Gilyan expedition. The siege of Baku and the death of Tsitsianov

Caspian Campaign flotilla

The commander-in-chief of the Russian troops in the Caucasus, Prince Pavel Tsitsianov, paid great attention to the need to expand the possibilities of supplying Russian troops in the Transcaucasus. The Russian garrisons in the Transcaucasus connected only the Georgian Military Road with Russia, which was not enough even in peacetime and very dangerous during the war with the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Power. It was necessary to obtain a port on the Black Sea Coast or on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea.

Even before the opening of the 1805 campaign of the year, planning to occupy part of the coast of the southern Caspian and divert some of the Persian army forces from the main theater of military operations, the commander-in-chief ordered the Caspian flotilla to advance from Astrakhan to the south along the Caucasian coast. The main task was to seize the rich Persian province of Gilan (this was also of great economic importance for the development of Russia). On the way back, the flotilla was also supposed to drive out the forces hostile to Russia from the western (Caucasian) coast of the Caspian Sea and occupy Baku.

Prince Tsitsianov, when he was appointed Caucasian governor, at the same time received the post of head of the Caspian military flotilla. He planned to organize a naval expedition to the south of the Caspian Sea in order to return to Russia annexed by Peter Alekseevich in 1722-1723. territory. On the way back, the Caspian flotilla was to occupy Resht and Baku. The accession of the Baku Khanate, with the Shirvan Khanate already attached to Russia, resolved the issue of communications. Russia had the opportunity to supply troops in the Caucasus through the Caspian Sea. At the beginning of 1803, the state of the Caspian military flotilla was determined: 2-4 corvette, 2-4 lugger, 2 bombing ship, 6-10 transports. However, by the beginning of the cruise, the flotilla had only one frigate, one yacht and 5 Haliots. For the solution of the set large-scale tasks, these were small forces.

The direct command of the Gilyan expedition was entrusted to Major General Zavalishin. Irinarkh Ivanovich Zavalishin had an enormous combat experience: he began his service in the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment, served in the Shlisselburg Infantry Regiment, and under the command of Suvorov he fought in the Fanagoria Grenadier Regiment. Enjoyed the great confidence of Alexander Vasilyevich, becoming one of his close friends. Participated in hostilities against the Poles, the Swedes, in several naval expeditions. Distinguished not only as a combat commander, but also a talented writer and poet. In 1790, Zavalishin's poetic works were published, glorifying the Russian military victories over the Turks. In 1795 in Warsaw, Lieutenant Colonel of the Fanagori Grenadier Regiment composed the poem “Suvoroidu”. In 1804, Zavalishin was appointed chief of the Astrakhan regiment, he was entrusted with the supervision of the Astrakhan flotilla and the Astrakhan Cossack army. Tsitsianov offered him the post of civil governor in Georgia, the rank of privy councilor. However, a Suvorov school soldier did not want to leave a military uniform.

The commander of the Caspian Flotilla was Lieutenant Veselago. He took at the mouth of the Volga assault troops as part of the 6 mouth of the Kazan Infantry and 2 mouth of the 16 th rangers, all 1300 bayonets with 4 guns. In addition, small detachments were formed from seamen- "hunters" (volunteers). Yegersky lieutenant colonel Aseev commanded the landing party directly. 23 June 1805, the flotilla approached the main Persian port on the Caspian Sea - Enzeli. The appearance of the Russian flotilla took Shah's authorities by surprise. Therefore, the resistance was weak, although nature created all the conditions for defense - a narrow strait led by the fortifications led to the port. The military council decided to attack in stride. The strait includes 3 haliota. One of them with the help of artillery of other ships broke through to the city under fire from the enemy. The Persians lost heart and fled. The Russian trophies became the 3 ship and the 8 falconet with ammunition. The garrison of Enzeli had no other artillery. At this the resistance of the enemy was broken.

Zavalishin left a garrison in Enzeli, and moved a squad of 800 men to the Rasht with 3 guns. Part of the detachment moved up the river in boats. On the way, the town of Bury Bazar was captured. Halfway to Rasht, the path was blocked by 7-th. Persian Corps. Zavalishin energetically attacked the enemy, who occupied the dominant heights, but could not break through to Resht. The Persians destroyed the stone bridge over a wide irrigation canal and the Russian soldiers were stopped at the same time falling into crossfire. In addition, Lieutenant Colonel Aseev was seriously wounded. We had to retreat constantly repelling the attacks of the Persians. The detachment was still in the Gilyan province for about a month, constantly reflecting enemy attacks. In addition, high humidity and heat led to the emergence of a large number of patients. Zavalishin had too little strength and resources to firmly establish himself on the southern shore of the Caspian. For comparison, in the Persian campaign of Peter I in 1722-1723. participated before 37 thousand infantry, cavalry and sailors, with the participation of numerous irregular cavalry (Cossacks, Kalmyks, etc.); Zubov’s Persian campaign in 1796 was originally attended by up to 13 thousand people, and then the number of expeditionary corps was brought to 35 thousand people. The initial small number of forces Tsitsianov, did not allow him to turn around in full power.

Soon, the Persian prisoners reported that the Shah sent reinforcements to the Gilyan governor - 6 thousand soldiers with artillery. Zavalishin led a detachment to Enzeli, where one could rely on the fire of naval artillery. July 20 squad had to leave Enzeli and take a course on Baku. 12 August flotilla anchored in Baku Bay. Major General Zavalishin proposed to the Baku ruler Hussein Kuli Khan to surrender the city. Huseyn Kuli Khan, at the end of the 18 century, fearing the Persian invasion, asked for his submission to Russia. But now Khan did not want to surrender the city. Bakuvians decided to resist and sent the property to the mountains.

The flotilla shelled the fortress for several days. However, the failure of two mortars (they were torn) of the four available, and the expenditure of all charges to a single unicorn made the further bombardment of little effect. The fire from smaller-caliber guns could not destroy the powerful fortifications. By the end of August, the landing force had mastered advanced fortifications and dominant heights. Khan army. Made a sortie from the fortress, was broken. However, the previous battles in the province of Gilya and especially epidemic diseases greatly reduced the size of the detachment: only about 700 people remained combat-ready. To this ended the food and ammunition. At the same time, troops of Derbent Khan Sheikh Ali and the Kazikumyk Surkhay Khan arrived to the aid of the Baku Khan. Zavalishin was forced to lift the siege. September 9 flotilla left Baku Bay.

Gilyan expedition. The siege of Baku and the death of Tsitsianov

Tsitsianov hike in Baku

Tsitsianov was very upset by this outcome of the expedition. He believed that the Russian glory suffered a loss from the actions of Zavalishin. The deputy ordered to make a new attempt to seize Baku. But the repeated attempt to seize Baku was not successful. Zavalishin turned to Tsitsianov for help. The commander-in-chief, realizing that the bloodless squad, without strong artillery, was not able to take a strong fortress, decided to strike himself. Prince formed 2-thousand. detachment with 10 guns and with his characteristic determination moved through the Shirvan Khanate to Baku. Zavalishinu and the Caspian Flotilla again ordered to go to Baku. Baku Khan was once again offered to pass into the citizenship of Russia. The draft agreement proposed to introduce a port authority in Baku, the 1 garrison of thousands of Russian soldiers was introduced into the fortress. Khan was offered annual maintenance in 10 thousand rubles.

At the fortress again landed troops Zavalishin. Baku Khan locked himself in a fortress. Tsitsianova hike began in winter. On the one hand, it was profitable, the snow falling in the mountainous region from Tabriz to Karabakh, took away from the Persian command the opportunity to transfer troops to the aid of Baku. Subordinating the Shirvan and Baku Khanates, the Tsitsianov hoped to get peace from Tehran, establishing the border of the empire along the Kura and Araks rivers.

It should be noted that this campaign was hard for Tsitsianov. He was seriously ill and was in a gloomy mood. Eyewitnesses then say that the prince "accurately foresaw his demise." The squad made the 23 on November 1805 of the year. On the way Tsitsianov seriously ill. Attacks of the disease forced him to stop several times a day, and then catch up with the troops. January 30 1806, the Qitsian, approaches Baku and demands immediate surrender from the Khan. After some negotiations, the Baku Khan agreed to capitulate.

Death of Tsitsianov

8 February 1806 was to be the transition of the Baku Khanate to the Russian state. The advanced fortification of the city was occupied by a small detachment of infantry. Tsitsianov in 9 hours of the morning went to accept the surrender. With him there was only a translator - Lieutenant Colonel Prince Elizabar Eristov and a Cossack to follow the horses. The prince on that day was denied his usual precaution against Caucasian feudal rulers.

The venue was a well in the 100 fathoms from the gates. Time passed, but Hussein Kuli Khan did not show up. Then the Caucasian governor ordered Eristov to go to the gate and remind the ruler of Baku that he was insulting the representative of the Russian emperor. Soon the Baku elders-beckes and the commandant with symbolic keys to the fortress left the gate and presented bread and salt. They said that Khan is afraid and will not be at the meeting. Tsitsianov offered the khan to leave even with a thousand convoy, and he will be only with Eristov. Otherwise, the negotiations will be interrupted, and he will return to the walls already with the soldiers.

At this time, Khan arrived with an escort. Hussein Kuli Khan embraced friendly with Tsitsianov, they were familiar from the time of the Persian expedition 1796 of the year. Then the soldiers of Khan shot Tsitsianov and Eristov, and the governor was beheaded. A large detachment left the gates of the fortress, which took the khan and the vicar viceroy back to the walls. According to the report, Zavalishin Tsitsianov was killed by Khan’s close associate, Ibrahim Bey. The head and hands of the Caucasian governor Ibrahim Bey brought the Persian prince Abbas-Mirza. He granted him for this treacherous murder of the title of Khan and the land.

There is another version of the death of Tsitsianov. This is the story of the nuker warrior who attended this meeting. According to him, at that time in Baku there were two Persian Khans, who looked after Hussein Quli-Khan, in order to prevent him from coming closer to the Russians, with whom he had previously previously communicated to accept the citizenship of Russia. They acted through Khan's cousin Ibrahim-bey, who hated a relative and solicited power himself. He undertook to kill Tsitsianov in order to interrupt the negotiation process and embroil the Russians with the Bakuites forever. Hussein Khan knew nothing about this. Ibrahim and his soldiers killed Tsitsianov and Eristov, Khan was shocked by this murder, but he could do nothing. At night, Ibrahim fled to Tabriz, where he handed over the head of Tsitsianov to the Persians.

Unfortunately, Zavalishin was not up to par in this situation. The tragic death of Tsitsianova affected him distressingly. During these hours, the question of honor and glory of the Russian Empire and the Russian army was decided, but he preferred to withdraw the troops from the fortress. Justified by food shortages and a large number of patients. Although the officers of the detachment demanded immediately go on the assault and avenge the mean murder of the commander in chief. All the troops loaded the ships of the Caspian Flotilla and sailed into the sea, arriving first on the island of Sary. A month later, to the shores of Northern Dagestan, where a detachment of Tsitsianov departed for the Kizlyar Fortress. True, the enemies did not triumph for long, a year later the Baku Khanate was incorporated into Russia.

Results and significance of Tsitsianov’s activities

In the person of Pavel Dmitrievich Tsitsianov, the Russian Empire suffered a great loss. This intelligent, decisive and active statesman ruled the Caucasus for only three years, but in such a short juice he could completely change the balance of forces in favor of Russia. He took control of a relatively small territory - Eastern Georgia (Kartli-Kakheti), and pushed the borders of the empire to the Black and Caspian Seas. He left behind the Russian Transcaucasus almost within the borders of the beginning of the 20 century. And all these acts were committed in difficult times for Russia, when they had to prepare for war with Sweden, France and the Ottoman Empire. At this time, Tsitsianov could not count on serious assistance from Russia. The arrival of a single infantry regiment was considered a great reinforcement. The Caucasian governor with absolutely insignificant forces, relying on the political will, decisiveness and perseverance of Russian soldiers, was able to stand firmly in the South Caucasus and subdue a number of feudal possessions.

Tsitsianov calmed Georgia, pacified Lezghins, annexed the Imereti kingdom and the Mingrelian principality to Russia. Georgia was freed from the constant threat from Turkey and Persia, stopped paying tribute to the Lezgins. Legends about the raids of the highlanders, the destruction of the village, the removal of prisoners moved to the area of ​​legends. Georgia stopped paying tribute not only with money, but with young men and women for harem comfort. Only Imeretia was to send the Turks 80 pairs of boys and girls in Turkish harems. Gone is the threat of Islamization of Georgia. In the 17-18 of the century, Georgia was already so conquered by the Persians that it was difficult to distinguish it from other Persian provinces. Tehran became the residence of the Georgian aristocracy. The shahs demanded that the Georgian kings and princes convert to Islam. An entire nationality in the area of ​​Lazika was converted to Islam. The Georgian regions - Kakheti, Kartli, Imereti, Mingrelia, Guria, Abkhazia, Svaneti were united into one whole only under Russian power, which was not the case from the time of Queen Tamar in the 12 century. Georgia received the prospect of returning the areas that still remained under Turkish rule. From 1801, Tiflis actually became the capital of Transcaucasia.

Despite these achievements, many Georgian researchers do not like Tsitsianov and blame him for the russification of the region, the eviction from Georgia of all members of the Kakheti-Kartalinski Tsar's House and the cruelty of the Georgian aristocracy. In particular, the governor sent similar messages to fellow Georgians: “Wrong bastards! You probably think that I am Georgian ... I was born in Russia, I grew up there and have a Russian soul. "

The governor successfully started the war with Persia, repulsed the attempts of the Persian army to invade the possessions controlled by Russia. In 1804, by storm, he took the fortress of Ganja, subjugating the Ganja khanate. Subordinated to Russia the Shuragel region, the Karabakh, Sheki and Shirvan khanates. The tragic death of Tsitsianov did not stop the victorious march of the Russian Empire. Other Caucasian governors will bring the matter to a logical conclusion: in two wars they will crush the Persian power, annex the Russian Erivan khanate to Eastern Armenia, and other North Caucasian and Transcaucasian lands. Yermolov, the famous “thunderstorm of the mountaineers”, considered Tsitsianov to be his teacher in Caucasian affairs and recalled him constantly: “Since the death of the glorious Prince Tsitsianov, who can be an example for everyone and who was not only equal, lower than those, my predecessors left me a lot of work ". “His every action in this land is amazing; and if you look at the small means that he ordered, much must seem incomprehensible. ”

Tsitsianov showed himself well in the field of civil administration. When it began to develop the road from the Caucasus line to Georgia, updated the fortress city of Vladikavkaz, established a permanent mail message along the Georgian Military Highway. The governor paid attention to the development of the education system in Tiflis, about sending Russian teachers, delivering books and textbooks. He encouraged the training of Georgian youth in the educational institutions of the empire. He established order in the legislative sphere, he abolished the arbitrariness of local khans and beks. Encouraged the development of agriculture, crafts and trade. The prince laid the foundations of the military and administrative policy of the Russian Empire in Transcaucasia.

After Baku joins Russia, the remains of the Caucasian hero will be buried in the city’s Armenian church. In a few years Tsitsianov’s ashes will be transferred to the Georgian capital, to the Tiflis Cathedral of Zion. The transfer began on November 27 of the year 1811. The coffin was raised and handed down by officers of the Baku garrison. The funeral procession to Tiflis was accompanied by troops, giving military honors to their leader. The whole of Tiflis went out to meet the procession and silently accompanied the ashes of a brave commander and prince, whose kind descended to the dynasty of the last Kartli-Kakhetian kings. By order of the new Caucasian governor-general, Marquis Paulucci, a monument was erected above the grave. The epitaph said: “Under this monument, the perishable remains of Tsitsianov are hidden, whose glory will survive his ashes.” In 1846, a monument was erected in Baku “for eternal memory”, which was located a hundred meters from the place of the commander’s death, at the end of Tsitsianovskaya Street.

Monument to Prince Tsitsianov in the garden named after him (Baku)
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  1. 416sd
    24 May 2013 08: 02
    "They said that the khan was afraid and would not be at the meeting. Tsitsianov suggested that the khan leave at least with a thousand-strong escort, and he would only be with Eristov. Otherwise, the negotiations would be interrupted, and he would return to the walls with the soldiers." - I am amazed sometimes at some quotes in Russian historiography. Tsitsianov was killed precisely because he called the khan a coward and gave vent to his tongue. No one was killed just like that in an embrace and the fortress gate.

    As for the obelisk (and not the monument), it would be nice to note that it was demolished a long time ago ... No, not in 1991. And in the first years of Soviet power in Azerbaijan.
    1. +5
      24 May 2013 08: 47
      Quote: 416sd
      They never killed anyone in the arms and the fortress gates.

      Griboedov not?
      may not specifically hug but these khans are very vile and vile
      1. 416sd
        24 May 2013 10: 54
        Griboedov was not killed in the Caucasus. And not the khans.
        1. +2
          24 May 2013 12: 33
          Quote: 416sd
          Griboedov was not killed in the Caucasus. And not the khans.

          Persia however, with her and war
      2. +3
        24 May 2013 16: 22
        Griboedov died in Tehran due to the provocation of the Armenians. They do not like to remember this, but those who wish can read about it on the Web.
        1. mansur
          24 May 2013 16: 32
          In Yerevan, in the city center, opposite the cinema tetra ,, Russia, there is a monument to Griboedov, there is Griboedov Street, a school named after him, and also because

          Alexander Griboedov is the first Russian writer and diplomat who took to heart the aspirations of the Armenian people, shared his joys and difficult days.

          Fragments describing Armenia are in his travel notes and diary. He visited Armenia as early as 1819, being the secretary of the Russian mission in Tehran. Griboedov examined the church church in Etchmiadzin, Matenadaran (repository of ancient manuscripts), got acquainted with the historical monuments of Armenia. As part of the army of General Paskevich, he participated in the liberation of Erivani, Sardarapat, Nakhichevan and was awarded the medal "For the capture of Erivani."

          The Armenian people took to heart the death of the great poet and diplomat who had done so much for the Armenians. The funeral service for Griboedov was held in the Mother See of Echmiadzin.
          Read online
          1. kNow
            24 May 2013 16: 37
            Quote: mansur
            Alexander Griboedov is the first Russian writer and diplomat who took to heart the aspirations of the Armenian people, shared his joys and difficult days.

            for which you repaid him with "Armenian" coin
            1. mansur
              24 May 2013 16: 41
              Quote: kNow
              for which you repaid him with "Armenian" coin

              In Yerevan, in the city center, opposite the cinema tetra ,, Russia, there is a monument to Griboedov, there is Griboedov Street, a school named after him
          2. 0
            24 May 2013 16: 48
            Oh, what a "concern" about Griboyedov. First they set up, now they celebrate the funeral service. By the way, the cinema and the street have long been renamed.
    2. andsavichev2012
      24 May 2013 08: 58
      Azerbaijanis are current and can kill around the corner or in an embrace. Year spent in Karabakh, saponious and throaty
      1. 416sd
        24 May 2013 10: 55
        From the category "and they shot me" ... So I see Dobrynya Nikitich survived ... Did you avoid corners and hugs?
      2. smersh70
        24 May 2013 17: 28
        ...... thank God that is not on our side ..... and then with the grammar you are not all right))) I hope in mathematics too ...... your sent shells flew all by .. laughing .
  2. donchepano
    24 May 2013 08: 25
    Apparently, this Transcaucasian figure with a Russian soul brought enormous and invaluable benefit to Russia
  3. +3
    24 May 2013 08: 46
    Useful article. I have a gap in information about affairs in the Caucasus in the first decade of the 19th century, but I don’t have time to read.
  4. mansur
    24 May 2013 10: 22
    At this time, the khan arrived with an escort.
    Hussein Kuli Khan, embraced amicably, with Tsitsianov, they had known each other since the time of the Persian expedition of 1796. Then the soldiers of the khan shot Tsitsianov and Eristov, and the governor was beheaded. A large detachment came out from the gates of the fortress, which, having taken the khan and the murdered governor, returned outside the walls. According to the report, Zavalishin Tsitsianov was killed by a close khan - Ibrahim-bek. The head and hands of the Caucasian governor, Ibrahim-bek, was taken to the Persian prince Abbas-Mirza.
    He granted him the title of khan and land for this treacherous murder.
    .... the governor sent similar messages to fellow Georgians: “Wrong scoundrels! You probably think that I am Georgian ... I was born in Russia, grew up there and have a Russian soul. ”
    The main thing was not by nationality, but by faith and liking was RUSSIAN

    After Baku joins Russia, the ashes of a Caucasian hero will be buried in the city Armenian church.
    And he says that there were no Armenians in the South Caucasus and Baku at that time?
    1. 416sd
      24 May 2013 10: 56
      There is an Armenian church in Paris since the beginning of the 18th century and so what :)
      If I count the mosques in Yerevan now, you will lose. Even with a very weak argument that these are Persian mosques (such an argument would contradict the contents of this article as well as all that this author had written before). Regarding the one who built these mosques.
      1. mansur
        24 May 2013 11: 52
        Quote: 416sd
        There is an Armenian church in Paris since the beginning of the 18th century and so what :)

        Well done that you know where there are Armenian churches
        leave the Armenians alone
        I carefully read the article
        I quote some excerpts
        Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Forces in the Caucasus, Prince Pavel Tsitsianov
        Persian province Gilan
        Russian flotilla
        stopped paying tribute to Lezgins
        ,, Baku People ,, decided to resist and sent the property to the mountains.
        from Georgia to all members of the Kakheti-Kartalin Royal House and cruelty towards the Georgian aristocracy.
        After Baku joins Russia, the ashes of a Caucasian hero will be buried in the city Armenian church
        and such a question where are you mentioned generally Azerbaijanis ???
        With respect, as yet
        1. +1
          24 May 2013 12: 06
          Quote: mansur
          and such a question where are you mentioned generally Azerbaijanis ???

          here you are strange from the fact that Byzantium did not mean that there were no Greeks, the Ottomans did not mean that there were no Turks. The Russians generally called us Tatars, but this does not mean that there were Tatars, and we were not Azerbaijanis.
          At that time, there was more Muslims, less Turk, and Azerbaijan as the name of the region, but the people used it a little, the emphasis was from where it came from, which country it is from. Therefore, Bakinets, Shirvan. So that there are Muscovites and Petersburgers does not mean that NO RUSSIAN. The word Azerbaijanian is Stalin who began to introduce into everyday life more everyday life in order to break his closeness with the Turks.
          1. mansur
            24 May 2013 12: 31
            Quote: Yeraz
            The word Azerbaijanis was introduced by Stalin into everyday life in order to break the closeness with the Turks.

            Frankly glad to finally meet an adequate person who recognized the fact that it was in your story
            why your historians always write for any reason that the Armenians appeared only with the arrival of the Russians, they supposedly brought, and where then buried Tsitsianov since there was a church, it means they have long lived in Baku, the church and cemetery have not appeared for a year.
            The Caucasian Tatars lived, or as the Baku Tatars were called
            1. +1
              24 May 2013 12: 48
              Quote: mansur
              why is it always for any reason that your historians write that the Armenians appeared only with the advent of the Russians,

              I don’t know what kind of historians you read, but when I started reading Azerbaijani historians, it says that there were Armenians, BUT Russians began to relocate them massively in order to have a social foundation.
              I explain it on my fingers. In St. Petersburg, there is a mosque that Azerbaijanis built during the time of the king, although it is said that it is Tatar, but we were called so, from that time to this day, the number of Azerbaijanis has increased in 8 million St. Petersburg from 400-500 thousand Azerbaijanis from the time of the tsar and imagine further, the number of Azerbaijanis growing Russians are resettled periodically once a century and by the 22nd century we are the majority and shout THIS IS OUR CITY, THERE IS OUR MANY-AGE MOSQUE, etc.
              It was also done here. How much data was cited about the tsar’s about the number of Muslims in Armenia, the photo of Erivan himself and how the Muslims decreased the city changed over time. Moreover, Iranian and Turkish Armenians were artificially transported here artificially increasing their numbers, but this was not enough therefore, even local ones were deported and cut periodically.
              My relatives were lucky we lived in high-mountainous regions of what is now called Armenia, where the harsh living conditions and Armenians in our area were minimal and even in district centers. Even now, our villages are mostly empty, because the Armenians are mainly urban residents and lovers of comfort and our region they were not attracted, and the geographical location was far from the Turkish border, but those who were closer to them and settled or evicted, as Stalin did, fear that the residents of the border areas with Turkey, Azerbaijanis in the event of war will go over to the Turks, which 90 percent would have been. Yes, in my village people and only males didn’t know Russian after 18, when they were drafted into the army. This is on paper a single Soviet Union and all the beautiful words, in fact everything was stupidly kept in fear. The Union weakened per second, all conflicts fell and surfaced, because everything was walled up under the fear of the Army and the KGB.
              1. Stoic
                24 May 2013 12: 56
                number of Azerbaijanis increased

                Yes, there is no such nationality - Azerbaijanis.
                There are Oguzes, Karapakhs, Koyunlu, Tats, Udins, Talysh, Lezghins and other nationalities - which inhabit the country with the name Azerbaijan.
                The same as in Russia - a huge number of nationalities live: Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Khanty, Mansi and others. Of course, they all call themselves Russians, but there is no such nationality. Just as there are no Azerbaijanis.
                1. 0
                  24 May 2013 13: 09
                  Quote: Stoic
                  Yes, there is no such nationality - Azerbaijanis.

                  Yes there are TURKS.
                  Quote: Stoic
                  There are Oguzes, Karapakhs, Koyunlu, Tats, Udins, Talysh, Lezghins and other nationalities - which inhabit the country with the name Azerbaijan.
                  The same as in Russia - a huge number of nationalities live: Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Khanty, Mansi and others. Of course, they all call themselves Russians, but there is no such nationality. Just as there are no Azerbaijanis.

                  BUT, unlike Russia in Azerbaijan, it was possible to make before that the word Muslim was a synonym for the word nationality, saying Muslim you were automatically perceived as a representative of Azerbaijan, but there was a specificity, it concerned the inhabitants of the CAUCASUS, an Arab would come and say such a thing like an Arab Muslim, and then the word Azerbaijanian too. In Azerbaijan, when a person speaks he is Talysh or Lezgin, this is perceived, just like Eraz, Graz, etc.
                  In Russia, they have not achieved this and will never achieve it, because in Azerbaijan, people are much closer culturally, mentally, religiously and physically stupidly visually, which allows them to feel like an Azerbaijanian and perceive a raz, graz, lezgi and Talysh as a Muscovite or a Petersburger.
                  Although Russia and Armenia are trying to play this card right now, But it won’t work out, only to maneuver because of the Dagestan Lezgins, although those in Dagestan themselves are called Azeris.
                  1. Stoic
                    24 May 2013 13: 24
                    Unlike Russia, Azerbaijan, as a state, did not exist in nature until the beginning of the 20th century. And the Muslims of the motley tribes of Transiturites were called to facilitate understanding. Tatars or Muslims. But the indigenous peoples have always been called by their names - Talyshs, Lezgins, Avars, Tsakhurs, Udins.
                    Who now calls your compatriots living in Iran Azerbaijanis ??? Turks - they are Turks
                    1. +4
                      24 May 2013 13: 34
                      Quote: Stoic
                      Unlike Russia, Azerbaijan, as a state, did not exist in nature until the beginning of the 20th century. And the Muslims of the motley tribes of Transiturites were called to facilitate understanding. Tatars or Muslims. But the indigenous peoples have always been called by their names - Talyshs, Lezgins, Avars, Tsakhurs, Udins.
                      Who now calls your compatriots living in Iran Azerbaijanis ??? Turks - they are Turks

                      Your problem is that everything is stuck in words, just because you don’t know about the state of Azerbaijanis doesn’t mean that they weren’t, or that it wasn’t called like that. Byzantium didn’t mean that the Greeks didn’t have state-va. Pridirka stupidly to one word, speaks either of your Armenian roots or of narrow thinking.
                      My fellow tribesmen are called Turks and like the lands located there AZERBAIJAN. So that they can call themselves, both by the territorial principle, and by the genetic, but this does not change anything. Not that they are Turkic by blood, not that we Azerbaijanis on the ground. This flirting of the names does not change the essence of this, otherwise you will listen to the Armenians, as the Azerbaijanis fell from the sky at the direction of Stalin.
                      1. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 13: 42
                        Azerbaijan (Antropatena) is a province of the Persian Empire. This name "Azerbaijan" by the order of Nuri Pasha was assigned to the historical Iranian lands in 1918 when a certain ADR was proclaimed, the successor of which is the modern Land of fire - or the land of fire.
                        It has long been known that Azerbaijan, created by the Turks and Bolsheviks as a whole, has never been such. In the Essays on Russian Troubles, who fought against the Bolsheviks on the southern front, General Anton Denikin wrote: “Everything in the Azerbaijan Republic was artificial,“ fake, ”starting with a name taken from one of the provinces of Persia. The artificial territory that embraced Lezgi Zagatala, the Armenian-Tatar Baku and Elisavetpol (Ganja) provinces and Russian Mugan, and united by Turkish politics as an outpost of Pan-Turkism in the Caucasus. Artificial statehood. Finally, the Azerbaijani government also artificially held: initially - by the will of Nuri Pasha, then General Thomson and later on - simply inertia. ”

                        Nevertheless, all this did not prevent Musavat Azerbaijan from declaring as parts of its territory - part of Georgia, as well as Armenian Zan-Gesur, Karabakh and Nakhichevan. For decades, this did not prevent (for example, the Turks) policy of forcible assimilation and ousting of indigenous peoples, appropriation of the cultural values ​​they created. However, the many peoples living in Azerbaijan: Lezgins, Talysh, Tat, Kurds, actively oppose the infringement of their rights, defend the right to state autonomy. An example for them is the national liberation movement of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh. In 1993, the leader of the Talysh people, Aliakram Gummatov, proclaimed Talysh - the Mugan Republic in southern Azerbaijan, for which he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. Trying to put an end to the Lezgi issue forever, the Baku authorities are actively populating the primordial Lezgi lands with Azerbaijani "refugees."
                      2. +1
                        24 May 2013 14: 14
                        Quote: Stoic
                        Azerbaijan (Antropatena) is a province of the Persian Empire. This name "Azerbaijan" by the order of Nuri Pasha was assigned to the historical Iranian lands in 1918 when a certain ADR was proclaimed, the successor of which is the modern Land of fire - or the land of fire.
                        It has long been known that Azerbaijan, created by the Turks and Bolsheviks as a whole, has never been such. In the Essays on Russian Troubles, who fought against the Bolsheviks on the southern front, General Anton Denikin wrote: “Everything in the Azerbaijan Republic was artificial,“ fake, ”starting with a name taken from one of the provinces of Persia. The artificial territory that embraced Lezgi Zagatala, the Armenian-Tatar Baku and Elisavetpol (Ganja) provinces and Russian Mugan, and united by Turkish politics as an outpost of Pan-Turkism in the Caucasus. Artificial statehood. Finally, the Azerbaijani government also artificially held: initially - by the will of Nuri Pasha, then General Thomson and later on - simply inertia. ”

                        Nevertheless, all this did not prevent Musavat Azerbaijan from declaring as parts of its territory - part of Georgia, as well as Armenian Zan-Gesur, Karabakh and Nakhichevan. For decades, this did not prevent (for example, the Turks) policy of forcible assimilation and ousting of indigenous peoples, appropriation of the cultural values ​​they created. However, the many peoples living in Azerbaijan: Lezgins, Talysh, Tat, Kurds, actively oppose the infringement of their rights, defend the right to state autonomy. An example for them is the national liberation movement of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh. In 1993, the leader of the Talysh people, Aliakram Gummatov, proclaimed Talysh - the Mugan Republic in southern Azerbaijan, for which he was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. Trying to put an end to the Lezgi issue forever, the Baku authorities are actively populating the primordial Lezgi lands with Azerbaijani "refugees."

                        Ohhh, you are an Armenian from the Dashnak series. I won’t argue further, I just argued enough with exactly the same Armenians with the same arguments, I’ll say one thing from the Irevan khanate, now called Armenia, and I know my family tree quite well from the 16th century and the closer to our time is all the better and still I find out interesting facts, and so I was asking specifically about my elders, and I still found my great-grandfather, so I asked them, your fathers used the word Azerbaijani, everyone said the word Azerbaijan was, but was not in everyday life, the word Muslim was used more often, less often Turk, but Azerbaijan was known, but the use was small, I still know very well that my GOKCHA lake is reading statistics on the movement of Russian troops, supplies, etc. to my great surprise, Sevan did not meet the word, but only Gokcha.
                        So, I consider the dispute to be completed, because I guess your further comment and I will say we have one saying that from childhood elders say and my father always reminds me
                        When you say salaam alaikum to an Armenian in 2 seconds, he will say that this did not happen, so nod to him, but keep your hand on the handle of the dagger and never trust him.
                        Therefore, let's Goodbye))
                      3. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 14: 28
                        I know at least one more of your saying)))
                        "The hand that you cannot cut off - put it to your forehead"

                        How I like to discuss with you - as soon as they dunked you - there and then the screeching of "dashnaks" "dashnaks"))))

                        In Mexico, when your idol was dismantled, your ambassador Ilgar Mukhtarov also kept whining that these were the intrigues of the "Dashnaks"))))
                      4. The comment was deleted.
                      5. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 15: 33
                        Ilham Aliyev, a Kurdish Jalali tribe, and part-time president of Azerbaijan, has a huge nose. I hope you haven’t written it down in Dashnaks yet? ))))))))
                      6. +1
                        24 May 2013 18: 53
                        Armenia is the only place on earth where the competition for the "largest Armenian nose" is held
                      7. mansur
                        24 May 2013 15: 40
                        I do not seem to offend anyone, and even you wrote,
                        Although it is clear if there is no other means to answer, when there is nothing to cover then let's insult
                      8. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 13
                        Quote: kNow
                        Although you are hiding here under different flags and different nicknames - like the Stoic, Mansour and others - your big nose is visible as soon as you open your mouth

                        He and Omar had a paddle))))))
                        Omar alas scored on him))))))
                      9. Stoic
                        28 May 2013 13: 34
                        Omar alas proved to be a hermaphrodite.
                        He wrote for a woman Camille and for himself - a man
                        Well, in ograshkhan and not so possible))
                      10. +1
                        24 May 2013 15: 45
                        Quote: Stoic
                        I know at least one more of your saying)))
                        "The hand that you cannot cut off - put it to your forehead"

                        How I like to discuss with you - as soon as they dunked you - there and then the screeching of "dashnaks" "dashnaks"))))

                        In Mexico, when your idol was dismantled, your ambassador Ilgar Mukhtarov also kept whining that these were the intrigues of the "Dashnaks"))))

                        Alas, I have not heard such sayings.
                        In each Armenian, a Dashnak sits, just the volumes are different))
                        Well, in general, if it weren’t for Dashnaks, they would not have paid attention to this monument. The entire foreign diaspora is Dashnak, well, Russia shouldn’t be taken into account, there are no diasporas, there is an organization that call themselves Diasporas.
                      11. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 15: 50
                        And in Canada, the monuments to Heydar and Mehriban (it’s not necessary to manage to erect a monument still alive Mehriban Aliyeva (Pashayeva))))) - who made Dashnak so dismantle? )))
                        Wait. Now your fellow tribesmen in Volgograd, on Mamaev Kurgan, will smash the square and the monument to the deserter Heydar Aliyev, having spent the next 5-6 million dollars))) Do you think it will last long?
                      12. The comment was deleted.
                      13. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 15: 56
                        Yes, of course. And let the poor migrants, in search of edible grass, continue to explode on mines - "Azerbaijan is striding widely"
                      14. kNow
                        24 May 2013 16: 06
                        Quote: Stoic
                        And the poor immigrants in search of edible grass

                        These houses are for them. You do not confuse with Armenia. Do you have such a house? wink
                        Quote: Stoic
                        "Azerbaijan is striding widely"

                        to the envy of some
                      15. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 16: 11
                        The houses built for the disabled in the Jalilabad region of Azerbaijan were transferred to completely different categories of citizens. According to the Azerbaijani information portal "", it became known that all apartments allocated for the disabled were handed over to relatives and relatives of the district’s executive authorities.

                        The material notes that they purchased these apartments for 10 thousand euros. In addition, as one of the residents of the district who wished not to give his name said, all the furniture that was placed in the apartments of the disabled, was then removed.

                        “All this furniture was arranged for a showcase before the visit of the president of the country. But after the head of state left, we were told that this furniture will be returned, as it was delivered from furniture shops and taken on time, ”he said.

                        The material says that the same story happened with other immigrants. The fact is that immigrants from Lachin) complained to the leadership of the executive branch of this region that it illegally sells apartments allocated to immigrants in Baku and in the regions.
                      16. kNow
                        24 May 2013 16: 17
                        the main thing is where to complain :) not all officials understand that times are changing, then they pay with the set of property. I think you as an Armenian will be closer to the problems of your poor :)
                      17. mansur
                        24 May 2013 14: 43
                        Quote: Yeraz
                        Ohhh, you are an Armenian from the Dashnak series. S

                        That is, if a person does not agree with you and makes convincing arguments, he is immediately a dashnak from real history, and so on, your enemy
                        But do you actually know something from the real history that there was Great Armenia, that in 2001 they celebrated the Holiday in occasion of 1700 years of Armenia’s adoption of Christianity as a state religion, you say something, state, that is, Armenia was already then a state with your army rulers, etc.
                        The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, delegations of the Greek, Romanian, Georgian Orthodox churches, the Archbishop of the Church of England and also Pope John Paul II and the Greek Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholome I came to this celebration.
                        That is, the fact that Armenia recognized Christianity as a state religion, all Spiritual Leaders of Christians of the World confirmed their visits to the celebration
                        and the rest is your problem
                        Quote: Yeraz
                        Therefore, let's Goodbye))

                        By the way, this singer seems Talysh by nationality
                      18. +1
                        24 May 2013 19: 00
                        And where has this "great Armenia" disappeared?
                      19. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 12
                        Quote: Stoic
                        Azerbaijan (Antropatena) is a province of the Persian Empire.

                        David has enough snowstorm to wear his boss Shahnazaryan))))
                        You’ve been banned a hundred times here, but still numb)))
                        So you lived and live with fairy tales, long-suffering genocidal))
                      20. kNow
                        24 May 2013 16: 13
                        Quote: Yarbay

                        I think a familiar nose sticks out, a standard propagandist’s set
                      21. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 16: 16
                        The standard set is: "twenty prasentofs, 4 UN resolutions, Garabakh-bizimdir"
                        This is a standard set.
                        Well, another song about Ibadushka (by the way, at least you enlighten, otherwise Alibek will become shy - is it dead?) And genocide under Agdam.
                      22. kNow
                        24 May 2013 16: 30
                        Quote: Stoic
                        The standard set is:

                        the most ancient, most invincible, most arrogant, most skleneklezryzuschiy fellow

                        Quote: Stoic
                        Well, another song about Ibadushka

                        Ibadushka is fine, head in place good which I would wish for some, too late
                      23. The comment was deleted.
                      24. Predskazamus
                        25 June 2013 22: 40
                        As a very offended Armenian woman wrote on YouTube in a commentary to the video Armenia, a country of which there was no. ALREADY DURING THE TIME OF ALEXANDER MAKIDONSKY WHICH IS A LOYAL SUBJECT OF THE ARMENIAN KING ABASRALYAN))
                      25. mansur
                        24 May 2013 14: 06
                        From a speech by President Heydar Aliyev on an extended discussion of an article on the state language in the draft new Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Conference Room of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic, October 31, 1995:

                        "In the first Constitution of Azerbaijan, adopted in 1921, there was no article on the state language at all.

                        The Constitution of Azerbaijan, adopted in 1937¸ also did not contain any article on the state language.
                    2. +3
                      24 May 2013 16: 59
                      Quote: Stoic
                      Turks - they are Turks

                      For information ignorant Turks call the citizens of Turkey. And the Turks are people belonging to the Turkic ethnic group.
                      1. Arminian power
                        24 May 2013 23: 52
                        apo tvoemu uzbeki oni turki or Uzbeki laughing
                      2. +1
                        25 May 2013 09: 07
                        For especially slow-witted people I will repeat again, Uzbeks are Turks. tongue tongue tongue
                      3. Arminian power
                        25 May 2013 21: 22
                        nu da ochen poxoj na vas wassat
                      4. Arminian power
                        25 May 2013 21: 45
                        nu da kitayci toje turki fellow wassat
                  2. mansur
                    24 May 2013 14: 05
                    Quote: Yeraz
                    BUT, unlike Russia in Azerbaijan, it was possible to do before that the word Muslim was, as a synonym for the word nationality

                    For centuries, Russians called Russians,
                    Georgians - Georgians,
                    Armenians - Armenians,
                    without synonyms
                    1. kNow
                      24 May 2013 15: 29
                      Quote: mansur
                      Armenians - Armenians

                      Hayes were called Armenians, answer - why? laughing
                      1. mansur
                        24 May 2013 15: 53
                        Quote: kNow
                        Hayes were called Armenians, answer - why?

                        So called and call themselves Armenians
                        Hayk (Hayk, Hayk, Khaos) is the legendary ancestor of the Armenian people, although to whom I write do not insult Armenians
                      2. kNow
                        24 May 2013 15: 57
                        In general, hai came from Ethiopia and clung to the area.
                        Quote: mansur
                        do not insult Armenians

                        you imagined
                      3. mansur
                        24 May 2013 16: 00
                        I told you not to scatter
                      4. kNow
                        24 May 2013 16: 03
                        Quote: mansur
                        I told you not to scatter

                        Quote: kNow
                        you imagined
                      5. Arminian power
                        24 May 2013 23: 58
                        ne obrashay vnimanie brat na etom sayte takix internet asqyarov xvataet
                      6. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 14
                        Quote: kNow
                        Hayes were called Armenians, answer - why?

                        it’s they who call themselves that too)))
                        Children Hayk)))
                2. Arminian power
                  24 May 2013 23: 42
                  Quote: Stoic
                  Yes, there is no such nationality - Azerbaijanis.
                  There are Oguzes, Karapakhs, Koyunlu, Tats, Udins, Talysh, Lezghins and other nationalities - which inhabit the country with the name Azerbaijan.
                  hi hi hi
                  1. +1
                    25 May 2013 09: 13
                    there is such a saying, the dog barks, the caravan is coming! tongue tongue tongue
                    1. The comment was deleted.
              2. mansur
                24 May 2013 14: 03
                Quote: Yeraz
                I don’t know what kind of historians you read, but when I started reading Azerbaijani historians, it says that there were Armenians, BUT Russians began to relocate them massively in order to have a social foundation.

                History is my favorite hobby, and I read different and historians, and I hardly know history better than me
                about the fact that the Russians began to resettle Armenians, you read this article in general and my comment about where Tsitsianov was buried - in the Armenian cemetery near the Armenian church, that is, there was already a church and a cemetery in Baku
                Quote: Yeraz
                Iranian and Turkish Armenians were transported by artificially increasing their numbers, but this was not enough, therefore, even local ones were deported and cut periodically.

                If I don’t feel it, everything was in the USSR -
                Sorry, but when it was cut and deported under Stalin, then under Khrushev
                you yourself are not funny
                1. 0
                  24 May 2013 14: 24
                  Quote: mansur
                  Quote: Yeraz
                  I don’t know what kind of historians you read, but when I started reading Azerbaijani historians, it says that there were Armenians, BUT Russians began to relocate them massively in order to have a social foundation.

                  History is my favorite hobby, and I read different and historians, and I hardly know history better than me
                  about the fact that the Russians began to resettle Armenians, you read this article in general and my comment about where Tsitsianov was buried - in the Armenian cemetery near the Armenian church, that is, there was already a church and a cemetery in Baku
                  Quote: Yeraz
                  Iranian and Turkish Armenians were transported by artificially increasing their numbers, but this was not enough, therefore, even local ones were deported and cut periodically.

                  If I don’t feel it, everything was in the USSR -
                  Sorry, but when it was cut and deported under Stalin, then under Khrushev
                  you yourself are not funny

                  You argue with yourself. I said the Armenians were, but I didn’t indicate the date of their first appearance here, so you started writing about cemeteries, I fully admit that at that time they had a cemetery with a church, there is a lot of debate about them belonging to the Albans, if the Armenians and Georgians dosihpor argue whose churches in Turkey.
                  Where did you see my thesis about Khrushchev ?? And if you know the story well, then you should know about the manifesto of Peter, to encourage the relocation of Armenians en masse to the South Caucasus, and about Stalin, follow Alibek’s reports that the resettlement of Azerbaijanis is described in great detail, but of course it was a decree on moving to the lowland valley, they say that Azerbaijanis themselves wanted to, given that most of them were from the mountains, and the mountaineer a priori does not tolerate lowland with scorching heat, so we easily adapted in the north of Russia, but we are shocked if we are more than a week in We are in Baku.
                  1. Stoic
                    24 May 2013 14: 34
                    Is that Azerbaijanis then highlanders? )))))
                    Yes you are with humor.
                    And the manifesto of Peter, since you touched on it, is about making the resettlement of Armenians to the Russian Empire as favorable as possible, and not to the territory of the Armenian Highlands. If you do not know, then the current Industrial District of Rostov-on-Don, this is the former village of Nor-Nakhichevan or Nakhichevan-on-Don, founded by Armenians in the 18th century. So answer yourself, if your tribe had anything to do with Nakhichevan in those days, with what fright did the Armenians call their village Turkish land during the resettlement?
                    1. +1
                      24 May 2013 15: 21
                      Quote: Stoic
                      Is that Azerbaijanis then highlanders? )))))

                      I’ll tell you Armenian America. Not for the purpose of proving to you, I already told the Armenian to prove nothing. And to those present at the forum. Azerbaijanis are divided into 3 categories. Highlanders, plain and urban. And therefore the appearance is different and everyday. Put me and, relatively speaking, Azerbaijani with Kurdemir will have the feeling, roughly speaking, that a Russian is standing next to a Pakistani.
                      Well, okay, a short remark is not for urban cobblers, but for others wink
                      1. mansur
                        24 May 2013 15: 27
                        Quote: Yeraz
                        Azerbaijanis fall into 3 categories. Highlanders, Plains, and Urban

                        And such a question, you seem to have grown up or were born in Armenia in the mountains, then moved to Baku, so you Yeraz- Yerevan Azerbaijanis seem to respectfully call your fellow tribesmen at home
                        now you live in Russia it seems
                        who are you from which category
                      2. +1
                        24 May 2013 15: 57
                        Quote: mansur
                        Quote: Yeraz
                        Azerbaijanis fall into 3 categories. Highlanders, Plains, and Urban

                        And such a question, you seem to have grown up or were born in Armenia in the mountains, then moved to Baku, so you Yeraz- Yerevan Azerbaijanis seem to respectfully call your fellow tribesmen at home
                        now you live in Russia it seems
                        who are you from which category

                        Born in Baku, but just born, raised in St. Petersburg, Yeraz is respectful. Do you know why Yeraz? I’m not from Yerevan, it’s just that Azerbaijanis were first squeezed out of there, although they made up the majority, so they were called out like that, but then when others started to evict this name was attached to everyone, although Mutallibov gave him a different interpretation, but he is a donkey, which could not connect 2 words in Azerbaijani.
                        I belong to the category of highlanders in our family almost all bright,
                      3. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 16: 04
                        not from Yerevan, it’s just that Azerbaijanis were first squeezed out of there, although they were mostly

                        Most Azerbaijanis in Yerevan ??????
                        Have you ever been in Yerevan, what are you carrying such a heresy?
                      4. kNow
                        24 May 2013 16: 10
                        Quote: Stoic
                        not from Yerevan, it’s just that Azerbaijanis were first squeezed out of there, although they were mostly

                        Most Azerbaijanis in Yerevan ??????
                        Have you ever been in Yerevan, what are you carrying such a heresy?

                        Of course, today it is unlikely that you will find at least one Azerbaijanian in Armenia, and not only the Azerbaijanian, from other nations did not leave anyone ...
                      5. mansur
                        24 May 2013 16: 23
                        Quote: kNow
                        Of course, today it is unlikely that you will find at least one Azerbaijanian in Armenia, and not only the Azerbaijanian, from other nations did not leave anyone ...

                        For your information, without any problems, Azerbaijanis from Iran come to Iran to do business, have fun, etc. Everyone knows that not Iranians and that
                        I’ll also tell your fellow tribesmen from Georgia Marneuli and Sadakhlo, they also cross the border without any problems - customs, border guards from Armenia and trade in Armenia, of course, everyone knows who they are and what
                      6. kNow
                        24 May 2013 16: 33
                        Quote: mansur
                        Quote: kNow
                        Of course, today it is unlikely that you will find at least one Azerbaijanian in Armenia, and not only the Azerbaijanian, from other nations did not leave anyone ...

                        For your information, without any problems, Azerbaijanis from Iran come to Iran to do business, have fun, etc. Everyone knows that not Iranians and that
                        I’ll also tell your fellow tribesmen from Georgia Marneuli and Sadakhlo, they also cross the border without any problems - customs, border guards from Armenia and trade in Armenia, of course, everyone knows who they are and what

                        don't talk, talking about citizens, not about guests
                      7. mansur
                        24 May 2013 16: 37
                        Quote: kNow
                        don't talk, talking about citizens, not about guests

                        How many Armenians you had in 1989, about 400 thousand, and now
                        and I’m wondering which of the Armenians of Mote is so easy to come to you, we don’t talk about athletes of politicians, even journalists of citizens of Russia and other countries are expelled from the Airport only because the Armenians
                      8. Arminian power
                        25 May 2013 00: 19
                        in Armenia a lot of nat. minorities.
                      9. +2
                        25 May 2013 09: 16
                        Lists please. And do not broadcast noodles on the ears of who, who, and I spent half my life in Yerevan.
                      10. Arminian power
                        25 May 2013 21: 15
                        Ethnic minorities Number
                        according to the census
                        1989[1] Number
                        according to the census
                        2001 g. [2]
                        Armenians 3 (083%) 616 (93.3%)
                        Yazidis 51976 (1.6%) 40620 (1.3%)
                        Russians 51555 (1.6%) 14660 (0.5%)
                        Assyrians 5963 (0.2%) 3409 (0.1%)
                        Ukrainians 8341 (0.2%) 1633 (0.05%)
                        Kurds 4151 (0.1%) 1519 (0.05%)
                        Greeks 4650 (0.1%) 1176 (0.04%)
                        Georgians 1364 (among the remaining 0,3%) 696 (among the remaining 0,1%)
                        Belarusians 1061 (among the remaining 0,3%) 257 (among the remaining 0,1%)
                        Germans 265 (among the remaining 0,3%) 133 (among the remaining 0,1%)
                        Jews 676 (among the remaining 0,3%) 109 (among the remaining 0,1%)
                        Poles 270 (among the remaining 0,3%) 97 (among the remaining 0,1%)
                      11. +1
                        25 May 2013 21: 23
                        Quote: Arminian power
                        Ethnic minorities Number
                        according to the census
                        1989 g. [1]

                        1989, times of the USSR, you would have led for 60 or 50 years!
                        1. Where is the link ?!
                        2.Data to the studio for at least 2012, or 2011, or at worst 2010 year !!!
                      12. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 19
                        Quote: Stoic
                        Most Azerbaijanis in Yerevan ??????
                        Have you ever been in Yerevan, what are you carrying such a heresy?

                        David especially for you)))))))))

                        in 1828, when the "Armenian region" was created within the Iravan and Nakhichevan khanates, ¾ of its population were Muslims. This is confirmed by the letter of General Paskevich to the Chief of the General Staff, which contains dissatisfaction with the actions of General Krasovsky, appointed head of the "temporary administration" Irevan, and a member of this administration, Archbishop Nerses, in 1827. Paskevich reproached Krasovsky in presenting Nerses with unlimited influence on all affairs, and in harmful patronage of the Armenians, while "¾ of the population of the region are Mohammedans" (V.A. Potto. Caucasian War. Persian War of 1826-1828. Volume 3, Stavropol, 1993 , pp. 594-595).three quarters were Mohammedans !!))))
                        Russian writer S.N. Glinka gives interesting information about the movement of Armenians from Iran towards Karabakh. The political nature of the resettlement of Iranian Armenians to the Muslim lands just captured by Russia is clearly seen in the appeal to the Persian Armenians of the active organizer of resettlement G. Lazarev: "In Erivan, Nakhichevan and Karabakh, where you choose, you will receive an abundance of grain-bearing land, partly sown, of which only a part is processed in favor of the Treasury. You are exempted for six years from all taxes and aid will be given to the poorest of you. " (S.N. Glinka. Description of the resettlement of the Armenians of Adderbidzhan in Russia. M., 1831, p.107-111). SN Glinka writes: “Armenians from various villages adjacent to Turkmenchay moved to Karabakh” (Ibid .: 48). According to his information, “in three and a half months, more than 8.000 families crossed the Araks” (Ibid .: 92). In the spring of 1828, when the stream of Armenians was moving towards Araz, Paskevich received an order to resettle the poorest in Karabakh, and this was reflected in the Russian literature of that time (Ibid .: 90-91). This is how in 1832 the Armenians made up 31,6% of the population of Karabakh, and the Muslims who retained the majority - 68,4% (Review of the Russian possessions in the Caucasus in statistical, ethnographic, topographic and financial relations. Tiflis, 1836, p. 267).
                        By the decree of Emperor Nicholas I on March 21, 1828, on the lands of the former Iravan and Nakhichevan khanates, the "Armenian region" was created: "By virtue of the treaty, prisoner with Persia, the annexation of Russia from Persia to the Khanate in all matters will henceforth be called the Armenian region and included in our title" (Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Vol. III, St. Petersburg., 1830, p. 272-273). Russian general and Georgian prince A. Chavchavadze was appointed head of the "Armenian region" (Acts of the Caucasian Archaeographic Commission. Archive of the Main Directorate of the Governor of the Caucasus. Volume VII. Published under the editorship of the chairman of the commission A.D. Berzhe. Tiflis, 1878, p.487).
                        At the time of the formation of this area, 75% of its population was Muslim. If during the period of the Russian conquest 49.875 Muslims and 20.073 Armenians lived in the Iravan region, then immediately after the formation of the "Armenian region" 45.200 Armenians were resettled here from neighboring countries (Review of Russian possessions beyond the Caucasus in statistical, ethnographic, topographic and financial relations. Tiflis, 1836, p. 229). A similar situation has developed in the Nakhchivan region. By the time the Russian occupation ended, 17.138 Muslims and 2.690 Armenians lived in Nakhchivan. With the liquidation of the Khanate, 10.670 Armenians moved here in a short period of time. Similarly, in the Ordubad part of Nakhchivan, where originally 7.247 Muslims and 2.388 Armenians lived, 1.340 Armenians were resettled to change the ratio between them (Ibid. P. 229).
                      13. +1
                        24 May 2013 19: 52
                        Stoic I come from Yerevan. I lived not far from GUM, on the banks of the Gedar River (Turkic: outgoing, current). It was then imprisoned in a pipe. Grandfather and grandmother lie in the Aga-Dede cemetery (most likely already destroyed. You are masters of fighting the dead. .) on the bank of the Zangi River (Türkic ringing) The surname of the neighbor was DEMIRCHYAN (Türkic blacksmith.) Opposite there lived a neighbor ALLAHVERDYAN (GIVEN BY ALLAH). have you heard many Armenian words? I'm not even talking about the dolma dish (Turkic filling). It must have changed the letter, it became "Armenian dolma dish") In all seriousness it was argued that Karl Marx is de Armenian, and his name is Carlos Markosyan. That humanity will use a single language -Armenian. What is it, megalomania, genetic disorder, clownery?
                      14. mansur
                        24 May 2013 16: 06
                        Quote: Yeraz
                        Born in Baku, but only born, raised in St. Petersburg, Eraz is respectful.

                        Do you mean you know your language?
                        They grew up in St. Petersburg and this is clear, yes you are an Azerbaijani, you love and respect yours, it should be so, but it slides into cave fanaticism and an insult to the Armenians - I was pleased to talk with you
                      15. kNow
                        24 May 2013 16: 08
                        Quote: mansur
                        but slide into cave fanaticism and insult to the Armenians

                        you didn’t do anything for which your neighbors could love you ....
                      16. mansur
                        24 May 2013 16: 16
                        Joke from Obama:
                        "Azerbaijan has become an example for the international community as the first democratic and secular republic in the Muslim world." the author of an anecdotal (sorry, congratulatory) message sent to President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of Republic Day,
                        is President Barack Obama.

                        We do not know what state President Obama was in when compiling the above message, but the fact remains that democracy from the main distributor of democracy around the world received a clear slap in the face. Judge for yourself.

                        Recently, the British research center The Economist Intelligence Unit, an analytical unit of the British journal The Economist, published an annual report on the state of democracy in the world, Democracy Index 2012. So, according to the study, Azerbaijan confidently holds a position in the list of authoritarian states. (

                        The country took 139th place with an index of 3.15 points in the list, ahead of Rwanda, Angola, the Gambia, Cameroon and even the Comoros. But so far she has not managed to achieve the degree of authoritarianism of Belarus, China, Kazakhstan, Congo, behind only a few positions
                      17. kNow
                        24 May 2013 16: 34
                        Quote: mansur
                        Joke from Obama:

                        there by chance the word "genasid" is not present? otherwise you are all waiting and waiting for the same blurt out ...
                      18. smersh70
                        24 May 2013 17: 16
                        we are talking about the year 1918 ...... about the formation of ADRs.-........ take off your glasses .... and get sober))))))))) at least we don’t shoot the parliament .. ..)))))))
                      19. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 21
                        Quote: kNow
                        you didn’t do anything for which your neighbors could love you ....

                        M. Gorbachev: “Tell me, at the beginning of the century, how many Azerbaijani population was in Yerevan? ".

                        S.A. Hambartsumyan: “At the beginning of the century, in Yerevan? ".

                        M.S. Gorbachev: “Yes.”

                        S.A. Hambartsumyan: “I am at a loss to say.”

                        M.S. Gorbachev: “You must know. I remind you - 43 percent of Azerbaijanis were in Yerevan at the beginning of the century. Now what percentage of Azerbaijanis? ".

                        S.A. Hambartsumyan: “Now there are very few. Probably one percent. "

                        M. Gorbachev: “And I do not want to blame the Armenians for having survived the Azerbaijanis from there. Apparently, some processes were going on, which in general should be understood. ”

                        Materials of the meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR published in the newspaper Pravda of July 19, 1988.
                      20. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 22
                        In the years 1948-50, more than 100 Azerbaijanis were evicted from Armenia by order of Stalin. Until 000, most of the Azerbaijani toponyms were replaced by Armenian. In the 1968s, all four full-time and part-time Azerbaijani faculties were liquidated at the Yerevan Pedagogical University. This had its consequences, since the graduates of these faculties, finding no use for themselves in Armenia, left for Azerbaijan. Until the late 1950s, there was not a single Azerbaijani school in Yerevan and other large cities. In the same period, all Azerbaijanis were removed from the posts of the first, second and even third secretaries in the district committees of the areas of compact residence of Azerbaijanis, and Armenians took their places. In 1960, Azerbaijanis experienced moral terror from the Armenians who staged rallies in connection with the anniversary of the events of 1965. In the new edition of the Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, the article "Armenian Genocide" took up several pages, and in the article "Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region" there was not a single mention of Azerbaijan. In 1915, the Jabbarly Azerbaijan Drama Theater in Yerevan was permanently closed (the theater had the status of a state since 1966, and in 1926 he was a laureate of the All-Union Theater Competition for the best production of Shakespeare's tragedy in the USSR). In the 1940s, the Azerbaijan school named after him was closed. M.F. Akhundova in Yerevan. At that time, the publication of fiction and informational literature in the Azerbaijani language was interrupted, including regional newspapers in Sisian, Kafan, Meghri, Karabakhlar, Vedi, Kalinino, Ijevan and Masis. Even in the areas of compact residence of Azerbaijanis, the latter were not allowed to take leading positions in their specialty, despite the fact that they constituted the majority. If any Azerbaijani formed as an experienced and knowledgeable specialist, they began to remove him from leadership work under any pretext, not disdaining slander, full of insinuations, putting in his place incompetent persons. So, the former first secretary of the Amasia district committee of the party, Ildrym Bagirov, who graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the CPSU, was suspended from work on the basis of carefully thought-out dirty slander. All this caused a rapid exodus of a highly educated Azerbaijani population from Armenia, in particular, from cities. This led to the fact that by the beginning of the Karabakh conflict, the overwhelming majority of the Azerbaijani population were peasants who lived mainly in high-mountainous, inaccessible areas of the republic.

                        "Azerbaijan" newspaper, December 10, 1989
                        The complete deportation of Azerbaijanis from the Armenian SSR is connected with the beginning of the Karabakh conflict. In the period from 1987 to 1990, about 200 thousand Azerbaijanis were deported from the Armenian SSR. In connection with the beginning of the Karabakh conflict, the Armenians decided to take advantage of the situation and completely expel the Azerbaijani population from Armenia.
                        On November 4, 1988, at a rally in Yerevan, one of the activists of the “Karabakh” committee Rafael Ghazaryan (now an academician of the Armenian Academy of Sciences) openly called: “with the help of the detachments that were created in advance, to ensure emigration in every possible way. For the first time in these decades, we have been given a unique opportunity to cleanse Armenia of these Turks. I consider this to be the greatest achievement of our struggle in these ten months. "
                      21. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 23
                        Here are a few testimonies of Azerbaijani refugees from Armenia recorded by Azerbaijani journalists.

                        “Since February 19, we have not slept a single night. Azerbaijanis from neighboring villages gathered in our village to them. Kalinina Masisi region for security. And the village itself is under the protection of the border units, ”said Huseyn Gambarov from the Ararat state farm in the Masis district. - The Azerbaijani school was closed. At night, they gathered around a fire in the center of the village or village for 10–20 men to guard at home. And yet, such a night does not pass that

                        "Armenia: Twenty Months of Struggle". Collection of documents. Samizdat ANM. Yerevan, 1989
               Vaal. “The Black Garden: Azerbaijan and Armenia between peace and war.” M.2005 Vestnik Analitiki, No. 3 -2005

                        no house was set on fire. Old men, women, children lie dressed, even in shoes. So that you can jump up and run. "

                        “Three houses were set on fire in our village of Artashat in the Masis district - U. Abdullaev, A. Sadigov and Nizami,” collective farmer Gumbat Abbasov reports. - Since February 19, we have not been allowed into the bazaars, the crops grown by our labor disappear. Since February 19, you will not find a single Azerbaijani surname in the records of hospitals, clinics, medical posts of Armenia. Although 200 thousand Azerbaijanis live there. They don’t sell bread and food to us. Not allowed in public transport. From February 19, mass unreasonable dismissals of Azerbaijanis began. They spat on our face in the most literal sense of the word and shouted: “Turks, get out of the Armenian land!” .

                        On January 25, February 18 and 23, 1988, another batch of Azerbaijani refugees arrived in Azerbaijan, and their number reached 4 thousand people. Most of the refugees from the Armenian SSR were located in Sumgait and in the Absheron region, whose first secretary was a native of Armenia Zohrab Mammadov.

                        As we see, the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from the Armenian SSR began long before the Karabakh conflict and before the events in Sumgait.
                        After the outbreak of the Karabakh conflict (20.02.1988) and the events in Sumgait (26.02.1988), the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from the Armenian SSR became widespread. And already on March 2, a new wave of Azerbaijani refugees from Armenia was recorded: in Azerbaijan’s Zangilan and neighboring regions there appeared many Azerbaijani families expelled from rural areas of Armenia.

                        Massive work was going on in the rural areas and provincial cities of Armenia to the noise of Yerevan rallies: intimidation, attacks on the Azerbaijani population, their more vigorous squeezing out of the republic.

                        Already on March 10, four Azerbaijanis were killed south of Yerevan - residents of the village of Mehmandar (the police tried to assure relatives that an accident had occurred). On March 4, in the Ararat region, a massive attack was carried out with the use of firearms on the Azerbaijani villages of Vedi, Shirazlu, Khalis and Sidlu, one person was killed, dozens injured, about 25 houses were burned and destroyed. On May 100, 11 and 18, regular attacks on these and other villages near Yerevan. Residents of Shirazlu village (23 people), unable to stand it, fled to the Soviet-Turkish border and during

                        A. Yunusov "Pogroms in Armenia in 1988-1989". "Express Chronicle", 1991, №9 (186)
                        For four months they lived in the open air on the banks of the Araks River. On June 20, residents of another five Azerbaijani villages (about 10 thousand people) in the Ararat region joined them. It should be noted that the attacks on these villages were headed not only by the leaders of the region, but also by some senior officials of the republic, in particular, the former deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Armenian SSR Harutyunyan.
                      22. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 25
                        Here are some surviving testimonies of the victims themselves:
                        “... In the early days of May 1988, 16 houses were destroyed by Armenians in the village of Shirazly, Ararat district, Armenian SSR, two houses and one car were burned. For 210 months, 880 families (4 people) from this village lived in the open air on the banks of the Araks River in the border zone. Citizens of Masis region forcibly expelled from their homelands left twenty-two Zhiguli and one Volga vehicles under security receipts in the courtyard of the ROVD. All these cars were dispossessed and dismantled by the Armenian police. The head of the ROVD, the chairman of the RIC, the deputy chairman of the KGB of the Spitak region of Armenia, having arrived in the village of Saral in the same region, gathered Azerbaijani residents and told them that within two hours they should leave the village. The same proposal was made to the residents of the village of Gursaly. However, the residents of these villages refused to comply with the requirements. Two hours later, both villages were cordoned off by 500 trucks and cars. After several shots in the air, shelling of the village began. The units of the USSR border troops that arrived in time from Kirovak somehow managed to disperse the attackers ... ”

                        The situation of Azerbaijanis in cities and regional centers was not better. So, on July 7, 1988 in Masis, under the leadership of the chairman of the district executive committee Gevorkyan and the head of the district police department Iskandaryan, extremists destroyed 86 houses of Azerbaijanis, destroyed household property, and beat the owners. The Armenian press gave a false message about this to the former chairman of the Armed Forces of the Republic Voskanyan, who attributed the deed to the “group of hooligans from Yerevan”.

                        According to the testimony of the former secretary of the Central Committee of the KPA A.F. Dashdamirova, on the initiative of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia from June 19 to 25, 1988, a group of responsible party and Soviet workers from Azerbaijan was in Armenia under the leadership of a member of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR M.S. Mamedova. According to the results of the trip, a certificate was prepared, which was sent for information to the Central Committee of the CPSU.

                        Vestnik of Analysts, No. 3 -2005
                      23. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 25
                        From the certificate prepared following the trip and sent for information to the Central Committee of the CPSU: “Demonstrating our dissatisfaction with the negative decision of the session of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan SSR of June 17 this year On the issue of transferring the NKAR from the composition of the Azerbaijan SSR to the Armenian SSR, groups of hooligan elements of Armenian nationality took a number of illegal actions against the Azerbaijani part of the Armenian population. So, June 17 this year they committed a massacre and massacre of residents of the villages of Masis, Sayat-Nova, Dashtavan, Zangylyar, Sarvanlyar and others. 18 apartments were destroyed, 7 private houses of Azerbaijanis were burned, 11 people were seriously injured, and many of them were mutilated. Dozens of houses and apartments have broken windows, doors, broken fences, garages, cars, destroyed outbuildings. More than 8 thousand residents abandoned their homes, took refuge under the protection of a border outpost. The necessary work was carried out together with the Armenian comrades, about 7 thousand of them returned to their homes in late June. The actions of the “fellows” who arrived on buses escorted by trucks and dump trucks loaded with reinforcement, stones, sticks and other beating tools were especially brutal. The incident was largely facilitated by publications in the local press, broadcasts of the republican television and radio, and numerous inflammatory speeches at rallies and gatherings in Yerevan and other settlements of the Armenian SSR. It is puzzling for the republican television to broadcast conversations with the so-called “eyewitnesses” of the attacks of Azerbaijanis on Armenians, who allegedly were in the city of Shusha. The impunity of hooligan manifestations, the inaction of local Soviet and law enforcement agencies, which do not prevent the commission of facts of violence, are noteworthy. A similar pogrom also took place on May 11 this year. in the village of Shirazli, Ararat region, where Armenians and Azerbaijanis live everywhere. Then 57 houses of Azerbaijanis were defeated, including one house completely and two houses were partially burned. Residents of Azerbaijani nationality in the village of Shirazly and other devastated villages found protection from the border guards. For more than 45 days, there is a camp for these refugees living almost in the open. There are many children here. There is no elementary attention on the part of local authorities, no medical assistance is provided, no products, water and other basic necessities are imported, a real threat of epidemic diseases arises. As a result of the work carried out, women and children from this camp were able to be transferred to a nearby settlement. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many Azerbaijanis are fired from their jobs, removed from permanent passport registration, systematically blackmailed by the threat of physical violence. All this enhances anxiety, instills fear, affects the moral condition of people ... Similar facts observed in many other areas, especially Masis, Vardanis, Yekhnadzor, Azizbekov. All this led to the fact that many Azerbaijani families left Armenia, are currently in the Azerbaijan SSR and other regions of the country. "
                      24. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 26
                        Since the end of August 1988, tactics regarding the non-Armenian population have also changed markedly. A massive psychological terror was unleashed against the Azerbaijanis: beatings, threats and insults were already commonplace. Economic pressure methods were also used. For this purpose, bread and other foodstuffs, essentials were supplied extremely limitedly, and Azerbaijanis who came to cities and regional centers for such products were insulted, beaten and robbed.

                        In addition, schools closed, turned off the lights, telephone and water, stopped supplying food, then layoffs began. By mid-1988, the number of refugees exceeded several tens of thousands.

                        In the second half of 1988, the final stage of the "cleansing" of Armenia from foreigners, primarily from Azerbaijanis, began. In fact, November-December 1988 was the culmination of the expulsion of Azerbaijanis from the Armenian SSR. It was during these months that Azerbaijanis were most killed and expelled from the Armenian SSR. Azerbaijani villages fired on every day. The latter, in turn, for protection purposes created observation posts, using hunting rifles, which were not available to everyone, as well as axes, pitchforks, shovels and other possible means of repelling attacks. But quantitative and qualitative superiority was on the side of the Armenians, who enjoyed the support of the leadership of the republic and regions. Since November 27, almost simultaneously throughout the territory of Armenia, attacks were carried out on the surrounded villages. Here are two specific, very characteristic examples.

                        On the evening of November 27, KGB deputy chairman Mehrabyan, head of the Spitak district police department Sarkisyan and Khachiyan, chairman of the district executive committee, arrived in the villages of Saral and Gursaly and announced to the Azerbaijanis that they should leave the villages within two hours. The latter refused. Then hundreds of well-armed militants began shelling the villages. Arriving from Kirovokan, the military hardly repelled the attacks. The next day, Sargsyan and Mehrabyan again arrived in the village of Saral and threatening to destroy the villagers, repeated their demands. 34 buses were driven to the village, and each bus was intended for two families. Having loaded only the bedding and taking the minimum necessary, the villagers escorted by the military left, but on November 30, near the village of Gamzachamann of the Gugarsky district, a convoy of buses was shelled. Three
                        Azerbaijanis died, seven were seriously injured. On the same day in the morning, up to 40 dump trucks drove into the village, part of the owners' house belongings were burned without their knowledge, the other part was loaded onto cars and taken to Spitak
                        Vestnik of Analysts, No. 3 -2005
                      25. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 28
                        And here is the testimony of the Russian inhabitants of the Vardenis region. According to the memoirs of L.V. Tolstyak (now lives in the village of Kushchara, Khanlar region of Azerbaijan). On November 27, the chairman of the republic’s agro-industry, Movsesyan, arrived in the village of Zod (Vardenis district) and gave the Azerbaijanis three days to leave. And in order to "rush" the villagers were fired, deprived of electricity, bread. But, here Azerbaijanis had to leave on mountain roads, in a blizzard, while the cars fired all the time.

                        Almost all the gangster attacks on Azerbaijani villages were led by responsible party and Soviet district workers with the direct participation of police officers. The first secretaries of Krasnoselsky, Spitak, Gugark, Yekheknadzor, Ijevan, Noyemberyan, Meghrinsky, Vardenis and a number of other district committees of the Communist Party of Armenia were especially zealous, who personally participated in the forcible deportation of the Azerbaijani population.

                        The Soviet and law enforcement agencies of Armenia led not only the exile, but also organized the killings. Here are the testimonies of R.I. Dadasheva and N.P. Belyankin. The first, November 27, fleeing with his family and the family of a relative M.T. Tagiyev from the village of Dostlug (Masis district) and safely arrived in Azerbaijan. M.T. The next day Tagiyev collected all the household items in N.P.’s car. Belyankin also set off, but on the way the car was stopped by police colonel G.A. Saribekyan, traffic police major Barseghyan, standing next to A. Karapetyan, L.E. Grigoryan, R.V. Khachaturian. The last two pulled out M.T. After Tagiyev’s brutal tortures (they cut off part of the back of the head with an ax, gouged out eyes, burned part of the hands and faces, broke fingers and toes and cut a cross on the body) they killed. Upon learning of the death of a relative, R.I. Dadashev, thanks to the familiar investigator Nizamov (Tatar), on December 10, was able to bring the corpse of M.T. Tagiyev to Azerbaijan, while he saw in the hands of Nizamov a folder with a list of about 130 killed Azerbaijanis.

                        Especially terrible atrocities occurred in the Gugark district. It is enough to indicate that of the 15 burned Azerbaijanis, 13 are in this region, and 12 of them are residents of the village of Vartan. In just three days from November 27 to 29, 1988, 33 Azerbaijanis were killed in Gugark, Spitak and Stepanavan, and more than 100 people were killed. In the village of Gezaldar of Gukark

                        A. Yunusov "Pogroms in Armenia in 1988-1989" Express Chronicle ", 1991, №9 (186)
                        “Baku Worker”, September 23, 1990
                      26. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 29
                        area of ​​Armenia 21 Azerbaijanis were killed. In his interview, the Chairman of the KGB of the Republic of Armenia, Major General Harutyunyan Usik Surenovich, admitted that "the word" Gugark "for Azerbaijanis has become the same as for Armenians -" Sumgait "."

                        The winter of 1988-1989 was the period of the most massive expulsion of Azerbaijanis from the Armenian SSR. During this period, several dozen Azerbaijanis were killed, hundreds were injured, mass pogroms and attacks on Azerbaijani villages were recorded. Tens of thousands of people, having abandoned their homes and all their property, were forced to flee to Azerbaijan in winter on foot through mountain passes. Many froze during the transition to the mountain passes, or received severe frostbite. According to Arif Yunus: “46 Azerbaijanis who fled from Armenia to Azerbaijan in the winter of 89th, froze on the Zodsky pass and then dug up them.”

                        December 1988, in the complicated centuries-old history of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, occupied a special place as the final stage of the complete and now final expulsion of the Azerbaijani ethnic group from Armenia. By the beginning of 1989, the number of Azerbaijanis in Armenia was already scanty, the bulk of the Azerbaijani population was expelled from the republic.

                        Numerous appeals of the Azerbaijani population to the leadership of the USSR were ignored. In May-June 1988, deputy of the Supreme Council of the Armenian SSR Khuraman Akperova, Azerbaijani writer Farman Kerimzade and other people's representatives, having arrived in Moscow, announced the critical situation of Azerbaijanis in Armenia, about the danger that awaited them, and asked for help from the allied authorities. At different times from the Vardenis region of Armenia 5 delegations of Azerbaijanis turned to the authorities. In November 1988, a resident of the village of Agkils, a veteran and disabled person of the war, a member of the CPSU Veliyev Farrukh Teymur oglu, together with 28 of his countrymen, addressed to authoritative bodies, including the deputy chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. No reaction of the allied power, except calls for friendship of peoples, to these appeals was not followed.

                        At the same time, it was striking that the mass expulsion of Azerbaijanis from the Armenian SSR occurred with the full connivance of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, SA, KGB of the USSR, which did not take any measures to protect then Soviet citizens. Everything that the servicemen of the SA and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR did,

                        “Baku Worker”, September 23, 1990
                        "Express-Chronicle", No. 16, 16.04.1991
                        A. Yunusov "Pogroms in Armenia in 1988-1989" Express Chronicle ", 1991, No. 9 (186)" Azerbaijan "newspaper, December 10, 1989
                      27. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 31
                        it is that they, under escort, took the Azerbaijanis out of the Armenian SSR. The conditions under which this export of Azerbaijanis took place is best described by the reports of the military commandant of Baku, General M. Tyagunov: “I also ordered the commandant of the special district of Yerevan, Lieutenant General Samsonov V.N. - send military garrisons to all settlements, where necessary, to normalize the situation. Today, December 3 this year, a joint field team of officers from a special district of Baku, representatives of the Council of Ministers of Azerbaijan, as well as evacuated residents of Azerbaijani nationality from these areas flew by helicopters to Kafan, Sisian and Ijivan districts with a view to their detailed examination. The same task in the Ararat and Masis districts will be performed by the forces of the military commandant of the special district of Yerevan. ” “According to the military commandant of the special district of Yerevan, Lieutenant General Samsonov V.N. in the Gugark district, all the people who went into the mountains and forests returned to their villages and who wished to arrive in the Azerbaijani city of Kazakh by four buses by 17.00 p.m. 2 / XII. Persons of Azerbaijani nationality remaining in the villages of Shaumyan, Archut, Saral, Kurtaly, Allavad, Gezaldar and other settlements of the Armenian SSR are reliably guarded by troops. From the morning of December 3, 50 people will be additionally sent to the Kafan area. ”
                        Retired Lieutenant General, former Commander of the Air Defense Forces of the southern strategic direction of the USSR Ministry of Defense Pyotr Polyakh described the process of expelling Azerbaijanis from the Armenian SSR: "I’ll tell you right away that I was simply struck by the sight of Azerbaijanis being expelled from Armenia. Armenians burned and robbed peaceful Azerbaijani villages located on the territory of Armenia. The Soviet army did everything possible to save Azerbaijanis in Armenia. We flew to these villages, took them in a ring so that the Armenians would not raid them, and then transported Azerbaijanis to Azerbaijan. Basically, we took them to the city of Gazakh".
                        The messages of the military commandant and the former General of the SA, recalling the military reports of the Soviet Information Bureau during the Great Patriotic War, speak for themselves and may well serve as documentary evidence of the events that took place in the region during the corresponding period, clearly show in what conditions the "peaceful exodus" of the Azerbaijani population took place Armenian SSR.

                        "Youth of Azerbaijan", December 3, 1988
                        HSE, December 2, 1988
                      28. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 32
                        The Union Center actually circumvented the fact of the complete deportation of Azerbaijanis from Armenia. It was, in fact, the ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijanis living in Armenia, with the tacit consent of the union leadership. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that, despite the formidable demands and warnings of the Center, the Armenian authorities did nothing to protect and keep the Azerbaijanis on their land. Instead, the allied leadership, led by Gorbachev, continued to pursue a policy of appeasing the Armenian separatists and bandits.
                        According to the facts of the killings of Azerbaijanis in the Armenian SSR, the General Prosecutor's Office of the USSR initiated 26 criminal cases (the fate of these cases is unknown).

                        The Azerbaijanis remaining in the Armenian SSR in a small number were finally expelled from Armenia in 1989-1990.
                        On June 2, 1989, in his speech at the congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, the first director of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Armenia S. Harutyunyan proudly declared: “As of June 1, 1, there is not a single Azerbaijani family in Armenia ...”. But, Comrade Harutyunyan got a little excited. After the mass deportation of Azerbaijanis, only one Azerbaijani village Nuvedi remained in Armenia.

                        The last Azerbaijani settlement in Armenia was the village of Nuvedi of the Meghra region, from where the Azerbaijanis were expelled in August 1990.

                        By the end of 1990, not a single Azerbaijani was living in Armenia.
                        The "century-old dream" of the Armenian people came true - the liberation of Armenia from the Turks (Azerbaijanis).
                        David is enough for you today
                        digest it !!
                      29. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 16: 33
                        Now launch Tverdokhlebov, and then about the French-Negro mercenary in Karabakh)))))
                      30. +5
                        24 May 2013 16: 41
                        Alibek, you have comments the size of an article, do you really think that this is who will read ?????????????? Post your article, and nobody will read such footcloths anyway.
                      31. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 42
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Alibek, you have comments the size of an article, do you really think that this is who will read ?????????????

                        Mlyn does not work))) a lot of thoughts)))
                        Yes, Smirnov cut the article)))))))
                      32. +1
                        24 May 2013 16: 48
                        Quote: Yarbay
                        Yes, Smirnov will cut the article))))))

                        Smirnov to you separate branch if only you did not write such komenty.
                      33. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 53
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Smirnov to you separate branch if only you did not write such komenty.

                        Well then, I agree!
                        Nothing can be missed there so that the whole tragedy of people at that time is clear !!
                        David throws the word, but people do not know, were not interested!
                        When I give just links, I see that no one reads them !! And when I give the text at least 50 percent read !!
                      34. +6
                        24 May 2013 16: 56
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        you have comments the size of an article, do you really think that this is who will read

                        Sasha! And when our full-time political officer carries out political information, do you think someone is reading? wassat
                      35. +5
                        24 May 2013 16: 58
                        Quote: Ruslan67
                        And when our full-time deputy political officer carries out political information, do you think someone is reading?

                        Of course, neighing is also necessary laughing
                      36. +4
                        24 May 2013 17: 02
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        , neighing is also necessary

                        I laughed at them in the army belay
                      37. +2
                        24 May 2013 19: 56
                        Yes, all the neighbors hate them! Everything is clear about us with the Turks, ask the Georgians. And they managed to fight with those!
                      38. The comment was deleted.
                      39. 0
                        24 May 2013 19: 28
                        Quote: mansur
                        Do you mean you know your language?

                        better than some of their fellow countrymen who live in Azerbaijan.
                        Quote: mansur
                        but slide into cave fanaticism and insult to the Armenians - I was pleased to talk with you

                        So I'm talking to those Armenians who are hypocrites, like this one of your stoics.
                        But I do not support disputes between Armenians and Azerbaijanis. This is a dead end road to nowhere. It is much more effective to prepare yourself physically, mentally and spiritually for the upcoming war. But sometimes some are forced to enter into polemics with their provocative comments.
                      40. Arminian power
                        25 May 2013 00: 08
                        nothing like that didn’t take off well tiiiiiiiiiiiiii and blurted out
                        Quote: Yeraz
                        Azerbaijanis fall into 3 categories. Highlanders, Plains, and Urban
                      41. +3
                        25 May 2013 09: 20
                        did you hear about grammar? wassat
                      42. +1
                        25 May 2013 17: 48
                        Quote: Arminian power
                        nothing like that didn’t take off well tiiiiiiiiiiiiii and blurted out

                        Well if you have not heard it is your problem tongue
                    2. Yarbay
                      24 May 2013 16: 16
                      Quote: Stoic
                      Is that Azerbaijanis then highlanders? )))))

                      No David are you highlander? !!)))))))))))))
                      1. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 16: 21
                        In fact, the highlander is Duncan Mac Laud))))
                        Well, you, too, apparently)))
                      2. +3
                        24 May 2013 16: 55
                        Quote: Yarbay
                        No David are you highlander? !!)))))))))))))

                        Is David drew in any way? Alive smoking room! Hi Alibek hi
                    3. +1
                      24 May 2013 19: 31
                      stoik Yes you at least look at the article! Something is not accepted to call Christian territories KHANISTS! I myself am from Yerevan. So my grandfather and grandmother did not speak Armenian until the end of their days. There was no need. They lived in their city. By the way, Armenians began to numerically predominate in Armenia after the war. In 1947-1948, more than a million Armenians were relocated from Turkey and Iran. Our neighbor, an Armenian, was from Turkish Malatya. She always talked with us in Turkish. According to her, they were tritely deceived, promising paradise in Armenia. There was no longer a way back, of course.
                  2. mansur
                    24 May 2013 14: 49
                    Quote: Yeraz
                    I said the Armenians were, but I didn’t indicate the date of their first appearance here, so that you start writing about cemeteries, I fully admit that at that time they had a cemetery with a church

                    Write it now and before that

                    I don’t know what kind of historians you read, but when I started reading Azerbaijani historians, it says that there were Armenians, BUT Russians began to relocate them massively in order to have a social foundation.

                    And the Russians have disappeared, resettled Armenians
                    and you argue
                    and interestingly you learned stories from grandfather’s stories,
                    and then alibek yes ???
                    1. +2
                      24 May 2013 15: 00
                      Quote: mansur
                      I don’t know what kind of historians you read, but when I started reading Azerbaijani historians, it says that there were Armenians, BUT Russians began to relocate them massively in order to have a social foundation.

                      are you kidding ?? I indicated that the Armenians were, but without specifying a specific date, and you wrote that there were cemeteries and churches and they say where they came from and I wrote, what the hell do I write if I did not dispute their early presence here, but this does not mean that it’s their land. And then the current megacities of Russia, looking at their ethnic composition, it turns out that the native Caucasian lands.
                      Quote: mansur
                      And the Russians have disappeared, resettled Armenians
                      and you argue

                      Are you talking to an imaginary self ??
                      The 130 Russians who settled them remained in Baku, the rest left.
                      Quote: mansur
                      and interestingly you learned stories from grandfather’s stories,
                      and then alibek yes ???

                      I taught history in Russia in a Russian school at a Russian university and in Russian libraries, then I began to interact with other sources.
                      There are fundamental things that are passed down from generation to generation. And from what someone indicated has signed, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t before, if it was left in the stories of the people.
                      Quote: mansur
                      and then alibek yes ???

                      I brought Alibek because he described everything in detail here.
                      Well, if for you the news about the resettlement of Armenians by Peter, about the eviction of Azerbaijanis from Armenia by Stalin, then your knowledge in history is not at the level that you boasted
                      1. P-15
                        24 May 2013 15: 05
                        Again the rhinoceros zashililsya zem? Forget about them. As they say, the Dog barks, the wind blows, and the caravan goes on.
                      2. Stoic
                        24 May 2013 15: 15
                        The caravan goes on, but in your case it often runs)))
                        Like Safar Abiyev from Berdzor at the time)))
                      3. The comment was deleted.
                      4. mansur
                        24 May 2013 15: 23
                        Quote: Yeraz
                        Well, if for you the news about the resettlement of Armenians by Peter, about the eviction of Azerbaijanis from Armenia by Stalin, then your knowledge in history is not at the level that you boasted

                        You wrote that Azerbaijanis - who were called local deported and periodically cut from Armenia, who cut and deported under Stalin deported and cut Azerbaijanis
                        I look forward to hearing
                      5. +1
                        24 May 2013 15: 38
                        Quote: mansur
                        Quote: Yeraz
                        Well, if for you the news about the resettlement of Armenians by Peter, about the eviction of Azerbaijanis from Armenia by Stalin, then your knowledge in history is not at the level that you boasted

                        You wrote that Azerbaijanis - who were called local deported and periodically cut from Armenia, who cut and deported under Stalin deported and cut Azerbaijanis
                        I look forward to hearing

                        I’m sitting across the tablet writing insanely inconveniently. They deported under Stalin, but they cut it before, didn’t hear about the Armenian servant later than the Armenian servant ??? How did he cut out all Zangezur ???
                  3. mansur
                    24 May 2013 14: 54
                    and you heard something about the Melik-Aramn princes from Karabakh
                    we go in
                    There were three different groups of chalks. The most important of them were Armenian meliks, who had their own melikos (Dzhraberd, Gulistan, Khachen, Varanda and Dizak). Their position was the same as that given to the semi-independent khans. They were created by the Persian shahs in exchange for the services performed. Over time, due to political upheavals, the Meliks lost their autonomy and fell under the control of the khans. Their position became similar to that of the Beks and Agalars. The second, lower, group of Meliks consisted of Muslims who were originally Armenians and then converted to Islam. They enjoyed the same privileges as the beks. The third group consisted of rural elders, sometimes called meliks.
                    Five melikahs of Karabakh (also known as Khamsa Melikahs) - Gulistan, Djraberd, Varanda, Khachen and Dizak, headed by meliks of Armenian origin, were created on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, under Shah Abbas I at the beginning of the XVII century
                    A Russian source in 1743 reports:
                    Karabakh is a country lying between the left bank of the Araks River and the right Kura River, above the Mugan Field, in the mountains. Its main inhabitants are Armenians, ruled by hereditary 5 by their meliks or natural princes, according to the number of signals or cantons: 1. Charapert, 2. Igermadar, 3. Duzakh, 4. Varand, 5. Khachen
                    1. kNow
                      24 May 2013 15: 31
                      Quote: mansur
                      The five Melikahs of Karabakh (also known as the Khamsa Melikahs) - Gulistan, Dzhraberd, Varanda, Khachen and Dizak, led by meliks of Armenian descent, were created in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, under Shah Abbas I at the beginning of the XVII century

                      The Karabakh khan used your tribesmen quite well against your other tribesmen ....
                      1. mansur
                        24 May 2013 15: 42
                        And this has come to an end. Everything is changing.
                        at 90 when there was a war in Karabakh you have yours fired at each other shared
                      2. kNow
                        24 May 2013 15: 47
                        Quote: mansur
                        at 90 when there was a war in Karabakh you have yours fired at each other shared

                        90s passed
                        Quote: mansur
                        everything is changing
                2. 0
                  24 May 2013 19: 14
                  Was it not about the Armenians that Prince Chavchavadze wrote to the tsar: "Sovereign, do not allow the Armenians to settle in the central provinces of the empire. They have a habit after a while to declare these lands their ancestral"
            2. kNow
              24 May 2013 15: 22
              Quote: mansur
              then buried Tsitsianov since there was a church, it means they have long lived in Baku

              There was a khanate in Yerevan, and the Armenians were a minority there, so what?
            3. +2
              24 May 2013 16: 51
              Quote: mansur
              Lived Caucasian Tatars

              Please address "Caucasian Tatars", or at least tell me where they live.
        2. kNow
          24 May 2013 15: 18
          Quote: mansur
          , Baku People ,,

          Was the Baku People Armenians?

          Quote: mansur
          and such a question where you are mentioned generally Azerbaijanis

          Is it important for you to prove that there were no Azerbaijanis in the Caucasus? look better than armenians on the map laughing
          Quote: mansur
          With respect, as yet

          Not yet? is someone owing you something? what a favor?
          1. Stoic
            24 May 2013 15: 30
            Amadeus, the smoking room is alive))))
            You'd better tell me what it is in "the most invincible and magnificent" already 46 dead askyarski since the beginning of the year? Have you decided to overfulfill the plan? Last year, the company was laid down, this one decided two?
            "To spite my grandmother, I'll frostbite my ears"? ))))))
            1. kNow
              24 May 2013 15: 39
              Quote: Stoic
              Amadeus, the smoking room is alive))))
              You'd better tell me what it is in "the most invincible and magnificent" already 46 dead askyarski since the beginning of the year? Have you decided to overfulfill the plan? Last year, the company was laid down, this one decided two?
              "To spite my grandmother, I'll frostbite my ears"? ))))))

              Have you already counted your own? :) what to do, war is like war, we don’t sit on the 102nd knee like some
              1. Stoic
                24 May 2013 15: 42
                War is war.
                Out of 46, only 5 are combat
                The rest are suicide, those who are disassembled into organs
                So who are you fighting with there?
                Officers with privates?
                The brief information of the Azerbaijani newspaper Musavat attracted our attention. The newspaper reports that on May 22 in a military court of Ganja (Gandzak) a sentence was passed against six officers of the Shamkhor corps of the armed forces of Azerbaijan. This time, the Azerbaijani officers were not tried for the massive rape of subordinate askers, and not for espionage. They were tried on charges of negligence and sabotage by Armenian fighters in June 2012, as a result of which five Azerbaijani askers were destroyed.

                Officers were sentenced from four to four and a half years in prison, but this is not what interests us in this case. Azerbaijani servicemen were convicted of the fact that on the morning of June 4, 5, Armenian fighters destroyed an unspecified number of askers, of whom the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense named only five: Aliyev Amil Novruz oglu, Azizova Khalida Matlab oglu, Bagirova Vahida Intigam oglu, Atashly Zulfugar Valioglu oglu and Isma Elchina Alovsat oglu. Note that, according to our information, then at least six more askers were destroyed, the names of four of which are known to us. These are Lieutenant Bayramov Akif Novruz oglu, Junior Sergeant Kurbanov Zulfugar (patronymic inaudible), Junior Sergeant Akhmedov Natik Suleiman oglu and Private Shirinov Oktay Elman oglu.

                Before proceeding to a further presentation, we remind readers of the events of those days. On June 4, an Azerbaijani sabotage group entered the territory of the Republic of Armenia, in the direction of the villages of Chinari and Berdavan. As a result of the battle to curb the advance of the enemy, the Armenian side suffered losses: three fighters were killed - Mushegh Nurbekyan, Zohrab Balabekyan and Karen Davtyan. Five more Armenian soldiers were injured. According to information that could not be verified accurately, the other side also suffered losses. The surname of one of the destroyed askers is known: Sahib Bayram-oglu Khalilov.

                And on the morning of June 11th, it became known about a new clash, during which, as already mentioned, at least XNUMX askers were destroyed. The press service of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, recognizing the loss of only five askers, spoke about their "heroic resistance to Armenian saboteurs," as a result of which there were supposedly victims among Armenian fighters. This misinformation, apparently designed to cheer up the completely lost spirit of the ascerus, was refuted. In this battle, the Armenian fighters had no losses - neither killed nor wounded.

                But starting from the next day, the askers suddenly began to suffer the most unexpected losses. So, on June 6, it became known that on June 5 (Attention!) Two Azerbaijani askers died as a result of an “accident” (collapse of a concrete wall): Emin Guliyev, called up for service from Sumgait and Orkhan Huseynov, called up from Agdash. Another asker was injured. On June 6, "a mine was blown up" and Asker Niyameddin Shaleddin oglu Mehdiev was seriously wounded. On June 7, Asker Dzhabrailov Ramiz Dilavar oglu “drowned in Kura”. On June 8, “a mine was blown up” and Asker Seadetdin Muslim oglu Mammadov died. On June 10, two officers of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan: Zafir Mammadov and Ilgar Verdiev, “were blown up by a mine”. The latter died on June 14 in a Baku hospital. On June 24, Major Aliyev Ekhtiram Seyfaddin oghlu died in the same hospital from heart and lung failure ... As you can see, Azerbaijan emptied the refrigerator for a long time in which the corpses of Asker destroyed by Armenian soldiers were stored.
                1. kNow
                  24 May 2013 15: 49
                  Why outweigh the noodles from your ears to ours? wink people who only recently admitted that the Azerbaijanis simply destroyed their "Arab" detachment speak about our losses laughing until recently, 124 people (with the exception of the fleeing commander) were reported missing crying
                2. mansur
                  24 May 2013 15: 54
                  Quote: Stoic
                  But starting from the next day, the askers suddenly began to suffer the most unexpected losses. So, on June 6, it became known that on June 5 (Attention!) Two Azerbaijani askers died as a result of an “accident” (collapse of a concrete wall): Emin Guliyev, called up for service from Sumgait and Orkhan Huseynov, called up from Agdash

                  It’s necessary to write off the losses somehow
                3. Yarbay
                  24 May 2013 16: 39
                  Quote: Stoic
                  So who are you fighting with there?

                  According to the estimates of non-governmental organizations, last year about 2 thousand incidents occurred in the Armenian army. Namely, 100 facts of desertion, about 200 facts of unauthorized absence from the military unit, up to 50 suicide attempts, over 500 facts of bribery, up to 400 facts of torture, over 40 - violence and over 70 - death. In addition, 200 Armenian soldiers died, 120 of which occurred in the “peaceful” region.

                  As the Armenian officials themselves admit, homosexuality in the Armenian army has become a normal way of life. About 120 Armenian military men with non-traditional sexual orientation serve in Armenia, and 190 in Karabakh. Bringing the situation to a critical point forced the army to create a special military medical commission to prevent such cases and premature demobilization of these troops.

                  Numerous facts of stab wounds are also typical cases for the occupying army. Last year, as a result of officers' use of physical torture of soldiers against discrimination such as “Karabakh” - “Armenian”, 23 cases of stab wounds were noted, during which 15 soldiers died.

                  Over the past 2 years, about a thousand crimes were committed against the citizens of Armenia sent to the territory of Karabakh. 1124 of these crimes are related to torture. Despite the fact that in connection with these events, criminal cases were opened against 289 military personnel, only 128 of them were arrested, and 161 were able to escape liability by taking a bribe.

                  Diseases spread widely in the occupying army. Over the past year, 3000 Armenian soldiers were admitted to hospitals due to infection with dysentery and other infectious diseases.

                  In the Armenian army, even high-ranking officers committed suicide attempts. For example, in April of this year, the commander of a military unit, Colonel-Lieutenant Khosrov Shadyan, stabbed himself. The Armenian Ministry of Defense is trying to present this issue as an accident that occurred due to carelessness. However, the opposition press writes that the terrible events in the Armenian army became a headache for the commanders of military units. As another version of Shadyan’s suicide attempt, the probability of appropriation of state property on an especially large scale was put forward, and he was forced to take such a step by the fact that the Ministry of Defense of the country inquired about this.

                  One of the main problems is the sale of military secrets. Officers of the highest ranks sell classified information to local and foreign press. For example, in February last year, the head of the Repair and Construction Department of the Ministry of Defense handed over to representatives of the local opposition information sent by the ministry under the stamp of secrecy. The head of the ministry’s department Armen Sargsyan and the head of the department’s information group, Lucy Eyvazyan, admitted in court that they had sold classified information.

                  Drafted into military service in January of this year Armen Mirzoyan was assigned to the 38.401th military unit located in the occupied Hadrut region, under the command of a certain Ararat Melkumyan. A. Mirzoyan was faced with pressure from the command of the unit. Based on his religious beliefs, he refused a military oath, and ultimately his case was transferred to a military court.
                  1. Yarbay
                    24 May 2013 16: 40
                    During the meeting of the Minister of Defense of Armenia Seyran Ohanyan with Karabakh war veterans on June 29 this year on the occasion of the memory of the missing Armenian soldiers, commenting on the issue of journalists regarding 1 Armenian soldiers missing during the Karabakh war, the minister stated that the Armenian the party carries out serious search operations in connection with these persons. However, everyone knows that at that time during the battles the Armenian army suffered heavy losses, S. Ohanyan personally gave instructions on the burial of several hundred Armenian soldiers in nameless graves, providing relatives of the victims with notifications of their missing. The purpose of this is to hide from the Armenian public the facts of numerous losses. In addition, there are facts of registration as missing persons of the retreating soldiers executed by order of Manvel Grigoryan. They are also buried in nameless graves in Karabakh. Everyone knows that M. Grigoryan dealt with the deserters himself and personally, for which he received the nickname "butcher."

                    During his return to his homeland in order to receive documents confirming citizenship, a young man living in Russia, but an Armenian citizen, was detained by police and sent to the Military Commissariat. The military commissariat drew this person to military service and sent to a military unit located in the occupied Azerbaijani territories. Passing military service near the village of Drmbon, Agderinsky district, this soldier was faced with pressure from the "Karabakh" officers. The officers in the occupied territories consist mainly of Karabakh Armenians, who are very tough on conscripts from Armenia. There are also facts of violence by soldiers from Armenia by Karabakh officers. In turn, the soldiers from Armenia talk about the mental retardation and sloppiness of the Karabakh officers.

                    According to information, the commander of one of the military units located in the occupied territory of the Terter region, Colonel Karen Shakaryan, deputy educational director, Colonel-Lieutenant Karen Nersesyan and company commander Kamo Sargsyan were particularly cruel against soldiers from Armenia. They constantly beat and humiliated soldiers. Moreover, it became known about the rape of one soldier from Artashat by Karen Shakaryan.
                    1. Yarbay
                      24 May 2013 16: 43

                      Arthur Sakunts, head of the Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Vanadzor office, commenting on the situation in the army and the speech of the Supreme Commander in connection with the latest incidents, said that the Russian military base stationed in Armenia could not give Armenia anything in terms of value, system or law, or culture. The Russian base spreads authoritarian values ​​that are projected onto the Armenian army in the sense of human rights violations and attitudes towards military personnel on the part of the command and authorities. The government itself is irresponsible and powerless in protecting the rights of its citizens in its own army and at foreign bases, said Arthur Sakunts.

                      Commenting on incidents in the Armenian army, Sakunts noted that this year 31 people died as a result of such incidents, of which 8 people died from sniper shots, the rest - mainly from hazing. We are concerned that an objective investigation is not being conducted in each of these cases, the human rights activist says. As an example, he cited the killing of 6 soldiers in the Martuni military unit. Laughing investigations form a distrust not only in the Ministry of Defense, but also in the investigative service.

                      Regarding the speech of Serge Sargsyan, in which he accused the authors of publications about the army of discrediting him, Arthur Sakunts believes that the speech only confirmed the lack of will of the authorities to reform the army. From his speech, we can conclude that there is no reason to hope for an objective investigation, the human rights activist noted. That is, the supreme commander is on the path to concealing crimes.
                      The focus of public attention was the tragic death on combat duty of 31-year-old contract officer Artak Nazaryan. According to the official version of the Ministry of Defense, on July 27, Lieutenant Nazaryan shot himself in the mouth, but a medical examination revealed numerous traces of violence on the officer’s body. The very next day, under unclear circumstances, an officer and five soldiers died in combat duty in one of the military units of the Martuni region of Nagorno-Karabakh. An investigation is underway, there are those arrested.

                      The incident raised a wave of protest, which brought other cases to the surface. Relatives and friends of the soldiers and sergeants beaten by the commanders, as well as those killed as a result of "hazing", broke the silence. It turned out that only in the last months from the beatings inflicted by Lieutenant Vahe Hovnikyan, conscript sergeant Arman Avakyan died from the beatings inflicted with a stick by company Vartanyan, private conscript Ashot Hovhannisyan died, under unclear circumstances, Private Samvel Khachatryan hanged himself on his body. traces of beatings were found.
                      1. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 46
                        Many people watched the video "The True Face of Our Army," which was filmed on a phone and posted on YouTube on September 11, where two soldiers are subjected to pressure, beating and humiliation by a man stripped to the waist, as the investigation later found out - the deputy battalion commander, Major Sasun Galsyn. He is now arrested and charged with abuse of office and abuse of power.

                        Referring to unofficial data, including those provided by the Helsinki Committee of Armenia, Alexander Avetisyan, deputy head of the legal department of the Policy Department of the Ministry of Defense, pointed to a decreasing trend in the number of deaths. If in 1995 the number of combat and non-combat losses amounted to 324 people, then in 1998 - 171, 2002 - 62, in 2004 - 38. However, Advisor to the Minister of Defense, Chairman of the Public Commission on Military Affairs under the Ministry of Defense Gegham Harutyunyan considers it necessary to continue measures aimed at reducing the number of victims. According to human rights activist Arthur Sakunts, this year 31 soldiers were killed and only 8 of them from shots by snipers, the rest from unregistered relations.

                        The position of the authorities resembles a reaction in the wake of facts that have already taken place. The tendency of concealing crimes in the army is still strong. Recently, President Serzh Sargsyan accused the authors of publications about the army of discrediting it. Former Deputy Defense Minister Vahan Shirkhanyan believes that incidents based on hazing are inherent in the armies of many countries: “The dissemination of such information by the media is more harmful to the security of the country. Parents whose children serve in the army develop mistrust, and those whose children going to serve in the army, there is even greater mistrust. " The deputy of the National Assembly from the ruling Republican Party of Armenia, Karen Avagyan, believes that the problems in the army are being radicalized, which is inadmissible - given the state of "neither war, nor peace" one should not weaken the army with such talk.

                        According to experts, opposition politicians and human rights activists, the safety of soldiers is not ensured in the army. The tragic incidents were the result of the merger of high-ranking military leadership and business, corruption in the army, and the prevailing atmosphere of impunity. "When army generals drive around in jeeps worth 100 thousand dollars, engage in bribery and their own enrichment, the army cannot be healthy. Recent events in the army testify to its decay," said Levon Zurabyan, office coordinator of the extra-parliamentary opposition Armenian National Congress. Human rights activist, chairman of the Helsinki Committee of Armenia Avetik Ishkhanyan is sure: "To remain silent about the army does not mean to show patriotism."

                        No one disputes that positive shifts have been observed in the army in recent years, that both combat training and living conditions are improving. Armenian youths fulfill their duty with honor, and parents are proud of their sons. No one disputes the fact that emergencies occur in other armies of the world. But who said that criticism of existing vices discredits the army and weakens the guarantor of state security? According to Deputy Director of the Caucasus Institute Sergei Minasyan, the openness of the army to the press is an important deterrent in the behavior of some officers. "Publications in the press, speeches of human rights defenders help to reduce shortcomings, and therefore to increase the combat readiness of the army, and therefore our security," the expert is sure.
                      2. Yarbay
                        24 May 2013 16: 48
                        GRAIN FROM CHEESE

                        The tragic events in the army, which follow one after another, bringing misfortune to the homes of Armenians, caused a wave of sincere protest, in which targets sometimes blur and innocent people suffer. Under a wave sometimes reaching hysteria, an entire army of officers and soldiers turned out to be absolutely decent people who fulfill their duty, far from families and domestic warmth, who were born not to become military, but were forced to become them. It is painful for these officers to hear how, due to individuals, the whole army becomes a subject of shame and insults. It is painful to hear that as a reason for the tragic events, the inhumanity of the officers, who allegedly enlist the soldiers in violence in large numbers, is given.

                        Many of these officers went through the war and did not become big commanders, but they are waiting for their retirement because they fought since 1991, which means that it’s time to retire soon. They are responsible for the 18-19 year old boys, they are familiar with their parents, then, after the service, many continue to maintain contact with their soldiers. Among them, there are also embittered (by war, field life, social insecurity), there are those who during the service “turn off” human feelings, there are officers who came to the army in order to earn money for others. But the overwhelming majority are members of our families with you who also do not like customs in the army and who also would like NATO barracks, equipment, would like to serve in the army, where human life is the highest value.

                        But these officers are the victims of the wave of protest and the reaction of the authorities to this protest. Each incident, even if it does not become public, becomes the reason for the appeal, dismissal or even arrest of officers, moreover, as a rule, not guilty of this incident. For several months now, the army (in particular, in the Karabakh units) has introduced unprecedented measures of “protecting soldiers from officers”. Any soldier will tell you that if an officer hits him, they will be punished without even checking the accuracy of the information. The soldiers are no longer forced to clean toilets - there is an order to hire civilians to clean toilets. And now the officers of the Armenian army cannot treat the soldiers too severely, even if they wish.

                        The tragic incidents in the army are due in most cases not to the inhumanity of the officers, as they often try to imagine. They are due to several reasons, and first of all, the presence of a privileged caste, which, by the way, includes not only officers, but also ordinary, so-called rangers. This is a whole system through which control, and requisitions, and violence against those who do not obey "laws" are carried out. These people, as a rule, are not punished; in extreme cases, they are dismissed from the army. They are allowed everything, and this gives reason to say that they have high patrons.

                        NAIRA HAYRUMYAN
                      3. Arminian power
                        25 May 2013 00: 37
                        footclothsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wassat
                      4. +1
                        25 May 2013 09: 25
                        look, the clown showed up fool
                      5. P-15
                        25 May 2013 15: 03
                        Yes, it’s not a clown but a clown’s natural. Horseradish warrior.
                      6. The comment was deleted.
                      7. The comment was deleted.
                      8. Arminian power
                        25 May 2013 01: 14
                        Well, yes, instructors from Turkey wondered whether Pakistani and Chechen mercenaries did not materialize
                        Quote: Yarbay
                        In Kelbajar, we completed all the tasks
                  2. Arminian power
                    25 May 2013 00: 36
                    UTB palasatics we do not care
                    Quote: Yarbay
                    According to estimates by non-governmental organizations
                    1. +3
                      25 May 2013 09: 29
                      Armenia do not give a damn about the USA? Yes, they walk through you will not even notice.
                  3. Arminian power
                    25 May 2013 01: 16
                    fellow ay mamed, say your magic word)) like "soon we will take a garabagh and reach yerevan")) and then why a long time I haven't laughed with it)))) lol
                    1. +3
                      25 May 2013 09: 32
                      why say, you will see for yourself, only you will not feel anything soldier
                      1. Arminian power
                        25 May 2013 21: 39
                        Quote: xetai9977
                        why say yourself see

                        20 let odna i taje plastinka a novova mojesh chto to skazat mamedddddddddddddddddddddddd
                        eto naverno iz pesni geydarhhhli poplavat v Sevane wassat
                    2. P-15
                      25 May 2013 15: 05
                      Laughter for no reason, a sign of foolishness, say the Russians.
                4. smersh70
                  24 May 2013 17: 11
                  .... you are our steadfast ...... starting in 1995 .... during my service .. every year 5-8 fighters of the so-called invincible army of Armenia went over to our side ..t anywhere on tv or in they didn’t announce to newspapers ....... but about that raid I would tell you a lot .......... I’d just be stunned)))))))))))))))
                  1. Stoic
                    28 May 2013 13: 38
                    So tell me how your NGS is - by the way, and now your main strategist, he put 5000 askerni in the Karvachar mountains in the winter of 1994.
              2. mansur
                24 May 2013 15: 48
                Quote: kNow
                Have you already counted your own? :) what to do, war is like war, we don’t sit on the 102nd knee like some

                The Russian 102 base is located in Gyumri, who does not know, this is the border with Turkey and somewhere more than 500 km to Karabakh, I think it’s clear why it is there and against whom,
                already on this site it was written about this more than once and even there more Armenians serve as officers and ordinary personnel, I’m already for you the Armenian Army in Armenia itself and Karabakh
                if you are your rulers, although you would be 50% sure of the success of a long time attacked, it would be interesting to see you in the forefront of the upcoming
                1. kNow
                  24 May 2013 16: 01
                  Quote: mansur
                  The Russian 102 base is located in Gyumri, who does not know, this is the border with Turkey and somewhere over 500 km to Karabakh, I think it’s clear why it is there and against whom

                  keep it at your own expense and protect your borders laughing become a province of Russia, otherwise they will feed you, protect you - and you are thankless all trying to sit on two knees
                  Quote: mansur
                  if you are your rulers, although you would be 50% sure of the success of a long time attacked, it would be interesting to see you in the forefront of the upcoming

                  Here we all agree with your owners, surrender on a silver platter - where do you go? wink
                  Now we are talking about a contractual war, you see, the agreement will not be with you?
                  1. mansur
                    24 May 2013 16: 11
                    Quote: kNow
                    Here we all agree with your owners, surrender on a silver platter - where do you go?
                    Now we are talking about a contract war, you see, the contract will not be with you

                    Yes, you know how to negotiate or before the bazaar, and who has forgotten about whom and with whom and about the armament of your army all this air - you’ve come up with new noodles, yes
                    1. kNow
                      24 May 2013 16: 19
                      Quote: mansur
                      about the armament of your army all this air - they invented a new noodle for you yes

                      I already remembered your "Tochka-U" with a dummy rocket laughing
                      Quote: mansur
                      Yes, you can negotiate or bazaar

                      Time will tell. Throughout your history, no matter how you turn around, you always lose.
                    2. smersh70
                      24 May 2013 17: 21
                      and politics - there is .... the ability to negotiate ...)))) that's how we negotiate, so you will immediately feel .... the armament of our army ........ both air and ground ..... . laughing
                2. smersh70
                  24 May 2013 17: 24
                  why then they dragged a part of the S-300 and from the base in Gyumri to the Kelbajar region of Azerbaijan then ...... it is interesting to know ....... wink
              3. Arminian power
                25 May 2013 00: 32
                Well, yes, it’s clear Turkish bashi rashiraite
                Quote: kNow
                we’re not sitting on the 102nd knee like some
                1. P-15
                  25 May 2013 15: 07
                  Who taught you Russian, ignoramus?
                  1. Arminian power
                    25 May 2013 21: 06
                    Quote: P-15
            2. P-15
              24 May 2013 18: 52
              Oh how, the ears of Armenians have a sore spot ??? This is probably from the time of Andronic.
      2. Stoic
        24 May 2013 11: 53
        And who built these mosques? Really not Persians? Oguzes? Karapapakhs? Koyunlu different? Or some of the countless Azerbaijanis?
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      24 May 2013 16: 43
      Quote: mansur
      devoted to burial in the city Armenian church. And says that there were no Armenians at that time in the South Caucasus and in Baku?

      In the village of Surahani there is a temple of fire worshipers, and in the city there are synagogues and churches, including the Armenian one. Well, and what of this?
  5. +3
    24 May 2013 12: 07
    In Japan, there used to be a code of honor for samurai, where before being decapitated, the enemy will be given a chance to fight one on one, with any weapon, then there were swords, and so it's mean,
    such a warrior has no honor.
  6. 0
    24 May 2013 12: 29
    In the 17-18 centuries, Georgia was already so subjugated by the Persians that it was difficult to distinguish it from other Persian provinces. Tehran became the residence of the Georgian aristocracy. Shahs demanded that Georgian kings and princes convert to Islam

    I have a question here. In the 18th century, Georgia, specifically Kartlo-Kakheti, remained independent, although it was under constant threat from the Ottomans. Georgian king Irakli II, tried to play his card, trying not only to maintain the independence of Georgia, but also to make it an equal regional partner. Another question is that there were not enough forces and he had to maneuver between Russia and Turkey. But in the 18th century there were no Persians in Georgia, just as it was not a Persian province. Persia generally in the 18th century, in view of its domestic political weakness, dropped out of the game in the Caucasus and barely retained its political influence on the Transcaucasus (Azerbaijan) bordering on it. For the first time, a Russian armed detachment appeared in Georgia during the war with Turkey of 1768-1774, to protect the Georgians from a possible Turkish invasion, and not from the Persians!
    Persia joined the Caucasian geopolitical triangle only at the end of the 18th century, when it began to expand its sphere of influence in the region. But the Iranian shah at that time was not going to fight with Russia and even proposed to divide the spheres of influence in the Caucasus. Perhaps this would have happened if there had not been provocations from Georgia, which tried to annex Shamakhi to Azerbaijan. What immediately followed the reaction of the Persians, leading to the invasion of Georgia in 1795. What Russia was already forced to react to by sending an expedition of Zubov in 1796. For Iran, after that it became obvious that their positions in the Caucasus were strengthened only by military force, which resulted in the Russian-Iranian wars of the first third of the 19th century.
  7. +2
    24 May 2013 16: 36
    Quote: mansur
    the ashes of a Caucasian hero will be buried in the city Armenian church. And says that there were no Armenians in this time in the South Caucasus and Baku?

    In the village of Surahani there is a temple of fire worshipers. In the city itself there are churches and synagogues. Well, what of this?
  8. +1
    24 May 2013 17: 06
    Quote: Stoic
    The hand that you cannot cut off - put it to your forehead "

    Where does this saying come from? New Armenian invention? Type Kutuzov, Jaruzelsky, Marx - all Armenians
  9. +3
    24 May 2013 20: 03
    Quote: Stoic

    What kind of bird watch? discovered new lands, on the bambylan planet, in the constellation of the chestunks