The evolution of Russian nationalism


Originating as a project of the imperial elite, Russian nationalism has evolved over a hundred years from one of the branches of government to the anti-power project. Another stage that Russian nationalism must go through, if it intends to stop being marginal - democratism.

Interpreter Blog’s friend Sergei Prostakov describes how Russian nationalism passed through the developmental stages of the 20th century.

Today, Russian nationalism for the first time in its stories turned to anti-imperial rhetoric. Historically, both in the Romanov empire and in the Soviet Union, the state used Russian nationalism as a tool for maintaining imperial statehood. The concepts of the “Third Rome” and “Rurik inheritances” not only denoted imperial claims, but also created a territorial framework of the nation, which included the Orthodox Slavic population of the former lands of Kievan Rus. Meanwhile, the very concept of a nation in the interpretation, which was established after the Great French Revolution, which had pronounced anti-imperial and anti-monarchist features, was unacceptable for the Russian state. But to stop the ideas of the Enlightenment in the XIX century, not a single European state was able to, therefore, the empire was in dire need of its alternative reading of the “nation” concept.

Under Emperor Nicholas I, the ideology of the “official nationality” was developed and received all possible state support. It solved a dual problem: the non-arisen majority nationalism created and put in the service of the state, and the nationalism of the suburbs (whether Polish or Ukrainian nationalism) received a powerful ideological rival. Such use of nationalist rhetoric by the imperial states to combat marginal separatism has been given the name of "official nationalism" in the research literature. Such a model allowed the Russian Empire to resist the nationalist claims of the suburbs throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Attempts at the political formation of Russian nationalism in the pre-revolutionary years were also carried out within the framework of the theory of “official nationality,” setting as its main goal the maintenance of the monarchical system and imperial statehood. So in the political program of the Union of the Russian People it was written: “The Union of the Russian People ... supplies with its sacred immutable duty by all means to help ensure that the land conquered by the blood of the ancestors forever remains an integral part of the Russian state and that all attempts to dismember Russia, under whatever it was a kind, resolutely and unconditionally removable. ” Already in the years of the Civil War, the rhetoric of “united and indivisible Russia” did not allow the White movement to make an alliance with the Ukrainians and Poles to speak with one front against the Bolsheviks.

The evolution of Russian nationalism

V. I. Lenin was one of the first to point out the use of Russian nationalism by the monarchy in order to maintain imperial statehood. Indeed, created by the Bolsheviks in 1920. The Soviet Union was strikingly different in the sphere of national politics from all the states that had ever existed. The historian T. Martin called it the “empire of positive activity”, pointing to its main feature: targeted support and development of nationalism in the republics. One of the main objectives of this policy was the suppression of the nationalism of the Russian majority. Already after the curtailment of the policy of localization, Stalin actually returned to the concept of the "official nationality" with an amendment to Marxist rhetoric, putting Russian nationalism in the service of the Soviet empire. Naturally, there was no talk of any official political form of Russian nationalism.

The post-Soviet period made many significant changes to the discourse of Russian nationalism. Among the nationalists, there was a visible ideological split into supporters and opponents of the Soviet project, which, however, originated in the years of the latter. Meanwhile, such an important question of historical memory never became an obstacle for the unification of nationalists into a single political force. But in the post-Soviet history of Russia, situations where nationalists openly displayed their political claims, and even acted with active actions to implement them, can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And in practice, such alliances between Soviet and anti-Soviet nationalists were not viable, as demonstrated by the events of September-October of 1993 in Moscow, when monarchists and Stalinists jointly defended Soviet power.

Another thing is that the state-owned, imperial ideology, in which the place was equally white and red, was always in demand by Russian society. It is characteristic that political opponents from the liberal camp called its ideologues and carriers “red-brown” or communist-fascists. At such positions, in their different variations, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia V.V. Zhirinovsky and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which in each electoral cycle confidently pass to the State Duma and regional representative meetings, have always stood. The Russian sociologist L. Gudkov in his book “Negative Identity”, devoted to the problems of self-identification of Russian citizens at the turn of the century, shows that during this period the Russians were actively restructuring historical memory. The achievements of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union in the mass consciousness were actively mixed and recognized as equivalent, which gave rise to ideological anomie in society.

In many ways, it was precisely such trends that forced the leadership of the Russian Federation to abandon the pro-Western course taken and turn in the middle of the 1990-s to the idea of ​​a “special path” of Russia, which included, among other things, maintaining imperial status. The red-brown ideology described above was already actively used in official propaganda during the presidency of Vladimir Putin. The marginal ideological union of supporters and opponents of the Soviet past was claimed by the authorities in a situation of ideological vacuum. The fate of the National Bolshevik Party (NBP) of writer E. Limonov, in the program of which such ideas were most pronounced, is indicative. On the one hand, the government almost completely adopted the aesthetics of this movement, the style and content of its actions (Russian support in the post-Soviet countries, the creation of street-oriented youth movements), but also made maximum efforts to neutralize the only uncontrolled competitor based on the same political rhetoric .

Over the past twenty years, the Russian nationalists have not managed to form a strong political movement. Among the many reasons, attention should be focused on two: purposeful opposition of the authorities to these processes and the imperial component of the nationalist ideology. The Russian authorities have consistently either crushed or nullified the influence of all the largest nationalist parties and movements replacing themselves in Russia: the Memory Society, the Russian National Unity A. Barkashov (RNE), the Nazi-skinhead movements at the beginning of 2000, the Movements against illegal migration (DPNI). Introduced into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 2002 in 282, the article against inciting national, religious or social discord has become a powerful tool for bringing nationalists to justice. In their turn, the nationalists turned out to be forced companions of the authorities, fully supporting V.Putin’s zero-rate policy against the collapse of Russia and separatism in the national republics. For the past fifteen years, nationalist ideologues have not been able to offer the public anything that the government could not offer them. In turn, the latter allowed herself to flirt with nationalism. So in March, Mr. Putin’s 2008, said that the elected president of Russia, D. Medvedev, is no less a Russian nationalist than himself, and will consistently defend the country's interests in the international arena. But such statements are rare in the public rhetoric of representatives of the Russian authorities, and rather they speak of Russia's return to the world of its former status as a superpower and the desire to prevent the disintegration of the country. It is extremely noteworthy that the “national leader” is agitating for the empire, and not the nation state.

But such a state policy turned out to be fertile ground for the possibility of the emergence of a majority nationalism, which would cease to treat the preservation of the empire as an absolute value. Most nationalist ideologues became disillusioned with the state not only as a tool for realizing Russian interests, but also turned the main claims in this not to the external or internal enemy, but to the imperial heritage of Russia itself. The controversial policy of the authorities in the North Caucasus and its inability to regulate migration from this region and the countries of Central Asia to large Russian cities contributed particularly to this metamorphosis. The ethnopolitologist E.Pain remarked: “The empires can resist for a long time the nationalism of minorities on the outskirts or in the colonies, but they are powerless against the majority of nationalism and are quickly destroyed.” And this, in turn, generates a completely new vector of relations between Russian nationalism and the Russian state.

Such a “change of landmarks” in Russian nationalism began in the Soviet period, and in the last two decades, due to the growth of ethnic tension and xenophobia, it began to force the empire out of nationalist discourse. The watershed finally occurred after the 2010-2011 years. The riots on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow in December 2010, caused by dissatisfaction with the course and corruption of the investigation into the killing of football fan E.Sviridov, turned out to be a detonator of the slogan “Stop feeding the Caucasus!”. Under a similar appeal, the Russian March was held in 2011 - the annual November nationalist action. This slogan is interpreted differently: as a reduction of subsidies to the regions of the North Caucasus and their redistribution in favor of the Russian regions or as a call for the direct separation of this region from the country. Surveys of the Levada Center record a steady increase in supporters of the slogan: the number of people supporting it rather than not, from November 2011 to November 2012 increased by 5% (from 34% to 39%). The most famous nationalist slogan “Russia for Russians”, which has enjoyed stable popularity since the middle of 1990, has a worthy competitor.

Anti-Caucasian rhetoric is the most talked about in the nationalist part of Russian social media. The main topics here are crimes by immigrants from the North Caucasus, excessive economic subsidies to these regions by the federal government, and active support by it of anti-Russian actions. But constructive proposals to address these problems among the nationalists is not proposed. Theoretical and practical reflections of the participants of the nationalist Internet communities do not go beyond the forced deportation of all Caucasians from Russian cities and the separation of the Caucasus. So in one of the most popular nationalist publics in the Vkontakte social network “Right” 31 on August 2012, a vote was taken, as a result of which 36,4% of voters supported the idea of ​​disconnecting the republics of the North Caucasus; 16,5% believe that it is necessary to separate not only the Caucasus from Russia.

Another important trend defining the modern transformation of Russian nationalism is the “democratic turn”. Most modern ideologues of Russian nationalism openly proclaim their opposition to the current government. The accusations against her by the nationalists contain mainly complaints about the purposeful suppression of the Russian movement, lack of attention to the problems of the ethnic majority and its unwillingness to fight the influx of migrants in large cities. But such demands by the Russian nationalists in one form or another have been put forward over the past twenty years. The “democratic turn” coincided with the beginning of the formation of the “anti-Soviet consensus”, the most striking manifestation of which was the creation of a separate anti-Soviet column on the “Russian March - 2012”. Nationalist leaders, increasingly, in their public speeches, repudiate authoritarianism and Stalinism. Such tendencies form the main circle of ideas, under the sign of which transformations take place in modern Russian nationalism.

A striking example is the widespread in recent years, the term national democracy, under the marker of which you can gather such different in character actions and ideas of nationalists as K. Krylov, A. Shiropaev, V. Solovey. They are the regulars of the opposition rallies in Moscow in 2011-2013, or they form the nationalist agenda on the Internet. The historian Elena Galkina describes the key differences between national democrats and national patriots, whom the researcher also calls “Orthodox Stalinists”: “National deputies, as a rule, very emotionally blame Soviet Russia for the destruction of the peasantry, the traditions of self-government, for the national policy aimed at suppressing Russian ethnicity, in the dictates of the state and totalitarianism. " Today, these claims are already addressed to the Russian Federation, which is conceived, and in many respects is true, as the direct heir of the Soviet Union.

However, among the “opposition nationalists” there are a lot of those who adhere to traditional ideas. The main organization of this kind is the "Ethnopolitical Association" Russian "." It gathered under its wing the bulk of small nationalist movements. Its backbone is the members of the now crushed RNU, DPNI and the Slavic Union (SS). Its leader, D. Demushkin, is actively represented in the media and is in contact with the authorities. One of his last public actions was the proposal to the Federal Migration Service for assistance in the form of the creation of migration patrols consisting of nationalists. The ideology of this movement is not completely free from the rhetoric of "blood and soil." So in one of the points of their political program it is written “Russians are a Nation, possessing stable genetically transmitted psychophysiological traits, national self-awareness and a unique culture. Russians are carriers of the pheno-and genotype of the White Race. Russian culture is part of Indo-European culture. ” Similar words in the document are combined with statements about the need for the development of civil society.

Also, one of the most important distinctive features of oppositional “non-systemic” nationalism from “systemic” is the pronounced tendency to eliminate red-brown rhetoric. This is mainly due to the fact that in oppositional circles such a discourse is accumulated mainly from the left: the “Left Front” by Sergei Udaltsov and “The Other Russia” (formerly the NBP) by Eduard Limonov.

The pronounced heterogeneity of oppositional nationalism, however, does not affect the tendencies towards mutual consolidation. Despite the fact that many nationalist ideologues compete with each other for the status of a ruler of thoughts, they confidently overcome differences on the basis of opposition to the Putin regime, Caucasus phobia, Islamophobia and migrant phobia. Interestingly, the key difference between nationalist ideologues and the mass nationalist is in opposition to the authorities, in support of democratic slogans. In the mass nationalist environment, ideas about the need for democracy have not yet received wide distribution. However, this contradiction is easily smoothed out, given that the nationalist opposition can become an ally of the government if it supports their anti-immigration demands. And democratic, anti-imperial tendencies are still too weak to spread among the majority of adherents of the nationalist ideology.
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  1. patline
    24 May 2013 15: 06
    Yes, what is Russian nationalism? Russians have always been internationalists. Separate groups exist, no doubt. But globally the Russians, uniting the territories, did not assimilate the locals under the Russians. Thanks to this, all nationalities on the territory of Russia, and not only Russia, but throughout the entire territory of the former USSR and the Russian Empire, have been preserved.
    1. +15
      24 May 2013 16: 02
      It is nationalism. Especially what you wrote is a vivid example of it. The Russians have united hundreds of peoples in one empire because we were an unifying force worthy of respect. Who are we now?
      But the article is somehow.
      1. +3
        24 May 2013 22: 11

        Consider the Black Hundred myth in parts.

        1. The simplest statement: the Black Hundreds - a union of representatives
        marginalized, dark and uncultured layers, almost the bottom of the city (scum
        or they also say "Okhotnorodtsy", i.e. shopkeepers).
        Umberto Eco in "Foucault's pendulum" writes about the "Union of the Russian people, more
        known as the Black Hundreds ":" the Union recruited criminals, and
        they were engaged in pogroms and terrorist attempts at life. "
        A. Frolov interprets the Black Hundreds as a product of "the most backward strata
        peasantry "- a poisonous flower that grew" on the soil of a real folk
        protest against the inhuman conditions of their existence. "
        B. S. Khorev in the book "Population
        and crises. Issue 4 "(in" Jews in Russia: A Brief Overview ") writes about
        the Black Hundred "Union of the Russian People": "The Russian people with shame and horror
        recalls the revelry of this gang of scum-anti-Semites. For April 6 and 7, 1903 in
        Chisinau during the Jewish pogroms killed up to 500 people; on the same day
        the Black Hundreds distinguished themselves in Gomel. "In another place, B.S. Khorev called" Union
        of the Russian people a "group" woven from the rich and declassed
        trashed. "
        It is known that in the Black Hundreds, including in its top leadership,
        The most prominent cultural figures of Russia took part: philologists academicians.
        K.Ya. Grot and A.I. Sobolevsky, historian academician N.P. Likhachev, the most prominent
        Byzantist academician N.P. Kondakov, botanist academician V.L. Komarov (later
        President of the Academy of Sciences), doctor professor S.S. Botkin, actress M.G. Savina,
        creator of the folk instrument orchestra V.V. Andreev, painters K. Makovsky
        and N. Roerich, publisher I.D.Sytin. Artists were close to the Black Hundreds
        V.M.Vasnetsov and M.V. Nesterov.

        According to Lev Shestov, F.M.Dostoevsky would have joined the Black Hundreds if he had been alive.

        Among the revolutionary militants, as usual, there are many Jews who are beaten, of course, also “not in the passport, but in the face”. So, with a great desire, this situation can be interpreted as a “Jewish pogrom" (especially if the persecuted ran into a Jewish shop, and they looked for him "with partiality"). In fact, some “researchers” did this in Soviet times, not really bothering themselves with “highlighting in a special paperwork” the facts of the death of Jewish revolutionaries during an armed clash with protesters or the police.

        By the way, based on this logic, the term “Russian pogroms” can also be introduced into the scientific literature in relation to a similar kind of actions undertaken after the “Februaryists” and especially the Bolsheviks came to power. Indeed, among the "counter", as you know, Russians predominated, and it was their houses and enterprises that were subjected to the KGB defeat and ruin. Who can justifiably deny that the revolutionary rioters lacked motives for national hostility? However, many of our learned men and politicians, who easily and “broadly” operate on the concept of “Jewish pogroms,” usually don’t remember about “Russian pogroms”. Maybe shy of whom?
      2. +3
        25 May 2013 00: 39
        "Nationalism (fr. Nationalisme) is an ideology and direction of politics, the fundamental principle of which is the thesis about the value of the nation as the highest form of social unity and its primacy in the state-forming process. Differs in a variety of trends, some of them contradict each other. As a political movement, nationalism seeks to defend the interests of the national community in relations with state power.
        At its core, nationalism preaches loyalty and devotion to its nation, political independence and work for the benefit of its own people, cultural and spiritual growth, unification of national identity for the practical protection of the living conditions of the nation, its territory of residence, economic resources and spiritual values. It relies on national sentiment, which is akin to patriotism. This ideology seeks to unite various strata of society, regardless of opposing class interests. It proved to be able to ensure the mobilization of the population for the sake of common political goals during the transition to a capitalist economy. "
        Can someone object?
    2. +17
      24 May 2013 16: 20
      Quote: Orik
      Very stupid article, the author has all the upside down ...

      The most correct remark)))
      The fact is that they want to see the "enemies" of the rest of humanity in the Russian People ...
      Diligently they paint a "bear grin" on us)) although this animal is the fairest on the planet ...
      Мы GREAT, but they diligently belittle us and take advantage of our "meekness", and we were probably WRONG in allowing ourselves to be humiliated to the present state !?))

      But it also showed that all others))) controlling (at least what)) - can lead the WORLD of People only into "darkness".
      We will have to wait again to drag everyone up to the "light of knowledge" and again (after all)) we will forgive the unreasonable ... golems - who are waiting at the helm of states, corporations, associations ...
      where they fight against humanity - vaccinations, laws, lack of education, GMOs, simplification of culture to the level of "pop")))

      We violated one simple rule - People should be controlled by Man, and not by a creature similar to him (Anglo-Saxon, Jew, Asian. That is, a hybrid of a man and a monkey)))
      This is known to those who are dedicated and are fighting with People(but they won’t be able to win)))
      here they write articles)))
      1. Melchakov
        24 May 2013 16: 42
        Quote: Asgard
        Anglo-Saxon, Jew, Asian. that is, a hybrid of humans and monkeys

        That is, in your opinion they are not people ?! With an alliance for this could give in the face.
        1. +4
          24 May 2013 17: 45
          Quote: ///
          “Other Russia” (former NBP) by Eduard Limonov.

          Well, of course, how without this crap of an emigrant Eddie can build a bright future
          1. +2
            24 May 2013 19: 01
            Quote: Vadivak
            like without this shit of emigrant Eddie
            He is a true internationalist!
            Negrov loved right up to the minuet
            Interestingly, his followers read it, if only they thought who leads them
            1. +2
              24 May 2013 19: 30
              Quote: Denis
              Interestingly, his followers read it, if only they thought who leads them

              The same....
              1. +6
                24 May 2013 19: 46
                Quote: Vadivak
                The same....
                The trouble ...
                A ghost wanders through Europe - the ghost of communism. All the forces of old Europe united for the holy persecution of this ghost: pope and king, Metternich and Guizot, French radicals and German police.
                Manifesto of the Communist Party.K. Marx - F. Engels
                And now the ghost of same-sex marriages and other homosexuals and no one is poisoning him
          2. S_mirnov
            24 May 2013 22: 57
            Edward’s personality is largely controversial and sometimes just insane, however, I’ll draw attention to the fact that Limonov actively defends the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to openly and freely gather for demonstrations (every 31st day), and you Vadivak - no. And that is the point! Openly go to a rally against the riot police - it must be courageous, this is not an anonymous chatter on the network, it must be understood!
            1. Seraph
              25 May 2013 00: 12
              just need to go out against the riot police, for "show-off"? Do you find a party of crooks and thieves mixed with the Patriarch's watch as patriotism? Anonymous chatter on the network is you just scribbled an oil painting from yourself. Exactly! Come to us for a Cossack religious procession, let's talk about fat priests
              1. S_mirnov
                25 May 2013 09: 50
                "Come to us for a Cossack religious procession," - and where do Cossacks with crosses go? And still wondering what is the meaning of this move? This is no mockery, just wondering why the Cossacks are going? And what about the Cossack move, which every time you agree with the administration, ask permission?
            2. 0
              25 May 2013 04: 03
              Quote: S_mirnov
              ... Limonov actively defends the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to openly and freely gather for demonstrations (each 31 number ...

              I'm sorry, what? Whose, whose rights does this "defender" protect and, most importantly, from whom does he protect? Citizens of the Russian Federation? Don't be ridiculous, and even to sabbaths, these oppositional ones, he and other idiots like him, go mostly from idleness ...
              Quote: S_mirnov
              ... Openly go out to the rally against the riot police - this must be courageous, this is not an anonymous chatter on the network, this must be understood! ...

              And here, courage? What is the threat from the riot police, by and large, to all these "defenders"? They will walk in a crowd along the street, bawl all the crap they only need and go home, bainki. And to set up your people (if, of course, they can be considered as such ...) against the domestic law enforcement agencies, at least despicable. The riot policemen have something to do with it, they (the riot police) would sit at home, with their relatives, if suddenly, some fools, would not crawl into the square with a fool to "defend", then the people, then the rights of pederast, or more precisely, then simply grandmothers-grants to work off that grabbed from their "friends" overseas, these well-wishers-democratizers ...
              1. S_mirnov
                25 May 2013 09: 45
                "What, what? Whose, whose rights this" defender "protects" - yours, if you of course consider yourself a People.
                "against the domestic law enforcement bodies," - no, Limonov protests against the structures of power prohibiting free assemblies of citizens of the Russian Federation.
                "they would not have climbed into the square with a fool to" defend ", then the people, then the rights of pederast," - i.e. do you need the right to freely gather for demonstrations? What else would you give up, freedom of speech, the right to choose - it is clear that the slaves do not need freedom! And how strange it is that you put the People of the Russian Federation on a par with the pederasts, from where from the people or from ...?
                "Or, to be more precise, it's just grandmothers-grants to work out what they grabbed from their" friends "overseas, these well-wishers-democratizers." - so far, I attribute this to a groundless tryndezh, because apart from rassusolivaniya on this topic I have not seen anything concrete. And I would like to finally be taken for w. for example, the "Memorial" society and a show trial with evidence of subversive activities on all television channels ... Otherwise, they only have enough strength to get rid of foreign influence.
                1. -1
                  25 May 2013 13: 47
                  Quote: S_mirnov
                  ... yours, if you certainly refer yourself to the People ...

                  My rights? Yes, what are you talking about? Who asks you and your "friend" for anything, what kind of fantasies? Do you take on a lot of "defenders"?
                  Quote: S_mirnov
                  ... Limonov protests against power structures prohibiting the free assembly of citizens of the Russian Federation ...

                  And he selflessly "protests" about this at mass meetings. Where is the ban, then, in such cases?
                  Quote: S_mirnov
                  ... And it is somehow strange that you put the People of the Russian Federation on a par with piderasts, where do you come from from the people or from ...?

                  On a par with pederasts, I didn’t put the people, but you yourself perfectly understand who ... yes, and yet, I'm from the people, not from yours, be calm.
                  1. S_mirnov
                    25 May 2013 16: 43
                    "I am from the people, not from yours, be calm." I consider myself to be patriots of Russia and the Russian people - it's a pity that you are not one of ours ...
                    1. -1
                      26 May 2013 04: 39
                      Quote: S_mirnov
                      ... I consider myself a patriot of Russia and the Russian people - it’s a pity that you are not one of ours ...

                      Syk, like Nemtsov, Kasparov, and the Stateman with Novodvorskaya, also consider themselves to be such, the question is what the people think of you, and not you yourself ...
                  2. S_mirnov
                    25 May 2013 16: 53
                    "Aren't you taking on a lot of defenders?" But you don’t want to take on anything, Limonov has to take it upon himself, there is no one else to do business. The Cossacks are all busy - they walk in formation with crosses, for some reason.
                    And if you think that everything is super in our country with freedoms - conduct an experiment. Write on whatman the slogan "Down with corruption and embezzlement!" (I think you will agree with this slogan, although not one of ours;) and stand with him in front of the city administration building or the court (you do not need to coordinate single pickets, so you are not doing anything illegal). Now, if you stand for an hour and nothing happens, then everything is really fine with us with freedoms!
                    And then it comes to the ridiculous
                    1. -1
                      26 May 2013 04: 50
                      Quote: S_mirnov
                      ) ... and stand with him in front of the city administration building or the court (you do not need to coordinate single pickets, so you are not doing anything illegal) ...

                      First go to this administration and get permission for mass events, and if you break the law and arrange a provocation, then get in the face and whine ..
                      1. S_mirnov
                        26 May 2013 09: 40
                        And if the law violates the constitution, according to which I should not ask any permission, then how to be reconciled?
        2. S_mirnov
          24 May 2013 23: 05
          "With an alliance, they could have been hit in the face for this." - and now what stops, tolerance or the preaching of fat priests?
          1. Seraph
            25 May 2013 00: 07
            come out, Satan! fat priests tried on again
            1. S_mirnov
              25 May 2013 11: 11
              They just chase me, like I won't turn on the TV - so I come across the fat face of another "teacher" of tolerance and obedience. If only they did some casting there, chtoli! And when you look at Chaplin's face, you remember the devil!
      2. +10
        24 May 2013 18: 58
        Quote: Asgard
        creature similar to him (Anglo-Saxon
        Those are already the lights of tolerance, democracy, etc. homosexuals have already played out. Their soldiers are being killed in their capital
        And in Sweden they rage
        Do we need this?
      3. +1
        24 May 2013 20: 48
        Many many years ago, a Russian warrior said, I’m coming to you ... And he spoke his name .. Then it was the name of the winner or the vanquished, but it was the name of the WARRIOR ... And what I read ... the scribble is nothing more
      4. northwest
        24 May 2013 23: 20
        You ideally express a perverse form of nationalism by classifying yourself as a superman and all others as animals. Well, you do not hesitate to use the fruits of creation created by these "others" and even your nickname is taken from the mythology of the Anglo-Saxon ancestors.
      5. +2
        24 May 2013 23: 31
        Quote: Asgard
        This is known to those who are dedicated and are fighting with People (but they will not be able to win))

        ++++++++ 100500 !!!!!!!!!!! It is impossible to defeat genetics. Only completely destroy gene carriers. And this will NEVER !!!!!!!!!
    3. +4
      24 May 2013 17: 30
      I am a RUSSIAN NATIONALIST, and I am ashamed that I can’t call myself Russian at home and at work, because I will immediately receive a badge- FASHIK
      hidden selection has always been and will be, enough experiments, it is enough that the titular nation has gone into faith and the church, remember Kalmyk Ulyanov, Gruzina Dzhugashvili, only the Russians who united the empire around themselves, creating a civilization can take responsibility, NO ONE OTHER IS ENOUGH !!!!

      1. Atlon
        24 May 2013 18: 24
        Quote: harrimur
        I am a RUSSIAN NATIONALIST, and I am ashamed for the fact that I can’t call myself Russian at home and at work,

        You are not Russian, you ..........

        Quote: harrimur
        Georgian Dzhugashvili

        "I am not Georgian - I am Russian of Georgian origin!" (I. V. Stalin)

        Quote: harrimur

        I AM RUSSIAN. But my great-grandfather is a Pole, and my great-grandmother is German. My grandfather is Mordvin, and my grandmother is Russian. My other great-grandfather is Ukrainian, and my great-grandmother is Russian, my other grandfather is Russian, and my grandmother is Ukrainian. I am Russian, because Russian is not a nationality, but a diagnosis!

        And you, just Natsik!
        1. +8
          24 May 2013 19: 33
          You are not Russian, you ..........

          Well, well, and who is he Paul? He wrote everything correctly, for example, I also walk along my street in the city and somehow I don’t feel that he is Russian when the Asians are full around. The rights of the Russian people have always been harassed, and by the way there was a good article on this subject, all peoples have their own institutions, representations, but the Russian does not! And this is all because being afraid of our unification, it’s better if we are all divided into small groups that do not care about each other.
          And having written this, you cannot be Russian! And over what is written here that Putin called himself a nationalist, he laughed heartily, as this rat disperses all organizations of this type, and when he was on a visit to Israel in the middle of the XNUMXs, he stated, “that the fight against antesemitism is the foundation of our domestic policy "
          No comments actually.
          1. S_mirnov
            24 May 2013 23: 03
            Oh, it’s no coincidence that when the USSR was destroyed, the nationality was removed from the passport! Indeed, in the USSR there was a dofiga of nationalities, no one was afraid to write them in a passport, and there was no ethnic hatred, now the people are the same (most of the USSR did not have time to pass the line yet) and what a mess in the post-Soviet space, it’s bad to live when traitors are in power !
            1. +6
              24 May 2013 23: 19
              Quote: S_mirnov
              Oh, it’s no coincidence that when the USSR was destroyed, the nationality was removed from the passport!

              But they added to the column: personal code
              Caring ....
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. +1
          24 May 2013 18: 50
          Quote: bezumnyiPIT

          In vain deleted, very correct post
          1. Sergh
            24 May 2013 19: 42
            Zdarova men !!!
            The last week at work I was at Chkalda, the handsome men were four at the exit ...
          2. Agent.
            24 May 2013 20: 33
            so return this correct post, what kind of censorship? What kind of discussion can be conducted under such conditions?
            1. Sergh
              24 May 2013 22: 48
              Yes, good...

      3. +9
        24 May 2013 20: 37
        Mind does not understand Russia,
        No yardstick to measure:
        She has a special feature -
        You can only believe in Russia.

        FI Tyutchev
      4. +2
        24 May 2013 20: 59
        Hmm .. this is where you found such a job, where you cannot say: "I am Russian" ... chtol in the CIA?))) Since when did Russian become a nationality? Russian - living in Russia, honoring its law and order. Or for you Udmurts, Tatars, Yakuts and so on. not Russians? Well, yes, probably the mugs did not come out ... racial selection did not pass
    4. +9
      24 May 2013 20: 20
      I would like to argue with you. Yes, the Russians did not terrorize the local population during the development of new territories, but at the same time the assimilation of the natives to Russian traditions and language took place. And language is an important factor. I see nothing terrible in Russian nationalism. , but not in a fascist form. Now, just in relation to nationalism in Russia, there is a semblance of the Leninist period, that is, any mention in print, on TV, or on a banner during a march or demonstration about Russian greatness, about the role of the Russian people, is equated to extremism, and accordingly the case is initiated article "Extremism" and people get decent sentences. At the same time, people of Caucasian appearance drive around Moscow, shooting into the air, dancing lezginka at Manezhka, proud and shouting to everyone who they are by nationality, get off with a fine. Although Stalin, speaking at the Solemn Meeting dedicated to the Victory, pointed out the enormous role of the Russian people in the Victory, calling him a liberator, and the fact that it was the Russian people who endured the most severe hardships of the war on their shoulders. As a Russian, it hurts me that someone is trying to belittle the role of the Russian nation, and putting it on a par with the Nazis. Although I understand perfectly well that the exaltation of one nation over another leads to fascism, and all the same for the fact that the state documents indicate that Russians are the titular nation in Russia.
      1. Agent.
        24 May 2013 20: 39
        Duck during the war, the main Slavs perished, the national minorities tried to take to a minimum, problems with them, language, confidence in them, etc. In Ukraine, there were enough Bandera, in Belarus, too, all kinds of supporters of independence. So no matter how you say it, the Russians died significantly more than compared with the percentage of nations in the USSR. Significantly.
  2. -21
    24 May 2013 15: 06
    I didn’t even read. Fascism, it is fascism in Africa. You need to plant them all (you can also count).
    1. +1
      24 May 2013 15: 21
      Quote: Canep
      You need to plant them all (you can also count).

      Perhaps the count is the only place where they need to be planted in others exclusively lay down in a stack wassat
    2. +16
      24 May 2013 16: 47
      Quote: Canep
      I didn’t even read

      If you haven't read it, the value of your opinion in the discussion of the article is 0. And in general, you should ban for naked slogans. "I have not personally read ... but I condemn!" fool
      1. -9
        24 May 2013 17: 05
        And the number of cons for the article says something. And then an opinion about the article can be made by looking at it diagonally.
        1. +11
          24 May 2013 17: 17
          I also saw the rating, but I read it, showing respect for the author and for the person who published it here.
        2. +6
          24 May 2013 18: 23
          Quote: Canep
          And the number of cons for the article says something.

          He speaks. The fact that people read it and made up an opinion. You can use it. Or you can express yours if you read the article, of course, not diagonally.
      2. +1
        24 May 2013 23: 40
        Quote: matRoss
        . And in general, to ban

    3. bezumnyiPIT
      24 May 2013 18: 29
      Fascism and nationalism are two different things.
      1. +10
        24 May 2013 18: 53
        Quote: bezumnyiPIT
        Fascism and nationalism are two different things.


        At its core, nationalism preaches fidelity and loyalty to its nation, political independence and work for the benefit of its own people, cultural and spiritual growth, the unification of national identity for the practical protection of the living conditions of the nation, its territory of residence, economic resources and spiritual values. It relies on a national feeling that is akin to patriotism.

        The Russian media, on the other hand, often call “nationalism” ethnonationalism, especially its extreme forms (chauvinism, xenophobia, etc.),

        1. Melchakov
          24 May 2013 19: 17
          Quote: Vadivak
          At its core, nationalism preaches in

          That is the point. People who call themselves nationalists often do not understand what it is. What you wrote refers to civic nationalism, which in Russian will be active patriotism. As for ethno-nationalism. With the union, everyone lived normally with each other, no one fought. And here again, the fraternal peoples turned into chocks, bulbache, ov ...
          1. +1
            24 May 2013 21: 10
            In the USSR there was such an anecdote in the subject: The Indians did not know about the existence of the Jews, so if they didn’t succeed, they attributed it to evil spirits. Self-doubt leads to the fact that you need to project your anger on others. The easiest way is on a person of a different nationality ... the basics of psychology.
            1. +2
              24 May 2013 23: 56
              Quote: il grand casino

              Let me disagree with you. Let’s see when and why the so-called nationalism arose. Actually, in the USSR there was no talk of anything like that. But there was no talk of citizens of the Union republics desecrating the grave of the Unknown Soldier, shooting in the center of the capital (and not the capital either), they cut sheep in the yards on holidays. Yes, a lot of things could not be in principle. And what is happening now is a natural defensive reaction of the people from humiliation and permissiveness. Agree, it’s one thing to live peacefully in a neighborly way, helping each other out and trusting each other, and quite another when the neighbors broke into your house and do what you like. Surely you personally will throw such daredevils out of your house? I wouldn’t suffer. That's all nationalism. Do not meddle with us such kookies and there will be no nationalism. We came to visit, observe the orders of the owners, even if you do not like them. Or do not come and live at home. There are no problems.
              1. +2
                25 May 2013 11: 05
                The government should be blamed first. An example, when I was studying in Germany, there was one case in my city, the young men from ALbania arrived ... they started to bring out a schukher ... five were imprisoned right away, families were deported from the country ... It is clear that the example is not easy to transfer to the realities of Russia but! In this case, the government took care that the people did not have to develop hatred of the people of others. They didn’t want to live humanly, they threw it away ... and this is not what the people should do. And if the government does not do this (and does not fulfill its constitutional obligation), then it is still debatable who is to blame. Virtually any person who has felt impunity will become a pig.
                P.S. If you don’t like the neighbor, you have to throw him out! I agree. What does it have to do with all the other people who have the same nationality as their neighbor?
                P.S.S. Thanks for the nice answer. Usually in such discussions they answer obscenities)))
            2. sleepy
              25 May 2013 01: 41
              Quote: il grand casino
              "... The Indians did not know about the existence of the Jews, so if they
              something didn't work, they blamed it on evil spirits ... "

              But the Indians knew perfectly asura jewscalling last
              evil demons rakshasami.
              It is support asurov-rakshasov allowed Krsna to destroy the Kauravas, and then the Moon Dynasty.
              But archaeologists are still wondering if there was a high-tech civilization in the past and why they fought with batons for a long time after it.
              "Was there a nuclear war before our era? Indian trace."
  3. Rustiger
    24 May 2013 15: 27
    And on one of the pictures Jackie Chan himself is in a turban. laughing
    1. +6
      24 May 2013 15: 36
      In my opinion this is Prokhanov, but what side is he to the Nazi? he is a statesman with imperial thinking, what's wrong with that?
      1. jump master
        24 May 2013 18: 24
        So it seemed to me that this was like Prokhanov, but I also can’t understand, and he does it!
      2. Yarosvet
        24 May 2013 18: 27
        Quote: Imperial
        In my opinion this is Prokhanov, but what side is he to the Nazi? he is a statesman with imperial thinking, what's wrong with that?

        He came up with this thinking - it was thanks to him that the nonsense spread that the USSR was an empire.
        But the bad thing is that the tool (empire) in this case replaced the goal (efficiency).
        1. +3
          24 May 2013 20: 25
          An empire is not a tool, but a form, the only form of state dependence today. Prokhanov did not come up with a brand of empire, he just highlighted the accents, someone called us an empire of "evil", many of us were led to it, as they say, the result is obvious. Prokhanov says that we are an empire of light, you can dispute this, you can agree, but it is better to be an empire than a satellite, like the jackal Tabaki.
          1. -3
            24 May 2013 20: 47
            Quote: Imperial
            but it’s better to be an empire than a satellite

            Maybe. Only here in the empire people are always without rights! Only close emperor’s live and enjoy life!
            1. crest 57
              24 May 2013 20: 58
              It depends on what kind of empire. Empire Empire - discord.
            2. +2
              24 May 2013 21: 38
              Quote: Egoza
              Only here in the empire people are always without rights!
              You are talking about the USSR, but do you need these rights?
              Freedom of speech about Brezhnev did not hear jokes or could not send the chief?
              One-party system - if the whole multiparty durdum at once gets bent, the world will not lose anything
              The organization of rallies, they would still not be fooled
              Trips abroad, and now it’s not necessary, I didn’t see everything at home
              etc. etc.
              No songs from the time of the disaster!
          2. Yarosvet
            24 May 2013 21: 52
            Quote: Imperial
            Empire is not a tool, but a form,

            Then it is the form of relations between states within the boundaries of a certain territory. But even in the latter case, it is a tool for achieving any goal - be it the security and enrichment of the metropolis, or the delivery of "democracy" and "light of enlightenment" to the "barbarians".

            The only form of state independence today

            Independence is determined not by the form of state formation, but by its military and economic self-sufficiency, as well as by the vector of the authorities’s orientation toward maintaining the self-sufficiency indicated above.

            Prokhanov did not come up with the brand of the empire, he just put the accents, someone called us the empire of "evil", many of us were led to this, as they say, the result is obvious.

            Prokhanov came up with the brand "imperial thinking" and replicated the tale that the USSR was an empire, while omitting the US cliché about "evil".

            Prokhanov, on the other hand, says that we are an empire — the world, you can dispute this, you can agree, but it’s better to be an empire than a satellite, like the Jackal of Tabaki.

            And Prokhanov likes to talk about metaphysics - starting with the metaphysics of Russian victory and ending with the metaphysics of the iron. laughing
            To some, these reasonings seem majestic, but there is nothing behind them but emptiness - his interest club, since its inception, has not offered anything but talk and prayer.
            1. +1
              25 May 2013 00: 07
              Yes, Prokhanov strung on the thread the essence of the anchor of literature, but the grain lies behind the husk of the words. So the writers are arranged, their imagination is multidimensional and lazy. And the form incorporates all the tools, goals, etc. Shape is a complete comprehensive product, like a ball or a cube.
              1. Yarosvet
                25 May 2013 00: 30

                He made a ball of these threads, anchors and husks that he couldn’t unravel anymore - at the same time he could write and speak quite clearly, but so far he was keeping quiet about the hypothetically existing grain.

                And the empire ... It certainly sounds strong, but its essence is rotten - of course, if we talk about a real empire, and not about the fantasies of Prokhanov or Zolotnikov. And the empires have one goal - look at the states and the impudence, and the appropriate means.
                Union is another matter.
                1. 0
                  25 May 2013 02: 01
                  What to answer? Here, crest 57 said: empire empire is separate. We are not states and not arrogant Saxons, WE are empire Russia-USSR. Yes personality suppression, but excesses, but what do you say to millions of our fellow citizens who look into our tracks with empty eye sockets, you convince them of the values ​​of freedom and democracy, these victims of perestroika do not need empty phrases, the empire of the USSR kept them the most precious life. Prokhanov agrees verbally as Dr. Bykov, but these are creative personalities and should not be judged strictly. At the expense of the goals of empires ... there is a whole field, and you can get lost in the salt flats of doubt and look for a source of wisdom for a lifetime. And you can simply say: My country is right or wrong, but this is my country. The choice is yours, but individualism leads to selfishness, and this is detrimental to society and the country.
                  1. Yarosvet
                    25 May 2013 03: 13
                    The USSR was never an empire - it was just an alliance. This is clear both from the abbreviation and from the functional. An empire is an empire, either openly or under specious pretexts, but to draw juices from the outskirts to the metropolis. The differences of empires are in methods, and not in goals, in order to empire with all the desire you will not get lost.

                    Suppression of personality? Here it is necessary to look specifically - which particular persons were suppressed, and for what. )))

                    The values ​​of freedom and democracy are the most important values ​​of the human person, I just saw them in the USSR, and not in modern Russia.

                    Prokhanov is not Dr. Bykov, and Dr. Bykov is not a doctor, but yes - Prokhanov is verbiage. )))

                    As for the country, in my opinion it is necessary not to defend the negative with dubious identifications, but to correct what it is not right in.

                    In general, I got the impression that you mixed me up with someone. wink
      3. Seraph
        25 May 2013 00: 18
        I generally thought that he was the author
  4. -1
    24 May 2013 15: 32
    And Jackie Chan in a turban - is he also a Russian nationalist?
    1. 0
      24 May 2013 15: 50
      laughing This is Prokhanov.
      1. Rustiger
        24 May 2013 20: 59
        This is Lyaksanra Ondreich -

        And this is Zhenya Chanov "mowing" under Prokhanov -
  5. +5
    24 May 2013 15: 39
    Eh ... And these people declare that they express the Russian national idea ... It will come to the real consolidation of the national spirit, which we have in the years of difficult trials - these theoreticians will be hammered into the ground up to their knees. The very Russian people, which they so touchingly and so hopelessly theoretically "love and know." Damn, some people should not have been taught to read and write, but they were sent to institutes, bitter bitter ...
  6. +10
    24 May 2013 15: 49
    A very stupid article, the author has all the collar on the eversion. The very essence of nationalism is important. It is one thing to have protective love for your people, so that the Russian people will always be. Another, national pride and hatred, is a vivid example of German National Socialism, but unfortunately this type of nationalism is taking root in our country. The reason for this is the impoverishment of the Russian Orthodox spirit, which made it possible to build an empire without destroying foreigners and gentiles, but also not pampering them as it is now! The loss of high meanings, spirituality and morality, along with aggression, lack of culture, direct financing of the "leaders" of the Nazis and the openly anti-Russian policy of the authorities, lead to nationalism against foreigners of the second type. Despite the external attractiveness for limited people, this type leads to the fragmentation of statehood and is used by the enemies of Russia.
    1. +6
      24 May 2013 17: 27
      Quote: Orik
      Very stupid article,

      You think so? And in my opinion, "test stone". Is it possible in Russia to launch the idea of ​​nationalism, which will smoothly slide towards fascism? It took place in Ukraine, why not try it in Russia? So here you need to look closely at such hackers. IMHO.
      1. nevopros
        24 May 2013 18: 38
        In Ukraine (or rather, you know_ where) there was something to rely on. For 100 years of experience betrayals... The work was long and ... successful. In Russia, however, such a scenario is complicated by the word "Russian" itself. A variation of any Belkovsky (bringing the word "Russian" to ethnos) is not possible, period. Although the attempt to secession of the Caucasus was a success. Some ...
  7. +6
    24 May 2013 15: 56
    Do everyone really think that now there is no need for a serious political movement uniting and expressing the interests of the Russian people, as cement for Russian society? So we will pull up on the forums? Or are you afraid of formulations? So far, we have not slipped into a quiet glanders to the level of France in terms of tolerance. Whereas? Everyone in the cathedrals - commit suicide to end their lives?
    1. +10
      24 May 2013 16: 44
      So we will pull up on the forums?

      personally, I’m not ashamed to call myself a nationalist. and in general. someone who does not recognize the essence of nationalism is a hypocrite. Of course, many associate this concept often with intolerance towards other peoples, but in reality it is pride in their people and the preservation of traditions, interests and the future his nation
      1. AdAAkRuSS
        24 May 2013 17: 44
        I agree with you, the main mistake is when nationalism is confused with Nazism, if the former implies love for one’s nation, while respecting other nations and is akin to patriotism, then the latter is the superiority of some peoples over others. But unfortunately, due to mass disinformation, nationalism it has a negative connotation and many people take it akin to Nazism and fascism. There is a substitution of concepts. A people that does not have a national consciousness is manure on which other peoples grow! (Stolypin.)
        1. Melchakov
          24 May 2013 18: 54
          Quote: AdAAkRuSS
          love for your nation, while respecting other nations

          And how is this different from patriotism ?!
          1. AdAAkRuSS
            24 May 2013 22: 26
            I can answer you only as I understand it, that is, subjectively, and there is no consensus. Patriotism is, first of all, love for one’s Motherland, country, social and state system, which is not alien to nationalism. Nationalism primarily puts the well-being of its people , nations. These concepts are almost identical, well, a patriot cannot but love and respect his people, just like a nationalist cannot but love his Motherland, the difference is only in setting priorities. Without healthy nationalism, the Russian people cannot survive in today's conditions, this is protective reaction of an organism-people. I do not beg for any merits of all our indigenous peoples in the formation of Russian statehood, but if there is no Russian people, there will be no Russia! For me, all historically indigenous peoples of Russia are native, all kinds of scum and scoundrels are enough in any nation, There are friends and good acquaintances of different nationalities, we communicate well and they know my position and who I am. And I am a Russian nationalist and I will not allow foreigners to zaynichat on the land of my ancestors, on my land. I lived for two years in the Caucasus, or rather served and still correspond with the boys. Among my army friends: Tatars, Kalmyks, Kazakhs, Lezgins. They also love and are proud of their people. We different, but we have one homeland!
          2. +1
            25 May 2013 00: 16
            Quote: Melchakov
            how is this different from patriotism ?!

            But it’s very simple. You probably know that representatives of a certain people (God's chosen) live in almost all countries of the world and can be quite patriots of Sweden or Germany, but generally feel that they belong to the same (yeah, God's chosen) people, to one nations. Even if they don’t even speak the language (Hebrew). And it’s hard to call our first-wave emigrants patriots of Soviet Russia. But they didn’t stop being Russian .... That’s somehow ....
      2. +1
        25 May 2013 00: 07
        Quote: Gleb
        in fact, it is pride in their people and the preservation of traditions, and

        It couldn't be better !!!! Always amazed, where do they see some kind of "Russian fascism"? And it did not lie close. No, just like a mantra is offered, day after day, day after day ...
    2. +2
      24 May 2013 20: 24
      matRoss, and you are absolutely right.
      With capitalist thinking, "everyone has their own mink," so it will turn out. My hut is on the edge.
      It turns out tragedy when
      demonstratively committed suicide 78-year-old writer and historian Dominic Wenner ... In Notre Dame.
      And we wonder how all of them Depardieu came to Russia.
  8. +1
    24 May 2013 15: 57
    what a difficult syllable the author has
  9. rereture
    24 May 2013 16: 10
    Quote: patline
    But globally Russian, uniting territories did not assimilate local under Russian

    Forcibly not assimilated.

    And personally, I am against article 282, which is anti-Russian.
    1. bezumnyiPIT
      24 May 2013 18: 35
      Quote: rereture
      Quote: patline

      And personally, I am against article 282, which is anti-Russian.

      It is time to stop society from making indulgences to representatives of nat. minorities that parasitize with it. And everything will be normal
    2. +2
      25 May 2013 00: 19
      Quote: rereture
      And personally, I am against article 282, which is anti-Russian.

      Definitely against!
  10. +5
    24 May 2013 16: 22
    Personally, my opinion is that the Russian national idea was stuck ... Barkashev with his "falcons" RNU in 1993, when he threw the youth foolish by the national idea in Ostankino, pursuing his personal political goals.
  11. Abakanets
    24 May 2013 16: 52
    The owner of Russia should be only Russian, which should be enshrined in the constitution. Regarding internationality, I will say one thing. Before the revolution, the Russians did NOT interfere with blood, such cases were extremely rare, and even among the nobles. The article is correct. A Russian peasant feeds a Caucasian chock, which can kill him or a loved one tomorrow. Russian is primarily blood. There are no Russian Tatars, Jews, Chinese, etc. The only Russian brothers are Slavs Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians and so on.
    1. +10
      24 May 2013 17: 30
      Quote: Abakanets
      The owner of Russia should be only Russian,

      I.V. Stalin was a Georgian. But while the best Russian host, something is not visible.
      1. AdAAkRuSS
        24 May 2013 18: 01
        Quote: Egoza
        Quote: Abakanets
        The owner of Russia should be only Russian,

        I.V. Stalin was a Georgian. But while the best Russian host, something is not visible.

        Paradox, but true.
      2. Abakanets
        24 May 2013 18: 02
        Stalin was a tyrant, which you would not wish for an enemy.
      3. ed1968
        24 May 2013 18: 20
        and what Peter 1 does not suit you?
        1. +4
          24 May 2013 19: 43
          Quote: ed1968
          and what Peter 1 does not suit you?

          Love for everything foreign, wigs, clothes, shaving, foreign sorry-Marta on the throne, drinking, the extermination of Russian soldiers of the Cossacks and archers, who incidentally fought well and other
          1. Abakanets
            24 May 2013 21: 00
            Tsar Peter built an empire that lasted almost 200 years. European technology pulled Russia out of technological backwardness. Stalin soldier and Cossacks cut thousands of times more.
            1. sleepy
              25 May 2013 02: 02
              Quote: Abakanets
              "... Stalin slaughtered soldiers and Cossacks a thousand times more."

              Peter chopped the heads of the opposition, but does I. Stalin turn out to cut a dagger?

              And I. Stalin didn’t like Germans, didn’t feed bread and salt,
              Hitler legitimately chosen by the Germans brought to suicide.
              1. sleepy
                25 May 2013 02: 10
                "Sound reasoning about" mass repression ".

                Speaking about the repressions that took place in the Stalin years, anti-Soviet propaganda states the following:
                • The Nazis destroyed other peoples, and the Communists - their
                • 20 million killed in the war with the Germans, twenty - in the war with their own people;
                • 10 million people were shot;
                • 40, 50, 60 up to 120 (!) Million past camps;
                • Almost all of those arrested were innocent - they were planted on the ground because their mother plucked 5 spikelets in a field to hungry children or carried away a spool of thread from production and received 10 years for this;
                • Almost all those arrested were driven to camps to build canals and logging, where most of the prisoners died;
                • When asked why the people did not rebel when they were exterminated, they usually answer: "The people did not know this."
                At the same time, the fact that the people did not suspect the scale of the repressions is confirmed not only by almost all people who lived at that time, but also by numerous written sources. "

          2. ed1968
            25 May 2013 00: 06
            firstly, Ivan the Terrible must be rewarded for drinking, and it was precisely his merit throughout Russia that the taverns were set up and the treasury was replenished thanks to him well, secondly, what do you shave? go overgrowth like a little turkey? Peter moved people to development from barbarians forged people nothing inferior to the Europeans of those times in the third how many sciences and crafts did he bring from abroad he raised his education in the fourth built a military fleet which in Russia at that time and in the Pamina was not in the fifth expanded the country's territory increased its influence abroad in the sixth created a regular army in many times superior to archers with advanced weapons at that time, and by the way at the expense of belongings, don’t you wear sneakers, T-shirts, jeans and caps? After all, it's not Russian laughing
            1. sleepy
              25 May 2013 02: 07
              Peter introduced slavery in Russia, which previously was not.
              The cunning Germans gave this slavery the name "serfdom",
              but it didn’t change the essence.
              SLAVERY Russian in Russia introduced Peter.

              Legends were made up about the embezzlement of the first embezzler of Menshikov.
              Other embezzlers with this embezzlement also lived well.
              1. +3
                25 May 2013 02: 50
                Quote: sleepy
                Peter introduced slavery in Russia, which previously did not exist.
                The cunning Germans gave this slavery the name "serfdom",
                but it didn’t change the essence.
                Slavery of Russians in Russia was introduced by Peter.
                M-yes, here it is a swamp ...
                Slogans easy to bawl, well, that's all
                Here is your grandmother and St. George’s day, such a saying is familiar? The abolition of St. George's Day is considered the complete introduction of serfdom. Read the document is not fate?
                St. George's Day (autumn), November 26 in the old style, 1) is a church holiday in honor of St. George. 2) The date on which the exercise of the right to transfer peasants from the feudal lord to the feudal lord in Russia was associated (see. Peasant's Exit), because by this time the annual cycle of agricultural work and there was a calculation of the pecuniary and cash obligations of the peasants in favor of their owners and state taxes. On a nationwide scale, peasant output was limited in 1497 Judicial Code for a two-week period - a week before and after the south. 1550 Judicial Code confirmed this position. The right of transfer of peasants was temporarily canceled with the introduction of reserve years (historians date the introduction differently - 1580, 1581 or 1584 — 85), and then it is forbidden by the legislation of the 90's. 16 c. (spread of the ban on lobbies and heavy citizens). The Council Code of 1649 confirmed the prohibition of transitions of the heavy population.

                The reign of Peter the Great also lead?
                ZY about another nonsense given and not worth talking
                1. sleepy
                  25 May 2013 03: 16
                  St. George's Day.
                  Link from Wikipedia.

                  The proverb meant that it was impossible on Yuryev’s day to change the employer in order to
                  "... since they were carried out by measures for the general census of lands,
                  carried out to determine the size of the heavy economic ruin in the 70-80s. 16th century. "

                  See Wiki Summer Reserves.
                  % B0 /

                  Slaves could not change their masters without permission, and workers changed masters after "calculating the peasants' monetary and natural obligations in favor of their owners and state taxes ..." and thus made the census difficult.

                  Peter made the workers slaves, and the Germans tactfully called it "serfdom", mixing the concept of peasant fortress (enslavement) to avoid the word "slavery".
                  For Europe, where there was no slavery, serfs still looked like slaves, with whom it was possible to act at the discretion of the slave-landowner. For example, to make a theater out of serf slaves or to bung to death at the stable - at the discretion.
            2. alexandr00070
              26 May 2013 22: 03
              Quote: ed1968
              Peter moved people to development from barbarians forged people in no way inferior to the European of those times in the third how many sciences and crafts he brought from over the hill

              Peter 1 returned from the “German lands” in 1699.

              - Immediately after arrival, it changes the Russian calendar to Julian. Summer 7208 from S.M.Z.Kh. becomes 1700 year from R.Kh. Thus, the history of the Russian people, numbering many thousands of years, disappeared. There were conditions for the fabrication of history, which was rewritten by the "great Russian historiographers" Bayer, Miller, Shletser. After several generations, few people already remembered what happened before Peter the Great. (The history of Russia was invented by the Germans in the XNUMXth century)

              - The introduction of serfdom, in fact slavery, which has never been in Russia. Even prisoners of war in Russia were never slaves, they were not humiliated, they worked in the economy of the “master” as workers, ate with him from the same table and slept in the same house. “Slavery” consisted in the fact that their work was not paid, and after several years of punishment they were invited to return to their homeland. And with such an attitude of the Russians towards man, at the beginning of the XNUMXth century they are made themselves slaves, in the worst sense of the word, and this is done by none other than the sovereign priest, whose decisions were considered acceptable to God.
              -Russian people for many thousands of years, no one could turn into slavery, the Russian soul does not accept slavery with all its fibers. But the enemies of the Russian people found the only possible option of enslavement - through the absolute monarchy, which served as the beginning of the genocide of the Russian people.
              - Peter's reforms and wars had a negative economic effect. The population from 1700 to 1725 decreased from 18 to 16 million people. The introduction of serfdom with slave labor, threw the economy far back. While almost all the countries of Western Europe were freed from the remnants of slavery, realizing that without it they are doomed, their protege Peter 1 on the contrary introduces slavery in Muscovy.
              . Peter 1 “cut a window” to Europe, or rather cut a window to Muscovy for European countries. Before Peter, the penetration of foreigners into the lands of Muscovy was very limited. The right to cross the border was received mainly by embassy people, some merchants and a very small number of travelers. Under Peter 1, crowds of adventurers and adventurers poured into Muscovy, craving to fill their empty pockets with the riches of Russian land. All of them were provided with tremendous benefits and advantages, in relation to the primordially Russian aristocracy, merchants and business people.
              To replenish the rapidly emptying treasury, Peter 1 introduces many taxes and the state vodka monopoly. Vodka was sold in state taverns, taverns and in pits (horse-changing stations). Peter began to impose drunkenness in Russia, at all levels of society. Vodka monopoly brought fabulous profits to the treasury, which was necessary for its purposes. In Soviet times, the Bolsheviks multiplied the experience of Peter the Great, making vodka a liquid currency.
          3. 0
            25 May 2013 01: 24
            Quote: Vadivak
            Love for all foreign
            He did not encroach on the Orthodoxy, the basis of the empire. The bells melted into the guns are only a necessity
            1. sleepy
              25 May 2013 01: 54
              The Orthodox considered Peter the Antichrist after his trips abroad.

              "Peter the First and the Set of the West."
            2. alexandr00070
              26 May 2013 22: 08
              Quote: Denis
              He did not encroach on the Orthodoxy, the basis of the empire. The bells melted into the guns are only a necessity

              Peter's church reforms were directed against Orthodox Christianity and against the wise guardians of the Slavic Vedism who went underground. Peter 1 ordered the old books to be removed from all monasteries for “making copies,” after which no one saw the books brought to the capital, nor did the copies taken from these books. For non-execution of the order was the death penalty. Along with the disappeared church books, Peter changed the Initial Letter, introduced the “civil script” and approved the European (Arabic) numbers instead of letter designations.
              defeated the clergy (carriers of Russian culture) and destroyed Orthodoxy, bringing it closer to Catholicism, which inevitably gave rise to atheism
        2. sleepy
          25 May 2013 02: 18
          "Under Peter I, Russia first got its own navy, even if staffed by foreign officers (there was nothing shameful in this -
          for example, almost half of the Danish navy officers in the XNUMXth century were Dutch) ...

          ... Judge for yourself - the Azov fleet has decayed, never once having entered into battle with the enemy.
          A breakthrough into the Mediterranean - or at least into the Black - Sea remained an empty dream.
          And the Baltic Fleet squadrons inflicted such disproportionately small damage on the enemy
          in comparison with the efforts required to acquire them, that domestic historiography to this day is shy of these statistics.
          Over the entire period of hostilities, the Petrine sailors managed to wrest everything from the ranks of the enemy
          one (!) battleship, and even then at the very end of the war. Whereas, for example, the Danish fleet allied with the Russian one captured only four such ships from the Swedes in 1715 alone ...

          ... However, his real story was sad: an expensive royal toy,
          for the sake of which taxes were taxed from the mordant taxable population,
          not a significant role in wars and safely rotted..."

          Sweet dreams of salt water - how the king’s fleet rotted ...
      4. Yarbay
        24 May 2013 22: 09
        Quote: Egoza

        I.V. Stalin was a Georgian. But while the best Russian host, something is not visible.

        I would mention Brezhnev!
        He had excesses, but already after he started to hurt!
    2. +5
      24 May 2013 17: 49
      The owner of Russia should be only Russian
      If you talk like that, it turns out that the Tuvan Shoigu needs to be kicked out of the government.
      1. +1
        24 May 2013 19: 45
        Quote: Canep
        If you talk like that, it turns out that the Tuvan Shoigu needs to be kicked out of the government.

        Shoigu needs, but Tuvan origin hinders
      2. diesel
        25 May 2013 01: 03
        The main thing is what kind of idea man is guided by. Shoigu is equal to Ungern, in whose family 72 officers laid their heads for RUSSIA.
    3. +2
      24 May 2013 18: 36
      You are fundamentally wrong, if you were even a little interested in history, you would know that during the resettlement, Russian men did not hesitate to marry a TS. "foreigner", but they knew how to instill in them their concept of life and there were repeated facts that their wives followed them to the end. I do not want to say that the concept of "Russian" dominates on this fact, but who lived in the national districts , can confirm that the Russian man was valued higher than the local. In a moment, the national men will come running in, minus, but I am in my convictions, because I have a lot of practical knowledge.
      1. -1
        25 May 2013 00: 23
        Quote: Captain45
        zaminusut, n

        Why? Fat plus!
    4. bezumnyiPIT
      24 May 2013 18: 37
      so do you live in Khakassia? since you don’t like Khakasses?
      1. 0
        24 May 2013 18: 50
        Is it YOU about Khakassia? So I do not live in Khakassia.
      2. Abakanets
        24 May 2013 19: 19
        And in what way did I show chauvinism and show hatred for the natives of Siberia?
    5. 0
      24 May 2013 20: 35
      Quote: Abakanets
      The owner of Russia should be only Russian,

      Russia does not have and will not be the OWNER, Russia can only have a ruler: the tsar, the president, anyone, but not the OWNER!
    6. diesel
      24 May 2013 22: 02
      Russian today is a principle of kinship not by blood, but by place of residence. You and I are bred as guys who live in Russia, all in the spirit of Russians who don’t believe, ask those Germans who survived in Stalingrad. This approach will allow us to consolidate our society, at least the part of it that is ready to fight for Russia. Very soon it will become obvious to all of us. We must bear in mind that the one who is ready to die wins. Democracy will remain a fit, somn monster is already with us.
      1. 0
        25 May 2013 00: 29
        Quote: dizelniy
        Russian today is a principle of kinship not by blood, but by place of residence.

        Where do the national diasporas come from? Dagestanis, Georgians, Armenians and others, living here, persistently retain some closeness within their national community. For example, in Moscow even a map already exists, where the places of compact residence of various diasporas are marked. Why they do not want to become Russian, since only the territory of residence unites us?
        1. sleepy
          25 May 2013 02: 27
          Quote: Tverichanka
          "Where, then, do the national diasporas come from? .."

          Were there national diasporas in the USSR?

          "... they remember very well that if under Stalin, not just one person,
          a whole nation came into conflict with state policy - severe punishment awaited him.
          And the same Chechens with Tatars at the genetic level have a memory of that lesson,
          when the state clearly showed that the interests of one person cannot be
          or even put one nation above aggregate interests.
          And therefore under the law, uniform for all peoples of the USSR, there were no problems with Russian or any other nationalism in the country.
          All nationalities were equal before the law. Now..."

  12. +2
    24 May 2013 16: 53
    That's for sure! Bullshit, pure bullshit with the original ending on the source: - Give anyone as much as we can, we are not local people here.
  13. vlasov70
    24 May 2013 17: 19
    From the point of view of liberals, nationalism today is any manifestation of patriotism. Here is an example:
    "The scandal around the column of journalist Ulyana Skoybeda does not subside until now. The journalist" KP "was outraged by the statement of the director for humanitarian development of JSC" Rusnano "Leonid Gozman that the difference between SMERSH and SS is only that the SS has a more beautiful form.

    Defending the victorious army, which we all owe our lives to, Ulyana wrote in the heat of the day that Gozman would not have answered if the Nazis had not done lampshades from the ancestors of today's liberals. With this subtitle, Ulyana’s column hung for several hours on the KP website (this column was not published in the newspaper), until the editors saw the sharp phrase and removed it. The online community has gotten excited. Scoibeda apologized for not restraining herself. The editor-in-chief of KP also apologized for overlooking. But the persecution continued.

    The Sunday Night program on the side of Gozman was addressed by journalist Nikolai Svanidze, billionaire’s sister Irina Prokhorova and head of the Russian Jewish Congress Yuri Kantor. In defense of Skoibeda, the floor was given to the writer Prokhanov, the chief editor of the Communist Party Vladimir Sungorkin, and the main research associate of the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of History Yuri Zhukov, who, with concrete figures in his hands, accused Gozman of completely misinterpreting the facts. As a result, the presenter V. Solovyov said that "we Jews have created a system in which the state responds to any manifestation of anti-Semitism, but it is time to make it respond to Russophobia as well."

    It is significant that the deputy mayor of Moscow, Leonid Pechatnikov, also became involved in bullying, a “person of liberal nationality,” who at a May 20 news conference refused to answer the question of the journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda, why Muscovites give their children more willingly to some Moscow schools than to others explaining: “You see, you have nothing to do with it, but since the Germans managed to make a lampshade out of my grandmother’s skin, I’m very sorry that I found this lampshade in the editorial office of your newspaper, so let me not answer your questions today, excuse me".
    The coordination of this campaign of "publicly offended" lacks only the slogan - "Hurray, ANTI-SEMITIS CAPTURED!"

    It is significant that neither Gozman, nor his leadership, nor the editors of Ekho Moskvy, where the director for humanitarian development of the Russian-owned Rusnano OJSC posted his opus, did not apologize for his false statement. So for them the reason to be “offended” turned out to be very timely. Probably, this is exactly what the German occupiers "offended" at the partisans ...

    Meanwhile, more recently, the TV presenter comedian Ivan Urgant got into the same kind of story. No one provoked him, no Gozman, just fell off his tongue. And not on the Internet, but on the air and throughout the country. He apologized, as did Scoibed.

    It is interesting with what intonation the same characters performed then. Let's compare their statements - "DELETE AS A RAT"

    It is characteristic that after this persecution, Ulyana Skoibeda was forced to turn to the police with a request for protection from threats from the “liberals” against her and against her relatives. So on one of the news sites of the Runet they began to lay out her home address up to a description of how the house stands and write messages, such as “You should not listen to me, Ulyana. Now we are under attack. Your daughter is not the case Aleksandrazutut? You don’t know what the Internet is capable of. ” You need to take these threats seriously - they do not value the lives of goyim
    Jewish terrorists in Palestine hanged English soldiers on piano strings
    Threats intensified especially after the public statement of musician Andrei Makarevich, who announced his intentions towards the journalist "to strangle her like a rat."
    1. +14
      24 May 2013 17: 33
      Quote: vlasov70
      The Sunday Night program on the side of Gozman was addressed by journalist Nikolai Svanidze, billionaire’s sister Irina Prokhorova and head of the Russian Jewish Congress Yuri Kantor.

      When you read about such speeches ... I want to give the answer of one forum member.

      “And I want to ask - and the new-fangled“ scientists ”, and“ politicians ”who suddenly repainted after 1991, and their followers of all ages - who you are and what you can tell people who have lived on their land and defended it - at the cost of your life, at the cost of millions of your lives?
      Who are you, burning red flags? Who are you, wailing their feat? What have you done? How many of you survived even a fraction of what they experienced? Who has done even a fraction of what they did?
      None. So be silent.
      Andrey Samostin, Zhytomyr ”
      You can’t say better!
      1. vlasov70
        24 May 2013 17: 55
        We must take action. I suggest:
        1. Publish a network map with the place of residence of Gozman and the company;
        2. Arrange the public civil execution of this gentleman, where a stuffed animal can act as a substitute for the body.
        3. Organize a support group on social networks in Ulyana and appeal to her with a request to publish all threats in the relevant groups of social networks.
        4. Find a person who could determine the IP address of the bastards, from the garbage pit of which threats pour.
        5. If there is such, calculate the names and make them available to society.
        kov must be punished!
        1. Seraph
          25 May 2013 00: 23
          and who will carry out this work? Do you have a residence card?
      2. +3
        24 May 2013 18: 57
        Fidget is right that the words expressed earlier were found.
        And which I can repeat again:
        "Who are you, and what can you tell people who from time immemorial lived on their land and defended it - at the cost of their lives, at the cost of millions of their lives?
        Who are you burning red flags? Who are you who hay their feat? What have you done? How many of you have experienced even a fraction of what they have experienced? Who has done even a fraction of what they have done? "

        Under every word ready to subscribe.
      24 May 2013 18: 24
      And who was not going to strangle Makar "like a Jew"?
      1. vlasov70
        24 May 2013 19: 51
        Makar’s songs are good, sincere, but their convictions are filthy. It's a pity to push, a talented tsuka!
        1. +2
          24 May 2013 20: 10
          Quote: vlasov70
          Makar’s songs are good, sincere,
          There were ...
          Now he writes letters to the president that corruption must be eradicated
    3. +2
      25 May 2013 00: 40
      Quote: vlasov70
      Threats particularly intensified

      The most surprising thing in this story is that in the text of Scobeida it was written "From the skin of liberals." And representatives of only one nationality were offended. Citizens of other nationalities, even those who adhere to liberal views, did not react in any way. Although the Nazis did not ask about their nationality, but paying attention to the presence of an intricate tattoo (which a certain people did not have) ... But go ahead, why then attributed this quote to your own account ...
  14. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      24 May 2013 17: 23
      C'mon, for what? You are right, for example, I will support you with my plus smile
  15. +9
    24 May 2013 17: 46
    The author of the article himself does not understand what he wants to say, for whom is he? for Russian nationalism or against Russian nationalism?
    There is sovereign, let it be imperial (although this is not an exact name) nationalism, clearly expressed in the Anthem of the USSR: - The Union of the indestructible republics of free was united forever by Great Russia ... Russia rallied, not Chechnya, not Tashkent and not Birobidzhan. This is our red Russian nationalism, to rally and exalt all peoples.
    But there is an enemy brown nationalism, this is an escalation of enmity, hatred, the collapse and weakening of the state, a creepy thing before the Nazis and their Fuhrer.
    I won’t talk about everyday nationalism, it’s mean when a crowd of skinhead degenerates beats an Uzbek girl or our native Russian Yakut. These creatures must be destroyed, they are not people.
  16. AdAAkRuSS
    24 May 2013 17: 55
    RUSSIANS DO NOT GIVE UP - the machine of liberal propaganda, the machine of lies, day after day with enviable persistence forces us to be more tolerant and welcoming to those who we do not like, But I do not want to be friendly with those who killed Russian guys and raped Russian girls yesterday. I I don’t want to be friendly with drug addicts, fagots, I don’t want to be tolerant, I don’t want to be indifferent, I don’t want to be silent because if I say nothing today tomorrow no one will listen to me. This world is falling into the abyss, but I'm not going to fall together with him. I want my son to marry a Russian girl, my daughter to marry a Russian guy, my grandchildren grow up among Russian people, Russian healthy, proud people, and not a single bastard could disrupt their peaceful life. And I think any a normal person wants the same, but for some reason some call it fascism. So you do not have time to look back and just for the fact that a Russian man calls himself RUSSIAN, calls himself a man, and a Russian girl who I want to get married and give birth to many healthy Russian children, I will also classify them as fascists and a humane tolerant society will support this, pick it up and try to prevent such terrible manifestations of RUSSIAN FASCISM and XENOPHOBIA by all possible means. And what kind of society is this: pedirasts, lesbians, drug addicts, gender
    the ethics who, apart from loud statements, haven’t done anything in this life, the natives live on our troubles. !!! It wasn’t easy for them, but they did what they had to do, SO TODAY DO WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE LITTLE AND CROWN AND BECAUSE GENERAL IN SHOWING CONCERNS OF OUR ANCESTORS ???? My answer is NO, we have no right to be cowardly, Cowardly, if only because WE ARE MEN, because our women, our mothers, wives, sisters look at us AND ONLY THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY DEPENDS ON US, THE FUTURE OF OUR FAMILY AND CLOSE!
    1. sams
      24 May 2013 21: 58
      Latest news
      Starting next year, the Ministry of Regional Development intends to build tolerance centers throughout the country. The price of the idea is 1,5 billion rubles. Typical buildings are expected to appear in St. Petersburg, Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, as well as in Birobidzhan.
      It should be noted that talks about the construction of centers began after Vladimir Putin, as a candidate for the presidency of the country in a keynote speech, announced the need to create an agency responsible for "issues of national development, interethnic well-being, and interaction of ethnic groups."
      1. sleepy
        25 May 2013 02: 41
        Quote: sams
        "Starting next year, the Ministry of Regional Development intends to build
        centers of tolerance throughout the country. The price of the idea is 1,5 billion rubles ... "

        Great news!
        "... Such centers will help to conduct a dialogue, discuss difficult problems, talk about
        how do Russians live in Dagestan, or Jews in the Far East, or Ukrainians in Tatarstan ...

        ... The head of the State Duma Committee on Nationalities, Gadzhet Safaraliev, also supports the idea, but believes that the name of the project was not chosen very well.
        - I do not like the word tolerance. Maybe we should still think
        and call, for example, houses of friendship, houses of nationalities?
        We live in Russia. Are we, in translation into Russian, at home for tolerance ...

        ... Here the whole question is in the content. Because money for this is not a pity ...
        ... It is better to invest them in centers of tolerance ...
        ... How effective the project will be is a question.
        But this can only be determined when the project is launched, ”Svanidze noted.

        Read on:
  17. +3
    24 May 2013 18: 43
    The author forced out an article on how a ruff gave birth (against the grain), but this is not about that. Such demagogues, brandishing the bogey of nationalism, are trying to belittle the role of Russia in the lives of other peoples. But it comes to the point that a stranger comes to my house, lays out the rug and prays to his gods, and shows me a dagger. Or another, says that I am doing the wrong children (it is necessary through ...). Both the one and the other are offended if I tell them who is the boss here (I violate their rights and run to complain to "uncle"). Nationalism, like all isms, are invented by theorists. Any nation should have self-awareness and understanding of its place in history, otherwise there will be no nation, not to mention a role in history.
  18. +2
    24 May 2013 18: 49
    Professor Osipov A.I. the question was asked: how does he feel about a certain Islamization in Moscow.
    The meaning of his answer was that if we ourselves, Orthodox Christians, live "by the truth," then no "activation" of Islam, or geyropeisation, is afraid of us.
    The only salvation in our own choice.
    1. Abakanets
      24 May 2013 19: 21
      You are ready to live in shit, but avoid geyropes.
      1. +2
        24 May 2013 19: 49
        Quote: Abakanets
        Are you ready to live in shit, but avoid the "gayrope"
        Are you for their values?
        Then trouble!
        1. Abakanets
          24 May 2013 21: 02
          Many values ​​are worth adopting.
          1. +2
            24 May 2013 21: 43
            Quote: Abakanets
            Many values ​​are worth adopting.
            Maybe technology?
            And let the values ​​themselves slurp. Did the tolerance that we now in London and Sweden want this?
            About same-sex marriage, etc., it’s better to remain silent
            Contemporary art, as it were!
            And what else is there?
      2. +1
        25 May 2013 00: 50
        Quote: Abakanets
        We’re ready to live in shit

        You can’t even imagine HOW you’re ready. Would have tidied up in YOUR country, washed everything, raked it out And we would have lived so wonderfully. We don’t need any "isms", showdowns, who is cooler. The world would, silence ... hear birds ... doors do not close the locks ... Let us, finally, deal with YOUR country YOURSELF!
        1. alexandr00070
          26 May 2013 22: 20
          Quote: Tverichanka
          Would have cleaned up in OWN country, washed everything, raked it out And we would have lived so wonderfully. We don't need any "isms", showdowns, who is cooler. The world would have silence ... the birds hear ... the doors cannot be locked ... we, finally, to deal with OWN country by ourselves!

          It’s not real, you yourself beautifully described a God-chosen people who wherever they live, sacredly honor the laws of their ancestors, and one or two secret (and many more), with Russian names, leaders (from God-chosen) in the upper echelons, and Russian First of all, they will never let us deal with their country.
  19. +6
    24 May 2013 18: 53
    All with a holiday: May 24 - Day of Slavic writing and culture, in Orthodoxy - Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. This year marks 1150 years since the creation of Cyrillic letters.
    Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Rusyns ... - "one father's son".
    Mother is Russian, father is Ukrainian. Therefore, I did not become a nationalist. My choice is Pan-Slavism.
    And any ADEQUATE SLAVIC (IMHO) nationalist is a pan-Slavist.
  20. diesel
    24 May 2013 18: 57
    Ladies and gentlemen. I ask you to pay close attention to the thunderstorm over YOUR head. Let's analyze the course of recent historical events. The sale and purchase of an oil company (!) Is actually a yoke for our economy, we have returned jurisdiction over the previously sold assets at the expense of loans from those who bought these assets at no price. The country gave 20% of its oil reserves (explored and unexplored) to the Rothschilds. The Central Bank refuses to issue banknotes for their physical value, this means an actual slowdown in the development of the country's economy. As a specialist in the field of housing construction, I authoritatively declare that there are no barriers to providing housing for a new family. Just from today you can build in the Moscow region. 8000 apartments each, provided that officials will not direct financial flows for themselves. The price of a square meter cannot be more expensive than 29 rubles PER square meter. In each event, you need to see the second semantic series. In the Moscow region. everything above 000 floors was banned in construction, building permission instead of local administrations only through the region, which indicates the desire to consolidate cash flows, like they don't have enough "RUSSIAN SEA". I, as a military analyst, believe that if the peoples of RUSSIA do not change the global trend, then there will be no Russia in 12 years.
  21. nevopros
    24 May 2013 18: 57
    Necessary carefully listen to what they are trying to sniff at us, paying attention to the biography of the "patient":

  22. vladsolo56
    24 May 2013 19: 17
    Modern nationalism is based on the discontent of citizens, its priorities are the removal of so-called strangers from the country. Such an ideology will not have much support in modern society, as it will necessarily lead to confrontation and clash on a national basis. But with certain propaganda steps, it does not attract the most intellectually developed part of society. If nationalists pursued a policy of raising the nation, combating drunkenness and drug addiction, conducting cultural ethnographic events, if they conducted educational work on the history of Russia. Then there would be much more supporters, then the benefits would be tangible. BUT such work requires smart, educated, cultural leaders, and not those who are stupidly eager for power on the wave of nationalism, on the wave of dissatisfaction with the internal politics of power. Those who do not see beyond their nose, but they want to manage such a huge state as Russia.
    1. vladsolo56
      25 May 2013 11: 03
      I already wrote something, but do not hesitate to repeat it. Polemic article, various comments. However, in this article and in many others, those who have nothing to say, who do not have their own opinions, put a minus. I do not agree with the comment; make reasoned objections. There are no considerations, well, all the more reasoned then simply put a minus. The minus which does not mean anything at all except that the person simply has nothing to say
  23. +1
    24 May 2013 19: 18
    I dialed in Yandex "Emblem of the Russian Union".
    Resource offered more than 30 types of images that are used by various Russian national groups, parties and movements.
    We conclude:
    "For the successful promotion of the great Russian idea, it is necessary to unite everyone on a single concern - the concern for the preservation of the nation."
  24. +2
    24 May 2013 19: 35
    Guys ..... I envy you.
    You are so smart ....
    I read the article - such good reasoning goes with you - to kill, to kill. Put on the count. The rest - to put. And score ... with stakes.
    And I, no matter how I tried, didn’t take anything worthwhile from the article.
    Well, the tsar-father created the "Black Hundred". Well, Barkashov and his movement were defeated. Well, there seem to be nationalists - and if you look closely, they are generally non-systemists.
    There is a lot of information. It is multifaceted. Verbose. Meaningful.
    Not specified. Little structured.
    And - most importantly - there are no conclusions.
    What to do? - unclear.
    Who's guilty? - also unclear.
    Only one thing is clear - V.V. Putin scary russian nationalist. And worse than him - only D.A. Medvedev.
    The only conclusion that is somehow remembered.
    And the rest is nonsense.
    1. +3
      24 May 2013 19: 55
      Quote: Igarr
      And worse than him - only D.A. Medvedev.

      When I see Medvedev, for some reason it seems to me that he wears a diary and a shift for work.
      1. +2
        24 May 2013 20: 11
        Quote: Vadivak
        When I see Medvedev, for some reason it seems to me that he wears a diary and a shift for work.
        How could you forget about an iPhone-favorite toy?
        He will not forgive!
  25. pahom54
    24 May 2013 19: 40
    Here is Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, allegedly directed against inciting ethnic hatred ... But here they come in large numbers, and they say - and openly in the eyes: "These f ... I'm a complete asshole" ... If I give him a snout, then guess with three times - who will be attracted ???? Yes, even on its territory ??? That's right, me, a Russian living in this very territory. And if I say the same on their territory, they will just kill me right away.
    Question: What nationalism does prevailing in Russia now? Or Russian Christians are preparing a new crusade against all who profess Islam, or what kind of faith ???
    I am not a Nazi, BUT a Russian nationalist, and I HAPPY FOR THE POWER !!! Do not confuse the crazy idiots who are hiding behind Russian nationalism, just with normal Russian people. But no one Zhirik calls Chegoy a Russian nationalist, is he seemingly a mountain behind Russians ???
    1. Yarosvet
      24 May 2013 19: 53
      Quote: pahom54
      But no one Zhirik calls Chegoy a Russian nationalist, is he seemingly a mountain behind Russians ???
    2. +4
      24 May 2013 20: 13
      Quote: pahom54
      But nobody Zhirik calls Chegoy a Russian nationalist
      Chatterbox he ...
      And the mountain is only for itself
      In addition to boltology, did he even do something?
      1. +1
        24 May 2013 23: 44
        Quote: Denis
        Chatterbox he ...
        And the mountain is only for itself
        In addition to boltology, did he even do something?

        If he did it, he stole hundreds of millions, he drew attention and "voices" of people to himself.
    3. +1
      24 May 2013 23: 47
      Quote: pahom54
      But no one Zhirik calls Chegoy a Russian nationalist, is he seemingly a mountain behind Russians ???

      Absolutely "like", he is even allowed to find fault with the Jews because of his own and pretend. At best, a prostitute.
    24 May 2013 19: 46
    The article, the author wrote just to unsubscribe ..... but if I ask the nationalist, am I? then I’ll answer YES rather than not .... 99,99 percent .... YES ... those people who are trying to present themselves as defenders of the interests of the Russian people only descend the idea itself, as I understand it, nationalism is pride in your people, an attempt make it better, etc. modern representatives of the national movement are people have nothing to do with real Russian nationalism ....
    1. sashka
      24 May 2013 19: 59
      And who are you ? Deputies expressed dissatisfaction with the delay in apartments in January ..
  27. +3
    24 May 2013 19: 56
    Asgard SU
    Quote: Orik
    Very stupid article, the author has all the upside down ...

    The most correct remark)))
    The fact is that they want to see the "enemies" of the rest of humanity in the Russian People ...

    I agree with you, but I would not say "want to see", but WANT TO REPRESENT the Russian people as an "enemy" of all mankind!
    1. sashka
      24 May 2013 20: 06
      It's nice to see a lady in our slender ranks .. Just pinch your ears with your fingers ..
  28. Marek Rozny
    24 May 2013 20: 07
    In my opinion, a nation is not an ethnic concept, but a state one. Nationalism is when you are proud of your state, the people living in this state (including various ethnic groups) and you do something for the development of your country.
    The construction of a Eurasian state in our conditions on the basis of one ethnos is the path to self-isolation and subsequent self-destruction.
    There is no getting away from the fact that the culture of one of the ethnic groups will be dominant (due to its large number), but this culture should not be assimilating for the smaller ethnic groups of the Eurasian state, but rather holding it together.
    In relation to Russia, I believe that the Russian nationalist is a person who is proud not only of the Russian ethnic group, but also of the Chechen, Buryat, Tatar, Mordovian and believes that the strength of Russia is in the unity of all citizens of the state. If the Russians harness stuffed to the Shrovetide in Kazan, then the Tatar also has the right to perform their cult rites in Moscow. If all of Russia invests in Chechnya, then the Chechen is obliged to die on the battlefield for Russia. If Buryat is inspired by Jewish verses about Russia, then there will be normal Russian nationalism, which will push Russia forward, and not destroy the country from the inside into closed ethnic groups.
    Ideally, Russian nationalism (which I wrote about here) should merge with Kazakh, Ukrainian, Azerbaijani and other nationalisms into "Eurasian nationalism." Sometimes there are some resentments, disappointments, misunderstandings between our ethnic groups, but they are childish emotions compared to the threat from the West and China, since an Azerbaijani, Kazakh or Ukrainian does not dream of a destroyed Russia or another neighboring state of central Eurasia. But for the West and China, the collapse of our countries is a crystal dream.
  29. Marek Rozny
    24 May 2013 20: 07
    In my opinion, a nation is not an ethnic concept, but a state one. Nationalism is when you are proud of your state, the people living in this state (including various ethnic groups) and you do something for the development of your country.
    The construction of a Eurasian state in our conditions on the basis of one ethnos is the path to self-isolation and subsequent self-destruction.
    There is no getting away from the fact that the culture of one of the ethnic groups will be dominant (due to its large number), but this culture should not be assimilating for the smaller ethnic groups of the Eurasian state, but rather holding it together.
    With regard to Russia, I believe that a Russian nationalist is a person who is proud not only of the Russian ethnic group, but also of the Chechen, Buryat, Tatar, Mordovian and believes that the strength of Russia is in the unity of all citizens of the state. If the Russians harness stuffed to the Shrovetide in Kazan, then the Tatar also has the right to perform their cult rites in Moscow. If all of Russia invests in Chechnya, then the Chechen is obliged to die on the battlefield for Russia. If Buryat is inspired by Jewish verses about Russia, then there will be normal Russian nationalism, which will push Russia forward, and not destroy the country from the inside into closed ethnic groups.
    Ideally, Russian nationalism (which I wrote about here) should merge with Kazakh, Ukrainian, Azerbaijani and other nationalisms into "Eurasian nationalism." Sometimes there are some resentments, disappointments, misunderstandings between our ethnic groups, but they are childish emotions compared to the threat from the West and China, since an Azerbaijani, Kazakh or Ukrainian does not dream of a destroyed Russia or another neighboring state of central Eurasia. But for the West and China, the collapse of our countries is a crystal dream.
  30. +7
    24 May 2013 20: 07
    Russian nationalism, they say that this is bad ... Probably, on the contrary, raise the flag of Russian nationalism. Try to push the "face of Caucasian nationality" on the street, even if by accident. They'll put him in jail for half his life, exactly! Try shooting in the air somewhere near the dugs on the occasion of your birthday. You will go there for a long time. Why do we, at home, have to bow our heads in front of the visiting guys and shyly lower our eyes? Why should we be ashamed of our nation? Why should we bypass the crowd at night dancing lezginka under the windows of residential buildings?
    1. Yarosvet
      24 May 2013 21: 22
      Quote: sigizmund472
      Try shooting at the dugs somewhere in the air to celebrate your birthday.

  31. alexandr00070
    24 May 2013 20: 26
    eh Gozman, Gozman
    1. crest 57
      24 May 2013 21: 20
      Here you bastard !!!
      He wanted a court!
      The judgment of God has already put everything in its place.
      The worst war ended, for some reason, precisely on Easter week.
      How, then, can the minister of Hell (as he calls Stalin) command the Army of Christ (as the Red Army was called at that time)?
      What can this worm object to God ?!
  32. +1
    24 May 2013 20: 35
    Quote: harrimur
    I am a RUSSIAN NATIONALIST, and I am ashamed that I can’t call myself Russian at home and at work, because I’ll get a badge right away - FASHIK secret selection has always been and will be, enough experiments, enough that the titular nation has gone into faith and the church,

    Understand! The point is, TO BECOME RUSSIAN, you need to educate yourself in the TITLE-MAN! with his RUSSIAN SOUL AND:

    Mind does not understand Russia,
    No yardstick to measure:
    She has a special feature -
    You can only believe in Russia.

    FI Tyutchev.
  33. cooper
    24 May 2013 20: 36
    Nationalism is NORMAL and NATURAL. But only when it comes to Ukrainian nationalism everything changes immediately. Do not confuse nationalism with fascism, sinful with the righteous.
  34. +1
    24 May 2013 20: 41
    Fight with each other just because are we of different nationalities?
    Before god we are all the same!
  35. cooper
    24 May 2013 20: 45
    It's time
    edrena mother
    mind Russia
  36. +3
    24 May 2013 20: 52
    Quote: Corsair5912
    The author of the article himself does not understand what he wants to say, for whom is he? for Russian nationalism or against Russian nationalism?
    There is sovereign, let it be imperial (although this is not an exact name) nationalism, clearly expressed in the Anthem of the USSR: - The Union of the indestructible republics of free was united forever by Great Russia ... Russia rallied, not Chechnya, not Tashkent and not Birobidzhan. This is our red Russian nationalism, to rally and exalt all peoples.
    But there is an enemy brown nationalism, this is an escalation of enmity, hatred, the collapse and weakening of the state, a creepy thing before the Nazis and their Fuhrer.
    I won’t talk about everyday nationalism, it’s mean when a crowd of skinhead degenerates beats an Uzbek girl or our native Russian Yakut. These creatures must be destroyed, they are not people.

    The author perfectly understands everything, the purpose of the Russophobic article is to discredit Russian patriotism, Russian national self-awareness. As it seems to me, patriotism is love for the Motherland and the defense of national, state interests. Nationalism is hatred, contempt for other nations. Fascism-nationalism is actively implemented at the state level. . Nationalism and fascism are incompatible with the Russian mentality. "Imperial" tendencies are the author's liberal vypry.
    1. dmb
      24 May 2013 22: 38
      Bravo. Perhaps the most sane comment. Someone can indicate the border beyond which fascism immediately begins after nationalism. By the way, our "good German friends" called themselves nationalists and asked them not to be confused with the Nazis. For a normal person, they are smeared with one myrrh. And if he is Russian, he is a fascist or Armenian, Jewish, Chechen or Ukrainian, there is no fundamental difference. It has no right to exist. As for the article, I was always wary of unsigned scriptures. As the saying goes, "premonitions did not deceive him." Follow the link, you will not see the signature, although there is a link to another similar nonsense. To be honest, given the style of writing, I have great doubts that they were written by a person who was Russian in spirit.
      1. northwest
        25 May 2013 00: 58
        Nationalism is the main protector of the cultural values ​​of every nation and at the same time the main enemy of world Zionism. Having destroyed to the end nation-states with the help of the milty-stump and various societies in the form of fighters for human rights, nat., Sexual minorities, etc., the enslavers will "cook soup" to their taste from the rootless multibillion-dollar mass of their slaves. And like any system, nationalism, must be protected from the transition to its perverted form as Nazism is considered. By the way, Islamism and communism are even more cruel than fascism or Nazism.
        1. dmb
          25 May 2013 18: 38
          Even outright stupidity is desirable to somehow argue.
  37. The comment was deleted.
  38. crest 57
    24 May 2013 21: 11
    A coup in the brain from edge to edge,
    In space - the mass of cracks and displacements:
    In Hell, the devils decided to build paradise
    As a society of future generations.

    Famous devil with the name Chertok -
    Agent from Paradise - at night, after school
    Tapped to the Center: in Hell, the devil knows that, -
    What exactly - he, Chertok, does not know for sure.

    Still screwed the alarm line
    For the chef of all Amur scouts:
    "I am terrified - the Devil himself is on the alert,
    And agents are extremely unreliable. "

    Meanwhile, Beelzebub himself in Hell
    He demanded a military parade, -
    He climbed onto the podium, cried and bent:
    "Paradise, only Paradise - salvation for Hell!"

    Devils screamed and shouted: "Yes!
    We will build the Underworld in our native Paradise!
    Give labor productivity!
    Five sinners on your nose today! "

    "Well, go ahead! And I will lead you! -
    The Devil finished. - With God! Let's run! "
    And the sinners trembled in Hell
    And the angels in Paradise fluttered.

    And the angels in a crowd went to Him -
    To the one who sees everything and knows, -
    And he said: "I don't care about darkness!" -
    And he said that he would shoot many.

    That the angel, they say, and the nerd,
    His fuss and intrigues - all is not new, -
    That angels are like one
    And that Chertok has long been turned over.

    "Not Paradise all around, but real bedlam, -
    I’ll go down to the ground - there at least respect!
    I’ll leave you for people to hell -
    Let me be crucified a second time! .. "

    And he came down. Who is he? Where does he live? ..
    But once the parishioners saw -
    A beggar drinks on the church porch
    "I am God, - shouts, - you give for food!"

    The end is sad (cry, old and young, -
    What is burning Troy before all this?)
    For a long time already in Paradise is not heaven, but hell, -
    But the "Paradise" of devils in Hell is built!

  39. 0
    24 May 2013 21: 16
    and what actually got excited then? where does nationalism? you look at the results of the last census and be surprised! I’m not a nationalist, but when I see some representatives of nations behaving rudely, I have only one desire: AK-47 and many shops ... I don’t understand who the nation is because there is no way to reliably track ANYONE! because too much has happened over the centuries, now the authorities have begun to persecute everyone and all probably because they sense that a little more and the massacre will probably begin ..
  40. +7
    24 May 2013 21: 22
    Living in a small northern town, where, like flies for honey in the dashing 90s, Caucasians came in large numbers for oil money, I do not feel protected, I live on my land as an immigrant. Without working in the real sector of the economy, these "Russians" have flooded the entire market, seized all trade, and now their children are rolling around the city with screaming cars, on "basins" lowered to the very road. City officials pander to "new Russians", the police turn a blind eye to their "artistic driving". In a private conversation, the policeman said that they were urged not to inflate the "national question". If God forbid on the road collide with these "Russians", then in a few minutes a whole aul will gather them and not everyone can resist their collision. They have a developed gregarious instinct - in a crowd of one they feel like wolves, and one on one - jackals. I have many acquaintances among Caucasians, and among them there are few open, sincere people (such people probably stayed in their homeland). Mostly they smile at you, call you brother, but they have such a thing in their eyes that it's scary to turn their backs on them. I will not be surprised if pogroms under the slogan "Russia for Russians" begin soon. After all, they say that the Russian harnesses for a long time, and then quickly jumps. It's just a pity that ordinary people will die - hostages of wretched shit stealing.
    1. +2
      24 May 2013 21: 54
      A plus. For all my tolerance, I have to admit that many peoples have such a trait in blood as insincerity and hypocrisy, when they only feel to the fullest when they feel that you are weaker.
      The point here is in the indifference of the absolute majority of fellow citizens - complete infantilism and indifference to everything that has not personally touched his skin ... However, on the other hand, I can see that if something really gets worse, then all such disparate people do not care will unite. So I evaluate by my circles of communication. So far no such need has arisen.
  41. +2
    24 May 2013 21: 43
    Here, "The Consul General of Russia in Simferopol has resigned, he does not intend to give up his words about the Crimean Tatars" you can google it in the news ... This is quite the topic ... In Crimea, this is true, and it is forbidden to call things by their proper names for Russians .. ...
  42. Vladomir
    24 May 2013 22: 11
    The task now in power is to get out of the crisis of the 90s and strengthen the country's defense. Those. Putin solves the problems of the NEP in the early 2000s. To build a patriotic Russia with the hands of the liberals and their slow squeezing out of the political arena and reducing their influence to a minimum. In the 90s, the Russians suffered such a directed blow by the Anglo-Saxons and liberals that most of them still have not decided on their political orientation and are in confusion and uncertainty. And when the Russians are weakening, other nations feel uncomfortable, not feeling the support and support of the strong and appearing in their strength and aspirations. In my opinion, all the peoples of Russia are waiting for a strong Russian shoulder, a joint solution to the problems of Russia, and not whining about someone’s dominance, offending Russians, etc. The time has come to form the ideology of Russia, its national idea. At all times, it was with the ideology of Russian-Orthodox patriotism that Russia with honor and dignity came out of the world's difficult alterations. Our grandfathers and fathers honorably dealt with these problems in the 20th century. At the end of the 20th century, we could not cope with this task due to the betrayal of the upper classes and apathy of the lower classes. Russia's choice of course ahead, is it either the Russian Empire, or the Soviet Empire, or-? Lenin, having completed the socialist revolution of the 17th year, found himself with the old state apparatus, incapable of building socialism. Therefore, the NEP was introduced, under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, by the hands of the capitalists to raise Russia. Which was done. But Stalin began to build socialism. Putin raised Russia, created the Russian Armed Forces. Who will lead Russia further? And which way? It all depends on the ideas that swept the masses.
    1. sleepy
      25 May 2013 02: 57
      Quote: Vladomir
      "... And when the Russians are weakening, other nations feel uncomfortable as well, not feeling the support and support of the strong and showing their strength and aspirations in their own way ..."

      And some nations feel the most uncomfortable of all and therefore "show strength in their own way" - so what?

      "... Putin raised Russia, created the Russian Armed Forces ..."

      Putin believes that large-scale reform of the Russian army was inevitable.

      "It was pointless to saturate the old structure with people and technology: there would not be enough resources for this - neither financial nor human. The main thing is that it did not meet not only promising, but also modern requirements. Without changing anything, limiting ourselves to gradual and half-hearted transformations, we could sooner or later, to finally lose their military potential, to lose our Armed Forces as a capable organism, "writes the presidential candidate, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in a keynote article published on Monday in Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 20.02.2012.

      РИА Новости
  43. Red hornet
    24 May 2013 22: 31
    An article is nothing more than a probe of public opinion.

    Apparently, someone is very interested in whether the Russian people have ripened to take over the new home-grown Fuhrer a la Russ ...

    National and interethnic conflicts are a fertile soil for such a development of events, and judging by the fact that these problems are practically not being solved, it means that this soil, this "runway" is cultivated on purpose.

    Nationalism is a fashionable topic on which one can now rise high in power, but this slippery path is a step to the right, a step to the left ... and then smoking crematoria and wallets made of human skin will seem like "child's play" compared to what will overwhelm Russia. ..
  44. 0
    25 May 2013 00: 07
    In Russia, nationalism can only be at the national level!
    There can be no narrowly directed nationalism in Russia for one nationality, because this leads to fragmentation of the territorial value of all of today's Russia ...
    Now "Russians" are Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Chukchi, Mordovians, etc. (in the West, for a long time, all who are from Russia are Russians, regardless of the nation)
    Russian nationalism aimed only at the superiority of only one nation will lead to what?
    The remaining nationalities and peoples will come out of the custody of this chauvinism and there will be only Muscovy, Vladimir Russia, Novgorod Russia ...
    But Kievan Rus will not be returned (Kievans are true Russians, and the rest of the land was just a colony of ancient Kiev ...)
    Quote: Red Hornet
    An article is nothing more than a probe of public opinion.
    Perhaps I agree ...
    A probe on how to ruin Russia ...
  45. +2
    25 May 2013 01: 29
    The project on which the Union was destroyed continues to work on the collapse of Russia and inflating the national question in this not the last role is assigned. Those who here call all nations except their own "lumps", "monkeys", etc. - or fools or provocateurs, Nationalism is the last refuge of scoundrels "If there are two convolutions in the head and nothing is sacred behind the soul, then it is probably very pleasant to think that foreigners are to blame for all your problems
    1. sleepy
      25 May 2013 03: 31
      Quote: rus9875
      "... If there are two convolutions in your head and nothing sacred behind your soul, then it is probably very pleasant to think that foreigners are to blame for all your problems."

      And if in the head of the mind the chamber and soul are holier than the light,
      ... then I don’t want to think about who is to blame.
  46. sashka
    25 May 2013 04: 45
    Well, here we are .. If a person thinks, cares and worries about the Country, then who is he ?? Nationalist or Patriot.? Strange statement of the question. In that case, I’d better be a Nationalist. Or maybe a Patriot? A play on words, nothing more. The discussion is empty out of nothing.
  47. Tao
    26 May 2013 05: 10
    Quote: Sasha
    Well, here we are .. If a person thinks, cares and worries about the Country, then who is he ?? Nationalist or Patriot.? Strange statement of the question. In that case, I’d better be a Nationalist. Or maybe a Patriot? A play on words, nothing more. The discussion is empty out of nothing.

    No, patriot, this is the one who naively supports the existing system, where the indigenous population, 80% of Russians spread rot, Jews prey, they kill the beast and there is nothing for it, but the plundering plunders the country.

    And the nationalist is the one who speaks - I wanted to spit on the "friendship of the peoples" Russia for the Russians and the Russian help the Russian. And he does everything in his power to help his own people, and not everyone there, moishes, and the beast