The hero is not of our time. 55 years ago Gaganovsky originated

The hero is not of our time. 55 years ago Gaganovsky originatedIn the 1958 year, the 26-year spinner of the Vyshnevolotsky cotton mill, Valentina Gaganova, moved to the lagging brigade and led her to the front lines. A year later, she was already awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor.

After that, she repeated her initiative three times. Using her experience, authority and ability to work with people, she competently and in a new way organized work in a brigade and in a short time brought it to the front lines. Initiative Gaganova liked textile workers. Many have followed her example: first at their factory, then at the plant, at the enterprises of Vyshny Volochyok and the whole Upper Volga region — the initiative to transfer the advanced workers to lagging areas to raise them to the level of advanced ones.

Gaganova became a symbol of her time, as well as Gagarin. However, they were friends in life. As with other astronauts - Titov, Komarov, Leonov. She was loved for her good temper and open character. Andrei Dementiev dedicated poems to her, Joseph Kobzon - songs. Khrushchev, Kosygin, Brezhnev, Ryzhkov, Gorbachev knew her face, young Yeltsin gave her expensive gifts ...

Alas, in Valentina Ivanovna’s 2010, he was gone.

And at the beginning of 2000's, I went to her in Vyshny Volochyok. She lived in the same apartment on the top floor of an old three-story house that Gagarin had been in.

She remembered how he reproached her: “The taps are flowing, the door to the bathroom is not closing ... Is this how heroes should live? So that by the next arrival I will fix everything. ”

But another arrival did not happen. And at that time, when I appeared in that apartment, the roof of the house was leaking, because the ceilings in Gaganova’s apartment were completely black. Opposite its windows, a commercial camp set up its tents, and in the evenings sellers burned garbage in iron bins, and acrid smoke from these fireplaces filled the apartment, forcing the windows to close more tightly. Closer to the night, the merchants began a big beat. Remedies usually ran into their porch.

“You will complain, they say to the police, make a metal door. And who to do? Some pensioners are in the house, ”Valentina Ivanovna complained. She, too, had a pension that was barely enough to live on, because until recently, in the New Russia, the Heroes of Labor were sort of outlawed. Relic of the socialist past.

At that time she was often sick. Moreover, to the physical sores were added mental. Her only son, Sergey, was on several occasions in Chechnya as part of the joint police squad of the Tver Region. The detachment participated in the battles, suffered losses. What cost those business trips to Valentina Ivanovna - only mothers of sons who fought in hot spots know. She did not accept her soul and the new way of life.

Once she was invited to the factory. Came, looked.

On the one hand, the working man was not only pushed into the background, he was not allowed to work at all. And on the other ... She asked: "Would you agree to work for free, how are we?" - "No, Valentina Ivanovna." Which of them heroes grow up?

“We fought for every person, even for felons. And now they don't even take these to work. Once I watched on TV, as the juvenile criminals were released under an amnesty, and no one came for them, and cried. After school, children came to the factory, consider, children, and it was necessary with them as with children - where to scold, and where to stroke on the head. Who wanted to learn, did not keep - helped, arranged. If the boy went to another shop, ask the boss: “How is our Savelyev?” - “Nothing, it works ...”. And you will meet the most: “How, son, do you like it?” - “Like”. - "Well, thank God". We knew each of our workers where and how he lives. But the current owners of human destiny do not care. Everyone feels like a temporary worker, lives today. ”

... She believed that everything in life is obliged to mother.

- I remember a neighbor came: give me money in debt. Oh, I say, I probably do not. And mother: “How is it not? You, in my opinion, never live to the last penny. ” I show her the wallet: six rubles left. "Go and give three rubles to her." My mother was subordinate until her death. He used to say: “It’s said on the radio that the party raised you, Komsomol. I brought you up. Who taught you to work, eh? ”. How to start, how to start. But what's true is true. At three o'clock at night, she and her father went to mow, and Valenka had to milk the cow and feed her at five o'clock with the sheep in the field. In 7 years, I already did everything around the house and in the field. During the war and after the war, the bulls plowed. Mom said: "We must work, my daughter, without the labors of the righteous you can not make a stone chamber."

“Stone Chambers” she never made herself, although it is difficult to believe from the outside. Even in Vyshny Volochyok, where practically everyone knows each other how a new house will be built in the city, they say: this is for Gaganova.

And Gaganova was a hero atypical neither by the standards of this century, nor by the standards of the past. Yes, thanks to her, many social objects, residential buildings, dormitories were built in Vyshny Volochyok, but never personal interests were woven into public ones.

“Somehow I give Kosygin’s deputy a piece of paper with requests — we then changed the knitting machines at the factory, the looms, and at the same time I ask for the director a new car. He says: “Do you have a car?” - “No”. “Well, does the director even carry you?” - "Carries, carries" - I lied. And at least once I asked myself. ”

And when the plant was privatized, it did not get a single share. Then the new mistress came to her senses, gave a piece of paper on 50 shares, and after a while regretted it. “Come on,” he says, “we’ll give you better 600 rubles for them for them.”

Gaganova could not stand it, she lost her temper: “Ninka, you worked for me in the brigade. And do not be ashamed to offer you this? Yes, I better tear them.

Gagarin once asked her: “Do you know about us chastooshkas sing:“ Who lives well in Russia? Gagarin, Gaganova, Titov, Brezhnev, and the rest as before. ” She replied: "Well, well, let them sing." She had nothing to reproach herself with. Even when the old social order collapsed, and many former social labor heroes and party leaders, like marauders, rushed to raise their capital on its ruins, she stood aside from this bacchanalia and only repeated: “Guys, and yet death has no pockets. You won't take anything with you: neither money, nor mansions ... ”. Now sometimes she will doubt: maybe she should have been like that, she would not have remained sick and impoverished under old age, but then she remembered - not with her character. Once I wanted to ask Kobzon money for medicines from an old friend, but I could not.

We had several meetings with her. She did not let me into the hotel, left me to spend the night at home, treated me to cakes. And she told, she told.

“The workers say to me:“ You were like Valentina Ivanovna for us, and you will remain that way ”. “No,” I answer, “I'm not the same anymore. I already became evil to remember. Insults are bad to endure, especially if they are undeserved. ”

... Nobody urged her to lift a lagging brigade. Gaganova at that time was the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the shop, and helped the brigade as a social burden, since she worked alongside. “Then I think: Lord, why did I hesitate so much that it would be better for me to work there myself”. And passed.

So just that one was born historical initiative.

Eternal memory to you, Valentina Ivanovna!
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  1. +9
    15 June 2013 07: 45
    God bless her, with modesty, boast. I also have many friends who consider it improper to work poorly!
    1. +7
      15 June 2013 13: 09
      Quote: My address
      I still have many friends who consider indecent to work badly!

      This initiative has no continuation and will not be!
      All state policy resembles a swing, they still can not decide what kind of citizen they need!
      In the meantime, the media are tearing down broadcasting vulgarity, banditry and eroticism!
      There will be no such heroes until the state understands the value of its people, and now the main measure is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
      1. yak69
        15 June 2013 18: 24
        Quote: APASUS
        This initiative has no continuation and will not be!

        The day before yesterday I watched on the news a report on the solution of the issue of the Schneerson library. Putin came to the Jewish Tolerance Center (for some reason I associate this word with a pad * plant). And there he uttered words that, in my opinion, fully showed his true beliefs. Speaking about the October Socialist Revolution, he said that "These were false beliefs and they were finally destroyed!" So that's it! Neither more nor less. Communist ideology is FALSE BELIEF. And this is said by the head of state, who was born, raised in the USSR, who served in the PGU of the KGB of the USSR, who swore an oath to the Motherland !! .....

        But for fans of Putin, this is not an argument. They ssy in the eye, all God's dew.
        1. 0
          15 June 2013 19: 34
          Quote: yak69
          Speaking about the October Socialist Revolution, he said that "These were false beliefs and they were finally destroyed!" So that's it! Neither more nor less. Communist ideology is FALSE BELIEF. And this is said by the head of state, who was born, raised in the USSR, who served in the PGU of the KGB of the USSR, who swore an oath to the Motherland !! .....

          You know ... this is my personal conviction, but in a sense, we must repent for the sins of the Communists, we must draw a line under those negative moments in the life of the USSR (At least for the same GULAG).
          But here the fifth column enters and all even the best undertakings will turn into streams of lies and piles of extortionists with their suits! They will sweep everything under their dirty comb!
          Therefore, I think that it is still early, society should mature, suffer such a decision.
          1. yak69
            15 June 2013 22: 36
            Quote: APASUS
            we must repent for the sins of the Communists, we must draw a line under those negative moments in the life of the USSR (At least for the same GULAG).

            I understand the direction of your thoughts, but I think that you are not correctly formulating the problem. I will try to continue and expand your thought (to correct). And you will already comment: did you understand everything correctly.
            First. About those whom you call communists. Here you need to understand how many there were in the party of those who were solving their financial and ambitious problems - all these professionals from abroad, doing their business around Lenin and taking advantage of the time of turmoil and civil war. Then those who joined them after civil and used the power to their advantage. Lenin gave them an assessment - "attached". Such will always and everywhere at a turning point. Stalin, with his repeated purges, significantly reduced the number of scum and criminals in power.
            The second one. The Gulag. If you plunge into the archives, you will see that most sat in the household. and criminal offenses, sabotage. To be honest, I’ll tell you so. My leadership experience of about 30 years and the last 20 I have met such gossip at all levels of the hierarchical social ladder that if it were my will, every third of today's Russia would work in labor camps! Irresponsibility, do not care, laziness, drunkenness, dullness, theft, we can say, at almost every step. And if, as a leader, you do not tightly control the execution process, then the tasks will not be completed. You can check it yourself: buy something in a network or a store, order some work, hire employees, buy a ticket, an apartment at the construction stage, contact a court or state agency, etc. and you will see everything for yourself. And it's time to grow up and stop eating vomit all sorts of Solzhenitsyn.
            The third. In order for us to move forward, we need a public all-Russian discussion on the whole spectrum of pressing issues of the development of our society. It is necessary to openly and HONESTLY understand all of our past. To clear our history, archeology, science as a whole from lies and fiction. Get rid of the myths imposed on us by the Peter Germans and all sorts of other Masons. It is necessary to deal with everyone by name who was somehow involved in the development of significant political decisions of our state from the beginning of our statehood. Particularly thoroughly necessary to investigate the Soviet period and the role of all famous statesmen. The role of EBN, Putin, including Medvedev. And only then can we understand the origins of our victories and defeats. We can objectively see what is happening, draw the right conclusions and outline the only right path of development. BUT! WHO WILL GIVE US TO DO IT ?! All world elites, including our Russian ones, are vitally NOT INTERESTED in discovering ALL THE TRUTH! Because for all this evil spirits (the so-called elite) it is DEATH! Final and irrevocable.
            Therefore, dear, you must independently, daily, painstakingly and tirelessly discover the truth. Find it and show it to others, to all who care and are interested in the prosperity of our Russia.

            The format of the commentary does not allow me to cover more fully and with factology this important topic for our country, the theme of historical development and the ways of Russia’s movement.
            1. 0
              16 June 2013 13: 21
              Quote: yak69
              I understand the direction of your thoughts, but I think that you are not correctly formulating the problem. I will try to continue and expand your thought (to correct). And you will already comment: did you understand everything correctly. So. First.

              You have deployed too deeply.
              I had in mind those negative aspects, which primarily include the suppression of personality. These are repressions against the people, those excesses that turned the country into GUAG.
              And at the expense of the formation of the Communist Party and directly with the term "clinging" or clearing our history, archeology, science in general from lies and inventions. Getting rid of the myths imposed on us by the Peter the Great Germans and all sorts of other Masons.
              This is an ungrateful affair; each government rewrites its history for itself and the truth does not need power.
              It sometimes seems to me that writing the history of Russia is impossible!
              Each fact will have to be rediscovered, shaking off the plaque of myths, ignorance and the interpreters of a new sense ..........
    2. 0
      16 June 2013 06: 30
      Boria Stavsky died ...
  2. +7
    15 June 2013 08: 30
    Yes, the country has experienced a great time of economic and spiritual boom.
    There was an example to take from whom. N. Ostrovsky wrote "How the Steel Was Tempered" and Pavka Korchagin was the personification of a bygone era.
    The literary hero began to move on to the great construction sites of the USSR.
    Hundreds and thousands of followers of the spinner Gaganova, the steam engine driver Krivonos, the miner Stakhanov ... Each industry had its own hero of work. The country revered their work - proud of the heroes.
  3. +8
    15 June 2013 08: 46
    Gaganova became a symbol of her time, as did Gagarin.

    I read it and thought about it - and who is the symbol of our time? Somehow it is obscene ...
    1. +1
      15 June 2013 14: 11
      Quote: treskoed
      and who is the symbol of our time?

      1. yak69
        15 June 2013 23: 29
        Quote: OTTO

        Unfortunately this is so! In the guidelines developed in the minobase, black and white is written: the goal of modern pedagogical science isEDUCATION OF A LITERATURE CONSUMER!
        In essence, this means raising a humanoid animal.
        Same-sex marriage is legalized, next in line is incest, pedophilia (bestiality, cannibalism). Children and organs can be grown in a test tube (technology allows this). Total surveillance and universal CHIPization has already begun. The Western world is rapidly degrading and pulling the rest of humanity into the abyss. Faith in God is declared to be violence and obscurantism. The fate of the biological battery is being prepared for humanity. The film "The Matrix" psychologically prepares ordinary citizens.
        Russia today is the only island of living life and traditional universal values, which today is under enormous pressure from outside and inside (our media, zombie box, leaders of the state and "culture").
        Armageddon is walking the planet. It follows the fate of every citizen.
        Mk. 35 So watch, for you do not know when the master of the house will come: ... 36 so that, coming suddenly, he will not find you sleeping.
        Here, the Sleeping One is living without conscience, having sold his soul for earthly goods. Now is the time of the most difficult trials: passions, temptations, permissiveness. Everyone is invited to make their own personal choices. Do you want-the Communists, you want-the pederasts ....
  4. Nevsky
    15 June 2013 09: 32
    The farther from the USSR, the more it seems that it was not just a different era, but a dream, a fantasy. Relations between people are on a completely different level. what
    1. cartridge
      15 June 2013 12: 35
      Nice photo! The open kind face of a real modest Russian woman-worker!
      1. +3
        15 June 2013 14: 08
        Quote: cartridge
        The open kind face of a real modest Russian woman-worker!

        The "bloody Chekist" who made the girl smile did not get into the frame. But seriously, after such stories about the past, it becomes sad in the present.
  5. +2
    15 June 2013 09: 48
    There was control, the education from a young age of certain values, some of which were universal, there was a result.
    And what now - well, so everyone knows what. The freedom to steal for bureaucrats - millions and billions of course, corrupt courts and police.
    The deputy received almost a million greens for the lecture, one of the former presidents in the world, etc. received so much? No, this is only a Russian development, after all, Skolkovo, innovation.
  6. avt
    15 June 2013 10: 53
    I read very detailed memoirs of our representative in America during the Great Patriotic War, he worked at the acceptance of "Liberty". He described the shipyard of the American oligarch in detail, so he wrote in some surprise about the practically socialist competition of workers, and the stimulation of labor, according to his descriptions, was like material and moral. The bourgeois knew what he was doing and exactly read Marx to sleep well laughing
  7. +3
    15 June 2013 11: 50
    Honestly, a dual relationship. On the one hand, honor and praise. But on the other ... One must be able to not only work, but also demand what is earned. And so on your neck and others will go to paradise. And then. Previously, everyone worked for the country. And the country, even if not paying extra, invested in social programs for its workers. Housing, kindergartens, camps, hospitals and others. And now you are also working nizah.r, only here is the uncle who owns your enterprise, I’ll damn you.
  8. cartridge
    15 June 2013 12: 40
    We each of our workers knew where and how he lives. And the current masters are not interested in human destinies at all. Everyone feels like a temporary worker, lives for today

    For rampant wild capitalism, such words sound like a message from the other world!
    The main thing for today's bigwigs is money and profit at all costs. And people for them are like dust on their shoes. He brushed off people and went on!
  9. Askkasko.
    15 June 2013 17: 21
    I want to share with you my recent discovery, this is a service for finding any information about a person! As I saw, I looked and thought that it was all a divorce, but after a minute I was horrified to see all the information about myself, about my friends, about my boyfriend! There is literally everything there and it's all in the public domain!
  10. lexe
    16 June 2013 00: 48
    giving birth to children is the best initiative. and not a team to pull but a family of 10 people. Also work ...
  11. tsiter
    16 June 2013 19: 11
    I want to share with you my recent discovery, this is a service for finding any information about a person! As I saw, I looked and thought that it was all a divorce, but after a minute I was horrified to see all the information about myself, about my friends, about my boyfriend! There is literally everything there and it's all in the public domain! Here you take a look = - rf / geB