Imperial dreams. Notes of a Russian from Bishkek

Imperial dreams. Notes of a Russian from BishkekIf only about a decade ago, only writer Alexander Prokhanov was shown on television, figuratively speaking, with an imperial standard in his hands under the giggles and mockery of liberals, today only the lazy of those who are more or less interested in politics, not to mention professionals, at least once yes did not touch this topic. And the fact that Vladimir Putin is building a new empire on the basis of modern Russia has become a place of duty in both domestic and foreign media.

The United States and its European friends do not tire of blowing the whole world about the Kremlin’s treacherous plans to restore the Soviet empire. But let's also say frankly: the Russian people are tired of rampant liberalism in their native country. The liberal idea in Russia seems to be coming to a logical and inglorious end, having failed to bring about any intelligible result in almost a quarter of a century. Even the “great” hope of the liberals of Navalny seemed to disappoint them greatly.

The list of losses of the country and the people for the same period is very long. The question is quite logical: what to do? And here the choice made by Putin looks quite logical - this is a course for the construction of the Russian Empire of a sample of the 21st century. But it is rather not a question of the reincarnation of the Russian empire at the time of tsarism or the revival of the Soviet empire. Such a path is unlikely. Obviously, for the construction of a new Russian empire, a new formula and a new format are needed, unconditional changes in the internal policy of the government and a strong modernization of foreign policy.

If today we conduct a survey among professional experts on the topic of building a new empire, then hardly anyone else, perhaps Panarin and Prokhanov, believes that the revival of the Russian Empire is possible. Objectively speaking, everything looks like this.

And who would have believed at one time that Russia would be reborn after the revolution and the civil war? The situation then was much more complicated and difficult than now.
And, nevertheless, Russia made a magnificent breakthrough and for a long period was one of two world hegemons.

It is quite clear that today Russia needs a tough political will of the leadership, otherwise the country will be crushed and crushed, and what kind of empire would there be to live.

While there were flowers, let us wait, what are the berries, at least, Russia's position on the Syrian issue inspires some optimism and hope that in the rest of Putin will show the same will and wisdom. And if the Lithuanian democrats, judging by many data, shot their own people for the sake of the “triumph of democracy” in Lithuanian, then who can guarantee that, under certain circumstances, the Russian democrats for the sake of “higher goals” will not shed the blood of their fellow citizens? Not for nothing that the current “idol” of the protest of Navalny so, looking like a bunch of words, publicly announced at a rally the possibility of marching to the storming of the Kremlin. Should this happen, of course, he would not go under the bullets. So it was in the famous events of the Yeltsin era. So it was with us in Kyrgyzstan. And this version of developments in Russia is scary.

A quarter of almost a century led to the fact that Russian society and the country as a whole were stuck in the space of a transitional period to nowhere. The “Democrats” successfully destroyed and plundered a great country, but, unlike the Bolsheviks, they failed to create anything in return.

Russia managed to win the most brutal war in stories of humanity. In the shortest period, she restored the destroyed country and in just 12 years after the end of the war she launched the world's first space satellite. Is it any wonder that so many people today feel nostalgic about the Soviet past? Not over communism, mind you.

Today, Russian society is torn apart, and every fragment of it is trying to impose its choice on the state. The notorious agents of influence are not a myth. Over the years after the collapse of the Union, a real army of such “agents” has formed in Russia - a whole layer of people who pathologically hate Russians and Russia and God knows what and whom. It is also terrible that on social networks, on the Internet, they do not even hide their views. Just recently, Bozena Rynska urges pensioners to die and not poison the life of the young and beautiful ... And such darkness. There is no cohesive society in Russia, it continues to be further fragmented into parts hating each other. And meanwhile, no matter how the present liberals laughed at and hate our past, it is precisely in the cohesion of society that the roots of success lie.

After the civil war, when the brother fought against his brother and everything against everyone, there seemed to be no power that could gather the Russians into one fist. And yet the Bismarck definition of Russians worked, and they were able, as mercury particles, to quickly merge into a single whole. Is such a miracle possible today? Yes, we can say that this is possible, but the leader of a nation should really become one for everyone, not just for “her own”. Vladimir Putin said this in a program speech to the participants of the Valdai international discussion club ..

If Tsar Alexander III said that Russia has only two allies — the army and the navy, with society being sufficiently united under the slogan “Autocracy. Orthodoxy. Narodnost, ”today we still do not see this. The army and navy are rather weak, tendencies towards correction of the situation have just emerged, and this process will take many years. We talked about the “cohesion” of society ... It would seem that Russia now has nothing to fear, as if there is no need to “spread rot” then, and in capitalism it is firmly “sitting”. But friends of well-wishers who want to finish off Russia like dirt. Why?!

But because they remember the other words of Bismarck: “Do not expect that once you take advantage of Russia's weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russians always come for their money. And when they come - do not rely on the Jesuit agreements that you have signed, supposedly justifying you. They are not worth the paper they are written on. Therefore, it is worth playing with Russians either playing honestly or not playing at all. ” This is where the fear of even a weak Russia comes from. That's where the fear of the possible creation of the Eurasian Union. More than a century, these words of Bismarck, but they do not age. The enemies of Russia remember these words well, but only the Russians themselves become different, lose themselves. If the leader of the nation Putin remembers these words, then Russia still has a chance and hope.

What are the chances to fill the Eurasian Union with real content? You say that miserable, insignificant, no? And, like, be right.

However, what were Singapore’s chances of becoming a prosperous state with one of the highest standards of living in the world? Yes, actually, less than none.

Not a single sane person, looking at the fetid cesspool, where human life was worth a penny, and the literacy level was close to zero, could not have foreseen such a brilliant future of this once wicked corner of Asia. But there was a man who managed to turn the views of people. His name was Lee Kuan Yew. And all this during the life of one generation!

And Turkey? This "sick man of Europe", at the beginning of the last century, is a pitiful stub of a brilliant Ottoman Empire. However, there was a man who turned the country. Grateful compatriots gave him the title "Father of the Turks" and adopted a law prohibiting any negative comments on Ataturk. But this man was not a model of morality and virtue. But here's the result: all of Russia is resting “for antalyas”, and today Turkey is already a regional leader, claiming more.

Or South Korea, the monstrously poor country that was once the most impoverished in the world, which even American experts refused at the time. But there was a national leader who thought differently. It was Pak Jong Hee, and Korea became one of the leaders of the “western” world, and its goods flooded world markets.

For all these leaders was characterized by complete rejection of corruption, each of them was merciless in this regard, even to the closest people. In Russia, corruption is ruthless and total. This national disaster, the plague for the people.

A huge and not yet used factor in the construction of a new Russia could be the foreign Russian diaspora, whose potential is not only underestimated, but simply discarded.
Meanwhile, at the present time, the diasporas have played and continue to play a significant role in the life of a number of states. Not to mention the Jews who have the state of Israel and a powerful diaspora. And there is no secret in the fact that Israel, for all its strong army, lives and survives primarily because of its foreign compatriots. Chrestomaten and the example of China, the revival of which was largely due to its diaspora.

Russia, due to historical collisions, has a diaspora, the number of which no one really calculated. At the same time, the Russians became the largest divided people of the world. According to conservative estimates, Russians outside of Russia are about 25 million people. This is a huge economic and political capital, in essence, absolutely not claimed by Russia. During the period after the collapse of the Union, about 5-6 million people moved home from their ancestors from the Central Asian region by “self-moving”. Without hitting her finger, Russia received huge benefits.

First of all, the settlers closed a huge demographic gap. Having independently moved to Russia, the settlers also settled themselves, acquired housing, got a job or started their own business. And since in Russia the average number per person per person is 20 sq.m., then the settlers have approximately bought about 100 million "squares" of housing, which at today's prices is a huge amount of investment in the country's economy. Of course, both housing and metering are not the same. But I know my countrymen, who have both mansions and those who live more modestly - but everything is arranged. And also consider the cost of living, the taxes they pay. Moreover, in contrast to Germany or Israel, Russia did not spend a single penny on teaching immigrants language, adaptation to a new life, on benefits, and all this is billions of dollars.

Unfortunately, despite the optimism on duty, the resettlement program squeaks more than it goes. After all, mostly good specialists with a good education are going to Russia, and the age is flourishing, since older people do not risk getting off their feet. Our migrants, as a rule, work well, are not subject to traditional vices, are law-abiding.

Why is it all wrong? And the secret is that Russian officials do not need all this. All rural Russia has become deserted, and it is impossible for an immigrant to get land.

There are a lot of people willing to move, but Russia meets like a stepmother, and if the immigrant himself doesn’t show will, ingenuity and worldly turnover, then it is difficult for him to get to the places of the promised.

Even it is impossible to compare with the practice of Germany and Israel. Why is there Germany? Tatarstan does much more for foreign Tatars than all of Russia. If you call to move, then open the door wide open. At the same time, in the countries of the region, the move begins to be blocked by the authorities in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. So the site “Russians in Kazakhstan” survived the next one and a half month attack, and no one from the Russian “official” even said a word. But it is this site that promotes resettlement, provides reference materials, and much more. At the same time, Russia itself keeps the door only ajar, either forgetting to open to the end, or getting ready to close.

Returning to the theme of the Eurasian Union, we see that Russia very often sacrifices the interests of compatriots for the sake of short-term benefits. Instead of “full” revealing the potential of the diaspora for the benefit of Russia and compatriots, Russian officials and deputies treat the diaspora as a suitcase without a handle. Putin does not allow to quit, but they cannot and do not want to drag. Why drag? Create the conditions, and everything will not go by itself, but it will run!

The situation with the creation of the Eurasian Union in reality is not as gracious as it looks on paper. In the same Kazakhstan, there is the strongest opposition in the face of nationalists. Ukraine is another serious factor, and the question here is not that it can strengthen the Union so economically. Today, Ukraine has more problems than achievements. But there are two serious aspects. First of all - the spiritual: it is Kiev that is the Russian ancestral home, from there the Russian land went. The same Bismarck said: “The power of Russia can be undermined only by the separation of Ukraine from it ... it is necessary not only to tear, but also to oppose Ukraine to Russia, to poison the two parts of a single people and watch how the brother will kill the brother. To do this, you only need to find and cultivate traitors among the national elite and with their help change the self-consciousness of one part of a great nation to such an extent that it will hate everything Russian, hate its kind without realizing it. Everything else is a matter of time. ”

Almost the prediction of Bismarck close to implementation. Today’s Ukrainian elites have already made a choice in favor of the EU, despite the fact that the benefits are very conditional and the damage is obvious. Will Putin be able to change the situation? If it can, then construction will continue; if it cannot, then it will be difficult for both Russia and the Russians.

It must be said that Russia is a country that cannot be governed as Western countries.

For today's Russia, Western democracy is an instrument for the destruction of Russian statehood. Only a strong leader of the nation is able to raise Russia to the status of a really Great Power. And this is not totalitarianism at all, it is a special way of Russia. Vladimir Putin has managed to become a world leader. And recent events have shown that the Russian president has potential for growth. It remains to recall the famous: “You can only believe in Russia!”
61 comment
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  1. Hudo
    26 September 2013 07: 14
    What are the chances to fill the Eurasian Union with real content? You say that miserable, insignificant, no? And, like, be right.

    Today's Ukrainian elites have already opted for the EU, despite the fact that the benefits are very conditional and the damage is obvious. Can Putin turn the tide? If it can, then construction will continue; if it cannot, it will be difficult for both Russia and the Russians.

    If the implementation of the policy of filling the Eurasian Union with real content will derail various Uralkali baumgertners with their irrepressible redneck, then one should not expect much success. The phrase "We are not in the 37th year", it is time to file it in the archive until better times. For the common good.
    1. Crocodile
      26 September 2013 07: 48
      Quote: Hudo
      The phrase "We are not in the 37th year", it's time to file it in the archive until better times.

      Most likely, only some kind of global shock, something from the realm of science fiction, will be able to force our government to start a war on corruption!
      Everyone will have to fight with himself!
      Now, everyone already has it in their brains that it is more prestigious not to work, but to earn money, and even better to receive bribes, kickbacks and "thanks".
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +20
      26 September 2013 08: 20
      Just recently, Bozena Rynska urges pensioners to die and not to poison the life of the young and beautiful ... And such darkness.

      I have long been waiting for this stsuka to be mentioned!
      1. eplewke
        26 September 2013 09: 19
        Su * ka painted ... In the furnace of such mademoiselle scary!
        1. +14
          26 September 2013 09: 48
          Quote: eplewke
          In the furnace of such mademoiselle scary!

          I'm sorry for the firewood. A stake aspen is better. It is reusable!
        2. +13
          26 September 2013 09: 57
          May he bring Israel to his Jedi brothers.
      2. +9
        26 September 2013 09: 38
        Yes ... indescribable beauty, God forbid, a konfrashka is enough. Brains and a kind of plucked chicken.
        1. +9
          26 September 2013 12: 02
          The funny thing is that the real name of this so-called Rynskaya is Kuritsyna ...
        2. +4
          26 September 2013 13: 44
          Quote: vlad_pr
          Yes ... indescribable beauty, God forbid, a konfrashka is enough.

          Oh and scary you mother ... Oh, scary!
      3. +8
        26 September 2013 09: 51
        Ksenia Sobchak says about the same thing, as they say an apple does not fall far from an apple tree
        1. +3
          26 September 2013 10: 23
          A naughty, bazaar woman, without a gram of culture. PR su ** dyed. am
        2. +6
          26 September 2013 10: 41
          Bozena ... Well, actually Yevgeny Kuritsyna. Such a time, every chicken considers himself a deity. laughing
      4. Fin
        26 September 2013 10: 21
        Just recently, Bozena Rynska urges pensioners to die and not to poison the life of the young and beautiful ... And such darkness.

        Quote: SHILO
        I have long been waiting for this stsuka to be mentioned!

        What a fuck .. Rynska, Kuritsina it, and brains, respectively, chicken. Sludge society decided] to declare itself.
      5. +5
        26 September 2013 10: 59
        Quote: SHILO
        I have long been waiting for this stsuka to be mentioned!

        Media: Retired Party sues Bozena Rynska

        The Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice decided to sue secular journalist Bozhena Rynska, who, on her blog, wished older people who voted in the Mayoral elections of Moscow “should go to the forefathers as soon as possible”.

        more details
        1. +2
          26 September 2013 13: 36
          Quote: Apollon
          Media: Retired Party sues Bozena Rynska

          in continuation of the comment
      6. Aydar
        26 September 2013 12: 02
        In the photo is the female human monkey?
        1. +5
          26 September 2013 12: 36
          Nope, the photo shows a female monkey ...
      7. German
        26 September 2013 16: 57
        Drunk monkey must be given (to satisfy sexual needs) is a miracle! wassat
    3. +8
      26 September 2013 10: 39
      Today, Russian society is torn, and each fragment of it is trying to impose its choice on the state.

      that you sho? didn't even know. it is possible in more detail on which parts it is "torn" and on what such "choice" is it imposed? You say that we have so many drugs and lovers, what can we say about a split? Nonsense. Every year among the people, strong immunity and aversion to the concepts of D and L are growing, even here on the forum they are associated in the first case with the war in the second with LGBT people and other perversions.

      Over the years after the collapse of the Union, a real army of such “agents” has formed in Russia - a whole layer of people who pathologically hate Russians and Russia, and yet God knows what and whom. It is terrible that in social networks, on the Internet, they do not even hide their views.

      nonsense again, here is a short list:

      Alekseeva Lyudmila, a human rights activist Ponomarev Lev, a human rights activist Ryklin Alexander, journalist Bonner Elena Bonner, human rights activist Milov, Vladimir S., politikKovalev Sergei Adamovich, a human rights activist Boltyanskaya Natella Savelievna, zhurnalistKasparov Garry, politikKara-Murza Vladimir Vladimirovich, historian, journalist Pashkova Olga V., journalist Nemtsov Boris Efimovich, politician. Korsunsky Vladimir Borukhovich Rubinshtein Lev Semenovich, writer Albats Evgenia Markovna, journalist Shende rovich Viktor Anatolyevich, writer Berg Mikhail Yuryevich, writer, member of the Executive Committee of the Russian PEN Center Golts Alexander Matveevich, journalist Orekh Anton Ryzhov Yuri Alekseevich, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Bukovsky Vladimir Konstantinovich, writer, politician Svetova Zoya Feliksovna, journalist Ryzhkov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, politician Osovtsov Alexander Avraamov Alexander Avraamov Varfolomeev Vladimir Viktorovich, journalist Nekhoroshev Grigory Ivanovich, journalist.

      Here are their mouthpieces:, Ekho Moskvy, Radio Svoboda, Ezhednevny Zhurnal, Novaya Gazeta, Top Secret, etc.
    4. Ruslan_F38
      26 September 2013 11: 17
      Putin managed to become a world leader. And recent events have shown that the Russian president has growth potential. It remains to recall the well-known: “One can only believe in Russia!”
      - it remains only to say - cheers! Give Putin to the world leaders, and Obama to the toilet!
      And the secret is that Russian officials don’t need all this. Instead of fully revealing the potential of the diaspora to the benefit of Russia and compatriots, Russian officials and deputies treat the diaspora as a suitcase without a handle. Putin does not allow throwing, but they cannot and do not want to drag.
      - you don’t need it, neither ministers, nor regional heads, nor presidents — apparently, we have one sufferer for Russia — GDP — well, neither ministers, nor officials, nor heads, nor deputies, nor presidents — well, at least you crack !
      Do you know why the author? And because only your Putin can chat, but he does not have the strength to cope with the above, and he does not have the power for this, he is not the master of the country. First, let Chubais, Kudrin, Serdyukov, Shaimiev, Matvienko, Nemtsov and others, the oligarchs and other trash "clean up" - at least. For now, just chatter.
      1. +4
        26 September 2013 12: 16
        The situation inside Russia (the 5th column, corruption, banditry, Russophobia) needs to be rectified by foreign policy actions, since this hydra is fed from the outside - it’s stupid to scoop up water from the house during a flood, you have to leave the house and take water away from the house drastically.
        Unfortunately, the USSR never carried out tough offensive foreign policy actions, only strong defense, which is why they ate, in modern society you can’t only defend, sooner or later they will crush it.
      2. dmb
        26 September 2013 12: 18
        I think that you are not quite right. This is me in the part "but he does not have the strength to cope with the above, and he does not have the power for this, he is not the master in the country." The main thing that he does not have is interest and desire to cope with them. Moreover, they are his support, because their interests coincide in absolutely everything. When Khodor's interests diverged from Putin's, he took his rightful place on the bunk. And anyone else who encroached on his power (like Kvachkov and Khabarov), or tried to steal a sum "out of order" will also take his place there. No, of course, the country will continue to fight the damned corruption among ordinary traffic cops, district pediatricians and primary school teachers. But not higher, for higher is a system built of course not by the Main Fighter, but successfully strengthened by him. And the author (unless of course he is part of the embassy) is quite understandable. Their Glavkirskiy apparently does not speak about such a struggle at all.
        1. Ruslan_F38
          26 September 2013 13: 16
          Quote: dmb
          I think that you are not quite right. This is me in the part "but he does not have the strength to cope with the above, and he does not have the power for this, he is not the master in the country." The main thing that he does not have is interest and desire to cope with them.

          I mean this, you should not consider my judgments superficial, you just always need to give a chance to correct mistakes and do the right thing. Arranging a revolution or stigmatizing it is easy, but turning the situation on the right track is much more difficult, but much more useful, productive and less destructive for the country. You need to drip on your brains, drip constantly, and not stigmatize - you look, and for the sake of wanting to stay in power and have the support of the people - the right conclusions and decisions will be made, the forces will be freed from the influence of the puppeteers. Judah must be punished, contrary to the wishes of the puppeteers, and the heroes are designated. And if the performance continues as it is now, then this is a dead end way to divide the country into uncontrolled territories, or to the police state in those territories that remain under control.
          1. dmb
            26 September 2013 15: 17
            I do not assess your opinions at all, but express my point of view. Making a revolution is not at all as easy as it seems at first glance. Moreover, the phrase: "The upper classes cannot, but the lower classes do not want to," has not yet been refuted by anyone. "Dripping on the brains" may not be bad, but then it would be worth giving examples of how such "dripping" led to ... (further in your text). In family relations, there are such examples, in the state restructuring, I have not met.
            1. Ruslan_F38
              26 September 2013 15: 50
              Quote: dmb
              I do not assess your opinions at all, but express my point of view. Making a revolution is not at all as easy as it seems at first glance. Moreover, the phrase: "The upper classes cannot, but the lower classes do not want to," has not yet been refuted by anyone. "Dripping on the brains" may not be bad, but then it would be worth giving examples of how such "dripping" led to ... (further in your text). In family relations, there are such examples, in the state restructuring, I have not met.

              Well, you said, and then what? Called a spade a spade, and then what? Chop with a sword? Putin ... and all the power ... etc. etc. what's next? Just a riot or dress up as "poop and sit and smell in the corner" - excuse for God's sake for the comparison. Russia does not need this and you don’t need navrenye.
              The Internet manages, they work with the Internet - this means the same with users, public opinion is created, there are a lot of slates on the Internet from different sides of the front, not two, there are many sides - this is a whole info war. We need to try to change public opinion, try to convey this to those in power. Well, it's over, and with a clever air of a seasoned guru from the "kitchen", broadcast that we do not decide anything and everything was decided without us and give caustic hopeless assessments of what is happening or that everything is fine with us - we are prospering or ...
              1. dmb
                26 September 2013 17: 13
                Do you think those in power, including the Guarantor, do not know public opinion about raising tariffs, appointing Golikova or evaluating Serdyukov? It’s just this power that yours and my opinion are deep in the drum, which, in fact, is evidence of its actions. As you do not understand, well, they will not give you Shuvalov, Sechin and Deripaska money, no matter how much someone monitors. And Putin will not give up, not collecting for that. And when the people after the next tax still take to the streets, they will send troops, and not cancel the tax. Immediately, their property will be discussed, and not about whom to appoint Nemtsov or Navalny as the governor? This is not a bazaar on Bolotnaya.
                1. Ruslan_F38
                  26 September 2013 20: 53
                  Quote: dmb
                  And Putin will not give up, not collecting for that. And when the people after the next tax still take to the streets, they will send troops, and not cancel the tax.

                  I hope this does not come to this and common sense will prevail. We can’t ignore public opinion - this is a big nonsense - Russia and Russians are not Europeans and Americans - they will have to reckon with their opinion and the authorities should understand this.

                  “One of the hallmarks of a great nation is its ability to rise to its feet after a fall. No matter how hard his humiliation is, but the class hour will come, he will gather his confused moral strength and embody them in one great man or in several great people who will lead him to the temporarily straight historical road that he has left ”. /AT. Klyuchevsky about Russia.
                  1. dmb
                    26 September 2013 21: 13
                    Well, Putin is clearly not the one Klyuchevsky writes about. The authorities should understand this about your opinion, but it does not spare and every day the absence of this desire is confirmed by concrete actions. Until today, common sense has not prevailed, and tomorrow the characters listed above by me all immediately realize. You manifest common sense with what parameters do you determine by the amount of stolen ?. So much has already been stolen that even if the stove is heated with money, the seventh generation will suffice. And they don’t stop.
  2. +12
    26 September 2013 07: 20
    “Do not hope that once you take advantage of Russia's weakness, you will receive dividends forever. Russians always come for their money. And when they come - do not rely on the Jesuit agreements that you have signed, supposedly justifying you. They are not worth the paper on which they are written. Therefore, it’s worth playing with the Russians honestly or not at all. ” That's where the fear of even a weak Russia comes from.
    Bismarck aptly noticed! And this has happened more than once in our long-suffering history. And the West does not want or cannot understand this!
    1. +3
      26 September 2013 09: 59
      It happened more than once, but "Ukraine" They managed to break away from the Empire.
      1. true love
        26 September 2013 10: 37
        It is not yet known how this "separation" will end! To sober up the inhabitants of Ukraine, it is necessary to let them "enjoy" Europe.
    2. +1
      26 September 2013 12: 26
      Quote: MIKHAN
      Bismarck aptly noticed! And this has happened more than once in our long-suffering history. And the West does not want or cannot understand this!
      This is the lot of Russia, dull to bring to a sense. hiThey are waiting for this moment and know that it is inevitable, if they do not change their minds.
  3. Crocodile
    26 September 2013 07: 40
    Most of the Russian population will agree with almost all the points of this article!
    The main problem is corruption!
    For all these leaders was characterized by complete rejection of corruption, each of them was merciless in this regard, even to the closest people. In Russia, corruption is ruthless and total. This national disaster, the plague for the people.
    At the moment, we do not have a leader who can lead the fight against corruption in every way!
    1. true love
      26 September 2013 10: 39
      This is not true. There is a leader. Corruption is the imposed administration of a colony. Until Russia gets rid of the usurper, corruption cannot be eradicated. Independence is the cure for corruption.
  4. +11
    26 September 2013 08: 18
    This is just an axiom - prosperity is impossible without victory over corruption. The position of Putin and the authorities is absolutely unclear, a step forward two back. Russians from neighboring countries also need to be attracted to return to their historical homeland with land and grants, then Russia will be replenished with millions of Russians. But it seems that our democrats only need to loot and dump abroad, and then also to blame Russia non-stop.
    1. Sadikoff
      26 September 2013 09: 55
      Putin’s position as President of the Russian Federation derives from his post, unambiguously. But this is not a dictatorship, he ordered and executed. Upstairs people also work with their weaknesses and desires. And what can we say about local officials. The vertical of power is not dictatorship, you have to fight for implementation of their decisions taking into account the interests of other influential people and groups. And this is normal, the structure is formed from above and immediately it cannot work out angelically. It needs to be educated, disciplined.
      And people, when everything is smooth and there are no problems in life, it doesn’t get so boring. A person searches for where it is better, and if he does nothing and waits for everything from above ....
    2. 0
      26 September 2013 13: 54
      Quote: svskor80
      prosperity is impossible without defeating corruption.

      good good good hi
  5. essenger
    26 September 2013 08: 23
    If the blocking of the Russian relocation in Kazakhstan is really true. That I condemn it, do not hinder the Russian move to Russia.
    1. Asan Ata
      27 September 2013 00: 17
      Complete nonsense. Who wanted, he left. Who wanted to, went to Russia, but got sick. The rest do not want to. Kazakhstan is the ONLY REPUBLIC OF THE FORMER USSR, WHERE THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IS CIRCUMSTEN, OFFICIATED, AND WITHOUT ACCENTS AND DIALECTICS. Conveniently, without tension, finally a thrill.
      1. essenger
        27 September 2013 10: 08
        Quote: Asan Ata
        Complete nonsense. Who wanted, he left. Who wanted to, went to Russia, but got sick. The rest do not want to. Kazakhstan is the ONLY REPUBLIC OF THE FORMER USSR, WHERE THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IS CIRCUMSTEN, OFFICIATED, AND WITHOUT ACCENTS AND DIALECTICS. Conveniently, without tension, finally a thrill.

        Are you not a member of Nur-Otan? wink
  6. serge
    26 September 2013 08: 39
    The conclusion of the article is doubtful. We need to return not the "Russian diaspora" from Ukraine, but the Russian land of Ukraine and the Baltic states, together with our people living on it.
    1. -2
      26 September 2013 13: 15
      With what "our people"?
      With Tyagnibok and Farion? With Yushchenko and Tymoshenko?
      Or do you "expense" them? But then you have to shoot nine-tenths there. Do you have the opportunity for this?
      I do not like empty cheap chatter. Excuse me.
  7. eplewke
    26 September 2013 09: 21
    Putin is the emperor! This is already understood by many. Or is it better Tsar-father ... Fact ... The only question is whether it is good for Russia ??? I think 60% to 40%. Moreover, 60% for the better Putin's side.
    1. Cat
      26 September 2013 10: 23
      Quote: eplewke
      Putin is the emperor! This is already understood by many. Or is it better Tsar-father ... Fact ... The question is only whether it is good for Russia?

      With all the imaginary and real advantages of GDP, it has one, but a significant drawback - it is not eternal. Suppose Putin leaves, but there remains a titular post with all the levers of power. And who is next? IPhonecheg, Chubais, Lavrov, Zhirik?
    2. Fin
      26 September 2013 10: 36
      Quote: eplewke
      The only question is whether this is good for Russia ???

      Can you offer another device in Russia? Without a leader and an idea, no country would rise by itself.
      Positive developments are slow but coming. The fight against corruption is the main thing to do otherwise, once again we will ruin ourselves.
      There are a lot of people willing to move, but Russia meets like a stepmother, and if the immigrant himself doesn’t show will, ingenuity and worldly turnover, then it is difficult for him to get to the places of the promised.

      Again, the problem of enforcing laws. There is no liability. Officials snickered, from all want to get a rollback, hence all the troubles.
  8. +6
    26 September 2013 09: 25
    Just nostalgia for 37. Judging by what is happening now, this was not enough. If now we start to plant corrupt officials, then 37 will seem like flowers. And just as then all these scum will declare themselves freedom fighters (impunity to steal exorbitantly). Only mass executions will save our homeland))) Joke. In fact, the best option is to get them to return everything stolen (at least most) and make them work for the good of the people. If you don’t want the good, we’ll take it all the same, and we’ll smear your forehead with green stuff.
  9. slacker
    26 September 2013 09: 40
    Who wanted, he had long left those edges.
  10. +5
    26 September 2013 09: 53
    Very often I meet the opinions of our fellow citizens about our country as a whole. Often there are comments: "Country of freaks" "Country" "Shame on the country and the government." Fellow citizens are often led by provocations in the media, various forums and see the situation no further than their noses. The feeling that they do not live in Russia but somewhere on the moon. It is very convenient to stand on the sidelines and do nothing and find fault with everything that matters. The overwhelming majority of people give bribes (traffic police, military registration and enlistment office, institute, etc., do not react to the arbitrariness of officials), and then scold the government for not being able to cope with corruption. Before expressing dissatisfaction, everyone needs to look at themselves and ask, what have I done to change the situation? And the answer is usually one "NOTHING"! Then it would be better to be silent in a rag. The country is all of us put together, including them, expressing such opinions, they first of all offend themselves and others. And for insults you can get in the snout. Love Yuri
    1. +4
      26 September 2013 11: 24
      "Country of freaks" "Country" "Shame on the country and the government."

      But it is! Another thing is that one should not criticize, but offer his own solutions to fix problems. It’s like at work: don’t shout that your job is worth it and everything is "****", but offer your solution, and you will solve the problem and earn respect.

      Fellow citizens are often carried on provocations in the media, various forums and see the situation no further than their nose. The feeling that they do not live in Russia but somewhere on the moon. It is very convenient to stand aside and do nothing and blame everything on which the light stands. The overwhelming majority of people give bribes (to traffic cops, a military registration and enlistment office, institute, etc., do not respond to the arbitrariness of officials), and then they scold the government for not being able to cope with corruption.

      I agree with this.

      And for insults you can get in the snout. With love Yuri

      The original ending. laughing
  11. +2
    26 September 2013 09: 55
    The author’s thoughts and views come from there, from abroad of the Russian state. Therefore, they are valuable. The bureaucracy of Russia demonstrates a neglect of Russian-speaking citizens abroad as well as their citizens in their own country. And the most offensive is that foreign Russians think that this is our bad homeland, not a bastard-bureaucrat. If it weren’t for the army of Russian officials hindering the return of Russian people to Russia, millions of our compatriots would already live and work in Russia. And for this you need very little - to destroy corruption.
    1. Cat
      26 September 2013 10: 18
      Quote: Ivanovich47
      for this you need very little - to destroy corruption

      Yeah - just a little bit (sarcasm)
  12. Grigorich 1962
    26 September 2013 10: 01
    Good article. Indeed, Russia urgently needs to take measures to move away from the adopted "democratic course", which has already led us to a dead end (just a little bit left). In my opinion, the GDP has already realized its role as a national leader capable of radically changing the situation for the better. But he is pulled down and back a lot ... Medvedevs, Chubais, Stooltkins, etc. and so on ....... again, corruption is widespread. In my opinion, the GDP should repent for its previous sins and make coordinated decisions on changing the government, introducing the death penalty, a new economic policy, withdrawing from PACE and the WTO, as well as treaties that bind Russia’s hands and hinder its normal development. Putin must become our Russian Ataturk .... we have no other way
  13. +4
    26 September 2013 10: 07
    Listen (in Russian) or mail in English to the speeches of the heads of government or representatives of countries at the 68th UN General Assembly .. and everything will fall into place .. "Huh huh?"
    -24 09 13
    -25 09 13
    -Sharikashvili in his usual role
    European Union
  14. +3
    26 September 2013 10: 20
    The author of the article is either "not in the subject", or makes a classic "trick with the ears", equating the attack on the Internet site (by the way, who did it, where is the evidence?) To blocking the exit of Russians from Kazakhstan. At this point it is necessary to decide whether, as some comrades write, “the Russians are being squeezed out of Kazakhstan,” or their exit is blocked, otherwise it turns out somehow stupid.
    1. +1
      26 September 2013 12: 23
      Anyway, I’m not happy that the letter was from Bishkek, but they didn’t give me greetings! Joke drinks

      Russia is favored by the presence of Russians in border states for imperial affairs. Foreign countries, of course, are no longer profitable - the lost gene pool and culture.
  15. +1
    26 September 2013 10: 43
    Corruption is rooted in money. Civil service has become perhaps the most highly profitable field of activity. Officials manage most of the money in the country and use it for personal gain. If they are deprived of this opportunity, corruption will drop dramatically. Big and very big money should be earned only privately, without interfering with the influence of officials. Going into officials and various deputies, people should understand that they will live modestly, becoming an average boss, and decently only taking the highest posts. All the current "reformers", and our "reforms" are the creation of muddy water in which it is so convenient to steal, will finally start doing what they love far from the bins of their homeland, and will stop sticking a spoke in the wheels of any undertakings useful not only to them.
  16. +3
    26 September 2013 10: 46
    Is such a miracle possible today? Yes, we can say that this is possible, but the leader of the nation should really become one for all, and not just for “their own people”.

    That's right, but as long as he is apparently pulling, it is difficult to tear himself away from the trough, it is even more difficult to drive away his "friends". It teaches the Western powers to live for now, but the spirit is not enough to start with oneself.
  17. +5
    26 September 2013 11: 05
    For today's Russia, Western democracy is an instrument for the destruction of Russian statehood. Only a strong leader of the nation is able to raise Russia to the status of a truly Great Power. And this is not totalitarianism, this is a special way for Russia

    With these words, Stanislav Epifantsev himself answers the questions posed. The Eurasian Union is still experiencing some difficulties in its birth due to fierce criticism of foreign figures. They are panicky afraid of this birth (But Russia has always saved Europe) .One of the members of the forum (on the site Forum of the Soviet Union)you said correctly: Europe will never forgive us for not letting it profit fully in the territory occupied by Russia. Nor will she forgive the fact that Russia carried out and, most likely, will pursue a policy in its interests. She is scared to have a “bear” in the neighbors. By the way, in my opinion, a good comparison. She remembers everything. So it will slowly harm the other people's backs, until it gets on the forehead ... Find a victim (the new Napoleon or Hitler) and use it to test the Russians in business - this is the maximum that Europe is capable of in the near historical time. They were satisfied with a weak Russia, and when they felt the strengthening and the beginning of the merger of the torn parts of the USSR, but in a different capacity, they raised a howl both against the CU and against Putin, seeing the danger to their "dreams" and plans.
  18. 0
    26 September 2013 11: 10
    Thanks to the author. Good and informative article Plus
  19. Powder donut
    26 September 2013 11: 15
    I love these authors a lot of beautiful words and nothing new. The liberals and democrats are to blame. The author is where you saw liberals with democrats in power ??? I have not seen, the democrats would not have dissolved the USSR after a referendum where 70% percent voted to preserve the country. Are these your democrats ???? Or maybe BORKA ALCOHOLIC liberal? Hopefully in hell it's hot enough.
    I am not a historian, but I try to develop my horizons and know what I saw? In RUSSIA there were, are and will be great people, ascetics, those who can change the state and bring a golden age to our country, moreover, this happens when they come to power. So what is the probability that the helm will have a captain who is able to control the ship as it should, what is the likelihood that the team of this captain will be honest and conscientious ???? No! Let’s ask yourself the question: what form of government from the following has been established in our country for the past 150 years.

    The monarchy is a form of government where the highest state power belongs to the sole head of state - the monarch, who occupies the throne by inheritance and is not responsible to the population.

    The Republic is a form of government in which the highest bodies of state power are elected by the people, or are formed by special representative institutions for a specified period and bear full responsibility to voters.

    In my opinion, the monarchy, albeit in a corrected version, is nevertheless dear ("FOR FAITH, Tsar and Fatherland", "FOR STALIN"). BECAUSE A KING, A LEADER, A PRESIDENT ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE TO THE ELECTORATE.
    So do not scold what we never had, democracy is an unattainable dream the same as communism.
    Now he is a strong king and everything is fine with us, and tomorrow Putin will hand over power to someone like Medvedev or a friend from EP whose daughter is in Europe or the United States studying and we will have an ass again.
    1. +3
      26 September 2013 12: 54
      Powder donut
      You described everything well and logically, but forgot a little nuance, and we will come across a monarch like Nikolashka ... and that's it ... again the same "ass" that you mentioned ... and as long as the insignificance is alive, it will be in power. .. unless only if the re-election is carried out with a snuffbox on the head ... but this is also not a gut ...
      1. +1
        26 September 2013 13: 50
        Quote: smile
        unless if the re-election to produce-snuffbox on the head ..

        Nowadays, re-elections will have to be put on stream, and the production of snuff boxes on the conveyor ...
  20. 0
    26 September 2013 11: 34
    For me personally, the current Russian Federation strongly resembles the Russian Empire of the times of decline. If you take and reread the book by V.S. Pikul "Unclean Power", then we will see the same thing that is happening with us now. The same overwhelming corruption of the bureaucracy, the dominance of oligarchs, then the grand dukes, the impoverishment of the people against the background of squandering and extravagance of "effective managers", or rather, he still did not live normally then. Outwardly powerful, but suffering from internal rickets, the army, which lost almost all the battles of WWI, how does it resemble the modern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which can kick the ass of any neighboring "partner", but cannot withstand a serious war. Was it not in Russia that the multi-engine Ilya Muromets bombers appeared? Was it not in Russia that the advantages of armored vehicles were first appreciated during the RYA? Didn't the Russian army have one of the most advanced and numerous artillery pieces of field artillery, did not the mighty dreadnoughts build in Russian shipyards? As well as now, our aviation technology keeps pace, and in some ways is ahead of foreign counterparts, and Russian tanks, in principle, are out of competition in the world arms market, not to mention air defense systems. But then there was also a downside. Foreign engines were installed on the Ilya Muromets, armored cars did not grow into tanks, numerous Russian artillery was left without shells during the war, and dreadnoughts were seriously inferior in quantity and quality to ships of leading foreign fleets. Also now, the army is shrinking, essentially turning from an army that should protect the country into an army to cover the strategic nuclear forces. The newest planes are delivered to the troops per hour by a teaspoon, and the notorious 5th generation fighter has lagged behind in production from the American counterpart for many years and is still not in service. New tanks are primarily going abroad. Arms and ammunition depots inherited from the USSR are destroyed. At the same time, ammunition factories are being closed.
    Dreary, gentlemen and comrades. In principle, such a system can exist for a fairly long time without an external push. After all, the army and the police (after all, it was not for nothing that they renamed them!) Are always stronger than the people, which was shown by the revolution of 1905 and the unconvincing attempts of the "swamp" people. But our Western "friends" are not sleeping. What will they come up with tomorrow instead of the failed "fighting hamsters". Will the authorities find an answer to the new "initiative" of the enemies? And how many "initiatives" will this state withstand? And will it not bury the Russian people under its rubble? We can only guess. Because the only tried and tested option for saving the country will not be applied by the authorities. "We are not 37th year" (c).
  21. +1
    26 September 2013 12: 02
    Nobody needs poor, unhappy, tortured emigrants! Oh little thing! Do not compare with Germany. Do not compare ... and do not. The author himself also notes right there - they settled down, work, live, made housing for themselves ... Well done.
    It’s good to be Russian, but not easy. Germany sample, say? That is, we spawn a day in the life of non-working parasites who do not speak Russian and receive at the level of a skilled worker from state funds? But do not you go ... to Germany? We don’t need this. Yes, the process of obtaining land ... we shall not have time to gasp, as the Chinese sit around on this land. Haha, for our land we have to live a lot here, seriously Russify, no kidding.
    With regards to the Empire ... we will not go anywhere. Yes, the VVP, who is afraid of life, is frankly cowardly. The Ice Throne (Bushkov is a good fellow) is really scary, it's not a shame to be afraid of such a person who is not afraid of God or a damn thing. "Obsolete Empire" - shit, damn it! What upgrades ?! You might think that someone came up with something new at least for a hair since the time of the stone ax. Eternal Russia cannot be changed even by ... Russians. The strongest people on the planet could not pass into the future, throwing away Russia and calling themselves a shameful klikuha. Since we failed to do this, it is generally impossible, there is only one true path to the future. Let's drink to the health of the Tsar, for sure, there is no other way, there has never been and will not be ...
  22. +2
    26 September 2013 12: 11
    I do not agree about democracy, of all the others, it is the best. Tired of talking about "a strong arm, leg, or whatever is strong ...", how many times has Russia stepped on totalitarian and other monarchist rakes? It's good when the emperor is an autocrat is smart and decisive, like Peter 1 or Catherine the Great, and if he is henpecked like Nikolashka 2? It's good when Iosif Vissarionovich was, but Gorbachev alone was enough to multiply all of Stalin's achievements by zero. I don't know what Putin did so "great", but the point is How long is he left? 20-30 years, let him leave for another 10 presidential terms, exposing Russia once again to ridicule. And then what? The country should be chosen not according to the balabol, who never did anything, but on business. found the era of the late Brezhnev fell into insanity, but you will see one more insanity at the head of the country.
    1. Powder donut
      26 September 2013 14: 14
      Yeah, Putin was a strong, purposeful one, and whoever comes will come and who will once again give us a zero cut, or will transfer time. Or Gorbachev will come with Yeltsin. And there will be hell and destruction again.
      I suggest Putin to clone !!!
      1. 0
        26 September 2013 19: 19
        To instill in him Stalinist attitudes - cadres decide everything. MORE: Lee Kuan Y., Ataturk., Park Jung Hee - all these leaders were characterized by a complete rejection of corruption. Maybe through hypnosis? Again, there are many sorcerers, psychics, aliens flying somewhere.
    2. 0
      27 September 2013 06: 08
      I do not agree about democracy, of all the others, it is the best

      But who argues. But where is it democracy? Or do you naively think that if elections are held in the country, then this is democracy? Given that the media belong to either the state or the oligarchs (TNCs), the people simply do not have the opportunity to find out independent information about independent candidates. But there is also the possibility of calculating voices in different ways, holding roundabouts, buying votes for a bottle or for money. In a capitalist society, there can be no democracy.
  23. chushoj
    26 September 2013 12: 13
    I did not understand what the article was about. No tsarism and the USSR will revive. No empire will be built. About the United States and consumers have been clear for a long time.
    1. +2
      26 September 2013 12: 40
      I also did not understand what the article was about, what its author meant. Now a couple of Rooks from Kant flew almost directly over my house. This is clearer and more useful than articles with a vague meaning.
  24. So_o_tozh
    26 September 2013 13: 00
    Russia needs a national idea, something that most Russians would believe, so that others would catch up looking at the Russians. And there is such an idea - this is Orthodoxy !!! Second: the continuity of power or the education of leaders, who will do this? From the point of view of the Ukrainian, well, doesn’t it make sense for us now to bind ourselves with Russia, because it’s not yet clear for what to unite? Russia closes the technological chain, it seems that Ukraine needs Russia only to sell goods and to restore its prestige. Maybe it’s good that Russia is constantly creating such difficulties for Ukraine in the first place with bans on Ukrainian goods, as they say, they beat us, and we are growing stronger and expanding our horizons))
    1. +1
      26 September 2013 13: 21
      a feeling that Ukraine is needed for Russia only for the sale of goods and to restore its prestige
      And for what is Russia needed for Ukraine? To russophobes and ukro-natsik from a spoon to feed, as in Soviet times? Interrupt.
      From the point of view of the Ukrainian, well, there’s no sense for us now to bind ourselves with Russia, because it’s not yet clear why to unite
      And from the point of view of a normal Russian (and not a sick in the head "imperial"), it makes no sense for us to unite. This will not solve any of our problems (real, not imaginary). But it will create a lot of new problems.
      It may be good that Russia is constantly creating such difficulties for Ukraine
      It can’t, but definitely good. This will make unification completely impossible. And the vast majority of Russians (a bunch of Internet talkers do not count), unification with Ukraine is never needed.
      1. So_o_tozh
        26 September 2013 15: 58
        And for what is Russia needed for Ukraine? To russophobes and ukro-natsik from a spoon to feed, as in Soviet times? Interrupt.
        The same to you
        And from the point of view of a normal Russian (and not a sick in the head "imperial"), it makes no sense for us to unite. This will not solve any of our problems (real, not imaginary). But it will create a lot of new problems.
        I agree.
        It can’t, but definitely good. This will make unification completely impossible. And the vast majority of Russians (a bunch of Internet talkers do not count), unification with Ukraine is never needed.
        So what for a goat button accordion? Leave the countries of the former Union, dismantle military bases, fence yourself off with a 5m concrete fence and pour in concrete, then Russophobes will definitely not take you fool
      2. 0
        26 September 2013 17: 00
        This is not entirely true: no one is needed with Ukraine, no one wants to break ties with the people. Even their Natsiks are part of our people, albeit drugged and wretched. The countries are frustrating, the people are suffering. After the collapse of the USSR, all my relatives were spread over the union, what now is to pretend that it is not outside the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus? Travel to Crimea on visas? But what about the Ukrainians, who turned out to be the will of fate with the citizenship of the Russian Federation and vice versa?

        "The middle finger is extended, a hand above the head: here is my policy, our policy."
        1. 0
          26 September 2013 19: 03
          The idea of ​​Orthodoxy somehow discredits itself as well as a corrupt government. They would not seize parishes, but think about the human soul. - "No matter how much the present liberals ridiculed and blame our past, it is in the cohesion of society that the roots of success lie." - here we need a new, breakthrough idea for the cohesion of society, Think gentlemen. And she's on the surface. We have lost the old Soviet industry, scrapped it, maybe this is fortunate. But this does not mean that we should sit on the gas pipe like drug addicts. It's time to start a new industrialization on technologies of the 21st century. And the Komsomol construction projects are still in memory, at least echoes. If the authorities want, but the media will try, and in schools, the installation of patriotic education will be lowered, it is quite possible to be on horseback. A leader is needed, a leader without fools, a real one.
  25. 0
    26 September 2013 14: 02
    but leave it as it is. And they went these nat expressing education.
  26. +1
    26 September 2013 14: 20
    Thanks to the author for the article. I agree on all positions.
  27. 0
    26 September 2013 18: 32
    Quote: seller trucks
    Today, Russian society is torn, and each fragment of it is trying to impose its choice on the state.

    that you sho? didn't even know. it is possible in more detail on which parts it is "torn" and on what such "choice" is it imposed? You say that we have so many drugs and lovers, what can we say about a split? Nonsense. Every year among the people, strong immunity and aversion to the concepts of D and L are growing, even here on the forum they are associated in the first case with the war in the second with LGBT people and other perversions.

    Over the years after the collapse of the Union, a real army of such “agents” has formed in Russia - a whole layer of people who pathologically hate Russians and Russia, and yet God knows what and whom. It is terrible that in social networks, on the Internet, they do not even hide their views.

    nonsense again, here is a short list:

    Alekseeva Lyudmila, a human rights activist Ponomarev Lev, a human rights activist Ryklin Alexander, journalist Bonner Elena Bonner, human rights activist Milov, Vladimir S., politikKovalev Sergei Adamovich, a human rights activist Boltyanskaya Natella Savelievna, zhurnalistKasparov Garry, politikKara-Murza Vladimir Vladimirovich, historian, journalist Pashkova Olga V., journalist Nemtsov Boris Efimovich, politician. Korsunsky Vladimir Borukhovich Rubinshtein Lev Semenovich, writer Albats Evgenia Markovna, journalist Shende rovich Viktor Anatolyevich, writer Berg Mikhail Yuryevich, writer, member of the Executive Committee of the Russian PEN Center Golts Alexander Matveevich, journalist Orekh Anton Ryzhov Yuri Alekseevich, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Bukovsky Vladimir Konstantinovich, writer, politician Svetova Zoya Feliksovna, journalist Ryzhkov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, politician Osovtsov Alexander Avraamov Alexander Avraamov Varfolomeev Vladimir Viktorovich, journalist Nekhoroshev Grigory Ivanovich, journalist.

    Here are their mouthpieces:, Ekho Moskvy, Radio Svoboda, Ezhednevny Zhurnal, Novaya Gazeta, Top Secret, etc.

    Well, there is a list of liberalists, but somehow they don’t hide too much. It would be nice to make a list of zapadents from power structures, all of a sudden it will come in handy soon. Before whom to remove the hat.
  28. +1
    26 September 2013 21: 07
    The author touched upon a very complex topic and is looking for simple solutions ... As for Russia as a state, it is necessary to restore the de facto equality of all before the law and not hesitate to comply with them, then Singapore will not have to admire ... This Singapore is built only by political will and nothing else ... As for the place of Russia in the modern world and the globalization process, in the modern world the role of national states is gradually weakening and this is an objective process in view of the enormous cooperation, global trade and the development of communications ... Another thing is that this global world is being filled ideology and morality alien to us in all media ways, and we are waging a constant battle here with variable, to put it mildly, success, because the enemy is already skilled at something and puts us in a defensive posture ... In my opinion, our current leadership is still played with liberal toys in the economy powdering the brains of the people with quasi-patriotic rhetoric, it tries to neutralize the real oppositionand defragment, "creative opposition", on the contrary, is promoting it in every possible way, making it an "orange opponent" in order to look more advantageous against its background ... Building an empire by monetary methods will certainly not work, the great credit and consumer idea is also alien to most of the population, because it does not inspire and separates people ... So there are a lot of "BUT" ... And until the authorities come close to the people in building the country, nothing will work ...
    1. 0
      27 September 2013 11: 00
      How easy it is for you. And, tell me HOW to restore the de facto equality of all before the law? If everyone is used to it, that money and connections solve everything? In order to force the cops and judges to perform their duties honestly, each person needs to be assigned a commissioner. And each commissar has one more, because the commissar will also want to eat, and the one to whom he is assigned will have something to share. In a capitalist society, corruption has been, is and will be. It is necessary to change the economic organization of society.
  29. 0
    26 September 2013 23: 26
    A lie or silence in every sentence. Total not mastery of the situation. Another bout of cheers-patriotism no more
  30. +2
    26 September 2013 23: 49
    Here I read articles comments .. Many people think that they are ruling Russia. (Tsars secretaries general presidents are Jews .... You are mistaken gentlemen, etc.! Russia is a unique country in the world .. it allows you to control yourself and rob yourself up to a certain point. ..And then the change of roles begins. What is now at the initial stage in the world! The person in Russia is coming and going .. The Russian spirit .. who does not understand and does not crush Russia… .. (history tells us all about this ..) That's it!
  31. So_o_tozh
    27 September 2013 10: 31
    Great rot started in the kingdom of Denmark. Why the whole history of European countries, the people in them lived like white people. And because they always had a right of ownership, this right is sacred there. And in the USSR, people were constantly artificially united, driven, built. Only those who lived well were who were closer to the feeder, had connections by pull. Many generations have lived in the hope that here we will suffer a little more, but the children and grandchildren will heal well. How many tens of millions, if not hundreds, of the Soviet Union under the collapse of the USSR once again deceived the state, when all the savings on the passbooks depreciated at once. I am 35 years old my wife 34, together all our grandparents put about 150 Soviet rubles on our 000th in our names, they plowed like damned on collective farms, on a quarry, in a tractor mill and never complained. It’s just a shame how the post-war generation was kidanuli. But then, they fed all of Asia, Africa, and Latin America; they helped everyone everywhere. Now we are going through the stage of wild capitalism when in Europe it ended 18-100 years ago and we hope for one king, president, Putin, and we have nothing different in Ukraine. So, I think until a man is put at the forefront, and not an official, there will be nothing, nothing will help.