Visitors from the future

Visitors from the futureA quality elite capable of organizing the development of a country must be produced

In order to shake the country in an amicable way, a few dozen people are enough - properly trained elite managers. But current ideas about the tasks, qualities and training of such personnel are worthless.

In general, the present moment for the country can be described as favorable. Judge for yourself.

First, consciousness gradually returns to us. We have almost overcome the seduction of the West. It comes to us that, on the path of blindly copying the Western world order, no bright future awaits us. It becomes clear that democracy and the market in and of themselves do not organize life for us, that Western “partners” are, first of all, competitors, that life does not need to be allowed to flow by itself, but must be planned and built by ourselves. Moreover, there is an understanding that it will not take long to stand still: either the country will develop, or Russia will not.

Secondly, we still have some reserve of time to really take care of ourselves. The Western world is bursting at the seams, the main events of the global crisis are still ahead - our “partners” will obviously not be before us. Of course, out of habit, they can once again try to solve their problems at our expense. But the first dope has already passed (see "first"), we will not go to the slaughter, but they cannot come to us by force yet, the nuclear missile shield is still in place.

And finally, the third: at least one fulcrum, to move forward and step forward, we have. I am talking about the king. Our king is the real one. It is not indifferent to the country, for the most part it is supported by the people, it even acts a little. The signal sent through anti-corruption cases is read out unambiguously: the rules of the game change, those who think only about themselves, and not about business, have no place in the team. It seems that the necessary prerequisites are being formed for a country of twenty historical a pause finally came out and strode further along its own path.

At this point, talk usually begins about “the image of the desired future,” “the fourth (or what is there?) Path,” “empire No. ...,” etc. These conversations are of little meaning, if not to say empty. Even the highest quality utopia is not able to realize itself. Utopias are not meant to be implemented at all. Utopias are important as reference points and substantial grounds for criticism of the present, but they are clearly insufficient for the organization of action.

The implementation unit is the project. A project is knowledge not about what we want, but about what and how exactly we can do in the desired direction. Moreover, the project is not only and not even so much knowledge, as acting people armed with this knowledge.

Therefore, in order to create the necessary “puzzle” for development (a set of factors necessary and sufficient for the development of a country), there is not enough small: those who organize this development. Do we not seriously think that Putin alone can be enough for such a thing? And in general, this is not a royal business - to tear the soot pads yourself. His task is to introduce into the power and control systems of the country those who will take on the main burden of project activity. But where will he take them? Will Shoigu and Rogozin smear a thin layer in all directions?
Personnel: from registration to planned production

It should be recognized that from the point of view of the development task of the country, all our personnel reserve programs are worthless. All this is a profanation. In their essence, they boil down to the fact that the young and the “successful” were put on special status lists. Maybe this fact even somehow reflects on their careers. Just what does this have to do with the subject of our discussion? Why on earth do we hope that they can develop anything? Maybe those who we need cannot be socially successful in the current system? And what does age matter? Today, many young people in their 25 often and closely can not work as they can, those who are old school and who today for 60.

I believe that it is high time for us to abandon the natural pledge in solving personnel problems: the right people will grow themselves, these green sprouts will break through the asphalt of inertia and corruption, prove themselves, etc. And the task of the high authorities is limited by the fact that they need to be noticed, entered into the accounting lists, put them on a big road, provide “opportunities for self-realization”.

This whole ideology is naive nonsense. Nobody comes from anywhere. If we want to have a high-quality elite capable of organizing the development of a country, it must be produced. Instead of empty expectations should be production plans. Instead of the mythical “growing sprouts”, we need the called-up, in a simple way - recruits, of whom the desired product will be received in the appropriate workshop.

How practically can this be done? Can we today somehow outline the contours of the solution to this problem? Let's try. But first you need to completely clear your own mind from false ideas and find the problem - something that has not yet allowed us to establish such necessary production for the country.

Usually, speaking of the quality of the elite, they mean its competence, professionalism, organizational skills, and ethical qualities. That is a myth. The quality of the elite does not boil down to the above. The matter is still in something ... But we ourselves feel perfectly well that neither Kurchatov Kurchatov nor Korolev Korolev themselves make neither knowledge, nor organizational skills, nor personal modesty and honesty. There is something else that lies under this knowledge, skills and abilities, something much more important. And if we want to get the desired result, we will have to answer the question: what is it?
"Elitarius" - who is he?

Production logic requires deepening our understanding of the parameters of the finished product. It should be understood that these parameters are set by the requirements of the development process itself. That is, one should not go from people, not from descriptions, which they should be smart and beautiful, but from the requirements set by the development process. We need new global trends to break through in Russia. It should not be just an industrial breakthrough.

We need to collect in Russia a complete set of processes that will determine the face of the future world. Attractive, attractive for all other countries and peoples face. We need to forget about the "world division of labor" and other nonsense. We have everything we need - for our version of world development - it should be our own.

The scale of this task is enormous. We must expand a wide scope of work. And quickly and without repression. In the spirit of creativity. Repressive resources are historically exhausted. People will not have to force, but to enthrall and engage. But the struggle is still to come.

Only naive and simple-minded may think that change is possible without resistance. Anyone who has tried to introduce something new in his company at least once in his workforce knows full well that resistance is inevitable. Nobody waits for the future and does not meet with arms. A new trend is always a change in the statuses of entire corporations and professions, the redistribution of budgets, financial flows, markets, etc. Will be against many. And outside the country, and within it. Everyone loves to talk about commitment to development, but only a few are ready to take part and make.

Therefore, if we want to develop, we need real fighters. The one who moves the development process cannot be a scientist or an administrator who calmly discusses some new trends and urges the authorities to “pay attention”, “give instructions”, etc. Agents of new trends are those who can say: “The process is me.” There are no historical processes outside of specific historical figures.

Astronautics was a personal affair of Korolev. It was he who brought mankind into space, he knew it and felt it that way. And he did it, too, not in ideal conditions, but in conditions of real social life and struggle: competition, denunciations, resource constraints, etc. For the current leaders of Roskosmos, cosmonautics is just a job, a career at best. At worst - a source of personal wealth. They are not engaged in space there now.

A development agent is a person (group of people) in relation to whom the distinction between objective and subjective loses meaning. This is a special type of human organization. Thanks to this special organization, a person can become a development mechanism. The possibility of this lies in the structure of our consciousness. Consciousness is not just a mirror, it does not only reflect. Consciousness is active. Consciousness constructs the world and brings it outside. The primary, authentic existence of cosmonautics is in the mind of Korolev. The flight of a rocket is only the realization of royal thought. And this conceivable world is more real and close to a person than his present social environment. For Korolev, mankind, freely walking around the Cosmos, was his true homeland. And he acted as a citizen of this unknown country, as its agent, with his actions drawing us into this future.

In battle, the chance to win appears to the one who took this fight. Who counted this war as his war. Who knows where his homeland is, and is ready to fight to conquer this inert matter, is ready to prove the reality of the fact that it exists only as the contents of its consciousness. If there is no such coupling with a conceivable future and a genuine desire to achieve it, then there will be no agent for development. The soldier will not win, but avoid collisions. And he will not need any knowledge and technology. Technical sophistication and competence are needed as tools and tools only to those who engage in combat.

Thus, the production of the elite is the production of warriors, bearing on themselves various development processes, technically equipped to solve the tasks before them.
Who then are draftees?

We have described how, in principle, the organizer of development processes should be arranged. Now we have to answer the question: who will serve as the source material? From whom we will prepare the elite? Taking into account the specific historical circumstances and the small time allotted to us for overclocking, we will have to take into circulation only those from whom there is a chance to get the desired quality in a year or two. Based on this, we need to determine the parameters of a promising recruit.

Only he who has committed a moral act at least once in his life can become a conscript. The behavior of an ordinary person is aimed at improving their social position, avoiding dangerous conflicts that can worsen this situation, get the maximum of material, cultural and spiritual benefits. As a rule, this behavior is adaptive. If a person goes into a position that is transforming his social environment, then it is also focused on improving his personal status, prosperity, etc.

The simple moral action that I am talking about is the exact opposite of the described behavior. One day at one of the forums I read about a schoolgirl (it seems from Lugansk) who did not agree with the history teacher that the Holodomor was an act of genocide of the Moscow authorities against Ukrainians. The Holodomor was, but it was not a targeted action to destroy the Ukrainian nation, she argued. The teacher threatened her with a deuce for a quarter, she was called to the director, she was invited and worked out by her parents, classmates also condemned, others persuaded her to pretend that she admitted her mistake, and offered not to run into trouble anymore - it was all useless. The girl felt where the truth was, and then with numbers and documents stubbornly proved her: there was no genocide! The benefits and benefits of such stubbornness are zero, but there are a lot of problems. And still stood her ground.

This is what I call simple moral action. A person acts “from the abdomen”, from the feeling that this is the way it should be, that’s right — that’s all. Acts in spite of everything. And this action has in its basis not egoistic needs, but values ​​(in this example the “truth” was such value). Morality is also pragmatic, but with respect to the survival of the population and for a long historical period of time, it is no easier for a person in a particular situation. The ability to act on value bases, contrary to all circumstances, is the essence of a warrior, is its core. Morality is meaningful, in the course of preparing a development agent, it can be expanded and complicated, but the initial ability to act must already be.

We need people with great internal tension as recruits.

On the one hand, a person should already have a certain scale of his personality. He must feel himself in perspective as a historical character, one who is in proportion to his great historical processes in his potency. Such a person thinks himself acting on large bridgeheads, represents himself as a participant in the world game (historicity is not at all the same as career orientation).

On the other hand, the actual life trajectory of the recruit does not correspond to his high claims. And he himself in his actual abilities and capabilities is very far from his self-image. And he understands this. Inclusion in the elite program and subsequent work in positions of responsibility should be for him the resolution of his personal situation. He has yet to set historical goals, substantively substantiate and formalize his sociocultural insolence. All the content that he will have to assimilate and rework, the position that he has to take and defend, will be a way to remove, overcome this internal gap. This is the energy of the process. On this energy the country will develop.

Another requirement for a recruit is the ability to separate one’s identity from activities and knowledge. He will have to go through very rigid training regimes, during which it will almost certainly become clear that all his ideas and knowledge, all his usual ways of working are worthless. He must be able to withstand it, stop holding on to “his own opinion”, not get hurt, but on the contrary, with the desire to grow new abilities in himself.

It is necessary that the draftee had some initial subject competence and experience in a particular industry. The activity to be developed should already be stamped to one or another extent on the recruit. This experience will be the subject of reflection, analysis and transformation at the appropriate stages of preparation. We do not need people without an experience of a dense, intensive, active life: without the experience of experiences, collisions, relationships, conflicts and personal crises, etc.

Of course, our recruit must have organizational experience and general soundness. We do not need kindergarten and crazy citizens.

Can we, in a country with a population of 140 million, recruit 200 people who meet the listed requirements? For some reason it seems to me that all is not lost, you can find much more.
Production secrets

There is no need here to describe the device input filters, the selection mechanism and the actual production. All this can be designed and organized. Let me just say about the basic workflow.

Its essence is to lay down in this group a sense of historical time, a sense that they take on historical work. And again, the matter cannot be arranged in such a way that experts and other professors will come and tell them about current world trends. The task is not that they learn about historical processes. The task is to privatize these processes, put them inside themselves, identify with them. Personal goals must become historical, and vice versa.

This almost mystical act of historical self-determination can be made only on the basis of reflection of one’s own experience and further on the basis of personal effort for its (experience) mental and cultural design. This does not need to be understood in such a way that experts, political scientists, specialists in different ways and empires, psychologists, etc. should not be involved in the preparation of this group. They should not be allowed to manage the process and its organization, but they can even be on special technical positions very helpful.
And what is the result?

I believe that even a few dozen charged and prepared people can greatly influence the overall situation in the country. For a start, it would be possible to select and train one team of people in about fifty in the following areas:

- The sphere of human production (religion, education, health, physical education and sports, cinema, theater, art, tourism);

- power unit (army, special services, police);

- the sphere of production of living conditions (food, housing and communal services, construction, etc.);

- The sphere of breakthrough areas (science, engineering, space, everything in the world nano-, bio-and other technologies);

- civilized construction;

- managing people’s relationships, organizing a hostel (law, courts, media, internet).

Do not be naive and think that a few dozen people will come and change everything in the country immediately. No, but a qualitatively new resource will appear in the country. And the most expensive resource is a development resource. If you correctly dispose of them, then we can even have a future. Optimistic?
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  1. +4
    19 July 2013 05: 59
    And who should do all this: call, select, cook, etc.? People who should do this should be crystal clear and honest. Where to get teachers for this elite? And then people who have undergone such training and selection are likely to become untouchable, which already carries the danger of abuse.
    1. +5
      19 July 2013 06: 12
      Korolev, I think, was also untouchable, well, somehow it did not bother anyone.
      Let me assume that you already initially think that they will steal and outrage.
    2. +14
      19 July 2013 06: 43
      The article is correct, but utopianism blows from it. To cultivate the elite, only the listed conditions and projects are not enough. We need some very serious things. Firstly A WISH. The desire of the political elite to grow a shift. In our country, on a long and carefully trampled down political field, you should not even see sprouts (just do not confuse it with Seliger assembly and the closest entourage dedicated to the bone marrow). Apparently not only the fear of losing power is the cause of the trampling. Secondly, it is NO RESPONSIBILITY those in power for their activities. As soon as a person intervenes in one way or another on the political Olympus, he receives indulgence and high protection. This is only because he is from a TEAM. That is, he will never have to answer for anything. Examples are the sea. These are the workers of the Ministry of Defense, who plundered and destroyed the officer corps and traditions in the army, and the creators of the Unified State Examination, and distributors of arbidol, who put healthcare on their knees, and destroyers of science and the space industry, etc., etc. And there is no such responsibility for the lack of laws (only the naive can hope for the current Duma), because of the complete infantilism of society, because of the large number of examples of the aggressive struggle of the authorities against the accusers of its anti-people activities.
      So for us, that is, society, first of all, we need to learn how to live with dignity, go to the polls, control the honesty of their conduct and the correctness of the results, educate our children and grandchildren, fight drugs and drunkenness, make the current power loafers work, not just press the buttons and cut the ribbons, and not sit and wait for us to grow up worthy managers.
      So the topic in the article is correct. But pluralism of readers' opinions is still present
      1. +3
        19 July 2013 09: 27
        You correctly pointed out that serious things are needed to implement the new elites, only you made a little mistake with the most important thing, of course, desire and responsibility are also necessary, but first of all, you need a goal, what to strive for, even a flower through asphalt, as it was figuratively stated in the article , strives for the goal - sunlight. The goal in this case can be the building of a new society, it is a constructive message that can attract many, and create opposition from those who are already well, and here desire and responsibility will already be needed. All this is my personal opinion.
        1. +1
          19 July 2013 11: 04
          Therefore, I wrote that the above is not enough. About the purpose and idea it says.
      2. A-50
        19 July 2013 11: 33
        Quote: smel
        The article is correct, but utopianism blows from it.

        From the article it blows Putinism. The fact that the king’s crown has not slipped on his leg does not mean that he is real. The classic Nazmen Putinism of the brain. Sorry for the harshness.
    3. +2
      19 July 2013 06: 59
      Yes, you can adjust the risk of abuse)))
    4. DAOSS
      19 July 2013 23: 01
      In Ukraine, this future "elite" is being brought up by the US State Department, future managers-diplomats-leaders-legislators are called "Road Control" is a group of young lawyers who bend the traffic cops and, by the way, bend down beautifully and correctly, he collided and they helped me a lot ...
      BUT! Amerikosy finances this charitable and useful organization, the boys from DK are trained, promoted by doing good deeds, and then they will be sent to power and the people will support them, because they are doing a good thing, they are fighting corruption, and the fact that they work in the USA will remain in shadows !!!
  2. +4
    19 July 2013 06: 08
    Just like a mantra read :)
    Superbly written.
    It remains to press START.
  3. Ruslandeth
    19 July 2013 06: 11
    For this, the Supreme Authority must have at least one sensible Leader who can give impetus to such undertakings, a figure of the scale of Stalin. - while there is no such figure and is not foreseen in the foreseeable future - all such initiatives will turn into another nanorospil such as Skolkovo, Rusnano, Oboronservis, etc.

    Don’t blame Putin, but he’s the best we have in the last 28 years, but he’s too tied to one clique with the clique of those who rose on the wave of 1985-1990
    1. +3
      19 July 2013 06: 45
      Quote: Ruslandeth
      figure of the scale of Stalin

      I respect Stalin, I was lucky with such a leader. But I just can’t understand such comparisons from the genre of alternative history, like Peter the Great, Stalin ... At the time of these undeniably brilliant rulers, how did you deal with those responsible for something who didn’t do anything? Have you been removed from your post? Maybe they put me under house arrest (if there was a good lawyer)? Under our leaky laws, this is not to be held accountable. Impunity breeds irresponsibility. And crystal-clear honest people survive everywhere very quickly, so that the thieves chain traffic is not spoiled.
    2. +2
      19 July 2013 07: 07
      In general, it seems to me that Putin is the best in the entire history of our state. After all, it was much easier to steer the union than democracy, but during the time of kings, generally cut your heads left to right)))
      1. +1
        19 July 2013 07: 19
        Quote: ZU-23
        After all, to steer the union was much easier than democracy, but during kings, generally cut your heads left to right)))

        Only nobody wants to understand this.
    3. 12061973
      19 July 2013 08: 31
      Quote: Ruslandeth
      Do not blame Putin, but he is the best we have in the last 28 years

      with such a best and worst is not necessary.
  4. +1
    19 July 2013 06: 18
    Quote: Canep
    And who should do all this: call, select, cook, etc.? People who should do this should be crystal clear and honest. Where to get teachers for this elite? And then people who have undergone such training and selection are likely to become untouchable, which already carries the danger of abuse.

    I agree! The idea in the article is quite utopian, but there is rationalism. This is an institution of professional managers (in the good sense of the word), a kind of personnel reserve. Also, in addition to all the high demands on the moral component, I believe that such candidates should have a phenomenal intellect.
    The only thing with such a scheme, in my opinion, we can come to a scheme when 50-100 people will manage the country and all the institutions of power.
    1. Ruslandeth
      19 July 2013 06: 30
      will it be so bad?

      IMHO better than the same 50-100 will manage, current connected by capital, mutual responsibility and family ties, as now?
  5. +6
    19 July 2013 06: 25
    Mother teaches to believe, hope and love. Father fastens this with a belt and a personal example.
    Compared to Stalin, Putin is only a pale shadow of the Father, and Mother teaches to eat, grab and dump.
    It seems in RB they take or take teachers from pedagogical institutes and "batek" too.
    1. sq
      19 July 2013 10: 29
      Do not idealize the Republic of Belarus. The Pyramid of Power is rather rigid and self-sufficient.
  6. serge-68-68
    19 July 2013 06: 27
    The probable path for the development of this fantasy was described by the Strugatsky brothers in "Attempt to Escape": "What will you do when you have to shoot? And you will have to shoot, Vadim, when your teacher friend is crucified by dirty monks ... And you will have to shoot, Anton when your doctor friend is beaten to death with sticks by thugs in rusty helmets! And then you will go berserk and turn from colonists into colonizers "(in relation to our situation, these" 200 "will quickly become the next Serdyukovs or, worse, his" Amazons ").
    And the Strugatskys prescribed a simple and understandable recipe: "We must fight for communism." And all of us are waiting for a "good master" and with him "oprichniks" who, shining like halos, will take us, the orphaned and the poor by the hand, and take us to earthly paradise.
    1. +4
      19 July 2013 06: 33
      I recalled the saying:

      A flock of sheep led by a lion,
      always win
      a flock of lions led by a ram.
      1. A-50
        19 July 2013 11: 44
        Quote: IrkIt
        A flock of sheep led by a lion,
        always win
        a flock of lions led by a ram.

        That is from an ancient Japanese parable. The quote is often attributed to Napoleon.
  7. +5
    19 July 2013 06: 30
    An anecdote about the general’s son inspired. In short:
    - Dad, will I be a general?
    - You’ll be a son, you will.
    -And the marshal?
    “No, son, the marshal has his own son.”
    The current ones are strong enough to ruin such a project or turn into another talking room.
  8. 0
    19 July 2013 06: 35
    In order to shake the country in a good way, a few dozen people are enough - properly trained elite managers

    Something reminded the slogan that even a cook can manage the state. and about shaking it - that’s yes, we recently had this, a few dozen people shook the country well, and we’re still disentangling it. only we do not need to shake her poor thing, but develop it. and this is the business of the whole society. and the recipe here is simple - the whole vertical, down to the smallest rank in the housing department, should simply work normally and conscientiously. no need to tear the veins, just work on conscience
    1. -1
      19 July 2013 21: 59
      Quote: buzuke

      Something reminded the slogan that even a cook can manage the state.

      In fact, "Even a cook can be TEACHED !!! to manage the state" And not "can manage" ...
  9. +1
    19 July 2013 06: 42
    The thought in the article is necessary and timely, especially at the moment. Cadres decide everything, especially well-chosen ones. The main problem is who will select and train them, since it is assumed that this or rather these people should be at least as good as the staff themselves.
  10. +3
    19 July 2013 06: 42
    "The signal sent through anti-corruption cases is read unambiguously"- Let him once again trace the signal about Serdyukov and Vasilyev !!!
    1. serge-68-68
      19 July 2013 06: 57
      A strange kind of signal.
      For 16 million, Navalny was given 5 years (1,2 million = 1 year)
      For the former governor of Tula, they ask for 40 years for 9,5 million rubles (4,2 million = 1 year)
      Vasilieva for 6 billion? (on the Navalny scale - 5 thousand years? On the Pipe scale - 1428 years?). Is it real? Forgive the poor woman and let go?
      1. Fire
        19 July 2013 09: 22
        about punishments for crimes should be taken from China an example. there dozens of deeds are punishable by death. show me at least one person who does not value his life? crime will decrease at times!
        1. 0
          19 July 2013 14: 42
          Regarding the adoption of China’s experience, you’re right ... but practice shows that there is no way to achieve a significant reduction in crime by toughening punishment, only the inevitability, albeit not the worst punishment, can affect .... but better, of course, in the complex ...: ))))
      2. +2
        19 July 2013 10: 25
        about Vasilyev .., and the court was, a sentence there for example ??? anal, too, was free before the trial, so what?
      3. +1
        19 July 2013 14: 39
        Do not you know. that the punishment cannot go beyond the strict limits established by the Criminal Code. Vasiliev has not yet been imprisoned and not acquitted, so what is there to pickle. Although, of course, the preventive measure leads to bad thoughts ... but we don’t know all the circumstances of the case, the evidence base .... understand, both Taburetkin and Baba Evoynaya are superprofiles in the thieves case ... the whole Babsk battalion was tested and operational coordination in the tax, and to catch from normal, without violating the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure is very difficult, the matter is very complicated ... I think that’s why this couple is not in jail yet ... and the counteraction of the patrons should not be discounted, but there couldn’t be in such a case ...
    2. stroporez
      19 July 2013 10: 50
      and sho is read ???? Tip steal carefully ??? Someone from corrupt officials sho somehow confiscated !!! ????? somehow obliged to repair the damage !! ?????
  11. +1
    19 July 2013 06: 55
    The paper will endure everything, you can write a lot of things, but things are still there. I don’t know which managers we need, and how to push literate people into management? All of the above utopia. As personal experience shows, then right now, modern grief managers, (in most In some cases, people in power are random, uneducated, to say the least dumb) They only know how to lick their backs, bend, and ingratiatingly look into the eyes of their superior. I think such craftsmen, (Most) will not allow competent specialists to power. On the contrary, they spread rot. Well, we do not like our hands drivers to listen to the truth about themselves. So with us this is already a system that can be rephrased. The more the management of oaks, the stronger their defense.
  12. +8
    19 July 2013 07: 00
    Hello everyone .
    I read this article, then the next one "What have we lost".
    I can say combining:
    They will not let the elite really needed by the country grow and form.
    Therefore, without repression it will not work:
    1. +1
      19 July 2013 07: 16
      Quote: GEORGE

      And who will drive them out? Fools always in Russia occupied these or those posts. For 1000 years nothing has changed in this regard.
      1. +1
        19 July 2013 07: 30
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Quote: GEORGE

        And who will drive them out? Fools always in Russia occupied these or those posts. For 1000 years nothing has changed in this regard.

        The fact of the matter is that who?
        The author bypasses this topic by describing the qualities that an elitist should have, but who will give him the light is a question of questions.
        Again, mom and dad bring up a person, and such a person comes into adulthood with the most rainbow of ideals and thoughts, but the existing elite quickly lands it and remakes it at their own request, or gets rid of it.
  13. +6
    19 July 2013 07: 13
    A disgusting idea. Even with all its tolerance (sometimes) I can’t help but write, the author is an enemy. Cowardly, because science is always insidious.
    Why call? To create a caste of managers. Managers (I noticed how diligently the author bypasses this word). Managers of everything and everyone. In all areas. There is an elite, and there is one whose lot to plow and be silent in a rag.
    What have the leadership of young, successful managers led to, ugh, by author, managers, we are already seeing now. Why did the army more or less survive even during the active phase of the destruction of the country? Yes, simply because the ranks were preserved. The lieutenant could not command the regiment, until he became a minimum major. And the major is no longer a lieutenant, he knows the army from the inside, knows what and how.
    Civilian enterprises were just given to the lieutenants. Their main pocket. The rest, you don’t know how to live. So plow and live on the handouts that I will give you. Such is the logic of the lieutenant in the colonel’s position. He understands that he has taken a wrong place, he understands that he will soon others will understand it. which means he will fly out. So, snatch as much as possible, snatch, and others will decant.
    1. +2
      19 July 2013 07: 40
      Quote: domokl
      .The lieutenant could not command the regiment until he became a minimum major
      Hello hello to Alexander. Let me disagree with you about the majors and leitech. In the army, as in everyday life, many walk over their heads (or rather drag them). Everything is simple, they know how to well please the driver with higher hands. There is (was) in one of the brigades, the commander of br. VRO deby man past Afghanistan, with the orders of the cr. stars, but apparently a man overworked. He screwed up with such informers, slimes, leytechs without going all the way, became comrades, battalions, they tried to serve in headquarters, but they didn’t have enough brains, they had nowhere to take, and they had no one to turn to, they managed to spoil the majors and the captains over whom they crossed. What an unhealthy situation, and the atmosphere has become, with us. I think last, the start of Proton is a confirmation of this.
    2. strange and pretty meaningless
      19 July 2013 08: 31
      Quote: domokl
      The lieutenant could not command the regiment until he became a minimum major. And the major is no longer a lieutenant, he knows the army from the inside, knows what and how.

      I agree. This aspect of the "preparation" of the current TsAR in the information space is highlighted. All Soviet general secretaries went through a consistent rise from the lower levels, led the republics and only then became the highest hierarchs. Andropov stands a little apart, but he consistently passed all the steps of the committee hierarchy. Putin, as Kalashnikov made jokes about this, I am the DEPUTY DEPUTY DEPARTMENT OF THE LGU. His "Chekist" past is an ersatz, in the chair of the FSB director he was seated directly by Beney. Actually, since then, his role has not changed. In fact, this is the guardian of the national property "redistributed" by the nomenclature. With utterly expanded powers. However, he has no control over capital itself - except for personal -. As well as cannot control the activities of the faceless nomenklatura masses - not to mention some kind of "repression" and purges. Publicly scolding for the sake of saving face - that's all that his contract allows him.
      1. +2
        19 July 2013 11: 46
        Can Congress of Gorillas develop a program for creating SUPER gorillas?
        Whoever has not read the Strugatsky will be incomprehensible to him.
        But the author, it seems, just calls for this. It remains to add - these effective managers (even if the author as a loach circumvents this concept), there must necessarily be WINGS behind him.
        Desirable - two pairs of wings.
        Tady will heal.
        There is no need to grow such "danko's burning hearts". We must not interfere with the existing ones. Help, whenever possible.
        Direct - to a single goals. not to scattered tasks.
        To control is tough.
        Remove from posts - until they finally taxied. Not "chpokat", not 37th. Just displace.
        And initially - not promise ANYTHING beyond the usual "cleaning manager".
        So let's see.
        Wings will grow or not.
        GOAL should be. TARGET.
        1. strange and pretty meaningless
          19 July 2013 13: 24
          Quote: Igarr
          Can Congress of Gorillas develop a program for creating SUPER gorillas?
          Whoever has not read the Strugatsky will be incomprehensible to him.

          +. This topic is covered in Planet of the Apes. The hierarchy is the opposite - or the ears are waving the donkey.
          1. strange and pretty meaningless
            19 July 2013 13: 31
            Quote: Igarr
            Not "chpokat", not 37th. Just displace.

            Koba and shifted wassat - candidates were summoned to be promoted to the Mother See ... well, there ... they were promoted lol By the way, about effective managers - ghosted substitution of concepts. These are banal parasites - they are absorbed by the entire surface. EFFECTIVE MANAGER - this is I.V. Stalin.
            1. +1
              19 July 2013 15: 26
              Manager - manager. So?
              An effective manager - an effective manager?
              All right.
              You can control ... a car, by process, country, earth, galaxy.
              And how to name a person - leading a country, people, Huns, Mongol-Tatars, Klings, Jedi there - for some GOAL. An obscure goal. An elusive goal. But - GOALS.
              Now let’s evaluate ... Miller - Gazprom’s chief,
              ................ and Stalin - Secretary of the CPSU (b).
              Gazprom's goal is to deflate everything, vrybadan, dry. And all that deflated - Sell.
              And what was Stalin’s goal?
              both there and there is a process.
              The difference is in scale.
    3. 0
      19 July 2013 14: 03
      Quote: domokl
      Why call? To create a caste of managers. Managers (I noticed how diligently the author bypasses this word). Managers of everything and everyone. In all areas. There is an elite, and there is one whose lot to plow and be silent in a rag.

      Late you suddenly realized. We have been around for 15 years now, as a society is divided into castes. The destiny of some is power, education, medicine, rest abroad, while others are destined to quietly, and most importantly, silently rot in the ruins of the once great power.
  14. +8
    19 July 2013 07: 29
    Incorrect assumptions lead to incorrect conclusions. In this case, unbridled and unreasonable fiction.
    Why did the author get the idea that our king is real? Since he inherited the throne? Or maybe he was elected king of the Zemsky Sobor? Of course not. Berezovsky chose it, and Yeltsin approved. Are the godfathers of the czar-priest good? That's the same ...
    And the cherry does not fall far from the apple tree.
    VVP had enough time to train these very 50-150 super managers even underground. Where are they? Where are the young and promising cadres from Nashi, Young Russia and other Kremlin projects? Netuti. So it shouldn't have been.
    The president directed all the power of the administrative apparatus not to train managers, but to clean up the political space around his person, so that no one near him would stand as at least a potentially capable manager. All efforts were thrown to ensure that there was no alternative to Putin, even in the thoughts of the electorate.
    And the author describes to us the technology of producing super-heroes. Who needs them? The first words of the St. Petersburg people when they came to power: "We do not need to advise us anything, we ourselves know better than anyone else", "We will teach you to make you work", "We will teach you to love your Motherland"
    And in the 14th year of the reign of the "real tsar" it turns out that we have only two managers: Shoigu and Rogozin .... Congratulate us on our successful personnel policy.
    Based on an absolutely false postulate, the author offers truly fantastic plans and production technologies for managers. Yes, we do not need existing ones. There Izborsk Club breaks into battle, already digging the ground with hooves - it will be cut. the Kurginyans and the Prokhanovs are constructing an ideology - they will smack. Look at the silicone valley and Western universities, Russian talented youth is no longer a path - a path has trodden down - a tablecloth is expensive. We are here to prepare managers-cyborg-androids. So that without fear and reproach on the one hand and with canine devotion to the president in the eyes of the other ....
    It doesn’t happen ....
  15. 0
    19 July 2013 08: 01
    The idea is certainly good - the country's elite needs the country, only the author has forgotten a little that the elite has been forged by the country for centuries and this process is long
  16. strange and pretty meaningless
    19 July 2013 08: 06
    Our king is the present .... If they are properly disposed of, then even the future may appear in our country. Optimistic? laughing laughing laughing YES, YES, YES - oh, Young ... Optimizd. That is the whole question - how to dispose of this "king" - and who has disposed of him until now. Who are you, sweet joker, in the "elita" -that are you aiming ... I remember, uh ... let's just say, the SEMI-KING during his watch made the so-called the list of "Medvedovskaya hundred". Then - for those who wanted to be found - as many as a thousand places were sold in the "ilita". But ... the performance did not take place. You, my dear, do some optimizing before you speak to the audience. The article is a complete fake negative
    1. -2
      19 July 2013 08: 49
      So it’s the King, the real one. He has more of those who are doing something for the country (and there are few of them), and not pease ... it hurts, then everything was fine.
      1. strange and pretty meaningless
        19 July 2013 09: 15
        Quote: GalinaNP
        So it’s the King, the real one.

        GalinaNP, place commas - the thought spread. Pease ... does it hurt? You to Valitov - he is a doctor.
    2. +5
      19 July 2013 08: 57
      Quote: abyrvalg
      Who are you, sweet joker, in the "elita" -that are you aiming

      Well, I’m probably myself .... Valitov graduated from the medical institute. But management considers it his sphere of activity. It’s like ....
      The personality of the author is ambiguous, if we put it to train managers or people like him, then we get another company of the Prokhorovs, etc. This gentleman is wiped out in the "Just Cause" party. Article minus.
      1. strange and pretty meaningless
        19 July 2013 10: 19
        Quote: baltika-18
        This gentleman wipes out in the "Just Cause" party

        I have no more questions. Remembered. Malakhov once made a "tilishow" - they talked about the harmfulness of mobile phones. Nemtsov's son was invited as one of the guests. Chad is about ten years old. And this "expert", imposingly lounging in his chair, explained to the fussing Malakhov and everyone that the mobile was not so harmful. In his opinion. The soul of the author's opinion is somehow subtly similar.
  17. +2
    19 July 2013 08: 38
    We need to forget about the "world division of labor" and other nonsense. We have everything we need - for our version of world development - it should be our own.

    The scale of this task is enormous. We must expand a wide scope of work. And quickly and without repression. In the spirit of creativity. Repressive resources are historically exhausted. People will not have to force, but to enthrall and engage. But the struggle is still to come.

    1. To solve such problems, a new economic model is needed. Too much in the domestic economy (if not all) depends on the external market conditions, on external needs and consumers, and primarily on the estimated currency, the dollar.
    The Russian "elite" and the economy should be deployed to national production and consumption.
    2. Without a new national ideology, I would say without propaganda of a new way of life, different from Western patterns, the problem is also not solved. In accordance with this, it is necessary to change the dependent Western way of life. A man of labor, and not an effective manager, should come first in literature, cinema, and television.
    1. 0
      19 July 2013 13: 11
      I agree completely with you. But!
      Are the ideologies and economic models you mentioned so new?
      A man of labor, and not an effective manager, should come first in literature, cinema, and television.
      Does this remind you of anything? I give a hint in 4 letters - the USSR.
  18. +1
    19 July 2013 08: 54
    Somehow it’s very soft for 20% of the implementation, in the commercial structure everyone would have been dispersed
  19. +1
    19 July 2013 09: 25
    Utopia of pure water.
    But the most interesting thing is if it starts to be implemented by any one that corresponds to this article, then a future awaits us that will not seem enough. The advertised 1937 is just a childish prank.
    The suite is made by the king, if the current government cannot figure out its environment, then what can you expect from them? That the next environment will be different.
  20. +3
    19 July 2013 10: 02
    if the state leaves the economy, then no staffing will help.
  21. olviko
    19 July 2013 10: 51
    To clarify the situation, I propose to recall the classics: “Only when the“ lower classes ”do not want the old and when the“ upper classes ”cannot in the old way, only then the revolution can win.” You will of course say that Russia no longer needs revolutions. I agree, however, what the author of the article proposes, under the current situation, without a revolution, for the beginning, at least a revolution in the minds of the majority, it will not work. what used to be called public property and was really created by the people. The people from this privatization, as well as from the past, are naturally "figs." and a headache, it is not because of the quality of the elite, but because of the amount drunk the day before.
  22. Alexandr0id
    19 July 2013 11: 17
    people prone to submission really need a master, a king. Centuries of slavery in Russia were not in vain, servility in the blood. most can only live by order, when everything is decided for them from above. apparently, it’s not possible to re-educate.
  23. +2
    19 July 2013 11: 20
    the impression of the article, like that of a bunshi shura, when I listen to you, Ivan Vasilievich, it seems to me that you are raving.
  24. +2
    19 July 2013 11: 42
    "To shake the country in an amicable way, a few dozen people are enough - properly trained elite managers."
    Dozens? Just for the whole of Russia?
    Paragraph. I didn't read further. The semantic load in this article is either excluded, or refers to the type of "conversation in nature after barbecue".
  25. 0
    19 July 2013 12: 18
    the experience of educating the managerial elite can be fully taken from the Germans - at the time of the Reich they had schools in castles where young people studied science, went in for sports and martial arts. And first of all, the will and ability to solve various problems and tasks were brought up.
    I think we had something similar in the USSR, but I did not come across information about such Soviet schools. Unless party for members of the CPSU.

    And of course, such new young managers need not a few dozen (we are still not Germany or there, France), but several thousand.
  26. +3
    19 July 2013 12: 44
    Article plus at least for the fact that the author is trying to assess the situation and give an answer to the question "What to do?"
    You can criticize, i.e. to engage in criticism is in many posts in response to almost everything published here, articles. The calls to "plant, plant and plant" alone will not correct the current state of affairs.
    1. +1
      19 July 2013 13: 02
      Dear, do not equate "criticize" and "criticize". You are welcome. A demagogic technique will not add to you either external authority or internal righteousness.
      1. +4
        19 July 2013 16: 15
        Quote: abrakadabre
        You are welcome. A demagogic device will not add to you either external authority or internal rightness.

        I have it demagogy ?
        I remembered Father Fyodor, reading your comment ...
  27. +1
    19 July 2013 12: 58
    No need to be naive and think that a few dozen people will come and change everything in the country immediately.

    In principle, this phrase draws a line under such projects. Neither add nor diminish.

    No, but a qualitatively new resource will appear in the country. And the most expensive resource is a development resource. If they are properly managed, then even the future may appear in our country. Optimistic?
    No, not optimistic, but utopian. Not a resource will appear, but an elite sect.
    The resource will appear if you restore education, social programs, healthcare and the public paradigm along the Soviet model. Which by the way and implemented China. With its own specifics, of course.
  28. +2
    19 July 2013 13: 29
    Those who worked on the middle ground, and after being able to work in cool Western companies, I think they will confirm a much higher level of the training and staffing system on the middle ground - one of two or three companies in the world who managed to create the technology for creating Bombs (the rest were copied). So the system was there, but it was badly damaged. And a few hundred managers for a jerk - of course utopia. Patriotic - not the marshals and generals won, they themselves admitted that it was won by competent, trained and well-armed soldiers! And they were led, prepared and selected, right up to the marshals - as they say, guess from three attempts - the vanguard of the Soviet people (they don’t remember about it for twenty years).
  29. okosl
    19 July 2013 13: 53
    Have you heard the main news? The authorities have leaked the entire database about all of us into the network, block access to your data while it is possible (find yourself and click close access)! Here is the site-
  30. +1
    19 July 2013 14: 03
    Quote: Canep
    And who should do all this: call, select, cook, etc.? People who should do this should be crystal clear and honest. Where to get teachers for this elite? And then people who have undergone such training and selection are likely to become untouchable, which already carries the danger of abuse.

    In ancient times, there was a caste system, or Varna. It was the Magi-Priests who selected candidates from among the Kshatriya wars, and the whole people voted. The renegades, parasites and other part of the lackeys did not have the right to vote (not like the blue and other brethren now).
  31. +1
    19 July 2013 14: 26
    I read about the "real Tsar" in our country and did not read further nonsense.
  32. georg737577
    19 July 2013 14: 45
    "We need people with great inner tension as conscripts."

    Honestly, the phrase is mysterious to me. Strange, the author thinks ...
    1. 0
      19 July 2013 17: 13
      No, dear Georges ... there is no mystery to me.
      Direct indication - on andropodobny robots. Cyborgs, simply put.
      Holds out such a .. recruiter .. you hand, with a show-off - greets. 380 B - and you hold out..legs.
      And the cyborg .. so who .. hands will not give.
      It will be programmed by .. the elite.
  33. Backfire
    19 July 2013 18: 48
    "We already have a tsar - and a real one. He is not indifferent to the country ..."
    Not indifferent - this is licked, according to the tonsils.
    Afftor, are you talking about this "not indifferent"?
    1. Backfire
      19 July 2013 20: 02
      And a little about the "real" king.
      Are you talking about this?
    2. Backfire
      19 July 2013 20: 03
      or about this "real" "king"?
      1. Backfire
        19 July 2013 20: 04
        Although no, probably about this "present":
  34. 0
    19 July 2013 21: 22
    Something long treads the king!
    Really it was not visible that people of the sovereign are not clean at hand?
    Raising a new elite in the face of total corruption, corruption of bureaucrats and manual courts is most likely an impossible task. First you need to honor the Criminal Code, and then bring up new managers!
  35. +1
    19 July 2013 23: 50
    What is such a development agent? We have agents of underdevelopment as dirt. I am at a loss to evaluate this opus.
  36. serge
    20 July 2013 01: 48
    Maybe we don’t need a king yet? This is still a hereditary position, and so far the heirs are Koreans. Anyway, we should first clean the state apparatus from representatives of a known nationality, review the results of privatization, review the constitution, and you never know what else. Yes, and we somehow got used to without kings.
    It’s possible to establish a leader’s position, a leader, or whatever, for years so ... and then time will tell.