American nationalism

“Nationalism is not a manifestation of the strength of the nation. Mainly weak nations are infected with nationalism ... ”.
D.S. Likhachev

It is not a secret for anyone that the situation with religious intolerance and nationalism that has developed in certain layers and groups of the population of our country remains rather complicated. Proponents of the domestic "democratic" opposition often point to "loyal" the need to copy public life from Western standards. But the system of Western civilization in terms of resolving issues related to nationalism is, to put it mildly, not at all bright prospects. And since, first of all, it is proposed to pay attention to the “world stronghold of democracy” - the United States of America, why not consider more closely how the country is dealing with racial, religious and national tolerance (or, to be precise, intolerance).

For the first time, nationalism, as an ideology about the prosperity of a certain nation and its primacy in the state-forming process, appeared in the nineteenth century in the writings of the philosopher Herder and the abbot Barruel. In ancient times, people were tied to their native land and maintained power regardless of their relationship. The most striking examples are the Byzantine and British empires, whose peoples identified themselves as "Romans" and "British" without considering the whole origin of the individual. In the New time, revolutions in England and France, the struggle of the peoples of South and North America against the Spanish colonialists, became a vivid manifestation of nationalism. In the twentieth century, nationalism reached its apogee. The colonial system collapsed, and the ultra-right nationalists came to power in the losers in the First World States: the Nazis in Germany, the fascists in Italy, Salazar in Portugal, Franco in Spain, Horthy in Hungary. However, all of the above regimes differed greatly. Although most of them trampled on human freedoms, far from all reached such extremes as the Nazis with their “Aryan” theories and the complete denial of other ethnic groups. After the Nuremberg Tribunal, nationalist sentiments for almost fifty years did not disturb the countries of Europe. Only in recent years began to appear and rapidly gaining popularity such organizations and movements. Their main requirements are tightening control over migrants.

In recent years, many people have firmly established in their heads the idea that American society was able to cross its main Rubicon - the problem of racial prejudice. The whole world saw a black president chosen for the main post in the country. Does this mean the long-awaited rallying of all three hundred and fourteen million American citizens or not? As shown by sociological research - not everywhere. Racial issues in the United States transformed and acquired very interesting forms. A few years ago, the word “racism” in a star-and-strip country mainly meant the imposed psychological postulate about the dominance of the white race over dark-skinned people, now there are cases of peculiar revanchism that many African Americans show trying to repay their “second grade” for decades. And, according to sociologists, this is not so much due to the fact that in stories the country had the first black president, and with the fact that the number of African Americans in the major cities of the United States reached a very impressive size. For example, walking a light-skinned person to certain areas of the city of New York will be unsafe for him even on a clear day. According to the most conservative census takers, the number of representatives of the Negroid race in the United States is now about thirteen percent of the total number of citizens.

Such a situation could not help but give rise to another surge in the activity of ultranationalist organizations in the States. The main slogan of most of them is to call on the members of the Ku Klux Klan - “to clear America of blacks”. Moreover, it is extremely difficult to call manifestations of such intolerance and hostility unconsolidated or rare. Many extremist societies legally hold their meetings and congresses, recruit new members, and in newspapers and magazines express their opinions on “solving the racial issue”. The authorities are in no hurry to take retaliatory actions, despite the fact that such organizations are in favor of very extreme views on the solution of the problem.

The first major political party in the United States that adheres to the Nazi ideology is considered to be the ANP (literally - the American Nazi Party). It was founded on March 8 by 1959 by a veteran of the Second World War and the Korean War, a naval pilot, Lieutenant Colonel George Lincoln Rockwell. After studying the works of Hitler, he took the Nazi point of view, denied the Holocaust, believed that America was ruled by Jews in the twentieth century. The headquarters of the organization was located in Arlington (Virginia) and included in a bookstore and a place for receiving visitors. Despite a successful military career, after the creation of the party Rockwell was dismissed from the US Navy under the phrase "unfit for service." Relatives believed that the lieutenant colonel disgraced their family, his brother and sister renounced him, his father refused to talk. Communicating with the press in the first years after the formation of the ANP, Rockwell has repeatedly stated that more than eighty percent of the Jewish population of America should be destroyed in gas chambers, because they express sympathy to the Communists. After some time, he was sent to a psychiatric hospital for examination. Despite the fact that he was found to be sane, the former lieutenant colonel became more cautious in his statements.

The American Nazi party helped the Ku Klux Klan, but later their paths diverged. Rockwell believed that the Ku Klux Klan was too conservative in its actions and was unable to fight in modern conditions. January 1 1967 of the year George proclaimed a new stage in the development of the party. The official name changed to the National Socialist White People's Party. The provocative slogan "Sieg Heil" has changed to "White Power". The organization's strategy focused on universal white nationalism. 5 August of the same year, the leader of the NSWPP died. A former party member, John Patler, double-shot the K-96 Mauser into the Chevrolet windshield, at the wheel of which Rockwell sat. One of the bullets tore through the main arteries over the heart, and Rockwell died in a couple of minutes. After news about his father’s death, he said: “I’m not surprised because I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.” The head of the NSWPP was Matt Coel. After some time, a split occurred in the ranks of the party. NSWPP left Frank Collin, who created the National Socialist Party of America in the 1970 year, and William Luther Pierce, a professor at the University of Oregon, who wrote the main book of American Nazis - the novel “Turner Diaries”. He later founded the National Alliance. Matt Coel renamed the organization 1983 year and moved it to Wisconsin. In the 2000s, the ANP was restored based on the European American Education Association (European-American Educational Association). Currently, the party has its own website, which sets out its views.

Recently, some fairly specific American organizations and direct heirs of the Ku Klux Klan — the White Knights of America, the Aryan Nation, and the National Socialist Movement — received new impulses for their activities. The methods of work of these movements are based on the basic principles of racism in the most open form. Unfortunately, the huge halls in Georgia, Maryland and a number of other American states where their meetings take place are filled with people with fascist swastikas on their clothes and are becoming quite commonplace.
Generally in the United States to fascism are very tolerant. All the most aggressive and most radical neo-Nazi sites of the world are located in the United States and are not going to close them. Nazism and its consequences do not cause rejection of the authorities - they believe that if you do not legalize such forces, you can get terror from them. Such organizations carry out massive PR campaigns of their activities; all available means are used: advertising on radio, advertising on street billboards, scattering leaflets. For example, activists of the neo-Nazi racist organization National Alliance scatter more than a million leaflets annually in the states of Nevada, Florida, Utah, New Jersey, Nebraska and Alabama, glue over the city’s subway trains with posters like “The Future belongs to us” and “Save White America”. The main goal of such actions is an attempt to attract new supporters to their ranks. And this gives results, for example, after his speeches, the National Alliance was forced to modernize telephone equipment that could not cope with a large number of calls.

The largest neo-Nazi nationalist party in the USA is called the National Socialist Movement and is based in Detroit. It was registered in the 1974 year, now the organization has cells in thirty-five states of America and many branches around the world (including in Russia). Members of the organization oppose blacks, Jews, Muslims, gays, illegal immigrants. According to American laws, residents of the country can unite into a kind of people's militia, performing a number of police and security functions. Taking advantage of this, many Nazi detachments are quite legally catching migrants at the border with Mexico. Also, participants print and distribute specialized literature, hold congresses, demonstrations, rallies. Sometimes their gatherings end in riots (for example, in the 2005 year in Toledo, Ohio). Party leadership says that the number of supporters reaches fifty thousand people, but most of them are not members of the NSM, so as not to be on the list of special services. The heyday of NSM was observed in the period from 2005-th to 2011-th years. At this time, the party leader was Jeff Hall, who was charismatic and popular with Americans. In 2011, Hall was found shot dead at home. Today, NSM is led by avid hunter Jeff Shoap and preacher Bill White, who is in charge of transforming the party from “pure Nazism” into national anarchism. Ideal America, according to White, should be a network of "communes of white people, slave owners." From time to time members of the NSM go to police stations, so the authorities try to cool down the Nazi aggression, not allowing them to feel their impunity. The charges are usually the same: attacks on migrants, rape, theft. Every year in one of the cities of America to choose from NSM holds a congress of all members. It also officially approves the accession to the organization of new groups. By tradition, the party's allies, members of the Ku Klux Klan and other Nazi blocs of America, also attend the meeting.

The Nazi criminals of World War II also feel good on American soil. Even their approximate number, living today in the US, nobody knows. According to the CIA alone, the number of those who fled to America from the Third Reich is at least two thousand people. Many of them, hiding behind the rather curious laws of the United States on non-interference in the private life of citizens, continue to promote the basic concepts of fascism.

Six decades after the end of the war, the US Department of Justice submitted a six hundred page report based on the declassified archives of US intelligence agencies (including the CIA) regarding intelligence cooperation and the US government with Nazi criminals, as well as harboring them from the tribunal. Declassified papers shed light on many secrets of the Third Reich and are divided into several groups. The first one contains FBI data about Nazis who moved to the US and used by intelligence, who took part in their homeland in the mass extermination of representatives of various ethnic groups: Slavs, Gypsies and Jews. The report does not say how many Nazis took refuge in America. However, it is noted that at least three hundred highly dangerous criminals were deprived of their citizenship and deported during the activities of the Special Investigation Service. The second group, the CIA folders, contains documents related to the use of former Nazis during the Cold War in their work against the Soviet Union and other states of the Eastern bloc. According to the report, twenty-three international criminals have fallen into the sphere of interest of American intelligence services. The third group contains documents on the post-war activities of the intelligence services of West Germany, funded by the United States. And they were headed by Reinhard Gehlen - the head of Wehrmacht intelligence on the eastern front.

Even on the facts mentioned, it can be assumed how close the ties between the United States intelligence services and the Nazis were. The document says that the CIA worked with at least five associates of the SS Obershtermbahnführer SS Adolf Eichmann - the head of the "Jewish Department" and one of the bloodiest hangmen in world history. Moreover, the American and West German intelligence did not detain Eichmann himself due to fears that if he were arrested he could tell the Nazi past of the head of the Conrad Adenauer secretariat - Hans Globke. It was documented that after the end of the war, many SS officers were recruited by American intelligence and, after becoming US citizens, worked for the CIA. In their area of ​​responsibility was the introduction of spies into the territory of the Soviet Union and the organization of networks of German agents in West Germany.
The Ministry of Justice document was ready in 2006. Since the report noted that the US government, knowing about the past of the Nazis, consciously allowed them to enter the country, the authorities resisted the promulgation of the papers for more than four years. In 2010, under the threat of a lawsuit, the edited version of the paper saw the light. According to some data, the government has convinced to exclude references to the links of the American authorities with the most odious figures of the Third Reich. After the scandal that broke out, the CIA had to recognize certain facts of cooperation. For example, how the staff of this department evacuated collaborators and war criminals to South America through southern Europe, which allowed them to avoid an international tribunal. The fact of the use of soldiers of the Third Reich as sources of information and agents in the states of the Eastern bloc was also recognized. And also for training and training of US intelligence officers. Many of the information, still considered a state secret, remained undisclosed.

In June 2006, in the state of Wisconsin, a certain Ted Junker was arrested. His real name turned out to be Theodore Juncker, at the age of nineteen he voluntarily joined the ranks of the SS and fought against the Soviet troops. He moved to America in the 1955 year, he was not subject to criminal prosecution, although he stated at the entrance that he saw fascism as the “only objective” ideology. Since then, he has regularly appeared at neo-Nazi meetings, urging him to continue the struggle begun by Adolf Hitler. With funds donated by like-minded people (about 350 thousand dollars), Junker built a memorial to the Führer in the courtyard. Inside his house were found portraits of famous nazis, flags with a fascist swastika. It is noteworthy that the local municipality was well aware of the existence of a memorial to an elderly Nazi. However, no propaganda of fascism or ignition of ethnic hatred was seen in this.

Strange and surprising, but radical changes in terms of attempts to resolve racial issues have recently been supported by individual representatives of the Protestant church, a church with more than fifty percent of followers among the entire population of America. Particularly distinguished were supporters of the popular Baptist church (one of the branches of Protestantism). There are cases when parishioners from among the white people forbade the pastor to hold the marriage ceremony of black spouses. But not so long ago the Baptist church, thanks to the efforts of Martin Luther King, advocated racial equality. It turns out that today in the US, the very idea of ​​social Christianity is reduced to nothing due to the actions of certain forces.

A couple of years ago, the US Congress proudly made a statement that the Texas city of Dallas, with a population of just over one million people, is a "showcase of American capitalism." According to statistics, over fifty pro-fascist organizations operate in Dallas today.

And here is another interesting data - the theory of the highest race was not formulated by Hitler. The basics of eugenics were developed and tested in the United States for a couple of decades before it came to power. Back in 1904, the scientist David Starr Jordan, who was the president of Stanford University, in his work “The blood of the nation,” said that the position of a person, his qualities and talents are transmitted by blood. At the beginning of the twentieth century, in twenty-seven states of America, eugenics was a national policy. California became the center of the movement. Plans to find the mentally disabled and stop their reproduction were supported by the American Medical Association, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Similar views found widespread public support. Writers George Shaw and HG Wells said that eugenics would save the world, breeder and gardener Luther Burbank called for “banning the weak-willed and criminals to have children,” even Roosevelt somehow let it slip that “society cannot allow degenerates to reproduce their own kind.” Even the US Supreme Court supported similar views. In 1927, Judge Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote: “It’s better for the whole world if we don’t wait for the degenerates to drown us in crime. We will not allow them to revel in their dementia, society can stop the reproduction of those who are not suitable for this. ” Many years later, during the Nuremberg process, the words of Holmes were quoted by the Nazis in their attempts to justify themselves. The philosophy of selecting people of a given type was reinforced in America by laws on forced sterilization and segregation of people, forced evictions in “colonies”, restrictions for people entering the country, as well as bans on mixed marriages between people of different races and nationalities. Thousands of inferior people were harassed in ways that are still being investigated. The most severe political action of this trend was the official permission for forced sterilization, which mainly sent mentally retarded people and prisoners. Eugenics scholars from such strongholds of science as Princeton, Harvard, and Yale would not advance further their conversations if they did not have strong financial support from various organizations of philanthropists, in particular, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institute and the railway magnate Harriman. The Carnegie Institution built a lab in Cold Spring Harbor, which created a detailed file of files containing information for each American.

These developments, but on a larger scale (only 350 thousands sterilized) were later applied in Nazi Germany. It seems that Hitler was well aware of the American eugenic laws, for example, in Mein Kampf, whole provisions of this ideology are cited. The foundations of eugenics formulated in America gave him ready, attractive medical and pseudoscientific arguments in order to assert his anti-Semitism and racial hatred as well as to attract followers from rational Germans. In the first decade of the Third Reich, American eugenics welcomed the plans of the Fuhrer, seeing in them the continuation of their research works. However, this was not the end. America helped the Nazis create their own eugenic institutions. The Rockefeller Foundation donated several million dollars (in modern terms) to German researchers, subsidized the dreadful research of Mengele in Auschwitz. For several years, starting in May of 1926, the same foundation issued grants for the development of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Psychiatry. In this research complex, a brain research institute was built, which later became the central testing ground for death experiments conducted on Roma, Jews, and other ethnic groups.

If American scientists for decades could not get the right to conduct certain research, then German institutions received an opportunity to do so on an unprecedented scale. American eugenics, seeing the achievements of their German colleagues, also did not sit idly by. Nazi scientific exhibitions were organized in the USA, propaganda materials were republished, annual meetings were held, at which scientists of the two countries awarded each other. In 1936, the head of the Eugenics Record Office, America’s largest institution dealing with this topic, received a doctorate from the University of Heidelberg for “the science of racial cleansing,” that is, the science of racial cleansing.

In 1939, the year in America finally realized what Hitler's Germany had become. Most of the provisions of eugenics recognized as false and discriminatory, leading institutions closed. And after the end of the war, it turned out that there was no such movement and never existed. Eugenics was no longer taught as a separate academic subject in colleges, and in the biographies of celebrities, all references to their interest in this field were deleted.

One of the most active adherents of eugenic science, “The Angel of Death from Auschwitz,” he is Dr. Josef Mengele, who killed tens of thousands of people, including children and newborn babies, was carefully transferred to the United States, where he acquired all the necessary papers, to relocate and settle in Latin America. They did not find him there, and according to some information they did not dare to touch him, even the agents of the Mossad. In 1979, he quietly died from a stroke while swimming in the sea.

Both the United States administration, the legislative branch, the executive branch, and both parties (Democratic and Republican) talk about freedom and human rights. In fact, over the entire existence of the state, the United States has been engaged in the extermination of other peoples and the seizure of countries that disagree with its “cowboy” mentality. In 1846, at a meeting of the Senate, Hart Benton said: "The fate of America is conquest and expansion ...". In 1900, Senator Albert Bifridge added: "The Lord chose the American people in order to rule the world and save it from evil." A start was made by exterminating tens of millions of Indians in North America. A few centuries later, the Americans created horror in Hiroshima, the countries of Latin America, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Iraq. The twenty-first century began with the brutal hegemony of the United States, which dictates its own conditions to the countries of the United Nations and unleashes preventive wars. Around the world, the American authorities are promoting the most that there is a real policy of state superiority. Socially, politically and emotionally, this policy is supported by two kinds of nationalism. First of all, it is a disadvantaged chauvinism, which was considerably warmed up by the events of September 11. Secondly, ideological nationalism, based on the basic ideas of American society: belief in freedom of speech, democracy, individualism, justice. From the original Protestant idea of ​​a “city on a hill,” which defined America as an example for other countries, this theory took on an expansionist character. And since this belief is embedded in the system of education and upbringing, permeates the whole culture, being present even in church chants, the Americans grow up inspired by it. The close intertwining of nationalism and ideology leads to the fact that they can not share what belongs to American interests and what does not. They are convinced that they are the main bearers of the ideas of democracy, which should be sown everywhere and regardless of the desire of a particular country or people.

Last year, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution banning the glorification of Nazism. Its appearance is not accidental: the UN has noticed that in recent years the number and size of various extremist movements that promote xenophobia and racism have increased dramatically. Monuments to those who fought against fascism during the Second World War are constantly desecrated and destroyed. SS men, on the contrary, are erected monuments, solemn events are held in their honor. The resolution states that the governments of all countries must "consistently and firmly resist such evil." The document was approved by one hundred and twenty states, fifty-seven abstained and only three were against: Canada, the United States and the Marshall Islands.

The texts and appeals that American politicians have recently turned to the nation before starting another war are strangely similar to the slogans of the Third Reich. A simple American citizen is told to enter the war as an objective necessity of protection against external enemies. But the goal, no matter how cool, is always the same - to take over the new territories, to seize resources, to seize power ... This, in the end, contains the basic principle of national, racial, state and religious intolerance.

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71 comment
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  1. +43
    16 July 2013 07: 35
    Well, today there is no single American nation request A country in which garbage from all over the world + illegal immigrants continuously flocks cannot have any nationalism request fascism racism is yes everything else hobby groups
    1. Gari
      16 July 2013 10: 14
      Quote: Ruslan67
      Well, today there is no single American nation. A country in which garbage from all over the world continuously flocks + illegal immigrants cannot have any nationalism. Fascism. Racism. This and everything else. Interest groups.

      US Ethnicity
      Germans about 50 million people
      African Americans about 40 million people
      Irish about 31 million people
      English about 25 million people
      Mexicans about 21 million people
      Italians about 16 million people
      The French are about 11 million people
      Hispanics about 10 million people
      Poles about 9 million people
      Scots about 5 million people
      The Dutch are about 4,5 million people
      Norwegians about 4,5 million people
      Native Americans about 4,1 million people
      Swedes about 4 million people
      Puerto Ricans about 3,5 million people
      Russians about about 2,7 million people
      The Chinese are about 3,5 million people
      1. +10
        16 July 2013 11: 56
        And the Jews? Or is it just to add up from this list of "Russian, Polish and French"?
        1. Gari
          16 July 2013 14: 09
          Quote: fzr1000
          And the Jews

          I repent forgot and how could I forget
          Jews - 5 people
          1. +5
            16 July 2013 18: 59
            <<< Gari: Jews - 5, >>>
            And what kind of Jews! This is the American elite, primarily the financial one. Among them are the Rockefellers, Morgana and many others, the main world puppeteers, claiming the role of rulers of the world - world government!
            1. Hon
              16 July 2013 20: 53
              Isn't that the case with us? Abramovich Slav or what?
              1. Kir
                16 July 2013 20: 56
                And forgive him the only one? they only remember something, those who perform more often in the shade.
              2. +1
                17 July 2013 04: 17
                Quote: Hon
                Isn't that the case with us? Abramovich Slav or what?

                What does he decide by and large? Only if the composition of Chelsea for the next game. Yes, and it does not decide, that is, the coach. The truth can decide who will be the next coach if he thinks that the current coach decides poorly. wassat
                1. Kir
                  17 July 2013 04: 33
                  Purely the option of diverting attention from real puppeteers and at the same time switching discontent to one, like everything is abramovich.
          2. 0
            17 July 2013 03: 34
            Quote: Gari
            Quote: fzr1000
            And the Jews

            I repent forgot and how could I forget
            Jews - 5 people

            What about the Armenians?
            1. Gari
              17 July 2013 09: 48
              Quote: Nagan
              What about the Armenians?

              Good afternoon dear
              US Armenians according to official statistics
              1 people, not so much for such a country, and therefore did not write
              although you live it seems there and I think you know about it better than me, you yourself wrote that you communicate with Armenians
              1. 0
                17 July 2013 20: 48
                One and a half million is not so little, especially in comparison with the size of Armenia. And the fact that I know three families (all are from the Union, that is, to some extent "Russians") and often drive past the Armenian church (there is one in our town) does not mean that I am familiar with the community. Moreover, as far as I can imagine, among the Armenians there are fewer immigrants from the Union than those who came to flee from the Turkish genocide, and somehow I did not have to meet with those in a "social" atmosphere.
                1. Gari
                  18 July 2013 09: 37
                  Quote: Nagan
                  One and a half million is not so small, especially in comparison with the size of Armenia.

                  Good evening you think
                  Yes, in comparison with Armenia, yes, then yes, yes, but there are more Jews in America than in Israel itself, and what if with America? Here it seems the theme of America was.
                  Everything is relative
                  1. Gari
                    18 July 2013 09: 41
                    Quote: Gari
                    ... And the fact that I am familiar with three families (all are from the Union, that is, to some extent "Russian") and

                    I think that you will communicate, I know my comrades Armenians living in America in Los Angeles, said that they communicate and are friends with both Russians and other immigrants from the USSR, and this is understandable, and the language is the same Russian and education, views have grown in one once united country
        2. +1
          17 July 2013 03: 43
          Quote: fzr1000
          What about the Jews? Or is it just to be added from this list of Russian, Polish and French?

          It is not that simple. Here, Jews are registered as persons professing Judaism. In general, not nationality but religion. Therefore, Jewish negroes are included in the statistics, but, say, immigrants from the Union with the corresponding "5th column" who enter the synagogue only if they are invited to the wedding are not included. And since these people are Russian-speaking, they, if not the official statistics, then the generally accepted opinion, are considered Russian.
      2. +2
        16 July 2013 22: 43
        Well it turns out the Germans are the largest ethnic group in the states belay ! thank you so much for that I don’t know, I don’t know, believing that the most numerous nation in America is acceptable (Latinos are blacks), but the current is not German, but you’ll find the Germans! knowingly, Snowden mentioned that America considers Germany a third-rate ally. It is no wonder that there are so many Germans in America itself! 50 million etozh to a fig, even with a total population of America in 300 million! this is so, with the collapse of the states, we can easily get a small new Germany right on the territory of North America and God forbid if it is with a fascist bias! and so he’s moved to the Reich, you’re waiting, you understand!

        and the Russian population is somewhat lacking in the states, I kind of read about 5.5 million people and not about 2.7 maybe all citizens of the former union were considered there?
      3. POBEDA
        27 July 2013 19: 03
        It is worth adding 5 Jews
    2. +2
      16 July 2013 11: 07
      Quote: Ruslan67
      Well, today there is no single American nation request A country in which garbage from all over the world + illegal immigrants continuously flocks cannot have any nationalism request fascism racism is yes everything else hobby groups

      I completely agree with you, we can only talk about racism.
    3. Gari
      16 July 2013 11: 13
      Quote: Ruslan67
      fascism racism is yes everything else hobby groups

      At the end of April, the US Nazi Party NSM held an annual congress in Atlanta. Nazism does not cause opposition in the United States from the authorities - they believe that it is more profitable to legalize such marginal forces than to get terror from them.
      NSM (National Socialist Movement) was registered in 1974. The number of its members is about 400 people, the party has cells in 35 states. The NSM leadership assures that the number of their supporters reaches 50 thousand people, and they do not join the party so as not to fall into the field of view of the special services.
      Every year, NSM holds a convention (rally), each time in a new city in America. This time it was held on April 20 in Atlanta, Georgia. The event was solemn - at the congress, another Nazi group, TWP (The White Preservationists; “White Defenders”), was approved to join the party. Traditionally, the congress is attended by NSM allies - the Ku Klux Klan and other Nazi groups in America.
      They gather once a year to hang out and disperse
    4. +7
      16 July 2013 12: 14
      The American and the nation are an oxymoron. Kissel is jelly. In the United States, a tough, totalitarian, police regime, veiled. Their policeman, figuratively speaking, without explaining the reasons, "lays down" the citizen's face in the mud, and the media whispers in his ear at this time that he is the freest person in the world, but freedom is full of paradoxes and therefore, this freedom must be paid for with unconditional obedience ... If the police regime breaks even a little, then the acid will pour into the alkali and God knows what it will turn out to be.
    5. +2
      16 July 2013 15: 30
      In America, a separation by skin color is possible. Which, in principle, they always did.
      1. +3
        16 July 2013 17: 27
        Quote: Deniska
        In America, a separation by skin color is possible. Which, in principle, they always did.
        Yes, I don’t think, oh there and the rainbow will turn out, the whole institute will be needed for separation laughing It seems to me that European fashion has spread to the United States. Wherever there, we are Americans, in Europe we have and we will have. They are the smartest here ... here in the center, in a restaurant, a crowd was walking on Kuznetsky Most, a crowd of Americans, with flags)) After each glass (probably vodka), they knocked their palms on the table and hummed in unison "woo" then laughed, then they drank again and knocked again, and in special cases they even stomped (apparently the toast was mega successful). Big macaques are fools, I have not seen in my life, but this is not the most important thing, with what proud look they came out, they lift their noses so high only on oath, probably)) But, by the way, not a single nigga was with them. Like this.
    6. +3
      16 July 2013 16: 13
      And what kind of country can be formed by exiled criminals, soldiers and jailers who guarded them, stubborn religious missionaries, slaves and adventurers, who rushed there for easy wealth?
        16 July 2013 20: 25
        By the way, the Cossacks as an estate appeared after serfs, thieves, Tatis and others ran to the Don ... And then, with the grace of the Empress, they were granted the will and forgiveness of sins .... Do you think that there can be nothing good from the Cossacks ??? ?
        1. Kir
          16 July 2013 21: 32
          Don’t share the reference, because it turns out that back in the days of the Tsar of Moscow and so on. Ivan IV Vasilyevich II and simpler Ivan the Terrible, the Cossacks existed and had no relation to the thieves and runaway people, so ....
      2. POBEDA
        27 July 2013 19: 06
        For the most part, they were quite energetic and courageous people. Not everyone decides to leave for an empty country with empty pockets ....
    7. +1
      16 July 2013 19: 47
      Hello everyone!
      Quote: Ruslan67
      A country in which garbage from all over the world + illegal immigrants continuously flocks cannot have any nationalism
      would put a minus for the "garbage". Quite good scum that receive the Nobel Prize, and you never know how many talents have mastered in this country,
      Quote: Ruslan67
      Well, today there is no single American nation

      Quote: Ruslan67
      can't have any nationalism request fascism racism it yes everything else hobby groups

      but I agree with that I would put +, + on - so I won’t put anything, such mathematics. I will add that there can be no nationalism in America, because Indians have almost all been killed for a long time.
      1. Cat
        16 July 2013 19: 52
        Quote: evgenii67
        Quote: Ruslan67

        A country in which garbage from all over the world + illegal immigrants continuously flocks cannot have any nationalism
        would put a minus for the "garbage". Quite good scum that receive the Nobel Prize, and you never know how many talents have mastered in this country,

        especially one there, a talented Nobel laureate, with a peace prize, yeah =)
    8. 0
      23 January 2015 21: 31
      "The document was approved by one hundred and twenty states, fifty-seven abstained and only three opposed: Canada, the United States and the Marshall Islands."
      Judging by this resolution, the United States and Canada lost the war, and if the Nazis came to the Marshall Islands, there would be nothing left of the island and its people.
  2. +8
    16 July 2013 08: 06
    And these "WHITE" and "FLUFFY" learn LIVE THE WHOLE WORLD!
  3. +11
    16 July 2013 08: 14
    Strange and surprising, radical changes in terms of attempts to resolve racial issues have recently been supported by individual representatives of the Protestant church, a church with more than fifty percent followers among the entire population of America.

    Nothing strange or surprising! Already got "minorities" with their own orders!
  4. raja666
    16 July 2013 08: 21
    Yes, nightmarish things happen and America has more patience for Americans)
    1. waisson
      16 July 2013 08: 52
      offer to intervene, call a friend V.V.
    2. 0
      16 July 2013 11: 51
      Quote: Raja666
      Yes, nightmarish things happen and America has more patience for Americans)

      And tolerance wassat
    3. 0
      16 July 2013 13: 05
      Quote: Raja666
      Yes, nightmarish things happen in America, more patience to Americans)

      Given that fascism as such originated in the United States and was only brought to Germany from the states, there is nothing surprising.

      It’s just that fascist Germany was crushed, and fascist America was hiding, disguised for half a century, so there’s nothing to be sorry for them, this people just think that and some educated citizens are not an indicator, look at the actions of the country as a whole.
      1. essenger
        16 July 2013 18: 15
        I think you confuse fascism with National Socialism.
        1. Kir
          16 July 2013 18: 27
          And many confuse or confuse, even if in the text of the article the swastika is referred to as fascist symbolism.
        2. 0
          16 July 2013 22: 30
          Quote: Essenger
          I think you confuse fascism with National Socialism.

          I’m sure that the apologists of the same National Socialism, it seems that the Nazis will be shorter, will slip into fascism in the process of real politics, moreover, I’m sure that this will happen

          so let's not be compared to liberals and introduce differences for grades g.a
          get closer to the people and call a spade a spade
          1. Kir
            17 July 2013 00: 34
            Although it was written to me, But although not a supporter of Kunzi (Confucius), I agree with this postulate:
            -The wrong name of the subject gives rise to misconceptions about it.
            Second of Legism:
            Even the most correct instrument in perverted hands becomes perverted !!!
            And without a hitch, we look at nationalism, experts say it’s not identical with Nazism, from the perspective of what the gang turned it to the head that they put the shiklgruber, the same with the swastika which by the time the symbol had exceeded more than 2 millennia !!!! Cheering uplifting a straight arm. It was still practiced by equestrian Persians during the time of Xenophon, but rather earlier, and so on and so forth, so the gang was still the compilers !!!
    4. Alew
      16 July 2013 19: 43
      Quote: Raja666
      Yes, nightmarish things happen and America has more patience for Americans)

      At one time, Europe decided to send election observers to America. They were not allowed - they referred to that. that everything in America is "high American standards." Now every year you can see better what these standards are.
  5. +3
    16 July 2013 08: 24
    And they’re not just teaching, but with all their strength and diligence they are planting their ideology wherever they can!
  6. vladsolo56
    16 July 2013 08: 29
    Let's just say that the United States is the only developed and civilized country that refused to condemn fascism. So what is it all about then?
    1. stroporez
      16 July 2013 11: 54
      but how is it -------- to blame ourselves ... the fourth Reich will never do this ...... voluntarily ...
    2. 0
      16 July 2013 13: 08
      Quote: vladsolo56
      Let's just say that the United States is the only developed and civilized country that refused to condemn fascism. So what is it all about then?

      How can they condemn their own ideology ?????
  7. pinecone
    16 July 2013 08: 43
    White U.S. citizens are becoming a minority in their home country, so it's about their survival.
    1. vBR
      21 July 2013 16: 10
      What are you saying? :) Yes, the share of Hispanic, Chinese, Negroes, non-Chinese East Asians is growing. So what, they strangle a white race and take a piece of bread from it, driven into a social ghetto? You didn’t understand the article ...? You push the most popular argument of racists, about which it is written there
  8. Cat
    16 July 2013 08: 54
    Strange and surprising, radical changes in terms of attempts to resolve racial issues have recently been supported by individual representatives of the Protestant church, a church with more than fifty percent followers among the entire population of America.

    And what's so strange about that? The author, most likely, is simply not aware of how Protestants differ from the same Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and the believers of most other religions. And the fundamental difference is that the Protestants actually do not have such a concept as "morality." In the sense that, according to their convictions, if you are pleasing to God, then he will thank you already in this life, providing wealth, success, power, and other benefits. Accordingly, all actions with the help of which one can obtain these benefits are one way or another pleasing to God. Whether it's deception, hypocrisy, greed, and so on. Up to murder. So gentlemen protestants support anything you like - anyhow with benefit and profit. While the ideology of other religions, at least the official one, requires from its adherents certain limitations and virtues in this life - which will be reckoned "in the next world."
    Such is the Protestant logic - which makes it possible to create and approve anything, and at the same time seriously consider himself a good Christian.
    1. +2
      16 July 2013 12: 08
      There is such an abbreviation WASP (White. Anglo-Saxon, Protestant) More recently, in the 70's, it was the elite of American society.
  9. waisson
    16 July 2013 08: 55
  10. +4
    16 July 2013 08: 56
    All of them in a bag and in the sea ....
  11. +10
    16 July 2013 09: 30
    Two-faced American anus!
    Someday tear it up!
  12. +4
    16 July 2013 09: 59
    The fundamental difference with Russia is that in the states they can gather for any reason, in any clothes, talk about anything, but only as long as their "self-expression" does not cause concern or harm to other citizens. As soon as they cross this line, the punitive machine will fall on them with its entire mass, and if not imprisoned, they will make the rest of their lives work for fines and compensation. In Russia, however, the severity of laws is not compensated by the obligation to comply with them.
    1. +1
      16 July 2013 13: 16
      Quote: Фкенщь13
      The fundamental difference with Russia is that in the states they can gather for any reason, in any clothes, talk about anything, but only as long as their "self-expression" does not cause concern or harm to other citizens. As soon as they cross this line, the punitive machine will fall on them with its entire mass, and if not imprisoned, they will make the rest of their lives work for fines and compensation. In Russia, however, the severity of laws is not compensated by the obligation to comply with them.

      a little bit wrong
      they can say whatever they want as long as their talking shop does not contradict the opinion of the ruling elite, as soon as this line is crossed, they immediately begin to "bother the citizens" and the mechanism of destroying dissidents is immediately activated.

      They already have the 2 century as the whole 2 real, but in fact one party, do you want Russia to offer such suppression mechanisms as an example?
  13. +3
    16 July 2013 09: 59
    The Americans did not see all the "charms" of Nazism, they only see the beautiful form of the SS, parades and that the Nazis do not like Jews and all kinds of blacks with Slavs, for them it is quite suitable, only in a country like the United States such ardent nationalism will cause another civil war , as a result of which the United States will slide into the countries of the 4th world, and it does not matter who wins.
  14. Valery Neonov
    16 July 2013 10: 18
    Quote: Ruslan67
    today the united american nation

    but it started with something .... so whoever "sailed, came" there, it doesn't matter how, BUT SOMETHING HAS BEEN turned out. From all of Europe of that time, collect hunger and go to ... India (they just dumped), but they hit .... with a finger in ... well, where did they hit. Better ... and so it happened:
  15. +4
    16 July 2013 10: 32
    Yes, there is racism among amers, but rather in the opposite direction, it is enough to recall Detroit, this is a geto city, there are no whites, this is the beginning of the capture of "white" America, America will soon become the second black continent, but the end will soon come to all this America !! !
    1. +1
      16 July 2013 12: 14
      Natural selection, however.
    2. itkul
      16 July 2013 13: 01
      Quote: Prapor Afonya
      Yes, the end will come all this America !!!

      Leontyev told you this on TV, and you believe him.
  16. +2
    16 July 2013 10: 53
    The United States is preparing for the transition from capitalism to fascism, which is logical in the current economic conditions and the absence of a counterweight (an alternative to the development of society in the form of socialist Russia).
    No middle class content needed. Material wealth for the entire US population is not enough, the rest of the world does not want to support the United States anymore.
  17. 0
    16 July 2013 10: 59
    Actually, here is another country that will suffer the fate of the distant 45 ...
  18. +3
    16 July 2013 11: 57
    I apologize for the offtopic, but in my opinion, IMHO, this is the second side of one medal, ten years ago I came across a book by the Orthodox writer Dmitry Vorobyevsky "The Path to the Apocalypse. Knock at the Golden Gate."

    Yes, the American nation is infected, on the one hand, with an irresistible urge to kill, and on the other, with a spirit of exclusivity. And in this he repeats the fate of the once chosen people, about which Sergei Nilus wrote: "And the first people on earth who recognized Satan as their god and worshiped him as God was Israel ...".

    According to Newsweek magazine, there are at least three million devil worshipers in the United States. The Church of Satan has officially joined the National Council of Churches, and its chaplains serve in the US military. At the same time, neither the FBI nor the police can explain what is the reason that five thousand dead bodies of unidentified children are found in the country every year ... They are brought to the devil, who has long since removed the mask of Baal or any other deity.

    Oleg Platonov writes: “In 1987, Reagan publicly recognized“ the important role of Satanism in modern American life ”and proposed to take into account the interests of this segment of voters. The presidential administration made a number of important decisions expanding their rights:

    - Prevent violations of the rights of Satanists in admission to public service, including government posts;

    - to involve "leading American soothsayers, occultists and necromancers" in consulting the president and government bodies ... ".
    1. 0
      16 July 2013 12: 16
      This is just an increase in the electorate, no more ..
      1. +1
        16 July 2013 12: 23
        find five thousand dead bodies of unidentified children ...

        not a weak passion
  19. +4
    16 July 2013 11: 59
    Reading is actually scary. Nazism found a fertile ground for itself. I think that the American government does not disperse these "hobby groups" not only to localize the marginalized. I think the goal here is somewhat different and more cynical. The United States has no history of total defeat from external forces. Accordingly, in society, revanchist sentiments from Pearl Harbor and September 11 were satisfied quite easily. But if suddenly there is a need for this in the future, then American Nazism in one form or another can become a consolidating force.
  20. +1
    16 July 2013 13: 27
    Quote: itkul
    Quote: Prapor Afonya
    Yes, the end will come all this America !!!

    Leontyev told you this on TV, and you believe him.

    My personal thoughts! And desires!
  21. -1
    16 July 2013 14: 55
    Members of the organization oppose blacks, Jews, Muslims, gays, illegal immigrants. According to American laws, residents can unite in a kind of popular police, performing a number of police and security functions.

    And why not, they are right somewhere!
    1. Kir
      16 July 2013 16: 53
      And this is not something that in the state of the CIA of these same unconventional is not so little? That is, we cut our own tail, with regards to the other groups of the population, so here it’s completely nonsense, I still would understand the association of the Indians and, to some extent, African Americans to fight the oppressors, and here ........., No but in general, what to demand from a runaway rabble, not only not just a rabble but a sectarian rabble?
      For information, the police cannot be different, it would be worthwhile to attend to and see what the police have at the minke whales - voluntary paramilitary groups are closer even to gangs, by the way they also had minnows also a rabble.
      1. +1
        16 July 2013 18: 29

        A rather fragile concept is the American nation. winked
      16 July 2013 20: 32
      I completely agree with you, that we have got a lot of Tolerast divorced, and at this time the guys from the south are slowly beating former officers and soldiers ...
  22. 0
    16 July 2013 19: 51
    In my opinion, there is nothing surprising in the fact that Nazi organizations are spawning in America. Firstly, the contemptuous attitude of society and the authorities towards the "colored" they persisted until the 60s, and the measures taken to combat racism were more "windy", pharmaceutical in nature - a sort of Potemkin village, they say, everything is ok. And secondly, who founded the American state? Immigrants from mono-national European countries, where intolerance of other ethnic groups is common, especially among people from the British Isles, but people with dark skin have always been something like talking monkeys for them. Thirdly, if the construction of their state was accompanied by genocide of the local population, it is surprising that the mood is the same now. And there is no need to look at "democracy" and "liberalism" - the West has always been able to declare itself the best, whitest and fluffiest, and America has this ability very strongly developed.
  23. -1
    16 July 2013 21: 30
    America was built by Jews and Masons. Zhidomasonskie signs are everywhere in the United States, a simple example is the dollar. And no one will let the Nazis do to the Jews what the "real" Nazis did in Germany.
    1. Kir
      16 July 2013 21: 39
      Well, yes Well, yes, just don't talk about "real" and Jews, otherwise ... do you know that they bought the rich, and left only poor Jews "to be devoured", and the system of Nazi Germany worked and served over 150 Jews, including in punitive structures and so on, by the way, these data were stated in his work, let's say not an Aryan, so ...
  24. +1
    16 July 2013 22: 36
    return lands to the Indians am
  25. +1
    16 July 2013 22: 50
    When we face the problem of crimes committed by immigrants from the Caucasus on the same site, “everyone” shouts home, if we have inadequate laws passed by the government, then we shout ... these are Jews and liberals. And if the Americans are trying to put forward the same demands to remove Negrils and Latinos (because they are basically a criminal element) they hate their Jews, here we are as one, outraged by the injustice, as are the Americans. Some of them, I'm sure that everyone on this site has thought more than once, damn it would be to collect all Caucasians and take them somewhere, but it's one thing to think, and another thing to indulge in thoughts, but plus these are Americans, they are a priori guilty.
    1. Kir
      17 July 2013 00: 43
      And you do not confuse a famous place with a finger, the same Texas annexed territory of Mexico, and not all Blacks voluntarily ended up in America. so ....., and indeed the Spaniards, together with the Portuguese and the French, on these territories have much greater Historical Rights, and to the North So, in general, the descendants of the Normans, and if we assume that America was "discovered" on the one hand by immigrants from Siberia, the correct population-Indians, their descendants, and then again in the 3rd millennium BC, immigrants from the Mediterranean basin and North Africa, then I'm sorry, but where are the damn Anglo-Saxons?
      1. -1
        17 July 2013 03: 44
        This you do not confuse, and in this context, who discovered America, even the Chukchi, even though they discovered. I want to say that the Anglo-Saxons established themselves, created statehood, power, gathered, stole, bought land. Something neither Portugal, nor France, nor Russia are in a hurry with presentations. Now the average average American does it ..., and they are not as politicized as the Russians. Why, if they are going to clubs, organizations to protect themselves from blacks, Latinos, 3.14 dors, Jews, then they are bastards and nationalists. And when ours gather at the Belorussky Train Station against the Caucasians, they are patriots. Jews are to blame for the problems on every corner in Russia, but if the Americans said that, then under this site we must condemn them. I FSUs on them and their organizations, but be honest and objective.
        1. Kir
          17 July 2013 04: 18
          But all the same, it would be worthwhile to ask at least that Canada is actually New France, and the captain cook just carried out a successful operation that ended the seven-year war and France was forced to abandon its territories (immediately upon request New France leaves!) And so further and the like, and if you even dribble deeper, the fucking Britain absolutely did not shun frankly banditry and robbery, if, with the same cookie, the First Vice-Lord of the Admiralty was a pirate, etc., etc., and asked what state the gang could organize thugs-only gangster. And one more fact, ask how the city of Cape Town was called before and who founded the colony there first so ....
          And the objectivity is precisely that, the same immigrants from Africa are no less indigenous than whites, and Texas is a grabbed territory of Mexico, whether someone likes it or not. but with regards to how you put it, these fagots ... should be grateful to them at least for the fact that since the 30s of the past they have been hatching plans for the collapse of our Motherland, and even now they are in the service of the CIA, that's it turns out that these organizations, or simply disguised distracting attention, or rather, switching attention to something else, which do not come from Masulman, by the way, whose bases are not only on subsidies, but also on the territory of the United States, and so on, but from their ruling elite, with regards to our so-called I would have very much jotted down our words, talked with such at one time, made several conclusions, and the first of them is that by their actions they serve to further the collapse of our homeland, and funding is often the same from international centers, so for me that is so called a gang underground in the Caucasus that "our" cattle feeding from a common trough!
          As for the Jews, you are not confused by the fact that the photographer close to Hitler was not Aryan but very much the other way around, and mi krupp is one of the sponsors of the NSPG, who saw the portraits say simit pure water, etc. etc. Well, how do you like that?
      2. 0
        17 July 2013 03: 57
        Quote: Kir
        and where the hell are the Anglo-Saxons here?

        In the minority. In the coastal area, look for them in the afternoon with fire. In the outback among farmers there will be more, and in places of concentration of industrial enterprises. In general, it looks curious: there are many among the lower classes and the tops, and in the middle, anyone - Italians, Irish, Poles, Jews, Turkeys, Asians, but there are practically no Anglo-Saxons.
        Quote: Kir
        The French have much greater Historical Rights in these territories.

        France sold these rights along with Louisiana and the surrounding lands.
        1. Kir
          17 July 2013 04: 26
          We must see what happened in 1803 in France itself.
  26. +1
    17 July 2013 04: 05
    Yes, all sorts of rubbish enough. But the overall proportion is not higher than everywhere. It's just that if in some kind of Holland the same Natsiks are considered hundreds, then in America the same proportion will be many thousands.
  27. The comment was deleted.