M. Khazin, "On the role of Nazarbayev at the present stage"

On the significance of his speech in Minsk at the EurAsEC summit in October 2013

M. Khazin, "On the role of Nazarbayev at the present stage"The recent summit of the EurAsEC in Minsk and the statement by the President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev on the issue of joining the Customs Union of Turkey caused serious discussions. All the supporters of the CU were happily talking about a big breakthrough in the development of the organization (which is true), recalled the recent decision of Armenia to join the CU (and here we must remember that in fact Armenia is not so much an economy as an extremely influential diaspora, which, of course, This decision supports) about the prospects that open up in this case. But there are other aspects that are worth mentioning.

Paphos Nazarbayeva was significantly deeper than the simple message that Turkey had moved from secretly probing the possibility of its participation in the CU to open conversations on this topic. Actually, I already wrote a lot, why it is almost inevitable. In fact, the head of one of the CU member states and, importantly, the only one of these participants - the leaders of the USSR (Naazarbayev was a member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee and a candidate for chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers), said much more and his speech is strategically important for the future of the whole Eurasian space.

Just in case, I will bring the most brief informational message about this speech: “The Turkish President asked me to join our Customs Union. Let's accept Turkey,” Nazarbayev said in Minsk at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. According to him, being abroad, he is often addressed with the question that "we are creating the USSR or something under Russia." “Maybe Turkey will accept a big country, and the conversation will end,” Nazarbayev suggested to the presidents of Russia and Belarus.

This is a very important question. The fact is that the objective integration processes in the Eurasian space are inevitably one way or another formatted by specific people. And today at least three main directions of this formatting have been formed. The first is pure opposition to the integration process. He is being organized by the “liberal lobby” in our country - including Shuvalov and Khristenko, who formally lead the integration process. However, today it is too primitive option, which can not lead to success.

The second direction is an attempt to translate integration processes into a purely imperial track. That is, to behave as if we are talking about the restoration of the USSR. Note that for purely objective, economic reasons, this process cannot be completed successfully - we do not have enough people to create a self-sufficient economic cluster in the territories of the former USSR. But ideologically there are so many people for whom such a plan is extremely pleasant and they support it. Especially considering the “right” pressure applied to them. Not everyone is able to resist if they are told every day: “You will enter history of mankind as the restorer of the great empire! ”Here you will involuntarily begin to negatively relate to sources that claim that this is impossible.

And the third direction, which differs from the first two in that it is built not on old, exhausted, but on new ideas. This is the creation of a Eurasian currency zone, on the territory far exceeding the USSR and being one of the centers of power of the post-crisis world. The creation of such a zone requires tremendous efforts, first of all - intellectual ones, and the result will most likely be quite unexpected, since there hasn’t been any analogues of this work so far. More precisely, it was not in the foreseeable future.

As an example of such a “other reality” one can cite the description of the “Mongol-Tatar yoke” in modern history. It is fundamentally different from many historians, who at the same time manage to rely on the same facts, and this is due not only to the fact that most of them are trying to cram these facts into predetermined ideological stereotypes. Rather, the fact is that the reality that emerged in Eurasia after the creation of the empire of Genghis Khan was fundamentally different from the description of reality and geopolitics to which we are accustomed. We simply cannot describe in modern terms the system of relations that was in this state. By the way, Andrei Devyatov writes a lot about this.

I do not think that Nazarbayev exactly sees this potential new reality. But his colossal political experience gives him confidence that the first two of the directions described above cannot lead to success, but he sees the potential of the third way. And the fact that he said this openly suggests that the time has come to make an informed choice. It is clear that it is impossible to convince of something liberal “Hebrew” in Russia - it has already made a choice for itself long ago that the Sun rises in Washington, even more precisely, above the IMF building. And he will implement the first and second variants of potential development of events - and fulfilling the instructions of his curators from overseas, and following his own ideas about the “correct” development of events. In the end, not all liberals in Russia are idiots - and they are well aware that the creation of the Eurasian currency zone does not leave for them the place to which they are accustomed and which they consider deserved.

In the world in general, and in particular in our country, the political struggle for survival begins. It has no place for such categories as democracy, minority rights, or, say, humanity. Only one party will win, all the rest will go to the dustbin of history. I have considerations who will win, and certainly not liberals (in connection with which I have no opportunity to get lists of recipients of liberal goods, like a place in the current government, grants from Western organizations or, say, the Nobel Prize), but the problem is that the longer the liberals are in power in our country, the less time there will be for constructive actions, the more stringent they will be. And for this reason, the main task of any patriot today is the struggle against that liberal Hevra, which determines the policy of our state. And the words of Nazarbayev can be considered a starting point from which this struggle becomes open and obvious.
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  1. +9
    29 October 2013 06: 56
    We’ll restore the yoke, let's call ourselves the Horde and ruin Europe. wassat
    1. 0
      29 October 2013 07: 19
      Exactly, precisely, no one has canceled the order of Guyuk Khan.By the power of our Eternal Heaven, the khan of the great ulus and the universe, an order.
      This is an order sent to the great dad to know and understand him. After you held a council in the Karal region, you sent us a request for obedience, which was heard from your ambassadors. And if you act according to your words, then you, who is the great pope, come together to our person, so that we make you listen to every order of Yasa at this very time.
      am Next "To the last sea" laughing
  2. +9
    29 October 2013 07: 01
    What ?!
    Turkey in the vehicle does not hurt.
    All the time, the policy of the maritime powers, first Britain, and then the USA, was based on immersing Eurasia in chaos. By the principle, while they feel bad, then we (Britain, SSHA) are good.
    It's time to break this tradition.
    I am sure that Ukraine will come to the CU anyway.
    1. +2
      29 October 2013 07: 49
      And what about the fact that Turkey is a member of NATO, because as far as I understand the economic and military-political unions sooner or later become synonymous ...
      1. +3
        29 October 2013 07: 59
        Quote: xxxMYSTICxxx
        Turkey joins NATO

        As I entered and it will come out. But it will be in the vehicle - maybe it will lick less in the Crimea.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. +1
        29 October 2013 08: 23
        Quote: Belogor
        It may come, but in what condition ??? With a ruined economy? An example of this is some of the Baltic countries, where almost nothing is left of industrial production.

        Well, what can you do?
        Again we will raise the whole world.
        Not the first time.
    3. +9
      29 October 2013 09: 27
      That would be big luck!
      The West-EU has lured Ukraine and it would be good to lure Turkey in return.
      Ukraine - 45 million with a market of 340 billion against Turkey - 75 million with a market of 1 trillion
      Turkey is 3 of Ukraine !!!
      It would be a knight move in a global chess game against the West. I can imagine how they would screech in Washington and Brussels - if Turkey joins the CU.
      1. 0
        29 October 2013 21: 36
        Turkey and TS what Something I do not believe in it.
        1. 0
          29 October 2013 21: 44
          Quote: lonely
          Turkey and the TS I don’t believe something

          And rightly so, Nazarbayev’s statement pursued completely different goals.
          You understand, the Russian language is great and versatile and expression
          -And do not invite us to Turkey in the TS -, it may make sense as yes or no.
  3. andru_007
    29 October 2013 07: 10
    Russia can be allowed into Europe only in parts, and only to the Ural Mountains, Turkey will never be allowed into Europe. Life pushes us into each other's arms.
    Although, if you think historically, Russia is the heir to the horde and integration with the Turks, this is not something stunning (for example, relations with the Kazakhs are wonderful and Tsargrad (Constantinople) you know where our spiritual cradle is). Rapprochement points are much larger than it seems at first glance.
    1. Analyst
      29 October 2013 11: 27
      Quote: andru_007
      historically Russia heiress of the horde

      What are you saying, you probably confuse the horde with Byzantium?
      Even the double-headed eagle came to Russia during the reign of Ivan 3 from Byzantium.
      Prince Ivan 3 married Sophia Paleolog, sister of the last Byzantine emperor, and Russia became the successor of BYZANTIA, including adopting a two-headed eagle. And the horde was rather paid tribute, but in 1380, Dmitry Donskoy refused to pay tribute to the Horde and transferred the throne to his son without the knowledge of the khan. Yes, after the Tokhtamysh raid in 1382, Russia again had to pay tribute, but it was already not so great. Russia is no part of the Horde.
      1. +5
        29 October 2013 14: 42
        Quote: Analyst
        Tohtamysh in 1382, Russia again had to pay tribute, but it was already not so great. Russia is no part of the Horde.

        It was Ivan III the Great, Saint as they call him, who freed us from tribute to the Horde. "Standing on the Eel". Ivan III began to be called the sovereign of all Russia, and the Russian state - Russia. November 11, 1480 It is considered the day of final liberation from the vassal dependence of the Russian principalities on the Horde. In general, in my opinion, this day can be commemorated as the Education Day of the Russian state in fact.
        And the most important thing that historians are silent about is under Ivan the Great, the spread of liberal ideas in the Russian state was prevented, as they would now say, in that religious era these ideas were called the "heresy of the Judaizers"(in essence, Judeo-Christianity, which in the West led to the formation of Protestant currents) .All this is again sloping from the West through the Polish king Casimir and through Novgorod to Moscow. The Cathedral of 1490 led to the complete defeat of the ideologists of heresy, which was directed primarily against the foundations of Orthodoxy and centralized royal power. Do not do this Ivan the Great Russia would never have become the successor to Byzantium, the Third Rome and a strong and powerful state.
        In modern historical literature, a number of authors can find the opinion that the movement "Judaizers" was not at all an attempt to establish Judaism in Russia, trying to imagine Novgorod "Judaism" as a kind of phenomenon close to the European Renaissance, a kind of liberal, cultural-humanist movement that supposedly sought to enlighten the dense Rus, rooted in its Orthodox conservatism. Some authors in this movement manage to discern even a certain antifeudal pathos. These views were especially stubbornly promoted by the great Soviet historian Yakov Solomonovich Lurie.


        Now think about why there are so few references in the historical and literature and mass media about Ivan the Great (after all, he was called so for nothing). There are Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great (again) and almost no one knows Ivan III. There are no monuments even. But modern Russian liberalism originates precisely from there. Lurie himself probably did not want to be right.
        1. Analyst
          30 October 2013 14: 14
          Quote: Ascetic
          . In general, in my opinion, this day can be commemorated as the Education Day of the Russian state in fact.

          Quote: Ascetic
          Do not do this Ivan the Great Russia would never have become the successor to Byzantium, the Third Rome and a strong and powerful state.


          Not a single Moscow prince achieved such successes in the unification of Great Russian lands as Ivan III. He subdued Moscow Veliky Novgorod and Tver, the capital of the largest lands.
          Some authors call Ivan III the great, outstanding figure of his time. Others brand him as a despot.
          But the fact remains. It was under Ivan III that Russia put an end to the Tatar yoke and gained state independence.
          Quote: Ascetic
          Now think about why there are so few references in the historical and literature and mass media about Ivan the Great (after all, he was called so for nothing).

          Researchers have at their disposal very little evidence characterizing the personality of Ivan III. There are no letters from the prince, and he never kept diaries.
          It's my opinion.


          When the Grand Duke raised the issue of church property at the cathedral in 1503, Joseph Volotsky urged him to accomplish a life-saving work, the search and punishment of heretics, in old age. Ivan III succumbed to pressure. In 1504, under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Simon, a council was convened specifically dedicated to the eradication of heresy. The cathedral was political in nature and was directed against the queen. Prominent adherents of heresy were anathematized and burned, soon after which heresy ceased.
  4. Belogor
    29 October 2013 07: 12
    The current government needs to be changed as soon as possible, provided that there would be more statesmen in the future government than in the current liberals. Procrastination exacerbates problems.
  5. +4
    29 October 2013 07: 14
    Turkey is a strong player. If the strong already want to join us, and not only the half-impoverished Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, then we are doing everything right. Then the EU will inevitably collapse, it will only be necessary to have time to "collect land". The prospects are bright, but will we last?
    1. +3
      29 October 2013 07: 31
      Toad is happy. Turkey asked for us. Nicely. But on the third hand, why do we need this button accordion with its 75 million population, a bunch of unresolved problems and hatred at the genetic level? It is necessary to declare rapprochement, to include influence in the orbit, but no more. They gathered for us, because their Europe kicks off 10 years. We have a few Caucasian bunts?
      1. +3
        29 October 2013 08: 03
        Quote: a52333
        They gathered for us, because their Europe kicks off 10 years

        Or maybe they themselves do not want to be in the EU, they have already looked at the "European values". In addition, for all the "hatred at the genetic level," they want to choose the lesser of two evils. Better Russians than European gays.
  6. andru_007
    29 October 2013 07: 19
    Quote: sergey32
    We’ll restore the yoke, let's call ourselves the Horde and ravage Europe

    As far as I remember, Moscow called itself the Horde Zalessky.
    "Yes! We are Scythians, yes! We are Asians, with slanted and greedy eyes ..."
    It's time, it's time to sharpen your scimitar and .... "turn to Europe with your Asian mug" wassat ...
    Kama-like, but for some reason this idea inspires me!
    1. Analyst
      29 October 2013 11: 30
      Quote: andru_007
      "Yes! We are Scythians, yes! We are Asians, with slanted and greedy eyes ..."

      What’s the matter with you !! are you such jokes?
  7. +5
    29 October 2013 07: 28
    The customs union is, first of all, not only an economic union, and in the future, as the leaders of integration hope, also a political union. I would also like to note the military alliance, which is not unimportant in today's time. And the military alliance is, first and foremost, unified standards i.e. general principles of the command and control system of troops and fleets. Common objectives and common goals for deterrence and defense. In the end, a corny similar material and technical base i.e. armament.

    Turkey, as a full-fledged NATO member, does not fit into the CU with this circumstance. I am sure that the Russian and Belarusian leaders will accept this as the main factor so far not the possibility of joining the customs union.

    When one of the participants has any other ambitions regarding something, and Turkey has imperial ambitions for the revival of the Ottoman Empire, this may not coincide with the interests of other participants in Russia and Belarus, who are more concerned with stability and international law. Turkey, with its claims and actions on the latest developments in Syria, does not fit into a reliable military partner, especially since it is a NATO member.

    Still, as an option, this proposal from Turkey to join the TS may be some provocation (verification) of the West’s intentions of Moscow to include only former social countries in the TS, i.e. thus confirming the creation by Moscow of the USSR -2.0 or is it really a free political and economic formation, without any backlog from the past.
    1. +3
      29 October 2013 07: 52
      I support. Turkey, from century to century, has fought against Russia, against the Armenian people. Armenia, I think I’m not very happy with such a participant. Moreover, in recent articles on the same resource it was written about the rejection of the partnership between the CSTO and the UN. Here the same thing turns out that Scandinav actually wrote. In the appendage, Turkey has long been under the influence of England - one of the main enemies of Russia. Tentacles will launch run in the vehicle.
    2. Guun
      29 October 2013 08: 30
      Alas, the TS cannot become political, but military, and even more so - it was not created for this. This is not the SCO for you.
  8. +1
    29 October 2013 07: 30
    Liberal Hebrew (Crim.Jarg., Collected. a group of thieves (2-3 people), who help each other during the theft) - well said.
    Stalin shot the leaders of Hevra, sent their assistants to build roads beyond the Urals, only after that he began to build a strong state.
    Since we do not have the 37 year (which is a pity), the leaders of this hebr should be appointed ambassadors to distant and small countries scattered around the world and from each other. Although they can crap there.
  9. +7
    29 October 2013 07: 35
    There are many technical difficulties for Turkey’s admission to the Customs Union (most of them have already been described in the comments to other branches) and Nazarbayev understands all this very well. In my opinion, the meaning of his statement was different. Recent events show that they are trying to reformat the TS from the economic union into a political one, and with one center of power. And with this statement, the NAS makes it clear that this game can be played in different gates, but is it worth it? Isn’t it better to return precisely to those postulates from which we repelled when creating the TS?
    1. +3
      29 October 2013 12: 54
      There are many technical difficulties for Turkey’s admission to the Customs Union (most of them have already been described in the comments to other branches), and Nazarbayev understands all this very well. N

      Nazarbayev is a smart politician and understands perfectly well that in the CU it is necessary to create a system of counterweights to the complete dominance of the Russian Federation, and what he voiced perfectly serves the goals of the two countries, Turkey (negotiations have again resumed on the entry of Tug Turkey into the EU), they will frighten Europe, and for Kazakhstan, it’s good that they will start to reckon with this opportunity, and two Turkic states will quickly agree, and even if Turkey doesn’t enter (and it’s understandable and is not going to), but this will make the Kremlin reckon with Nazarbayev, more seriously
      1. +1
        29 October 2013 14: 42
        Totally agree Yes
        In the next branch he gave an example of the pluses for everyone (from Kazakhstan and Belarus to Russia and Turkey) from such a statement.
  10. +9
    29 October 2013 07: 51
    Well, who here minus Blok's quote "Yes! We are Scythians, yes! We are Asians, with slanted and greedy eyes ...". The entire history of Russia is direct family ties from the Khazars and Pechenegs (9th century) to 1990. They became related, married, made friends, fought for a common homeland (1812, 1914,1941, XNUMX). It is now the liberals who instill in us p-sti and hatred for each other. Nat. politics incites nat. chauvinism in the state. scale. Well, it is very necessary to divide us into small principalities, it is even better to knock our heads together. Well, Geyropa just drags away from us as we fight each other. We were divided long ago and a place was prepared by the bucket. It is not known which plan for the destruction of the friendship of great nations is better than Hitler or Geyropa. They do not want to be friends with us, let them get a grenade in w + ny.
    1. +3
      29 October 2013 16: 06
      In the morning I already said. I’ll repeat it now.
      Quote: Chegevara
      Yes! we are Scythians, yes! we are Asians, with slanted and greedy eyes ... "
      It is a cocainist delirium. The Scythians were not slanting eyes. They belonged to the race of the northerners. it excavations of mounds and conclusions of anthropologists confirm. Pay attention to the coinage from the Scythian barrow. Face type worth commenting on?
  11. andru_007
    29 October 2013 07: 52
    Quote: Scandinavian
    Turkey, as a full-fledged NATO member, does not fit into the CU with this circumstance.

    NATO exists while the US finances it. The financial problems of the Americans raise the question of the existence of this organization in the future, the Americans will not stretch everyone and NATO will either disintegrate or (which is most likely) will exist in a reduced form, in any case, Turkey will break away. In my opinion, the Turks understand this very well and are not in vain interested in the Customs Union.
    Quote: Scandinavian
    When one of the participants has any other ambitions regarding something, and Turkey has imperial ambitions for the revival of the Ottoman Empire, this may not coincide with the interests of other participants in Russia and Belarus, who are more concerned about stability and international law

    Ambition is ambition, but the economy dictates its own rules, for the formation of a self-sufficient market it is necessary to have a population of at least 300 ml. person. Even if the Turks subjugate the entire Arabian Peninsula, they don’t find half of what is needed, they simply will not be able to create their own market.
    Turkey will never be accepted into Europe (they are simply afraid there). So, Turkey has a real political and economic future (whatever one may say) only in the Customs Union "...
  12. Valery Neonov
    29 October 2013 07: 52
    But for me, first of all Russia thinks about India in the CU rather than about Turkey; Nazarbayev is playing his game with Turkey ... How is it with Stanislavsky: "I don't believe!" ... hi
    1. Guun
      29 October 2013 08: 37
      Nazarbayev wanted to introduce a single currency in the post-Soviet space - Russia does not agree. Chop off Turkey from the west - the first step to victory, do not forget the French and the British hated each other - right now the Allies and together bombed Libya. India and Turkey will be accepted and everything - maybe other major players will want to in the Customs Union, China will definitely want to follow India, it should not be left behind.
    2. +1
      29 October 2013 12: 57
      Quote: Valery Neon
      But for me, first of all Russia thinks about India in the CU rather than about Turkey; Nazarbayev is playing his game with Turkey ... How is it with Stanislavsky: "I don't believe!" ... hi

      A TS without a common border and a unified transport system costs nothing, there are heads ready to turn Syria on, it would be better to turn on a head, many countries, this does not mean better, especially with the condition that each country has a VETO right in the TS, it’s interesting when Turkey or Syria, or India will begin to block Russia's proposals, what will it look like? Think about it
      1. Valery Neonov
        29 October 2013 13: 45
        And what about Israel, after all, the same desire in the TS appeared among the children of Moses, among some more "chosen and exceptional" ... or again ... a:
        Abram sits with Sarah at home and sees through the window that Chaim is coming to them.
        Abram Sarah:
        - Look, right now he will come in and will beg for something!
        Chaim enters:
        - Abrash, will you use a drill?
        “Yes, I will need her all day!”
        - That's wonderful, can you borrow your fishing rods for a day ?!

        see http: //www.1tv.ru/news/polit/244874
        1. +1
          29 October 2013 14: 49
          And what about Israel, after all, the same desire in the TS appeared among the children of Moses, among some more "chosen and exceptional" ... or again ... a:

          Strange, I wrote, maybe we need to turn on our head, where is the CU and where is Israel, we have nothing to do there, t to all the problems in it, you will again blame us, and we are different, both in development and in the vision of the economy
  13. serge
    29 October 2013 07: 55
    The Customs Union is the restoration of the Soviet space with varying degrees of integration. The largest - for the Slavic republics, including Kazakhstan. The smallest - for Asian. Turkey has absolutely nothing to do with it; it will ruin this alliance in half-turn.
    1. -2
      29 October 2013 08: 10
      Quote: serge
      Turkey has absolutely nothing to do with it; it will ruin this alliance in half-turn.
      Exactly. And India is not needed, with its one billion hungry mouths. Let's all r @ obviously support, and Egypt to the heap, and Libya and a friendly column, under the pioneer drum to hell.
      "Yes! We are Scythians, yes! We are Asians, with slanted and greedy eyes ...".
      I zameusnovat this nonsense. Why - I won’t answer right now (it’s time to work), in a couple of days, God willing, they will skip my article, I will explain why.
      1. +2
        29 October 2013 08: 43
        Quote: a52333
        And India is not needed, with its one billion hungry mouths. Let's all r @ obviously support, and Egypt to the heap, and Libya and a friendly column, under the pioneer drum to hell

        And here India, Libya, Egypt. TS is an economic union, selling goods on preferential terms. If any country with a developed economy has expressed a desire to join the Customs Union and it meets and accepts all the rules of the Customs Union, then why not consider it?. We don’t feed not Kazakhs, not Belarusians, so why should we feed India. On the contrary, it should please that at least someone wants to join us, otherwise NATO and the EU are heard
        1. +2
          29 October 2013 08: 59
          India is working for food throughout the country (literally). and this says in the first place that when they work, the brain is off. So a billion mouths, two territorial conflicts. wild overpopulation, unsanitary conditions. You know that Indians specifically cripple themselves. to give alms better? And they also want to TS.
  14. +1
    29 October 2013 08: 02
    Difficult and ambiguous question
  15. makarov
    29 October 2013 08: 04
    In order to understand the purpose of the material, in my opinion you need to have an idea about the author. MEET.

    President of the company of expert consulting "Neocon".

    Born in 1962. In 1979 he entered the Yaroslavl State University. In 1980 he transferred to Moscow State University, in 1984 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (Department of Probability Theory). In 1984-91 worked in the system of the USSR Academy of Sciences (RAS). In 1992 - head of the analytical department of ELBIM Bank. From 1993 to June 1998 - in the public service. 1993-94 - Work Center for Economic Reforms under the Government of the Russian Federation, 1994-97 - Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, 1997- June 98. - Economic Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Retired State Councilor of the Russian Federation III class.
    Since 1998 - a professional consultant.
    Since autumn 2002 - President of the Neocon expert consulting company (specialization: strategic forecasting and GR).
  16. -5
    29 October 2013 08: 05
    In order for the dollar to stretch out a little more, all TNCs (on command)) began to go to China ....
    A certain group (let's call them conditionally "Rothschilds" built in the steppe a lot of buildings in the form of pyramids and circles (ASTANA)) promising Bai NarSultan some "nishtyaks" in the future world government)))))

    For the development of some ALTERNATIVE option, where the dollar will no longer be .....
    There will be several currency zones (large enough))) and Nazarbayev - SPEAKS ABOUT THE OUTLINES OF SUCH GROUP))) (one of ,,,,, (country of Oz))))

    Of course, there he is assigned a place like "Putin"))))) OLICE-creation of this land gathering))))
    And one of the main roles ......
    "Sly Bai narSultan" at least counts on it))))
    The Rothschilds will be a kind of "currency changers" between these zones ----- This is the postulate ....

    But with a high degree of probability that everything will be wrong ....
    Not only the rules are changing
    Both the "elite" and the paradigm will change ....
    Money will no longer be a "Product" - as soon as ... (financial markets will die, and therefore Nathans and Narsultans))))
    which means that the projects of the Rothschilds, NarSultan and the "world government" will not come true ...

    It seems to me)))))
  17. +3
    29 October 2013 08: 06
    Quote: Valery Neonov
    But for me, first of all Russia thinks about India in the CU rather than about Turkey; Nazarbayev is playing his game with Turkey ... Like Stanislavsky: “I don’t believe!”.

    I think I agree with this statement. Thus, Nazarbayev wants to make himself a kind of airbag, especially since Turkey and Kazakhstan have the same Turkic-speaking roots.
    1. +6
      29 October 2013 14: 31
      Nu muzhiki, just as impossible. You are always cheating. Look at the latest facts that are reflected even on this site. The West delivers weapons through Syria to Syria, even chem. op. . Organized militant bases. And now, when they started turning on the back, they blame Turkey for everything. Erdogan realized that he was framed, and then thrown. So he asks for allies to us - in the west, nothing shines, only the role of a puppet.
      Okay, guests y me from Kiev. I ran. hi
  18. Valery Neonov
    29 October 2013 08: 07
    It makes sense for Russia to include India in the Customs Union, if only because military-technical cooperation with India relies heavily on joint development and joint production. But an alliance with Turkey will not give such advantages in these areas. hi
    1. 0
      29 October 2013 13: 00
      Quote: Valery Neon
      It makes sense for Russia to include India in the Customs Union, if only because military-technical cooperation with India relies heavily on joint development and joint production. But an alliance with Turkey will not give such advantages in these areas. hi

      But has she already asked? In general, the bulk of the comments boils down to the idea, as if in the TS there is a turn and the biggest problem of the forum residents (as well as the Kremlin), which one to choose
  19. +2
    29 October 2013 08: 12
    "Let's take Turkey," Nazarbayev said.
    For some reason I’m not surprised.
    1. 0
      29 October 2013 14: 57
      Quote: Was Mammoth
      "Let's take Turkey," Nazarbayev said.
      For some reason I’m not surprised.

      And what did Turkey answer? Does anyone have an intelligible answer?
  20. andru_007
    29 October 2013 08: 14
    Quote: Valery Neonov
    And for me, it’s first of all for Russia to think about India in the Customs Union rather than about Turkey

    In the long term, the CU is a political association, do not forget about it. And India or China will simply absorb the vehicle. They will resettle a couple of villages on our vast expanses, and then they will annex them as the northern province.
    With Turkey, the matter is different, the population is enough for us to form a market, but not enough for absorption.
    By the way, open the map and you will see Turkey is an exit to the warm seas (which the Russian Empire has always strived for), it is drawing the entire Transcaucasus into the Customs Union (Georgia and Azerbaijan are also not foreign countries), this is the key to the Balkans (Turkey is afraid of it in the union with Russia, it seems, nothing), Turkey is blocking its territory with alternative ways of supplying gas to Europe and many other pluses.
    I think that when Russia and Turkey come to an agreement with Ukraine and Moldova no one will ask them any more just to join the CU.
    1. +3
      29 October 2013 08: 22
      Not everything is as simple and rosy as you described. Turkey, or rather the current leadership, has completely different political views on the world, values ​​and ambitions. We are out of the way.
      1. Analyst
        29 October 2013 11: 35
        Quote: Scandinavian
        Turkey, or rather the current leadership, has completely different political views on the world, values ​​and ambitions. We are out of the way.

        + You better not say.
  21. andru_007
    29 October 2013 08: 22
    Quote: serge
    Turkey has absolutely nothing to do with it; it will ruin this alliance in half-turn.

    There is a risk, but Russia has no choice. Either to Europe along the Ural ridge or negotiate with Turkey ...
    1. Valery Neonov
      29 October 2013 12: 46
      Agree with someone ...., briefly, yeah: "Without an agreement between Ukraine and Turkey on the supply of reduced natural gas through the Bosphorus, the possibility of exporting LNG to Europe will disappear, and until 2023 Russia will continue to provide Europe with at least 30 percent of natural gas."

      "The agreement between Ukraine and Turkey on the supply of LNG through the Bosphorus, providing access to the Black Sea, could be the most significant achievement of European energy security. Such an agreement will put downward pressure on current LNG prices due to high demand and insurance premiums in Asia, and ultimately provide Europe with cheap shale gas through a competitive alternative market. "- and why is Russia ...
      [b] And for a "snack" so to speak: [/ b] According to the instructions of the European Parliament, “The European Union can and should take a more active part in creating a safe environment for the Black Sea. Being a full-fledged regional player, he should promote cooperation on an equal footing, and refrain from the role of the sponsor, which he plays, for example, in the Mediterranean. Being a privileged partner of all countries of the region, the EU should use bilateral relations with each of them, including Russia and Turkey, in order to promote the security of the Black Sea region. ”
      [b] see http://mixednews.ru/archives/43484 [/ b] So to draw conclusions from Russia, not Kazakhstan ... yeah!
  22. andru_007
    29 October 2013 08: 28
    Quote: Scandinavian
    Thus, Nazarbayev wants to make himself some kind of airbag, especially since Turkey and Kazakhstan have the same Turkic-speaking roots.

    Nazarbayev, as far as I remember, is the only one of the leaders of the Union republics who was against the collapse of the USSR ....
    1. Guun
      29 October 2013 08: 32
      He perfectly understood what the collapse would lead to and how long it would take him to rake it later - he is a smart politician but many clan players behind us spin their game.
  23. +4
    29 October 2013 08: 36
    the problem is that the longer liberals remain in power in our country, the less time will be spent on constructive actions, the more severe they will be. And for this reason, the main task of any patriot today is the fight against the liberal hebr that defines the policy of our state. And the words of Nazarbayev can be considered the starting point from which this struggle becomes open and obvious.

    This is all correct, only by "turning" our heads to the Washington "hangers-on" (liberals) will we get out of the hole they have pushed us into. Nazarbayev, even under the EBN, submitted the idea of ​​a Eurasian Union, but "Borya the Alcoholic", amid the cries of liberals and "wine vapors", harshly rejected this idea. And then it would be very timely and less losses.
  24. andru_007
    29 October 2013 08: 38
    Quote: Guun
    Alas, the TS cannot become political, but military, and even more so - not for this it was created

    The EU was also conceived in the 60s of the 20th century. like a union of steelworkers and nothing. And the CU has a much more powerful foundation, all the more the political science concept - Eurasianism has already been developed. I advise you to read the lectures of Professor A.G. Dugin ...
  25. +3
    29 October 2013 08: 39
    "the creation of a Eurasian currency zone, on a territory much larger than the USSR and is one of the centers of power of the post-crisis world"

    that's cool.
  26. -3
    29 October 2013 08: 43
    Quote: andru_007
    Nazarbayev, as far as I remember, is the only one of the leaders of the Union republics who was against the collapse of the USSR ....

    To declare on the wreckage of the former empire at that moment it was possible anything that he did, and for the red words it is convenient for the descendants to read what happened from history.
    1. +6
      29 October 2013 09: 17
      Chatting is true, you can do anything. But remember activity, which Nazarbayev has been consistently undertaking over the past 22 years on the topic "Integration post-Soviet space. "And for comparison (this is always better seen) compare with the actions of the leadership others 14 former republics of the Soviet Union for the same period.
      To begin with, after Belovezhskaya Pushcha (where only three states generally agreed), the next significant meeting of the heads of countries took place in Kazakhstan with a very definite agenda and a concrete outcome.
  27. 0
    29 October 2013 08: 54
    Quote: Guun
    Alas, the TS cannot become political, but military, and even more so - it was not created for this. This is not the SCO for you.

    Dear if you think so, then console yourself with such hope because the blessed one believes in a fairy tale about a white bull.
  28. +6
    29 October 2013 09: 19
    Please do not confuse the CU and the Eurasian Union.
    TS is a clean economy - the introduction of a single customs tariff and standardization / certification.
    Turkey is the 75 million market of 1 trillion. TS is 190 million with a market volume of 2 trillion.
    In case of joining the vehicle - 265 million with a volume in excess of 3 trillion - this is a completely different weight category.
    There are no eternal friends in politics; there are only eternal interests. If Turkey strengthens the Customs Union, why should we be against ??? Why should we let our gains go in favor of petty wrongs from the past? The USA, the EU and the West are generally bent - all satellites are beginning to look for an alternative - China or the Customs Union? Perhaps tomorrow there will be more competitors from the "new world".
    Seek your advantage, take advantage of the weakness of the West - gain allies and reduce enemies.
  29. +1
    29 October 2013 09: 26
    A lot of people, little oxygen! There are no fundamental contradictions between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, and to collect participants from the TS from whom it is not known what contradictions inside the TS to wait, this is a lot of chances for failure.
    1. +2
      29 October 2013 09: 33
      In economics, the larger the market, the more oxygen!
      In the USSR there were 293 million, the USA - 350 million - such large economies dominated and therefore Europeans created the EU. Everyone offends the little ones. Airbus and other German-French giants capable of competing with the Americans were created in the EU.
  30. ed65b
    29 October 2013 09: 32
    We have common borders with Turkey. so from entering the vehicle is only a plus. I do not think that the Turks will rush to move to permanent residence in Russia. And of course, Nazarbayev and the handy Turk will be fighting off the Slavs alone.
    1. +1
      29 October 2013 10: 04
      Quote: ed65b
      And of course, Nazarbayev and the handy Turk will be fighting off the Slavs alone.

      Why contrast? There is a good old Soviet movie "Circus". The idea of ​​the film united the whole big country.
      Workers and capitalists, red and white, this religion and that religion, religion and atheism, white and black (add any opposition if desired). The beauty of the situation is that as soon as something opposite appears, then there is something to fight with.
      And while you fight bloody snot with them, completely different people take their another benefit. Old as the world. It does not lose its relevance absolutely. At the same time, it became commonplace to talk about it. And yet. Divide and rule!
      Resisting this is both easy and difficult. Search and deepen the general, get rid of the separator. And not vice versa.

      It is necessary to unite.
  31. +3
    29 October 2013 10: 06
    Quote: sergey32
    We’ll restore the yoke, let's call ourselves the Horde and ruin Europe. wassat

    Igo-in Russian - Order.
  32. +1
    29 October 2013 10: 34
    Talk about Turkey’s entry into the Customs Union was called political blackmail.
    "Thus, Turkey wants to blackmail the European Union, with which it has been negotiating EU accession since 2005"
    Read more: http://news.nur.kz/287965.html
  33. 0
    29 October 2013 11: 03
    For Erdagan, Assad is a killer (this is if with the development of an economic into a political union).
    The incomprehensible position of some site visitors:
    Turkey is asking for 10 years in the EU and wants to TS-URA.
    Ukraine wants to EU and TS-FE.
  34. +9
    29 October 2013 13: 11
    Article "on the role of Nazarbayev at the present stage." On the international scene, to the best of his strength, he defends the interests of Kazakhstan, on the post-Soviet scene he tries to revive old economic ties with integration projects, and in domestic politics he has rebuilt an established state. "Grandfather" suits me as the president of Kazakhstan, not without mistakes, and whoever does not have them, we are all real people and everyone has the opportunity to make mistakes. I have often heard the expression that we were lucky with the president, but I think the president was lucky with the people (remember the hungry year 95-2000, when we had no electricity, no gas, no heat, no work, no salaries) so "luck" we have a mutual and sane 01 and sane people.
    1. +2
      29 October 2013 14: 17
      Quote: Semurg
      Often heard the expression that we were lucky with the president

      The increase in oil prices in 2001 is clearly not his merit. wink

      Quote: Semurg
      but I think the president was lucky with the people

      1. +3
        29 October 2013 14: 47
        Quote: Zymran
        The increase in oil prices in 2001 is clearly not his merit.

        But he managed to take advantage of this factor, he did not blow it.
        Backfill question: When did you start attracting investments in the oil industry and when did the price of oil begin to rise?
        1. +1
          29 October 2013 18: 45
          Quote: kosta_cs
          Backfill question: When did you start attracting investments in the oil industry and when did the price of oil begin to rise?

          Investments began to attract in the early 90-ies. Oil prices began to rise after the start of the military operation of amers in Afghanistan, i.e. 2001 year. I remember back in the middle of the same year a barrel of oil went for 12 dollars.
          From 2001, by the way, the rapid economic growth of Kazakhstan began.
          1. 0
            29 October 2013 21: 03
            Help oil
            February 2000 - 27,8
            July 2001 - 27,8
            January 2004.-31
          2. 0
            30 October 2013 07: 59
            Quote: Zymran
            Investments began to attract in the early 90s.

            This is his merit. In that they began to move in the right direction in advance and were ready by the right moment.
      2. +2
        29 October 2013 15: 06
        Quote: Zymran

        The increase in oil prices in 2001 is clearly not his merit. wink

        His merit is what he leaves behind? How is Stalin full of gold bins, or how are Gorbachev some debts? We will recall him by his inheritance. Mistakes - let the receivers rake, not all of them come to the ready.
        1. 0
          29 October 2013 18: 47
          Quote: Lindon

          His merit is what he leaves behind? Like Stalin full of gold bins

          What are such bins? You at least ask the older relatives how it was in the post-war years. Even in the middle of the 50's.

          Quote: Lindon
          or how are Gorbachev some debts?

          In my opinion, the answer is obvious.
    2. +3
      29 October 2013 15: 01
      It’s enough for Nazarbayev to leave behind a controlled state with a big stash. The rest of the problems which he did not master because of the mentality, let him leave it young. Let the receiver defeat corruption, bring industrialization to mind, and then down the list.
      Stolypin asked for 20 years of peace for Russia, and given our backwardness - in fact, 20 is not enough years. We are only up to the level of the Kazakh SSR. China has been flying like a rocket for 30 years, but the USA still hasn’t caught up. We still need 100 years of the world. Will fate give them to us?
  35. andru_007
    29 October 2013 19: 33
    Quote: Analyst
    What are you saying, you probably confuse the horde with Byzantium?
    Even the double-headed eagle came to Russia during the reign of Ivan 3 from Byzantium.
    Prince Ivan 3 married Sophia Paleolog, sister of the last Byzantine emperor, and Russia became the successor of BYZANTIA, including adopting a two-headed eagle. And the horde was rather paid tribute, but in 1380, Dmitry Donskoy refused to pay tribute to the Horde and transferred the throne to his son without the knowledge of the khan. Yes, after the Tokhtamysh raid in 1382, Russia again had to pay tribute, but it was already not so great. Russia is no part of the Horde

    Poorly know the history dear. In "Zadonshchina" the Grand Duchy of Moscow calls itself only the Horde-Zalesskaya. And in the Horde, the principality was part of the Jochi ulus.
    Russia - Horde is a very interesting, great and mysterious period of our history. During this period, our people adopted a part of the Horde worldview, in which cowardice and betrayal were considered the greatest evil, and what is Yang Genghis Khan, which determined the equality of all religions and determined Russian religious tolerance for many centuries. It was during this period that the largest monasteries were built, the domes of temples were covered with gold (Europe still cannot boast of this). As far as I understand, business at that time was conducted in Russian. Foreigners noted the excellent work of the post office and if I remember correctly, good roads (!!!!)
    But this is all the details, most importantly the Russian princes recognized the Horde’s power because it was an order. Saint Alexander Nevsky just did not beat the crusaders and never rose against the Horde. Why ask? Yes, they paid tribute (at that time who only didn’t pay anyone), but the tribute was affordable, much less than the state rip us off, if I’m not mistaken, about 10%, and they didn’t always pay. Russia was part of the gigantic empire of Tartaria. And when the empire weakened, Russia, in strife, conquered the Horde inheritance, subjugating almost the entire territory of the Horde. So, Russia is the second Horde. And only then, if I am not mistaken, in 1555 she declared herself the third Rome.
    There is a lot to say about the Horde, but unfortunately after Peter and his European aspirations, the history of Russia - the Horde began to be gradually wiped, then the concept of yoke appeared (unfortunately).
    In my opinion, without the Horde, Russia would be a small neurasthenic state, Poland is what we would be ...