The face of Russian nationality, or the collapse of popular racology

Russian scientists for the first time in stories conducted an unheard of study of the Russian gene pool - and were shocked by its results. Including this study fully confirmed the idea expressed in our articles “Country Moksel” (№14) and “Non-Russian Russian” (No.12) that Russians are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns.

The face of Russian nationality, or the collapse of popular racology“Russian scientists have completed and are preparing for publication the first large-scale study of the gene pool of the Russian people. The publication of the results may have unpredictable consequences for Russia and the world order, ”the publication on this topic in the Russian edition of Vlast begins sensationally. And the sensation really turned out to be incredible - many myths about Russian nationality turned out to be false. It turned out, among other things, that genetically Russians are not “Eastern Slavs” at all, but Finns.


Anthropologists have managed for several decades of intense research to reveal the appearance of a typical Russian person. These are of medium build and of medium height, light brown-haired people with bright eyes - gray or blue. By the way, in the course of the research a verbal portrait of a typical Ukrainian was also obtained. The reference Ukrainian differs from Russian in the color of skin, hair and eyes - he is a dark brown brunette with regular features and brown eyes. However, anthropological measurements of the proportions of the human body are not even the past, but the century before last of science, which has long been given the most accurate molecular biology methods that allow all human genes to be read. And the most advanced methods of DNA analysis today are sequencing (reading the letters of the genetic code) of mitochondrial DNA and human Y-chromosome DNA. Mitochondrial DNA has been passed down the female line from generation to generation, almost unchanged since the time when the progenitor of humanity, Eve, climbed down from a tree in East Africa. And the Y chromosome is present only in men and, therefore, is also transmitted almost unchanged to male offspring, while all other chromosomes are passed over by nature when transferred from father and mother to their children, like a deck of cards before distribution. Thus, unlike indirect signs (appearance, proportions of the body), the sequencing of the mitochondrial DNA and the Y-chromosome DNA indisputably and directly indicate the degree of kinship of people, writes the magazine “Power”.

In the West, human population genetics have been successfully using these methods for two decades. In Russia, they were used only once, in the middle of 1990's, when identifying royal remains. The turning point in the situation with the use of the most modern methods for studying the titular nation of Russia occurred only in 2000 year. The Russian Foundation for Basic Research has allocated a grant to scientists from the laboratory of human population genetics at the Medical Genetics Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. For the first time in the history of Russia, scientists were able to completely concentrate on studying the gene pool of the Russian people for several years. They supplemented their molecular genetic studies with an analysis of the frequency distribution of Russian surnames in the country. This method was very cheap, but its information content exceeded all expectations: a comparison of the geography of surnames with the geography of genetic DNA markers showed their almost complete coincidence.

Molecular genetic results of the first in Russia study of the gene pool of a titular nationality are now being prepared for publication in the form of a monograph “Russian gene pool”, which will be released at the end of the year in the publishing house “Luch”. The magazine "Power" cites some research data. So, it turned out that the Russians are not “Eastern Slavs”, but Finns. By the way, these studies have completely crushed the notorious myth of the "Eastern Slavs" - that the Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians allegedly "form a group of Eastern Slavs." The only Slavs of these three nations were only Belarusians, but it turned out that Belarusians are not “Eastern Slavs” at all, but western ones, because they are practically no genetically different from the Poles. So the myth of the “blood of relatives of Belarusians and Russians” turned out to be completely destroyed: the Belarusians turned out to be virtually identical to the Poles, the Belarusians are genetically very far from the Russians, but very close to the Czechs and Slovaks. But the Finns of Finland were for the Russians much more genetically closer than the Belarusians. Thus, on the Y chromosome, the genetic distance between the Russians and the Finns of Finland is just 30 units (close relationship). And the genetic distance between the Russian man and the so-called Finno-Ugric ethnic groups (Mari, Veps, Mordovians, etc.) living in the territory of the Russian Federation is equal to 2-3 units. Simply put, they are genetically IDENTICAL. In this regard, the Vlast magazine notes: “And the tough statement of the Estonian Foreign Minister 1 September at the EU Council in Brussels (after the Russian party denounced the treaty on the state border with Estonia) about the discrimination of the Finno-Ugric peoples allegedly related to Finns in the Russian Federation loses meaningful meaning . But because of the moratorium of Western scientists, the Russian Foreign Ministry could not reasonably accuse Estonia of interfering in our internal, one might even say closely related, affairs. ” This philippic is only one facet of the mass of contradictions that have arisen. Since Finno-Ugrians and Estonians are the closest relatives to Russians (in fact, they are the same people, for the difference in 2-3 units is inherent in only one people), the Russian anecdotes about “hindered Estonians” are strange, when Russians themselves are these Estonians. A huge problem arises for Russia and in the self-identification of itself as supposedly "Slavs", because the Russian people are genetically not related to the Slavs. In the myth of the "Slavic roots of Russian" Russian scientists put a fat point: there is nothing from the Slavs in the Russians. There is only near-Slavic Russian, but 60-70 is in% non-Slavic vocabulary, so the Russian is not able to understand the languages ​​of the Slavs, although a real Slav understands because of the similarity of the Slavic languages ​​- any (except Russian). The results of the analysis of mitochondrial DNA showed that another closest Russian relative, except for the Finns of Finland, is the Tatars: the Russians from the Tatars are at the same genetic distance in 30 conventional units that separate them from the Finns. The data on Ukraine turned out to be no less sensational. It turned out that genetically the population of Eastern Ukraine is the Finno-Ugrians: Eastern Ukrainians are practically no different from Russians, Komis, Mordovians, Mari. This is one Finnish people who once had their own common Finnish language. But with the Ukrainians of Western Ukraine everything turned out to be even more unexpected.

This close relationship between Western Ukrainians and Tatars is probably explained by the Sarmatian roots of the ancient inhabitants of Kievan Rus. Of course, there is a certain Slavic component in the blood of Western Ukrainians (they are more genetically close to the Slavs than the Russians), but this is still not Slavs, but Sarmatians. Anthropologically they are characterized by wide cheekbones, dark hair and brown eyes, dark (and not pink, like Caucasians) nipples. The magazine writes: “One can react in any way to these strictly scientific facts, showing the natural essence of the reference electorates of Viktor Yushchenko and Viktor Yanukovych. But it will not be possible to accuse Russian scientists of falsifying these data: then the accusation automatically spreads to their Western colleagues, who have been slow to publish these results for more than a year, each time extending the moratorium. ” The journal of rights: these data clearly explain the deep and constant split in Ukrainian society, where, under the name "Ukrainians", there are in fact two completely different ethnic groups. Moreover, Russian imperialism will use this scientific data for itself - as another (already weighty and scientific) argument to “increase” the territory of Russia by Eastern Ukraine. But what about the myth of the "Slavic Russians"?

Recognizing these data and trying to use them, Russian strategists meet here what the people call a “double-edged sword”: in this case, you will have to revise the entire national identity of the Russian people as “Slavic” and abandon the concept of “kinship” with Belarusians and the entire Slavic World - no longer at the level of scientific research, but at the political level. The magazine also publishes a map indicating the range on which "true Russian genes" (that is, Finnish) are still stored. Geographically, this territory "coincides with Russia since the times of Ivan the Terrible" and "clearly shows the conventionality of some state borders," the journal writes. Namely: the population of Bryansk, Kursk and Smolensk is not at all the Russian population (that is, Finnish), but the Belarusian-Polish one - identical to the genes of Belarusians and Poles. An interesting fact is that in the Middle Ages the border between VKL and Muscovy was precisely the ethnic border between the Slavs and the Finns (by the way, then the eastern border of Europe passed along it). The further imperialism of Muscovy-Russia, which annexed the neighboring territories, went beyond the framework of ethnic Muscovites and seized already alien ethnic groups.


These new discoveries of Russian scientists allow a new look at the entire policy of medieval Muscovy, including its concept of "Rus". It turns out that Moscow’s “dragging the Russian blanket over itself” is explained purely ethnically, genetically. The so-called “Holy Russia” in the concept of the ROC of Moscow and Russian historians was formed after the rise of Moscow in the Horde, and, as Lev Gumilyov wrote, for example, in the book “From Russia to Russia”, according to the same fact, Ukrainians and Belarusians ceased to be Rusyns, ceased to be Rus. It is clear that there were two completely different Rus. One, the Western, lived its life of the Slavs, united in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russian. Another Russia - Eastern Russia (more precisely, Muscovy - for it was not considered Russia at that time) - entered 300 for years in the ethnically close Horde, in which it then seized power and made it "Russia" even before the conquest of Novgorod and Pskov in Orda Russia. This second Russia, Russia of the Finnish ethnos, is called by the Russian Orthodox Church of Russia and Russian historians “Holy Russia”, while depriving the rights of Western Russia to something “Russian” (forcing even all the people of Kievan Rus to call themselves not Rusyns, but “okraintsami” ). The meaning is clear: this Finnish Russian - had little in common with the original Slavic Russian.

The centuries-old confrontation between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Muscovy (which seemed to have something in common in Russia of Rurik and the Kiev faith, and the princes of VKL Vitovt-Yury and Yagaylo-Yakov were Orthodox, were Rurik and Grand Princes of Russia, no other language than Russian, they knew) - this is the confrontation of countries of different ethnic groups: the GDL gathered the Slavs, and Muscovy the Finns. As a result, for many centuries two Rus opposed each other - Slavic ONL and Finnish Muscovy. This explains the blatant fact that Muscovy NEVER during her stay in the Horde expressed any desire to return to Russia, to find freedom from the Tatars, to join the ON. And her capture of Novgorod was caused precisely by the negotiations of Novgorod on joining the GDL. This Russophobia of Moscow and its “masochism” (“the Horde yoke is better ON”) can only be explained by ethnic differences with the original Rus and ethnic proximity to the peoples of the Horde. It is precisely this genetic difference with the Slavs that Muscovy’s rejection of the European way of life, the hatred of the GDL and the Poles (that is, the Slavs in general), the great love of the East and Asian traditions are explained. These studies of Russian scientists must be reflected in the revision of their concepts by historians. Including for a long time it is necessary to bring into historical science the fact that there was not one Russia, but two completely different ones: Slavic Russia - and Finnish Russia. This clarification allows us to understand and explain many of the processes in our medieval history, which in the current interpretation still seem to be devoid of any meaning.


Attempts by Russian scientists to investigate the statistics of Russian surnames initially faced a lot of difficulties. The Central Election Commission and local election commissions flatly refused to cooperate with scientists, arguing that they can guarantee the objectivity and fairness of elections to federal and local authorities only if the voter lists are secret. The criterion for inclusion in the list of names was very mild: it was included if at least five carriers of this name lived in the region for three generations. At first lists were compiled for five conditional regions - Northern, Central, Central-Western, Central-Eastern and Southern. In total, in all regions of Russia, there were about 15 thousand Russian surnames, most of which were found only in one of the regions and were absent in the others.

When regional lists overlapped, scientists identified the entire 257 of the so-called “all-Russian surnames”. The magazine writes: “It is interesting that at the final stage of the study, they decided to add the names of residents of the Krasnodar Territory to the list of the Southern Region, expecting that the predominance of Ukrainian names of descendants of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, who were evicted here by Catherine II, would significantly reduce the all-Russian list. But this additional restriction reduced the list of all-Russian surnames to a total of 7 units - to 250. From which flowed the obvious and not all pleasant conclusion that the Kuban is inhabited mainly by Russian people. And what happened to the Ukrainians and whether there were any Ukrainians here is a big question. ” And further: “The analysis of Russian surnames in general provides food for thought. Even the simplest action - the search in it of the names of all the leaders of the country - gave an unexpected result. Only one of them was included in the list of 250 carriers of top All-Russian surnames - Mikhail Gorbachev (158-place). The surname Brezhnev occupies the 3767-place in the general list (found only in the Belgorod region of the Southern region). Surname Khrushchev - on the 4248-th place (found only in the Northern region, Arkhangelsk region). Chernenko took 4749-place (only the South region). Andropov - 8939-place (only the southern region). Putin took 14 250-place (only the South region). But Yeltsin did not fall into the general list at all. The name of Stalin - Dzhugashvili - for obvious reasons, was not considered. But on the other hand, the pseudonym Lenin fell into the regional lists under the 1421 number, losing only to the first USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev. ” The magazine writes that the result amazed even the scientists themselves, who believed that the main difference between the carriers of South Russian surnames is not in the ability to lead a huge power, but in the increased sensitivity of the skin of their fingers and palms. The scientific analysis of dermatoglyphics (papillary patterns on the skin of the palms and fingers) of Russian people showed that the complexity of the pattern (from simple arcs to loops) and the accompanying skin sensitivity increases from north to south. “A man with simple patterns on the skin of his hands can hold a glass of hot tea in his hands,” Dr. Balanovskaya clearly explained the essence of the differences. “And if there are many eyelets, then unsurpassed pickpockets left such people.” Scientists publish a list of 250 most popular Russian surnames. Unexpected was the fact that the most massive Russian surname is not Ivanov, but Smirnov. All this list is given, wrong, not worth it, only 20 of the most popular Russian surnames: 1. Smirnov; 2. Ivanov; 3. Kuznetsov; 4. Popov; 5. Sokolov; 6. Lebedev; 7. Kozlov; 8. Novikov; 9. Morozov; 10. Petrov; 11. Wolves; 12. Soloviev; 13. Vasiliev; 14. Hares; 15. Pavlov; 16. Semenov; 17. Golubev; 18. Vinogradov; 19. Bogdanov; 20. Sparrows All top All-Russian surnames have Bulgarian endings on s (s), plus several surnames on –in (Ilyin, Kuzmin, etc.). And there are no top surnames among the “Eastern Slavs” (Belarusians and Ukrainians) among 250, –––––––––––. Although in Belarus the most common are the names of –– and –ich, and in Ukraine - on –ko. This also shows the deep differences between the "Eastern Slavs", because Belarusian surnames are not the same in –– and ич ich the most common in Poland - and not in Russia at all. The 250 Bulgarian endings of the most popular Russian surnames indicate that the surnames were given by the priests of Kievan Rus, who spread Orthodoxy in Muscovy among its Finns, because these Bulgarian names are from holy books, and not from the living Slavic language, which the Finns didn’t have It was. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand why the Russian surnames are not living at all near the Belarusians (in –– and – ich), and the Bulgarian surnames — although the Bulgarians are not at all bordering with Moscow, but live thousands of miles away. The mass names of animals with the names of animals are explained by Lev Ouspensky in the book “Riddles of Toponymy” (M., 1973) by the fact that in the Middle Ages people had two names - from parents and from baptism, and “from parents” then “was fashionable” beasts. As he writes, then in the family the children had the names Hare, Wolf, Bear, etc.


A special topic in this study is the genetic identity of Belarusians and Poles. This did not become the subject of attention of Russian scientists, because outside of Russia. But it is very interesting for us. The fact of the genetic identity of Poles and Belarusians is not unexpected. The very history of our countries is confirmed to him - the main part of the ethnos of Belarusians and Poles are not Slavs, but Slavicized Western Balts, but their genetic “passport” is so close to Slavic that it would be practically difficult to find differences between Slavs and Prussians, Masurian, Dynova in genes , Yatvyagami and others. That is what unites the Poles and Belarusians, descendants of Slavicized Western Balts. This ethnic community also explains the creation of the Union State of the Commonwealth. The famous Belarusian historian V.U. Lastovsky wrote in the “Short History of Belarus” (Vilnius, 1910) that negotiations on the creation of a Union State of Belarusians and Poles began ten times: in 1401, 1413, 1438, 1451, 1499, 1501, 1563, 1564, 1566, 1567. - and ended for the eleventh time with the creation of the Union in 1569. Where did such persistence come from? Obviously, only from the awareness of the ethnic community, because the ethnos of the Poles and Belarusians was created by dissolving the Western Balts. But the Czechs and Slovaks, who were also part of the Rzecz Pospolita, the first in the history of the Slavic Union of Peoples, no longer felt this degree of closeness, because they did not have the “Baltic component” in themselves. And even more alienation was among the Ukrainians, who saw little ethnic kinship in this and eventually entered into complete confrontation with the Poles. The studies of Russian geneticists make it possible to take a different look at our entire history, for many political events and political preferences of the peoples of Europe are largely due to the genetics of their ethnic group - which has so far remained hidden from historians. It is the genetics and genetic affinity of ethnic groups that were the most important forces in the political processes of medieval Europe. The genetic map of nations, created by Russian scientists, makes it possible to look at wars and alliances of the Middle Ages from a completely different angle.


The results of studies of Russian scientists on the gene pool of the Russian people will long be assimilated in society, because they completely refute all our ideas, reducing them to the level of unscientific myths. This new knowledge is necessary not only to understand how to get used to them. Now the concept of “Eastern Slavs” has become completely unscientific, unscientific are the congresses of Slavs in Minsk, where not Slavs from Russia come together, but Russian-speaking Finns from Russia who are not genetically Slavic and have no relation to Slavs. The very status of these "congresses of Slavs" is completely discredited by Russian scientists. The Russian people were named after the results of these studies by Russian scientists, not Slavs, but Finns. The Finns also named the population of Eastern Ukraine, and the population of Western Ukraine is genetically Sarmatians. That is, the Ukrainian people are not Slavs either. The only Slavs from the "Eastern Slavs" are genetically named Belarusians, but they are genetically identical to the Poles - which means they are not at all "Eastern Slavs", but genetically Western Slavs. In fact, this means the geopolitical collapse of the "Eastern Slavs" Slavic Triangle, for the Belarusians were genetically Polish, the Russians Finns, and the Ukrainians Finns and Sarmatians. Of course, propaganda will continue to conceal this fact from the population, but you will not conceal the sewing in a bag. Neither do scientists close their mouths, do not hide their latest genetic research. Scientific progress cannot be stopped. Therefore, the discoveries of Russian scientists are not just a scientific sensation, but a BOMB capable of undermining all the existing foundations in the ideas of peoples. That is why the Russian magazine Vlast gave this fact an extremely worried assessment: “Russian scientists have completed and are preparing for publication the first large-scale study of the gene pool of the Russian people. Publicizing the results may have unpredictable consequences for Russia and the world order. ”The journal did not exaggerate.
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  1. +50
    April 1 2013 08: 09
    Well, I have not heard such a lie. Well, brothers Finns, we will unite back laughing
    1. +47
      April 1 2013 08: 15
      The text of the article is not just a lie, but a blatant provocation.

      Popular and accessible with DNA genealogy can be found, for example, here:
      1. +12
        April 1 2013 08: 25
        Quote: Nikolai S.
        The text of the article is not just a lie, but a blatant provocation.
        Greetings dear drinks
        I wonder who they provoke? If the Russian rebellion, then think for yourself who it will come out sideways.
        1. +14
          April 1 2013 08: 39
          Quote: Mechanic
          If the Russian rebellion, then think for yourself to whom it will come out sideways.

          Hi Zhenya! Given the mood in society, prosecutors, judges, officials, and, in short, power, will be the first to fall. The second stage is traditionally Jews dash billionaires and their relatives. Next on this wave, a new ala Zhirinovsky will come to power, only not with promises to wash their boots in the Indian Ocean, but to really arrange a Russian health resort in California and return Alaska. In Oval, of course there will be a toilet wink
          1. nakaz
            April 1 2013 11: 17
            It is urgent to advance the issue of annexing the lands of the truly fraternal Finnish people to the territory of the Russian Federation.
            1. DeerIvanovich
              April 1 2013 11: 49
              another one with joining. FIG you and not joining. we will be reunited with the Korell brothers
              1. densiaophyng
                April 1 2013 12: 36
                And the Hungarians!

                As far as I know, they have already begun!
            2. StolzSS
              April 4 2013 17: 37
              Finnish deputies seem to be promoting themselves ....
        2. +32
          April 1 2013 08: 42
          Quote: Mechanic
          I wonder who they provoke? If the Russian rebellion, then think for yourself who it will come out sideways.

          They have other tasks. For example, to split the Russian world: to explain to Ukrainians that they are not Russians, because Russians are Finns, to explain to Belarusians that they are not Russians and also not Slavs, but the Baltics.

          The State Department still has many interesting ideas for grant-eaters.
          1. +10
            April 1 2013 08: 54
            Quote: Nikolai S.
            The State Department still has many interesting ideas for grant-eaters.
            We have already eaten up these bases. It is worth remembering the 17 year. Just how did it end? The people under Stalin had to put in a lot of effort to be reborn, but those who started it rested. Moreover, it is significant that BAB certainly died not from an ice ax, but from a scarf. But a similar end awaits them all. And I do not regret at all about them.
            1. +4
              April 1 2013 09: 21
              Quote: Mechanic
              It is worth recalling the 17th year. Just how did it end?

              For the 17 year to take place (February, first of all), an age of lies was needed, which was consumed by the brain of the so-called elite.

              Do we have immunity to such?
              1. +5
                April 1 2013 09: 41
                Quote: Nikolai S.
                For the 17 year to take place (February, first of all), an age of lies was needed, which was consumed by the brain of the so-called elite.

                Do we have immunity to such?
                I don’t know if history has taught us anything. Although sometimes it seems that there is not. request
                1. +5
                  April 1 2013 11: 32
                  Quote: Mechanic
                  I don’t know if history has taught us anything. Although sometimes it seems that there is not.

                  She does not teach us anything, unfortunately we are folk, that from century to century, the same rake occurs. That in Russia the boyars betrayed the country that now they already had so many historical examples that can be associated with what is happening today, that one wonders, only no one is looking for answers in the past, everyone is trying to live for today.
                  1. DeerIvanovich
                    April 1 2013 11: 51
                    what can I say, the top of us has always decomposed and always betrayed our people ... alas ... this is our story
            2. 0
              April 2 2013 22: 15
              The conceptual difference of the ideas of the 17th from this article is that then the unity of the origin and culture of the Russian people was not called into question. And in this article (right in the author’s comments on the study and his thoughts), the notion of Russians as a single people is declared literally heretical. And here it is said about the subordination of some by others. If you believe all this - how many accounts do we have with each other? No? What other people besides the Russian will begin to recall the grievances of three hundred to four hundred years ago (except for the Jews, of course, they do not forget the grievances at all).
              And in the article, forgive me, the sweaty little hand of Western-style workers of the pen is somehow observed. Somehow the words "you can't hide an awl in a sack", "you can't stop scientific progress" sound painfully familiar. And the emphasis is often placed on "RUSSIAN scientists". Psychologically, somehow even too often. It blows the technologies of suggestion.
          2. +10
            April 1 2013 10: 20
            So it is not Russians who are Finns, but Finns who are Slavic-Finns. I somehow do not understand, how can a more numerous people be called by the name of a smaller one? "... It was all invented by Churchill in the eighteenth year!" (VS Vysotsky "Kanatchikova dacha") Actually, it looks like a commission. In the 19th century, the Austrians (there was such a powerful empire) began the process of "creating the Ukrainian language" in order to divide the people of the Russian Empire on linguistic grounds (those were still strategists). And then drive a wedge between the Slavs. Which happened, but without the participation of Austria-Hungary. Nehru to muddy the waters now. There was already in Russia (USSR) perestroika with its glasnost - nothing good came of it, only the "evil empire" diminished and weakened. It remains to finish off the remnants of the Russian Empire. Will not work!
            1. DeerIvanovich
              April 1 2013 11: 51
              not Slavic-Finns, but Korels are just not Orthodox.
            2. Atlon
              April 1 2013 12: 16
              Quote: Black Colonel
              So it’s not Russians who are Finns, but Finns are Slavic-Finns.

              Yeah ... So:

              Golovin, "The Finnish Girl"

              "Russian peasant woman"

              You yourself guess where the Russians, and where the Finnish?

              And this is so, for the soul ...

              1. dema46
                April 1 2013 13: 10
                in the Perm region there’s just a sea of ​​people with such fair hair, especially in rural areas ...
                1. +3
                  April 1 2013 13: 53
                  Quote: dema46
                  in the Perm region there’s just a sea of ​​people with such fair hair, especially in rural areas ...

                  There are many in the Perm Territory because the Komi, Permians (the Ural people living before the "arrival" of the Muscovites and Novgorodians) lived in this Permian territory for a hundred thousand years! -Moreover, there are studies that, so far, suggest that it was from the Urals that the settlement of the East began. European plain of the "Russian ethnos" .. before the distant era. And the Finns are the descendants (and not vice versa!) Of these peoples (Komi and Perm)
                  1. +7
                    April 1 2013 14: 27
                    For "minusols" - I lived in the Perm Territory for 24 years .. and crossed on foot; Komi-Perm Autonomous Okrug (I also know the legends of the Komi-Permians), Kungursky District, Cherdyn, and its north up to the very north of the Perm Territory, the district .. I personally know the Permian, Bashkir cavers (they study caves) .. And the Finns themselves who come to the festivals "Finno-Ugrians" repeatedly (!!!) expressed their assumptions in private conversations (I talked at a festival in the Kochevsky district of the Komi-Perm Autonomous Okrug) suggested that their ancestors were "from here" ... So the article is shnyagovskaya !! - Everything is turned upside down turn upside down..
                2. 0
                  April 1 2013 14: 28
                  Perm region was inhabited in the 8-13th century by Novgorodians and Vyatichi, tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed, engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.
                  Ugrofins are typical Mongoloids short, dark-haired, narrow-eyed and dark-eyed, lived in small clan settlements of 10-15 people in the rivers, engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering.
                  There are still villages where typical ugrofinians live, not assimilated and preserved their natural appearance.
                  There is nothing in common between Russian and Ugro-Finnish languages, even the phonetic composition does not match.
                  1. +5
                    April 1 2013 14: 42
                    Quote: Corsair5912
                    Perm region was inhabited in the 8-13th century by Novgorodians and Vyatichi, tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed, engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.
                    Ugrofins are typical Mongoloids short, dark-haired, narrow-eyed and dark-eyed, lived in small clan settlements of 10-15 people in the rivers, engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering.
                    There are still villages where typical ugrofinians live, not assimilated and preserved their natural appearance.
                    There is nothing in common between Russian and Ugro-Finnish languages, even the phonetic composition does not match.

                    The Perm Territory was not inhabited !!! - It has been inhabited from time immemorial !! And when the Novgorodians came (they were the first to come, and then the "Muscovites" !!) in the 13th century ... they already lived there, on these lands (!!!), and this is indicated in the annals and you can read Alexander Ivanov ( historian of the Urals with vocational education) light-Russian-undersized (why undersized is a separate topic)-stocky (this is from the same topic) Perm, Komi .. And in the north of the Perm Territory - the Voguls lived - that's they and the "Mongoloids" !! (Voguls lived on territories now Cherdynsk region and Krasnovishersky and further to the north) .. Come to the Permian Komi Autonomous Okrug .. and see what kind of "Mongoloids" there !! Then, and this is still BC, they settled in the East European Plain (descendants of the Mordovians, etc.) and further to "Finland) .. And the Novgorodians were not engaged in cattle breeding! -They were" merchants "! - bought fur, salt, etc. Moreover, impudently, and then the "Muscovites" came and began to build fortifications (CHERDYN is the first capital of Parma) .. And Kungur (the city of Kungur) was a large "market" wholesale - there all the main trade was carried out , but this is in the 10-13th century already ..
                    1. -1
                      April 1 2013 16: 21
                      Once again I see what effect the expression "BC" has for the profane. So what if the Komi ancestors lived in the Urals before our era? Does it automatically follow from this that the Perm Territory has never been inhabited, and that the Komi lived there almost forever? Somewhere from 3 thousand BC. the ancestors of the Komi are archaeologically noted there.
              2. DeerIvanovich
                April 1 2013 13: 56
                beautiful girls, plus
              3. 0
                April 1 2013 20: 55
                Quote: Atlon
                You yourself guess where the Russians, and where the Finnish?

                Where did you find such finca?
                How many worked in Finland I saw beautiful women only two times !!!
                If there is a beauty, then the Slavs are 100%
              4. 0
                April 2 2013 04: 24
                Quote: Atlon
                You yourself guess where the Russians, and where the Finnish?

                Now, if Kaisu Makarainen hadn’t laid out, then it would have been possible to think where anyone is, and there’s nothing to think laughing
                1. +2
                  April 2 2013 04: 35
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  Now, if Kaisu Makarainen had not laid out

                  He would have lifted Shelbright to make funnier wassat
            3. +1
              April 1 2013 13: 21
              Quote: Black Colonel
              In the 19th century, the Austrians (there was such a powerful empire) began the process of "creating the Ukrainian language" in order to divide the people of the Russian Empire on linguistic grounds (there were still strategists). And then drive a wedge between the Slavs. Which happened, but without the participation of Austria-Hungary. Nehru to stir up trouble now

              Yeah, and at the time of the great Lomonosov in the Russian science there was a dominance of the Germans, so these clever people moved such a "scientific" theory as if the Russians came from the Germans ...
              The article is nonsense, it’s written on the fence, too ...... it’s written, but behind the fence there are firewood ....
              I acknowledge the article only if the RAS (Alferov et al. Real scientists) recognizes it .....
          3. +4
            April 1 2013 10: 48
            This is not a lie at all. A bit distorted. Put in place: Finns, not Finns at all, but enslaved Slavs ..... and so on. And everything falls into place. All of Europe - the former Russia, carved by savages, burned at the stake. The survivors are enslaved, assimilated, metisolated. Primitive languages ​​introduced. This process is still observed - Ukraine! . Centuries-old genocide of the Slavs!
        3. +18
          April 1 2013 08: 53
          A long time ago I didn’t read the delirium .... I dared to the fullest ... Long live 1 amerel! laughing
          1. DeerIvanovich
            April 1 2013 09: 16
            jokes aren’t appropriate on such a topic nowadays
            1. +5
              April 1 2013 09: 27
              Quote: DeerIvanovich
              jokes aren’t appropriate on such a topic nowadays
              And why is this topic prohibited? Look at your relatives, it turns out that your family consists of completely different people .. Some people like Russians, other Ukrainians, others it’s not clear who at all ... If I fit the description of Russian, then my brother is Ukrainian it turns out laughing And so in every family ...
              How can we seriously talk about some kind of science and some kind of genetics in a country that has absorbed all nations for more than a thousand years, stretching itself and lengthening? What, the descendants of those Frenchmen who remained in Russia in 1812 in Russia are not Russians? Yes, and not all Cossacks arrived like Stenka Razin .. More often than not Persian princes were married and gave birth to children laughing
              1. DeerIvanovich
                April 1 2013 10: 27
                with a significant preponderance of the titular nation over time, all these invasions are leveled.
                the feminine principle is a conservation principle, so all rubbish is not a fact that the genetics of the conservation principle will be accepted.
                genetics, as a science, this fact confirms, no matter how you say it.
          2. explorer
            April 1 2013 13: 03
            Quote: domokl
            A long time ago I didn’t read the delirium .... I dared to the fullest ... Long live 1 amerel! laughing

            I wouldn’t be so sure of that negative :
            Non-Russian Russian language. Author: Vadim Rostov
            It is enough to look at the map of the settlement of ethnic groups of the era of the great migration of peoples to understand that the basis for the folding of the Great Russian ethnic group has become Finno-Ugric peoples of the Volga-Oka basin
            1. explorer
              April 1 2013 13: 06
              In the sense that the author was clearly not joking when writing the article.
            2. +2
              April 1 2013 13: 59
              Quote: explorer
              Quote: domokl
              A long time ago I didn’t read the delirium .... I dared to the fullest ... Long live 1 amerel! laughing

              I wouldn’t be so sure of that negative :
              Non-Russian Russian language. Author: Vadim Rostov
              It is enough to look at the map of the settlement of ethnic groups of the era of the great migration of peoples to understand that the basis for the folding of the Great Russian ethnic group has become Finno-Ugric peoples of the Volga-Oka basin

              Yes, from the territory of the Western Urals, and more specifically from the "Permian land" - PARMA. Only here the Finns are the descendants who "left" ..- and not vice versa, supposedly we are like "Finns" .. They are Russians !!))))))) smile So let them now open the border to us ... to their elder relatives - "dads and mums with grandfathers and grandmothers" ...
        4. Region65
          April 1 2013 10: 47
          probably finals)))) it turns out Finland is not Finland at all, but Russia, so all the Finns in the sea, you give the expansion of the Russians to the west!)))
          Quote: Mechanic
          then think for yourself to whom he’ll come out sideways.
      2. +9
        April 1 2013 08: 48
        Quote: Nikolai S.
        The text of the article is not just a lie, but a blatant provocation.

        Yes, Nikolai, yes .......
        And doesn’t the trend of this kind seem strange?
        Statehood was given to us by some Normans, the religion of Byzantium, the language was so ancient Europeans and ancient Turks, before meeting with them we were not able to speak, and now also genetics, according to which we are some Finns who speak an incomprehensible language.
        When I hear all these statements I have a question, but maybe everything was exactly the opposite, everything was?
        And the whole story is only fiction, farce, entertaining reading for the uninitiated?
        1. +2
          April 1 2013 09: 09
          Quote: baltika-18
          before meeting with them, it turns out we weren’t able to speak, and now also genetics, according to which we are some Finns

          The namesake, it’s not so bad, it’s too early to despair. And the Turks are not older than us. And we are more Slavic than all Slavs. One cannot be so direct with any provocation.

          Even genealogy on mitochondrial DNA has come out of our country. Only 15 years have passed. Well, or a little more, if from the beginning of work.
          1. +3
            April 1 2013 10: 56
            Quote: Nikolai S.
            The namesake, it’s not so bad, it’s too early to despair. And the Turks are not older than us. And we are more Slavic than all Slavs. One cannot be so direct with any provocation.

            And I don’t run, namesake. hi
            I have my own well-established and established view, both on the origin of man, and on the development of civilization, on the course of history, on the development of languages, on the development of various ethnic groups. It probably differs from all, because of all the theories and studies I chose for myself that I believe is true and has formed its own view of the world.
            1. +1
              April 1 2013 11: 17
              Quote: baltika-18
              don't fall in, namesake

              Nikolay, I inaccurately formulated my joke. This happens when you try to answer a specific person and the entire forum at the same time.
              1. +1
                April 1 2013 12: 00
                Quote: Nikolai S.
                Nikolay, I inaccurately formulated my joke.

                And I understood this and therefore welcomed. smile
          2. bezumnyiPIT
            April 1 2013 14: 55
            Descendants of Slavic assimilated Finno-Ugric peoples. Distinguish between!
        2. DeerIvanovich
          April 1 2013 09: 17
          yeah, it was exactly the opposite
        3. bezumnyiPIT
          April 1 2013 14: 57
          Descendants of Slavic assimilated Finno-Ugric peoples. Distinguish between!
      3. avt
        April 1 2013 09: 23
        Quote: Nikolai S.
        The text of the article is not just a lie, but a blatant provocation.

        No, just working out the old partition of Russia, laid down by the Naglo-Saxons and voiced in the 90s under Yeltsin. Add here the Pomor movement and the Zapadenskie cries about the Finno-Ugric origin and the great Ukrainians, and the picture will be completely formed. It's funny that against this background the Hungarians are already Turks announced laughing
        1. +2
          April 1 2013 17: 12
          Colleagues, have a nice day hi

          Just follow the link below the article and see who created, maintains and finances this original site. All questions about the content of this opus immediately disappear. If you want to "catch lulz" - go over the published materials: from the ideas expressed by Gumilev there is only his name, nothing else. In short, British scientists have proven ...

          For immature shkolota creative liberoid class, you can give a recommendation to read on pedivikia, which is for "hamsters" the authority and ultimate truth, the article "Russians". Cognitive dissonance guaranteed
      4. +5
        April 1 2013 09: 45
        Here quite recently there was an article on the same topic, but a scientific article. Everything is there, completely without constrictions, it is described where how and what is clear and intelligible. And at Nicholas S. - in general the article is super! (See post above)
        And these peppers have fooled something.
        Precisely, they are preparing a scientific justification for Finland joining back!
        1. +3
          April 1 2013 10: 16
          Distribution of haplogroup R1a1 in Europe

          Currently, R1a1 high frequencies are in the European part of Russia (from 45 to 65% of the population), Poland (55%), Belarus (49%), Ukraine (43%), Slovakia (42%), Latvia (40%) , Lithuania (38%), Czech Republic (34%), Hungary (32%), Croatia (29%), Norway (27%), Austria (26%), northeastern Germany (23%) and Sweden (19 %).
          Full text.

          1. 0
            April 1 2013 15: 23
            You have only Slavic, and here only "n1c1" Fino Ugric from the same site ...
      5. +3
        April 1 2013 10: 53
        This is a very stupid and unsuccessful April Fool’s joke.
      6. Atlon
        April 1 2013 11: 40
        Quote: Nikolai S.
        The text of the article is not just a lie, but a blatant provocation.

        How tired of these false historians and false scientists. And the little article is so yellow that he didn't even read it! The Internet is full of such "sensations". And they all start with the words:
        "Russian (British, American, German, etc.) "SCIENTISTS" found (found, proved, calculated, etc.) that: here is the text of any of the most delusional "news".
        What kind of scientists? What are their names? Where do they work? What experiments were put, on what equipment? This is all unimportant, the main thing is duck NEWS!
        In general, disgust, provocation, and idle talk!
        1. 0
          April 1 2013 12: 06
          Quote: Atlon
          How tired of these false historians and false scientists

          As Kisa Vorobyaninov said, they have no relationship to the science that they represent at the moment.

          Even in those cases where mtDNA genealogy (and she is only 15 years old) is scientifically and honestly approached, the results should be regarded only as hypotheses. I have given a link to an example, but not just because of the results, but because of the popular and fairly complete presentation of the methodology itself. The conclusions of such geneticists are based on excessively small samples; I think that there is no talk of any representativeness so that global conclusions can be drawn from them.
      7. sams
        April 1 2013 14: 27
        Just two hours ago, I went to a cheap cafe.
        In addition to everything else, I heard that Russians are the most shitty nation on earth ....
        This is what we have come to!
        We are not a shitty nation - this is for sure.
        We need to rally.
        Russian - where are you !?
      8. -2
        April 1 2013 15: 59
        Quote: Nikolai S.
        The text of the article is not just a lie, but a blatant provocation. You can find it popular and accessible with DNA genealogy, for example, here:
        - For me - and what? Is it really that important? Kazakhs with Yap are almost identical - so what? Kazakhs are not in a hurry to fraternize with Yaps, and Yapes are not in a hurry to drag their technologies to Kazakhstan on the basis of kinship. The genes do not have a physically pronounced attraction, alas. Over the centuries of disintegrated and separate life from the Finns, a completely different language has developed, a completely different mentality, a completely different scale of values, a sociocultural environment and a set of customs. This is another people - and the genes there are the tenth, if not the thirtieth. Why soar on this topic?
        And yet - even so. So what? The most severe competition is intraspecific. Any zoologist and even our Botanologist will prove it to you. That is, if hyenas and lions compete with each other, then so, neither shaky nor roll. And if in that area some kind of hyena of a slightly different breed appears, then a merciless war will flare up between these hyenas and old-time hyenas. Moreover, old-time hyenas will not disdain to go to an alliance with lions - from a sound point of view, ay-ay-ay, to go into an alliance with someone else for the sake of destroying close relatives! Isn't this the secret of the Finns' "special" sympathy for the Russians? We are ready to strangle the children, but even a shadow of Russian education has not touched them !!! Let the thread in the orphanage rot away alive, just that the Russian mother would not touch her upbringing (the father is Finn, exactly the opposite is true).
        Finally, the nature of the "special" sympathy of the Finns for the Russians is clear laughing laughing
        Russian gentlemen, but do you feel a strong desire to strangle the Finns? this is for interest laughing
      9. Yurbor
        April 1 2013 16: 30
        From April 1st! no more and no less. I think so!
      10. +1
        April 1 2013 18: 11
        Quote: Nikolai S.
        The text of the article is not just a lie, but a blatant provocation.

        Rkbata, today is 1 April!
        Take it easy.
        A serious material on this topic, "Civilization of the Russians", look at:
      11. Skiff-2
        April 1 2013 19: 57
        Quote: Nikolai S.
        The text of the article is not just a lie, but a blatant provocation.

        From April 1st everyone !!! Okay, at least not the Chukchi ... The genome of the Russian person is really revealed and is the reference - maternal for all European races, the oldest on the continent, deciphering samples of the Slavic script (Etruscans, Fest disk from Crete, runic letters in central and northern Europe, Siberia and Altai they’re not just talking about the antiquity of the Russian language, but about its status as the first language of humanity.The very word Russian means royal dignity, and this obliges its carriers to uphold the law and truth on Earth, so that we can wash our boots and the toilet in the oval office as it seems but don’t abuse it. Happy holiday to all!
    2. +8
      April 1 2013 08: 22
      Quote: Mechanic
      Well, I have not heard such a lie. Well, brothers Finns, we will unite back

      Hi Zhenya! The article is dirty-Russophobic, and it was worked out in the center of Lev Gumilyov. The meaning in two words - play off and conquer .... The worst thing is that this nonsense "smart guys" will pick up and carry it across the Internet ...
      1. +3
        April 1 2013 09: 59
        Quote: Tersky
        . The most terrible thing is that this nonsense will be picked up and carried by the "smart guys" across the Internet ...

        And they have been carrying it for a long time, it’s strange to read this in Military Review with ice behind the sites of the Goblin and others like him.
      2. Vladimir_61
        April 1 2013 11: 01
        Quote: Tersky
        The article is dirty-Russophobic, and it was worked out in the center of Lev Gumilyov. The meaning in two words - play off and conquer .... The worst thing is that this nonsense "smart guys" will pick up and carry it across the Internet ...

        And the comments on the article published on the center's website are a fierce dispute and a hodgepodge of opinions. Indeed, the provocateur wrote, wishing to sow discord and enmity. The clubheads (in the words of N.V. Gogol) clearly do not understand: what is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an ax. You will have to answer, no matter how the author flounders in the swamp of ignorance. How to explain to such ignorant people: everything that gives rise to consciousness is recorded in the energy of a person (a perfect "computer"). Then, under the influence of the accumulated in consciousness, conditions called destiny are attracted from the outside.
    3. +13
      April 1 2013 08: 24
      Now I sat and thought: Administration. And the article for an hour is not an April Fool’s joke? We all rushed to slush the author’s slop, and this will turn out to be ........... request
      1. +10
        April 1 2013 08: 30
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        We all rushed to slush the author’s slop, and this will turn out to be ...........

        Hi Sasha! Here's the author for you: the great "historian, geneticist, ufologist, anthropologist, vampirologist, ethnologist, Swiss and reaper, the author of many articles like:" Where did they come from "," Non-Russian Russian language ", etc., a resident of Minsk, Vadim Rostov, he same Vadim Deruzhinsky. This is not the first of April, but the next you @ er lyakha
        1. +5
          April 1 2013 08: 31
          Quote: Tersky
          Here's the author for you: the great "historian, geneticist, ufologist, anthropologist, vampirologist, ethnologist, Swiss and reaper, the author of many articles like:" Where did they come from "," Non-Russian Russian language ", etc., a resident of Minsk, Vadim Rostov, aka Vadim Deruzhinsky ...

          He himself is like an April Fool’s joke laughing
          Hello Victor hi
          1. +8
            April 1 2013 08: 42
            Quote: Tersky
            Hi Sasha! Here's the author for you: the great "historian, geneticist, ufologist, anthropologist, vampirologist, ethnologist, Swiss and reaper, the author of many articles like:" Where did they come from "," Non-Russian Russian language ", etc., a resident of Minsk, Vadim Rostov, he same Vadim Deruzhinsky. This is not the first of April, but the next you @ er lyakha
            Hi Sanya, Victor. But if you think about it. How much does such an article cast doubt on fragile minds? How many more will appear on the Internet (newspapers, radio, TV) of such experts on the Russian ethnic group and knowledge of the roots of our people?
            1. +8
              April 1 2013 08: 56
              Quote: Mechanic
              How much does such an article cast doubt on fragile minds?

              Counteraction to this should be in school history books! Today, much more attention is paid to Western society than the history of Russia. Such articles will be until they have a reader, if the nonsense is not read, the author will be left without a fee.
              As Oleg Mart said: There is no author without a reader hi
              1. +3
                April 1 2013 10: 20
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                As Oleg Mart said: There is no author without a reader
                That is, you propose to give the order of the ice ax to him?
                1. explorer
                  April 1 2013 12: 25
                  The author of the article is a medal of "Sawmill Graduate" lol
                2. +2
                  April 2 2013 04: 39
                  Quote: Mechanic
                  Do you offer an ice ax order to hand him?

                  Better than Saint Ebukentiy wassat
        2. 0
          April 1 2013 17: 49
          Quote: Tersky
          The great "historian, geneticist, ufologist, anthropologist, vampirologist, ethnologist, Swiss and reaper, the author of many articles such as" Where did they come from "," Non-Russian Russian language ", etc., a resident of Minsk, Vadim Rostov, aka Vadim Deruzhinsky. This is not the first of April, but the next you @ er lyakha

          The Russian special services should organize a unit to combat overly "smart" hackers. The harm from them is much more than it seems at first glance, and accidents are very likely in the life of a modern person ...
      2. +1
        April 1 2013 08: 54
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Now I sat and thought:
        Hi Sash hi Would you rather look at the date and month of today laughing
        1. +2
          April 1 2013 09: 21
          Quote: domokl
          Hi Sash

          Again hi
          Quote: domokl
          Would you rather look at the date and month of today

          I think Smirnov (admin) today will post an April Fools' article, but so who the hell will guess that this is a joke. Well, like: In Russia, in 2013 a quantum gun will be adopted and the whole Sait will discuss this miracle weapon in all seriousness laughing
          1. +3
            April 1 2013 09: 34
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            I think Smirnov (admin) today will post an April Fools' article, but so who the hell will guess

            feel That’s the calculation .. we have a large category of people who don’t read articles in principle .. Enough headline and type-Russia is the most Russian country in the world, cheers! And a lot of pluses are provided laughing
            1. +1
              April 1 2013 10: 33
              Quote: domokl
              Enough title and koment type-Russia is the most Russian country of the world, cheers! And a bunch of pluses provided laughing

              Better cheers patriotism than rotten liberal grumbling.
              1. 0
                April 1 2013 10: 56
                Quote: skeptic
                Better cheers patriotism than rotten liberal grumbling.

                laughing Well, yes ... Provocateurs are brought to the meat processing plants so that there are no problems in the slaughterhouse ... They bring rams and lead them to the slaughterhouse .. The goats are let through and the rams turn into meat products, respectively ...
                Maybe you should include a thought, and not tear the vest with a bang?
                1. +1
                  April 1 2013 16: 52
                  Quote: domokl
                  Maybe you should include a thought, and not tear the vest with a bang?

                  Well, turning it off is undesirable, especially when there is an impact on the little-informed minds of young people, with a modern presentation of history in schools, and even in universities. Presentation of obvious disinformation, in the best traditions of Goebbels' propaganda. So in such cases it is better to hurray - patriotism than liberal: "What if it's true?" Once a person writes, there is probably no smoke without fire. Because of such "informed well-wishers" the Great Union went to dust, and now the elbow is nearby, yes ...
              2. +1
                April 1 2013 12: 46
                Quote: skeptic
                Better cheers patriotism than rotten liberal grumbling.

                There is a better option: it’s better to be a urapatriot than an all-promising person.
            2. +2
              April 2 2013 04: 41
              Quote: domokl
              -Russia is the most Russian country in the world, cheers! And a lot of advantages are provided

              Say it ain't so 2nd of April and a necklace of three skulls on the fourth laughing hi
    4. +3
      April 1 2013 08: 55
      Quote: Mechanic
      Well, I have not heard such a lie. Well, brothers Finns, we will unite back laughing

      Now, well, if you believe the article, then in every Russian there is not only a Tatar, but also a Finn ... in a "explosive mixture" .. -)))
      1. +7
        April 1 2013 09: 05
        Quote: svp67
        Now, well, if you believe the article, then in every Russian there is not only a Tatar, but also a Finn ... in a "explosive mixture" .. -)))
        The question is not about what is in the Russian nation, there are many different bloodlines. The question is that they want to wipe out the Slavs from history and replace them with all sorts of underdeveloped nations to raise their self-esteem. Yesterday I accidentally heard the phrase of Odesitov about Jews (KVN, my wife looks at me) "The greatest nation is the Jews. After all, we are Russians and Germans and Italians and almost all the peoples of the world" I felt disgusted with such humor.
        1. -1
          April 2 2013 09: 56
          [quote = Mechanic] The question is what the Slavs want to die out of history and replace with all sorts of underdeveloped nations to raise their self-esteem.
          Even if this article is a duck, why such hysteria, do Mordovians, Korels, Mari and other Finns not live with you in the same state for several centuries, do not shed sweat and blood for this state. Well, Slavs do not try to destroy you or yourselves and in alliance with others. Where are you brothers again in the train of the next democrats. The Russians themselves created their Great State, and if the brothers didn’t interfere, then they didn’t really help, and the Russians shed so much blood and theirs and others freeing them from another yoke .But God forbid if different Finns are closer to the Slavs. It probably looks like when a man stares at other women 's women without noticing his wife.
      2. 0
        April 1 2013 10: 26
        A tight-thinking Tatar is finally a BOMB!
    5. Vasya Ivanov
      April 1 2013 08: 55
      Ur..dy are sick of it, they want to make blacks out of us, su .... and.
    6. +9
      April 1 2013 09: 02
      Quote: Mechanic
      Well, I have not heard such a lie. Well, brothers Finns, we will unite back

      Somehow they drank with the Finns in St. Petersburg ... not fighters ..

      No guys, you are not Russian!

      Guys! (And beautiful Ladies) All from the First of April! I see no other conclusion from this article
      1. +5
        April 1 2013 09: 10
        Quote: Ascetic
        All from the first of April! I see no other conclusion from this article

        Stanislav, hi ! Thank you, but such an article "joke" will not add laughter, only the work of surfengists to carry this de @ rma across the boundless expanses of the Internet, and food for trolling for liberals and svidomites of various kinds ..
        1. +5
          April 1 2013 09: 14
          Quote: Tersky
          Stanislav,! Thank you, but such an article "joke" will not add laughter, only the work of surfers to carry this de @ rma across the Internet ...

          Therefore, it is necessary to relate to this kind of provocation ... with humor, because the purpose of these statues is to sow negative and ethnic hatred between the ONE RUSSIAN PEOPLE ... And we laughed and forgot in response ..
    7. DeerIvanovich
      April 1 2013 09: 14
      the fact of the matter is that the present Finns are the very same Korels, only of the non-Orthodox faith, after Nevsky we could not save part of the Korels from the Swedes, as a result they were transferred to the bosom of the non-Orthodox church, hence the appearance of the Finns.
      and those Koreles who managed to save from the Swedes became our Orthodox Karelians!
      Not just after all, Nevsky beat the Swedes together with the Korels, but Em was for the Swedes, they, too, with the Korels, in those days, beat us for it.

      Alas, unfortunately, little is well known to anyone who knows from us, and that is why they believe in these Western tales.

      and there was no great migration of the Finugor tribes to the east.
      Peter, having killed many regions of the Russian population, settled the empty regions with Karelians. in the end, here you have Mordovians and Tver Karelians and others ...
      1. +3
        April 1 2013 09: 34
        For those who think this is a joke for April 1st. Another of his publications "Nerus Russian language" or "Don Jews are the ancestors of the Slavs?" for those who are interested, find it on the internet and read it, everything will immediately become clear. I won't post it here, it's too long.
        1. consul
          April 1 2013 10: 50
          Quote: Mechanic
          For those who think this is a joke for April 1st. Another of his publications "Nerus Russian language" or "Don Jews are the ancestors of the Slavs?" for those who are interested, find it on the internet and read it, everything will immediately become clear. I won't post it here, it's too long.

          In fact, the author of this article in the topic, there is a project "Great Khazaria", everything is clear and understandable there
        2. consul
          April 1 2013 11: 02
          Quote: Mechanic
          For those who think this is a joke for April 1st. Another of his publications "Nerus Russian language" or "Don Jews are the ancestors of the Slavs?" for those who are interested, find it on the internet and read it, everything will immediately become clear. I won't post it here, it's too long.

          In fact, the author of this article in the topic, there is a project "Great Khazaria", everything is clear and understandable there.
          Words of the Rabbi of the Sanhedrin (Spiritual Administration of Jews in Russia) Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson:
          There is an intense global warming on the planet. The desert moves north at a speed of 10 km. per year, land dehydration - 25 km. in year. Already, the ancient centers of the world - Athens, Rome and, most importantly, Jerusalem (Israel) fall into the zone of only artificial irrigation. In 20-30 years, it will be necessary to think about the relocation of the vast masses of civilized peoples north of their current residence. By that time in the Kuban, in the Rostov region, in Ukraine there will be an amazing subtropical climate, and in the Chernozem region and in the north of Ukraine - the climate of today's Ciscaucasia. If we recall the history, we must admit that these lands are the primordial lands of the ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured by Kievan Rus in the tenth century. The Slavs here are temporary guests and are subject to eviction. We will return this territory and create the Great Khazaria on these fertile lands - a Jewish state, as Israel was created 50 years ago, crowding out the Palestinians. Part of the Israelites will move here, and we will drive the Slavic far north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small northern territory - a reservation with a compact population, a reservation similar to Native American in America.
      2. +2
        April 1 2013 09: 35
        Do not make people laugh, Peter didn’t populate any regions with corrals, where would he take them corrals? There were never more than 0.1% of the number of Russians in the territory of Russia.
        I read a funny dissertation by the moron of a historian, he found the Scandinavian roots in one of 98% of the Russian region on genetics and came up with the theory of the Normans conquering Russia. His opponents looked into the archive and found out that after Poltava, Peter settled captive Swedes there, a source of Scandinavian genes in several families of the region.
        1. DeerIvanovich
          April 1 2013 10: 45
          you tell this to the Karelians who live in the Pskov region, Novgorod region, Vologda region, Yaroslavl region, on the Tver land ... this list goes on. unlike you, they remember their story very well
          1. 0
            April 1 2013 11: 36
            In the Kirov region, 95% of the population are Russians, the rest are Mari, Udmurts, Tatars from neighboring regions.
            So no one can forbid the Karelians to live where they like and let them remember their story as much as they want.
            It is known from history that ugrofinns appeared in Eastern Europe no earlier than the 5th century AD, came from the Urals and from Altai, their historical homeland, during the era of the migration of peoples.
            In the burials of the north of Eastern Europe of the Mongoloid skulls, the ancient 7th century AD not found, and all purebred non-assimilated ugrophinous pronounced mongloids.
            1. DeerIvanovich
              April 1 2013 13: 04
              hmm ... did I write about the history of 5-7 centuries?
              if you like, in the historical era from the 4th century to the 9th century is considered to be the "Dark Ages". do you know why? Yes, because the information is mostly written (myths in one word) is not confirmed by archaeological, cultural and other data.

              Pronounced ??? yes, you’re laughing, now I’ll go to my neighbor, I’ll go and tell the purebred Karelian, we’ll lie together or to the other, a purebred Mari, we’ll also
              Do not put a shadow on the wattle fence!
              1. +1
                April 1 2013 14: 36
                Squeal for health, only facts are stubborn things, typical Mongoloids are ugrophic in origin. In the space from the Baltic to Altai, one can trace elementarily the degree of assimilation of the Ugro-Finnish nationalities. The closer to Altai, the fewer Caucasoid features in appearance.
                This is what a typical Ural ugrofin looks like.
                1. DeerIvanovich
                  April 1 2013 19: 45
                  maybe you’ll also show his passport, where in the column nationality it is written: Ural Finno-Ugric laughing
          2. -1
            April 1 2013 13: 09
            And what, did Peter already have Stolypin cars?
    8. +6
      April 1 2013 09: 18
      That's for sure, another attempt to multiply the Russian ethnic group by zero laughing who cares this is the reasoning of an outstanding world-famous geneticist, our compatriot working in the USA, on this subject, Anatoly Klyosov, he does not leave stone unturned from all this insanity and pseudo-sabotage sabotage against Of Russia. hi
      1. +2
        April 1 2013 09: 51
        Quote: Andrey57

        That's for sure, another attempt to multiply the Russian ethnic group by zero

        You wanted to say divide, but division by 0 is forbidden laughing
        1. +2
          April 1 2013 10: 06
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          You wanted to say divide, but division by 0 is forbidden

          The US Congress is still thinking about this issue. Perhaps well-established mathematical restrictions violate the principles of democracy, and should not be applied to Russia.
          1. folds
            April 1 2013 11: 01
            Yes, it is simply politically incorrect and not tolerant !! What is this zero so directly different from the rest of the numbers, what can not be divided into it? This is an unreasonable restriction of zero in the rights natural for all figures! wassat
        2. +1
          April 1 2013 12: 53
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Quote: Andrey57

          That's for sure, another attempt to multiply the Russian ethnic group by zero

          You wanted to say divide, but division by 0 is forbidden laughing

          Not, all right, they want to multiply Russians by zero, but they want to divide the Russian ethnic group into an infinitely large number.
    9. +2
      April 1 2013 09: 24
      Congratulations on April 1 !!!
      It’s just an April Fool’s joke.
      Russians are not Russians, but Estonians, and Estonians are not Estonians, but retarded Russians. Ukrainians are Tatars, and Tatars are Ukrainians. The Germans are English, the British are French, etc. This is what a real Ugro-Russian child should look like.
    10. Baboon
      April 1 2013 09: 26
      Judging by the article, since the horde is ethnically close to the Russians, then the Mongols are also Finns? Wow how the Finns look different in different ways, but settled down like that!
      1. 0
        April 1 2013 10: 18
        The real typical ugrofin are the pronounced Mongoloids, Khanty and Mansi of Ugra.
        The Finns of Finland are the result of 1000 years of assimilation of ugrofins by the Swedes, who retained only the language, but lost their original anthropogenic appearance.
        1. Baboon
          April 1 2013 11: 16
          Finns, but this is a dense mixture, I wrote to the fact that in the article the author had really gone too far, called the horde akin to Muscovite Russia. The Mongolian group is not related either to the Finno-Ugric peoples, nor to the Slavs, nor to the Turks.
        2. DeerIvanovich
          April 1 2013 13: 10
          Korela is Korela, current non-Orthodox, do not lie like a liar
    11. +3
      April 1 2013 09: 32
      What they wanted to prove was proved. Statistical selection can be done so that it turns out that only blacks live in Russia and that the Olympic Games 80 in Moscow were marked by a large migration of peoples.
    12. NKVD
      April 1 2013 09: 55
      Bullshit and crap. I don’t agree to be a Chukhon ... Now it’s clear why some Finns started talking about joining Toli… am
      1. +3
        April 1 2013 10: 15
        Quote: NKVD

        To prevent messages multiplied when you press add buttons do not pay attention to the pop-up blocker, just refresh the browser page and it will appear. Do not press the button add several times in any case, this will lead to a repetition of the message.
    13. NKVD
      April 1 2013 09: 57
      Bullshit and crap. I don’t agree to be a Chukhon ... Now it’s clear why some Finns started talking about joining Toli… am
    14. NKVD
      April 1 2013 09: 59
      Bullshit and crap. I don’t agree to be a Chukhon ... Now it’s clear why some Finns started talking about joining Toli… am
    15. +5
      April 1 2013 10: 21
      Quote: Mechanic
      Well, I have not heard such a lie.

      Well, dear ... how do we (in their name) call ourselves It all started with genetically modified products, and now they are trying to get us in on a genetically modified history, ideology, national hell-what-similarity. In war, as in war, Jesuit practice - the end justifies any means. In general, we consider ourselves Russian, without dividing our blood, into those different droplets in a mixture of peoples in the centuries-old history of Russia. This article resembles throwing into a besieged city infected Before such a provocation, they could have thought of it, or those who wish us contention, having ruined our history, or just like a stupid, evil, April Fool’s joke.
      1. slvevg
        April 1 2013 13: 42
        I'm in shock! I am a wide-eyed blue-eyed brunette with a surname on the list at number 12, people who am I? Sarmat, Ukrainian or Fin? But I don’t care, because I think it is necessary to appeal to the spiritual component of a person and not to poke around in the underwear of the city laundry, trying to highlight where it is cleaner and to whom it belongs, in order to be put to shame on April 1! Let’s be smart and honest PEOPLE, and do not wage provocations once again!
      2. sams
        April 1 2013 18: 11
        Did not read the article.
        ... and n \ it is necessary
        What do you bastards mean by that !?
        What, I'm not for the Tatar to intercede !?
        How to interrupt!
        And you bastards what were-and remained so ....
    16. +2
      April 1 2013 10: 44
      Quote: Mechanic
      Well, I have not heard such a lie. Well, brothers Finns, we will unite back laughing

      This is not a lie at all. A bit distorted. Put in place: Finns, not Finns at all, but enslaved Slavs ..... and so on. And everything falls into place. All of Europe - the former Russia, carved by savages, burned at the stake. The survivors are enslaved, assimilated, metisolated. Primitive languages ​​introduced. This process is still observed - Ukraine! . Centuries-old genocide of the Slavs!
    17. Skavron
      April 1 2013 10: 57
      Quote: Mechanic
      Well, brothers Finns, we will unite back

      So maybe it's the Finns Russian? ))))
      1. DeerIvanovich
        April 1 2013 13: 12
        they rooted, rooted! Avot the ancestor of Korel and the Slavs - one
    18. +2
      April 1 2013 11: 24
      As the author of the article he wants to promote himself. This little scientific opus is not sensational. I pulled out a few numbers from a work that has not yet been published and already wrote an alternative history, "sweetness" !!! Only, according to his theory, we have to live in peace and harmony with the Finns for 1000 years already, because we have the same genes, but no, we are at war and hostile, and somehow they do not bind the same roots. Complete nonsense. Accidentally the author's name is not Izi Shniperson ????
    19. +1
      April 1 2013 11: 28
      Aha, this is not the first such vopros, only recently there was one more, only there Russian scientists proved that all Russians are different, they say, we are not one people. It's all stupid voprosy, until there is official information, this is nothing more than the babble of a madman. Even if it turns out that we are Finns, so what? Does it change anything? Were Finns, became Russian hi
      1. DeerIvanovich
        April 1 2013 13: 25
        Well, we were not Finns, they reigned, and we beat the Swedes together with them, until the strength of Novgorod and Pskov was reduced.
      2. +1
        April 1 2013 17: 13
        Quote: Joker
        Ah, this is not the first such question, only recently there was one more, only there Russian scientists proved that all Russians are different, they say we are not one people. This is all stupid stuff, until there is official information, this is nothing more than babble of a madman. Even if it turns out that we are Finns, so what? Does it change anything? Were Finns, became Russian

        I will say more, there was no such racism among the Cossacks at all. Do you believe in Christ? Cross yourself, and then, be you three times yours, but your friend allowed betrayal - a sack on your head and into the Don. In Russia, many peoples have found shelter, if now someone is starting a "Kosovo digging" in our country, then this article is most likely aimed at inciting discord among the peoples of our Motherland.
    20. +1
      April 1 2013 12: 04
      Quote: Mechanic
      Well, I have not heard such a lie. Well, brothers Finns, we will unite back

      Exactly, it smells like a pretty rot.
      It is a pity the authors did not indicate the names of these pearls; I won’t be surprised if these are some Schumacher and Millers - it’s time to run into their Lomonosov laughing
    21. 0
      April 1 2013 12: 39
      This is not a lie, but a pure substitution of concepts. Even if Finns are Russians in genetics, then you need to call a spade a spade: Finns are genetically Russian. So it’s completely justifiable that you can take them back as blood brothers :) ...
    22. 0
      April 1 2013 16: 22
      This is also a geopolitical article. The goal is obvious - to split Russia.
    23. Skiff
      April 1 2013 17: 10
      Hahaha, I laugh and cry from tears, but this is FIRST APRIL brothers, and to be honest, the Russians flew from the perishing world from the constellation Sagittarius a hundred million ago and populated the solar system, then there was a war between us and the race of star orcs, which was reflected in the legends and mythologies of peoples, so after a long war we destroyed all our life on planets in a place with enemies and only one land remained)))
    24. maxvet
      April 3 2013 19: 37
      in my opinion it’s worth looking at the release date of the article and everything will fall into place
  2. +1
    April 1 2013 08: 09
    Why is Russophobic provocation here?
  3. +13
    April 1 2013 08: 10
    Another attempt to provoke the type of Russian is not Russian.
    that Russians are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns.

    And why are Finns not Finnish-speaking Russians?
    1. +7
      April 1 2013 08: 20
      Quote: lewerlin53rus
      And why are Finns not Finnish-speaking Russians?

      You ask this question to the author, he will delve into the DNA and tell that the Finnish language is actually real Russian.
      1. +1
        April 1 2013 08: 32
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        he delves into DNA

        Yes, the author (or a group of authors) delves rather than into DNA but into slops, from which he digs out the most stinking and tries to pour on our people and self-consciousness.
        1. +1
          April 1 2013 08: 41
          Quote: lewerlin53rus
          trying to pour on our people and self-awareness.

          He has some success, the article has already received a couple of pluses request
          1. +4
            April 1 2013 08: 44
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            the article has already received a couple of pluses

            Maybe it's the Finns?
            1. +3
              April 1 2013 08: 58
              Quote: lewerlin53rus
              Maybe it's the Finns?

              Yes, the Finns will not even read this. Plus, the author of the article rather put it, having registered a couple of accountants.
              1. +1
                April 2 2013 04: 14
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                .Plus rather put the author himself, registering a couple of accountant.

                Hi Sasha hi Well, how can you not be so tolerant request But what about the author’s vision from different perspectives? First, he is seen in a kneeling form, then he is all from the bottom up with the prich M feel wassat
            2. +3
              April 1 2013 10: 28
              Quote: lewerlin53rus
              Maybe it's the Finns?

              Most likely Finno-ukry sitting in Krakow and Galicia, sponsored by the Kolomyyski and Fishman
          2. +2
            April 1 2013 08: 47
            by the way, the guy really fulfills money from the State Department)))))
    2. +2
      April 1 2013 08: 56
      [quote = lewerlin53rus] And why are Finns not Finnish-speaking Russians? [/ Quote laughing If there are influential discoveries in the world, then it definitely draws to the Nobel Prize ... April Fool’s Day rules!]
    3. +1
      April 1 2013 10: 47
      Quote: lewerlin53rus
      And why are Finns not Finnish-speaking Russians?

      Actually, they are Russian-speaking, they just drink too much, and after a few generations the language has changed.
  4. Avenger711
    April 1 2013 08: 12
    Delete the article, I would also like to publish the coordinates of this with the permission of the author.
    1. +5
      April 1 2013 08: 18
      Quote: Avenger711

      Delete the article, I would also like to publish the coordinates of this with the permission of the author.

      Pennsylvania Avenue, then figure out where to go hi
    2. DDR
      April 1 2013 08: 19
      Quote: Avenger711
      I would also like to publish the coordinates of this with the permission of the author

      Coordinates: Washington author: ??????? request
    3. +8
      April 1 2013 08: 25
      Quote: Avenger711
      I would like to publish the coordinates of this with the permission of the author

      U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
      Department of Public Relations
      Washington DC 20505

      (703) 482-0623
    4. Captain Vrungel
      April 1 2013 08: 29
      Once again, scientists have scientifically substantiated their many years of experience sucking out sensational material from a finger with some randomly left rubbish heap.
      When life arose on Earth and when writing arose. Between them is a historical failure and the fantasies of scientists.
      And who endowed with such names? Zakrividoroga, Netyudyhata, Proeygolova, Nepiygorilki, Parasachka?
  5. +12
    April 1 2013 08: 17
    The author does not teach you anything!
  6. Arrogant
    April 1 2013 08: 18
    Another nonsense of the State Department Troll
  7. Grishka100watt
    April 1 2013 08: 20
    You wrote the wrong article, uncle. You had to read it on the echo of Moscow!
    1. +1
      April 1 2013 11: 09
      Quote: Grishka100watt
      You wrote the wrong article, uncle. You had to read it on the echo of Moscow!
      Well, that's just on the air this was not enough. Better let your wife read under the covers to raise her own self-esteem.
  8. +8
    April 1 2013 08: 21
    Yes, what roots are you looking for, the main thing is not the roots, but the tops.
  9. Vanek
    April 1 2013 08: 21
    What is good for the Russian ...................

    Well, you yourself generally in the know.

    Hello to everyone. hi
    1. +2
      April 1 2013 08: 34
      Quote: Vanek

      Hello Ivan! who did you put on avu, what kind of authority laughing
      1. Vanek
        April 1 2013 08: 36
        Return Fidelito?

        Greetings to Alexander.
        1. +2
          April 1 2013 08: 43
          Quote: Vanek
          Return Fidelito?

          Put the cat laughing
          1. +2
            April 1 2013 08: 46
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Put the cat
            You are reprimanded for advertising animals on the site laughing Hello Vanya.
            1. +2
              April 1 2013 09: 07
              Quote: Mechanic
              You are reprimanded for advertising animals on the site

              In rubles, please be good in cash wink
              1. +2
                April 1 2013 09: 15
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                In rubles, please be good in cash
                Tell you where to pay? See below for an article on helping Syria. So be forgiven thousand for 5. laughing
                1. +2
                  April 1 2013 09: 16
                  Quote: Mechanic
                  So be forgiven for 5 thousand

                  I strained with the money, I’ll give 1000. Invest the rest for me. Then I will give winked
          2. +6
            April 1 2013 10: 31
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Put the cat
        2. +3
          April 1 2013 08: 47
          Quote: Vanek

          Return Fidelito?

          In principle, Hugo will do the same.
  10. +5
    April 1 2013 08: 21
    Well, if they began to publish "uchonye articles about Russian-speaking Finns", it means that "Russian-speaking zhydy" are probably involved here
  11. Vladimir_61
    April 1 2013 08: 22
    Purposeful lie. These are not scientists - the hirelings of Russophobes. Prostituted science is a disgrace to humanity. Another would be to call "scientists" by name.
  12. Gorchakov
    April 1 2013 08: 25
    April Fool’s joke or Western provocation? I think both that and another ....
    1. +1
      April 1 2013 08: 28
      Quote: Gorchakov
      April Fool's joke

      Bad joke. In general, Russianness is not only genetics, it is a mentality and a state of mind.
      1. Krasnoyarsk
        April 1 2013 10: 15
        Russian is blood, but the Tolerast-pederasts came up with a mentality.
  13. Explore
    April 1 2013 08: 26
    This nonsense, or something similar to it, I read on some forum about 2 years ago. There a "fabulous" defeat of the author's position took place.
    This fake is the work of a group of Western Belarusians.
    Purpose number 1 - to prove the insignificance of the Russians and their lack of rights to unite the Slavs, and indeed joining the Slavic movement.
    Goal number 2 - fraternization with Poles with similar Russophobic views.
    And then the EU, Shmees and NATO ...
  14. +5
    April 1 2013 08: 29
    The main thing is not references to the study, nor any facts. I used to read about real research.
    “We did not find any noticeable Tatar introductions in the Russian genome, which refutes the theory of the destructive influence of the Mongol yoke. Siberians are genetically identical to the Old Believers, they have one Russian genome. There are no differences between the genomes of Russians and Ukrainians - one genome. We have miserable differences with the Poles ”
    Academician K. Skryabin

    “The first and most important conclusion is to state the significant unity of the Russians throughout Russia and the inability to distinguish even the corresponding regional types, clearly limited from each other”
    Anthropologist V. Deryabin
  15. +3
    April 1 2013 08: 32
    Quote: lewerlin53rus
    Another attempt to provoke the type of Russian is not Russian.
    that Russians are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns.

    And why are Finns not Finnish-speaking Russians?

    Well, probably this is because the Indians of America came from European immigrants.
    I didn’t even read to the end and was already inspired by this idea and realized the worthlessness of my nation. Everything was lost The boss was all gone - Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Kurchatov and Korolev are now Finns too. Well, that's what we have already agreed on ...
    1. +5
      April 1 2013 08: 50
      Quote: nikkon09

      Well, with Pushkin an ambush. He is generally Ethiopian, the grandson of the arap Peter the Great Hannibal
      1. +4
        April 1 2013 09: 44
        Quote: lewerlin53rus
        ambush with Pushkin. He is generally Ethiopian, the grandson of the arap Peter the Great Hannibal

        Are you repeating this liberal mockery for the purpose of April Fool's humor? The family of Pushkin is older than the family of the Romanov tsars. The Pushkins, then "600-year-old" nobles, trace their ancestry from the warrior Alexander Nevsky Ratsha.


        Laughing cruelly at a fellow
        Pisaki Russian crowd
        My name is Aristocrat:
        Look, perhaps, what nonsense!
        I’m not an officer, not an assessor,
        I'm not a nobleman on the cross,
        Not an academician, not a professor;
        I am just a Russian tradesman.

        I understand the times of vicissitude,
        I do not prejudice, right, to her:
        We have a new birth nobility,
        And the newer, the more noble.
        Sorts of decrepit chip
        (And, unfortunately, not one)
        Boyar of old I am a descendant;
        I, brothers, are a petty tradesman.

        My grandfather did not sell pancakes,
        Not waxed royal boots,
        I didn’t sing with the court clerks,
        I didn’t jump to the princes from the
        And he was not a fugitive soldier
        Austrian powdery squads;
        So should I be an aristocrat?
        I, thank God, petty bourgeois.

        My ancestor Racha abusive muscle
        He served St. Nevsky;
        His offspring is angry crowned,
        Ivan IV spared.
        Pushkins were with the kings;
        Of these, not one was glorious,
        When competing with the Poles
        Nizhny Novgorod tradesman.

        Totally here:
        1. 0
          April 1 2013 10: 37
          Quote: Nikolai S.
          liberal glum

          And where are the liberals? Who argues that the Pushkins are not an ancient clan? Ancient, but on the paternal side. But on the maternal side, he is the great-grandson of Abram Hannibal, which the poet himself has never been shy about, but vice versa. The estate of Hannibalov Petrovsky is located a few kilometers from Mikhailovsky, half a road from the Pushkin Mountains, where the poet and his parents are buried in the Svyatogorsky monastery. I myself am from Pushgor, although I live in Novgorod. Therefore, it is not necessary.
          1. +1
            April 1 2013 11: 00
            Quote: lewerlin53rus
            ambush with Pushkin. He is generally Ethiopian

            Quote: lewerlin53rus
            And where are the liberals?

            This, after all, is the father of the liberals, no matter how, how many liberals fit in with anyone.
            Judging by the answer, you didn't even finish reading Pushkin's "my pedigree" from the link. Not interested?
            1. +2
              April 1 2013 11: 07
              Quote: Nikolai S.
              You didn't even read "my pedigree" of Pushkin from the link. Not interested?

              Why so? Read.
              Figlyarin decided, sitting at home,
              That black grandfather is my Hannibal
              Was bought for a bottle of rum
              And he fell into the hands of the skipper.
              This skipper was that glorious skipper,
              Who our earth moved
              Who gave powerfully run sovereign
              Steering a native ship.
              This skipper grandfather was available.
              And similarly bought arap
              Increased, zealous, incorruptible,
              The king's breastplate, not a slave.

              Here Pushkin himself confirms that Hannibal was his ancestor
              By the way, Ethiopia is also aware of this and is proud of their kinship with Great Russian Poet
              1. +1
                April 1 2013 11: 35
                Quote: lewerlin53rus
                Pushkin himself confirms that Hannibal was his ancestor

                Thanks for the illustration. Pushkin’s mother was 1/8 Ethiopian. But you seem to continue to insist that he is an Ethiopian. I wish you success in your difficult business.

                It is hardly appropriate to speak of what Pushkin wrote as a Russian patriot. As well as about the contribution of "our everything" to Russian self-consciousness, Russian language, Russian poetry.
                1. 0
                  April 1 2013 12: 11
                  Quote: Nikolai S.
                  But you seem to continue to insist that he is an Ethiopian.

                  The fact that Pushkin is an Ethiopian, I was told with sarcasm, if you did not notice this:
                  Quote: nikkon09
                  Everything was gone Chief everything was gone - Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Kurchatov and Korolev are now Finns too.

                  Read the posts carefully.
                  But Pushkin was, is and will be a great Russian poet.
                  1. 0
                    April 1 2013 12: 21
                    Quote: lewerlin53rus
                    The fact that Pushkin is an Ethiopian, I was told with sarcasm,

                    Well with sarcasm, so with sarcasm. Although, for me, when the liberals say this out of place and out of place, sarcasm is inappropriate here.
                    1. 0
                      April 1 2013 13: 17
                      Quote: Nikolai S.
                      when liberals voice it out of place and out of place

                      Liberasts voiced this in order to contrast Pushkin’s Ethiopian roots with his Russianness. But I speak in the sense that the origin of the ancestors of a person does not prevent him from being Russian. There are many such examples. Take at least Catherine II. German by birth, she was the Russian Empress, not only in office.
                      1. DeerIvanovich
                        April 1 2013 14: 02
                        she herself recognized herself as a Slavic, for she came from the territories where the Slavs lived by the Bodriches (encouraged).
              2. DeerIvanovich
                April 1 2013 13: 48
                Ethiopian indigenous people are often called white-skinned, if anything, Africans themselves, not to mention historians and geographers!
          2. +1
            April 2 2013 04: 21
            Quote: lewerlin53rus
            Pushkin is not an ancient clan? Ancient, but on the paternal side. But on the maternal side, he is the great-grandson of Abram Hannibal,

            That is, a family tree of more than three centuries is how to piss yesterday? laughing
      2. folds
        April 1 2013 11: 11
        Pushkin means afrofin? laughing
      3. +1
        April 1 2013 17: 19
        Quote: lewerlin53rus
        Well, with Pushkin an ambush. He is generally Ethiopian, the grandson of the arap Peter the Great Hannibal

        Well, this is not far from Israel, probably they will ascribe it to themselves.
  16. 0
    April 1 2013 08: 32
    Such nonsense - ashamed administration to print on the site.
    There will be nothing but spitting.
    And if they start teaching this in schools, then such schools must be destroyed.
  17. mladenec
    April 1 2013 08: 35
    Quote: Mechanic
    I wonder who they provoke? If the Russian rebellion, then think for yourself who it will come out sideways.

    Most likely, a simple cutting of the roots of the tree, which leads to the rapid degeneration in this case, of the Russian nation.
    1. +1
      April 1 2013 08: 39
      Quote: mladenec
      Most likely, a simple cutting of the roots of the tree, which leads to the rapid degeneration in this case, of the Russian nation.

      Have you read this article and have already begun to dry out?
      You need to heal your nerves, if you treat every stupidity like that, then you can dry out your mind.
      1. mladenec
        April 1 2013 16: 49
        Well, after reading certain phrases, I did not begin to read further, because I feel sorry for the time. I didn’t start to dry up, because the rich life experience multiplied by a large knowledge base and passed through a sieve of logical reasoning does not allow me to pay attention to any frank nonsense, but at the same time I perfectly understand who this article is intended for, and it doesn’t the only, and being a part of the mechanism, aimed at destroying the moral image of the uncleaned (primarily by knowledge) part of our society, and this is young people.
        I judge frankly on my own, because a certain time ago I was an outright stray liberal, fortunately got rid of this with the accumulation of knowledge, but it took me 10 years of intensive study of the essence of phenomena, which I’m not ready for modern youth.
        And by the way, in vain do you underestimate the harm of such articles, for here the expression fits a drop sharpening a stone, but how many such droplets?
  18. Nesvet Nezar
    April 1 2013 08: 35
    the accents are not right. Finns are former Russians who have mixed with the Sami and become inhibited Estonians. The horde did not assimilate the Russians, because the horde did not rise above Moscow to the north. The Horde assimilated the Russian Carpathians and the Poles. the first time with Atille, and the second time when Yagailo was raped. On the outskirts, no one lived at all until Catherine began to populate these lands. So it turns out that the Germans are a mixture of Huns and Russians (Bismarck was proud that he was a descendant of Atila). Poles are Russians who sold Orthodoxy to Catholics for money stolen in America. The oprichnina is Grozny's reaction to the collapse of the united Russian state and betrayal, the separatism of the Poles (a small group of Russians who converted to Catholicism) Slovaks Slovenes Macedonians are Russians, Russian-Germans and Russian-Greeks, respectively. The author Vadim Rostov goes to the buoy for prosy misrepresentation of facts. And the Norman theory goes before Vadim Rostov. Ruriks are not Normans, but Byzantines. They came from overseas (black) and from the Tsar-grad, and not from overseas (Baltic) and from the forest ... And their beards were black. And the fair-haired blue-eyed Merovingians were also Russian and ruled France for 300 years like ..... And about the unification of "Poles" lies. There were no attempts to unite until the Vatican got money (after the discovery of America in 1492) and the pope bought the gentry. The idlers were given money and told to build a state and cut out the Orthodox. And Russian traitors appeared ...
    1. DeerIvanovich
      April 1 2013 09: 43
      Well, another smart guy was found. what you write nonsense.
      Finns are the same Korela, but non-Orthodox, who came under the rule of Sweden due to the weakness of Novgorod undermined by Western influence.
      the fact that the personal protection of the Byzantine emperors in centuries close to the collapse of the Byzantine empire, the sovereigns composed mainly of Varangians, is a fact. But the fact is also that they were so called because they lived on the Varyazhsk Sea (Baltic). that they are Slavs even by description from written Byzantine sources it is clear.
      besides the empire of the Carolingians, the Merovingians, and even a heap of all Wingi, the real scale is overestimated - this is confirmed by modern German archaeologists. of more than 1500 archaeological sites dating back to the so-called Carolingian empire and geographically located in the areas of the alleged existence of this empire, only less than 10 objects have been identified with this very "culture"
    2. Mironk
      April 1 2013 10: 01
      Quote: Nesvet Nezarya
      Ruriks are not Normans but Byzantines.

      Yeah, and the Etruscans on the Apennine Peninsula are also from the Slavs? What does the public resent - what gentlemen do you have against kinship with the Finns? What are the Finns guilty, for me, so very nice people, and they drink vodka almost like Russians!
      1. DeerIvanovich
        April 1 2013 11: 39
        because they rooted, since ancient times the fraternal people of the Russians
  19. Reasonable, 2,3
    April 1 2013 08: 38
    We survived ...... n, And I inform the State Department in Alaska, in California, the Russians were the first so that you Americans are all from the Russians, only normal ones left for Russia, and any ....... Slag remains. Funny?
    1. Reasonable, 2,3
      April 1 2013 08: 41
      Author on ......... count, today! Now!
      1. Reasonable, 2,3
        April 1 2013 08: 58
        Question to the site’s administration, why should I post such an article? Did you know how our brethren would react. Why provoke ?.
    2. DeerIvanovich
      April 1 2013 10: 10
      from that the West was called Wild, how did the Russians there ... since the Russians mean savagery, barbarism ...
      they’re afraid, and they are misinterpreting, although our fort still stands there, waiting for the descendants of its founders to return.
  20. +2
    April 1 2013 08: 38
    "Russians are not Slavs, but only Russian-speaking Finns."

    I did not read further.
    1. +1
      April 1 2013 11: 44
      It’s in vain that sounds funny. Around the same as:
      Americans are not arrogant Saxons and not Europeans, but arrogant Indians and Eskimos of North America.
      The Spaniards are not Spaniards, but Hispanic Arabs of the Iberian Peninsula.
      The French are not French, but French-speaking Arabs of Algeria and Tunisia.
  21. Hudo
    April 1 2013 08: 40
    Does the brain burn the crazy idea of ​​measuring skulls? It doesn’t matter, let him announce his idea to the first comer - and the same comer, in the nearest gateway, will straighten him his own full of holes in the pot according to the highest standard.

    Z.Y. What a * ka cherished by such a disgusting reptile as the author.
    1. Vanek
      April 1 2013 09: 56
      Quote: Hudo

      The only minus is this.
  22. doctor3006
    April 1 2013 08: 41
    By the way, how is the 282nd article of the Criminal Code doing in relation to these "scientists"? Or can only Russians be imprisoned in this country on it?
  23. +4
    April 1 2013 08: 42
    I didn’t even read this nonsense
  24. +9
    April 1 2013 08: 42
    Something like that, scientists so fussed in time, proving to us that we are not Slavs? Or did some non-Slavs feel that the hour of the unification of peoples was near, which they in no way want to allow? What research grant was thrown? Maybe the test in this institute doesn’t interfere with what they have in terms of research? There is nothing more to do science, do we already know everything? Well, I would like to hear the names of these venerable pundits !!!!

    Threat. And by the way, today is April 1 !!!! Maybe this is a joke at all? laughing

    Hello to everyone and everyone! fellow
    1. +3
      April 1 2013 08: 49
      Quote: Egoza
      Threat. And by the way, today is April 1 !!!! Maybe this is a joke at all?

      Hi Elena. This is not a joke. Found this article in the original source. It was published before April 1. So we are reaping the fruits of the liberal government of Russia.
    2. +1
      April 1 2013 08: 49
      maybe for fun, join the Finns back to our place today?)))) here will be a laugh)))))
      1. 0
        April 1 2013 09: 09
        Quote: tomket
        , connect the Finns back to ourselves

        Yes, here the other day there was a rumor that many would not mind against the Russian Federation join
      2. DeerIvanovich
        April 1 2013 10: 12
        you don’t provoke ... we’ll add another word that we’ve come up with ...
        here in spite you reunite !!!
  25. rereture
    April 1 2013 08: 43
    April Fool’s joke: -D
  26. SCS
    April 1 2013 08: 44
    I have not read such crap for a long time!
    - “These data clearly explain the deep and permanent split in Ukrainian society, where in fact two completely different ethnic groups live under the name“ Ukrainians ”. Moreover, Russian imperialism will take this scientific data into its arsenal - as another (already significant and scientific) an argument to "increase" the territory of Russia with Eastern Ukraine. But what about the myth about the "Slavs-Russians"? "
    the author is clearly raving, two ethnic groups)))
    the article is addressed to a rather narrow-minded public ... so Brothers Slavs, consider all this an April Fools' joke!
    1. +2
      April 1 2013 09: 03
      Unfortunately, this is not a joke. More like systematic promotion
      BRZE-like plans angry
  27. +1
    April 1 2013 08: 54
    Do not lead us astray!

    They want to cloud our mind, confuse!
  28. ekama1
    April 1 2013 08: 57
    This is an April Fool’s draw
  29. +1
    April 1 2013 09: 02
    Do not worry, they joked on April 1.
  30. +1
    April 1 2013 09: 02
    Since April 1 or what ?!
    Links to the article "Studies of the Russian Gene Pool" have been hanging on the Internet for a long time. Everything there is painted in parts, there is a photo of a typical Russian from the North and a Russian from the South. Whoever wants can read it.
    If the facts presented in the article are true - and so what? Will the world collapse? Will the great redivision begin? Yes, to hell!
    And to hide research data is stupid - all the same, everything will be known.
  31. +1
    April 1 2013 09: 03
    Make an amendment for April 1 - and everything falls into place. Happy holiday!
  32. +4
    April 1 2013 09: 12
    Obviously looks like an April 1 joke, not a drunken scientist. But what a difference now who and where were our great great great great great grandparents. All this "research" is like a grandmother for two said. Today one thing, and tomorrow they will find another "irrefutable" proof. It turns out that we are all descendants of the humanoids from Tau-Kita. How many already have these sensations been. It is important who we are now, it is important to remember who our fathers and grandfathers were. It is important not to forget where our Motherland is. It is important to pass this on to your children. I am Russian, and that says it all, I live in a great country - Russia, and this is the most important thing. We are Russians, we have every right to be proud of our history and roots. And we do not need to endure the brain, the next pseudo sensations. Stop lying to us, and stop wasting potential and funds on unnecessary "research". Russia - stood, stands and will stand. The Russian man has lived, lives and will live forever, no matter what.
  33. +1
    April 1 2013 09: 12
    The source material for genetic studies of "true Russianness" was carefully selected among Moscow guest workers.
    Along the way, it turned out that Tajiks and Galicians differ by 2-3 units.
    I also remembered that the true Aryan should be tall, like Goebbels, slim, like Goering, blond, like Hitler and a lawyer, like Papa Zhirinovsky.
  34. -1
    April 1 2013 09: 13
    nobody can lead us astray, we need to ... where to go)))
  35. +2
    April 1 2013 09: 14
    It is clear that this is nonsense, but it has a clear effect on the brain - okay, many here will correctly evaluate and comment, but on those such as the type of aunt in Odnoklassniki, etc., it can specifically act if it does not create the effect of an exploding bomb (! ) and brain fermentation ...

    Oh, these "scientists" ... It's time to do something with these scientists ... Apply to them something from the methods of the medieval Inquisition - well, there you can tie a hungry rat in a cage to a belly for a week - let the rat study their insides, you see and suddenly finds a soul ... Or press it to the rack-lass ...
    1. +2
      April 1 2013 21: 25
      Tartary: Oh, these "scientists" ...

      From a scientific point of view, the article under discussion has zero value in general, since it contains only interpretation results. Any research methodologist will indicate a number of stages without which interpretation is worthless:

      1) observations
      2) hypothesis
      3) methodology development
      4) research
      5) analysis of the results
      6) interpretation of the results
      7) conclusions or confirming or refuting the original hypothesis
      8) correction of a hypothesis and / or technique
      9) re-examination. The cycle repeats.

      The same results can be interpreted differently, depending on the original hypothesis and the applied technique.

      And the main thing here is a grant study, i.e. dependent. Who gives grants, that puts forward a hypothesis, and also offers the corresponding research technique.
  36. +1
    April 1 2013 09: 16
    Gentlemen, you read the article as far back as 2005.

    It is immediately clear that this Vadim Rostov simply brazenly stole an article and misinterpreted the results of research.

    Better yet, read this
    1. 0
      April 2 2013 20: 26
      Sharingan: It’s immediately obvious that this Vadim Rostov simply brazenly stole the article and misinterpreted the research results.

      Alexander, thanks for the links! I walked through them and the muddy picture with this article became completely clear.

      I withdraw my previous accusations of scientists with regard to custom research, the original hypothesis and methodology - from a scientific point of view everything is in good faith. Unscrupulousness appears in the interpretation of the results by authors-journalists, prominent representatives of the second oldest profession. I’ll go through the chronology:

      The studies themselves were carried out about 10 years ago.

      2005 - the first perverse interpretation of Vlast by journalists (Daria Laane, Vadim Pastukhov)

      Then the refutation of the article by scientists followed

      Further, the second unscrupulous interpretation of previously perverted facts (Vadim Rostov from "Secret Research"), pulled from the archive by the Gumelev Center this year

      Finally, a reprint of the materials of the Gumelev Center on our website.

      Unfortunately, on the way to our site, serious scientific research turned into gossip from the source of OZhS (One Journalist Said).
  37. +2
    April 1 2013 09: 17
    Hello everyone! Russians- Finns, Ukrainians-Finns hi Seriously, it's true. wassat from April 1st
  38. +1
    April 1 2013 09: 18
    If this is not an April Fool's joke (it must be admitted that it is clumsy and naiukho-like), then this is a provocation from a series of "economic and social substantiation of the development prospects of the Siberian Republic" - An aspen stab in the chest of perverts-ghouls-Russophobes instead of the leather they longed for.
  39. Alexey Prikazchikov
    April 1 2013 09: 18
    Trying to humiliate the Russians, Avor himself did not understand that he was in trouble. All Natsiks in Belarus and Ukraine shout that Russians are Asians. And then it turns out that the Russians are not just Europeans, but Scandinavian-type Europeans. But if this is so, then we have the great history and empire, and what is behind you? Remove the Russians from the list of Slavs. And it turns out that the Slavs are an insignificant, unremarkable group of grumpy peoples. All the achievements of the Slavs are connected with the Russians. Slavs are known and respected only because there are Russians, not Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles or Czechs, but Russians. So who are you doing worse for yourself or us? And the Finns will thank you for that. They did not expect such a gift. Because as soon as they from all this rabble that we conquered were able to use the advantages of the empire.
  40. psdf
    April 1 2013 09: 24
    Somewhere I heard like that ...
    I am absolutely sure that my origin is unclean. It's not without a diver.

    Apparently, the author of the article and Polygraphych have similar difficulties.
  41. +4
    April 1 2013 09: 29
    An employee of the laboratory of human population genetics of the Medical and Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Oleg BALANOVSKY (the author refers to some institution) in an interview to the question of the presence of Slavic genes in Tatars answered the following:
    - There are no Slavic genes, there are no Tatar genes - genes older than the Slavs and Tatars ... That haplogroup, which is typical for the Slavs in Europe (although it is also found in other Europeans), is also very common in ... India. This haplogroup was born thousands of years ago and was very frequent among the Scythian ancestors. Some of these Praskifs who lived in Central Asia conquered India, setting up a caste system there (the conquerors themselves became the highest caste). Another part of the Praskifs lived in the Black Sea region (present-day Ukraine). These genes reached the Slavs. And the third part of the Praskifs lived in the east, in the foothills of Altai and the Tien Shan, and their genes are now found in every second Kyrgyz or Altai. So it turned out that this haplogroup is as Slavic as the Kyrgyz or Indian. All peoples are to some extent related to each other.
    As for the Tatars, they have this haplogroup (of the ancient Scythians) is not half the gene pool, like the Russians, but about a quarter. But here they received it from the west (from the Slavs) or from the east (from the Altai), until we know. Over time, genetics will answer this question.

    Further answers to the journalist's questions:
    - But there are still Russians from the central and southern regions of Russia, their ancestors did not explore the North and did not interfere with their blood from the Finno-Ugric. Are they genetically close to anyone? Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles?

    - These are precisely those nations that are genetically very close to each other. So close that it’s very difficult to establish any particular degree of similarity. We are now conducting this great work, analyzing all the Eastern Slavs. If we can understand the structure of their common gene pool, we will be happy to share it with your readers.

    - Do Western Ukrainians differ from Eastern Ukrainians?

    - A dissertation was recently defended on this topic in our laboratory. There are differences, of course. If there is a geographical distance, then differences in the gene pool will certainly appear. With respect to Eastern Ukrainians, genetics only confirmed what anthropologists already knew: their gene pool is similar to southern Russians and Cossacks (especially on the maternal side), and similar to other Ukrainians (especially on the paternal side). But it is still unclear with Western Ukrainians: according to different genes, they turn out to be similar either to Central Ukrainians, then to Eastern Russians, or even to individual peoples of Europe, and not even neighboring ones. It seems that in Western Ukraine, at the crossroads, several different gene pools of ancient tribes converged.
    1. +4
      April 1 2013 11: 49
      According to the article, it is clear that the Belarusian nationalist wrote, but the funny thing is that the Finno-Ugric haplogroup in the south of Belarus is 8-10%, which corresponds to the Russians of the middle zone and the south (where the overwhelming majority of Russians are concentrated), and in the north of Belarus reaches 19%, which exceeds the south and middle zone of the Russians, but is inferior to the north (where there are a few or two of them in the share of Russians).
      The Ossetian myth is still debunked, according to Herodotus the glorious Alans - Scythian, i.e. Aryan family. Unfortunately, the Alan haplogroup among Ossetians, the cat burst into tears and the imposters calling themselves Alans.
  42. Belogor
    April 1 2013 09: 30
    What difference does it make, who is genetic? The mentality of the people depends more on the language and cultural heritage. These studies, of course, need to be checked, so to speak, for the purity of the experiment. By April 1, this is not relevant, because they did not appear yesterday.
  43. vavat
    April 1 2013 09: 30
    Delirium and provocation. And that Smirnov is the most common surname I read 30 years ago. Kuznetsov finally can be the best in the world. “Russian is fate,” it's a shame, but I don't remember which of the greats said.
  44. 0
    April 1 2013 09: 33
    Mura! With a stock of Aryan theory!
  45. +1
    April 1 2013 09: 34
    Helsinki is the mother of Russian cities. laughing April Fool's joke. But to joke, one must also be able to. The guys did not succeed. Hammer on the article and the authors.
  46. +4
    April 1 2013 09: 39
    The conclusion indicated directly on the website of the Medical Genetic Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (to which the author refers):

    An analysis of the maps of individual genes in comparison with their frequencies in populations adjacent to the Russian populations revealed that in most cases, frequency changes on the outskirts of the Russian range are not explained, as one might suppose, by mixing with neighboring populations, but characterize internal divergence within the Russian gene pool.

    Those. for the slow-witted Russophobia, the Russians differ from each other not in a mixture with the natives.
    1. +2
      April 1 2013 11: 05
      Everything is clear and with pictures (for the illiterate)

      By the way, according to the latest data, Armenians are genetically before the Aryans (although the basis of all Armenian names is Aryan roots), as before the moon. A third of Armenians are East Africans
  47. +5
    April 1 2013 09: 41
    On the site of Mikhail Zadornov, a refutation, and evidence of it, was made by the leading world expert on DNA genealogy Professor Klesov, who are interested, you can read from this link
    1. +1
      April 1 2013 11: 31
      Thanks for the link - very informative and interesting good
  48. +2
    April 1 2013 09: 45
    oh we finns mean ?! Well then, take us, Suomi-beauty, again!)))

    but I’ve read an article about a study where, on the contrary, Russians were recognized as the most thoroughbred people, without any Finno-Tatar impurities
  49. +4
    April 1 2013 09: 46
    A "Russian" is someone who considers himself Russian, speaks Russian, thinks in Russian, acts in Russian. Russian is not a nation, Russian is a state of mind. Anyone can become a Russian, and for this you do not need to have the required set of chromosomes, you just need to be a Russian person.

    PS: in general, the information is very doubtful.
    PSS: referring again to scientific research, it can be recalled that scientists somehow claimed that humanity came from one pair. Then you think you’ll understand what I mean =)
  50. +1
    April 1 2013 09: 46
    What the crap !? belay fool
    But horseradish with poppy seeds, I will change the Tricolor to the Finnish cross stop
    PySy: at the university, the professor of philology admitted that in their science breakthrough discoveries are not expected and will not happen already, therefore philologists are exasperated with neologisms and accents (it is necessary to form a dissertation somehow ...) - and here it is, b .. ., "burst" "opening" laughing
  51. Reindeer herder
    April 1 2013 09: 48
    Quote: domokl
    A long time ago I didn’t read the delirium .... I dared to the fullest ... Long live 1 amerel! laughing

    What does April 1st have to do with it? This article has been circulating on the internet for at least a week.
  52. PaLLadiN
    April 1 2013 09: 56
    I already registered and bought
  53. 0
    April 1 2013 09: 57
    Complete nonsense! The purest gasket with a western bias! It's time, comrade, to move to an enlightened Europe, or better yet, to an "advanced" Ukraine! Now the truth is they are fleeing from these “comfortable living” parts of the world and mostly to “unwashed” Russia!!!
  54. 0
    April 1 2013 09: 58
    I would like to believe that this nonsense is an April Fool’s joke, but, firstly, after making a joke, as a rule, they admit it in the end, and secondly, they don’t joke about questions of religion and nationality (bad jokes). I heard similar nonsense about the “Ugric-Finns” from the Ukrainian Nazis, who seriously claim that the Russians belong to the Finno-Ugric peoples. If the author is talking about “Russian scientists,” then specifics are needed, otherwise, it’s just another “sensation” from the yellow press, where they are very fond of the phrases “scientists have discovered” and “scientists are shocked” or this is a provocation from the cyber war against Russia.
  55. +1
    April 1 2013 10: 05
    So, why is everyone so excited? My sadness is old... and this reception is as old as the world! With the same success, Finns in the article can be replaced by Swedes and Danes. For the West, it is better, of course, to identify the Russians with the Indians... But this is too bold, bravely, in a swoop! This is in their future
    We are Swedish! Why did they forget Bweyer, Miller, Schlozer? These Germans diligently wrote Russian history under the Romanov Western dynasty, which in essence and has no particular rights to the Russian throne! True, this story was smashed to smithereens by the “Swedish-Finnish” Lomonosov, but “progressive humanity” has not calmed down to this day! Times are different now, now there is no need to tear out pages from ancient chronicles, to remove progressive ones from monasteries supposedly for the sovereign’s affairs (Peter 1 used to take out some ancient chronicle like this and read it to the holes that they are still searching for with fire during the day). Now for gene research! Wow!
    And our Varangians organized everything! Remember Rurik and his brothers?! So, apparently, these were such cool Varangians and they organized the “cave” Eastern Slavs (sorry Finns) in such a way that progressive humanity still begins to hiccup nervously at the mere mention of our tanks!
    At one time I was very interested, where did this Scandinavian theory come from? And it turns out from one single page of the Radzivilov Chronicle. This page is clearly out of place because... in meaning it does not fit either the previous or the subsequent one. By the way, the chronicle itself is a list given to the same Peter 1, but as usual, no one has ever seen the original (original source)!
    The main thing is to know and remember whose shield is on the gates of Constantinople, that the gates in our cities used to be and the domes of churches (still) were covered with golden wings. And the Russian Scandinavians called these lands Gordarika, the country of cities.
    And they read this article - they grinned, spat and forgot. Let them envy themselves, but don’t be too angry, otherwise they’ll start hiccupping nervously again.
  56. Corporal
    April 1 2013 10: 06
    But the girl is cute in the photo good
  57. 0
    April 1 2013 10: 07
    The article is nonsense, at best, and at worst, an order from our enemies. If you wish, you can find research on this issue on the internet, but it has nothing to do with the Finns.
  58. Krasnoyarsk
    April 1 2013 10: 12
    The article is nonsense, Russians are pure Slavs, no one interfered. The author is Gumilyov’s henchman
  59. +1
    April 1 2013 10: 13
    Tomorrow the author will be here on the website showing how he managed to trick the public on April 1st.
  60. 0
    April 1 2013 10: 15
    Yes, April 1st today!!!!!!!! what the hell are Finns, with pink nipples!!!!!)))))) fool the article is awesome! I almost didn’t believe it! laughing
  61. amp
    April 1 2013 10: 22
    The Russians should also invent something about the Psheks.
    For example, that Psheks are Polish-speaking Germans and Jews.

    In general, a question for the administration of the Saya: why was this disgusting placed here?
  62. Algor73
    April 1 2013 10: 23
    Wow! Complete nonsense!
  63. +2
    April 1 2013 10: 29
    Namely: the population of Bryansk, Kursk and Smolensk is not a Russian population at all (that is, Finnish), but a Belarusian-Polish one - identical to the genes of Belarusians and Poles.

    fuck off #@! I live in the Kursk region and recognize myself as Russian. I don’t know what was researched where and how and by whom, but I am Russian. My ancestors lived and worked here in the Nightingale region for hundreds of years. Two of my great-grandfathers died in 1943 on the Kursk Bulge. And we always considered ourselves Russian. And then a Westerner comes and says: you are not Russians, but Poles, so move over, we will make Poland from sea to sea
    1. rereture
      April 1 2013 14: 06
      I support, I am from the Bryansk region, I know - I am Russian, a descendant of the Slavs, my parents have Slavic appearance, I have Slavic appearance. I know where my grandfathers and great-grandfathers are from. Stop robbing us of our history.
  64. Anti
    April 1 2013 10: 29
    Only one of them was included in the list of 250 carriers of top All-Russian surnames - Mikhail Gorbachev (158-place).

    Behind lies there is always fear, another order
  65. serge
    April 1 2013 10: 30
    A crazy article referring to non-existent “research by Russian scientists about the gene pool of the Russian people.” The author of the article is Vadim Rostov, actually Vadim Deruzhinsky, aka Artyom Denikin. An anecdotal personality, creator of historical fiction, mainly on the topics of people without roots, who call themselves Russians, and who do not exist in nature at all, and if anyone does exist, they are Finno-Ugric people. All Russians, according to Deruzhinsky,
    these are assimilated Finns or whoever else who were forced (!) to speak an unknown Moscow language. What powerful force forced it and where it came from forever remains behind the scenes. The author believes that a Russian, a Belarusian and a Ukrainian, much less a Serb or a Pole, will not understand each other without knowing a third language. It seems that the author has never communicated with his Slavic brothers and does not know that communication is not so difficult, but try one of them to understand a Finn!!! Deruzhinsky's creations represent
    direct distortion and pure fiction and are never supported by references to relevant sources. Deruzhinsky himself is probably neither Russian, nor Pole, nor Finnish, but represents a well-known liberal nationality, always sowing national discord. Or is on the way to a psychiatric hospital, if he has not escaped from there earlier.
  66. zavesa01
    April 1 2013 10: 36
    A red gnawed stump for your collar. Rus' WAS AND WILL BE.
    And your complexes come from a desire for significance.
    There is NO history, NO economy, NO territory, the people are frightened, always with an outstretched hand in front of everyone, no matter how a strong neighbor offends. That’s why you’re trying to somehow spoil things, but no, it won’t work. STUMP.
  67. Anti
    April 1 2013 10: 38
    Quote: Anti
    Only one of them was included in the list of 250 carriers of top All-Russian surnames - Mikhail Gorbachev (158-place).

    Behind lies there is always fear, another order
  68. Region65
    April 1 2013 10: 48
    And these “Russian” scientists from “Russian” academies are not, by any chance, Jews from the Great Barat and USA basement research troll centers?
  69. +1
    April 1 2013 10: 50
    Brothers ...
    Have you forgotten that today is the FIRST OF APRIL....??
    Are you rattling daggers here?
    Especially... "why do the Russians make fun of the Estonians..??"
    What are you really saying?
    Even the link and publication in March - Vadim Rostov, “Analytical newspaper “Secret Research” .... mean nothing to me.
    You have heard a lot about - ANALYTICAL the newspaper "Secret research?
    This is my first time.
    And all business.
  70. 0
    April 1 2013 10: 53
    For a change, an excerpt from an article in the magazine "Russian House":
    Here is a quote from the work of geneticist Anatoly Kolesov “WHERE DID THE SLAVS AND “INDO-EUROPEANS” COME FROM? DNA GENEALOGY GIVES THE ANSWER:
    “...Traditionally, the Slavs are divided into three groups - Eastern, Western and Southern Slavs. Eastern Slavs are Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. Western Slavs - Poles, Czechs, Slovaks. Southern Slavs are Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Slovenes. This is not an exhaustive list, you can remember the Sorbs (Lusatian Slavs) and others, but the idea is clear. Actually, this division is largely based on linguistic criteria, according to which the Slavic group of Indo-European languages ​​consists of eastern, western and southern subgroups with approximately the same division by country.

    In this context, the Slavs are “ethnocultural communities,” which includes languages. In this form, they are believed to have formed by the 1300th–XNUMXth centuries AD. And the Slavic languages, according to linguists, diverged about XNUMX years ago, again around the XNUMXth century. But the genealogically listed Slavs belong to completely different clans, and the history of these clans is completely different.

    Therefore, Western and Eastern Slavs as “ethnocultural communities” are somewhat different concepts. Some are mostly Catholics, others are Orthodox. The language is noticeably different, and there are other “ethnocultural” differences. And within the framework of DNA genealogy, this is one and the same thing, one genus, the same mark on the Y chromosome, the same migration history, the same common ancestor. The same ancestral haplogroup, finally.”

    The gene pool of the Russian people is typically European. The percentage of East Eurasian genetic markers in the Russian gene pool does not exceed the European average. The results of the study of the Russian gene pool showed its closeness to the population of almost all of Europe, while significant differences from the population of the Urals and the Caucasus were identified.

    Based on the research results, two groups of Russian populations are distinguished. In particular, northern Russians, according to Y-chromosomal markers, have a more pronounced similarity with the distant Balts than with the closer Finno-Ugric peoples. Based on mtDNA, Northern Russians are similar to the gene pools of Western and Central Europe. At the same time, the gene pool of the Finnish peoples is as distant as possible from the northern Russians. The study of autosomal markers also brings northern Russians closer to other European peoples and casts doubt on the Finno-Ugric layer in the northern Russian gene pool. These data allow us to put forward a hypothesis about the preservation of an ancient Paleo-European substrate in these territories, which experienced intensive migrations of ancient Slavic tribes. According to the results of studies of Y-chromosomal markers, the south-central group, which includes the vast majority of Russian populations, is included in a common cluster with Belarusians, Ukrainians and Poles.

    In Russian populations, there is an extremely low frequency of genetic traits characteristic of Mongoloid populations. The frequencies of East Eurasian markers among Russians correspond to the European average...
  71. Skavron
    April 1 2013 10: 58
    HAPPY FIRST OF APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is how I understand this article
  72. +6
    April 1 2013 11: 11
    I don't give a damn who has what DNA. Russian is not a set of chromosomes. Russian is a state of mind.
  73. +5
    April 1 2013 11: 36

    This doesn't sound like an April Fool's joke - it's just ordinary, banal nonsense....
    By the way, this topic has been discussed for a long time, they are trying to somehow prove that there never were and are not Russians at all.

    For example, a certain Alexander with the pseudonym Peresvet came up with a whole book, which was even published in the series “Secrets of the Russian Land”

    I understand that the roots of this article come from this "creation".

    You can laugh, of course. April 1st, after all.
    But the information war against us is being waged for destruction. To weaken us, they are trying to split us. The Western Slavs have long been catholicized and semi-assimilated by Europeans. Now all that remains is to divide the Eastern Slavs. So sensational books appear in which Ukrainians “find out” that they have nothing in common with Russians.

    But this is a LIE, this is not a joke!!! And how scientifically they approach it, they drag in DNA! people who are far from genetics believe and are impressed - “wow!... but we didn’t even know!!!!”

    Some unnamed scientists discovered that Russians have Finnish DNA. Meanwhile, the real situation looks like this:

    Y-DNA haplogroup N marked by a mutation in the SNP marker M231.
    This haplogroup is found in Central, Northern Europe and throughout the European and Asian parts of Russia. The most genetically “pure” representatives are the Udmurts (68%) and Finns (61%)


    Haplogroup R1a (M17), presumably, originated in Central Asia or in the south of the Russian Plain about 10-15 thousand years ago. ...... This haplogroup became a marker of the spread of the Kurgan culture, which, in turn, is considered by most authoritative researchers to be the core of Proto-Indo-European culture. ......
    It is most widespread in Eastern Europe: among Lusatians (63%), Poles (approx. 56%), Belarusians (48%), Ukrainians (approx. 55%), Russians (51%)......


    According to the results of studies of Y-chromosomal markers, the South-Central group, which includes the vast majority of Russian populations, included in a common cluster with Belarusians, Ukrainians and Poles. According to the results of a study of mtDNA markers, as well as autosomal markers, Russians are similar to other populations of Central and Eastern Europe[75], it was revealed high unity in autosomal markers of East Slavic populations and their significant differences from neighboring Finno-Ugric ones, Turkic and North Caucasian peoples

    PS I quickly clicked on the links from Wiki. Although I know that many people do not take Wikipedia articles as a serious argument. But doubters can check the data from Wiki against any scientific publication that suits them on their own, and if Wiki is lying, brand it here with any words.

    PPS I consider the article ideologically harmful.
    An educated person understands that this theory is bullshit on a moonlit night, but for people raised in Hollywood, this poison is absorbed surprisingly quickly.
  74. +2
    April 1 2013 11: 38
    Why the hell did this need to be written? And actually, what can this change? I don’t really care what happened there. Who, whom and how. I am Russian. My children consider themselves Russian. My friends consider themselves Russian. That's enough for me.
    Or maybe it really is April 1st! Spring is in full swing, and for the first time on April 1st I see winter outside the window.
    1. +6
      April 1 2013 13: 37
      Quote: Navy7981
      Why the hell did this need to be written?

      You don’t understand... Big politics is buried in this incomprehensible and abstract (seemingly!) genetics.
      Think about why Russian history is so controversial and so poorly researched? Why is Russian archeology so poorly developed? Why is the study of Russian history of little interest to Western science?
      There is a lot of research about all sorts of Mochi Indians and Bushmen, films are being made, books are being written... But about the Slavs in general and the Russians - nothing is known and nothing is clear.
      Why did German professors and German students, conducting excavations on the island of Rügen in the hope of finding something that would ancienten the history of the Germans, and finding only Slavic artifacts (including a boat!) did not begin to examine them, drag them to the museum and write about the finds? smart articles, but they destroy what they find on the spot?

      There is only one answer: Western Europe cannot tell the truth about the Slavs. Their tongue does not dare to admit the real story.

      And real studies say that the Russian language (especially the northern dialects) is closest to Sanskrit. That the legends of Slavic paganism are almost identical to the Indian Vedas. That the places of greatest distribution of the “Slavic” haplogroup R1A almost exactly coincide with the habitat of the ancient Indo-Europeans. (This term is now bashfully replaced by the name of the Aryans, compromised by the German fascists). What the archeology of the place where the horse was domesticated and the wheel was invented shows in the same place - in the south of the Russian Upland - the northern Black Sea coast to the Volga. That one of the centers of agriculture and domestication of wheat, barley and spelt is also the region from Crimea to southern Russia.
      All these facts are scattered across a variety of books, including the works of Western scientists. But no one can put it all together and draw the appropriate conclusions. They don't realize it somehow. Or maybe they don’t read other people’s books, each scientist knows only his own piece, so there is no overall picture....

      But the fact is that Well, enlightened Europe simply cannot admit that the birthplace of European civilization is Russia, and the Russians are autochthons and direct descendants of the ancient Indo-Europeans. That we are the descendants of those Scythians who invented the wheel and the anchor and the chair, which the ancient Greeks admired.
      Trog Pompey, writer of the XNUMXst century. BC, who, besides Herodotus, used some unpreserved documents, says: “The Scythian people are always considered the most ancient, although for a long time there was a dispute about the antiquity of the family between the Scythians and the Egyptians” (Iustinus, II, I).
      And Herodotus says that the smartest people he knew were the Scythians. Strabo also recognizes the Scythians as a highly moral people and says that if they accepted anything bad into their custom, they borrowed it from the Greeks and Romans.
      According to the testimony of the Greeks, the Scythians invented steel, flint (the Scythian sage Anacharsis), non-fading paints, and the manufacture of rawhide and yuft; they knew the embalming of corpses, music, painting, sculpture, etc.; They also owned the first mining operations and various discoveries and inventions.
      The Greek historian Hellanicus reported: “The iron weapon was made by Sanevn, the former Scythian king.” And archeology confirms that it was the Scythians who were the first to master iron metallurgy at the end of the XNUMXth–XNUMXth centuries. BC e. Iron tips of arrows, spears, swords and daggers, while not numerous, appeared among them earlier than among neighboring tribes who lived in the Bronze Age.

      To be continued....
      1. +7
        April 1 2013 13: 39
        Adam of Bremen claims that the Scythians knew Greek fire from ancient times (before the Greeks), which they called a volcano pot.

        Tacitus reluctantly admitted that the weapons of the Sarmatian cavalry (heavy long swords and spears, plate armor for the rider and partly for the horse) were superior in quality to the Roman ones, and archaeological data fully confirms this. (Sarmatians are a Scythian tribe, as many ancients spoke about, for example Josephus.)

        All ancient historians claim that the Scythians were the best warriors, and Svydas testifies that from ancient times they had banners in their troops, which proves the regularity in their militias, and the Getae of Western Asia had a coat of arms on their banners and shields depicting two-headed eagleadopted by Russia in the XNUMXth century. as a legacy of their glorious ancestors.
        The Getae were the name given to the military class of those tribes that, thanks to the Greeks, we remember under the polyethnonym “Scythians.” The self-name of the main Scythian tribes was “chipped off”. The Massagetae, for example, loved to decorate their horse harnesses, their headdresses and clothes with gold and silver, wore bright red or blue caftans, shaved their beards, leaving a mustache, and a long forelock on their shaved heads; in battles they were fearless and merciless to enemies. The Greek historian Procopius (XNUMXth century) expressed himself about their morals as follows: “And the Massagetae are the greatest drunkards of all mortals.” ...
        Don't recognize anyone in the descriptions? :)

        And now it will be interesting to find out that according to Keyser C, Bouakaze C, Crubezy E, et al. (May 2009). "Ancient DNA provides new insights into the history of south Siberian Kurgan people." Hum. Genet.. OI:10.1007/s00439-009-0683-0. PMID 19449030. "..... Most of the Scythian skeletons found in burials contain haplogroup R1a1"
        And let's see which of our modern peoples has this same haplogroup? where is it distributed?

        Haplogroup R1a distribution in Europe

        Percentage distribution of R1A among modern nations:
        Russians and Belarusians - 52%,
        Ukrainians - 53%,
        Tatars - 25%,
        Germans - 8,1%,
        Turks - 6.9%
        Persians (Iranians) - from 4% to 20% depending on place of residence.
        Ossetians - 0%.

        And let historians lie: “we don’t know what language the Scythians had - it hasn’t survived! But it belonged to the Iranian group.” It’s enough to look at the percentage of R1A prevalence among Iranians to understand that this is crap! The Scythians had nothing in common with the Iranians (Persians). Well, maybe they just threw it under their tail a couple of times - and all the contacts...

        Now you understand why Europeans are ours real Is history like a knife to the heart? Why don’t they see the obvious, why don’t they notice it point blank?
        1. -2
          April 1 2013 15: 11
          R1A and R1a1 are not exactly the same...

          You talk about the R1a1 subgroup and expose the entire R1A group...
          1. +4
            April 1 2013 17: 10
            Quote: Bagel
            R1A and R1a1 are not exactly the same...

            R1A1 is a subclade of haplogroup R1A. In mathematical terms, a subset. So there is no contradiction: R1A is the “general” Slavic group, R1a1 (M17, M198) is a subgroup characteristic of the Eastern Slavs. Typical in Central and Eastern Europe, found in Central and South Asia.

            So, R1A1, found in Scythian burials, indicates the blood relationship of the Scythians (Skolots) with modern Russians and Ukrainians even more precisely.
      2. DeerIvanovich
        April 1 2013 14: 10
        Quote: Skating rink
        Why did German professors and German students, conducting excavations on the island of Rügen in the hope of finding something that would ancienten the history of the Germans, and finding only Slavic artifacts (including a boat!) did not begin to examine them, drag them to the museum and write about the finds? smart articles, but they destroy what they find on the spot?
        They don’t destroy anything, they preserve everything, unlike ours, these yes - they bury, destroy... Moreover, German historians have already seriously criticized the entire history of Europe from the beginning of the era to the 10th century.
        regarding the finds of Slavic artifacts, the Germans have to admit that the Slavs had a share in their ancestors, but still the Germans had more weight in history, they already add but are less confident
        1. 0
          April 2 2013 15: 03
          Quote: DeerIvanovich
          they don't destroy anything...

          It’s not just that I said it for the sake of saying...
  75. Etna
    April 1 2013 11: 47
    “Russian scientists have completed and are preparing for publication the first large-scale study of the gene pool of the Russian people. The publication of the results could have unpredictable consequences for Russia and the world order.”
    Bury these “scientists” alive. Together with those who financed this “sensational” pseudoscientific discovery. Is it really possible to be so corrupt?!
  76. +1
    April 1 2013 11: 57
    The most infuriating thing is that some bastards.....tell you WHO YOU ARE!
    Why do pseudo researchers publish such articles here!?
    After all, in fact, now anyone can create their own website and write such nonsense. This trash doesn't belong here.
  77. 0
    April 1 2013 11: 58
    On April 1, of course, you can and should joke, but not to the point of jokes!
  78. fastblast
    April 1 2013 12: 00
    Well ...
    The main thing is that there is harmony with the neighbors
    And who, how and where is a second matter.
  79. 0
    April 1 2013 12: 02
    No relation to the scientific work of L.N. This article does not have Gumilyov!
  80. 0
    April 1 2013 12: 18
    Since 1 April!
  81. explorer
    April 1 2013 12: 29
    Attempts by Russian scientists to study the statistics of Russian surnames initially encountered a lot of difficulties. The Central Election Commission and local election commissions flatly refused to cooperate with scientists, citing the fact that only if voter lists are kept secret can they guarantee the objectivity and integrity of elections to federal and local authorities. recourse
    Was it difficult to use telephone directories? laughing
  82. +1
    April 1 2013 12: 29
    Quote: Tartary
    such as the auntie in Odnoklassniki, etc., can actually have an effect, if at all it does not create the effect of a bomb exploding (!) and brain fermentation...

    These characters are unlikely to make it through such a long article to the end)) And brain fermentation implies the presence of a brain lol So, I suggest not to fall into despair!
  83. alpinist
    April 1 2013 12: 55
    Weirdos! It’s not us Finns, but Russian Finns.
  84. 0
    April 1 2013 12: 56
    I adhere to the belief that the language you think in is the nationality you belong to, and as for scientists...that’s their job.
  85. BAT
    April 1 2013 13: 03
    Bullshit. Anti-scientific, populist writing.
    Don't pay any attention to this mascara.
  86. Warrawar
    April 1 2013 13: 25
    Regarding the fact that Russians do not understand Slavic languages, and the Slavs are complete nonsense, I worked with the Poles at one time (with Polish truck drivers), so I spoke to them in Russian, and they spoke to me in Polish, we are friends they understood each other perfectly.
    And regarding “secret genetic research” this is also complete nonsense. Firstly, these are not “secret” studies at all - every person can undergo a DNA test voluntarily and find out which haplo group he is a carrier of. Secondly, the majority of Russians have the R1a haplo group, which is precisely the typically “Slavic” group, and the overwhelming majority of all people belonging to the Slavic peoples have it, be it a Russian, a Pole or a Belarusian, or anyone else.
  87. 0
    April 1 2013 13: 35
    Yes, even if this is so... it does not change anything at all... this study, if it took place at all, will be of interest only to anthropologists and historians... it will not have any influence on political reality... and in general it looks very much like for an April Fool's joke...
  88. 0
    April 1 2013 13: 39
    Very interesting, especially in light of recent discussions in the Finnish Parliament on the issue of connecting with Russia. Or at least like Hong Kong and China. Very similar to order.
  89. honest jew
    April 1 2013 13: 48
    from April 1st gentlemen!!
  90. honest jew
    April 1 2013 13: 48
    from April 1st gentlemen!!
  91. buzz
    April 1 2013 13: 54
    We must help the brotherly Finnish people get rid of the shackles of the EU
  92. +2
    April 1 2013 14: 01
    The data for Ukraine turned out to be no less sensational. It turned out that genetically the population of Eastern Ukraine is Finno-Ugrians: Eastern Ukrainians are practically no different from Russians, Komi, Mordvins, and Mari. This is one Finnish people, who once had their own common Finnish language. But with the Ukrainians of Western Ukraine, everything turned out to be even more unexpected. These are not Slavs at all, just as they are not the “Russo-Finns” of Russia and Eastern Ukraine, but a completely different ethnic group: between the Ukrainians from Lvov and the Tatars the genetic distance is only 10 units.

    This is a blow to the Ukrainian Nazis and their “Great Ukrainians”! wassat
  93. 0
    April 1 2013 14: 09
    rather it sounds like this. The Finns turned out to be Russian))))))))))
  94. Yastreb
    April 1 2013 14: 50
    “Here is the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia...” A.S. Pushkin
    Don't give a damn about DNA!
  95. 0
    April 1 2013 15: 20
    stupid, of course, and a rather stupid joke. She is not worthy of the high title of April Fools.
  96. Tolerated
    April 1 2013 15: 20
    It’s bad that the news about such research is brought to the public first by such extreme authors
  97. i-gor63
    April 1 2013 15: 48
    . The article is stupid, written on request. They don't spray Russia with anything.
  98. Nicotine 7
    April 1 2013 16: 15
    The only thing I agree with the content of the article is that we communicate in a language that is not entirely Russian, or rather Soviet. And the Russian language was curtailed by the Bolsheviks back in 17.
    1. +4
      April 1 2013 17: 35
      Quote: Nicotine 7
      The only thing I agree with the content of the article is that we communicate in a language that is not entirely Russian, or rather Soviet. And the Russian language was curtailed by the Bolsheviks back in 17.

      Which Russian exactly did the Bolsheviks cut?
      In the Kursk region, for example, the dialect differs from the Ryazan dialect. Ryazan - from Novgorod. Moscow - from the Vologda dialect. Which dialect is considered the “correct” Russian?
      The Russian people are a great people. The emergence of dialects is inevitable if the settlement area of ​​a people is thousands of kilometers. Only small nations can maintain the unity of language, and even then... The Caucasus shows that representatives of one people living in two neighboring valleys often form two different dialects. This is the first.
      Second, language changes over time. Any philologist will confirm this for you. Philology can even estimate the approximate antiquity of texts by changes in language. But the rate of language change is not a constant value; any disturbances such as resettlement or changes in the way of life increase the rate of language change.
      The 20th century gave many reasons for the modernization of the Russian language. We had to go through a lot of big events. Here is a change in the way of life with revolutions and industrialization, and significant migrations of the population... And the universal literacy of the previously illiterate peasantry, and the development of science, the emergence of radio, television, cinema, cars, airplanes and rockets in the end - and you want us have they preserved the peasant language of the horse-drawn era?
      Nonsense, in my opinion...

      A language does not change only if it is dead. Like Latin, for example...
      1. Nicotine 7
        April 1 2013 18: 09
        Speaking about language, first of all I mean writing. Philologists in the West (who are in the subject) recognize the fact that the Russian language is the foremother of all Western languages. Well, modern Russian, or as I say Soviet, is something that has “survived” in modern conditions of globalization. Take any text from a modern publication, remove words of foreign origin, you will be left with an almost blank page. You can draw conclusions yourself. All the best! wink
        1. +1
          April 1 2013 23: 17
          Quote: Nicotine 7
          Take any text from a modern publication, remove words of foreign origin, and you will be left with an almost bare page. You can draw conclusions yourself.

          I understand your grief about the purity of the language, but honestly, you are worrying in vain. Even in the Russian language version of the early 20th century, which you consider “pure” borrowed words there were weight. From the languages ​​of all the peoples with which our ancestors ever came into contact. Words from Turkic, from Greek, from German and God knows from what other languages, even in ancient times, were poured into the great and powerful one. From Turkic alone, for example, philologists seem to count more than 250 borrowed words, moreover, borrowed in hoary antiquity. For example, we have been using the word “bazaar” for hundreds of years - and nothing.

          And the Russian language is not unique in this regard; all peoples of the world borrow words from each other. Either together with borrowed technologies, or when changing place of residence. Imagine, some forest people were forced to move to the steppe, mountains or to the desert border. They simply do not have words in their native language for the hundreds of details of the new landscape, and most of these terms will be borrowed from the natives living next door.

          There are hundreds and thousands of such borrowed words in any language of the world. This is fine.

          Something else is abnormal: when journalists, specialists or television announcers use foreign terms despite the fact that their native language has the necessary words. And from such a massive use of a foreign vocabulary, the terms of the native language are replaced and fall out of use - this is bad and wrong.

          This happens for several reasons.
          For example, an economist was educated in the West (this is now fashionable), and because of this, he uses the terms of the language in which he studied - it’s easier for him; he needs to strain to remember analogues from his native language.
          Another reason is that a person learns a foreign language. And having collected a certain amount of foreign vocabulary, he strives to introduce someone else’s word in order to amaze listeners with his knowledge. Typically typical for young people.
          Well, the third reason is when work is deliberately carried out to assimilate certain groups of the population. In the modern world, you won’t have to look for such examples for a long time, I think...
  99. Pinochet000
    April 1 2013 16: 28
    It’s stupid to divide the white race in general....Rus, race, russia rush (eng) - the name itself seems to say what and where it came from..IMHO
  100. Nicotine 7
    April 1 2013 16: 41
    Somehow scientists need to work off their 30 pieces of silver.