“This is simply hypocritical”: a representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry spoke about US criticism of Russian-Chinese relations

“This is simply hypocritical”: a representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry spoke about US criticism of Russian-Chinese relations

The position of the United States, demanding that China reduce economic ties with Russia, has caused natural criticism from the Chinese leadership. An official statement was made by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Wang Wenbin.

According to the Chinese diplomat, US authorities continue to make baseless accusations regarding trade and economic relations between Russia and China. At the same time, the United States itself adopted a bill providing enormous military assistance to the Kyiv regime.

Fanning the flames by shifting the blame to others is simply hypocritical and extremely irresponsible. China is neither the creator of the Ukrainian crisis nor a participant in it

- emphasized the representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

In addition, the Chinese diplomat noted that his country is exercising its right to normal economic ties with Russia or any other country. These relations are based on equality and mutual benefit; outside interference in such matters should not take place.

We urge the United States that fanning the flames, vilifying others, and shifting blame is not the way to resolve the Ukraine problem

- said the Chinese diplomat.

Let us note that the Western media have repeatedly accused China that, along with the DPRK and Iran, it supplies Russia with equipment and components used in the production and modernization of military equipment and weapons. Chinese and Russian authorities deny these accusations. But trade between countries is indeed growing every year, and the West, especially the United States, is very concerned about this. The tandem of Russia and China is one of the main “nightmares” for the American political elite.
21 comment
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  1. +5
    April 25 2024 08: 32
    denigrating others and shifting blame is not the way to solve the problem of Ukraine

    The United States organized the war in Ukraine themselves, but they are trying to convince the world that they are sheep and not wolves.
    1. -1
      April 25 2024 09: 50
      And the world pretends to agree. The Chinese comrade essentially stands and makes excuses. Still, it is difficult to remove the colonial past from citizens.
      1. 0
        April 25 2024 10: 23
        “This is simply hypocritical”: a representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry spoke about the United States

        And when it was different... Here you don’t need to speak out, but to fight... We are for Ukraine, and you are for Taiwan, but only together and at once... That’s how we will overcome... But judging by China’s waiting, all these drones , blah about "back to back" will remain empty promises... China can fight economically, but with weapons in their hands...??? I highly doubt it... request
        1. 0
          April 25 2024 10: 27
          Yes, the most offensive thing in this situation is that there is potential for a joint struggle and quite a decent one, but we continue to behave like independent... sheep. Someone needs to take the initiative here and bring the ally to his senses.
    2. 0
      April 25 2024 10: 14
      the market decided

      Considers himself to be the leader in the market and expects complete submission
      Let's see what will happen
    3. 0
      April 26 2024 01: 50
      All questions to the Kremlinites and the party, we are eating Russia in their home and the children are there, oh no, they kicked them out, swept them out like trash to Europe, and they have not yet seen the light and do not want to, because everything suits them, money is stolen in the country, the main thing is not the country, but loyalty to the guarantor and his ideas. That's where the legs grow from, like the SVO, it was arranged by the late alcoholic Yeltsin in a drunken stupor, when the filthy Belovezhskaya conspiracy was organized on Clinton's orders.
  2. +2
    April 25 2024 08: 34
    The tandem of Russia and China is one of the main “nightmares” for the American political elite.
    We created this tandem while actively “pushing” the PRC and the Russian Federation to cooperate with each other against the hegemony of the Stars and Stripes!
    1. +5
      April 25 2024 09: 04
      The tandem of Russia and China is one of the main “nightmares”

      Unfortunately, these words of officials do not really correlate with the real state of affairs. The biggest problem at the moment is payments to China. Chinese banks continue to tighten the screws, fearing secondary sanctions. And the tandem is somehow not particularly visible here. Just temporary general strategic goals.
      1. -1
        April 25 2024 10: 30
        These waffles even manage to justify themselves to the Western master for words. Remember Mr. Xi's expression - "more than an alliance". The very next day, Chinese diplomats, vigorously wagging their tails, explained to the Western masters that this was supposedly a rhetorical reception.
      2. +1
        April 25 2024 11: 30
        Quote: Stranger03
        And the tandem is somehow not particularly visible here. Just temporary general strategic goals.

        However, eternal unions do not exist in principle. The whole nature of their creation serves to achieve certain goals that meet the interests of stakeholders over a certain period of time. Yes
  3. +1
    April 25 2024 08: 37
    “The United States continues to make baseless accusations regarding trade and economic ties between Russia and China” -

    ͟Н͟͟͟а͟͟͟ш͟͟͟ ͟͟͟о͟͟͟т͟͟͟v͟͟͟͟͟͟t͟͟͟ ͟͟͟Ч͟͟͟у͟͟͟m͟͟͟b͟͟͟у͟͟͟͟͟͟l͟͟͟ e͟͟͟n͟͟͟у:
    - “Don’t stick your nose where the dog didn’t stick his tail”...
  4. +1
    April 25 2024 08: 44
    fanning the flames, denigrating others and shifting blame is not the way to solve the problem of Ukraine
    But this is an ingrained method of US policy, which, in their opinion, allows them to remain the “hegemon”. Blinken flew to China and they didn’t even roll out the red carpet for him in front of the ramp to show how “respected” he is in China.
  5. 0
    April 25 2024 08: 49
    It looks like Blinkin won't be in the mood for Smiles during his visit to China. But when he returns to the States, he'll yell, "I screwed them all, give me a medal."
  6. +1
    April 25 2024 08: 54
    You, Vanya, rather than say such abusive words, it would be better to silently present these hypocrites with their own treasuries for payment.
    And that's all.
    Or... be patient as usual.
  7. +4
    April 25 2024 09: 09
    The only question is, why are Chinese banks so afraid of US sanctions?!
    1. 0
      April 25 2024 10: 12
      For the same reason that Russia transports gas through Ukraine or ships uranium to the USA
  8. +1
    April 25 2024 09: 17
    According to the Chinese diplomat, US authorities continue to make baseless accusations regarding trade and economic relations between Russia and China.

    There are no words, here are the p.r.i.d.u..rks. These are not baseless accusations, this is the boundless assault of a boorish gopnik. It’s pointless to make excuses; pretending to be a sheep and sitting out in the woods won’t work. Are you really not aware of what is happening or are you pretending to be a hose? How do they soften you there, what drugs?
  9. +1
    April 25 2024 09: 24
    So they created this tandem with their own hands, and now it has become a nightmare for them... I remember the phrase: “What do we care about?”
  10. 0
    April 25 2024 11: 47
    Každý stát si může vybrat, s kým spolupracuje. Je logické a dneska nutné, aby Rusko spolupracovalo s Čínou k otupení agresívní USA.
    1. +1
      April 25 2024 11: 47
      Each state can choose with whom to cooperate. Cooperation between Russia and China to contain the aggressive United States is logical and necessary today.
  11. +1
    April 25 2024 19: 11
    China clearly understands that after Russia, it is next in line....