And Chapaya sorry. New film - black comedy or caricature of the hero of the Civil War?

The series of the First Channel “Chapay Passion” (directed by Sergey Shcherbin, screenwriter Edward Volodarsky) was awaited by film lovers. They wondered if the authors of the film could, if they didn’t surpass the masterpiece of the Vasilyev brothers, then at least make something decent.

The first series left some hope for the best. The authors successfully picked up Sergei Strelnikov for the role of the protagonist. They were attracted by their intention to show us a more human Chapaya, subject to all earthly passions. Unfortunately, the film was left far behind the classic Soviet film incarnation of Chapay.

Chapaevsky terror

In the film, Shcherbina and the young Volodarsky Chapaev is a carpenter who builds churches, and then, during the Civil War, he strongly opposes their destruction and reproaches the communists and commissars for atheism. Perhaps the idea of ​​making Chapaev the builder of churches was suggested by a fact from the biography of another hero, or rather, the antihero of the Civil War - the Siberian "red partisan" of the Bolshevik Grigory Rogov. He, like Chapaev, was sergeant-major of the tsarist army, and being a bricklayer by peaceful profession, built churches, but unlike the cinematic Chapaev, he willingly destroyed churches, but he didn’t touch those he built. Rogov became famous for his incredible cruelty.

And Chapaya sorry. New film - black comedy or caricature of the hero of the Civil War?

The real, and not the mythological, Chapaev was not so much inferior in this to Rogov. Contrary to what is shown in the series, in the first months of his service with red, he fought not with the Ural Cossacks, but with rebels against the surplus of Volga peasants. In particular, in March, 1918, a detachment of Chapayev from 600, a man was sent to Khvalynsk in the Saratov province from Nikolaevsk (Pugachev) to suppress peasant unrest.

In the future, the excesses and looting of Chapayev alarmed the higher authorities, who feared that Chapaev’s excessive cruelty would repel the peasant masses from the Bolsheviks. In the Cossack regions, Chapaevans, pursuing a policy of disclosure, openly looted and killed, sparing no one.

Shcherbin and Volodarsky represent the case that the entire Civil War Chapay fought exclusively against the Ural Cossacks. They fight in the film and under Sarapul, and they defend Ufa, although in reality they were not even close there. In fact, Chapaev fought against the Urals at the very beginning of his career, then - for the first time after his appointment to the Frunze 4 army and, finally, in the last months of his life, after his capture by the Ufa division. And it was the Soviet government that started the war with the Cossacks. When in March 1918, the Ural Cossack army declared its autonomy and insubordination to Moscow until the time when the All-Russian Constituent Assembly was convened, the Red Army detachments, including Chapaev’s detachment, immediately invaded the territory.

And the real Chapaev had a chance to fight against the Czechoslovak Corps, against the troops of the Samara Komuch, against the Volga Kappel Corps in Kolchak's army (despite what is shown in the famous “psychic attack” in the Vasilyevs film: “Kappelevtsy go!”, This corps was not one officers, and on the contrary, from very unreliable units formed from captured Red Army men). But the authors of the film, as opponents of Chapaev, needed only Cossacks as the personification of a certain evil elemental force, for nothing destroying the civilian population, including women, children and the elderly. The terror carried out by Chapaev and Chapaev is shown as a forced measure: the Red Army fired at the peasants only after the peasants were the first to shoot them in the back with rifles and machine guns. Chapaevts shot from among the prisoners only officers. Cossacks shoot first and kill not only adults, but also children, and old men, and women. They also shoot all the Red Army soldiers taken prisoner, including those who voluntarily surrendered, and not just the commissars.

Against the demons of the revolution

The enemies of Chapaev and the Bolsheviks are quite caricatureful. They are obsessed only with the idea of ​​clearing Russia of the “Bolshevik contagion” and reinning the “rebellious boors”. Soviet power is represented in the film as the embodiment of Russian statehood, although not without flaws. Chapai fights with these shortcomings as much as he can. He fights with commissars and security officers. All of them are shown by people extremely unsympathetic. It is the commissars who demand countless requisitions, and Chapaev, as far as he can, resist being robbed by the people. Commissioners all the time send denunciations of Chapaev. One of them even holds a party meeting in the division, accusing him of being immoral - cohabiting with the daughter of the White Guard colonel and demanding to exclude him from the party. Probably, the filmmakers think in the categories of party gathering in a Soviet institution in the 70 of the last century, according to the statement of the wife, who asks her husband to return from his mistress. If Chapaevsky’s commissar had tried to convene a similar meeting in the division, he would have lived a few minutes after the start of this meeting.

Dmitry Furmanov himself is a coward and a scoundrel among unsympathetic commissars, shooting Chapaev in the back from jealousy during a battle. Needless to say, the real Furmanov was not like that. In August, 1920, he led a red landing against the Vrangelis who had landed in Kuban, in this battle he was heavily wounded, received the Order of the Red Banner. Chapaev did indeed follow Furmanov’s wife, Anna Steshenko, but did not achieve reciprocity. And Dmitriy Andreevich didn’t even have a head start in his thoughts. On the contrary, as Furmanov wrote about Chapaev, "he wanted my death, so that Nai would go to him ... He can be decisive not only for noble, but also for vile deeds." And Chapaev, when Furmanov was transferred to the political department head of the Turkestan army (and was involuntarily saved from death in Lbishchensk), on the contrary, asked to keep the commissioner with whom he had time to become related.

I must say that Chapaev in the series is represented by a real Don Juan, for which women run around, and Petka (Chapaev’s adjutant Peter Isaev) came to the film from jokes about Chapaev, and all his dialogues with Vasily Ivanovich are old or new jokes. The most remarkable of them is about a bucket of moonshine ("Vasily Ivanovich, and you drink three-quarters of a bucket? If you have a good snack, I can! And you can bucket? No, Petka, I will not manage. But Lenin could! So Lenin, the world’s leader the proletariat! ”).

The main demon of the revolution, according to the authors of the film, is Trotsky, all evil from him. He is shown as a deft demagogue who seeks lime Chapaev. His visit to the Chapayev brigade in September 1918 of the year is purely caricatured. Speaking before the fighters with a demagogic speech, Lev Davydovich simultaneously tastes a watermelon and spits bones directly on Chapaev's boots. Trotsky can be treated differently. But even his ardent haters admit that he was not a fool, but was an outstanding orator and knew how to convince the soldiers that revolutionaries were right, long before the October revolution. And, of course, the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council was well aware that when you give a speech, in no case can you chew, otherwise the audience will laugh at you.

History conditional

A film dedicated to such an outstanding personality as Chapaev, it would seem, should reproduce the main historical events associated with it. However, in the series “Chapay Passion”, the story is just very conditional. When we see Chapaya during the First World War, the moment associated with the February Revolution, generally remains behind the scenes. The spectator expects that the tsar is about to be overthrown, and suddenly the news comes that a Bolshevik coup occurred in Petrograd and Moscow and Lenin was in power, which means that many previous episodes probably took place already under the Provisional Government. And in the film, Chapaev joined the party immediately after the October Revolution, whereas in fact, not least, he became a Bolshevik at the end of September 1917.

For some reason, the message of the Bolshevik coup inspires the officers of the regiment, where Chapaev serves, to try to bring the soldiers to obedience and force them to go on the offensive. This scene actually reproduces that episode of Sergei Gerasimov’s film “The Quiet Don”, where during the Kornilov revolt, the esaul Kalmykov and other officers tried to force the Cossacks to go to Petrograd, and then the Bolshevik Bunchuk arrested and shot Kalmykov. During the Kornilov speech in August-September 1917, this happened very often. But in the days of the October Revolution, such behavior of officers is absolutely unbelievable. By that time, those officers who wanted to continue the war had either escaped from the army or were killed. Incidentally, from the film “The Quiet Don”, the mise en scene of the episode “Fight at Yar and the Shooting of Captured Officers” was taken (in Gerasimov this is an episode of the death of Peter Melekhov).

In "Chapaev's Passion" it is difficult to understand when the action takes place in 1918, and when - in 1919. So, when Chapaev’s division attacks Ufa (in reality, it was June 1919 of the year), Chapaev’s main enemy, Captain Yevgeny Maltsev, tells his drinking companions, the officers opening the American cannon, that the White armies were defeated and Denikin had already left Russia, so soon the officers will may be where this stew is made. This episode, I note, reproduces the typical scene of Soviet films about the Great Patriotic War, where officers in the dugout open a can of stew with the words: “Well, let's open the second front!”. However, Denikin left Russia only in April 1920 of the year, transferring power to Wrangel. In June, 1919, Anton Ivanovich, was just preparing the famous Moscow directive, and Baron Wrangel took the “red Verdun” - Tsaritsyn, where the Moscow directive was published on July 3.

There is no reason to talk about the mass of military historical inaccuracies. We mention only a few. When Chapaev's regiment in the 1916 year goes on the attack, the Germans fire at him with rifles and machine guns, but for some reason do not use artillery at all, although it accounted for more than 70 percent of casualties in the First World War. An analogue of the “psychic attack” from the film of the Vasilyev brothers in the series is the fight between mounted Cossacks and pikes with the Chapayev infantry in the trenches. Meanwhile, from the peak refused already in the First World War. In the Civil Cossacks sometimes had to take up the peaks again - when there were no cartridges. But in any case, the peak could be used either in horse combat or against infantry in the open. Against infantry in the trenches, the peaks were useless. And the Cossacks attacked, turning into lava, and not in a marching column of three, as happens in the film. Cossacks dressed the whole movie in white tunic, which in fact existed only before the Russian-Japanese war, and then were replaced by defensive ones. Yevgeny Maltsev, an infantry officer, suddenly turns into a cavalryman in the Civil War, and while serving among the Cossacks, he wore the rank of captain. At the same time, army officers transferred to Cossack troops were automatically accepted into Cossacks and received Cossack ranks.

When Chapaev sinks in the Urals in the final, this, according to the authors' intention, should be perceived as his departure into the secret city of Kitezh. The real Chapaev, probably, was neither righteous nor a villain. He was just one of the many heroes of the Civil War. And by his death, Chapaev, one might say, destroyed the Ural Cossack army. Success under Lbishchensky was a Pyrrhic victory for the Cossacks. Thanks to the reserves captured in Lbishchensk, the Cossacks held the front almost until winter, and the retreat to Persia began three months later, only in November of the 1919 year. As a result, no more than two thousand people survived from typhus, famine and severe Kazakh cold weather from the 11-thousand army, and only 162 escaped from Soviet captivity, led by ataman Tolstov, after long ordeals that reached Australia.
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  1. +38
    April 24 2013 16: 09
    I repeat in my comments. There was already a similar topic. Films shown on TV can be attributed to the shame of Russian cinema. (Chapaev, White tiger, Burnt by the sun) Looked, all this get along. The impression was that in the films they did not glorify Russian weapons and soldiers, but dirty cowards were turned inside out. Why such war films? Compare, for example, a film of the same Mikhalkov, one among strangers, and a stranger among his own, with this last nonsense. Hands on one word.
    1. +11
      April 24 2013 17: 11
      Yes, in all these films, the director as if wants to convey the idea (?) To the viewer that the Soviet people defeated the enemy, only filling up meat at the very top am
      They would write immediately before the credits something like "This film is solely of the author who gorged himself with amanitas", or what they eat there, because otherwise it is impossible to explain such low moral opuses am, since otherwise it is necessary to imprison for distorting the story.
    2. +2
      April 24 2013 18: 43
      White Tiger

      And he didn’t please him. For me, it’s quite suitable mysticism. Unlike CSS and other fines.
      1. Melchakov
        April 24 2013 18: 48
        Quote: leon-iv
        quite suitable mysticism

        The movie is not bad. But some individuals on the site are afraid that young people will not understand his philosophical intent.
        1. Hudo
          April 24 2013 18: 53
          Quote: Melchakov
          Quote: leon-iv
          quite suitable mysticism

          The movie is not bad. But some individuals on the site are afraid that young people will not understand his philosophical intent.

          What the hell is a "philosophical plan"?
          1. VOVAN-228
            April 24 2013 19: 24
            It’s quite a plan for schoolchildren to show interest.
      2. VOVAN-228
        April 24 2013 19: 23
        For me, quite suitable mysticism
        I agree. The film is valid.
        1. +2
          April 24 2013 20: 36
          Again you are our hero! What salary is trolling now? Where do they record?
      3. +1
        April 24 2013 21: 55
        and here is the mystic
      4. +1
        April 25 2013 02: 20
        Quote: leon-iv
        For me, it’s quite suitable mysticism.

        That is mysticism. Explicitly with a pro-German bias.
      5. +1
        April 25 2013 04: 45
        .... Leon was ahead of me ........ I, too, didn’t find anything bad in the tiger, didn’t the Tiger exceed the first version of the 34-ki in 76 mm? An order of magnitude ...... even when the legendary 34-85 appeared, which could only compete with Kote in close maneuver combat ....
    3. Atlon
      April 24 2013 22: 31
      Quote: Sirocco
      I repeat in my comments. There was already a similar topic.

      That's right! I already wrote an article on this topic. True readers were not very many ... Not at the right time. Who has not read, below is the link.

      "Tales about Chapay ... or how history is defamed"
    4. +4
      April 25 2013 00: 06
      Never, somewhere on a subconscious level, did not perceive Mikhalkov. Moreover, this rejection did not come from his roles, but from him around the acting life, where for some reason I always seemed to me in the form of a self-styled prince even in Soviet times. A sort of insolent celebrity son. And all this his attempt to modernize our cinema nothing but ironic sarcasm evokes in me. Probably something will change if this snickering cat from the union of filmmakers is already sent to the dustbin of the history of Russian cinema. Tired of this "self-admiring" erysipelas, worse than steamed radish. And personally, I like our old films, albeit naive, but so close our Soviet ones, especially the early ones. good
    5. +1
      April 26 2013 09: 20
      they say among the people: you can't Wed-do not torture ... ooo ... such computer consumer goods as "fighters" going on TV evoke a feeling of protest, jarring from the modern speech of heroes, from very FAT mechanics, and from many "jambs" ".... I will say one thing: to the director and the actors, by a nail in the head ... let them watch the films" liberation "..." only old men go to battle "and other real high-quality films of Soviet cinema ...
  2. -4
    April 24 2013 18: 58
    It's a normal feature film, it’s interesting to watch and Chapaev looks quite worthy. Like any feature film, there are a lot of historical inconsistencies, so the film is a feature film, not a documentary.
    1. +4
      April 24 2013 19: 28
      The worldview is formed regardless of the genre. The more interesting the film, the deeper it is imprinted in the mind. After many years, a person will not be able to accurately substantiate his attitude, because it is formed by many factors. Just so slowly and gradually there is a substitution of concepts. Feature films, fairy tales, and parables do not undergo critical analysis and are therefore easily assimilated. This has long been noticed and is actively used. Any information is involved in the formation of worldview and therefore any media should be controlled.
      1. 0
        April 24 2013 22: 19
        Quote: Ivan.
        Worldview is formed regardless of genre
        All, or most, read in school the same "Three Musketeers" by Dumas or, for example, "The Odyssey of Captain Blood" by Sabatini, watched "The Elusive Avengers", and much more, where the historical accuracy was far from reality. Yes, there should be censorship, but the people should also have culture. In my Soviet childhood I heard the poems "How my grandfather went to the ballet", you read many comments on the film about Chepaev, something at this level, where the old man saw one vulgarity in the ballet. More, that, nothing good and good is not visible, is it not clear? The vulgarity and lack of spirituality come from a completely different direction. If "The Master and Margarita" can not understand and pour mud, what can we say about "White Tiger" and "Passion for Chapay" ... You need to think and feel, and for this, as Vysotsky sang in the film about Ivanhoe, the necessary books in childhood to read.
        1. +1
          April 25 2013 00: 42
          You didn’t understand me. I didn’t watch the film and did not intend to, I simply answered a carefree comment.
          Regarding culture - what you cultivate is what you reap.
          With regard to censorship, its main task was to fight the dangers contained in "information products" for the current regimes.
          And in my dreams, this is an organization to counteract any information that impedes the spiritual growth of an individual.
          1. -1
            April 25 2013 09: 27
            Quote: Ivan.
            You didn’t understand me, I didn’t watch the film and was not going

            Perhaps you took directly personally, the question in the text of my comment. In general, it will probably be difficult to counteract the information "hindering the spiritual growth of the individual" if the responsible persons will just as categorically and biased judge what they have not even watched or read. The "blind" should not judge artists, but the "deaf" musicians. Judging by your words, philosophy is not alien to you, and if so, then the individual is the individual because he is individual, as a person, here it will be difficult to perceive a common cliché. I already remembered "How my grandfather went to the ballet", so one in the picture of Van Gogh will see a beautiful woman, and the other will see pornography, everything initially depends on the culture, and she does not develop on some prohibitions.
    2. Atlon
      April 24 2013 22: 38
      Quote: voronov
      It's a normal feature film, it’s interesting to watch and Chapaev looks quite worthy. Like any feature film, there are a lot of historical inconsistencies, so the film is a feature film, not a documentary.

      You’re like a native ... Tell me, what had to be smoked, in order to fantasize, that Furmanov shot Chapaeva in the back, out of a feeling of jealousy ?!
      Hint number times: Furmanov Dmitry Andreevich (1891-1926) - writer.
      Hint number two: In January 1919 - Commissioner 25th Infantry Division.
      Hint number three: Furmanov (1891-1926) known for his novel "Chapaev" (1923)
      Normal "inconsistency"? If you have not read Furmanov, I assure you! Furmanov, in his novel, WAS NOT WRITING THIS MUCH!

      Yesterday on the second channel (Russia) the film (multi-part, of course!) "Fighters" began. Especially looked at the beginning ... After the dialogue:
      - Somewhere in the forest, 300 meters from us, a German parachutist sat down! Organize his quest!
      -But I only have wounded ... And drivers.
      -Follow the order!
      -Drivers! Arm the wounded with what you can! Who can walk, follow me, chain, march!

      Then I turned it off. Introduced the wounded armed with wrenches, jacks, "crooked" starters, spare wheels, tin funnels, and springs from one and a half ... Hmm.

      I don’t even want to talk about plywood planes painted with watercolors, and computer graphics of the level of the late 90s ...
      1. nickname 1 and 2
        April 24 2013 23: 02
        What is there to talk about? screenwriter Volodarsky!

        film burn Volodarsky to the tribunal!

        Fighters = junk! To burn! Screenwriter under the tribunal.
        1. Atlon
          April 24 2013 23: 41
          Quote: nick 1 and 2
          What is there to talk about? screenwriter Volodarsky! film burn Volodarsky to the tribunal!

          "... it is impossible to send him to Solovki for the reason that he has already been for over a hundred years in places much more distant than Solovki, and it is in no way possible to get him out of there, I assure you!" ("The Master and Margarita")

          Volodarsky died ...
      2. -5
        April 25 2013 05: 54
        introduced the wounded? Now imagine. when one rifle for three and two grenades, and an attack in melee. maybe that will understand. I forgot to add, there is still an order from the commander. for the failure of which under the law of wartime-execution. there is everything in war. and meanness and cowardice and stupidity of commanders and heroism. just over the edge. that to plywood planes. everything from money. Russian cinema is far from Hollywood.
        1. Hudo
          April 25 2013 07: 37
          Quote: tor11121
          introduced the wounded? Now imagine. when one rifle for three and two grenades, and an attack in melee. maybe that will understand. I forgot to add, there is still an order from the commander. for the failure of which under the law of wartime-execution.

          There is undoubtedly some truth in your words. But in the film "The Living and the Dead", there is an episode when an unarmed soldier walks with a stone to a tank, and a major-border guard together with a driver take up defensive positions in a ditch, perfectly aware that they have little to live - according to Stanislavsky - I BELIEVE !!! In the film "Eternal Call", the episode where Fedor surrenders - I BELIEVE too. I also BELIEVE, for example, the films "Gu-ha" about penalties and "Ascent" about Belarusian partisans.
          But to various "penal battalions" - where the polished mug of a liberal carries an utter blizzard to order, smears the memory of my relatives with mud, shits in my very soul and on holy graves - I DO NOT BELIEVE !!! In addition to the will, a desire arises, if something more suitable is not found at hand, to break through the head of the liberal-actor with a stone like a rotten pumpkin.
    3. +2
      April 24 2013 22: 43
      Nah, even a feature film must be accurate in the details. And then there is no trust in him. And it should also be a kind of teaching aid, unobtrusive, rude so, not only with whom to take an example, but also history. Again, small punctures are nothing special, but when the film consists of punctures simply ...
      1. Atlon
        April 24 2013 22: 53
        Quote: Uhalus
        Nah, even a feature film must be accurate in the details.

        I’ll clarify. Historical film. Want to fantasize? Shoot about the hobbits! Want to shoot about historical figures? Kindly study the question first!
  3. +4
    April 24 2013 18: 59
    - Fun stupid, definitely! Historical truth and heroics are of the type, not for average minds, the head of a bo-bo will be ... but the women and the booze do not require explanation. Chegozh you still ... bi ... lo
    - Greetings to the proletarians from the thinking intelligentsia ...!
  4. +6
    April 24 2013 19: 00
    I watch TV very rarely, but the other day I heard from the next room how a film about the war was announced on "Russia" it seems: the main character, the pilot (performed by Dyuzhev) gets out of the camps for the war fellow am All !!! Put out the light ......
    1. Hudo
      April 24 2013 19: 09
      I tried to watch "Heavenly Swallows", a series about female pilots who fought on Po-2. I was expecting something about the heroism of female pilots who fell into the bloody meat grinder of war ... And I saw some vile variations on the penal battalion - writhing smart faces, full of stupid people, commanders giving completely idiotic orders, a cannibal of a special man and the stupidity of the script after. Tatiana Arntgolts is a beautiful lady, but there is nothing more to look at. sad
    2. Kaa
      April 24 2013 20: 23
      Quote: Thunderbolt
      gets from the camps to war
      Probably, the special camp was for pilots. Between the work of Kyle and the ax, they supported the skills of conducting air battles, not otherwise ...
      1. +4
        April 24 2013 20: 32
        Quote: Kaa
        . Between the work of Kyle and the ax, they maintained skills in conducting air battles
        And in air battles they sang "Murka". Well, like that ...
    3. +5
      April 24 2013 21: 07
      Quote: Thunderbolt
      the main character, the pilot (performed by Dyuzhev) gets from the camps to the wars

      Good evening Alexey
      I didn’t watch it when I again saw the director’s political director, who was already bored with the find, because it’s easy to get from the camps to the front,

      1. Hero of the Soviet Union (1945) Colonel General Alexander Kushchev
      2. Hero of the Soviet Union (1945) Guard Major General Jan Vogel
      3. Hero of the Soviet Union (1944) Colonel Karpov Vladimir Vasilievich

      Yes, a lot of fought for 58 and not everything as you see in the penal battalion
      1. +3
        April 24 2013 21: 30
        Good evening! I am against hushing up the difficult fate of many front-line soldiers, but making a preamble of every new film about the war out of this is boring for this whole .... look. In our country without "excesses", well, there is a tendency here, however.
        Quote: Vadivak
        Hero of the Soviet Union (1944) Colonel Karpov Vladimir Vasilievich
        Now I am reading his book "The Commander". I was especially moved by the moment when our ships entered the bay under fire during the last assault on Sevastopol. Along the narrow channel. At full speed !!! Main battery guns opened fire on ground targets, and a fresh division began to unload .Here is the plot fellow , and then "small fry". And if it is really on the topic for me, only one film about Chapay exists. Ch-White which.
      2. Kaa
        April 24 2013 21: 31
        Quote: Vadivak
        from the camps we got to the front so easily

        Ukraine makes more brilliant films - from the front to the camp, from there - to the leaders of the Indian tribe: "The film" Who went through the fire "(Firecrosser, Toy hto proishov krіz vogon) - an appeal to a story that looks more like a fairy tale, but nevertheless place in reality. The film covers the historical period from 1941 to 1958 and tells about the pilot Ivan Ivanovich Datsenko, Hero of the Soviet Union, whose name was diligently destroyed both from the lists of the living and the dead. The thing is that Datsenko, after his escape from German captivity, was declared a traitor and sent to the Gulag camps, from where he also managed to escape. Since the fugitive had nowhere to go in his native country, he went to Alaska, and from there to Canada. It was there that the traces of the war hero who now became the hero of the film were found "Who passed through the fire", many years after its end - as it turned out, Ivan Ivanovich became the leader of an Indian tribe. /Http://
        1. Hudo
          April 24 2013 23: 24
          Quote: Kaa
          Ukraine makes more brilliant films

          Hmm, the uncle of the current Nazi's coming out from VO "Svoboda" Illenko is a great hvantast-storyteller, but his nephew-fascist is far from the cattle. Yabloko is from an apple tree, as they say.
    4. Atlon
      April 24 2013 22: 51
      Quote: Thunderbolt
      it seems: the main character, the pilot

      A little higher I wrote about this "film". Weak zakos under "Only old men go to battle". Even with phrases and scenes from there. For example about: "turn your head 180 degrees.", And the scene with "firewood on the runway." Instead of Titorenko, a woman with a clever face teaches the yellow-mouthed "flyers". Sucks in general.
  5. -7
    April 24 2013 19: 02
    Indeed, the film is not bad and the actors play too. At 4 with a minus. It’s just that the image of Chapaev of Soviet times is so familiar that his other interpretation is condemned by most viewers.
  6. 0
    April 24 2013 19: 04
    What, do you want to rewrite HISTORY ABOUT TEA Together ?! - PIPE to you all!
  7. waisson
    April 24 2013 19: 05
    for me a good movie is better than any soap operas about d ..... or the police epopee even diluted a little TV show menu
    1. Hudo
      April 24 2013 19: 16
      Quote: waisson
      for me a good movie is better than any soap operas about d ..... or the police epopee even diluted a little TV show menu

      On fishlessness, and cancer is a fish. No more. To my deep regret.
  8. +10
    April 24 2013 19: 16
    And you did not know how the Red Army fought? Here is a new Russian cinema that will tell you that all normal people were sitting in camps and already from the camp went to war receiving one rifle for 100 people, and the NKVD sat behind and shot everyone in a row, bloody Stalin led the war and the butcher of beetles who crushed the Germans with zerg, oh, excuse the Red Army soldiers from the penal battalion in relation to 1000 penal battalions per one German, and also the penal battalions were armed with sticks because There were no rifles, the intelligence service was full of fuckers incapable of anything, and that kind of nonsense. It feels like the commission for the acceptance of films, or whatever they have there, is sitting alone Svanidze and the Millechins who are editing the film "correcting" errors and inaccuracies. filmmakers if your hands grow from one place and you do not know the story, then you better shoot idiotic whiny series for grandmothers, do not touch the little decent that we have left.
    1. Hudo
      April 24 2013 19: 21
      Quote: Standard Oil
      It feels like there’s a movie commission or whatever they have there,sit some Svanidze and Mlechins who edit the film "correcting" mistakes and inaccuracies.

      Unfortunately, they have not yet been seated, and even the most humane court of these nits less than a quarter of hard labor would not have measured them out.
    2. VOVAN-228
      April 24 2013 19: 57
      one rifle per 100 people
      Not for 100, but for three.
      sitting behind the NKVD
      Yes. They didn’t stand.
      fines were armed with sticks because there were no rifles
      But what about the shoulder blades?
    3. -1
      April 24 2013 21: 01
      Quote: Standard Oil
      ... all normal people were in the camps and were already leaving for the war getting one rifle per 100 people, and the NKVD was sitting in the back and shooting everyone in a row, they were led by the bloody Stalin and the butcher of beetles that crushed the Germans ...

      Eh, there’s no 9th company here - he would love to develop the topic now, obviously the NKVD’s grandfather during the attack more than once corrected the speed-driven movement of the body controlled by fear. wink
  9. +6
    April 24 2013 19: 18
    Where the screenwriter Volodarsky is, there is and cannot be historical truth. After 1991, not a single truthful work, but the "penal battalion" is the apogee of lies. So is it worth it to break the spears according to "Chapay".
    1. Hudo
      April 24 2013 19: 26
      Quote: omsbon
      "penal battalion" is the apogee of lies.

      Exactly! But after all, what talented actors are involved in order to make this nonsense of a gobbled up liberalist become watchable for a poorly educated viewer.
      1. VOVAN-228
        April 24 2013 19: 28
        Rave? Have you ever heard of penal battalions and red commissars? Where is the nonsense?
        1. +2
          April 24 2013 19: 53
          But what about the penal battles? deducted from the order of Hitler near Moscow. effective military methods.
          with a handshake you gave yourself away with beats.
          1. VOVAN-228
            April 24 2013 22: 04
        2. -2
          April 25 2013 04: 54
          For the picture minus .... but about the penal battalion ....... guys .... you don’t have to go to extremes ..... it was, everything was there, and the machine guns behind and stick-shoulder blades in the hands of .... But was it good in terms of the current "democratic"positions? So the 45th year put everything in its place, .........So then it was necessary for the VICTORY!
  10. VOVAN-228
    April 24 2013 19: 22
    But "White Tiger" is a great movie. Yes, you can argue about "Burnt by the Sun", but the tiger is definitely a success.
    1. Hudo
      April 24 2013 19: 28
      Quote: VOVAN-228
      But "White Tiger" is a great movie. Yes, you can argue about "Burnt by the Sun", but the tiger is definitely a success.

      The success of whom over whom? Hangover delirium over common sense?
      1. VOVAN-228
        April 24 2013 19: 31
        Wow, how serious we are. Soviet people don’t like everything - the youth cuts in Call of duty and wets the Fritz for the USA, squeals are heard, they say they educate the US patriots, they want to ban kin and games. They tried in Russia to make an interesting movie for young people, made World of tanks - squeals are heard, they say, not seriously enough and under Stalin there was no such
      2. Amateur
        April 24 2013 19: 53
        Those who rested their forehead against the wall and see nothing but red brick rave about. Rod through, knocking everyone and everything. They break their forehead and forward again. Although the door, here it is, lend a hand. But the hand is busy with a banner: He who is not with us is against us. And all who are trying to point to the door are deviators, perverts and traitors. Enemies of the people, in a word.
  11. VOVAN-228
    April 24 2013 19: 27
    In general, you need to make a normal movie. With the truth about the reds.
    1. +5
      April 24 2013 19: 54
      Correctly! One must not live by lies! (with)
      1. VOVAN-228
        April 24 2013 19: 55
        The number of minuses clearly hints that they mean something bad by the word “truth”. They know something, apparently.
        1. 0
          April 24 2013 19: 58
          Bloody Chekists! Reached the damned Stalin! (with)
          1. VOVAN-228
            April 24 2013 20: 01
            In general, the Communists always bake for some reason when they begin to doubt their holiness of the Reds and the greatness of the USSR, as if they have some complexes. This is wrong - you need to soberly evaluate the story and look into the eyes of the truth.
  12. +4
    April 24 2013 19: 34
    I’m interested in the passion for chapa and other Russian TV shows first of all in Ukraine, and only then with us why would this be? what
    1. Hudo
      April 24 2013 19: 38
      Quote: BARKAS
      I’m interested in the passion for chapa and other Russian TV shows first of all in Ukraine, and only then with us why would this be? what

      The ideological department of the State Department conducts testing, if the orange and Svidomo liked it, then it is possible to crap on the territory of Russia.
  13. Sarmat
    April 24 2013 19: 35
    Honestly, all these current cinematic remakes about the war and the history of our State are worse than a bitter radish. I started to watch this "masterpiece", but after the third episode I realized that this was not the movie.
    I downloaded "Seventeen Moments of Spring" from the Internet and looked again with great pleasure.
    1. VOVAN-228
      April 24 2013 19: 37
      Downloaded from Internet "Seventeen Moments of Spring"
      In colour?
  14. +4
    April 24 2013 19: 35
    Yes! But in Western cinema, it’s completely not accepted to cheat on certain events in your history, to expose your heroes as idiots, cowards, traitors. They have only Russians, Arabs and Asians in this role - unwashed, in funny clothes, with stupid faces, idiotic actions and so on.

    There’s nothing to bring me up to, and what conclusions do young people draw from these masterpieces?

    And we want to educate the patriots of our country - what is we proud of after watching or reading such "historical" works - the stupidity, stupidity and idiocy of our ancestors?
  15. +2
    April 24 2013 19: 38
    Comedy, caricature ... Crap !!!

    And crap and !!!

    The feeling is that such films or people who hate Russia are filming, or who, in principle, do not imagine that there is Russia and a Russian Man !!! Bondarchukovsky (forgive me the great Russian director, but this is more of a son's "work") "Quiet Don" with a gay man as Grigory, "War and Peace" with a porn actor as Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, this is the "creation" ... "masterpieces" (God forgive me) have no right to life, tk. and disfigure Russian classics (this is about Tolstoy and Sholokhov), and the Russian soul is insulted (this is about everyone and about the unfortunate Chapai including)!
    PS Will the "genius" authors say that this is a new vision and a new look at art? If you are such an innovator, then create something really new, and from the cultural heritage of all mankind and from the people's memory - hands off!
  16. +2
    April 24 2013 19: 38
    Let's leave the film overboard, let's talk about snot about the so-called terror, and on both sides. Total destruction of the enemy is the most effective way to win. So it was at all times, often the commanders gave the city "on the shield" ie to plunder, it broke the population and forced to obey. If a war happens, the same thing will happen, and it happens, the same Americans first bomb and then iron them with tanks. Let's stop hanging noodles at the expense of "red" and "white" terror - a dead enemy is the best enemy, no matter what they say, for both sides.
    1. 0
      April 24 2013 19: 49
      A small nuance of the United States bombing our city and robbing it is understandable, but ours also bombing and robbing or liberating?
  17. 0
    April 24 2013 19: 39
    Let's leave the film overboard, let's talk about snot about the so-called terror, and on both sides. Total destruction of the enemy is the most effective way to win. So it was at all times, often the commanders gave the city "on the shield" ie to plunder, it broke the population and forced to obey. If a war happens, the same thing will happen, and it happens, the same Americans first bomb and then iron them with tanks. Let's stop hanging noodles at the expense of "red" and "white" terror - a dead enemy is the best enemy, no matter what they say, for both sides.
  18. +4
    April 24 2013 19: 42
    Comedy, caricature ... Crap !!!

    And crap and !!!

    The feeling is that such films or people who hate Russia are filming, or who do not imagine, in principle, that there is Russia and the Russian Man !!! Bondarchukovsky (forgive me the great Russian director, but this is more likely the son of "creativity") "Quiet Don" with a gay man in the role of Grigory, imported "War and Peace" with a porn actor in the role of Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, this is the "creation" ... Such "masterpieces" (God forgive me) have no right to life, tk. and disfigure the Russian classics (this is about Tolstoy and Sholokhov), and the Russian soul is insulted (this is about everyone and about the unfortunate Chapay as well)!
    PS Will the "genius" authors say that this is a new vision and a new look at art? If you are such an innovator, then create something really new, and hands off the cultural heritage of all mankind and people's memory!
  19. Belogor
    April 24 2013 19: 45
    Author B. Sokolov. Is this not the very historian who is only concerned with tarnishing the history of Russia? Mixes everything positive and negative into one nasty bunch.
    1. +1
      April 24 2013 19: 57
      I thought the same thing. but it’s not like him. there is another falcon.
      1. +1
        April 24 2013 20: 43
        But no, I checked - this is the same Sokolov.
    2. krest.ros
      April 24 2013 22: 31
      He is the same Sokolov as Gagarin - Abramovich.
  20. Amateur
    April 24 2013 19: 49
    But didn’t the enemy be corrupted by the corpses of their soldiers? Only the deaf-deaf-mute (I see nothing, I hear nothing, I will not tell anyone) can deny this fact. Maybe someone will try to refute that there was, for example, an order to take Berlin by May 1? By then, Germany was already in ruins. You could take the city in the ring and wait a week until you give up. But no, the mustachioed leader really wanted Victory on the Day of Workers' Solidarity .. And the vaunted Marshal Zhukov did everything to fulfill the order, filling Berlin with dead Soviet soldiers
    1. VOVAN-228
      April 24 2013 19: 52
      Uuuuu. You can't say that here. And Zhukov is still a shitty butcher. May 9 is not a holiday at all. It must be canceled as the day of the victory of Stalin's red terror. Such "holidays" are not needed.
      1. BAT
        April 24 2013 20: 04
        Hey, Vova 228, why do all trolls never write anything about themselves? So you registered on the site, but did not indicate your name or place of residence? Are you afraid, or what? Whom and why? Do not be afraid!!! A soldier will not offend a child ...
        Gulchatay! Show your face. Or are you just s s l about or some kind of paid provocateur.
        Most likely you are the most ordinary troll of middle school age. And you just get high that adult uncles on a serious site pay attention to your moronic delirium.
        1. VOVAN-228
          April 24 2013 20: 08
          Moscow. Pushkin street.
      2. +4
        April 24 2013 21: 05
        you are moral !!! a request to the admins, give him an eternal ban!
        1. VOVAN-228
          April 24 2013 21: 07
          Alyosha, be quieter in expressions, otherwise I’ll come home - I will pound my ass. Catch it?
          1. +2
            April 24 2013 21: 08
            ass on a cock you come across, scarecrow!
            1. VOVAN-228
              April 24 2013 21: 13
              Speak the address.
              1. Die-hard
                April 24 2013 21: 14
                Pushkin street, Kolotushkin house. Come out. And seize the canned food. He loves them.
              2. 0
                April 24 2013 21: 15
                what do you want to knock on a member ???
                1. VOVAN-228
                  April 24 2013 21: 26
                  I’ll knock you on the forehead with something. Say the address, coward.
                  1. +3
                    April 24 2013 21: 31
                    my address is useless to you, there will be no one to bury you here !!!
    2. Hudo
      April 24 2013 19: 58
      Everyone imagines himself a strategist seeing a battle from the side (c).

      You should, Amateur, master tactics, at least in the amount of an interesting book - "Textbook of a sergeant of motorized rifle troops", and then google little or little. And so, to conduct a discussion with you on such topics is an empty and completely unproductive exercise.
      1. VOVAN-228
        April 24 2013 20: 03
        I am history savvy. You can have a discussion with me. I can remember the hellish intoxication near Rzhev, when the Stalinist-Zhukovsky wishlist, with a "continuous offensive", wasted for the 42nd under a million Red Army soldiers near Moscow.
        1. +3
          April 24 2013 20: 08
          even a handshake wiki shows a loss of about 170 thousand. Goebbels want to surpass?
          1. VOVAN-228
            April 24 2013 20: 09
            That is, 27 million are all Khrushchev’s inventions, og. According to your wiki under a million and comes out officially.
        2. Hudo
          April 24 2013 20: 10
          Quote: VOVAN-228
          I am savvy in history.

          "I" is the last letter in the Russian alphabet.

          Quote: VOVAN-228
          You can discuss with me.

          You will poke your girlfriends from Pussy Riot, while the poke from some muck does not dry out.
          1. VOVAN-228
            April 24 2013 20: 12
            That is, you don’t know history and can’t debate. Well, ok, Vasya.
        3. +2
          April 24 2013 21: 07
          to give you in the forehead so that the horseshoes fly off !!! did you yourself perform military duty ???
          1. VOVAN-228
            April 24 2013 21: 13
            Alyosha, you better not anger me - you play with fire. I served, and you?
            1. +2
              April 24 2013 21: 14
              served in the hospital as a nurse, in Kashchenko ???
          2. Hudo
            April 24 2013 21: 20
            Quote: Alesha
            to give you in the forehead so that the horseshoes fly off !!! did you yourself perform military duty ???

            What do you mean? What is the duty of this chimohod request It wandered sickly on half-lowered walkers under the military registration and enlistment office, trickled salivary saliva through his lip, braided with his tongue wove about hereditary enuresis. He was taken pity by the military commissar, because he knew that in the army such nits would either be made human or disabled.
    3. +4
      April 24 2013 20: 00
      To put it mildly, this is a propaganda pee * f.
      See the military losses of the Red Army and the Third Reich. It is the military.
      1. +1
        April 24 2013 20: 04
        here on topwar
        1. VOVAN-228
          April 24 2013 20: 06
          And 27 million is the little things. Cool.
          1. +6
            April 24 2013 20: 13
            You really don’t understand that 27 million is with civilians? Military casualties of less than ten.
            This is Satanism and the horror of fascism - it was aimed at the destruction of the civilian population as a species, as a race. Therefore, there was Nuremberg - war crimes of fascism against civilians.
            1. VOVAN-228
              April 24 2013 20: 16
              There was a people's war. There was no clear separation and cannot be. Everyone fought.
              1. +2
                April 24 2013 20: 24
                Haha, a thimble. I want to deceive me.
                There has always been this separation. We fought with the military.
                That is why fascism is the greatest evil that goes beyond, for it fought with civilians, destroyed by anthropological and racial characteristics.
                1. VOVAN-228
                  April 24 2013 20: 28
                  There has always been this separation. We fought with the military.
                  Amazing stories are simple. Have you heard about general mobilization?
                  1. +2
                    April 24 2013 20: 39
                    And now, shkolota Bendera, look at what universal mobilization is.
                    1. VOVAN-228
                      April 24 2013 20: 41
                      And you yourself will not google chtole, what are you asking me? Well, although look, I'll show you myself, otherwise you won’t find it. Quote:
                      June 22, 1941 began the Great Patriotic War. Manning an army under military conditions has become extremely compulsory. First, in June-July 1941, a general and complete mobilization of men and women was carried out

                      1. Die-hard
                        April 24 2013 20: 44
                        Vova, get dressed, you are on the back to Var Machine calls a pet.
                      2. VOVAN-228
                        April 24 2013 20: 47
                        Well maaaam, I’ll walk a little more with the guys! Petya there talks about the fall of the hassle-free Su-27 in Radom, I don’t want him :(
                      3. +3
                        April 24 2013 21: 01
                        "In total, during the Great Patriotic War, about 31 million people were drafted into the army and navy in the USSR, including more than 3 million people passed through military commissariats as volunteers."
                        moreover, this is data from the article of the same anti-Soviet falcon. memorial data.

                        27 million of them died? Bendera completely brains dried up?
                      4. VOVAN-228
                        April 24 2013 21: 03
                        27 million - losses of the USSR in the Second World War. Problems, lolka?
                      5. +5
                        April 24 2013 21: 13
                        such as you would be in Chechnya in '96, you would hit all the corners, and if you were alive he would remain with your heel in your chest I would beat and go !!!
                      6. VOVAN-228
                        April 24 2013 21: 15
                        Where did you serve? On the couch, no?
                      7. Baboon
                        April 24 2013 23: 09
                        Where did you serve?
                      8. +1
                        April 24 2013 21: 18
                        Yes, 27 million-the human losses of the USSR in the Second World War.
                        Military losses - 9 million, if with the killed and not returning prisoners of war - then 11 million.
                      9. Baboon
                        April 24 2013 22: 54
                        27 million, probably no one called here to us? Is there a difference too? It was they who invaded.
              2. +2
                April 24 2013 20: 48
                In fact, a clear separation was made in 1899 in the city of The Hague.
                1. VOVAN-228
                  April 24 2013 20: 51
                  In real life it was like that? No. The Soviet people fought, not regular military personnel.
                  1. +1
                    April 24 2013 21: 06
                    In real life, combatants fought, and non-combatants, respectively, no.
                    1. VOVAN-228
                      April 24 2013 21: 10
                      In WWII, everyone was combatants. By the way, the very concept of "combatant" appeared after the war, in Geneva.
                      1. +1
                        April 24 2013 21: 24
                        They were not combatants. The Germans tritely violated the established laws and customs of the land war, enshrined in The Hague.
          2. +2
            April 24 2013 22: 20
            If we had a good massacre in Germany for the fact that the Germans were doing in the USSR, their losses were only at least equal to ours. And at least the surviving Germans would be shown in museums. Two-thirds of the 27 million are civilians.
    4. +1
      April 25 2013 04: 00
      Quote: Lover
      But didn’t the enemy be covered up with the corpses of his soldiers? ... Marshal Zhukov did everything to fulfill the order, filling Berlin with dead Soviet soldiers

      Please voice the irreparable loss of the Red Army in the Berlin operation. As well as the loss of the Wehrmacht.
      1. sleepy
        April 25 2013 04: 42
        In 1940, 4,2 million people died in the USSR.
        This figure was published in 1990 in the journal "Statistics Herald".
        It also appears in the first volume of fundamental scientific work “Population of Russia in the 2000th Century” published in 1.
  21. +3
    April 24 2013 20: 07
    There are no "clean" ones in the civil war !!!
  22. BAT
    April 24 2013 20: 08
    Comrades, didn’t you understand that the next school-age trollik appeared on the site. Another internet fighter who is fucking savvy in history.
    Just ignore him and he will disappear.
  23. +4
    April 24 2013 20: 10
    Quote: VOVAN-228
    And Zhukov is still a shitty butcher. May 9 is not a holiday at all. It must be canceled as the day of the victory of Stalin's red terror. Such "holidays" are not needed.

    Fascist fascist !!! am
  24. +2
    April 24 2013 20: 15
    The film is very difficult to watch without drinking a couple of vodka households. It's not just the "author's vision", it's just another soap opera, there is nothing and for what purpose.
    Now the Soviet generation is slowly dying out, but since 91, the Russian Federation has been constantly at war and many have gone through this meat grinder, which has changed their worldview and attitude to "democracy" and to such an author's vision. The film is 2, but this does not detract from the actors, but the score of the scriptwriter and director.
    1. +2
      April 24 2013 21: 24
      So I will not watch. He became a teetotaler a couple of years ago.
  25. +5
    April 24 2013 20: 18
    This is not messy. This is an echo of the consequences of the new information war we are losing. If IT is filmed in Russia itself, then I don’t know at all ... This is just a private, very small example. And there are more of them, more global ones.
    Army and navy needed. But we all remember 91 years. We were no weaker in defense. But they were weaker in the information war. And now, with the same essentially methods, only improved and modern, the West is killing Russia.
    I am not smarter than specialists from the Moscow Region, and I do not pretend to be. But the information war is the same war in consequence. Maybe only at first glance everything looks less tragic. And if we take into account the minus in the population in Russia after 91 g to the present, then the picture is changing.
    P.S. And the best weapon from trolls is ignore. They can be ordered at all. The troll counts on hatred and srach universal.
  26. +3
    April 24 2013 20: 20
    The name is stupid - "Passion for ..." as you name the ship, so it will float, in general, I am surprised how the director bypassed the topic of gays and zoophiles with nekrafiles - he is not tolerant! laughing
  27. +1
    April 24 2013 20: 21
    Quote: VOVAN-228
    order to take Berlin to May 1

    Where, I wonder, such "deep knowledge" of history? fellow
    1. BAT
      April 24 2013 23: 20
      But he rezuna read and now gives his pearl for the truth.
      And now, probably, Svanidze is studying.
      1. Hudo
        April 25 2013 07: 46
        Quote: sichevik
        But he rezuna read and now gives his pearl for the truth.
        And now, probably, Svanidze is studying.

        When he was born, he did not serve either in law enforcement agencies or in the Internal Troops, but in order to "study in detail" the "creations" of the rezuns, mlechins, and other Svanidze, he would volunteer for both the NKVD investigators and the firing squad - he would serve honestly, it is possible without salary and allowances.
  28. Mikado
    April 24 2013 20: 30
    The creators took the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Cossacks out of their minds, in school years they often paid attention to this in the books of many authors. And in the film itself, I really liked the moment Trotsky arrived in the brigade when he was shown his bodyguard - in red leather jackets, trousers and budenoks, only the hallmark on his forehead in the form of a sickle and a hammer was not enough. Rave.
    1. 0
      April 24 2013 21: 28
      this is not nonsense, it’s not good to talk about what you don’t know, this is the real form of the Red Army guards of Trotsky,
    2. 0
      April 24 2013 21: 34
      Trotsky personal convoy fighter
    3. +1
      April 24 2013 21: 49
      But you did not have to read about the cruelty and ruthlessness of Trotsky and Lenin, and about the planned and systematic destruction of the Cossacks, too, because censorship did not miss such information.
      1. Mikado
        April 25 2013 08: 03
        And here Trotsky and Lenin, if we are talking about the Cossacks? Don't get the hell out of it. Censorship did not pass? Well, so I studied in the nineties, Soviet censorship was gone.
    4. Maximus
      April 24 2013 22: 00
      In school years you will be told about the Cossacks and not such. The Bolsheviks destroyed the Cossacks as an estate, it was a real genocide. The Cossacks who sided with the Reds survived, and the poorest Cossacks took Bolshevik power.
      1. Mikado
        April 25 2013 08: 12
        Of course, because school teachers are the main haters of the Cossacks)) No one told me anything, I read it myself. And about the "genocide", well, so the Bolsheviks on your head chtoli Cossacks should have stroked, for all the good). Well, yes, the poorest Cossacks are not Cossacks, although I strongly doubt that the poorest Cossacks lived in the same Ukraine (the granary of Russia).
  29. +3
    April 24 2013 20: 42
    It seems that the introduction of censorship in the domestic cinematography is necessary. Horror is complete, these are our films. "Company 9" is worth what, "Burnt by the Sun 2" and others. I tried to explain to my friends that these films are inherently Russophobic, but they don't understand anything ... (((
  30. +1
    April 24 2013 20: 47
    Quote: leon-iv
    White Tiger

    And he didn’t please him. For me, it’s quite suitable mysticism. Unlike CSS and other fines.

    The film is just weak. How many times can you watch it ... And how many times are the classics of Soviet cinema ?!
  31. -3
    April 24 2013 21: 06
    And I liked the movie about Chapay !!!!!!!!!!! This is a feature film, but I will find where to read the truth about Vasily Ivanovich. The authors of the film conveyed the main idea to me clearly, this is the TRAGEDY OF RUSSIA AND THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE - "... RUSSIANS CUT TO RUSSIANS ..." - that's what this film is about, I think so.
  32. AK-47
    April 24 2013 21: 16
    I won’t watch the film, I don’t want another Chapai, for me it will forever remain so.
    1. +7
      April 25 2013 04: 19
      I don’t look at the modern bullshit in principle. We watched "The Immortal Garrison", "The Exploit of the Scout", "Far from the Homeland", etc. There were a lot of films ... Who else will add for information?
  33. +2
    April 24 2013 21: 18
    A pancake-faced appeared, bought an Adidas hat. How long will it last? Last time 6 hours.
  34. +2
    April 24 2013 21: 23
    What can you expect from such works today? Farther away from us and the Civil War and the Second World War. There are practically no eyewitnesses and participants of the first one, and the second one will soon be gone. Either they cannot find worthy consultants, or they do not want to, or they themselves refuse, having read the scripts. As a result, there are such "Chapaevs" and "White Tigers". I tried to watch "Passion", but did not survive - I realized that the next crap. As for "White Tiger", there was a hope that the talent of the director Shakhnazarov would still allow him to create a decent picture of the Great War. But alas ... Mysticism is, of course, interesting, and the mass of charred corpses on the screen is the same impressive, only instead of war there is some kind of war game and nothing more. I don’t know, maybe it’s because he himself grew up on such films as "The Arc of Fire", "In War as in War", "Only Old Men Go to Battle", etc., but for some reason I want to believe those heroes, like the war that is shown there.
    I'm watching Fighters now. It seems again ALSO ...
  35. +6
    April 24 2013 21: 26
    Firstly: Chapaya is not a pity! - he needs your pity - he has PEOPLE'S LOVE !!!
    Secondly: the author does not bother (troubled) himself with the study of Russian history, what is it worth "And it was the Soviet government that started the war with the Cossacks."- take an interest in the origins of the creation of the first mounted Red Partisan detachments on the Don and then everything will fall into place!
    Third: the fact that the topic of the Civil War appears in the media is not bad in itself - the young people even know that such an event has taken place, and who is smarter will be interested in and dig up everything himself and draw conclusions - his own, and tell his friends.
    Fourthly: Trotsky is the worst enemy of the Russian people (I will not explain - who already knows the topic)!
    In the fifth, sixth, .... tsatyh, etc.
    It is a pity that a director has not yet been found who would have made a movie about B.M. Dumenko - cleaner than "Quiet Don" could be a hit !!!
  36. +3
    April 24 2013 21: 29
    I received a warning from the moderators! Well, in principle, they are right, but I can’t ....... endure it! Let's ban it !!!
    1. +2
      April 24 2013 21: 34
      With such next time do not get into a skirmish. Probably still young. You are just an avatar and nickname for him.
      1. Die-hard
        April 24 2013 22: 10
        So it's blinjmordy. He has no tasks.
        1. 0
          April 25 2013 04: 23
          Yes, brains e-t.
  37. +1
    April 24 2013 21: 42
    This is an ordinary commercial movie, which is now filmed a lot. Quiet Don, for example, or Stalingrad snipers worked in America. By the category of the genre, they are melodrama, the characters of which are dressed in military clothes. Without changing the plot, they can be put on in quilted jackets and rubber boots - then it will be a film about collective farmers. And if they also wear vests - then it will be a film about fishermen. Demand for this cheap entertaining Hollywood generates an offer.
  38. Maximus
    April 24 2013 21: 49
    Chapaev is red-bellied, burn him in hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Together with the dogs: Lenin, Stalin, Sverdlov and other red bastards !!!!!!
    1. VOVAN-228
      April 24 2013 21: 54
      He speaks correctly. All the red ones will be there.
      1. 0
        April 25 2013 00: 42
        Yes, you are filthy trolls, and at first we will cleanse the Russian land, and then the whole earth, you will burn in not only hell but also in life.
        1. Maximus
          April 25 2013 11: 01
          No, now is our time! From the 17th to the 54th, you cleared the Russian land on a millionth scale, and eventually settled in the 91st.

          And for reference, TROLL is a fairy-tale character in Scandinavian mythology, which concept you put in this word I don’t understand, stop reading fairy tales, a bunch of red ghouls !!
    2. Maximus
      April 25 2013 11: 08
      A hero was created for you, and you are like children .....
      The old film is a classic, and a world one, well, Comrade Chapaev himself, no one!
      1. Hudo
        April 25 2013 13: 34
        Quote: Maximus
        A hero was created for you, and you are like children .....
        The old film is a classic, and a world one, well, Comrade Chapaev himself, no one!

        It is you, NOBODY, and they are calling you - NO. Dirty skunk-like liberal troll.
        1. Maximus
          April 25 2013 15: 12
          I have never heard such a joke, you are probably still a teenager, and personally I have not scared you, but in view of your age and education, you are forgiven for being so. And one more little remark, I do not share liberal ideas, but about trolls, let's have something like our dear ones - a ghoul, a ghoul, etc. I like the work of DR Tolkien, but the troll characters are not "Nashinsky", it's better a goblin. Skunk is a North American animal and, by the way, is clean, don't judge by cartoons either.
          1. sleepy
            April 25 2013 21: 36
            Quote: Maximus
            "... I like the work of D.R. Tolkien,
            but the characters are not "nashenskie" trolls, it's better a goblin. "

            In the Tolkien trilogy, orcs and trolls mean the East, respectively, the noble elves are representatives of the West.

            Quote: Maximus
            "You already cleared the Russian land from the 17th to the 54th on a millionth scale, and as a result ... in the 91st ..."

            Are you a member of the Beitar organization? Then it's clear...

            "... The participation of the 6th NATO brigade and the 4th brigade of the Israeli special forces has been proven.
            The 6th NATO Brigade, under the command of Colonel Jake Kenti, shot people in October on both sides of the White House,
            to "give the conflict the bloodiest possible development",
            The 4th Israeli special forces brigade "Jericho"
            и paramilitary organization "Betar" differed
            special atrocities in the massacre with unarmed people".


  39. Maximus
    April 24 2013 21: 53
    Chapaev is a red-bellied dog burning in hell with the rest of the red bastard!
    1. VOVAN-228
      April 24 2013 21: 55
      And again to the point. Zhukov there too. It is a pity that he will not see the views of those with whom he threw embrasures there.
      1. Baboon
        April 24 2013 22: 38
        Why are you writing so one-sidedly? Let's discuss the Battle of Dieppe then?
        1. VOVAN-228
          April 24 2013 22: 41
          What for? The scale and cretinism is not the same. The way they took the neighborhood of Rzhev - this, believe me, went down in history. THERE was not anywhere.
          1. Baboon
            April 24 2013 22: 46
            It is not for us to judge this already, of course, the plans were grandiose. Why cretinism, the Germans were also not going to give up.
    2. +1
      April 24 2013 23: 11
      Has the horse recently leaned back from the owner? Bazaar is not the case. This forum is too complicated for you. Find yourself a different audience.
  40. +4
    April 24 2013 22: 16
    If this bacchanalia continues, then soon we will see the wrong remakes!
    There is enough to vulgarize and defile the "creators".

    Specifically about "Passion".
    The legendary film of the 30s, of course, had nothing to do with realities, but it CALLED, it was a WEAPON itself, it was created for the good of the country.
    The modern craft is as far from history as the first one. And with the "load" and subtext, everything is diametrical. The film differs little from the "Interns" - women, drunkenness, hurdy-gurdy. Boys from the vine will not cut checkers.
  41. Maximus
    April 24 2013 22: 19
    With the capture of Berlin, 300000 Soviet soldiers died, and all because Zhukov wanted to take Berlin first, because the allies were already approaching Berlin from the west. 300 thousand at the end of the war, in the very finale.
    1. +2
      April 24 2013 22: 28
      Quote: Maximus
      With the capture of Berlin, 300000 Soviet soldiers died, and all because Zhukov wanted to take Berlin first

      Have you ever wondered why you took Berlin at such a price?
      1. VOVAN-228
        April 24 2013 22: 29
        Koba, the seed worker and his sidekick, Zhora Zhukov, wanted to defeat everyone by May 1, which is not clear?
        1. +3
          April 24 2013 22: 45
          You’re positioning yourself as an anti-Stalinist, truth-seeker, bearer of truth ...

          Quote: VOVAN-228
          What is not clear?

          You are either young, which in itself is not a problem - the lack will resolve by itself, or you belong to a circle of people who "everything is clear". You know why it usually happens because of the lack of education. Only an ignorant person "knows how to do it."
      2. Maximus
        April 24 2013 22: 44
        I understand everything, but b ... b ... 300 thousand, when the war is almost over, why x ... this Berlin, the Americans took care of their people and did not climb forward, but now who are we in Berlin, no, there Americans! We needed Berlin as the last den of fascism, as a point in OUR victory, and so on, and the soldiers rushed "to Berlin", but not at such a price.
        1. VOVAN-228
          April 24 2013 22: 46
          Such is the "care" of the soldier. The whole Second World War is just crammed with such pi ... m. This was the philosophy of the Red Army.
      3. -2
        April 24 2013 22: 48
        In fact, the army of Konev approached Berlin from the west, which he arbitrarily deployed from the western direction. He also wanted to distinguish himself and earn a medal. There was no need for haste. Especially Zhukov had strongly strengthened Zeelovsky heights in front of him. From Konev’s maneuver was the Venk’s tank corps, which the Führer hoped for help didn’t make his way to Berlin, was a small use.
        1. -3
          April 25 2013 02: 09
          It’s just that I didn’t study the history of the Second World War from textbooks that are given in military schools. If any of you do the same, especially on the defense of Leningrad I advise you to inquire, your opinion about Zhukov, Meretskov, Vlasov may change. Ignorance does not decorate anyone, such how are you patriots too.
          1. sleepy
            April 25 2013 04: 36
            Quote: uzer
            "It's just that I studied the history of the Second World War not from textbooks that are issued in military schools. If any of you do the same, especially on the defense of Leningrad ..."

            The information war, that’s what it is.
            And the war goes on.

            "On the eve of tomorrow's speech on the topic of information war, I will tell you about the role played by information sabotage during the capture of Western Europe by the Wehrmacht. It is no secret that any war, in addition to real hostilities, is accompanied by work on the information front - propaganda. Spreading rumors and gossip, disinformation of the army the enemy - this is what the Goebbels propagandists were doing. after the confusion and chaos in the enemy camp with the help of the "fifth column" real troops entered into battle with a demoralized enemy ... ".
            Information war during the Second World War.
            1. sleepy
              April 25 2013 05: 00
              Quote: uzer
              "It's just that I studied the history of the Second World War not from textbooks that are issued in military schools. If any of you do the same, especially on the defense of Leningrad ..."

              "Black PR of Adolf Hitler
              USSR in the mirror of Nazi propaganda. "

              "What is Bolshevism is a question that would have been difficult to answer, especially in the early years of its emergence. The only thing that was immediately unmistakably established by everyone was a terrible destructive will, which created the methods of its administration and leadership, exclusively using negative and vicious traits of a human character.
              By inciting hatred and anger between different sections of the population, preaching the most primitive violence and proclaiming, as the basis of human relations - the struggle of classes, Bolshevism created the ground for mass robbery and murder. The threads of the crimes committed by the Bolshevik leaders linked people into a huge criminal community, with the help of which they extended their unlimited power to a huge population.

              In the process of violence and crime preached by the word and deed, the Bolshevik leaders nevertheless proclaimed the creation of a new rule of law and a new classless society in the future, which supposedly should replace modern humanity after the world revolution.

              This is how the romance of Bolshevism was created, in the name of which the entire multimillion population of the country was obliged to sacrifice their personal and general welfare ... "
              1. sleepy
                April 25 2013 05: 08
                Quote: uzer
                "It's just that I did not study the history of the Second World War from the textbooks that are issued in military schools. If any of you do the same, especially on the defense of Leningrad ..."

                You can learn about the defense of Leningrad by talking to the blockade.

                Black PR Adolf Hitler.
                USSR in the mirror of Nazi propaganda.
                German propaganda brochure.

                "... Dilapidated by the civil war and communist mismanagement, hungry and impoverished country, by virtue of the decision of the party dictatorship, instead of improving its own life and alleviating its condition, rushed to the gigantic construction site of the war.

                "In order to strengthen the DEFENSE of the country, in order to create the economic base necessary for the VICTORY of socialism, it is necessary to transform our country from an agrarian into an industrial one ..." (Stalin, verbatim report of the XIV Congress of the CPSU (b), p. 488).

                "The successes of the first five-year plan were of tremendous international importance, they mobilized the revolutionary forces of the proletarians of all countries against capitalism" (Bulygin "The First Five-Year Plan" BES, vol. 47, p. 724). Consequently, the main meaning, the most important thing in the five-year plan, is preparation, mobilization of all countries for battle.

                What is the main motive put at the top of the corner of collectivization?

                "There was no doubt that with small peasant farming, the ARMY and the cities of the USSR should find themselves in the face of chronic hunger" ("A short course of the CPSU (b)", p. 274).
                An army is needed for war, workers in cities for the military industry ...

                Thus, the 100 millionth peasantry, without a single hesitation of Stalin, was devastated by him (and 10 million of them were simply physically destroyed) for the triumph of the world revolution that would come after the World War prepared by the Soviet government.

                The second five-year plan was carried out under the slogan "completion of the technical reconstruction of the entire national economy" (Stalin, "Report to the Vn Party Congress", published in 1940) and had the purpose of "further strengthening the country's defense capability."
                For the second five years, the inhabitants were starving, were deprived of the most primitive comforts, they were completely undressed and barefoot, forced in their everyday life to use earthenware, knives, the blades of which were manually forged from strip iron (the newspaper "Molot" of July 16, 1934), and the country's leadership was engaged in the production of machine tools for construction equipment, textile machinery and an eight-fold increase in the car park, because this was required by the STRENGTHENING of the country's defense and the war prepared by it.

                The third five-year plan is the “five-year plan for chemistry,” “the five-year plan for special steels,” “the five-year plan for creating backup enterprises in the eastern regions and in the Urals,” that is, a distant military base in a zone not subject to aerial bombardment from the enemy ...
                So, all the power of the three five-year plans, all the horror of the planter's achievements in the ultimate squeezing of grain and other agricultural products from the collective farm system specially created for this, were links in STALIN's UNIFIED MILITARY PLAN to create a military base for the world war he was preparing. "
          2. sleepy
            April 25 2013 05: 28
            Quote: uzer
            "It's just that I studied the history of the Second World War not from textbooks that are issued in military schools. If any of you do the same, especially on the defense of Leningrad ..."

            Here's more about the blockade of Leningrad.
            "Other regions, including the districts of Moscow and Leningrad, should be looted, and their population, which was an unnecessary burden for Germany, should be left to its own devices (read — destroy).
            German plans for such "useless regions" were clearly set out in the recommendations of the Oldenburg headquarters of May 23, 1941. They said that Germany “will be able to get significant relief from these areas only once as a result of decisive action in advance”, that “pigs and cattle in these areas” should be “immediately withdrawn by the German side”, otherwise “The population will score them for themselves, and Germany will receive nothing from this” [3].
            At the same time, the authors were well aware of the consequences for the population of such a policy, but this, apparently, did not bother them much: “Tens of millions of people in these areas are redundant, and they will either die or be forced to move to Siberia. Attempts to save the population of the consuming regions from starvation by attracting excess food from the chernozem zone can only affect the supply of Europe. This will undermine Germany’s resilience in the war and affect the ability of Germany and Europe to withstand the blockade ”[4].
            So we see that The idea of ​​the destruction of Leningrad and its population for economic reasons appeared before the German leadership before the war.."
            "On July 8, 1941, the chief of staff of the OKH, Colonel-General F. Halder wrote in his diary:" The Fuehrer's decision is unshakable to level Moscow and Leningrad to the ground in order to completely get rid of the population of these cities, which otherwise we will then be forced to feed during the winter The task of destroying these cities must be carried out by the air force, without the use of tanks. This will be a national disaster, which will deprive the centers not only of Bolshevism, but also of Muscovites (Russian) in general"[5]. "
            1. sleepy
              April 25 2013 05: 36
              Quote: uzer
              "It's just that I did not study the history of the Second World War from the textbooks that are issued in military schools. If any of you do the same,
              especially on the defense of Leningrad

              What kind of history textbooks did they not give out in military schools?

              Directive of the Chief of Staff of the German Navy, which makes sense to quote in full:

              “The future of the city of St. Petersburg
              1. In order to have clarity about the activities of the navy in the event of the capture or surrender of St. Petersburg, the chief of staff of the naval forces raised a question before the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces
              about further military measures against this city.
              The results are hereby notified.

              2. The Fuhrer decided to erase the city of Petersburg from the face of the earth. After the defeat of Soviet Russia, the continued existence of this largest settlement is of no interest.
              Finland likewise declared its disinterest in the existence of this city directly at its new borders.

              3. The previous requirements of the Navy for the preservation of shipbuilding, port and other structures important to the Navy are known to the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces, but their satisfaction is not possible due to the general line adopted in relation to St. Petersburg.

              4. It is supposed to surround the city with a tight ring and, by shelling with artillery of all calibers and continuous bombing from the air, to level it.

              If, as a result of the situation in the city, requests for surrender are announced, they will be rejected, since the problems associated with the stay of the population in the city and its food supply cannot and should not be solved by us. In this war, waged for the right to exist, we are not interested in preserving at least part of the population.

              5. The main command of the naval forces will soon develop and issue a directive on changes related to the upcoming destruction of St. Petersburg in organizational or ongoing organizational and personnel events.
              If the command of the army group has any suggestions in this regard, they should be sent to the headquarters of the naval forces as soon as possible ”[17]
              Documents on the occupation policy of fascist Germany in the USSR (1941 - 1944). M. 1968, p. 298-299.

              These were such history books?
              Which did not give out in military schools?
  42. +5
    April 24 2013 22: 22
    I look at the clearing of the site, "koloboks" mock.
    I am a hereditary Cossack, and I know the price of the "Chapaevs", we are here, I will pay attention, we do not discuss reds and whites, we do not speak for history, we speak for the film, for its values.
    I would like to ask the "koloboks" - name at least 5 modern cinematic "masterpieces" comparable to "Chapaev", "Only old men go to battle".
    1. VOVAN-228
      April 24 2013 22: 27
      Okay, hare. Here are suitable films: "Storm Gates", "Brest Fortress", "I Have the Honor".
      1. +3
        April 24 2013 22: 35
        Nice films. You can remember the "hunt for caravans", something else, but the boys will not run to the cinema for one of them, and the second time, the third, and the tenth, you will not watch them. Not that kind of films, not that.
        1. VOVAN-228
          April 24 2013 22: 38
          I reviewed the Fortress a couple of times.
  43. Maximus
    April 24 2013 22: 24
    And as for Chapaev, it would be better to make a film about Frunze, although he is a Bolshevik, but probably, if I may say so, he was one of the most honest and decent people during the Civil War, for which he paid, they ticked him on the operating table on the orders of Georgian .
    1. 0
      April 24 2013 22: 45
      As for the Georgian, you are in vain. Frunze was just in his team, and Gruzin was far from being able to remove his faithful and reliable. Well, did the Georgian and his team of enemies have no political afflictions? What could not be an unfortunate accident, when in some rare and special cases there may be complications of anesthesia?
  44. +2
    April 24 2013 22: 48
    Quote: VOVAN-228
    I reviewed the Fortress a couple of times.

    And I am "Hot Snow", "Aty-Baty .." 30-40 times, probably, if from childhood.
  45. niklev65
    April 24 2013 23: 06
    Friends! Channel One SHOULD NOT show such masterpieces (otherwise it ceases to be "First"). It has already turned into a trash heap !!! The editors have already broken their heads, what else would ... for budget money. Or someone thinks that the first self-sustaining channel? By the way, on channel C now there are 17 moments, in the middle of the night, I know every word by heart ... I still watch!
  46. niklev65
    April 24 2013 23: 09
    And good films are shot by "Belarus-Film". Maybe the father censors? If so, then I am for censorship on the State TV channels !!!
  47. +2
    April 24 2013 23: 13
    The best place for a TV is a trash can.
  48. +4
    April 24 2013 23: 15
    Oddly enough, but Chapayu performed by Butterfly believe, believe for a very long time, and no doubt.
    And it was embarrassing to look at the new one - it was somehow vain, primitive, not interesting.

    And yet, here some Stalin derogatoryly calls Georgian.
    But in vain. Not the Georgian Stalin, but the Soviet man.
    And the petty maldemshamniks nicknamed him a Georgian. And all because they did not want to work in factories.
  49. Maximus
    April 24 2013 23: 31
    Stalin is a nation of Georgians, there is nothing derogatory.
  50. +1
    April 25 2013 01: 24
    Any attempt to squeeze the real historical personality into the framework of the soap opera is doomed to failure.
    War is a tedious and hateful business, consisting not of heroic deeds, but of endless movements from point A to B and back in conditions of chronic fatigue, bad weather, illness, and equipment breakdowns.
    All this, in the language of filmmakers, is inaccessible.
    The advertiser, who pays for these "masterpieces", requires spectacles to the people to eat specific sneakers.
    But it would be better if they were all limited to the vaudeville genre.
  51. Logician
    April 25 2013 02: 59
    It’s sad! no, it’s not sad, it’s disgusting because there are no new “Heroes” and the old ones are mutilated and simply mocked, not at the image of a certain hero, but at the values ​​that are the basis .... people without conscience and few decent values ​​at heart are just vultures not creators but destroyers!..I just want to punch you in the face for such art..and start a revolution in art in spite of the money cynicism!!!!
  52. 0
    April 25 2013 04: 21
    Art, for the most part, has long been replaced by business. The longer a movie runs (even if it's a bad one), the more advertising can be shoved in there. And this is the benefit of the film. How many songs do we have, the lyrics of which can be easily cut in half, but the money takes time. Like, give the songs five to seven minutes. Which one? Patriotic, about love? Yes for 2-5 minutes. And they shouted on all channels and radio frequencies “you kiss me everywhere. I’m already 7, etc. Grandma, grandma, grandma. Someone praises the film, someone scolds. But the cream has already been skimmed off and they don’t care about us.
  53. sleepy
    April 25 2013 04: 52
    I couldn’t resist adding a modern joke about Chapaev.
    "Vasily Ivanovich - the enemy is advancing!.."
    "Where? ...Division - checkers on the Golo!!!"

  54. 0
    April 25 2013 05: 48
    Quote: Atlon
    Quote: voronov
    It's a normal feature film, it’s interesting to watch and Chapaev looks quite worthy. Like any feature film, there are a lot of historical inconsistencies, so the film is a feature film, not a documentary.

    You’re like a native ... Tell me, what had to be smoked, in order to fantasize, that Furmanov shot Chapaeva in the back, out of a feeling of jealousy ?!
    Hint number times: Furmanov Dmitry Andreevich (1891-1926) - writer.
    Hint number two: In January 1919 - Commissioner 25th Infantry Division.
    Hint number three: Furmanov (1891-1926) known for his novel "Chapaev" (1923)
    Normal "inconsistency"? If you have not read Furmanov, I assure you! Furmanov, in his novel, WAS NOT WRITING THIS MUCH!

    Yesterday on the second channel (Russia) the film (multi-part, of course!) "Fighters" began. Especially looked at the beginning ... After the dialogue:
    - Somewhere in the forest, 300 meters from us, a German parachutist sat down! Organize his quest!
    -But I only have wounded ... And drivers.
    -Follow the order!
    -Drivers! Arm the wounded with what you can! Who can walk, follow me, chain, march!

    Then I turned it off. Introduced the wounded armed with wrenches, jacks, "crooked" starters, spare wheels, tin funnels, and springs from one and a half ... Hmm.

    I don’t even want to talk about plywood planes painted with watercolors, and computer graphics of the level of the late 90s ...