Stolen future


When I was a child, I was carefree and, like all children, played football, climbed trees and did not think about the future. But once in the village of my grandmother, I discovered the “Pandora's box”. This drawer was an old folding sofa, inside of which were stacks of worn magazines covered with a layer of dust. These were the magazines “Technology - Youth” 60-70's. Through a layer of this dust, I saw pictures of space ships, cities of the future and the amazing beauty of the planet.

Stolen future

My childhood imagination began to draw beautiful pictures of the future, where I live in the city-gardens, travel by flying cars and can fly to other planets. Probably it was also my father who represented all this when he was small and first opened these magazines ...

I believed these magazines because adults wrote and spoke in them that way. Adults that children so want to be like. They wrote that at the beginning of the 21st century all this will be real!!! In the 2000s, interplanetary flights will become a daily routine, commonplace. Heavy, monotonous, low-skilled labor will be performed Robots. There will be no disease or war. The whole planet, the whole civilization will direct its strength, power and energy to the knowledge of the universe, to the discovery of new worlds, to creation!!!

So in our imagination we painted OUR future OUR fathers and grandfathers. They did not doubt it. They believed in it! They believed because they were able to survive in the Great Patriotic War! We were able to rebuild our Homeland in a short time, master the near-Earth space and launch man into space! They knew the price of the world!

They died for us. They built the future for us. With their selfless labor they forged the country that was the strongest in the world! And they did it for us !!!

We were the first in space! And now the rockets cannot take off ... We built the world's first UAV that flew into space and returned! And now we are bragging that we have installed a glider from the model aircraft club and attached a camera to it ...

You look at our past ... What scientists ... What designers ... What thinkers and writers ... What ancestors !!! Previously, young people have sought to the stars! To scientific discoveries! To heroic challenges! And now, they boast that they pour chic to expensive toilets, light a cigarette from hundred-dollar bills and spend huge amounts of money on nonsense. They would do it in the presence of those who shed blood for US! Who made the greatest sacrifice - his life. We have no right to deal with the memory of ancestors.

I am overwhelmed with feeling of anger when PTs sit on their memorial plates, for the sake of stupid photos, when young people smoke from eternal fire.
Why is it all turned? Why do those in power only see where to snatch, where to steal? Where did they leave their conscience? Why, when I grew up, I did not see what I was promised from the pages of OUR fathers magazines?

Soon I will have children myself, and I want them to see what our fathers and grandfathers dreamed of almost half a century ago.
But for now, I want to say one thing:


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  1. +76
    1 October 2013 08: 29
    The holiday is over, harsh everyday life has begun, when you work not for your country, but in the pocket of very specific bankers
    1. +54
      1 October 2013 11: 03
      Quote: Civil
      when you work not for your country, but in the pocket of very specific bankers

      After our country went through the crucible of perestroika and came out of this hell, barely holding on to cotton feet with a collapsed economy, lost territories (the republics of the USSR) and an impoverished people, immediately along with the collapse came a hypertrophied market-based economy and the so-called "Western values" ... Everything that had been instilled in us over the course of 70 years collapsed at once and another alien, incomprehensible and even in a certain sense hostile appeared! The new generation has accepted the rules of this "game" and now there is no place to go? Well, we 40-50 year olds can no longer find a place in the new system? I would like to wish only one thing, that this period and its long-lasting consequences would end and our COUNTRY would become an economically powerful state with strong spiritual faith with a people living in prosperity, united by a single society!
      ANOTHER one such restructuring and we will cease to exist as a state and as the RUSSIAN world in general ??? My future has already been determined, finalized to retirement and, poorly, it is poor to accumulate something in order to meet old age with dignity! Personally, I would now be happy to return to childhood, everything was perfect there! Here are friends and dear colleagues from me a gift.

      Remembering childhood.

      Still want guys
      Clean childhood
      My life as a film
      Unwind on a reel!

      Hello cute garden
      My cozy, old house
      The yard where childhood was raging
      Favorite maple outside the window!

      And friends are more beloved than blood
      Campfire sitting in a circle
      Favorite song votes
      Soul happiness awake!

      How joy is fleeting
      Flying years of days
      But sits in the summer of July
      Childhood is in my memory !!!
      1. +16
        1 October 2013 13: 15
        Quote: Arberes
        Everything that was instilled in us during the 70 years collapsed at once and another alien, incomprehensible and even in some sense hostile

        It didn’t collapse, just temporarily on the surface, foam and garbage, I really hope that all these sewage will be washed away by a clean stream and the country will return to the normal path of development, where there will be no place for extortionate thieves in power.
        1. +7
          1 October 2013 19: 26
          I also hope that all that is happening is a litmus test and then concrete actions will begin on the painted parts
          1. cat 1970
            3 October 2013 05: 42
            this article really touched me for the "live". I'm 51, I grew up on Golovachev, though I don't like his current fighters. I want a great country to be proud of. I fought in the nineties when practically all the press spat on us. when the wives shouted: "where are you going and what are you fighting for." I fought for Russia and maybe it survived because of such people. I believe, even if not me, but my children will see other planets.
      2. +6
        1 October 2013 18: 18
        Arberes SU Today, 11:03 ↑

        Thanks, moved drinks
      3. +3
        4 October 2013 11: 52
        Arberes, it’s a pity you can’t immediately put +50. :-)
        Gold words. and the article is wonderful
    2. +18
      1 October 2013 11: 13
      Bankers from far abroad ... Honestly, they, like a church, once inhibit progress ...
      1. Owl
        1 October 2013 16: 12
        Unfortunately, a complete upheaval of the public administration system took place, the ass got higher than the head and now it is this part of the body that commands the head. If in the Soviet years, People tried to make a career and then increase the power of the Country, now the main task is to steal more and then share with higher ones, so as not to get caught. I don’t feel sorry for the money that I will transfer to help the flood victims, I regret that this money will be stolen and again not one of the thieves will be harshly and cruelly punished (example: Serdyuk, Vasilyeva and other thieves from the Olympics and summits).
    3. +4
      1 October 2013 19: 24
      the banker is a vampire. Consonant words? but you can still add a third aspen stake
    4. +5
      2 October 2013 07: 19
      the heart was pinched from memories ... it was ALL!
  2. waisson
    1 October 2013 08: 32
    to amers, it was at the hands of their instructors that they were leading to their filthy democracy, and they were striving for something and would run into the old order. I think we were ahead of the rest of the world and not CHINA. decomposition of society, etc.
    1. +41
      1 October 2013 10: 08
      All this is useless, the education system is destroyed. Here is what you need to fix.
      1. +20
        1 October 2013 11: 52
        Quote: Canep
        All this is useless, the education system is destroyed. Here is what you need to fix.

        (+) you are a plus, but in my opinion this is not the most important thing for me. It is necessary to re-create the system of values, which just suspects the formation of personality in the process of learning and gaining life experience on the basis of RUSSIAN culture and Orthodoxy. To our great regret, a system alien to the Russian person is being imposed on us, various isisms and -cracies, it is necessary to fight against these false values. And then after all, young people can be fooled.
        1. 0
          1 October 2013 15: 00
          Quote: seller trucks
          We need to re-create the value system,

          These just have to deal with the education system.
        2. +16
          1 October 2013 19: 25
          what the hell is Orthodoxy, if I, as an Orthodox, are spat in my face today. Peskov gives a concert in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, with the approval of the patriarch, and this is against the background of the history of Pussy Wright. What values ​​can Orthodoxy instill if, to please the allocated budget, the dancing sodomites are allowed into the heart of our church. Orthodoxy was strongly following the canons, but apparently this time is passing, as well as the time of dreamers and thinkers by the way.
          1. Dober
            1 October 2013 20: 12
            Quote: tomket
            Peskov performs a concert in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

            This pedrilo has already "rolled out the rationale" that (allegedly) the "Hall of Church Councils" is jointly managed by the HCS and the Moscow authorities, the premises are municipal property and are used not only for church needs, but also for social events. "That is, this stuffed full of holes is clearly does not want to "sit down on a dvushechku" like puski.
            Singing and twirling the hollow of Sands will be in the basement of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where the "Hall of Church Cathedrals" is located, which is used, among other things, for concerts.
            Peskov's antics in the HHS should take place on October 3, it will be timed to coincide with Teacher's Day. As the "artist" himself said on his website, the performance will become part of the charity action "Help Children".

            Whoa how! Try to be indignant now. Then the "Shenderovichi and the helminths" will zzhudyut - "Viii shtoo? Such a pghotiv of teachers or children ...?"

            And where does the patriarch look, or does not know? Most likely he is fawning before the authorities, because only his word and not only this bunch of pidyuryug (normal brow on such acting is not bad) will not happen, but he will also have to hide himself over the painted bullshit.
            And then it will not be a zapadlo to any really respectable priest, in a chair on which a drilled hollow of a passive liberalist had previously been placed ...

            Shl. Something will not fly into the head of anyone to dance at Kadar Khan or in the museum of the "Holocaust" at Lazar ... It will be a "bright show", but the last ...
          2. +2
            2 October 2013 05: 22
            )))) And for what then do the guns sit?)))) For the fact that the Mother of God screamed the exile of Putin?))))
            1. Dober
              3 October 2013 14: 15
              Quote: Snoop
              Because the Mother of God roared Putin's exorcism?

              It doesn't matter what they yelled there. If only “Mother of God, call Putin (to yourself).” The main thing is where they did it.
              And they got it for "hooligan".
              If we put on colored tights on our shoes and shout "Glory to Putin" in the same place, then we will probably be awarded?
              Or maybe we'll do something like that in a mosque?
              Well, if only a will to write in advance ...
              1. +1
                4 October 2013 17: 55
                shouting "glory to Putin would get only 15 days
                1. 0
                  5 October 2013 09: 26
                  I agree))) would be regarded as an administrator)))
      2. +9
        1 October 2013 11: 54
        Quote: Canep
        the education system is destroyed.

        They still continue to destroy it, Lebanon wants everything so that our universities fall into Western prestige ratings, the stump is clear that if we are better than them, we will not fall into their ratings, so he wants to make a semblance of their defective education model ..
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. Yarosvet
          1 October 2013 16: 12
          Quote: DEfindER
          Lebanon wants everything
        3. Yarosvet
          1 October 2013 16: 13
          Quote: DEfindER
          therefore he wants to make a semblance of their flawed model of education ..
      3. +6
        1 October 2013 12: 52
        And this is the same, but the most IMPORTANT thing, in my opinion, you must first find honor and conscience first within yourself. Shouting "give" "return" when at the very window in an apartment or house they are not washed, there are shit and cockroaches in the house, a lopsided fence, window transoms are not painted and dirty, children are dirty and unwashed. As soon as we respect and love ourselves, then the next steps can be taken.
      4. GDP
        1 October 2013 13: 25
        Already corrected only sometimes it seems that it would be better not to fix it. There was a stadium near my house. From all over the district, the guys wanted to play football there. The leather ball association decided to help the children. They set up a chic lawn, put a nice gate, a tower, surrounded the stadium with a fence and paid for the game either 2000 or 4000 rubles per hour ...
      5. AVV
        1 October 2013 14: 27
        A country of accountants and lawyers, but we need engineers, designers, and programmers !!!
      6. +1
        1 October 2013 18: 17
        Quote: Canep
        All this is useless, the education system is destroyed. Here is what you need to fix.

        And let's start with the family. After all, it is the family that should provide the foundations of morality and education. Let's breed and bring up worthy people who despise TV, love work, their country and the people of our multinational country
      7. +2
        2 October 2013 09: 11
        Quote: Canep
        All this is useless, the education system is destroyed. Here is what you need to fix.

        ".. And now, they boast that they are chicly pouring expensive wines into the toilet bowls, lighting up on hundred dollar bills and spending a lot of money on nonsense .. I am overwhelmed with a feeling of anger when PTs sit their F on memorial plates, for the sake of a stupid photo, when young people light up from the eternal flame ... "
        It would also be nice to come up with what to do with such people in the future, people who want to wipe themselves with megabytes in a golden toilet and light from them. The Soviet Union came to the end not least because there were many such people at the top or close to them, all kinds of farmers, speculators, etc.
    2. -17
      1 October 2013 11: 36
      Quote: waisson
      amers this in the hands of their instructors led to their filthy democracy what they sought and ran into

      Yeah, what "filthy democracy" is doing in South Korea, northern neighbors laugh at them, wiping away tears of bitterness about the lost opportunities that their southern brothers were deprived of ...
      Even in Japan, the Americans planted democracy through atomic bombings, the Japanese suffer no measure ...
      1. +6
        1 October 2013 13: 15
        Moreover, both the ROK and Japan are essentially colonies of the USA. There are troops of the USA, the economy has risen on borrowed money from the USA or for the "import of capital" to work for the overseas uncles. We, too, follow the same road. But it does not work because we do not have American troops in the territories. True, you don't need to get upset too much. As they say, there are positive aspects, but we will not be buried under the rubble of the Empire.
        1. -10
          1 October 2013 13: 43
          Quote: alicante11
          Moreover, both Kazakhstan and Japan are essentially colonies of the USA

          Colonies? You are scattered with such words, the meaning of which you probably do not understand. A colony cannot be more developed than a colonizer; this is nonsense. A colony can only be a source of resources and a market for its goods. Can this be said about Japan and the Republic of Kazakhstan?
          1. +3
            1 October 2013 14: 09
            Now it can. Because the whole industry was taken to the colony. But political dependence on this is not decreasing. You have very outdated concepts about colonialism. Now neocolonialism has long been in use.
            1. -4
              1 October 2013 14: 25
              Quote: alicante11
              Now it can. Because the whole industry was taken to the colony

              You attract terms by the ears. If that were the case, there would be no war between Detroit and Toyota, which Detroit had already lost by the way. And the Apple-Samsung war fits in with your theory?
              1. +5
                1 October 2013 16: 13
                Very simple. There is an opinion that the state at this stage of history is purely formal. The actual impact on geopolitics is determined by transnational corporations (TNCs). Then think for yourself.
              2. +2
                2 October 2013 02: 11
                I do not attract anything and for nothing. There was no "war" between Detroit and Toyota. It was just that the city leadership resisted, quite reasonably, the withdrawal of production from it and its transfer to the same Japan. Since production means jobs and taxes to the city treasury. Forgive me, but I drive a Suzuki-made Chevrolet Cruze, as far as I remember, initially a Chevrolet is an American brand. But now it is produced in Japan, as you can see. Who gets the fat from this? Brand owners who absolutely do not care where their cars will be produced, if only the profit is maximized. I repeat to you once again that neo-colonialism takes production out of the country in order to maximize profits. And in order to keep these industries under its own hood and not lose income from them, the USA keeps its bases everywhere and maintains a dozen aircraft carrier groups, in case, for example, Suzuki refuses to allocate capacity and workers for the production of an American brand, or grabs him.
          2. Turtles
            5 October 2013 20: 10
            And who said that Japan and Kazakhstan are more developed than the United States?
        2. Gul
          1 October 2013 18: 43
          Do you understand that now the mighty Russia is importing capital to the USA, therefore, the Americans are your colony, you have to be proud!
          1. 0
            2 October 2013 07: 30
            Very clever and sharp. And where is it interesting in the USA that our troops are garrisoned? Where are our at least not 10, but at least 5 atomic carriers with escort? When will we think with our heads? Or just write at least something?
            1. Gul
              2 October 2013 20: 30
              Well, your generals, colonels, and in some places majors have long occupied the prestigious quarters of Miami and New York, London and Nice, Paris and Munich (well, there’s a lieutenant colonel’s daughter). And the aircraft carriers are engaged in ensuring that your not worried - what is unclear then? Think about what you want.
              1. 0
                3 October 2013 14: 35
                Is this you specific data with posts and surnames you can bring? Or so, shake the air with thick trolling?
                1. Gul
                  4 October 2013 10: 26
                  I’m kaneshno, for example, Lieutenant Colonel Putin, daughters live outside Russia, one in Munich, the second married to a Dutchman, but still in Holland. But don’t be lazy, go to ROSPIL, you will learn a lot of interesting things. Is religion not allowed?
      2. GDP
        1 October 2013 13: 27
        South Korea was their ally and springboard to contain the USSR. And Russia is an enemy. This is an important difference.
      3. BotaniQ
        1 October 2013 13: 50
        I would look at that South Korea, and Japan, when they would lose sales markets, through the fault of the collapsed USSR, like North Korea and other socialist countries. There were times when southerners envied the northerners. We not only lowered ourselves, but also other states that believed in us and hoped for us.
        And where is human progress? The Soviets retreated, and the world was simply flooded with goods in colorful packaging using technologies from the 60s and 80s. Well, that's it, we've arrived, the demand is over. And then what? War? To roll the entire market into ruins and spin the "plate" of capitalism again? The achievements of the USSR are still visible, but what can the Russian Federation boast of? Previously, the majority lived with ideas and dreams, and now they have personal needs.
        1. 0
          1 October 2013 14: 21
          Quote: BotaniQ
          I would look at that South Korea, and Japan, when they would lose their markets, due to the collapsed USSR, like North Korea and other socialist countries

          And what markets did the DPRK have? What and to whom did they deliver?
          Quote: BotaniQ
          And where is the progress of humanity? The councils retreated, and the world was simply inundated with goods in colorful packages using the technologies of the 60-80s. Well, that’s all, we arrived, the demand is over.

          Well, somehow you are too dull. Before me, for example, a few items that are not related to 60-80m. years. And the way to communicate with you is not the same from there.
          If it seems to you that the world is static, then many will disagree with you.
      4. +2
        1 October 2013 21: 18
        Quote: Nayhas
        Quote: waisson
        amers this in the hands of their instructors led to their filthy democracy what they sought and ran into

        Yeah, what "filthy democracy" is doing in South Korea, northern neighbors laugh at them, wiping away tears of bitterness about the lost opportunities that their southern brothers were deprived of ...
        Even in Japan, the Americans planted democracy through atomic bombings, the Japanese suffer no measure ...

        do not compare the small half-Korea with the giant of the USSR with huge resource reserves, this is incomparable and democracy has nothing to do with it! USSR industry could afford in the future both cities on the moon and independence from the rest of the world and bright future! WE could afford Communism - little Korea without support from outside NO!
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. New Russia
      1 October 2013 11: 38
      "to increase the term of service in the army, to return articles for parasitism and sodomy, to remove from the screen the propaganda of violence and decay of society, etc."
      So this is the main thing in your opinion? And not the policy of ministers in the education of science and medicine?) They passed a law on the promotion of homosexuality, since then I began to hear about homosexuals 100 times more often, it was thanks to this law, although before that I had completely forgotten about their existence. It is necessary to return the country to the people, and the policy of the government should reflect the will of the people. While the authorities are working for the oligarchs and thieves do not expect any changes.
  3. +22
    1 October 2013 08: 33
    And I was taught to do any business in such a way that my relatives were not ashamed. And for a long time I wondered if I was getting a lot about what was done. It was not a perfect time, but it was normal to help someone else, expecting a better one, planning their future.
  4. Volkhov
    1 October 2013 08: 36
    To capture the Earth, the Venusians worked (deceiving, killing, raising their henchmen) for 6000 years - so they don’t intend to return the future, take it yourself.
    1. +5
      1 October 2013 13: 31
      It’s interesting ... but you previously reported that the Germans captured our planet, who defeated us, it turns out, in WW2 ... they are now sitting at the bases, controlling .... :))) you, remember, sent me to the Gulf of Bothnia to make sure the existence of their bases .... I swear no one has sent me so far yet ... :))) and now the Venusians ... would you decide ... or are the Germans the natives of Venus? No, if you said that the Japanese, I would believe ... but the Germans seem to be so terrestrial, we fought so much with them that, already, consider, we became relatives .... :)))
      1. +1
        1 October 2013 14: 10
        Shaw for nonsense, really.
      2. Volkhov
        1 October 2013 16: 42
        You are a capable communist agitator, do not pretend to be moronic - everything is clear in the articles:
        - Venusians refugees from the disaster, our ancestors took them and took them out 6000 years ago
        - Zionists, their pupils and agents for work among people
        - The Nazis appeared at the beginning of the 20th century as a reaction to the "Red Terror" of Zionism and opposition to the revolution in Germany.
        Nazism from World War II came out militarily stronger than Zionism - the capture of Germany was a tactical success, but the elite with the best weapons and science evacuated and the Russian fleet is now testing their torpedoes in suicide mode - what remains of the strike forces? Propaganda does not completely replace reality and the formation of a herd of sheep is only a biblical tradition but not a way to victory - the enemy must still be seen.
        1. +3
          1 October 2013 19: 30
          For the compliment that I am a capable communist agitator, thank you, no kidding ... only some communists will disagree with you :))).
          And I, honestly, did not pretend - neither my God, how can I pretend with you if you see through everyone ...
          Well, by God, it’s interesting for you to read ...
          Yeah ... the enemy must still be seen ... no words ... you are incomparable.
          And you will not consider me too intrusive, if I ask, how old are you and what is your education?
          1. Volkhov
            2 October 2013 04: 27
            Quote: smile
            how old are you and what is your education?

            Make a horoscope?
            What is the point of your activity - a virtual epaulet, a public load ... it doesn’t look like paid trolling, it doesn’t look like belief either.
            1. Arabist
              2 October 2013 20: 37
              You look like a free clown.
          2. Gul
            2 October 2013 20: 35
            Some Communist-devotees who disagree with Comrade’s line Volkhov, waiting for reeducation at the Venusian construction sites of the national economy. And that’s right, as a certain general secretary used to say.
            1. Volkhov
              2 October 2013 23: 42
              Quote: gyl
              awaiting labor re-education on the Venusian construction sites of the national economy. And it is right

              No, it’s not right - the price of an erroneous course is not work at all — take an interest in the sailors, and they were discouraged in advance.
              The site is like a military one, and peaceful psychology is very inertial.
        2. Dovmont
          1 October 2013 20: 15
          Well, who are you arguing with !! ?? These are stupid earthlings, they even ostracized your obvious rightness !! Better fly to us on Aurora - life is more interesting there, and closer to Jupiter!
          1. +2
            1 October 2013 22: 56
            A nightmare: Zionists, Nazis, Venus ... wassat Clinic.
            1. Gul
              2 October 2013 20: 38
              No, a modest rural hospital ...
          2. Volkhov
            2 October 2013 04: 17
            A good concrete proposal, only earthlings are stupid, but their ... suddenly they can help?
  5. +27
    1 October 2013 08: 41
    Already a frost on the skin, I remembered myself, there was also a sofa with magazines ... fanatic and not only with a flashlight under the covers (has nothing to do with sex, if anyone doesn’t know laughing ), parents punishing for it ... winked
    1. +12
      1 October 2013 11: 33
      And they punished us, took away the flashlights and menacingly asked: -! In the end, will you sleep or not ?! "
      1. +10
        1 October 2013 13: 34
        Yeah ... the same story ... we, it turns out, had similar parents ... and our childhood was the same, one for all, like the country ....
        1. +4
          1 October 2013 13: 37
          Quote: smile
          .da and childhood we had the same, one for all, like the country ....

          THANKS FRIENDS for faithful and kind words !!! drinks
        2. Alex 241
          4 October 2013 01: 47
          Damn, yes, I remember all these covers, my parents wrote out, THANKS TO THEM! And also Modelist Constructor, Young Technician, Science and Life. And the program "Obvious incredible" with Kapia!
          1. 0
            4 October 2013 16: 37
            From the 9 issue for the 1979 year, I redrawn this astronaut to the wall newspaper, increasing it three times over the grid .. I still remember how I pored over it .. Eh .. =)
    2. +3
      1 October 2013 14: 17
      On my top shelf, the magazines "Technology of Youth" are gathering dust, mostly from the 70s. So sometimes you want to abandon everything, and revise and re-read old magazines in paper form, and not a PDF document (although all the magazines are downloaded somewhere).
      Already a frost on the skin
      when I saw the magazine cover illustrations.
      1. +3
        1 October 2013 15: 11
        So our hand does not rise to throw these magazines, as well as "Around the World", "Science and Life", "Eureka" ...
    3. Dovmont
      1 October 2013 20: 20
      GELEZNII_KAPUT And I had a personal closet where I could easily read "Technology-Youth", "Science and Life", "Around the World"!
      1. 0
        2 October 2013 20: 32
        During the day, there were no problems reading, but the time was somehow spent on other things, but from evening to night ..., as always, in the MOST INTERESTING place, parents "catch" us with a flashlight under the covers, and a book or magazine will be taken away.
        In general, I feel sorry for today's children, looking at how they spend their time. I do not see a "spark" in their eyes, there is no romance in them, they seem to have nothing to dream about.
  6. +11
    1 October 2013 08: 42
    You look at our past ... What scientists ... What designers ... What thinkers and writers ...
    You know Andrei, the past cannot be returned, and as it was in the years of the USSR, it will never be. We switched to the rails of Capitalism, and as a consequence of this, we have everything described above by you, and what leads to anger, and not only you. Let's be nostalgic, remembering the work in the old years, the salary that could fly across the entire Union, there and back, about the Pioneer camps, the stations of Young Technikov, about food (natural), sausage with "toilet paper" which I am now with I would have tasted it with great pleasure. Who gave it to us then? The state, then there was a different ideology, but now there is none, Where do modern youth go, and the young generation? in nightclubs, gateways, where there is talk about who is debauchery, who once. from, and to whom and in zd. That's the whole modern ideology. request
    1. dmb
      1 October 2013 10: 13
      Sorry, but why are you so sure of this. I think it will return. Moreover, we and our children already have experience that our parents did not have, and this will help to avoid certain mistakes that our ancestors made when building socialism and communism. You see that capitalist society cannot offer anything other than what Marx and Lenin proposed as theoreticians as a path of development. They spend a lot of money on all sorts of Rockefeller institutions, but they cannot offer it. About our would-be political scientists, I generally keep quiet, here all the intellect ends when invoicing for "consulting services". And modern youth ... Yes, while they are preoccupied with survival and, thanks to a gigantic fooling machine, they still believe in the possibility of quickly acquiring a burgundy jacket, a Mercedes and a villa in the Canary Islands. However, not so much the opposition, as the government itself, regularly by its capitalist nature, making "gifts" like price increases, bank bondage, moving ships and renaming the police very quickly sober up young people. Some fellow citizens still hope for the construction of "capitalism with a human face," but the faces of Shuvalov, Putin and Chubais. clearly show that this utopia is worse than communism. By the way, no one can explain why communism is a utopia. The strongest argument: "So Solzhenitsyn and Putin said."
      1. -20
        1 October 2013 11: 39
        Quote: dmb
        You see, that nothing other than what Marx and Lenin proposed, as theorists, capitalist society can not offer as a way of development.

        What Marx and Lenin "suggested" died long ago, for 70 years and was enough, capitalism is more alive than all living things.
        1. dmb
          1 October 2013 12: 14
          And in fact, why did you personally not like what they proposed, and why the society is worse than today. As for "dead", it is not over yet. By the way, isn't Cuba an example of vitality. They used to shout that without our support it wouldn’t last a day, but they still exist. And China is not at all a country of classical capitalism. Judging by your spiteful commentary, you consider capitalism the perfect form of society. I wonder why he attracts you so much?
          1. -6
            1 October 2013 14: 02
            Quote: dmb
            They used to scream that without our support, they won’t last a day, but they still exist.

            That's right, exist. For the sake of this, they actually returned the order that was under Batista, "Cuba is a big brothel", did Fidel fight for this?
            Quote: dmb
            And China is not at all a country of classical capitalism

            Of course, it just doesn’t smell like socialism there.
            Quote: dmb
            Judging by your malevolent comment, you consider capitalism a perfect form of society

            In no case. The most tenacious form, yes. But if some system survives better than others, then it means it is correct. Attempts to develop along the communist path have nowhere led to a good result, 100% failure. Capitalism, on the other hand, takes root everywhere, giving, if not everywhere, a positive result. Advanced countries such as Japan, the Republic of Korea, the USA, European countries developed along the capitalist path (if you do not like the United States, then Singapore will take its place), and China itself has risen thanks to the transition, if not 100% to capitalism. If a country failed to come to prosperity this way, it’s sad that for those who went to communism the result is completely negative.
            1. dmb
              1 October 2013 15: 17
              Well, where is the logic? If capitalism is a society imperfect, then it is absurd to assume that humanity is willing to agree to it. You would not want to live in a society that has developed on the territory of the Chechen Republic even now, and even more so in the recent past. For you could live there only as a slave. Consequently, humanity will still strive for a society more prosperous than capitalism. Marx and Lenin said what it would be, someone else, no. Otherwise, I think other forum users seem to have answered, even my regular opponent has no objections here. Particular: are the differences between social democrats and communists so significant? Let me remind you that up to a certain point they were all called the RSDLP (b).
              1. -2
                1 October 2013 16: 56
                Quote: dmb
                If capitalism is a society imperfect, then it is absurd to assume that mankind is agreeing to live in it.

                So lives the same.
                Quote: dmb
                Consequently, humanity will still strive for a society more prosperous than capitalism.

                Of course, but so far this does not go beyond the size of any communities, mainly on religious grounds. Too different people, an attempt to equate out of common virtue is doomed to failure in advance.
                Quote: dmb
                Marx and Lenin said what it would be, someone else, no.

                Come on, how many there were ... It was just that the Communists succeeded in conducting experiments on people.
                Quote: dmb
                Are the differences between social democrats and communists so significant? Let me remind you that up to a certain point they were all called the RSDLP (b).

                Well, Hitler also had the National Socialist German Workers' Party, also, it seems, by the name socialism was built on national soil ... The name of the party does not always reflect the essence. For example, the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan and the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia are completely different parties, although in the name the difference is only in territorial affiliation. If the first is moderate right, then the second are outspoken leftists.
                1. dmb
                  1 October 2013 20: 42
                  But tearing quotes from the text is not correct, this is usually done when there is essentially nothing to say. One must think that the Milyukovs, Rodzianko, Alekseevs, etc., also naively believed that the Russian people would be moved by them and throwing off Nikolashka would establish capitalism in Russia forever and ever. They existed for an extremely short time, much less than the Soviet Power that followed them. Judging by that. how actively the present capitalists are exporting capital over the hill, they took into account the experience of the Milyukovs, and do not hope for the long existence of capitalism in Russia. Regarding the second ripped out quotation, let me remind you of the main postulate of Lenin, so not loved by you. If you give a person a lot of food and beautiful rags. he will not become a communist. It is a long process of educating a person who lives for the sake of others. And it begins in the family, at work, among neighbors. It does not consist at all in memorizing quotations from the same Marx. but in reaching out a hand to a brother in need of help and not cutting his throat because of the inheritance. Your last quote is evident for those who have never been interested in the history of the party. And those who are interested know that, who stood at the head of the party along with Lenin, Plekhanov, Struve, and Zasulich were not born communists, but were natural social democrats and wanted socialism no less than Lenin, only they went to him in different ways. Lenin's path was able to save the country after the chaos into which it was plunged in February 1917, but the "democrats", except for chatter, did not particularly distinguished themselves, well, perhaps, having come to power in 1991 and staying in it to this day, they significantly reduced the territory and population ...
                2. Misantrop
                  2 October 2013 09: 32
                  Quote: Nayhas
                  It’s just that the Communists succeeded in conducting experiments on people.
                  Really? But the experience of multiculturalism, conducted on a large scale in capitalist Europe? Or political correctness, when under the guise of respect for the person all the filth that is openly cultivated by a perverted mind is openly cultivated? Or juvenile justice, whose sole purpose is the destruction of the family and family relationships?
            2. Misantrop
              2 October 2013 00: 07
              Quote: Nayhas
              But if some system survives better than others, then it means it is correct.
              In some tribes of equatorial Africa, the cannibalism system has been successfully surviving for many thousands of years. She is the oldest. Does this mean that she is the most correct? wassat
        2. +7
          1 October 2013 13: 24
          Not dead, but killed, like you.
        3. GDP
          1 October 2013 13: 30
          This is not about Marx and Lenin. And about a great country capable of great achievements ... About people who are able to take the future with leaps and bounds, for the sake of their country and not for the sake of money ...
        4. +7
          1 October 2013 13: 40
          Quote: Nayhas
          capitalism is more alive than all living things.

          Analyzing the evolution of capitalism, from its inception to the present day, there is no doubt that one way or another, we must come to a social system of the communist type. The capitalist elite, of course, will look for its own version, like a "new world order", which is essentially a new version of a slave-owning society, this will become the main obstacle in the development of mankind. So, you were in a hurry to bury Marx.
          1. -2
            1 October 2013 14: 27
            Quote: alex13-61
            Analyzing the evolution of capitalism, from its inception to the present day, there is no doubt that one way or another, we must come to a social structure like a communist one.

            This will never happen. Yes, capitalism has a growing social component, but it will never be overwhelming.
            1. 0
              1 October 2013 14: 39
              Quote: Nayhas
              This will never happen. Yes, capitalism has a growing social component, but it will never be overwhelming.

              Mankind "grew" passing from one scheme of the structure of society to another. Something like this: primitive communal, slave-owning, feudal, capitalist ... and looking at the changes taking place in society, what is the next system? .. based on the fact that it is impossible to "freeze" development ...
              1. +1
                1 October 2013 14: 42
                Quote: alex13-61
                For example: primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist.

                The order is different - primitive communal, feudal, capitalist, slaveholding
              2. -3
                1 October 2013 17: 00
                Quote: alex13-61
                Humanity "grew" passing from one scheme of the structure of society to another.

                I do not deny the process of evolution. But where is the evolution of communism? Socialism? It ended with the collapse of the USSR. I just ask you not to give an example of China, it does not smell like socialism there.
                1. +2
                  2 October 2013 07: 33
                  I do not deny the process of evolution. But where is the evolution of communism? Socialism? It ended with the collapse of the USSR. I just ask you not to give an example of China, it does not smell like socialism there.

                  In fact, what kind of evolution of socialism can we talk about since the USSR did not crawl out of wars throughout its short history? It began with the Civil War, continued the Second World War and ended with a crushing defeat in the Cold War. There was no time for evolution. To survive ... and even then they didn’t. However, I think that the Stalinist model of socialism could well compete with the capitalists, it is a pity that they departed from it.
            2. wax
              1 October 2013 22: 28
              Yes, capitalism has a growing social component

              Not "growing", but "growing" while the USSR was. Name at least one CAPITALIST country where the social component has grown over the past 20 years. I hope that we have no different interpretations of the concept of "social component" - this is not a transition to computerization or replacement of iPhones, improvement of equipment and technologies, but an increase in social protection of the majority of the population.
            3. Misantrop
              2 October 2013 09: 35
              Quote: Nayhas
              This will never happen. Yes, capitalism has a growing social component,

              And again not so. Not FLOWERS, but GROWS, while socialism was alive, with which it was possible to compare. Do you feel the difference?
        5. +3
          1 October 2013 13: 58
          It was in order not to die of the capitalist world under the influence of communist ideas and having a competitor, the rapidly developing socialist states were forced to change their systems and humanize themselves and adopt the elements of socialism — look at what kind of social system they had in the 80-90s .. . The collapse of the social camp as a result of the defeat in the Cold War gave them the resources of the robbed countries — but this is only a delay — from the systemic crisis — they cannot go anywhere — or they will turn into a mixture of socialism and capitalism slope to socialism, or they kick the bucket. This also concerns us.
          1. -6
            1 October 2013 14: 32
            Quote: smile
            It was in order not to die of the capitalist world under the influence of communist ideas and having a competitor, the rapidly developing socialist states were forced to change their systems and humanize themselves and adopt the elements of socialism — look at what kind of social system they had in the 80-90s .. .

            Capitalism, as you put it, has been humanized thanks to the Social Democrats, the Communists have absolutely nothing to do with it. On the contrary, the struggle against communism contributed to the totalitarianism of the capitalist states and impeded development.
            1. Misantrop
              2 October 2013 09: 38
              Quote: Nayhas
              Capitalism as you put it humanized thanks to the social democrats, the Communists have absolutely nothing to do with it.
              They all lived in the USSR, if with its disintegration all "humanization" was abruptly blown away?
        6. GDP
          1 October 2013 14: 08
          It’s hard to create a paradise for everyone, much easier for one at the expense of everyone. And it’s much easier to live in the present than in the future. Previously, we tried to go the first way - now we go the second, but so far there is not enough experience ...
        7. +1
          1 October 2013 21: 39
          Quote: Nayhas
          Quote: dmb
          You see, that nothing other than what Marx and Lenin proposed, as theorists, capitalist society can not offer as a way of development.

          What Marx and Lenin "suggested" died long ago, for 70 years and was enough, capitalism is more alive than all living things.

          Yeah, what "filthy democracy" is doing in South Korea, northern neighbors laugh at them, wiping away tears of bitterness about the lost opportunities that their southern brothers were deprived of ...
          Even in Japan, the Americans planted democracy through atomic bombings, the Japanese suffer no measure ...

          I'm nepoymy what are you driving at? Well, yes, davat, we also repent before the Americans, they are so well-willed, democratically infallible, let’s say so they were mistaken, sorry, we were mistaken, the dark ones didn’t know, we’ve only been good to you for 70 years and we’ll enter into NATO and give the resources (those that have not succeeded ) and just do it we will only dance to your tune and it will be as good for us as Korea and Japan SO belay!!!
    2. +2
      1 October 2013 13: 49
      You know, but not all modern youth is the other way around, lately I have noticed very significant changes in her worldview ... now it is becoming fashionable to be a patriot, it sounds, of course, wild, but it's better to do that. Yes, they know less than us, but the attitude towards Russia and its history was very different from what I observed in the 90s ... And it is also capable of heroism and real actions, like their ancestors. Moreover, many of them even unnecessarily idealize the past.
      So that not everything is lost, I think that everything will be corrected over time, and it depends on us, on how we educate them, and not according to the principle-do as I said, but-do as I .... if we educate them an embittered generation of egoists who is incapable of anything but shouting loudly, will grow obese, always dissatisfied with everything, always requiring everything from the state or uncle. and Down!
    3. Yarosvet
      1 October 2013 16: 22
      Quote: Sirocco
      We switched to the rails of Capitalism, and as a consequence of this, we have everything described above by you, and what leads to anger, and not only you
      In which document is it stated that "we have gone over to the rails of capitalism"?
      This is not, But there is the 7th article of the Constitution, which is violated in the tail and mane by the current government.

      then there was a different ideology, but now there is no
  7. +22
    1 October 2013 08: 54
    In the 60s and 70s, all kinds of opportunists infiltrated science and technological societies, as well as the authorities, a whole category of people appeared who actively parasitized on the work and achievements of others ... These people are now on horseback, they hired PR managers and speech writers, but their rotten insides and incoherent thoughts still break out ... It was they who stopped the country on takeoff, they wanted to live for themselves ... Now they are not satisfied with the people on which they parasitize ... And childhood of 70-80 was really beautiful, probably a lot Oh, it wasn’t, and it wasn’t necessary if I had a jigsaw and a soldering iron in my hands ... I collected my toys from various designers myself, sculpted the soldiers' figures from wax plasticine, although I had wonderful sets of tin soldiers and military equipment .. . But we tried to do a lot ourselves, we cooked in the garages frames for homegrown karts with an engine from IL, visited technical clubs and sports sections, and no one bothered with all sorts of stupid things that were actively promoted on TV ... Even school dances played in our schools ... We strove for a different future ...
    1. +20
      1 October 2013 09: 54
      Yes comrades, just right to say - "Back to the" future ".....
      Yesterday there was a good article about the space of Oleg Kaptsov, ... a look at the Earth, from the side))) the truth is with the American component .....
      We had a future and probably IS ....
      Model designer, Radio, Boats and Yachts, Young Technician, ISKatel, Around the World and I’m in the attic, by the way, my youngest son sometimes studied and read them))) - she’s studying at ITMO (more or less normal university that provides education))
      But We poheril potential Union (the most powerful state-va))
      Putin sank the MIR Space Station (mind you, he did not create it, but destroyed it))
      The satellite constellation of Space Intelligence facilities has died ....
      Closed High-tech base in Lourdos (Cuba)
      Roscosmos led bl.ya, oh Vedischeva (or someone thinks that Popovkin))))
      "Energy" does not fly, amers use our engines and pay us a penny ...
      All telecommunication equipment is imported ...
      Radio parts and components-Asian))
      We are not building anything (except boats)))

      All for some reason. We have read these magazines and have poached the country to human hybrids ...
      We Humans need to take it back and issue such magazines again and build according to the formula
      But Wait, only meaningless words)))) in the Valdai language ......
      1. postman
        1 October 2013 12: 43
        Quote: Asgard
        true with the American component .....

        there would be a similar component of ours - I WOULD LOOK WITH OUR
        Let me remind you that Voyagers started in 1977, before Gorbachev and Yeltsin, another 10 years, the country is at its peak. Is something like this STARTED?
        Quote: Asgard
        Putin sank the MIR Space Station (mind you, he did not create it, but destroyed it))

        and her, but where does Putin ??? He, of course, did not "walk under the table" at this time

        OK “Mir” - all the work cost a lot of money. Only direct costs for the development of the program and the creation of the main base unit amounted to about 3 billion rubles ($ 4,2 billion at the official rate)*.
        The launch of the Mira base unit cost $ 1,6 billion.
        No less cost was required by the operation of the complex:
        - 1986 g. - 357 million dollars;
        - 1987 g. - 393 million dollars;
        - 1988 g. - 461 million dollars;
        - 1989 g. - 595 million dollars;
        - 1990 g. - 24 million dollars;
        - 1991 g. - 6,1 million dollars;
        - 1992 g. - 8,7 million dollars;
        - 1993 g. - 22 million dollars
        * Further, all price indicators are given in US dollars.

        So, in 1993, the United States invested in the Mir program. 73 million dollars (including 22 million dollars from the budget of the US government), in 1994 - 131 (81) million dollars, in 1995 -
        150 (96) million dollars, in 1996 - 211 (151) million dollars.

        BB OK Mir was designed to operate for a period of 3 years (ie, until February 20, 1989). Such initial life cycle had all five modules. The first extension was made in January 1989 (the life of the base unit of OK Mir was extended to five years, and the Kvant module to four, that is, until February 20, 1991). Then, at the Council of Chief Designers, it was decided to extend the life of OK Mir until mid-March 1994.
        Construction Group
        Given this set of measures, in 1990 the flight of Mir OK was extended until February 1995. By this time, it was planned to begin deployment of the Mir-2 station.
        loss of tightness of the Spectrum module in 1997
        The technical condition of OK “Mir” characterizes at this moment the following:
        - motion control system - lack of resources on the base unit, "Quant", "Quant-2" modules, lack of resources of the blocks of the computer complex, the resource of gyrodines has been exhausted, the warranty period for the operation of the proximity equipment 17Р65 ("Course-P") has expired;
        - a system for providing thermal conditions - does not provide the required thermal conditions; restoration of the efficiency of highways and system circuits is possible only if there is a crew on board the Mir OK;
        - power supply system - 8 out of 12 rechargeable batteries and automation devices have exhausted their life, CT 25-11 current stabilizer is out of order, the Quantum module’s solar battery is disconnected;
        - on-board measurement system - two transmitters of the BR-9TSU-5 system failed, resource deficiency of the BITS-2 system devices

        Quote: Asgard
        "Energy" does not fly,

        what to bring to her? Note: "Energia" and "Buran" essentially killed the Soviet cosmonautics, devouring all resources
        1. GDP
          1 October 2013 13: 59
          Station world? Was there something similar in the USA? How much load capacity of the tents 3,5 tons how much the snowstorm - 7 tons, and at the same time the snowstorm can start and land automatically and this list could continue for a very long time. It’s enough to mention that twenty years after the collapse of the USSR, Americans still fly into space on our engines ...
          1. postman
            1 October 2013 15: 06
            Quote: GDP
            Station world? Was there something similar in the USA?

            Quote: GDP
            How much load capacity of the tents is 3,5 tons, how much the buran has - 7 tons, and at the same time the snowstorm can start and land automatically

            You better not write about a topic in which nothing DO NOT UNDERSTAND
            1. GDP
              1 October 2013 21: 01
              Slightly mistaken in numbers, I read about this for the last time almost 20 years ago.
              1 Cargo launched from orbit:
              Shuttle - 14,4 Tons
              snowstorm - 20 tons
              The essence of these figures, in principle, does not change ...
              2 Shuttle sits down with idle engines. He is unable to land several times
              3 Unlike the shuttles, the Buran system provided an emergency crew rescue system. (Thinking about people - although some are trying to argue otherwise)
              4 Buran could detach from the launch vehicle and make an emergency landing.
              5. Buran, unlike the Shuttle, could take off and land automatically (And who after that will say that our technique is primitive?)

              If you want to object, give specific numbers ...
              1. postman
                2 October 2013 05: 27
                Quote: GDP
                Slightly mistaken in numbers,

                A little ??? Having brought the PN for the Shuttle in geostationary orbit, and for Buran in the DOE?

                The mass of the payload launched into a reference orbit with an altitude of 200 km is approximately the same: for the Buran - 30 tons with an orbital inclination of 50,70, for the Space Shuttle - 29,5 tons with an inclination of 280. The mass of the payload returned from orbit to the Earth, 15-20 tons, the American Shuttle can return 14,5 tons.

                Quote: GDP
                1 Cargo launched from orbit:

                Shuttle has made (and) 135 flights, Buran -1

                Quote: GDP
                The essence of these figures, in principle, does not change ...

                Very, very much change !!!!
                shuttle returned the MOST EXPENSIVE-marching engines(there are 15 of them in stock now), Buran shunting, 16 tons each.
                Therefore, the mass of the returned load is less!
                Due to the fact that the USSR did not succeed in creating marching engines that would fit into the orbital shuttle .... they had to be installed on block O
                About lateral solid propellant rocket engines, I generally will not say anything.
                At the Shuttle, only the central tank burned out (do not return the thin-walled structure, empty (!) From altitudes of 70-100km
                BURANA-EVERYTHING (except glider) "reusable" system ???

                Quote: GDP
                2 Shuttle sits down with idle engines. He is unable to land several times

                Research carried out at the Institute of Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (now the Keldysh Institute) showed that the Space Shuttle makes it possible, by performing a maneuver of return from a floor or single-turn orbit along a route that was traditional by that time passing from the south over Moscow and Leningrad, having made some reduction - "diving", in their area to drop a nuclear charge and, in conjunction with the actions of other attracted funds, paralyze the system of combat control of the Soviet Union. The research was carried out by well-known scientists Yu.G. Sikharulidze, D.E. Okhotsimsky. MV Keldysh, based on the analysis results, sent a report to the Central Committee of the CPSU.
                On the table of the Secretary General of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union lies a note stating that that the American shuttle is capable of doing lateral maneuvers up to 2000 km, and even diving, say, over Moscow, with a subsequent return to orbit
                Should I continue to write to me?
                The keel shunting rocket engines were not READY, Buran had only 1 (!) Chance of approach.
                and the fuel supply (on board), that the fact that the other had PRACTICALLY SAMEFOR BRAKE IMPULSE AND CORNER OF ANGLE OF ENTRANCE
                1. postman
                  2 October 2013 05: 30
                  Quote: GDP
                  3 Unlike shuttles, in the Buran
                  Maxime allan faget

                  only in November 1995, after 12 years, the Soviet cosmonauts at a meeting in Houston could personally thank their savior Max Fage and presented him with a commemorative medal, and he himself for the first time saw in the faces of Vladimir Titov and Gennady Strekalov an example of the real work of his emergency rescue system of astronauts.

                  What are you writing about .... not true

                  Ejection seat "Burana" K-36RB
                  SAS Burana
                  Note: to the heights of something about 70 km, neither one nor the other could escape

                  Quote: GDP
                  If you want to object, give specific numbers ...

                  where y more specifically
                  Quote: GDP
                  5. The Buran, unlike the Shuttle, could take off and land automatically

                  - there was only one flight, UNMANNED !! How else can you fly without automation?
                  -with pilots-did not dare
                  -MCC controlled at all stages, except for braking, when the connection was lost
                  - the maneuver of the cancellation of the landing was performed by 4 BCECMs (in my opinion, from the T-80), faster than the operators reacted.

                  About "primitive" - ​​go to any airport whose equipment.
                  Fly to Tu-204 and Boeing 737
                  these stupid questions will disappear.
                  VOYAGER FINALLY

                  design perfection is the ratio of the payload to the initial mass of the rocket - the Space Shuttle has 1,45, while the Energia has 1,26.
                  note: the remnants of the elements of thermal protection of the snowstorm are gathering dust with me somewhere in unnecessary things, I gave part of it to Voenmekh
                  1. GDP
                    2 October 2013 09: 56
                    This is a serious argument, at least as regards the snowstorm. On the Internet, talking about comparison is written mainly in favor of a snowstorm. You have found something new, apparently everyone praises his own.
                    But if Americans are so advanced in space, why fly our rockets? Why couldn’t they create something like the station of the world, why they didn’t take the first photographs from Venus, why they weren’t the first to go into space, the first to take the photograph of the back of the moon, and this could continue for a long time ...

                    As for the flooding of the world, I never objected to the fact that it had to be flooded. I say that it was part of our great achievements ...

                    I do not deny that America has achieved a lot; I deny that we supposedly did not achieve anything and always lagged behind ...
                    1. postman
                      2 October 2013 14: 07
                      Quote: GDP
                      This is a serious argument,

                      Yes? and here DISADVANTAGES OF THE STUPID JUST ANONYMS on my post they say the opposite, well, God bless them

                      Quote: GDP
                      You have found something new, apparently everyone praises his own.

                      What should I "look for"? During this period I studied, one of the course students (self-supporting) was on the topic: the use of porous elements in the TB ISS "Buran" (I simplified the name), a bunch of photos (paper): my leg on the fairing of the spacecraft "Energia" (how much I could lift being at the very top), I'm on the runway of the "jubilee" position, etc., etc.
                      Quote: GDP
                      apparently everyone praises his own.

                      I praise ours, but I am a "fighter for the truth"
                      ONE time lip-slap-liars and schemers have already overrated) their swamp (remember "if tomorrow is a war ... we will fight on foreign territory" - 1941-942-1943 fought .... on our long-suffering

                      Quote: GDP
                      But if Americans are so advanced in space, why fly our rockets?

                      -closed the Shuttle program (accident), laughed, BUT 135 launches (!)
                      -Americans are extremely mercantile: it would be profitable (and would have the opportunity) would fly on Iraqi, mani, mani, mani
                      -Astra, Delta, Arian (there are Russian taxiways here), number of SHIPPED taxiways and number of launches (69 or 49, in my opinion and there are about 20 in stock), ASK KAPTSOVA OLEG: I sent him the number of SK and SP in the USA, the number of launches per year .... WILL BE SHOCKED
                      Quote: GDP
                      Why could not create something like a station world

                      -Skylab (worked out its predetermined resource until 1979), take a look at the sizes, be surprised, there is no need to squeak about accident rate - take a look at accident rate at our CS
                      -Bill Gates and Steve Jobs made a PC by this time. An unbiased calculation shows: a person is not yet needed in orbit, it is not profitable (air, spacecraft systems, spacecraft volume, weight, vibrations (farted, sneezed, snored) that affect work, eat, wash, go to the toilet, RETURN MAN back). Cope with all the work is much better AUTOMATION, easier (the mass of PN in orbit) by orders of astronauts - repeat: Americans are mercantile
                      -And you look at the achievements of the Americans:
                      -first docking in orbit, well, etc., although you are here:
                      Quote: GDP
                      and this could continue for a long time ...

                      well continue ...
                      1. postman
                        2 October 2013 14: 08
                        Quote: GDP
                        I do not deny that America has achieved a lot; I deny that we supposedly did not achieve anything and always lagged behind ...

                        Show me the URYUK who claims that we were "trailing" from behind?
                        I will smear it on the pages of the Internet ...
                        How can this be argued?
                        A country that ONLY won in WW2, where there was nothing to wear and there wasn’t always enough to eat - FIRST: AES, FIRST COSMONAUT, etc.
                        What kind of a fool said that?
                        the same as in 2004, the celebration of the anniversary of the landing of the Allies in Normandy: the British convinced me that they won the war (Britain, with its persistent existence, KEEPED on the western front, that is about 145 divisions of the Wehrmacht ...)
                        I beat, my acquaintance German finished them off (with his feet belay ):
                        THE RKKA (CA) GRINDED MORE VERMACHT DIVISIONS ON THE EASTERN FRONT !!! to the Trash, and they "held back"

                        they put beer to us, in Normandy, together with the Americans, we went home to repeat the school program later.
                      2. GDP
                        2 October 2013 15: 19
                        good I respect Apparently I misunderstood the persistence in your comments regarding our failures in space ...

                        Often I see comments when some patriots urge in the name of Russia to tamper innocent Uzbeks and Tajiks in Moscow, which infringe on the interests of Russians. But here's something none of them are going to the North Caucasus to help those who really need their protection. And thank God!

                        Many people write that America needs to be thrown with missiles, because they do not respect us and surround stsuki military bases. But one broken face of an Englishman who does not respect the exploits of our grandfathers is worth more than a thousand of such comments :)
                      3. postman
                        2 October 2013 15: 40
                        Quote: GDP
                        Often I see comments when some patriots call in the name of Russia to tamper with innocent Uzbeks and Tajiks in Moscow, to

                        it was already ....

                        Quote: GDP
                        Many people write that America needs to be thrown with missiles,

                        For what?
                        Come on, everyone who writes 6 s, America Oshki, geitsy, etc. THOUGHT:
                        "What exactly (to me, to you, to him) BAD AMERICA TO RUSSIA (USSR) ???
                        -conducted subversive activities against the USSR? (see Internationals 1,2,3; see GPU, KGB, spies, agents of influence, GIANT INFUSION INFLUENCE in the Communist Party of the USA and the WORLD)
                        -was against the USSR in the Afghan war? (see Vietnam, Korea, China)
                        America collapsed USSR? = I find it ridiculous: empires collapse only by the subjects of empires themselves
                        and remember the good?
                        LIST OR NOT NEEDED?

                        Quote: GDP
                        because they do not respect us

                        You cannot force respect!
                        Make a life such that not one and a half ANT Angela Davis for 20 years will ask here (to us), but thousands (like in the USA) and that’s all.
                        "there is nothing to blame on the mirror if the snout is crooked"
                      4. Gul
                        4 October 2013 11: 12
                        Well, two-thirds of the Luftwaffe in the West and in the Reich air defense were involved. But the British did not wait when they were attacked, they themselves declared war on the adversary, and while the USSR provided everything that Hitler wanted, the British alone burned and drowned, burned and drowned. The fact that we didn’t just wash ourselves with blood, but gurgled and blew bloody bubbles, unfortunately, does not do much honor. Yes, to astronautics - do you not recognize the presence of a gloomy German genius as in the launch of the first satellite and astronaut, and ending with the lunar program and Saturn-5.
          2. Gul
            4 October 2013 10: 41
            We heard about Saturn-5 - The lunar program, or 141 tons into low Earth orbit.
        2. +2
          1 October 2013 14: 04
          Fine reasoned detailed commentary. Thank.
          By the way, nobody will probably answer you, there’s nothing - they’ll only cons, you don’t shout with foam at your mouth-Down! :)))
          1. +2
            1 October 2013 14: 16
            And what is there to answer? What is the post about? That space he has always been expensive and will be expensive for a very long time, everyone knows that. But the fact that before the USSR alone launched several space stations, and now the whole world is barely pulling the ISS, so this indicates a general economic decline.
            1. +3
              1 October 2013 15: 09
              And you did not notice that the Postman answered all-prosperous accusations of drowning Pu station Mir? Or do you think that the life of a station whose life was calculated to 89 years could easily be extended indefinitely? If not, the accusation is baseless, and this makes one doubt that the author is objective in his conclusions. And the fact that we are still pulling the ISS and restoring the satellite constellation suggests that we are getting out of the ditch into which we got in the 90s, nothing more.
              1. GDP
                1 October 2013 20: 49
                It's not about the fact that we flooded the world of dance, but about the fact that we built it and no other country had anything like it ... If you can, give arguments against ...
                1. 0
                  1 October 2013 23: 50
                  Here is a quote from the respected Asgard, to which the equally respected Postman answered:

                  But We poheril potential Union (the most powerful state-va))
                  Putin sank the MIR Space Station (mind you, he did not create it, but destroyed it))
                  The satellite constellation of Space Intelligence has died .... End of quote.

                  The answer is exhaustive and reasoned, therefore your argument is either a direct attempt to leave the topic, or simply a misunderstanding written by both opponents. Why should I argue with the fact that neither the Postman nor I challenged? Please read carefully ...
                  1. GDP
                    2 October 2013 10: 12
                    He did not comment on the statements of Asgard but mine. I didn’t say anything about it
                2. postman
                  2 October 2013 05: 33
                  Quote: GDP
                  and no other country had anything like that ..

                  1. GDP
                    2 October 2013 10: 42
                    When Skylab entered an almost circular orbit with an altitude of 435 km, the solar panels on the ATM opened, but the SBs on the station’s body did not open. Soon, the temperature inside Skylab began to increase catastrophically, reaching 38 ° C, and on the outside - 80 ° C. As the investigation showed, when removing from the station, a heat-insulating screen tore off one of the SBs and jammed the other. Skylab was left without power and thermal control, and its operation was almost impossible.

                    In total, only three expeditions managed to visit the station.

                    15 visited the world of only foreign expeditions
                    and all - 64
                    The station was visited by 104 astranaut several times

                    Station records:

                    Valery Polyakov - continuous stay in space for 438 days (1995 year).
                    Shannon Lusid - a record of the duration of space flight among women - 188 days (1996 year).
                    By the number of experiments - 23 000.
                    1. postman
                      2 October 2013 15: 51
                      Quote: GDP
                      When Skylab came on

                      let us compare the specific masses of Salyut, Skylab, Mira, and ISS (for Salyut, we take Salyut-7 - the latter, since almost all other "Salutes" had the same volume and mass - after all, they were all civilian versions of "Almaz".)
                      "Salyut-7": volume 90 cubic meters, weight 20 tons, specific gravity 20/90 = 0,22 kg / l.

                      "Skylab": volume 283 cubic meters, weight 77 tons, specific gravity 77/283 = 0,28 kg / l. 1973-1979

                      "Mir": volume 350 cubic meters, weight 130 tons, specific gravity 130/350 = 0,37 kg / l.
                      ISS: volume 837 cubic meters, mass 370 t, specific gravity 370/837 = 0,44 kg / l.

                      As we can see, specific gravity of Skylab - 127% of the specific gravity of Salyut, 76% of the specific gravity of Mir and 64% of the specific gravity of the ISS. But Salyut (Almaz) was much smaller than Skylab, and the pattern is clearly visible that the heavier the orbital station, the greater its specific gravity.
                      Quote: GDP
                      In total, only three expeditions managed to visit the station.

                      - take a look at the time (years)
                      - take a look here (accident ...):

                      Civil name Service name Opening hours Details
                      Salyut-1 DOS-1 19.04.1971/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      11.10.1971/175/22 XNUMX days, manned flight (PP) XNUMX days.
                      - DOS-2 29.07.1972/XNUMX/XNUMX Did not go into orbit due to a launch vehicle failure.
                      Salyut-2 OPS-1 04.04.1973/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      28.05.1973/54/13 1973 days. Depressurization April XNUMX, XNUMX. Not operated in manned mode.
                      Cosmos-557 DOS-3 11.05.1973/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      22.05.1973/11/XNUMX XNUMX days. Failure in the control system, which led to the complete depletion of fuel. Not operated in manned mode.
                      Salyut-3 OPS-2 25.06.1974/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      25.01.1975/213/13 XNUMX days, PP XNUMX days.
                      Salyut-4 DOS-4 26.12.1974/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      03.02.1977/770/92 XNUMX days, PP XNUMX days.
                      Salyut-5 OPS-3 22.06.1976/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      08.08.1977/411/64 XNUMX days, PP XNUMX days.
                      Salyut-6 DOS-5-1 29.09.1977/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      29.07.1982/1764/683 DOS of the second generation. XNUMX days, PP XNUMX days.
                      Salyut-7 DOS-5-2 19.04.1982/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      07.02.1991/3216/816 DOS of the second generation. XNUMX days, PP XNUMX days.
                      Mir (Salyut-8) DOS-6 19.02.1986/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      23.03.2001/5514/4594 DOS of the third generation - the world's first multi-module station. XNUMX days, PP XNUMX days.
                      Almaz-T OPS-4 29.10.1986/XNUMX/XNUMX It was planned as a second generation OPS. It became an automatic station, a manned mode is not provided. Did not enter orbit due to launch vehicle failure.
                      Cosmos-1870 OPS-5 25.07.1987/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      30.07.1989/XNUMX/XNUMX Became an automatic station, a manned mode is not provided.
                      Almaz-1A OPS-6 31.03.1991/XNUMX/XNUMX
                      17.10.1992/XNUMX/XNUMX Became an automatic station, a manned mode is not provided.
                      Almaz-2 OPS-7 01.01.1993/XNUMX/XNUMX Became an automatic station, a manned mode is not provided. It was not launched into orbit.
                      Mir-2 (Salute-9) /
                      Zvezda DOS-7 12.07.2000/XNUMX/XNUMX Became part of the ISS.
                      1. postman
                        2 October 2013 15: 55
                        I already explained WHY THE USA REFUSED MANAGED STATIONS, Voyager an example of automation efficiency
                        Quote: GDP
                        The station was visited by 104 astranaut several times

                        In general, over 30 years of operation, a fleet of five shuttles delivered about 1,6 thousand tons of cargo, or more than half of the total payload launched by all nations in the history of the space industry, into orbit,
                        Rate:The dimensions of the RRM experimental apparatus are 1,1 x 0,8 x 1,15 meters. The figures show how Dextre should simulate a satellite refueling, using a set of tools to dismantle parts that prevent the fuel hose from connecting to a hidden fuel line (NASA photo).

                        355 astronauts and astronauts flew in space shuttles.
                        including (in my opinion) 18 (!) RUSSIAN
              2. 0
                2 October 2013 02: 03
                No, I'm sorry, but I didn’t notice it. I noticed that there are costs for the Mir station. And how does this relate to the fact that she has worked out her resource, I do not understand. If you leave only the second part of the post and conclude that she has worked out her resource. Then it will be clear.
                1. postman
                  2 October 2013 05: 40
                  Quote: alicante11
                  I noticed that there are costs for the Mir station. And how does this relate to the fact that she has worked out her resource, I do not understand.

                  These expenses (crazy) were precisely caused by the fact that the STATION HAS worked out its resource, and attempts to maintain it were doomed(And Putin has nothing to do with it)
                  RSC "Etergia" for CS "MIR":the debt amounted to 1 billion 979 million rubles, of which about 1 billion - debt to related organizations and almost 1 billion rubles are debts on payments to the budgets of all levels.
                  there was no actual, physical ability to keep the World afloat MORE.
                  All other reasoning, reasoning dilettans.
                  There is a resource, it WAS worked out, many times
                  1. +1
                    2 October 2013 07: 42
                    I don’t enter anyway. First come three-digit numbers in dollars, then double-digit ... Express your thoughts more clearly. And conclusions are desirable. Not everything is in the subject.
                    1. postman
                      2 October 2013 14: 03
                      Quote: alicante11
                      I don’t enter anyway. First come three-digit numbers in dollars, then double-digit ...

                      There are rubles, there are dollars ... it’s not difficult to count
                      Quote: alicante11
                      Express your thoughts more clearly. And conclusions are desirable. Not everything is in the subject.

                      1. 0
                        3 October 2013 14: 44
                        - 1986 g. - 357 million dollars;
                        - 1987 g. - 393 million dollars;
                        - 1988 g. - 461 million dollars;
                        - 1989 g. - 595 million dollars;
                        - 1990 g. - 24 million dollars;
                        - 1991 g. - 6,1 million dollars;
                        - 1992 g. - 8,7 million dollars;
                        - 1993 g. - 22 million dollars

                        All million dollars. It turns out a fall from 595 to 24 between 89 and 90.
                        Mistake? Slip of the pen?
            2. postman
              1 October 2013 15: 15
              Quote: alicante11
              What is the post about?

              Why are you including a fool?
              WAS WRITTEN:
              Quote: Asgard
              Putin sank the MIR Space Station (mind you, he did not create it, but destroyed it))

              I have denied this.
              Dumb nihilism - it’s not constructive!
              Quote: alicante11
              and now the whole world is barely pulling the ISS, so this indicates a general economic decline.

              about 2010 billion euros (100 billion dollars or 157 billion pounds) would have been spent in 65,3
              NASA Expenditures on the ISS, excluding shuttle costs amounted to 37 billion dollars.
              Shuttle COSTS (on the ISS) amounted to + more (on flights to the ISS) for the entire period of approximately 38 billion dollars
              1. 0
                2 October 2013 01: 53
                You have denied that GDP drowned Art. WORLD, or your flight of thought I do not understand? No, the fact is that, in principle, I am not against the fact that the station worked out its own, if I remember this story correctly. And it had to be disposed of so that it didn’t work, as in Armageddon. But I still don’t understand how you refuted the fact that the station was drowned with GDP.
                If you wanted to say that the GDP is not to blame (it drowned), you should have said so, I would not argue with you. But what does the cost of the station. I do not understand point blank.

                about 2010 billion euros (100 billion dollars or 157 billion pounds) would have been spent in 65,3
                NASA spending on the ISS, excluding the cost of the Shuttles, amounted to 37 billion.
                Shuttle COSTS (on the ISS) amounted to + more (on flights to the ISS) for the entire period of approximately 38 billion dollars

                And then what did you want to say with your informative post? I'm really afraid to express my opinion, suddenly again I didn’t finish something :).
                1. postman
                  2 October 2013 05: 47
                  Quote: alicante11
                  I do not understand point blank.

                  I answered above.
                  Putin has stopped this disgrace.
                  And money .. no money do not go to a Ferrari
                  Quote: alicante11
                  I'm afraid to express my opinion, suddenly again I didn’t finish something :).

                  And this is for this:
                  Quote: alicante11
                  and now the whole world is barely pulling the ISS, so this indicates a general economic decline.
                  = not pulling the whole world, but the USA pulling

                  Quote: alicante11
                  suddenly again I didn’t finish something :).

                  Yes, no ... it's my fault, I put it this way .... the wife often does not understand, the reason: a lot of task
                  1. +1
                    2 October 2013 07: 43
                    = not pulling the whole world, but the USA pulling

                    And the USA is pulling the whole world :).
                    1. postman
                      2 October 2013 15: 46
                      Quote: alicante11
                      And the USA is pulling the whole world :).

                      And what is forcible?
                      All by agreement.
                      And who is stopping (hindering) Russia, what would the whole world pull it?
                      Yes, and not entirely correct: get acquainted with the industrial potential of the United States, what they say crap - it is crap.
                      1. -1
                        3 October 2013 14: 56
                        And what is forcible?

                        But what, not by force?
                        The USSR did not want to "pull" - already far, Libya Gaddafi did not want to - in the same place. Yugoslavia, Iraq, of course, are not so indicative. But anyway...

                        And what is forcible?

                        And who is stopping (hindering) Russia, what would the whole world pull it?

                        Yes, modesty, damn it, probably. For this we suffer.
                        This is how it turns out on the road. For the third time, the tail was broken. The first time because he let the grandmother pass through the pedestrian crossing, the second time because he didn’t want to jump out from behind the bus standing in front of the pedestrian crossing, and figs knows who bypasses him there along the crossing. And the third one stood at the traffic light - and in the woods, the miracle of the 42nd year of "release" did not even slow down ... The car was thrown from the brake by 10 meters. My wife had a concussion, my neck muscles were stretched, it was good that there were no children. In the same way, Russia is trying not to touch anyone, but for some reason everyone is touching her, dear.

                        Yes, and not entirely correct: get acquainted with the industrial potential of the United States, what they say crap - it is crap.

                        They have pumped up their potential. They were taken to China, to Japan. For example, I have a Chevrolet Cruz, produced by Suzuki. Although the Chevrolet seems to be an American brand, the famous iPhones are churned out in China. And Detroit is generally a song. Here is such a Labuda.
          2. postman
            1 October 2013 15: 08
            Quote: smile
            only cons

            and let me, I'll get a minus not for "pogazh", but for my opinion (hopefully true)
            A minus is no argumentsign of weakness and stupidity
            I don’t get reduced the statue (stars) as much as I didn’t ask, at least
            1. GDP
              1 October 2013 21: 03
              And you yourself give arguments before demanding them from others ...
              1. postman
                2 October 2013 05: 49
                Quote: GDP
                And you yourself bring the arguments

                I brought. above.
                brought it yesterday, but the stupid "you entered too long a comment." Everything is lost
                and today I spent the whole day fighting idiots at the Smolensk excise post
          3. Gul
            4 October 2013 11: 16
        3. +3
          1 October 2013 16: 53
          0,03% of GDP went into space in the USSR. Do you seriously think that it is expensive? And how many people worked for this industry? It was the locomotive that dragged the whole country, all the hi-tech, metallurgy, design idea and so on, even if we assumed that space was unprofitable (and this is far from the case) for the sake of maintaining the presence of high technology in the country it was worth spending money on it.
          1. postman
            2 October 2013 05: 54
            Quote: max702
            0,03% of GDP in the USSR went to space

            This is bullshit, a lie.
            The same as defense spending.
            USE SECRET DATA OF GOSKOMSTAT, analytics, I already wrote somewhere.
            even simpler:
            3.0,03% of the GDP of the USSR
            4. transfer to the USA
            TOTAL AMOUNT =
            OUTPUT : "Mir", Orbital group, flights to Mars, Venus, etc.
            practically without straining, she could execute (on the budget anyway) what thread Honduras and Ethiopia .....

            for such a penny
            1. GDP
              2 October 2013 11: 26
              I agree with the postman that the USSR spent astronomical resources on space as well as on other large-scale projects that today would not be dreamed of for Russia and the whole CIS. This was the reason for the collapse of our economy.
              I don’t understand how America survived because they spent much more money and resources than we did. Where did they get so much money and resources to provide their population at such a high level and without any consequences?
              1. postman
                2 October 2013 14: 17
                Quote: GDP
                This was the reason for the collapse of our economy.

                This is true, look at the dynamics of the internal and external debt of the USSR, everything will become clear.
                In specific units, we (RF) are now almost as much as "official" in the USSR ... only the result is ZERO.
                SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS WAS ASTRONOMIC. I, as I landed at the TyuraTam station, first went by bus to Leninsk, then went on a foundling (but comfortably) to the SP, I went nuts, and when I visited the starting position: I fell into a stop: SOME SAYANO-SHUSHENSKY
                Hydroelectric power station (even more), everything in the Kazakh steppe is on small cakes, you are standing at the bottom of the gutter taking off the flame and you are thinking HOW IT CAN BE DONE, but for SUCH TIME
                Quote: GDP
                I don’t understand how America survived because they spent much more money and resources than we did.

                1. in a specific (% of GDP) ratio, they spent LESS
                2. it’s easier (the country is smaller, Cape Canaveral is at hand, industry has not suffered, they are TECHNOLOGY more perfect than we
                3. Look at dollar inflation, ESPECIALLY after Saturn and Apollo-ofiget
                Quote: GDP
                Where did they get so much money and resources

                1. Look at the dynamics of the increase in the gold reserve in the Fed, from 1940, to $ 500 per day, transported from the government of Norway (before the occupation) to private individuals
                2.k p. 2. then this money: Lendliz, Marshall’s plan, other loans to countries
                3.And who is to blame that the reserve currency $ we pay these achievements
                Quote: GDP
                without any consequences?

                to a large extent determines everything labor productivity, compare with us (USSR) and the USA, everything will become clear
                1. +1
                  4 October 2013 16: 23
                  Well, since the elements of thermal protection of Buran, like you, I also have several pieces lying around (a couple of white and a couple of black), I probably have the right to insert a few words of your own to your reasoning.

                  Firstly, about inconsistencies in your lectures, I would even say contradictions.
                  Here you are all about Voyager and the ingenious insight of NASA engineers and economists, they say - automation! Like, Soviet manned orbital stations - from a meager mind.

                  Sorry, but this is a big plus of Buran, which had an avionics capable of landing the car in automatic mode. According to your logic.
                  So why do you haunt the poor fellow Buran?
                  At the same time, the shuttle did not have this opportunity. Only manned descent.

                  In addition, where did you dig that Buran did not carry marching engines due to the inability of our industry to make them in Buran’s dimensions?

                  Respected postman, the thing is that our system initially pursued other goals than the Shuttle system. The fact is that the task was set Along with the creation of the Buran-Energy system, our LVs will also be modernized. Which was done. Chelomeevsky LVs are 15-20 tons, and Energy is 105 tons. And in the future, output on 180 tons.
                  Energy - it was a swing to the Martian program. A series of draft options for the LV Energy for various PN You have not seen, by chance? Draft designs were even read to students.

                  These differences are the main differences between the two systems. And not the aircraft themselves, Shuttle and Buran.
                  We created a heavy launch vehicle, with clean fuel, and the United States made a tank that could not be used any other way.
                  Now we could output blocks for the same ISS weighing under 100-180 tons, and not according to 20, as now. Feel the difference.
                  It is absolutely wrong to compare systems (SYSTEMS), comparing only their parts - Buran and Shuttle.

                  As for the United States not overstraining its spending (for alicante11), then I will tell you a little secret - the US space program (starting with the Moon) functioned in a specially allocated segment of the US economy, and was rigidly built in the planned economy mode in the image of the USSR. The only way the US could effectively finance its program. Do not believe me - ask at NASA. Actually, I’m just repeating the words of one of NASA’s former senior officials, now I don’t remember the name.
                  By the way, he also expressed regret in the spirit that after the collapse of the USSR they abandoned this scheme, as a result of which the US space program began to sharply grow loose, like the Russian one. For the same reason, according to the same gentleman, it is the Chinese space program through 30-35 years that will be ahead of the rest, and the United States and Russia will no longer be able to carry out large-scale projects on their own.
        4. Gul
          4 October 2013 10: 34
          What is the author of the post wrong about - well, justify your opinion, or is it such a metaphysical consciousness - the denial of the objective realities of being?
      2. Yarosvet
        1 October 2013 16: 35
        Quote: Asgard
        Roscosmos headed bl.ya, oh Vedischeva
  8. +15
    1 October 2013 09: 00
    The future (in the light version) is being stolen even now. Instead, they slip such hopelessness that there is nowhere else to go. So we must fight for our children - there is no other way.
    1. GDP
      1 October 2013 13: 34
      I heard such conversations that the Japanese were tearing out many promising ideas for themselves from the technology of youth.
      1. +2
        1 October 2013 14: 03
        Quote: GDP
        I heard such conversations that the Japanese were tearing out many promising ideas for themselves from the technology of youth.

        I didn’t hear for "Technique of Youth", but "Modeler - Designer" was exploited ...
  9. +13
    1 October 2013 09: 01
    "Technics of Youth" was a cool magazine ... Thanks to the article, I got a bit of nostalgia :-)
  10. +15
    1 October 2013 09: 11
    Do not be sad, comrades, everything will get better. In terms of change, the Russian people are ahead of the rest. In such a short historical period, we passed from serfdom to communism, and then it came to democracy. Communism was destroying the West with all its might. It was only with their own hands that the state was ruined by the party members themselves (in their worldview, they were never communists). All this became possible after Stalin's death. Then they abandoned its economic model, the model of social structure. There was a separation of the ruling elite from the people. The elite began to serve exclusively their own interests. Yes, ordinary people lived in abundance, but this was the backlog of Stalin's initiatives. It took forty years to move away from the ideas of socialism. Likewise, you cannot immediately tell people: "Communism is a dead end. We are switching to capitalism." Nobody would have believed in these words then and would have kicked out such people with our will. Even "perestroika" was voiced under the false slogan: "You give more socialism."
    Therefore, in view of the acquired historical experience, our Russian civilization is able to switch to a different way of life, taking on all the benefits of the gains of the past and present and rejecting all the negative aspects of the past and present again.
    Already, many young people turn on their brains and lead a healthy lifestyle: both moral and physical. On this site, almost all people are more or less adequate, which cannot but rejoice.
    1. -2
      1 October 2013 09: 44
      "Communism was destroying the West with all its might."
      It was destroyed by the communists themselves, when there were special shops, special coupons and other "specials". Something I see from many here, only one rose-colored glasses remained (and, perhaps, there were only them), but the fact that more or less normal goods (at that time) could be "by pull" to get, or successfully run into for the sale (according to the then slang "thrown out") of something scarce. When only at the next elections (of course, the most democratic) it was possible to buy in the buffet where these very elections were held, a chocolate bar or a tangerine for children, because at other times it was a pipe dream.
      They took care of the children, I don’t argue, I myself almost every year rested in pioneer camps, at sea, however, I was once, again, “by pull,” my parents got the ticket (they didn’t let me into this at that time), I studied in circles - radio, aircraft model.
      Childhood should be given to children thoughtfully, not like with the perverted current school curricula, EG, etc. The circles should be free, to promote the desire for knowledge, the need for ALL professions, and not just managers, financial tycoons, who quickly made money on something. And this propaganda should not be abstract, but real, from life in which the "cool" are equal before the law like all other citizens and EVERYONE needs to answer in accordance with these laws. Then, after growing up, children will not want to rush somewhere over the hillock to the "booths of paradise".
      1. +6
        1 October 2013 11: 08
        Black Colonel, maybe you didn’t read my post very carefully. The very idea of ​​the collapse of the USSR was put forward by Alain Dallas, and the top leadership of the USSR accepted this idea without naturally telling the people about it (they would have been killed right there).
        The fact that there were no good goods was also part of the policy with the hint that in the USSR, with their communism, high-quality goods could not be found, only abroad and for a lot of money. But in reality, the USSR itself could produce quality goods. For those who disagree with this, I will give the Volga Victory as an example. It was a breakthrough model at that time and one of the rare cases when a concept car becomes a serial. All over the world then there was a big stir. Yes, they built a car under Khrushchev, but it was under Stalin: machines were bought, a factory was built. Technology Henry Ford then shared for a lot of money. But later through the bureaucracy it became impossible to keep up with the times, technology and the needs of car owners. All this and much more was ruined by the Khrushchev bureaucracy. I repeat, the idea was introduced to ordinary people that there is something qualitative only in the West. And this applies not only to the automotive industry, but also to many other industries. In addition to the military-industrial complex.
        I don't wear "glasses" at all, I have good eyesight.
        1. -4
          1 October 2013 11: 45
          Quote: Sunjar
          I don't wear "glasses" at all, I have good eyesight.

          Quote: Sunjar
          But in reality, the USSR itself could produce quality goods.

          If you have good eyesight, then tell me why, if you could, then you didn't? In your opinion, everything was fine, only the "bureaucracy" ... It must have been planted by the capitalists? There is no socialism without bureaucracy! These are integral concepts!
          1. 0
            1 October 2013 14: 12
            And the state in general without bureaucracy does not exist, this is an "integral concept". During perestroika they shouted a lot about the bureaucracy. Well, they killed the Union. Did it help? That in the 90s there was less bureaucracy? Bureaucracy is needed, without it it is impossible to establish the life of the state. Of course, there were a lot of problems, including with the bureaucracy, but what did they do better? By the way, now they are yelling about an official, we have a lot of problems with them, as in Soviet times, but are they screaming that they are waiting for repetitions? Is one time not enough?
            By the way, in Europe the bureaucracy is no less than ours, it is absolutely the same and quantitatively they are not inferior to us, and so what?
            1. -1
              1 October 2013 14: 45
              Quote: smile
              And the state does not exist without bureaucracy at all, this is an "integral concept".

              Undoubtedly. Unfortunately, it is impossible without bureaucrats. But the capitalist state differed from the socialist state in the number of these bureaucrats. In a socialist state, where the capitalists are run by private traders, bureaucrats are involved in management. The kulak farmer does not need a bureaucrat, he keeps records for himself, but on a collective farm there is no way without bureaucrats. For capitalists, if the company has only bureaucratic managers, then the company is over. Capitalist societies differ in the level of democracy, where it is higher, the control of society over the bureaucrats is stricter, there they are changed at the first fault. Where it is absent, i.e. under a totalitarian rule of bureaucrats, the government controls, i.e. the bureaucracy controls itself; this is what is happening outside the window. In Russia now, in the language of communists, wild capitalism, the merging of power with capital, something that Europe and the United States experienced many years ago. In Russia, there was no democracy, and there is no democracy, the power was usurped by a group of former communists who made themselves a communist paradise "in a separate Moscow."
              1. +2
                1 October 2013 15: 22
                You know, I've heard enough of all this during perestroika .... what's the difference between a bureaucrat at a farmer or at a collective farm? Well, does the owner of the enterprise contain his bureaucracy — for his income, does the state owner — maintain his bureaucracy — for his income? There is practically no difference. The bureaucrat is the bureaucrat. Though. Of course, under the Union there was a bust in places ..... Well, we refused the legacy of a proclaimed past - did it become better with the bureaucracy? No, it has become like them. Moreover, the bureaucratic apparatus they have is exactly the same as ours, and it steals as much and does the same. Only state control in the West is getting closer to what was in the USSR ... and in some ways he far surpassed, creating a truly totalitarian state .... such things .....

                Yeah ... you have the ending ...))) - so you really think, like some Americans, that we now have a totalitarian communist Putin regime? :)))
      2. +6
        1 October 2013 11: 55
        Quote: Black Colonel
        chocolate or tangerine for children, because at another time it was a pipe dream.

        But now it’s good! Everyone has sneakers with chips on the cheek! A pipe dream come true?
        Quote: Black Colonel
        I took care of the children, I do not argue

        About adults, too, did not forget.
        "Deficit, in a pull, thrown out" - this is how music sounds! I just wanted to get goose bumps of some kind of deficit by pull! And even more - to burn down the nearest Porsche showroom !!
        And in general, you, excuse me, were starving in the time under discussion? Did you go with holes on your knees? Or were you sleeping on crates at home? Not? Everyone had everything really necessary!
        1. +2
          1 October 2013 12: 12
          Quote: matRoss
          But now it’s good! Everyone has sneakers with chips on the cheek! A pipe dream come true?

          Nobody makes you take Sneakers, you have a choice.
          1. +1
            1 October 2013 12: 43
            Quote: Setrac
            Nobody makes you take Sneakers, you have a choice.

            And is this an achievement? I don't need any snickers or choice! We need confidence in the future, we need real care (!) Of the state, real education for children and pride in our country. Oh, yes, I almost forgot, also the magazine "Technics-Youth".
            1. +2
              1 October 2013 14: 17
              The journal "Tekhnika Molodyozhi" exists and now it is no less interesting publication than before and of no less volume. By the way, patriotic. You see, you don't even know about it ... but, you demand a very loud magazine and care ...
              1. 0
                1 October 2013 15: 16
                Quote: smile
                demand a very loud magazine and care ....

                Loud? Mmmm ... excuse me, hovering ... I'm kind of in writing ...
                A magazine? Well, this was a joke, I thought it was clear without a smiley, dear Smile wink
                And worries - yes, not enough, missed her.
                1. +2
                  1 October 2013 19: 39
                  Well, you got exclamation points there ... because loudly .... :)))
                  About the emoticon, prolapse came out of me, did not recognize the joke :)))
                  Care? I’m used to taking care of myself and never demand anything from anyone ... am I misbehaving? Need to go with a poster GIVE ME ALL AND MORE? :)))
                  In general, they answered well, resourceful, I like the "+" :)))
                  1. +1
                    1 October 2013 22: 27
                    Quote: smile
                    I’m used to taking care of myself and never demand anything from anyone ... am I misbehaving?

                    I think that's right. But there are many people who, for various reasons, cannot take care of themselves. They need help. And they have the right to count on this help from the state, and not from the grace of benefactors or the conscience and capabilities of loved ones. And all people in general want to feel in their own country, i.e. at home, necessary, important and protected, and abroad a citizen of a respected power, is not it?
                    Quote: smile
                    I like "+" :)))

                    1. +1
                      1 October 2013 23: 57
                      Well, I won’t argue with that anymore - I have exactly the same opinion.
          2. 0
            1 October 2013 13: 36
            Yeah, you can buy Mars :)
            1. postman
              2 October 2013 16: 04
              Quote: alicante11
              Yeah, you can buy Mars :)

              For the record.
              actually think about who, besides us (former citizens of the USSR and the Russian Empire), has such a rich experience of life under different political systems ????
              NO ONE!!
              We are unique.
              We lived before VOSR, we lived later, we lived under Stalin and Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin, under Kkapitalizm, socialism, in the era of the dashing 90s, now we live under the FSB (state capitalism?)

              WHAT DO THEM? BORING, YEARS 700 ONE AND ALSO ....
              And it will come out the same as with the Roman Empire (it also began there: "every citizen of Rome has the RIGHT to fuck a goat that grazes on the territory of Rome ..." - we know how it ended.
              1. +2
                3 October 2013 14: 59
                actually think about who, besides us (former citizens of the USSR and the Russian Empire), has such a rich experience of life under different political systems ????
                NO ONE!!

                Well, I'd rather get bored. And then, you know, somehow dumb in my heart sometimes it becomes. I myself grew up and unlearned either in the USSR or on the Soviet legacy. But for my three children, something will be ... Yes, and how it still ends, hell knows. And the pictures from Libya and Syria also do not add optimism ...
        2. -1
          2 October 2013 16: 46
          "Deficit, in a pull, thrown away" - this is how music sounds! I just wanted to get goose bumps of some kind of deficit by pull! "
          Apparently, you have weathered the charms of this music.
          Indeed, the MOST NECESSARY was: terrible boots (albeit with natural fur, but the same as everyone has for a long time), a school uniform. He did not die of hunger, but this is thanks to my parents, who plowed as best they could (my mother had 7 grades of education, my father, due to his health, could not work at the job where he could earn good money with golden hands) But my father could not work for himself since automatically fell into the category of parasites and the so-called. grabber. True, for this it was possible to grease someone, so that they fictitiously took on work and be listed as some (who fucking) employee, just not to be a parasite (article, you know) and go about their business. But there were well-wishing neighbors who could not help but "knock where they should." Not everyone was able to dodge this way. Now you can open an IP and earn what you are capable of. But then no, you will be a socially harmful element. Therefore, some in the USSR stole (we will call things by their proper names) at the workplace due to their capabilities, others used their administrative resource, which was called "pull", others went to the North "for a long ruble" or plowed in the mine if their health allowed.
      3. +2
        1 October 2013 13: 58
        Quote: Black Colonel
        chocolate or tangerine for children, because at another time it was a pipe dream.

        Chocolate "Alyonka", as I remember now, 80 kopecks in every store ... Mandarins with pomegranates were not translated on the market either. Citrus fruits rarely appeared in the state trade, but dates for 80 kopecks (again the price coincided) chew at least one place.
        1. +1
          1 October 2013 14: 18
          And also I do not remember the Cuban or Ecuadorian bananas. Greens, however, ripened later on mezzanines. True, they did not always have time to ripen if they did not buy me dried bananas :).
        2. 0
          2 October 2013 16: 50
          We didn’t always have such snacks.
        3. GDP
          3 October 2013 16: 17
          In the north, oranges, pineapples, bananas were heaps. But when he moved south, you could only dream about them ... An amazing paradox of that time.
      4. Yarosvet
        1 October 2013 16: 40
        Quote: Black Colonel
        The Communists themselves destroyed it
  11. +6
    1 October 2013 09: 14
    Where to bring the scarf, wipe the snot .. Give, return, hand ... Why cry about what happened? There are realities in which we now live. There is everything that we once gave up our country, our childhood. And there is chewing gum, and jeans, and Coca-Cola ...
    Now we don’t have to cry and ask. Now we need to build the future of our children and grandchildren.
    1. postman
      1 October 2013 13: 01
      Quote: domokl
      There are realities in which we now live. There is everything that we once surrendered our country, our childhood.

      That's right, remember, THE WHOLE ORAL COUNTRY (sang):
      Our hearts demand change
      Changes require our eyes.
      In our laughter and in our tears
      And in the throbbing veins ...
      Change, we are waiting for change.

      "Assa" - soviet movie 1987 directed by Sergei Solovyov.

      When we shot a picture in Yalta, they drank a lot of Massandra wine. Once in the word "Massandra" crossed out the first letter, and then the last few. And it turned out a beautiful drink "Assa." Then we even proposed renaming the winery to "Assu" and producing a drink with such a beautiful name.
      - S. Bugaev in an interview with the newspaper "Summer Capital" # 32 (321) from 23.8.2012/XNUMX/XNUMX

      //// I’m even afraid to imagine what would have happened if the filming had been made under the moonshine or vodka
      1. +5
        1 October 2013 14: 26
        By the way a good song. And they expected changes for the better, and not for the worse ... It was just stagnation, it was necessary to move everything off the ground, the whole trouble was that the shifters were traitors ...
        1. postman
          2 October 2013 17: 10
          Quote: T80UM1
          By the way a good song.

          And I did not deny it is normal.
          to the article, after ACCA Victor acquired ALL-ALL KNOWN
          Quote: T80UM1
          And they expected changes for the better, and not for the worse ..

          In my opinion, the "waiting" did not know what they wanted
          Quote: T80UM1
          It was just stagnation, it was necessary to move

          stop, stop, stop ...
          Or it wasn’t all right (but honestly, BAD)
      2. +1
        1 October 2013 14: 27
        Yeah, they destroyed the country, they waited .... now the heirs are singing the song of the Prophetic Oleg, they all promoted the polymers and again demand changes ... it seemed to them a little ... fans of the political MMM could not translate ...
        1. postman
          2 October 2013 17: 13
          Quote: smile
          change again

          I am most afraid of this.
          "Bolivar can't stand two"
          There is doubt that the country will master one more excrement, pah EXPERIMENT of course.

          tin, if again 20 years xs of what
    2. +3
      1 October 2013 13: 37
      Where to bring the scarf, wipe the snot .. Give, return, hand ... Why cry about what happened? There are realities in which we now live. There is everything that we once gave up our country, our childhood. And there is chewing gum, and jeans, and Coca-Cola ...
      Now we don’t have to cry and ask. Now we need to build the future of our children and grandchildren.

      There will be no future with capitalism. At least a bright future for most people for sure.
    3. +1
      1 October 2013 14: 23
      I support-read sometimes-ears stand on end-solid - "Give! And" everything is gone ... "the impression is that a whole layer of the population of crying angry Yaroslavl has appeared, always dissatisfied with everything and think that they are always owed ... Honestly- tired of hearing the moaning adult men ...
      1. +5
        2 October 2013 08: 00
        And why, in fact, do not "give"? If I restrict my rights in the state, if I pay taxes, then why can't I demand from the state to compensate me for this?
        For example, why, if I am forbidden to have (or rather use) a weapon, then why aren't cops protecting me? Why, if I pay 50% of my income (income, pension, social insurance, medical insurance) in the form of taxes and fees, I can not get free education, medicine from the state? Why, when I pay the fees, no one questions whether this person works, for whom the fees are paid, and if the necessary payments are to be made, this question becomes very urgent and has to be proved for a long time and hard ... Why, when I I want to do entrepreneurial activity, I need to shell out a ton of money just to have permission to do it, for example, like SRO leeches or permitting officials? And finally, why if I drive in a car on the road, the roads are blocked in order to skip the motorcade of high-ranking bureaucrats who live on my money and my taxes?

        All these "why" they are very natural. So WHY do we, people, such a state?
  12. Dober
    1 October 2013 09: 21
    And there’s nothing to say ... A lump in the throat ...
    And I had an "old sofa". Only he appeared in the form of grandmother's attic.
    And there ... And "Young Technician" and "Science and Technology" and "Modelist-Constructor" with a filing of applications for "crazy pens" and "Young naturalist" with such pictures ...
    And even the magazines "Rabotnitsa", "Krestyanka", "Health" - all aroused interest.
    And when in childhood I walked up the porch, looking with hope in my mailbox, waiting for the next release of at least something.
    And in the first days of each month, the postwoman began to fill this box with "everything" (not advertising waste) but newspapers and magazines for all family members, from the obligatory "Pionerskaya Pravda" to the magazines "Roman-newspaper" and "Man and the Law ...
    Parents spent half of their salaries in August, subscribing to whole bundles. The following year, only last year's newspapers, such as Truda and Izvestia, with some of their articles cut out, were handed over to waste paper, but never magazines.

    And now sometimes I download something. Mostly for myself. Unfortunately, the cubs are no longer interested in this ...
    1. +7
      1 October 2013 09: 49
      I recommend giving these small spinogryz to the circles of technical creativity. I myself went to an aircraft modeling club (though without special sporting achievements), then I entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, and now I am working as a designer.
    2. +2
      1 October 2013 14: 00
      At the expense of the cubs to the point, the very same thing, and so far it has not been possible to reverse the situation. True, I put my son on a soldering iron, started reading "Radio" in e-mail.
      1. Dober
        1 October 2013 23: 22
        Quote: ole_ga
        True son planted on a soldering iron,

        At 150 Wattny? ... fellow laughing And I, I confess, feel sorry for my own. And they are "snotty" too.
        Sorry, I understood everything correctly. hi
        Well done! It is better to "sit on a soldering iron" than on a needle or glass.
        It is better to "breathe" rosin than acetone and "Moment".
        Good luck, health and patience !!!!! good
        1. +2
          2 October 2013 01: 17
          yeah with a drinker this is well said!
          in the USSR the whole country sat on a soldering iron in every sense))
          Well, by the way, those who glued model aircraft of tank aircraft and breathed for a moment so I remember quite well the smell in Khrushchev was wow! tyk there glue even in my opinion it was worse than mament)))
          By the way, I’m still chronicling some numbers
          and now my nephews are turning over some computer magazines and comics, and well, sometimes they ask at school that it’s fine to scare a soldering iron laughing
          but how the Internet spent tyk just do not read anything they play))
    3. +1
      1 October 2013 14: 31
      Namely, you should be interested in them — who, besides you, will do it, the state? These are your cubs and it is you who are responsible for who they grow up. I do not want to hurt you, but it is your duty to make Real People out of them.
  13. +1
    1 October 2013 09: 30
    from the Don.
    I remember these magazines! A: knowledge-power:,: modeler-constructor:,: young technician:? Where is all this? Is it profitable to print? And where is the state? Or are they thinking where to cut back, where to cut off? TIME TIMES !!! ! And the eternal question is WHAT TO DO?
    1. +5
      1 October 2013 09: 54
      Quote: borisjdin1957
      from the Don.
      I remember these magazines! A: knowledge-power:,: modeler-constructor:,: young technician:? Where is all this? Is it profitable to print? And where is the state? Or are they thinking where to cut back, where to cut off? TIME TIMES !!! ! And the eternal question is WHAT TO DO?

      POLYMERS AROUND TIMES ONCE - well, isn’t it really sitting on the site that it’s so hard to click on a new tab, make a couple of clicks on the buttons and get your favorite magazines?
      That asshole in the country from the fact that everyone only regrets about the lost future, doing nothing to restore it.
      She’s cool nostalgia, but she won’t get any better.
      1. +2
        1 October 2013 12: 16
        Your loved ones, yes. Children will never follow these links. NEVER. If you have no binder, paper ... don't wait. The Internet is a fundamentally different environment. There are many things in it ... there is no freedom in it. Permissiveness is not freedom but practically its antonym. Freedom of mind is only and exclusively a library. A scientist, engineer, fashion designer, designer, artist ... can come out of it from the same books.
        The Internet? Cartoons, various nastiness, cartoons again ... the maximum that children will endure, what they are able to take here - collections of short funny facts. Everything.
        1. +1
          1 October 2013 14: 38
          In each library, these magazines are there — bring the children there, there is a special atmosphere that is very conducive to stimulating the child’s interest in development — I have a friend who is the director of one of the best libraries in the region — you would see how many children go there on their own and in whole classes, they organize contests and lectures and films there, and the devil knows something and children are interested, even groups of 12-15 girls and boys go there and consult library aunts with a question, what should they read ... even cheeky half-dressed girls aged 17-18 ... and that behave m, as in the Temple ... yes this is the Temple. And some of our colleagues, in addition to grumbling, it turns out, and are not capable of anything, even interest their child ....
        2. +1
          1 October 2013 16: 09
          Quote: Mikhail3
          The Internet? Cartoons, different stuff, cartoons again ...

          It depends on how and what to look for ... There is in it and "Technology of Youth", and "Model Designer", and "Young Technician" ... If you want, you will find ...
      2. +1
        1 October 2013 13: 40
        Yeah, and then compare with what was and even more upset? Commerce, she can do nothing good. But anything can be rude
    2. Dober
      1 October 2013 10: 07
      Quote: borisjdin1957
      I remember these magazines! A: knowledge-power:,: modeler-constructor:,: young technician :?

      Yes, they have not gone anywhere. In the sense of "virtual".
      Download here, if you want to enjoy it from the monitor, if you want to print on a "dead tree"
      Young technician -
      Science and life -

      If not all, much can be found. There are still such caring people (thanks to them) who are not too lazy to scan and post on the network.
      1. +1
        1 October 2013 23: 17
        Calmly found and downloaded TM since 1933 and MK s1966. A childhood dream came true. I read and keep it in the collection. good
  14. soldier's grandson
    1 October 2013 09: 30
    I remember that we dreamed of becoming astronauts without some kind of star wars, traveling to the planets, and I also remember when there was a harvesting suffering machine drove grain to the elevators day and night
    1. +9
      1 October 2013 09: 55
      And I dreamed of becoming a subway engineer - it was wrong to see childhood. laughing
      1. Dober
        1 October 2013 10: 30
        And I'm a sailor. Anyone - military, civilian. And later he became both. So childhood was right. And adolescence and youth ... But then something skewed. And now I am sitting in an air-conditioned office - I cultivate cervical osteochondrosis. Well, at least a piece of the sea is visible from the window, but the sea "iodized" breeze sometimes flies through the window ...
        1. +1
          1 October 2013 12: 38
          What kind of dreamers you were ... were ... Not romantic ... I just wanted to be a long-distance driver. That's where the romance is. Every day there are new places, new people ... Only one thing stopped, for the driver it was not necessary to have a higher education .a wanted to learn and could ...
          1. 0
            1 October 2013 14: 41
            As I understand it, I alone, like a durrrak, dreamed of being a soldier and giving my granny a golden shovel so that she would pick her in the garden ... :)))
    2. 0
      2 October 2013 10: 10
      Quote: Soldier's grandson
      Travel to the planets

      Soon, at about 40, but will the dream of searching through space in search of life never disappear, or a minority like me?
  15. +8
    1 October 2013 09: 31
    Yes, everything is learned by comparison. Then it was true, they were waiting for the mail, with each new magazine a small holiday came to the house, even with my brother it happened, they grabbed who to read first. Now only waste paper comes - "Windows-doors", "Ordering sushi and pizza", "Sale in Eldorado", "New store - empire of shit - we opened" ... Ugh!
    1. +2
      1 October 2013 09: 46
      Quote: Stiletto
      Now only waste paper comes - "Windows-doors", "Ordering sushi and pizza", "Sale in Eldorado", "New store - empire of shit - we opened" ... Ugh!

      In your city they closed the mail and dismissed all the postmen? -Sign up -and lo and behold-newspapers and magazines will begin to come again.
      1. 0
        1 October 2013 10: 18
        Quote: lelikas

        In your city they closed the mail and dismissed all the postmen? -Sign up -and lo and behold-newspapers and magazines will begin to come again.

        Laziness mother, a package of digital HD channels of cognitive subjects and life-giving Internet do not allow me to do this. Yes, and what to subscribe to? Below, Altona wrote everything correctly - the press is not the same.
  16. +5
    1 October 2013 09: 43
    I’ll put in another 5 kopecks ... Now it’s probably difficult to publish such magazines, a very complex topic that requires a journalist to have a good technical outlook and competence, plus the complexity of obtaining truly unique information, preparing various collections ... It was probably easier before, there was a huge developed technical environment, a lot of "kulibins", a lot of research organizations, a developed collection of scientific and technical information ... Plus the popularization of all this ... And now the publishers have switched to magazine rubbish, consisting of gossip, culinary recipes, scanwords and fashion ...
    1. 0
      1 October 2013 14: 45
      The magazines Technology of Youth, Science and Life have not changed. The magazine "The World of Technology for Children" has appeared - a completely adult, focused on weapons and military equipment and their history, containing articles, sometimes even superior in information content to the articles of our site ... it is a pity for a small volume. So. what would be the desire ...
  17. AK-47
    1 October 2013 09: 45
    How young we were, by the way, these magazines are now interesting to read.

    Technique - Youth 1961-01, page 39.
    1. Dober
      1 October 2013 10: 23
      Quote: AK-47
      By the way, these magazines are now interesting to read.

      Undoubtedly, but sometimes you find such a naivety that "laughter and sin" - in the form of a futuristic phone model the size and weight of a brick release 2010 (!?) year. fellow what laughing
      Here you are -
  18. +3
    1 October 2013 09: 59
    Excellent magazines - "Science and Life", "Tekhnika-Molodezhi", "Young Technician", "Young Naturalist"! The whole problem is that we were replaced by human values ​​in the 90s. Now many people think only of themselves, of the Motherland, few people think about the future. It is necessary to return the national idea. With the slogan "You need to live for yourself" there will be no progress, we will return to the Stone Age.
  19. +6
    1 October 2013 10: 05
    It was and it was very good, but you need to go further, the planets and the Komos are waiting fellow
    And by the way, dosihpor magazine is published!
    T.M 2013
    1. New Russia
      1 October 2013 11: 43
      It’s strange when I go to the magazine stall, I don’t see anything like it there, although I have been looking at the window for a long time)
  20. +1
    1 October 2013 10: 08
    Dear Andrey, I liked the article as a whole, but the end, excuse me, was hysterical — I, I, I, I, me, me — the man himself is the smith of his own happiness — the future of your children is in your hands — create the most correct game and make your way to power-take the country to a new level.
    Alternatively - become a sponsor of our science - ensure that it is raised by targeted influences. There are many more options.
    For three generations I hear about the same thing -And before everything was better ...
    And judging by the cover, ours wanted to remove Avatar back in December 88.
    1. New Russia
      1 October 2013 11: 45
      "Create the most correct party and make your way to power - take the country to a new level" Are you serious?) In your opinion, over the past 20 years, no one tried to create the right party and make Russia different?) The system will not give.
      1. +1
        1 October 2013 14: 10
        Quote: New Russia
        "Create the most correct party and make your way to power - take the country to a new level" Are you serious?) In your opinion, over the past 20 years, no one tried to create the right party and make Russia different?) The system will not give.

        Damn, the system deprived the Internet for half a day sad
        The funny thing is that it’s really serious - all the parties that have been created lately can be called a CJSC or LLC, as a rule they were created for a particular person or for a place, participation in them is a tribute to fashion, money or profit, but not a manifestation of political self-awareness.
        In fact, there is no really popular party, independent, having a normal development program.
        So nostalgic to the end - earlier you had to earn party membership, people who died were asked to consider themselves Communists, knowing that it would not give them anything - and now they jump from the party to the party as (censorship) by (censorship).
        This is frustrating.
    2. +2
      1 October 2013 11: 51
      The words at the end are rather rhetorical. Not addressed to anyone. Just reading a recent article about our planet with a view of it from 6 billion km, I somehow remembered my childhood ... It became sad. I am soon 25 years old. And what I read in the magazines was supposed to come true 10 years ago.
      But I understand that in 10 years this will not happen.
      God willing, we will have the chance to change something for the better. And WE will plow the cosmic expanses of the Universe!
      1. postman
        1 October 2013 13: 50
        Quote: Andrew-88
        And what I read in magazines was supposed to come true 10 years ago.

        1917 "Land for the peasants, peace for the soldiers, factories for the workers"
        Lenin to the peasants: "no taxes!", which was "done" under J.V. Stalin:
        In 1939, by a resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, it was determined that the obligatory annual minimum of workdays for women aged 16 to 55 and men 16 to 60 years old on collective farms was set at 60-100 per year. In the 40-50s this minimum was increased and by the time of Stalin's death it was already averaged 150 workdays per year for women and 200 for men.
        every collective farmer from the 30s had to work 6 days a year on the construction and repair of local roads (individual workers - 12 days)
        in 1940, the collective farm yard was obliged to hand over 32-45 kilograms of meat per year (sole farmers - from 62 to 90 kilograms), then in 1948 - already 40-60 kilograms of meat. Obligatory deliveries on milk grew on average from 180-200 liters to 280-300 liters per year. In 1948, the collective farm yard was also obliged to pass annually from 30 to 150 eggs. Government supplies also regulated the amount of wool, potatoes, vegetables, etc. products from each collective farm plot.
        yards that did not have meat animals (this happened only in 1954) or chickens (they could be replaced with cash payments or other products) were not exempted from paying mandatory supplies, for example, for meat and eggs;

        Since 1939, firm agricultural tax rates have been replaced by a progressive scale, which allowed the state to constantly increase its size. The average tax on imputed cash income was about 7-11% / approx:the tax base was calculated on the basis of “profitability” invented by the state.
        in 1940, that the annual yield of a cow is 600 rubles. (increased from year to year - in 1948 - already 3500 rubles)

        in 1952 the apotheosis of the Stalinist tax policy took place - taxed on chickens, newborn piglets, calves and lambs.
        Only after Stalin's death in 1953 did the state reduce the volume of such deliveries, in connection with which the Soviet collective farmers even joyfully composed a saying - "Malenkov came, ate pancakes"

        1956 Khrushchev - to the Americans: "We will bury you"

        The XXII Congress of the CPSU was held from October 17 to October 31, 1961 in Moscow / from the report of Khrushchev ::
        "The current generation of Soviet people will live under communism!"
        "By the end of 1965, we won't have any taxes on the population!"

        1980s Gorbachev: "I will rebuild the Soviet Union and return it to Leninist standards, give each Soviet family a separate apartment, solve the problem of alcoholism, return the country to true Leninism (which he admitted to love throughout his political life) and, finally, preserve the socialist system and integrity of the country. "

        1991 Boris Yeltsin:

        “If prices become unmanageable, they will rise more than three to four times, I myself will lie on the rails,” Boris Yeltsin said shortly before the implementation of the “shock therapy” program.
        1. 0
          1 October 2013 14: 17
          Well - hopelessness rules.
          At the expense of space - it’s a sin not to believe in conspiracy theory -
          everything went at an accelerated pace, ours, the Yankees, the first flight, spacewalk, the moon, orbital stations, shuttles, a snowstorm - it would seem that this is still a jerk and .... clap - there are no shuttles, no interplanetary flights, protons are sluggishly falling , ISS is the only thing that is inhabited in space. Suspiciously all this.
          1. postman
            1 October 2013 15: 18
            Quote: lelikas
            everything went at an accelerated pace

            See the REAL expenses for the space program of the USSR ..
            You will be shocked: astronautics (especially Energy-Buran and the Lunar program) = gobbled up the economy, together with the defense industry
            Remember the hunger riots?
            Lack of food in stores, consumer goods, etc.?
            You can also fly to Mars (probably) ...
            Just how will we be? HOW IN DPRK? READY?
      2. Volkhov
        3 October 2013 03: 23
        Quote: Andrew-88
        after reading a recent article about our planet with a view of it from 6 billion km,

        Pay attention to the colored stripes - this is the scattering of light on the dust traces of the Earth’s orbits - a visual confirmation of the abrupt changes in the orbit with equal periods - and it follows ... a lot of real science fiction and the desire to change something more than in demand.
  21. soldier's grandson
    1 October 2013 10: 13
    our children, the children will say: it used to be Skolkovo, but we did not see it, where did it go, who was there?
  22. -5
    1 October 2013 10: 32
    Dear author, what have you personally done in order to get closer to your dream at least a little bit, even a little bit? A man must go to his dream. Not everyone gets it, but at least it's worth a try. And articles should be written about how I try to change this world, making it better. To the madness of the brave we sing a song. And your article, excuse me, is the cry of Yaroslavna.
    1. +5
      1 October 2013 12: 02
      I personally did the following: I entered a technical university; during training he graduated from the military department; in advanced courses I entered the second higher. After graduation, I had 2 higher and the rank of reserve lieutenant. When I went to work on distribution, I entered the magistrate and graduated with honors in 2012.
      Slowly I go forward.
      And the words at the end are more likely rhetorical ... Not addressed to anyone. I just remembered my childhood ...
  23. +2
    1 October 2013 10: 34
    Quote: Stiletto
    not that we already have the press.

    Or are we getting old?
    1. +2
      1 October 2013 10: 42
      Quote: lelikas
      Or are we getting old?

      And that too, namesake, and that too ... hi

      Anyway. We grow and children grow up.
      May our fall be their spring!
      1. Dober
        1 October 2013 10: 48
        "Life will continue without each of us.
        Be able to understand, accept and "experience" this.
        And then look for peace in everything.
        And joy. In the fleeting hour ... "

        /I AM. From the early. / laughing
        1. +1
          1 October 2013 23: 43
          Quote: Dober
          "Life will continue without each of us.
          Be able to understand, accept and "experience" this.
          And then look for peace in everything.
          And joy. In the fleeting hour ... "

          /I AM. From the early. / laughing

          hmm) Yes, good Vadim!
          1. Dober
            3 October 2013 01: 46
            Quote: regressSSSR
            good Vadim!

            Danke, mein Freund! This "recognition of talent" is enough.
            Here, Dima, from there, as a "bonus", what else in memory -
            "Make it easier for the old man in his life,
            Help him even a little.
            After all, what is old age
            You yourself will understand someday ... "
            1. +1
              3 October 2013 05: 04
              Nuuu for art drinks
  24. +3
    1 October 2013 10: 52
    Quote: Dober
    Life will continue without each of us. Be able to understand, accept and "experience" this. And then look for peace in everything. And joy. In the fleeting hour ... "

    Great! good
  25. DuraLexSedLex.
    1 October 2013 10: 55
    The author can be understood, nostalgia, collapse of hope, hopelessness of the future ... welcome to reality (or welcom to hell am ) .If someone lives in garden cities and flies to other planets, then it’s definitely not us).
    1. New Russia
      1 October 2013 11: 51
      We are still flying to other planets, and we will build cities on Mars, where a black-yellow-white flag will develop angry
  26. +2
    1 October 2013 11: 28
    Now I read magazines Popular mechanics and Science in focus.
    I recommend techies. There are some good materials. And children's magazines are not and are not expected. In our country there is no money for their subsidy. As well as for subsidies of Russian toys, children's clothing, clubs, sports sections ... The vacuum was immediately filled with cartoons with monsters, dolls monsters with Chinese squint, games with bloody scenarios. They miscalculated their future, raised a generation that, like pigs, can only look at the feeding trough, and the anatomy does not allow looking into the sky. It’s scary to think about the future.
    1. 0
      1 October 2013 14: 51
      Mikhail m
      Unfortunately, the popular mezanic is too "western" - this is manifested on almost every page, and there are too many pictures to the detriment of the text ... Technology of the Youth is much better. And for children - look at the magazine "World of Technology for Children" - you will be pleasantly surprised - even in Soviet times there was no such magazine.
  27. +3
    1 October 2013 11: 32
    Now the science fiction genre has almost disappeared. But then the fantasy genre has appeared and is being pushed. In fiction, the future is presented as the future, and in fantasy, the future as the past. It seems to me that this is designed for the younger generation, now I do not need young people with ideals, we need blunt stomachs sitting with beer at a computer with Warcraft. The education system successfully complements this. They used to look at the sky more often, now they’re more under their feet. And I really want to be optimistic, but when you compare your childhood with the childhood of your children, you are somehow pessimistic about the future.
    1. New Russia
      1 October 2013 12: 04
      "In science fiction, the future is presented as the future, and in fantasy, the future is as the past. It seems to me that this is designed for the younger generation, we don't need young people with ideals now, we need dull stomachs sitting with beer at the computer with Warcraft" Sorry, but this is stupidity) The world of elves, gnomes and ancient ruins has its own romance, and it is not clear how badly this affects the ideals of youth)
      1. +2
        1 October 2013 14: 18
        Quote: New Russia
        In the world of elf gnomes and ancient ruins, there is a romance of its own, and it is not clear how badly it affects the ideals of youth)

        Fiction makes you wonder what will happen tomorrow, but fantasy presents the future as a deep past. Think about how you see your future? For a mature person this is not important, but for young people it is a dream. And what are they dreaming about now? About the staff of Gandalf? Something small compared to flying to Mars. This is called a substitution of concepts and ideals.
  28. +3
    1 October 2013 11: 56
    Our ancestors underestimated the complexity of space exploration, thought to build spacecraft and fly, but no, the difficulties of building a spaceship are not limited. There is a nuclear engine in Russia, in the USA they created an ion engine in general, something is not observed.
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Now the science fiction genre has practically disappeared. But then the fantasy genre has appeared and is being pushed.

    The fact is that fantasy is easier to write, less knowledge is needed.
    1. +2
      1 October 2013 23: 27
      I agree. Do not know what to write, write about the elves.
  29. +2
    1 October 2013 12: 02
    A HUGE PLUS to the article and the author. Thank you. Once, as a kid, I was leafing through these magazines. I even remembered some covers .... I almost broke a tear. It’s a pity to demand no one to return my past and future. But I remembered well how greedy I don’t moderately enterprising scum sold my boyish dreams
  30. +1
    1 October 2013 12: 14
    The same can be said if you look at the same "Popular Mechanics" of the same years. After a terrible war, people believed that there would be a great future ahead, interplanetary flights, garden cities and robots, robots, robots ... The reality turned out to be different. For some reason, the author connects the destruction of hopes with the destruction of the USSR, but forgive me, if the USSR were alive anyway, this future would not have come.
    Now people also paint pictures of the future, only taking into account their time and maybe in 50 years their descendants looking at the pictures will be smiling and be surprised at their naivety ...
    1. +2
      1 October 2013 13: 27
      The article is not about the collapse of the USSR. The article is about how our fathers and grandfathers put all their energy into building a bright future, and we all missed it .. if :(
      After all, when a person devoted his whole life to the invention and construction of something new, something useful, then he probably would like his work not to be in vain, so that it would be in demand. And how did we manage this legacy, paid for later and with the blood of our fathers and grandfathers ???
      And of course, I wanted to poke a little nostalgia. After all, I remembered only a good, bright, carefree childhood.
      1. +1
        1 October 2013 14: 06
        Quote: Andrew-88
        And of course, I wanted to poke a little nostalgia. After all, I remembered only a good, bright, carefree childhood.

        This is the most important thing. Now the Internet has opened access to everything, you do not need to write a magazine, wait impatiently for a fresh issue, excitedly argue about the alleged characteristics and whether the MiG-23 F-16 will flood ... Freedom of access has its drawbacks ...
  31. +1
    1 October 2013 13: 04
    I liked the popular science site "Membrana". But for some time now it does not show signs of life, and I have not found anything like it. Why are such sources closed? After all, in the United States, for example, the entire propaganda machine of the state works to promote invention and science. Medvedev, stop playing in your skolkovo sandbox. There will be no progress if young people are not interested in science and technology.
  32. avd
    1 October 2013 13: 04
    Honestly, I almost broke a tear.
    But here the cover of 1 issue for 1976 killed the whole mood for hell.
    I even guess who stole this future from us.
    And something seems to me, not Chubais, but the very ones from the XXU Congress ...
    1. Peaceful military
      1 October 2013 13: 41
      And something seems to me, not Chubais, but the very ones from the XXU Congress ...

      Look wider and deeper, colleague. This was arranged by the Khrushchev, comrades, and the concomitant creation was just the inertia of the flywheel, promoted by Stalin.
  33. GDP
    1 October 2013 13: 21
    Everything is correctly said. The USSR was a country of labor - physical and mental. We lived for great things. Now we have a commonplace consumer society. In the USSR, everything was produced from a diesel locomotive to a computer, not everything turned out well, but the main thing is that we could do everything. Education and science were completely different, people were striving for knowledge, not money, they longed for it, dreamed about great discoveries, forgetting and pushing everything to the background. Now the main thing is life in camphor, but living in comfort and not striving for anything is the path to degradation, as well as survival in poverty without any prospects. The possibilities were completely different - millions of scientific circles and sports sections throughout the country - and all for free. In an ordinary village school, they could collect small rockets, build cartridges and a tractor, assemble radio robots and much more ... We were the most enlightened society on the planet. We carried out grandiose projects, we were the first almost everywhere ... Yes, there were queues, there was a shortage - but it was more like a temporary character and yet everyone, absolutely everyone was provided with everything necessary - housing, work, health care, education and everything is free, people living in the provinces could easily afford frequent flights by plane to anywhere in the country. We explored the north, we laid channels, we decided the fate of states ...
  34. Peaceful military
    1 October 2013 13: 36
    A. Fursov argues about this very interestingly, comparing the magazine Technique of Youth of the 60s, the beginning of the 70s with later editions of his own. Heaven and earth ... And already from this he concluded that the state course towards degradation was reversed.
    I am overwhelmed with feeling of anger when PTs sit on their memorial plates, for the sake of stupid photos, when young people smoke from eternal fire.
    Why is it all turned? Why do those in power only see where to snatch, where to steal? Where did they leave their conscience? Why, when I grew up, I did not see what I was promised from the pages of OUR fathers magazines?

    And this is the consequences of the state course of degradation. sad
  35. Stepnogorets
    1 October 2013 13: 48
    What they wanted and got! And who in 1988 in the smoking rooms of the commies hayal? Who dreamed of "freedom", give a Skorpions concert on Red Square!
    1. GDP
      1 October 2013 14: 04
      We thought that the Americans would cut their aircraft carriers and missiles, remove their missile bases from Western Europe, and together as equal partners we would build a new, bright, peaceful capitalist future :)
      1. GDP
        1 October 2013 14: 11
        They were even ready for the role of a younger brother - unless of course they would have recognized us as such a relative. Alas, Love and respect were not mutual ... And when we realized that we were treated like defeated enemies, we began to slowly boil from quiet and powerless hatred, there really was nothing to answer ...
    2. Alexander 1958
      1 October 2013 14: 31
      We didn’t want that!
      We simply did not understand then that a SCORPIOS concert on Red Square is possible only if you ruin the country, change ideology, relations between people, abandon the future and all this goes in one package with the SCORPIONS concert and nothing else.
      I’ll tell you a joke in which it is clearly visible how we thought we would get one, and those people who promised this to us presented everything in a completely different way ..
      A man caught a goldfish and, as expected, made a wish ..
      Make me a fish. -the man says, the member is so long that he would get to the ground! The fish carefully looked at him and asked again - do you really want your cock to be long to the ground? A man thought about it .. Then he imagined how he goes to the beach and all the women and firmly said, “I want to!” The fish sighed and said, “Well, be your way!”
      Then she looked back at the blue sea and sees the crocodile Gena floating nearby. She called him and said: Gena, help the peasant - make him a member to the ground. Yes, easy, Gene answered. Then, without a word, he sailed up to a satisfied peasant and BITS his legs off just so that he would get a member to the ground ..
  36. Alexander 1958
    1 October 2013 14: 13
    Good afternoon!
    .... RETURN MY FUTURE !!!
    The author needs to grow up!
    What was taken away from him and ours, by deceit or by force, can only be RETURNED FORCE!
    They didn’t take it by deception to give it away just like that ..
  37. 0
    1 October 2013 16: 19
    we just had no time to dream ..
  38. 270580
    1 October 2013 16: 22
    Nobody is going to give anything away, look around! They say from the screen that everything is fine, they don’t know that our life, so they’re all good, and their children have joy and happiness, but we’ll sit here and argue that everything is bad, and hopes that sooner or later everything will be as before, there will be no thieves or bribe-takers, and the famous slogan - "a thief must go to jail" will become real! Of course, I want to change everything with one stroke of the checker, but now it will be very difficult for us to do this!
    1. Storm
      1 October 2013 16: 43
      When the majority in the country wants this, it will be done. The problem is that part of our society is doing well, and now they are in control of the situation in order to maintain the status quo.
  39. +2
    1 October 2013 16: 36
    "This is the time now -
    all in curses and in smoke -
    that's why the rhyme "burden"
    matches it. "

    No need to give up.
  40. Storm
    1 October 2013 16: 38
    Consumerism is life without great aspirations. Everyone builds his own little world, each smith of his own happiness. This is correct, but this is not enough for a leap forward. We need new big goals, real ones, for which it’s worth living and working, so that they believe in them that they are real and achievable. Goals should capture, beckon.
  41. +4
    1 October 2013 16: 43
    It hurts to read this article. A stolen dream, a stolen future. Sold for TV shows and chewing gum.
    Nobody needed such a future. Everyone wanted "freedom", sausages, and the right to shit around them, and not be responsible for anything, and only dream of a new credit dump.

    It is painful and bitter.
  42. KononAV
    1 October 2013 16: 58
    The article is certainly good. But even Communism was not even built in the 80s, and by the beginning of the 90s we had not even reached the moon. And the "light of the country of the West" did not achieve this either.
    1. GDP
      1 October 2013 20: 43
      But agree, you did a lot ...
  43. +2
    1 October 2013 17: 50
    DEfindER  Today, 11:54 ↑ New

    Quote: Canep
    the education system is destroyed.

    They still continue to destroy it, Lebanon wants everything so that our universities fall into Western prestige ratings, the stump is clear that if we are better than them, we will not fall into their ratings, so he wants to make a semblance of their defective education model

    He thinks that he should do what they would like to get into our ratings.
  44. bilgesez
    1 October 2013 17: 58
    "They built the future for us. With their selfless labor, they forged a country that was the most powerful in the world! And they did it for US !!!" And now everything that they have built in the hands of a handful of Jews.
    1. 0
      1 October 2013 23: 42
      Quote: bilgesez
      And now all that they built in the hands of a handful of Jews.

      One might think earlier these same "Jews" did not participate in the government (USSR)!
  45. Jet
    1 October 2013 18: 30
    Previously, each issue of "Technology for Youth", and especially "Foreign Military Review" was a whole event in life. I savored them one article a day, trying to stretch it out until the next issue ..
  46. sird64
    1 October 2013 18: 53
    this is exactly when you read the technique of youth and understand how powerful the power was. the fact that the councils collapsed is to blame for the rotten tops. as well as you and me. if we take the mathematical theory of systems, it immediately becomes clear. how the West managed to raise excitement among the people, that is, you and I. the question is different. How to save the future of our children? what we do is to save the child in the face of information aggression.
  47. Lissa
    1 October 2013 19: 33
    It’s a pity, of course, that I don’t have such vivid memories of those times - the little thing was completely.

    There was a lot of good in the USSR ... especially in comparison with today's Russia. But, in my opinion, people, you idealize. I can understand you, in principle.
  48. -1
    1 October 2013 19: 36
    Bring back my future! Who will return your future to you besides yourself? Act, not ask.
  49. +2
    1 October 2013 19: 36
    I read the article, and became good at heart. I remembered how in a pioneer camp in the library I found these magazines for several days in a row skipped dinner.
    Since then I love science fiction.
  50. Dr. Ido
    1 October 2013 19: 44
    Author: Alexey Guskov
  51. The comment was deleted.
  52. +1
    1 October 2013 20: 37 door is the former Pioneer House...Now it is a Children's Creativity Center.
    In 1995, a lieutenant colonel, a fighter pilot, came to a few hours of technical circle....
    Aircraft models, ship models, radios.... The guys knocked down a cabin made of fiberboard, brought the IL-2 Sturmovik interface to the legs, to the handle, to the monitor screen... the simulator - how cool!! I couldn’t resist - “I flew over Stalingrad.”
    The boys are behind the leader of the formation!!! they're walking!
    So boys are just boys... There are few such lieutenant colonels!
  53. GDP
    1 October 2013 21: 02
    Quote: GDP
    Slightly mistaken in numbers, I read about this for the last time almost 20 years ago.
    1 Cargo launched from orbit:
    Shuttle - 14,4 Tons
    snowstorm - 20 tons
    The essence of these figures, in principle, does not change ...
    2 The shuttle lands with its engines inoperative. It does not have the ability to land several times like a snowstorm
    3 Unlike the shuttles, the Buran system provided an emergency crew rescue system. (Thinking about people - although some are trying to argue otherwise)
    4 Buran could detach from the launch vehicle and make an emergency landing.
    5. Buran, unlike the Shuttle, could take off and land automatically (And who after that will say that our technique is primitive?)

    If you want to object, give specific numbers ...
  54. Ruslan_F38
    1 October 2013 21: 59
    Wonderful article +. Nostalgia..
  55. +1
    1 October 2013 22: 18
    Yes, “Technology for Youth” was a magazine at one time, the “Historical Series TM” section alone was worth it, even the Tolstopyatov brothers, based on the diagrams and drawings of the MP-40 in TM, developed their own machine gun. For those who are not in the know, the Tolstopyatovs a gang of raiders who committed robbery attacks on cashiers and collectors in the 70s in Rostov-on-Don. The machine gun of their design is still in the Forensic Science Museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But in addition to the Tolstopyatovs, I also remember a device for anesthetizing dental operations, the design of which was described in the same TM, it worked on a 4,5 W battery, the patent was bought by about 40 countries. But it didn’t go into production here, it turned out to be very cheap. Yes, a lot of things were published in TM. And there was also the magazine “Around” light", and a lot of things were published in the USSR for young people. Now this will not happen. As the classic said: “There are no others, and those are far away,” but it’s a pity.
  56. +1
    1 October 2013 22: 28
    It’s already chilling, I remembered myself, there was also a sofa, there were magazines... fanaticism and not only with a flashlight under the blanket (it has nothing to do with sex, if anyone doesn’t know), parents punishing for this...

    5+ there is such a thing
    1. 0
      1 October 2013 22: 45
      Quote: Bold

      Quote: Bold
      not only with a flashlight under the blanket (has nothing to do with sex, if anyone doesn’t know)

      Quote: Bold
      5+ there is such a thing

      There is a problem. And it definitely has nothing to do with sex. Sex requires at least 2 participants laughing
      Sorry, could not resist ...
      Actually, it’s true - we read at night, what happened, what happened.
  57. +2
    1 October 2013 23: 30
    This is why I hate America! for turning us into the same moral monsters as themselves, with the slogan personal enrichment above all else, a new young generation has grown up! who often don’t give a damn about space at all except money! where do they care now about the characters of the Strugatsky brothers (the land of crimson clouds) oh, it’s a shame to the point of tears, we really have lost a lot!
    the capitalist system, when everything is controlled only by money, can only amaze and is simply not designed for the peaceful exploration of space for the sake of the very idea of ​​​​exploration and creation until the green pieces of paper rustle, do not move, or until some kind of anaptanium is found, but all the same, all technologies will be used only for the sake of money and profit and personal enrichment movie avotar a vivid example of this!! IN THEIR OPINION THE WHOLE WORLD IS SITTING ON THEIR BABIES!!
    1. 0
      2 October 2013 10: 25
      I absolutely agree with you on the topic. But in form...Is Russian not your native language?
  58. +1
    2 October 2013 02: 01
    Lenin's Sparks, Pioneer Truth... And we had this. Although at that age there was no time for newspapers. But Young Naturalist, Young Technician, Youth Technology and Science and Life (a little later) were read avidly and filled with a thirst for knowledge and joy development. Information multiplied by interest and excellent information content. Remember the USSR! We never thought about war. We wanted to fly into space and defeat all diseases. The creatures that have seized power all over the world want to deprive us of our dreams and desire to make humanity happy. The technology of youth, Young Technician is still on my shelves. I will never be able to throw them away. And I will definitely show them to the children, tell them and re-read them together. And they will definitely pick up the dream of making our planet a civilization worthy of finding other worlds. And while the memory is alive, while they are alive we, and as long as the heart is warm and capable of accomplishments, it means there is faith in victory. In a war that has been going on for a very long time. Between effective managers and us.
  59. The comment was deleted.
  60. 0
    2 October 2013 03: 40
    Andrey Volkovich. A little from the “current”:

    <Arrested aviation tycoon Sergei Grishchenko built the cottage community “Fantasy Island” for elite officials, using fraudulent schemes and fraud with Moscow land
    Following the gardeners' village "Rechnik", the capital's mayor is threatening to liquidate the neighboring luxury residential complex "Fantasy Island". Cottages for ministers and generals were built instead of a children's sports school and a rehabilitation complex for the disabled.
    The cottage in “Fantasy Island” is owned by the wife of FSKN general Alexander Bulbov, Izvestia reported. According to one of the capital's officials, Health Minister Tatyana Golikova, Industry Minister Viktor Khristenko, former senator Umar Dzhabrailov, and businessman Iskander Makhmudov now live in the village.>
    (Ruspres News)
    I don’t even want to talk about the future, Andrei...”
    I wonder who downvoted the article?
  61. DPN
    2 October 2013 08: 57
    Quote: Arberes
    Well, can’t all of us 40-50 year olds find a place for ourselves in the new system? I would like to wish only one thing, that this period and its long-lasting consequences would end and

    A sad incident in the history of our HOMELAND, just these 40,50, 60, and 25 year olds - or rather, we bought into the life of the West and Chubais’s promise to buy a VOLGA car for XNUMX rubles. Having believed from the beginning Gorby, and then the offended drunkard EBN, that we were all rich. Now we are reaping the fruits of our stupidity and greed.
    The people are again divided into classes and those in power no longer want to share, voluntarily, with the people of RUSSIA.
  62. DPN
    2 October 2013 09: 06
    Quote: regressSSSR

    It’s a shame, but the peoples of the former USSR bought their BABKA, allowing their COUNTRY to collapse!
  63. 0
    2 October 2013 11: 36
    Capitalism in all its glory, iPhones have replaced spaceships and stations.
  64. +1
    2 October 2013 11: 58
    “Why did everything turn out this way? Why do those in power see only where to snatch, where to steal? Where did they leave their conscience?”
    Yes, because the best, gifted and pure people died in the struggle for our future. And it backfired. While real People were dying, all sorts of scum survived on the Tashkent fronts. There they squeaked about love for the Motherland, quacked slogans and adapted. And they all survived. .And millions of patriots died. And as a result, “quantity” grew into “quality.” Why do you think we had such losses of civilians in that war? Our opponents were well aware of what they were doing. And, defeated by our grandfathers, they were able to deal a mortal blow to our country in decades. I don’t know where the way out of the situation is. Stories from the 30s come to mind, when people who wanted to become Humans after work sat down with textbooks, entered institutes and, like a sponge, absorbed knowledge. Is this possible now? Then in The state was interested in this, it encouraged such an impulse to become more cultural, more educated. You need to start with yourself. But, of course, with this political system there is practically no chance.
  65. +1
    2 October 2013 21: 46
    Nothing - all this will definitely happen someday!!! As an example, remember the Great Leonardo!!! When you look at his drawings - oops - it's a helicopter!!! and here is the parachute!!! and here is the scuba gear!!! and here is the rocket!!! - but he drew all this 500 years before it appeared in real life!!! And at this time his contemporaries were burning people at the stake and did not suspect that the earth was round!!! And does anyone now remember the name of at least one rich man from the era of Leonardo? And genius is eternal!!! It’s the same with Soviet magazines - they just have a sea of ​​ideas, but not all of them are destined to be implemented as quickly as we would like - but this does not mean that these ideas are forgotten forever - the world will return to them when it is ready for it!!!
  66. drevnij13
    3 October 2013 11: 03
    Poverty and lawlessness
    Bitter children's tears...
    The false has become righteous...
    Where are you, Soviet people?!!!
    Where, the fascists were defeated,
    Defending peace and life,
    Those who did not lower the scarlet banner
    And defended the country
    How dishonestly you were betrayed!
    Did you like the cunning idol?
    Didn't they know?
    What made Judas famous?
    Where are you, Soviet people?
    I'm ashamed before my ancestors...
    Gentlemen of the New World
    They feed us all leftovers!
    Is this really forever?
    Where are you, free force?
    And will he ever wake up
    Our national pride?
    Where are you, Soviet people?
    Having known so much grief,
    Having gained nothing,
    And those who lost their country?...
  67. GDP
    3 October 2013 11: 06
    [quote=postman][quote=GDP]I often see comments when some patriots call for the bludgeoning of innocent Uzbeks and Tajiks in Moscow in the name of Russia, k[/quote]
    it was already ....

    - A strong and dangerous thing. This is how Hitler managed to unite the nation and seize power...
    It will be very dangerous if someone skillfully takes this into service in Russia and does it not as clumsily and stupidly as RNE and others like them. Millions will respond, but the result will be disastrous for Russia as a state.

    Come on, everyone who writes 6 s, America Oshki, geitsy, etc. THOUGHT:
    "What exactly (to me, to you, to him) BAD AMERICA TO RUSSIA (USSR) ???

    I understand what propaganda is, that we are taught to see America as an enemy, artificially promoting this topic. I understand the inner envy and resentment that pushes us towards this hatred, not towards the Americans, but towards the USA.
    But I also understand that we have reasons to dislike and fear this state...

    When the union fell, we removed our military bases, destroyed the army, the military-industrial complex, that is, figuratively speaking, we came into this world, throwing off our armor, breaking our sword, disbanding the army, with a joyful smile of an idiot and an outstretched hand. In response, through the predatory visor of the helmet, they saw an equally friendly smile. And then we saw how this “comrade” sharpens his sword, cuts down our yesterday’s allies, one by one, builds fortresses along our borders, helps turn our friends into our enemies and at the same time mocks our stupidity.

    Then we ran to the cesspool, dug up a rusty, dull sword and began to wave it militantly, standing in shorts and flip-flops in front of an army bristling with steel to the teeth. - It looks very stupid and funny, and this makes it doubly offensive...
    1. postman
      7 October 2013 12: 40
      Quote: GDP
      But I also understand that we have reasons to dislike and fear this state...

      In any case, one must be afraid of a strong state.
      Quote: GDP
      that is, figuratively speaking, they came into this world, throwing off their armor, breaking their sword, disbanding the army, with a joyful smile of an idiot and an outstretched hand.

      It’s interesting, but the people who made these decisions... are they like SMALL CHILDREN?
      Let me remind you that everyone who was at the helm: went through the crucible of party work (cunning, deceit, insinuation, denunciations, licking, finishing off the downtrodden, etc.).
      Is this some naive intellectual?
      Quote: GDP
      helps turn our friends into our enemies and at the same time mocks our stupidity.

      There is a good Russian proverb: “he who laughs last laughs best”
      Let's see, it's not evening yet and the sun has no intention of going out (or exploding) yet (about 5 years).
      Quote: GDP
      Then we ran to the cesspool, dug up a rusty, dull sword and began to wave it militantly, standing in shorts and flip-flops in front of an army bristling with steel.

      and if you remember WHERE the ECONOMIC ADVISERS came from under the EBN, you’ll be shocked.
      Well, you need to learn this...
  68. GDP
    3 October 2013 11: 35
    1. Why didn’t they follow us in dissolving the NATO bloc, but on the contrary began to actively expand it?
    2. Why is American spending on weapons twenty times higher than ours, despite the fact that, unlike ours, there are no potentially dangerous states on their borders, only allies?
    3. Why are all our enemies America's best friends?
    4. Why are they building a missile defense system to protect against Iranian missiles on our western borders, why not in Israel? This is ridiculous!
    5. Why do they fight all over the world against countries that do not threaten them?

    I remember the reports of Russian diplomats about what happened in Europe, after the gigantic diplomatic efforts undertaken by Palmenstorm on the eve of the Crimean War, “I felt as if I was surrounded by mad dogs.” The image of an enemy is being carefully formed from Russia - our reaction is rather reciprocal.
  69. patriot2
    3 October 2013 13: 47
    The answer is simple - this world is ruled by GHOUSES - money bags. They do not need the kind of future that you read about in Soviet magazines. They want to kill off most people and live in luxury themselves; these nonhumans are parasites. The USSR fell for this reason, since people who were not smart and dishonest (members of the CPSU Politburo) like the hunchbacked traitor “fighter for democracy” came to the top. So they are talking about our future, turning it into dirty green pieces of paper in their own bank account.
  70. 0
    3 October 2013 16: 32
    To the author of the article: what prevents you from subscribing?
    1. Captain oh
      4 October 2013 14: 30
      Yes, all he can do is whine and lament, but because of such weaklings the country has been ruined.
      It would be better to work as a Chinese or North Korean! And then everyone criticizes Russia, then they don’t like one thing, then another. The magazines you see are not the same, they are written by ghouls.
      Well, let’s pack your belongings and apply for a visa to the leader Kim Chan-E, all the magazines there are the same and correct. And they are written by altruists with fiery eyes. Have you even read this technique to young people or just looked at the pictures? So how exciting is it?
      Didn’t want to work for food for the sake of the bright future of the party and the death of decaying capitalism?
  71. 2 deuterium
    4 October 2013 23: 21
  72. +1
    5 October 2013 09: 33
    Of course, you can still subscribe to these magazines. But here is the mail))) We now have a problem of one postman for the entire village))) Boss, operator, postman))) The parcel arrives, but you receive it within two weeks, until all the mail is processed)) but new ones do not arrive, the postman’s salary is peddler is meager, 7 pieces per month))) The announcement of hiring new workers has been hanging for three months)))
  73. Turtles
    6 October 2013 16: 18
    A person needs a dream, like air. If a person believes that a dream can come true, then no obstacles on the way to it will stop him. In the 30-70s, people believed that nothing was impossible, the heroes for the people were pilots and polar explorers, designers and workers, cosmonauts and scientists and many others, those who worked, created, and sometimes sacrificed health and life for the sake of the future of their fellow citizens and the state. The people loved their army, they considered it an honor to serve in it. A country with such a population cannot be defeated from the outside; one can try to destroy it from the inside. And from a certain moment, it is put into our consciousness that the personal is above the public, that it is stupid to risk your life to save others, that the fish looks where it is deeper, and the person where it is better. And now the first generations are already appearing who dream of an apartment, a car, a dacha, but when asked what do you want? They answer with a new car, an apartment, a dacha. They choose a job that pays more. And now young people are no longer building the BAM and DNIPRO HPP, but love in House-2. And until the majority of children, when asked who you want to be, begin to answer a pilot, a sailor, an astronaut, and not a banker, a bandit, an oligarch, all our dreams will remain dreams .
  74. +1
    7 October 2013 01: 40
    that's right... and children already want to become managers, bankers, etc., but certainly not astronauts...
  75. 0
    7 October 2013 18: 42
    And you ask those people who were 90 years old, 1991 years old in the early 1993s, 40, 50, why did they surrender the country??????? The very dawn of man's intelligence and strength! Why did they throw out the entire Soviet constitution? Why did you want to change the Russian (Soviet) lifestyle to a Western one and 230 varieties of sausage made from soybeans (and palm oil)? And then the future will become more or less clear. And at the same time ask how children who are now 4 years old will live?