"XXI century will be the most dangerous since the birth of Christ"

The hegemonic aspirations of the United States gave rise to strong anxiety and a large increase in anti-American sentiment in the public in different countries. Over time, with the continuation and strengthening of this course of American oligarchy, anti-Americanism may acquire other, more specific forms of coalition cooperation of individual states aimed against the United States imposing its rule over the peoples. This pattern of international relations was already clearly manifested in the three world wars of the twentieth century - in two “hot” (against Germany) and one cold (against Soviet messianic expansion). According to authoritative analysts of international relations, nowadays, as a result of the policy of global domination of the United States, humanity is already on the verge of a fourth world war.

In the US, there are healthy circles (although very marginal), who see a great danger and riskiness of the hegemonistic policy of Washington for their own country and for the whole world. This policy was sharply criticized by Professor Chalmers Johnson in his book “Strike Back: The Price and Effects of the Creation of the American Empire.” He expressed his vision of US imperial policy in the pages of the German magazine Spiegel: “Arrogance always precedes a fall. Of stories we know that world empires sooner or later reach a critical stage. America is impudent, arrogant, self-confident ... What killed the Soviet Union was imperial overstrain, not competition with the United States or the inability to reform. Americans think they are immune to what befell the Russians. It's a delusion...".

And in Europe, the US dominance policy is increasingly facing resistance and harsh criticism. Especially since, as noted by the American analyst Charles Kapchen, "America and Europe essentially belong to different political cultures."

The Bush doctrine was perceived by many European politicians and experts with great concern. French political scientist Ramone wrote: “The new US doctrine again imposes the right to a preventive war, to which Hitler Germany referred in 1941 already in the attack on the Soviet Union and Japan in 1942 in the attack on the USA”. Prominent German political scientist Jürgen Habermas called what is behind the Bush doctrine, "imperial liberalism."

For the first time since 1949, a split line has been laid between the United States and its NATO partners as a result of American aggression against Iraq on fundamental issues of international politics. In the press organ of the German Bundestag, we read: “The Iraq war has plunged the Western Union into a deep crisis. Opinions differed on the structure of international order. When studying European publications related to this issue, one gets the impression that one has to choose between pluralistic order and hegemony. Europeans want a pluralistic order, that is, the rule of law and recognition of the primacy of the United Nations. Hegemony — this is what the United States is pursuing under the current Bush administration — a kind of institutionalized form of American domination. ”

The war against Iraq even gave rise to a temporary common interests of France, Germany and Russia, led to the first serious crisis and a split in NATO and the EU. Professor Bogaturov rightly pointed out in this connection: “The ambiguous American-British“ victory over Iraq ”did not introduce into international relations a sense of security and peace, but a disturbing atmosphere of a sultry lull on the eve of the storm and crisis.” One cannot but agree with this conclusion.

Apparently, the era of US domination in Europe is gradually nearing its end. It can be replaced by the era of "Europeanization of Europe." This trend is objective. For Europe, there is no longer any military threat. It is in their interest to overcome the current crisis of the EU, to crown European integration with success, to adopt the Constitution of the European Union as the main law of a peaceful hostel and cooperation in Europe and not to get involved in an arms race and global military adventures of the United States. The Financial Times editor Quentin Peel wrote in the influential German journal Internationale Politik: “Europeans must decide whether their role in the world should be reduced to support on a case-by-case basis of American hegemony, without being able to make a big impact on as the only remaining superpower rival. ”

Among Western analysts, there is an opinion that the US ruling elite will not back down in their military obsession from unleashing even a world war, considering it to be the surest way to quickly and unconditionally achieve global domination through a blitzkrieg based on the use of high technologies. Some analysts are even inclined to believe that as a result of the escalation of the military-political escalation of the United States, a new world war threatens humanity. Others even speak in the sense that, given the increasing military escalation of the United States (Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, military threats to Iran, Cuba, Pakistan, North Korea and other states, the massacre of sovereign North African countries like Egypt and Libya, attempts to subjugate Syria) , it has become a fact. French philosopher Jean Baudrilar states: "The fourth world war is already underway."

These assessments of US policy largely coincide with the ideas of Karl Müller’s article “NATO Goes to War, and Everyone Should March Together,” published in the Swiss newspaper Zeit-Fragen 11 in July 2012. In connection with the overwhelming US forces in pursuing a policy of domination, Mueller, they are making great efforts to harness as many as possible countries, including neutral countries, even Switzerland, in addition to the American satellites in NATO, and to use their economic resources and troops to fulfill their strategic objectives. Developed in Washington.

To achieve these goals, it is planned to attract as many international organizations as possible. “During the NATO Summit in Chicago 20 and 21 in May 2012,” writes K. Muller, “it was decided how this military alliance should be expanded in the coming years: not only with a large increase in the number of its members and contrary to international law using international organizations such as the UN and the OSCE, but also conducting joint military operations with countries that are not yet members of the bloc, including with neutral countries. At the same time, the USA as the dominant power of NATO seeks above all to be able to wage several major wars in various theaters of the world at the same time in the current economic difficulties. Probably not only more wars, but also more destructive wars than in the past 20 years. ”

One cannot ignore the widespread opinion in the West that the thesis on the fight against “international terrorism” is just a convenient excuse for a war against the victims of its “aggressive ambitions” chosen arbitrarily by the US government, that terrorism is a reaction to the “cruel use of American power”. everywhere in the world. "

In September 2003, the German Chancellor Schröder ordered the Allensbach Institute for the Study of Public Opinion to test how the German population sees relations between the United States and Europe. The results of the study were stunning. Three-quarters of the respondents were in favor of Europe pursuing an independent policy in accordance with its own interests.

In the Russian political science literature, a special place in the criticism of the expansionist course of the United States is taken by the book by K. Brutenz “The Decline of American Hegemony”. The author has traced the evolution of US policy from ambitious plans to establish the American unipolar world before the crisis that gripped this policy with increasing intensity since the end of the Bush presidency. He describes the US policy as “superpower”. This is a focus on over-weapons, exaggeration of the role of the military factor and military superiority in international relations; the desire to ensure absolute security for themselves, while ignoring the interests and concerns of other countries; ideological messianism, the desire everywhere to impose their world view, their way of life; hegemonic approach to international life; readiness and even a tendency to resort to force along with a claim to the planetary nature of their interests and the right to military intervention in the internal life of any state, and so on.

But, as it turned out, the assertion of his hegemony in the world was beyond the power of the American elite. K. Brutents writes about the impending decline of American hegemony as a result of the "imperial overstrain" of US forces. Moreover, in contrast to the plans to create Rakh Americana - the American empire, with cynical frankness adopted by Bush’s cowboy policy, the “New European Age Project” appeared, which reflects the aspirations of Europeans, who are still poorly decorated, to free themselves from American hegemony and their “ Atlantic "henchmen in government circles of European countries.

As a result of the influence of American politics on the countries of Europe, as well as on Russia, “the danger of cultural and spiritual savagery, educational degradation, erosion of civilizational diversity of nations” arose, the “lack of spirituality, its washing out of money chasing”, business, mass culture ", the displacement of morality and morality of politics and life. The imposition of these “anti-civilization values”, according to Brutents, is accompanied by a “rollback from the social science postulating that social life, development, history has its own laws”. The function of social science is fulfilled by the primitive market ideology that the United States seeks to introduce everywhere, in order to make it more stupid for the peoples, to impose their domination on them. The US political practice has included deception of public opinion, lies, provocations, bribes, economic sabotage, subversive actions, the conduct of terrorist acts and state coups by special services.

“In the destructive processes in the Russian economy,” writes Brutents, “the United States played the most active role through the dictates of the IMF, the World Bank, and the activities of foreign, mainly American advisers, who had immense influence in higher economic structures ... With good reason to assert that the responsibility for the “reforms” and their consequences lies not only on E. Gaidar, A. Chubais and other destroyers of the Russian Land, but equally on the administration of the United States. ”

Among the Russian US lobbyists — anti-state actors, neo-liberals, and apologists of the vast market forces that destroyed Russia — were many representatives of the intelligentsia. “The Russian people,” the author writes, “remained virtually without a moral guide — the intelligentsia. The top of the intelligentsia, its capital "faction" (namely, it clicked on behalf of the intelligentsia) rushed into the arms of a corrupt government. In the ecstasy of enrichment, many of its representatives exchanged their professional reputation for money, returned to the familiar path of servility. Moreover, those who sprinkled salacious saliva on almost all the entrances of the Central Committee now began to arrogate to themselves the role of dissidents. ”

K. Brutents recalls that shortly after the end of the Cold War, former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt during one of the international meetings told him: "The 21st century will be the most dangerous since the birth of Christ." Indeed, in order to survive, mankind must eliminate the main threat to its existence - the policy of domination over nations, which, as history shows, leads to a world war. Otherwise, an apocalypse awaits him. Will the ruling circles of the United States and their "allies" listen to the voice of the public, or will they look for a salvation from the deep crisis that hit the Western system and its values ​​in a war?
41 comment
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  1. amp
    April 2 2013 17: 06
    Americans instincts suggest seeking salvation in the war. They remember how they rose in the first and second world wars and now they want a war, but no one is going to arrange a war specifically for them. It may so happen that they will bear the brunt of the war this time. So far they manage to push England and France into the embrasure, but Germany refuses to play these games. Fortunately, Russia too. Now, of course, they will try to pit Russia and China. Or at least drag Russia to its side in the confrontation with China. The main thing for us now is not to succumb to provocations and not to go into any war that we do not need. But gunpowder must be kept dry. The main thing is to understand an important truth: the stronger the country, the less likely it is that someone will attack it.
    1. +3
      April 2 2013 17: 52
      Well, actually the United States has never been an empire. But England, Russia and the USSR were. The United States before the might of the USSR, as before cancer with China, as soon as the USSR collapsed due to the bribing of rats, the United States began to slowly go out. Unite now Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, China, Iran, India, Brazil and the Americans shut up, because the same NATA without the US can last a year against us without nuclear weapons, and if China is still there, half a year will suffice. Americans understand only force, with them it is impossible otherwise. We need a counterweight to prevent the Americans from playing up with the state. duty, let them get what they deserve, in no case be allowed to cheat them and write off debts. There seems to be China 4 trillion. debt holds them. It is necessary to press down and finally calmly develop the country, as long as there is the United States in its current form, we will not develop, just will not give a trite.
      1. amp
        April 2 2013 18: 29
        I think that Russia is able to defeat the United States, even alone. Just a decisive leader. Like Hugo Chavez. Type beat our ambassador in Qatar, to pick up long-range aviation and to smash their gas liquefaction plant. Immediately, the price of gas will go up, and respect for Russia will increase. And what will the US do? But nothing. Withdraw all money from US banks, give up dollars .... there are many ways to dump the United States at the moment.
        1. +3
          April 2 2013 21: 16
          Yes, there are many ways. Actually, to dump these fools playing great secrets and high politics (their fathers were strong. They are "glorious great-grandfathers, great-great-grandchildren") - now you do not need either a great mind or great forces, because they played in the edge. The question here is different - how to fill them up so that stones do not fly to our foreheads?
          Do you want the flaming hell of war of all against all along the perimeter of borders? Or a fall in the standard of living (which we have already scarcely barely scratched, and more recently) to the post-war? Chemical attacks, biological wars, man-made plague ... a line that can be released by breaking a star-striped toilet. Carefully lower them. Affectionately but firmly ... as the GDP can. I think - everything will work out ...
          1. Kostya pedestrian
            April 3 2013 14: 47
            Do not forget that in English, our time is abbreviated as ad (hell), so this may be some kind of secret message from a secret organization, according to Zhirinovsky, from the past, future? Question?
        2. Kostya pedestrian
          April 3 2013 14: 42
          Yes, intelligence is resting. Everything is ready to start a nuclear war.

          But if you are serious, you need to operate resources, and not sell resources to the detriment, including human resources.

          For example, how many of our former compatriots live in India? How many billions have our compatriots taken to destitute and plundered by the Britons in India? But the USA - here you can say "a lot". And the United States is an advanced country both in technology and industry.

          It may be better ... to drink vodka than to fight.
          And remember for Mom’s worries,
          And wear white suits?

          but with poor and ex-rich, but robbed colonialist countries, I would think whether it is worth making alliances. The population is not a guarantee of the market, but an indicator of the underdevelopment of the rubber industry and poor education.

          Well, will you fight the United States, and will Britain and Japan win, while our people breathe in a radioactive buzz?
      2. opkozak
        April 2 2013 19: 19
        [quote = Joker] There's like China 4 trillion. keeps their debts [/ quote]
        And then, as in the Jewish joke
        - Abram, why aren't you sleeping!
        - Yes, the Moshe ruble must,
        - Moishe, are you sleeping? !!! - Yes, why?
        -Abram will not give you the ruble !!! - Sleep Abram, now let Moishe not sleep !!!
        [quote = amp] So far they manage to push England and France into the embrasure, but Germany has refused to play these games. [/ quote]
        Reading DW, you completely understand the transparency of German politics, and in fact you understand that the USA is in fact a direct occupant of Germany.
        Therefore, the Germans are drawing closer to Russia, in which case they should have a direct ally. (Historical background Saxony is an ally of Russia in the Northern War, Austria is an ally in the War against Napoleon).
        [quote = amp] I think that Russia is able to defeat the United States, even alone. Just a decisive leader. Like Hugo Chavez. / quote]
        What are Russia's allies now? Will they answer this question?
      3. +1
        April 2 2013 21: 25
        Of course, I am a patriot of the Motherland, but still, that in your view the empire, the states only lack the culture, and in the capital ... at least they consider themselves to be an empire.
        1. 0
          April 3 2013 00: 10
          Of course, I am a patriot of the Motherland, but still, that in your view the empire, the states only lack the culture, and in the capital ... at least they consider themselves to be an empire.

          In order to be called an empire, colonies are needed, the United States does not have them and never had them. Russia had, England had, Rome had, but the US doesn’t have, what it now has is that you can only call it a shadow economy, call the US in the open as we or England, which is some kind of country 6 her colony, what then? Yes, the people will rebel)) So no it is not an empire, just cunning people, nothing more, and even then it is difficult to call them cunning people, you don’t have much to think about for money.
          1. 0
            April 3 2013 00: 17
            I completely agree about adventurers, plus hypocrites, and they only win with their printing press.
          2. ABV
            April 3 2013 01: 34
            In the comments it is forbidden: insult and threats, obscenities, inciting ethnic hatred
            Quote: Joker
            Of course, I am a patriot of the Motherland, but still, that in your view the empire, the states only lack the culture, and in the capital ... at least they consider themselves to be an empire.

            In order to be called an empire, colonies are needed, the United States does not have them and never had them. Russia had, England had, Rome had, but the US doesn’t have, what it now has is that you can only call it a shadow economy, call the US in the open as we or England, which is some kind of country 6 her colony, what then? Yes, the people will rebel)) So no it is not an empire, just cunning people, nothing more, and even then it is difficult to call them cunning people, you don’t have much to think about for money.

            did Russia have colonies? just the same, the Russian Empire was as honest as possible, unlike the arrogant Saxons, and included the conquered territories in the Empire, not leaving them as colonies.
            did Austria-Hungary have colonies? (I just don't remember), although also the Empire ... they had a fleet "once or twice" ...
      4. scrack
        April 2 2013 22: 33
        America must be drowned in its green candy wrappers
      5. 0
        April 3 2013 00: 02
        Was, from 1945 to the present. It is called only differently. You’ll even call yourself a teapot ....
    2. nakaz
      April 2 2013 18: 34
      It is necessary to carry the main vectors of war closer to the United States. Mexico is a very dangerous war zone that is potentially harmful to the United States.
      1. +4
        April 2 2013 19: 49
        I do not believe that the Americans will cope with the financial avalanche !! They don’t need it - they are systematically moving towards the 3rd World War!
        "We are peaceful people, but our armored train is on a siding"
        If we need us and the US, an eye on jo .. pull !!
        1. Scarte
          April 2 2013 21: 18
          And as history shows: And after the 3rd World War (if there is one), the next dominant power will appear in the geopolitical arena and obviously not Russia ... as I noticed, Our destiny is to be second (in a good way), to be a deterrent. After all, no matter how many great powers appeared in all ages, England, Sweden, France, Germany and the USA at the moment, we were the main enemy, we beat them with the main fear, we did not allow them to act freely and each of them set the highest goal to destroy Russia, destroy Us, and all these have broken their rotten teeth and the USA is waiting ... We are a global balancer, We are a global counterweight at all times!
    3. -1
      April 3 2013 00: 01
      A couple of such stinkers will start learning Chinese in schools ...
    4. 755962
      April 3 2013 01: 16
      Quote: amp
      Americans instincts suggest seeking salvation in the war.

      A rat cornered is very dangerous ...

    5. 0
      April 3 2013 05: 32
      Quote: amp
      but Germany is already refusing to play these games.
      I have great doubts about this. It's no secret that, And Merkel is dancing to the tune of the United States, Cyprus has problems, it is her merit. Again with the filing of the states. Merkel reminds me of our M Gorbi. Apparently classmates laughing
    6. Nesvet Nezar
      April 3 2013 07: 30
      we don’t have to confront anyone. Remember the story, but be silent. Saying that we are pacifists, but producing and updating weapons. America has no rivals, let it grow fat, destroy itself. It is necessary to develop, give birth, work, become stronger and richer.
    7. 0
      April 3 2013 12: 14
      Let me ask you: can you tell me the criteria for "unnecessary wars"? We have already withdrawn ourselves from solving global problems for a long time, for 20-30 years. And that the world has become better and safer from this? Sometimes only the threat of the use of weapons can stop the war ... Paradox.
    8. Kostya pedestrian
      April 3 2013 14: 28
      Do not forget that there is an oversupply of industry, and debt is now 100 times more than at the beginning of the 20th century, especially in the 30s.

      There "someone" brings Koreans under the citizenship. Is it not the Japons who accidentally take revenge on the more talented and inventive Koreans in order to win the markets from them, and at the same time avenge the losses of these colonies? And here, on the sly, you can slap the Chinese too - you look, while the Chinese are putting out the fires, there will be fewer Chinese goods in Europe.

  2. +2
    April 2 2013 17: 09
    Already scary smile "But that's what the pike is in the river, so that the crucian carp does not doze ..." That's just wondering when people lived peacefully?
    1. Nevsky
      April 2 2013 17: 14

      It's already scary "But that's why the pike is in the river, so that the crucian carp does not doze ..." That's just wondering when people lived peacefully?

      Are you out of this world? fool , before Jeroshima, there were countries and continents that could sit aside, now no. The truth and the game has become thinner: Salafis. democracy and the like as instruments of geopolitics.
      1. +2
        April 2 2013 17: 25
        Quote: Nevsky

        You are not from this world: before Jeroshima, there were countries and continents that could sit aside, now no. The truth and the game has become thinner: Salafis. democracy and the like as instruments of geopolitics.

        Respected. Of course you are right, but before Hiroshima, there was enough of our own, even if not man-made, but there were troubles "before .... and more." One "plague" claimed so many lives, much more than in Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined ... And nothing survived, but we need to give up. And at the expense of sitting out, here the "Chelyabinsk meteorite" showed how, who and where can sit ...
      2. +3
        April 2 2013 17: 27
        Quote: Nevsky
        The truth and the game has become thinner: Salafis. democracy and the like as instruments of geopolitics.

        The game has always been subtle, only the war each time more and more terrible. Countries with developed consumer ambitions are at an impasse, a new era awaits us, well, or the last war. request
        1. Captain Vrungel
          April 2 2013 18: 00
          "... a moral guide, the Russian intelligentsia ...".
          Yes, historically proven that the intelligentsia is the most non-conflict, the most amorphous part of society. She, in the event of conflict, without hesitation takes her mortal bodies further. In comfort, coziness and safety and at dinner parties, nostalgic for a distant homeland.
          For the time being, the Judas of our people Gorbachev, Kravchuk, Shushkevich and a hundred of the nearest hangers-thieves are still breathing in the wings and even raising the tail. They killed not only the state, but also on their arrivals. staged global looting and robbery, destroying the military equipment of the army, naval personnel and aircraft, respectively, and personnel, are still alive. It’s not poor that they live at the expense of taxpayers and stolen, and even these traitors and moral tails are spread in the media with teachings.
          Each on an aspen stake, in a frontal place, according to the merits of the people. Well, if today we stick them out, then something is wrong in our state. Wrong steps or Susanin does not know the road.
          1. +4
            April 2 2013 19: 25
            Wrong steps or Susanin does not know the road.

            Apparently Susanin leads us in circles like the Moses of the Jews, until the new generation grows up. Better than us, more independent, stronger morally and financially. So as we at one time did not forgive our homeland for jeans and gum ....
            And who knows this way now !? recourse
            1. 0
              April 2 2013 20: 49
              Quote: sergo0000
              And who knows this way now !?

              Well, just like in a book: "Where did you take us, old man margulov? Leave me alone, guys! I myself got lost" laughing
              There is a way, but to go along it, putting the interests of the PEOPLE at the forefront, you need strength and will.
              1. +1
                April 2 2013 21: 30
                Quote: Egoza
                - need strength and will.

                That's right! But you also need like-minded people! You can now confidently point to a person, being sure that at the most crucial moment he will not stick a knife in your back, Elena!? That's it.
                And if you have a country with millions of people!? There was Chavez, but it didn’t. And who knows now, where will Venezuela turn after the elections!? My opinion is that the political system should not depend on one person! Especially mortal. hi
                But as we see the best option does not exist! Or we have not found it yet!
                Or even worse, the human society is not ready for such a world order!
                1. Kostya pedestrian
                  April 3 2013 15: 02
                  And so as not to be afraid of a knife in the back ... sambo, wushu, self-defense ...
              2. Kostya pedestrian
                April 3 2013 14: 56
                There was such a commander in the Red Army - VF Margelov, so he always "turned on" or threw his own into the environment. So he always put love for the Motherland at the forefront and, therefore, it was always clear to any of his "zaslanets" where to go even in the darkest night - as if by a compass.

                And empty envy is a sign of recognition of defeat; as opposed to respecting the achievements of others.
      3. +8
        April 2 2013 17: 57
        You are not from this world, before Herosimy, there were countries and continents that could sit on the sidelines, now there is none.

        Do you think that the Americans will climb into open war? They will not climb, they have never fought openly, they are used to raking in the heat of others. The maximum that will be, they will incite someone on us, while they themselves will sit and watch, and arrange Lend-Lises, and as soon as someone starts to lose, they will be harnessed for the winner. It has always been and always will be, you see, and on the sly, they will write off their debts on the loser or even think of something else. And do not forget about nuclear weapons, it was not there before, and that it is now that it established the game. A big army will not climb, because it can fly from above. There will be orange revolutions, and what, we have stupid sea, so it's easy to arrange everything. The president will be poker and voila, hello 90's.
  3. +1
    April 2 2013 17: 11
    As a result of the influence of American politics on the countries of Europe, as well as on Russia, "the danger of cultural and spiritual savagery, educational degradation, erosion of the civilizational diversity of peoples" arose, "the deficit of spirituality, its washing out the pursuit of money", "the triumph of vulgarity in the media, increased business, mass culture "
    So the thing went, things began to be called by their proper names. I think this is the key phrase in the whole article .......and fight inappropriately !!!
    1. Kostya pedestrian
      April 3 2013 15: 06
      And it seemed to me that these countries like Latvia and Estonia have a bad influence on the United States. Before that, in addition to doll cassocks, I had not heard that in the USA they honored Nazi symbols so openly, at least in the US Army. Looks like hot Estonian guys are very contagious.
  4. Genoezec.
    April 2 2013 17: 12
    The USA has really reached the peak of its development, and the decline is not far off ...
    1. +1
      April 2 2013 17: 30
      They will leave, but they will slam the door loudly.
  5. +4
    April 2 2013 17: 24
    The fact that the States have not yet collapsed is the merit of their geopolitical position only. Separate continent, small neighbors. When half the world lay in ruins (twice in the past century), America was getting fat on military supplies. They did not need to spend money on recovery. They still do not know what it is - a real war at your place. They have no immunity to this at all. That is why their leadership will do everything to keep the war farther from their shores. After all, if it rumbles among them, then personally I will not bet a penny on the fact that they with dignity will come out of the mess.
    1. Kostya pedestrian
      April 3 2013 15: 08
      Don’t tell, you would look at some quarters of Detroit or Chicago. You would be happy to live in Russia. USA is a country of contrasts!
  6. -1
    April 2 2013 17: 25
    A set of capital platitudes in the style of: USA - an evil empire! or the USA - the world gendarme! or, in the best traditions: No to American arsonists! Pulls for a sophomore essay.
    1. +2
      April 2 2013 17: 42
      Quote: matRoss

      A set of capital platitudes in the style of: USA - an evil empire! or the USA - the world gendarme! or, in the best traditions: No to American arsonists! Pulls for a sophomore essay.

      Well Duc would give something thread from the last course, and then your comment is drawn to the first.
      1. +2
        April 2 2013 17: 57
        Like, if I’m not Dostoevsky myself, then I can’t scold Dontsov? wink
    2. +1
      April 2 2013 19: 42
      The casket always just opens. This is especially evident after 20 years.
  7. +3
    April 2 2013 17: 29
    In the United States there are sound circles (albeit very marginal ones) who see the great danger and riskiness of Washington's hegemonic policy for their own country and for the whole world.

    Unfortunately, in the USA, as in Russia, today healthy circles are marginal!
  8. +6
    April 2 2013 17: 50
    The USA is now at the top of the world. From the top, the path is only down, and you can’t stay there for a long time, too windy, cold and lonely. Most likely, during its descent, the United States will try to arrange an avalanche so that all competitors are in an even worse situation.
    Our task is not to fall under the avalanche arranged by the Americans, but also on our own to not climb the summit alone
  9. +3
    April 2 2013 18: 51
    Will the US ruling circles and their “allies” listen to the voice of the public, or will they seek salvation from the deep crisis that hit the Western system and its values ​​in the war?

    Listen ???? they are???? belay
    Yes, they never listened to anyone, they slaughtered millions of people for their own purposes and should they listen to some kind of public there ???
    The United States reminds me of a snake eating itself: hungry and ready to eat everything. what comes across, just to eat-eat-eat ...... and eventually choke! As it turned out, his own egoism, impudence and impunity stuck in the throat!
  10. Hius-124
    April 2 2013 19: 35
    Quote: Genoezec
    The USA has really reached the peak of its development, and the decline is not far off ...

    "The road is not dusty, the bushes are not yeaving, wait a little .........". The United States lives by the principle: "Those who are not with us are against us," and react accordingly - those who with them have wherever they want, those who are against - they destroy. This cannot go on forever. The first to start will be Germany, occupied since WWII, with the presence of occupying troops on its territory. She had already started collecting her gold from London and Paris, then New York. British troops were already gathering home. Then Berlin will "pump" Europe and show the United States the ass! You can't be occupied all your life! And the wind will blow through the streets of American cities unnecessary green papers, and the already built concentration camps will be filled with black-red-yellow-white biomass of the citizens of Great America ... But something like that will be! laughing
  11. +3
    April 2 2013 19: 43
    The USA, decaying, is dragging the whole world with it, so that it would not be boring to die alone. They have already destroyed the USSR, put the sex, if not the whole, of Europe under their control, destroyed its entire culture, and they themselves just live on and do not do a damn thing! Public debt to heaven, and they are more concerned about the rights of same-sex marriage! Yes, and who has the wind in their heads and for whom the bell tolls? They rot, but gradually, too big carcass, since the collapse of the USSR. But why do we, in Russia, have some people who glorify this parasite? Why do they urge us to imitate Uncle Sam's wretched culture? There are healthy people in the USA, that's right. But they are perceived as terrorists there. Of course, to arrange the death of the Twin Towers is the top of peace! Oh, States, when a crack breaks through you, eh ?!
  12. Gari
    April 2 2013 19: 58
    It pleases that in the United States there are sound circles (albeit very marginal ones) who see the great danger and riskiness of Washington's hegemonic policy for their own country and for the whole world. This policy was sharply criticized by Professor Chalmers Johnson in his book, “Retaliation: The Price and Consequences of the Creation of the American Empire.”
    Not everything is lost
  13. Sarmat
    April 2 2013 20: 07
    The USA so simply will not leave the world stage, It is not their style, they will try to drag the whole world into wars and plunge into chaos, But if they think again to sit out overseas, as in World War II, then they are deeply mistaken, If it burns, then they will not seem enough ,,,
    I think it will be worse for them than for us in 1917, It’s scary only for their nuclear potential,
  14. +1
    April 2 2013 20: 33
    The hegemony of the dollar is not supported by the US economy, but by the policy of coercive coercion to the "fundamental principles of democracy." Basically, if the WS elites realize that their empires are not in danger, they will surrender the state called the United States at once.
    "Gorbachev handed over your homeland to the Americans to hang out beautifully"
    But, if they feel that their tails are being pressed, the white fluffy beast will scour back and forth and grin constantly.
    Therefore, the United States is a great threat to the whole world. Specifically, the elite of Wall Street, and not the entire state.
  15. +1
    April 2 2013 21: 05
    The United States and England will not calm down until they unleash another world meat grinder. The only difference in the next meat grinder will be that THEM will not be able to sit out across the ocean and the straits ... They will burn in the first or at least the second time ... But a "terrible end" is better than "endless horror".
  16. +1
    April 2 2013 21: 17
    they have a printing press, they will write off the public debt, it’s free for themselves, the rest will be forgiven for debts, at the same time our stabfon.
    the stone falls from the top and that is the danger of an avalanche, and a huge cobblestone will knock everyone down.
    at first, the truth will pit everyone whom it is possible, and most of the masses except the TV do not know anything. which side will they be on ??? this is insulting

    the most powerful weapon that we can use without fire is to introduce an alternative currency and BRICS can do it, but there will be a squeal ...
  17. 0
    April 3 2013 00: 13
    "XXI century will be the most dangerous since the birth of Christ"

    Well, according to whose version? Western channels are driven just in the opposite direction, almost all programs say that the 3rd World War will be unleashed in the near future, 13-15 years ... even the Bible (revelation from John) is quoted at the same time.
  18. +1
    April 4 2013 16: 42
    Getting ready for interesting events.