Are not so terrible standards TRP as they are painted? ..

Vladimir Putin’s initiative to revive the standards of the TRP (“Ready for Labor and Defense”) in Russia made a lot of noise. Recall that with such an idea the Russian president spoke on 13 in March 2013, when he first visited the Sambo-70 sports center, and then met with the heads of various departments. Vladimir Putin then stated that at one time the mechanism of the TRP was really working and allowed an objective assessment of the level of physical development and fitness.

Here are a couple of quotes from a speech that the head of state made a couple of weeks ago:

“The revival of this system in a new, of course, modern format can be of great benefit. You can call it differently. The last thing I would like to use is some bureaucratic abbreviations. ”

“I ask the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Sport to deal with this issue in detail. I believe that the assessment of the level of physical training of a schoolchild who passed the standards for the complex, about which I just said, must be reflected in the education certificate, and should be taken into account when entering higher educational institutions. ”

The words that in one way or another it would be possible to reanimate the qualitative system of assessing the level of physical training for people of different ages, in principle, found their response among Russian citizens (and especially, remarkably, among the bureaucrats). For example, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that the idea of ​​the possibility of reviving the TRP is good, and that he himself will actively help ensure that these norms are surrendered in those departments that he (Rogozin) oversees.

“We will maximally promote sports in our free time, on weekends - competitions, and so on.”
, - said the Deputy Prime Minister.

However, if the idea of ​​the large-scale development of physical culture and sports in Russia did not cause the public any particular questions, then here’s the option of using the results of passing the TRP standards when enrolling school graduates in higher educational institutions caused quite heated discussions. Many at first began to say that if in the USSR the results of passing the TRP were not taken into account when enrolling in higher education institutions, then no experiments will be conducted in Russia in this regard. Like, Putin said it in a temper, not thinking it over.

But if Putin said, without having considered all the options, then those persons who were entrusted with the development of the TRP standards (along with the new name and rules for its implementation in Russia) quickly seized upon the idea submitted by the president and after a short time presented their options.

So, just the other day, the Ministry of Education and Science in the person of Deputy Minister Igor Remorenko (not the deputy, in whose office not so long ago, investigators conducted a search) clarified his position on this issue. Mr. Remorenko, in particular, stated that the results of passing the standards of the TRP and the points for passing the Unified State Examination (USE) will somehow be summed up.
At the government hour in the Lower House of Parliament, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science noted:

“The results will be taken into account by some addition to the number of points scored on the exam. It is calculated what the number of points will be, how to ensure the objectivity of this system. ”

Saying about summing up the results on the USE and the TRP, the specialists of the Ministry of Education and Science, actually confirm that they themselves are not aware of how this summation will look, but will not exactly refuse to promptly respond to the initiative of the president. If Vladimir Putin said that it is necessary to take into account the norms of passing the TRP upon entering higher education institutions, it means that the Ministry of Defense is ready to take them into account here and now, even if the standards themselves are not developed, or how this accounting would be more effective to carry out ...

More restrained position on this issue took the Minister of Sport Vitaly Mutko, who said:

"We proceed from the fact that the horse should not be put in front of the horse if you (addressing the president - author's note) today state yourself: the child’s physical education is weak, the difference is big."

In this regard, if we speak in a strictly bureaucratic language, the Ministry of Education and Science has penetrated much deeper with the words of Vladimir Putin and is already ready to report on positive results. There are no norms of the TRP, but the Ministry of Education is already going to add on the results of their passing to the results of the Unified State Exam for the course of a comprehensive school.

This is how often it turns out: where you need to start work, really, roll up your sleeves and refuse vacations and weekends - complete calm. But where first it is necessary to measure seven times, the same Minobr is already starting to cut it with the yard-work scissors. At the same time, neither Mr. Remorenko, nor his immediate superior, Dmitry Livanov, so far, even parliamentarians cannot explain how they are going to work in terms of recording the results of the TRP.

I do not want to build pessimistic forecasts, but in this situation, if everything continues to be done in an inexplicable fire regime, then this year the delivery of TRP standards may affect the final results of tens of thousands of graduates. After all, the ministry, as always, will have no time to figure out how to rationally take into account the unimpressive results of the physical training of the student, who at the same time impressively showed himself during his studies in chemistry, biology and mathematics for admission, for example, to a medical school. They can just take it and fold it ... But in the end it turns out that the chances of being admitted to the same medical university for a person who ran the scoop better than others and caught up on the crossbar, but who failed the biology exam, may turn out to be higher than his potential competitors .

In this regard, the question arises: if you enter the TRP standards for assessing the physical preparation of Russians of different ages (which, in principle, really healthy), then why do you need to take into account these standards in a priori repressive version? Like, if you passed - the road is open, but not passed - this is your “white ticket”. So it turns out? .. Harsh ...

Is it really impossible to introduce the same physical norms as a system, let's say, self-stimulation, as it was in its time in the Soviet Union (during the dawn of the TRP). After all, a responsible person who has lost (did not have time to acquire) good physical form will naturally have a desire to engage in physical self-improvement. And an irresponsible person in all respects will not give a damn about the standards of the TRP, and about his health, even if he doesn’t care about it, both the Ministry of Education and the President personally forbid it ...

In the meantime, the new Russian standards are not analogous to the Soviet TRP, it is worth considering those standards that took place about 40 years ago. Recent changes in the standards of the TRP in the USSR were made at the official level in 1972 year.

There were 5 age steps for passing standards, the first of which corresponded to the age of 10-11 years and 12-13 years, and the last (5-I degree) was designed for men at the age of 40-60 years and women at the age of 35-55 years.

As an example, consider the list of standards that applies to men - representatives of the 4th stage (19-39 years). Select the age segment 29-39 years of this stage.

Running xnumx m: 14 with (golden badge), 15 with (silver badge). March-throw (6 km): 36 min (golden badge), 38 min (silver badge), throwing grenades (700 g): 40 m (golden badge), 35 m (silver badge), high jump: 130 cm (golden badge), 125 cm (silver badge).

And here are not yet taken into account swimming, shooting, cross-country skiing, pulling up, flexing and extending the arms in a prone position, hiking.

If such standards are introduced everywhere, it is not quite clear how their implementation will be monitored, for example, in private enterprises. Surely, in this direction, someone is going to act by purely repressive methods: if you don’t catch up and go skiing - deprive the license or increase the tax rate ... If the authorities have such plans, then we can say in advance that it’s from the sensible idea of ​​attracting Russians to physical education and ultimately, nothing good will end up in sport, but new forms of corruption will appear. After all, where a cane system begins to loom on the horizon (a sort of voluntary-compulsory option with the possibility of government intervention), there arises the temptation to bypass this system by golding the pen for the one who needs it.

In general, in this case our authorities should be advised (although who are we here to listen to our advice ...) so that the decision to revive the TRP standards as a component of the revival of mass physical education in the country was taken carefully so that the ministries do not begin to flog fever trying to report faster than others. If you do everything with undisturbed dizziness from headaches, then the result will be. Otherwise, as the political classic used to say, it can turn out “as always” ...
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  1. +17
    26 March 2013 08: 35
    And I like the idea, maybe there will be excesses and shortcomings at first, but in general it should work out. The main in this system will be schoolchildren, the younger generation, this system will allow you to really look at the physical condition of children. And adults, well, if we want to, we’ll take it, but no, we’ll find a way to deflect it! wink
    1. +12
      26 March 2013 08: 40
      I also like the idea, but I think it’s not reasonable to tie this to admission to universities. On the one hand, a good physical preparation can help a graduate with poor knowledge to arrive - in the end, we have a badly average specialist after graduation, and on the other hand, a bad physo will make it impossible for a graduate with high knowledge to become an intellectual elite .... . In any case, the nation must be strong !!!!!!!!! Strong and healthy young people give healthy offspring, and this is unprofitable only to medical corporations
      1. +8
        26 March 2013 09: 20
        I didn’t draw on gold, I ran 1 km for 3,25, ran it, and then didn’t smoke until I was 40. The lesson was very good, it’s a pity that everything will remain with the TRP,
        1. +4
          26 March 2013 09: 31
          TRP did not find, but the standards for the lazy. For comparison, I’ll give the standards for which we passed:
          100 m - 12 s.
          3 km. - 11'30 "; 12'0"; 12'40 ".
          5 km - 18 '; 19'; 20'.
          pulling up - 15; thirteen; 13.
          All standards are for boots.
          The absentees were only in the 2st year in the first half of the year - in the 4nd 5nd, thirds ran out to "XNUMX" and "XNUMX"
          1. +13
            26 March 2013 10: 43
            It would be right if deductions for honey and social insurance from salaries were reduced for those who passed the TRP. The person is healthy, goes to doctors less, sits less on the sick-list.
            I’ve been pulling myself up for forty years 18, for a long time, though I didn’t run, it's time, perhaps, to start.
            1. Focuser
              26 March 2013 12: 28
              18 times? robust) And how much do you weigh?
              1. +3
                26 March 2013 12: 46
                One hundred kg, in the summer I take off a little, returns in the winter. But a little fat in me, more meat.
            2. Kaa
              26 March 2013 12: 54
              Quote: sergey32
              The person is healthy, goes to doctors less, sits less on the sick-list.

              This is not only a Russian, global problem. For example, there is one international indicator of endurance, I will not "trump" abbreviations. From 1975 to 1988, it decreased in general in the population by about 10% - in 23 years, that is, from 2000 to 2010 - by another 10% - this is already in 10 years. GTO (ready for work and defense) or GUO (ready to study and rest) - it is necessary to introduce, as before, from the middle classes, and physical education - from the nursery. For really patients, a special medical group was always provided - facilitated classes, but also with an assessment. Otherwise, it has already been calculated, with such a rate of decline - after 20 years, the degeneration of Homo sapiens is more real than the fall of some asteroid, just the reproduction of a viable population will remain only there. where natural selection takes place without medical care - in Africa, for example, 10 were born - 3 normal ones survived, and in Europe 2 of those born with pathology are already heroism ...
              1. +3
                26 March 2013 13: 09
                My friend, in his youth, because of his eyesight, got into such a special group. They were called dystrophies. Not only the sick and the frail went there, but also all sorts of idlers. He said that two two-meter foreheads with bull's necks come into their locker room: "Is it here that they write down dystrophics?"
          2. +3
            26 March 2013 10: 49
            but standards for the lazy
            this is not for the lazy it is to detect the average temperature in the hospital.
          3. +3
            26 March 2013 10: 59
            Quote: Ghen75
            3 km. - 11'30 "; 12'0"; 12'40 ".

            PS The best result of my race - 10'44 "- was not even in the first twenty
            1. +1
              26 March 2013 22: 05
              TRP standards - they are for schoolchildren, if anyone has forgotten. And they are averaged. But even if these standards are introduced in schools, the benefits will be enormous.
          4. nakaz
            26 March 2013 14: 40
            It is impossible to make people go in for sports, everyone should captivate with a personal example of their children.
          5. +3
            26 March 2013 17: 04
            Quote: Ghen75
            TRP did not find, but the standards for the lazy.

            so it’s not for the lazy, but for the 40-year-olds. I don’t know how old you are, but if you can fulfill the TRP standards at 39, honor and praise be to you! I will have to train like that for a month)
            1. +1
              26 March 2013 18: 18
              I don’t know how old you are, but if in 39 you can fulfill the TRP standards

              100 m run: 14 s (gold badge), 15 s (silver badge). - I didn’t run for a long time, in doubt
              Cast march (6 km): 36 min (gold badge), 38 min (silver badge) - This is an easy jogging, because 3 km for pleasure 14 min. coming out.
              Grenade throwing (700 g): 40 m (gold badge), 35 m (silver badge) - silver
              high jump: 130 cm (gold badge), 125 cm (silver badge).-questionable.
              Well, in a month, as you rightly noted, it’s quite possible to master hi
          6. 0
            26 March 2013 21: 55
            Quote: Ghen75
            All standards are for boots.

            I do not know. is it VSK or what? But VSK running 100 meters on "excellent" 14 sec. Dress code number 4 (in boots) from the start lying.
            1. 0
              26 March 2013 22: 12
              Quote: Nick
              I do not know. is it VSK or what? But VSK running 100 meters on "excellent" 14 sec.

              The teacher in FI defended his thesis - in general, the standards for the course were slightly overstated bully from OV FP. hi
      2. +11
        26 March 2013 09: 49
        Quote: JonnyT
        I consider it unreasonable to tie this to admission to universities. On the one hand, a good physical preparation can help a graduate with poor knowledge to arrive - as a result, we have a badly average specialist after graduation, and on the other hand, a bad physo will make it impossible for a graduate with high knowledge to become an intellectual elite ....

        Do you seriously believe that the results of the exam are a real assessment of the intellectual level of a graduate? Well, then Chechnya and Dagestan, we have the most intelligent regions. In the mountains, why not change your mind. He went down, passed the exam and go on, to conquer Moscow and St. Petersburg.
        1. +3
          26 March 2013 16: 13
          I did not say this, and of course I believe that the exam does not objectively evaluate knowledge. Do not engage in hoax
      3. Cosmonaut
        26 March 2013 15: 15
        Strong, with poor knowledge go to the army.
    2. Nevsky
      26 March 2013 08: 44
      For the pepsikol generation are scary)))
      1. SIT
        26 March 2013 10: 45
        Quote: Nevsky
        For the pepsikol generation are scary)))

        I do morning exercises at the school stadium. To start, I’ll run slowly 3km on average 4min per km. Schoolchildren nearby run at the same speed of 1000m. I ran 10m in 1000m class in 2min. 58 sec. Even the top ten runners of the school did not enter. At district competitions with such a result finally could not shine.
      2. +2
        26 March 2013 11: 19
        Quote: Nevsky
        For the pepsikol generation are scary)))

        Adding the TRP results to the USE results is reasonable. This will force young people to play sports. Now, after all, many are trying to cut away from physical education! And this addition is a real incentive. Those who have good knowledge and so will pass! And if the "middle peasant" sincerely wants to get this profession, he will have a chance to enter, despite the exam. Sometimes these guys study with much more diligence than "excellent students"
    3. +9
      26 March 2013 08: 51
      Quote: Baron Wrangel
      I like the idea, maybe there will be first excesses and shortcomings

      First you need to close the nightclubs, where they sell wheels and drugs.
      It’s hard for the president to think of how money is there.
      1. +5
        26 March 2013 11: 50
        and you give your son or daughter less money in your pocket, after all, they won’t hang in clubs. and nightclubs are not closed by the president, but at the household and municipal level.
    4. Hon
      26 March 2013 09: 19
      Quote: Baron Wrangel
      And I like the idea, maybe there will be excesses and shortcomings at first, but in general it should work out. The main in this system will be schoolchildren, the younger generation, this system will allow you to really look at the physical condition of children. And adults, well, if we want to, we’ll take it, but no, we’ll find a way to deflect it!

      I remember the comedy "Deja Vu". There is a scene where entomologists are forced to pass the shooting standards))
      1. SIT
        26 March 2013 10: 26
        Quote: Hon
        I remember the comedy "Deja Vu". There is a scene where entomologists are forced to pass the shooting standards))

        Funny scene. But when these scientists ended up in militia divisions near Moscow, it was not at all funny. They died completely.
        1. Hon
          26 March 2013 11: 23
          Quote: SIT
          Funny scene. But when these scientists ended up in militia divisions near Moscow, it was not at all funny. They died completely.

          But the problem is not that the scientists were not taught to shoot, but that the Germans reached Moscow. Well-trained units also went to bed completely. So let entomologists catch butterflies better.
    5. +6
      26 March 2013 10: 13
      Need to return !!
      And "Zarnitsa" and "Eaglet", NVP to schools, free sections, courtyard clubs ...
      1. +8
        26 March 2013 10: 26
        It is necessary to return to schools and universities everything reasonable that democracy has destroyed. And physically, and exams, and military training, and the responsibility of the school to society. And then the ministry responsible for the education of grandmother in bags steals instead of working for the benefit of the electorate. Yes, and it would be nice to ask innovators for their crazy ideas and crazy actions.
      2. 0
        26 March 2013 11: 18
        Quote: Vodrak
        Need to return !!
        And "Zarnitsa" and "Eaglet", NVP to schools, free sections, courtyard clubs ...

        By the way, about NVP ...
        Our colonel teacher is in reserve, we gave students such knowledge that in the SA they had to argue with the summer ...
        For example: - Which material is better at trapping radiation?

        Letekha without hesitation - lead (Pi-pe-ts!) ...
        No, I say polyethylene ... And your point, comrade. Leith * Nantes, went to the audience ... request

        Controversy before useur ...
        I could not help but prove, not convince ... Lead and that’s it.
        1. +11
          26 March 2013 11: 50
          For example: - Which material is better at trapping radiation?
          which one?
          EMNIP then it has a attenuation coefficient strong from Neutrons and almost no gamma radiation
          From the range of only metals, so your right is right. For polyethylene to half weaken the gamut you need 22 cm and lead 2
          1. +1
            28 March 2013 05: 18
            Quote: leon-iv
            EMNIP then it has a attenuation coefficient strong from Neutrons and almost no gamma radiation
            From the range of only metals, so your right is right. For polyethylene to half weaken the gamut you need 22 cm and lead 2

            Do you feel like taking exams in physics? It is gratifying that you are aware, among the few ...
            Let me explain, just in case:
            In the late 70s and early 80s there was a stir around neutron weapons ...
            I already knew a student about polyethylene, but I didn’t even know the summer, therefore I didn’t consider it as a material from radiation - that’s what I wanted to say ...
            Right, you see, letekha ...
        2. Vrungel78
          26 March 2013 15: 02
          Well then wrap the tank in polyethylene negative
    6. +1
      26 March 2013 10: 48
      exactly. and it would be nice to recall DOSAF. and there you look and patriotism and love for the motherland will be instilled. a good idea. I am for good
    7. beech
      26 March 2013 13: 42
      The thought is good, but if you need to find out how things are with the physical condition of young people, then basically it’s very bad (not everywhere, of course, but mostly) In all of the 11th grade parallel, 12-6 people will be pulled up 7 times, from them more than 12 will pull up 3 people, and more than 20 only 1 person !!!
      A run of 100 meters, in principle, normally run, but with 1000 there is already a problem for many, and even if 3000, then a couple of people will keep up with the norm, another 5-6 people will just run, and the rest will die on the first km!
      These are the pies, and all this happened because the young smokers, thumps ... do everything, but not sports!
      1. I627z
        26 March 2013 16: 25
        But please tell me, is running the only sport that can be used to determine physical fitness? For example, I hate running from childhood, but swimming is always welcome. For example, you’ll swim 3000 m at all, not for a while, but in fact? Or say 30 meters under water to dive without auxiliary equipment. Or a second dive in life, immediately go to 1.5 hours and a depth of 10 m. I don’t think that many people have tried to do this at all. There may be norms for all. Nothing personal just everyone running running.
        1. +1
          26 March 2013 19: 37
          Quote: I627z
          But please tell me, is running the only sport that can be used to determine physical fitness? For example, I hate running from childhood, but swimming is always welcome. For example, you’ll swim 3000 m at all, not for a while, but in fact? Or say 30 meters under water to dive without auxiliary equipment. Or a second dive in life, immediately go to 1.5 hours and a depth of 10 m. I don’t think that many people have tried to do this at all. There may be norms for all. Nothing personal just everyone running running.

          In war, they actually run more than dive and swim. So run, run, run before a good swim and a bang.
          1. I627z
            26 March 2013 21: 15
            You are about war or about physical fitness.
            1. beech
              26 March 2013 21: 56
              about physical fitness
        2. beech
          26 March 2013 21: 58
          still pull-ups, push-ups, grenade throwing ... and everywhere the situation is, to put it mildly, not a fountain ... although there are people who are engaged, there are all kinds of rocking chairs .... in which exercise machines are older than me ... you need to buy a subscription for 400r for a sort complex, it’s easier buy a bottle of beer for 40r and a pack of cigarettes
        3. +1
          26 March 2013 22: 15
          Quote: I627z
          But please tell me, is running the only sport that can be used to determine physical fitness?

          Run - primary indicator of endurance.
          When passing the runway or march throw 5 (10,15) km, this is especially noticeable.
    8. +1
      26 March 2013 20: 05
      "... first excesses and shortcomings ..." Where there were TRP, there were plans, where there were plans, there was a percentage (who remembers this word? and the meaning?) - all this will be after the beginning ... I am from the Soviet and from sports -physical environment - I know what I'm talking about.
    9. 0
      26 March 2013 21: 23
      In one Soviet vocational school in the early 90's I saw a slogan in the gym (written with paint on the wall) - STRONGER MUSCLES - SHARTER MIND. Believe me, I do not invent. I was in 8th or 9th grade.
  2. +5
    26 March 2013 08: 38
    If such standards are introduced everywhere, it is not yet clear how their implementation will be monitored, for example, in private enterprises.

    A DOSAAF representative leaves for a school, institute, enterprise, where it is planned to pass the TRP standards ...
    What's the problem?
    She (problems with control) was not there before, and now there is nothing to worry about.

    Putin's initiative is GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!! It is necessary to restore the TRP standard.

    Sometimes, in a company with the presence of young people, I take an emphasis lying down, put my handles on two fingers (thumb and forefinger) and do push-ups, depending on the "state of mind" from 3 to 10 times ...
    Young people are out, some "old" are envy ...
    But there is nothing surprising ... We had these opportunities, if not the norm, then not by far the rare cases of male trained opportunities ...
    And on the fists, and on one hand - it's easy ... But not many times already ...
    Or not?
    1. rubber_duck
      26 March 2013 09: 16
      Quote: Tartary
      Putin's initiative is GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!! It is necessary to restore the TRP standard.

      Sometimes, in a company with the presence of young people, I take an emphasis lying down, put my pens on two fingers (thumb and forefinger (and do push-ups, depending on the "state of mind") from 3 to 10 times ...

      A good approach is called "I would pass." Since you CAN, then everyone else MUST. And why exactly the TRP, and not calculus, for example? And what, mathematicians are perplexed why the verification of "male trained abilities" has not yet been introduced at the legislative level. Or atomic physics? Or organic chemistry? And then, damn it, I can jump - let everyone jump. am
      1. SIT
        26 March 2013 10: 23
        Quote: rubber_duck
        And why the TRP, and not matanalysis, for example?

        Because physical culture adds physical health, without which it is dumb to even engage in matanalysis. The mat does not add a health analysis itself.
      2. +4
        26 March 2013 10: 36
        Then probably you should generally lower the bar yes ??? If the rest can’t do it !!! If (God forbid) the war now doesn’t even get stupidly cannon fodder, which can be pulled at least 6 times on the crossbar. Let only the loot and the women (or the boys at * *** c) .Although something in the country begins to improve, all sorts of Tolerasts and Democrats immediately appear.
      3. +3
        26 March 2013 10: 36
        Quote: rubber_duck
        why is it still not introduced at the legislative level to check the "male trained capabilities"

        An interesting thought - write to Zhirinovsky’s website, it will help squeeze through the Duma ... lol
        Quote: rubber_duck
        Or atomic physics? Or organic chemistry? And then, damn it, I can jump - let everyone jump.

        No need to get angry ...
        Of course, physics, chemistry, mathematics, history, etc., etc., are in school ... There are also TRP standards for elementary education ...
        And then - jumps, march-throws, etc., but from the beginning, as was always the case, fell / depressed ...
        And rightly so.
  3. +2
    26 March 2013 08: 38
    "The RLD mechanism was really working and allowed to objectively assess the level of physical development and physical fitness."

    Nice thought. good Maybe even legislative measures can make people move more and grow less fat.
    The truth is not yet clear what they’ll come up with with the system of summing scores for the Unified State Examination and the TRP, but for graduates it’s another headache for admission.
    1. vilenich
      26 March 2013 08: 58
      Quote: Avisarra
      Nice thought.

      The idea is unambiguously positive, it would now be a good idea to work out the implementation mechanism, so that in the process of implementation all possible excesses would be avoided. Accounting physical. preparation for admission to all universities is clearly unnecessary, it is quite enough to clearly define the circle of universities where it is really necessary to take into account the level of physical training (military, specialized, etc.).
  4. 0
    26 March 2013 08: 47
    ]If such standards are introduced everywhere, it is not yet clear how their implementation will be monitored, for example, in private enterprises.

    A DOSAAF representative leaves for a school, institute, enterprise, where it is planned to pass the TRP standards ...
    What's the problem?
    She (problems with control) was not there before, and now there is nothing to worry about.

    Putin's initiative is GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!! It is necessary to restore the TRP standard.

    Sometimes, in a company with the presence of young people, I take an emphasis lying down, put my handles on two fingers (thumb and forefinger) and do push-ups, depending on the "state of mind" from 3 to 10 times ...
    Young people are out, some "old" are envy ...
    But there is nothing surprising ... We had these opportunities, if not the norm, then not by far the rare cases of male trained opportunities ...
    Or not?
  5. +5
    26 March 2013 09: 03
    Make a fool pray to God! ..
    TRP standards have never been a scarecrow. In childhood, we took tests in these disciplines at school, we were given grades for physical education and that’s it. But in order to introduce repressions, monetary or otherwise, it already looks like a conscious distortion of the very meaning of the TRP. Yes, and Putin's words.
    Here you have bureaucratic idiocy with pragmatism in action.
  6. rubber_duck
    26 March 2013 09: 08
    Quote: Avisarra
    Maybe even legislative measures can make people move more and grow less fat.

    Aha, but you can also force everyone to donate blood by "legislative measures". Yes, a lot more that is possible.
  7. 0
    26 March 2013 09: 08
    Only for, and only with reference to universities, and full citizenship only after serving in the army!
  8. +1
    26 March 2013 09: 08
    Quote: vilenich
    Accounting physical. preparation for admission to all universities is clearly unnecessary, it is quite enough to clearly define the circle of universities where it is really necessary to take into account the level of physical training (military, specialized, etc.).

    + I think that VVP, just marked the area of ​​influence. Many officials, in order to show their diligence and relevance, interpret everything literally - "Yes"!
  9. +3
    26 March 2013 09: 10
    I think this is the right decision, but as in Soviet times, stimulation, in our age of commodity-money relations, with one icon, is a failure. The badge, was, only of its own enthusiasm, in our time it is necessary not to lure, but to force the new generation to play sports. Then the line will be erased in the army. in physical development, between the Russians and those who climbed down from the mountains. And I would also suggest, as a topic development, for example, sports arrears, for example, introduce co-payments at work or additional scholarships to students. institutions.
  10. redwar6
    26 March 2013 09: 13
    Thanks for the article. In our country this would be very useful.
  11. slvevg
    26 March 2013 09: 35
    After the introduction of the TRP standards, the next evolutionary step for Russia is the draft army according to the Austrian model, only officers will remain on the contract. bully
  12. +2
    26 March 2013 09: 36
    Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that the idea of ​​the possibility of a revival of the TRP is good, and that he himself will actively help ensure that these standards are surrendered in those departments that he (Rogozin) oversees. ]
    Interesting to contribute, how is it? I suggest that managers start with themselves!
  13. vladsolo56
    26 March 2013 09: 52
    Again, I recall my childhood and youth. 9 out of 10 young people went in for sports. Now they will tell you who needs it, now another sport, clubs, beer, drugs. And how to attract youth to sports? I noticed that the most popular word among young people is: Boring. you won’t surprise them, they’re not interested in anything.
  14. +2
    26 March 2013 09: 53
    The rules of the TRP are a good and correct thing. Firstly, they will stimulate sports, because a person will compare his subjective assessment of health with an objective and draw conclusions. Secondly, this is a qualitative assessment by the state of the physical condition of the nation. As for the accounting of norms when entering the institute, there is no need for fanaticism; they can be taken into account as an additional plus with the same score of applicants, no more.
  15. +8
    26 March 2013 10: 05
    The bureaucrats will hack this initiative in the bud. With their loyal deflections.

    I have a counter proposal: to make sure that for the adult population one visit to the gym, sports complex, pool is cheaper than one bottle of beer. Moreover, the sports facility should be no further than a 15-minute walk from the place of residence.
    And then to introduce norms
    1. +1
      26 March 2013 10: 38
      Quote: Spade
      I have a counter proposal: to make sure that for the adult population one visit to the gym, sports complex, pool is cheaper than one bottle of beer.

      Here you are at a point. Sport is now expensive pleasure has become.
      I looked specifically at the prices now, for example, I could not find cheaper skis and boots for less than 5000. With an average regional salary of 13.5 thousand, spending is noticeable.
      1. 0
        26 March 2013 11: 08
        Here I am about that. Who harnesses the cart before the horse?
    2. SIT
      26 March 2013 12: 54
      Quote: Spade
      I have a counter proposal: to make sure that for the adult population one visit to the gym, sports complex, pool is cheaper than one bottle of beer.

      For an exchange of experience, let them go to Norway to the northernmost city in the world, Hammerfest beyond the Arctic Circle. The population of 7000 people, as in one Moscow high-rise building. For them, a sports complex with 3 gymnasiums, 2 pools 50m deep up to 2.5m and 25m deep 6m, a sauna with a cold pool. Entrance, swimming trunks and a hat with slippers will cost 42 rubles for our money. Sit there all day for the money. Alcohol is sold only in specialty stores, for a lot of money and for people no younger than 21 years old.
      1. +1
        26 March 2013 13: 44
        Roughly 40 in one trip. Two times a week. Roughly 320 per month. It is quite acceptable.
        On alcohol, it is necessary to reduce consumption. But not stupidly, by administrative methods. It is necessary to provide a replacement, otherwise it will result only in an increase in the income of the shinkars.
    3. 31-RUS
      26 March 2013 21: 15
      Yes, this is a good offer. Only, here's how to be the one who has to work at 2, and sometimes 3 jobs? There is no way to get to the standards of the TRP-home.
  16. +4
    26 March 2013 10: 06
    And let's also return the sign "Voroshilovsky shooter"
    "Voroshilovsky shooter" - the name of the sign owes its name to the history of what happened during the commander's test shooting in the summer of 1932. Archers lined up at their targets reported their results to K. Voroshilov (People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, chairman of the USSR Revolutionary Military Council). At one perfectly clean target, the commander referred to a bad revolver. Voroshilov took his weapon and, moving to the firing line, knocked out 59 points out of 7 shots. Returning the weapon, the People's Commissar said: "There are no bad weapons, there are bad shooters." This case was published in the district newspaper and received great publicity. A mass movement arose under the slogan: "Shoot in Voroshilovski". On October 29, 1932, the Presidium of the Central Council of the Osoaviakhim of the USSR and the RSFSR approved the regulation on the rank "Voroshilov shooter", and on December 29, a badge was instituted. In May 1934, in order to improve shooting skills, the Central Council of Osoaviakhim introduced two stages of the rank of "Voroshilovsky shooter". Higher requirements have been developed to obtain a grade II mark. In July of the same year, the Young Voroshilovsky Shooter appeared.
    1. vladsolo56
      26 March 2013 13: 17
      And what used to be in every city and even the town was necessarily a pneumatic shooting gallery, and not one. I actually recently thought how cool it would be to revive them again, the demand is sure would be great
  17. +3
    26 March 2013 10: 32
    And what am I, even fun to try. I looked at the TRP standards for my age
    50 — 60 years

    Accelerated walking 400 meters - 2.50.
    Easy run - 15 minutes.
    Long jump from standstill - 170 centimeters.
    Putting a stuffed ball 8 meters.
    Skiing 5 kilometers without taking into account time, for snowless areas mixed movement of 5 kilometers without taking into account time.
    Timeless swimming - 50 meters.
    Flexion and extension of the arms with emphasis lying on the gymnastic bench - 8 times.
    Hiking - 10 kilometers.

    All who pass the standards of the age level "Vigor and health" are awarded the golden badge of the TRP.

    so it's just a laugh, even though it’s ready now.
  18. +1
    26 March 2013 10: 34
    Off topic. Why advertising on the VO website how to otmazatsya from military service. I therefore read the advertisement carefully and write what to do.

    Military ID. Reliably
    We will help you get a warrior legally. Free legal advice!
    Getting a military ticket
    We have already helped many recruits! Get a deferment from the army legally
    1. +2
      26 March 2013 12: 02
      You better write about it to the administration. So that they deal with advertisers.
  19. +2
    26 March 2013 10: 50
    I hope they will introduce it without fail, even though there will be something earned not by the hanging tongue and money of parents, but by a personal aspiration. Still, I may not bring the saying "A healthy mind in a healthy body"
  20. Corporal
    26 March 2013 11: 15
    Great initiative, at least as planned.
    If correctly implemented, sooner or later it will affect both life expectancy and the birth rate and the mental state of citizens, the army, and the prestige of the country.
    And the young guys will not whine that their Caucasians are beating.
  21. +2
    26 March 2013 11: 23
    The rules of the TRP are, of course, good. At one time, they did no harm to anyone. Their successful delivery was even considered prestigious. But with the current ability of our officials to bring any common idea to the point of absurdity and even have some money to do it, I take doubts about the normal implementation of these plans.
    1. Corporal
      26 March 2013 11: 38
      And what, now do nothing at all, laying on the curvature of the performers?
  22. Roman Vasilenko
    26 March 2013 11: 51
    the idea is excellent, and today’s replenishment in the troops on the horizontal bar hangs like worms, I’m silent about the run because only after 3-4 months do they begin to run a kilometer without panting.
  23. 0
    26 March 2013 11: 56
    By the way, looking at myself, I can say that I’m not running the current distance. For a knee injury.
    And so weaving 12,5
    push-ups (on stops) 40-50 depending on the grip
    Press without fixing legs 80 times
    pulling straight grip 8 times (I repent in the summer at the cottage I want to bring to 15)
    Floats xs not measured but far and fast
    Shooting I hand over the standards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs without problems
    Height Weight 175 94
  24. 0
    26 March 2013 12: 14
    Having declared the summation of the results for the Unified State Examination and the TRP, the specialists of the Ministry of Education and Science confirm that they themselves are not yet aware of how this summation will look ...

    It is foolish to summarize knowledge and physical fitness.
    But when enrolling in a university, physical training must be considered !!!
    For example, if the points are equal, first of all, the best physically prepared are credited, then the remaining excellent students. Then good guys are credited, of which primarily athletes, and so on until the applicants or places run out.
    Thus we have the screenings of the stupid and weak in the first place, the stupid and strong - in the second.

    If such standards are introduced everywhere, it is not yet clear how their implementation will be monitored, for example, in private enterprises.

    Everything is simple. In any municipality there is a department for physical education and sports. It is easy enough to organize the delivery of standards for everyone.
  25. +4
    26 March 2013 12: 27
    What is cool! I’ve been participating in the Cross of the nation for a long time, and then there may still be a couple.
    Somewhere I had a dem on this topic:
  26. tombura88
    26 March 2013 12: 42
    There are no free sections, almost all stadiums are in disgusting form. Pay 4-5 thousand rubles to a fitness club?
    1. Piterkras
      26 March 2013 12: 46
      And you look fine and find.
      1. +1
        26 March 2013 13: 47
        This is not a method. Imagine a man returning from work. If you are sure that he will prefer the gym to the pub over the other end of the city, then you are very mistaken.
        1. I627z
          26 March 2013 16: 10
          Good afternoon. Well, I’m a man returning from work and going by 23:00 for 1,5 hours to plow on a hockey platform. Go to the RTHL website (regional hockey league), see how many people go in for sports after working only in our league. So there would be a desire.
  27. +3
    26 March 2013 13: 09
    It would be good for the officers to do as part of a re-examination and the subsequent annual honey. prof. inspection, add a simplified analogue of the TRP for officers, and then, as you can’t watch the news on TV, you see some of them have such rivals that they hardly enter the frame
    1. 0
      26 March 2013 13: 18
      Quote: elmi
      simplified TRP equivalent for officers

      Fizeau tapericha and so regularly rent.
      And you don't have to invent anything. Everything is in the new NFP.
      1. +4
        26 March 2013 13: 26
        Maybe I don’t know, but judging by the "builds" of the officers, especially the generals, it’s hard to believe that they are giving physical
      2. +1
        26 March 2013 13: 55
        "New NFP" is sheer stupidity. This "ballroom" system, in my opinion, does not justify itself. The old standards forced you to pull yourself up on the lagging exercises, now you can "go out" due to the fact that it turns out well.
        1. +2
          26 March 2013 14: 01
          Yes, and without bribery, probably not without
          1. 0
            26 March 2013 14: 33
            As for the bribery, talk is already in full swing.
        2. 0
          26 March 2013 14: 19
          Quote: Spade
          The old standards forced you to pull yourself up on the lagging exercises, now you can "go out" due to the fact that it turns out well.

          In any case, it is necessary to gain a minimum score in the exercise, which means pulling yourself in lagging exercises to at least the minimum level.
          and everyone’s natural inclinations. He has strength, he has endurance, he has speed.
          1. +1
            26 March 2013 14: 33
            Do you know how artillery evaluates the performance of fire missions? Three criteria: the decision of the commander, time, accuracy. And the overall rating is set to the lowest.

            Do you know why? Because spit on individual opportunities, the end result is important
            1. 0
              26 March 2013 16: 04
              and how does this compare with personal fitness?
              1. +1
                26 March 2013 16: 09
                If you run five like a turtle, then pulling up will not replace it. And vice versa.
                Armies do not need strong men in the absence of stamina. Armies do not need hardy in the absence of strength
                The armies needed harmoniously developed, and the old NFP provided this. At least for cadets in real life, only in military schools did they pay due attention to this.
                1. 0
                  26 March 2013 18: 12
                  Replace - not replace. Maybe that's right.
                  at least the new NFP takes into account natural abilities.
                  And so that there are no imbalances in development, the minimum necessary points exist. They also still need to try to dial.
                  And what does "harmoniously developed" mean?
                  Well, do our athletes not harmoniously develop? What harmony at the Olympics in the morning - I fought, in the afternoon - ran, in the evening - pushed the bar, well, and at night - kicked the ball ... harmony !!
                  1. +1
                    26 March 2013 18: 21
                    Quote: antiaircrafter
                    Well, do our athletes not harmoniously develop?

                    Does the army need athletes?
                    1. 0
                      26 March 2013 19: 40
                      Quote: Spade
                      Does the army need athletes?

                      The Minister creates sports companies.
                      Means are needed.
  28. 0
    26 March 2013 13: 43
    To start at least with the idea that ten-year students could pull a dvadtsarik on the turnstile and squeeze the fortieth from the floor, and for the boys it should be tied to examinations for secondary education ..... physical education will already make such a decision at school.
    1. +1
      26 March 2013 13: 52
      Quote: Bosk
      To begin, at least with the idea that ten-year students could pull a dvadtsatarik on a turnstile

      For the whole class?

      For ten, it’s already excellent.
  29. Algor73
    26 March 2013 13: 56
    I doubt that anything will come of this. For the Union there was a completely different approach to this topic. The upbringing was completely different. Then there was ideology. And now who to look up to? Everything will be reduced to the banal "you are for me, and I for you", an extra reason for enrichment and no incentive.
  30. rereture
    26 March 2013 14: 36
    To attach nonsense to exams. By the way, who did not know, for sports achievements in universities there are not frail bonuses, for example, an automatic exam, or an offset, or an increased scholarship.
  31. 0
    26 March 2013 14: 47
    Quote: Spade
    Quote: Bosk
    To begin, at least with the idea that ten-year students could pull a dvadtsatarik on a turnstile

    For the whole class?

    For ten, it’s already excellent.

    Sorry ... I still live in my time. Aesley on garlic then every five minutes on the turnstile hang .....
    1. +2
      26 March 2013 14: 58
      I once had one pull-up for 14 people. I have been pulling them up to the level of a solid "three" in FP for half a year. In this call, one was unique; he learned how to make a coup uprising only in the army. By the end of the service he was the champion of the regiment.
  32. rereture
    26 March 2013 14: 59
    By the way, at my school, there is always more honor and respect from the teachers, the 'athletes' received concessions, those who played for the school, as they said, I’ll go to the district, than write a test (as a result, a three-day student who pulled himself up 20 times on the board of honor, and not a responsible, diligent student). No one cheered the excellent students, the indulgences were scanty (but let them go earlier), they were not covered by the accountant, they were asked in full + constant persecution from the 'athletes', because the excellent students supposedly owe them.
  33. rereture
    26 March 2013 15: 08
    Let sports achievements have a real incentive to at least in the form of cash prizes, or subscriptions to fitness centers. Or for example, for gamers, I pulled myself up 20 times to get a collection disc with a gold edition game, 15 times - a silver edition, 10 times just a disk with a popular game, less than 10 times nothing.
  34. +2
    26 March 2013 16: 07
    Previously, sports clubs were at enterprises. Make tax incentives so that enterprises would be interested in doing this and little by little the situation will improve ....
  35. 0
    26 March 2013 17: 57
    Absolutely correct. the absence of a TRP badge should be not prestigious, and its presence should be prestige and some kind of benefits. By the way, "Voroshilovsky shooter" was also a very prestigious trophy. How many schoolchildren will be able to disassemble - assemble the AKM? And the weapon of a potential enemy? M16 for example? that they take doubts. So the field for work is huge.
  36. 0
    26 March 2013 18: 08
    I fully support Putin. It’s necessary to heal the nation. And the previous president was not sporty, he was sitting on the Internet more and more and now children are sitting on computers for assholes. Putin is doing great and keeps himself in shape and wants to tighten the country. Lish would not have been ravaged once again by a good undertaking.
  37. +1
    26 March 2013 18: 51
    I don’t know, the TRP didn’t give it up because The USSR ordered a long life then, but right now he went to Thai boxing so the coach pokes us so hard that no physical education was lying around) but in general it would be nice to return everything without fanaticism
  38. +2
    26 March 2013 19: 53
    In addition to physical education, our school had three sports sections (sort of like electives ...) In addition, each of my classmates (boys) was engaged in some section (not school). The priorities were: judo, bullet shooting, pistol shooting, parachuting, athletics. Only one "nerd" did nothing. The girls did not lag behind ... CWP is a separate story. The military instructor was in our authority. When leaving for service in the Armed Forces, I pulled up on the crossbar 38 times, lifting a coup - 16 times, 5 times in a row going out by force. And this despite the fact that he was not a leader. "Rembs" and abruptly were in the class ...
    NVP and sport in the life of a modern school! ..
  39. dmb
    26 March 2013 20: 48
    The ancient Greeks said about "outsiders": "He can't help but read or swim." Of course, a person must develop harmoniously. But all people are different. Those entering the Institute of Physical Education may not know the binomial of Newton. It's not scary for them. But if they select for physics and mathematics according to the number of pull-ups, the "bright" future of raw materials for our country is guaranteed.
  40. 0
    26 March 2013 22: 16
    any physically useful for a person. only Russia is a country of contrasts, especially now. any good idea, even if not a new one, officials of all stripes will pervert to disgrace.
  41. 0
    27 March 2013 00: 08
    In December, they passed the TRP standards. Everyone liked everything, they said they will now be constantly satisfied. They even promised to reward for gold and silver badges, although this is an encouragement in the form of gratitude and hours from DOSAAF, but still nice.
  42. Docklishin
    27 March 2013 01: 55
    1000 rubles horizontal bar, 1000 rubles bars + a piece of the wall of the house is free = even if you are too lazy to go to the hall - you can still work at home (and 2 function things are convenient to dry in the winter)))) In the same way, who is the last horizontal bar with bars in his yard once seen. How many looked - units. The main thing to deliver, and will be engaged.
  43. 0
    27 March 2013 09: 25
    I will express a purely personal opinion on the sport of schoolchildren. I’m 90 years old and found almost the ass in school financing. And indeed there weren’t enough teachers.
    Physical education we built on the principle:
    - be sure to run a couple of kilometers
    stretch marks
    volleyball or football (or just an active sport)

    I want to say right away that maybe this is not bad, BUT, for example, I don’t like to play volleyball, well, I don’t like it and that’s all, you want to condemn. And more than half of the class went about their business during such classes, as in the gym, obviously 25 people will not be able to play at the same time.
    Well, let's not quibble over my words. I just lead to the fact that everyone should do what he likes. Take a tan, don't love? Well, in general, that’s why, but they have developed a system of sections in the school and you choose to your taste, and mind you, everything is free !! Do you want to swim? Please Fight? For God's sake? Weightlifting? Yes Easy!! It would be a desire.
    Can you say there is a horizontal bar in the yard? Forward! But I will answer this way, the guy in 15-16 hardly understands how and what he should do right, he will start, the muscles will ache from incorrect training, of course they will not grow at first. And he will just give up (I'm not talking about everyone) For schoolchildren, it is necessary to create those conditions when only desire and zeal will be required of him. But not money. There should be FREE diverse sections within walking distance from home with trainers who are ready to teach.
    I personally, unfortunately, began to play sports only at the institute. I am very sorry that it is so late. First, karate, immediately dropped 10 pounds. Then the sport. gym, iron with a trainer. Until 19 years, I could never pull myself up, After that I can 17-18 times with a pancake of 5 kg on my belt. Maybe a little, not a champion, but still this is at least the standard of the TRP. But then I came across that all for a lot of money and not so blisk from home.
  44. 0
    27 March 2013 10: 56
    The TRP is a window dressing, well, they will tear students off the monitors, make them run for show and that's it?
    We must start with the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. And we only advertise on TV "beer football" (watch football with beer) and asthenic hairs
    .Put in each yard a horizontal bar and bars - I myself saw how teenagers, for lack of a horizontal bar, are pulled up on a swing.
    To support the sections and existing sports complexes, otherwise some of them look "like after the war."
    Well, it’s a personal dream, instead of physical education lessons (which are not interesting at school), wrestling lessons (optimal SAMBO) for All boys.
    1. rereture
      27 March 2013 20: 42
      It would be nice for the student to choose in which direction to develop, for example, one like football, the other wrestling, the third shooting.
      1. 0
        28 March 2013 09: 08
        Fighting is optimal both psychologically and physically.
  45. mrfat
    27 March 2013 21: 27
    The requirements for physical preparation are good, but I would like to clarify what will happen to those to whom parents cannot provide the minimum nutrition necessary for physical development. I see 3 options:
    1. Leave it as it is. The rogue is to blame. I do not like losers.
    2. Free meals.
    3. Explicit class society and inequality from school, provided by law. The slave class does not pass the TRP, because to enter a vocational school for the specialty "cleaning the territory and cleaning toilets" passing exams is not required.