila Klitonsha in the corridors-sidelines of Bely and other houses of power. This is already starting to become anecdotes in the States.

    We are waiting patiently. The polar fox will come to the Maidan starting from 23, PMSM.
    1. Shur
      10 February 2014 20: 59
      WHAT happens on her “hard days”. Or are these “old days”? Maybe that's the whole point of it.
  60. +1
    10 February 2014 15: 07
    Events in Bosnia are unfolding more abruptly than in Ukraine: workers of bankrupt enterprises have taken to the streets, government institutions are being seized, the presidential palace is on fire, and hundreds of victims have been injured.

    This is just the beginning, there will be more to come. And Ukraine, if it integrates with the customs union, will thank you later!
    1. bwo
      14 February 2014 22: 14
      You can already join the Taiga Union. The prisoner and his gang stole everything and sent it to the EU.
      I think there is still something left on Maidan. The deepest misconception.
      1. 0
        14 February 2014 22: 18
        Quote: bwo
        The deepest error.

        Did you participate?
  61. Oleg1968
    10 February 2014 15: 16
    Well, why are we confining ourselves to Eessia, but Oonushek was so nicely “dragged in”.
    Nice duplomat, however
  62. +1
    10 February 2014 15: 28
    ... we learned how “big politics” is done and in what language. And whoever is forewarned is forearmed...

    And before that, like, they didn’t know?
  63. +2
    10 February 2014 16: 36
    Well, now, I hope, no one in the world will have any doubts that American diplomats are people of the highest culture, unattainable intelligence and extremely fine mental organization.
  64. +1
    10 February 2014 17: 41
    Yesterday, a counter-post analysis gave: But now everything has changed, the chances for everyone can no longer be called equal. Now we can remember that the toughest struggle is intraspecific, and these three sprat are in one jar. In addition, we have the right to expect that the “Jewish card” may now be played. The thing is that Nuland is Jewish and Yatsenyuk is Jewish. Therefore, someone may want to talk about a Jewish conspiracy. From the individuals listed above, who are already breathing unevenly towards the Jews, one can easily single out the “Svoboda” supporters. Time will tell what tactics these political outcasts will choose, but, having received opposition from the West, Tyagnibok will try to look for it among the people, since it is the people who are the supreme bearer of power, delegating it to the people they have chosen. Perhaps this will be counteraction to external pressure, relying on internal nationalist forces, of which there are quite a few in Ukraine. It is quite possible that Yatsenyuk will now receive blows from all sides.
  65. Viktor47
    10 February 2014 18: 17
    No, Nuland is actually right, this is about the European Union! In Russia everyone thinks so, and in Ukraine the majority is in favor!
  66. +1
    10 February 2014 18: 20
    The recording, of course, dampened the amers a little, but they ate the EU and did not choke (maybe they are boiling with their teeth in quiet times, but....). I liked the explanation of why Nuland cursed better; It turns out that 20 years ago she sailed on some kind of Russian ship and what’s interesting is that she learned to swear in SEVERAL languages, in my opinion it’s funny = the ship is Russian, but they swear in different languages.
  67. +2
    10 February 2014 19: 32
    We already knew all this about them. Thanks to them for officially confirming this. Well, they probably did it so that all sorts of Gozmans would no longer doubt. And the maydonists, I think, need to turn their shafts to the west and go with him to where they were sent.
  68. +2
    10 February 2014 19: 32
    Tyagnibok is a Banderlog and a Nazi, Yatsenyuk is a Jew, Klitschko is simply a Judas. It turns out that the EU also bet on the wrong ones! Tyagnibok will overwhelm Yatsenyuk or vice versa, and Klitchko has been hit in the head so many times, instead of brains, it’s not even a mess for a long time now! VVP with “Old Man” at the Olympics and this makes me happy. The main showdown will begin after, there won’t be much blood, “maydowns” and “banderlogs” will run away, hide, and quietly crap, working off their silver coins. They will then be caught and hanged! That’s my forecast .
  69. +1
    10 February 2014 20: 00
    The opposition is not marginalized, they are complete cocks and blowjobs. They are with the European Union and America. I specially write with a small letter because they have already sunk themselves below the plinth with their democracy and tolerance
  70. 0
    10 February 2014 20: 14
    Thanks a lot to the author! hi
    As I understand it, more than one official in the State Department choked when he learned about this incident with the facts...
  71. 0
    10 February 2014 21: 13
    If staffers had insulted Eurogays, then the reaction would have been harsh, but otherwise the “partners” would have lost their nerve
    1. 0
      10 February 2014 22: 06
      Quote: Gray 43
      and so the “partners” were wiped out

      What did you wipe off? They were also added to Eurogays , what is so offensive to THEM?
  72. +1
    10 February 2014 21: 29
    Soooo, our TV series "Maidanchik" presented to the audience a new series with an interesting interesting mess! Oh yes Nuland, oh yes woman! She cut me alive in the balls with a blunt knife!!! I imagine Putin sitting by the screen, yawning, waiting for the next mess of the amers in order to pump him into something better. Preferably head over heels. To openly show your bestial grin laughing Chess game for endurance.
    It’s a sincere pity that these are ordinary people who suffer not only from the stupidity of the fools leading them, but also from their own weak-willedness. After all, the wedge between the West and the East is being driven deeper and deeper, and it is not a fact that the point of no return has not been passed. Believe the fairy tales, and the only question is in which country you will wake up...
    But “Maidanchik” is turning into a political “Santa Barbara”...
    Interesting and at the same time sad... feel
  73. 0
    11 February 2014 05: 56
    Let's wait for the next puncture of Gom.Dep. So that we can tackle the situation with grants.....
  74. 0
    11 February 2014 06: 09
    Quote: Vasek
    Or is he waiting for everyone who warns him against a violent resolution of the conflict themselves by force dispersed the Bosnians?

    Bosnians are nonsense! The other day I saw how in free Switzerland they broke up the Maidan in support of Kyiv! This is tough! I don’t think that they have batons and water cannons, as well as rubber bullets that are more democratic than Ukrainian and Russian ones! They dispersed several thousand in a couple of minutes. It started with an insult to a policeman
  75. 0
    11 February 2014 14: 42
    ...you can’t fool a woman...she feels it in her heart... laughing
  76. 0
    12 February 2014 20: 41
    Yes, a good person will not be called a Nuland...
  77. rocketman
    12 February 2014 20: 41
    Quote: Ivan_Ivanov

    Come on, we had the same holiday - Euro 2012, we spent and laundered a lot of money, cut the budget, a year later everyone forgot about it, the same will happen with Sochi
  78. SIBUR-DV
    12 February 2014 23: 30
    A.S. Putin. "The Tale of the Fisherman Yanukovych and the Fish Nuland."
    In a certain state just two weeks ago (January 26.01), when Yanukovych offered Yatsenyuk a prime minister’s coat, Klitschko a deputy prime minister’s hat, and Tyagnibok a muzzle, we already said that such a curtsy could result in some good applause. And it seems that Yanukovych’s net has been cast in the right place - the ocean has begun to boil. The West did not stand up for the offended Tyagnibok; his group was openly pushed aside. The two remaining were not satisfied with places No. 2 and No. 3, which Yanukovych offered them, each was greedy: “I want to be the mistress of the sea, and for Yanukovych himself to be on my errands.” They, apparently, did not read the fairy tale to the end; Klitschko stubbornly aimed at becoming a king, and Yatsenyuk - at becoming a prime minister with royal powers. Moreover, Klitschko was so carried away by the fight for the crown that he was hit on the head from the rear with a trough from a fairy tale. The most offensive thing is that he was hunted with a trough by the same goldfish that had recently fed the common slaves with cookies. In short, Nuland announced to the entire baptized world that there was no place for a boxer in the kingdom at all. Rybkin’s “Blow” with a trough caused such a resonance that now the three heroes are ready to tear each other to shreds.
    Did Yanukovych come up with this tale himself? - of course not. The latest variation occurred quite recently - in Syria: there, opposition groups were also so carried away by internecine disputes over who was rosy and whiter that they practically tore each other’s throats out. Gently pitting factions against each other is generally Putin’s favorite trick.
    Well, what should Russia do in this fairy tale? - and Russia’s chances of winning have increased, now it will be good to egg on the offended heroes Klitschko and Tyagnibok in order to cook this “porridge without an ax” until it is completely unready for combat.
    Only this will be a completely different fairy tale.
  79. Alibaayeas
    13 February 2014 08: 11
    egory_id=64 Panamar shoe racks information provided from the site www.mebel-story.ru
  80. - = Robocop = -
    13 February 2014 08: 20
    Quote: Foxmara
    Well, or the United States must show obvious weakness. All last year they were carried around with their noses on a pissing rag and 2014 continued in the same spirit...

    Let's hope that not only 2014, but also the rest of the 21st century will continue in the same spirit:))))))))))
  81. Alibaayeas
    13 February 2014 08: 48
    tegory_id=78 alto table information provided from the site www.mebel-story.ru
  82. 0
    13 February 2014 21: 22
    Quote: vyatom
    I hope at least after such information the "marginalized" on the Maidan will wiser and return to do their household chores.

    They won't get any wiser. They're all bought. Everything is paid for.
  83. 0
    13 February 2014 22: 19
    “But the grateful listeners did not believe him, because they consider it indecent to poke your nose into other people’s affairs.”

    That is, they can stick their nose into other people’s affairs? But when Russia interferes in the matter, they immediately condemn it.
  84. +6
    14 February 2014 00: 43
    And the “Russians” are right there, and, as Payette foresaw, they ruined everything
  85. 0
    14 February 2014 19: 59
    It’s a pity that many Ukrainians did not understand the essence. Although we had fun with posters.
  86. bwo
    14 February 2014 22: 06
    However, how the events in Ukraine affected Russia.
    Pour more money into Janek and his family.
    He spits out your wiretap and sends it straight to EU and US banks. And these friends are already heading to the Maidan. And now the question is: whose money is Maidan worth for 3 months?
    Such is the x..” little ones.
    1. 0
      14 February 2014 22: 23
      Quote: bwo
      Such is the x..” little ones.

      Are we playing smart?
      ""If...so smart, why so poor"?

      1. bwo
        15 February 2014 11: 40
        And why be nervous?
        Who said they were poor? Tricky yes. Once again - Janek treats GDP like a boy. How much did the Russian Federation pour into Ukraine (read family)? And this is just the beginning.
        Personally, I like Lviv more than Lugansk.
        1. 0
          15 February 2014 16: 52
          Quote: bwo
          And why be nervous?

          Yes, as it were not in one eye .
          Quote: bwo
          Who said they were poor? Tricky yes.

          If you don’t praise yourself, no one will?

          Quote: bwo
          Once again - Janek treats GDP like a boy.

          Quote: Cynic
          If... so smart...

          Quote: bwo
          How much did the Russian Federation pour into Ukraine?

          Since the time of the Pereyaslav Rada, counting since 1654? Or how ?
          Quote: bwo
          Personally, I like Lviv more than Lugansk.

          And personally, I like APS more than PPP.
          Lasers are already at the service of Muscovites
  87. jack1
    15 February 2014 14: 00
    Quote: pvv113
    And the “Russians” are right there, and, as Payette foresaw, they ruined everything

    This is all great, of course, but will Russia pull it off?
  88. 0
    15 February 2014 16: 10
    According to my inner conviction, the most complete and irresistible, Russia will not, and never has had, such haters and slanderers and even outright enemies as all these Slavic tribes, as soon as Russia liberates them, and Europe agrees to recognize them as liberated! Even the Turks will be spoken of with more respect than Russia; they will curry favor with European states, they will slander Russia, gossip about it and intrigue against it... It is especially pleasant for the liberated Slavs to speak out and trumpet the light that they are educated tribes, capable of the highest European culture, while Russia is a barbaric country , a gloomy northern colossus, not even of purely Slavic blood, a persecutor and hater of European civilization...
    Fyodor Dostoevsky, Russia 1876
  89. 0
    15 February 2014 17: 08
    Quote: Vadim12
    Russia will not, and never has had, such haters and slanderers and even outright enemies as all these Slavic tribes,

    Law _ They betray only their own people. We ignore these same actions from strangers.
  90. Asev
    16 February 2014 09: 09
    Democracy in America is dictatorship and endless war, and not civil in Ukraine. From the very beginning I knew whose hands the Maidan was and I was not mistaken. Let's remember Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and now Syria. And this is all America. And the European Union is the six at the beck and call of the states! That's all their democracy is.