Iranian authorities criticized Kuwait's claim of exclusive rights to the Arash gas field

Iranian authorities criticized Kuwait's claim of exclusive rights to the Arash gas field

The Iranian Foreign Ministry criticized new statements by the Kuwaiti authorities about exclusive rights to the Arash gas field in the Persian Gulf, calling on Arab sheikhs not to attract media attention to this issue, but instead to sit down at the negotiating table to achieve a peaceful and constructive solution, Press reports TV.

The material states that the above-mentioned call was a reaction to the corresponding statement by Kuwait and Jordan after a meeting of the leaders of these countries. It stated that the above-mentioned field was within the maritime boundaries of Kuwait. Consequently, all its resources belong to this country.

In turn, the press secretary of the Iranian Foreign Ministry Nasser Kanani emphasized that the unilateral presentation of such claims does not provide any legal rights for the applicant.

We urge Kuwait not to create unnecessary media hype on this issue, but instead to return to direct discussions of legal and technical issues, which is the most constructive way to resolve existing differences

- said the Iranian diplomat.

Finally, Kanani once again confirmed Iran’s commitment to openly interact with its neighbors in resolving regional disputes and called not to involve countries that are not direct participants in the dispute in this process.

Regarding the controversy between Iran and Kuwait, the dispute over a major gas field in the Persian Gulf arose in the 1960s when both countries received overlapping offshore concessions following its discovery.

The Arash field is estimated to contain reserves of 6 trillion cubic meters of gas. However, some studies show that almost half of the field is located within the maritime borders of Iran.
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  1. +5
    April 25 2024 10: 26
    — Kuwait is clearly being set against Iran from overseas...
    1. -2
      April 25 2024 10: 30
      But it’s better for us not to get involved in these showdowns, otherwise they will make us guilty... We sit and watch how things end... wassat
      1. +3
        April 25 2024 10: 35
        It won't even start. Iranians are much wiser.
    2. -1
      April 25 2024 10: 50
      Arash is a Persian name, among the Arabs it is the Dura deposit.
      And why Jordan? After all, part of the field is located near the Saudis.
    3. 0
      April 25 2024 12: 45
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      — Kuwait is clearly being set against Iran from overseas...

      It looks like baiting a corgi against a pit bull...
  2. +6
    April 25 2024 10: 31
    Kuwait is still an American mongrel. Iraq also invaded Kuwait because of oil theft. Kuwait drilled and pumped oil in the border areas using so-called transverse drilling. But this is formal. Now the Yankees are using the same game with Iran. I'm sure the Iranians are much wiser.
    1. +3
      April 25 2024 11: 22
      Kuwait is still an American mongrel
      These are greedy fat cats. Iran needs to give them all a good shake
      1. +2
        April 25 2024 11: 42
        This is a trap, a setup. It's better to stick to diplomacy. It didn’t work out with the Jews, they put Kuwait in the trap.
  3. +4
    April 25 2024 11: 10
    Kuwait is an artificially created entity by the Anglo-Saxons, and it acts only in their interests.
  4. +5
    April 25 2024 13: 03
    However, some studies show that almost half of the field is located within the maritime borders of Iran.

    What's the fuss?! Half of the deposit is owned by the Persians, the rest is spread along the maritime border between Kuwait, SA and Iran. They set up towers and started pumping out their rightful three trillion, and let these along the border suck up what they snatched from each other. Otherwise they chose an interesting position: they touched the edge of the deposit and that’s it, the Persians - sha! If I were the Persians, I wouldn’t bother at all, I would set up towers in my waters and pump horizontally in one person...
    ps I'm never a driller, if something goes wrong, don't kick me too hard. But Kuwait is a greyhound in any case. At one time Iraq was caught using it, now the Persians wouldn’t fall for it...
    The Houthis need to update their arsenal and work with Kuwaiti cargo...
  5. 0
    April 25 2024 14: 13
    Ooooh, interesting, let's do more. Will there be a mess? Yes
    1. 0
      April 26 2024 08: 55
      But you were unable to directly involve the Merikos, now an attempt with Kuwait to fight directly yourself is a waste of time?
      1. -1
        April 26 2024 09: 10
        As you say, comrade anti-Semite. hi
        1. +1
          April 27 2024 05: 49
          I think the trolls have become wiser, they have begun to use their favorite word “anti-Semite” less often, it is precisely the Zionists who are killing the Semites in Palestine, although the Zionists were originally inveterate atheists, so a Judeophobe refers to those who show hatred towards people professing Judaism. I respect real Jews who consider Israel an illegitimate entity. And you fascist “creature” should call me an anti-Zionist! I hate you fascist creatures, child killers, carrying out ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Palestinians, all your fascist trash must be eradicated from the Holy Land. And then 90 percent of all military conflicts will stop. I wish you all the same to all your loved ones and children that you did to the Palestinians, even just one tenth!
  6. +2
    April 25 2024 16: 08
    Kuwait will clearly end up returning to the Iraqi fold.