First Chechenskaya in photos

First Chechenskaya in photos (photographer Alexander Nemenov)
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  1. Kazak_30
    13 March 2012 08: 24
    Great photos! No posturing, no bloody shots, people at work! thank!
    Burn in Hell Swan !!! Traitor!!! In the Second World War, for the Khasavyurt agreement they would have put it to the wall, smelling the grave and smelling unas ... Eh ...
    1. Shohmansur
      13 March 2012 18: 12
      Another connoisseur of the history of the Fatherland. They betrayed and sold Grachev and Yeltsin, but should the Swan burn ?!
      1. Oleg0705
        17 March 2012 11: 28
        Shohmansur: should the Swan burn ?!

    2. +21
      14 March 2012 09: 18
      You shouldn't be talking about the Swan. A real warrior. I know him not only from Chechnya, but also from Transnistria. His words about the war in Chechnya: "I undertake to end this war within a week with one company. There is only one condition: the whole company must consist of the sons of Moscow generals and politicians." There was a lot more. He did not suit many then. The plane crash is a natural outcome. Blessed memory of him. And Khasavyurt cannot be considered without interconnection with the tangle of events that was then. This is a long conversation.
      And who needs to be cursed for Chechnya is that of the living now - Berezovsky and Gorbi. All the blood is on them
      1. Shohmansur
        14 March 2012 19: 22
        Thank you so much. Alexander Ivanovich, was a man with a capital letter. His brother Alexei headed our region, a decent, competent man. Two Russian soldiers.
        P.S. I am personally acquainted with the Afghan widow, whom Alexei Ivanovich allocated an apartment for. Local bureaucrats as one: Yes, even live on the street, we did not send your husband to fight!
      2. 0
        19 March 2012 13: 08
        Quote: favn
        And who needs to be cursed for Chechnya is Berezovsky, alive now.

        Is it okay that Berezovsky and Lebed acted in the same team during the "Khasavyurt Surrender"?
    3. 0
      15 March 2012 07: 08
      They say Lebed was rubbing with Berezovsky, or Boris Abramovich used it in the dark.
  2. caiman crocodilus
    13 March 2012 08: 40
    And with us ... yes, what with us? ... the pilots are sorry!
  3. +8
    13 March 2012 08: 44
    Thank you for the photo story.
  4. vadimus
    13 March 2012 08: 49
    Good memory to all the boys who stayed there!
  5. Footmansur86
    13 March 2012 09: 24
    The photos are good, the main thing is to look at the faces and morale of the fighters, real wars, not whipping boys, though one body in a jacket is annoying to the eyes, TRADER (politician not finished)
    1. Lech e-mine
      13 March 2012 09: 37
      ROKHLIN drove well the kicks of these human rights defenders (defenders of bandit militants)
      1. vostok
        13 March 2012 13: 42
        Rokhlin is one of not many generals who can say thanks!
        Eternal memory to him!
        1. +11
          13 March 2012 20: 59
          Thank you guys for the memory of General Rokhlin! It’s a pity there are no photos of him ...
  6. +11
    13 March 2012 09: 36
    And who knows what kind of mass grave is in one of the photos? I suppose it's civilian. Judging by the photographs, this is spring - March-April. At that time in 1995, Grozny was being cleaned of rubble and buried corpses.
    And so I agree with the previous comments - in the photographs there is no bravado - the real faces of the soldiers.
  7. Sergl
    13 March 2012 09: 59
    Great photo. Involuntarily, you begin to imagine yourself in such circumstances.
  8. -19
    13 March 2012 10: 03
    SW edition
    Why publish photos of corpses without retouching? The victims left friends and relatives. I would not want the mother to identify her soldier’s dead son in the pictures !!!
    1. Flight Recorder
      13 March 2012 10: 48
      These are the bodies of bandits, look carefully.
    2. biglow
      13 March 2012 13: 39
      this is not a children's site and tolerance is not the place here.
    3. ab
      13 March 2012 20: 17
      Quote: professor

      SW edition
      Why publish photos of corpses without retouching? The victims left friends and relatives. I would not want the mother to identify her soldier’s dead son in the pictures !!!

      Flight Recorder Today, 10:48 AM 3
      These are the bodies of bandits, look carefully.

      They will not understand this. The dead have already paid for everything. All that remains is the pain and grief of those close to us. Why cause unnecessary suffering to people (relatives and relatives) Well, yes, they do not understand this. Just as you are to the enemy dead - so are they to yours. At least in relation to the dead one must remain a man
      At least elementary retouch faces
      1. 0
        14 March 2012 09: 30
        These, in the photo, did not pay. They just died. It was they who cut the heads of the wounded soldiers and sent them to their mothers, they burned and raped. Their fathers and mothers raised these bastards and their ancestors are responsible for the actions of their descendants.
  9. +4
    13 March 2012 10: 58
    These are the bodies of bandits, look carefully.

    where such confidence?

    Ours is this, not bearded uncles.
    1. Patriot
      13 March 2012 11: 00


      GOU HOM ​​to his scraps in circumcision.
      1. +3
        13 March 2012 11: 21
        A fervent patriot, enjoying photos of the corpses of Russian soldiers? Me not.
        1. Novosibirsky
          13 March 2012 11: 31
          Professor, I really wanted to support you, but I remembered that the site is specialized, sort of ...
          Such shots must also be seen. It hurts of course, but ... you need to. As with injections ...
          1. +9
            13 March 2012 11: 38
            I’m not for painting the reality, but for giving elementary honors to YOUR fallen soldiers. It is not customary to publish such candid photographs of corpses, and even more so if there is a chance that loved ones can recognize them. Their mothers have already received the funeral. Why should they do even more pain?

            Even if it were the corpses of the enemy, you still do not need to lose their human appearance.
            1. Novosibirsky
              13 March 2012 11: 46
              Yes, I'm not about embellishing reality itself ... about "inoculation". Those who wave a saber on the Internet are a lot, but those who shapkozidatelstvuet, but those .., but everyone is useful. Forewarned is forearmed.
              And the mothers of the victims, I think, had enough of all "this", they do not go to sites of this kind ...
              Perhaps, as a compromise, it would be worth "blurring" the faces, those that are identified at least somehow. But, and no more.
        2. Footmansur86
          13 March 2012 11: 42
          It's not about pleasure, we were specially shown a video in a military school where militants execute and torture our troops, and many other videos from this war.
          So to speak, to maintain righteous anger and dull pity for these representatives of humanity, plus psychological readiness for the horrors of war.
          The conclusions were as follows, you need to act confidently, toughly and tactically competently, and fight to the last point is to give up if you are all executed or tortured.
          1. +1
            13 March 2012 12: 00
            And the mothers of the victims, I think, had enough of all "this", they do not go to sites of this kind ...

            These photos will fly across the Internet in minutes, and as you know Murphy never sleep.

            we were specially shown a video at a military school where militants execute and torture our troops, and many other videos from this war.

            This is a chipboard at the school, but look here. By the way, children can easily stumble upon this. Ikhmo at least this is superfluous.
            1. Footmansur86
              13 March 2012 12: 16
              Quote: professor
              By the way, children can easily stumble upon this. Ikhmo at least this is superfluous.

              Our central channels need to say this, regularly show video reports on the destruction of militants
              1. +8
                13 March 2012 21: 04
                But photos of suicidal girls can be shown everywhere ... But here you do not need false scrupulousness: you need to show the war as it is, so as not to confuse reality with American militants.
            2. Olegovich
              14 March 2012 11: 36
              It seems to me that our teenage boys should be shown such photos about this war. This is our heavy bloody history, close, not distant. Real, scary. And explain how the country could have gotten started before all this. What politicians did we choose in due time, on the same barricades as well. I understand more and more what kind of mr..z "The first democratically elected President of Russia Ye.B.N." Burn him forever and ever for the people who died, for the guys, for the children.
    2. +1
      17 March 2012 11: 41
      Ours would be covered ...
    3. bob
      18 March 2012 22: 29
      ours would be humanly folded
    4. woman
      26 March 2012 18: 41
      there are no "beleks" on the bodies, they are lying in a felling and next to an excavator, now decide who
  10. Novosibirsky
    13 March 2012 11: 28
    Yes ... I got things done ...
    Yeltsin, burn in hell! Your name is not a library, but a cemetery to call!
    1. vylvyn
      17 March 2012 03: 08
      Sorry brother. Cemeteries should not be called by his name either; many good people are buried there. His name should be called only toilets in the houses of Chubais, Gaidar, Nemtsov and Berezovsky.
  11. +7
    13 March 2012 12: 00
    Who cares - a large selection of the first company (video), there is filming from the "other" side.
  12. Patriot
    13 March 2012 13: 13
    A fervent patriot, enjoying photos of the corpses of Russian soldiers? Me not.

    Leavened? Explain.

    Didn't enjoy it. Moreover, he did not even look. This is your sidekick trimming ala berezovsky, etc. profited from the deaths of Russian boys and the grief of their mothers. Say thank you that thanks to the next "Purim miracle" -. YOU POISONED HIM, and Stalin did not have time to expel your lying and rotten people from the territory of the USSR. And now, after the collapse of the USSR, you are sooo well living. Still would. YOU have tidied up everything that the peoples of Russia created and built to your little hands.! Feel free to wear your hats and sidepieces! But life is changing. Who knows what will happen when the RUSSIAN PEOPLE wakes up again and understands who robbed him and tried to destroy him.
    1. +7
      13 March 2012 13: 32
      Moreover, I did not even look.

      I didn’t look at the photo essay, but do you express your opinion about it? Well, it’s clear that the Jews are to blame. fool

      By the way, this "cut" too "profited from the deaths of Russian boys and the grief of their mothers"?
      1. +11
        13 March 2012 21: 40
        Do not confuse the Jews with the Jews ... Eternal memory to General Rokhlin! Incidentally, he was buried by an Orthodox priest.
  13. Patriot
    13 March 2012 13: 43
    Hmm. Give the new Stalin. And, no NEW PURIMIAN MIRACLE will help you. You will be banished, adversaries.

    By the way, prof-ionic pruning, tell me, what did Rokhlin prevent? Why was he killed?
    1. Footmansur86
      13 March 2012 14: 12
      Stalin was not an anti-Semite, but a Zionist, this is a big difference, for example, an anti-Semite is someone who believes that Jews should be fought, etc.
      Zionist believes that Jews should live on their own land, for example, Stalin created the Jewish Autonomous Region for these purposes, but something did not work. And the creation of an independent state of Israel would not have been possible without the votes of the USSR, and after its creation Egypt’s aggression against Israel immediately began, and the USSR supported Israel with captured German weapons, so Stalin played a huge role in the emergence of the state of Israel.

      True, I never understood people who migrated to Israel and began to pour mud over their homeland from behind a hillock, and especially officers who entered the service of the Israeli army, thereby betraying the oath to their Fatherland and watering the country that had given them an education, in a word deserters-traitors.
      1. 0
        14 March 2012 17: 41
        I pray that one day they will be paid in blood for treason.
      2. bob
        18 March 2012 22: 33
        Quote: Footmansur86
        True, I never understood people who migrated to Israel and began to pour mud over their homeland from behind a hillock, and especially officers who entered the service of the Israeli army, thereby betraying the oath to their Fatherland and watering the country that had given them an education, in a word deserters-traitors.

        a Jew, he is a Jew
        1. woman
          26 March 2012 18: 56
          the Cape guys were wise and looked much ahead than current politicians, and you, let Israel exist happily ever after, if it weren’t for the Jews with their struggle for the state, then all this bass around them that would be lost in the TFR. And what circumcised you hait them and do not care about Israel, the so-called people of the world. Slav himself.
  14. Patriot
    13 March 2012 15: 06
    Stalin was not an anti-Semite, but a Zionist, this is a big difference, for example, an anti-Semite is someone who believes that Jews should be fought, etc.
    Zionist believes that Jews should live on their own land, for example, Stalin created the Jewish Autonomous Region for these purposes, but something did not work.

    But you do not know what did not go?
    He was simply killed. And many call it the "Second Purim miracle". Who knows, perhaps on the occasion of his murder, the Jews have had another holiday since then ...? Like the holiday of Purim, which is celebrated in Israel on the occasion of their murder, it seems the Iranian emir.
  15. Patriot
    13 March 2012 16: 41
    Hey, Pro Professor. Tell the Russians about your PURIM!
  16. +9
    13 March 2012 19: 27
    Do you guys try to kid ?!
    Go to ICQ and grind different chukhn there!
    The selection is worthy and the faces of the guys are not at all "boys" despite the years.
    Glory to our children and commanders who tried to save their lives.
    Here you will remember Pasha-Mercedes "with a kindly quiet word!
  17. LiRoy
    13 March 2012 19: 43
    If then they had allowed to complete the plan, now they would not have disentangled the crap in the Caucasus.
  18. Yankuz
    13 March 2012 19: 49
    Bright Memory to our boys! Shame on Yeltsin's corrupt generals! It was they bastards who sent unshooted boys to certain death, saving aircraft and tactical weapons. It was they who agreed and were bribed by bandits.
  19. Ahmedpomoev
    14 March 2012 09: 41
    "By the way, children
    can unhindered
    stumble upon this "

    normal declaration, honestly .. children almost watch porn on TV, cartoons about prostitutes, form an idiotic behavior pattern while their parents are sitting in the kitchen, but here you understand what opinion, children can stumble upon something serious and important, even it’s better not to see these photos, but go to the stairs to wash or play in the computer .. yes and doubt, unless the children are interested in this today, and if it stumbles it may be for the better ....

    About Chechnya, our children were betrayed by the state then, this is a fact. But the fact that Chechen militants today have become heroes of Russia, and so on is also a fact. An interesting "state", the campaign has nothing to do with the concept of the Fatherland and only ruins us. :)
  20. Patriot
    14 March 2012 11: 36
    Do not confuse the Jews with the Jews ... Eternal memory to General Rokhlin! Incidentally, he was buried by an Orthodox priest.

    Greetings. Tell me how. What is the difference? So tell me, who do you think or the Jews are mysters:


    The list of the Kremlin Jewish "elite" can be continued for a long time. It's easier to list the names of Russian guys. But, in any case, do not think that I am a nationalist. I myself want to understand what are the differences between "Jews" and Jews.
  21. Dmitry.V
    14 March 2012 13: 18
  22. Lustrator
    14 March 2012 13: 45
    There will never be peace: that it will be Chechnya as a member, that is outside the Russian Federation. It’s unlikely to come to an agreement: the Chechen units (it doesn’t matter on whose side) will always have other goals (trafficking in arms, drugs and people is much more profitable than peaceful work, to which people with a minimal production culture can be taught hell - these are other people) If the Russian Federation and beyond he will flirt with the militants - he will get a third Chechen one, only this will be a much more difficult war. In this case, the measures should be draconian: there should be discipline in the ranks.
    1. 0
      14 March 2012 17: 53
      will, you just need a stiff arm, very stiff. I have never seen Caucasians, but I heard that they respect only power. Therefore, with them, I think it is only necessary.
  23. Ahmedpomoev
    14 March 2012 14: 28
    Patriot, about the differences between Jews and Jews ... Previously, all Jews were called Jews, then, thanks to their vile behavior, the word became a common noun, collective, denoting a mean, crafty, greedy person who has a profit, cruel, essentially a traitor with the meaning of life. in the Duma, the peasant is Russian and despises the Russian people and offends them in every possible way and believes that since he got to power, he should plunder more, or in general, if he became like that for one thing with those who destroy Russia, then in fact he is not Russian, but ... to recall the wonderful history of the heroic defense of the city of Pskov, like from the Poles, when they replied to the letter sent to them by the Batori "we will not, we will not betray either God or the Tsar or the Fatherland, we do not hear flattery, we are not afraid of threats, go to battle, victory depends on God" or something like that, in fact, it means that our ancestors associated the Jews with traitors. It is possible to say the banal "in every nation there are bad people and good", but the campaign, most of the Jews love xD By the way, under our Tsars, they are apparently not easy so they drove and for a reason, then the rabbi painted bad phrases on the walls of the Ipatiev house with the Tsar's blood

    about nationalism, and so. there is Nazism, what is that German idea, I am in this zero, but I am able to compare two words and see the difference, for example, in the number of letters-Nazism is National Socialism, as by the way the red-ass Labuda social democracy was called or what, here interestingly, one socialism is prohibited, and the other, in which the authorities destroyed the inhabitants of their country for some reason is not prohibited .. as there are all sorts of chauvinism, racism, xenophobia, all this is nonsense. especially interesting as Europe itself is essentially racist artificially instills an inferiority complex in color, saying " complain when black people call you black, this is the color of macaques, "that is, they themselves call blacks macaques. In this context, it is interesting that Russians are told that their culture is pop, debauchery, etc., and when Russians begin to fight for themselves, for the purity of their Faith or for their culture, they are called extremists, especially if the Russians fought back the bandits, and at the same time, the nationalism of small peoples develops, which is encouraged in order to destroy Russia, since why the foundation of Russia Russians have now become stupid shit and men watch TV instead of raising sons, or guys are generally raised by women, we have moved away from God, so everything is not stable and such power is a punishment ... by the way, nationalism is love for one's people. love this is the most in this world ..
  24. Ahmedpomoev
    14 March 2012 14: 34
    Patriot, about the differences between Jews and Jews ... Previously, all Jews were called Jews, then, thanks to their vile behavior, the word Zhid became a common noun, collective name, denoting a mean, cunning, greedy person who has a profit, cruel, essentially a traitor with the meaning of life. the Russian peasant sits in the Duma and despises the Russian people and offends them in every possible way and believes that since he got to power, he should plunder more, or in general, if he became such for one thing with those who destroy Russia, then in fact he is not a Russian, but a Zhid. . one can recall the wonderful story of the heroic defense of the city of Pskov, like from the Poles, when they replied to the letter sent to them by the Batori "we are not Zhzhids, we will not betray God, nor the Tsar or the Fatherland, we do not hear flattery, we are not afraid of threats, go to battle, victory depends from God "or something like that, in fact, our ancestors associated the Zhids with traitors. You can say the banal" in every nation there are bad people and good ", but the campaign, most of the Jews love xD by the way under our Kings their it was not just that they were driven and it was not for nothing that then the rabbi painted bad phrases on the walls of the Ipatyev house with the Tsar's blood

    about nationalism, and so. there is Nazism, what is that German idea, I am in this zero, but I am able to compare two words and see the difference, for example, in the number of letters-Nazism is National Socialism, as by the way the red-ass Labuda social democracy was called or what, here interestingly, one socialism is prohibited, and the other, in which the authorities destroyed the inhabitants of their country for some reason is not prohibited .. as there are all sorts of chauvinism, racism, xenophobia, all this is nonsense. especially interesting as Europe itself is essentially racist artificially instills an inferiority complex in color, saying " complain when black people call you black, this is the color of macaques, "that is, they themselves call blacks macaques. In this context, it is interesting that Russians are told that their culture is pop, debauchery, etc., and when Russians begin to fight for themselves, for the purity of their Faith or for their culture, they are called extremists, especially if the Russians fought back the bandits, and at the same time, the nationalism of small peoples develops, which is encouraged in order to destroy Russia, since why the foundation of Russia Russians have now become stupid shit and men watch TV instead of raising sons, or guys are generally raised by women, we have moved away from God, so everything is not stable and such power is a punishment ... by the way, nationalism is love for one's people. love this is the most in this world ..
    1. woman
      26 March 2012 18: 48
      dunce is a word literary in translation from Polish-Jew.
  25. Fuck_usa
    14 March 2012 14: 36
    Thank you, eternal memory !!!
  26. Patriot
    14 March 2012 14: 53

    Taki Beautifully said. But, how did it happen that in our country lately, trimmers own almost everything ???
  27. Ahmedpomoev
    14 March 2012 15: 19
    Patriot, it did not start yesterday, and not after the collapse of the USSR, but earlier. So now the Americans are extinguishing which states? National ... why? Because they want to organize a new world order, although it is better to say not "Americans" want this, and those same "scraps", why do they want to do this? there is an opinion that they are Satanists and actually want to fit all the power to one little man, Jews call him "Moshiach", Christians "Antichrist", and he will introduce himself as the savior of the world and will come after the world massacre , to which the world is inexorably rolling. How did the power get to them? Well, the Russians must blame themselves, excuse me, we left God and overthrew the Tsar, but only took advantage of this (yes, I believe in God, and I believe that the Russians themselves turned into enemies, and only some are guilty of their troubles, because if it were not for the injections, the Tajiks would not carry drugs, if they did not drink, alcohol would not be sold in stores, if they were raising children and lived by God, then there would not be what we have we are now), it was after the fall of the monarchy that we were under arr By the way, monarchies flew for the same reason that dictatorships are flying today, monarchs (Russians, and maybe others), in fact, defenders of their people, were, in theory, nationalists and support. therefore, all their efforts were directed at overthrowing monarchies , they started with the most serious countries, now they end up with the remnants, in terms of another world war, and then a new world order xD Something like this
  28. +1
    14 March 2012 18: 17
    The guys actually defended their homeland. Those "real men", including those who have turned away from the army in those years (and subsequent) every year receive congratulations on February 23 and are proud of this, considering those guys in the photographs to be losers. THIS IS NOT TRUE. If not for them, Chechnya might have been much closer. Somewhere near Nizhny Novgorod. I know the first company from stories, in the second I took part in the entire active period 99-2000. Those conscripts, contract soldiers and officers are real heroes, and at least I will remember this all my life. I would like to say about General Shamanov separately - THANK YOU VLADIMIR ANATOLIEVICH YOU ARE A REAL GENERAL, OFFICER AND JUST A REAL MAN.
  29. Patriot
    14 March 2012 18: 36

    Do you know what I’ll tell you? It seems to me that even today, despite all the efforts and efforts of our enemies, the Russian people have much more Faith, Inner Purity and the Divine Principle than in representatives of other countries. And, by the way, as many trials, sufferings, pain and blood as there were in our country did not happen to anyone and never in the world !!! Moreover, our country has never attacked anyone.

    So you say that there is an opinion that they are Satanists and actually want to fit all power to one little man, the Jews call him "Moshiach", Christians call him "Antichrist", and he presents himself as the savior of the world

    Then, in this case, the direct and primary task of Russia should be to prevent the satanism of scraps !!! But our ancestors were much wiser than us. And, they did not allow them to participate in the affairs and destinies of the country. What can I say, they even forbade them to settle in cities. Probably knew and felt this people SHOWER !!!
    Instead, we completely gave our country to them in absolute government. Moreover, voluntarily. Having exchanged it for freedom of speech, publicity, pluralism, chewing gum, jeans, Coke, cars, etc.

    Here you are still arguing if the Tajiks hadn’t injected, if they hadn’t taken drugs, if they hadn’t drunk, the shops wouldn’t have sold alcohol, if they had been raising children and lived according to God, then we wouldn’t have what we have now

    But, let me disagree with you. For, until the collapse of Our Country, all this had a MUCH LESS distribution. There was alcoholism, but they tried to treat the sick, to influence them through the family, work meetings, etc. AIDS and drug addiction were also insignificant in comparison with modern indicators. The upbringing and primary education in the Soviet family were also much more SPIRITUAL, CLEAN AND LESS MERCANTIAN than now. VALUES REPLACED US. And we have not even noticed this.

    SO DAD, Dulles Plan in action.

    And, also, I dare to note the fact that all the hardships for our people began precisely after the collapse of the USSR, with the advent of ebn and his gang. The one who still "successfully" rules the country, ruining and plundering it.
  30. Ahmedpomoev
    14 March 2012 19: 59

    "in the Russian people
    much more than faith
    Internal Purity and
    Divine Principle than in
    representatives of other countries.
    And by the way, so many tests,
    suffering, pain and blood
    how much was in our country
    never fell to anyone and never
    in the world!!! Moreover, our
    the country never and on no one
    attacked. "-

    on the first point, about the Divine principles, of course we have more of these principles, because thanks to our wise ancestors we have the Truth, although not only we are alone, but also Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs and others, the problem is this, having before us truth and people bearing the cross are completely unaware of what all this means, they look at the person who speaks of God as a sectarian, although they bear the image of the crucified Christ on their necks, they believe in superstition, they do not shy from witchcraft and other Satanism, find differences between religions, because people have become incapable of striving even for knowledge, and after that they say that they all believe in their own way. :) although the Holy Fathers are faithful to the Truth, the very one that they wear around their neck they say the opposite. :) a person’s worldview creates today TV, and if, if the media were used for the good, or even one depravity .. about suffering and trials for the people. our people resemble a masochist who does not suspect that he is a masochist .. the more tests and blood, the more we commit sin than quick it is dying, the more abortions, they say that families are not strong and themselves encourage debauchery, they want some kind of healthy nation, but they don’t care about raising children, they are tired of life - they’re not going to God, but to the noose, or to the bottle. horror .. .

    "Then, in that case, straight and
    Russia's first task
    should be
    to prevent satanism
    scraps !!! "- once Russia was the Retainer, but after the Jewish revolution, when the deceived people followed the enemies, we lost this role and away we go ... by the way, why the USSR was created at all, the enemy could not simply destroy the Russian people, but our people defeated themselves, giving themselves into slavery voluntarily, after which the enemies of course began to destroy our best people and in general everything Russian, after which they took up the faith, began to destroy Orthodoxy, while brainwashing the people about the evil emanating from faith, in fact the USSR was the first stage at which it was necessary to knock out the correct living faith from our people, replacing it with ideology and atheism, after 70 years the people with a fragile ideology fell along with this very ideology, fell into debauchery and into an animal consumer state, rf ebn is the second stage, oskotinivanie, replacing the ideology of universal happiness or something there on "you have to try everything in life .. live for yourself. glavnoe money" something like that.

    But let me not
    to agree. For, before the collapse
    Our Country had all this in
    Spread. Alcoholism
    was, but tried to sick
    treat, work on them
    through family, work
    meetings, etc. Diseases
    speed and drug addiction also
    were insignificant in comparison with
    modern indicators.
    Parenting and primary
    education in soviet
    the family was also much more
    Mercantile than
    now. WE REPLACED

    Everything just happened gradually, but they couldn’t say right after the overthrow of the monarchy, well, like girls, we open braids to paint, instead of a church to the panel. Or guys, well, guys are drinking too much. I’m exaggerating, by the time of the empire, the morals of our ancestors thanks to a century or more of imitation of the West and instead of Holy Russia there was actually some kind of mixture, some were faithful to the faith of their ancestors, wished good and fortress to the country and people, others longed for the Western orders, constitution and destruction of traditions. in the beginning of the 20th century the whole press somehow turned out to be them, although perhaps the word is somehow appropriate, the Russians from all kinds of Masonic lies considered it good for them to be one thing ..
  31. Novosibirsky
    15 March 2012 01: 08
    On the 11th photo, it looks like a kid ... Eh ma ...
  32. 0
    15 March 2012 01: 26
    I watched the video ... I am not ashamed to admit - it broke through to tears ... Tolerance? Doubt the paper with the word written and shove it deeply where you like it more, it’s for those who like the word very much ... You can’t swear ... but this is exactly the case when you really want to ...
    1. 0
      16 March 2012 10: 22
  33. 0
    15 March 2012 07: 16
    At 38 pics, how did they work this way around the city?
    1. phantom359
      15 March 2012 17: 03
      It’s hard to say, but obviously not a land mine. It looks like a bird. ODAB
  34. Patriot
    15 March 2012 11: 41
    Dear I read that today is the anniversary of the application of the city in the Chinese.

    Grad received his baptism of fire on March 15, 1969 during the Daman conflict. On that day, the forces of the 135th motorized infantry division deployed along the river entered command, the command of which ordered the separate Gradov reactive division to open fire on the positions of the Chinese on the island.

    So, I ask you to honor the memory of our brothers who died on that island!
    GLORY TO PUTLE_RU! We continue to vote for "him" for the next 300 years.
  35. Comrade
    16 March 2012 00: 30
    Eternal memory to the children left there! It’s hard to watch these photos, hard to remember ... someone above is defending Lebed ... for them, everyone who was in Moscow was a traitor and Lebed was one of them. A word ... anyone can say anything ..and do you believe everyone? You cannot allow the general to make such acquaintances, parties ... but Lebed had all this.
  36. +1
    16 March 2012 01: 25
    Eternal Glory to the Real Guys!

    Goodbye, our life!
    For the honor of the crown, we will die!
    Goodbye My life!
    We are hardly going to paradise!
    A bayonet in the back, and a bullet in the heart - the jackal will sing
    Dead glory does not warm, no matter who warmed
    In the veins of the blood of the harsh Russ beats like a current
    Death will be full today
    God bless you!
  37. 0
    16 March 2012 01: 49
    By the way, I never thought that the Frog (D-30 howitzer) would participate in the first Chechen war (judging by the photo), I thought it was removed from service. But nevertheless she is the most successful howitzer.

    who knows and who does not know
    0 & feature = plpp_video
  38. vylvyn
    17 March 2012 03: 18
    About the generals to the point. I wonder how many of these creatures still serve in our incorruptible MO.
  39. vylvyn
    17 March 2012 03: 39
    Yesterday got drunk. Today with a friend otodnyak. Even in the army, when it was shitty in my heart they always sang with him:

    Black raven that you curl
    Above my head.
    You won’t get the booty
    Black raven, I'm not yours!

    Why do you open your claws
    Above my head?
    Or prey yourself a cup?
    Black raven, I'm not yours!

    I'll tie a mortal wound
    A scarf given to me
    And then with you I will become
    Talk all about one.

    Fly to my side
    Tell my mommy
    You tell my dear
    What kind of homeland I fell.

    Take the handkerchief bloody
    my dear little love.
    You say she is free
    I married another.

    I took the bride quietly modest
    In a clean field under a bush,
    The sharp checker was a dummy, -
    Damask bayonet was a friend.

    Kalena arrow crowned
    Among the battle is fatal.
    I see my death is coming -
    Black raven, I'm all yours ...
  40. 0
    19 March 2012 18: 22
    The kingdom of heaven to all the dead! Health and courage to the survivors. The mothers and fathers of the deceased have true deep sympathy.
  41. 16
    19 March 2012 23: 27
    the pictures are all true !!!!!!!!!! the truth of war !!!!!!!!!!