19 April 1943 organized by the General Directorate of Counterintelligence "Smersh"

19 April 1943 organized by the General Directorate of Counterintelligence "Smersh"

70 years ago, the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence SMERSH was established. On April 19, 1943, the Secret Administration of the Council of People’s Commissars of the USSR established the Main Counterintelligence Directorate “SMERSH” (short for “Death to Spies!”) On the basis of the Directorate of Special Departments of the USSR and transferred it to the People’s Commissariat of Defense of the USSR. Its head was Viktor Semenovich Abakumov. SMERSH reported directly to Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Joseph Stalin. Simultaneously with the creation of the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence, the Counterintelligence Directorate "SMERSH" of the People's Commissariat of the Naval Forces was established fleet - Chief Lieutenant General P. A. Gladkov, the department was subordinate to the narcotics of the fleet N. G. Kuznetsov and the counterintelligence department of SMERSH of the NKVD, the head was S. P. Yukhimovich, and was subordinate to the narcotics L. P. Beria.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet military intelligence officers managed to virtually completely neutralize or destroy the enemy’s agents. Their work was so effective that the Nazis failed to organize large-scale uprisings or acts of sabotage in the rear of the USSR, as well as to organize large-scale subversive, sabotage and partisan activities in Europe and in Germany itself, when the Soviet army began to liberate European countries. The intelligence services of the Third Reich had to admit their defeat, capitulate or flee to the countries of the Western world, where their experience was in demand to fight the Soviet Union. Many years after the end of the Second World War and the disbandment of SMERSH (1946 year), this word terrified the opponents of the Red Empire.

The military counterintelligence officers risked their lives no less than the soldiers and commanders of the Red Army who were at the front line. Together with them, they engaged in battle with the German troops 22 June 1941. In the event of the death of the unit commander, they replaced them, while continuing to perform their tasks - they fought against desertion, alarmism, saboteurs and enemy agents. The functions of military counterintelligence were defined in Directive 35523 No. 27 of June 1941 of the Year “On the work of the bodies of the 3 NKO Directorate in wartime”. Military counterintelligence conducted operational work in the Red Army, in the rear, among civilians; struggled with desertion (employees of special departments were part of the frontier detachments of the Red Army); worked on the territory occupied by the enemy, in contact with the Intelligence Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Defense.

Military counterintelligence officers were at headquarters, providing secrecy, and on the front lines at command posts. Then they received the right to conduct investigative actions against the military personnel of the Red Army and related civilians who were suspected of anti-Soviet activities. At the same time, the counterintelligence officers should have received approval for arrest of middle command personnel from the Military Councils of armies or fronts, and senior and top command personnel from the people's commissar of defense. Counterintelligence departments of districts, fronts and armies had the task of fighting spies, nationalist and anti-Soviet elements and organizations. Military counterintelligence took control of military communications, the delivery of military equipment, weapons, ammunition.

13 July, 1941, the “Provision on military censorship of military mail correspondence” was introduced. The document identified the structure, rights and obligations of military censorship units, spoke about the method of processing letters, and also gave a list of information that was the basis for the confiscation of items. Departments of military censorship were established at the military-mail sorting points, military-mail bases, offices and stations. Similar departments were formed in the 3 system of the Office of the People's Commissariat of the Navy. In August, 1941 was handed over military censorship to the 2-th special department of the NKVD, while the army, front-line and district special departments continued to carry out operational management.

15 July 1941, the 3 departments were formed at the Headquarters of the Northern, North-Western and South-Western directions. 17 July 1941, according to a decree of the State Defense Committee of the USSR, the organs of the 3 NKO Directorate were transformed into the Special Divisions Directorate (DI) and entered the NKVD. The main task of the Special Divisions was the fight against spies and traitors in the units and formations of the Red Army and the elimination of desertion in the front line. On July 19, Deputy Commissar of Internal Affairs Viktor Abakumov was appointed head of the DOE. His first deputy was the former head of the Central Transport Directorate of the NKVD and 3 of the (secret political) Directorate of the NKGB, Commissioner of the 3 rank Solomon Milshtein. The chiefs of the Special Divisions were appointed: Pavel Kuprin - the Northern Front, Viktor Bochkov - the North-Western Front, the Western Front - Lavrenty Tsanava, the South-Western Front - Anatoly Mikheev, the Southern Front - Nikolay Sazykin, the Reserve Front - Alexander Belianov.

For the fight against spies, saboteurs and deserters, the People's Commissar of the NKVD ordered Lavrenty Beria to form separate infantry battalions under the Special Front Departments, separate infantry companies under the Special Army Departments, and infantry platoons under the Special Divisions and Corps departments. On August 15, 1941, the structure of the central office of the UOO was approved. The structure looked like this: a chief and three deputies; Secretariat; Operational department; Division 1 - the central organs of the Red Army (General Staff, Intelligence Directorate and the military prosecutor's office); 2nd Division - Air Force, 3rd Division - Artillery, tank parts; 4th Division - the main branches of the army; 5th department - sanitary service and quartermasters; 6th Division - NKVD troops; 7th department - operational search, statistical accounting, etc .; 8th Division - Encryption Service. In the future, the structure of DOE continued to change and become more complex.


Military counterintelligence secret decision SNK from 19 April 1943, was transferred to the people's commissariat of defense and the Navy. About her name - “SMERSH” is known story that Joseph Stalin, having familiarized himself with the original version of “Smernesh” (Death to German Spies ”), said:“ Doesn't other intelligence services work against us? ”As a result, the famous name“ SMERSH ”was born. 21 April this name was officially recorded.

The list of tasks solved by military counterintelligence included: 1) combating espionage, terrorist, sabotage and other subversive activities of foreign intelligence services in the Red Army; 2) the fight against anti-Soviet elements in the Red Army; 3) taking intelligence, operational and other measures to make the front impenetrable to enemy elements; 4) fighting betrayal and betrayal in the Red Army; 5) fighting deserters and self-harm at the front; 6) verification of military personnel and other persons who were in captivity and environment; 7) special tasks.

SMERSH had the rights: 1) to conduct undercover, informative work; 2) conduct, in accordance with the procedure established by Soviet law, searches, seizures and arrests of military personnel of the Red Army and associated civilians who were suspected of criminal, anti-Soviet activities; 3) to conduct investigations into the cases of arrested persons, then the cases were transferred in coordination with the prosecutor's office to the judicial authorities or the Special Meeting under the NKVD; 4) apply various special measures that are aimed at identifying the criminal activities of enemy agents and anti-Soviet elements; 5) call without prior approval from the command in cases of operational necessity and for interrogation of the private and commanders of the Red Army.

The structure of the Main Counterintelligence Directorate of SMERSH NGO was as follows: the assistants to the chief (in terms of the number of fronts) with the operational groups assigned to them; eleven core divisions. The first department was responsible for agent-operational work in the central army bodies. The second worked among prisoners of war and was engaged in checking, “filtering” the Red Army men who were in captivity or encirclement. The third department was responsible for the fight against enemy agents, who were thrown into the Soviet rear. The fourth led counterintelligence activities, revealed the channels of penetration of enemy agents. The fifth led the work of the departments of military counterintelligence in the districts. The sixth section was investigative; the seventh is statistics, control, accounting; the eighth is technical. The ninth department was responsible for the immediate operational work - surveillance, searches, detention, etc. The tenth department is special (“C”), the eleventh is a coded connection. The structure of "Smersh" also attended: Human Resources; department of financial and material and economic service of the Department; Secretariat. Counterintelligence departments of fronts, counterespionage departments of districts, armies, corps, divisions, brigades, reserve regiments, garrisons, fortifications and institutions of the Red Army were organized on the ground. From the units of the Red Army, the Smersh Front's management was assigned a battalion, to the Army Division - a company, to the Corps Division, Brigade Division - a platoon.

The military counterintelligence agencies were staffed from the operational staff of the former NOO of the NKVD of the USSR and the special selection of the commanding and political staff of the Red Army. In fact, it was a reorientation of the personnel policy of the leadership to the army. The officers of Smersh were assigned military ranks established in the Red Army, they wore uniform, shoulder straps and other insignia established for the corresponding clans of the Red Army. 29 April 1943, by order of the Commissar of Defense Stalin, officers who had ranks from lieutenant to state security colonel received similar general military ranks. 26 May 1943, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the rank of lieutenant-general was received by the deputies of the Main Department Nikolai Selivanovsky, Isay Babich, Pavel Meshik. The ranks of major generals were received by the heads of departments and counterintelligence departments of fronts, military districts and armies.

The number of the central office of the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence SMERSH (GUMSR SMERSH) was 646 people. The front command, which consisted of more than 5 armies, was assigned to 130 officers, no more than 4 armies - 112, army divisions - 57, military divisions - from 102 to 193. The most numerous was the counterintelligence department of the Moscow Military District. Army units were assigned to the departments and divisions, which were supposed to guard the locations of the military counterintelligence agencies, filtration points, and escorted. For these purposes, the front control had a battalion, an army department - a company, divisions of corps, divisions, brigades - platoons.

At the forefront

The pro-Western and liberal public likes to criticize various pages of the Great Patriotic War. The military counterintelligence was hit. So indicate a weak legal and operational training of counterintelligence, which allegedly led to a huge increase in the number of “innocent victims” of the Stalinist regime. However, such authors forget or consciously close their eyes to the fact that most of the personnel counterintelligence officers who had a lot of experience and graduated from specialized educational institutions before the start of the war simply simply died in the battles in the first months of the Great Patriotic War. As a result, a big hole appeared in the frames. On the other hand, hastily formed new military units, there was an increase in the number of armed forces. Experienced staff was not enough. Mobilized to the army in the state security officers did not have enough to close all the vacancies. Therefore, military counterintelligence began to recruit and those who did not serve in law enforcement and did not have a legal education. Sometimes the course of training for new security officers was only two weeks. Then a short internship on the front line under the supervision of experienced staff and independent work. It was only in 1943 that the situation with staffing was more or less stabilized.

From June 22 to 1941 March 1, military counterintelligence officers lost 1943 people (10337 killed, 3725 missing and 3092 injured) from the period of June 3520. Among the dead was the former head of the 3-th Directorate Anatoly Mikheev. On July 17 he was appointed head of the Special Division of the Southwestern Front. On September 21, while they were leaving the entourage, Mikheyev and a group of counterintelligence and border guards fought the Nazis and died a brave man’s death.

The solution of personnel issues

26 July 1941 at the NKVD High School created training courses for operational staff for Special Departments. They planned to recruit 650 people and teach them for a month. The head of the course was appointed the head of the High School Nikanor Davydov. During the training, the cadets participated in the construction of fortifications and the search for German paratroopers near Moscow. August 11 these courses were transferred to the 3-month training program. In September, 300 graduates were sent to the front. At the end of October, 238 graduates were sent to the Moscow Military District. In December, the NKVD handed over another issue. Then the school was disbanded, then recreated. In March, 1942 created a branch of the Higher School of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs in the capital. There they planned to train 400 people during the 4 month term. In total, during the war, these courses were completed by 2417 people (according to other sources, about 2 thousand), which were sent to the Red Army and the fleet.

Personnel for military counterintelligence were trained not only in the capital, but also in the regions. In the first weeks of the war, departments of military districts based on the inter-kray schools of the NKGB created short-term courses for training the operational staff. In particular, 1 July 1941, on the basis of the Novosibirsk Inter-Regional School, created Short-term courses at the Special Department of the NKVD of the Siberian Military District. They scored 306 people, commanders and political workers of the Red Army. Already at the end of the month there was a release, and scored a new group (500 people). The second group was dominated by young people - 18-20 years. At this time, the period of study was increased to two months. After graduation, all were sent to the front. In September - October, 1941 produced the third set (478 people). In the third group, the majority of the cadets were responsible party workers (workers of district committees and regional committees) and political workers of the Red Army. Since March 1942, the course has increased to three months. The courses taught from 350 to 500 people. During this period, the majority of students were junior commanders of the Red Army, sent from the front by the Departments of Military Counterintelligence.

Another source for replenishing the ranks of military counterintelligence became veterans. In September, the NKVD directive was issued on the 1941 of the year on the procedure for the reinstatement of former employees and sending them to serve in the army. In October, the NKVD directive was issued on 1941 of the year regarding the organization of registration of workers in special departments treated and their further use. Cured and successfully passed the medical commission "special person" sent to the front.

15 June 1943 of the year issued an order of the State Defense Committee signed by Stalin on the organization of schools and courses of the General Directorate of Counterintelligence. We planned to form four schools with a 6-9 monthly course of study, with a total number of students more than 1300 people. Also opened courses with 4-month study in Novosibirsk and Sverdlovsk (for 200 students). In November 1943, the Novosibirsk courses were transformed into the General Administration school with a 6-month and then one-year course of study (for 400 people). Sverdlovsk courses in June 1944 were also converted into a school with a term of 6-9 months and 350 cadets.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the military counterintelligence defused more than 30 thousand enemy spies, about 3,5 thousand saboteurs and more than 6 thousand terrorists. “Smersh” adequately fulfilled all the tasks assigned to it by the Motherland.
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  1. +11
    April 19 2013 08: 50
    Happy Holiday. People were able to work.
    1. redwolf_13
      April 19 2013 15: 15
      "Yes, there were people in your time, not like we are not in the current BOGATYR tribe, you got a heavy share ...."
      Happy Fathers Day soldier
  2. +9
    April 19 2013 08: 51
    The article is a plus, but the author would need to align the date of the establishment of SMERSH and the fact that military counterintelligence fought with the Germans from the first days of the war, or decipher who performed the functions of counterintelligence before that.
    1. Yarbay
      April 19 2013 09: 07
      Quote: Vladimirets
      The article is a plus, but the author would need to align the date of the establishment of SMERSH and the fact that military counterintelligence fought with the Germans from the first days of the war, or decipher who performed the functions of counterintelligence before that.

      April 19, 1943 by secret resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR Based on the Office of Special Divisions of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs The Main Directorate of Counterintelligence SMERSH was established
    2. +3
      April 19 2013 09: 31
      Quote: Vladimirets
      The article is a plus, but the author would need to dock the date of the formation of SMERSH and the fact that military counterintelligence fought with the Germans from the first days of the war, or decipher who performed the functions of counterintelligence before.

      Special departments were created on December 19, 1918 by a resolution of the Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), according to which the front-line and army Cheka were merged with the military control bodies, and on their basis a new body was formed - the Special Division of the Cheka under the SNK of the RSFSR. In the future, with the formation of special departments of the fronts, military districts, fleets, armies, flotillas and special departments under the provincial Cheka, a unified centralized system of security agencies in the troops was created. In 1934-38 military counterintelligence, as Special, then the 5th Division, is part of the Main Directorate of State Security (GUGB) of the NKVD of the USSR. In March 1938, with the abolition of the GUGB, on the basis of the 5th Division, the 2nd Directorate (of special departments) of the NKVD of the USSR was created. Already in September 1938, the Special Department was re-established as the 4th Division of the GUGB of the NKVD of the USSR.
      In submission are special departments (OO) in the Red Army, Red Army, NKVD troops.

      The functions of the chief, deputy and security officers of a special department of the NKVD included the following:

      monitoring the political and moral condition of the unit;
      the identification of persons whose activities were qualified by Soviet law as a state crime - treason, espionage, sabotage, terrorism;
      the identification of counter-revolutionary organizations and groups of people leading anti-Soviet agitation;
      conducting an investigation of state crimes under the supervision of the prosecutor's office with the transfer of cases to military tribunals.
      1. +1
        April 19 2013 10: 00
        Now thanks, the picture is clear. good
        Quote: Yarbay
        On April 19, 1943, the Secret Directorate of Counterintelligence “SMERSH” was established on the basis of the Directorate of Special Departments of the People’s Commissariat of the Interior by secret resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR

        Alibek, I saw this in the article, just the date of the establishment of SMERSH (19.04.1943/XNUMX/XNUMX) is coming first, and then it is said how counterintelligence officers acted from the first days of the war.
        1. Yarbay
          April 19 2013 11: 39
          Quote: Vladimirets
          Alibek, I saw this in the article, just the date of the establishment of SMERSH (19.04.1943/XNUMX/XNUMX) is coming first, and then it is said how counterintelligence officers acted from the first days of the war.

          Eugenius was right, they acted from the first days, but they were not called * SMERSH *, but special departments under the NKVD!
          They wrote above in more detail!
          1. Yarbay
            April 19 2013 12: 03
            ** The third department was responsible for the fight against enemy agents who were thrown into the Soviet rear. ** - in my opinion, it is not entirely accurate!
            The third division was also engaged in intelligence for counterintelligence!
            1. 0
              April 19 2013 16: 40
              Quote: Yarbay
              The third division was responsible for the fight against enemy agents who were thrown into the Soviet rear.

              Alibek, do you think that there would be work SMERSHU in our time? It seems to me that right now this organization is lacking in Russia. Already a lot of NPOs divorced, left, right, and other instigators. What do you think about if you suddenly return such a unit, taking into account modern requirements?
              1. Yarbay
                April 19 2013 17: 27
                Quote: Sirocco
                Alibek, do you think that there would be work SMERSHU in our time? It seems to me that right now this organization is lacking in Russia. Already a lot of NPOs divorced, left, right, and other instigators. What do you think about if you suddenly return such a unit, taking into account modern requirements?

                Dear, I think there is such a structure in Russia !!
                I don’t know very well the current structure of counterintelligence in Russia, but there must be military counterintelligence in its composition!
                Another question is how current laws meet the tasks that they perform !!
                And the second is the quality of their work, I think the quality is at a high level, because there are traditions and our own school!
                1. jjj
                  April 20 2013 01: 48
                  There is military counterintelligence. And their name is also not new - special departments
  3. +8
    April 19 2013 08: 55
    If Putin had been such a unit today, the Geyropaites would immediately have started shouting about infringing on the rights of spies. wassat Well, we can’t fight enemies with all our might, and that’s it!
  4. +3
    April 19 2013 09: 00
    Many thanks to all counterintelligence! Glory, honor, respect!
    How missing you are now!
    1. +1
      April 19 2013 15: 21
      SMERSH --- one name is talking about! And for brilliant counter-espionage operations and daily military work at its turn --- Honor and Respect.
  5. ABV
    April 19 2013 09: 04
    The only film I saw where the Smersh employees look like heroes is "In August 44" (based on the book "The Moment of Truth"). in the rest, our cinema shows counterintelligence agents as some kind of drunks, sadists, bastards and informers, who let the current of an innocent soldier shoot or imprison them. SHAME! we love to spoil our own history. But the elite of the officer corps of the Red Army went to "Smersh" and everyone was eager to go to the front and no one sat in the rear. Glory to the heroes!
    1. +15
      April 19 2013 09: 35
      In early childhood, the closest and most beloved person to me was not strange as it were, not mom and dad, but grandfather. I still remember his stories about his service and how they caught spies and traitors. Over his bed on a separate rug hung medals and orders. He was small, did not think which one and for what. The grandfather began in the NKVD troops and then in SMERSH. The only thing grandfather never talked about was his mutilated fingers and fingernails. My grandmother only once mentioned that they tortured my grandfather and who and where and remained a mystery to me.

      So no matter who the NKVDshnikov showed in the cinema, I remember my grandfather, who, at sunrise, ran for the grandson to the milk stall for fresh milk in triangular packets, sour cream and sweet cheesecakes.

      So naively, childhood memories of my grandfather remained of which I am proud.
    2. Yarbay
      April 19 2013 11: 46
      Quote: ABV
      The only film I saw where the Smersh employees look like heroes is "In August 44th" (based on the book "The Moment of Truth"). in the rest, our cinema shows counterintelligence some sort of drunks, sadists, stsuks and informers, whom let the current of an innocent soldier shoot or imprison. SHAME!

      The question is not only in films!
      Here, some without knowing about the service of the Specialists write all crap!
      There was recently an article where one of the users told how they killed their own Specialists in Afghanistan, the other like * drinking * a Specialist they were digging from him * secret documentation *! The veracity of the stories was of course zero, but more than 30 people plus the story of how * they killed * the Specialist !!
    3. ibn117
      April 19 2013 15: 06
      Watch the director’s nationality right away wink . By the way, I liked the movie more than the book. And usually the opposite happens.
      1. +2
        April 19 2013 15: 31
        Simonov has a special character in "The Living and the Dead". At the critical moment of the battle, he went to the battalion, took his place in the trench and fired. Sintsov then realized that he could be relied on. How many such Sintsovs, I think, are not less specialists.
    4. +3
      April 19 2013 15: 43
      There is also the film "Three Days of Lieutenant Klimov". There, the same man is shown.
    5. 0
      April 20 2013 10: 56
      Quote: ABV
      The only film I've seen where the Smersh employees look like heroes - "In August 44th"

      and in the 1968 film "Shield and Sword". at the very end of the film.
  6. +6
    April 19 2013 09: 19
    Smersh did a great job. Yes, there were crooks and scoundrels there, but this happened everywhere. But that modern literature and cinema show them only as idiots and psychos - this must be said "thanks" to cultural figures (or rather lack of culture).
  7. +3
    April 19 2013 09: 26
    one name leads to uzhos))) and what was not very frivolous sent to the rear of the Russian
  8. +4
    April 19 2013 09: 31
    I think that now they would say that "they infringed on the rights of non-humans and fascists to freedom of information and creative activity, as well as the dissemination of culture" Russian barbarians but how could they?
  9. +4
    April 19 2013 09: 33
    By the way, there was a unique service. I don’t even know which intelligence agency in the world can be compared. Most appropriate with the Germans, because in England and the USA a completely different structure of special services has historically developed. Unlike "continental" and others (IMHO - this is also an echo of "Anglo-American law").
    So, if, for example, the 4th Directorate of the GB NKVD under the leadership of P. Sudoplatov can somehow be compared with the 6th Directorate of the SD RSHA under the leadership of V. Schellenberg, etc. That SMERSH stands as if apart in the system of special services of the world.
    In general, there were no analogues.
    1. 0
      April 19 2013 11: 40
      Quote: misterwulf
      The 4th Directorate of the NKVD GB under the leadership of P. Sudoplatov can somehow be compared with the 6th Directorate of the RSHA Directorate under the leadership of V. Schellenberg, etc.

      4th branch is practice, land ...
      The 6th Directorate of the RSHA Board is political intelligence.
  10. Lech from ZATULINKI
    April 19 2013 09: 51
    The organization that is the most effective in terms of effectiveness would be like this in CHECHNYA In 1996, all sorts of mercenaries and militants would hang on the streetlights in GROZNY along with BEREZOVSKY.
    1. 0
      April 20 2013 16: 44
      And who would she close to? And who allowed her to work?
      It was during the second trip, sometimes, it was possible to work with a file on the teeth, carefully.
  11. +2
    April 19 2013 09: 55
    "Military counterintelligence was transferred to the People's Commissariats of Defense and the Navy by a secret resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of April 19, 1943." ... GLORY to you, TRUE patriots of Russia !!!
  12. Gorchakov
    April 19 2013 10: 18
    I congratulate all the counterintelligence agents, SMERSH veterans and their followers on this date ... I wish the Smershites many years of life, and their successors not to lose the skills and experience gained by the veterans and use them as intended ... Fortunately, the political situation unfolded by the enemies around Russia dispose to this. Death to Spies!!! This slogan of Stalin is more relevant than ever in our time ...
  13. zen1963
    April 19 2013 10: 56
    And mine, no one loved them in the mine. I complained in a letter to my relatives and that was it: they shot me tomorrow for panic and spreading false rumors.
    1. +1
      April 19 2013 19: 10
      Quote: zen1963
      in the Army, in my opinion, no one loved them

      The reasoning is primitive, in the army there is no such thing as loving, not loving, the army also does not like military investigators, military prosecutors, and the civilian population does not like the police, but without them it is impossible, otherwise chaos.
  14. +1
    April 19 2013 11: 07
    Once I heard a story (more precisely, from a great-uncle - Hero of the Soviet Union, the commander of an ACS division - they were given by the headquarters of the advancing units and subunits), how the general came to the regiment with a secret order - to tell only for senior officers. SMERShevets sent a reconnaissance detachment to "intercept" almost enemy positions. And intercepted! German intelligence officers who "warmed their ears" (from the Russian Germans) right above the dugout of the company commander, where the company commander talked about a terribly "secret" operation (that was what it was), planned already in a day! Except the company commander in the company, no one at all should have known about this.
    But the Germans "warmed their ears" and crawled home. Then, with great pleasure, they volunteered and relished how they all overheard and learned.
    Those. then they paid (deserved !!!) attention to chatterboxes and slovens, and now - traitors and traitors are presented with the Criminal Procedure Code and the Law "On the Bar" ...
  15. +2
    April 19 2013 11: 07
    Happy holiday. There really are not enough such professionals, they would put things in order !!!
    1. +1
      April 19 2013 11: 43
      Quote: Yuri11076
      There really are not enough such professionals, they would put things in order !!!

      IMHO, it's not in the "hands", it's still in the "head" ...
  16. +5
    April 19 2013 11: 25
    On April 19 1943 the Secret Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR established the Main Counterintelligence Directorate "SMERSH" (short for "Death to Spies!") On the basis of the Directorate of Special Departments of the USSR ... The SMERSH Counterintelligence Directorate of the Navy Commissariat was established ... and the SMERSH Counterintelligence Division of the NKVD

    SMERSY all sorts of need, SMERSY all sorts of important good
  17. +3
    April 19 2013 14: 11
    Today in the metro I met a retired general in uniform, with medals, an old one, I already turned my neck, I wondered, in honor of which, and how it turned out, it is difficult to evaluate their merit, another generation, but I understand one thing they contributed to the Great Victory, no less than on the battlefields, and possibly more. Happy holiday, health and happiness.
  18. lilit.193
    April 19 2013 14: 31
    Hard work. And painstaking. It can also seem boring from the outside. Those who have read Bogomolov's Moment of Truth will probably understand what I mean. Lately, a lot of things have been written about SMERSH, both good and bad, but no matter how it happens, the army cannot be without counterintelligence. Moreover, the warring army.
    1. Yarbay
      April 19 2013 15: 13
      Quote: lilit.193
      Recently, a lot of things have been written about SMERSH, both good and bad, but no matter how it was without the army’s counterintelligence, it’s impossible. Especially the warring army.

      Absolutely true!
      without them all the labor of the military will be lost!
      Without their quality work, victory is impossible!
  19. Strey
    April 19 2013 15: 34
    My grandfather served as a friend in SMERSH when we were poetsan 11-13 years old naturally hooligans. But his grandfather stabbed us at times, naturally without physical impact, but simply with questions. It seemed to us that we would just conceive something and still not have time to implement and the friend’s grandfather already knows everything. When we grew up, we began to respect him very much. Happy holiday to all counterintelligence officers and SMERSH veterans.
  20. Sirozha
    April 19 2013 16: 42
    Grandfather served in SMERSH. When clearing the village, in the rear of the army, when he was performing the duties of the deceased unit commander (I don’t remember exactly which number of personnel), civilians died due to the negligence of the soldiers who cleared the attics with grenades. Grandfather was sent to the penal battalion. He "redeemed" there and was restored to the rank. He graduated from the war with the rank of captain.
  21. +1
    April 19 2013 16: 48
    Article plus. Counterintelligence Heroes - Eternal Glory!
  22. 0
    April 19 2013 17: 18
    Hello everyone .
    I got an interesting article on the anniversary of SMERSH.
    In 1946, SMERSH was included in the Ministry of State Security as its 3 General Directorate.
    The short but glorious history of military counterintelligence as a special separate structure has ended. However, the army’s counterintelligence itself does not stop its work for a single day, even in peacetime.
    And finally, one completely real fact that even the inventive Jan Fleming could not have come up with.
    Lieutenant Oleg Ivanovsky served in the department of military counterintelligence "SMERSH" of the guards cavalry regiment.
    He worked professionally, fought bravely, ended the war in Czechoslovakia, and in 1946 was declared unfit for military service due to the consequences of injuries. The medical verdict issued by the 24-year-old officer read: "It is suitable for work in civilian institutions with a reduced working day without heavy physical and mental stress."
    After 15 years, on 12 on April 1961, the former SMERSh officer, and at that time Oleg Ivanovsky, the lead designer of Vostok-1, personally closes the hatch of the spacecraft behind Yuri Gagarin, sending him on a historic flight.

    Fully http://www.aif.ru/society/article/62383
    Happy holiday to all involved. Your merits are invaluable.
  23. cool.ya-nikola
    April 19 2013 17: 23
    Quote: lilit.193
    Hard work. And painstaking.

    I would also add both dangerous and, in my opinion, undeservedly underestimated. Understandably during the war about the affairs of "SMERSH" and, especially it was not accepted to spread, and often, even harmful. But, now after the war, more than half a century has passed, and apart from Bogomolov's book "In August of the forty-fourth", for some reason I don’t remember a single book on this topic. And, after all, the topic is the richest, I would say inexhaustible! It is a pity that our modern "engineers of human souls" are more interested in fictional stories about "brothers" and "thieves in law"! Then we are surprised that our modern youth does not know and does not honor either their history or their heroes ...
    And, veterans SMERSH, with a holiday, and a bow to you for your work!
    1. 0
      April 19 2013 18: 42
      Hello Nikolai.
      There is a wonderful project with the assistance of A. Drabkin "I remember!" Http://iremember.ru/razvedchiki/kozhevnikov-georgiy-georgievich.html#comments
      Interviews have been published with veterans of all military branches, including the NKVD and SMERSH.
      And about the meager information about these heroes of the invisible front for the mass audience, you are absolutely right.
  24. 0
    April 19 2013 22: 01
    All SMERSH veterans with the Jubilee! Eternal memory to the dead!
  25. jjj
    April 20 2013 01: 56
    The great Russian writer Fyodor Aleksandrovich Abramov served in SMERSH
  26. 0
    April 20 2013 06: 25
    ... Such a wonderful person lives in Moscow - Oleg Genrikhovich Ivanovsky. More recently, it was so "classified" that there was probably nowhere else to go. After all, this is the leading designer of the Vostok spaceship! Suffice it to say that on 12 of April 1961 of the year he personally closed the hatch behind Yuri Gagarin. Oleg Genrikhovich - Honorary Member of the Russian Cosmonautics Academy named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, was awarded many state awards.
    However, Ivanovsky’s merits in space exploration were declassified earlier than the fact that ... from 1942 of the year he served in the military counterintelligence - he was the Smersh operative in the Cavalry Guards Cossack Regiment, and ended the war in Czechoslovakia. In 1946, Oleg Genrikhovich, with the rank of senior lieutenant, was discharged to the reserve for disability due to front-line wounds. The medical verdict read: "It is suitable for work in civilian institutions with a reduced working day without heavy physical and mental stress." And Ivanovsky, contrary to all prohibitions, managed to rise to outer space!
    from the article “Death to Spies!” by Alexander BONDARENKO.
    Many in the discussions complain that such a service is needed now, but it seems to me that this is not quite the right approach. Special services are now like mud in modern Russia, the question is different. Smersh was initially directly subordinate to the Chairman of the State Defense Committee, People's Commissar of Defense, Comrade I.V. Stalin, and hence, it seems to me, such amazing results. Who sets the tasks and how he asks for their fulfillment, which, alas, is now so lacking.
  27. pinecone
    April 20 2013 17: 46
    Biographical information.
    Deputy Head of the Counter Intelligence Directorate of the SMERSH 1st Belorussian Front, Head of the Directorate of the SMERSH GSVG, Deputy Minister of State Security, an implacable fighter against corruption in the ranks of the highest command staff, Lieutenant General A.A. Vadis.

  28. smershspy
    2 May 2013 16: 48
    Quote: Yarbay
    Quote: lilit.193
    Recently, a lot of things have been written about SMERSH, both good and bad, but no matter how it was without the army’s counterintelligence, it’s impossible. Especially the warring army.

    Absolutely true!
    without them all the labor of the military will be lost!
    Without their quality work, victory is impossible!

    If there is no such structure, then we can say the gates to the state for agents and saboteurs will be open! These people are an example for the younger generation! Many of them died and nobody still knows their fate! Out of honor and vocation, people went to serve and every day brought victory closer! Glory to the heroes!
  29. +1
    13 May 2013 00: 27
    The story, in fact, is large and glorious. Even with all the flaws, excesses and overlaps, well, because this is already History. And here is an addition to it, recorded from the words of a direct participant in the events described. From such small stories is the history of a large country. http://www.proza.ru/2012/05/24/122