The Economist: $61 billion will not help Kyiv regain lost territories

The Economist: $61 billion will not help Kyiv regain lost territories

$61 billion in American military aid will not help Kyiv regain lost territories now controlled by the Russians. These funds will only help strengthen Ukrainian defense.

This idea was expressed in an article published in the British newspaper The Economist.

Journalists compare the provision of a new aid package to the Kyiv regime with a situation where a life preserver was thrown to a drowning man. He will no longer drown, but since the person is in cold water at a great distance from the shore, his life is still in danger.

The material notes that since 2014, Ukraine has decreased in size by approximately 18 percent. Half of these territories were lost shortly after the Kyiv Maidan, and it lost the same amount of land after the start of the Russian special operation.

British journalists say that last year's unsuccessful Ukrainian counteroffensive taught all military strategists a lesson. The Ukrainian Armed Forces had to pay dearly for their attempt, suffering serious losses in personnel and equipment. The fact is that in the conditions of modern military operations it has become too difficult to conduct offensive operations with the seizure of territories. This is prevented by the transparency of the battlefield. Satellites and drones made it impossible to undetected the transfer of troops and their concentration for striking.

The British media concludes that the most likely scenario for the further development of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict will be a long-term stalemate on the fronts.
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  1. 0
    April 25 2024 12: 57
    “$61 billion will not help Kyiv regain its lost territories” -

    - There was no way they were going to buy it...
    1. 0
      April 25 2024 13: 03
      These funds will significantly improve the well-being of certain categories of citizens and non-citizens of Ukraine, and will also contribute to the destruction of industry. capacities and those who sit in the trenches, and not only.
      1. +1
        April 25 2024 13: 13
        I have doubts that they (the funds) will even reach the edge.... they will disappear along the way....
  2. +1
    April 25 2024 12: 59
    61 lard is: 23,2 - for replenishing our own warehouses and for sale, 13,8 - for financing programs, 11,3 - for the current activities of the American military in Europe, their salaries, 3,1 - all sorts of other things (visible for cutting) , 1,6 - for foreign financing of other partners who are in Ukraine, 7,8 - specifically for arming and supporting Ukraine. Those. only 7,8, and it is not clear at what inflated prices the weapons will be there, and then they will be stretched out for a year or two. Those. the whole package was promoted not for Ukraine, but specifically for country glabolists and gunsmiths in the USA.
  3. 0
    April 25 2024 13: 03
    the most likely scenario for the further development of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict will be a long-term stalemate on the fronts
    Again they started talking about some kind of stalemate. Are they calming themselves down and encouraging the Ukrainian Armed Forces? For the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the situation is extremely difficult; the Russian Armed Forces are slowly advancing to liberate populated areas.
    $61 billion in American military aid will not help Kyiv regain lost territories
    They cannot always hold on to the current ones, but the British talk about the lost ones.
    1. 0
      April 25 2024 13: 26
      The situation is extremely difficult for the Ukrainian Armed Forces
      The situation is mutual