Why did the USSR die?

Why did the USSR die?

Was the death of the Soviet Union objective? Numerous predictions of the collapse of the USSR by Western Sovietologists were more of a dystopia than of analytical forecasts. The prophecies about his death were akin to the biblical prophets that were caused by the realization of his own powerlessness, anathemas to the Roman Empire. Few of those who prophesied about the collapse of the Soviet Union really believed in the near prospect of such a scenario. The USSR perished just as suddenly and swiftly as the Russian Empire. So, was the death of the Soviet Union objective?

Systemic causes of the collapse of the USSR

The conclusion obtained in the study of this issue has a dual character. On the one hand, with 1960-x - 1970-x. the latent trend of degradation of the basic potentials of the Soviet statehood is found. First of all, this relates to the sphere of non-force foundations of state existence. However, the fatal predestination of the death of the USSR from the situation of a crisis fracture in its development did not result. From this point of view, the world successful experience in overcoming the phases of the growth crisis was indicative. The USSR needed to include mechanisms for technological modernization, which was not implemented in a timely manner.

Direct power of the state is not an indicator of its viability. Many of the great empires of the past suddenly ceased to exist, unable to cope with the internal destructive processes. The collapse of the USSR, one of the most powerful states in the military and special sense, is by no means the only example of this kind.

The classic algorithm of self-destruction of statehood represents historical experience of the Roman Empire. The breakdown of the non-force foundations of statehood, which fell at the climax of military power, chronologically preceded the crisis of state institutions. Initially, the Roman imperial organism decomposed spiritually, and only then the territory of the empire became the subject of division by external adversaries and internal separatists. A comparative historical analysis of the death of empires suggests that the decomposition phase of non-power bases is a universal stage of the disintegration of any statehood. Not a single (!) Case was discovered when the state ceased to exist solely due to an institutional crisis in the presence of a healthy popular foundation.

The institutional power of the Soviet Union at the end of its existence gave the impression of inviolability. The illusion of state strength has misled not only ordinary citizens, but also many prominent analysts. A year before the beginning of perestroika, a prominent American economist, one of the developers of the theory of convergence, J.-C. Galbraith wrote: "The Russian system passes the exam, because, unlike in Western industry, it fully uses human resources." Many leading Sovietologists, such as S. Bialer of Columbia University, also experienced a delusion about the prospects for the existence of the USSR. “The Soviet Union,” he argued in 1982, “neither now nor the next ten years will be affected by the real crisis of the system, because he is the proud ruler of vast untapped resources that can provide him with political and social stability and allow him to survive even the great difficulties. " He did not believe in the possibility of the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union even by such an experienced strategist of American foreign policy as G. Kissinger. After many years, he confessed that he did not understand the rational incentives that had forced MS. Gorbachev to follow the path of state disintegration.

By the beginning of the process of the collapse of the communist system, the aggregate military potential of the ATS was even higher than the potential of NATO. Of the various types of weapons, the advantage of the North Atlantic Alliance was only in the number of combat helicopters. But neither the USSR nor the Department of Internal Affairs no longer exists, and NATO is actively pushing the limits of its spread to the East.

At what section of the Cold War did the USSR lose? The above comparative indicators of military-technical equipment allow us to state that the Soviet Union, at least, did not lose the arms race. There is a popular point of view that the USSR conceded economically to the West. However, when comparing the dynamics of the economic indicators of the Soviet Union and the United States, it is easy to see that the communist economic system not only did not lose, but gradually bypassed the American one. The growth rates in the last decades of the USSR were not as high as, say, in the era of industrialization, but in the West they had even lower intensity.

Thus, in the economic race the Soviet Union did not lose. The statement of P. Kennedy, the developer of the theory of the death of civilizations, about the “imperial overheating” as a factor of disintegration of the Soviet statehood is not statistically confirmed. The USSR had enough economic resources to maintain high geopolitical ambitions characteristic of the status of a “world empire”. Much worse was the situation with spiritual resources, the readiness of the population for the next mobilization spurt. The defeat of the Soviet Union suffered, therefore, precisely in the sphere of non-force foundations of statehood.

Administrative causes of the death of the USSR

As applied to the analysis of political and political reasons for the collapse of the USSR, the strategic mistakes made by the Soviet leadership are investigated. They are united by the tendency to deoptimize the development of the system, by a sharp destruction of the optimum ratio of civilizational traditions and external borrowings. The task of modernizing the system based on national characteristics (the experience of Japan and China) was replaced by a course on extrapolation as a universal of the western model of the functioning of statehood.

The state may be disintegrated due to the strategic leadership of political decisions. They are virtually inevitable in the absence of multi-run miscalculations of gaming combinations. The longer the calculation chain, the less likely the error. The figurative thought of Z. Brzezinski about the “great chessboard” is quite applicable in this case. The level of modern technology allows the enemy to program to commit disastrous strategic mistakes. Arrangement of "strategic traps" is one of the most important components of the modern art of network management. Examples of strategic miscalculations of the restructuring period could serve as material for drawing lessons from modern political leadership, as a warning about the possibility of falling into similar trap situations.

One of these pitfalls was the illusion of an “open economy”. Integration into the world economic system of the international division of labor involves the establishment of external dependence of national economies. Any production failure in one country inevitably leads to a crisis in related production in another. The level of influence of transnational corporations makes it possible to initiate an economic crisis almost anywhere in the world. Therefore, the specialization of the "world-economy", which seems to bring certain dividends, significantly reduces the level of national security. The conjuncture of oil prices in the situation of increasing economic openness of the USSR was a significant factor in its collapse.

The share of raw materials in Soviet exports for a long time did not exceed the threshold value of dependence on them of the national economy as a whole. The provocative role for the USSR was played by the global economic crisis of the beginning of the 1970-s, connected with the sharp rise in prices for oil and oil products. There was a temptation to ensure further material growth through petrodollar infusions. The country was planted on the "oil needle". Weakening the attention of the state to advanced innovative developments that ensured the advanced positions in development in the previous era of the USSR. The consequence of free money in the spiritual sense was the corrosion of labor morality. Labor was replaced by labor imitation. Meanwhile, the share of raw materials and energy resources exceeded by the middle of the 1980-s. half of all Soviet exports, putting the country's economy in direct dependence on this foreign trade component. And it was then that the oil crisis struck. The price of oil, as they say now, by agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia, has plummeted. Included in the proclaimed MS Gorbachev's systemic reform of the USSR without the traditional inflow of petrodollars turned out to be financially exhausted and collapsed, not least because of the unsustainable economic burden.

To date, the subject of transformation of the global financial system has been neglected in the historiography of the collapse of the USSR. Meanwhile, the transition to the Kingston system of organization of finance could not but affect the global rivalry of the superpowers. Financial resources have played in this struggle, at least, not the last role. It is in the depletion of this component of the resource base that many researchers discover the reason for the defeat of the USSR in the “cold war”. A little more than ten years separated Kingston from the collapse of the Soviet statehood. The interrelation of the transition to the Kingston system with the financial exhaustion of the Soviet Union is in the mode of rigid causal-effect dependence. The meaning of the rejection of the gold supply model was determined not so much by the tasks of financial security (a reaction to the trick of Charles de Gaulle, which required a one-time gold cashing of a colossal dollar mass), but rather by an attitude to create a mechanism for global expansion.

Earlier, the money should have been related to the country's stock of precious metals, now the emission of the same dollars could have any scale. The scale was not determined by the power of the real economy, but by its image. Image parameters, as it is known, are shaped by propaganda, i.e. again by means of non-force impact. The American printing press was turned on after Kingston in full swing. At the same time, the propaganda system of the United States has repeatedly increased its momentum.

At the same time, the leadership of the USSR, bound by imposed stereotypes about the threats of inflation, for a long time refrained from emission mechanisms. Instead of promoting the success of the Soviet economy, a campaign of self-criticism was launched. The “Searchlight of Perestroika” program was broadcast daily on the screens of central television, exposing the systemic flaws of the state, ultimately reducing the rating of its investment attractiveness, and, accordingly, the strength of the ruble's positions. The actions of the USSR in the crucial stage of the Cold War turned out to be directly opposed to the actions of the United States. As a result, the Americans simply "crushed" their opponents in financial and propaganda terms.

The disorganization of the institutional level of power can lead to the destruction of statehood. There are examples in history when the presence of the genius of a national leader and an active political team, with a deficit of other components of the viability of states, turned out to be a factor in saving the corresponding society. On the contrary, one of the ways of randomization is to ensure the superfluidity of personnel rotations. It was in this way that on the eve of the February Revolution, the executive power of the Russian Empire was paralyzed. The process was called “ministerial leapfrog”. It is characteristic that it was organized during the war, when, it would seem, a change in the management team is strictly contraindicated. The goal pursued by the replacement of the minister in each specific case was determined by the aim to optimize the system, but on the whole this led only to its imbalance.

Institutional revolution was, apparently, one of the most important factors in the death of the USSR. From a certain time the number of Soviet ministers began to grow rapidly. Functionally, it looked quite justified. The more ministries, the higher their specialization. However, in the end, by the end of the Brezhnev rule, they turned out to be 70 (not counting the 24 state committees). With so many ministries, the overall management system was paralyzed.

By analogy with the "oil slide" in the management sphere, a kind of "institutional slide" has developed. The analogies continued when, during the period of Gorbachev's reform, it promptly collapsed. In the logic of the proclaimed struggle against bureaucracy, the number of ministries was almost halved by 1989. There was a functional management crisis. He was a double reduction of ministries and could not arise. Many areas were de facto not manageable. Institutional chaos generated appropriate impulses to society. USSR ceased to exist. The reduction in the number of ministries, meanwhile, was continued in the post-Soviet period of Russian history.

Another direction of strategic mistakes is the use of false ideological landmarks. They are served, as a rule, in a catchy demagogic form. It is possible to identify such ideological concepts by the destructive implications for statehood that are contained in them.

An example of this type of ideology was taken on the shield of the fraying intellectuals in the second half of the 1980-x. yy concept of "Great Russia". An appeal to national greatness retorted the possible accusations of anti-patriotism. In fact, the main consequence of the concept being implemented was the disintegration of the union state. The interests of Russia were separated by the adepts of the “Great Russian Project” from the interests of the USSR. In fact, it was about the rejection of the national periphery.

As the most inertial force was characterized by the Central Asian republics, prone to separatist sentiment in the least. The mission of “Great Russia” was seen in transforming it into a single “common European home”. As an indispensable condition for this occurrence, the Asia cut-off requirement was indicated. The problem acquired additional urgency in view of the political process of confrontation between the “Slavic” and the “national” - “Caucasian-Asian” criminality behind the distribution of property.

The separatist insurgencies, although they pose a threat to statehood, are not a death sentence against it. Rebels, after all, can be suppressed by the use of force. But when the reluctance to preserve a single statehood is designated on behalf of the state-forming people, the state system inevitably crumbles.

The project of the “great European country” beat out its bearing structure from the union state. Statehood was ultimately destroyed, and the project goals, however, were not achieved. The desire for Europeanization of the Russian adepts of the project did not correlate with the reluctance of the Europeans themselves to accept Russia into the cohort of countries of the civilizational West.

External targeted impact as one of the reasons for the collapse of the USSR

Purposeful destructive influence towards the USSR by external opponents is a historically natural process of the struggle for geopolitical dominance in the world. The presence of such a struggle can be traced throughout the history of mankind. In this regard, the team of authors, fixing the significance of the factor of external influence, in principle does not accept, however, a conspiracy interpretation of the problem. The study is directed, rather, at the operational side of the likely plan of action of the opposing states, at disclosing the technological chain of its implementation. The closest is the author's approach to assessing the “conspiracy theory” by I.A. Ilyin expressed in relation to attempts at conspiracy interpretation of the October Revolution. Ilyin believed that seeing in her "just the result of a conspiracy" is "a vulgar and demagogic approach", "it is the same as explaining the disease to the maliciously conspired bacteria and their omnipotence ... Bacteria are not the cause of the disease, they are only its causative agents, the cause in the body, its weakness. "

In the era of McCarthyism, the strategy of fighting the USSR was still seen in the West in the traditional force format. The plan of A. Dulles, who was often referred to as one of the first strategic developments in conducting a secret war against the Soviet Union, in reality, represented the concept of “massive nuclear retaliation”. The main means - an atomic strike was provided by accompanying measures, which later came to the fore in the formation of new technologies to combat the Russian (Soviet) statehood.

By the beginning of the 1960's. it became obvious that the stake on force in the confrontation with the USSR did not justify itself. The world socialist system has consistently expanded its country limits. Caribbean Crisis 1962 was historically the latest breakdown of coercive tactics, almost putting the world in a situation of global nuclear catastrophe. He finally convinced the Americans of the need to rethink the technologies of the foreign policy struggle, stating the weakness of physical strength, the failure of the Vietnam War. The first symptoms of the introduction of new technological developments are found even before its completion. Vietnam, which almost turned into a crisis of statehood for the United States, became in this respect a turning point for American management theory.

In the West, by this time there was a firm conviction that it was impossible to defeat the USSR by direct force. The Great Patriotic War demonstrated the failure of plans for an armed victory. The first phase of the Cold War also revealed the futility of betting on the direct rivalry of systems in an arms race. The USSR in both cases emerged victorious, including an additional resource of the people's spiritual potential.

When the rivalry from the rivalry of state institutions and economies turned into a format of struggle between the peoples, the Soviet Union invariably triumphed. Whether the case was in the ideocraticism of the Soviet model of statehood or in the preservation by the Russian people (as the state-builder) of their civilizational savings — a question requiring special study. Within the framework of the solved research problem, the conclusion reached by Western analysts is important. It lies in the fact that victory over Russia (as well as the USSR) can be achieved through the destruction of the non-force resources of people's life. Not only the state and the economy, but the people became one of the main targets in new technological developments. The plan being implemented, judging by American sources, included a number of major strategic initiatives:

secret financial, intelligence and political support for the Polish opposition Solidarity movement;
targeted assistance to the Afghan mojaheds;
a campaign to sharply reduce the inflow of foreign currency in the USSR, implemented through a) reducing world oil prices by agreement with Saudi Arabia, b) restricting Soviet exports of natural gas to Western Europe;
psychological warfare aimed at the emergence of syndromes of fear, insecurity, loss of guidelines both from the communist government and from the population;
the organization of the blockade on the access of the USSR to the acquisition of Western technologies;
massive technical misinformation, causing economic damage to the Soviet economy;
maintaining, through the PIO (strategic defense initiative), the high defense spending of the USSR, which depleted its financial and resource base.

The traditional methods of struggle in this list are only the support of external military opponents and the internal opposition - Sec. 1, 2. The rest of the tools - this is an innovative technological recipe.

The struggle of the USA and the USSR had a systemic character, extending to virtually all the niches of life. One of the methods of this struggle was provoking an opponent to adopt false strategic guidelines.

One of these landmarks was the formation of the illusion about the possibility of a comfortable existence at the expense of oil exports from the leadership of the USSR. Since the Middle East crisis 1973, the oil prices on the world market accelerated. Oil is a non-renewable resource, and the Soviet leadership proceeded from the assumption that oil can only become more expensive in the future. The fact that price conjuncture can be formed artificially was not taken into account. Oil prices are artificially inflated, then to be dropped. At the time of this discharge, the Soviet economy was already sufficiently tied to oil exports. “As if on purpose,” NI Ryzhkov, - on purpose, it was in 1986 that the global market saw a sharp decline in oil and gas prices, and in fact almost all of our exports were based on the sale of energy resources. ” Of course, this alone could not destroy the USSR. But at the same time, a whole complex of factors reducing the financial strength of the Soviet Union was included - the decision to curtail alcohol production, the "star" stage of the arms race, the expansion of the military presence in Afghanistan, etc.

The inclusion of Riyadh in the American project for the disintegration of the USSR now refers to generally accepted historical facts. The actions of Saudi Arabia, which had 40% of oil production in OPEC countries, were determined by the concerns of the royal family regarding the likelihood of Iranian and Soviet expansion (the latter could be spread from Yemen and Syria). The effect of a sharp decline in oil prices began its effect on the Soviet economy in August 1985. From two million barrels per day, its daily production by the Saudis increased to fall to 9 million barrels. “The decline in oil prices,” commented Yevgeny Novikov, a former member of the Central Committee, “was for us a crushing blow, just a crushing blow. It was a disaster. We lost tens of billions. ”

The script is soon repeated. The share of raw materials in Soviet exports for a long time did not exceed the threshold value of dependence on them of the national economy as a whole. The provocative role for the USSR was played by the global economic crisis of the beginning of the 1970-s, connected with the sharp rise in prices for oil and oil products. There was a temptation to ensure further material growth through petrodollar infusions. The country was planted on the "oil needle". Weakening the attention of the state to advanced innovative developments that ensured the advanced positions in development in the previous era of the USSR. The consequence of free money in the spiritual sense was the corrosion of labor morality. Labor was replaced by labor imitation. Meanwhile, the share of raw materials and energy resources exceeded by the middle of the 1980-s. half of all Soviet exports, putting the country's economy in direct dependence on this foreign trade component. And it was then that the oil crisis struck. The price of oil, as they say now, by agreement between the United States and Saudi Arabia, has plummeted. Included in the proclaimed MS Gorbachev's systemic reform of the USSR without the traditional inflow of petrodollars turned out to be financially exhausted and collapsed, not least because of the unsustainable economic burden. The raw material component in the export of the Russian Federation was initially substantially lower than the late Soviet level. However, under the influence of a new, unprecedented increase in oil prices, the country since the end of the 1990-s. once again began to rapidly climb the "oil slide". The maximum marks for the share of raw materials and energy resources in the exports of the USSR were significantly exceeded. The question, in essence, was how long it would take to repeat the operation of dropping oil prices, and accordingly with it, about the long-term existence of modern Russian statehood.

Opponents objected - today the operation to reset the prices of hydrocarbons is technologically impossible. However, the crisis year 2008 made our predictions a reality. Prices for Russian oil rushed to its cost. A new formulation of the question of the future of the Russian economy is now in the long-term maintenance of this price situation.

Through a special operation of psychological pressure (PSYOP), the Americans achieved the formation of the Soviet leadership's understanding of the ability of the Reagan administration to launch a nuclear strike. The image of R. Reagan was imposed as a sort of “dashing cowboy” who was ready at any moment to pull the trigger of the pistol. To keep the Soviets in the belief that the President of the United States "slightly out of his mind" was, by definition, R. Allen, one of the strategies of American policy toward the Soviet Union. Who wants to play the game with a madman? Even allegedly accidental filming of Reagan before an official interview, when he “tried” a voice on the phrase “I ordered two minutes ago about a nuclear strike on the USSR”, and supposedly accidentally caught in a wide circulation in the specified context looks like a well-planned psychological provocation.

In order to enhance the psychological impact of the Americans actively used the tactics of weekly violation by combat aircraft of the airspace of the USSR. Such actions were held during the entire period of R. Reagan’s presidency. In the opinion of P. Schweitzer, it was they who, having created an appropriate feeling of insecurity among the Soviet leadership, forced him to refrain from sending troops into Poland.

Having predicted the desire of the USSR to eliminate the technological lag behind the West, the United States, through secret diplomacy, organized a blockade of the socialist camp for the export of innovative technologies. Corresponding amendments have been made to the Export Charter of the United States of America. Until 40% of US exports were allowed to be sold abroad only on the basis of appropriate licenses. The nominated principles of an “open society” did not become an insurmountable obstacle to the establishment of US trade restrictions on the USSR and its allies.

As a result, the planned Soviet modernization, due to technological failure, as the project failed. “This,” recalled the situation, was one of the Soviet experts who worked at the USSR Ministry of Oil Industry, “was not the usual excuse when the blame for the delay in construction was attributed to US sanctions. It was true. Chaos reigned. At first we did not have turbines, then we tried to produce our own, then we were able to purchase turbines again. What a mess, what a doomsday! It cost us two years and billions of dollars. ”

The trade embargo, predicted by analysts of the CIA, will determine the transition of the Soviets to the tactics of industrial espionage. As a means of countering and further destabilizing the economy of the USSR, a mechanism was developed for system technological disinformation. In many ways, thanks to him, Soviet science stalled for several years on the spot. “Everything went like clockwork,” Mr. Schweitzer quotes the recognition of one of the American technological disinformers. “In the field of gas and oil production technologies, we have so confused them that they still still do not seem to come to their senses.”

The PIO program is regarded by many modern researchers as a kind of “bluff” by the American administration. Possessing information about the fear caused by the Kremlin leaders by the “star warrior” project, R. Reagan was bluffing. The Soviet Union did not have the resources to create a similar SOI system. P. Schweitzer believes that the SOI-syndrome was an important factor in foreign and domestic policy of M.S. Gorbachev. From here, he believed, the chain of Gorbachev's concessions lined up. The PIO, testified by the informed adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Bessmertnykh from the rostrum of the conference in Princeton, certainly accelerated the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The task of destroying the USSR is indicated by the authors of the book “Export Revolutions”, “served both samizdat, and radio stations specially created in the West”, mass production of jokes, and the work of popular comedians, and the KVN student movement. To date, a number of studies have been published in the United States, including dissertations on the special role of the “anti-institutional theater” in undermining the cultural values ​​of socialism in the USSR and Eastern Europe.

The entire list of the Reagan administration's stratigam against the USSR thus found practical implementation.

Thus, one cannot agree with the modern ideologeme about the fatal doom of the Soviet system. During the seventy-year history of the USSR, there were more difficult times in all respects than the crisis of the end of 1980x - the beginning of 1990x. Successfully overcoming them, the Soviet model proved its viability. It was not the preservation of the system that led to the death of statehood, but, on the contrary, a deviation from the principles of its functioning, which was found in the restructuring policy. These principles were not so much the immanent features of socialism as the paradigm of the Russian civilization model. When the system innovations exceeded the critical mass, control paralyzed. It was not the absence of transformations that led to the collapse of the USSR, but the reform itself.

The reasons for the collapse of the USSR will be quite obvious, given the fact that there was a world cold war, and the disintegration of the Soviet space is carried out with its completion. It was a new type of war, conducted not only at the level of armed clashes (although they did take place on the periphery), but going beyond the military department and covering all areas of state functioning. It is not about competition of systems, but about the war, which included operations to undermine the financial resources of the enemy, support of opposition groups towards it, and incorporation of representatives into its power structures. Now a lot is being written about the fact that the Soviet residency was introduced into the highest echelons of power in the USA, Germany, Great Britain, not to mention the third world countries and the satellites. The fact that Moscow’s large-scale support of the communist movement in the West is not disputed. The hand of the Kremlin is estimated as the leading condition for the organizational formation of the left opposition. Why, then, do not allow similar actions to be taken by the opposite side? If the Soviet Union supported the communist movement, therefore, the United States should at least contribute to the development of the latent Soviet opposition. Discredited bestseller N.N. Yakovlev, the CIA against the USSR, tendentious in particular, offered correct conclusions on the merits. At present, references to this book threaten ostracism on the part of the scientific community. But if the Soviet residency was part of the American establishment, then it would be a significant derogation of the CIA’s ability to believe that its representatives were absent from the Kremlin elite.

The USSR was defeated in the war. The result of the defeat, as is known, is the dismemberment, or rejection of territories from the losing state; and, at the worst outcome for him, the establishment of a regime dependent on the enemy.
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  1. +23
    28 July 2013 05: 21
    The USSR died for a number of reasons. Here is not the smartest leadership and the lost information war and the indifference of people and the desire for change. They got the changes, but no one promised that they would be for the better. And most importantly, no luck with the leadership. , Do cancer and then drunk. As if they still didn’t pull us into a hundred little cubs ... It is painful to think what could have happened if, instead of a hunchbacked scum, a country like a man of GDP was stealing it.
    1. +53
      28 July 2013 05: 39
      The USSR died because of the direct betrayal of the leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the CPSU - "the directing and governing body of the state", represented by Juda Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze and other figures, now called mildly "agents of US influence", but in fact the direct enemies of the USSR, who deserted to the side of the USA and the West.
      The USSR had a prospect of development and a "margin of safety" on which Russia still exists and which has been robbed by the present liberals for more than 20 years and still cannot completely rob.
      The example of China clearly shows the possibilities and prospects for the development of the USSR if its leadership did not have enemies of the people, such as Gorbachev.
      1. +12
        28 July 2013 09: 28
        Quote: vladimirZ
        The USSR died because of the direct betrayal of the leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the CPSU - "the directing and governing body of the state", represented by Juda Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze and other figures, now called mildly "agents of US influence", and in fact the direct enemies of the USSR

        Absolutely correct! At the heart of the death of the USSR is betrayal, and it was generated by the fact that the leadership of the country, the CPSU, under the guise of "general democratic values" LET THE WEST INTO OUR IDEOLOGY! Our socialist values ​​did not find support and proper justification in their need from the country's top leadership ... they admitted that the priority of a person was replaced by the priority of having 30 varieties of sausage in the store ... That's when materialism came first in our thinking ... from that moment the death of the USSR began! And the personal, hypertrophied interests of the new leaders in the struggle for power completed the started betrayal.
        For such purposeful treacherous activities to undermine and collapse the state, such figures in civilized countries, where the law is above all, are usually put on the electric chair or hung publicly in the square. But our "pseudo-democracy" in the person of an outstanding liberal and defender of "zero per million", a lawyer by education (!!!) for some reason rewards them with the highest orders of the country or erects monuments to them !!!
        PARADOX!!! Indeed, the mind RUSSIA does not understand !!!
      2. +13
        28 July 2013 10: 31
        Just this.

        Traitors Gorbachev and EBN (what a phrase!). I wanted glory for them, we have got the abominations. How similar to them is DAM, a friend of GDP. GDP is smarter, but he is not a citizen of the country, the Kremlin.

        A citizen of the country will immediately expel Ryzhy and other Lebanon, immediately plant Serdyukov. There will be no telling about the inadmissibility of 37 of the year. A citizen of the country in power knows that delay in actions is criminal.
        1. S_mirnov
          28 July 2013 11: 29
          "The USSR was defeated in the war. The consequence of defeat, as you know, is the dismemberment, or the seizure of territories from the losing state; and, in the worst outcome for it, the establishment of a regime dependent on the enemy."
          Good article, but the author stopped early! The USSR was defeated in the war, and then everything is correct, BUT.
          Many people think that with the change of power EBN-VVP-DAM-VVP somehow imperceptibly all the consequences of the defeat of the USSR dissipated by themselves! So they did not disappear anywhere because there was no struggle for the independence of the Russian Federation! Accordingly, we are still in the phase of "establishing a regime dependent on the enemy."
        2. S_mirnov
          28 July 2013 11: 32
          For those who are interested in history, I recommend viewing:
          Fursov on the political situation at the beginning of World War II. Very interesting. In the course of the narrative, the false theory of the defector Suvorov-Rezun collapses.
      3. Vovka levka
        28 July 2013 11: 45
        Quote: vladimirZ
        The USSR died because of the direct betrayal of the leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the CPSU - "the directing and governing body of the state", represented by Juda Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze and other figures, now called mildly "agents of US influence", but in fact the direct enemies of the USSR, who deserted to the side of the USA and the West.
        The USSR had a prospect of development and a "margin of safety" on which Russia still exists and which has been robbed by the present liberals for more than 20 years and still cannot completely rob.
        The example of China clearly shows the possibilities and prospects for the development of the USSR if its leadership did not have enemies of the people, such as Gorbachev.

        The union was doomed, and it was not Gorbache’s business, and so on. There were two main problems, this is the economy and the second is the lack of faith of citizens in their state. The union shattered like a soap bubble, and everyone in the kitchen pretended and quietly went to sleep.
        1. s1н7т
          28 July 2013 14: 36
          Quote: Vovka Levka
          lack of faith of citizens in their state.

          Well, I do not! Belief in the state was awesome! Not like now.
          1. Fedych
            28 July 2013 17: 34
            And what is this state itself? - who, when and where saw it, as something in itself and in itself? This in itself is an abstraction meaning one or another social system, the ruling elite and its secular and religious component and nothing more. The Bolsheviks destroyed the smartest in numerous wars and self-destruction. turned the man inside out, turning him from a living Soul and Spirit into a carnally meat product of a pig farm — he lived like flesh and turned into an old man and a grandmother departing into graves without reflection of any religion or philosophy. And so far, most of the slaves of the external social categories of thinking have realized that they are also Unique Personalities, and their life, thought and meaning of extra-social state-public relations, and above that. Society is strong when it comes from strong personalities, and not vice versa. The herd remained a herd, as a union of Personalities, soberly, deeply and practically, the Spiritually minded was crushed as early as 20-30. There are ideologists and milkmaids and proletarians with vocational schools, albeit at an academic level. The Vernadsky, Losevs are still the product of a royal and semantic personal principle. And there were less and less of them. By perestroika, corpses from former philosophies and creeds remained. Here is the result! - millions spent their lives on a technological breakthrough, millions were killed for that. And it turned out that the steel voice without a head, brains, and on clay feet of the spiritual void of personal individual being and existence. And then! - Masons are to blame, bankers! - They themselves have rotted and rotted, and as always they are looking for the guilty on the side and from others. And for what? - yes, because spiritual insignificances and! - and so on, until they themselves destroy Russia with their empty brains and think, for they cannot! - they don’t have a gray thinking substance for that. The blind leader of the blind is long in the pit, alas. Here they are pulling along with everyone else, for they are not capable of anything else, not knowing why you are living, how to live!? - how can you teach others. Sport, crap! - that’s all they can do. This is enough for the head of the pig farm, but for the spiritual leaders of the nation, catastrophically little.
          2. Spiegel
            28 July 2013 17: 49
            So the question then is: where was this faith when the Union collapsed? No one stood up for defense.
            1. +3
              28 July 2013 21: 04
              And the trick is that they believed everything that was lowered from above! "There is an order - no refusal!" Few doubted the correctness of the decisions made, how to believe that enemies and traitors "rule"?
            2. s1н7т
              28 July 2013 22: 25
              Maybe this confidence in the state machine also failed - they thought it would grind everything. And grind, in the end, us.
        2. +4
          28 July 2013 19: 33
          Nonsense you write the last referendum showed the opposite, Shushka, humpback and your Kravchuk are to blame, for such things in the old days do not bear their heads
          1. 0
            28 July 2013 22: 06
            What would you do with those in your state as you think?
          29 July 2013 20: 21
          PEOPLE DO NOT NEED ...
      4. Gari
        28 July 2013 13: 45
        [quote = vladimirZ] The USSR had a development perspective and a "margin of safety", [/ quote]
        Again, I quote extracts from a CIA report submitted to the US Congress in 1982 on the state of the USSR economy:
        "In the USSR, there is a steady decline in economic growth, but this growth will remain positive for the foreseeable future.

        The economy is performing poorly and there is often a shift away from the demands of economic efficiency. However, this does not mean that the Soviet economy is losing its vitality or dynamism. Despite the fact that there are discrepancies between the economic plans and their implementation in the USSR, the economic collapse of this country is not even a distant possibility "(!!!).
        And how much later it was necessary to "work hard" and "make efforts" to make the "impossible possible" !!!

        [quote = vladimirZ] The USSR died because of the direct betrayal of the leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the CPSU - "the directing and governing body of the state", represented by Juda Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze and other figures, now softly called "agents of US influence", but in fact direct enemies of the USSR, who went over to the side of the United States and the West.
        1. Gari
          28 July 2013 13: 59
          As for the deficit, it happened so although it’s normal. The country was the one that my parents lived in the Armenian SSR, and my grandfather and grandmother were in the Georgian SSR, so I wandered between them, although what were the problems? The plane ticket cost me 17 rubles, summer time on the beloved Yak -40 and in place.
          There was a camp.
          Now, on the topic of the deficit, in Yerevan, where the first secretary Demirchyan ruled in Armenia, there was no shortage, when my father sent me to the Supermarket, he told me to take dairy products that were delivered in the afternoon, there were no problems with food, everything was raw and cheese sausages, and with clothes, well, who remembers what kind of shoes they sewed in Armenia, but in Georgia when they received something, a dairy grandmother stood in line, and sugar and butter were on coupons from the beginning of the 80s, and this is Shchevarnadze so looked his Georgia, so that everything depended on the leadership
          Demirchyan took care of his republic, and that Judas Shchevarnadze about himself and so that he climbed into the highest leadership of the country to Moscow, which he did, and then we all know, he and Gorbachev and Yakovlev ruined the Great Country
          1. Gari
            28 July 2013 14: 05
            Article plus
            very objectively written
            just happened, it was necessary to think and do everything in order to revive the new Union, but there are prerequisites, although there is a huge desire of the common people for how much I analyzed in almost all the republics of the USSR!
            As they said at the beginning of this fucking perestroika
            Now there’s perestroika, then there will be a shootout, well, at the end there will be a roll call.
          2. Remko
            28 July 2013 14: 29
            And why then did the majority of Armenians vote against the referendum on the preservation of the Soviet Union?
            1. Gari
              28 July 2013 16: 46
              Quote: Remko
              And why then did the majority of Armenians vote against the referendum on the preservation of the Soviet Union?

              Dear, you probably mean the referendum of September 21, 1991, well, after the events of August 1991, you can understand somewhere, and generally there was some kind of euphoria after the humpback with his perestroika broke firewood on all issues, both economic and national, when the hunchback took off such a leader as Demirchyan, who enjoyed absolute authority and true popular love, and brought his appointee Harutyunyan, who never even lived in Armenia and did not know his native language, but was as limp and mediocre as his leader, as a result he lost control in the republic, but on the other hand, patriots who came up to the surface on Karabakh, the events in Sumgait and Baku, gained respect and authority, I tried to briefly outline the situation at that time I could, after all, squeeze into the whole nation under such conditions I justify ..., but now the situation is different - they learn from mistakes
              After all, then the Armenian SSR was one of the most developed, both economically and the defense industry was very developed, only up to 10 thousand worked at Hrazdanmash. people, and how many there were, under the guise of masha and the agricultural farm, the republic fed itself, and even its neighbors, and the population reached 4 million by 89.
              And now, I’m not like our friendly neighbors, boasting that everything we have is not difficult, even very difficult, like Russia has its own oligarchs and corrupt officials.
              1. +2
                28 July 2013 22: 25
                he means the referendum of the preservation of the ussr in 1991 on March 5. as you know, Armenia boycotted this referendum
      5. +2
        28 July 2013 16: 30
        and the leadership is to blame for such a country collapsed and the people how they reacted to it fell apart well, he
        Quote: vladimirZ
        The USSR died because of the direct betrayal of the leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the CPSU - "the directing and governing body of the state", represented by Juda Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze and other figures, now called mildly "agents of US influence", but in fact the direct enemies of the USSR, who deserted to the side of the USA and the West.
        The USSR had a prospect of development and a "margin of safety" on which Russia still exists and which has been robbed by the present liberals for more than 20 years and still cannot completely rob.
        The example of China clearly shows the possibilities and prospects for the development of the USSR if its leadership did not have enemies of the people, such as Gorbachev.
      6. Nevsky
        28 July 2013 17: 44
        Very interesting:

        1. +9
          28 July 2013 19: 13
          from Fursov did not expect this.

          "Khrushchev believed that you shouldn't kill people"

          Thanks neighing! Yes, his hands are up to his elbow in blood.

          "systemic anti-capitalism can exist only in conditions of increasing democratization"

          I haven’t heard any more nonsense
        2. 0
          29 July 2013 09: 40
          Well, he speaks beautifully, although not always the truth, it does not make sense to minus Nevsky, on the contrary, thank you, I have not heard this opus before, but in general the rule that half truth is worse than direct lies is well known.
      7. +3
        28 July 2013 19: 45
        In something, I agree, in something not. One of the main factors (this is not my opinion, although I agree with him, but the opinion of many economists) is the collapse of the price of oil, already then the USSR was on the oil needle, the country needed a currency to purchase the necessary consumer goods and food products, certain types of products for industry not manufactured in the USSR. Who lived, he remembers how already at the end of the reign, beloved, respected, dear Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, there was a shortage of certain food products, household appliances, clothes, and every year this process deepened. And then this mess with the rulers and the arrival of the Mechen, who, instead of taking urgent measures to boost the economy, allowed the tee to hiccup, they reconciled that Borya came to power - an alcoholic with a clan who ruined the country with his henchmen. Although even during the reign of Andrei Kosygin, he proposed, anticipating the economic collapse, the development of small private business. Allowing unemployed citizens, that is, pensioners and people with disabilities, to open cafes, all kinds of ateliers for tailoring clothes, shoes, to create artels for the production of consumer goods, all this was offered with a limited number of hired people. The Politburo refused to carry out this reform, citing the fact that under socialism private property cannot exist. But in vain! You look now the whole world would walk in our clothes, listen and watch our equipment, or maybe ride our cars.
      8. 0
        29 July 2013 11: 14
        Not sure if they were all conscious traitors. This is not real. Shifting responsibility for the collapse of the Union to a narrow circle of people is a simple and convenient way out. But then the question is - how did such potential traitors come to power? Why did the socialist system miss this?
      9. m.bad.5
        29 July 2013 12: 27
        Although not completely, but I agree with you.
    2. +5
      28 July 2013 11: 25
      Why did the USSR die? I think more than one generation will ponder over this. The theme is eternal.
    3. Constantine
      28 July 2013 12: 41
      Quote: Mitek
      The USSR died for a number of reasons. Here is not the smartest leadership and the lost information war and the indifference of people and the desire for change. They got the changes, but no one promised that they would be for the better. And most importantly, no luck with the leadership. , Do cancer and then drunk. As if they still didn’t pull us into a hundred little cubs ... It is painful to think what could have happened if, instead of a hunchbacked scum, a country like a man of GDP was stealing it.

      I agree. The attack was on all fronts, except for the force. As for the latter, if a person like VVP was driving, then we would most likely be building the "Palace of Soviets" in Washington. wink
      1. S_mirnov
        28 July 2013 12: 49
        "A man like VVP" has been running the country since 2000. A total of 13 years. So far we have a NATO base in Ulyanovsk and we are moonlighting by transporting NATO cargo. We are pouring weapons-grade uranium into the states. Probably 13 years is a very short period of time, we did not even have time to fence corruption, but in 20 years we will probably heal !!! winked
        1. +3
          28 July 2013 13: 32
          Quote: S_mirnov
          . Total 13 years. So far, we have a NATO base in Ulyanovsk

          Lay out a fotochka!
          Quote: S_mirnov
          . Weapon Uranium Weapons

          Oh really?
          Did Smirnov poke your nose in your comments, or will there be nothing to say about the Su 35 T-50 that you wrote earlier?
          1. S_mirnov
            28 July 2013 14: 00
            Pretending that NATO in Ulyanovsk grows peaches?
            “Myth No. 1.“ This is just a staging post. ”Rogozin irritably writes on Twitter:“ Tired of reading about the “US base near Ulyanovsk.” I explain: we are talking about the so-called “multimodal transit of non-lethal cargo.” I am translating to Russian. ”Just on the day Rogozin wrote these comments, on March 13, US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta in Kyrgyzstan proposed once again renaming the Manas Air Force base from a“ transit center ”to a civilian“ commercial transit center ”in order to to extend the lease after June 2014. And in Colombia, the US calls its military bases “facilities for ensuring security based on cooperation.” Needless to say, the peaceful term “no-fly zone” for Libya meant 30 NATO air sorties.

            Myth number 2. “The route saves time and money for Westerners.” According to plans, NATO containers will be delivered by plane to Ulyanovsk, loaded onto railway platforms, and then delivered from the ports of the Baltic Sea by ship to their destination. Look at the map: there are a lot of routes with shorter flights - this is the most expensive part of transit, and does not require loading onto railway platforms (via NATO member states in Europe and Turkey, American satellites Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman , Iraq, Georgia, Israel, and finally, a long-established route through Pakistan, which again allowed transit). That is, it can be delivered cheaper, faster, more convenient - but no, NATO wants to transit through Russia.

            1. S_mirnov
              28 July 2013 14: 01
              “Myth No. 3.“ Russia will get leverage on NATO, the ability to put forward its demands and political dividends. ”And if Russia opens 10 NATO bases on its territory, does this mean that we will have as many as 10 levers? And if Russia becomes 52 the state of the United States, it will gain even more influence - we will be able to participate in the election of the American president. ”Northern transit, the only justification of which could be the commitment of the United States and NATO to cut off the flow of drugs from Afghanistan, was not linked to this most important threat to Russia. for Washington to respond to serious concessions to Russia - except for empty statements about "partnership", clapping on the shoulder and inviting you to hamburgers. "You - us, we - you" does not work with Washington. Their principle: mine is mine, but about your we can talk. But they will tell us - you do not know anything, Russia will receive dividends. What kind of a grand dividend will they give us for the deployment of a base of a hostile alliance on our territory?

              Myth No. 4: "The implementation of this project is in the interests of Russia's military security," says Defense Minister Serdyukov. Because Russian ministers, together with NATO officials, repeat this statement like a mantra, it will not become true. Cargoes will go through Ulyanovsk today. Tomorrow it will turn out that they need to be protected, and this will require NATO military forces and / or Russian private security companies - NATO will recruit Russians to serve. Drugs come with traffic inevitably - it has always been that way, from Vietnam in the 1960s to Colombia today. The airport in Ulyanovsk is excellent for flights of fighter-bombers to Iran and for supplying sent militants - from the most unprotected side for Iran, the Caspian Sea. In the foreseeable future, NATO planes will be able to land in Ulyanovsk with anything - with any type of weapon, military equipment, military force. If this goes on, then in 10 years Russia will participate in the American wars in the Middle East, as Georgia is doing today, and in 15-20 years it will fight the main American adversary, China. After all, the "civilized" USA and Europe will not use their soldiers as cannon fodder against the billions of Chinese hordes! Involvement in the US and NATO operations against Russia's neighbors contradicts the interests of Russia's military security - is it necessary to say such elementary things. "
              1. S_mirnov
                28 July 2013 14: 02
                "Myth No. 5. The main myth in the foundation of the entire structure of the Northern Transit:" Russia benefits from the presence of the US and NATO in Afghanistan, if they leave, the Taliban and terrorists will rush into Russia. "Among the declassified WikiLeaks documents there is a special memo of the so-called" The Red Cell "(The Red Cell) of the CIA, March 11, 2010. In it, psychological warfare specialists, in order to mobilize society to support operations in Afghanistan, recommend using for France" the feeling of guilt of the French for leaving Afghans to their fate. " and emphasize that “the Taliban will ban education for girls, won at such a high price.” For the Germans, the Red Cell has other arguments: “defeat in Afghanistan will increase the risks of terrorism, opium and refugees in Germany.” The United States and NATO was 10 years for the fight against drugs and terrorism. Results? Drug trafficking increased more than 44 times. The threat of terrorism has increased both in the number of terrorist attacks and in the number of extra emiist ​​networks, and will grow more and more as the United States helps radical Islamists in the Middle East and North Africa come to power. The talks between the US and NATO with the so-called "moderate" part of the Taliban are nothing more than the formation of Al-Qaeda-2. And the flow of terrorists to Russia will rush when the Anglo-Saxon special services give them the go-ahead and pay. Already, groups of extremists are being thrown into Central Asia.

                The NATO facility in Ulyanovsk and the Northern Supply Network in general are part of Washington's efforts to consistently engage Russia in serving NATO interests. Washington and Brussels are willing to pay for complicity. “This transit is commercial,” emphasizes Rogozin, and indeed “commercial” is the key word here. NATO pays generously $ 15 per kilogram of weight airlifted to Afghanistan; the annual turnover of carriers is about $ 1 billion. The direct beneficiaries of the profit are transport companies such as Volga-Dnepr; one of the developers of the Northern Transit concept, Andrew Kuchins, claims that Russian companies transporting cargo and NATO troops "have become deeply dependent on this business." The next "commercial" step of NATO will be an offer to buy some supplies from Russia. What a benefit for the budget! And what an honor it is for Russia to supply NATO. "

                know why you are so sausage - because it's true!
                1. 0
                  28 July 2013 14: 21
                  Quote: S_mirnov
                  know why you are so sausage - because it's true!

                  Your comments, every single time, then you’ll see a hell. So will the photo of the NATO base in Ulyanovsk be?
                  1. S_mirnov
                    28 July 2013 14: 29
                    I have no photo. And what are we really not transporting NATO cargo? Enlighten!
                    1. 0
                      29 July 2013 04: 52
                      Quote: S_mirnov
                      . And what are we really not transporting NATO cargo?

                      They are loads in Africa and loads, where is the base ????
                  2. Constantine
                    28 July 2013 22: 56
                    Quote: Alexander Romanov
                    So what will be the photo of the NATO base in Ulyanovsk?

                    It is not there because the NATO base cannot and could not be there in principle. Uncle swallowed the bike and believed, or he was paid for promoting such ideas. wink
                    1. S_mirnov
                      28 July 2013 23: 39
                      Yes, I don’t have a photo base in Manas either, and at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen. But this does not mean that there are no bases. wink
                      1. +1
                        29 July 2013 04: 51
                        Quote: S_mirnov
                        Yes, I don’t have a photo base in Manas either, and at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen. But this does not mean that there are no bases

                        There are a lot of life events in Manas, but show the photos of the base in Ulyanovsk. If not, don’t scratch Zyuganov’s nonsense
                      2. S_mirnov
                        29 July 2013 09: 34
                        Do you have a photo of the "transshipment point" or "logistics center"?
                        And maybe we do not serve NATO at all? wink
                2. -1
                  28 July 2013 20: 26
                  Dear S_mirnov, we all own copy paste, where are your thoughts?
                  1. S_mirnov
                    28 July 2013 23: 57
                    1916 - comments, everything is there.
    4. +4
      28 July 2013 15: 53
      The USSR betrayed primarily the people of the USSR, not advocating the salvation of their state! The last generation of Soviet people, akin to spoiled children, when they burned their parental home, stupidly rejoiced and squealed at the sight of chewing gum and cola, REMEMBER THE GIANT QUEUE IN THE MACDONALDS!Shame and shame on everyone those who were in a conscious age and SILENTLY watched how they destroy his country!
    5. +2
      28 July 2013 16: 27
      all the same, they would fall apart because the people wanted chewing gum of jeans and sex, and now, having received all this, crying, yelling, fuck me jeans and gum, give me some sprats in a tomato
      Quote: Mitek
      The USSR died for a number of reasons. Here is not the smartest leadership and the lost information war and the indifference of people and the desire for change. They got the changes, but no one promised that they would be for the better. And most importantly, no luck with the leadership. , Do cancer and then drunk. As if they still didn’t pull us into a hundred little cubs ... It is painful to think what could have happened if, instead of a hunchbacked scum, a country like a man of GDP was stealing it.
    6. 225chay
      28 July 2013 23: 33
      Quote: Mitek
      The USSR died for a number of reasons. Here and not the smartest leadership and the lost information war

      Baghdasaryan painted many beeches. probably a letter-by-word salary ...
      Everything was planned and paid by the three hundredth committee
    7. series
      29 July 2013 08: 35
      Quote: Mitek
      The USSR died for a number of reasons.

      There is only one reason - the stupid and talkative Brokeback!
      HE "leaked" the Union ...
      EBN is a consequence of the political impotence of the leadership of the USSR.
      Under Comrade Stalin and Andropov, the Yeltsin phenomenon was impossible "by definition"!
    8. 0
      29 July 2013 09: 22
      the society itself is quite stable, and with external aggression it becomes even stronger, therefore only internal influence could give a result, and for this purpose the work was carried out, the Helsinki Group, the supremacy of the individual, the impact on the national question, the support of ambitious unprincipled personalities and as a result, with With the connivance of the leader puffing out his cheeks of importance, when his "friends" patted on the shoulder, the ideas of transformation according to the Western model were introduced in society and a strong group was formed to implement the plans of which, a strong country was not needed, it is better to fish in troubled waters, and where power is needed was to use, "the best German of the year" was engaged in chatting up problems, here the result is obvious.
  2. +17
    28 July 2013 05: 58
    Gorbachev chatted to the people’s head and lit us up like the last suckers .. We remember a good lesson for a long time!
    1. Constantine
      28 July 2013 12: 44
      Quote: MIKHAN
      Gorbachev chatted to the people’s head and lit us up like the last suckers .. We remember a good lesson for a long time!

      We will remember, but the main thing is that the younger generation understands this, otherwise it has the ability to listen to Navalny and others like him, and forget about the lessons of history. And to forget the history itself thanks to all sorts of Svinidze and Latynin. We need to work on this. Enlighten and remind, otherwise lessons will not be taken from the recent past. sad
      1. -1
        29 July 2013 09: 52
        and what do you want if stories at school are taught from textbooks written on grants from abroad, whoever tells you anything good after receiving money from Soros is a real enemy and smart. And Svanidze, Latynina and all sorts of Ponomari are already the next echelon.
        29 July 2013 21: 12
        And then they see whether they are winners in the cold war.
  3. vladsolo56
    28 July 2013 06: 19
    Whatever you say, the collapse occurred only for cultural reasons, in fact, not collapse but decline. Back in 1976, I argued with two communists in a private conversation. They claimed what they were taught: communism can be built by creating a material basis. I tried to explain to them that this is fundamentally wrong. It is impossible to create the material basis for communism until a new person is brought up, self-sufficient and with normal demands. Otherwise, as it turned out, a person is always not enough, how many do not give. So when I was still in school, she had the function of educating, educating a normal person. When my children were already studying at school, education disappeared, the school began to carry only information. not more. Parenting migrated to the TV. And we got a generation of mercantile inhabitants, for whom personal well-being is more important than public. We have received a generation for which the ideas of socialism, and especially communism, are just an excuse to fast. Look who came to power in the 90s Gaidar, Nemtsov, Chubais, and others. People who do not even have a hint of honor, conscience, decency. And after all, at the beginning the people supported them. The conclusion is that the Union was destroyed by the people themselves and there is nothing to blame on the United States. They themselves wanted paradise life, American jeans, Coca-Cola and chewing gum. Now all this is there and what?
    Recently on TV again passed the movie Styles, praising the brainless youth for whom clothes and show off the meaning of life, the filmmakers pity them, and humiliate those who denounced the dude. That's when the collapse of the USSR began. Yes, in our youth we also wanted to be fashionable, wore flared pants and long hair. But that was not the meaning of life. We did not try to oppose ourselves to society in this way, to show that we are better than others. We did not look with lust for the West, we studied and worked specifically for the USSR, someone may say that these are just words, but I assure you that it was.
    1. waisson
      28 July 2013 06: 30
      and cola jeans is not Amer’s prapoganda drink cola chewing gum smoke cigarettes malbro you are a free man rubbing advertising with us and advertising is not propaganda of what I think they broke the union of the states as a major world competitor in the region of the palitics and collapsed the union they became the only dictators of their order in the world .nas now they don’t listen but force themselves to impose world democracy
      1. vladsolo56
        28 July 2013 08: 00
        You did not understand me, if a Soviet man were brought up in the spiritual plane, and not in the egoism of consumption, then neither jeans, nor Kola, nor other American values ​​would have broken him. But since our government has ceased to care about education, this is what America has taken up. These are the pies.
        1. +1
          28 July 2013 23: 26
          Quote: vladsolo56
          You did not understand me, if a Soviet man were brought up in the spiritual plane, and not in the egoism of consumption, then neither jeans, nor Kola, nor other American values ​​would have broken him. But since our government has ceased to care about education, this is what America has taken up. These are the pies.

          He was waiting for skiing in a hammock with a red banner in his hand ...
          1. The comment was deleted.
        2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +8
      28 July 2013 08: 49
      Quote: vladsolo56
      The conclusion is that the Union was destroyed by the people themselves and there is nothing to blame on the United States. They themselves wanted paradise life, American jeans, Coca-Cola and chewing gum.

      That's right, the USSR ruined their people, or rather, a group of creative freaks, who, by their innate stupidity, bought banally, into jeans, cola and other ounce and some of which unprincipledly broke into power. Also, the blame for the collapse of the Union should be laid on the military-political leadership of the country, which could not stop the actions of the above group in time. And all sorts of intrigues of the West, they always were and always will be, the USSR had all the necessary set of means for countering and combating them, i.e. I think the external factor is a secondary cause of collapse.
      Z.Y. Now the situation may be repeated, as those who are dissatisfied with life and blame the authorities for everything reappear.
      1. s1н7т
        28 July 2013 22: 22
        Quote: SPACE
        Now the situation may be repeated, as those who are dissatisfied with life and blame power on everything reappear

        Are you working with a Kremlin boat? Do not confuse the Union with the Russian Federation, okay? Who is who everyone understands.
        1. 0
          28 July 2013 22: 26
          Quote: c1n7
          Are you working with a Kremlin boat? Do not confuse the Union with the Russian Federation, okay? Who is who everyone understands.

          What do you understand?
    3. 0
      28 July 2013 12: 23
      Quote: vladsolo56
      We did not look with lust for the West, we studied and worked specifically for the USSR, someone may say that these are just words, but I assure you that it was.

      ++++++++++ to you .... Everything was just that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good hi
      1. +1
        28 July 2013 23: 47
        Quote: Raven1972
        Quote: vladsolo56
        We did not look with lust for the West, we studied and worked specifically for the USSR, someone may say that these are just words, but I assure you that it was.

        ++++++++++ to you .... Everything was just that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good hi

        It was the other way around.
        I didn’t invent it, I didn’t read it, I heard it. Comic conversation of future officers:
        -And if tomorrow is war?
        - Surrender surrender!

        There is a joke in every joke.
        1. vladsolo56
          29 July 2013 05: 28
          What year it was, I’m talking about the seventies when we were young. In the eighties, when our children were already in school, just at that time, decay and decomposition began.
          1. +1
            29 July 2013 22: 58
            All right, in the area of ​​the Olympics.
          2. +1
            29 July 2013 23: 02
            "In what year it was, I mean the seventies, when we were young. In the eighties, when our children were already in school, it was at that time that decay and decay began."

            Who's quietly minus. Everything is correct in time.
  4. +5
    28 July 2013 06: 26
    And why in this question poke around for the thousandth time?
    And so everyone knows - the "fifth column" and the betrayal of the leaders.
    To lament late .. Now we must strive to reassemble the country. Only without Marxism.
    The best economic mechanism is the one before Khrushchev.
    Rђ RІRѕS, ideology!.. Here it is necessary to rely on eternal values. That is - to Orthodoxy.
    Just do not judge Orthodoxy by the behavior of some priests recourse As if we ourselves are all perfect ..
    1. +9
      28 July 2013 10: 58
      Quote: ammunition
      But ideology!

      Yes, we have had trouble with this for a long time. Take at least today, the Navy Day is in the yard (with the holiday of sailors, by the way), and on TV in the "Soldier Jane" program, on one of the channels. film about amerovskih VMS.Ochen in the subject as they say ... In addition to Channel One and the Star, nowhere films about sailors found. Even on the state channel Rossiya2- "Superman-2" is on.
  5. +7
    28 July 2013 06: 29

    The USSR died as a result of treason.
    1. +2
      28 July 2013 06: 32

      1. Hudo
        28 July 2013 06: 58
        The roots are much deeper.
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. -4
    28 July 2013 07: 32
    The author, as they say, anneals, "" The Perestroika Searchlight, which exposed the systemic flaws of the state, eventually lowering the rating of its investment attractiveness "- how old is he? What the hell is the investment attractiveness of the USSR? What countries, according to their understanding, were going to invest in the USSR? DPRK? Cuba? Angola?
    And this phrase: "... Labor was replaced by labor imitation." What is this about? What kind of labor migration are we talking about? The development of the north, Siberia and the Far East is inconceivable without labor migration, how did it "replace" labor?
    "However, when comparing the dynamics of the economic indicators of the Soviet Union and the United States, it is easy to see that the communist economic system not only did not lose, but gradually bypassed the American one." - indeed, all the factories fulfilled and exceeded the five-year plan, only there was no sense in it. MARRIAGE is the scourge of the Soviet economy. It is a normal phenomenon when a purchased TV, after going through a series of warranty repairs, returned to the store, a new one turned out and the story repeated with it, then a TV without a back cover (because I was tired of constantly removing it) made me regularly call the master (who did not come, or came drunk, I was naughty, I didn't do a damn thing and the TV still shows stripes), but mostly "uncle" who understands on TVs ... And this concerned absolutely everything! That was the heyday of the artisans! Yes, they gave them apartments, but in houses usually the elevator began to work normally only after five years, through a series of scandals, letters to newspapers and complaints to the housing department, the plumbing worked every other time (the magic word gasket had a different meaning at that time), and apartment renovation turned to hell, because curses against builders whose hands grow, it is understandable not how all people did not stop for decades. Well, the great word BLAT! A man with cronyism was radically different from the layman in that he had the less "MadeinSSSR". the cooler was the pull. And you say the economy of the USSR ... but the leaders of the "MadeinSSSR" themselves never used ...
    1. vilenich
      28 July 2013 08: 31
      Quote: Nayhas
      And this phrase: "... Labor was replaced by labor imitation." What is this about? What kind of labor migration are we talking about?

      If you do not see the difference in the meaning of the words "imitation" and "migration", then, apparently, it is better for you to participate in the discussion as a reader.
      And the rest of the content of your comment is a typical moaning scoop! You might think that with the change in the social structure, something of the above you have changed in a positive way.
      1. +1
        28 July 2013 18: 35
        I repent, I didn’t read it correctly, two tons of ash on my head ...
    2. +9
      28 July 2013 11: 01
      Quote: Nayhas
      MARRIAGE - the scourge of the Soviet economy. It’s normal that a purchased TV after going through a series of warranty repairs returned to the store, a new one turned out and the story repeated

      About those (allegedly) facts about which you write, Az - sinful (in the USSR) learned exclusively from the magazine "Crocodile"
      And now I'm sure that this is some kind of bastard from the 5 column .. itself
      broke TVs and tore shoes, then to inflate this Old in type feuilleton.
      Yes, now I'm angry.
      Because now IMPOSSIBLE get a natural and quality product. I don’t buy canned fish at all! Because they are all filled with waste. Sometimes I take (the so-called) red caviar, But! This is a miserable likeness! Only occasionally resembles normally cooked caviar.
      Canned meat - generally it is better not to take it.
      Sausages have to be very carefully sought and selected.
      Fruits and juices. This is a scam! Fruits and juices are normal only for those who have grown them (in their area).
      Clothing. .. But now the bourgeoisie does not produce normal clothes at all. Solid gandons now, not clothes. Unless sometimes you can find pure white T-shirts and T-shirts, made of cotton .. without inscriptions.
      Cars and all electronics are more or less high-quality (now) .. Well, this is because all electronics (household) and cars are the main destroyers of people's mental and bodily health.
      I quarreled of course ... But it was boiling! angry
      1. 0
        28 July 2013 18: 44
        Quote: ammunition
        Az - sinful (in the USSR) learned exclusively from the magazine "Crocodile"

        not, personal experience.
        Quote: ammunition
        Unless sometimes it is possible to find pure white T-shirts and T-shirts, made of cotton .. without inscriptions.

        To find an ordinary cotton T-shirt without any inscriptions is not a problem, this is what China flunked us with ...
        Quote: ammunition
        Well, this is because all the electronics (household) and cars are the main destroyers of the mental and bodily health of people.

        But how are you going to get news, at least news, to discuss articles, and to cover considerable distances without cars in Russia?
        Quote: ammunition
        Fruits and juices. This is a scam! Fruits and juices are normal only for those who have grown them (in their area).

        I don’t know about you, but we always had imported fruits in Siberia, bananas and oranges do not grow here. And juices in tetrapacks only appeared after the collapse of the USSR, I don’t understand what are you comparing them to? With juices, what did they sell in 3 liter jars?
    3. +1
      28 July 2013 23: 54
      Quote: Nayhas

      And this phrase: "... Labor was replaced by labor imitation." What is this about? What kind of labor migration are we talking about? The development of the north, Siberia and the Far East is inconceivable without labor migration, how did it "replace" labor?

      Plus, I put it to you in general, but blunder migration and imitation is something.
  8. +10
    28 July 2013 07: 43
    The USSR died for one reason - the mass betrayal of the elite at all levels (party, military, security, etc.). Everything else is secondary.
  9. +10
    28 July 2013 07: 55
    The party leadership merged with the shadow economy and needed the legalization of capital, so that later on these capital could arrange the privatization of the most profitable industries.
  10. Grenz
    28 July 2013 07: 58
    Quote: YuriWhite
    The USSR died for one reason - the mass betrayal of the elite at all levels (party, military, security, etc.). Everything else is secondary.

    I support your opinion. There were no objective prerequisites for the collapse of the USSR. Only here, the betrayal of the elite did not happen immediately, but as a result of degeneration and merging into a single estate clan, which no longer thought about the needs of the country, but thought only about its well-being. After all, stepsons of this elite now feel very well. Does this time remind you of anything ?!
  11. +3
    28 July 2013 08: 12
    2 grenz
    Of course it reminds! There is a second or third stage of the NEP. Then I think it’s clear what will happen :)
    Alas, the predicted global global conflict of 20–25 years is not far off, so we are arming ourselves urgently. And with the stepchildren of the elite and the elite, I am sure they will decide something.
  12. +6
    28 July 2013 08: 24
    "Not for the fact that dad beat his son because he played, but for the fact that he recouped" - an old joke.
    Gorbachev's first mistake was the notorious "Decree on the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism and the eradication of home brewing." Results:
    - Undermining the state budget. The money that used to go through liquor stores to the state budget, went to the moonshiners, and they tried to invest this money in goods, exacerbating the shortage, especially durable goods. The printing press was launched, the consequence of which was:
    - Hidden inflation. When a product (the same vodka) cannot be bought at a state price, but it can be bought at a speculative price, the value of the ruble falls accordingly.
    - People staki poison grass substitutes, and this, even if we distract from human grief, caused losses to the budget, and considerable.
    - Sugar has disappeared from sale. And if one product disappears, people, taught by bitter experience, begin to buy "salt, matches, kerosene" - the deficit spreads to more and more new products, such as cereals, canned food, etc.
    There were probably other consequences, but even the above should be enough to understand - they are bursting, we need to work back. But Mishanya believes that he is the smartest, if his idea does not work, this is because they have not changed enough, something else needs to be changed.
    An incomplete list of how Mishanya tried to recoup, not necessarily in chronological order.
    Acceleration - does not work.
    Cooperatives - it just got worse.
    Bureaucrats dug in and slowed down - the staff shook up, it did not get better.
    Publicity - only has become less respect, and not only to individuals and institutions, but to the whole system.
    Perestroika (just call for using this unprintable swear word) with the accompanying democratization shocked not only the economy, but also the national suburbs. Baltic, Karabakh, Tbilisi, again the Baltic ...
    What else to change ... We must think in silence, in the country in the Crimea ...
    If the putschists did not look so pathetic, especially Yanayev, it could have grown together. At that moment it was not too late to work back. But painfully "miserable, insignificant persons" entered the State Emergency Committee, well, the people could not go for such. However, there was one who acted as befits an officer - Pugo. But that was when it was all over.
    1. +6
      28 July 2013 08: 47
      As recently as last week, another anti-alcoholic itch happened at our Ministry of Health, they offer a bottle of vodka for at least 300 r. sell. Life does not teach anything.
    2. +1
      29 July 2013 00: 10
      Quote: Nagan
      "Not for the fact that dad beat his son because he played, but for the fact that he recouped" - an old joke.
      Gorbachev's first mistake was the notorious "Decree on the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism and the eradication of home brewing." Results:

      And before that, the Americans pushed the thesis that the whole USSR was eating vodka, that could not make normal goods from it, and that the drunks did not work normally.

      I am a supporter of the loss of the USSR in the information war.

      By the way, now the law against smoking, tossed by DAM, will begin to gain momentum. Why am I? Oh yes, smokers increase mortality, poison others and take breaks for a smoke break.
  13. +3
    28 July 2013 08: 32
    Quote: vladsolo56
    Whatever you say, the collapse occurred only for cultural reasons, in fact, not collapse but decline. Back in 1976, I argued with two communists in a private conversation. They claimed what they were taught: communism can be built by creating a material basis. I tried to explain to them that this is fundamentally wrong. It is impossible to create the material basis for communism until a new person is brought up, self-sufficient and with normal demands. Otherwise, as it turned out, a person is always not enough, how many do not give. So when I was still in school, she had the function of educating, educating a normal person. When my children were already studying at school, education disappeared, the school began to carry only information. not more. Parenting migrated to the TV. And we got a generation of mercantile inhabitants, for whom personal well-being is more important than public. We have received a generation for which the ideas of socialism, and especially communism, are just an excuse to fast. Look who came to power in the 90s Gaidar, Nemtsov, Chubais, and others. People who do not even have a hint of honor, conscience, decency. And after all, at the beginning the people supported them. The conclusion is that the Union was destroyed by the people themselves and there is nothing to blame on the United States. They themselves wanted paradise life, American jeans, Coca-Cola and chewing gum. Now all this is there and what?
    Recently on TV again passed the movie Styles, praising the brainless youth for whom clothes and show off the meaning of life, the filmmakers pity them, and humiliate those who denounced the dude. That's when the collapse of the USSR began. Yes, in our youth we also wanted to be fashionable, wore flared pants and long hair. But that was not the meaning of life. We did not try to oppose ourselves to society in this way, to show that we are better than others. We did not look with lust for the West, we studied and worked specifically for the USSR, someone may say that these are just words, but I assure you that it was.

    I agree with you one hundred percent !! Itself was so ... Then, even in the thoughts it was not that such a powerful country of the USSR could fall apart overnight .. Reforms were needed but not such as we have experienced and are now experiencing ... A lesson to all of us for the future ..
  14. +4
    28 July 2013 08: 33
    The USSR did not die!
  15. +3
    28 July 2013 08: 38
    In the USSR, starting with Stalin, there was not a collective leadership, but the power of the general secretary. Well, who were the last general secretaries?
    1. +4
      28 July 2013 12: 40
      Quote: treskoed
      In the USSR, starting with Stalin, there was no collective leadership

      When I.V. Stalin had a personal RESPONSIBILITY for the task entrusted, didn’t - answer, up to the highest standard and it doesn’t matter how high you sit, Khrushchev first introduced collegial responsibility, which made it possible not to answer anyone ..... That's where it all started - responsibility the top leaders did not ... am
  16. DZ_98_B
    28 July 2013 08: 43
    I have a TV Seagull 82 years of release is still working! The technical lag was in electronics and computers, but it was not fatal. Cars were approximately at the level of world standards. And some samples in general caused a delight in the West, for example NIVA 2121. The world's first crossover! Aviation, space. What is the lag here? But the lag of mental development among the leadership of the USSR seems to have taken place. We ourselves have ruined the country. inaction. or idiotic actions. Miners in Moscow pounded helmets on the bridge Remember? Salaries of 500 rubles were not enough for them. The Communist Party of the Soviet Socialist Republic won all the money, got it? Or did the Yeltsin Muscovites get rid of the tank, lead us to a bright future, dear ebn. Come !!!
    1. +3
      28 July 2013 18: 28
      Quote: DZ_98_B
      I have a TV Seagull 82 year release

      The problem was not in those who watched The Seagull, but in those who rode the Seagull. However, those who looked also to some extent.
  17. +3
    28 July 2013 08: 48
    "Party mind, honor and conscience of our era" Such slogans in almost every settlement were in the USSR ... We believed ..! Although they composed jokes, etc .. My father was and remains a communist !! And I'm a Komsomol member! And I haven't joined any other parties ... As they say, let's start from the beginning, taking into account mistakes and failures in the past ..
    1. +5
      28 July 2013 10: 46
      Quote: MIKHAN
      "The party mind, honor and conscience of our era" Such slogans were in almost every settlement in the USSR

      Good morning, Vitaliy!
      I read about the slogans and that's what I remembered.
      Leningrad 80s. At the beginning of Moskovsky Prospect, on the odd side, there was an artillery school, at the central entrance there were two guns directed to the opposite side of the avenue, where the Technological Institute was located. On the wall of the institute, right in front of the guns hung a banner with the slogan "Our goal is communism!"
      For some reason I remembered.
  18. +10
    28 July 2013 09: 12
    I remembered the feeling in childhood .. We had a rest on the Black Sea in Batumi. (Near Turkey) and in Adler .. hundreds of vacationers from all over the USSR .. And I was delighted that the Navy ships were always present on the horizon (in any weather) and not small .. Protect us !!! I was very proud of this! This sense of security and stability cannot be expressed in words! Now this, unfortunately, is not present .. The West has unfastened itself completely showing its true face, cynical and bloodthirsty .. That's what I wanted to say so .. The Navy has a holiday again !!! I wish the Russian Navy in all the oceans and seas to guard Russian citizens on a permanent basis and world stability on the planet !!
  19. +9
    28 July 2013 09: 21
    The Bolsheviks saw Lenin alive, and the Communists saw him at the grave, after Stalin, the complete degradation of the upper classes.
    Each buy wanted to become a khan.
    Well, Helsinki, the rejection of the gold equivalent in favor of the buck, cultural and ideological sabotage — why constantly pour salt on the wound. We rise from our knees. The bitter experience has taught us a lot.
    PS And I didn’t "swear" despite the pressure from the military registration and enlistment office, and not only!
    1. +6
      28 July 2013 10: 32
      Well, you wrote, Nikolai!

      Quote: knn54
      I didn’t “swear” despite the pressure from the military registration and enlistment office, and not only!

      RESPECT !!!
  20. +8
    28 July 2013 09: 35
    bullshit that the USSR died - he lives in the hearts of many millions of people and of many nationalities; the states with Israel are terribly afraid of the return of such a powerful country; but the Soviet Union will return, and the loot that is spent by the states and Israel on the collapse of the union will be destroyed
    1. +5
      28 July 2013 10: 27
      Quote: dojjdik
      bullshit that the USSR died - he lives in the hearts of many millions of people and of many nationalities;

      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ++++++++++++++++++++++++
  21. +6
    28 July 2013 09: 42
    The cause of the collapse of the USSR can also be called the fact that the country's leadership completely removed itself from the people. The mistake of the leadership was that they actually did nothing against the nationalist and separatist phenomena that swept the international society of the USSR. large armed gangs were operating in the country, which attacked the troops, seized weapons, equipment, and Gorbachev called for calm.
  22. +5
    28 July 2013 09: 52
    Quote: dojjdik
    bullshit that the USSR died - he lives in the hearts of many millions of people and of many nationalities; the states with Israel are terribly afraid of the return of such a powerful country; but the Soviet Union will return, and the loot that is spent by the states and Israel on the collapse of the union will be destroyed

    All that we have plundered will be returned back and with interest ... the USSR will certainly not be the same as before .. There will be a more powerful state or union of states in different parts of the world .. As it will be called, it doesn’t matter But Russia will have a unifying role (not in monetary terms but in the spiritual .. hopefully ..)
  23. +3
    28 July 2013 10: 16
    Quote: vladsolo56
    I tried to explain to them that this is fundamentally wrong. It is impossible to create the material basis for communism until a new person is brought up, self-sufficient and with normal demands. Otherwise, as it turned out, a person is always not enough, how many do not give. So when I was still in school, she had the function of educating, educating a normal person. When my children were already studying at school, education disappeared, the school began to carry only information. not more. Parenting migrated to the TV. And we got a generation of mercantile inhabitants, for whom personal well-being is more important than public. We have received a generation for which the ideas of socialism, and especially communism, are just an excuse to fast. Look who came to power in the 90s Gaidar, Nemtsov, Chubais, and others. People who do not even have a hint of honor, conscience, decency. And after all, at the beginning the people supported them. The conclusion is that the Union was destroyed by the people themselves and there is nothing to blame on the United States.

    Absolutely agree!! I myself managed to help all kinds of dissidents! Thank God, though not much. I was even embarrassed to say that my grandfather was a Chekist. He almost hated Stalin. And after all, he studied at the university for only 5 years. During these 5 years I completely changed my youthful views to "correct" ones. Such "love of freedom" flourished there. Enlightenment somewhere in 93-95. came. For which many thanks to our military and communists from EVAKU. And the humpback with his camarilla will still answer. We'll dig it out of a hole with a cc and send it to America by parcels, but someone will finish Chubais anyway.
    1. 0
      29 July 2013 02: 57
      Quote: retired
      And the humpback with his camarilla will answer. Dig out of the pit with yk u and send it to America with parcels

      In order to dig it out of the pit, someone must first bury it in the pit. But in America he doesn’t need any tries, he could push his Obama to where.
  24. olviko
    28 July 2013 10: 27
    . We ourselves have ruined the country. inaction. or idiotic actions. Miners in Moscow pounded helmets on the bridge Remember? Salaries of 500 rubles were not enough for them. The Communist Party of the Soviet Socialist Republic won all the money, got it? Or did the Yeltsin Muscovites get rid of the tank, lead us to a bright future, dear ebn. Come !!!

    I totally agree with DZ_98_B. The Soviet Union collapsed, primarily because you and I are all fools (the generation of those who were less than 91 years old in 16 does not count, because they are young they are not responsible for this shame!). Everyone accuses Gorbaty and Yakovlev, and who applauded them at all kinds of congresses when they were ruining the country for several years? WE are with YOU! What did you dream about when you applauded? about jeans and sausage. Well, the dream of idiots came true, they got both in exchange for the monstrous robbery of the country and its collapse. We, who shouted in the squares "Hurray, Yeltsin, Yeltsin" remember? honestly earned what we have. As they say, what they fought for ...
  25. +1
    28 July 2013 10: 33
    Quote: DZ_98_B
    The technical lag was in electronics and in computers

    I absolutely disagree! There was NO lag! In consumer electronics, there was - yes, but not fatal. And that is because there was not enough time to establish mass production of a new one. In military electronics - NOTHING! And our BESM - 6 and Elbrus were at that time the pinnacle of computer technology. And this is in the civilian industry. And what the military had of the supercomputers then - I really didn't know. But I guessed ...
  26. +4
    28 July 2013 10: 37
    Quote: retired
    Quote: vladsolo56
    I tried to explain to them that this is fundamentally wrong. It is impossible to create the material basis for communism until a new person is brought up, self-sufficient and with normal demands. Otherwise, as it turned out, a person is always not enough, how many do not give. So when I was still in school, she had the function of educating, educating a normal person. When my children were already studying at school, education disappeared, the school began to carry only information. not more. Parenting migrated to the TV. And we got a generation of mercantile inhabitants, for whom personal well-being is more important than public. We have received a generation for which the ideas of socialism, and especially communism, are just an excuse to fast. Look who came to power in the 90s Gaidar, Nemtsov, Chubais, and others. People who do not even have a hint of honor, conscience, decency. And after all, at the beginning the people supported them. The conclusion is that the Union was destroyed by the people themselves and there is nothing to blame on the United States.

    Absolutely agree!! I myself managed to help all kinds of dissidents! Thank God, though not much. I was even embarrassed to say that my grandfather was a Chekist. He almost hated Stalin. And after all, he studied at the university for only 5 years. During these 5 years I completely changed my youthful views to "correct" ones. Such "love of freedom" flourished there. Enlightenment somewhere in 93-95. came. For which many thanks to our military and communists from EVAKU. And the humpback with his camarilla will still answer. We'll dig it out of a hole with a cc and send it to America by parcels, but someone will finish Chubais anyway.

    I agree too .. My father is a communist .. usually Gorbacha likes to scold .. (I agree with him) but then I ask the CPSU a powerful ideological machine. 20 million party members in all areas .. I tell him Dad you ... The country sat and waited for instructions .. when it was necessary to go out on the streets to connect newspapers with television .. Democratic centralism did not work in the party, too many careerists divorced .... young people are infected with worshiping Western films rags .. Enlightenment came too late alas ... And As a result, I would like to say ALL THAT DOES NOT BE DONE FOR THE BEST !!! MAIN RUSSIA LIVE LEFT !! (although we’re not used to it with heavy losses .. Slavs !!)
  27. +5
    28 July 2013 10: 41
    the main mistake of the ordinary Communists was their lack of initiative. If 20 million party members were dissatisfied with the elite, they could have thrown him away. 87-90 is still not 37 years old.
  28. +8
    28 July 2013 10: 45
    dear meehan! Yes, Russia remained alive !! I do not argue !! but I don’t think that those who destroyed our common homeland of the USSR have calmed down. They continue their dirty work. Now Russia is on the fly. so I wish you to defend what is left though !! hi
  29. +5
    28 July 2013 10: 55
    Quote: lonely
    dear meehan! Yes, Russia remained alive !! I do not argue !! but I don’t think that those who destroyed our common homeland of the USSR have calmed down. They continue their dirty work. Now Russia is on the fly. so I wish you to defend what is left though !! hi

    The main battle is yet to come! Thank you for your understanding and support .. Our cause is right. The victory will be ours!
  30. optimist
    28 July 2013 11: 06
    I read the previous comments. I am glad that almost all members of the forum have come to the same opinion: the betrayal of its leadership and the stupid population that wants "200 varieties of sausage in stores" are to blame for the collapse of the USSR. Now we are eating, choking, these "200 varieties", and the hunchbacked Judas travels around the world with lectures on the topic "how I ruined the USSR." It remains only for the people to understand the simple formula: humpbacked = ebn = Chubais = GDP, and then there will be hope for the salvation of the country.
  31. +2
    28 July 2013 11: 09
    The author shows important, but secondary reasons for the collapse of the USSR. The main two reasons can be divided into external (made from outside) and internal (born in the USSR). Without their simultaneous appearance, the collapse would not have been possible or difficult .. The external main reason for the collapse of the MSS and the USSR - Naturally economic - and naturally - the struggle for the USSR’s energy resources (the Caspian region, Central Asia and the Russian Federation itself). The impetus for the struggle for energy was the report on reducing their reserves in the world and increasing their consumption. The continued struggle for energy and its intensification after the collapse of the Union only confirms this thesis. (Two wars in Iraq. The war in Afghanistan, the orange revolution in Ukraine and the rose revolution in Georgia (control over the ways of supplying resources), a network of revolutions in North Africa, including the destruction of Libya, Syria, Kurdish Turks with Kurdistan in the oil-bearing region) ... The solution to that problem with the collapse of the USSR was partially solved by Russia (betting on a tandem Yavlinsky-Khodorkovsky under the protectorate of the State Committee was beaten) that is, two strategically important energy-producing regions were withdrawn from the united complex of the USSR in favor of the West. At the same time, the ideological problem of socialism in the countries of the MSS and the USSR was sunk into oblivion .. (It did not become infectious example for the western man in the street ..
    The internal reason lies in the bureaucratic apparatus at the top of the CPSU and the state at all levels. The petty-bourgeois element has swept over both the party and the state apparatus. Power (approaching the trough) became the measure of their standard of living, their dream. Even new married couples formed according to the level of access to the power trough ... When retiring or under the pressure of a new growth, an official lost everything .. Remember Nikita Sergeevich growing cabbage in his dacha in retirement .. State apparatchiks, having changed the form of ownership in the country for the main means of production during the collapse of the USSR became capitalists with a hereditary form of property for children. grandchildren and great-grandchildren .. What they needed .. Now it is clearly visible .. and VVP as it said to Khodorkosvsky in anger: "We made you an oligarch"
    These are two main reasons for the collapse of the mighty USSR .. Once again, if there was one of them at a given time and in this place, the solution to the problem would simply be IMPOSSIBLE .. As is confirmed by events in the world, there is an external and internal component in all chaos ..
  32. +6
    28 July 2013 11: 19
    The reasons for the collapse of the USSR must be thoroughly identified and studied, if only for the impossibility of repeating the tragedy.
    And the consequences, or rather aftermathEach resident of the former USSR experienced catastrophes on his own skin.
    Isn't it time to start putting the puzzle together?
    1. 0
      28 July 2013 11: 40
      it is unlikely to succeed. too all is somehow foggy. and don’t forget the current situation in the former Soviet republics. No one will want to take so many problems on their own head. Just check how many economic problems Armenia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Moldova have. To fix all this, we need fantastic amounts and efforts. Yes and see the statistics economic indicators of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
      only 8-10 profitable regions, the rest are purely on subsidies.
      1. +3
        28 July 2013 15: 33
        And could anyone have guessed that from the crumbling Russia of the 17s. maybe you get a country that alone withstood the war against everyone in 1941-45. Let's not believe in the help of the "good allies" of the United States and small-shaven people. They survived themselves, they just did business with the Germans as well.
  33. +4
    28 July 2013 11: 42
    people became lazy, and just give it, nobody wants to work
    1. +1
      29 July 2013 00: 26
      Quote: lonely
      people became lazy, and just give it, nobody wants to work

      About how, and who then works? You did not confuse Russia with Russia two decades ago.
      1. +1
        29 July 2013 00: 36
        I do not mean all! Imagine a peasant complaining that they sell potatoes at a regional center in a store or at a bazaar.
        and yet, we are talking about the collapse of the union, it was then that the majority only did what they said that everything was bad, but didn’t want to work. But now you won’t work, you will die of hunger. market economy)))) wink
  34. Yankuz
    28 July 2013 11: 43
    We lived too well under Socialism in the USSR, which is why we got into this mud called Capitalism. We thought that cool foreign goods, foreign cars would flood into us, we would bathe in them, everyone would have a lot of money, private business there, etc. and so on ..... And it turned out that so many unprecedented sewages spilled out before, which the Soviet society simply did not know about! And they warned us! The West is rotting! But he did not decay because of the chic, brilliance, purity with which he so beckoned us, but he decayed morally, morally, ideologically! Yes ..... easy to break! Here to rebuild ... The people should have a single will! And you need to start with the Constitution. Return it in the form in which we had it!
  35. +7
    28 July 2013 11: 59
    If yes, if ..pro .. or !! .Let's get what to restore! Stop scratching the back of your head .. You need to work and don’t lament The smell of war .. men .. As if 41 = th didn’t happen again .. And we’ll figure it out with the fifth column ..
    1. optimist
      28 July 2013 12: 49
      Quote: MIKHAN
      It smells of war .. men ..

      That's the whole point, Dear ... There is simply no other way out of this situation except war. Everything repeats itself, as in 1917: the abolition of private ownership of land and means of production. And all the reasoning on the topic of "bad" and "good" capitalism is an attempt to maintain the status quo of the current regime. I am far from thinking that the Abramovichs, Deripaska and others will voluntarily give up the loot, sprinkle ashes on their heads and retire to monasteries to atone for their sins ...
      The whole horror of the situation is that the Anglo-Saxons destroy them with the hands of the Russians themselves. After all, hunchback, ebna, chubais and gdp were not sent to us from America.
  36. wax
    28 July 2013 12: 21
    When inosystem innovations exceeded the critical mass, control paralyzed. The collapse of the USSR was not led by the lack of transformation, but by the reform itself.

    Finally, a desire began to emerge to look for the systemic causes of the collapse of the USSR.
    The article does not say anything about the processes in the CPSU itself, but turning it into a giant privileged club with a queue for entry into it when Article 6 was introduced into the Constitution was a trigger for degrading the quality of governance. Those. the retreats begun by Khrushchev were not interrupted under Brezhnev and beyond. The party leadership has ceased to understand the fundamental difference between the socialist system and the capitalist system, increasingly focusing on the so-called universal values ​​- the Trojan horse of the enemies of Russia.
  37. +4
    28 July 2013 12: 30
    Again a shadow on a wattle fence.
    The reason for the collapse of the USSR is the direct actions of the acting leadership of the country in a specific period.
    The collapse of the USSR was a surprise even for the owners of the reformer. They did not expect such meanness from him.
    This caused a severe crisis in the economy of Western countries. The result of which was a small victorious war in Iraq.
    There were no economic or political reasons for the collapse.
    There were only prerequisites for reforming the country's governance system - the transition from a command-administrative to a real Soviet system with a multifaceted economy.
    The GDP growth of the USSR in 1987-1988 amounted to more than 20% - all that remained was to legitimize private enterprise in the production of consumer goods and increase the money supply to the size necessary for the economy.
    But for directors of enterprises, the restriction of their power smelled, and I wanted to be kings.
  38. Nevsky
    28 July 2013 12: 51
    The people, a delusional question, but I think almost everyone dreams of it.

    If you had a time machine and resources (upon arrival not just to be a fool, but with facts), what year would you have to return to save the USSR and the ATS? Vairants:

    1 (before cooperatives and "free" elections)

    2 (before Perestroika and Humpbacked)

    3 (before entering Afghanistan, Reagan with his Star Wars and bluffs)

    4. 1974 (before the Helsinki Agreement)

    5. 1963-1964 (before the advent of Brezhnev and the heyday of the party elite and corruption)

    6 (until the 1955th congress and its consequences)

    7. 1953 (help Beria take power)

    8. 1947 (when Stalin was still healthy and peppy)

    9. 1940 (Redo everything and prepare !!!! why not 1939? We took Bukovina, Western Belarus and Ukraine)

    10. 1937 (Once again, talk with Stalin about the staff)

    11 (save the Lenin Guard)

    12 December ... (Establishment of the USSR, lay the mechanism of non-disintegration, rejection of the policy of "rootization" of national republics, rely on the super ethnos - Russian)
    1. 0
      28 July 2013 17: 20
      Interesting questions, of all your points, I personally would single out "8" and "3". Stalin did not prepare a successor, and did not make a kind of "political testament", this is a strategic disadvantage. Of course, here, as an option, is Beria, a smart person and a good organizer, but he had a terrible reputation. Second (an important critical point after Stalin), at the end of the Brezhnev era, the figure of a new strong leader did not appear, and Andropov did not have time to do anything, more time was needed to strengthen the country. The most interesting thing, what's next? It all depends on how former KGB officers are, it seems that real communists are never former. A truly popular leader, rooting for the state, and not for a mercantile selfish interest, will create a strong popular or socialist party. Everything else will follow, Russia and the new Union will be reborn.
      1. +1
        1 August 2013 13: 29
        Beria did not have any "terrible" reputation at that time, it was later invented retroactively
    2. +1
      29 July 2013 00: 31
      The KGB would not believe you. And so 1974.
    3. 0
      29 July 2013 00: 45
      Quote: Nevsky
      If you had a time machine and resources (upon arrival not just to be a fool, but with facts), what year would you have to return to save the USSR and the ATS?

      "Times are not chosen - they live and die."

      Let us save and build up the potential of modern Russia with all our might. And from the mistakes of the past it is necessary to draw conclusions, and not bite your elbows.
  39. grafrozow
    28 July 2013 12: 56
    The USSR destroyed our stupid leadership. The laws of economics, like the periodic table, are the same for everyone, just as there can be no socialist or capitalist mathematics, 2 + 2 = 4 in Africa and Europe. Yes, we cost the best tanks, missiles, submarines, but at the same time they did not modernize the national economy and there was a distortion in the economy, 2a times more energy was spent on the manufacture of an ordinary bolt. In the city of Zhdanov at the Azovstal plant in 1980. a rolling mill worked in 1912!? Yes, everyone can remember such examples. They sold oil and timber, ore, and as soon as prices fell, they shouted a guard. The American government took advantage of this, but what would our government have done in their place? Helped with loans? Who does not know, the Druzhba oil pipeline was built from a Japanese pipe and the seams were welded with Japanese electrodes, our pressure is 60 atm. The pipe insulation technology is American, the technology is Japanese-German-African. Thanks to our government, we first lost our Economic Independence, this began the collapse of the USSR, and the statement of the author Bagdasaryan "The task of destroying the USSR ... served both samizdat ... and the KVN student movement" - a great quote for the KVNschikov themselves. The USSR has sewn it, and with it our students. Now the situation is repeating itself, again we are stepping on a rake, and we have only one way out - an economically developed state in all sectors is really INDEPENDENT. We have the conditions for this, we just need to use them competently, and then no America, the European Union, we can not be ordered. , at our doors, with an outstretched hand they will stand in line. And yet, to revive agriculture, our people are able to feed themselves, you just need not to beat him in the hands, not to choke him with loans. Otherwise, "troubled times" will come. I hope that our RUSSIA will be a Great Power. Glory to RUSSIA !!!!
    1. +2
      28 July 2013 13: 15
      But Baghdasaryan did not accidentally talk about Armenian separatism, which led the once friendly society to irreconcilable enemies?
  40. +1
    28 July 2013 13: 01
    Then, out of stupidity, I asked a question on a branch about the day of the Navy. Asked to delete. May be deleted. But I still have a question. Here it is: I arrived from a business trip on the night of Friday to Saturday. I turn on the telly for a few seconds and see Yanukovych broadcasting (on mov) like the following: we will not allow any country to impose its will on us through the spiritual sphere, etc. He began to listen really plainly, the plot ended. And this is on the eve of the celebration of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia. Tell me: what was it ?? Maybe someone saw. For 2 days this story has not been shown ... Maybe someone from Ukraine has seen and enlightened. A channel like euronews. Or maybe rbc.
    1. Nevsky
      28 July 2013 13: 24
      Quote: retired
      Then, out of stupidity, I asked a question on a branch about the day of the Navy. Asked to delete. May be deleted. But I still have a question. Here it is: I arrived from a business trip on the night of Friday to Saturday. I turn on the telly and for a few seconds and I see Yanukovych broadcasting (on a mov) like the following: we will not allow any country to impose its will on us through the spiritual sphere, etc. He began to listen really plainly, the plot ended. And this is on the eve of the celebration of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia. Tell me: what was it ?? Maybe someone saw. For 2 days this story has not been shown ... Maybe from Ukraine who saw and enlighten. A channel like euronews. Or maybe rbc.

      I'm from Ukraine. No wonder. In Ukraine, the Russkiy Mir project has been actively being merged since 2010. With a skillful strategy, cities such as: Kharkiv, Donetsk, Lugansk, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Zaporozhye, Mariupol and the whole Crimea could become a platform for at least integration into the Customs Union, and at most a return to Great Russia.

      As the South-East of Ukraine was crushed in the desire to be with Russia:

      1. In the 90s, they scared Chechnya.

      2. In the 2000s, a boom in consumerism and a new young generation who grew up on the history books of Ukraine. Somewhere since 2007, I began to meet Russian Russophobes in the city of Berdyansk, not just Russian-speaking Ukrainians, but people with Russian surnames, but spraying saliva on Russia. There are many reasons: from the association with the Scoop and the immense love for consumption, to Ukrainization.

      3. The growth of small-town nationalism, khutorianskiy, Slobozhanskiy, where the cornerstone is: "We are against the Bandera, but we do not want to be great powers under the Muscovites either. The expression began to spread:" Though I am Russian, but if Russia pokes its way here, like in Georgia in 2008 , then I will defend Ukraine ", or such" We do not need a Bandera hopak here and we do not need a Russian quadrille. "Since the issue with people from the Caucasus is acute in Russia, they also talk about the topic, if we are in the TS, we will have a Lezginka at 3 am in the sleeping areas.

      4. The "elite" of the South-East Ukraine has become Ukrainian, Europeanized.

      5. When Donetsk they won, almost all pro-Russian political blocs disbanded or drove them into a corner. Like why? Bandera’s power was recaptured.

      In more detail, why the southeast of Ukraine does not want to be Russian, and why it is not fashionable to be Russian, read here:

      1. +2
        28 July 2013 13: 52
        Thank you so much! I will read it for sure!
      2. grafrozow
        28 July 2013 14: 12
        Quote: Nevsky
        I see Yanukovych broadcasting (on a mov) like the following: we will not allow any country to impose its will on us through the spiritual sphere, etc. He began to listen really plainly, the plot ended. And this is on the eve of the celebration of the 1025th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia.

        He frightened our Patriarch, then awarded the Order.
        1. 0
          28 July 2013 14: 17
          And where did this happen? And when? I spent 2 weeks without the Internet and news on a business trip.
          1. grafrozow
            28 July 2013 14: 51
            Quote: retired
            And where did this happen? And when?

            Celebration of the "Baptism of Rus" in Kiev. Two days ago.
      3. +3
        28 July 2013 14: 52
        I don’t know how it is in the east (by the way, I have never been there, I was in Lviv 3 times in St. Petersburg and the Crimea.) I was personally ruffled after the visits of all kinds of Farion.
        As for politics, I don’t perceive it at all, and the zombie man after cheating me personally in 2004, Orange Revolution, turned it off and don’t watch besides football, and only once every 2 years. And so he lies in the corner without power (although there is cable)
        The modern young population of Ukraine who sits on the Internet is easily averted from Russia by an ordinary doctor. Since they also rarely look at the box, but in nete, almost everything. I judge Odessa. Although here even the Russian Language Support Program was accepted. Take-all. After the words about the tax on the Russian language, I really hate someone very personally.
        Regarding the collapse of the USSR, the eternal topic is how and why. I was 9 years old, I did not realize what was going on. I went and bought ship models for 1 rub. Collected and suddenly in one moment this did not happen. There were no models, another 4 years there was an incomprehensible time and then how it fell ... And before the breakup, it was difficult for me as a child to judge something, I see nothing has changed.
        Yanukovych’s performance is a show of clowns. Do not forget that he reads everything on a piece of paper. And he read Ukrainian Rus and the rest without hesitation. You need to ask from those who write.
  41. Qasimov.71
    28 July 2013 13: 48
    For some reason, the author does not mention national conflicts, which became one of the reasons for the collapse.
    1. grafrozow
      28 July 2013 14: 06
      Quote: Qasimov. 71
      For some reason, the author does not mention national conflicts, which became one of the reasons for the collapse.

      He does not mention much about anything, his main idea is that the West is to blame for everything. There were no internal problems. hi
  42. Vlad_Mir
    28 July 2013 13: 51
    They betrayed the country! Betrayed globally. No one answered for betrayal!
    1. grafrozow
      28 July 2013 14: 08
      Quote: Vlad_Mir
      They betrayed the country! Betrayed globally. No one answered for betrayal!

      I’m still betrayed, impunity corrupts.
  43. +2
    28 July 2013 14: 25
    Quote: grafrozow
    I’m still betrayed, impunity corrupts.

    Absolutely! Pops, pederasty, stupid series and the absence of any kind of informative television programs (there is no talk about radio and speech, except for Russian radio), the absolutely uninteresting press, ege - phenomena of the same order. Here so many times Allen Dulles was quoted, which is inconvenient to repeat. The plan works with might and main. But it seems that, nevertheless, Russia's internal stability is so great that even with such a seemingly losing situation, we still stand! And Orthodoxy plays an important role here. Although I am both an atheist (militant) and a church leader, I have a rather negative attitude - I have to admit it.
    1. grafrozow
      28 July 2013 15: 08
      Quote: retired
      But it seems that, nevertheless, Russia's internal stability is so great that even with such a seemingly losing situation, we still stand! And Orthodoxy plays an important role here. Although I am both an atheist (militant) and a church leader, I have a rather negative attitude - I have to admit it.

      I was baptized, my grandmother secretly baptized me, my mother was a teacher and my father was a boss, they weren’t allowed at that time. What I noticed, they often start remembering about God when they get into a difficult situation — illness, prison ... A person needs faith, it helps him to survive. I think so.
      1. 0
        28 July 2013 20: 49
        Quote: grafrozow
        I think so.

        Maybe this is so, but such inept propaganda, out of place, rejects doubters. And then faith and the collapse of the union?
        1. grafrozow
          28 July 2013 21: 29
          Quote: Setrac
          Maybe this is so, but such inept propaganda, out of place, rejects doubters. And then faith and the collapse of the union?

          I am not agitating anyone, but if the Bolsheviks had not started persecution of the clergy in 1917, maybe there would have been no civil war. Why did a part of the people go "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland"? And the collapse of the USSR did not seem to be noticed, and only now we remember about it. Why I. Stalin in 1941? addressed the people with words, brothers and sisters? I cannot explain to you what Vera is, go to church and talk to the priest, maybe you will understand.
  44. 0
    28 July 2013 15: 10
    After many years, he admitted that he did not understand the rational incentives that forced M.S. Gorbachev to follow the path of state disintegration- He understood everything, he didn’t reveal the cards. And the author, Handsome, in political technology fumbles, from, to. Someone cramming, and someone Will Hunting. At least Ara.
    1. grafrozow
      28 July 2013 18: 24
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      And the author, Handsome, in political technology fumbles, from, to.

      Remember political economy, the three components of rotting capitalism.
  45. avt
    28 July 2013 15: 36
    The article is bad negative Well, why such abstruse pseudoscientific speeches? Attempts at intellectuality, instead of explaining, with concrete examples, a simple, clear language, a simple story of the betrayal of the degenerate party elite request Instead, a kind of pseudo-scientific work.
  46. Spiegel
    28 July 2013 16: 04
    Read. Wondered at the comments. The traitors and the evil hand of the West are to blame crying Then the main traitor is Ulyanov-Lenin. Who made noise about the right of nations to self-determination? Who introduced the national-territorial administrative division and elevated the titular nation? Who created a management system in which increasingly weaker leaders came to power in succession? And they came to power mainly by conspiracy. Today there is a suspicion that Stalin was wiping Lenin from power, especially since he was ill. Then he destroyed the comrades of Lenin. After Stalin, Khrushchev came, who seized power with the help of a conspiracy, Khrushchev threw Brezhnev and his comrades away, and then the mess of sick people went, and then Gorbachev came, who had nothing left to do. The ruling party simply had to create a mechanism for the transfer of power, through which the most powerful and talented comes to power. The Chinese have such a mechanism, but we never had it.
    Who raped the so-called nation-forming nation? The non-chernozem region was brought to a pen, but these are the places in which the Russians were difficult to live. The villages disappeared, the people drank too much. And the poor Russian simply stopped respecting. Remember how richly Georgia lived, how the Baltic states, Moldova, and Ukraine lived. Those who sold fruits and vegetables were on the run. And so they all began to believe that they were feeding Russia. Remember what conversations were, and how everything turned upside down when they began to count money. It turned out that on the horse is the one who has oil and gas, and fruits can be bought in other places. By the way, who raised the national communist kings, who feathered and wanted independence? It all ended with the fact that the main nation did not defend the state that it allegedly formed.
    The West is for the West and that it competed with us, and we did not stand on ceremony. But they beat us with the help of modern humanitarian technologies, using knowledge of psychology, sociology, etc. Today they already know how to make orange revolutions. Who was obliged to deal with such technologies with us? Power. And in power was the uncouth Khrushchev, who cut ships and planes, reduced the army by a million two hundred thousand, and loved corn. And then the hardened Brezhnev, who also did not look like an intellectual. So what new technologies could these people introduce, what kind of modernization of the country should they do?
    In the late seventies, I spoke to a graduate student in economics at the University of St. He was preparing to defend his thesis, and secretly said that no matter how they think, the country will soon fall into the most severe inflation. The balance doesn't add up in any way. We pumped oil and gas to the CMEA countries, and in return received Hungarian buses and peas, Bulgarian canned food, German and Polish ships. They received a little currency from the West for oil and gas. There are memoirs of Reagan's aides, in which they write about the phrase that Reagan said: they say, it is not difficult to bend a country that earns less hard currency a year than one General Motors corporation.
    So who was supposed to anticipate all the threats, to find out the weaknesses of his economy and organization of management? Instead, they closed the windows and pretended to be on their way. Which traitor ruined ancient Rome? Ancient Rome itself, with Nero and Caligula coming to power.
  47. Spiegel
    28 July 2013 16: 17
    Why do I have a left flag? Norway, what? I’m a Russian with giblets, and I live in Russia.
    1. 0
      28 July 2013 16: 21
      Most likely, you are using "Opera", and you have the "turbo" mode enabled
      1. Spiegel
        28 July 2013 17: 47
        Thanks! Uploaded the new version of Opera :-)
  48. 0
    28 July 2013 16: 51
    Only the leaders of the Judah party destroyed the USSR, first a humpback, and then anarchy and permissiveness under the drunk, and the West and the United States simply this coincidence of collapse took the victory
    1. +1
      28 July 2013 19: 30
      Remember the miners, how they beat them in helmets on the Red Square. Well, where did these mines and miners fight for what, they ran
  49. +3
    28 July 2013 17: 48
    My grandmother, the ideological communist, said in the late 70s that there was a master under the king,
    we had an idea, now there’s nothing; the end of the system cannot last so long,
    something will be most likely the owner. She said and died in 1980. Then there was no Yeltsin
    nor Gorbachev, but wise people looked through the end of the system.
    And the system followed and the Union dragged on.
  50. +1
    28 July 2013 17: 51
    the people simply betrayed the leaders who sold to the West
    1. Fedych
      28 July 2013 23: 34
      And what about the so-called people from the generals, scientists, hard workers, so stupid and brainless to be so easily thrown and slurped? - It was like Stalin’s fascist time, they didn’t shoot, they didn’t torture. Cho then en was silent and slap the most powerful Power in the world - m. he was so debilitated that Pozharsky and others were powerless to lift him and move him? Vaughn Fedorov clearly, justifiably argues, but everyone doesn’t care — laughers, TV shows, showdowns, forty rams per ball! —And this is more important to the people, what is Fedorovsky and his ilk. . Enough of everything on power - crush and blame! - it is still active, conscious, rational politicity to the majority of Russians on the side! - bread, circuses and baldezha !. Here, refute ka! - only without emotion, fumbling and howling of the Soviet tradesman from his head compote his own desert ...
  51. Yarosvet
    28 July 2013 18: 54
    The article has a stupid title - did the USSR really perish? The USSR was not a state - it was a Union of states that had the right to secede (albeit formally) from the Union, and this secession could only be beneficial in the paradigm of a change in the socio-political system - it is this change (which was the main goal) that is now covered up with tales of victory The West in the Cold War.

    By the beginning of the 70s, scientific communism was finally replaced by slogan “communism”, there was a rejection of the Soviets and personal responsibility, the need to teach every cook how to manage the state was forgotten, “mistakes” began to occur in economics and management, which one would not dare call mistakes, The determining role of nomenclature was finally formed.
    All of the above gives good reason to believe that the situation that emerged by the end of the 80s was far from accidental.

    Tagged and EBBN - does anyone doubt that the Committee “led” the leaders and potential leaders? Does anyone doubt that if the Committee had not sabotaged its functions, then neither Yeltsin nor Gorbachev would simply have happened?
    The exit from the USSR and a change of system were impossible without the deliberate sabotage of their functions on the part of the guys who occupied key positions in the CPSU, the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the administrations of the republics, the army and the prosecutor's office - no West could cope with such tasks, and took part in this only in in accordance with the agreements concluded between him and the Soviet nomenklatura on the initiative of the latter.

    The role of the people in this process was passive - people were weaned off thinking for a long time (they are still weaned off now). An intensive advertising campaign was carried out about the “high” standard of living in the West (at the same time, the stratification that existed there and the facts of mass starvation poverty were modestly kept silent). People were led to the idea of ​​the need to adopt Western experience and people believed in it, BUT - the idea that moved the people was the idea of ​​​​taking all the best from the West and getting rid of the bad that was in the USSR - they did exactly the opposite.

    Now we, along with the whole world, are slowly moving towards a new feudal period.
  52. +1
    28 July 2013 19: 28
    How could such a nonentity like Gorbachev become Secretary General, the top of the USSR is rotten, the old people alone in power did not prepare a generation, and we are a motley composition of Central Asia, the Caucasus, if only from the three countries of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine the USSR could have survived
    1. 0
      28 July 2013 22: 09
      He was a deeply undercover agent, the United States guided him for years helping him climb the career ladder, in general, of course, the scoundrel should be brought to justice, that’s who you can throw at Snowden.
  53. 0
    28 July 2013 19: 43
    Quote: Yarosvet
    The role of the people in this process was passive - people were weaned off thinking for a long time (they are still weaned off now).

    Moreover, it (this position) was not just passive, it was deadly passive.
    By the end of the 70s, the Communist Party had literally “degenerated.” The Great Idea disappeared and was replaced by chatter, projectism, and blatant hypocrisy.
    The "Guard" of the Soviet people has turned into a swamp.
    I remember the party organizer of the institute, how he tried to persuade me to join the Party, and seeing my resistance, he said, “Well, this is protection, over time = department, apartment...”
    I remember the party organizer of the BALSH Collective Farm...showing off a friend to the army on the day of Leonid Ilyich’s funeral. The party organizer, at the moment when the coffin was lowered, tore the accordion and shouted, “...you remember, son, the golden words...”
    The top of the Party drained the country, and the million-strong party - always obedient, like a herd - allowed this, hoping for “what was, we saw, what will be, we’ll see!”
  54. +5
    28 July 2013 19: 45
    The reason for the death of the USSR, in my opinion, lies in the management plane. I’ll explain with my example. In the 4th grade we were accepted into the pioneers, I was elected Chairman of the Troop Council, this is my first position in my life. A month later I was invited by the senior pioneer leader (there were such people at school) with a report on the work done. What can you write? We went to the cinema with the whole class, played football, lightning and that’s it. In terms of volume, this report took up a quarter of a page, but the pioneer leader was not happy with this, she gave me reports from others, and with my honesty it’s still more than half a page It didn’t work out, Bottom line, they kicked me out of my position, appointed a girl who reported correctly. The same thing happened with the Komsomol. At the institute, all the positions of group, stream, and course leaders were occupied by people or party members or close to them. At the same time, I had to study well, and The leader of our group is good at organizing the exams. it worked out, no knowledge is needed, just assurances of personal devotion to the Communist Party. After the institute, division began, the main part went to production, the smaller part went to Komsomol, communist, Soviet bodies. Whoever got into production very quickly realized that His Majesty the Plan reigned there, who doesn’t care about your pedigree, your godfathers, matchmakers. Those who did not carry out the plan were mercilessly spat out by the system. Those who followed the party line, I repeat the fraudsters, they did not have such checks. They could always blame their failures on production workers. The tragedy of the USSR was that that ignoramuses and capable people ended up at the head of the state.
  55. 0
    28 July 2013 20: 38
    Author, I would like to know more about the economy. Namely about emissions. What the USSR used to do, and now the Republic of Belarus is doing. With respect to the fraternal republic, but the printing press will not bring any good to the “hares” who are not provided with anything.
    1. 0
      28 July 2013 22: 10
      But right now there are no backed currencies, there is only paper all around, it is not for nothing that there is a tendency towards a return to the gold standard.
      1. +1
        28 July 2013 22: 49
        Well, why, our national currency is almost one to one to the euro and has been stable for so many years)))
        1. 0
          28 July 2013 23: 04
          Well, oil prices have also been stable for so many years.
          1. +1
            28 July 2013 23: 07
            Well, I wouldn't say that. even during the financial crisis everything was the same. it's just a matter of smart economic policy
            1. 0
              28 July 2013 23: 12
              Let's look at things objectively, you, as a true patriot, will of course talk about a sensible economic model, and I understand you, but tell me what your budget consists of? If the price of oil falls, your currency will also fall in price, this is a problem for all countries that rely on raw materials.
              1. +2
                28 July 2013 23: 20
                So the fact is that, knowing the excesses, the government invests oil money in other industries that are not related to the fuel and energy complex, relying on the agricultural industry, the military-industrial complex, ICT, and tourism. Look at the wave of tourism how much Turkey has earned. a lot of different industrial enterprises, power plants, etc. are being built, knowing that the price of oil will suddenly fall, the government cannot just sit and sell oil. We have to work))) by the way, the Azerbaijani government’s investments in the Russian economy have already increased your investments to our economy.
                1. 0
                  28 July 2013 23: 24
                  Well, everything is known about your military-industrial complex, you are planning to get even with Armenia.
                  1. +2
                    28 July 2013 23: 34
                    no. that’s not the point, although this also makes sense. Let’s say one Middle Eastern country recently became interested in our 120mm mortars. Maybe the scope is small. But it still makes sense that it’s better to sell the product than stupidly push oil and gas and collect money for yourself. The money must be put into circulation. Our budget is in the region of 25 billion greenbacks. I think a lot for such a small country as Azerbaijan
                    1. 0
                      29 July 2013 21: 16
                      Well, I will only be glad when I see that your country will not become a world exporter of oil, but, say, for example, Navigation systems or at least household appliances.
                      1. 0
                        29 July 2013 21: 40
                        Well, it is possible to export household appliances, although it is very difficult (the competition is high), but I am sure that we will be able to do something. Moreover, we are already a space country, we have our own communications satellite)))
  56. 0
    28 July 2013 21: 54
    "a latent trend of degradation of the basic potentials of Soviet statehood is revealed."
    Quite clever.
    But the conclusion is correct:
    "But if the Soviet station was part of the American establishment, then it would be a significant understatement of the CIA's capabilities to believe that its representatives were absent from the Kremlin elite."
    But it's not that.
    You can explain as much as you want about betrayal and how the people THEN did not defend their state, but now the situation is similar...
  57. s1н7т
    28 July 2013 21: 56
    No one has yet honestly told how and who collapsed the Union. And they won’t tell you for a long time, probably, although it seems so clear.
    1. +1
      28 July 2013 22: 02
      people really made money from it. who will tell such a thing? I read in one book how Gorby was withdrawing Soviet troops from Europe. Helmut Kohl initially wanted to offer him 20 billion dollars for this, and if, like, they don’t agree to raise the bar yet. And Gorby immediately sang to him the price of 14 billion. Kohl probably jumped with joy places))) and after 4 months he asked the same Helmut for a large sum on credit (10 billion it seems). So they charged him such interest that they probably returned that 14))))
  58. +2
    28 July 2013 22: 05
    The main reason for the collapse of the USSR was the emergence of such a leader as N.S. Khrushchev, that’s where the problems begin, the rest tried to correct the situation, but it was somehow sluggish, and they weren’t up to the task of health, both mental and physical, but Gorby and EBN did it already the rest.
  59. DPN
    28 July 2013 23: 11
    The article is normal, I’ll add a little The USSR died because it was born before its time. Remember the TU-144 plane, then the space BURAN that landed on automatic mode, the pride of the USSR. As they wrote, all this appeared before its time, there was no one to fly them. Also, in the USSR there was no one to live in it, we people had not grown up to such a society, we did not want to live in a state where housing was built twice as much as now and they paid 13 rubles for it. So we got a car on credit instead of housing and dollars in place rubles, a war in the CAUCASUS with no end in sight. AND WE EACH LIVE FOR OURSELVES, WE DO NOT SPIT ABOUT THE NEIGHBORS. We bought the Soviet people for 30 pieces of silver.
    1. +1
      28 July 2013 23: 22
      what 30 pieces of silver? The common people didn’t receive anything, except for the problems you listed)))
      1. DPN
        29 July 2013 06: 18
        That’s exactly what I got on TV, they often show collapsed houses from which people are being evicted into barns or basically nowhere. And the lawyer and the gdp don’t tell us about the laws from TV, and sheer debauchery for the people is a spectacle like in ancient ROME.
        At the moment, the people need two people similar to LENIN to sweep them with a broom and STALIN to restore order in the upper echelons of power.
  60. DPN
    28 July 2013 23: 20
    Gorbi, Yeltsin, the redhead, Serdyukov, such people are punished only in the West, but in the East and they are put against the wall as traitors. Today’s people are afraid that they themselves will be put up, so they don’t touch these ones either.
    So our people can be traitors, but our rulers never can be.
    1. 0
      28 July 2013 23: 30
      The leadership of our country has a wild “personnel disaster.” Well, they have nowhere to find normal managers, they run into Serdyukovs, redheads and others.
    2. +2
      28 July 2013 23: 36
      Well, how can such “geniuses” be thrown to the wall?)))))))))))))))))))))))
  61. Druid
    28 July 2013 23: 38
    The current situation in Russia is no different from the situation in the USSR before its collapse.
    1. Resource-dependent economy
    2. Corrupt leadership
    3. Aggravation of interethnic relations
    this is the main thing, and so on, etc. and so on.
    1. +4
      29 July 2013 00: 25
      Here, too, on the wave of sovereignty after the collapse, some type of liberal democrats came to power. they did so much trouble in a year that then Aliyev corrected all this in 10 years. The people immediately threw out these liberals, and Aliyev drove them all away, some to jail, some to the hill. You should do that)))
  62. EdwardTich68
    29 July 2013 01: 10
    The collapse of the USSR resembles the history of the Babylonian pandemonium for several reasons: the nationalism of parasitic peoples + the lost Cold War + the mediocrity of the leadership +
    degradation of the unifying idea and its bearers + skillful actions of external enemies + waging an unnecessary war in Afghanistan hi
  63. +4
    29 July 2013 03: 06
    For me, there are only two main factors in the death of the USSR:

    1. An attempt to create a crocodile, a cross between a snake and a hedgehog, from capitalism with socialism - “from above”. And these foundations were laid in the distant 60s, with the local victory of the bourgeois doctrine of Lieberman. It was this doctrine that made it possible for such hoopoe cadres as Gorbi, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze to grow in the depths of the nomenklatura of the USSR =spit, these vile names and surnames will not be remembered by nightfall=.
    2. Just an avalanche growth of petty nationalism “from below.” On this wave, such cadres as EBN, Shushkevich, Snegur, Kravchuk, Karimov, Niyazov and other brethren grew up.

    In some ways this was probably predetermined... by history. In essence, the work started by these comrades is growing and expanding - nationalism is already an absolute norm in the territory of the former USSR. Moreover, not healthy nationalism - pride in one’s people, traditions, mentality, namely small - “pride” in one’s habits, customs and your narrow worldview and fantasies.

    That's all...
    1. +2
      29 July 2013 03: 24
      I dare, Cher, to object to you:

      On the first point: in the late 80s, the PRC managed to create that very mixture of “snake and hedgehog”, and we see what came of it...

      Regarding point two: the growth of “personnel” has deeper roots! And “petty nationalism” could easily be stopped by the KGB apparatus...
      1. +3
        29 July 2013 03: 43
        Thanks for your opposition. But still, let's consider both of your objections.

        In the late 80s, the PRC managed to create that very mixture of “snake and hedgehog”

        The People's Republic of China has created such a monster that it can stand or fall. Still, it is worth separating advertising from reality in life. The PRC has an economy approximately 2/3 of the USA =maybe more=, and manipulates the same tools. But we still need to start from reality. The United States, with its economy, can barely provide a normal life, God willing, for 50 percent of its population, which, let’s count 150 lemons. Okay, let's assume that the Chinese are all ascetics and followers of Confucius. But even so, it turns out that they can provide a more or less normal life for, say, 300-400 people. What about the rest, aren’t they people? Or do you think that this is normal - a minority of people live, the rest exist and survive? But this is exactly the order of things that this cross between a “snake and a hedgehog” proposes...

        And “petty nationalism” could easily be stopped by the KGB apparatus...

        Woohoo. As an Uzbek, self-critically, I will consider this hypothetical case. The KGB Directorate for Uzbekistan is examining the spontaneous manifestation of nationalism in Uzbekistan in, let’s say, the 88th century. To what extent do you think this “trial” would be objective?

        Do you understand what I wanted to say?
        1. +1
          29 July 2013 04: 21
          I apologize for the long answer, but all around, the minority lives, the rest survives...

          As for the KGB apparatus, the investigation would have been at the direction of the Party... Let's start with the fact that nothing spontaneous could happen a priori under the power of the KGB...
          1. +1
            29 July 2013 04: 30
            I apologize for the long answer, but all around, the minority lives, the rest survives...

            So I don’t understand, were you and I arguing about something? So, you will agree, there is a “hedgehog” and there is a “hedgehog”. And the snake has such a property as - “I, although thin, am long. But... I will gain weight evenly, and for everyone.” And the hedgehog’s main rule is “I’ll eat everything that I wrap in needles, and I’ll chop the rest into pieces”... Here, in reality, there are two completely different ideologies... *)

            As for the KGB apparatus, the investigation would have been at the direction of the Party... Let's start with the fact that nothing spontaneous could happen a priori under the power of the KGB...

            A priori, there are fairy tales, myths and reality. The reality is that everyone in this world is human. Myth is everything in this world =or in a separate piece of the world=, heroes. It’s a fairy tale, everything in this world is s-v-o-l-o-h-i. Your phrase can be classified either as a myth or a fairy tale. Don't you agree?
            1. 0
              29 July 2013 04: 45
              At such a late hour, I’m not quite ready for a deeply meaningful debate. Thank you for your attention!

              I think the economic policy of the PRC in the late 80s was correct. Their KGB apparatus allowed itself to crush student unrest in the country. As a result, we have what we have, China is a very strong Power!

              Our political leadership did not allow the truly omnipotent KGB apparatus to stop the catastrophe of the USSR! And this was a conscious choice of specific individuals!
              1. +2
                29 July 2013 04: 49
                Excuse me and don't take it for harshness. As for the USSR, I completely agree with you. Hunchbacked brute, he did a good job.

                And I just don’t like China. This is purely subjective. On their border, my Father was once seriously wounded. I didn’t want to convince you of anything, to change your mind - I just don’t like China as a State. It causes me deep irritation and mistrust. That's it.

                Have a good morning. Sorry again...
                1. +1
                  29 July 2013 04: 58
                  I also don’t like China as a military-political neighbor, most likely I’m afraid and know what to expect from it.

                  What is the article about? Why did the USSR die?

                  The USSR died. And that's a fact.

                  And the People's Republic of China, nurtured by our USSR, is developing and prospering!!!?
                  1. +2
                    29 July 2013 05: 06
                    An article about the death of the USSR - yes... But the circumstances of the death of the USSR are interesting in themselves... note that the structure had the strongest damper - whatever you say, in those short 70-odd years, on the territory of 1/6 the ball appeared general mentality, and it is not Russian, not Ukrainian, not Uzbek, not Kazakh, but precisely Soviet... so, in this territory there was a powerful damper, which was called honesty, openness and kindness. And this structure collapsed, albeit under external pressure, due to the “mentality” brought in from outside. And you want to say that the structure in which they thrive - greed, hidden arrogance, segregation, extreme wealth inequality, yes, this is all the People's Republic of China - will stand and will bloom and smell? isn't it funny...
                    1. +1
                      29 July 2013 05: 17
                      I didn't quite understand you, sorry.

                      A small note - the USSR lasted less than 70 years, and not “70-odd,” as you say. I stopped at this only because I encountered this error for the second time today. (If I’m wrong, are you ready to listen?)

                      I am catching up with your thoughts about the PRC... The PRC will not bloom and smell if it does not adapt. But the PRC has the ability to adapt, which the USSR did not have at that particular moment... Unfortunately... sad
                      1. 0
                        29 July 2013 05: 28
                        Well... formally, you are naturally right. If you count not even from the 22nd year, but from the 24th year, then you are ABSOLUTELY right =shrug=. But the years from 18 to 22 cannot be erased from history, agree? And people like Dundich, Shors, Frunze, Chapaev, Akhunbabaev, etc. - the country was not divided in the 18th, in any way... *) And in general, I have a terribly bad attitude towards lawyers and philanderers... *)
                  2. +1
                    29 July 2013 05: 24
                    EdwardTich68 RU Today, 01:10

                    The collapse of the USSR resembles the history of the Babylonian pandemonium for several reasons: the nationalism of parasitic peoples

                    By the way... here is a clear example of a dude with “atrophy of the thinking muscle” - he is ready to attribute his petty nationalism to others, to “parasitic peoples” for the sake of globality. I wonder if he is ready to give a list of “parasite peoples”? I think I'm ready. He always has ready answers for everything. This is what destroyed the USSR - petty nationalist, petty-bourgeois morality...
                    1. +1
                      29 July 2013 05: 32
                      Quote: de_monSher
                      petty nationalistic, petty-bourgeois morality...

                      What we nurtured (allowed to grow through our inactions) is what we get....
                      1. +1
                        29 July 2013 05: 39
                        What we nurtured (allowed to grow through our inactions) is what we get....

                        Eh... =waved his hand=... I’ve already stopped paying attention to it. But sometimes... for example, a few days ago, I got angry at one Kazakh here on the site, and earned a ban for 2 days. But I couldn’t, and the most offensive thing is that I will never be able to explain to him that I freaked out because of his impenetrable, cosmic, numb nationalism... there is some kind of deep disharmony in all this. To the point of nausea, damn it... *( meh...
                      2. +1
                        29 July 2013 05: 48
                        Why wave your fists after a fight (the USSR has collapsed, it no longer exists). Russia is a Great Empire, it was, is and will be!!! drinks
                      3. +2
                        29 July 2013 06: 00
                        I'm Uzbek, don't forget. Naturally, I will drink to the great future of Russia - this is not a foreign country for me, I lived and grew up here - in the Arctic, in the Far East, in Kamchatka. And not only Russia - Ukraine and Belarus, and the entire Caucasus - are also not strangers to me, I love them. Yes, God grant prosperity, strength and power to Russia, as she is, I'm just behind all the paws. I’m only afraid for Uzbekistan, you will never drink again... *)
                      4. +2
                        29 July 2013 06: 10
                        Quote: de_monSher
                        I’m only afraid for Uzbekistan, you will never drink again... *)

                        I was born in 1970, had a Soviet upbringing!!!, I’m proud of it. And I perceive those born during the USSR as a father, a brother, a friend. And I accept into my family everyone who is friendly (upbringing!!!). And I will stand with hostility if the Soviet morality put into me is contrary.... Ready to discuss...
                      5. +1
                        29 July 2013 06: 14
                        I was born in 1970, had a Soviet upbringing!!!, I’m proud of it.

                        Well, then you need to take a dip... *) I have the rest of a bottle of dry wine... *) Let's drink to a strong Russia, and to all the countries of the former USSR, which, one way or another, will come to an agreement among themselves... on the territory of the former USSR , and will create something that will help them become even more powerful together... will that do? *))
                      6. +2
                        29 July 2013 06: 19
                        50 for the Motherland!!!! drinks The fire!!! drinks The USSR cannot be former!!!!
                      7. +1
                        29 July 2013 06: 22
                        50 for the Motherland!!!! drinks Fire!!! The USSR cannot be former!!!!

                        Just like real Colonels... *)) My Father, by the way, retired as a Colonel... In general, along the way, I support all of them too... *) I support... *)
                      8. The comment was deleted.
                      9. +1
                        29 July 2013 06: 23
                        Yes, we’ll drink to you, the “serfs” too, don’t worry... *) when there’s a little drop left on the bottom... *)
                  3. 0
                    29 July 2013 21: 43
                    what to expect from them? knife in the back at the right moment
        2. grafrozow
          29 July 2013 21: 29
          Quote: de_monSher

          The People's Republic of China has created such a monster that it can stand or fall. Still, it is worth separating advertising from reality in life. The PRC has an economy about 2/3 of the US =maybe more=, and manipulates the same tools. But we still need to start from reality. The USA, with its economy, can barely provide a normal life for, God forbid, 50 percent of its population,

          Lord, finally open your eyes. Are the Chinese or Americans in Moscow sewing Adidas shoes in their basements? Have you seen an American growing cucumbers in Russia? In China there was already a big leap with the Great Helmsman, how did it end? hi
  64. DPN
    29 July 2013 06: 25
    Quote: studentmati
    Why wave your fists after a fight (the USSR has collapsed, it no longer exists). Russia is a Great Empire, it was, is and will be!!! drinks

    but not for His people.
    1. +1
      29 July 2013 06: 28
      Quote: DPN
      Russia is a Great Empire, it was, is and will be!!! drinks

      but not for His people.

      And for whom?
    2. +2
      29 July 2013 06: 29
      You don’t choose your homeland like a fashionable gadget in a store. Believe me. Russia, a dynamic, smart and vibrant country - I can see it better from the outside. And the shortcomings... there are plenty of them everywhere. But to extrapolate them to anything and everything is at the very least stupid, and at the maximum smacks of mental illness... yours... *)
      1. +2
        29 July 2013 06: 35
        You don’t choose your homeland like a fashionable gadget in a store.

        Russia and all the peoples who keep pace with it have been and will be revered, respected and recognized, regardless of anyone’s wishes...
        1. +1
          29 July 2013 06: 43
          I addressed these words to DPN... *) Honestly...

          As for the fact that Russia will be able to gather the countries of the former USSR around itself, I have no doubt... I’m afraid only you, the Russians, will resist this with all your might... what you nurtured is what we will reap... for a long time to come...
          1. +2
            29 July 2013 06: 49
            The world has changed a lot. “Never ask for anything - they will come and offer it themselves”... I paraphrased, but am I sure they remembered Bulgakov?
            1. +1
              29 July 2013 06: 58
              *)) =smiled=...

              Well, well... Woland, of course, is free to come and give whatever he wants... but an ordinary person, or “ordinary” people, as a rule, has the experiences of that same Frida, who was constantly laid out a scarf on the table ... *) Remember? *) Do you know what I mean? *)
  65. shpuntik
    29 July 2013 10: 28
    The author of the article came to the conclusion that there were no fundamental reasons for the collapse of the USSR. And what:
    The USSR was defeated in the war. The consequence of defeat... is the establishment of a regime dependent on the enemy.

    But he did not answer the question: where did the traitors come from? And will there be more?
    I’ll add a personal opinion: the main reason for the collapse of the USSR is of a spiritual nature. Not a single country on this globe has yet declared atheism as a state doctrine.
    Atheism is refuted in a theological dispute (dispute with theologians) very simply, easier than with other beliefs. That is why none of the HPS publicly discussed with the priests - they were simply ridiculed. They believed in God in Babylon, Egypt, Greece, the Roman Empire - all in different ways, but did not reject God.
    1. +1
      29 July 2013 11: 25
      Quote: shpuntik
      I’ll add a personal opinion: the main reason for the collapse of the USSR is of a spiritual nature

      I completely agree. Let me just add that the philosophers of communism, having abandoned God, made Christian demands on a person’s personal qualities. They promised material prosperity as a reward. This was the main ambush, the key philosophical contradiction. Some achieved this prosperity earlier, while others lived in communal apartments. Why did people have to endure this inequality? For God's sake they couldn't, he didn't exist. Then for what purpose - communist philosophy did not explain this. And when they broke it, the people were silent.
  66. 0
    29 July 2013 14: 25
    I didn’t read the author’s text or a single comment. One thing is clear: the system was eaten, science was destroyed, education was put below the baseboard, the military-industrial complex was at the level of a schoolchild, ECONOMY was in last place after two 9-K grades. WHY ARE YOU ONLY EVALUATING AND DISCUSSING NOW? The main thing is interesting, WITH WHOM? - They overthrew their own people.
  67. +2
    29 July 2013 19: 58
    Quote: vladimirZ
    The USSR died because of the direct betrayal of the leadership of the USSR and the leadership of the CPSU - "the directing and governing body of the state", represented by Juda Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Shevardnadze and other figures, now called mildly "agents of US influence", but in fact the direct enemies of the USSR, who deserted to the side of the USA and the West.
    The USSR had a prospect of development and a "margin of safety" on which Russia still exists and which has been robbed by the present liberals for more than 20 years and still cannot completely rob.
    The example of China clearly shows the possibilities and prospects for the development of the USSR if its leadership did not have enemies of the people, such as Gorbachev.

    Good day to all!
    I agree 100% with the quoted participant/vladimirZ. good
    Regarding the intentions of the author of the article, I very NEGATIVELY assess the article itself as another attempt to surreptitiously, under the pressure of seemingly objective external factors, TO WHITENESS Gorbachev, since he gives the reason for the following fact: “There was a trade embargo and foreign exchange earnings decreased and the indestructible USSR (for 6 years of sabotage by Gorbi and Co.) - fell apart on its own!
    In general, some (not all) verified historical facts, the author presents it from a perspective that is beneficial to his customers, and only laments that selfless Gorbachev wanted everything speed up, reform, improve, not him just a couple of months and several tens of billions of dollars were not enough to complete the changes???
    On a similar topic, 2-4 years ago a movie was made (20-30 min), where “saddened and frightened Gorbachev” flying in a helicopter near the citydestroyed Chernobyl reactor, as if he was thinking about how to preserve the UNION, but in fact he was simply the scoundrel regretted:
    - Why is that so? the country is slowly falling apart, after all, Raiska and I promised to my friends in Washington and London that I will destroy everything much faster!!!
    Regarding the discussion, in general I agree 80-90% with the majority of the participants with their analysis and assessment of the events that led to the collapse of the USSR!
    It would take a long time to count all of you, dear patriots of the USSR, and I don’t want to offend anyone by forgetting his nickname. smile th (from the 50s and 70s, points 5, 6, 7, 8) from participant's note "Nevsky SU" (Yesterday, 12:51,)
    which made it possible to plan and meticulously carry out, point by point, sabotage against the USSR and the SVD/Warsaw Pact countries in 1985-1991 - still I would I placed the accents differently.
    The main reason for the departure from the broad steps forward in the development of the USSR under Stalin, in my opinion, is the fact that Stalin was a genius in many ways, did not prepare and did not show his Successor during his lifetime that with his intelligence and nose for intelligent and responsible people, leaders - Somehow I personally DO NOT believe it!!!
    In my opinion, he was looking for such a Successor, found and prepared.
    Simple his life would end sooner, How did he physically age?
    Probably the case of the “pest doctors” was not the only one (about which we at the lower levels became aware)!
  68. +3
    29 July 2013 20: 14
    In addition to the fact that the USSR after WW2 was forced to confront the threat of direct aggression from the United States and their readiness to simply bomb the USSR and the Eastern Bloc with nuclear bombs, and already in 1949 the USSR created its own nuclear weapons and parity was established, which greatly hindered the United States, but still did not threaten the existence of the United States.
    But in my opinion it is very plausible that Stalin’s plans to create and maintain a “golden ruble” by 1958, which would DEFINITELY undermined all the plans of the American dollar as a world currency and global currencybrought him down, and could have been the reason for his elimination by the West.
    It is also worth remembering that, according to the rules of all secret services, not only active agents in enemy countries were trained, but also “moles” or “sleepers” who were activated or contacted under certain circumstances...
    But the purges themselves (which were not always fair and useful) in 1937/before it and after, as well as the removal of traitors and renegades who had proven themselves during the period 1939-1945, still did not completely remove all enemy agents!
    Therefore, as a person who in 1985 was already over 20 and was a party member, now decades later and especially in recent years (here in Slovakia I learned the details and organizers of the preparation and conduct of the “velvet coup”, 1989) in Czechoslovakia, everything is so now I can say that after all we are not 20 million ordinary communists betrayed the USSR and the socialist countries и did not become an otpo in 1985-1991r to the sweet speeches of “traitor to the Motherland Gorbachev and Co,” what they could have done if some patriot had explained to all of us, like ordinary citizens, all the details and most importantly “the goals of Perestroika, Glasnost, Acceleration, etc. beautiful husk.”
    Don't understand my words as my excuse, it's too late to make excuses now!
    We ALL and each of us individually the very permission to destroy both the Union and the Social Commonwealth, and without understanding all the consequences, helped to destroy industry, agriculture, science, we were attracted by permissiveness, foreign borders and other minor nonsense... sad
    But we didn’t know much then, and at the age of 25-30 I did not have that life experience and healthy distrust of 180-degree turns that I acquired by the age of 50.
    Although even then many simple believers (I'm from the outback) older (60-80 years old) they told us young people, even back when they showed Marked as General Secretary for the first time in 1985: “God sent us the devil, This one will destroy everything it touches"!!!
    Out of my stupidity, I myself applauded the empty speeches of the General Secretary and did not believe the elders and even laughed at their important words in my youth...
    But years, decades have passed and I see that simple (without VO) wise people in life foresaw the steps and their consequences in advance!!!
    Moreover, what is interesting is that these older people advised us simply out of the kindness of their hearts, they did not ask for a reward for their revelations, and their predictions were 80-90% accurate, they were inaccurate only in unimportant details!
    But now, when we ourselves have already realized that we ordinary citizens were robbed completely and forced to be at enmity with each other, and most importantly, that instead of decency and friendship - many of us, and most importantly young people, have lost ALL moral limits and are ready to sell their own mother for money!!!
    Therefore, now that I’m over 50, my curiosity and life itself forced me to become more familiar with this topic. what really happened in 1985-1991, after and now, where are we all heading or where are they taking us all, both in the CIS and in the EU and other countries, and what can await us in 10 and 20 years?
  69. +3
    29 July 2013 20: 17
    Now I am increasingly convinced that the root cause for creating the conditions for the collapse of the USSR was there was a creep to the top of the KGB and the CPSU of traitors and traitors to the Motherland after all, it was the 50s, circumstances the strange and premature (without any illness) death of Stalin and the quick execution by Khrushev of the temporary detention center assistant Beria for drowning "ends in water".
    And most importantly, Khrushev, abolished the personal responsibility of leading party workers for their activities, and for ordinary party members and citizens, responsibility remained and capital punishment was not abolished!
    After all, this is the only way to explain that in the 70-80s the top of the KGB and the CPSU were rotten, because someone put Gorbachev’s “cleaned up personal file” on Andropov’s desk, and then, for the collapse of the USSR, he pushed all sorts of Yakovlevs, Shevardnadzes, Yeltsins, Kravchuks, Nazarbayevs, Landsbergiss and other trash into the highest positions.
    After all, national conflicts suddenly arose out of the blue and turned into pits of fire and death? ! Dissidents, writers (like Sozhenitsyn), human rights activists (mainly of Jewish nationality) and other dirt appeared out of nowhere! ?
    Whatever the defenders of the “criminal group Gorbi and Co.” tell us, in my opinion, only with direct instructions and under the direct leadership of the top of the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, traitors, embezzlers and then successful young/snotty people could operate with impunity in the USSR? “new Russians”, who very easily in 6-12 months suddenly became the owners of billions of dollars in wealth that they had stolen from the people of the USSR.
    More precisely, behind them were experienced generals and senior officers of the KGB, Ministry of Internal Affairs + secretaries of republican and regional party committees!!!
    So if we soberly and balancedly evaluate all the facts we currently have, We were easily deceived, divided, quarreled and robbed!!!
    The few of us who then they knew something, guessed or wanted to organize a resistance to the collapse of the Union, they were simply killed or died in mysterious suicides, poisonings and heart attacks (generals and patriots of the country, other figures).
    Already now, Mr. Rust, known to us, boasts that his flight was a carefully organized sabotage in order to denigrate and dismiss army generals who did not agree with the giving of the country's military secrets to enemies, the collapse of the Soviet Army and the military-industrial complex, and even then accused Gorbachev of treason . After all, after the imprisonment of Rust and the dismissal of the army leadership, Gorabachev and Shevarnandze signed unfavorable peace Treaties on the Limitation of Nuclear Weapons for the USSR, cut many effective weapons, boats, missiles, etc. into scrap metal.
    After all, it was only with Gorbachev’s betrayal of all socialist countries that traitors raised their heads there, and then already in 1989 (one after another the socialist mouths in all European socialist countries collapsed)! Accidents in such changes are excluded.

    PS! I will later translate into Russian about the very details of the preparation and conduct of the “velvet revolution” in the Czechoslovak Republic and post here the testimonies of eyewitnesses and real citizens of Czechoslovakia.
    Very instructive facts, and that according to a similar scenario, the collapse of the USSR itself and all sorts of “color revolutions” in the 2000s were carried out.
    Since the details described in primary sources (in Czech and Slovak) will seem familiar to many of us, how employees of the KGB, the national Security Service and Western intelligence services painstakingly prepared the “velvet revolution” in close cooperation with the CIA and the German secret service (FRG) and within 3 months already Before the free elections in the Czechoslovak Republic, T-shirts with inscriptions were made ahead of time in Western Germany itself (Vaclav Havel for president!, Havel - for the city!), while breaking up groups or individuals. destroying serious watered. opponents, true national patriots of Czechoslovakia (like the death in a car accident of Alexander Dubcek, the former 1st secret party, who was removed in 1968 after the entry of Soviet troops into the Czechoslovak Republic).
  70. permission
    31 July 2013 18: 45
    Interesting article. I believe that the USSR was doomed after the release of the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”; a young and determined thief with a pack of Marlborro cigarettes is a beloved character. Such a person will not give up the land and can generally rule the country. It was these young and determined thieves (oligarchs) who came to power 20 years later. The symbolism of the main value of Western Cigarettes is quite obvious.
  71. permission
    31 July 2013 18: 46
    I'm surprised how such a film got past the censors...
  72. permission
    31 July 2013 18: 53
    "A man like GDP has been ruling the country since 2000. A total of 13 years. So far we have a NATO base in Ulyanovsk and earn extra money by transporting NATO cargo. We are pouring weapons-grade uranium into the states. Probably 13 years is a very short period of time, we didn’t even have time to eliminate corruption, here’s another We’ll probably be alive in 20 years!!”

    Apparently the GDP has the same role as Kerensky. Destroy. But the enemy took into account the mistakes of 1917. Then the country was destroyed hastily, the people began to resist and built the USSR on the half-destroyed infrastructure. Now they are falling apart more slowly. The process was extended over several decades. Yes, it takes longer, but it is more reliable.
  73. permission
    31 July 2013 19: 04
    Alexander Romanov, Constantine, Setrac - this is my understanding of the pressing group. Operational attack by a pack on S_mirnov's posts. So S_mirnov expresses sensible thoughts. I will read his comments.
  74. 0
    5 September 2017 14: 50
    The USSR is a myth and a picture, built by the free labor of the people living in it, who were exterminated by millions. The collapse began immediately after the restoration of the country, in the late 60s and early 70s, a unitary state and total control of everything, reluctance to develop and modernize production, etc. In the USSR or the Russian Federation, it is no longer customary to pay for work; this is one of the reasons for the collapse of any country. Specific names or betrayal are also reasons, but minor ones. Honor and praise to our nuclear physicists, otherwise we would sit with our tanks and planes on the same.... Standing still, you won’t achieve anything, but in the USSR, after the rise, it turned out to be a platform of fluidity and destruction, such a law of the existence of “empires”.
    1. 0
      5 September 2017 15: 05
      Quote: dep071
      The USSR is a myth and a picture, built by the free labor of the people living in it, who were exterminated by millions.

      Did you invent this yourself or was it instilled in you?
      Quote: dep071
      The crisis began immediately after the restoration of the country, in the late 60s and early 70s, a unitary state and total control of everything, reluctance to develop and modernize production, etc.

      And where did this come from? From the articles of Arbatova and Yasin with Gaidar that smelled of mothballs?
      Quote: dep071
      In the USSR or the Russian Federation, it is no longer customary to pay for work; this is one of the reasons for the collapse of any country.

      You are writing for the Russian Federation, or more precisely, where effectively-inefficient owners do not pay people for their labor in full, but through direct and indirect taxes they squeeze out the last of it.
      Quote: dep071
      Specific names or betrayal are also reasons, but minor ones.

      No need to lie, the direct and absolutely compelling reason for the defeat of the USSR is not the system of socialism, but those very “spots of capitalism” expressed in the opportunistic changelings who exchanged the country for property and feudal possessions.
      Quote: dep071
      Standing still won't achieve anything

      Was it the USSR that stood still? Is this the type of training camp they teach in?
      Quote: dep071
      , and in the USSR after the rise, there was a platform of fluidity and destruction, such a law of the existence of “empires”.

      Well, yes, yes, now tell us who came up with this “law”, especially since the USSR, in fact, was not an empire.
      1. 0
        15 September 2017 10: 12
        1. Dear Pancir026, if you want to criticize my opinion, then I don’t mind.
        Did you invent this yourself or was it instilled in you?
        , well, let me applaud you, in a tavern or what? Read the history, respected from 1937-1953. And what was the cost of victory in World War II? Did you fight badly? And who taught how to fight, who commanded at the beginning of the war, so that 2-3 million were surrounded? (different sources say differently) You can have a lot of soldiers and fight like that???
        3. The USSR has stood still since the mid-70s, apparently you yourself did not finish your studies a little. For you, I understand the harvest, the construction of Khrushchev’s cells, the development of virgin lands, the purchase of outdated equipment from the Italian automobile industry, etc. these are achievements in the economy and progress, then we moved forward.
        Metallurgy, rocket science, I won’t say anything about genetics, nuclear industry, etc. - achievements of SCIENCE, you say, Soviet, well, maybe, but in fact, individual people or groups of scientists who, through the negligence, narrow-mindedness, lack of education of officials, simply terrible bureaucracy, defended their discoveries.
        The army and navy are the country’s defense capability; again, without science, you can’t do anything.
        Machine tool manufacturing was at its best.
        4. Pay in the USSR is actually funny, but they paid everyone, some at the expense of others, stability.
        And why are you pointing out Gaidar to me, you apparently read it yourself, you’re probably a fan?
        Have a nice day!
        1. 0
          15 September 2017 15: 02
          Quote: dep071
          Well, let me applaud you, in a pub or what? Read the history, respected from 1937-1953. And what was the cost of victory in World War II? Did you fight badly? And who taught how to fight, who commanded at the beginning of the war, so that 2-3 million were surrounded? (different sources say differently) You can have a lot of soldiers and fight like that???

          This verbal tinsel is repeated every time by someone who is not one of us. Don't understand what we're talking about?
          Then I’ll decipher it: VICTORY, not victory and not in the Second World War, but in the Great Patriotic War, which turned out to be the most powerful argument in its contribution to the war.
          Secondly, the ENTIRE number of VERMACHT prisoners surrendered, and the lion's share into the hands of the USSR.
          Third, there are a lot of soldiers...you will turn this myth to those who organized the landing in Dieppe and then during the Overlord landing operation, where the losses were simply terrifying from the actions not so much of the Germans, but from their own "fire fly", if you know what it is.
          Quote: dep071
          Metallurgy, rocket science, I won’t say anything about genetics, nuclear industry, etc. - achievements of SCIENCE, you say, Soviet, well, maybe, but in fact, individual people or groups of scientists who, through the negligence, narrow-mindedness, lack of education of officials, simply terrible bureaucracy, defended their discoveries.

          Stupidity is not commented on.
          Quote: dep071
          The army and navy are the country’s defense capability; again, without science, you can’t do anything.

          But this is not your merit at all, just like the fact that the Army and you are absolutely incompatible concepts.
          Quote: dep071
          Pay for labor in the USSR is actually ridiculous, but they paid everyone, some at the expense of others, stability.
          And why are you pointing out Gaidar to me, you apparently read it yourself, you’re probably a fan?

          This is your guru, so there is no need to show here something that is not related to reality, after your own writings.